The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

2- 5 Pi day. little Showers tonight in temperature. Public Service WEATHER FORECAST change and Wednes The Daily Progress t. Forty or cArE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 10, 1932 THREE CENTS ESTABLISHED IN 1892-NO.

13,790 LEBRUN BECOMES FOURTEENTH FRENCH PRESIDENT True Bills Found Against Gaston B. Means ON SELECTION FIRST BALLOT MADE TWO INDICTMENTS ARE RETURNED ON LARCENY CHARGE Ex-Convict To Face Trial For Of $104,000 From Mrs. E. B. McLean PROMISED RETURN OF LINDBERGH BABY Government Officials Are Yet Uncertain As To Where Money Is WASHINGTON, May 10-(AP) -Gaston B.

Means, welf-styled Intarmediary in the Lindbergh kidraping, was indicted. today for larceny and embezzlement of $104,000 from Mrs. Edward B. McLean, estranged rife of the Washington Post publisher. The District of Columbia grand jury returned two indictments charging the spectacular ex-convict and former government detectire with having fraudulently diverted and secreted $100.000 "ransom fund" and $4,000 for "expenses of the kidnapers." Hired to Return Child Means had been employed by Mrs.

McLean to effect return of the kidnaped Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. He has admitted resalving the $100,000, but maintains that after Mrs. McLean demanded k. he It to mysterious stranger who he: believed was authorized representative of Mrs.

The indictments were read be fore Justice James M. Proctor la the District of Columbia Supreme Court. Prosecutors are ready for trial, but some delay 1s expected to be sought by the defense. Means was Jailed last week after secret investigation by the justice department following complaint by Mrs. McLean.

No Clue to Money Means' alleged misappropriation (Continued On Page 1) Await Reaction To New Dairy Prices RICHMOND, May 10-(AP) Dairy farmers furnising the Richmond area with milk today were awaiting the distributors reply to their proposal for a new adjustment of prices, providing that all involved. producers, distributors. and consumers, will share. The producers have proposed that the distributors rescind their action of May 1 reducing price of milk 2 cents a quart and that 1 reduction of 1 cent a quart be made instead. They told the distributors that in the event this is done they will agree to a reduction of 3 2-3 cents a gallon in the price paid to them with the distributors absorbing 1 1-4 cents.

The producers have formally complained that the 2 cents redustion as proposed by, the distributors work an unfair hardship on them. The report of the distributors action is to be reported tomorrow. Will Rogers Says BEVERLY HILLS. May That fellow Massie and his wife had a tougher time getting out of Honolulu than they did while there. I didn't read about anybody trying to stop Darrow, but I bet at that he made a lot of friends over there.

I have known Darrow good many years, and always go to see him in Chicago. I knew William Jennings Bryan many years. Both men lived ahead of their times, Bryan in government and Darrow by bel'eving that the underdog la any fight. had bis side. And I bet they both had great admiration for each other.

PARAMOUNT THEATER "Miracle Man" with big all star cast. 5-1-St. 1p. ELECTRIC FAN SERVICE Called for, cleaned, oiled and delivered for Lewis Radio Se-. rice, Phone 307.

5-10-5t 1p. Urges Liquor Control.Plan Similar To The Bratt System In Sweden Modification of Eighteenth Amendment Is Proposed By John M. Morehead, Minister To SwedenWould Permit Dry States to Remain That Way WASHINGTON, May Modification of the 18th amendment to permit a form of state liquor control similar to the Bratt system now in force in Sweden was recommended today to a Senate judiciary committee. John M. Morehead, minister to Sweden, advanced the plan.

He said' thorough study of the 15 years operation of the Bratt system since his appointment to the post in 1930 had convinced bim it was tory and successful. "Not since slavery," he said, "has there been so vital a question before the country as that of prohibition. In spite of many benefts which! It has unquestionably conferred upon us, the unforeseen evils which have followed in its wake now constitute our greatest social problem." Morehead appeared with consent of the State Department. A considerable time ago he laid his views before the Wickersham Commission, but the Department objected to his appearance before Congressional committees. The Senate group took the question up and succeeded in having the objection withdrawn.

Amendment Suggested To make possible adoption of the Swedish system here, Morehead recommended another amendment the constitution, permitting states wishing to license liquor to do RO through legislation, and permitting dry states to remain that way. The minister labelled. unwise or Impossible all proposals for nullifica-! tion of the liquor laws, repeal of the 18th amendment and modification of the Volstead Act. He also concluded that satisfactory enforcement of the present liquor laws was virtually 1m- possible. Turning to the Bratt system, he that is success rests upon the provision that all personal Interest and profit is removed from the liquor business, all pronts accruing to the government, with the trade, put on a "scientifc basta." Companies under strict government supervision, he said, had monopoly of the Swedish manufacture, purchase and sale of liquor.

He cited decreases in crime, ing and deaths from alcoholism proof of the benefits of the Bratt country. Since the adoption of the system and said there was in practical- the ty liquor no control system, he testified, enforcement problem the number of prohibition members in the Swedish house had declined from 101 to 28. he said, "la DO longto'er considered a live political or social issue in Sweden." Anderson Says Prohibition In Present Form Must Be Failure NEW YORK, May Colonel Henry W. who was a member of the Wickersham Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement, believes probibition in its present form "must prove ineffactive." He told the Ohio Society last night he la, ready to lend his support end to to lany sound plan to bring an vexing problem." One reason for the "failure of pro-, hibition," be said, was the refusal of several states "containing more than to one fourth of in the total enforcement. population," cooperate Colonel Anderson outlined the DEtonal liquor corporation which was part of his suggestion for ment control as given in his individual report two years ago.

He said the conditions disclosed by the commission's report have grown steadIly worse and early action to ameliorate them seems needful. Mort Question Fairly He said he insisted that the question should be fairly met, and that is constructive solution should be sought. "It' is no time for evading this or any other question with pious hopes or indefinite promises," he said. "The interest of the country demanda, and the people have a right For Protection Against Measles Due to an outbresk of measles in Venable School. where approximately Atty cases have been reported, Dr.

E. L. McQuade, joint health offcer, this morning states that children may be protected against this disease by a slight injection of blood from their parents or from a recently-recovered patient. Dr. McQuede pointed out the! still dangerous to chilmeasles is dren under five years, and particularly to those under two years.

in He stated the disease recurs of about three of four that this community 18 cycles an outbreak. There was years and due for small epidemic here Ave years So far contagion has been confined almost entirely to the one Most of the cases have school. been reported since April 1. health officer said detalled The report of conditions would be propared within the next few days. ATTENTION, MASONS Attend Washington Memorial dedication on Thursday May 12th, cosch Knight open to all Masons.

$3.25 Templers have special Leave here 4:40 A. M. round trip. Return same night. 11t.

1p. R. D. Mooney, Com. BANKING BILL IS UP FOR PASSAGE Senator Carter Glass Springs Surprise On The Senate DECISION QUOTED Lack of Enforcement Contributes to Present Depression WASHINGTON, May attempt to defeat wide 'extension of branch banking brewing In the Senate today advanced toward a vote on the Glass bank reform bill." A provision authorizing National banks to establish branches even thoughh they function In states which prohibit the practice in among the many changes in bank regulation contained in the measure.

On this point extensive opposition had gathered and. was lined up for struggle, Unless the bill passed today or tomorrow it faced extended delay the Senate will take up the tax bill Thursday, and all other legislation must go by the board until this vital measure is passed. Yesterday Senator Carter Glass, of Virginia, author of the bank bill, sprung a surprise on the Senate In disclosing that decision by the United States Solicitor General up'. der President' Taft, holding bank amliates illegal, had been ed" all these years. Cause of Disaster Glass argued that the Anancial Intinted with banks, which might have been outlawed under this ruling many years ago, "were perhaps the greatest contributors to the unprecedented disaster which has caused this almost incurable depression." The suppression, said Glass, occurred because of the power of ordinate wealth." At the time the opinion was prepared George W.

Wickersham was Attorney General, A later Attorney General who wan a Democrat, said Glass, "declined to permit the opinion to be made public." The man who wrote the opinion was Frederick W. Lehmann, dietinrulahed ago. lawyer, After who Glass died learned some of Hs existence, he said, the present Attorney General permitted him to have a photostatic copy made. MASONS POURING INTO I ALEXANDRIA Carnival Spirit Prevails in Two Old City ALEXANDRIA, May 10-(AP)A carnival spirit prevailed in two century old Alexandria today it welcomed the vanguard of many thousands. of Masons come to participate in masonry's great celebration day -the dedication of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial here Thursday.

Though climaxed by that outstanding ceremony, however, the week will be Alled with colorful: Masonic rites and ceremonies. Today the Masonic clation will meet in the Memorial auditcrium. Testerday the Texas Grand Lodge of 250 Master Masons held special communication in the presence of hundreds of other members of the craft from other fatates This service was the Arst formal ceremony to be held in the Memorial's auditorium Thursday Big Day Transportation agencies are prepared to place many thousand. of Masons hourly here during the morning hours Thursday. Special trains will be run at Intervals of ten minutes, from Washington, and many special- trains are to run from Richmond and other points south: Provision In made for handling (Continued On Page 0 NOTICE TO MASONS By order of Wor.

Manter all members of Lodge No. 55 are requested to report at the Masonic Temple Wednesday, May 12th. at 1:30 P. M. to pay our last tribute of respect to Bro, W.

H. Marsh. J. 8. Battle.

Wor. Master. Pro Tem. It. 1p.

1 BACK FROM QUIET ADVENTURE uto CHARLES R. FLINT WASHINGTON. May (AP)-An As-year old man who In a younger day wen fortune and International fame big business organizer, was back at home today after 24 hours of quiet adventure. While police of three cities searched for him, Charles R. Flint, bareheaded, In bedrooms slippers and an uld cost and went to Baltimore, spent a night in a 15-cent hot 1 room, borrowed four conte make.

up the price of bus fare hack to Wanhington and then found strolling Sirteenth Street, dozen blocks away from his apartment hotel MOTHERS ATTEND KIWANIS DINNER Postmaster at Greensboro, N. Addresses Club Members PRAISES ROAD PLAN Speaker Tells of Religious Education In Public Schools There was an echo of Mother's Day at the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis club, held yesterday afternoon at the Monticello Hotel. Several of the members had their mothers as guests, and the visitors were given a warm welcome. Among the mothers present wert Mra. A.

W. Via, mother of Guy and Dr. Dan O. Via; Mrs. A.

Goodman Carter; Sirs. Vaughan, Earl Vaughan; Mra. Nichola, mothof Dr. O. Nichols, Mrs.

Fisher, mother of Ray Fisher. The guests were introduced by Frank Edwards, who was charge of the day's program. delightful solo, "That Wonderful Mother of Mine." was rendered by Mrs. Earl Vaughan. President Verbon E.

Kemp presided at the luncheon, and the invocation was by the Rev. Dwight (Continued on page Six) Norfolk Officer Killed By Negro NORFOLK, May AP.) -B. W. Jones, town policeman here, was shot and killed early today by a gro known only by the name of The prisoner, who had been rested on a charge of stealing peanuts, was being taken to jail at Courtland in an automobile when he drew a gun and began shooting. kill-, ing the officer instantly, He also was reported to have fired at the driver' of the car, but the latter was not infured.

A posse of Southampton County citizens this afternoon was searching a wooded area in which "Blow" believed to be hiding. AT THE LEADER For tomotrow, Thursday and Friday, ws are offering a Jot womand miases' coats from purchase just made. They come in tan, grey, navy and white. all guaranteed silk crepe with silk scarfs to match. All sizes 14 to 20 in misses and 38 to 50 in women's.

Theirs regular price was up to $16.50. at one price for this $7.50, None charged or sent cut on 1L ip. MORE DELEGATES FOR NEW YORKER Roosevelt Gets Six Each From Wyoming and Arizona OHIO FOR WHITE West Virginia's 16 Confidentially Counted for Roosevelt (By Associated Press) Governor George White, of Ohio. steps officially into the Democratie party's presidential running today through the primary selection ut his State's convention delegates, 46 of the 52 being assured Simultaneously West Virginia Democrats selected 16 delegates, confidentially counted for Fracklin D. Roosevelt.

In both pintes virtually the entire Republican delegate vote of 55 and 10, tively. was assigned to President Hoover, although he atayed off the preference vote list. A party convention In Tennessre was expect04 to give him a solid 21. Governor William 11. Murray, of Oklahoma, sought the preference vote list.

A party convention In Tennessee was expected to rive him a solid 24. Governor William H. Murray, of Oklahoma, sought the preference vote in both states, unopposed in (Continued on Tase 3) OFFER BEER BILL IN SENATE TODAY Measure Is Presented As Amendment to Rev. enue Bill ASSURES ROLL CALL Would Substitute Tax For Numerous "Nuisance" Levies WASHINGTON, May (AT)The four per cent beer bill was oftered in the Senate today by Rena: tor Bingham, Conn) an amendment to the revenue measure. assuring a roll call on this lasuer Bingham legislation of four per cent.

beer as substitute for numerous "nuisance" levies in the tax bill, estimating the revenue from the alcoholic beverage would net the government $375,000,000 annually. He would substitute the heer tax for the admissions, commun. cations and radio and phonograph levies. saying the beer provision also would make unnecessary the increase la postal rates, and in automobiles and in income taxes beyond the rates fixed hy the House. To Amend Act The Connecticut Senator explained that a tax of six per rent on beer already 14 on the atatute hocke.

Therefore, his amendment simply provided that the Volstead act be, amended by striking out the words (Continued On l'age 1) INVESTIGATION HALTED. RICHMOND, May 10 -tAP) Investigation of charges made by Mins Thomas Claire Edwards against executives of the Division of Purchasing of the State Department of Purchase and Printing. has reached a temporary hilt due to the absence from the city cf the complaisapt. Mias Edwards Aled charger with the Governor, who turned the documents over to W. 11.

Sanda, director of the division of legis lature research ant drafting for investigation When the inquiry reached the stage which called for the prepence of Miss Edwardo, sine was not available and the report 32W awaits her return. MOST EXTRAORDINARY Modern 7-room, hot water heated. brick H'eh $5.000. $500 cash, balance like rent. Henry Rubin Phone 935, 5-9-3t, 1p.

ELECTRIC FAN SERVICE Called for, cletned, olled and deI'vered for 50c. Lewis Radio Re vice, Phone 307. 5t 1p. FORMER CABINET MEMBER FREE ALDERT B. FALL FALL ENDS TERM IN PENITENTIARY Now Resting At Beautiful Ranch He Formerly Owned TRES RIOS, N.

May 10- (AP)-Released from prison. Al. bert' Fall today rested at the beautiful Tres Rios ranch he form. orly owned. The aged former Secretary cf the Interior was sped here from the New Mexico State penitentiary at Santa Fo and arrived at dusk last night in the same ambulance that took him there last July: 20 to serve year and dry sentence on convictica of acceptiag a bribe.

while in office. Only nine months and nineteen days were served. there being deduction for cond behavior. Tres Rios ranch was Fall's prised posseasion. It is now owned by E.

La. Doheny, oil man and lifelong friend who obtained it by foreclosure, but he has instructed that Fall still regard it as hie home. It was conviction of accepting a bribe from Daheny, in connection with the leasing of Naval oil reserves that Fall was sentenced. Doheny acquitted of charges of bribIng the Secretary. Overjoyed Members of Fall's family, who met him at his release yesterday and accompanied him here, sald he stood the trip well and was overjoyed to be again at the ranch.

shall probably have In chloroform him to set him away." member of the family said. Mira. Fall and his two daughters Mrs. C. C.

Chase and Mra. Jouett Elliott, were in the party of 10 which came here from Santa Te. They said the trip on to Fall's El Paso, home would be made today. Dr. E.

W. Flake, prison physiclan, said Fall. left the penitentiary he' entered it, an invalld. He served his term in the prison pital, much of the Ume in bed. Virginia Moore To Address Romania res Virginia Moore, southern poet and writer.

will speak before Romania Thursday, at 12.30 P. M. In the Ramellais, Romance Pavilion. Her topic will be a "Car. ribean Cruise," which win present with the fresh vigor of one who has recently undergone the expert.

enre. Miss Moore, who has taken up her residence in Scottsville, is considered among the most significant of young southern poete Her best known works are probably "Not Poppy." and "Sweet water and Bitter." She is a graduate of Hollins College and has now definitely settled in Alhemarie to do her writing. Members of Romania look forward, with more than usual Interest to her talk. They urge all those who are interested to attend. AT THE LEADER New dresses arrived today.

About 1200 dresses to sell at $2.95, mostly 2-piece flat crepes including some (white dresses with colored Jackets. also new prints. New millinery, plenty of large head sizes, up to 24 1-2 Inches. 'go at $1 and $1.95. Our sale of $3 dresses continues.

5.10 1t. 1p GETS 448 VOTES mening to the new President, Albert Lebrun. VERSAILLES, FRANCE, May 10 -(AP) Albert Francois brun was elected fourteenth dent of France today by vote of 633 out of 747 cast, to succeed the assassinated President, Paul Doumer. Paul Faure, noted Socialist lead. er, received 114 votes and 49 were blank.

In the Interest of harmony there was virtually opposition to the veteran statcaman whose mrvire President of the Senate had -put him in line for the presidency of the nation. After the brief ceremony of investitune, 11. La Brus's Arst act was to start for. Elyse Palace to pay his respects at the bier of his dain predecessor. Then he was to so to the Tomb of the Unknown Boldler and later In the day to the Luxembourg Pal ace to.

receive the diplomatio corps and high aficials of the nation when they made their calla of congratulation. 1 Spirit Of Harmeny Although there was great spirit of harmony when the ate and the expiring Chamber of Deputies assembled here to there dest M. Doumer'e also was considerable nervous This was. manifested 1A wholly baseless reporta-1 to the effect that Senator Joseph Paul-Boncour and Was Protege of Raymond Poincare, and An Old Hand in Politics of France HAS REPUTATION FOR CAREFULNESS Stepped Up, As Did Paul Doumer, From cy of the Senate PARIS, May 10 (AP) Premier Andre Tardieu pre anted his real nation this demand that we face the intolersble and even dangerous conditions which now exist with courage and clear thinking and present deloito and constructive solutions of this and other problems free from the limitations of personal or partisan interests and solely in the interest of our country." Dinculty of Amendment He asserted that a dimculty besetting enforcement was that "the Eighteenth Amendment was the Arsti instance in our history in which the effort was made by constitutional: provision to extend the police trol of the Federal Government to 'every Individual and every home 1a He 'ascribed what he called the the United States." failure of the prohibition amendment partly to the refusal of several states "continuing over one fourth of the entire population of the country" to cooperate in enforcement. "The enormous revenues from this placed in the hands of the trame, lawless and criminal element, are enjabling them to carry on this bustin defiance of government and ness to organize and develop other lines lot criminal activity to an extent which threatens social and economic security," he said.

Battle Results Fatally GATE CITY, May 10- (AP)Floyd Frazier, 58, Alling station owner is dead, and Ray Catron, the 22, la perhaps fatally wounded as result of a pistol battle between three alleged holdup men and Frazier at midnight last night near Natural Tunnel, 15 miles west of here. Catron and Lillian Phillips are being held by Sheriff O. B. Dir nell while he seeks two others who escaped after Frazier was killed. The girl was unable to give officers straight information claiming the was not acquainted the with any strength of the three youths.

On of fragments of Miss Phillips story, officers are seeking the two escaped youths and were expecting to arrest them early today. Omcers have the alleged car but decline to rive names of the two missing youths until 1 arrested. SPRING COATS PRICE Special reduction on all spring merchandise. 1t. 1p The Vogue Shop, Inc.

ELECTRIC FAN SERVICE Called for. cleaned, oiled and delivered for 50c. Lewis Radio vice, Phone 307, 5-19 5t 3p. (Continued on page 31x) MAS. CARAWAY TO SEEK RE-ELECTION Woman Presides over ate For First Time In History WASHINGTON, May 10-(AP) -Not even a tremor shook the Senate walls as that.

August and select chamber was ruled briefly and for the fret time in its great history by woman. It was "Madam President" for the dignified representatives of the 48 states when Vice. Prestdent Curtis decided to take a rest, land invited Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway to take his place on the rostrum.

Her rule was uneventful, with no dimeult questions to settle and since one member held the floor throughout it was not even necessary for a Senator to address her by. the strange title which was hers. But Mrs. Caraway, by coinci dence or design, made the ac casion impressive. Soon after stepping down she announced the would seek reelection in her owa right.

In surprise to the political leaders of her home state a Arkansas, she died notice of her candidacy for a full six year term. She is completing now the unerpired. -term of her late husband, Senator Thaddeus H. Caraway, after being appointed last Nov. ember and subsequently elected in special contest to serve until next March.

JEFFERSON TODAY Robert Montgomery in "But the Flesh is Weak." LAFAYETTE TODAY Constance Cummings In "Guilty Generation." thriller of the high seas. Free photos. 1t.1p. NOTICE 0. 0.

F. All members are. requested to meet at Hall at 1 o'clock- Wednes day to attend the funeral of Brother W. H. Marsh.

16. By order Nolde Grand. 11.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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