For Eternity (Filthy Rich Vampires, #4) (2024)

Lolina ⋆ (on hiatus ;_; )

928 reviews50 followers

July 28, 2023

-=- (DNF: 16%) -=-
Well, you can't say that I didn't try 💀
For Eternity (Filthy Rich Vampires, #4) (2)

-=- Series Overview -=-
Book 1: Filthy Rich Vampire: 5 stars
Book 2: Second Rite: 4 stars
Book 3: FRV: Three Queens: 2 stars (💀)
Book 4: FVR: For Eternity: 1 star (DNF)

-=- General notes & Thoughts -=-

I'm going to mark this one as a DNF, just because I stopped 'properly' reading at 16%, and pretty much just skimmed everything after that- so I do know how this book ends.

I'm going to keep this quite short because my whole thought process surrounding this book is basically the exact same thing as my thoughts on book 3.

To sum it up: I was just overall really disappointed with how this series turned out (which you can see by my ratings above 💀). It's really frustrating to get attached to a story and characters and to just continuously see them not live up to what you know they could be like. Also, the editing in this book was not good 😭.

This whole book, like the previous one, was filled with SO much unnecessary drama and filler content- it just got old. There was so much being added to this for no particular reason, and I just lost interest. It was so disappointing.

Oh wait: let's talk about my favourite thing ever: ✨The Multiple POVs ✨

There were THREE different main romances that were simultaneously going on throughout this book, and we got to experience it from everyone's individual POV! What fun! 😋 Might as well forget about Thea and Julian atp 💀.

I mean don't get me wrong, it wasn't enough to rival Zodiac Academy (iykyk), but it was still enough that it took away from the whole experience.

It just doesn't make any sense to me that these side characters are getting whole plot points to themselves when they're already going to get their own books.


Anyways this whole book was filled with random plot points, and just didn't feel like reading about the characters that I really cared about. There was still drama going on 98% into the book 🤡.

In relation to the 'ending'- it just didn't feel complete to me. It turns out there's going to be a book 5 (in addition to 2 spin-off books) 🤠🔫 .

I can't do this anymore this book broke me 💀 Screw that, I won't be reading any of them 😭 IM OUTTTT 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

The moral of this was that I'm just going to ahead and pretend that the first two books were the only ones released. Books 3 & 4 (and however many others) don't exist in my eyes.

For Eternity (Filthy Rich Vampires, #4) (3)

    book-that-let-me-down-rip disappointing-ending drinking-bleach

Shiny Ruins

197 reviews3 followers

July 27, 2023

Book 3 felt like a fever dream in which everything was thrown at the wall. This one felt like someone trying to color with every crayon in the box. Less is indeed more and this series whimpered to an end weighed down by the author's inability to show some restraint. Like a kitten tangled in a ball of yarn, the end was cute but very frustrating.

There's a spinoff coming, but I'm not enough of a sad*st to follow. For me it ends here.


222 reviews1 follower

August 22, 2023

4.5 Stars!
Thea and Julian are one of my favorite paranormal powerhouse couples. I would have devoured this in a day if I had had the time. I'm so down for the MC's journey together. The bonus is all the extra side stories sprinkled in. So excited to learn there is another book and spin-off in the future.


338 reviews11 followers

March 25, 2024

Kind of okay ending but hope she writes more of this world as a few things are left open. Which I do not like. All need to be answered.


498 reviews8 followers

December 26, 2023

Mated King and Queen

Thea was chosen by the empty throne at the seat of all magic to became the third queen in the triune of Le Regine. As she discovers her own magic, Thea and Julian have little time to enjoy their mated bond, as the Council requires them to attend the Third Rite, Thea’s coronation has yet to occur and they have not yet had their big fat vampire wedding. To top it all off, there may be yet another important congratulations on the horizon for the royal couple.

Thea, never one to do things by the book, seats her mate with her on the throne intending to share her power. This causes untold controversies among all the factions of vampire kind, and Julian spirits her away for a pre-wedding vacation. While away, members of the council tried to murder the royals, but Julian’s family come to the rescue.

The tension between Sabine the matriarch and her own daughter comes to a head when Camila challenges Sabine for the matriarchy. Sabine calls her bluff by using Julian’s best friend Jaqueline as her champion. Camila’s life will never be justified and at peace until Sabine tells her where her children are, and Sabine can’t do that until Camila’s terrible husband is dead. The Council seems to be involved in deeper conspiracies than anyone can imagine, and Sabine has been forced to resign and can no longer watch their machinations.

Everything comes to a magical and terrifying head in this exciting and romantic climax to the Filthy Rich Vampire saga. If you like twisted stories of magic and lovers that have found their one true love that they can’t live without, this series is for you. Love done with an artist’s touch is always magical, and Geneva Lee painted an exquisite portrait of love, betrayal and adventure in every romantic port in the world. Don’t miss it!

    fantasy fiction mild-spice


6 reviews

July 30, 2023

Love the ending.

The ending was exciting and mostly wrapped up. Definitely left you thinking about what’s going to go on with some of the other characters. Didn’t give it 5 stars because it had several editing errors and that distracts me from the story.


2,178 reviews

December 22, 2023

3.5 stars

Like the others, this one dragged just a bit in places. I was a little disappointed the bad guy was just someone who liked to bang virgins, but thats just me.

    2023-reads contemporary fantasy
April 25, 2024

Zeszło mi z tą książką dziesięć dni, ale w końcu ją skończyłam! I tak jak już mówiłam, trzeba wszystkie wydarzenia przyjąć z całym dobrodziejstwem inwentarza bo inaczej człowiek nie będzie miał żadnej przyjemności z lektury. Ta seria to czysty gulity pleasure!
*A i teraz będą spojlery bo przy czwartym tomie serii inaczej się nie da*
Mając w rękach pierwszy tom, w życiu bym się nie domyśliła co wydarzy się później. Lee spuściła się ze smyczy i kobieta zaszalała. Tu pojawia się nawet dwór elfów🤣
Ciąża wcale mnie nie zdziwiła. Jeśli w fantasy rzuca się hasło, że ona jest niemożliwa to znaczy, że i tak się pojawi. Muszę przyznać, że Julian Rousseau jest lepszym chodzącym testem ciążowym niż Edward Cullen. Ten pierwszy wyczuł ją przez zapach krwi🫡😅
W tym tomie mogłabym zrobić tabelkę i odhaczać, ile sytuacji czy tekstów brzmi jak żywcem wyjęte ze 'Zmierzchu'. Momentami miałam deja vu.
Ostatnie i najważniejsze, jeśli urządziłabym drinking game i piła shota za każdym razem, gdy pada fraza partner/partnerka godowa to chyba trzeźwa nie dotrwałabym do 50 strony 🤣

Hope Eden

311 reviews64 followers

April 5, 2024


Thank goodness no one I loved died! That was my biggest fear but I’m so happy it didn’t happen! I have absolutely loved this series and these characters. I love loved seeing Thea grow and seeing her bond with Julian grow. I could honestly read a book about all the side characters because they’re so amazing!

The only thing I would have loved to see would be an epilogue, I would’ve loved to see Julian and Thea doing a certain thing that I’m not going to say because of spoilers, but maybe we’ll find that out in Filthy Rich Fae

Grimm Grimmschlund

25 reviews

April 6, 2024

whatever upcoming books in the series there are - they will continue without me.

it was fun for a while but it's a fantasy series at this point, not a romance series. and there is just better fantasy out there.


Camille Newman

424 reviews7 followers

July 21, 2023

For Eternity

Wow. Wow. Wow.

This was wonderful! Action packed. Twists and turns. Shocking moments, and OMG moments.

I absolutely loved this book. Geneva you killed it! Fae. Werewolves. Magical beings. Vampires. Witches. This has it all.

Thea embraced her powers as Queen and showed others what she is capable of.

Julian is a masterpiece of brooding Vampire protecting his mate stall costs.

Thea and Julian navigating their relationship and battling enemies at the same time, shows how strong their connection is.

I can not wait for more in the Filthy Rich Vampire world.

I'm really enjoying multiple POV in books now. More authors have been including POV from side characters. I believe it brings more depth and seeing it from another perspective. Love it!!

Geneva you know I'm one of your number 1 hype girls. I CAN. NOT. WAIT. FOR MORE. LYSANDER AND AURELIA.

smutbookhussler_cami Instagram/Tik Tok

Abigail Thayer

3 reviews

April 12, 2024

Had me on the edge of my seat! No spoilers review

This series has been one of the best vampire romances I've read in quite awhile. So many just focus so much on smut that's there's no plot but don't get me wrong this series has plenty of spice and still has me on let edge of my seat trying to figure out what's going to happen next. Also probably the least toxic book couple I've seen in awhile they both genuinely care about each over feeling and respect each others boundaries. Happy ending but not just "they lived happily ever after bs" overall 5/5


205 reviews6 followers

April 22, 2024

„Zdobycie korony jest stosunkowo łatwe. Utrzymanie jej jest trudniejsze.”

[ reklama @wydawnictwopapieroweserca ]

Czwarty tom 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 pozostawił mnie w stanie zawieszenia, bo nie potrafię zdecydować - podobało mi się czy się zawiodłam.

Jestem ogromną fanką tej serii, a poprzednie trzy tomy były fenomenalne i liczyłam, że zwieńczenie serii będzie klejnotem koronnym. No… nie do końca.

Na początek jednak pozytywy. Sam wątek Morticum, Rady, Królowych i Obrzędów nie zawiódł. Spiski i szarady, układy i układziki między „ważniakami” oraz dworskie zachowanie pozorów to coś, co zawsze sprawia, że moje serce bije szybciej. I właśnie ta część typowo związana z akcją była napisana bardzo dobrze, sprawiając, że nie odechciewało mi się czytać tej książki.

Podobała mi się relacja Thei i Juliana, która rozkwitła i stała się silniejsza niż, cóż, šmierč. Uwielbiam to, że jedno wskoczyłoby za drugim w otchłań piekieł, jeśli tak trzeba by postąpić. Jednak i to nie pozostało bez skazy, ale wspomnę o tym za chwilę.

Teraz czas na minusy. Mój główny zarzut - ta książka jest zwyczajnie zbyt długa. Za dużo aspektów zostało rozciągniętych poza granice przyzwoitości, a kilka kwestii, na których rozwinięcie liczyłam, zostało przemilczanych. Zabrakło mi balansu, przemyślenia rozwoju akcji i plot twistu (bo według mnie był tylko jeden moment, kotory zasługuje na to miano).

Kolejny zarzut? Za dużo spicy scen. Tak. Powiedziałam to. Uważam, że poziom scen erotycznych był wysoki, jednak było ich dla mnie zbyt wiele, były do siebie rażąco podobne i starały się zasklepić braki w fabule. I normalnie by mi to nie przeszkadzało, jednak liczyłam tu na coś więcej niż pieprzenie. Dosłownie i w przenośni.

Nie rozumiem również zabiegu, polegającego na wprowadzeniu punktu widzenia Lysandra i Aurelii. Nie zauważyłam, aby rozmowy między nimi wprowadziły do fabuły coś więcej, niż tylko kolejne napięcie sëksualne. I o ile Aurelia jest faktycznie personą ważną dla całości, tak zupełnie nie rozumiem wyboru Lysandra, poza jego oczywistym pociągiem do Aurelii.

I teraz skaza na relacji Juliana i Thei. Jest to trzecia książka z rzędu, w której pojawia się motyw, którego nie cierpię, występujący w formie zapychacza przestrzeni. O ile byłabym w stanie tolerować pojawienie się go w epilogu lub przy końcu książki, tak w momencie, kiedy się pojawił sprawił, że wywróciłam oczami. Ponadto wydarzenie z jednego z ostatnich rozdziałów, które niewątpliwie miało wpływ na zachowanie Juliana nie zostało przedstawione z jego punktu widzenia. Ogromna szkoda, bo jego uczucia i zaborczość wobec swojej partnerki mogły wnieść sporo dobrego na ostatnich stronach powieści.

Czytając tę książkę razem z koleżanką zauważyłyśmy również podobieństwo do sytuacji występującej w sadze Zmierzch - w Przed świtem. I jest to coś, czego żadna z nas nie jest w stanie wybaczyć autorce 😂

Zakończenie jest zdecydowanie zbyt pospieszne, w porównaniu do rozwleczonej reszty. Jednak myślę, że autorka zostawiła sobie furtkę w postaci niedokończonych wątków Lysandra i Aurelii oraz Jacqueline i Camilli, aby w przyszłości ewentualnie powrócić do tego świata.

Nie potrafię ocenić tej książki. Mimo swoich wad uważam, że generalnie jest to dobre zakończenie do całej serii. Czy poprowadziłabym to trochę inaczej? Oczywiście. Ale czy jest na tyle zła, żeby ją odradzać - nie. Najlepiej będzie jeśli przeczytacie serię 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 i zadecydujecie sami.


185 reviews1 follower

May 5, 2024

#reklama @wydawnictwopapieroweserca

To już koniec! Podsumujmy i porozmawiamy.

"Jakże mogłabym żyć z wyrwanym sercem?"

Julian to chyba najbardziej rozumiejący bohater, jakiego było mi dane poznać. Każda decyzja Thei jest dla niego równie ważna, każdą z nich szanuje, wspiera. Nie traci przy tym swojego charakteru.

Znajdziesz tu piękną miłość wypełniona oddaniem i namiętnością, wielkie poświęcenie i ogromne wsparcie partnerów, a przede wszystkim równość i szacunek.

To jedna z serii, której jestem w stanie wybaczyć większość niedoskonałości. Wracałam do niej z ogromną przyjemnością, zżyłam się z Theą i Julianem, byłam ciekawa ich kolejnych perypetii i przeciwności losu.

Jeśli jeszcze ich nie poznał_ś to ja z całego serca polecam. To już ostatni tom serii, więc możesz przeczytać całą opowieść Thei i Juliana.

To historia dla Ciebie jeśli:
🥀 lubisz klimat splendoru i bogactwa ze szczyptą mroku
🥀 ale też historie wypełnione tajemnicami i sporami rodzinnymi
🥀 chcesz wziąć udział w wampirzym sezonie towarzyskim
🥀 interesuje Cię poznanie relacji przepełnionej namiętnością i ogromną miłością, a która zaczęła się niewinnie od motywu fake dating

Pamiętaj proszę, że to bezpośrednia kontynuacja, więc na początek warto zapoznać się z poprzednimi tomami.

[materiał reklamowy we współpracy barterowej]


64 reviews

April 24, 2024

Slightly mixed feelings about this one. It was by far the longest of the series, and I really feel like it should’ve been split into two books with how much happened. Some parts felt more rushed (because of how many events and how much plot was packed in) that could’ve been fleshed out a lot more. Some of the side characters’ storylines were definitely unresolved, and I’m hoping that means spinoffs are coming, but if they’re not I’ll be disappointed by their endings.

Overall, I really enjoyed the series and the magical world that was built. I will likely read her next book Filthy Rich Fae which continues in this world.


255 reviews14 followers

April 1, 2024

4.5 stars

I have really enjoyed this series of books. For Eternity is the final book in the Filthy Rich Vampires series.

I absolutely loved how Thea kept her personality while coming into her own and taking on a huge responsibility. She does it with grace and dignity.

There were so many moments that I just loved about this book but I don’t want to spoil it! Laughed at the Buffy reference!

My only criticism with this book and what kept me from giving 5 stars is that I felt the build up to the “big bad” was huge throughout the previous books but then was over really quickly without much suspense. I felt that could have been a bit more.

But, I have loved this series and I would re-read.

Mumma Moon

242 reviews3 followers

January 16, 2024

Aww.. it ended!!

Really enjoyed the series. The main characters. Thea was a strong female lead. Julian a strong shadow protector! The side characters were a great mix of personalities, you liked some, hated others, changed your mind during the course.

Plot twists kept coming, the story kept you enthralled! Sad to no longer be in the world of Thea and Julian


61 reviews1 follower

May 9, 2024

Loved this series x Have always been a fan of fantasy, myths and legends so my delight when i was first introduced to Julien I knew I would be reading this series x I tried so hard not to read them too quickly but I just couldn't put them down x Only thing wrong is that the series is finished x I NEED MORE xxxxxxx


65 reviews2 followers

February 4, 2024

I tired but I can’t finish this series… DNF


60 reviews

March 11, 2024

This series was great in my opinion. I loved every twist and turn. The love and spice. The bond and drama. All of it.

Bunny Cakes

268 reviews4 followers

April 3, 2024

This was an amazing series, I kind of hope there is more to come from these characters.

Marcia Battles

92 reviews2 followers

April 18, 2024

I don't care what yall say I enjoyed it!!


284 reviews6 followers

April 23, 2024

3,75 ⭐️
Liczę na spin-off z Amelią i Lisandrem

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Staci hernandez

1 review

July 19, 2023


Great book! Still felt like something was missing compared to the others!! Maybe needed a fifth book to wrap up Thea and Julian a complete ended

5/5 for spice
4/5- more for felt incomplete


142 reviews7 followers

April 25, 2024

WHAT A SERIES- so happy I picked it up, whirlwind, twists, surprises, don’t sleep on it.


117 reviews

January 17, 2024

I picked up the first book on a whim at Target and then read the first two books the next day so to say I’m obsessed is an understatement 🤭
The books follow the same couple and I loved reading about the progress they made as a couple 🫶
The twists and turns in these books kept me on the edge of my seat and kept things interesting throughout the series 🤯
Julian’s protective side had me swooning especially in the last book 🥵
Watching Thea grow into her power was AMAZING 🤩 again especially in the last book
The found family in this book is beautiful, crazy, and I love how they all came around to accept each other 🫶
I fell in love with every single character (well most of them) and I can’t wait to read this series again 🥹
This was my first vampire story I’ve read (other than wattpad) and I can’t wait to read more books by her 🤍

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Lindsey Ritchie

14 reviews1 follower

February 28, 2024

Is this breaking dawn?


1,316 reviews1 follower

July 22, 2023

I liked the story for the most part but the consistent use of the wrong words got on my nerves. I didn’t take notes as I read but it would be things like using bare when bear would be proper, etc. (This is just an example, not an actual occurrence that I recall)

How did Willem survive being decapitated? Was it addressed and I missed it?

The ending seemed rather rushed in that a lot happened over a very short period of time as if the author just wanted to get it over with.

I don’t remember Quinn. I wish she’d been reintroduced as in, “Quinn, Thea’s former roommate,” or similar.

Lysander and Aurelia were left hanging out to dry.


1,537 reviews9 followers

December 30, 2023

Wow! I loved this series. Great depth of characters and the story line wove through all the supernatural issues. I loved how Thea and Julian never strayed from their bond and how she rose up to the challenge of being queen. Learning how magic had been hampered for years and how they dealt with the fallout of their decisions was very interesting.
I really want to know what happens with Lysander and Aurelia, and am hoping that the next series centers on them as we learn more about the Fae court!


S. Wall

3 reviews

September 6, 2023

I really enjoyed this series and have eaten it up every time a new one is released. Sabine is such a complex character and, for me, her moves make the story more enjoyable than Julian or Thea. Thea's constant "does he still like me" was a little tiring. Honestly I was almost equally as into this book as I was the first three, until the pregnancy. As a childless person, pregnancy plot points tend to kill book highs for me but this one especially. Wasn't an entire species wiped out to prevent this type of pairing, and now that she's pregnant - why does no one care? I didn't know until I finished the book that it is not in fact the final book in the series and, mostly because I know the next book will be extremely baby heavy, I hate to say I will probably skip it. Or at least take a very long time to work myself up to read it.

I will, however, read the Fae series that is in this world. I do think that could be good.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

For Eternity (Filthy Rich Vampires, #4) (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 5962

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.