Blood Moon ~ Book I of The Dogs of the Apocalypse Series - Chapter 34 - cranky_angel (2024)

Chapter Text


Brekke stood on a step stool as the tailor's assistant, a tall rail thin brunette with skin like porcelain, circled her and made last minute modifications to her dress. Like every event she was expected to attend, Toni had chosen and paid for her gown. This one was Versace Haute Couture, their fall collection. It was one of a kind; silk the color of steel, with no back and a plunging neckline. It was draped about her body; the fabric all gathered to one point on her stomach, pinned and decorated with feathers and pearls, falling down her hips in a tight mermaid fit and a small train in the back. A ridiculous amount of fashion tape kept her breasts and posterior properly tucked inside it. Heels of the same color made her over six inches taller than normal, which made her roughly average height for most women. Her hair had been washed and brushed until it gleamed like spun obsidian, then loosely gathered at the back of her head in a large Gibson style bun with stray curls hanging down. Her rich caramel skin was free of jewelry. With the accents on the dress, she didn't need any.

Behind her, the tailor fussed with Casey's suit. It was cream, with a black silk shirt underneath, and looked very striking with Casey's oddly colored hair and light olive skin. He had put carved ivory plugs in his ears, each one as big around as a quarter. He caught Brekke's eye in the mirror and made a face. She snickered. One thing both she and Casey had in common was a dislike of being dressed by others. It made them feel like strange living dolls, existing purely for Toni's purposes.

"You worried?" Casey asked. She sobered, and nodded slowly. "It'll be ok, hon. No one wants to piss Alexi off in public. No one wants him in power, either. They aren't going to do anything that kills his only heir."

"You aren't comforting, Casey." she muttered.

"Just focus on the job. That's going to take most of the day. They'll be so worked up about the vamps, they won't care about one little bit of gossip."

"She's done." the assistant announced. ""I've done the best I could; she's eaten enough this morning that she might as well be pregnant." Brekke's eyebrows arched at the woman, and she glanced down at her body, packed into the tight dress. She was as she had always been; narrow waisted with wider hips and strong legs. She gave Casey a look that clearly said 'can you believe this bitch', and he could barely contain his laughter. The tailor came over and inspected the girl, tugging here and there on her dress, making sure her breasts were secure and the folds hung properly. They helped her down from the stool and told her to walk a few steps. She did so, and they nodded to themselves and dismissed her. Sticking her tongue out at her friend and giving the assistant a haughty look, she hurried to Toni's office.

The man himself, a billionaire made of centuries of generational wealth, stood staring out over the city in a soft tan suit with a cream shirt that blended well with his olive skin and chestnut hair. His Italian heritage was much more noticeable than it was in Casey, whose look had been softened by his American mother. He turned when Brekke entered, and nodded speculatively.

"The dress flatters you." he said, as if he had doubted his choice.

"I'm not sure this counts as a dress." she replied wryly. Nearly all her skin from her hips up was exposed.

"Too much?" he asked. She shook her head. She liked the dress, and she thought she looked good in it, despite what that walking stick of an assistant had said about her. True, it was quite revealing, but Toni liked to make an impression, and this dress would certainly achieve that. "My son?"

"Almost done. He's stalling because he wants to rail the assistant. Who is a bitch, by the way." Toni frowned.

"If this tailor refuses to come back because of him I may strangle him." he muttered.

"He is your son, after all." Brekke reminded him.

"Are you prepared?" Toni asked her instead. She nodded slowly. She knew that he meant for her presentation for him, not Kade. Despite being both professional and competent in the delivery of her intel summaries for four years, the werewolves distrusted her. They would brutally pick apart any information she provided, dismiss her as merely an ornament for the Glass Walker Don, and in some cases, later test if the rumors about her promiscuity were true. This time around, she was frightened that someone would vindictively bring up the rumors of her relationship to discredit her. If they did, it would be dangerous for Kade. The threat to the Silver Fang was all she could think about.

"Will you protect him, if things go poorly?" she asked quietly. It was a large favor to ask of the Don, because there were significant political strings attached to every action he decided to take. He could not just do as she asked out of kindness. She knew that, and knew she was pushing the limits of their relationship by even asking. But Kade mattered enough to her to risk offending Toni.

"I wasn't talking about that. But...I will try." he replied, after a moment. "However, I won't go to war with Alexi over your boy. You two did this to yourselves." Brekke nodded. His words were worried more than they were chastising, and she knew he was honestly offering what he could. Casey finally sauntered in at that moment, his hands in his pockets. Brekke smiled at him; he did look quite dashing. He winked at her and dipped into a low bow, kissing her hand. She laughed.

"We're going to break hearts." he told her.

"I suppose that's better than breaking bones." she replied. He shrugged.

"We might do some of that too. We'll have to see. You think you can fight in that dress?"

"Stop it, both of you." Toni told them. "It's time to go. Are you ready?"

"You bet!" Casey said as Brekke shook her head. Toni snorted.

"Let's go."

Toni stood at the open double doors of the massive ballroom, greeting the clan leaders as they went inside to sit down at their designated tables. Brekke and Casey stood to either side of him, smiling and nodding when required, talking quietly to each other when they weren't. The first delegation to enter was the Children of Gaia. Wilhelmina Caruso, a plump black woman with a kerchief full of dreads and an airy woven hemp dress, led the peace loving, nature worshiping Garou. She greeted Toni politely, then smiled at Brekke and complimented her dress. She stepped closer to the Bastet and took her arm, leaning in to whisper to her.

"I know you're out there killing yourself to save our kin, sugar. We thank you." Brekke flushed darkly and gave her a nod and a graceful thank you. Casey patted the Bastet's back when the woman was gone.

"You have supporters this year. They aren't going to let you go unheard." he told her quietly. Brekke swallowed and pasted her demure smile back on her face as the next Clan head approached. The Uktena, one of the two clans of Native American origin, greeted Toni with the proper amount of respect required of them and no more; their clans did not get along. The Red Talons barely did that, and completely ignored Brekke and Casey. And so it went, each delegation arriving, speaking briefly with Toni, then moving on to their designated table. He noted the clans that took the time to acknowledge Brekke, knowing that they could be considered allies. The head of the Bone Gnawers, Meryn Payne, was alone. He was dressed in ragged but clean clothes, a heavy worn jacket, and his grey beard hung halfway down his stomach. He swept past Toni to hug the Bastet.

"I just came from Henry's room." he told her. "I don't know how you saved him, but Will is mighty grateful to have his brother back."

"I didn't save him, Meryn." Brekke said softly. "He's still in a coma."

"But he's not dead, love, nor do the vamps still have him. Celebrate the small victories, sometimes that's all you get." The Bone Gnawer released her abruptly, and Casey caught her arm, steadying her on her heels. She smoothed her dress and gave Meryn a grateful look, then stepped to the side to speak with him further. Casey moved to stand next to his father and caught a flash of pale hair exiting the elevator. He swallowed and schooled his face, glad Brekke was distracted with the Bone Gnawer king.

Alexi approached with his entourage: four advisors and Kade's pack. As usual, he had brought one of the largest delegations to the moot. Casey could feel the electricity that marked the Silver Fang's madness, but as the group drew closer, he felt another unusual push of magic. Alexi greeted Toni coldly without slowing his pace, sweeping into the ballroom. The delegates nervously tried to be more cordial, but hurried to catch up with their leader. The young pack barely nodded as they walked by. Kade hesitated as he passed Brekke, though he was not looking at her, and Casey felt the magic swell for a moment.

"Kade!" a woman called. The tall prince paused and Brekke stiffened at the name. She politely kept talking to Meryn, but their sudden awareness of each other was tangible to Casey, and even Toni was starting to notice something wrong in the air. Casey grabbed Brekke lightly by the upper arm and excused her from her conversation, dragging her into the ball room.

"What the hell, Casey?" she hissed. "I wasn't looking at him."

"That was Halanna. Trust me, getting you away from there was the right decision. I need a drink, come on." Taking Casey's arm more properly, the pair slipped back into their public guises and glided towards the bar. Casey took a snifter of scotch, but Brekke waved off any attempts at providing her with a drink. They drifted over to the wall, Casey sipping off his glass as they watched the crowd.

"If we leave your father alone too long, he'll hang us for it." Brekke told him through a fake smile. Casey shrugged and forced a smile in return.

"When all the Silver Fangs are seated, we'll go back." he told her. She opened her mouth to argue, then shut it and accepted his decision. She made a point of not watching the doorway. Better safe than sorry.

"What time is it?" she asked instead.

"Not quite twelve thirty. We'll get started soon. Brekke. I'm going to ask you to do something, and it's really really important, ok?" She frowned at him.

"What?" she asked, her voice more suspicious than intrigued.

"You need to stay away from Kade here. Like not just ignore him, you need to physically keep yourself as far away from him as possible, ok?"

"I'm not going to walk up and kiss him." Brekke snapped.

"No, I'm serious. Stay away from him. On the other side of the room. No sneaking off to your office or the bathroom to bang him. No standing with your backs to each other whispering. Don't look at him, don't come near him. Just... Just stay far far away from him." Brekke gave Casey a weighted look.

"Why are you suddenly so worried about this?" she asked. Casey shook his head. She grabbed his arm and pulled him in. "Casey."

"I'm not sure yet. Call it a bad feeling. Call it instinct. me, ok?" She considered his face, then released him, pressing her lips into a firm line. He knew she was frustrated, but she would do as he asked. He wasn't certain that what he suspected was true. In theory, it was impossible, and that meant he was wrong. But for now, he was not going to let her take any chances. "Come on, let's go back." She took his arm, but she was no longer smiling and she didn't look at him.

"Where have you two been?" Toni asked when they reappeared in the lobby.

"Bar." Casey said simply.

"You're drinking already?" Toni asked, raising an eyebrow at his son. He didn't advise it, but it wouldn't have surprised him.

"Brekke needed a moment." Casey said. She gave him an outraged expression, then smoothed her face and shook her head at Toni.

"I'm fine." she told him, darting daggers at Casey with her eyes. "Let's begin."

It was all Kade could do not to stare at Brekke as she sat next to Toni at the head table. The opening speech, this year presented by a long-winded Shadow Lord, had been droning on for an hour now and the surf rat was mind numbingly bored. The girl, his girl, was stunning in a slate colored dress that hugged her curves and showed off the toned expanse of her back. It was so low that her clan tattoo, a tribal cat's paw nestled between the dimples of her rear end, was on clear display. He had considered texting her to entertain himself, but if he got caught, it would be just as damning as if he waltzed up to her and took her face in his hands, leaned in slightly, pressing his lips against...

He snapped out of the fantasy and shook himself. He needed to get a grip. He needed air. Or whiskey. He needed this stupid Shadow Lord to finish his excruciating speech. He needed to eat; he was starving and he felt light headed.

He glanced around at his pack to see how they were handling the moot. Kaleb was taking notes, of all things. He supposed, as heir, maybe he should have been doing that, but what the f*ck was he supposed to take notes on? None of what this man was saying seemed the least bit important. Bridger was just as bored as he was, staring blandly at space fifteen feet in front of him. Serena was filing her nails and Leroy actually appeared to be asleep. Ethan had claimed illness that morning and had been excused from attending, which had eased a small portion of Kade's anxiety. He acutely missed Kaylie, who had spent the entire day last year playing quiet handwritten games on napkins with him to pass the time.

The Shadow Lord finally finished, and there was a collective sigh of relief as he stepped down from the podium. Toni stood and shook the werewolf's hand, then ascended and stared out over the crowd.

"Thank you, Lord Vashir. Your welcome was very...thorough. From me as well, welcome everyone. I'm afraid I don't have the presence that Vashir does, I'm going to be a bit more abrupt. I'd like to start things this moment by asking if there are any Garou that have immediate concerns or announcements they would like to bring up. If so, please stand now." Several Garou came to their feet. Alexi was one, Halanna was another. Meryn was a third. "Alexi." Toni said, trying not to sound grim.

"I'm announcing a change in our hierarchy. As all of you know, my nephew Kaleb Petrova has been in line for the Right of First Challenge. But today, I am publicly claiming my biological son, Kade Rhicovich, as my heir and our Sept's true successor." He gestured to Kade, who rose to his feet in alarm. Out of the corner of his eye, the boy saw Brekke quickly avert her gaze and cover it by leaning in and whispering to Casey. Toni met Kade's frightened look, and his jaw flexed.

"You have a biological son?" the leader of the Black Furies, the all-female Clan, demanded. She was an amazon of a woman, with pale skin, black hair, and a tight black dress. "What proof do you have that he's yours? This boy was here last year, why didn't you claim him then?"

"What do you care about Silver Heights politics?" the head of the Silent Striders, the lone wolves of the Garou nation, asked wryly. "You don't live there."

"Godfrey has a point, Sienna. What the citizens of Silver Heights do within their gates is none of our concern. Alexi, your heir is recognized." Toni said. "We wish your Sept the best." Satisfied, Alexi sat back down, and Kade thankfully sank into his chair as well. A quick glance at the front showed Brekke discreetly dabbing at the corner of her eyes, though she was still not looking in his direction. Casey squeezed her shoulder affectionately. Kade swallowed and turned his gaze elsewhere. Halanna still stood, and Toni nodded at her.

"Halanna, what would you like to bring into discussion?"

"My daughter's murder." she said, completely calm. The room, however, went wild at her words. Alexi's eyes blazed and he shot to his feet. Kade lurched his chair away from his father, cowering with the rest of his young pack. Brekke and Casey had paled slightly, but gave no other sign of shock away. Others were not so well schooled, most of the conference gasped in various states of outrage.

"Your daughter committed suicide!" Alexi roared.

"She was murdered. You're the only one clinging to that lie, Alexi, and we all know it's because you fear to admit how much your rule is slipping. I won't stand for it any longer! My child deserves justice, and I want to know where it is!" She turned and pointed to Brekke. "I let you take my daughter's eyes, Bastet. Tell me what you've done with them." The room buzzed with whispers.

"You insolent bitch, this is treason!" Alexi's eyes had gone yellow.

"Settle down, Rhicovich. The truth isn't treason." Meryn snapped.

"It isn't-"

"It is the truth." Toni growled firmly. "Kaylie Cordova was murdered in Silver Heights, and you can't cover it up any longer. Your hold on your people is waning, Alexi. This time next year, it may very well be your son standing there instead of you."

"What proof do we have that the white bitch was murdered?" the leader of the Red Talons, the all wolf born Clan, growled. They called him Rend, and in his rarely seen human form, he was a giant man with a fiery mane of dark reddish-brown hair.

"The Corax took her last sights." Toni replied.

"You trust those filthy birds?!" Alexi squawked.

"The Corax are great allies." the leader of the Uktena said firmly. He was a tall native man, called Claws in the Mist. "They may natter on, but their knowledge is both accurate and vast. It's unwise to undervalue them."

"Next you'll tell me Toni's little feline harlot is above reproach!" Alexi spat in disgust. Kade balled his hands into fists, trying to block his father out and not get angry. He could not lash out in her defense right now. Fortunately, he didn't need to.

"Your opinion of my assistant is both unnecessary and unwanted." Toni said sharply. "She has more than earned her place among us. You will not discredit her here."

"Ms. Ba'Shiva is far more valuable than you give her credit for." Wilhelmina said, her husky voice carrying over the crowd as she came to her feet. "She works closely with my Clan, and she is both honorable and caring. Our kind are being kidnapped, people, and she's the only one out there trying to find them before they come back as corpses."

"Kidnapped?" Godfrey demanded. Meryn snorted.

"The leeches are kidnapping Fera left and right, Strider." he snapped. "They keep 'em for a few months, then they show up dead." Having brought up the subject he had wanted to discuss, he sat back down.

"I want to hear more on this." Godfrey said, angry. He swung his gaze to Brekke. She glanced at Toni and he gestured for her to rise and take the podium. Kade watched her stand and roll her shoulders uncomfortably. The small muscles in her back rippled up her figure and swallowing, he heaved himself to his feet.

"I'm going to the bathroom." he announced to no one in particular, and he quickly fled the ball room. Inside the lavatory, he ran the cold water and splashed his face, then toweled off, trying to not gasp for breath. A noise sounded behind him and Kade whipped around in time to watch Casey lock the door and lean against it.

"How're you holding up?"

"I don't know how you do this. I'm so bored I want to claw my own f*cking throat out and I'm starving cause I haven't eaten since yesterday. And now I have to watch them tear into Brekke without losing my sh*t."

"Start drinking dude, that's what I do." Kade covered his face and took a deep breath.

"Jesus. I'm going to have to. I can't calm down any other way." Casey patted his back, a grin splitting his face.

"Spoken like a true alcoholic. Atta boy. Don't worry too much about the Cat, she knows how to hold her own against the big boys. And with as much skin as she's showing today, they'll be nice and distracted."

"Oh my god, that f*cking dress... I can't even think straight." Kade shook his head and raked his hair back from his face.

"Yeah. My dad has an eye for fashion; probably why he married a model. At least if you get caught staring at her, you can use that as an excuse. You won't be the only one."

"Ethan was sick this morning and they let him stay home, so I only have to worry about Serena and my father, but after Halanna's stunt just now, he's going to be livid. I'm afraid to just sit near him. I don't know what to do. I don't know how I'm going to live through the day."

"Well I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told her. Stay away from each other. Like physically keep as far away from each other as possible. There's something about you two when you're near each other. The tension is noticeable. Even backing into her on accident could be a disaster. So just...don't go anywhere near her. Ok?" Kade nodded, more agreeable than Brekke had been. Casey gave him a nod back and unlocked the bathroom, slipping back into the hall. Kade decided to use the facilities while he was there, then he returned to the ballroom.

Brekke was still at the podium, her face void of expression, her lips pressed in a firm line as various leaders argued about what vampires would want with kidnapped Fera.

"We aren't missing any members of our Clan." Vashir said haughtily.

"I beg to differ." Brekke replied. "Edward William Stilinski. Missing since June third. Do you know where he is, Vashir?" Vashir frowned. Brekke did not tell the Shadow Lord she knew that what was left of Ed was moldering away in the Seattle sewer system. She shuffled through her notes and began to read. "Matthew John Haddock, Glass Walker. Linsey May Allen, Black Fury. Aster Jane Willis, Child of Gaia. Remus Aiden Hathoway, Fianna." The room fell silent as she listed those who were missing. She had read through nearly two dozen names before the Silent Strider leader politely interrupted her.

"We understand your point, little feline. Why don't you start your story from the beginning. I'm sure we can manage to not interrupt you." He gave a stern look around the room. She gave him a small smile and nodded at Casey, who dimmed the lights and let a large screen drop down behind where she stood. A projector started, flashing the face of a nondescript boy in his mid-twenties across the screen.

"Matthew Haddock. Reported missing by his pack in May after leaving for work and not returning. Further questioning showed he never arrived for his shift. He was the first one that we took notice of. No sign has been seen of him since. At this point, he remains a missing person." She clicked to the next slide, and there was a collective gasp as they took in the ugly sight. "Mary Granger, Child of Gaia. The first body we found. She was dumped in an alley in the international district, emaciated, with clear evidence of being hooked up to an IV, and a vampire bite on her jugular." Brekke clicked through a few more bodies, detailing the evidence they had found on them pointing to vampires and experimentation.

"This is all speculation." Sienna called out. "You suspect they were experimented on, you suspect there's a reason for it. But you have no proof. What makes you think there's a reason for any of this?"

"We may hate the Vampire community, but they are not without purpose. The Old Ones are always plotting, always searching for ways to gain power. They've trying to change the world, and you can guarantee it's in their favor." Brekke replied.

"And on what authority do you have it that they are trying to change the world?" Vashir asked. Brekke met his eyes, silent for a moment.

"A tip. From one of their own." A ripple of disbelieving laughter rippled through the crowd. Brekke squared her shoulders.

"You trust a leech?" Claws in the Mist asked disdainfully.

"No, I didn't. I still don't. But his information is checking out, and last night he returned one of the kidnapped alive, at great risk to himself."

"Who?!" Wilhelmina demanded.

"A young Bone Gnawer named Henry."

"What does this Henry have to say about the vampires?" Godfrey asked. Brekke glanced to Toni.

"He's in a drug induced coma." Toni told them. "He hasn't come out of it yet."

"Will he?"

"I don't know." Toni admitted. Godfrey frowned.

"What else do you know, Bastet?" he asked.

It took three hours for Brekke to relate to the conference everything that she had prepared for them. She was interrupted frequently, as those who did not condone her presence grilled her, inciting arguments with her supporters. Finally, Toni excused her and told everyone there would be a thirty-minute break before dinner was served. When she returned to her seat, Brekke pulled a zip lock bag from her purse and began idly eating goldfish crackers. Casey gave her an odd look.

"You alright?" he asked. She shrugged and frowned.

"I'm anxious, I'm freezing, and I'm starving." Casey frowned back.

"Starving? You've been eating all f*cking day."

"I don't know, I just feel hungry. It won't go way. It must be my nerves or something."

"Or something." Casey agreed quietly, his frown deepening. "You did a good job. Lots more voices siding with you this year. Willie's pissed about her missing people; she's tired of the other Clans treating her like she's second rate. So's Meryn. And nice work diverting the conversation away from Halanna."

"I sent her a message that we were still hunting down all the Garou involved with the Spiral Dancers and I didn't want to tip them off to how much we knew. I told her that when this was all over, I'd catch her up on our progress."

"She gonna give you sh*t about Kade?"

"I don't know." Brekke admitted grimly.

"You're having a hard time not staring at him, aren't you?" Without thinking, her head swung toward the bar where Kade stood, waiting for his next drink. She coughed as she choked on a cracker and quickly looked away.

"f*ck you, Casey."

"You knew right where he was."

"I'm not watching him." she insisted. Casey knew she hadn't been, for he'd been keeping an eye on her and she had been carefully avoiding the Silver Fang without making it obvious. But she had an uncanny knack for knowing just where to not look.

"Put the crackers away, dinner is in a few minutes. The hard part is over; it's all downhill from here. You want to get up?" She shook her head and obediently returned the zip lock bag to her purse. Casey sighed and patted her knee. "You need a drink." he told her. She gave him a look.

"I'm good. I still remember the last time I drank, thanks." Casey chuckled.

"You did yourself in at that party." he told her.

"How's Jennifer?" she asked, not acknowledging his jab at her. Casey scowled.

"She moved in with Dad. My mom is having a fit about it, and blaming him, which she does every time something doesn't go her way. He got Jenn off the pills, but she's been more of a tyrant than usual, to everyone. She's been getting lit and she calls Jordan and rails at him, and then he's useless for the next few days ‘cause he turns into an emotional wreck every time they talk. I told him to stop answering, but he picks up every time."

"He still loves her." Brekke observed. Casey nodded.

"For all the good it does him." His mouth worked for a moment, then he shook his head and glanced around the room.


"She's got her sights set on someone else now." Brekke snorted.

"Who?" she asked. Casey paused again and frowned, clearly divided on whether he wanted to speak or not.

"Oh I dunno. He's tall and blond and promised to teach her to play the guitar when he drove her home from that party in Kirkland." Brekke's jaw dropped.

"Are you serious? He what?"

"He's been teaching me and Jenn walked in on me practicing one day. So I guess when he got her to Dad's place on the island, she asked him if he'd teach her.”

"And of course he agreed." Brekke muttered. She shifted restlessly, her brows knit together in a scowl.

"You really think my sister is a threat to you?" Casey asked her, mildly amused by her discomfort. "Jenn's a knock out, sure, but she's not you."

"She's persistent, and she's also human."

"Kade doesn't give a f*ck that you're not human, Brekke."

"Shhh." she hissed, glancing around at the people sitting nearby. Casey rolled his eyes at her paranoia and took another sip off his scotch.

"Oh settle down. I can barely hear myself. Jenn is persistent, and she's probably gonna make his life miserable for a few weeks until she gets over it, but trust me, Cat, she won't get anywhere with him."

After the room had been served, the Clans were invited to take the podium themselves to bring up concerns or share current events. By nine, the moot was concluded and the social hour began. The Red Talons left immediately, unconcerned with what they considered the more ‘human’ parts of the event. The Uktena and Wendigo left as well, though with not as much haste. The rest of the Clans were content to stay and network with each other, catch up on gossip, and drink.

The younger attendees of affluence migrated to Casey, as they always did. They stood in a circle near the bar, talking and laughing. Brekke met Halanna off to the side and related the events of Edward Stilinski's death, and how it tied into the issues with the vampires. She admitted that Matt Haddock was one of the killers, and that she wasn't certain if his disappearance was a coincidence or if there was something going on between the leeches and the Spiral Dancers.

"And what about the Silver Fang you say was involved with her death?" she asked.

"I haven't been able to identify him." Brekke told her. Halanna scowled.

"It's been months."

"Aye. But your kind isn't very keen on helping me with that. Or on helping me in general. Or even giving me the time of day." Brekke said wryly.

"Kade won't help you?" Halanna questioned her, sounding surprised.

"I don't use Kade." Brekke said sternly.

"You're still with him then?" Brekke's jaw clenched, then she nodded, looking away in discomfort. Halanna tsked, crossing her arms over her chest. "You've been convincing; I half suspected you'd come to your senses and parted ways."

"I've described the killer to him, but he says half the sept fits the profile." Brekke admitted, ignoring Halanna's observation of their dogged avoidance of each other through the day. "I saw him once, at a human party, but I lost him in the crowd and Kade wasn't there to identify him. So until I can get eyes in Silver Heights, I'm just spinning my wheels." Halanna sighed and nodded. She didn't like it, but she knew it was the truth. There was no way they would let the Cat into the Heights. And until they did, Kaylie's killer would elude them.

"How is Kade?" Halanna asked softly. Brekke bit her lip to keep from smiling. The boy had made a lasting impression on the woman.

"He's been well. It's been months since he's fought with his father. He has reasonable control of his form now. He's still hopeless when it comes to learning Gifts; I fear he may never get the hang of it. He...misses your daughter. Very much." Tears brightened Halanna's eyes, but they went unshed.

"Yes. Well, he's not the only one. He really is a sweet boy.”

"Aye." Brekke agreed.

"When is he expected to Challenge his father?" Brekke's face fell and she tried to smooth it out into a calmer expression.

"I don't know. He's not the best fighter. If he doesn't manage to Change during the Challenge, I don't think he'll...survive it. If he does, he might kill half the sept before they get him under control. He needs more time, more training."

"And you're providing that?"

"Aye, as best we can."


"Myself and Casey."

"Ah. Toni's son." Halanna was trying to be more polite than she usually was, but she couldn't hide the twinge of distaste in her voice.

"Casey is what he is." Brekke allowed. "But no one can deny his fighting skills. He leads one of the most aggressive packs on this side of the US; staging guerrilla attacks on Pentex, eradicating nests of Spiral Dancers and vampires alike. If anyone can teach Kade to defend himself, it's St. James."

"And what happens when he does step up for the throne? You can't expect to be his concubine." Brekke ground her teeth and smoothed the front of her dress.

"It ends. I told him as much. Despite what you think, my goal is to keep him alive, Halanna. I won't jeopardize his rule, if he lives to see it."

"Do you really think he won't be able to take his father down?" Halanna sounded genuinely concerned. Brekke shrugged but couldn't keep the distress out of her eyes.

"It depends on when it all goes down. If it's soon? Let's just hope it isn't soon."

"He's that untrained." Halanna said it like it was the first time she truly grasped the gravity of Kade's situation, and Brekke felt her throat clench. She hugged herself and looked away.

"He needs more time." she whispered.

"If I can help him, I will." Halanna told her. "If he needs me, tell him to call. I don't want to speak with him here and anger his father anymore."

"I'll tell him." Brekke promised. Halanna studied her for a moment then sighed in defeat. She gave the girl an awkward pat on the shoulder.

"You've won me over, Bastet. I believe you honestly care about him. I wish you the best; you're probably his best chance at survival."

Kade glanced at his phone. It was just past midnight, and he was officially over this event. Though still buzzed from the whiskey he'd downed to make it through the day, he was sober enough to drive himself as far as Brekke's apartment. Serena had wandered off and Kaleb was mercifully alone, so he put his phone away and approached his cousin.

"Do you think I could..."

"Take off?" Kaleb asked wryly. Kade managed a sheepish smile.

"Please." he begged. Kaleb nodded.

"Go for it. I think we're all going to leave soon. You staying in town?" Kade gave him another guilty look, and he laughed. "It's alright, man, I don't blame you. Have a good night." Kade clasped arms with him and gave a cursory glance around the room before making a B-line for the back exit. It opened out into a small private lobby with a stair case leading to the mezzanine around the ballroom floor.

"Hey." he said, a smile breaking its way across his face as he finally faced his quarry, two steps up. Brekke glanced behind her, startled, and her eyes widened as they fell on him. She immediately surveyed the lobby in a panic.

"What are you doing?" she demanded in a hush.

"Calm down. There's no one here but us." She frowned, and her eyes roamed the room again, but she turned to face him.

"You're insane." she scolded him.

"You look amazing." he replied, unfazed. She flushed and her expression softened.

"Why are you following me?" she asked.

"I'm leaving, and I wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh my God, you are insane." she said, her hand covering her mouth. "Do you really think that’s a good idea?" He chuckled.

"No. But if you remember, the last time I left a party and didn't tell you, you kind of had a meltdown on me. I promised I wouldn't do it again, so..." He shrugged and smiled again, and she smiled back.

"Dammit, Kade." she muttered, blushing.

"Come on, give me a hug and I'll go." He held his arms out to her and after a moment's hesitation, she glided into them.

"We're the same height." she observed in amusem*nt.

"All it took was the world's tallest heels and a set of stairs. Seriously, I'm amazed you can walk in those f*cking things." She chuckled, sliding her hands up his broad back. He cupped her face and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Are you...staying?" she asked softly. He nodded.

"I am. And I want you to come home in this dress."


"So I can take it off you." he said with a mischievous grin. She gave a soft laugh before she pushed back from him fearfully.

"Go." she ordered.

"Yes mom." he teased, clinging to her hand as she pulled away. She gave him a wry grin and pulled herself free.

"Go." she repeated, starting up the steps.

"I love you." he reminded her. Halfway up the stairs, she glanced back and met his shining blue eyes. She flushed again, warmly.

"I love you too." she replied, then finished her ascent and disappeared from his view. He stared after her a moment, grinning like a madman. They had done it. They had survived the day.

Brekke quietly let herself into her apartment in the likely event that Kade was asleep. It was closing in on five am, and she was exhausted. She had been awake for nearly twenty-four hours straight for the moot; bowing, simpering, and constantly defending her existence. Her face ached from the fake smile that had been plastered there most of the day, and her back and shoulders were stiff with the tension of her anxiety.

Inside the lights were off, but the massive TV flickered brightly, illuminating the room. She walked up the short stairs to her main floor, shedding her coat and purse at her table. Kade sprawled in the crook of the sectional, wearing his sweats, half tangled in a blanket. She made her way to the giant sofa and turned the TV off. The room plunged into darkness momentarily, then her eyes began to adjust. The change in environment woke the boy. He rubbed his face and glanced up.

"You're home."


"You're still wearing the dress." The delight in his voice was clear.


"I've been waiting for this since I first saw you this morning." He rose and gently stroked her hair. She leaned into his touch, her body shuddering as it slowly released the tightness in her muscles. He carefully pulled at the pins holding her curls in place, until each strand was free and tumbling around her shoulders in a tangle. His fingertips grazed the silk, running over one breast down to her hip, the other hand dancing up her bare spine. She tipped her head up and he kissed her. After a moment of fumbling, he pulled back and frowned. "How the hell do you get it off?" he asked. She chuckled and tugged at his hands, pulling him back to her closet area. She turned on a light and let him work at the clasp behind her neck, then the hidden zipper down the backs of her legs. He stood back, but the dress didn't fall. "Seriously?" he asked her in surprise. She smiled. "This isn't exactly how I imagined undressing you when you got here."

"Here, pull slowly. Slowly." she warned him. Giving her a look, he did as she asked, tugging the fabric at a snail's pace. It peeled away from the fashion tape, and his jaw slackened.

"They taped it to you?" he asked in disbelief as he continued to carefully pull the garment from her skin.

"Aye, how do you think I stayed in it? Be careful, it's expensive. Toni wasn't happy when I wanted to wear it home." Kade freed her body and frowned down at the flimsy gown.

"Jesus, really? How much was it?"

"You don't want to know."

"What, three hundred dollars? Five?" Brekke shook her head and began to pick at the tape on her bare breasts. Kade blinked. "Seven? A grand? How much did this f*cking dress cost, there's barely anything to it!"

"Help me with this." she said instead. He went to set the dress down on a pile of clothes and she hurried forward and carefully suspended it on a hanger as if laying it down might damage it. Kade arched an eyebrow at her.

"How much." he insisted.

"Seven." she muttered, heat on her cheeks. She was embarrassed at admitting the extravagance.

"Hundred?" Silence. "Thousand?! For a dress? f*ck."

"Help me get this tape off." she repeated. Shaking his head, Kade delicately peeled the fashion tape off her skin, careful not to welt her as he pulled. Brekke shivered. Her studio was cool and the thong she had worn under the dress was all but pointless as an article of clothing. Her skin was pebbled in goose flesh and her nipples were so stiff they ached. As the last piece of tape came free, Kade stepped back and eyed her.

"You should go to bed just like that." he teased. She hugged herself and scowled down at the tiny underwear and the tall heels she had not removed yet. Chuckling, Kade knelt and undid the straps on the shoes, helping her down from them. He gave a sharp tug on her panties and snapped the strings, leaving her bare. She gave him a look.

"You break it you buy it." she warned. He froze.

"Jesus, now you're going to tell me the underwear were like five hundred dollars..." he said fearfully. She laughed at his expression and pressed her body up against him.

"Try five. Come on, my feet hurt. Carry me to bed."

By one in the afternoon, Kade was wide awake, laying next to Brekke, watching her breathe. Her hair was a complete disaster about her head, matted from the stylist the day before and the rigorous sex from earlier that morning. She was sprawled on her back, one hand above her head, her face serene. Her breasts rose and fell with each intake of air, and he was completely transfixed by her. His hand rested on her toned belly, idly toying with the jeweled ring piercing her navel.

The room was still cool and dim. A thick fog had rolled in off the Sound, blocking the light and muffling the sound of traffic. He contemplated getting up and adjusting the thermostat, but that meant he would have to leave her, or worse, risk waking her. If she was chilled, she would unconsciously seek him for warmth. Better to leave the room cold. If their breath started to fog, then he would reconsider.

Staring at her, all he could hear were the demands of the council. He wondered how much time he had bought, and when they would pressure him again. He hoped they would give him a year, but deep down he knew better. He guessed they would push him to Challenge his father before the next summer. His stomach knotted at the thought. He had developed more control over his forms than he ever thought he could achieve, but the process was still a struggle under pressure. If he did as they asked, he would die. If a miracle happened and he didn't die, he lost the girl. The situation gave him no motivation to give in to their desires, because he lost the only thing he wanted either way.

Brekke sighed and shifted, turning towards him and balling up on her side in a loose fetal position. She clasped her hands together under her chin and nuzzled her face down into the mattress. Kade smiled at her and carefully pulled her hair out of her eyes, smoothing it over the pillow behind her. He rubbed his thumb across her cheek, then trailed his fingers down to the pale, shiny scar tissue around her shoulder. Whatever had happened to her, it had been nasty. He wouldn't be surprised if she had almost lost her arm. It was no wonder she didn't want to talk about it, though his curiosity about the wound burned. It was the only scar she had.

Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked away sleep before focusing on him. She smiled and reached one of her hands out to press against his chest. He put his hand over hers. She closed her eyes again.

"You always wake up first." she observed.

"I don't mind." he replied.

"You can go watch TV, it won't keep me awake."

"I'm fine right here."

"Where you can just lay there and watch me sleep?"


"That's a little creepy." she informed him. He smiled softly.

"Maybe." he replied. She frowned and opened her eyes.

"What's with you?" she asked, worry flashing across her face. She propped herself up on her elbows to really look at him.


"Lie." she argued. "Why are you so melancholy?”

"I'm just thinking too much." he admitted quietly. She pulled herself over to him, crossing her arms on his chest and leaning on them to study his face. Her large eyes glimmered like tourmalines as her violet curls tumbled around her face. She reached out a delicate hand and toyed with a stray lock of his hair.

"It's so straight now. I got used to the curls." she said absently.

"Yeah, the salt water makes it all wavy. I haven't been out surfing since the last half of September, so it's finally settling down." She ran her fingers through the strands; they were thick and soft and silky, and hung down to the small of his back when he was standing. The ends were so pale they were almost white.

"Don't cut it. I love how long it is." she told him, tickling his nose with the end of the piece tangled in her fingers. He chuckled and raised a hand to block her.

"I won't. I promised my mom I wouldn't."

"You did?"

"Yeah. Heh. One of her two dying wishes; don't cut my hair and don't get back together with my ex. She was pretty insistent. I haven't cut it since she asked me not to, just trim it every once in a while."

"Is that what's bothering you?" she asked, meaning thoughts of his mother. He shook his head before he knew what he was doing, his eyes flickering away from hers. She touched his cheek and leaned forward. "Talk to me." He sighed. He didn't want to start the day with her like this. But she knew he was moody, and she wouldn't let him rest until she had ferreted out what was on his mind.

"There just, there has to be a way. There has to be a way...for us." His words made her pull away, the concern fleeing her face to be replaced by a bleak frustration.

"There's not." she told him softly. "I love you, but honey, there's not."

"No. There has to be, babe. I can't imagine living my life pretending that you...don't exist. I can't do that. If I... if I have to lose you completely, I'd rather my dad kill me." Her eyes widened in horror.

"No! Don't say that. Don't you dare say that." She leaned in again, her expression intense. She cupped his cheek. "You will live." she insisted. "You will live and you will be a good king. You'll find a suitable mate, and have children, and you will be happy."

"I will never be happy without you." he told her quietly. He felt her body stiffen and she squeezed her eyes shut. She shuddered with the deep breath she took. But before she could speak, or cry, he reached up and pulled her tightly against him. He stroked her hair. "Do you work tonight?" She nodded.

"We're going over all the new material from yesterday. I don't have to be there ‘til nine tonight." Her voice was barely a whisper.

"You mind if I stay ‘til the last ferry?" he asked. She shook her head, letting him change the subject. She didn't want to discuss the issue, and he knew it. Her policy towards the pending death of their relationship seemed to be to pretend it was not going to happen until he pressed her, then a stoney refusal to discuss any other option beyond exiting each other's lives permanently. He was always the first to cave and let the topic go simply because he hated fighting with her, but it left him with a growing emptiness that he wasn't sure could be cured.

Blood Moon ~ Book I of The Dogs of the Apocalypse Series - Chapter 34 - cranky_angel (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.