Webs Under Moonlight - haven_artemis_x - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: First Day

Chapter Text

September 1st | Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin was fine.

At least, at the moment. To be honest, he was fine most of the time. His parents just didn’t think so.

Remus knew he was lucky when it came to his parents. They were kind and protective, especially his mam. They’re just… a lot sometimes. They have been since he was five.

When Remus Lupin was 5 years old (just a few weeks after his birthday), he was kidnapped by a well known criminal Fenrir Greyback. Greyback had been really into drug-trade more than a decade prior and had just gotten out of prison the year before. He had apparently “turned over a new leaf” to say but, because of his criminal record, he was having a hard time finding work and no one really believed that he had changed. Then, Remus’ father, Lyall Lupin, had made a public announcement about ex-convicts in the workforce that, needless to say, didn’t favor Greyback. It didn’t help that Lyall had specifically mentioned Greyback. So Greyback got revenge… by stealing his son.

Remus was away for only about a month, which he knew was lucky. Afterwards, he was mostly fine mentally. Physically… not so much. Greyback had taken to cutting Remus so he was covered in scars. Mainly on his torso and arms.

Ever since then, Hope and Lyall Lupin had been very protective of him. Which led to him being homeschooled for most of his life. Until now.

Remus Lupin was now 15 years old and entering Sophom*ore year at Midtown High School.

His mam would’ve homeschooled him for all of his education but he had far passed her a long time ago. When Remus took his freshman exams, he had done very well. Okay, that was an understatement. He passed and was in the top 15 percent of the state. After Remus discovered his scores, he (without the knowledge of his parents) applied for Midtown. It was a school known for specializing in STEM. You needed an IQ of 130 or higher, which Remus did so he got in. Midtown offered on-campus residency but it wasn’t required.

His parents weren't particularly thrilled about the fact that he applied without their permission nor the idea of him being away from them in a normal school. However, apparently Midtown was really impressed by Remus scores and actually wanted him. So after much discussing (too much if you ask Remus, not like anyone did), Remus’ parents decided that he could go.

It worked out in a lot of ways: Remus got the school experience he really wanted and his mom also got to go back to school. Hope had gotten pregnant with Remus in college, in the middle of medical school, and dropped out to raise him. She had apparently tried to continue online for a while but after Remus was kidnapped, she dropped it as well.

But now, Remus is here. And he's excited. More nervous but excited.

He hadn’t even reached his locker before he was knocked off his feet… literally .

A boy, definitely Remus’ age, with a crazy head of messy, black curls and glasses ran into Remus, knocking them both over.

“Peter!” The boy shouted. He sounded angry but had a massive grin on his face. He jumped up and immediately offered Remus a hand while still facing away from him, yelling down the hall. “Pettigrew! Hey! Over here!”

He turned to Remus.

“Hey, I'm so sorry about knocking you over like that. I saw my friend down the hall and was running to them because I haven’t seen them all summer ( they travel a lot ) and wasn’t looking where I was going-” He cut himself off to stare at Remus, tilting his head to the side. “You’re new here.”

Remus couldn’t help but just stare at him. Partly because the boy had just said a lot and Remus didn’t know how to respond and partly because Remus hadn't interacted with many people his age before and didn’t know what to say. He went with the safest option and just responded to the last thing the boy had said.

“Uh, yeah. I’m new this year.” Remus nodded.

“Cool! I’m James, by the way. James Potter!” He smiled (to be fair, Remus wasn’t sure that James had stopped smiling at all). “And this is my friend, Peter Pettigrew.”

A shorter moussy, blond boy had just walked up to them and James captured them in a tight hug before turning them to Remus. “Pete, this is… I don’t actually know your name.”

Remus stared at them again, honestly a second too long before answering. “Remus Lupin.”

“That's an odd name.” Peter said bluntly. Remus raised his eyebrows. He didn’t mean it rudely, Remus could tell. He had just spoken his thoughts aloud.

James smacked the back of Peter's head lightly. “That’s rich coming from you, Wormtail.”

What on earth did “Wormtail” come from? Remus wondered.

“Right, sorry.” Peter said to Remus shyly. “Didn’t mean it mean. Nice to meet you, Lupin.”

“You too.” Remus replied.

“Is this your first year here?” Peter asked. Remus nodded. “Ha, good luck.”

Remus raised his eyebrows again.

“Don’t scare him!” James scolded Peter before facing Remus again. “It’s not that bad. Promise. Just pay attention in class and do your homework and you’ll be fine.” He turned back to Peter. “You’ve seen Pads yet?”

What are these names?

Peter shook his head. “Nah, I did see the noble Black car pull in though so he’s not far.”

“Really? When?” James said, swiveling his head to look back through the front doors, even though Remus was sure you wouldn’t be able to see through them from here.

“Right before you yelled for me like you were on fire.” Peter laughed.

“Oh right! Sorry but I feel like I haven’t seen you all summer! Where was it this year again?”

“France.” Peter smiled. “It was nice… just very boring without you and-”

“JAMES!” A voice called, interrupting Peter, causing both boys to turn so quickly Remus was surprised they didn’t break their necks.

“SIRIUS!” James shouted with just as much energy and volume back, causing Remus to wince slightly.

James ran and tackled another boy in a bear hug.

“Ignore them.” Peter said quietly to Remus. Remus blinked, surprised to be acknowledged. He was fine just observing. “They actually haven’t seen each other all summer.”

Remus studied the two boys, still trapped in an intense hug, holding onto each other like if they don’t, they’ll die.

“I’m guessing they're close?” Remus joked.

Peter released a short, sharp laugh. “You could say that. They’re best friends, brothers more like.”

Remus nodded and Peter turned to Remus. “So… first year right? What’s your first class?”

“Oh uh.” Remus patted his pockets before finding his schedule that he had folded. “Honors Chemistry with Slughorn? Room 2c?”

“What? No way! Me too!” Peter smiled. “But you might want to check your homeroom though cause we start there on Mondays.”

“Oh? Okay.” Remus looked back at his paper. “McGonagall?”

“McGonagall! Yes!”

Remus stared at Peter incredulously. “You have her for homeroom too?”

“Yes, she’s the best!” Peter exclaimed. “She comes off as strict but she’s so cool. I can show you where her room is if you want?”

“I need to go to my locker first.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

“What about your friends?” Remus asked, casting a glance to the two boys, no longer attached, but now rapidly talking to each other animatedly.

Peter raised his eyebrows before turning and calling. “Pads! Prongs!”

Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs What on earth?

Both boys turned to Peter in sync and a wide grin formed on the one that wasn’t James’ face.

“Wormy!” He called, walking forward to lock Peter in a tight side hug. “Missed you over the summer. You went to France right? Learn any french?”

“None that I’m speaking to you.” Peter scoffed.

“What? Why not?” The boy gasped dramatically, hand to his chest as if clutching his imaginary pearls.

“Pads, mate. The French teacher can’t even speak French without you correcting her.” James laughed.

“What can I say? Toujour Pur and all that crap.” The boy rolled his eyes. The French, Toujour Pur , looked like it tasted like acid on his tongue. Finally, the boy’s eyes seemed to meet Remus, finally acknowledging him. He raised his eyebrows, pushing Remus to speak first.

James caught the interaction. “Oh! Pads, this is Remus Lupin. He’s new here. Lupin, this is Sirius Black.”

Remus suddenly felt very underdressed. Both Peter and James were wearing plain t-shirts and jeans, James had the addition of a red suede bomber. Remus himself wore a plain blue and brown sweater (despite the heat because he wanted long sleeves), jeans, and glasses. James had glasses too but still. But Sirius was something else altogether. He wore a leather jacket, a Queen band tee, black jeans, and Doc Martens. The boy himself was also a whole nother level. He was beautiful, that much was obvious, with pale, flawless skin, high cheekbones, silky, black curls that fell onto his shoulders, and gray eyes that seemed to pierce through Remus.

Remus realized he was staring for too long without saying anything. Sirius did too.

“Listen.” Sirius removed his arm from Peter. Remus blinked. “If you’re going to be all weird about me being a Black, we can go ahead and cut this conversation short.” Remus was so confused but Sirius turned to Peter. “What’s your homeroom, Pete?”

“Like the star?” Remus asked. Well, okay, it was a question, sure, but he kind of just blurted it out even though it was clear the boy had already moved on.

Sirius turned back to Remus and raised an eyebrow.

“‘ Sirius’ like the star, the dog star, or like seriously ?” Remus went on. Oh, someone please shut me up. The boys looked at him oddly. That is definitely not a normal thing to say. Why did I have to say that? Remus felt himself fidgeting with his sleeve.

“Like the star.” Sirius nodded, still looking at Remus like a puzzle he has yet to solve. “Most people don’t know that.”

“Oh.” Great. I’m already different.

“No, no!” Sirius said quickly. “It’s not a bad thing. Just an observation. What school did you go to before you came here?”

“I was homeschooled.” Remus looked down at his converse, wishing he bought new shoes for school. He felt very underdressed in front of this boy.

“Hey, nothing to be ashamed about.” James reassured him, patting him on his shoulder. Remus slightly leaned away from the touch. Thankfully, James got the hint and removed his hand. “I could’ve been homeschooled.”

“What did you say your homeroom was again, Pete?” Sirius said, still looking at Remus and offering a smirk.


Sirius’ eyes widened and his grin grew before whipping around to face Peter. “Really? Cheers! Me too! Jamey?”

“Don’t call me that.” James grumbled. “Me too. Should we go ahead and head over? We need to let Minnie in on the good news.”

“Good news?” Peter asked.

“That she has the privilege to have us in her homeroom again! Obviously.” James grinned but it was a different grin than last time. Truthfully , Remus thought, that there was no other way to describe that grin as anything other than mischievous Or sh*t-eating .

“Let’s head that way, yeah?” Sirius started to walk away. He turned quickly, taking a few steps backwards to face Remus, to say, “Nice meeting you. See you around, Lupin.”

They walked away, the three of them. Peter apparently forgot that he was going to walk Remus there.

Remus found his locker eventually and put some of his books and binders in there before setting out to look for his homeroom. He looked around for a solid 5 minutes before he decided that he was indeed lost. He must have looked it too because a red-headed girl walked away from the greasy black-haired boy she was talking to.

“Hey! Are you new here? You look lost.” She said bluntly (cheerfully but still blunt).

Remus blinked. “Right on. Okay, yeah. Do you know where McGonagall’s room is? I have her for homeroom.”

“Oh! Really? That’s good news for you, I have her for homeroom too.” She turned to look at her friend before turning back to Remus. “I was just saying goodbye to Sev before I headed over there.”

She walked back to “Sev”, said a few words (Remus was guessing “bye”), and turned back to Remus and led him down the hall.

“I’m Lily, by the way.” She said cheerfully.

“Remus.” Remus supplied politely.

“You’ll love McGonagall!” Lily said to him. “I’ll be honest, she’s kind of scary at first. She scared me at first, not going to lie. But, she’s one of those teachers that actually teaches and cares for the students.”

“Aren’t all teachers supposed to actually teach and care for the students?” Remus asked.

Lily looked at him. “You were homeschooled.”

Not a question. A statement.

“That obvious, huh?”
Lily laughed. “A bit. The truth is that not all teachers actually teach well and not all teachers actually care about their students. It’s the sad truth.”

“Then, why are they teachers?”

“That’s the age old question, Remus, the age old question.”

Lily turned into a classroom and Remus followed her. He immediately spotted the three boys from before, all huddled around a table near the front. Lily led Remus to the front where the teacher, McGonagall, sat at her desk. She was an older woman with her hair pulled back in a tight bun. She had that energy of a woman you didn’t want to mess with.

“Professor McGonagall?” Lily smiled.

McGonagall looked up and didn’t exactly “smile” but certainly looked pleased to see Lily. She didn’t seem like the kind of woman to smile, Remus thought.

“Miss Evans. Lovely to see that you’re in my homeroom this year.” McGonagall

“Me too.”

“Will I see you in Advanced Algebra as well?” McGonagall asked, peering at her overtop her glasses.

“You know it!” Lily smiled.

“Misses McKinnon and Macdonald are already seated over there if you want to go ahead and sit down, Miss Evans.” McGonagall nodded over to a table with two other girls.

“Of course, I will. I just wanted to introduce you to Remus… sorry, I don’t actually know your last name.” Lily turned to Remus.

“Mister Lupin.” McGonagall said. “Welcome to my homeroom. I saw your scores, very impressive, I have to say.”

“Oh. Thank you.” Remus said shyly. He didn’t know that teachers had seen them.

“It appears that I have you for Advanced Algebra as well.” She said after looking down at a paper at her desk.

“Oh! Really?” Lily looked at Remus with her eyebrows raised.

“Mister Lupin, you may go ahead and sit with Miss Evans, seeing as you have already accumulated. We’ll begin shortly.” And with that, she turned back to her paperwork.

Lily grabbed Remus’ sleeve and pulled him over to her table past the boys from earlier, who were staring at him, studying him. He looked away nervously.

The two girls looked up from their magazine that they were sharing when Remus and Lily approached the table. One had warm brown skin, dark curly hair, and brown eyes like a doe. Her full, glossy lips smirked slightly, making her seem amused at Remus’ mere existence. The other had light blonde hair that was choppy like a rockstar and her blue eyes outlined black eyeliner that made them stand out like little diamonds.

“Lily!” The darker-haired girl smiled at Lily before gesturing to Remus. “Who’s this?”

“Remus Lupin.” Lily sat down next to her, leaving the chair next to the blonde for Remus. He sat down at that one.

“Nice to meet you, Lupin.” The blonde gave him a short nod and held out her hand. He shook it hesitantly. “Marlene McKinnon.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“I’m Mary Macdonald.” The other girl smiled kindly at him. She still looked amused but less so. “Are you new here?”

“Yeah.” Remus nodded, looking down at his hand in his lap before thinking that that might be rude and looking up.

“Want some tips?” Mary asked.


“Great. Stay away from these boys Mulciber, Avery, and Snape-”

“Mary!” Lily interrupted. “Snape’s not like them!”

“Yeah right. Sure, he isn’t.” Marlene rolled her eyes. “You’re biased because you grew up with him. He doesn’t bother you but we’re trying to help ol’ Lupin here.”

Remus raised an eyebrow.

“Was that the boy you were talking to in the hallway?” He asked Lily.

“Did he have greasy black hair, a big nose, and a permanent scowl?” Marlene asked despite the protests of Lily.


“Yes?” Remus said, not looking at Lily.

“Then yes.” Mary said. “That lot’s a bunch of jerks and I would advise you to stay clear of them. You seem like the soft type and they’ll eat you alive.”

Remus furrowed his brows, offended. “Soft type?”

Marlene laughed. “It’s not an insult, Lupin. Well, it might be. Who knows? Depends on the person, I guess.”

“Right.” Remus rolled his eyes. He was getting more comfortable, more relaxed and he knew from experience, that he got less shy the more comfortable he was. He turned in his chair to face Marlene. “What else do I need to know? Any other people I should avoid?”
Marlene smirked, accepting the challenge. She pondered the question for a moment before nodding to gesture over Remus' shoulder. “Them.”

Remus followed her line of sight over to the three boys from earlier. James and Peter were talking animatedly but Sirius must have sensed Remus’ eyes and turned to look at him. He studied Remus for a moment before smirking at Marlene over Remus’ shoulder.

“Alright, Mckinnon?” He called.

“Alright, What ‘bout you, Black?”

Sirius’ smile dropped a little and he made his way over to Remus’ table, placing one hand on the back of Remus’ chair. “Mckinnon, Mckinnon. How long have we known each other?”

Marlene scoffed but Remus could tell she was enjoying this game. If a “game” was what this was. “Since middle school, unfortunately.”

“Unfortunately?!” Sirius gasped, clutching his metaphorical pearls again. “You wound me, Mckinnon.”

“My goal in life.” She deadpanned.

Sirius rolled his eyes. “Right. We’ve known each other since the 6th grade, Mckinnon. Why do you still use my last name?”

“You still use her’s.” Mary pointed out but Sirius waved his hand as if physically brushing Mary’s comment away.

“That’s different.” Sirius said, still facing Marlene, waiting for her answer.

“It doesn’t matter how long I’ve known you.” Marlene explained. “I’ve known Potter and Pettigrew since we were little kids and I still call them Potter and Pettigrew .”

“You don’t call Macdonald and Evans by their last names.” Sirius observed.

“I know them better and I still call them Macdonald and Evans sometimes.”

“Okay but can I be one of the people you don’t call by their last names?” Sirius asked, he was still smiling but his eyes were serious and genuine.

“Why?” Marlene asked. “Don’t like the entirety of Black Enterprises on your shoulders?”

That’s where I’ve heard the name ‘Black’ from , Remus realized.

“No. I don’t.” Sirius dropped his smile.

A silent understanding passed between the two of them.

“Fine. But, it’s still McKinnon to you, got it?” Marlene pointed at him.

Sirius’ smile reformed. “Deal.”

“Great. Go back to the other marauders .” Marlene rolled her eyes, turning away from him and back to the table.

“Fine. Nice talking to you, McKinnon.” He smirked, causing another eye roll from Marlene. He nodded to the rest of the table. “Ladies.” He made eye contact with Remus and nodded. “Lupin.”

He walked back to his table, turning his chair around and sitting in it backwards in one fluid moment.

Remus turned to face Marlene. “So… don’t talk to those people you just had a full conversation with?”

Marlene raised her eyebrows with a smile. “Oh, you’re a snarky one, aren’t you?”

“We’re friends with them.” Mary explained. Remus raised his eyebrows. “I know it doesn’t seem like it. We aren’t even sure how it happened, just that it happened sometime last year and now we are. So trust us when we say that they’re trouble.”

“Trouble?” Remus looked over his shoulder to the three boys, who were all laughing too loudly.

“Yeah.” Lily tutted. “Trouble.”

Lily seemed to be the only one who wasn’t amused by them. In fact she seemed more annoyed than anything.

“Ignore her.” Mary told him. “She’s friends with them too, she just doesn’t like Potter.”

“Why not?” Remus asked, leaning over his crossed arms on his desk.

“Potter has a massive crush on her.” Marlene snorted. “Very loud about it too. He asks her out on every occasion. It’ll be a miracle, if you can get through the entire day without hearing him do it at least once.”

“Also,” Mary added. “Him and Snape aren’t exactly ‘besties’.”

“Oh, gotcha.” Remus nodded as the bell rang.

Everyone stood up at once, and Remus scrambled up to follow but remained quiet as everyone said the pledge of allegiance. Everyone promptly sat down so Remus did as well.

“Attention, class.” McGonagall called. The room fell silent in a single woosh . “Welcome to my homeroom. You will be coming here every monday morning. You do not get actually taught in this class, but that does not mean that you should do nothing here. I strongly recommend you all to use this time as a given study hall. Right, go on.”

McGonagall sat down and everyone resumed talking.

“Oi, Evans!”

“That was quick.” Marlene whispered.

Remus watched as Lily visibly deflated. She rolled her eyes and sighed, hanging her head for a moment to look over where James was sauntering over to the table.

“Yes, Potter?”

“It’s a new year.” James puts his hand on her desk and leans over the table slightly.

“Really? Didn’t notice.” Lily glared at him.

Remus turned to see Mary and Marlene covering their laughter with their hands, barely stopping it from coming out.

“You know what they say about new years?” James asked.

“No. What? What do they say about new years, Potter?”

“They’re perfect for trying new things.” James raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“That’s the actual New Year, Potter.” Lily stared at James like he was the actual dumbest person in the world.

“It could apply here too.” James said hopefully.

“But it won’t.” Lily started to turn away.

“Oh, come on, Evans!” James pouted but his eyes still rang joyful and mischievous.

“Oh, come off it, Potter.” Lily snapped lightly. “Go back to your friends.”

“Oh! That reminds me of what I came over here for.”

“You didn’t come over here to get denied by Lily for the hundredth time?” Marlene asked, amused.

James playfully glared at her. “No. I actually came over here to ask Lupin what his next classes are.”

“Really?” Remus looked up at him.

“Yeah, Pete said he was going to walk you to class, because you're new and all, but forgot. So, I thought that I’d see what your schedule is so you can have at least one person to show you to each class throughout the day. The place is like a maze, I swear.”

Lily peered at James skeptically. “That’s surprisingly nice, Potter.”

Marlene snorted.

“I’m a very nice person, you know.” James whirled on her, offended. “You only think I’m mean because of Snape. He’s the only person I’m ‘ mean ’ to and he deserves it.”

Remus saw Marlene shake her head in the corner of his eye.

“He doesn’t deserve it!” Lily spat.

“Evans, I don’t want to argue with you. That’s not why I came over.”

Lily rolled her eyes and turned to Mary while James turned to Remus.


Oh! “Right, sorry.” Remus got his schedule out of his pocket and passed it over.

“No need to apologize, mate.” James took the paper. “You have Chemistry with Pete, English with Sirius, algebra with Sirius and me, creative writing with Sirius, and then PE and History with all of us!”

“You’ve memorized all of your schedules already?” Lily asked incredulously.

“Yeah?” James shrugged. “I’ve got a good memory.”

“You’ve asked me what your middle name was once.” Marlene scoffed.

“I have a very selective good memory.” He corrected himself. “Comes with ADHD.”

Lily scoffed. James turned back to Remus and handed him back his schedule. “See you in algebra, Lupin.”

“Wait.” Lily said. James stopped mid-turn and turned around. “McGonagall said that Remus was in Advanced Algebra. You’re telling me that you and Sirius are in Advanced Algebra?”

“We’re not stupid, Evans.” James said solemnly.

“I never said you were.” She gaped.

“Then don’t act so surprised.” James returned to his table.

“Remus,” Mary started, turning all attention onto her. “Where did you go to school before here? MPS?”

Remus didn’t know what MPS was. “No, I was homeschooled.”

“Oh, cool!” Mary sighed. “I’m glad I wasn’t homeschooled. No offense to you. I just know that my mom wouldn’t have been able to teach me well.”


The girls started talking amongst each other about their summers and Remus mostly tuned them out. As soon as it was clear that he wasn’t needed in the conversation, he got his book out of his corduroy backpack and started to read. He ended up reading for the entire 30-minute homeroom time period.

Remus was dyslexic. The doctors said it was because of his ADHD but still. Remus could still read, it just took him a long time, longer than his classmates probably. That never stopped him though. He loved reading. He was never anywhere without a book or long without reading something.

* * *

The bell rang.

“‘You ready for Honors Chem?” Peter asked, suddenly appearing by Remus’ shoulder. Remus slipped his book back into his bag.


“You have Honors Chem, Remus?” Lily asked, standing up as well. Remus nodded. “Perfect! Me too! I’m meeting Sev there.”
Remus saw Peter roll his eyes in the corner of his eye.

“Let’s go then.” Peter said.

Remus stood up.

“Blimey!” Remus turned around to Marlene, staring at him with a shocked expression. “You’re a freaking giant!”

Remus felt his face get hot. He knew he was tall but when you only really ever see your parents and you’ve been taller than your mom since you were twelve and your dad is 6’2, you don’t really have the chance to compare your height to other kids. Standing now, Marlene’s forehead came to Remus’ shoulder.

“You really are.” Peter nodded. He (the top of his head) also only came up to Remus’s chin. Lily wasn’t even to the shoulders. “How tall are you?”

“6’1?” Remus supplied.

“Dang. Just- dang.” Peter sighed. “Let’s go.”

Remus followed Peter and Lily all the way to the second floor into the chemistry lab.

“Miss Evans!” The teacher called when they entered. He was a bigger, pudgy man with graying hair. Slughorn , Remus was sure it was. “So pleased that you’re in honors, my dear.”

“Hello, Mr. Slughorn.” Lily smiled politely.

“Mr. Pettigrew. Glad to have you too, my son.” Slughorn smiled before turning to Remus. “You must be Mr. Lupin.”

“Yes, sir.” Remus nodded.

“Lovely to have you in my class, my boy.”

“Proud to be here, sir.” Remus replied.

“We’re working with partners a lot this year so if you have someone in mind, go ahead and sit down with them.” Slughorn said to all of them before greeting the people who came in behind them.

Lily turned to Remus. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to work with Severus.”

“I don’t mind at all.” Remus said.

“Great!” Lily grinned and turned to go sit with the boy.

“I don’t know why she’s friends with him.” Peter shook his head. “Want to be partners, Remus?”

They sit down at one of the tables near the back by the windows.

“Question,” Remus started. Peter looked at him, waiting for him to continue. ‘You called me Remus-”


“And Lily called me Remus but everyone else has called me by my last name.” Remus told him. “Why?”

“Oh, yeah. It’s a bit weird.” Peter pulled his binder out of his bag. “It’s a rich people thing. I pay no mind to it. You just get used to it after a while.”

“Got it.”

The bell rang. Slughorn introduced himself and explained what we would learn about that year. He also mentioned that we would be going on a field trip early on in the year, only on the second week, to Black Enterprises’ tower. He said that only Honors Chemistry would go and that they needed to get a permission slip signed by their parents. Other than that, he just explained the class.

In fact, that’s what most classes did. They just explained what they were going to be learning about that year and not much else. In AP English, he had a very short teacher named Flitwick and had McGonagall for Advanced Algebra. Both of which, Lily was the one who showed Remus where the classes were.

After Algebra, Sirius sauntered over to Remus and leaned over his desk. “You have creative writing?”

Remus, at that moment, thought that the universe was cruel because in front of him was a boy with flawless skin and perfect features at fifteen ! Meanwhile, Remus was all scrawny and pimple-covered.

“Yeah, I do.” Remus answered, grabbing his bag and standing up.

Sirius looked up at him and Remus, for once, was proud of his height, glad that he had something over Sirius.

“Great, I’ll show you where it is.” Sirius led Remus through the hallway. “I’m pretty sure that we’re in the same room as the school paper this year too.”

“There’s a school paper?” Remus asked.

“Yeah, do you write- wait, no.” Sirius cut himself off. “I was about to ask if you like writing because then you could write for it but that's a dumb question seeing as we’re literally on the way to creative writing. Excuse me.”

Remus smiled at him.

“What I mean to say is,” Sirius looked up at him. “Would you like to write for the paper?”

“No, probably not.” Remus said. “I might ask if I can shoot for it though.”

“You like photography?”

Remus had gotten an old, broken camera from a pawn shop when he was twelve with his mother. He hadn’t even been into photography at the time, he just really liked the technology behind it, the idea that he might be able to fix it. So he did. He took it home, fixed it, and became fascinated by photography. It was one of the only reasons he could convince his mom to let him out. He would go around the city with his mom or to the park and would photograph everything. From plants to people, he even convinced his mom to model for him quite a bit.

He thought he was good so he turned a few shots in a photography contest once when he was fourteen and ended up winning third in the state.

Of course, he didn’t say any of that to Sirius. He just nodded and said, “Yeah.”

“You might get the job,” Sirius walked into a classroom. “Our last photographer graduated last year so yeah.”

And the class began.

* * *

Next was PE, which Remus quickly discovered was his least favorite subject.

Good news: he had it with the three boys from before which Remus was starting to think that he liked.

Bad news: PE sucked.

First thing that sucked was when he got there, they had to change out of their clothes and put on gym clothes. Remus didn’t want to change in front of everyone. James had no problem doing just that, showing off his perfectly fit, athletic body that Remus was jealous of. However, James isn’t covered in scars, Remus was. So, he opted to change in the bathroom stall, pulling on the black shorts and long-sleeve shirt (there was a short-sleeve option which most of the boys chose but Remus wanted to cover his arms). He also tried to take off his glasses because James said that if we were playing a game or something, it would be better, but they didn’t play a game.

Second thing that sucked about PE was that they had to run 5 laps around the basketball court and a small detail about Remus was that he had asthma… like bad . He barely made one lap before he asked Hooch to let him sit in the stands. Which he did, sucking on his inhaler like it was the only thing keeping him alive, which it technically was.

James finished first and immediately walked over to Remus and sat beside him.

“You know,” He started. “If you told Coach Hooch that you had asthma, she wouldn’t have made you run at all.”

Remus leaned on his arm which was placed on his knee to stare at James. “Really? You couldn’t have told me that before?”

James laughed. “How was I supposed to know?”

Remus rolled his eyes and leaned back on the bench behind him, watching everyone else finish their laps and disperse to drink water.

“So, Lupin,” James said as Sirius made his way up the stands with Peter in tow. “Are you staying on campus?”

“Huh?” Remus asked before the question caught up to him. “Oh. No. My mam wants me to stay with her. You?”

“My mom would love it if I stayed with her but I like staying on campus, it makes everything convenient.” James smiled. “I share a dorm with Sirius and Peter and we’re supposed to have another roommate.”

“Supposed to?” Remus asked.

Sirius sat on the other side of James and Peter sat in front of them, facing them. Sirius laughed. “Yeah, we went through quite a few room-mates last year.”


“Yeah!” Peter took a huge gulp from his water bottle. “We had Preston Fawley, Amos Diggory, they even tried putting a junior with us, Frank Longbottom. None of them seemed to like us, I guess.”

The three boys didn’t seem too sorry, they all had matching mischievous grins.

“I wonder why.” Remus deadpanned, which resulted in the three boys laughing.

* * *

After that was history, which was boring but then he was let go. His mam picked him up in their family van.

“How was it?” Hope asked.

“I think I’m going to like it, mam.”

She smiled at him in the mirror.

“We’re going on a field trip next week.” He mentioned.


Great , Remus thought. She already doesn’t like this idea.

“Yeah,” Remus nodded. “To Black Enterprises' Tower? It’s for Chemistry.”

“Oh, I don’t know, fy annwyl.” She tutted. Hope Lupin was born and raised in Wales, she came to America for college and met Remus’ dad. She spoke Welsh sparsely because Lyall couldn’t understand it, usually sticking to terms of endearment, or when she wanted to talk about her husband in front of Remus because Remus picked it up very quickly and was able to speak it. “You know me and your dad don’t really like Black Enterprises. We don’t trust them.”

“I know but it’s for educational purposes, mam!” Remus begged. He didn’t even realize how much he had wanted to go. “Os gwelwch yn dda!”

“We’ll ask your dad.”

His dad said no.

Now, Remus Lupin has always been an obedient kid. He never outright disobeyed his parents (other than to apply for Midtown) so he has no idea what possessed him to do what he did. Later, he will think of it as one of the worst and best decisions he has ever made, depending on the day.

After dinner, in his room, he took his permission slip and signed it. He signed his mother’s name along the line, thanking that signatures usually look messy and unreadable, and put it back in his binder pocket.

Chapter 2: Moons, Skateboards, and Stink Bombs


Sirius' POV! Woohoo!

Okay, so technically Remus gets bitten in this chapter... you just don't actually get to read him experiencing it. That'll be next chapter.

Also, I forgot to mention in the last chapter but anything in italics (phrases and sentences, not singular words) are the 1st-person thoughts of whoever's POV it is. Just thought I'd let you know that about my writing style.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sirius Black

Wednesday | September 3rd

“You’re staring again.”

Sirius turned around to face James, who was seated at the desk in front of him.


“Pads,” James rolled his eyes. “You’re staring at the new kid, Lupin, again.”

“Am not!”

“Whatever.” James turned back to the front and Sirius let his eyes drift across the classroom to where Remus Lupin sat, paying attention to the lesson.

Remus was quite a character in Sirius’ opinion. He seemed so shy at first when Sirius had met him in the hallway. But, after creative writing, he wasn’t not-shy exactly, he just didn’t stop himself from saying some things like he was before. Remus was funny if he let himself be, he had that kind of sarcastic, dry humor.

However that wasn’t why Sirius couldn’t stop staring at him. First, the original reason was because Remus was attractive. Very attractive . The kind of attractiveness that was only multiplied because he didn’t know it. He was tall, with soft amber eyes, a kind smile, and sharp jawline. He had tawny brown curls that hung in his eyes when he looked down and skin covered in freckles. He had bad acne but Sirius didn’t find that unattractive. It just made him look more real .

But, because Sirius stared at him for that reason, he noticed some other things about him that were a little peculiar.

First, he couldn’t sit still, a little like James. His fidgets were just quieter. He blinked a lot, would bounce his leg, twirl his pencil or pen, or tap his fingers along his leg, or even play with his sleeves.

Second, he didn’t really write notes. Like he did but didn’t. He wrote a lot of key points but would doodle more. He also didn’t write in only one language. He would switch from English to something else that Sirius would’ve thought was a keyboard smash if it wasn’t written. Not like Sirius could even read the English parts. Remus had really bad handwriting. Like really bad .

Remus would also space out a lot like in the middle of conversations or lessons. He would just look ahead but his mind would be elsewhere. And if he wasn’t stuck in his head, he’d be stuck in a book.

The most recent observation had been that Remus hadn’t shown up to lunch Monday or Tuesday. Which could have meant that he had a different lunch than Sirius but, Sirius knew that that wasn’t true because they had the same 4th period. Remus just didn’t show up.

The bell rang.

Sirius made his way over to Remus to walk him to creative writing like he had for the past two days.

“Alright, Lupin?” He asked as Remus stood up. Remus smiled at him shyly.

“Alright.” Remus said as they started to walk to 4th period. “You?”

“I’m fine.” Sirius nodded, looking up at Remus. “Mind if we stop by my locker?”

Remus shook his head.

Sirius emptied his bag and grabbed his journal as well as the soda bottle he left there that morning. “Are you excited?”
“For?” Remus asked.

That’s another thing that Sirius had noticed about Remus. Remus was taller than everyone (that much was obvious) but he liked to see people’s mouths (their whole face really but if it was loud then just the mouth) when they’re talking to him. So, he would lean down a little in order to see people’s faces, which Sirius found… well, he didn’t actually know how he felt about it.

It’s nice , Sirius thought. That he makes the effort to be kind . But, it did something weird to Sirius’ stomach that he couldn't explain.

“We’re doing our first creative writing today.” Sirius explained as they continued to Flitwick’s classroom. “He’ll give us a prompt and then we’ll have the entire class period to finish it.”

Remus furrowed his eyebrows.

“You good?” Sirius asked, walking into the room to go to their desks by the windows.

“Yeah, I just forgot about that.”

“You’ll do fine, don’t worry.” Sirius assured him. “You’re always reading, you’re bound to have some good stories stored in there.”

“I’m not really fond of plagiarizing, Sirius.” Sirius liked the way that Remus said his name, maybe because Remus didn’t find it weird, because he knew what Sirius was named after.

“Not plagiarizing.” Sirius sat down on Remus’ desk, silently ecstatic to be looking down on him for once. “It’s just- you seem like the creative type. I’m sure that you’ll do fine.”
Remus smiled and Sirius returned to his own desk.

“Attention, everyone!” Mr. Flitwick called. “Your prompt is on the board, begin writing! Turn it in on my desk when the bell rings.”

'Write a letter to next year you. Tell future-you about you now. Write your goals. What you hope they have accomplished by now .'

* * *

The bell rang. Sirius set his paper on his desk and waited by the door for Remus. He was waiting both as a courtesy and to see where he went after instead of lunch.

Remus didn’t put his paper down however. He just walked straight to Flitwick and spoke to him, gesturing to the paper occasionally. Flitwick nodded and Remus put his paper in his backpack before turning to walk out. Hesitating when he saw Sirius before walking up to him.

“Hey,” He smiled.

“Hey.” Sirius gave a short nod. “What were you talking to Flitwick about?”

“Oh.” Remus hung his head a little, hiding his eyes. “I was asking for extra time.”

Sirius’ eyes widened. “We can do that!?”

“Well, uhm, no.”

“No? But you did?”

“I have-” Remus frowned. “I need extra help for some things.”

“Oh, do you have ADHD or something?” Sirius asked. He knew James sometimes got extra time on tests because of it.

Remus looked a little surprised. “Uh, yeah. I have ADHD.”

“Cool. ‘You heading to lunch?”

“Lunch? Yeah. I just have to go to my locker.” Remus nodded. “I’ll meet you there, yeah?”

Sirius couldn’t really offer to go with him now that he had walked away so he had no choice but to go ahead and go to lunch where Peter and James were waiting for him at their usual table.

“How was creative writing?” Peter asked.

“Yeah, how was staring at Lupin for an entire class again?” James raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t stare at him!” Sirius collapsed onto his stool, exasperated. “And it was great, Pete. Thanks for asking.”

“Soccer tryouts are the week after next. You ready, Pads?” James asked. He was bouncing in his seat, paying no mind to his food which Sirius couldn’t recognize.

“As ever!” Sirius’ eyes caught on someone who just entered. He stood up from his seat to wave him over. “Oi, Lupin!”

Remus immediately located him. Sirius gestured him over but just as Remus was making his way over, he was interrupted by Lily, who ran over and grabbed his arm for his attention. Remus flinched away from the touch but still looked at her kindly. The pair spoke for a bit before Lily made her way back to her table and Remus joined the boys.

“Alright, Lupin?” James asked.

Remus nodded.

“What did Evans want?” James asked, clearly onto the more important topic in his mind now that pleasantries were over with.

“I asked if the school paper needed a photographer and she just told me that I got the job.” Remus said.

“Good for you!” Peter said with a mouthful of sandwich.

“Ugh, Wormtail! Swallow before you talk!” Sirius grimaced.

Peter stuck his food-covered tongue out at Sirius before finishing his bite. “Better, my lord?”

“Yes, indeed.” Sirius said, his voice just as mocking as Peter’s. “Thank you, my dear peasant.”

Peter rolled his eyes and turned to Remus. “Did your parents sign the permission slip?”

“What permission slip?” James asked, slight panic edging on his voice. James would forget his head if Sirius and Peter didn’t remind him.

“Honors Chemistry are going on a field trip to-” Peter looked at Sirius cautiously. “Black Enterprises’ Tower.”

“Honestly,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to catch on fire if you mention it.”

“Debatable.” James grumbled. Sirius glared at him.

“Well, Remus? Did you get it signed?” Peter repeated.

“It is signed, yes.” Remus answered carefully.

“Why did you say it like that?” Sirius asked. James raised an eyebrow.

“The paper is signed.” Remus repeated. “Just not by my parents.”

“Do you not live with your parents?” James asked.

“No, I do.”

“Lupin,” Sirius started, sh*t-eating grin forming. “Did you forge your parents’ signature?”

Remus sucked his lips in. “Maybe?”

“Lupin!” Sirius gasped, clutching his chest. “You scandal!”

“You deviant!” James added.

“You trickster!” Peter added.

Remus looked both confused and scared at the three boys. “My mom said no but I wanted to go so I just… signed her name.”

“Oh, I like you.” Sirius nodded before turning to his food. “Why didn’t you come to lunch before?”

“Oh,” Remus bit his lip. “I had meetings with Dumbledore and all of my teachers about the help I need and all of that.”

“You have ADHD too?!” James asked excitedly.


“I agree with Sirius,” James nodded, putting a mouthful of yellow rice in his mouth before pointing at Remus with his fork. “I like you.”

* * *

Another PE passed where Remus ran one lap and then opted out. Which, honestly, Sirius couldn’t blame him for. James had explained that Remus had asthma and Sirius wished he had it just to avoid all of this running. Was that insensitive to people with asthma? Probably. Did he care? No.

Afterwards, he made his way to Remus, talked a bit before the bell rang and they all went to history together.

Sirius didn’t like history. He had nothing against the subject per se but it was a lot of memorization and not enough application so he got bored easily. It didn’t help that the teacher, Mr. Binns, was incredibly boring. Apparently, he even taught James’ parents.

Sirius subconsciously followed Remus to his locker after class while talking about the homework and immediately cut himself off when Remus opened his locker.

“Is that a skateboard?” Sirius asked.

Remus pulled it out. “No, it's a ballet slipper.” Remus rolled his eyes. “Yes, it’s a skateboard.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you get sassier throughout the day?” Sirius looked at the board. The bottom didn’t have a cool design like Sirius hoped for though, just plain wood. “Why is it in your locker?”

“So I don’t have to carry it around all day?” Remus took it away from Sirius. “I ride it to school.”

“Really?” Sirius smirked. “That’s sick.”

Remus smiled, clearly amused by Sirius’ enthusiasm.

“Why don’t you have a cool design on the bottom?”

“Huh? Oh. I don’t know.” Remus studied the bottom as they walked to the door. “My mam wanted to paint it but never got around to it.”

“Can I?” Sirius asked, now outside and walking to the left with Remus instead of the right where the dorms are. “Paint it, I mean?”

“You want to paint my board?” Remus asked, incredulous.

“Yeah!” Sirius exclaimed. “We’re friends now, right?”

“Oh, are we?” Remus raised his brows, amused.

“Yes!” Sirius playfully shoved him before remembering Remus’ aversion to touch. “This can be a signifier for that.”

“I didn’t realize that friendships had to be signified.” Remus smirked. He shook his head, ruffling up his curls. “When would you be able to? I need it to get home and to school and you don’t have time throughout the day. Unless you're planning on painting it in the middle of Advanced Algebra.”

“That seems like a fun idea. Imagine Minnie’s face.” Sirius grinned mischievously.

“I can’t imagine it’ll change much.” Remus dropped his board on the ground, putting one foot on it.

“What about this Saturday?” Sirius offered. Remus raised an eyebrow. “You can come over to me and the guys’ dorm and I’ll paint it for you then while you hang out with us.”

“You guys actually want to hang out with me?” Remus asked.

“Yes! Of course! We like you.” Sirius stared him down, hoping that he’ll get the message.

“Fine, I’ll drop the board off.” Remus sighed, dragging his hand through his hair, pushing it off his forehead. “I’ll drop it off because I have a photoshoot with Mary at one and afterwards I’ll hang around.”

“A photoshoot?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.

` Remus let out a humor-filled breath. “Yeah, she heard about me being the photographer for the paper and asked if I could give her a photoshoot in exchange for some help with English.”

“You need help in English?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m excited.” Remus pulled the other strap of his backpack on. “I’ve never shot anyone other than my mam.”

Sirius laughed. “We’re room 4a but if you don’t remember, our names are by the number in the lobby.”

“See you, Sirius.”

“See you, Lupin.”

* * *

Saturday | September 6th

Saturday came quickly and Sirius, Peter, and James were talking about their newest idea of a prank on Snape.

“Honestly, Prongs.” Sirius started as there was a knock on the door. He got up to open it, talking while going, “I like the stink bombs idea but we can’t afford them.”

Sirius opened the door and was met with Remus Lupin, who was wearing baggy jeans, a baggy t-shirt, a flannel (despite how hot it has to be outside), and red high-top converse. He smiled that shy Remus Lupin smile and held up his board.

“I brought it.” He said. “Now, what did I hear about stink bombs ?”

Sirius held the door open for Remus to come in and closed it behind him. James was sitting at the desk, spinning around in the chair, and Peter was laying on the top bunk, so Remus on Sirius bottom bunk.

“Prongs, move. I need to sit at the desk so I can paint.”

James moved to sit by Remus and Sirius took his place at the desk, already getting out his paints.

“We’re planning on pranking Snivellus and we’re trying to figure out the best way.” Peter told Remus.

“Snivellus?” Remus asked.

“Snape.” James fell back onto Sirius’ pillow. “Lily’s friend.”

“Oh. Him.” Remus said with as much enthusiasm as talking about chores. “Why are you pranking him? Has he done something?”

The three boys– Peter, James, and Sirius– all shared a knowing glance which Remus rolled his eyes to.

“So, I’m guessing he’s done nothing?” Remus guessed. James nodded, ashamed. “Do you think this might be why Lily doesn’t like you, James? You’re pranking her friend for no reason other than just existing.”

“Whoa, whoa!” James sat up. “He’s not innocent, Lupin. He’s an absolute jerk.”

Remus raised his eyebrows. “How is he a jerk?”
James swallowed. “There are two ways to get into this school. Either you meet all of the requirements and pay the high tuition or you get a scholarship. To me, whichever way you get in doesn’t matter.”

“I got a scholarship.” Remus confessed quietly. Sirius hated how ashamed he seemed about it.

“It doesn’t really matter how you get in,” Sirius added, desperate to make sure Remus didn’t feel like he was. “It doesn’t matter to us anyway.”

“Right.” James smiled at Sirius appreciatively. “Snive- Snape is one of the scholarship students– which like we said, doesn’t matter– but he acts like he’s not. He acts as if he’s one of the people who paid the tuition and that he’s better than all of the scholarship kids. He’ll call them names, treat them as if they’re less. Even though Lily is a scholarship student too.”

Remus’ brows furrowed. “How come Lily doesn’t say anything?”

“He doesn’t say anything around her, so he gets to walk around as Mr. Innocent in her books while we’re the bad guy bullies.” Sirius groaned, still sat backwards in the desk chair in order to talk with everyone.

Remus nodded and something sparked in his eye. Something that Sirius loved . It was a mischievous glint that Sirius didn’t think Remus was capable of.

“So what’s the plan?” Remus leaned forward over his arms which rested on his thighs.

James and Sirius shared a look.

James and Sirius had been friends since they were eleven. They had sat next to each other on the first day of school and instantly clicked. It was as if they had been friends their whole life. They’ve only grown closer since then. Which resulted in their “looks”. Lily and the girls, and even sometimes Peter, hated them because with these simple looks to each other, they can know what the other is thinking. It was their magic ability, their super power.

Now, this look meant ‘ Remus wants to join the plan. Do we want to let him join? We never let anyone join in. We don’t even let the girls join in. I think we should. Let’s include him.

James turned to Remus. “We want to prank his entire dorm because his roommates, Mulciber and Avery, aren’t much better. We wanted to use stink bombs but we can’t.”

“Why not?”

“We can’t buy them.” Peter groaned from the top bunk. “Sirius’ allowance is essentially non-existent right now, James’ parents are going to need the receipts if he asks them for money, and my parents don’t give me an allowance, they just fill the lunch bill.”

“Why don’t you just make them?” Remus suggested simply.

All three of the other boys whipped their heads to stare at Remus, who visibly startled and froze at the sudden attention.

“What?” James asked.

“Uhm…” Remus swallowed, clearly not expecting this response. “You could just make them. They’re not that difficult and the ingredients are inconspicuous so your parents wouldn’t know any better.”

“Do you know how to make home-made stink bombs, Lupin?” Sirius pushed his chair to roll closer to the bed.

Remus looked at his watch. “Look, I have to go to Mary but… do you have a pen and paper?”

Sirius rushed to hand him a sharpie and sticky-note pad, never leaving the chair. He had just grabbed them off his desk when Remus simply walked over. He leaned over the desk to write, right next to Sirius. When he did so, his necklace fell out of his shirt.

Sirius blinked. Remus didn’t seem like the type to wear jewelry but Sirius stands corrected. He had two. One shorter, slightly thicker chain and a thinner one that had a charm: a crescent moon. Both silver. It gave Sirius an idea for Remus’ board.

“Here.” Remus passed Sirius the sticky note. It had a chemical formula on it as well as the name of the ingredient in parenthesis below it. Remus grabbed his bag and started for the door. “I won’t be gone long, just get the stuff and I can help you guys put it together. See you later.”

As soon as the door closed, James turned Sirius’ chair around to face him. “He’s a marauder.”

Sirius blinked at him. James continued, “I want to make him a marauder. He’s already our friend, we’ve connected to him quicker than any of the other people who try to join. He’s okay with pranking and he’s hilarious. I think we need to make him official.”

“Prongs,” Sirius started. Truthfully, he had been thinking the same thing but he wanted to make sure that James was serious because even though Sirius had only known Remus for a week, Sirius could tell that Remus doubted himself a lot. He didn’t believe that he was likable or that people actually wanted to hang out or talk with him. Which was honestly ridiculous because in one short week, he’s gained the hearts of so many people. Sirius didn’t want to make Remus a marauder just to leave him after the high of him helping with this prank wore off. “Are you sure? We haven’t added anybody since we three became friends in the sixth grade.”

“I know but he just clicks , you know?” James sighed happily. “I think we should make him an official marauder.”

Sirius smiled. “I agree.”

“This means he needs a nickname, you know.” Peter added. They both look up at him. “We all have nicknames, he needs one too so he’s not left out.”

“We’ll think on it.” James smiled, collapsing back onto Sirius’ bed.

“Hey,” Sirius started. “I’m going to paint Remus’ board. Do you guys want to go get the stuff for the bombs?”

Peter jumped down and grabbed the sticky-note. “I think we can get all of this. Prongs?”

James peered over Peter’s shoulder. “Yeah, I think we can. We’ll see you in a bit, Padfoot?”

“Yeah.” Sirius turned around to face the desk.

“We’ll have to take the subway to my place to get the money so we might take awhile. Alright?”

Sirius nodded and began to paint.

* * *

James and Peter arrived a little over an hour later with shopping bags in hand. Sirius had already finished the board and was now just adding a varnish to stop it from chipping. Sirius knew that skateboards get really scratched up with use and that his design won’t remain perfect forever but he wanted it to last as long as it could.

“Mami says hi.” James said as collapsed onto Sirius’ bed.

Sirius turned around in his chair. “How is Effie?”

‘Effie’ is what everyone called James’ mom, Euphemia. His dad, Fleamont, was called ‘Monty’. They were practically Sirius’ parents in every way other than blood. They had taken to him after the first time he met them. They were everything that parents should be. Everything that Sirius’ parents were not.

“She’s great. She asked after you.”

“Oh?” Sirius grinned. He loved being asked about. He loved that Effie and Monty never failed to ask for him. “And what did you say?”

“That you’re a dick like always.”

Sirius laughed just as there was a knock on the door.

“Come on in, Lupin!” James called. Sirius hastily flipped over the board so that the design was facing the desk.

“Hey.” Remus smiled as he walked in.

“How was the photoshoot with Mary?” Sirius asked, placing his hands on the top of the back of the chair and placing his chin on top.

“Amazing. She’s gorgeous and easy to work with.” Remus sat down next to James. “She was very professional about it. I didn’t even have to tell her what to do or anything.”

“Anyone could’ve told you that Mary’s gorgeous, mate.” Peter said, sitting down on James’ bottom bunk across from them.

Remus turned to Sirius. “Did you finish?”

Sirius smiled. “Yes, I did.”

Sirius painted it black with paint splatter stars. In the middle, in between the wheels, he painted the moon phases, starting with the new moon going to the full and back to the new, all in a line. He had used silver to accent everything. He painted green vines that crawled over the moons with silver thorns embedded in. Sirius even sneaked in a few actual constellations like Leo, Canis Major, and Lupus.

He passed the board over to Remus and watched greedily as Remus’ eyes widened and his mouth opened in surprise.

“Oh my-” He gaped. “What on Earth, Sirius? This is incredible! How'd you know I liked the moon?”

Remus looked up and locked eyes with Sirius, amber eyes locked on silver.

“I saw the charm on your chain.” Sirius pointed to where the chain sat under Remus’ shirt. Remus raised his eyebrows and pulled it out.

“How-” Remus started then just shook his head. “It’s incredible, Sirius. You even added your star.”

“Wait, really?” James looked over, clearly trying to find it. Remus pointed it out to him.

“Sirius, the dog star. You added the rest of Canis Major too.” Remus observed. “And Lupus and Leo. Did you add anymore? I can’t find them.”

“No, just those three.”

“Sirius, thank you.” Remus smiled. “I’m almost scared to use it now. I don’t want to mess it up.”

“Don’t you dare let all of my hard work go to waste and not let it see the sun!” Sirius scoffed. He was actually getting a little flustered now so he attempted to change the subject. “How long do these stink bombs take to make?”

That mischievous glint sparked in Remus’ eyes again and Sirius found himself smirking.

* * *

Friday | September 12th

Remus had explained that the stink bombs would last longer, the longer you let the liquid part sit. So they decided to wait a week so they can work with the honors chemistry field trip. According to what Remus heard from Lily (she may or may not have been talking to Snape and not Remus but Remus has good hearing), Snape was staying at Black Enterprises for an interview for a potential internship. Giving Remus and Peter enough time to come back to Midtown to help James and Sirius place the stink bombs in Snape’s room.

Remus had done most of the making of the stink bombs but they had to stay in the other boys’ room because apparently Remus’ mom would recognize them instantly if she saw them and shut them done real quick.

Now, Sirius just had to wait. Honors Chemistry left after first period so now Sirius had to wait an entire day.

And the day passed slowly.

So slowly.

God, so slowly.

Finally at the end of the day, Sirius sat outside, on the stone brick wall they use to keep the gardens contained in the front of the school waiting for the bus to pull in.

The bus pulled in. Sirius waited as what felt like the whole class filed out… except Peter and Remus.

Sirius walked up just as Lily and Peter walked off holding a pale Remus in between them.

“Lupin?” Sirius asked tentatively.

“He started feeling off on the bus,” Lily explained. “I’m going back to my parents’ this weekend. My dad’s picking me up and we’re driving Remus home.”


Lily turned to Peter. “Hey, do you mind holding him, I have to go call my dad and tell him to come pick us up.”

She walked away to the building.

“Lupin, you good?” Sirius walked closer, offering a hand.

Remus smiled weakly. “I’m fine, I just need to sleep it off I think.” He held onto Peter’s arm, which seemed to be the only thing holding him up at this point. “Do the prank without me-”

“We’ll wait-” Sirius interrupted.

“No, do it.” Remus demanded. Demanded was a strong word but close enough. “You just flip over the bottles and run away as quickly as you can. Got it?”

Remus quieted as soon as Lily appeared. “He’s almost here. You ready, Remus?”

“Yeah, let’s go, Lily.” Peter helped Remus move over to Lily, just as a car pulled in.

“He’s here.” Lily told them. “Come on, Remus.”

Sirius grabbed his arm at the last second though, right as he was entering the car.

“Hope you feel better, okay?” Sirius said.

Remus smiled weakly and nodded before fully entering the car. He was looking really green.

What happened? Sirius wondered as the car pulled away. He was fine this morning. Sirius felt his eyes wander off to the distance and even though he couldn’t see it, he knew he was looking right at Black Enterprises’ Tower. What did you do to him?


Sirius, at this point in the story, doesn't know anything about his sexuality. I hope that's clear. That's something that he'll work through in the future. So all of these thoughts about not knowing how to feel about Remus are foreshadowing his feelings.

Keep a heads up for next chapter and I'll see you then!

Chapter 3: The Bite; The Symptoms


Into the backstory of the bite... and the symptoms.

This is a dual POV chapter so will see a little from Sirius' perspective which I hope you're excited for.

I do want it to be known that I'm not minimizing Remus' trauma! He doesn't think he has any side effects because he doesn't know what it's like to not have said side effects. As we continue on, we will see more of them like panic attacks and certain anxiety ticks. Just wanted to let you all know.

Welsh is once again at the end.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Friday | September 12th

Remus Lupin had been at Black Enterprises’ Tower for a little over 5 hours now and he hated it. Okay. To be more specific, he loved the tower, he loved the technology, and seeing all of the “science stuff”. He hated the tour guide, this Lestrange dude, who clearly hated kids and his job so Remus didn’t know why he was chosen as the tour guide. Half of the things that they were shown, he couldn't even answer any of the class’s questions. Not because he didn’t know the answers but because it was “classified.”

The first three hours were the worst. They had sat in this presentation room and went through speech after speech after speech about the founding of the company, the technology they were working on, or something or another. It was incredibly boring. After that they had lunch and started the actual tour.

They only had around a half-hour left before they had to take the forty-five minute drive back (which Remus honestly didn’t mind too much because he just read the whole way).

Lestrange was just about to show them the more medical advancements that they were making when Remus decided he would try to get out of it. Remus couldn’t handle very “medical” stuff. He was fine with blood but they were going to be talking about tissue regeneration and Remus knew that he wasn’t going to be able to handle that.

So he raised his hand.

“Yes? You in the back?” Lestrange called.

“Where’s the bathroom?”

Lestrange wrinkled his nose a little before answering, “Down the hall. Only go in there. Nowhere else. Understood?”

“Understood.” Remus replied, only a little sarcastic.

Remus walked away from the group, planning on just sitting in the stall and reading for however long it would take for them to be done with that section. Just as he was walking in the hallway however, he heard a familiar voice.

“I’m telling you, Walburga-”

“Mrs. Black to you, Lupin.” A woman’s voice spat.

Lupin? Remus thought. Dad?

“My apologies, Mrs. Black.” His father’s voice rang. They were coming closer. Remus quickly turned to find a hiding spot. A scientist in a lab coat was just leaving a room with a keycode. Remus didn’t even think, he just caught the door a few inches from it closing and slipped in, careful to not let the door close. “I’m telling you though, it will not work! The decay rate algorithm-”

“Mr. Lupin.” The woman– apparently Sirius’ mom– interrupted again. “We invited you to Black Enterprises under the promise that you would be able to fix this.”

“I’m trying, I assure you-” Remus’ father’s voice faded away.

What is Dad doing here? Remus wondered. Lyall Lupin was a cross-species geneticist. He worked at the Manhattan Science Development Ministry, not Black Enterprises.

Remus took a step backwards and turned around.

sh*t .

Remus was in a room full of spiders. Well, they were on the other side of a glass wall but they were there. Remus didn’t even have arachnophobia and he still shivered. It was a weird feeling, what Remus felt. He was scared and cautious but still felt drawn to them for whatever reason. He walked over to the wall. He lifted his hand up and rested it on the glass-

Mistake. That was a mistake.

As soon as Remus’ hand made contact with glass, it started to slide up. Spiders started crawling towards him, they climbed up his pants. He tried to kick them off while scrambling to leave.

A gas was released from the floor. It didn’t go higher than Remus’ ankles and all the spiders dropped dead.

Yeah, no. I’m done. I rather listen to Lestrange talking about tissues.

He opened the door, checking and finding no spiders on him, and returned to the group.

“You didn’t miss much.” Peter laughed when Remus joined them.

“Now, sadly,” Lestrange started. “That is all we have time for today. Let’s make our way to the elevators.”


A sharp pain shot through the back of Remus’ neck. He brought his hand to it and rubbed it. There was a bump, slightly raised like a…

Oh, sh*t . Remus realized. Like a bite .

The word ‘ sh*t ’ ran through Remus’ brain multiple more times while he processed what just happened. He just got bit by a spider. By a spider that’s in a high-security science lab on the floor of medical advancements.

His inner panicking thoughts drowned out as Lily grabbed his arm and pulled him into the elevator. He moved to the side so his back can be to a wall.

They make it all the way to the bus without Remus dying which was a plus in his books. In fact they make it the first thirty minutes on the bus before the pulsing pain got too unbearable for Remus. He hadn’t read a word the entire ride yet a headache that was so strong formed behind his eyes. His stomach started aching and he bent over from the pain.

He could hear Peter and Lily saying his name but it was as if they were underwater. His vision blurred and skin boiled. Everything felt hot and electric, like static. Everything hurt and was too much. He had never been so overstimulated before. Everything was too much. Everything was too much.

Remus doesn’t really remember getting off the bus but kind of remembered talking to Sirius at one point maybe? He knew he rode in Lily’s car back home after mumbling his address. He remembered Lily helping him inside and her laying him onto his bed but after that… nothing. He blacked out as soon as his head touched the pillow.

* * *

Saturday | September 13th

Remus woke up at 5:17 p.m.. Apparently Lily had explained to Hope that Remus randomly felt really very unwell so she had offered to take him home. Somehow leaving out the entire field trip out of the story. Which Remus was really thankful for.

As soon as he woke up, Hope fussed over him in her typical Hope Lupin fashion: making sure he didn’t get out of bed or move a muscle, repeating how Lily had said how he could hardly keep himself up right.

But… that was the problem.

Remus couldn’t even hold his head up yesterday but now…

Remus felt good. He felt amazing, in fact. Remus doubted that he had ever felt that good before. He felt like he could run a marathon. He didn’t want to, mind you but he felt like he could, easily, without his inhaler.

That feeling lasted for about fifty seconds.

The feeling that followed… Remus could only describe it as being aware of everything all at once. His skin felt static as he became very aware of the feeling of every hair on his arms. He could hear everything in his room: the rustling of his blinds against the window because of the fan, the steps of the fly against the ceiling, even the K-Love radio station in a passing car.

He could see everything so clearly too, so detailed. He could see every threaded fiber of the fabric of his sheets, every speck of dust on his lamp shade, he could even see the letters on the spines of his books from across the room…

And that’s when it clicked for him. He wasn’t wearing his glasses.

He reached and grabbed them from his bedside table and put them on, only for the world to turn blurry. He took them off and scrambled off his bed, falling to the floor with a loud thud .

“Remus? Remus, fy annwyl?” Remus heard his mam call. She entered his room. “Remus? What are you doing on the floor?”

“I fell?” Remus stood up, completely swallowed in his oversized sleeping shirt and pajama bottoms. “Mae'n ddrwg gen i, mam.”

“What are you apologizing for, fy annwyl?” Hope came forward and hugged him, leading him back to his bed. She put the back of her hand to his forehead. “You don’t feel hot anymore, diolch byth. I guess it was one of those sicknesses you just have to sleep off.”

She smiled.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Remus agreed. But it wasn’t a sickness. I was bitten by a weird, science-d spider.

“How about you lay down and I’ll make you some beef cawl, yeah? I have to go to work soon after though, okay?” Hope patted his cheek and left his room.

Remus was freaking out, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He put his hand to his chest to check if he was actually breathing but, when he tried to remove his hand… when he tried to remove his hand his shirt came with it as if it was stuck. He tugged again but the shirt was still stuck. Remus took a breath and pulled harder only for his shirt to come with it. It just tore off his back with the resistance of wet toilet paper.

His torn shirt just hung from his hand. The sight of it, the idea that he was just able to tear his shirt right off of his own back , was enough to make Remus’ mind go blank. As soon as it did, the shirt fell from his hand.

He rubbed his palms together but they weren’t sticky. What on Earth?

Remus heard his mam’s footsteps approach the door and quickly kicked his shirt shreds underneath his bed and pulls his covers up to his shoulders, sinking down into his mattress.

She opened the door. “Hey, fy annwyl.”

He nodded, not fully trusting himself to talk.

“Here,” Hope placed the bowl of beef cawl on his bedside table. “I have to go to work now but I’ll be back tonight. Try to rest. Rwy'n dy garu di, fy annwyl.”

She kissed his forehead.

“Rwy'n dy garu di, mam.” Remus whispered.

Then, in a sudden moment, every hair on Remus’ arms stood on end. Without thinking about it, his arm shot out and… and caught a fly between his index finger and his thumb.

“Oh!” Hope gasped. She turned to Remus, face open in shock. “That’s a fly, Remus!”

“It is.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Mam, you’re going to be late.”

“Oh, right! Sorry, I’ll see you tonight, fy annwyl.” She left.

He stared at the ceiling, a million questions fighting for his attention in his mind. With one arm he pulls his covers off and stands up. He gets down on the floor to reach under his bed and pull out the shirt. He continually put his hand on it and removed it but it didn’t stick.

Why did it stick-

As soon as Remus thought about it the fabric stuck to him. He rolled his shoulders back and relaxed and the shirt fell again. Remus started to think he was understanding what was happening now.

Remus moved over to his wall and put his hand on it. It stuck and slowly but surely, he crawled onto the ceiling. He sat there for a moment until the phone rang, which startled him off the ceiling.

He ran to the phone in the living room.


“Lupin!” James’ voice exclaimed.

“James?” Remus ran his hand down his face.

“Hey, I was just calling to make sure you’re alright.” James explained. “I heard you weren’t feeling it yesterday.”

“That’s an understatement.” Remus let out a humorless laugh.

“Oh, that bad?”

“You wouldn’t even believe it.” Yeah, you wouldn’t believe it. I was bitten by a spider and now I have super strength or something and can climb on walls like a… like a spider.

“Are you okay now though?” James asked, interrupting Remus’ newest revelation.

“Yeah, no. I’m great.” Remus laughed humorlessly again. “Just… peachy.”

“Okay then.” Remus could imagine James’ face: lips tucked into a line, eyebrows high, and him nodding, clearly not believing Remus.

“Sorry. I’m fine. I’ll see you lot Monday.”

“Okay, great!” Remus could hear James’ smile through his voice.

“How’d the prank go?”

“Oh my-” James cut himself off in his excitement. “It was fantastic, Lupin! We’ll tell you all about it on Monday, okay?”

“Got it. See you then.”

“Yeah, see you then!”

The line went silent.

Like a spider … Remus wandered to his bathroom, racking his brain for any facts about spiders that he might randomly know. They can climb on walls, they-

Remus’ reflection cut his thoughts off. He was still him but… wow . His acne was gone. All of it. On his face. On his shoulders. On his back. On his torso. Speaking of his torso though…

Remus was never athletic or fit. He was tall and he was skinny but never fit. He had always more resembled scrawny or lanky . Now, however… he wasn’t scrawny anymore. He had muscles. Like actual muscles. He has a cut-V and a six-pack which definitely was not there yesterday. He moves his hand there and presses against it. It feels like stone.

His arms are much the same. Muscles on muscle. He slips off his tartan bottoms to see the same for his legs.

Remus’ scars are very much still present on his skin but so are his freckles. He hadn’t been aware that he had that many freckles, he always mixed them in with his acne, but they were there.

So , Remus tried to get his thoughts in order. I’m now super strong, can climb on walls, my acne is gone, and I have muscles. What kind of spider bite does that?

He pulled his pants back up and ran to his desk to his laptop, immediately searching for spiders and their abilities.

  • They can lift of to fifty times their weight (that explains the strength)
  • Some breeds can jump up to fifty times their length.

I have to try that one out . Remus stood up from his desk. He looked up, the ceiling was a solid few feet above Remus’ head. He’s never been able to reach it, even jumping. Now…

Now, he jumped up and was able to connect all five fingers to the ceiling and hung there by his arm.

“What the f*ck.” Remus breathed, still not fully believing what was happening. He relaxed his fingers and fell back to the ground. He returned to his laptop screen.

  • Spiders can see what the average human cannot. They can see into spectrums unavailable to humans, such as UVA and UVB light.

That explains the sudden unneeding of my glasses , Remus thought.

“Okay, freaky spider.” Remus thought aloud. “Let’s see what you gave me.”

* * *


Monday | September 15th

Sirius was never one too fidget, that was always more of James’ thing. Sirius couldn’t sit still long but that wasn’t the same thing. Sirius was the kind of person that always needed to be doing something, typically active but something nonetheless.

But he was fidgeting now, just bouncing his leg under the table. He wasn’t sure why exactly. James always said that he had “possession issues”, ever since they had officially became friends in sixth grade. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that he wasn’t allowed many things to be his when he was growing up, but because of it, he was very possessive of the things he did have. Like his friends.

James always joked about Sirius being jealous and possessive so maybe that’s what was happening now.

Sirius had only just met Remus but already considered him a friend, a marauder and he got sick. So sick, in fact, that he couldn’t even stand up on his own. Which made Sirius anxious. Really anxious . Sirius knew though that as soon as he saw Remus walk through the door, he would be fine.

When Remus did walk through the door, Sirius’ leg wasn’t the only thing that stopped moving, all of Sirius froze. Because Remus was… because Remus.

By general standards, he hadn’t changed. He still looked mostly the same. Same dress: a sweater and baggy jeans and converse. Same amber eyes, sharp jawline, tawny brown curls, and shy smile but no acne. He stood taller and straighter, almost like he wasn’t afraid to be an invasion of space just by simply existing. He still was shy, no doubt about that but there was something about him, some gleam in his eye.

“Lupin!” James called. Remus turned to them and smiled but Sirius was still stuck dumb, unable to speak.

“Hey, guys.” Remus said, standing by their table. He didn’t sit down though because he still sat with the girls in homeroom. “Alright?”

“Yeah, are you ?” Peter asked.

“No, I’m all good. Don’t worry about it.” Remus ran his fingers through his hair and Sirius followed the motion. “I had a fever but I just slept it off.”

“That’s good.” James nodded before turning to Sirius. “Pads.”

“Hm?” Sirius blinked, turning to James.

“What was that thing Reggie told you about?” James asked. “You know, he called you and told you about Sunday? The thing about Black Tower? You should tell Remus.”

Remus faced Sirius expectantly but Sirius couldn’t seem to make his mouth work, it was too dry. Sirius held up his hand for them to wait and reached in his bag for his coffee. Once he had drunk it, he was able to speak. “Right! Reggie-”

“Who’s Reggie?” Remus asked. “Sorry to interrupt you but who is that?”

“Oh yeah! That’s my brother, Regulus.” Sirius explained.

“Regulus? Like the s- are all of your family named after stars?”

“Yes, but that’s a topic for another time.” Sirius said quickly. “Anyways, so Reggie called me on Sunday because he works at Black Tower and everyone there is freaking out !”

“Oh? Why?”

“Some guy that works in the medical department didn’t close the door for this advanced cross-species project. And all of the locked rooms in Black Tower have a fail-safe feature where if the door doesn’t close, the room will automatically start the process of ridding whatever is inside.” Sirius took another sip of his coffee. “The room that the scientist didn’t close was apparently this top secret project where they were genetically altering spiders.”

“Spiders?” Remus paled.

“Yeah, I don’t like them either-”

James interrupted Sirius with a loud laugh. Sirius glared at him.

That is an understatement.” James scolded. He turned to Remus. “He has huge arachnophobia. You should hear him when he finds one in the bathroom, he screams like a little girl.”

“Like you’re much better!” Peter added.

“Whatever. As I was saying,” Sirius continued. “I don’t like them either but these spiders were being modified in order to hopefully be able to see if they can get some genes to express more than others. It was ‘supposedly’ for cancer research but me and Reg don’t believe that for a second.”

“You think they’d use them to enhance people?” James asked. “Like steroids?”

“Yeah, something like that.” Sirius popped his neck. “The project was mostly dropped a few weeks ago. Something went wrong or another. A large portion of the spiders ended up emitting radiation as well.”

“Radioactive spiders?” Remus gaped.


The bell rang and Remus returned to his table with the girls. After the pledge, Sirius could hear the girls gushing about how good Remus looked.

* * *

“Tryouts are tomorrow!” James told Sirius excitedly while they changed into their gym clothes.

“I’m aware.” Sirius laughed. “You’ve reminded me literally every single day since the announcement came out, Pads. I think I know.”

“Tryouts for what?”

Sirius turned to see Remus walk out of the stall he changed in and… Sirius’ mouth went dry again and he felt his face go hot.

Remus, per his usual style, was wearing the long sleeve option of the gym shirt but he just filled it better. It was still a little baggy and didn’t show much… until Remus stretched. As soon as Remus asked his question, he yawned, stretching like a cat in the sun, causing the fabric to pull against the muscles that were clearly there. But then he put his arms down and Sirius was able to breathe normally again.

“Soccer!” James exclaimed.

“You play soccer?”

“It’s his only personality trait.” Peter laughed beside Remus.

“Hey!” James scoffed.

Sirius prided himself on being an observant person. Not on everything but some things. One of those “some things” that Sirius was observant on was Remus Lupin. Which is how he noticed that even though Remus quit after his first lap just like usual, he didn’t seem like he needed to. Remus didn’t even seem that winded. He barely worked up a sweat. Plus, he didn’t use his inhaler once afterwards.

This might’ve not been a big deal. Maybe Sirius was making it a big deal (it wouldn’t be a first. However, Sirius decided then, that he might keep a closer eye on their newest marauder.


“Mae'n ddrwg gen i” - I’m sorry
“diolch byth” - thank goodness
Cawl - from what I read is any type of Welsh broth or soup
“Rwy'n dy garu di” - I love you

Okay, this was difficult to write. I've noticed with the very few marauders/ spider-man fics I've read (which is literally two), most authors taper out around this point. It's also a bit annoying to write because almost every Spider-man fan has experienced this part, of them discovering their powers. It's just a bit harder to write than it would be to show. So forgive me if it's difficult to read. I have ADHD so I'm trying to write the super senses as a bit of overstimulation like ADHD and Autistic people deal with and I don't know if it came across like that or not.

Also, Sirius! Sirius is starting to feel things for Remus (Even though he doesn't know that that's what this is. You'll see as we go along with the story, Sirius falls first but Remus realizes first. Sirius falls first but doesn't realize nor accept it so he will date other girls to compensate. I also feel the need to mention that Sirius isn't only attracted to Remus because he's attractive. I feel like that's how it seems but he falls in love with Remus' personality; it's just Remus' looks that open the "gay" door for Sirius.

REGULUS is introduced! We're definitely going to see more of him in this fic because I love the Slytherin Skittles. In my version, Reggie is a freshman while Sirius is a sophom*ore. All of Reggie's friends are freshman too except Dorcas, who's kind of their sophom*ore in the group. Like you know when upperclassmen kind of "adopt" lowerclassman? That's this.

It is also my firm belief that Regulus and Sirius get along in this fic. I'm not against fics that have them as enemies, I just feel that they would've been closer. Studies show that kids in abusive home are closer because they have to form a united front. While this isn't always the case, I think it could apply here.

Sorry for the long endnote though. I just had a lot to say.

See you next time.

Chapter 4: Crime, Plans, and Webs


Chapter four is here!

I have been pumping these chapters out like crazy and although they won't stop, my snow week is officially over and I'm going back to school which means these chapters will release at a slower rate. Sorry.

But I hope you like this chapter!

All French and Welsh descriptions will be at the end like usual.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Regulus Black

Wednesday | September 17

Walburga Black currently thought that her youngest son was at a debate club meeting and would be for the next hour.

And he isn’t but he isn’t planning on her learning otherwise.

Regulus is actually in his best friends’, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr, room, laying down on Evan’s bottom bunk. Pandora was sitting on the end of said bed with her twin in between her legs on the floor while she did his hair while Barty laid alongside the bed on the floor with his head resting on Evan’s thigh.

“What are you doing to his hair this time, Pan?” Barty asked.

Pandora and Evan were afro-brazilian so they had the same rosy brown skin and creamy blond hair.

“Coiled twists,” Pandora hummed. “Like mine. Just minus all of the crystals and charms.”

“That’ll look cool.” Barty mused. “I’ll miss the afro he has going on right now though.”

Barty reached up and tugged a little of Evans' hair before his hand got swatted away by Pandora.

“GUYS!” Dorcas suddenly burst through the dorm door and collapsed into Barty’s desk chair.

“I don’t remember ever giving any of you a key!” Barty huffed.

“You didn’t need to.” Regulus turned the page of his book.

“Hello?” Dorcas exclaimed. “Going through a crisis here!”

“Right. Sorry, Cas.” Pandora said. “What’s the problem?”

“Marlene f*cking McKinnon!”

“That’s one of Sirius’ friends.” Regulus put his book down, suddenly interested. “Did she say something rude?”

“No!” Dorcas exasperated. “Just the opposite actually.”

The other four exchanged a look. Evan was the one who spoke, “She complimented you?”


Evan opened his mouth then thought better of it and closed it.

“How is that a problem, Cas?” Barty asked, sitting up against the bed.

Because ,” Dorcas started. “Have you seen her? She’s so f*cking hot! Don’t laugh, Barty. She’s so hot and we were playing soccer at the tryouts for opposite teams and I scored a goal and she said ‘ nice shot, Meadowes ’ and I said– wait for it– ‘ you too ’!”

The other four all laughed at once.

“She didn’t shoot.” Dorcas confessed in a whisper even though they had all gathered that.

“We got that, Cas.” Evan snorted.

“I thought you said you got over this little crush last year?” Pandora asked.

“I thought I did!” Dorcas slouched in the chair. “But then she had to go and cut her hair over the summer and now has this wolf-cut mullet-thing and she’s started doing her make-up all dark and oh my god, she looks like a rockstar.”

“You have it bad , Cas.” Barty laughed.

“Like you’re much better.” Regulus mumbled. Barty shot him a glare but the two girls laughed.

“Oh? Who do you have a crush on, CJ?” Evan asked, which caused both girls to laugh harder. Evan was the only person allowed to call Barty “CJ” (Crouch Jr.).

“No one.” Barty grumbled. Jeez, these two are so oblivious. Regulus thought. “Let’s only focus on one hopeless love life today. Cas?”

Dorcas groaned.

* * *

Regulus was walking out to head back home afterwards when he heard his name called.


Only one person called him “Reggie”. Only one person was allowed which is how he knew who it was even before he turned around.

“Sirius.” Regulus didn’t smile often but he smiled for his brother. Sirius ran from down the hall to where Regulus was standing in the lobby of the registration building.

“What are you doing here?” Sirius asked with a smile on his face. They didn’t hug, Sirius knew better, even though it was clear he wanted to.

“I was hanging out in Evan and Barty’s room.”

“Does moth-”

“No,” Regulus interrupted. “Mother does not know. She thinks I’m at debate club meeting.”

“You’re not even in the debate club.”

“I’m aware.”

Sirius put his hand to his chest fondly. “You become more like me every day.”

“Unfortunately.” Regulus rolled his eyes.

“Okay, well I’m just glad I saw you.” Sirius said. “I was coming down to get snacks for the other marauders and saw you.”

“The other marauders ?” Regulus hated that Sirius called his group of friends that. He thought it was a bit stupid, a little funny but mostly stupid. “You mean Potter and Pettigrew?”

“Oh! You haven’t met him, have you?” Sirius asked. Regulus stared at him dumbly. “We have a new recruit, a new marauder.”

“Oh?” Regulus tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that he felt. He had always wanted to be a marauder, ever since middle school. Even if he had his own group of friends now that he loved, a part of him still always wanted to be with his big brother.

“Yeah! His name is Remus Lupin.” Sirius smiled. “He’s wicked! He’s funny and absolutely brilliant when it comes to pranks. Plus, he skateboards !”

Sirius loved skateboards, at least for as long as Regulus could remember. He had always thought the style of the people riding them was cool, the tricks were cool, just everything about them, Sirius found cool .

“Sounds perfect for you then.” Regulus smiled. He glanced at his watch. “ sh*t ! My driver’s going to be here soon. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“See you then, Reggie.” Sirius walked away, still facing Regulus. “Say hi to mother dearest for me will you?”

“I’d like to keep my life, thank you.”

Sirius laughed and turned to run away.

* * *

Regulus entered the Black Manor (it was a city house, a penthouse practically but he still had to call it a manor) after having spent the whole drive there trying to erase any lingering happiness he had from seeing his friends and brother.

“Hello, Master Regulus.” Kreacher bowed as he entered. His name wasn’t actually Kreacher . It was just a cruel nickname that Sirius had come up with when they were little and it stuck. Regulus wasn’t even sure what Kreacher’s real name was.

“Hello, Kreacher.” Regulus said. “Is Maman in?”

“Mistress Black is in her office.” Kreacher said. “She said that you were to go there once you arrived.”

“Thank you.” Regulus started up the stairs.

He knocks on the door to his mother’s study.

“Come in, Regulus.”

“Hello, Maman.”

“Regulus,” His mother turns around in her office chair. “How would you like to be more involved in the family business?”

“Black Enterprises?” Regulus asked, letting no emotion into his voice. “I already work there, Maman.”

“No, not Black Enterprises.” She said coolly. “We have another Black family business.”

* * *

Sirius Black

Thursday | September 18

Sirius was walking Remus to lunch when Regulus found him. He appeared like how he usually did in public, expression guarded, letting no emotion slip through but Sirius knew Regulus better than most did and could see the panic in his brother’s gray eyes.

“Reggie, what’s wrong?” Sirius asked before Regulus could even say a word.

Remus looked from Regulus to Sirius curiously.

“I-” Regulus looked at Remus skeptically. “J’ai peur.”

“Je suis que !” Sirius looked at Remus apologetically. It was clear though that Regulus didn’t want to be overheard. “Pourquoi? Ce qui s'est passé?”

“Pouvons-nous aller dans une autre pièce?”

Sirius turned to Remus. “I’m going to talk to my brother for a bit. I’ll meet you at lunch?”

Remus nodded and walked away. Regulus wasted no time and pulled Sirius into the nearest room, which was the empty Biology lab.

“What is it, Reggie?”

Tears formed in Regulus’ eyes but he didn’t let them fall. “Maman-” He choked on his words.

Sirius didn’t hug Regulus. They weren’t raised in a household where physical touch, where physical comfort, wasn’t allowed. Because of that, like most things, Regulus and Sirius grew up differently. Where Sirius grew touch-starved and now never went long without hanging off one of his friends or hugging them, Regulus grew touch averse, shying away from contact.

But that didn’t happen this time.

Regulus stepped forward and clutched onto Sirius like he needed his help to stand. Sirius held him. The two brothers hugged for a while.

“She’s going to make me do… awful things.” Regulus whispered, the sob clear in his voice. Sirius held him tighter. “They’re criminals. Our whole family. I’m scared , Sirius.”

Sirius’ heart shattered. He had known his family were criminals for some time now. Families didn’t stay as rich as the Black’s did without dipping into illegal means. He never thought they would rope Regulus into it this young though.

Sirius had always been rebellious, always going against his parents. He acted like the typical spoiled offspring, the rich heir. He took the reprimands, the repercussions that came from that. He even took Regulus’ punishments. Constantly speaking up or doing something worse when they were about to hurt Regulus. Well, he had until he didn’t.

As soon as Sirius saw the opportunity to leave, he took it. He applied for the on-campus registration without his parents’ consent. His parents were… angry to say the least but now they had come to a stand-still. He got to stay on campus as long as he got good grades and visited “home” once every month.

In fact, the only reason they even let him stay at Midtown and not some fancy boarding school was because Sirius found a way. He purposely did badly on the exams; well, good enough to stay at Midtown but too bad for any of the fancy boarding schools his parents tried to ship him off to.

Needless to say, Walburga and Orion were never going to trust Sirius with the actual family business but he had hoped they would wait a little longer before dragging in his little brother.

“I know.” Sirius whispered into Regulus’ hair. “I know. I’m so sorry.”

* * *

By the time that Sirius got to his table for lunch, they were about to leave for PE but he had a plan. He hated his parents, he hated them more than anything in the world but he loved his brother. And he loved his brother more than he hated his parents. He would do anything for him.

So, he made a plan: he was going to get back into his parents’ good graces. He was going to make them trust him again. Sirius was going to get his parents to trust him enough to make him work for the family business. Once he was there, he was going to help his little brother by doing all that Regulus won’t be able to do. He’s going to earn the money to get him and Regulus out of there before they get too deep.

It was a crazy plan but it had to work. Sirius had to get Regulus out of there.

As soon as Sirius sat down though, he could tell James knew. Well, that James knew something . They had been reading each other’s minds for years. So it’s no surprise that James knew something was up. Sirius could tell James knew by the look in his eyes. He didn’t say anything thankfully though.

“Is he okay?” Remus asked, leaning over his arms on the table because of course that was Remus’ first question, not ‘why did it take you so long?’ but asking if Regulus, a boy he had never met, was okay.

“Is who okay?” Peter asked, mouth full.

“Reggie.” Sirius said. “Yeah, he will be okay.”

Remus nodded and turned back to his food before turning to Sirius. “Are you okay?”

Sirius smiled weakly. “I’m good, don’t worry.”

James waited until PE to confront Sirius. They were running their typical five laps and James matched Sirius’ speed.

“What happened?” James asked as they ran.

“They roped him in.” Sirius confessed. “My parents, they asked Regulus.”

James knew about the Sirius’ family’s business. They knew everything about each other which is why James knew exactly what Sirius meant.

His eyes went wide before he saw Sirius’ face. “Oh no. What are you going to do?”

Sirius swallowed, guilty.

Sirius .”

“I’m going to make sure they do the same to me.”

James’ running stuttered, like Sirius’ words were enough to make him stop before he realized he had to continue running.

“Sirius, no.”

“Sirius, yes .”

“Sirius,” James pushed Sirius’ arm lightly. “You can’t!”

“I can and I will, James.” They finished their final lap and started their way to the bleachers. “I’m not leaving him to do- to do that alone and you can’t stop me. Now shut it, we're about to reach Remus.”

James didn’t say another word, knowing how useless it was to tell Sirius Black what to do.

* * *

Remus Lupin

Friday | September 19th

Remus was surprisingly quick when it came to learning his abilities. By Sunday night, he had discovered all of them and like the little swot he was, he made a list to help himself.

  • Super strength
  • Could climb on walls and ceilings
  • Enhanced agility and even flexibility (not much but Remus could do a backbend now and he couldn’t before. He could also backflip and do a handstand which he thought was wicked)
  • Enhanced “super” senses (such as sight, hearing, taste, smell)
  • A sixth sense.

Remus didn’t actually know what to call that last power or how to really explain it. He just had this “sense” when something was about to happen. Every hair stood on end and his body would react before he had made a conscious decision for it to. It wasn’t always something big or dangerous though. It would be a fly flying at his mother, his mam opening the door when he didn’t hear her coming, his cereal bowl getting knocked over.

All of these times, he would react before he fully realized what was happening: catching the fly with two fingers or his bowl with his foot.

Remus had come to the unconscious decision in his mind however to call this ability his “sixth-sense” or sometimes his “spider-sense”.

The only thing he didn’t get from the spider though was webs . And selfishly, he really wanted them so he set out to make his own chemically. It was difficult but surprisingly didn’t take as long as he thought it would because by Friday, he had figured it out as well as a mechanism for a “web shooter” that went on his wrist. So now he could shoot webs by pulling with his middle two fingers.

That was the most fun part. He had climbed up the stairs of his apartment Friday evening onto the roof and practiced his aim. At one point, he shot the ceiling of the greenhouse shed (that he thinks belongs to old Mrs. Drolley who lives on the floor above him) and simply hung upside down by the web.

He hung there and read his book (which was a little easier now that his thoughts were quicker. It was still difficult but his mind would mess up less) when his sixth sense triggered. He jumped to the floor and quickly removed the web before walking out of the shed just in time for the door to the roof to open.

Lily and another girl walked through. The other girl had almost-white blond twists in a large braid down her back with crystals embedded in. She wore light, short overalls over a lace tank top with tons of silver and crystal jewelry. Remus could tell she was younger (she wasn’t even to Remus’ shoulders height-wise).

“Hey, Lils.” Remus nodded as the three of them met in the middle of the roof.

“Hey! Your mom told us you were up here.” Lily said.

“Well, you found me.” Remus smiled. “What do you need?”

“Right! This is Pandora Rosier.” Lily gestured to the girl who instantly smiled. “She works on the paper with us.”

“Oh, nice to meet you, Pandora.”

“You too! Do you skateboard?” Pandora asked randomly.

“Oh,” Remus blinked. “Yes?”

“I saw your board in your apartment,” She explained. “My twin skateboards too! I longboard.”

“Sick.” Remus smiled. He liked her instantly. She kind of rambled a bit while she talked but Remus didn’t mind. He had only just met her and instantly felt protective over her for whatever reason. “I love all of your jewelry.”

Pandora’s eyes brightened. “You do!? Do you want some? I make a lot of it. My dad owns a car garage for repairing so I grew up metalworking– which by the way, is not a very safe hobby for a child. But I taught myself how to make little pieces of jewelry and would love to make you some!”

Remus always wanted to be a jewelry person. More specifically, he wanted to be a bracelet or ring person but he didn’t want to take any of her’s.

“Thanks but I don’t want to trouble you.”

“It wouldn’t be a problem at all! Can I? Please?” Pandora bit her bottom lip, still smiling.

“Sure, if it’s no problem.”


“Okay,” Lily steered the conversation back to her. “So Pandora wanted to do a piece in the paper about our school’s effect on the environment and I wanted to know if you wanted to shoot for it.”

“Yeah, sure.” Remus nodded. “Quick question though. Why couldn’t you have asked me at school? You know, instead of coming to my house?”

“Sorry,” Pandora said. “Lily and I both live on campus, I just went over to her dorm after school.”

“It’s all good.” Remus said.

“That isn’t the only reason, we came by though.” Lily added.


“Yeah,” Lily bit her lip and furrowed her brows, looking away from Remus. “I just forgot what it was.”

Remus laughed. “Okay, fair enough. How about we go inside and eat something and maybe it’ll come to you, yeah?”

Lily and Pandora nodded so Remus led them downstairs.

“Mam!” Remus called once they entered. “Mae gen i ffrindiau draw. A allant aros am swper?”

Lily stared at him, shocked.

Hope walked into the living room, wiping her hands off on a hand towel. “Wrth gwrs, fy annwyl. Are you two okay with-” She cut herself off, snapping. “Remus, annwyl, what’s the word for the…oh, what is it?”

Remus sniffed the air. “It smells like spaghetti, mam.”

She snapped and pointed at him in one quick motion. “That’s it! Are you two girls okay with spaghetti?”

“Yes ma’am.” Lily smiled. Hope returned to the kitchen. As soon as she disappeared, Lily hit his arm (he sensed it but didn’t move).

“Why didn’t you tell me you spoke another language?” She hissed.

“It never came up?” Remus shrugged, genuinely confused on why she hit him. “I don’t know, Lils.”

“Ugh! Between you, Sirius, James, and Mary-” She trailed off, grumbling.

“Would this be a bad time to mention that I speak Spanish fluently?” Pandora held up her hand.

* * *

After dinner, Pandora and Lily left in order to get to school before curfew and Remus helped his mam with dishes.

“They seem nice.” Hope mused.

“They are.”

“Lily’s pretty.”

“She is-” Remus straightened as soon as he realized where this conversation was going. “Wait. No, mam.”

“What?” Hope said, trying to seem innocent and failing.

“It’s not like that, Mam.” Remus shook his head, bent over the sink. “She’s just a friend. We work on the school paper together.”

“You promise?”

“I promise, Mam.”

Is there anyone?” She asked.

“No, mam.”

“You promise to tell me if there is?”

“Yes, mam.”

“So there’s no one?”

Remus shook his head as he left to his room, closing the door behind him and collapsing onto his bed, unsure of why a certain gray-eyed face appeared in his mind.


“J’ai peur” - I’m scared
“Je suis que” - I know that
“Pourquoi? Ce qui s'est passé?” - Why? What happened?
“Pouvons-nous aller dans une autre pièce?” - Can we go into another room?
“Swot” - not Welsh or French but it’s an uncommon slang term so I thought I’d add it. I know that this is technically a British slang term but if you knew how much “British slang” I have been holding back using… jeez. Well, this word means “nerd”.
(Also, if you could hold back correcting me whenever I use the British word for something– like “jumper” or “shag”-- it would be greatly appreciated. These are British characters so even though they are in America in this story, I still want them to be slightly British. I’m sorry)
“Mae gen i ffrindiau draw. A allant aros am swper” - I have friends over. Can they stay for dinner?
“Wrth gwrs” - of course

AHHHH! We finally have a Slytherin Skittles scene! Ugh, I love them. Also, sorry about Regulus but, now we have some setting up for future chapters?

See you in the next chapter!

Chapter 5: "Moony"


I forgot to mention in previous chapters but I'm writing this in the late 90s. I debated on whether or not I should do a modern fic or keep it time accurate in the 70s but decided to go right in the middle. I did this so that we can still have phones (to call, not text) and tv (for some news that becomes important later in the story). However, I didn't want cell phones because I didn't want texting or social media. So they have landlines and home phones and some people (mostly the adults) will have StarTAC flip phones (which for all of my gen z readers, are the old flip phones that you could call but couldn't text on).

Okay! So today we're going to get some James and Remus action! I'm really excited because they have one of my favorite dynamics. They're also going to briefly talk about some deep stuff and I want everyone to keep in mind the time period in which this takes place. Like I said, this is the 90s, and what they're talking about is still I kind of more taboo subject. Just keep it in mind.

This chapter is also dedicated to my friend, Oliver! He's not a reader nor a marauders fan but wants to read this just because I'm writing it.

But I hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

James Potter

Sunday | September 21

Sirius Black was stupid.

Okay, to phrase that better: Sirius Black was smart, with some things. Like, he was incredibly academically intelligent. He got good grades without trying and would get fantastic grades if he did. He hardly had to pay attention in class to do well.

He was socially smart, like brilliant . He knew how to charm people and get what he wanted. He knew what to say and do and what to not say or not do in most social situations. He knew how to keep his emotions guarded and his intentions secret.

But, he was so stupid with other things. He was stupid in his actions for one. One of the things James loves about his best friend is his impulsivity. Growing up with ADHD meant James constantly thought other people were too slow, took too long to think, or didn’t have enough energy. Sirius wasn’t like that though, he was impulsive. Which James usually loved. He didn’t love it at the moment.

James hated Sirius’ plan. He knew the reason and goal behind it but James thought it was too dangerous, too risky.

Because James was eleven years old when he discovered that not all parents loved their kids. He was eleven years old when he discovered the reason behind his best friend’s bruises. He was eleven years old when he discovered that the reason why his best friend didn’t want to go home wasn’t because he was having a lot of fun with him but because he was scared of what awaited at home. And James didn’t want Sirius to go back there.

Applying for on-campus registration when they entered high-school was the best decision Sirius ever made in James’ opinion (though if Sirius were to ask, he’d say it was growing out his hair freshman year). In just over a year, James watched his best friend grow more confident in himself. Sirius had always been an ego-maniac but in middle-school, it was mostly just a front, an act. In high-school, once Sirius was away from his parents and the toxic Black household, he actually started to believe in himself.

Selfishly, James didn’t want to see that go away. So, he hated Sirius’ plan. He hated it even more right now because he was away at his parents’, trying to earn their favor back and James was alone.

Peter was away for the weekend with his parents and two siblings to Pennsylvania to visit relatives. So, James was alone in the dorms and a fun fact about James is that he hated being alone. Normally, James would go visit his parents but today was Sunday, which meant temple and James really didn’t feel like going to temple.

So James walked down the hall to use the communal phones and called Remus.

“Hello?” Remus’ voice came through.

“Hey, Lupin!”

“James,” Remus started. “We’ve been friends for almost a month now. I’m officially a marauder. When are you going to stop calling me Lupin?”

“When we come up with a good nickname for you.” James said simply.

He heard Remus sigh on the other side of the line.

“Okay, sure. Whatever.” Remus yawned. “Why’d you call, James?”

“What are you doing today?”

“Oh, uhm.” Remus’ voice paused for a second. “I’m going to edit some photos for the paper and then head out to skate, I guess. Why?”

“Can I join you?”

“Can you join me?” Remus repeated.


“You want to watch me edit photos and then skateboard?”

“Yeah, sure. Why not?”

“James.” Remus started. “You don’t skateboard.”

“I could.”

Remus went silent. James imagined him taking a deep breath and looking upwards as if praying to a god for strength. James didn’t even know if Remus was religious.

“I can roller-skate?” James offered. To which, Remus let out a bark of laughter. “Or I could practice soccer tricks. Remus, I’m bored and really want to hang out with you. Can I please come over?”

Remus laughed. “Sure, why not.”


Remus told James his address and James ran back to his room. He put on his shoes, red high-top converse, and his red bomber. He was already wearing jeans and a plain, white t-shirt so he left.

Remus lived surprisingly close to the school. Which made sense because Remus had mentioned skating to school but James took the subway and then walked to the apartment and climbed up the stairs to the fourth floor.

When he knocked on the door, Remus answered, looking his usual lazy but effortlessly good self (if not a little more disheveled). He wore brown corduroys with a white long sleeve under a brown baggy t-shirt. His curls were a bit more rumpled than usual but other than that, he was good ol’ Remus.

“Hey, want some tea? I was about to make some.” Remus led James through the living room to the small kitchen where a kettle was already on the stove.

“Sure, love some.” James sat down at the table while Remus hopped to sit on the counter with ease.

“How’d you like it?”

“Two sugars, no milk.” James said automatically. Remus stared at him incredulously. “What?”

“You’re worse than my mam.” Remus groaned, slipping off the counter to grab two mugs. “Better than my dad but worse than my mam.”

“What do you mean?” James smiled, confused.

“How do you drink tea like that? It tastes like sh*t.” Remus poured the water. “My mam drinks her with two sugars and cream. My dad drinks it black.”

“How do you drink it?” James walked over.

“Four sugars and a dash of milk.”

“f*cking hell, Lupin! That’s a toothache in a cup!” James gaped.

Remus shrugged, passing over the mug. “Let’s go to my room.”

Remus’ room was both exactly and not at all like James imagined. It looked like Remus’ in some ways: the bookshelf so full that there books stacked on top of eachother, the knitted blanket at the end of his bed, the sheer amount of jumpers on the floor, the photos on the wall. However, the pull-up bar on the bathroom door frame and electric bass guitar in the corner…

“I didn’t know you played bass.” James said as he sat on the bed. Remus went straight for the desk.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, my therapist said it would be a good idea.” Remus said offhandedly. “Something about giving me something to do with my hands and taking my mind off of things.”

“You have a therapist?”

“Not anymore, no.” Remus booted up his computer. “But I had one when I was younger.”

James could tell that Remus wouldn’t say anymore about the topic so he stopped, instead choosing to look around the room, eyes catching on the glasses case on his bedside table.

“Why don’t you wear your glasses anymore?” James asked. “Did you get contacts or something?”

“Or something.” Remus said. His back was turned but James could hear the smile in his voice.

“I can tell you have to focus,” James started. Remus hummed. “Just one more question. What’s with the pull-up bar?”

“I don’t seem like a fit guy to you, Potter?” Remus turned around in his chair, eyebrow raised.

“Does the skinny dude with asthma seem like a gym bro?” James mused. “No.”

“Fair enough.” Remus laughed. “My dad’s brother got it for me for Christmas or something. He doesn’t know me well but wanted to send something .”

James nodded. “Mind if I read something while you edit?”

“Go ahead,” Remus turned back to his computer. “I’m just finishing up anyways.”

James walked over to the bookshelf, scanning the spines. Some stood out to him though: Oscar Wilde, Maurice, Dorian Grey…

“Hey, Lupin.”

“Yeah?” Remus looked up.

“Some of these books you have…” James trailed off, holding up Dorian Grey and Maurice in each hand.

Remus crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair. “Yes? What about them?”

“Well, they’re kind of-” James trailed off, unsure of what to say or what he should say.

“Kind of what, Potter?”

“Are you like-” James was internally panicking. He had never asked anyone this before and wasn’t sure of how he should phrase it. He was honestly scared of Remus’ response.

“What if I was?” Remus raised an eyebrow, clearly defensive but James let out the breath he was holding.

“Then I would thank whatever god you believe in because I am .” James grinned. “Like that I mean.”

Remus went from defensive to shocked to relieved within the span of two seconds. He joined James in smiling. “You are?”

“Yeah. Pansexual.” James grabbed a book and jumped back onto the bed. Remus turned his chair around to keep looking at him. “You?”

“Bi.” Remus grinned. “I didn’t know- I haven’t met anyone like me before.”

“Really?” James asked. He knew about Marlene but that was only because they kissed in middle school for a dare at a party only for Marlene to confess that she didn’t like boys. “How’d you find out?”

“That I’m bi?” Remus blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I guess I always just knew . I’ve always been attracted to both boys and girls and I didn’t realize that it wasn’t like that for everyone until my therapist told me so. We left him afterwards. What about you?”

“Yeah, same.” James hung his head back. “I’ve always been attracted to everyone, regardless of their gender. Then, I found out I was different after Ma- my friend panicked because she was scared that her parents were going to find out that she liked girls. Then I realized that it wasn’t ‘ normal ’ to feel things for everyone.”

James sighed, glad to get it off his chest, guilty that he almost outed Marlene.

“Does anyone know?” James asked.

“No. I think my mam might think so but I’m not sure. I think she’d be okay with it though. My dad on the other hand…”

“I get that.” James nodded. “I love my parents, they’re literally the best but I’m scared of how they’ll react because we’re hindu.”

“Are hindu hom*ophobic?”

“Depends. Some are but some religious texts embrace it and portray hom*osexual experience as joyful and lovely.” James sighed. “I don’t know where my parents fall on that line.”

“I get that.”

* * *

A little over half an hour later, they set out… but not to a skatepark like James was expecting. Remus was casually skating beside James, keeping slow enough for James to walk while they talked when they arrived.

“You skate at an abandoned warehouse?” James asked.


“Do you know if it’s illegal or not?”


“Is it? Illegal?”



“Glad you understand, Jamesy-boy.” Remus took off, throwing his board to the ground and jumping onto it.

They spent the next two hours like that: Remus skating and practicing tricks while talking to James who was also exploring the warehouse. James even tried climbing the scaffolding in the middle of it, only to fall because he couldn’t pull himself up due to how little grip there was. Remus saw James struggling and walked over. Remus handed James his board and squatted like he was going to jump and try it as well. James couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of skinny ol’ Remus that had asthma being able to jump and climb it when he couldn’t.

But Remus could, and did.

He simply jumped (a lot higher than James thought he’d be able), grabbed the ledge, and swung himself up to where he was sitting on it.

“What the f*ck!” James cried out. “How’d you do that?”

“Uhm…” Remus bit his lip. “I’m a good climber.”

“Hell yeah you are. What on Earth?”

“I’d climb to the moon if someone made a ladder to it.” Remus sighed, looking out at the setting sky out the door of the warehouse. James stared at him dumbly. “You don’t get that reference? Seriously, James?”

“Sorry.” James huffed. “That pull-up bar is doing wonders for you, Lupin.”

Remus let out a breathy laugh, which reminded James…

“Hey, do you need your inhaler?” James asked. “You’ve been very active and… actually, I haven’t seen you use it in a while. Not even during PE.”

James didn’t look up while he said this, instead looking for Remus’ bag, hoping he would be able to find his friend’s inhaler.

“I don’t need it actually.”

James looked up then. “What? Really? What about your asthma? That doesn’t just go away, does it?”

“No. It doesn’t.” Remus looked off to the side before turning back to James. “I’m taking medicine for it now.”

“I didn’t realize there was medicine for asthma.”

“It’s new.” Remus nodded. “It’s working though. I’m still not allowed to push myself too hard physically but you know.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. Good for you, mate.” James watched as Remus swung down with ease. “Hey, it’s getting late. Want to go ahead and head back?”

“Yeah, let's go.”

* * *

James stayed to eat dinner with Remus. It was just Remus because apparently his mom had a shift at the hospital (she wasn't a nurse, according to Remus. She’s working there while also working on a nursing degree which James found very impressive) and his dad was at work. After though, James had to leave in order to get back to Midtown before curfew.

Sirius was in the dorm when he arrived.

“Hey, where were you?” He asked. “Effie and Monty’s?”

“Uhm, no actually.” James shook off his shoes and jacket. “I was with Lupin.”

Sirius perked up, lifting his head from his sketchbook to look at James. “Really? What did you do?”

“We talked while he edited some photos and then we went to this abandoned warehouse place for him to skateboard.” James collapsed onto his bed. There were two bunk beds in their dorm (having chosen the four-person option in hope that the three friends could stay together), James and Peter shared one while Sirius took the bottom of the other, leaving the top empty because they learned very early on that Sirius got nightmares occasionally. He would shake the bed. James had to be on the bottom of the other bunk to be able to reach him quicker.

“Oh, cool cool cool.” Sirius nodded. “What’d you talk about?”

“Different things.” James climbed out of his jeans. “Why do you care?”

“Just curious.” Sirius returned to his sketchbook.

James nodded and left to go to their dorm’s bathroom.

“Hey, did he seem good to you?” Sirius called.

James returned to the doorframe with his toothbrush in his mouth. “Yeah, why?”

“I don’t know.” Sirius shrugged. “He just seemed a bit off lately.”

“We’ve known him for three weeks, Pads.” James laughed, turning back to spit out his toothpaste. “I don’t think we know him well enough to say that he seems off.”

James collapsed on his bed.

“Sure, but he seemed different this week.” Sirius said. “He certainly looks different.”

James raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? He looks different?”

“Yeah, haven’t you noticed?”

“No, but I also didn’t spend the first week stalking him like you did.” James laughed. “He’s got contacts.”

“Well, I noticed that .” Sirius rolled his eyes. “I don’t know. He just seemed… more confident ? No, that’s not it. I don’t know, okay? He just seems different.”

“I would hope he got more confident.” James said. “He seems like the kind of shy guy that opens up the more you get to know him.”

“I guess so.” Sirius closed his sketchbook, putting it under his pillow. James had noticed that he did this. He didn’t even think that Sirius was aware that he did it but Sirius hid his stuff. He would put his favorite books under his bed, his sketchbook under his pillow, his leather jacket under the blanket at the end of his bed.

Peter walked in. “You won’t believe what Cole did!”

* * *

Sirius Black

Wednesday | September 24th

“Guess what?” Remus said as he sat down at the lunch table.

“You decided you’re going to drop out and become a rockstar?” Sirius guessed. Remus stared at him incredulously. “You said to guess.”

“Figure of speech, Pads.” Remus shook his head. Little did he know that him calling the other marauders by their nicknames, specifically calling Sirius by his, made Sirius really happy so he didn’t even care about the sarcastic tone.

Sirius flashed a smirk.

“What?” James asked, rolling his eyes at Sirius.

“I’m going to be joining you for soccer practice today!”

“Wait! Really?” Sirius straightened up.

“Yeah,” Remus said. “I’m going to be taking some photos for the paper.”

“Make sure to only take good photos of my unnaturally beautiful self while I’m all sweaty. Okay, Lupin?”

“Oh, I’ll make sure.” Remus nodded, smiling.

Lily suddenly ran up to the table (well, that’s a bit dramatic. She actually just sped-walked over). “Remus!”

Remus turned around, raising his eyebrows playfully. “Lily!”

“I remembered the other reason I came over to your place Friday!”

“Evans came over Friday?” Both James and Sirius asked in sync.

“Yeah, she stayed for dinner.” Remus answered simply before turning back to Lily. “What was it?”

“I came over to borrow the book we were talking about.”

“Oh! Yeah. Wait, I think I have it.” Remus dug around in his corduroy backpack before pulling out a leather-bound book. “Here, Lils. I hope it helps.”

“Oh, thank you, Remus! You’re a life-saver!” Lily exclaimed. Then, it looked like she was about to go in for a hug before she thought better of it but Remus held out an arm and they did a short side-hug and she ran off.

The three other marauders asked their own questions at the same time.

“Lils?” James asked.

“You hugged her?” Sirius asked.

“What was that book?” Peter asked.

Remus' eyes widened. “One at a time?”

“Right, sorry.” James said quickly. “Lils? You called her Lils. You’re on a first name basis with her? You’re on a nickname basis with her?”

Remus’ brows furrowed. “Yeah? I sit with her in a lot of my classes and we work on the paper together. We’ve been friends for a while.”

James gasped dramatically. “And this is not information you thought to share?”

“I didn’t realize that I had to share it? I thought it was common knowledge. Sorry.” Remus genuinely looked sorry, which Sirius hated. How was he supposed to know how James felt about Lily?

James slumped with a sigh. “Don’t apologize. I’m sorry for overreacting.”

“My turn.” Sirius said, freezing slightly when Remus’ gaze turned to him. “You hugged her.”

Remus looked really confused now. “Yes? That’s not a question.”

“Right, sorry.” Sirius shook his head. “I thought you didn’t like physical touch?”

Remus’ eyes widened slightly. “I didn’t think you guys noticed that.”

“Of course we did.” James huffed. “Have you met us? We’re practically hanging off each other, every opportunity.”

“We just don’t touch you ‘cause we noticed you don’t like it as much.” Peter added.

A swarm of emotions tumbled through Remus’ eyes though his face didn’t change. They came and went so quickly, Sirius could hardly catch any of them. In the end though, Sirius could tell that Remus was fond.

“Thanks.” Remus murmured.

“Anything for our Remus.” James grinned.

“Back to my question?” Sirius said.

“Right, well I’m okay with touch if they ask and I can see it coming.” Remus explained. “Not all of the time but I could tell Lily wanted a hug so I hugged her. Next question. Wormy?”

“What was that book?”

“Oh, yeah. She’s doing a paper on immigrants and wanted real references.” Remus took a bite of his sandwich. “I offered her my dad’s grandad’s journal from when he came over from Europe.”

“Oh, that’s sick !” Peter exclaimed.

“Onto more important matters– not that we don’t care about your great grandad’s journal, Lupin– but onto more important matters,” James began. The others waited expectantly. “We need a nickname for Lupin!”

Peter and Sirius’ expressions brightened while Remus rolled his eyes and groaned. “Are you lot still stuck on that?”

“It's necessary .” Sirius pushed, leaning over his arms towards Remus. “We all have one. We just need one for you.”

“How’d you get yours?” Remus leaned over as well. Sirius felt his chest get hot and leaned back. Remus smirked knowingly and sat back.

“Different ways really.” Peter said. “Prongs was from an incident on a wilderness field trip involving antlers-”

“-Padfoot came from both a horror story about the Grim that we heard on said wilderness field trip and the fact that Sirius had a stuffed dog that he slept with in middle school-”

Hey! ” Sirius grunted, reaching over the entire round table to smack Peter’s head. He looked over cautiously to gauge Remus’ reaction but he wasn’t laughing. He was smiling. But not in a mean or condescending way but fondly.

“It also works with your name.” Remus said.

“What do you mean?” James asked.

“Sirius? The dog star?” Remus explained. “Padfoot depicts any animal with padded feet, like dogs. Specifically black dogs in folklore. And your last name is Black so you're the black dog.”

“You just made us seem way more clever than we are.” James laughed. “You read a lot, Lupin.”

“So, I’ve been told.” Remus deadpanned. “Now, where did ‘Wormtail’ come from? The same wilderness field trip?”

“Actually,” Sirius said. “No. Well, kind of.”

“On the wilderness field trip, Peter’s mom showed us a photo of when Peter was little.” James explained. “He was in a play where he played a rat-”

“You were in that play too!” Peter interjected.

“I was. I was a tree.” James said proudly before continuing. “But, that same night, Peter found a rat in the shower and freaked out!”

“As any reasonable person would!” Peter groaned.

Remus did laugh then. They all did.

“It seems like I missed my nickname opportunity then.” Remus said. “If all of your names came from a wilderness night, then I missed it.”

“What if you slept over?” Sirius blurted, not even aware of the thought before it came bumbling out of his mouth. “This weekend? We could have a sleepover like we did four years ago and we’ll see if we can figure one out then.”

“Ooh!” James jabbered. “We could even make microwave s’mores!”

Remus couldn’t even protest, the other three were too clearly excited about this idea and would not be talked down. So, he agreed.

* * *

Friday | September 26th

Remus showed up at their dorm in the evening after having gone home and grabbed his stuff. He wore the same clothes he wore at school: baggy jeans, olive t-shirt, and brown zip-up hoodie but now he had a duffle instead of a backpack over his shoulder, holding the thing like it weighed nothing.

“Ready to go?” Sirius asked, walking back into the dorm to get his bag. “James and Pete are already there.”

“What? Where?” Remus asked as Sirius closed the door behind them, leading them both down the hall. “We’re not doing it in the dorm?”

“Of course not!” Sirius smirked.

“Of course not.” Remus rolled his eyes. “Where are we going then?”

“James’ backyard.”

“James’ backyard?”

“You love Effie and Monty.”

“Effie and Monty?”

“You need to stop repeating me.”

“Who are Effie and Monty?”

“James’ parents.” Sirius explained. “Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. They’re the best.”

They got on the subway. The seats were all filled so they stood which made Sirius and Remus’ height difference even more obvious. Sirius offered one earbud over to Remus and pushed the play button. The first notes played and Remus huffed out a laugh.

“What?” Sirius asked.

“Of course you’re a David Bowie fan. I’m not even surprised.” Remus rolled his eyes.

“Do you not like Bowie?” Sirius hissed.

“No, I do. I love them. They’re one of my favorites.” Remus smiled and Sirius’ anger vanished. “I just think it's very fitting that you like them.”

“Who else do you like?”

“Uhm… the-” He cut himself off with solid motion. In a single second, his eyes widened and his hand shot out, grabbing something by Sirius’ hip. When Sirius’ looked down, he saw Remus’ hand locked on the wrist of the man who was sitting on the chair beside them. It was clear, after Sirius stared for a while, that the man was trying to steal Sirius’ wallet out of his pants’ pocket.

Remus tsked, shaking his hand at the man. He let go of the man’s wrist and grabbed Sirius’ arm to steer him to the otherside of the subway car.

“How- how did you do that?” Sirius breathed out.

Remus panicked for a second, just in his eyes. Only for a second though. “I saw him.”

“No, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You were looking away.”

“I saw him out of the corner of my eyes, Pads.” Remus said with an easy smile that made Sirius forget what he was thinking. “Don’t worry about it.”

Sirius nodded dumbly and they remained silent the rest of the ride, just listening to the music.

* * *

“SIRIUS!” Effie exclaimed. They hadn’t even made it to the porch stairs yet but Euphemia Potter had seen him coming up and ran out to hug him. Sirius loved Effie’s hugs but maybe he was just deprived of “mom hugs”.

“Effie!” Sirius smiled into her hair. He was a little taller than her now but he couldn’t stop believing that Effie was bigger than life itself.

“Sirius, my dear, how are you?” Effie pulled away but still held onto his arms. “I haven’t seen you this entire school year. James said you were spending more time with your parents.”

sh*t .

Effie was one of the few people who knew what really went down in the Black household. The amount of times that Sirius had shown up to sleepovers with James with bruises covering his body. The amount of times Sirius flinched when Monty’s voice raised at the game on the tv or when Effie went in for a hug. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.

But, of course James had told her that Sirius was spending more time with his “real” family.

Sirius slipped a cautious glance at Remus, he didn’t want Remus to think anything about Sirius spending more time at “home”. He didn’t want Remus to know what Sirius’ real home life was.

Effie seemed to sense this and her eyes drifted to Remus. She held her hand. “Oh my! Aren’t you a tall one? You must be Remus.”

“Hello, Mrs. Potter. It’s lovely to meet you.” He took her hand and shook it politely.

“And polite too! Call me Effie, please,” Effie put her hand to her heart and smiled. “I knew James was bound to befriend a gentleman eventually.”

“Hey!” Sirius held out his hands. “What am I? Chopped liver?”

“You, Sirius? A gentleman?” Remus teased, raising an eyebrow and dropping his voice a little. Something churned in the base of Sirius’ stomach and his chest ran hot.

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind and shake off the heat. He looked right up at Remus. “I will have you know,” He took a step, turning so his body was facing Remus. “I very much am a gentleman. I’m very chivalrous.”

“Oh, are you?” Remus smirked and then rolled his eyes. They both turn back to Effie.

Something clicked behind her eyes but she just smiled and led them inside.

“Remus, dear,” Effie said as they entered the kitchen where Peter and James were sitting on the island. “ Off the counters, boys . I swear I live with monkeys . Remus, do you like chocolate?”

Remus’ eyes brightened.

* * *

Saturday | September 27th

It was just a little past midnight. They didn’t set up a tent because they were idiots. Luckily, it hadn’t rained. In fact it was cloudless. You couldn’t really see the stars– because they are in New York– but you could see the moon, bright and full.

The boys were close to asleep, all laying down in their sleeping bags that they had arranged in a circle, and maybe the other three were. Sirius wasn’t.

He couldn’t get comfortable on the ground. It reminded him too much of when his parents lock him in the extra room for punishment. They had this spare room with no furniture. It was mostly for storage but when Sirius disobeyed and Walburga couldn’t even bother punishing him herself anymore, she would lock him in that room. Sometimes it would be for hours, others for almost a day. There wasn’t a bed in there so Sirius had to sleep on the floor.

Which is probably why he couldn’t sleep now.

He rolled over to face the inside of the circle and saw that not all of the boys were asleep. Remus wasn’t. He was sitting on his sleeping bag, knees drawn up to his chest, arms hugging them close. He was looking up at the sky. Well, he was looking up at the moon. He was just staring at it, face so serene, Sirius almost thought that he was praying. In one hand he held his necklace up by its charm. Using the pad of his thumb to push the silver moon into his closed fist.

“Can’t sleep?” Remus whispered. He didn’t even look at Sirius.

Sirius found himself unable to speak. He was just basking in the beauty of Remus casted by the silver light of the moon. It made his eyes shine like stars and skin glow. Sirius was mesmerized.

Remus looked down at Sirius when he didn’t answer.

“I guess not.” Sirius mumbled, pulling himself out of his sleeping bag. Remus patted the spot next to him and Sirius crawled to it, sitting next to him. “Why can’t you sleep?”

“I can’t sleep unless the door’s locked.” Remus smiled sadly. “Much less out in the open.”

“Why not?”

Remus shook his head and pressed his forehead to his knees. He was still holding his moon charm.

“Does that help?” Sirius asked quietly. Remus lifted his head and followed Sirius’ line of sight to the charm. “Does holding it help calm you?”

“Yeah,” Remus smiled softly, moving to rest the side of his head against his folded arms to look at Remus. “I’ve always liked the moon.”


“Yeah, it’s comforting.” Remus whispered like he was telling a secret. “You can’t always see stars but you can always see the moon, even a new moon. You can still see the new moon’s outline. I’ve always liked being able to look up at night and seeing it. No matter what. It’s there.”

“Is that right, Moony?” Sirius smiled.

Remus raised his eyebrows. “Moony?”

Sirius' eyes widened when he realized what he had said. “Yes! Perfect, isn’t it? Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. It fits perfectly.”

“Do you want to tell the other boys that it's mission success then?” Remus laughed. “That we got my nickname?”

Sirius shook his head. “Let’s let them sleep.”

“Good plan.”

“I’ll stay up with you.” Sirius offered.

“You need to sleep, Padfoot.” Remus lectured.

“I can’t sleep either. At least let me not-sleep with you?”

Remus chuckled lightly. “Sure, Pads.”

The phone rang inside.

Sirius and Remus looked at each other before walking inside. They got to the phone just as Effie did.

“You boys should be asleep.” She scolded as she picked up the phone. She listened and her playful smile dropped.

Sirius’ heart sank. Effie was always happy. What could make Effie look like that?

“Of course. We’ll be there in the morning.” Effie set down the phone.

“What is it, Effie?”

“Boys," She took a shaky breath. "Lily was attacked in an alleyway.”


First things first, I am not hindu! I did a lot of research on this topic, as well as ask my hindu friend about it and I tried my best. If you're hindu and think I'm inaccurate, I'm sorry but I really did my research.

Good news: Moony is here!

Also, Remus would've totally been a skater boy if it wasn't for his "furry little problem" and I will fight people on that. He just gives off those vibes. Also, so does Peter Parker which is why Andrew Garfield is my favorite spider-man (this will become very apparent later in the story once we get to the actual fighting).

Sorry about that cliff hanger though. 'Til next time!

Chapter 6: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility


TW- sexual assault (it isn't described but it is mentioned)

So this chapter is sadder but it needed to happen in order for Remus to eventually become Spider-man. I tried to add some funny scenes later so... there's that.

Also, a thank you sooo much to everyone who has read this, left kudos, or commented! It means so much to me and I love reading the comments!

Enjoy this chapter and take care of yourselves!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Saturday| September 27th

Effie had made Sirius and Remus go to bed after the phone call, as if they’d be able to sleep. When morning came, the other two boys were filled in and all four of them had insisted on coming with the adults to the Evans’.

Remus was confused at first on why the Potters were called because it didn’t seem like the two families were close, nor James close enough to Lily for him to have been called, but Sirius then explained that Effie and Monty were lawyers. Which meant that there was going to be a lawsuit.

Effie explained to the boys the brief basis of the story that she had been told on the phone: Lily was walking home at night, someone jumped her in an alley, beat her, and stole her belongings.

When they knocked on the door, Mrs. Evans looked at the four boys suspiciously, not letting them in even as they explained that they were friends of Lily. Finally, Mr. Evans appeared (Remus is sixty percent sure his name is John) and recognized Remus (from when he had driven Remus home after the trip to Black Tower) and let them all inside.

“She needs her friends right now,” Mr. Evans told his wife, wrapping an arm around her waist reassuringly. He turned to the boys. “She’s in her room down the hall, boys.”

They made their way there and knocked.

“Who is it?” Lily’s voice asked through the wooden door. It sounded shaky, like she had been crying.

“James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.” James answered.

The door cracked open and one of Lily’s emerald green eyes peered through. “Remus can come in. No one else.”

The door opened a bit more. Remus slipped through, casting a quick, apologetic glance at the other three boys. As soon as he was in, the door shut. He turned and when he saw Lily, his heart dropped.

She was swallowed in a maroon hoodie that covered her shorts with the hood up. Her red hair was tangled and eyes’ rimmed with red. She had a brown and yellow bruise on the side of her jaw and on her neck. The worst part, however, was her expression. Remus had never seen Lily anything but happy and confident. Even when she was sarcastic or rejecting James, her eyes were bright. The Lily that stood before him was not that Lily. She was sad and defeated. She seemed to shrink in her hoodie as if she was trying to hide.

“Oh, Lils.”

He held out his arms, offering a hug because she would never ask (she was too respectful of his boundaries). She collapsed into it immediately. He held her tightly as she started to cry.

“Hey, I’m here. I’m here.” Remus didn’t say that it was okay because it wasn’t. It wasn’t okay what she went through and he knew how awful it is to hear that when you’re crying.

“I’m sorry.” She wept into his shoulder.

“Sorry for what?” He hooked his chin over her head. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Lils.”

“He took your book.” Lily croaked. “It was in my bag when he took it.”

Remus pulled her away, keeping his hands locked on the sides of her shoulders. “Lily, look at me.” She continued to look down. “ Lily .” She finally looked up with a sniffle. “I don’t care about that. I care much more about your safety.”

Lily’s face cracked and she crumbled, going back to cry in his arms.

“Are you okay? Physically?” He asked, rubbing her back.

She nodded against his chest. They stayed like that for a while.

“I-” Lily started then groaned. “Ugh! I’m so stupid! I feel so stupid!”

“What? Why?”

She pulled away and sat with a huff on her bed. “I’m usually so much smarter than this, Remus! I know not to go out at night, especially not alone . What was I thinking?”

Remus didn’t know what to say to that. He sat down next to her.

“I don’t think you’re stupid.” Remus confessed quietly. “You should be able to walk home at night. You should be safe. It’s not your fault.”

“Thanks, Remus.” Lily stood up and walked over to the record player in her room, putting down the needle and playing the vinyl. She laid down, head falling in his lap.

Remus knew that she needed silence so he started playing with the ends of her hair, detangling it with his fingers.

“I’m sorry that it’s so tangled.” Lily said, looking up at him.

“Do you want me to brush it for you?”

She smiled, sitting up and grabbing the hairbrush and comb from her bedside drawer before falling back onto his lap. He started at the end, going slowly and removing the tangles. It was therapeutic, for both of them, just sitting there and listening to The Mamas and the Papas.

Eventually, the vinyl finished and Lily’s hair was detangled.

“Do you want me to braid it?” Remus offered, mostly genuine but slightly jokingly.

“No!” Lily yelped, jumping up from his lap. He raised his brows. “I’m sorry. I had my hair in a braid last night. It’s- it’s how he grabbed me.”

Remus nodded gently. She let out a shaky breath. “Is this like- is this how it’s going to be?” She asked quietly. “Am I going to always carry this with me?”

Something heavy set in Remus’ stomach. He didn’t think that getting jumped in an alleyway would affect someone this much. It felt like there was something more.

“Lily,” Remus started softly. “He didn’t just hit you and take your things, did he?”

Something broke behind her eyes. Something broke inside his heart.

“Oh, Lils-”

“Don’t pity me.” She demanded shortly before turning softer. “ Please .”

“I don’t.” Remus affirmed her. He hated it when people pitied him. He waited a moment, letting that sit in between them before spitting out, “He’s a bitch.”

She let out a choked laugh and he joined in.

They eventually tapered out into a solemn silence though.

“He touched me.” She confessed. “ A lot .”

Remus reached out to hold her hand, hovering over her’s in case she didn’t want it. She took it.

“I don’t know what to do, Remus.” Lily said. “I don’t want to keep this with me forever. What should I do?”

Remus looked at her, her eyes big and questioning. It was so unlike Lily that it made him falter. “Survive.” Lily looked confused so he continued. “Don’t let what happened to you, become you. Don’t let it change you. Live despite it.”

She looked at him more intently, forcing eye contact. She stared at him for a moment, exploring and studying his eyes. “Why- why do you sound like you’re speaking from experience, Remus?”

He swallowed. He wanted to tell her, he realized. He had just never told anyone before. Remus cast a quick glance at the door, checking to see if the other boys were there. He only saw wood but he couldn't hear their heartbeats.

Remus took a breath. “When I was little, I was- something happened to me when I was younger.” Remus tried slowly. He didn’t want to sound like he was comparing their experiences so he tread on carefully. “Someone did something to me– not like what happened to you! He didn’t- he didn’t touch me like that. He-”

Tears formed in Remus’ eyes. He didn’t know why. He had told this to therapists before, he didn’t cry then.

“Remus.” Lily smiled encouragingly. She nodded for him to continue.

“He- he cut me.” He looked away. “When I was five years old, a man, Fenrir Greyback, took me and cut me.”

Lily gasped softly. He squeezed his eyes shut. Remus slowly pulled back his sleeve up to just past his elbow. She gasped again, kind of. It was more, sort of, an intake of air.

He knew how it looked. His scars. White and light pink.

“I- I don’t want to compare what happened to both of us. They’re different.” Remus sighed. “I just want to let you know… I get it. I understand.”

Lily trailed his scars with her index finger before looking at him.

“We’re survivors.” She said, her voice strong. “We’re going to be survivors.”

He smiled. “Hell yeah, we are.”

They sat like that for a while, finding comfort in each other’s presence, when something hardened in Remus’ chest. Something angry, something rotten .

“Lily,” He turned to her. “What did he look like?”

Her eyes widened, slightly confused about the question and probably the abruptness of it. “Uhm… shoulder length blond hair, he was wearing a beanie though. I didn’t see his eyes. He had a weird tattoo on his forearm.”

“What was it?”

“It was this snake in the shape of a figure-eight. It had a skull at the end of the tail.” Lily described. She sharpened her gaze. “Why?”

“Just curious.” He lied.

Remus .”

He looked up into her eyes.

“Don’t.” She commanded.

“Don’t what?”

She huffed. “Don’t go after him. Don’t be stupid. You’re not stupid.”

“I know.”

He knew. He knew it was stupid but he was different. Lily thought that Remus was just a gangly teenage boy but he wasn’t. He had abilities… he could do stuff that no one could do. Shouldn’t he do something with them?
Remus hadn’t really thought about what he would do with his powers and it was stupid to think that he should just go about his life normally. If he had the power to do something, shouldn’t he do it?

* * *

Remus and Lily joined the others a little less than an hour after Remus had entered. When they entered the living room, the three boys looked up. James looked relieved, Peter looked nervous, and Sirius was unreadable if not concerned. The parents were at the dining room table, apparently having casted out the boys. Lily looked a little surprised, probably not thinking that the boys would still be there.

James stood up and approached cautiously, Sirius and Peter stood up but stayed back. James bit his lip.


“No.” Lily laughed.

James smiled. “Wanna sit with us?”

“Might as well,” Lily shrugged, smiling. “You are in my house, might as well be a good host.”

The Evans had a ‘L’ shaped couch. James sat at the end of the long side, Lily sat beside him (with reasonable space between them, mind you), Remus in the corner, and Sirius on the other end. Peter settled in the leather armchair.

“Were you all together?” Lily asked. “You all came together and I know that my dad only called the Potters, were all staying the night there?”

“Yeah,” Peter said. “We were camping in James’ backyard.”

Lily opened her mouth and closed it. “Wha- do I even want to know?”

“Well,” James started. “Lupin is officially a marauder now so-”

What! ” Lily gasped. She whirled on Remus. “You’re a marauder now?”

“I guess so.” Remus confirmed, smiling shyly.

“Ugh!” Lily groaned, collapsing into the back of the couch. “Dang it, Remus. And to think I was starting to like you.”

“What?” Remus laughed. “What’s wrong with being a marauder?”

“They’re just a bunch of arrogant, rich toerags, Remus.” She shook her head. “You’re not! You’re nice, for heaven’s sake, and good . These guys are going to corrupt you.”

The three other boys burst out laughing, while Remus bit on his lip to stop himself from smiling or laughing as well.

“You’re right, Lils.” Remus nodded seriously. “These miscreants are just going to corrupt me. I’m just a simple, innocent bystander. They’re going to ruin me.”

They laughed harder. Lily just looked confused at that point but gave up trying to understand with a sigh.

“Anyways,” James started after the laughter died down. “What I was saying was, now that Lupin is officially a marauder, we needed a nickname for him, but we all got our nicknames from a wilderness field trip in sixth grade. So, we decided to have a sleepover/ camping trip so we could figure out one for him.”

“And?” Lily implored.

“And what?”

“Did you come up with one?”

James started to say no at the same time Sirius gasped and shot up in his seat.

“YES! Yes, we did!”

Remus laughed into his hand.

“We did?” James and Peter said, looking confused.

“Yeah! I came up with it last night while Remus and I were talking.” Sirius explained. “You two were asleep.”

“Oh? What is it?” James asked.

Sirius drummed on the coffee table. “Introducing-” He dragged. “Mr. Moony!”

Remus bit his thumb knuckle to stop himself from laughing. He loved the nickname. He genuinely loved it. He had never had a nickname before (well, his mam called him ‘fy annwyl’ but that wasn’t as much of a nickname as it was a term of endearment). Remus loved that his nickname revolved around the moon too. So many of his favorite books and songs revolved around it. His favorite poem ‘ Watch in the Moonshadows ’ was about the moon and helped him through the time period after Greyback. He found so much comfort in the moon.

“Moony?” James said, testing the name on his tongue. He smiled. “Moony. I like it. It fits him. It fits you, Moony.”

Remus smiled fondly.

“Misters Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.” Peter smiled too. “The four marauders.”

“You lot are a bunch of dorks.” Lily shook her head but even she couldn’t hide her fond expression.

* * *

Monday | September 29th

The rest of the weekend was a blur.

Effie had made Peter and Remus call their parents and inform them of where they were. Remus’ parents panicked (as Remus knew they would) and demanded to speak with Effie. Effie had remained calm the entire conversation but Remus knew that his parents didn’t. Effie explained to Remus that his parents were very concerned and didn’t want him to be involved in the situation at all, mainly because of what happened to Lily, and then asked why.

Remus summarized (not lying exactly ) and said that his parents didn’t like police, that they didn’t trust them and that they’ve had a bad experience with cops in the past so they didn’t want Remus to be around situations that involved them (see, not a lie. Just not the whole truth).

Lily, luckily, understood what he was hinting at and didn’t push him to stay. They hugged and Remus made his way home.

Then, Remus essentially spent the entire weekend in lockdown. He still called Lily a lot though. Which is how he learned just how much of an absolute arsehole Snape was.

Snape’s, according to Lily, first question when Lily explained what happened to her (including the rape because Snape was her “best friend”) was “ what were you wearing?”. Remus just about stormed over and beat Snape himself when he had heard. Snape then went on to say how it shouldn’t have happened to Lily. This would’ve been fine by itself but, of course, Snape didn’t stop there. He didn’t think that it shouldn’t have happened to Lily because it shouldn’t happen to anyone . No. He thought it shouldn’t have happened to Lily because she was different. He thought it was fine if it happened to other people and was okay with the guy who hurt her getting away because it “wasn’t that big of a deal.”

Needless to say, Lily Evans and Severus Snape weren’t friends anymore.

So when Remus came to school Monday, he brought an extra jumper. It was one of his simpler ones, just brown and green. Lily had asked him to. In fact, she had asked specifically for a very “Remus” sweater. One that was obviously Remus’.

When Remus walked into homeroom, he figured out her plan immediately and laughed right on the spot from his place in the doorway. Sirius looked over at him curiously, a smile of his own playing on his lips.

“I can’t wait to see his face.” Remus divulged as he walked up to Lily.

Lily grinned from where she sat on top of the desks. She had James’ bomber on her lap and was putting on some of Sirius’ silver rings.

“Malady,” Remus dramatically bowed as he passed her his sweater.

She held up. “Yes! Thank you, Remus!”

She slipped it over her head. Remus laughed as the sweater engulfed her, hiding half of her hands.

“I even brought you one of my older ones.” Remus chuckled. “That one’s too small on me.”

“It’s perfect, Remus!” Lily stood and turned to show Marlene and Mary.

“When do I get one, Moony?” Sirius asked cheekily from where he suddenly appeared at Remus’ side.

“Depends.” Remus smirked. “What do I get in return?”

Sirius sputtered and went slightly red in the face. He shook his head and the color returned to normal.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He tried to put his elbow on Remus’ shoulder suavely but it was awkward because of the height difference.

“Want me to crouch?” Remus offered. Sirius stuck his tongue out and flipped him off, walking over to Mary.

Lily pulled on James’ bomber. The colors kind of clashed: the olive and browns of Remus’ sweater, the dark, muted red of James’ bomber, and the coppery auburn of Lily’s hair but in the best kind of way.

“Want to explain why we just donated all of our clothes, Evans?” James asked. When Remus turned, he could hear how fast James’ heart was beating and felt how flushed he was from seeing Lily in his jacket (Remus was guessing that this was the reason).

“She’s getting back at Snape,” Marlene explained from where she was leaning back in her chair with her combat boots propped up on the table.

James and Sirius brightened.

“How?” Peter asked. “Why?”

“She’s not friends with Snivellus anymore.” Mary said.

“She’s wearing our most ‘ marauder ’ articles of clothing to show that she’s with us now.” Remus smiled. “‘Cause you know how much he loves us.”

“Brilliant!” Sirius grinned. “I knew I always liked you, Evans.”

Everyone laughed.

* * *

Sirius Black

Same Day

Snivellus’ face was hilarious according to Remus and Peter. Lily apparently didn’t see it because she was deliberately ignoring him. She had just walked straight up to Slughorn (she had left entering at the last minute so that everyone in the class was there and could see) and asked simply if she could have a new partner.

Slughorn wasn’t going to risk losing his star pupil’s favor so he allowed her to switch. She switched with Peter, joining Remus. Peter went to join a girl named Sara and Sara’s partner went to Snape. Snape’s new partner happened to be (and Sirius could not be happy enough about this) Paul Chancey, who was known for being sick, allergic to everything, constantly sneezing, and being clumsy. He was a nice enough fellow other than that though.

At lunch, the girls joined the boys at their table.

“So,” Marlene began. She looked right at Remus. “Moony?”

Remus rolled eyes, pretending to be annoyed but Sirius could see his fond smile. “Shut it, McKinnon.”

Marlene playfully gasped, feigning offended until her eye caught something.

“Marls?” Mary asked. She nudged her. “Marlene?”

Marlene blinked as if waking up from a daydream. “What?”

“You good?” Mary asked.

“Yeah, fine.”

“Who were you staring at?” Remus smirked. Marlene went beet red. Sirius didn’t even consider the possibility that she was staring at someone . She just thought she got lost in her own thoughts, like Remus and James did sometimes. How did Remus know?

“You were staring at someone?!” Mary stood up, craning her neck to see in the direction Marlene was staring in.
“Get down!” Marlene hissed, yanking Mary down by her sleeve.

“Who was it, McKinnon?” Sirius teased.

“None of your concern!”

Sirius looked over at James to see if he was laughing to see a strange expression on his face. His head was slightly tilted, eyebrows subtly raised. If Sirius and James weren’t as close as they were, Sirius wouldn’t know that this look meant that James knew something, that he knew something he didn’t want everyone else to know. And James was looking directly at Marlene.

Does he know which boy she has a crush on ? Sirius wondered.

Marlene also caught on to the look and widened her eyes at James threateningly. James nodded.

What the f*ck just happened?

“Hey, James?” Remus said, waking Sirius up from his thoughts. James looked up too. “Can I talk to you and Marlene about something in the hallway?”

“Why?” Sirius asked. Did he also know? Why does everyone else know but me?

“You two are the captains of the Junior Varsity soccer teams right?” Remus asked, even though he knew the answer. “I have a question for the paper.”

Lily looked up curiously and a silent interaction happened between her and Remus and she just looked down at her food, unbothered.

“Okay, sure, Moony.” James and Marlene stood up. He clapped Sirius on the shoulder. “See you in Gym, Pads. We’re climbing the rope today.”

Sirius and Peter groaned.

* * *

“You should be excited, Moony!” James said as the four marauders walked out of the locker room.

“Why the f*ck would I be excited about climbing a rope?” Remus asked incredulously. Sirius liked Remus when he was away from the girls. He was more relaxed. Not that he wasn’t relaxed with the girls, but he put on more of a “protector” and “innocent” act when he was around them, not making as many sarcastic jokes or cursing at all.

“Because you’re a great climber.” Sirius made a face at James. How and why would James know if Remus was a good climber? “You know, ‘you’d climb to the moon if someone built a ladder to it ’?”

“What?” Sirius asked. Peter looked just as confused.

Remus just smiled as he shook his head. “It’s a line from my favorite poem that I quoted when James and I hung out last weekend.”

“Yeah, after he climbed a tall scaffolding!” James raved.

Sirius’ eyes widened.

“It wasn’t that tall, Prongs.”

“I couldn’t climb it.” James said simply, as if because James couldn’t do it, it made it really impressive. Which Sirius kind of agreed with. Maybe not with everything but with something physical, it applied.

“Whatever.” Remus snorted. “You’re just short.”

“You aren’t even that much taller than me!” James cried out at the same time Sirius said, “You’re just tall, Moony.”

It was true though, Remus stood a solid two inches taller than James.

They approached the rest of the boys who were huddled around the mat where the rope hung down.

“I’m going to be crap at this.” Peter declared.

“Maybe.” Sirius teased. Peter turned on him, offended. “But you won’t be the worst.”

Peter rolled his eyes and faced away. “I thought that I’d at least be better than the asthmatic but apparently my luck is rotten.”

Remus snorted. “Sorry, mate.”

One by one, their names were called to climb the rope, in alphabetical order. So, Sirius went first out of their group. He made it a little higher than the midpoint so he was happy. People kept going but Remus wasn’t called, instead Coach Hooch just moved onto the ‘M’s. Remus looked slightly confused but didn’t say anything. Peter went next and got maybe a quarter of the way (which wasn’t the worst by far, just like Sirius had said) and James made it to the ¾ mark, at least. Once the last person had gone, Coach Hooch told them to all go back to the locker room to change.

“Except you, Mr. Lupin.” She called. All four marauders stayed. “You still have to climb. I thought that you wouldn’t want to climb in front of all of the other boys.”

“Right, thank you, Coach Hooch.” Remus handed James the inhaler from his pocket.

“But, I th-” James started.

“I still have asthma, Prongs.” Remus said sternly and walked up to the rope.

Then he started to climb… and James was right that he was a good climber. He sprung up the rope like he was made to. Halfway through, it almost seemed like he remembered that he had to struggle and started going slower and his breathing became heavier.

He ended up making it all the way to the top and the other marauders clapped as he made his way down. He was breathing hard and took the inhaler with a nod before breathing deeply using it.

“Fantastic job, Mr. Lupin.” Coach Hooch praised, writing down on her clipboard. “You’re dismissed.”

As the boys made their way to the locker rooms, James, Peter, and Sirius had their own praise to share.

“That was amazing, Moony!”

“It was incredible!”

“Like f*cking hell, Moony.” Sirius breathed out. “You climbed that thing like a monkey!”

“Like a spider!” James laughed.

Sirius joined him in laughing. “Yeah, like a spider.”

If Sirius had stopped to notice though, he would’ve noticed that 1) Remus paled very much at this statement and 2) Remus had hardly worked up a sweat.


First thing, Remus telling Lily about his kidnapping is not him comparing what they went through. He's just trying to show her that he understands what she's going through.

Second, Paul Chancey was originally going to be Gilderoy Lockhart (bc that would've been hilarious) but, I think he's in the year below them if not lower so it wouldn't have worked.

Now, onto the more funny bits. I love the idea of Remus figuring out that James and Marlene are staring at their crushes by their heartbeats (that's what happened btw). Also, Remus' acting skills? Just halfway up the rope and he's like "oh wait. I have to struggle" and then faking his asthma! Love it.

Final thing that I want to put out there is that Remus isn't purposely flirting with Sirius or anyone else. I know that it might seem it at some points and especially last chapter but he's not. He hasn't ever properly hung out with or been friends with anyone his age so his perception of boundaries is a little off. He doesn't realize that leaning into people's space, smirking, or any of that is "flirting". He's definitely not thinking anything about his sarcastic comments (which definitely can come off dirty). He certainly doesn't know that Sirius is reacting to these things. He has no clue. Which I find hilarious.

Thank you for reading! I'll see you next time!

Chapter 7: Progress Made


Sorry that it took me so long to post this newest chapter but here it is!

All translations are at the end.

Hope you enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Marlene McKinnon

Monday | October 6th

Everyone was stupid. “Everyone” being her friends. So, Marlene’s friends were being stupid. All of them. Just about different things.

Sirius was being stupid by trying to be heroic. Sirius never told Marlene that he was reconciling with his abusive parents but he didn’t have to. She could see the toll it had on him. He was less humorous and didn’t smile if no one was looking (well, if he thought no one was looking). He started flinching at loud noises (like the school bell and Coach Hooch’s whistle) again. He had stopped doing that last year.

These things weren’t that noticeable but Marlene had been raised to notice little details. Besides, he had come to last Saturday’s co-ed practice with a giant purple bruise on his jaw. Marlene saw him first, having arrived at the same time. He tried some excuse about falling but she shut him up and dragged him into the bathroom to hide the bruise with some concealer and powder (thanking God that they were both the same pale color).

She then forced him to tell her why he was spending time with his parents again and he told her that he was trying to help his little brother. She said that he was being stupid but told him to be safe and if they hurt him more, to tell her.

Marlene knew he wouldn’t. Her dad’s a cop. Sirius tells her, she tells her dad, her dad looks into the Black family, all of Sirius’ progress that he was making for his brother went away. He wouldn’t tell her. She had to respect that. Which is why she ignored it when she heard Sirius tell James that he was making progress and was invited to a Black Family dinner on Saturday.

James was being stupid by letting Sirius go back to his parents. Marlene knew that no one could actually tell Sirius what to do but James had a pretty large sway. And Remus. Marlene didn’t know why or how but Remus had somehow gotten to the top of Sirius’s trust in the little time he had known him. It wasn’t obvious but if Remus said no, Sirius shut up.

Remus was also being stupid because… just because . Maybe, Marlene was a little upset with him at the moment. Okay, not upset per se but she didn’t quite know how she felt about him, other than than it wasn’t positive. Maybe “called out ” is a good word. Yeah. Marlene felt very called out by Remus.

Last week, Remus called her out on staring at someone. She didn’t know how he knew because everyone else assumed she was daydreaming or just zoned out but he didn’t. He knew . He knew that she was staring at someone. And, if that wasn’t enough, once he had taken her and James out into the hall, he didn’t ask about soccer, he asked about her .

“What’s her name?” He had asked immediately after leaving the table.

She had frozen, because he said her . “How-”

“You were staring at Sirius’ brother’s table.” Remus had explained. James’ brows furrowed. “Your options were Barty Crouch Jr. and Evan Rosier, who don’t seem like your type, Sirius’ brother, which you would never do to Sirius, or one of the two girls. It could be Pandora but I don’t really see her as your type either. So, it has to be the other girl. I just don’t know her name. What is it?”

Marlene just stared at him. “You- you’re not going to- what?

Marlene had been so confused. Why was he listing the girls just as easily as the boys as if they could be options? How did he know she was gay?

“What? Judge you?” Remus raised an eyebrow. “I don’t care about your gender preference, Marls.”

“You don’t?” She was stunned. The only person she had told was James and that was because she panicked and got sick after kissing him. He came out to her a year later as Pan; which didn’t surprise her in the slightest, James had always seemed like the kind to like everybody regardless of their gender or race or background. He just made it official.

“Why would I?” He laughed. “You won’t judge me for liking both?”

Marlene’s eyes widened even more. Did he just come out to her? “You’re-”

“The same as you, Marls.” Remus confirmed. He nudged her. “Now, what is her name?”

And that’s how Marlene ended up telling Remus and James about Dorcas. She was confused about why James was there at first but Remus had explained that he couldn’t have just asked for her after calling her out and James would’ve made it less suspicious. Which she wouldn’t have thought about.

She wouldn’t have thought about it all which made her suspicious of Remus. He had thought so quickly on his feet, lying so quickly, covering so quickly… Why was he so good at it?

So, maybe that’s how she feels about Remus right now: cautious .

Al McKinnon was a police officer. Which is how Marlene learned things that she knew her friends didn’t know or think about, and Al had always said that if someone’s a good liar, it means they have something they lie about. Remus had a secret and she was now determined to discover it.

Marlene learning things that she shouldn’t because of her father’s job is also how she found out that the police weren’t actively looking for Lily’s attacker.

“What!” She hissed.

“We can’t send a full search party out every time a person is jumped in New York.” He had explained but Marlene was still allowed to be pissed about it. Which is why Marlene had to leave her dorm earlier today.

She was planning on working out a little before homeroom but it was locked and she forgot her captain keys on the desk so she just went to homeroom. No one was there, thankfully. Not even James or Sirius who had a tendency to arrive early if McGonagall was teaching. Nor McGonagall herself. She simply said a quick hello to Marlene and went out to get coffee or something.

She put in her earbuds and turned the volume all the way up.

Remus sat in front of her (instead of his usual spot beside her), his mouth moved but she didn’t hear anything but her music. She pointed to her headphones. He raised his eyebrow and reached over to look at the cassette, letting out a small chuckle at the name, Bitch Mood. He paused it. She reluctantly took off her headphones, sliding them down to hang around her neck.

“You okay?” Remus asked, a small amused smile pulling up the side of his mouth.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She hissed.

“You’re listening to a mix-tape called Bitch Mood .”

Marlene couldn’t argue with that so she rolled her eyes. “You’re early.”

“I needed to use the school’s computer lab.” Remus replied simply. “What’s your excuse?”

“Needed to get out of the dorm.” She sat up in her chair. The idea of being in the dorm with Lily and knowing that the person that hurt her wasn’t getting punished was awful.

“Want to tell me why you’re upset?”

“No.” Marlene grumbled. “I’m mad and want to stay mad about this because- because it’s not okay and you’re only going to try to talk me down.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why would I talk you down?”

“You’re too nice.”

Remus bit his lip to stop himself from smiling. “Oh?”

“Yeah,” She sighed. “I need someone to be mad with.”

“I promise I won’t talk you down or whatever.” Remus promised. “Just tell me. You clearly need to get this off your chest.”

Marlene sighed. “The police aren’t looking for Lily’s attacker.”

His eyes turned to fire, his jaw tightened. Other than those small details, his face remained neutral.

What ?” He spoke through his teeth.

“My dad’s a cop. He told me that they can’t search for every criminal.” Marlene fumed, then her eyes caught something. “Remus?”


Remus! ” Marlene squealed. He seemed to blink awake and looked down to where the desk had cracked under his grip. He released his hand. “Remus, how-”

Remus' eyes widened, she had never seen him so panicked.

“Please don’t tell anyone!” Something behind his eyes clicked. “Oh, McGonagall is going to kill me!”

“How- how did you-” Marlene stammered.

“I think the wood has rotted.” Remus, as if to prove his point, poked a crack near the edge of the desk. It looked like a gentle enough touch but a little part broke off and fell.

“I guess so.” Marlene had thought for a moment- but that wasn’t possible. This was Remus . Remus, who had asthma so bad he couldn’t run more than one lap around a basketball court, who was as skinny as a beanpole, who tripped on his own feet. He couldn’t have broken the desk with his bare hand. “Let’s just tell Minnie when she comes in.”

“You call her Minnie too?” Remus rolled his eyes. “I thought that it was just Sirius.”

“Nope!” Marlene smiled cheekily.

“I’ll tell her, don’t worry.” Remus assured her.

“I’m surprised though.”

“About what?”

“Your anger.”

“Oh.” Remus hung his head, hiding his eyes with his tawny curls. He looked up, eyes earnest. “Why are you surprised? Did you think I wouldn’t care about Lily?”

“No, not that.” Marlene shrugged. “You just don’t seem like the kind of person to let yourself get angry.”


Marlene smirked.

“So,” Remus started, leaning forward onto his desk. “What songs are on the Bitch tape?”

Marlene laughed. “A lot of the Runaways.”

“Oh? Yeah, that sounds about right.” Remus smiled. Marlene raised her eyebrows in question. “You seem like a Cherry Bomb kind of girl.”

Marlene snorted. “Oh, I definitely am. Don’t worry.”

“Hey, Moony. McKinnon.” Sirius walked in, eyes brightening when Remus smiled at him. “What are you doing here so early, Moons?”

“Just talking to Miss Cherry here.” Remus gestured to Marlene, who snorted.

“Miss Cherry?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.

“Moony!” James called when he and Peter entered.

Marlene turned to Remus. She whispered, “Cherry?”

“I like nicknames.” Remus set his head on his crossed arms and smiled fondly at her. It was quite an adorable sight. Maybe it was because of how young he sounded when he said it. “Never had friends before, never had a nickname before. I like them.”

“Then, I’ll be Cherry.” Marlene said, just for the smile that bloomed on his face.

* * *

Remus Lupin

Friday | October 10th

After nearly a week of going to the advanced school labs early every morning, Remus had finished the suit. He had tested out tons of different materials and designs but he had finished. He tried it on immediately after school when he got home.

It was red and blue. It clung close to his skin but was still strong. It allowed him to move freely and he could breathe through it. It was perfect .

As soon as his mom left for her night shift at the hospital he slipped out his window with the suit under sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie. He had a fire-escape right out of the window that was covered in tons of potted plants. It mostly went unused (because his window is always triple-locked) but now made the perfect escape. It was the kind of fire escape that didn’t connect to the bottom. There was a ladder but it was broken (Mrs. Drolley kept complaining to maintenance and they said they’d get to it eventually).

He found his way to a semi-tall building, ready to test his webs and his suit… and himself, to be honest. Once at the top, he let out a breath. It was a weird feeling being up that high. It was exhilarating, there was a thrill that came along with the fear.

Ffyc .” Remus cursed, shaking out his body in an attempt to maybe shake off the nerves too. “Come on, let’s do this.” He peered down to the street below, the people like ants below.

At least there’s not many people . He thought glumly . So there won’t be many people to witness your death.

“Not helping.” Remus told himself.

And then, without a second thought, he put his hands on the half-wall and pulled himself into a handstand. He switched to just his fingertips and then one hand.

Now or never .

Remus leaned back and let himself fall.

The wind roared in his ears, his skin pushed against his skull. He looked up and saw the hanging scaffolding (the kind the window-cleaners used). He shot his web and it attached. He followed the web in a swing-motion to the floor. He skidded across multiple tables until his feet hit a chair. He released the web, and let the chair fall down to the ground.

Remus walked away whistling, the only thought in his mind being: holy f*cking sh*t holy f*cking sh*t holy f*cking sh*t!

* * *

He spent the next hour or so, swinging in between buildings. It felt like flying. When he finally slipped back into his room through the window, he was sweaty but buzzing with excitement.

Remus threw his suit into the washer and took a shower. When he was done, he dressed and switched the suit to the dryer. He then did his homework on the fire-escape until it turned dark. He made dinner (microwave mac-n-cheese, because he’s fancy ) and ate it on the couch, watching the news (because nothing interesting was on).

His dad came home around seven, looking tired and ragged so Remus retreated to his room. Remus finally went to bed at around eleven but couldn’t sleep long. There was a weird buzzing under his skin, probably the adrenaline not wearing off yet.

Remus was in the kitchen, making himself some tea to help him sleep when the phone rang. He looked at the time: 12:43 a.m.

“Hello?” Remus answered.

“Remus?” A voice came through.

“Lily?” A nerve shot through his spine. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

She laughed. “No, I’m not hurt.”

“Are you okay ?”

“Not really.” She sighed.

“What’s up?” Remus climbed up on the wall and sat above the phone.

“I can’t sleep,” Lily confessed. Her voice was a little shaky. “I’m- Remus, I’m scared.”

“You’re scared?”

“Yeah, can you come over?”

“Come over?”

“Yeah, I- I can’t be alone right now.”

“You want to have a sleepover.” Remus joked, hoping to cheer her up.

“It’ll be a full-on slumber party if you want, Remus. I’ll make hot chocolate and paint your nails. Whatever.” Lily teased back before turning a little solemn. “I just need you.”

“I’ll be there in less than twenty, Lily.”

“You live almost thirty away, Remus!”

“I’m fast.”

“There’s no way you can get a taxi that quickly.”

“I’ll run.”

“You have asthma.”

“I’ll bring my inhaler.”

“You’re ridiculous.” Lily groaned, she sounded fond though.

“And you’re wasting my twenty minutes.” Remus smiled. “Do you want anything?”

“No. I don’t.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

“See you.”

He hung up and practically sprinted to his room. He grabbed his school backpack and filled it with a change of clothes for tomorrow (with a beanie so he didn’t have to brush his hair), his suit, toothbrush and toothpaste, and some little things like his camera and money. He changed out of his pajama bottoms and added them too, changing into a pair of jeans. He slipped on his white converse, web shooters, and mask before stuffing his bed and slipping out of his window.

He crawled to the roof and swung there– stopping at a small convenience store for some chocolate, two sodas, and a small stuffed frog keychain. He found Lily’s window from the outside and climbed up to it (not using his powers, there was a fire escape).

Remus knocked lightly on the window. Lily snapped around, eyes widening when she saw him. She walked over and opened the window.


“I climbed up the fire-escape.” He smiled as he crawled in, speaking quietly. “I assume your parents don’t know you have a boy over?”

“They don’t but that’s not what I was going to ask.” She grabbed a towel off the hook on her door and stuck it in the crack below the door. “How’d you get here that quick?”

“Ask me no questions and I tell you no lies.” Remus smirked. He held up the grocery sack. “I even stopped for snacks.”

Lily gaped at him. “Want hot chocolate?”

“You never have to ask about chocolate, Lils.”

* * *

They sat on her bed a half-hour later. Lily had pulled out a sleeping bag on the floor for him but she didn’t want to go to bed yet.

Remus took a big bite out of his chocolate bar. “This is my first sleepover.”

“No, it isn’t.” Lily laughed lightly. “You slept over with the boys the other week.”

“I don’t really think that that was really a sleepover .” Remus thought aloud. “It was a ‘ camping trip’ according to them. This is my first sleepover with just one person and, more specifically, my first sleepover with a girl .”

Lily chuckled. “I guess so.”

“What do you do on a sleepover?” Remus asked earnestly. “For girls, I mean. I know what the boys do.”

Lily smiled mischievously. “We paint each other's nails.”


“And make-up…”

Ffycin- Absolutely not.”

“We gossip and talk about boys-”


Lily’s eyes widened. “Oh? You want to gossip and talk about boys?”

“Sure.” Remus shrugged, rolling his eyes. “I need to get this girl sleepover thing right, don’t I?”

“You want to talk about boys?” She repeated.

“Or girls.”

Lily shook her head, laughing. “You don’t seem like the kind to gossip, Remus.”

“Really? Why?”

“You’re too nice.”

Remus snorted. “How- Why do all of you girls think I’m so innocent. Ffycin uffern . Whatever. Let’s gossip, sure? Who or what do you want to talk about?”

Lily ended up spending the next forty-five minutes or so catching Remus up with everything that happened between all of their friends before he joined them

Marlene, Peter, and James all grew up together because they lived on the same street and all of their parents are friends. Mary, Lily, and Sirius were added in middle-school, when they all got put in the same class (McGonagall’s because apparently she taught middle school before moving up to high-school which is why they’re so close to her). Sirius and James instantly became like brothers, same for Mary and Marlene. Lily didn’t connect as quickly because she was still friends with Snape at the time. Lily also told him that she was only friends with him because they grew up in the same building, the building that Remus was in right now. Lily eventually became very close with Mary and Marlene though in 7th grade. The two separate groups however– James, Sirius, Peter and Mary, Marlene, and Lily– eventually became friends halfway through freshman year after the girls pranked them back.

Lily also told him how James had been chasing after her since the first lesson in sixth grade. However, she thought it was a joke. Remus knew for a fact that James was absolutely mental about Lily and that it wasn’t a joke but Lily wouldn’t be convinced.

Lily told him about how she dorms with Mary, Marlene, and a senior named Alice Fortesque (who was basically like their mom or really cool older sister) but stayed with her parents almost every weekend. Lily had a sister named Petunia who’s three years older and currently in college but they don’t get along well. Lily told him that her dad (who’s name is, in fact, John) is a baker and her mom (Rose because they’re all flower based apparently) is a florist (ironically).

“Hold up, hold up!” Remus held up his hands. “All of your middle names are plant based too?”

“Yup.” Lily giggled. “I’m Lily Juniper and there’s Rose Laurel and Petunia Clove.”

“Wow.” Remus breathed out, leaning back onto the pillow.

“What’s yours?”

“My middle name?” Remus looked up at her. “It’s rather boring. It’s John.”

“Boo.” She hit him lightly with a pillow. “We need to go to bed soon.”


“One more question.” Lily said. Remus sat up, intrigued. She seemed serious.

“Uh oh.” Remus laughed, half-joking half-nervous.

“It’s a girl sleepover obligatory question.”

“Oh? Well, now I’m intrigued.” Remus smirked.

“Ready?” Lily asked. “Do you have a crush on anyone this school year yet?”
Remus’ eyes went wide as his body went still. He was not expecting that question. He also was not expecting for a certain black-haired person to come to his mind. He blinked. Did he- no. No, he couldn’t. Because…

Remus’ mind ran a million miles per hour. Their smile, their laugh, their eyes… holy sh*t .

Holy sh*t , Remus realized. I like Sirius Black . Remus thought back to the night his mom asked if there was anyone…

He also realized that he was silent for too long.


Remus shook his head, less to her question and more to his newfound crush on his best mate. Why did it have to be him? Why, Remus, why?! You finally make some f*cking friends and you have to go and get a crush on one. Great f*cking going there, idiot.

“Really? No girls catch your eye?”

He winked at her. “Why? You know someone who will be disappointed if I say no?”

She smiled, biting her lip. “No- well, actually…”

“Wait, actually?” Remus was shocked.

“There’s Casey Kertfeld from the paper.”

“Really? I’ve spoken to her once!”

“You-” Lily looked at him confused, and slightly skeptically. “You really don’t realize how much people like you, do you?”

Remus stared back at her.

“You don’t!” Lily’s mouth made an ‘o’. “Oh my- Remus!


“Remus! People like you– don’t scrunch up your face like that– it’s true . People like you! You’re a very likable person. You’re kind, you care about people, you're funny too.” Lily sighed, deciding that it was a pointless battle. “So no girls?”

Sirius’ eyes smiled at Remus in his mind.

“Nope.” He answered truthfully. “No girls .”

Lily studied him. He couldn’t meet her eyes, but when he finally looked up, something on his face must’ve given it away because her eyes widened as it clicked in her mind.

Remus -” Lily sat up. “Is there a boy ?”

Remus sucked his lips in, dodging her eye. “Maybe?”

Her eyes brightened as her smile grew. Remus let out a sigh of relief, she doesn’t look repulsed .

“Remus!” Lily exclaimed. “Who is it? What’s his name?”

“You- you’re not repulsed?”

“Why would I be- oh .” It dawned on her. “Remus.”

He looked up at her.

“I don’t care.” She laid her hand on his. He sagged with relief. “Is it- is it just boys? Or are you bi or- what’s the other one that likes all of them? Pan? Are you just gay or are you bi or pan-”

Remus huffed out a laugh. Of course she would know all of them, it was Lily . She knew everything about everything. “I’m bi, Lils.”

“So, Casey Kertfeld has a chance?” She joked. He rolled his eyes. “Go on, who is he?”

“I can’t tell you, Lils. I’m sorry.” Remus shook his head, looking down.

“Ugh, fine!” Remus heard her groan beside him. “Don’t tell me!”

* * *

They ended up settling in a little while later. It was dark and Lily finally fell asleep… but Remus couldn’t. That buzzing under Remus’ skin had resided once he got the call from Lily but it just reappeared at full force not long after she fell asleep.

All the hair on his arms stood on end. Spidey-sense .

Then, a siren went off in the distance. It was soft. Remus could tell that if Lily were awake, she wouldn’t hear it. Casting a quick glance at Lily (still asleep), he silently apologized and slipped out the window and towards the siren.


“Ffyc”- f*ck
“Ffycin-” - f*cking

Yeah, sorry that my only Welsh bits were cussing. Also, sorry about this chapter. It's really wordy and although it was really informational, I can see why it might be a bit boring. It's more of an interlude or a setting up for other chapters.

Also! Remus likes Sirius! And knows it! Like I said, Sirius falls first but Remus will realize first.

First week back to school and my teachers are evil so it took me nearly a week but here it is.

I would also like to mention that Remus suit is just the traditional spiderman suit. If you're looking at the live-action versions, it'll be closer to Andrew Garfields' version.

Hope you lot enjoyed it and I'll see you next chapter.

Chapter 8: Spider Vigilante


TW - smoking addiction mentioned (this is important to Remus' storyline but they don't go too deep into it this chapter)

New chapter! Finally, I know. I’m sorry.

School has been hard. Junior year and all of that. Also, this chapter was really hard to find the motivation to write for. It’s supposed to introduce a conflict while also furthering Remus’ storyline. We do get some Mary backstory though so it’s not all bad, don’t worry.

I hope you enjoy! As always, the translations are at the end.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Saturday | October 11th | 2:15 a.m.

The sirens were nothing more than the cops stopping a speeding car. Thankfully .

Remus pulled the mask off his face, staring down onto the street below. He was perched on the corner, not sitting but crouched low on the balls of his feet. He was wearing his suit but had a gray hoodie unzipped over it to try to block out the chilly mid-October breeze. Remus tilted his head upwards, his mind wandering. The stars were dim due to the lights of the city but Remus could still barely make out Pegasis .

He was going to have to make up that soccer photoshoot from back towards the end of September. It had gotten rained out. Remus knew that they didn’t need to take the photos too soon though. Lily was a massive planner so she wanted the photos done and ready but they technically didn’t even need them until mid-November. It was all a matter of when Coach Hooch would let the School Paper interrupt a practice again (although Lily thought this was a rude phrasing because they didn’t interrupt anything. They just observed on the sidelines).

His brain didn’t only wander over to photography though. It wandered to his new crush. f*cking… why did it have to be Sirius ? Remus finally got some freaking friends and he’s got to go and ruin it by fancying one of them. Remus groaned aloud. Remus didn’t think that he really liked Padfoot though. It was more of the realization that he could like him. He found him attractive and was attracted to him but Remus couldn’t see himself in a relationship with Sirius. They just didn’t know each other well enough. Is that what defines a “crush”? Wanting a relationship with a person? Remus more felt the need to just become really close friends with Sirius. What would that be called? A friend-crush? That’s it. That’s what Remus has on Sirius: a friend-crush. Who knew if Remus could even be in a relationship with Sirius, with anyone, really.

Then, the feeling returned. Every hair stood on end and Remus turned sharply down to the alleyway below before his brain could even register why. Then, he heard it. A scream.

A man with shoulder length blond hair under a black beanie was practically playing tug-a-war with a bag against a woman. The heat of anger flashed through Remus so fast, he couldn’t even understand it.

The police car was stopped just across the street, just out of sight of the alley, but that shouldn’t have mattered, her screaming was loud enough to draw attention. They were just ignoring her . Remus’ blood boiled.

Remus crawled down the wall, keeping to the shadows, before landing on the ground without a noise.

The man won the tug-a-war and started to run off. Remus shot a web at his back and pulled him back, making him land on his back. The man whirled around but he couldn’t see Remus, who was still in the shadows.

“Who’s there!?” He called out. He jumped back up, attempting to run away again. Remus webbed him, this time pulling him back close enough so Remus could pin him to the brick of the wall by his collar. “Hey! Let me go!”

The man attempted to swing at Remus. In one movement, Remus let go with one hand, holding him up off his feet with only one hand and caught the flying fist. The color drained out of the man’s face.

“Who are you! How-”

Remus, with the hand still holding the dude’s fist, shot a web right at his mouth, cutting him off. Remus repositioned so that with one hand, the man’s wrists were held above his head. He pulled down the sleeves of the man’s shirt. There was no tattoo.

“Oh, you’re lucky.” Remus whispered, threateningly. “This could have gone a lot worse.”

Remus patted the man’s cheek as if petting a dog, even though it made his skin crawl. It was worth it to smell the fear grow off the man. Serves him right , Remus thought. For attacking that woman.

He realized that the man was struggling to breathe. “ Shh, shh, shh . Hold still.”

Remus used his fingers to poke holes through the webbing for his nostrils.

He webbed the man’s hands above his head and walked to go pick up the bag that dropped. Remus picked it up and looked over to the woman, who was crouched against the wall, curled in over herself with her knees against her chest. She was breathing heavily. She was scared. Even if Remus couldn’t see it, he could smell it, radiating off of her in waves.

“Ma’am?” Remus set the bag in front of her before stepping a good distance away to give her space. He didn’t think being close to her would help her at the moment.

She looked up, brown eyes wide and red.

“I’m going to go get the police, if that’s alright with you, ma’am?” She continued to stare at him blankly. “Right.”

Remus walked over to the end of the alley.


The two policemen that were walking back to their car, halted and looked up at him. Remus’ new and improved eye-sight allowed him to perfectly see their reactions to his appearance: pure shocked bemusem*nt .

“This dude just tried to rob this woman!”

The cops started to walk over and Remus wasted no time and swung away. By the time the cops arrived to see the man webbed against the wall, Remus was gone, hiding in the shadows on top of the roof.

One of the cops spoke into his shoulder, alerting the other cops. An idea formed in Remus’ mind.

* * *

Remus had not slept a blink by the time Lily woke up. He knew he wouldn’t. It didn’t matter that he was tired, Lily’s door didn’t have a lock and her fire escape went all the way to the floor. Someone could easily come in. So, Remus didn’t sleep.

“G’mornin.” Lily yawned, stretching like a cat.

“Morning.” Remus stood up from where he was sitting on the sleeping bag (he had pushed it to the opposite wall from the door and against the wall). “Now that you’re up, I think I’m going to head out.”

“Do you want to come back later?” Lily asked. Remus paused in the window, half out of it already. “I’m heading to Mary’s later to hang out with her and Marlene. Wanna join?”

Remus could already hear the other marauders’ teasing as he said, “Yeah, sure. I don’t know where Mary lives though.”

“Just come back here around eleven and we’ll go together.”

Remus could feel the little anxiety that came off of Lily. She’s scared to go alone. She needs someone to go with her . “Okay. Eleven?”

“Eleven.” Lily nodded. Remus was fully out of the window about to climb down the fire escape when Lily called out again. “Oh! And come through the front door!”

Remus laughed as he left.

* * *

Remus climbed through his window and into bed (to get a little sleep before he had to go out again) just in time for Hope Lupin to knock.

“Remus, fy annwyl, you up?”

Remus crawled across his bed to reach and unlock the door, immediately falling back into bed, covered up to his chin.

“Fy annwyl?” Hope walked in. She looked a little tired, still in her shrubs and hair in a messy bun.

Remus, at that moment, hated his new senses. He could smell the nauseating scent of hospital : cleaning product, medicine, people, and… cigarette smoke ? Remus lifted his head off the pillow to look at his mam better. He sniffed the air. It was definitely cigarette smoke though. It was light and clung to her hair, almost covered up by the soap on her fingers and dried sweat on her forehead. It didn’t make sense. Remus’ mam quit smoking years ago , after… well, when she quit a lot of things.

“Hey, mam.” Remus sat up, letting the sheets fall to his lap, showing off his baggy hoodie. “You just get back from the hospital?”

“What gave it away?” Hope laughed, holding her arms out like she was displaying herself. “I’m going to go to sleep. Do you have any plans for the day? Seeing any friends?”

Hope loved that Remus had friends. She loved answering the phone to chat with James or Lily or even Sirius or Peter before passing it along to Remus. It made her happy.

“Yeah, I was going to hang out with Lily, Mary, and Marls later if that’s okay?”

“Of course! I’d never say no to you hanging out with your friends.” She smiled, apparently forgetting the entire weekend where she didn’t let him leave the house because Lily was attacked. “Just call me when you arrive and when you’re planning on coming back.”

She left the room, taking the smoky smell with her.

Without getting up from the bed, Remus webbed the door handle and closed it. He threw the sheets off, revealing his lower-half still in the suit. He groaned into his pillow.

* * *

Remus was about to head over to Lily’s but… he was curious . So, he was about to do something last-year-Remus would’ve balked at.

His mam had just left to have lunch (or brunch. Remus didn’t know the difference) with a few friends and his dad had left for work. So, Remus snuck into their room. He headed over to Hope’s side of the bed (the side with the windows because she loved her flower boxes) and opened the drawer. There wasn’t much, just a small journal, a paper-back copy of Little Women (her favorite book) in Welsh, a few folded letters, a tube of pain-killer pills (she got bad migraines), a small framed picture of little Remus, and… what Remus was looking for and hoping not to find: a pack of cigarettes .

Cachu !” Remus groaned. He picked it up and opened it. There were ten left. Remus, without thinking, took three, shoving them into the pockets of his olive corduroys. He didn’t want to smoke them, he just didn’t want her to smoke them.

He opened his parents’ closet and pulled out his mother’s hamper, taking out one of the sweaters from the top, and then sniffing it. Cigarette smoke .

The phone rang. Remus fixed the room and went into the living room to answer it.


“Moony!” A voice exclaimed.


“Yeah! Hey.” Remus could hear the smile in Sirius’ voice. “What are you doing right now?”

“I’m about to go hang out with the girls.”


Remus heard someone else over the line, talking to Sirius (maybe James?). “Girls?”

“Are you both huddled around the phone?” Remus ran his hand down his face, grinning in spite of himself. It was kind of weird how quickly he connected with these people. He just clicked . It felt as if he had known them for years.

“Maybe.” Sirius answered snidely.

“What girls?” James asked eagerly. Remus heard the real question: Lily?

“Lils, Marls, and Mary.” Remus said with an eye roll. How could Lily seriously think that he didn’t have a crush on her? “I was just about to head over there.”

Sirius booed.

“Why?” Remus asked, trying to ignore the little flutter that Sirius wanted to hang out with him.

“I have to go to this fancy dinner tomorrow so I wanted to hang out with the Marauders today.” Sirius said.

“All of tomorrow?”

“Basically.” Sirius rolled his eyes so hard that Remus was sure he could hear it. “It’s a whole thing.”

“Geez.” Remus huffed out a small laugh. “Just how rich are you, Pads?”

Filthy .” Sirius teased. Remus' chest went hot. sh*t, sh*t, sh*t . He had heard from Marlene that Sirius was a massive flirt. That he would flirt with his food if it made it taste better. She mentioned that he would flirt with the marauders too but that was never genuine and oh how Remus wished it was. “How long will you be with them? Maybe we can do something after?”

“And invite the girls!” James added, excited.

“Yeah, sure, them too.” Sirius amended. “So… Moony? What do you say?”

Remus thought about it. “Do you have Mary’s house number? We’re heading over there. Call if you have a plan or idea.”

“Yes! Cheers, Moony!” James laughed. “We’ll call you later?”

“Yeah. See ya, Prongs.”

“Bye, Moony.”

“Bye, Pads.”

The call ended and Remus immediately slumped against the wall. The clock read 10:23. He needed to start towards Lily’s but he was tired. Physically, because he only had a two hour nap and a shower since 7:00 yesterday (he only got three hours the night before too). Mentally, because… he doesn’t even know. This new awareness of his… attraction towards his friend made that entire conversation draining. Remus didn’t want this. He didn’t want talking to his friend to become exhausting but what was he to do about it? Remus was just glad that he was only attracted to Sirius Black and didn’t actually fancy him. Remus didn’t know Sirius enough to like him like that. He was just going to have to ride these feelings out.

* * *

He picked up Lily, stopping to talk to Mr. Evans for a minute, and they both headed towards the other side of the city via subway.

“Hey, look!” Remus turned up to Lily, motioning for her to crouch down like he was. She reluctantly followed. He was almost sitting on the edge of the sidewalk, right by the road, where a small patch of clovers poked up through the crack in concrete. “Clovers!”

“I can see that.” Lily rolled her eyes, nudging him with her shoulder playfully. “Why are we stopping to admire them?”

“Don’t you think it’s interesting that there are clovers,” Remus asked. Lily stared at him blankly. He elaborated. “In October? When it’s this chilly?”

It wasn’t that chilly, barely a breeze. It was just chill enough to get away with wearing a sweater or jacket without sweating. Which worked well for him, Remus wore long sleeves even in July. But, it was too cold for clovers.

“Oh, yeah. I guess so.” Lily smiled gently at him before turning back to the clovers. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah, I’m just searching for a four-leaf one.”

Lily chuckled. “Of course you are. I’ll help you look.”

“Found one!” Remus exclaimed, plucking it.

“What? Really!?” Lily stood up after Remus. “You actually found one? And that quickly?”

“‘Ta-da!” Remus grinned. He dramatically held it out to Lily. “M’lady? Please, will you do me the absolute pleasure and accept this clover as a gesture of my affection.”

Lily snorted, bending in half to laugh. Remus couldn’t hold it in either and joined her.

“Yes, thank you, m’lord.” Lily took the clover through laughs.

They laughed for a little while longer before they started to Mary’s again.

“Hey, Clover?” Remus stopped mid-stride, already dreading what was to happen.

Lily stopped just ahead of him and turned slowly with an open-mouth grin on her face. “Did you just call me Clover ?”

Remus held his face in his hands. “Yes. I was still thinking about the clover. Oh god. You’re not going to let me forget this, are you?”

Lily shook her head, laughing. “Nope! You need to call me that now. All the time. Just like how you call Marlene Cherry .”

“Sure,” He fell back into step with her. “Now, I just need one for Mary.”

“A nickname?”

“Yeah, I have one for everyone but her.”

“Anything in mind?”

“Maisie,” He answered without thinking.

“That was quick.” Lily observed.

“It’s the nickname for this character in a book, her name was Mary too. She was very similar to Mary actually.” Remus followed Lily as she climbed up the stairs in the apartment building.

“Maisie.” Lily thought for a moment. “That’s a Scottish word.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah, it means pearl .” Lily knocked on the door. Remus could hear laughter and loud voices through the door. “Fits her.”

“You know Scottish? Is Scottish a language?”

“My family’s from there. We don’t acknowledge it much. It’s more of just like we know we’re from there kind of thing. I just learned a bit for fun.”

The door swung open. A boy no older than twelve stood there. He had warm brown skin like Mary and the same dark brown eyes and curls. He was slightly breathless, leaning against the door frame. He didn’t even make it to Remus’ shoulder.

“Zach!” Lily cheered.

“Lily!” Zach exclaimed. “I need your help! Marley won’t let me win in Mario Kart!”

Remus and Lily laughed (Lily louder). Lily walked through the door easily. Remus followed hesitantly.

“I don’t know how I can help.” Lily smiled as Zach pulled her to the living room by her wrist. “I suck at Mario.”

“I know!” Zach sat her down right by Marlene, who was sipping her tea smugly. “I just need your bad luck to rub off on Marley.”

Remus and Marlene snorted. Zach turned to Remus as if only just seeing him. “Who are you?”

“Zachie, be nice !” Mary walked in, one hand on her hip, the other hand holding a tray or four cups of tea. “This is Remus. Remus, this is my little brother, Zach.”

Zach squinted his eyes at Remus, slightly smiling as if he didn’t want to but couldn’t help it. “You’re a boy.”

Remus gasped, feigning shock. “I am !? That explains so much! Why didn’t any of you tell me?”

Marlene snorted again.

“Mary’s never had a boy over before when Lily and Marley are here.” Zach continued. Over his head, Remus could see Lily raise an eyebrow suggestively at Mary, who ducked her head as she set the tray on the wooden coffee table. Remus looked back at the young boy. “Are you her boyfriend?”

Marlene choked on her tea from laughter. Lily covered her mouth with her hand, which did not stop her laughter at all. Mary laughed, slightly bristled, grabbing a pillow and smacking the back of Zach’s head with it. Remus himself had to suck his lips in and bite them to refrain from just laughing at the poor boy.

“No, I’m not her boyfriend. Sorry, Zach.” Remus ran his fingers through his hair. “Just friends, I’m afraid.”

“Oh.” Zach seemed to ponder this for a moment. “So, you’re just friends?”

“Just friends.” Remus nodded.

“Are you good at Mario Kart?”

Remus chuckled lightly at Zach’s train of thought. Truthfully, Remus loved Mario Kart. His mam had gotten the new one for Remus’ fifteenth birthday and they spent a lot of time playing it because… well, it wasn’t like he had any friends to play it with.

But they didn’t know that.

“I don’t know, I’ve never played.” Remus lied.

Half an hour and a lot of screaming (and accidently teaching Zach some Welsh curse words), the five of them sat through the victory ceremony (which Remus had gotten 1st place in).

“You fu-” Marlene dragged out the word, casting a quick glance at the twelve-year old in the room (he was turning thirteen soon in December, he was sure to let Remus know). “-reaking liar!”

“Fu-reaking?” Remus laughed.

“You’ve played before, haven’t you, Remus?” Lily groaned, smiling slightly.

Remus just smirked. “Ask me no questions and I tell no lies.”

“Bastard.” Marlene huffed.

“Sorry, Cherry.” Remus was not sorry. “Okay, Maisie? Is this the plan for today?”

“Hmm.” Mary had accepted the nickname by then. “Maybe we could watch a movie? My parents will be coming back by four-”

“Can me and Marley play one more round before the movie?” Zach begged.

“Sure.” Mary smiled before standing up. “Remus, can you come help me in the kitchen?”

Remus nodded and followed her. Once in the kitchen, he instantly got distracted by the baby photos on the wall.

“Aww.” Remus hummed.

“Hm? Oh, those .” The words looked like they tasted vile on her tongue.

Remus turned to her. “You good? Do you not like these photos or something?”

“Or something.” Remus looked at her expectantly. She sighed before explaining. “My mama had me when she was seventeen, got pregnant when she was sixteen. After giving birth to me, she dropped me off with my dad and ran off. She came back when I was around two. She said that she just needed some time to figure herself out and all of that. I don’t hold it against her anymore, I’ve forgiven her and all of that. I just don’t like those photos because it reminds me of when she abandoned me.”

“Oh.” Remus looked back at the photo of baby Mary, all pudgy and smiley, sitting on her dad’s leg.

“Lily and Marlene don’t understand though.” Mary said. “They don’t understand what it’s like to be a teen pregnancy. Much less an immigrant one.”

“You're an immigrant?”

“My parents are.” Mary explained. “My mama is from Cuba and dad’s Jamaican. They met in Louisiana. Mama had gone there for college and dad grew up there. So, I was raised in New Orleans until I was twelve.”

“Cool.” Remus found himself saying. Mary raised an eyebrow. “Well, obviously not about the teen pregnancy thing. I meant about growing up in New Orleans. I visited when I was younger and loved it. My mam speaks French fluently so she enjoyed it.”

“Your mom speaks French?” Mary asked, leaning over the counter. “I thought y’all were Welsh?”

“You can speak more than one language, Maisie.” Remus rolled his eyes playfully. He looked away from the photo. “I understand though.”


“The whole teen-pregnancy thing? I get it.” Remus looked down. “My mam came here when she was seventeen to study nursing, met my dad, and had me when she was eighteen. She tried to continue her education for a while but it grew too difficult.”

Mary studied him for a moment. “I’m glad I’m not alone.”

Remus smiled at her.

Mary popped off the counter, shedding off the serious conversation and slipping into her bubbly self. “Now, are you going to help me make lunch or not?”

“How would you lot feel about hanging with James and them later?” Remus asked once they had all finished their sandwiches. Lily, Marlene, and Mary exchanged a look, doing that thing that girls do where they read each other's minds. Remus hated but respected it, only because he was sure that he and the other marauders did it too.

Finally, Mary turned to Remus. “Sure, doing what?”

Remus smirked. “No clue.”

Lily rolled her eyes before going to play more Mario Kart with Zach, leaving Marlene, Mary, and Remus to clean up.

“So, both of your dads are cops right?” Remus tried to ask casually.

Marlene narrowed her eyes but Mary didn’t turn from the sink, saying, “Yeah, why?”

“I was just asking.” Remus said, putting the cups in the cupboard. “I was wondering about their radios.”

“Why?” Marlene jumped and sat on the counter, apparently deciding that there was nothing more for her to do.

Remus shrugged innocently, “I’m just curious.”

“Yeah, stop attacking him, Marls.” Mary flicked water at her. She finally turned around, drying her hands with a tea towel. “What about their radios, Remus?”

“Do they just report back every crime that they come across?”

“Yeah, essentially.” Mary shrugged, just as the phone rang. Remus took the opportunity and raced to get it.


“Moony?” It was Sirius.

“Yeah.” Remus breathed out. Why couldn’t it be James? Okay, that’s rude, Remus. Sirius is your friend. You don’t have a crush on him. You just… I’m just attracted to him. Nothing more. I can have a conversation with him. “It’s me, Pads. ‘You have a plan yet?”

“Well, kind of.” Remus could tell that Sirius shrugged. “I don’t really want a concrete plan. I thought that we could just hang out at the park.”

“What park?”

“There’s one by the school – I think that’s where you did Mary’s photoshoot? – it has some grass, a basketball court, and a few stairs and ramps so you could skateboard. It’s perfect to just go and chill. What do you say?”

“Let me ask the girls-”

“Ladies man.” Sirius teased. Remus covered the microphone.

“Hey! Do you want to go to the park by school and just hang out?” He called.

“Sure! Sounds fun!” Mary called back from the kitchen.

“Sure, when?” Remus asked Sirius.

“In an hour or so?”

“Sure, see ya.”

“See ya.”

* * *

Remus was skating away from his house to the park. He had already told the girls to go on ahead while he grabbed his board. He was just skating past a small convenience store when his spidey-sense buzzed.

Ffyc! Remus thought. He looked over and through the store’s window, he saw the cashier at gunpoint. I’m going to be a little late…

Remus pulled on his mask and took off his sweater and jeans (he was wearing his suit underneath) in the alleyway. He walked out just as the man with a ski mask ( could be more creative ) ran out. Without thinking, Remus ’hand shot out and caught the man’s hood. He shot a quick web, sticking the man to the window right next to the door. There was a large lump in the man’s hoodie pocket so Remus quickly reached in and pulled out a wad of money.

Remus clicked his tongue at the man, making disapproving tsk noises. After shooting one more quick web to make sure that the man was really stuck, Remus walked in.

“Excuse me, sir?”

The man instantly covered his head with his hands and crouched down a little. “Please! We don’t have any money left! Please, don’t shoot!”

“Oh! Sir, I’m not here to rob you!” Remus quickly explained. The man straightened up to look at Remus. Remus held up the wad of cash. “Have you called the cops yet?”

The man nodded.

“Good. That man is outside.” Remus set the money on the counter. “Here’s the money he stole. I’m so sorry about all of this.”

The man opened his mouth, then closed it. “You’re just- just returning the money ?”

Remus looked around the store before looking at the man head on. “Yeah? Do you have a piece of paper and a pen I could borrow?”

“Do- do you-” The man furrowed his brow as he passed over a sticky-note and sharpie. “Do you want to take something, young man?”

“No! I’m not here to steal!”

“No, I know.” The man nodded. “I just mean as thank you. Take anything you like.”

“I couldn’t possibly-”

“Please.” The man interrupted. “It’s the least I can do.”

“Uhm. Okay?” Remus looked around the store and grabbed a case of soda cans, looking up at the man in question if what he was doing was alright. The man nodded so Remus left.

“Thank you again!” The man called as Remus signed the sticky-note and turned into the alleyway.

Remus quickly changed, shoving the sodas in his backpack and continued skating to the park.

“Moony!” Sirius called as soon as he came into view.

Marlene, Sirius, and James were playing soccer on the basketball court with Peter as goalie. Mary and Lily sat on a bench right by the court, watching them and holding up sketchbooks portraying the scores. Remus joined them, propping his board up against the bench.

“What are the teams?”

“Marlene and Sirius versus James and Pete.” Mary told him. “What took you so long, Remus?”

“Water break!” Sirius called, making his way over to the bench. He was sweating a little but not much. His hair was tied back in a loose knot at the base of his neck and he was wearing black jeans and a Queen t-shirt. “Moony! What took you so long?”

“I had to grab my board and I stopped by to get us refreshments.” Remus pulled out the case of co*kes.

“My savior!” Peter called as he ran over. “Thank you, Moony.”

“Yeah.” James plucked one of the cans out of the wrapping. “Cheers, Moony.”

“Of course.” Remus leaned back against the bench, cupping the back of his head with his hands. “Have you just been playing soccer?”

“Basically.” Sirius rolled his eyes. “Mr. Captain here is a drill sergeant.”

“We’ll see if you’re complaining when we beat Rockhalph next Saturday.” James laughed.

“Well, if you lot are just going to do that,” Remus stood up, grabbing his board. “I’ll just head over there to skate.”

Moony! ” Sirius dragged out the word, catching Remus’ arm. Remus sighed and turned, ignoring the little flutter in his stomach. He looked down at the other boy, raising an eyebrow. “We’re supposed to be hanging out!”

“We will be.” Remus replied wryly. “I’ll just be over there, on the opposite side of the basketball court.”

Sirius pouted but didn’t push so Remus skated to the other half of the court, practicing a new trick. Remus slipped his headphones on, keeping one side off so he could hear his friends.

The Who filled Remus’ ears, turning off his thoughts as he jumped and flipped the board. He went through almost a third of the album when a man walked into the park. Remus sensed him but didn’t pay him much mind as the man sat on a bench facing the court (on Remus’ side, not his friends’). Out of the corner of his eye, Remus saw the man opening a newspaper.

Remus stumbled slightly and the board rolled away towards the man. Remus chased after it and caught it just past the marked lines of the box of the basketball court. He looked up as he straightened and froze.

The man… he looked so much like…

The man’s hair was buzzed, showing off his rough, boxy head. He had an angry, red scar poking out of the collar of his shirt and a few paler ones scattered across his face. He looked so much like…

Remus wasn’t sure how long he stood there staring but he couldn’t move. No matter how hard he tried. His feet refused to lift.

A hand appeared on Remus’ right arm.

Remus didn’t think. In one moment, in one movement, he gripped the other person’s wrist with his left hand, turning as he pulled the wrist across his chest. His right hand stopped just an inch before Lily’s throat.

He was breathing heavily, he didn’t know why or when he had started. Lily’s eyes widened in fear before settling into something defiant.

Remus .”

Remus let go of her instantly. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t even- oh god ! I’m so sorry- ffyc -”

Remus .” Lily pulled him into a hug. He hadn’t even realized that he was stepping away. “I know. I get it. Shh. You’re safe. You’re okay.”

Remus was taller than Lily, by a lot but she pressed her face into his chest and he curled around her. Remus’ vision blurred and his eyes prickled but no tears came as he sank into her embrace. He kept muttering his apologies to her.

I could’ve hurt her. I would’ve hurt her. Oh my god, what if I had hurt her?

“It’s okay.” Lily pulled away but kept her grip firm on his arms. She gestured towards the man with her head. “Does he look like him? Whoever took you?”

Remus nodded mutely, refusing to look at him.

“I get it.” Lily pulled him tight again. “I saw a man with long blond hair the other day in the grocery store. I didn’t even realize that I froze until my mom pulled me away.”

“I’m sorry.” Remus repeated. “I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s okay, Remus. You didn’t hurt me.” Lily smiled, pulling him by his wrist towards the bench where she was sitting earlier. No one else had stopped, they hadn’t even noticed. “Come sit with me and Mary for a bit, okay?”

“Hey, Remus!” Mary said cheerfully. She narrowed her eyes a bit, studying him. “You ‘kay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I’m good, Maisie.” Remus sat down, plastering on a smile.

Mary nodded, turning back to the game.

I’m good. I’m okay. I’m safe.

* * *

Sirius Black

Sunday | October 12th

The plan was working. Somehow. Sirius was still not completely sure how… but it was. After a few dinners, Sirius behaving better, staying over for a few weekends, Sirius had managed to worm his way back into his parent’s favor. That wasn’t saying much because their “favor” still wasn’t the best . He was still slapped, punched, pushed, and back-handed but he wasn’t constantly yelled at like he was the first two weeks.

The dinner was going well. Well, about as well as these boring dinner parties go. Adults drank and talked and drank and ate… and drank . Sirius even managed to get a few sips of some bitter white wine and tingly champagne without anyone noticing.

His collar was itchy and the outfit felt stiff but Sirius didn’t complain too much because he knew he looked good and, more importantly, looked like a Black . He walked around the party, talking politely to adults and charming them. That was one thing you can’t get out of your system after years of these parties and events, the ability to be charming .

He recognized some people, like his cousins. His favorite cousin, Andromeda, wasn’t there but he expected that. She was disowned a few years ago after running off to marry a poor-ish man named Ted Tonks or something. Her sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa, were there with their ugly, posh knobs of husbands. Sirius steered clear of them for the most part. He did have a short conversation with Narcissa because he couldn’t avoid it but it wasn’t too bad (he preferred her to her crazy maniac of a sister).

There were some people that Sirius didn’t recognize however. Quite a few. One in particular, Sirius immediately didn’t like. He was tall (had to be around 6’6 or so). He had hard features and a natural scowl like he was always tasting something disgusting. He had pale scars across his face and neck and a maniacal smile when he chose to open his mouth. Safe to say, Sirius stayed away from him.

By the time the party was mostly over, Sirius was knackered. He just wanted to go to sleep but he knew he had to make his way back to his dorm. Sirius had just put on his overcoat when Kreacher knocked and told him that his mother was expecting him in her study.

This is what you want, Sirius , he told himself. You wanted this .


“Sirius.” Walburga turned around in her desk chair. If it was an action movie or anyone other than his mother, Sirius would’ve laughed at how ridiculous and cliche it was. “You’ve been acting differently lately.”

Sirius was wise enough to say nothing and just nod.

“It appears that you have finally grown out of your rebellious phase and are ready to accept your duties as the heir to Black Enterprises and as a Black yourself.” She continued. Sirius nodded again. “It’s time to test that.”

Sirius held her gaze. Test me. Accept me. Help me save my brother.

“I’m sure you’re aware of the other half of Black Enterprises, correct?” Walburga raised a sharp brow.

Sirius nodded, “Yes, Maman.”

“You’re aware of the duties that go along with it?”
“Yes, Maman.”

“Good.” Walburga smiled cooly. “Your first task.”

Sirius swallowed. You wanted this. You wanted this. You wanted this.

“There is a new vigilante on the streets.” Walburga started. “He’s not much of a threat. Just some guy who is trying to be a hero, stopping convenience store robberies, catching petty thieves. He’s themed around spiders or something. He’s not really a priority nor a threat, as I've said. However, he’s a pest either way. You are to eliminate him.”

Sirius' stomach dropped. Murder? That was his very first task. He knew what he was signing up for, yes. But, murder? Immediately?
Sirius nodded.

“I don’t care how .” Walburga continued. “You can kill him-” Sirius had thought that was the only option. “-bring him here, injure him enough that he rethinks this whole poor ‘ hero ’ idea. I don’t care. Just get it done.”

“Yes, Maman.”

“You are dismissed.”

As Sirius walked away, his brain fought itself. This is what he wanted, yes but… there’s a difference from wanting something and having it .

Regulus. Think about Regulus .

It didn’t matter. None of it did. This was for Regulus. So, He was going to get rid of him. Sirius Black was going to eliminate this spider vigilante.


Cachu- sh*t
Ffyc- f*ck

Technically, Mario Kart 64 didn’t come out until February in 1997 (which is the year this takes place in) so… that’s the version they’re playing. I have played this version. It is super laggy (it is an old game) and the CPU’s are way too fast so let me say that Remus and Marlene’s anger is real.

Like I said, this was a difficult chapter for me to write. I’m learning how to write fight scenes so spare me. I’m also trying to write Remus well as he figures out what kind of “hero” he is. I don’t know if it’s clear or not but at this point in the story, Remus isn’t really a “hero”. He’s morally good but kind of like Andrew Garfield’s spider-man, he’s motivated by revenge right now. It won’t be ‘til later that he figures the whole “hero” thing out.
By the way, (I think I’ve said this before) Remus ACTUALLY doesn’t have a crush on Sirius. I know it seems like he does and that he’s just trying to talk himself out of it but he’s just attracted to Sirius. Nothing more. He’s figuring out what he wants and finds Sirius attractive. Nothing more.

Did y’all like Mary’s backstory? I’m southern so trying not to write “y’all” and write “you” or “you lot” is very difficult but Mary is from Louisiana so that’s natural for her. I don’t know why this is my version of Mary but I feel like it fits very well. You’ll see how being a teen pregnancy and all of that will affect her future relationships and such.

Hope's smoking addiction will be furthered and addressed more in future chapters. Remus will end up smoking, I'm sorry but it's such a big part of his fanon character for me.

Once again, sorry that this chapter took so long, hopefully it being a longer chapter and also the introduction of Lily and Mary’s nicknames will make up for that?

Okay, see you next time. Bye!

Chapter 9: Actually... it's Spider Man


TW- panic/ anxiety attack (outsiders POV)
TW- fight scene (nothing too graphic but wanted to put it just in case)
TW- abuse (Walburga’s a bitch, what can you do?)
Am I posting two chapters back to back after not posting for almost two weeks? Yes. Sorry, but I was on a role. Besides, this chapter is a ~fun~ one. Enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lily Evans

Wednesday | October 15th

Lily was doing better. Truthfully. Which was good because she didn’t love lying and that’s what she had been doing every time someone had asked her how she was and she said “okay” or “good” or “fine”.

It definitely helped that she knew that she wasn’t alone. After Remus had told her about what happened to him when he was little, she was comforted because she knew she had someone close to her that knew what she was going through, was affected by something like she was, still going through something like she was.

It would help so much more if that someone actually knew how much he was still being affected though.

Since Remus had first confessed, they have had a few more discussions about it. Lily now knew that Remus had taken therapy until he was around ten, that that was the reason he had been homeschooled, that that was the reason his parents didn’t trust police and didn’t want him near Lily after what had happened to her. Lily also now knew that Remus didn’t think that what had happened to him had had such an effect on him.

Since Remus didn’t grow up with other children, he wasn’t aware of what was considered “normal” or not. He wasn’t aware of how many of his habits and tendencies weren’t normal or were clearly a sign of trauma.

There were a few that Lily had picked up on.

Remus will purposely pick chairs and desks that face the door. He needs to see the door, see the exit, see if anyone’s coming. It’s the same way with sleeping for him, Lily had noticed when he slept over. His back had to be against the wall and he had to be able to see the door and window.

Remus always wore long sleeves. Lily knew this because he outright told her so but still. He didn’t like his scars. He didn’t like the way they looked. He had sadly learned at an early age that most kids didn’t have scars on their arms and torso (which he told her there were. He didn’t show her the ones there though).

Remus didn’t trust adults. Almost at all . Lily picked this up after seeing him interact with all of their teachers. He was polite and respectful but he refused to be alone in a room with them unless he absolutely had to and didn’t go out of his way to talk to them. McGonagall was a slight exception though. He was slowly warming up to her. Going as far as to tell her “good morning” without any prompting from Lily or the professor.

These things weren’t noticeable, not at all. They weren’t noticeable unless you went out of your way to look for them and knew what had happened to him. Lily was sure that these little traits weren’t even all of them but it wasn’t her goal nor job to search for them.

There were other weird traits and habits or Remus’ that Lily picked up on. She didn’t think that they were PTSD symptoms like the other ones though. More like… side effects . Yeah, side effects. He had these little quirks that were side effects of not growing up with other kids. They also could be traits because of his ADHD or something.

He had to see people’s faces when talking to them, especially in loud rooms or large groups. Lily was sure that this was an ADHD thing because she had noticed it with James too but they treated it differently. While James will ask you to repeat yourself or focus in on your face, ignoring the rest of the world, Remus… doesn’t.

Remus doesn’t really know personal space (this, Lily thinks, is a side-effect from being homeschooled). He obviously doesn’t like to be touched (which Lily will go more into later) but doesn’t understand boundaries that weren’t physical. If he can’t clearly see your face, Remus will lean down (because he’s so bloody tall) so that he can. He’ll just lean into your space. And if it’s really loud, he’ll only stare at your mouth so that he can really make out the words. Lily thought he was flirting or something at first when he was staring at Mary’s lips at lunch only for him to explain that he couldn’t hear her.

Or if it’s too quiet, he’ll lower his voice even if he doesn’t need to. He and Lily will be alone in a classroom and he’ll almost whisper as if he’s scared his voice might break something from being the only noise in the room.

The leaning down, whispering, and looking at lips are just the start of Remus accidentally flirting too. Lily audibly laughed out loud when she first realized that he wasn’t flirting on purpose. Because of his upbringing, just not being around other people his age, he didn’t know what wasn’t considered “not platonic” so he ended up just accidentally flirting with everyone. That plus his kind demeanor and his underrated good looks, so many students at the school have crushes on him (not just Casey Kertfield) and he wasn’t even aware. Lily found it hilarious.

The other thing Lily noticed about Remus, which every one of their friends picked up on quickly too, was his aversion to touch. It could be a PTSD thing or an ADHD thing or even just a Remus Lupin preference thing, Lily had no clue, but Remus was very specific and picky about touch. There were rules about touching Remus. Even if he didn’t speak them aloud, their entire friend group knew them:

  1. He has to know you and trust you.

So far this list comprised of the marauders, the three girls, Remus’ parents (obviously), Pandora Rosier (they had really connected after the eco-paper thing), and potentially Euphemia Potter. Anyone that he knew and was okay with.

2. You have to get consent.

This came in two ways: verbally asking for it and/ or he sees you coming and allows it, which is a tricky path. The second option is difficult. Say Lily wants a hug so she opens her arms and takes a step forward to hug him, he has to see her, acknowledge her, and be the one to initiate the hug. The process came easier to the other marauders than anyone, who in their short month and a half together, had mastered the fine art of hugging and touching Remus with him seeing them coming and accepting it.

3. You have to be okay with him saying “no”.

Remus has denied Lily and the girls and the marauders from touches sometimes. Sometimes, he’s not in the mood for it or just doesn’t want it and they have to accept that. And they do.

However, if you touch Remus and he either 1) doesn’t see it coming or 2) doesn’t give you permission… two things can happen. If he doesn’t anticipate the touch, he freezes. He flinches or tenses up. If you ask and he says no or you’re not one of his approved people, he gets sick. Actually sick. A girl on the paper’s mom (who had come in that day for her daughter’s birthday) tried to hug him. He saw it coming and took a step back, politely explaining to the mom that he didn’t like physical touch or hugs. She told him that he was being silly and that everyone loved hugs and hugged him anyway. Remus turned a little green and ran to the bathroom afterwards and puked. Lily sat with him in the stall (even though it was the boy’s bathroom) and waited with him as his stomach settled.

Anyways, Lily saw Remus’ trauma, even if he didn’t see it himself. She didn’t say anything. She had learned not to after he closed off and kind of snapped at her for bringing it up the first time. He just refused to see it. At least until Wednesday.

Lily and Remus were working on the paper after school in Flitwick’s room. Next week's paper because they post the paper every Monday. Lily had just sent Remus to pick up their mock-paper for next week (a “rough-draft” of the paper on printer paper to make sure that everything would fit and print properly). After five minutes, Remus didn’t show and Lily got nervous. She had no good reason to be but still. The teacher’s lounge was just on the opposite end of the hall, it should have only taken less than a minute. After ten minutes and no Remus, Lily decided to look for them.

“Hey, Pandora?” Lily called. Pandora’s little blonde head popped up from where she was leaning over the desk, all tied back in a white bandana. “I’m going to go look for Remus. Maybe he didn’t know where the printer was or something. Make sure it stays controlled here?”
“Okie!” Pandora pipped.

Remus wasn’t in the teacher’s lounge but neither was their mock-paper. Lily was about to head back to tell Pandora that she couldn’t find Remus when her eye caught on something.

The closet, the janitorial closet, had a broom in front of it. The broom went through the handle of the closet door and the maintenance closet door handle, making a makeshift lock. Lily removed the broom from the handle and opened the door.


He didn’t look up.

Remus was huddled in the back corner of the closet, under the shelf with his knees pulled close to his chest by his arms. He was rocking back and forth and had tear lines down his reddened face. His breathing was heavy and quick.

“Remus?” Lily repeated. She knelt in front of him. “Remus? Are you okay, Remus?!”

Remus finally looked up. He looked scared. So, so scared. He didn’t look at Lily for long though. He immediately looked over her shoulder to the open doorway. He shot up and ran into the hallway, collapsing against the opposite wall of lockers.


Remus pushed his palms together. Then he shook his hands out, continuously as if flicking off water over and over again. He swallowed and tried to slow his breathing. Lily realized that there was nothing she could do, he clearly couldn’t hear her at the moment, so she sat next to him.

Maybe five to ten minutes later, Remus’ breathing was normal, if not a little shaky. He hung his head back against the lockers, letting out a wobbly sigh.

“Remus?” Lily tried. He looked at her, moving his head like it weighed a ton. “You okay now?”

Remus nodded.

“What was that?”

“A p-pan-” He shut his mouth, giving himself a second to gather his words. He took a deep breath. “A panic- a panic attack.”

“Oh.” Lily had heard of them, even researched them, but she had never had one nor seen one before. It was terrifying, seeing her friend so scared and struggling to breath, and she wasn’t even experiencing it!

“Actually, it- it was an anxiety attack.” Remus corrected. “Panic is random. Anxiety is caused by something directly. I have both.” Remus looked at her eyes, something pleading in his gaze. “I have both. I’m sorry if I scared you. I should’ve told you. My mam actually told me to tell you after she found out that you- that you knew about- about what had happened to me when I was younger. She thought that you could probably help with them. Sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing, Remus?”

“Did I scare you? I should’ve told you.”

“You aren’t required to tell me anything, Remus.” Lily hovered her hand above his on the floor, waiting for his approval. He nodded so she grabbed his hand and held it firmly. “You are not required to tell me anything about yourself or your trauma that you do not want to tell me. Okay?”

Remus nodded though he still looked guilty.

“What caused it?” Lily asked. Remus’ head snapped up, looking like he was just caught doing something he shouldn’t. “You said it was an anxiety attack and that they are caused by something directly. What happened?”

Remus shook his head, ashamed.

Something clicked in Lily’s mind. The broom. He had been locked in the room. He wasn’t there on purpose… Remus would hate that! Everything fell into place. Remus was kidnapped , he would absolutely hate being locked up somewhere, anywhere really. It would remind him of when he was little. That’s what caused the attack!

“Oh, Remus.” Lily turned, going for a hug but waiting. Remus looked skeptical but hesitantly leaned into her embrace. He was shaking. He was still shaking a lot . Then… “Wait. Remus?”

He pulled away, biting his lip. He knew. He knew she had figured it out.

“Who locked you in there?” Lily asked. Remus didn’t respond because of course he was going to protect them. Lily’s blood boiled. “Who was it?”

“Lily.” Remus said firmly. He didn’t look scared or ashamed anymore, more defiant . “It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.” Lily said. “They hurt you-”

“No, they didn’t. I’m fine now. They didn’t hurt me.”

“I didn’t mean physically , Remus.” Lily sniped. “I mean, emotionally! They scared you-”

“They just surprised me.” Remus huffed out a dry, humorless laugh. “I wasn’t expecting them to push me in the closet. I’m fine, Lily.”

“No! It’s not fair!” Lily’s voice rose. “They need to be punished. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away-”

“Lily.” His calm voice cut through her anger. Her cheeks were wet. When had she started crying? “You’re projecting.”

“f*ck off. Prick.” Lily huffed, collapsing back against the locker. She was projecting, she knew that but she hated being wrong. “It’s not fair.”

“No. It’s not.” Remus sighed. “But I don’t want you going after them, if you don’t mind. Besides, they didn’t know that I was going to have an anxiety attack. They didn’t know.”


“I’m fine, Clover.” Remus smiled. Lily smiled back. “Besides, you have to admit-” Lily looked up at him. “-that it’s really ironic that I got locked in the closet.”

Lily burst out laughing despite herself.

* * *

Thursday | October 16th

Lily was being a bit much, she knew that. At least she was aware . Besides, if Remus was annoyed, he should just straight up tell her instead of shooting her glares every time he caught her.

Lily, throughout the day, had been glancing at the tall boy, just making sure that he’s alright, that he’s safe. She knew it was a bit much but she was concerned. As she should be! At least, in her mind anyway. He was sick of it, she knew, if the intensity of his glares meant anything. Lily swore that he could cut through glass with his glares. He didn’t say anything though. He knew as well as she did that him mentioning it wouldn’t stop her. She was purposely bugging him anyway.

She was in History with him when Dr. Binns (who Lily was sure didn’t even have a doctorate) said to partner up. He called Sirius (who had happened to be next to him) quickly even though he always partnered with Lily and Sirius with James. Sirius and James were a bit shocked but didn’t fight it, especially when they realized that it meant that James was with Lily (he was ecstatic about it, by the way. Practically jumping up and down in his seat with a grin big enough to split his face open).

Lily continued to throw glances at him throughout the class. When he finally caught her, he (as expected) glared at her and Sirius caught the exchange. Sirius’ eyes bounced between the other two. When Remus lowered his gaze back to his textbook, Sirius caught Lily’s eyes and sent her a questioning look. She shrugged and continued her work.

When the bell rang, Remus and James went to Remus’ locker but Sirius caught Lily’s arm as she left the classroom, pulling her aside.

“Sirius!” Lily half-hissed half-sighed, yanking her arm out of his grasp.

“Why did Remus glare at you?”

“Hello to you too.” Lily rolled her eyes.

“Hey. Nice to see you, Lily, O’ wonderful love of my best friend’s life. Great weather we’re having.” Sirius mused mockingly. “Now. Why did Remus glare at you and why did you keep looking at him?”

“He glared at me because I kept looking at him.” Lily explained, purposely not explaining further, just to bug the boy.

“Why do you keep looking at him?” Sirius asked.

“Why do you care? What’s it to you?” Lily sassed.

Sirius swallowed, looking uncharacteristically hurt. Lily shoved down the feeling of guilt that came. Then, she noticed something. Sirius was blushing slightly. Lily had never seen Sirius Black blush. Ever . Lily was curious so she pushed.

“Why does it matter to you, Sirius?” Lily asked knowingly. She leaned forward, just a bit. Sirius blushed a little more.

Lily’s eyes widened as soon as it clicked in her mind. Oh my god! Sirius likes- Sirius is-

“I was just curious.” Sirius flicked his hair over his shoulder.

He’s lying. Lily thought . He’s lying, he’s so lying. Oh my god. Sirius-


Lily blinked, coming out of her own thoughts. “What?”

“Why do you keep looking at him like that?”

“Like what?”

“All concerned and such.”

He deserves to know . Lily fought with herself. Sirius clearly cared about Remus (in more ways than one) but it wasn’t Lily’s secret to tell, it was Remus’. He deserves to know . Maybe she can hint at it.

“Something happened yesterday. I can’t tell you what because it’s Remus’ story to tell-- and don’t ask him because he probably, no, most definitely does not want people to know. I’m just a little concerned. That’s all.”

Sirius nodded, accepting this explanation for now.

Just then, Remus walked by with James, holding his board. He waved goodbye to Sirius and Lily, saying something about having dinner with his mom before her night shift that he didn’t want to be late for and left but, not before Lily saw how much Sirius brightened at the sight of him and looked after him even when he had long passed.

“You know,” Lily started slyly. Sirius turned back to her, completely unaware that she had caught him staring. “You’re a pretty good writer-”

“Jeez, thanks, Evans.” Sirius rolled his eyes.

“You’re a very talented writer,” Lily amended. “Better?”

“Yes. Very much so.” Sirius smirked.

“Anyway, how would you feel about writing for the paper?”

Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Evans, you want me to write for your precious paper?”

Lily nodded.


“Why?” Lily parroted.

“Yeah, why.” Sirius leaned back on his feet. “What’s the catch?”

sh*t sh*t sh*t.

“No catch.” Lily shrugged. “Just, you’re a good writer. We need more guys and Remus could use another familiar face in there. That’s all.”

Lily wanted to laugh at the way Sirius brightened at the mention of the taller boy.

“I don’t know if I’ll have the time though.” Sirius sighed.

“You don’t have to come to all of the meetings.” Lily said. “Just some so you know what's going on. I’ll give you your prompts and all of that. I’ll most likely just get you to go on little photography trips with Remus to write what he sees and such.”

“You know what, Evans?” Sirius grinned, starting to walk away. “I might just take you up on that.”

* * *

Sirius Black

Thursday | October 16th

As soon as Sirius had finished talking to Lily, he left for the dorms, somehow making it there before James and Peter. Quickly, before his best friends and roommates came back, he shoved his new clothes (gifted specifically and specially from his darling mother for these new missions) into his backpack. Zipping it up just as James walked in.

James eyed the backpack. Sirius sighed.

“Family.” Sirius explained. Not a lie. Not a lie.

James scrunched up his face, clearly wanting to say something but knowing it would get nowhere but another argument.

Sirius was, admittedly, in a bad mood. After all, he had spent every afternoon and evening and first half of the night looking for the f*cking spider vigilante and coming up with nothing. The spider vigilante continued to do what he was doing, stopping small crimes and all of that. The number of petty criminals the police had was growing substantially due to him (which, morally, Sirius loved) but Sirius always showed up too late, coming to the scene of the crime just to see a man webbed– like a f*cking spider (what a f*cking nerd)-- to a wall with a piece of paper signed something along the lines of “arrest me”, “I’m a criminal”, or even just “xo Spiderman”.

And since Sirius had not seen the vigilante in person yet, he studied what he did know about him.

  • He’s spider themed (like a f*cking nerd)
  • He never calls the police himself but instead just leaves a note.
  • He’s never there when the cops arrive.
  • His only weapon appeared to be a chemically made substance that mimics spider webs.
  • He wears a mask and a red and blue suit (like a superhero or something) so no one knows what he looks like.

But, Sirius was in a bad mood and truthfully, he wanted a fight.

“What?!” Sirius spat. James looked at him. “What? Say it, James? What do you want to say? Say it.”

“You’ve been out every night for family reasons, Pads!” James’ voice rose but he didn;t shout… yet. “You know how I feel about them ! Hell, how you feel about them! They’re crap people! And I know, I know that you are doing this for Reg, I know but if it’s your brother’s safety or yours-”

“Don’t finish that sentence, Potter.” Sirius threatened.

“I-” James' anger vanished. It just fell away in a blink, replaced by resigned sadness. Sirius’ anger dissipated too. “I know you care about Regulus. I’m just so scared about them hurting you.”

“What if they hurt Reg. My Reggie.” Sirius choked out, his voice barely a whisper. “They’re going to make him kill , James. That’s going to kill him.”

“They’re killing both of you.” James whispered back. His hazel brown eyes, glistening from tears, locked onto Sirius’.

“I’m sorry.” Sirius grabbed his backpack off of his bed and left the room, closing the door behind him.

* * *

Sirius found him. He found him. Finally .

Sirius had been leaning back in the shadows against the wall of the roof entrance, when the spider vigilante landed on the roof (Sirius wasn’t sure how. He had just blinked and the man landed on the half wall railing of the roof like he had just jumped onto it). The vigilante (Spiderman, Sirius thinks he’s called) immediately crouched down, peering at the streets below. He wasn’t quite sitting but he definitely wasn’t standing. He was on the balls of his feet, positioning all of the weight onto his heels.

The vigilante sighed, grabbing the bottom of his mask and pulling it up to (what Sirius was sure would) reveal his face below his nose. Sirius couldn’t see however, the spider was turned away from him.

Sirius watched them for a while as they watched the streets below.

“You know,” Sirius started, not moving from his spot in the shadows. The other man straightened immediately like an animal on alert. “It would be really easy to just… push you . Push you off the building and my job’s done.”

The man shook his head, pulling down his mask as he turned his head to look at Sirius without moving the rest of his body.

“Maybe.” The vigilante agreed. “But, what’s the fun in that?”

Sirius started to walk out of the shadows, letting out a deep, harsh laugh. “Trust me. This isn’t going to be fun.”

If Sirius could’ve seen the guy’s face, he’d be sure that the guy would’’ve raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, really? For me?” The vigilante stood up, keeping his back to Sirius, only looking at him through profile (maybe. It was hard to tell where he was looking because of the mask). Sirius couldn’t stop staring at his body. The suit he wore clung to him like a second skin, showing off his defined muscles. “Or for you?”

Me, Sirius thought. Definitely me. I don’t want to do this.

“You.” Sirius lied, smirking. He slowly crouched down into a fighting position, nunchucks ready.

“Lucky me.” The vigilante said wryly. He sighed, hanging his head upwards as if Sirius trying to kill him was annoying, like fighting Sirius was a chore he didn’t want to complete. The vigilante finally looked at Sirius, tilting his head side-ways (which was so adjacent to something Remus would do that it hurt Sirius). “Who are you?”

“Who are you?”

“Fair enough.” He laughed. “You’re supposed to kill me?”

Sirius felt himself pale lightly.

“That’s what you said, isn’t it?” He continued. “You could just push me off, kill me, and your job is done so you have to kill me.”

He said it so simply. Like he was expecting people to want to kill him. Which was, honestly, such a sad thought for Sirius, that he was so okay with death.

“Kill you. Kidnap you. Hurt you so badly that you quit this whole hero facade.” Sirius said, parroting his mother’s orders. “Whichever.”


“You’re a pest, a vigilante.” Sirius shrugged, not relaxing out of his fighting position. “You need to be ‘rid of’.”

“A vigilante?” He asked incredulously. He shook his head, looking away. “f*ck. Is that what they’re calling me?”

“A spider vigilante.” Sirius said.

“Actually,” The vigilante crouched down, adopting a fighting crouch himself from where he stood on top of the half-wall. “It’s Spider Man.”

He leapt. Sirius had been anticipating it but wasn’t expecting for him to be able to reach Sirius with a single jump. They both “leapt” (forgive the verb) into fighting: blocking and punching and ducking. Well, Sirius was attacking, Spider Man seemed more inclined to remain on the defensive, blocking all of Sirius punches, ducking away from Sirius’ swinging nunchucks.

Sirius was aware that as they fought, Sirius was going forward and Spider Man was going backwards, Sirius subconsciously pushing him back towards the end of the roof.

Spider Man jumped back. With more air than what any person should be able to do naturally, right onto the half wall, balancing on it with so much ease.

“You actually know how to fight.” Spider Man tilted his head. Sirius wanted to scream ‘Stop doing that! Moony does that! You can’t do that! It makes me think of Moony and I can’t kill you if you remind me of Moony!

“Yes?” Sirius shrugged, breathing heavily (way heavier than Spider Man which didn’t make sense because he too should be exhausted from their fight). Why are we talking again? Sirius didn’t want to talk to him! The more they talked, the more human the vigilante seemed. Sirius didn’t want to see him as human. That would make it more difficult to do what he had to do.

“Most people I fight, can’t fight.” Spider Man explained, letting out a cautious dry laugh. “Then again, they’re just trying to rob convenience stores so…” He shrugged.

Sirius without any warning threw one of his daggers (he kept two on his belt) at the man’s chest. There was no warning, no prepping, it shouldn’t have been predictable. Spider Man shouldn’t have expected it, but he did . Sirius didn’t know how. Spider Man just casually caught it with one hand, not even looking at Sirius. He had still been looking off to the side.

Spider Man turned his head to face Sirius, tilting it to the side again ( why was that kind of… ). He tsked disapprovingly.

“Sweetie,” He tutted. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?”

Sirius stared at him. “ Excuse me?

“You can’t actually kill me.” Spider Man said simply. “Not yet anyway.”


“I don’t even know your name.”

“And you’re not going to.” Sirius glared.

Spider Man let out a sigh, as if he was disappointed.

“I expected that.” He stiffened suddenly, whipping his head around to look at something behind them. “Ah, I’m so sorry but I have to cut this little meetng short.”

Sirius took advantage of his turned back and lunged forward with one of his nunchucks. Spider Man anticipated it again and just simply took a step to the side.

“Not happening.” Sirius growled. “I have to kill you.”

Spider Man faced him and groaned. “Ugh. Of course you do, sorry. But I really do have to go.”

Sirius lunged. Spider Man was standing on the corner of the roof now, nowhere to side-step so Sirius pushed him. Spider Man fell off the building. Sirius didn’t hesitate, running forward to lean over the wall, expecting to see a flattened masked man, only to see Spider Man standing on the wall . Just straight up standing on the wall, like it was the floor!

“Really?” Spider Man asked, sounding slightly like a disappointed, scolding parent. He started to walk up the wall. “That’s so annoying.”

Sirius backed away as Spider Man pulled himself over the wall, resuming his original position of standing.


“Listen,” Spider Man started, rudely sounding bored. “I have to go.”


In a blink, Spider Man jumped over Sirius, grabbing his wrists and forcing them behind Sirius, webbed them together, spun Sirius around to face him, and just straight up picked Sirius up and hoisted him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing.

Sirius instantly fought and yelled and kicked but Spider Man didn’t even flinch, he just carried Sirius over to the original wall and set him down. Sirius leapt back into the fight, kicking and kicking. Spider Man dodged each of these attempts by simply knowing it was going to happen and stepping to the side.

Spider Man shot a web right at Sirius’ chest and yanked him towards him before pushing Sirius back against the wall, pinning him with one hand on his chest and the other beside Sirius’ head, trapping him.

“Like I said.” Spider Man said in a deep, husky whisper that sent shivers down Sirius’ spine. “It was really lovely meeting you but I have to go.”

Spider Man stepped far enough back to web Sirius to the wall. Webs stuck over Sirius’ chest like a cocoon. Sirius tried to struggle out but they wouldn’t budge.

Spider Man walked away and started looking around the roof.

“You haven’t happened to see a little police radio, have you?” Spider Man asked Sirius. “I think I dropped it when I landed on this roof.”

Sirius gaped at him. How could he be so casual about all of this?

“No?” He tilted his head back and groaned. “Great. Now I have to get a new one.”

“You’re working for the police?” Sirius found himself asking.

For the police?” Spider Man scoffed. He let out a half-laugh. “Hell no.”

“With the police?” Sirius amended.

“Nope.” He jumped up onto the air vent hood. Now that Sirius was far away, he could see just how high he had jumped. He had gone a solid yard or so in the air. Unnatural . Spider Man looked around from his new perch, listening for something. Sirius heard a very small beep . Spider Man straightened and f*cking backflipped of the vent hood to the corner of the roof and picked up some weird radio thing. “sh*t! It’s broken. Damnit.”

Spider Man walked back to Sirius but didn’t stop at him, instead f*cking crawling up the wall.

“What the f*ck.” Sirius breathed out once he had disappeared out of Sirius’ view.

“What?” He appeared, upside down right in front of Sirius’ face, just a few inches away.

“You-” Sirius couldn’t speak. There were too many thoughts swarming his mind, competing and fighting and screaming for his attention. “You just-”

Spider Man tilted his head.

“Climbed the wall?” He supplied. Sirius nodded dumbly. “Well, duh.”


“I have the powers of a spider.” Spider Man said as if it was obvious. He disappeared out of Sirius' sight and then reappeared, landing in front of Sirius (upright this time). “ Spider Man? Kind of comes with the name.”

Spider Man straightened up again, looking away in the distance before turning back to Sirius. “sh*t! I really do have to go. So sorry to leave you like this but I can’t really… undo it because you’ll try to kill me and all of that. It’ll dissolve in an hour or so.”

Very casually, he shot a web at something across the roof. He pulled it back, catching Sirius nunchuck easily and setting it infront of Sirius. Spider Man waved and then ran, jumping over the half-wall before swinging away.

What. The. f*ck.

* * *

Walburga Black was not pleased when Sirius had told her that he had found the spider vigilante but didn’t kill him. She was not pleased… at all . She screamed a lot, shouted at Sirius a lot, called him a lot of names (useless, waste of oxygen, ect.), it was nothing Sirius hadn’t heard before. She slapped him, just backhanded him across the face. The force of it was enough to bring him to the ground where she kicked his side, right in the spot that already hurt (Sirius had definitely pulled something when he was over Spider Man’s shoulder and then he hit it against the brick wall when Spider Man pushed him).

When she stopped, he told her what he knew. Mainly, that Spider Man had powers, actually f*cking super powers . She had paled significantly and excused him, saying that this information was an acceptable alternative to not killing him.

Right before she slammed the door on him, she turned over her shoulder.

"If you don't capture him and bring him here next time," Walburga said. "We will not hesitate to kill you."

* * *

Friday | October 17th | 2:17 a.m.

When Sirius had finally snuck into their dorm room, James had been waiting. He was at Sirius’ desk with the lamp on like a parent waiting for their child after curfew. He had a set disappointed/ angry/ slightly sleeping expression which only hardened when he saw Sirius.

Peter snored.

“What on earth, Pads!” He hissed. “This is way later than usual!”

Sirius rolled his eyes. “Shh. I’m fine.”

Sirius immediately contradicted himself by wincing as he tried to lay on his bed. James was up in a second.

What the hell! ” James pulled up Sirius’ shirt. Sirius looked down to see the already forming dark purple bruise on his side. “Your mom?”

“Not entirely.” Sirius slumped onto his back.

James raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“So, you know how I was trying to get on my parents’ good sides so I could join their whole cri-”

“You joined!?” James interrupted angrily. He shoved Sirius' shoulder. “And you didn’t tell me?!”

“Didn’t come up?” Sirius joked weakly. James groaned. “Anyway, I got my first mission.”


“No. Sunday.”

“You’ve known since Sunday!” James spat. His eyes wide until it dawned on him. “That’s where you’ve been all week!”
Sirius nodded.

“What was it?”

“I had to eliminate-” James gasped but Sirius continued. “This new ‘vigilante’. He’s kind of unknown right now, just stopping small robberies and such-”

“I think we need to revisit your definition of ‘vigilante’.” James rolled his eyes, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“He’s a superhero, Prongs.” Sirius said dreamily.

“He’s a good guy and has genuine, honest-to-god superpowers , Prongs.” Sirius forced himself up, propping up against the wall. “I had to kill him. I’ve been searching for him all week and I found him tonight .”

“You didn’t-” James took a small breath. He didn’t say it. He couldn’t. “Did you?”

“No, James. I didn’t kill him.” Sirius watched his friend let out a shaky, relieved breath. “We fought though.”

“Really?” James seemed kind of interested now. “What happened?”

Sirius told James everything … with his own little interjections here and there. He’s really muscular too, he lifted me up like I was nothing!... He has webs , Prongs! I don’t know if they come out of him or if he makes them in a lab… he was just talking to me like he was so casual about us fighting. If anything he was bored …he was so funny too…

“If I didn’t know any better,” James laughed, still staying quiet for Peter’s sake. “I’d think that you think he was really cool.”

“Well, it’s not every day that you meet a superhero!

“You didn’t meet him, Pads.” James rolled his eyes. “You fought him. It’s not every day that you fight a superhero.”

* * *

“You okay, Padfoot?” Remus sat down at their lunch table. Sirius looked up, hair falling in his face despite him putting it in a low bun. “You’ve been dead on your feet all day.”

“Have I?” Sirius’ chin was on his palm.

“Did you stay up late or something?” Remus asked.

James looked at Sirius ( that boy could not lie to save his life ). “Yeah, something like that, Moony.”


“Wanted to.” Sirius lied.

Remus rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
“Hey, guys.” Lily sat down. She turned away from James instantly and towards Remus. “Remus?”


Sirius didn’t know where any of the girls’ nicknames came from. He didn’t ask, he just accepted it like the rest of the marauders.

“Coach Hooch said we could make up that soccer photoshoot next Saturday.” Lily told him. “Is that okay with you?”

“Sure.” Remus reached across the table to steal Lily’s chocolate bar from her lunch. In doing so, his sweater sleeve pulled back just slightly, revealing a horrible, huge bruise climbing up his wrist. It was yellow so maybe a few days old or so. Sirius hadn’t even realized that he had gasped until Remus looked up at him, followed his line of sight, and hastily covered his arm back up with his jumper sleeve. Remus shook his head at Sirius (who apparently was the only one that saw it) before leaning in slightly to whisper in Sirius’ ear, his breath right on Sirius’ jaw making him freeze. “I fell skateboarding. Don’t say anything. My mam would take away my board if she knew.”

Remus leaned back, joining Marlene and Mary’s conversation. Sirius couldn’t seem to move… or breathe… or think. His jaw felt cold from where Remus’s breath had been. Sirius looked up slightly to catch Lily’s face. She looked smug almost, smiling at him knowingly. Knowing what? Sirius had no clue.


Did I just project my own touch-aversion into my story? Yes. I have ADHD too and I don’t know if it is because of the ADHD or if it’s some weird trauma I don’t remember or something but I’m the same way as Remus. And it is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves when you express your discomfort with being touched to an adult and they push it aside because you’re being “silly” or “over dramatic” and touch you anyway… oh my god, it gets on my nerves. It doesn’t help that I’m from the South and every white woman wants to hug you here.

I also want to mention, as much as I love the idea of Sirius having one of those cool masks that only cover the eyes with his hair down… I think that that’s impractical and Walburga definitely wouldn’t allow it. So, I imagine Sirius in a mask kind of like Batman's? Without the little bat ears obviously. His mask covers his head only showing his mouth area and eyes. Feel free to picture however you want. I just think that his mask would look like this because Walburga would think his hair would be too recognizable and impractical.

Also, in case you didn’t figure it out, the reason that Remus’ bruises from fighting Sirius are healing so quickly is because Remus heals way quicker than the average person. Sirius sees the bruise on Remus’ wrist and assumes it’s a few days old because Remus’ body is healing at a rapid speed.

See you next time! Ba-bye!

Chapter 10: Run, Boy, Run


TW- fighting (it’s a Spider Man fic. What do you expect?”
TW- mention of blood (I don’t know if I need to put this but just in case)
TW- abusive parents (Walburga A+++ parenting at its finest)


I am sooo sorry that this chapter took so long. Honestly, school’s been a bitch. Did I say that last time? It’s true though. I’m a junior in high school and made the mistake of taking 3 AP classes and 2 advanced classes (really hard, college level classes for those who don’t know). I also just generally lacked the motivation to write this chapter. To write period but specifically this chapter. I prefer fluffy writing. Like everyone being friends and slight romance and little flirting and jokes and this chapter is not that at all. It’s a pivotal chapter that has to happen but it still was a struggle to write. So I’m sorry.

Translations at the end!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Friday | October 17th

Sirius Black was being weird. Well… he was always weird, to be honest. All of Remus’ friends were weird. That's why they were his friends. However, Sirius was being weirder than usual.

Sirius was always so full of energy, practically jumping off the walls, running down hallways but he wasn’t that day. He walked slowly, leaning into his friends' sides to slow them down to his pace. His legs didn’t bounce in class and he begged off sock hockey in PE, which didn’t make sense because Sirius loved sock hockey.

So, Sirius was acting weird but he wouldn’t say why. Which bugged Remus, it did, but he couldn’t comment on it without being a complete and total hypocrite so he didn’t. He said nothing at all.

Honestly, Remus couldn’t think too hard on it because one of his friends (he had narrowed it down to James or Sirius) smelt so strongly of some kind of medical supplies (it was some kind of oily salve). The smell filled Remus’ nostrils, making it hard to concentrate on the other smells. The other smells being Sirius and James’ exhaustion. The two didn’t look tired (well, James didn’t) but exhaustion and stress poured out of them in waves. When Remus had asked James why, he simply said that he and Pads had stayed up late because Sirius was going through something with his family. He wouldn’t say more than that after he realized that Remus knew nothing about Sirius’ family.

Remus’ brain was fuzzy all day though. With all of the smells (including one of his friends being in pain but he didn’t know who), three tests and one quiz, and Remus’ own exhaustion from last night, Remus had a lot going on in his brain, leaving him over-stimulated for almost the entire day.

To be honest, Remus was still kind of shaken from last night for two reasons. 1) He expected to be targeted once he started doing what he was doing. It was only natural. You start doing good and bad people will come after you… he just didn’t expect for it to happen so soon. 2) He didn’t expect to sort of enjoy it. Up until last night, Remus hadn’t really had a fight. He was mostly catching the guys and webbing them up, leaving them up to the police. The fight he had with that guy was… thrilling . It was an actual competition, an actual challenge. It was fun . Remus could tell that the guy had training.

Speaking of the guy though… he wouldn’t get out of Remus’ head. For multiple reasons.

First, the guy was sent to kill him. Remus knew that. That the guy was sent to kill him and actively tried to kill him. But Remus’ spidey-sense didn’t go off, not at first anyway. Remus landed on the roof normally and he wasn’t alerted of the man’s presence until he spoke. Remus could sense his dad coming into his room while face-down in his bed with his headphones blasting music. But, Remus’ spidey-sense didn’t go off which should’ve meant that the guy was no threat but… he tried to kill Remus . It was very confusing.

Second, the guy could actually fight and not just in a sense of “he knew how to throw a punch” but was clearly trained. He was clearly trained to fight, to kill. Remus didn’t realize that people were trained to kill. Not in real life anyway. Not in the 90s.

Also, just the mystery around him. He had a mask like Remus, hiding his identity. Remus could’ve taken his mask off when he had webbed him up but didn’t. He respected the other guy in some weird, twisted way.

Finally, why nunchucks ? Like… what the f*ck? Why that weapon out of all of the options? Remus could rule out a few: guns were too loud and would draw attention, a sword is stupid (just for fighting in New York in the 20th century. Like… who are you? One of King Authur’s knights?), and others. Why nunchucks?

“Moony? ‘You here with us?” James waved a hand in front of Remus’ face.

“Hmm- what?” Remus blinked. The rest of the class was gone, leaving only the marauders plus the girls.

“Where were you, Moons?” Sirius laughed from his spot sitting on top of the desk next to Remus’. “We lost ya for a bit.”

“Oh, sorry.” Remus picked up his backpack and followed his friends out.

They started light conversation about their homework and what they were doing over the long weekend (they had Monday off for parent-teacher conferences) when Regulus turned the corner. Sirius quietly asked to talk to Regulus and they both slipped away. Their group had made it to the front doors when Remus froze.

“I forgot my skateboard in my locker.” Remus announced. “I’ll see you all Monday, I guess?”

They all said bye and Remus jogged lightly down the hall. He had just gotten his board and was heading back when he heard voices. Remus slowed to a stop, listening, alone in the empty hallway. The voices were coming from the closed biology classroom. They were hushed, so quiet that Remus knew if he didn’t have super senses, he wouldn’t have heard them at all.

“Are you okay?” Was that Regulus? He sounded so small, so scared.

“Are you ?” Sirius .

Remus moved so his back was against the lockers just outside the room.

“Why are you doing this, Sirius?” Regulus whimpered.

“For you.” Sirius pushed.

“No!” Regulus’ voice sounded wet like he was crying. “You’re going to get hurt-”

“So will you!”

“They hurt you! Just last night, Sirius!” Regulus hissed. “Que diable!”


“I heard her last night!” Regulus interrupted. “What- what did she do?”

“Nothing.” Remus had never heard Sirius calming someone down before. Everyone was usually calming him down.

“‘Nothing’?” Regulus scoffed.

“Nothing I haven’t felt before.” Sirius amended which Remus could admit, was’t much better.

“Where?” Regulus asked, though it seemed less like a question and more like a demand.

“It doesn’t-”

Where?! ” Regulus hissed. Remus heard the light sound of fabric moving and then Regulus gasped. “ Merde !”

“It looks a lot worse than it is.” Sirius said. “Trust me. Besides, she didn’t do all of it.”


“Doesn’t matter right now. I’ll tell you later.” Sirius rushed. “I have to ask though, Reggie-”



“No, I didn’t get it yet.” Get what?


“Promise?” Regulus scoffed. “What are we? Seven?”

Promise, Reg.” Sirius demanded. “Promise me. You haven’t got the tattoo yet?” Tattoo?

“Promise. Je jure.”

Sirius let out a relieved breath. “What have they had you do?”

“Not here, Sirius.”

“Right.” There was a slight thud, almost non-existent. Remus assumed it was Sirius jumping off of whatever surface he was sitting on (he had refused to stand for longer than two minutes that day). “I have to go back to the dorm. James will freak if I’m too late.”

“You two have some serious attachment issues.”

Sirius attachment issues?” Remus could practically hear Sirius wiggling his eyebrows. Regulus groaned.

“I mean it. You two have attachment issues.”

“It’s gotten worse since last night too.”

“I would too if I had seen your hip.”

“Piss off!” There was a slight thud noise, which Remus could only assume was Sirius punching Regulus’ shoulder. “It’s not even that bad.”

“Your side is all purple!”

The voices were getting closer so Remus took the opportunity to leave, questions piling up in his head.

* * *

“Remus, fy annwyl,” Hope Lupin said, shrugging on her cardigan by the door. “Remember, I won’t be back until late tomorrow because I’m visiting Meemaw after my shift with your dad-”

“I know, mam.”

“Don’t forget to eat-”

“I won’t, mam.”

“Liar. All the windows are locked and don’t forget to lock the door-”

“You know I won’t, mam.”

“You’re going to be okay?” Hope asked, bringing her hands up to cup Remus’ face.

Remus took her hands in his and kissed them. “I’m going to be okay.”

“If you feel unsafe-”

“I’m to go over to Mrs. Drolley’s if it’s night and the Evans’ if it’s day. And I need to call Mrs. Evans at nine tonight to let her know that I’m safe. I know, mam.” Remus said fondly. “I’m going to be okay, mam.”

Hope sighed and pulled Remus down to kiss the top of his head though he was far too tall for that.

“Rwy'n dy garu di, fy annwyl.”

“Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi hefyd, mam.”

With that, Hope took one last glance of Remus and left. Remus waited until he heard the lobby door close (despite him being on the fourth floor) before he raced to his room and changed into Spider Man… plus his gray zip-up hoodie. Because it’s October and Remus is already always cold even without the chilly autumn breeze.

Two hours later (almost half past six) Remus was sitting upside down on the ceiling of an archway ten stories in the air reading his required reading for English when his newly repaired police radio (thanks to all of the spare time he had in Gym) chirped.

We’ve got a runaway car chasing down 30th-’

‘Nevermind. It’s handled.’

Remus sighed and tilted his head back, looking at the streets below. The post-setting sun casted everything in blue and soon in darkness. Remus watched all of the little people walk through the crowded streets of New York when something caught Remus’ eye. He tilted his head to peer at it better. It was a small flash of black in an alleyway between a jewelry store and a boutique.

The alleyway was encased in shadows so it might have been hard to see if Remus’ vision wasn’t so enhanced. It was a group, maybe three guys, all dressed in all black, slightly blending into the darkness. The silhouettes weren’t too big, almost younger. At least one of them was. Remus watched as the three forms sneak around the shadowy alleyway before one of two taller ones put a strange box on the keypad. They pushed a button on the box and hid.

Yeah, definitely suspicious , Remus thought. Fan-f*cking-tastic .

Remus shot over the street onto the roof of the other building just as the strange box made a small beeping noise and the door creaked open. The three guys entered the jewelry store. Remus crawled down the wall. He slipped through the open door by the top of the frame without them noticing and crawled along the ceiling before sitting in the middle upside down.

He watched as the three guys started to shove jewelry into their respective bags. Remus was right: two of the three were older (mid-twenties, maybe late-twenties) while one was much smaller (maybe Remus’ age but that didn’t make sense because why would someone Remus’ age be robbing a jewelry store?).

Remus waited all of thirty seconds before clearing his throat loudly. The three whirled around. Their heads spun, frantically looking for the source of the voice before finding Remus on the ceiling. Remus could see their eyes widen and skin pale through the cut out holes of their ski masks (a bit cliche in Remus’ opinion).

“Sorry,” Remus started. He gestured to the emerald necklace one of the taller ones was holding. “But I don’t think that color suits you.”

The man looked down at the necklace. Remus took the advantage and shot a web, pinning the bag closed against the table he was next to. The fight exploded.

The man ran forward. Remus shot his web to stick his hand to the top of the table the man was running by. His momentum was enough force to knock him back, his head hitting the table. Remus’ spidey-sense triggered from behind him. Before he thought about it, he shot a web behind him. Remus flipped off down to the floor. His web had landed the second guy’s belt, sticking his hand down to his gun.

Good job, Remus. He thought to himself.

The man didn’t back down. He charged for Remus, attempting to kick him and fight with his available hand. Remus caught his foot and spun the man around, making the man do a poor arabesque. Remus pulled him back so that he fell into the first man. Remus webbed them together before turning to the final smaller one, who had– up until then– just stood there.

The younger one blinked as he suddenly woke up from whatever daze he was in. He lunged. He fought differently than the other two. The first two had fought like most of the robbers and guys Remus usually went up against: no training, clearly relying on their strength and size, throwing punches almost randomly. This wasn’t like that. This was precise and calculated, sharp but strong. He fought in a more defined style like it was all a dance, the training clear in his kicks and jabs. Almost like… almost like the guy Remus had fought last night.

Remus fought similarly to how he did then: more defensive. This guy was less aggressive than the other though. The other guy pushed forward, this one is– not more reluctant– but he didn’t jump into the fight, his moves were more planned. Remus didn’t switch to the offensive though. He just blocked.

Finally, Remus was able to pin him to a glass display case. The boy fought against Remus’ grasp.

Then– right before Remus webbed him to the glass– the boy cried out in such a scared, quiet way, it was almost a whimper. “Please! No! I can’t– I can’t fail. Please .”

No . Remus knew that voice. Remus’ blood froze as he looked into the boy’s eyes. They were gray. A cold, almost steel-like in a way, gray. There was a slight green tint to them. Little lines of green that shot out from his pupils to the outside of the iris that Remus knew only his senses could see and pick out.

Remus, without turning away from the boy, held out his arm behind him and shot a web out to where he could feel the camera was, covering the lens. Remus lifted up the front of the boy’s mask. The boy didn’t fight it, probably frozen in fear. Remus lifted the mask just to forehead, enough to see his face.

Regulus .

Remus remembered Sirius’ fear when talking to his little brother that morning. There was so much fear in Regulus’ eyes but he was hiding it so well. To any other person, to any normal person, to any person other than Remus, Regulus would’ve appeared black or even maybe almost defiant but Remus knew better. He could hear Regulus’ rapid heartbeat, hear his blood rushing through his veins, feel the nerves spiking along his skin, smell the pure fear rolling off of him in waves.

Before Remus thought too much about it, Remus slowly stepped away, hands up in surrender. Regulus eyed him warily. Remus– not trusting his voice to not give away his identity– jerked his head back, gesturing to the door. Regulus took a hesitant step forward and when Remus made now attempt to move, he ran to the door, halting at the frame.

He peered slightly over his shoulder and murmured a quick, “Thank you.”

And ran.

* * *

The moon was a waning gibbous, almost full. Remus stared up at it from his perch on the half-wall barrier on a roof. He needed the moon’s comfort, its structure and stability. It grounded him.

“You must really like the moon.”

Remus froze. It was him again, the trained fighter from before. He had snuck up on Remus again. How was he not triggering Remus’ spidey-sense? And why did it sound like it bothered him if Remus liked the moon?

To be frank, Remus didn’t want to fight for the second time that night. He had something to do at home that he couldn’t remember at the moment.

Remus sighed, looking up at the sky, praying for strength from a god he didn’t believe in. “Are you here to try and fight me again?”

“Yes.” He answered instantly, sounding almost sad about it.

“Great.” Remus said wryly.

“You don’t sound too concerned, Spider Man.”

“Well, you didn’t exactly complete the job last time, did ya?” Remus co*cked his head to the side, taking the other boy in. He looked the same as he did last night. He wore an all-black bodysuit with a belt that was strapped with weapons (nunchucks and daggers). He had a mask but Remus could still make out the dark gray of his eyes.

“That’s not going to happen this time though.”

“Isn’t it?” Remus hopped off the ledge.

“Yes.” The other boy (and yes, Remus is sure that he was a boy, not a man. He was purposely lowering his voice a bit but Remus could tell) unsheathed his daggers. “I have to. I can’t fail again.”

There . Remus detected fear. Genuine fear. Remus could smell it. He has to kill Remus. He couldn’t fail… because something would happen to him if he did . And his words, the boy’s choice of words, was so painfully similar to Regulus’ that it hurt Remus a bit.

“Using daggers this time, are we?” Remus attempted to joke. He couldn’t handle two boys forced into awful predicaments in one night.

“They’re not my favorite.” He admitted, twirling one of them around his fingers with a practiced grace, unfortunately similar to how Sirius twirls his pens. Great. Remus thought . Go on and compare him to one of your best friends. Why don’t you? “I need your blood.”

It would’ve sounded nonchalant, calm, simple even if it weren’t for the slight shudder that rippled through the boy’s face when he said it. ‘ He doesn’t want to do this ’ ran through Remus’ mind at the same time as ‘ He can’t get my blood then, at any cost.

“Great.” Remus rolled out his shoulders as he crouched down to a fighting stance, watching the other boy do the same. “This will be fun.”

“No, it won’t.”

They lunged.

The daggers were a new danger, a new hurdle. One that Remus accommodated for quickly but not before a few slight slices and grazes.

The other boy was fighting differently than before. It was quicker and almost sloppier . Remus recognized it eventually: he was desperate . He needed to win. He had to. And Remus didn’t want for whatever was going to happen if he failed, whatever he was so scared of happening, to happen. Which is why Remus chooses to fall to his knees when the boy kicks him at some point in the fight, feigning that the other boy got the better of him. Remus wasn’t going to let the boy kill him, he just needed to know if the boy would .

The boy kicked him again and Remus crumbled. In less than a breath, there was a knife to Remus’ throat as the boy leaned over with his knee to Remus’ chest. He wasn’t too heavy (that could’ve just been Remus’ super strength) but he was applying enough pressure that if Remus had been normal, would stop him from getting up.

“Are you going to kill me?” Remus watched as the boy’s breath hitched. “That’s your job, right? Your mission? Or is it to just get my blood?”

“I’m not going to kill you.” The boy said simply.

“Because you can’t or won’t?” Remus can’t help but ask. He feels like he’s tempting death (which, admittedly, he is in a way) but he honestly can’t shut up.

“Because that’s not my mission.”

The boy raises his dagger, handle facing down and blade to the sky. He’s going to knock me out. Remus realizes. In a quick moment, Remus freed his hand (it was never truly stuck to begin with) and shot a web around his own neck, essentially sticking his mask down to his shirt.

The boy co*cked his head to the side, eyebrows (that Remus could only see the indention of, not the real thing) raised. He nodded. “Smart.”

“Thanks.” Remus replied.

“I’m sorry.”

The world goes black.

* * *

Remus, in his opinion, woke up too quickly. He would have preferred to have at least a few more minutes of unperturbed sleep, but no. His luck was sh*t so he woke up when he was entering a building. He was being carried in between two men, his body limp because Remus didn’t want them to know he was awake yet. He simply opened his eyes (which they couldn’t see anyways) and didn’t move.

He couldn’t lift his head to look around without giving away that he was awake so he just studied the floor hoping to get a clue about where he was. He watched as the concrete transitioned to tile with the sound of automatic sliding doors.

The boy’s voice sounded out in front of Remus, sounding more snobbish than Remus had ever heard, “Inform Mrs. Black that I’m here with the Spider.”

Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black. Black. Black. Sirius. Sirius’ mother. Sirius’ mom. Oh sh*t. Oh no. Sirius.

“Yes, sir.”

The men continued to drag/ carry Remus into an elevator, up nineteen floors (Remus counted), and then out of the elevator and into a chair that they instantly tied him to.

“What do we do with him now?” A man asked. Remus could only assume it was one of the men who dragged him in.

“Take off his mask?” The other voice offered.

“Don’t bother.” The boy said, sounding almost bored. “I’ve already tried.” That’s a lie. Remus wasn’t sure how he knew but the boy didn’t even try to remove his mask. Why? Why did he lie? Was he trying to protect Remus for some reason? Despite being the one who brought him here? “See those webs? They’re sticking his mask down. Won’t come off.”

“We could cut it?” The first man said.

Remus heard the boy’s heartbeat quicken. Why’s he nervous? Then it died down again.

“Like I said, don’t bother.” The boy’s voice took on a more rough side now, almost threatening. “They dissolve in an hour or two.”

A door opened and loud clicks of heels sounded, coming closer. They stopped a few feet away from Remus. A woman’s shrill voice sounded. “What are you waiting for?”

“He’s unconscious, Madame.” A man informed her.

“So? Why is his mask still on?”

“It’s webbed on, Madame. They should dissolve soon.”

“I don’t care about his identity!” She screeched. “He’s not leaving anytime soon, we have time. What we don’t have time for is your idiocracy!”

“Madame?” The man said questioningly.

“We want his blood. You’re supposed to get his blood. You don’t need his consciousness for that!”

Remus heard as someone ran off and returned with another person. The other person started to fiddle with metal and glass sounding objects on a table behind Remus.

“Madame,” The boy started cautiously. “What do we need his blood for?”

“If you must know,” Madame gritted through her teeth. “We are under the firm belief that this Spider got his special abilities from our failed cross-species genetics project.”

Remus panicked. sh*t. sh*t. sh*t. They know. They know…

“The radioactive spiders?” The boy checked.

“Indeed.” She confirmed, voice full of venom.

“I thought that project failed?” The boy said. “No one survived the testing and the spiders started emitting radiation. How could it have worked for him?”

“That’s what we’re about to find out.”

What?! Remus' thoughts ran rapidly. I’m not dead. How am I not dead? I could’ve died?

Remus’ spidey-sense triggered as he heard footsteps behind him. Remus reached back and caught some type of glass cylinder. Remus lifted his head, turning it to look at the man behind him who was just about to stick a medical needle into Remus’ neck. Remus squeezed, and the needle’s glass case shattered. The man paled (as he probably should. Remus would be scared too). Remus stood up and used the chair– which he was still tied to– to knock the man back by swinging it into him. The chair broke so Remus just had to shrug off the ties on his wrists.

Two men (which Remus can only assume were the two that carried him in) charged. Remus dodged their punches and was able to grab one man’s fist and hurled him over at the other man, causing them both to fall into the original man (the one that had the needle) and a table, which collapsed under their combined weights.

Remus turned away from the three pathetic heaps of men and towards where the woman’s voice had come from.

Remus had never seen Walburga Black before but he knew it was her because of how much she unfortunately looked like Sirius. She had the same black hair but there were no curls, it was in a tight, fancy twisted bun. She had gray eyes too but they weren’t like her sons’. Sirius’ eyes were like an incoming storm: electric and strong and powerful in their intensity but not unkind. Regulus’ were light and almost steel-like in their shade. They were sharp but welcoming with undertones of green. Walburga’s were cold and mean, a dark gray that was almost black. Her features were tight, as if they had a lot of experience being negative and mean and angry.

“Black.” Remus all but hissed. Crouching down to his fighting stance.


“Spider- Man .” Remus corrected.

Her eyes flashed with anger. “You are nothing but a mistake .” She snarled.

“Oh, really?” Remus smirked despite no one being able to see it. “Is that why your spiders worked for me and no one else?”


“Me.” Remus interrupted, a smile clear in his voice.

Walburga turned harshly to the corner of the room, where Remus only just then noticed the boy in the shadows.

“Rid of him.” She commanded.

“But-” The boy protested as he walked forward. “You said to bring him here and I did. I’m done! I’m not going to-”

He was cut off by a sharp slap from Walburga. She grabbed the boy’s shoulder and yanked him close so she could whisper in his ear. The boy paled.

“Understood?” She hissed.

“Yes, Madame.” The boy took a step back and withdrew his knives (from where? Remus had no idea. They seemed to just have appeared ). He mouthed an “I’m sorry” and dropped into a fighting stance.

Remus knew he had very little time. He didn’t want to fight and it was clear that this boy didn’t either. This boy was forced into this position, that much was obvious. Remus scanned his surroundings quickly. They were in a dark room. There were windows along the entire right wall showing the city below ( wow. we’re high. okay. okay . don’t freak out. you literally have super powers ). The wall in front of Remus, and behind the boy and Walburga, was plain other than the elevator doors.

Come on, Remus. Think. Think.

No plan formed. sh*t .

The boy lunged, clearly unaware of Remus mentally begging for more time (how rude of him). The boy relied heavily on his daggers, pushing Remus back as he jumped and dodged each of the boy’s advances. Each swing, the boy’s daggers missed… until they didn’t.

One swipe went across Remus’ stomach, tearing the fabric and cutting deep into his flesh. Remus bent forward with his arm to the wound. Remus let himself look down for a second and saw blood seeping through Remus’ suit quickly, already making it to his sternum. Well, sh*t.

Remus looked up at the boy, who looked just as scared at what he had done, staring in shock at the dagger. Remus’ blood stained it like a typical horror movie weapon. The boy lifted his gaze to Remus like it weighed a ton. His eyes were pleading in a way that Remus didn’t know eyes could be. They were apologetic and sad but so, so scared.

‘Go’ The boy mouthed. Remus couldn’t believe it. A second passed. ‘Go’ The boy mouthed again.

Remus turned to the window. He could jump at the window, break through, and catch himself on a web and swing away. He could… but that would leave the boy here. Here alone . With a woman who did not care for him and willing to hurt and threaten him. Remus couldn’t leave him here. He was going to get hurt.

“Go.” This time it was a whisper. Remus turned back to the boy. His eyes were pleading, so pleading. Begging for Remus to go.

Remus took a step forward. There was no plan for it. No reason why. Maybe to grab the boy and take him with him. Maybe… Remus didn’t know.

The boy stepped back, holding his knife up, threatening Remus.

I need to go. He’s telling me to go. but…

Remus knew he was going to regret this. He knew. He ran straight to the right and jumped head first into the windows like a diver off the board. His hands crashed through the glass and his body followed, falling down… down… down…

Remus didn’t really realize how high up he actually was. At least, until he was in the air. He was stories high. Far above the roofs of the other buildings. At that moment, he was flying. He flew. He flew and then he caught himself and swung away.

* * *

Sirius Black

Sirius watched as Spider Man swung away. He was free now. Sirius wasn’t. Sirius helped Spider Man get free. Now, Sirius had to deal with the consequences.

* * *

Regulus Black

He heard it. Regulus heard it all. The screams. His brother’s screams. They seemed to echo in his brain, loud and clear in their agony and then they stopped.

There were no screams or sobs for twenty minutes but there was the sound heavy, quick footsteps down the hall, the door to Sirius’ room (the one next to Regulus’) opening and closing, and the rapid swishing of fabrics. There was the distant sound of a zipper zipping before Sirius’ door opened and closed again and Sirius barged through into Regulus’ room.

Regulus had been sitting on his bed, staring at his wall for the better part of the past hour ever since Spider Man decided to let Regulus go free. Regulus didn’t know why Spider Man let him go exactly. He was pinned. Spider Man very easily could have webbed him and left but… but he didn’t. Because what? Because Regulus begged? Even Regulus didn’t know why he said what he did. It just slipped out but it was apparently enough for Spider Man to remove Regulus’ mask and then let him go. Did he know Regulus? Why did he gasp and then let him go then? He must’ve recognized Regulus then. Who was Spider Man then?

Those were the thoughts that filled Regulus’ mind before Sirius barged in.

Sirius’ skin was pale and his eyes were frantic. There was a bruise already forming on his jaw and blood coming from his temple and cheek. His curls were everywhere and tangled. He was wearing the suit he was given from their parents and although it was black, Regulus could see blood seeping through on various spots on the torso and legs. Regulus could only assume that there was blood on his arms too that he couldn’t see due to the leather jacket Sirius had thrown on.

“Sirius!” Regulus jumped off the bed. “La vache! Merde! What did Maman do?”

“Doesn’t matter right now.” Sirius grabbed Regulus' arm and started pulling him to the dresser. “Pack! Now!”


“We’re leaving. Now!” Sirius started yanking the dresser drawers open.


Sirius turned to Regulus and gripped his shoulders. “Maman just disowned me. She was going to kill me, Reggie. She’s letting me leave as long as I don’t bring too much media attention to it and I leave as soon as possible. So, we have to go! Pack!”


Sirius froze. Something in his eyes shattered as he dropped Regulus’ arms and took a step away. His voice broke when he whispered, “ What?

“I’m not going with you.”

Regulus didn’t even make up his mind until the words were out of his mouth. He didn’t make the decision to stay until he said it but he knew that he had to.

“Why?” Sirius asked, voice barely a breath.

For multiple reasons. Multiple reasons that appeared in Regulus’ mind as soon as Sirius asked the question.

First, Sirius is allowed to go. He’s allowed to leave so he should. He won’t be able to leave if Regulus goes with him because their parents are only letting him go because they have Regulus. Regulus is the back-up, that much had been clear since he was born. If both of them leave then Walburga and Orion would have no heirs, no children, nothing and they would never allow that.

Second, Orion and Walburga never treated Regulus the same as Sirius. They had always been harsher with the older brother. With Sirius gone and their only hope in an heir being Regulus, they wouldn’t risk losing him too. Maybe, they’d be nicer? Or just less violent at least.

Third, Regulus could help Sirius. Actually help him. And not just him but Spider Man too. Regulus could be their source from the inside. He could find a way to communicate with Spider Man and help him. He could be a good guy , a spy.

“I need to stay.” Regulus said.

“No, Reggie, no.” Sirius looked so broken then that Regulus almost gave in. “Please, petite étoile.”

“I have to stay.” Regulus insisted. “Je suis désolé.”

“No no no.” Sirius broke off, shaking his head, tears streaking down his cheeks. Regulus felt himself crying too but couldn’t hear it. Sirius and Regulus were quiet criers. It was a skill and habit one learned when in the House of Black. “ Please .”

“I’m staying, Sirius.”

“S'il te plaît.” Sirius begged.

Regulus hugged him. It was a tight, desperate hug. One that Sirius reciprocated immediately because he’s Sirius and Regulus never initiated them but they both needed it. They clung to each other and a mess of heat and tears.

“Trust me.” Regulus murmured. Sirius squeezed harder.

“Now, go .” Regulus pushed him away.

Sirius looked at Regulus for a moment before grabbing his bag and running out the door.

“Je t'aime.” Regulus whispered to his empty room.

And that night, he got the mark.


“Que diable” - what the hell
“Merde” - sh*t
“Je jure” - I swear
“Fy annwyl” - my dear/ my darling (do I still even have to put this one in?)
“Rwy'n dy garu di”- I love you
“Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi hefyd” - I love you too
“La vache”- oh crap/ holy cow
“petite étoile” - little star
“Je suis désolé” - i’m sorry
“je t'aime” - i love you

I was talking about Spider Man with my AP Art friends when the senior (she loves spider man. Especially Tom Holland and his Peter’s relationship with Tony Stark) mentioned something. I was talking about how I love it when Spider Men wear clothing over their suits, like hoodies and shorts (Miles Morales essentially) and she mentioned that it would be funny if Spider Man got the temperature regulation trait from the spider. Apparently, spiders can’t regulate their temperatures like humans so they can’t warm themselves up during the winters. I thought it was really funny and would add another quirk to Remus. Another reason he loves sweaters and long sleeves (besides hiding his scars and muscles) is because HE’S ALWAYS COLD because he literally can’t warm himself up.

On a smaller note however… Remus not realizing that the reason the trained fighter isn’t triggering his spidey-sense is because it’s Sirius. He knows that it’s Sirius (at least his spider senses do) and he feels comfortable around Sirius, knowing that Sirius would never hurt him so it doesn’t set his spidey-senses off.

AND I love adding little mentions to Remus’ ADHD and sass. Like him sometimes forgetting to eat (I do it too, Remus. Don’t worry) and knowing that there’s something he needs to do at home and not remembering what exactly he has to do but he has to do it. And his sass! The boy is so sassy and sarcastic and witty and I love it. Almost all of his thoughts (all of the italicized parts) are sarcastic. Like, I’m the one writing it and I’m still thinking “this sarcastic little sh*t” fondly. I love him.

Please leave comments! I love reading them (especially the longer ones) and they help motivate me!

See y’all next time! For a slightly happier episode.

Chapter 11: New Home


TW- mentions of abuse (it doesn't happen but it is mentioned and addressed)
This chapter is mostly an adjustment chapter for everyone. For a little while longer, we're going to be light on the actual conflicts and fighting and we're just going to focus on building up characters and friendships and ships. It'll be a little easier from now on. Will it be painless? Of course not! It's a marauders and marvel fanfic, of course it won't be. However, it'll be a little better. I'm going to try to fit a bit more of the Slytherin Skittles in here but I'm honestly debating about whether I should just separate their side of the story and post it separately but I don't know how good that would be. Would y'all want that?
I’m planning on uploading weekly now.
Translations are at the end. Don't forget to leave comments because I LOVE reading them. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

James Potter

Saturday | October 18th

It was almost midnight last night when James’ best friend showed up on the doorstep. James had been up late with his Mami talking about school (mostly Lily) because he was staying at his parents’ for the long weekend. James didn’t expect Sirius to show up. Not on Friday. Maybe Monday for a few hours before returning to the school but not Friday night.

James was ranting to Effie about the really annoying group project that he had to do in Biology when there was a weak knock on the front door. James told his Mami that he’d get it and went to the door. He opened it and Sirius all but fell inside.

“Sirius!” James caught his best friend. Sirius was covered in blood and already-forming bruises. His clothes were torn and dirty.

Effie ran into the entryway. “Sirius!”

“I’m sorry.” Sirius choked out. “I had to-”

Sirius collapsed, eyes rolling back before closing.

An hour later and it was officially Saturday but James had not stopped pacing. Sirius finally woke up from where Monty and James had put him on the couch.

“What happened, love?” Effie asked gently.

James didn’t ask gently. He stopped pacing and stormed right up to the side of the couch. “What did that bitch do?”

“Jamey!” Effie scolded but James couldn’t stop staring at Sirius, waiting for his reaction.

“She disowned me.” Sirius smiled weakly.

The fight seemed to bleed out of James. “ What?

“She finally did it.” Sirius said. “I’m no longer the heir to the most respected and profitable Black Enterprises.”

“What happened?” James sat on the edge of the couch, careful of Sirius.

“I let him get away.”

James almost asked who. Spider Man , he realized. Sirius had caught him and Sirius had let him go. That was it. That was the final straw.

“Pads-” James couldn't hug Sirius, not while he was still bleeding and hurt, so he took Sirius hand and squeezed.

Sirius suddenly jerked to the side and coughed up blood.


Effie ran into the kitchen and came back with a bowl, which she handed James to catch the blood if Sirius spat out anymore.

“You need to go to a hospital.” Effie started to the phone.

No! ” Sirius tried to get up to stop Effie but James held him down. “Don’t! Please, Effie, don’t.”

“Love,” Effie called softly, moving beside Sirius.

“That was the rule.” Sirius explained. “They would let me go if I didn’t get the police involved. You go to the hospital, you take me to the hospital and they’ll ask what happened and that will get the cops involved. Maman told me to go. They said they’ll give you legal custody of me as long as we make it quiet. Please .”

“Oh, love.” Effie sat down in the chair next to the couch. “But, you need medical attention.”

“Do we have any doctor friends?” Monty asked his wife as he walked in with their entire medical cabinet in his arms.

“I don’t know-”

“Remus!” James blurted. His parents and Sirius looked at him, bemused. He amended. “Remus’ mom, his mam . She’s training to be a nurse and works at the hospital. She can keep a secret, I’m sure.”

“Let’s give her a call then.” Effie returned to the small table on the other side of the living room beside the tv cabinet and alter where the phone was. “She might be a bit cautious. You know how she was after what happened to Lily.”

She dialed and lifted the phone.

“Mrs. Lupin? Hi, this is Euphemia Potter-” Effie cut herself off, eyebrows drawn together for a moment. “Lily? Is that you, sweetie?”

Lily? James turned away from Sirius to look at his Mami.

“Hi, Lily… is Hope there? No?... Oh… That’s okay, sweetie… Is Remus there?... oh, hi, darling.”

James loved that about his Mami. She had her own terms of endearment for everyone. James was dear, Sirius was love, Peter was honey, Lily was (apparently) sweetie, Remus was darling, Monty was Beloved or hun, Mary was doll, and Marlene was muffin.

“Are you okay?... Are we okay? You’re so sweet to ask.” Effie looked over to Sirius who shook his head. “We’re fine. Sirius is over… he’s here… maybe, you could come over later?”

Sirius shook his head violently but Effie didn’t even see him. She furrowed her eyebrows at the phone.

“Sunday then? That sounds good… be safe, darling… yes, bye.”

“What did Moony say when you asked if he could come over?” James asked. “You made a face.”

“Oh,” Effie removed the throw from the couch Sirius was not on and laid it over Sirius. “Lily just sounded a bit like a mother. She got onto Remus and told him that he couldn’t come over here because he had to rest.”

“Why was Lily there?”

“They didn’t say.” Effie tutted. “But Hope is out of town currently so we need someone else.”

“I’m really fine-” Sirius started.

“You’re bleeding.” James interrupted, trying and failing to sound as calm as Sirius. “Your shirt is literally soaked with blood and there is dried blood on your face. You are literally the opposite of ‘fine’ .”

“I’ve had worse.” Sirius shrugged and then winced at the pain it caused him.

“That’s not as reassuring as you think it is, Pads.”

“What about Poppy?” Monty randomly offered. “She’s in town, right?”

“Perfect!” Effie exclaimed, speeding off back to the phone.

James didn’t listen this time though, instead turning back to his best friend. “They really disowned you?”

Sirius winced as he took a sip of his tea. The hot liquid burning the split in his lip. He nodded as he set the mug down.

“So, we can adopt you? Officially? Legally?” James couldn’t help the hopefulness coming through his voice. He had wanted this for so long. To steal and save Sirius away from that awful house. Did he wish that his friend didn’t have to collapse on his doorstep looking close to death for it to happen? Yes. But he’s thankful nonetheless.

“Officially-legally.” Sirius grinned. He looked so truthfully happy that it made James feel better.

But, James couldn’t help but ask. “What about Regulus?”

Sirius' face fell as quick as a lightbulb going out. His eyes filled with tears and clouded over. His face just went… blank . James hated it. It used to happen all of the time, like back in middle school. Sirius would let himself get mad and frustrated but he never let himself be sad. He would just shut himself out . Like a curtain falling over him.

“I had to leave him.” Sirius said blandly.


“He wanted to-” Sirius’ voice cracked, allowing a little emotion through before he smothered it again like a stray fire. “He wanted to stay.”


“He said he had to.” Sirius looked up from his lap to stare pleadingly into James’ eyes. “You know how stubborn we Blacks can be.”

Then, the impossible happened: Sirius sobbed. Like, full-on wept. James had never seen Sirius cry ever . He never let himself. James didn’t know what to do so he just pulled Sirius in, despite all of his injuries, and held him in a tight hug. Sirius clawed at the fabric at the back of James’ shirt as he let out loud cries.

“Love?” Effie had apparently finished her phone call and was walking over. James couldn’t see her but he heard her and the concern in her voice.

“I’m sorry.” Sirius croaked.

“Oh, love.” Effie sighed fondly. Another pair of arms wrapped around the two boys. “Don’t apologize for crying.”

“I left him.” Sirius wept. “I just left him.”

Effie didn’t have to think hard about who Sirius was talking about.

“He told me to but I shouldn’t have listened.”

“If he didn’t want to leave, you couldn’t have forced him to.” Effie told him.

Sirius just continued to cry.

* * *

Sirius cried himself to sleep. James didn’t even notice at first. Sirius had just quieted down until he just put more of his weight onto James. Effie helped him push and set Sirius down back onto the couch, telling James to just ‘let him rest’.

Poppy Pomfrey– who James vaguely recognized from his parents’ parties in the past– showed up less than two hours later. James was pushed out of the room while she ran her diagnosis tests. No broken bones (thankfully). Just bruising and a few surface cuts. Half of the blood on him wasn’t even his , which was rather concerning in its own right.

When she left at three in the morning, she just told them all to get some rest and make sure that Sirius washed properly.

James made bed on the couch across from Sirius and went to sleep.

* * *

The rest of Saturday went by in a blur. It was a lot of legal work but, by the end, Sirius Black was officially Sirius Potter.

“Nope.” Sirius declared. “Absolutely not! Prongs, I love ya. Mate, I do but I will not be taking your last name.”

Effie laughed but James was affronted. “Padfoot! How could you?!”

“Listen,” Sirius started, using his hands to communicate over their dinner of [food]. “I f*cking hate all of the Blacks. Like Merde -”

“Language.” Monty said dryly, not even looking up from his food.

“Sorry.” Sirius smiled slyly. “Like I was saying, I hate the name and all it stands for but…”

“But-” James prompted.

“I don’t know.” Sirius kind of slumped into his seat. “First off, ‘Sirius Potter’ sounds awful-”

Effie laughed again.

“And secondly, I want to be a Black.” James opened his mouth but Sirius silenced him by raising his hand. “Not like that, Prongs. No, I mean that I want to be a good Black. I want to prove that I can be a Black and a good person. It’ll be my final ‘f*ck-you’ to my parents, to keep my last name. They want me to go unremembered, unnoticed and I won't. Besides, it’s not like changing my name will do much anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everyone knows who I am. Everyone knows I’m a Black. Changing my last name won’t do anything, everyone will know the truth.” Sirius explained. “ Also , my parents wanted a silent separation. Changing my name will bring too much attention.”

“I guess so.” James slumped back into the chair.

“You’re just upset because you’ve always wanted a brother, dear.” Effie said to James.

“I have a brother.” James pouted, looking pointedly at Sirius, who immediately smiled.

* * *

Sunday | October 19th

Remus and Peter came over Sunday. Peter’s family went to church so he just quickly stopped by before and promised to come by later. Remus came over around lunch. James opened the door and immediately noticed how tired Remus looked. Maybe Lily was right to tell him to rest.

“Alright, Moony?” James asked. He tried to let his voice sound light and cheery but it came off a little concerned.

Remus shook his head, ruffling up his soft curls. “Nah, yeah. I’m fine. You?”

“Me? I’m good.” James smiled. James was fine. It was Sirius that wasn’t. James though, James was fine.

“Why’d you say it like that?” Remus’ brows furrowed together slightly. He was still standing outside. They were still talking on opposite sides of the doorway.

James ignored the question and gestured him in. “Tea, Moony? Mami made chai this morning.”

“Chai?” Remus kicked off his shoes.

“Yeah, you’ll love it!” James showed him to the kitchen. Effie was there over the stove cooking something that smelled delicious (it also smelled less spicy than usual which made sense because Sirius Black could not handle spice) and Sirius was sitting at the counter. He was looking better than he did yesterday but he still had a yellow bruise on his jaw, dark circles under his eyes, and a healing cut on his temple.

“Pads!” Remus gasped. Which… didn’t make much sense. Sure, Sirius looked a little rough but Remus just acted as if Sirius looked like death itself. He sped around the counter and stopped just before Sirius’ barstool, looking like he wanted to hug Sirius but not knowing if it would hurt him. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“Moony, I’m fine. Geez.” Sirius said lightly, trying to laugh it off.

“You are not fine!” Remus exclaimed. “I can f*cking sme-” Remus cut himself off before taking a breath and continuing. “I can see, you know. What happened?”

Sirius exchanged a look with James. James knew what it meant: ‘ He should know. Should he know? Should we tell him?

James shrugged and gave him a look that said ‘it’s all up to you, mate.

Sirius sighed and turned back to Remus, who was looking very impatient and very frustrated, maybe exasperated.

“Let’s go to James’ room, yeah?” Sirius offered.

Remus rolled his eyes, which did not match his concerned expression at all, and followed.

As soon as the door closed, Remus turned to Sirius expectantly, crossing his arms and leaning back onto one leg. James sat on his bed as if sitting on the sidelines, a viewer to the show that was about to unfold before him. Sirius stood by James’ desk while Remus stayed by the door, back to the wall so he could see both of the other boys and the door. Sirius took a deep breath.

“Okay.” Sirius breathed out. Remus raised his eyebrows. “My parents are mafia bosses.”

Remus’ attitude melted away. He didn’t seem surprised by the news but more of the fact that Sirius confessed this to him.

“They’re kind of crime-lords,” Sirius continued. “And they forced my brother to work for them.”

Remus also didn’t seem shocked about this either.

“So, in order to protect him, I joined.”

Then, Remus’ face dropped.


“Please, wait ‘til I’m done.” Sirius requested. Remus nodded, eyes still a little wide. “I never got past initiation though because… because I failed my mission.”

Remus paled so quickly that James wondered if he had just died and became a ghost.

“Sirius,” Remus started, voice weak and shaky. “What was your mission?”

“It doesn’t matter. I failed-”


James and Sirius stared back in shock, silenced. They had never heard Remus’ voice raise before, it was electrifying in the worst way. It was terrifying and James thought that that wasn’t even his loudest volume. James’ mind ran. How scary would Remus be if he was actually angry?

“What was the mission?” Remus all but hissed. He had stepped forward and was now in the middle of the room. His voice was rough and rushed but his eyes were desperate.

“To kill Spider Man.” Sirius whispered, ashamed.

Remus let out a little gasp and stumbled back. His eyes went blank like when Sirius refuses to cry. His breathing became erratic and uneven.

“Moony?” James asked, standing up. Remus didn’t appear to hear him at all. “Remus?”

His eyes were still unfocused and his breathing was getting worse.

“Moony?” Sirius asked, carefully.

Remus looked up. “Did he hurt you?”

“What?” Sirius blinked. He clearly wasn’t prepared for that question.

“Spider Man. Did Spider Man hurt you?” Remus clarified. He looked so scared of the possible answer.

“A little, but-”

“Did he do that ?” Remus pointed to Sirius’ face.

Sirius, probably subconsciously, lifted his hand to his face to touch the bruise. He looked back at Remus, seeing the terror in his friend’s expression.

“No. No, he didn’t. This was all my mother.”

Remus seemed to breathe easier after that. He grabbed the front of his shirt. He was wearing an olive long sleeve, baggy jeans, and a short-sleeved button-up unbuttoned over it. He ran his other hand through his tawny curls.

“Ffycin- cachu sanctaidd,” Remus breathed out. He all but collapsed against the wall beside the door, sinking down to the floor.

“Moony?” James took a cautious step forward. Remus looked up weakly. “English?”

Remus just let out a loud groan and hung his head back against the wall. He turned slightly in Sirius’ direction. “You’re okay?”

Sirius smiled softly. “Yeah, Moons. I’m okay.”

Remus nodded, content, before closing his eyes and sighing again.

“He didn’t mean to panic you so much, Moony.” James said.

Remus let out a dry laugh. “I’m always panicked.”

“Hot cocoa? Chai?” James offered. Anything to help his friend.

Remus nodded.

Thirty minutes and two cups of both hot chocolate and chai later, the three boys sat in the living room, listening to the classical music vinyl.

“Do you have any better music?” Remus sighed from his spot on the floor. He was sitting in front of the couch, his back against the front cushions. Sirius was upside down on the couch opposite of Remus (the one he was on last night) with his legs dangling over the top cushions. He was twirling the ballpoint pen he found on the side table in between his fingers, an action that Remus couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from. James was sitting criss-cross on the cushion next to Sirius, fiddling with his empty mug.

“You don’t like classical music, Moony?” James asked, slightly amused.

Remus gazed away from Sirius to lay a flat look at James. He wasn’t amused.

“Okay, okay.” James stood up to turn off the vinyl. He looked through the other options.


“Moony.” Sirius looked at him, upside down.

“The thing you’re doing with that pen.” Remus nodded to Sirius’ hand. “Can you do that with a weapon too?”

Sirius’ brows furrowed.

“Your mission was to kill Spider Man,” Remus continued. “How were you going to do it? A gun? Or something else.”

“A gun’s too loud. It’ll bring too much attention to me.” Sirius said casually.

This is not a normal conversation , James realized but it was entertaining so he didn’t stop it.

“So what were you going to use?”

“Why do you ask?”

Remus gestured to the pen.

“Oh, yeah.” Sirius flipped so he was sitting normally on the couch. “I’m trained in all forms of combat.”

“What?!” James turned fully around. Sirius looked at him, questioningly. “You never told me that! I thought you were only classically trained in ballet!”

“What?!” Remus gushed. He looked ecstatic.

“Shut up!” Sirius spat at them before continuing. “I’m trained in armed combat, close combat, martial arts, all that jazz.”

“So, what?” James joked, joining Remus on the floor. “You were going to karate chop a superhero to death?”

“No!” Sirius huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned back and pouted. “I had weapons.”

“A katana?”


“Daggers?” Remus offered.

Sirius blinked at him in surprise. “Yes, actually.”

“Can you do that ‘twirly-thing’ with a knife?” James asked incredulously.

“This?” Sirius spun his pen around all four of his fingers. James nodded. “Yeah. I don’t like daggers all that much though. They’re not my favorite.”

“What’s your favorite?”

“Nunchucks?” Remus whispered knowingly. Sirius didn’t hear him though.

“I had this custom weapon made for me.” Sirius said, using his hands to draw it out in the air. “It was a spear– because spears are my favorite– but it can snap and half and become nunchucks.”

“Nunchucks?” James looked at Remus, who refused to look back at him. James' brain backtracked a little. “I still don’t believe you. I need you to show me.”

“The spear?”

“No, the fighting.”

“What? Why?”

“You’re classically trained in ballet. I’ve seen you do ballet. You’re a f*cking ballerina-”

Remus snorted. Sirius shot him a quick glare.

“-There is no way that you're a trained fighter as well.” James continued.

“I’ll prove it to you.” Sirius stood up.

“What?” Remus questioned in between laughs.

“Come on, Prongs.” Sirius held out his hand to pull his best friend up. James took it.

“Oh, this is going to be great.” Remus smirked, moving to properly sit on the couch, out of the way. “Don’t hurt him too bad, Padfoot.”

James and Sirius stood in the middle of the sitting area, facing each other. James stared at Remus incredulously. “Do you know something that I don’t, Moony?”

“Just not to underestimate Sirius.” Remus said slyly. Sirius looked very pleased about that. James faced Sirius and copied his fighting stance. “Ready? Go!”

James took one step forward before Sirius dropped, scooped his leg out in a tight spin on the ground, sweeping James off his feet. James fell onto his back, letting out a groan. Remus laughed.

“Point to Padfoot!” Remus cheered.

“Again!” James demanded, jumping up.

“You sure?” Sirius asked. He would seem concerned and hesitant if not for the small smile playing at his lips.

“Shut up. Let’s go.”

“Ready?” Remus said again. “Go!”

James attempted to punch his chest. Sirius grabbed James’ hand and flipped him over his shoulder. James landed on the floor with a thud with Sirius’ knee on his chest.

“What the f*ck!”

The three boys turned to the entrance of the living room where Peter stood, face slack in shock.

“2-0!” Remus grinned.

“What did I walk in on?” Peter asked as he walked around the two boys on the floor to sit by Remus.

“James didn’t think Sirius could beat him in a fight.” Remus explained simply.

“Sirius beat James?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” Sirius huffed. He rolled off of James and laid by him.

“Yes.” Peter smiled.

“They can go again?” Remus offered.

“No!” James cried out, which resulted in everyone laughing.

“What about you, Moony?” Sirius rolled onto his stomach, placing his chin in his hands and kicking his feet like a middle school girl at a slumber party.

“What about me?”

“Want to fight?”


“Why not, Moony?” Sirius stood and made his way over to Remus.

“You’d lose.” Remus smirked.

“Really?” Sirius raised his eyebrow.

“One hundred percent.”

James wanted to laugh. The idea of Remus, scrawny, skinny Remus with asthma, winning against an actually-trained-to-fight Sirius was hilarious. Remus just seemed so confident in his answer that it made James falter. Could Remus beat him? James has seen Remus climb as if it was second nature, pulling his entire body weight up easily. Maybe he could win.

“What makes you so sure?” Sirius asked.

“I know.” Remus said sagely, hiding his smirk in his mug.

“Fine. Whatever.” Sirius rolled his eyes, smiling. “What about you, Pete?”

“Oh, hell no.” Peter said instantly. “If you can beat James, I don’t have a chance.”
That made them all laugh again.

* * *

It was later in the evening when James and Remus were alone in the kitchen. Sirius and Peter were in the living room getting far too heated in a game of chess. Remus and James were helping Effie make dinner.

“Remus, darling?” Effie started. James turned to see his Mami lay a hand on Remus shoulder, stilling him. He had plates in his hand, about to make his way to set the table. “Are you okay?”

“Ma’am?” Remus’ eyes widened a little in confusion.

“Are you hurt?”

Remus looked a little nervous as he said, “No, ma’am. I’m good.”

“Are you sure, darling? You’re moving rather stiffly.”

James looked at Remus more thoroughly because Euphemia Potter was never wrong. Remus looked tired, as James had noticed earlier, but that was probably because his parents were out of town so there was no one to tell Remus when to go to bed. Remus had ADHD like James and James knew that if his parents didn’t remind him to go to bed, he’d accidentally stay up all night. He was moving kind of stiffly but maybe he just fell off his skateboard or something. Which reminded James…

“I’m fine, Mrs. Potter.”

“Effie, please.” Effie patted his cheeks and took the plates out of Remus’ hands to set the table herself.

“Moony,” James started. Remus turned to him. “Why was Lily at your’s Saturday night?”

“She came over.” Remus said simply, turning his back to James as he reached into the cabinet for the glasses. He was moving stiffly! When he reached up for the glasses, James saw his body wince slightly as if lifting his hands caused pain.


“She’s a friend?”

James hummed in response. “You have friends over at midnight?”

Remus turned back to James, eyes narrowed. “What are you implying, James?”

James' eyes widened in shock. “Nothing! I swear. Sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” Remus sighed. “I’m a little tired. Lily came over to give me company while my parents were gone.”

“Okay. Do you want to stay over tonight?”


“If your parents are still out of town and you don’t like being alone in your apartment then you can stay here.”

“Are you sure, your parents would be cool-”

“We’d love for you to stay, darling.” Effie said, reappearing in the kitchen.

“Okay, let me call the Evans.” Remus started to walk out to the door.

“Why?” James asked, following him. “Why do you have to call the Evans?”

“Mam’s rule.” Remus explained easily. “I have to call the Evans at night so they know I’m safe and all of that.”

“Oh, okay.”

Remus walked past Peter and Sirius (who were now yelling about whether or not Sirius was cheating) and dialed the phone.

“Hey. Mrs. Evans? Oh. Hi, Mr. John. I wanted to call you to tell you that I’m staying at the Potter’s tonight. Yeah. Yes, sir. Thank you. Have a good night. Yeah. Bye.” Remus hung up and looked over to where the board was now flipped over, Sirius had his arms crossed in front of his chest, pouting, and Peter looked smug. “Can I play next?”

“Yeah!” Peter smiled. “Play me, Moony.”

James left them to continue helping his Mami.

“Boys getting competitive again?” Effie asked with a light chuckle.

“The board was flipped.”

“Of course.” She laughed. Effie bit her lip and turned from the stove to look right at James. “Dear, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, Mami. What?” James was slightly nervous. Why did she look like that? What was she about to ask? Did she know about the Black’s real business? Did she know about what Sirius did?

“Is Sirius…” Effie stopped and huffed, frustrated with herself. James felt himself sweat. She knows. She knows. Oh, god. She knows . “Does Sirius like boys?”


Hold up.


“What?” James’ brain stopped working.

“You know,” Effie sighed. “Is Sirius gay?”

“Wha- why?” James was now on edge. This was it. This is when he’ll figure out how his Mami will react if he were to ever come out to her. “Would it matter if he did? Would that change things?”

“What? No, of course not!” Effie said, letting out a light laugh as if James asked a ridiculous question. “I was just curious.”

“So, it doesn’t matter to you?” James had to check. He had to be sure.

“Why would it?” She shrugged as if her simple words didn’t mean the world to him, as if she didn’t just lift a massive weight off his shoulders. “Someone’s preference isn’t my concern.”

James would have cried on the spot but he had to answer her original question. “No, uhm, I don’t think he is. We’ve never talked about it.”

“Okay.” She smiled and turned back to the stove, stirring something in a pot.


“Yes, dear?”

“Do you know all of the different ones? Sexualities, I mean.”

Effie sighed and looked at James, setting the spoon on the counter. “Sadly, no.” James’ heart sank a little. “Back in my day, it was just queer. I didn’t think too much of it because it didn’t apply to me. And then Monty came home and told me that one of his younger workers, Calvin-- remember him-- mentioned how there are all of these different names for it now. Monty and I have been meaning to look into them because we want to be more knowledgable about the subject but we haven’t had the time.”

“So, you know that there are different types?” James asked hopefully. Effie nodded so James continued. “Well, there’s bisexual which means you like both girls and boys-”

“I know that one.”

“Do you know about pan? Pansexual?” James bit his lip.

“I’m afraid not. What is it?”

“It’s when someone likes everyone, regardless of gender.”

“Oh.” Effie looked thoughtful. “How wonderful.”


“To love everyone. To love their souls and hearts and not their body or appearances. What a wonderful mindset.” She smiled.

James was definitely about to start crying. “Mami, I’m pan.”

Effie’s smile grew. She threw the dish towel she was holding down on the counter and ran up to encase James in a tight hug. James squeezed his Mami.

“Thank you so much for telling me.”

He pulled away (because Effie never breaks a hug first, her rule) and she held his arms.

“I love you.” He smiled.

“I love you too.” She let go and returned to the pot. “I should let you know though, that I knew.”


“You’ve never treated anyone different for who they are or what they are. You’ve always loved everyone.” Effie explained. James smiled. “And, you kissed a boy in preschool.”

James’ smile dropped in shock. “ What!?

“Yes.” Effie chuckled. “Caused quite a stir.”

They both laughed as they finished dinner.

* * *

Sirius Black

Dinner was delicious. It was spicy and Sirius ate almost all of the bread in order to get rid of the burning on his tongue (much to Effie, Monty, James, and Remus’ amusem*nt. Peter knew better than to laugh. He was just as bad with heat).

Effie sent Sirius to go get ready for bed while Peter helped clean up (because he didn’t help prepare the meal) and Remus and James played chess.

Sirius traded his pants (a pair of jeans that Sirius had left at the Potters at a past sleepover) for pajama ones (aka James’ red flannels). He had just taken off his shirt to slip into another one when the door opened. Sirius had never spun around so quickly before in his life.

Remus stood there, looking very much guilty, in the doorway. Sirius froze. Remus raked his eyes over Sirius’ body and that seemed to wake Sirius up. He jerked and held his t-shirt over his body like a woman conserving her modesty.

“Moony!” Sirius all but shrieked.

Remus blinked and instantly flushed as if realizing what he was doing. “Oh! Cachu! Sorry. Sorry.”

Remus closed the door but he stayed in the room.

“Moony!” Sirius hastily pulled the t-shirt over his head but Remus wouldn’t stop staring.

Remus stepped forward, looking at Sirius as if asking permission. Sirius couldn’t move other than his eyes which were tracking everything that Remus was doing. Remus fingered the hem of the bottom of the t-shirt. He checked Sirius’ face one more time as if asking for permission but Sirius still couldn’t move. Remus took this as an okay and lifted the shirt up just enough to reveal the massive purple bruise raking across Sirius’ entire side.

Remus looked so guilty, so sad, not pitiful like Sirius though he’d be, like everyone else was. He just looked… guilty.

“Did Spider Man do this?” Remus' voice broke a little.

“Not all of it.” Sirius whispered.

Remus looked up, eyes big. “I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t do it, Moony.”

Something broke behind Remus’ eyes.

“I’m just sorry that you had to see it.” Sirius confessed, breaking eye contact and looking down.

They were speaking so softly, as if their loud words would break in the air.


Sirius didn’t answer.

“I have scars too.”

Sirius’ eyes shot up. “What?”

“A lot.” Remus confessed. He took a step back, dropping the shirt. Sirius couldn’t help but miss the little bit of heat that Remus’ near-touch provided. “They’re older but they’re there.”

“Can I-” Can I see them?

Remus shook his head. “Not now.”

Sirius nodded.

Remus’ hand was on the door. “Effie has something she wants to ask you about downstairs.”

And then he was gone.


“Ffycin-” - f*cking
“cachu sanctaidd,” - holy sh*t
“Cachu” - sh*t

Am I secretly very proud of myself for sneaking in the fact that Effie calls James “dear” as in “deer” because he’s a stag? Yes. Yes, I am. I’m very proud.

I am also very aware that it takes much much longer to adopt someone but 1.) Fleamont Potter is the best lawyer in New York and the Blacks would’ve worked this out beforehand and 2.) I said so.

Also, Remus almost letting it slip that he can smell Sirius’ pain and blood…

Remember! These chapters are in a limited third-person point of view, which means that they’re sometimes unreliable! When James is viewing Remus’ interactions with Sirius and/ or Effie, he’s drawing his own conclusions about what’s happening and what’s going on. That doesn’t mean that it’s always the truth. “Remus looked tired… because his parents were out of town and weren’t telling him to go to bed on time...” That is James’ own theory, his own conclusion. It might not be fully true.

Chapter 12: Soccer, Star Wars, and Gay Awakenings… Not Necessarily in that Order


TW- mention of injury
TW- mention to jerking off
(idk if these need to be mentioned. I just want to make sure)

Hello! Okay, this chapter is a bit happier. Promise. I realized that I haven’t had a slytherin skittles POV in forever so I made sure to add one (the Regulus chapter does not count because it was really sad).
This chapter is to further the ideas that 1.) Remus was totally the casanova of the Marauders era (like he was so hot and flirty and he didn’t even know it) and 2.) Remus is a sassy, sarcastic little sh*t and I love him for it. I don’t know if y’all have seen the posts talking about how dramatic and EXTRA Remus is canonically but he is and I totally believe that that sass comes out fully when facing either bad guys (which makes him a great Spider Man) or mean teenage boys.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Tuesday | October 21st

Remus was pushing himself too hard. He knew it.

He left the Potter’s before lunch on Monday because the girls came over and Marlene let it slip that she had to get out of the house because her dad was chasing someone downtown. So, Remus left to help. Which Lily noticed and tried to stop him until he lied about going home to rest (he didn’t).

That was something new too. Lily now knew that he was Spider Man. He didn’t want her to. She just… found out.

(in Remus’ defense, he didn’t know she could pick doors)

Because Remus allowed himself to be kidnapped Friday, he wasn’t home to call the Evans to let them know he was safe (that’s what he was forgetting that he couldn’t put his finger on). They apparently called and called but he wasn’t there to receive them so they sent Lily to check on him at around 10 p.m. She stayed there for hours with the plan that if Remus didn’t appear before midnight, she’d call the cops. Remus showed up sometime after eleven.

He had just finished fighting (who he found out later to be) Sirius and was exhausted and bleeding. Every swing he did on the way home tore the slice on his stomach up a little more. When he finally collapsed through his window, he did so with a thud and the hope that he’d be able to rest. He didn’t realize that Lily was there so he didn’t hold back and cursed very loudly when he landed on his floor.

“Remus!” Lily had yelled.

All Remus’ brain thought at that moment was just sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t.

Lily started slamming her fists down on the door. He heard her sobs as she pounded on the wood. “Remus? Are you in there? Please! Are you okay? Remus!”

“I’m fine.” Remus had groaned. He didn’t even believe himself. There was so much blood. It soaked through his shirt.

“Remus! What the hell?” Lily continued to pound on the door. “Open the f*cking door now! Where the hell were you?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry.”

Remus was about to bleed through onto the carpet. He tried to pull himself up to maybe make it to the bathroom. He didn’t make it. He had lost a lot of blood. He collapsed before he even made it halfway.

“Remus! What was that thud? Remus!” Lily had yelled. “ f*ck it .”

Remus hardly registered the clicking sounds. His vision was blurring. The adrenaline had seeped out of him.


Suddenly, Lily was in front of him, gripping his shoulders, slightly shaking him. His vision was going black.

“Don’t call 911.” He whispered right before it went dark.

Lily had stayed. She fixed him all up as much as she could. She had to cut through the suit so when he woke up; he was wearing a weird kind of cropped top and pants combo version of his suit with bandages all around his stomach.

Lily had yelled at him. She yelled because he scared her. She yelled because he didn’t tell her. She yelled when he brought up that she had told him he wasn’t required to tell her anything about himself. Then she yelled about twisting her words back at her.

Needless to say, there was a lot of yelling. Now, they were okay. They were okay. Remus, on the other hand, was not.

His stomach was taking rather long to close up. Was it healing faster than the average knife wound? Yes. Did Remus wish it was just slightly quicker? Also yes. Call him inpatient.

The bandages-- in order to make sure it didn’t bleed through his shirt throughout the day-- were wrapped around his lower torso heavily and made it hard to bend down, which made skateboarding difficult. So, he took the subway. Which made him late.

“Sorry, Mr. Slughorn.” Remus said as he walked into the Chemistry lab.

“Mr. Lupin, I was wondering if you’d be joining us.” Slughorn held out his hand and Remus put the tardy slip in it. “Reason?”

“I’m off-campus, sir. I normally skate here but I had to take the subway today.” Remus explained.

“Very well. Go sit.”

Lily gave him a very pointed look as he sat down next to her. Slughorn turned and started writing on the whiteboard.

“Why couldn’t you skate, Remus?” She whispered. She sounded a mix of smug and concerned. Which was a weird combo.

“You know why, Clover.” Remus rolled his eyes.

“You said if it was still bothering you, you’d pull a sickie.” Lily bumped his shoulder.

“I’m fine.” He spat. Remus didn’t like this whole ‘mama-bear’ thing that she was doing. At all .

“No, you’re not! You’re literally not!” Lily hissed. “You were stabbed!”

“I was not stabbed. I was sliced . There’s a difference.”

“Not a big one!”

“I’m fine. It just hurts to bend over.”


“Miss Evans. Mister Lupin. Do you two have something to share with the class?”

“No, sir.” They answered in unison.

Lily gave him a very pointed look which clearly read ‘ we will talk about this later’ . He rolled his eyes.

* * *

Class finished and Remus all but ran out of the room to avoid confrontation with Lily. He immediately ran into Pandora.

“Remus!” She smiled.

“Hey, Pandora.” Remus smiled back. He liked Pandora. She was nice and had such a good, calming energy about her. “How are you?”

“As good as can be.”

Liar . Remus thought. Not in a mean way but he could tell. He could smell a little sadness around her. He could see a little tenseness in her features.

“You sure?” He asked.

Pandora’s eyes widened a little and instantly became a little shiny. She blinked and shook her head, wiping away the tears that had yet to fall. “I’m fine. Something just happened to my best friend this weekend.”

“Oh no. I’m sorry.” Remus said. “Who’s your best friend?”

He had only ever seen her with her brother Evan, Barty, Dorcas, and… Regulus (who Remus had refused to think about all weekend).

“Regulus.” She sighed.

Of course.

“What happened?” Remus asked even though he knew.

Pandora bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I can’t say. It’s his business.”

“Of course.” Remus smiled, hoping to look a little reassuring. “Do you need anything?”

“Can I- uhm, can we hug?”

She had asked so softly. Remus couldn’t refuse her. He opened up his arms and she didn’t hesitate to rush forward. Pandora was much shorter than Remus, the top of her head not even reaching his shoulders so when he wrapped his arms around her, they were holding her head, while she squeezed his waist. She seemed to sink into the embrace for a few seconds before taking a step away cautiously.

“Remus?” Pandora started. “Are you wearing a corset or something?”


“There’s some kind of hard fabric under your shirt. Around your waist?”


That would be the heavy amount of bandages around Remus’ literal knife wound but he couldn’t say that. Play it off, Remus .

“Pandora,” Remus laughed lightly. “Why would I– a fifteen year old boy– be wearing a corset?”

Her nose wrinkled a little while she thought about it. “I don’t know. I guess you wouldn’t. But what's under your shirt?”

Remus raised his eyebrows suggestively. “My rock-hard abs?”

Pandora chuckled.

“Pan!” A voice called from the other end of the hallway.

Both Remus and Pandora turned to none other than Dorcas Meadowes. Remus hasn’t actually spoken to Dorcas ever. All he knew was that she was Marlene’s crush. She was a very pretty girl. The kind of pretty that Remus associated with greek goddesses. She had clear, dark skin like the sea, eyes so dark that they were black and lined with black and white eyeliner, full lips, and black braids that went all the way down her back intertwined with tons of silver charms.

“Hey, Cas!” Pandora explained, hugging her as well.

“Ready for Psych?” Dorcas asked.

“You take psychology?” Remus asked the both of them.

Dorcas looked up as if only just noticing Remus. Her eyes widened slightly for a moment before settling into a soft smile. “You’re hot.”

Remus blinked, feeling blood rush to his face.

“Oh!” He sputtered.

Dorcas laughed light-heartedly. “Don’t worry. I’m not hitting on you. I just thought you should know. You seem like the kind that doesn’t know.”

Remus shook his head with a smile, running his hand through his curls.

“Thanks.” He laughed.

“You’re Remus Lupin, right?”

“Yeah. Dorcas Meadowes?”

“The one and only.” Dorcas grinned before she seemed to remember something. “Hey, you’re friends with Marlene McKinnon, aren’t you?”

Remus smirked. Maybe this crush isn’t so one-sided. “Yeah. I love Cherry. You’re on the soccer team with her, are you not?”

Dorcas nodded and said “Yeah” at the same time Pandora asked “You like cherries?”.

“No, I call Marlene Cherry.” Remus explained.

“Oh, why?”

Remus shrugged in way of answering while he checked his watch. “I’ll see you later, Pandora. I have to get to English.”

“Okay, yeah. See you, Remus!”

“Yeah, see you, Remus Lupin.” Dorcas waved.

“See you, Dorcas Meadowes.”

* * *

Saturday | October 25th

James and Sirius were already at the soccer field when Remus arrived. They were running some kind of drill with the rest of the boys on one side of the field while the girls mirrored them on the other.

Remus felt out of place. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt over one of his old long-sleeves. He chose the long sleeve specifically because it was a thinner fabric and it was slightly warmer out. He failed to think about how the shirt was also slightly tighter. Not much. It didn’t hug his skin or anything like that. It just wasn’t his usual baggier style. He just felt out of place because he was wearing what Lily and Mary called a “skater-boy” style and everyone else was in soccer uniform (or jersey. Was it called a jersey?).

He must’ve stood out because James immediately spotted him.

“Moony!” He called before jogging over to where Remus was by the bench. James grabbed a water bottle and squirted in his mouth before talking again. “What are you doing here?”

Remus held up the camera. “Pictures? Of the team? Remember?”

“Oh! Yeah, right.” James nodded.

“Moony?” Sirius appeared from behind James. He already had a thin sheen of sweat on his hairline and his hair was tied back in a bun.

“Photos.” James nodded.

“Right.” Sirius took a swig from James’ water bottle.

“Black! Potter! ‘You two done with your self-initiated break yet?” Coach Hooch yelled.

James cursed out a “sh*t” at the same time Sirius said “merde”.

“Coming, Coach!” James called back. “See ya, Moony.”

“Yeah. Bye, Moony!” Sirius grinned.

The practice officially started and Remus stuck to the sidelines, snapping photos of the practice. He was starting to sweat too. Maybe halfway through, the guys’ side split in two. One half ran plays (Remus thinks, he knew almost nothing about soccer) and most of the other side waited on the opposite sidelines from Remus, all except two boys.

“Hey, Loony!” Mulciber called as he walked up to Remus.

“Creative.” Remus deadpanned.

“What’s with the stalking, Loopy?” Avery teased.

“Yeah. Stocking up on photos of sweaty guys to jerk off to?” Mulciber nudged Avery.

“Speaking from experience?” Remus raised his eyebrow, lowering his camera from where it was in front of his face. Mulciber and Avery visibly stuttered. “Not everyone can proudly admit that they get off to sweaty guys. Good for you, Mulciber.”

Their eyes widened (almost comically in Remus’ opinion) and they started advancing.

“You little-”

“Muciber! Avery!” Coach Hooch shouted. She was walking towards them. She raised an eyebrow as she stopped and crossed her arms. “I thought I said not to disturb Mister Lupin. He’s here for the paper. Do I need to bench you two?”

“No, Coach.” They huffed in unison.

“Good.” Coach Hooch said. “Two laps for disobeying. Now!”

Mulciber and Avery groaned and ran off. Coach Hooch nodded to Remus (with a small mischievous smirk playing on her lips) and returned to practice. The two halves switched and James and Sirius (who were in the first group running plays) jogged over.

“What was that about?” James asked.

“Mulciber was just informing me that he jerks off to sweaty soccer players.” Remus answered casually, lifting his camera back off.

James and Sirius gaped in sync. Remus smirked as the other two marauders burst out in loud laughter.

“Merde, Moony.” Sirius laughed.

Remus dropped his camera, letting it hang from his neck while he grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it off and on his chest in an attempt to cool himself. It was startlingly warm.

“Hot, Moony?” James picked up his water bottle.

“Yeah,” Remus rolled his eyes.

“Just take off one of your shirts.” James suggested.

“And show off my huge muscles?” Remus joked. “No way.”

Remus always wore long sleeves, whether it be by sweater, under shirts, anything like that. He always had. At least since he was seven and a kid at the playground told him his scars were ugly. Remus hated his scars (not just because of that boy even if he was the one that brought it to light how weird they were. He hated them because he can’t show them without people asking what they’re from) but he didn’t wear long sleeves just to hide his scars now. He also wore them to hide his muscles. Even if Remus didn’t look like a bodybuilder, no one would think he was athletic or muscular so why make them suspicious? Why bring attention to it?

So Remus took the t-shirt off.

Sirius apparently drank his water too quickly and choked.

“You good, Pads?” James slapped him on the back.

“Swell.” Sirius choked out.

“Black! Potter! You’re back in! Come on!” Hooch yelled.

“Bye, Moony!” James smiled.

“See you, Moony.” Sirius said, not looking at Remus’ eyes but rather at his shirt while he ran off backwards.

“Weirdos.” Remus whispered fondly.

* * *

Regulus Black

Tuesday morning, Sirius had sought out and found Regulus as soon as he had stepped through the door and Regulus immediately hugged him.

It must have been quite the sight for every other student in the hallway seeing as 1) Regulus was most often perceived as a very cold person that was known to not like touch and 2) although everyone knew the two Black brothers were cordial, they were often only seen bickering or exchanging quick insults in French to each other when passing in hallways. So needless to say, the Black brothers hugging in the middle of the hallway on a Tuesday morning… must have seemed like a fever dream.

Neither of them cared though. They needed it. They needed to know that they were still okay with each other after Friday and Sirius didn’t dare call the Black household.

So they were okay.

Now it was Saturday and Regulus and Pandora were in Barty and Evan’s dorm room, waiting for their boyss and sophom*ore friend to return from soccer practice. They would be in Pandora’s room but she had roommates.

Regulus was lucky. He had guessed correctly and his parents were scared that Regulus was going to run away and join his brother, so they were being a bit more freeing and lenient when it came to giving him some space. He just simply asked if he could go “study” with some friends and they (after asking which friends and setting a curfew) said yes.

Pandora was playing with Regulus’ dark curls from where his head laid in her lap while he read aloud when the door slammed open. Both boys were slightly damp from (presumably) showers but that’s where the similarities in their energies ended. Barty was the first through the door. He practically ran in looking either freaked out or ecstatic, Regulus wasn’t sure. Evan, however, came in very slowly, almost cautiously, closing the door behind them before leaning against it. He looked lost in thought, the furrow formed in his brow that he usually got when solving a very difficult math problem.

“Alright?” Pandora asked, equal parts concerned and amused.

Barty whirled around to where Pandora and Regulus were sitting on Evan’s bed, only just seeing them.

“I’m gay!” He blurted.

Regulus blinked, having honestly not expected that. Regulus knew his group of friends were more open and casual about their sexualities than other friend groups (it was the 90s afterall). Dorcas and Regulus were both quite gay (though one was more quiet than the other about it), the twins were both very clear about their aversion to sex (Regulus was seventy percent sure that that was a sexuality called asexuality), and Pandora was very blunt about her being attracted to everyone. Beside that (ignoring Evan’s asexuality), Evan and Barty were the self-proclaimed “straights” of the group (much to the annoyance of the other three because it was very obvious that the two boys were crushing on each other hard ), so this was quite a shock to Regulus (not that Barty was interested in boys, he suspected that. It was a shock that he was aware of that). Pandora didn’t even seem fazed.

“This came from practice?” Pandora smiled knowingly. She knows something . “Was your gay awakening there?”

“You know something.” Regulus accused, eyeing up at her.

“Maybe.” She turned back to Barty. “Who’d you see? Who was your gay awakening, Barty?”

f*cking Remus Lupin! ” Barty exclaimed.

“Wait, I know him!” Regulus sat up.

“What? Really?” Pandora tilted her head.

“Know of him, really. I’ve never spoken to him.” Regulus explained. “He’s one of Sirius’ friends. He’s the newest ‘marauder’.”

“A marauder too!” Barty cried out, collapsing onto his own bed. “That makes him even hotter!”

“How does that make him hotter?”

“The marauders are hot.” Pandora and Barty said simply.

“Ignoring that.” Regulus said, thinking about his brother being called ‘hot’ by his best friends. “Sirius was really excited about him joining their little group.”

“What has Sirius said about him?” Barty asked.

“Uhm… he’s apparently brilliant at pranks, he lives off campus, ‘wicked’ sense of humor, nothing much.”

“He sounds so cool.” Barty sighed. A moment passed. “He’s so hot.”

Pandora was still smiling slyly. Something clicked in Regulus’ mind.

“You knew it was Lupin!” He pointed at her.

Pandora smiled wider, “Yes. I did.”

“You knew he was going to be Barty’s gay awakening?” Regulus asked.

“I knew he was definitely going to make him question some things.”

“I can’t believe you.” Regulus allowed himself to smile.

“Cas and I made bets.”

“Cas has met him!” Barty sat up.

“Tuesday. She was more interested in the fact that he’s friends with McKinnon but yeah, she met him.” Pandora nodded.

“I can’t believe you and Cas betted on whether or not he was going to be Barty’s gay awakening.” Regulus shook his head.

“Wait! He was taking photos for the yearbook.” Barty exclaimed.


“Pan, you work for the yearbook.”

“I do.”

“You know Lupin, don’t you?” Barty said it as if it was some accusation or the answer to some big mystery.

“I do. We’re friends.” Pandora bragged. Barty groaned. “I’ve even been to his house and had dinner with his mom.”

“What! No fair!”

“Evan?” Regulus said, finally acknowledging the fact that their other friend was still standing by the door.

“I like guys.” He whispered.

“Okay? You too?”

“How have I gone fourteen years of my life not knowing this?” Evan finally looked up, staring into Regulus’ eyes as if Regulus somehow had the answers.

“You can be oblivious at times but it’s okay. We love you.” Pandora smiled at her twin. “If it helps, I too am confused and surprised at how long it took you to realize that you like guys.”

Evan stared at her incredulously.

“You had such a massive crush on Luke Skywalker, Evs.”

Evan’s eyes widened comically. “Oh my god! I did!”

Regulus and Pandora burst out giggling.

“I can’t believe both of your gay awakenings are Lupin .” Regulus teased.

“Hey!” Evan huffed. “You didn’t see him!”

“Oh my god! His style!” Barty moaned. “He had this whole cool skater-boy fashion style, and halfway into practice he took off his shirt-”

“You saw him shirtless?” Pandora interrupted.

“No. He had a long-sleeve underneath.” Evan explained.

“Yeah! And it was kind of tight like it looked fine until he stretched or yawned or something and then it stretched against his muscles- and he had some kind of muscles! I swear!”

“Oh and his hands !” Evan collapsed onto the bed next to Barty.

“His hands?” Regulus raised his brows.

“His hands are so hot.”

“How can hands be hot?”

“They just are. Trust me.”

“Did you see his necklaces!” Barty asked Evan. “He had silver chains!”

“That’s so hot!”

“I know!”

Pandora and Regulus couldn’t hold in their laughter anymore.

“I can’t believe you both realized that you were gay because of one of my brother’s friends.” Regulus shook his head. “A marauder! Your gay awakening is a marauder .”

“Who was your gay awakening then, Reg?” Barty crossed his arms, defensive.

Regulus’ laughing stopped in a snap. “I didn’t have one. I’ve always known.”

Pandora eyed him.

“Liar.” She declared. “You are so clearly lying.”

“Which means it’s bad.” Evan grinned. “It’s worse than ours.”

“I didn’t have one!”

“Who was it, Reg?!”

There was a knock on the door. They all froze. They were only missing one person. There was only one friend that wasn’t there: Dorcas, and Dorcas never knocked. All of them looked between each other as if mentally counting. Dorcas and Barty were huge fans of this show called ‘Friends’. So, naturally, they always forced the other three to watch it occasionally. This, them looking at each other and wondering who could possibly be at the door, reminded Regulus of one ‘Friends’ scene he saw where the six friends were all in a room and there was a knock on the door but all six of them were there so they just looked at each other all confused. That was what was happening.

“Your dorm.” Pandora said to Evan and Barty.

Evan made a face at her as he went to open the door.

“Oh.” Evan said once the door opened. “Hey, Big Black.”

Evan opened the door wider so Pandora, Barty, and Regulus could see Regulus’ big brother.

“Hey, I was wonderin-” Sirius trailed off when his eyes landed on Regulus. “Reggie?”

“Hey, Sirius.” Regulus walked to stand next to Evan. “What are you doing here?”

“I was going to ask Evan or Barty if they had a way to contact you over the weekend but you’re here.” Sirius’ confusion slipped away into a genuine smile. Regulus couldn’t help but smile back.

“What do you need to tell me?”

“Do you know what’s next-next Monday?” Sirius grinned mischievously.

Regulus rolled his eyes. “The third?”

“Mmhmm. Do you know what’s on the third?”

“Hm. It wouldn’t happen to be… your birthday, would it?” Regulus sassed. He’s never forgotten his brother’s birthday.

“Yes, it would.” Sirius said. “The chances of you getting away from Maman to spend the day with me are very slim so I was wondering if you wanted to do something the Sunday before instead?”

“You wanted to spend your birthday with me?” Regulus asked, incredulous. Why not Potter? Or Pettigrew? Or even Lupin?

“Of course!” Sirius exclaimed, as if it was obvious. “I’ll be hungover probably but you’ll be fine because you will not, under any circ*mstances, drink but-”

“Hold up.” Regulus waved a hand. “Why will you be hungover Sunday?”

“Because of the par- oh my god! I forgot that part!” Sirius slapped his forehead. “I was meant to say that first. Sorry.”

“Say what first?” Evan asked. Regulus suddenly remembered that his friends were there.

“I’m having a birthday party on Saturday. We haven’t got all the details yet but you and your friends are invited.”

“We’re invited?” Barty asked, standing to join them.

“Yep! You, Rosier, Crouch, Meadowes, and Pandora.” Sirius smiled easily.

Barty huffed “why does Pandora get first-named and not us?” at the same time Regulus asked “why?”.

“Because I know you, Reggie.” Sirius teased. “And I know that you will not enjoy a party unless you have your own friends there.”

Regulus smiled softly.

“Plus, one of my friends really wants one of your friends to come.” Sirius added slyly.

“Really? Who?” Barty asked.

“Can’t say.” Sirius smirked, mischievous. Regulus rolled his eyes.

“Hey, Black.” They all turn to see Dorcas strutting down the hallway.

“Hey, Meadowes.” Sirius leaned against the doorframe to allow her through. “Party? Next Saturday?”

“What’s the occasion?”

“My birthday.”

“And you’re inviting me?”

“I’m inviting all of my brother’s friends.”

“Okay. Cool.” Dorcas nodded, sitting down beside Pandora. “Your friends coming?”

Sirius smirked. “Why? Expecting someone?”

Dorcas doesn’t blush. She never has. If she did or even could, Regulus would imagine that she would’ve now. But she didn’t so she rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, Black.”

Sirius laughed and turned back to his brother. “Anyway I just wanted to tell you about that before we go to Moony’s.”

“Moony.” Regulus repeated. A spike of mischief shot through him. “That’s Lupin’s nickname, isn’t it?”

Barty sucked in a breath from behind Regulus.

“Yeah?” Sirius’ brows furrowed. He shook it off. “Prongs and I were about to head to his place.”

“Prongs? That’s James, right?” Evan asked.

Regulus felt himself still.

“Yeah, he’s just down the hall.” Sirius pointed to his left. “I’ll see you Monday, Reggie. Bye, Reggie’s friends. Je t'aime, petite étoile.”

“Je t’aime, connard.”

Sirius let out a bark of laughter as he walked away.

Evan closed the door.

“It was James.” Pandora said randomly. Well… randomly to everyone other than Regulus. How did she figure it out?!

“What about James?” Barty said as he and Evan sat back down on their original spots.

“That was his gay awakening.” Pandora informed. “Wasn’t it, Reg?”

Regulus felt the heat rush up to his cheeks.

“Oh my god! That’s so much worse!” Evan laughed.

They all started to laugh while Regulus blushed harder.

“Worse than what?” Dorcas asked.

“Barty and Evan finally realized they like men.” Pandora said in between laughs.

“Because of Remus Lupin?”

“Because of Remus Lupin.”

Dorcas laughed harder. “Both of them? Who pays who then?”

“Yeah, what was the bet?” Regulus asked, desperate to change the topic.

“I bet that Evan was going to realize he was gay because of Lupin and Dorcas bet on Barty.”

“He’s so hot!” Barty exasperated.

“Don’t get started again.” Regulus rolled his eyes.

“You’re one to talk, Mr. James-Potter-made-me-gay.” Evan teased.

“I was eleven! Give me a break!”

They all dissolved into laughter.

* * *

Lily Evans

Lily arrived at Remus’ apartment at the same time Remus did.

“How’d the pictures go?” She asked.

“Good.” Remus replied, unlocking the door. “Ready for movie night?”

That was the plan for tonight. Their whole group– Lily, Marlene, Mary, and the “marauders”-- were going to watch all three of the Star Wars movies. Lily came early to help set up.

“So ready.” Lily smiled before it fell off her face. “I’m not ready for how often Sirius is going to mention that he’s named after a star.”

Remus made a face. “Oh god.”

Lily followed Remus into his room. Remus went to plug his camera into his computer but he dropped the cord. When he bent down to pick it up again, he let out a soft sound of pain.

“Remus?” Lily asked sharply, it almost sounded like an accusation.

Remus straightened immediately. Guilt and regret were loud on his face.


“Remus,” Lily stood up from where she was sitting on the bed and walked over to him. “Did that hurt you?”


“Is that a lie?”



“Shh! My mam is home!” He hushed her.

“Let me see, Remus.”

“No!” Remus rolled his eyes. “I’m fine. It’s just healing a little slower than I expected it to.”

“Remus.” Lily took a breath. “You got stabbed. How fast did you expect it to heal?”

“I usually heal super fast. I told you that, Lils.”

“It doesn’t matter if bruises only last a day for you.” Lily hissed. “You were stabbed and then while bleeding , you proceeded to stretch your body out by swinging across half the city. You lost a lot of blood. It isn’t going to heal in a week. Let. Me. See.

“You can’t mention the scars.” Remus said quickly, all the words in one breath.


“The scars from when I was younger,” Remus explained. “You can’t mention them.”

“Deal. Just let me help you.”

Remus groaned as he lifted the front of his shirts and slipped them off over his head. Lily first noticed the scar. It was red and precise. One sharp, clean cut across his stomach, going over his belly button. It was healing well and quickly, like Remus said it was, but that didn’t mean that it didn’t look painful still.

“Okay.” Lily breathed out, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She hadn’t seen the cut since she cleaned and wrapped it and she didn’t even really see it then either. Too focused in the moment to pay too much attention. It was a scary thing. It was a scary thing when your best friend doesn’t call at night like he supposed to. It was a scary thing when he doesn’t answer despite the over twenty times you and your mom call. It was a scary thing to not find him in the apartment. It was a scary thing when he arrived through his window, bleeding out. And it was a scary thing to realize that your best friend was Spider Man, the new crime-fighting “superhero” because no one in the comics ever tells you how scary it is when your friends are willingly fighting and are in danger.

The second thing Lily notices was Remus . More specifically, Remus’s body . Remus was a skinny, lanky boy. He was tall and he was thin and although Lily had seen photos on the news and paper of Spider Man and his toned body, she never really imagined Remus’ head on that body. It was a shock to her because who would’ve thought that little, skinny Remus Lupin would have abs or a cut-V or pronounced biceps or those arm-vein-things that Mary and her found hot? No one.

Then, she noticed the marks on his skin. He was covered in light pink and white scars. They were scattered around his body, seemingly random, and mainly on his torso. She didn’t hate them like he thought she would, nor did she think they were ugly. She just saw them. She didn’t think about them or the way he got them, they were just another part of his skin.

“You’re staring, Clover.” Remus sighed, because he thought she was staring at his scars.

“Not at them.” Lily admitted. Remus tilted his head curiously. “I’m staring at your abs.”

Remus laughed. “Oh yeah. That.”
“Put a sweater on.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Don’t just stand there. We have a movie night to get ready for.”

Remus let himself laugh.

An hour later or so, they had set up all of the blankets and pillows in the living room, they even added a mattress to the floor in front of the couch for more sitting spots. Now, Lily and Remus were helping Hope with snacks. Hope ordered pizza so they mostly just poured chips into bowls and stuff like that.

“Fy annwyl, can you grab the sugar for the lemonade?” Hope asked, not turning from where she was chopping the lemons.

Remus hummed in acknowledgement and turned to get it off the top shelf in a cabinet, one that Lily wouldn’t have been able to reach.

There was a knock on the door. As Remus went to answer it, Hope asked Lily to put the sugar up after she poured the amount she needed. Lily was just about to climb onto the counter to reach the top shelf of the cabinet when she heard a familiar laugh.

“Little short, are you?” Mary teased.

Lily turned with a huff. Remus snorted into his hand.

“Want some help?” Remus smirked.

“No. I want to put it up myself.” Lily lied. Because she’s stubborn. She turned back to the shelf.

“I could lift you up?” Remus offered. Mary promptly erupted into laughter. Remus turned to her, offended. “I could lift her.”

“Sure, you could, Remus.” Mary chuckled.

Remus took that as a dare. He walked right up to Lily and-- after a quick nod from Lily who was excited to exploit Remus’ spider powers just to prove Mary wrong-- grabbed her waist and lifted her up Simba from the ‘Lion King’. Lily heard Mary gasp as she put the sugar on the shelf. Remus didn’t set Lily down afterwards though. He just lifted her a little more and set her right on his shoulders.

He turned back to the kitchen so Lily could see Mary who was very obviously shocked and Hope who only just looked up. As soon as Hope looked up to see Lily riding on her son’s shoulders, she burst out giggling, hiding her laugh behind a hand (just like how her son does).

“Remus!” Hope mock-scolded, face bright with joy. “How dare you! I get enough of it from you and Lyall and now I have to deal with Lily being taller than me too?”

Hope huffed jokingly until Remus crouched down just enough to kiss her cheek. He was still holding Lily’s thighs, keeping her safe.

There was another knock.

“I’ll get it!” Remus volunteered, excited.

Remus sped over to the door, never even letting Lily wobble.

“Cherry!” Remus smiled when he answered the door.

Marlene’s mouth dropped when she saw them. Only for a second because she immediately laughed.

Remus took a few steps back and sat down on the mattress, allowing Lily to fall backwards onto the pillows.

“Can I have a turn?” Marlene asked.

“Maybe another time.”

“What are you laughing about, McKinnon?” James asked as he, Peter, and Sirius walked through the still open door. This sends Remus and the four girls into another fit of laughter.

* * *

Remus Lupin

Sirius only ended up mentioning his name-sake once, much to the annoyance of everyone else. Remus fell asleep halfway into the second movie and no one made the effort to wake him (apparently at Lily’s request). He woke up for the last few scenes of the third.

He was still sleepy as he hugged and said goodbye to everyone.

“Hey, Moony.” Sirius was the last one to go. James, Peter, and Marlene were waiting by the elevator (they were all going to take the subway together because they lived near each other). “Effie gave me money to buy some clothes and other necessities and I’m going shopping for it tomorrow. Want to come?”

Remus liked the idea of going shopping with the marauders so he smiled and said yes. As soon as the door closed, Remus fell onto the mattress on the floor. He decided to ignore the slight smell of smoke that came off Hope’s hair when she kissed him goodnight, and he lasted two minutes before he fell asleep to the scent of his friends that still lingered on the blanket.


“Je t’aime” - i love you
“petite étoile” - little star
“Connard” - asshole

Should I have called this episode “everyone is attracted to Remus Lupin?”... maybe.
Slytherin Skittles are back! Yay! I love them. I just adore their dynamic. Once again, I fully believe that Remus was just everyone’s gay awakening and I will stand by that. Aren’t we proud of Barty and Evan, guys? They’re figuring it out!

I feel the need to also mention (again) that because these chapters are in limited povs, they can be unreliable. When Remus takes his t-shirt off and Sirius chokes, it’s not because he drank his water too quickly. That's just what Remus assumes because he has no reason to believe that Sirius is either attracted to him or would react that way.

Don’t forget! This fic takes place in 1997! There were only three Star Wars movies out at that time

Chapter 13: Buying The Punk Rock Look


Hello! Welcome back!

You ready? No trigger warnings in this chapter (or translations) which feels a little weird not going to lie. We don’t actually get into the party this chapter but we do set up for it. You just get a little light wolfstar interactions. I thought I’d be nice after the whole Sirius-running-away-and-being-abused thing.

You, also, are getting a little of Sirius’ fashion background. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sirius Black

Sunday | October 27th

“Hey!” Remus smiled when Sirius came into view. Remus was waiting exactly where Sirius had called that morning and asked him to. He was just sitting on a bench, reading a rather worn-down book, with one earbud in. “Where’s Pete and James?”

Oh . Sirius didn’t really know why this felt like such a punch to the gut but it did. “They’re not coming.”

“Oh?” Remus’ brows furrowed together as he looked down at his book and then back to Sirius. “Why?”


“Yeah, why?” Remus repeated. He put his book and earbuds into his raggedy messenger bag. “Could they just not make it or did you not invite them?”

Could Sirius not hang out with Remus separately from the other two marauders? Remus spent time with James and Peter alone. James when they went skating that one time and he met up with Peter to watch movies sometimes when the other two were at soccer practice. Why was Sirius different? Why did the insinuation hurt so much?

But, one look at Remus told Sirius that he didn’t mean to be rude or mean or anything like that. He just simply didn’t think that Sirius would invite him without the other two considered. That’s when it clicked in Sirius’ head. Remus wasn’t asking because he didn’t want to hang out with Sirius alone, he was asking because he didn’t want the others to feel left out. Or, he didn’t think Sirius would invite just him.

“Well, Pete has church; James has temple and it’s not like I would trust their opinion on fashion anyways…” Sirius shrugged.

“But you’d trust mine?” Remus laughed.

Yes . Sirius thought immediately. Remus didn’t dress like how Sirius wanted to dress, not at all. But there was something about Remus’ style and the fact that no matter what he wore, it just looked like Remus . Even right now, he was wearing a dark brown long-sleeve under a brown argyle sweater vest, his brown corduroys, olive converse, olive messenger bag, his two chains, and the newest addition to the silver jewelry (much to sirius’ enticement), quite a few silver rings.

“Well, do you wear denim on denim, Moony?” Sirius asked, forcing his eyes away from Remus’ long fingers to his eyes, though it’s a bit of a struggle.

Remus’ face scrunched up like he smelled something gross. “No.”

“Well, James does, so I obviously don’t trust his opinion.”

“Obviously.” Remus laughed as they started to walk together down the street. “So what? You just want some more clothes and need a friend to stand there and tell you look pretty in whatever you put on?”

“I look pretty in whatever I wear, Moony.” Sirius wanted to nudge him with his shoulder but didn’t. Remus wasn’t looking at him, he was looking at the window displays they were passing, so he wouldn’t have seen Sirius and Sirius didn’t want him to be uncomfortable… or flinch. Sirius hated the sight of seeing Remus flinch.

Remus huffed fondly. “‘You just need more clothes?”

Now, this was the part that he didn’t want to talk about. Sirius didn’t want to talk about why he had to get more clothes, but he knew he wasn’t going to avoid this question.

“Well, the majority of my clothes are at Black Tower.” Sirius attempted a light-hearted tone but he clearly didn’t reach it.

Remus’ steps faltered. “Oh.”

“It’s okay, Moony.” Now that he was looking, Sirius nudged his shoulder against Remus’ upper arm (because Remus was so bloody tall). “I didn’t like most of my clothes there anyway. They were all too stuffy and stiff. I’ll finally be able to wear what I want.”

“You don’t like your style of leather jackets and band tees?” Remus asked, only half teasingly.

“That is my style.” Sirius explained. “I’m glad you haven’t seen what my parents want me to wear.” Sirius visibly shuddered, thinking of all of those awful suits. “The clothes I wear at school all came from Effie and Monty in freshman year.”

Remus nodded, humming. It was an “listening” kind of hum, the kind that encouraged Sirius to continue talking.

“I just didn’t feel like me at school.” Sirius continued. “Our middle school had a uniform so I never really learned what I liked to wear there. It wasn't until I started living away from my parents and had the option to wear whatever I wanted that I tried to experiment. I stayed with the Potters’ most weekends. I wore James’ clothes almost every day because it was either that or the clothes from my parents. Of course, Effie and Monty eventually noticed that I was always in and stealing their son’s clothes. Effie made some kind of joke about me not owning any clothes of my own and that that was why I was always stealing. I mostly played into it. Then, Monty made some offhand comment about how James’ clothes didn’t ‘suit’ me. When I asked why, he said that he didn’t think I would like James’ style based on what he thought about me. That’s how I figured out that there were different types of styles. For my birthday last year, they took me shopping and that’s how I got my style.”

Remus turned his face to smile at him. “Is that where the leather jacket came from?”

Sirius blushed. “Actually, no.”


“Reggie gave that to me.”


“Yeah,” Sirius let out a breath. “Reggie and I spend our birthdays with each other every year. Last year, we had just finished and were walking home when we came across a club that was playing some rock music. I begged Reg to let me go in for just a minute and he allowed it.”

“You took your fourteen year old brother into a rock club?” Remus asked incredulously.

“He was thirteen at the time.” Sirius corrected, amused at Remus’ shock. “Besides, it was my birthday.”

“Of course you’d take your little brother to a rock club. Of course.” Remus laughed, shaking his head. “Okay.”

“Yeah. So we went in and I loved it.” Sirius said. “I was so excited, Moony. It was the first time I had ever really listened to that kind of music. Up until then, I had only heard classical and the only bits of rock I heard were from small snippets from my cousin Andy and Marlene– though they never let me listen for long. Anyways, I went to the front of the stage and the main singer saw me.”


“I think he knew how young Reggie and I were.” Sirius continued. “And I like to think that he somehow knew how much that moment meant to me. He smiled and winked at me. When he did, I looked over to Reggie, who was kind of staring at all that was happening with some kind of amazed bewilderment, mind you. Then, in the middle of the song, he took off his jacket and handed it to my brother.”

“Really?” Remus held the door open for Sirius as they entered a shop.

“Yeah, Reggie then gave it to me as a birthday present.” Sirius spread out his arms, displaying the jacket. “And that is the story behind the Sirius Black leather jacket.”

“I like it.” Then, Remus did the impossible. He reached out and grabbed the collar of the jacket and rubbed the leather between his thumb and index finger. Sirius froze. Remus never initiated contact. Sirius was scared that if he even breathed, it would scare Remus away.

“Oh,” The word was barely a breath of Sirius’ lips. “Do you?”

Remus smiled softly, stepping back. “Yeah.”

“What part?” Sirius asked. “The jacket or the story?”

“Your pick.” Remus smirked, dropping his gaze to look at the rack of clothes.

Right. That’s what we’re here for , Sirius remembered. To buy clothes. Sirius walked to the other side of the clothing rack.

“So,” Remus started. Sirius looked up but Remus wasn’t looking back, still flicking through different shirts. “I’m here for emotional support?”

“Of course.”

“Do I just pick out anything that looks like you?” He still didn’t look at Sirius.

“What looks like me?” Sirius raised his eyebrows.

“Your style?” Remus finally looked up. Sirius didn’t even realize that he wanted Remus to be looking at him that bad until he got it. Remus smirked somewhat mischievously. “Leather jackets, band tees, and ripped skinny jeans?”

Sirius felt himself blush. “Yeah. Find anything?”

“Other than some really questionable jackets that I’ve only ever seen in my grandma’s costume closet?” Remus held up a particularly pink cardigan with feathers that made Sirius itch just looking at it. “No.”

“Your grandma has a costume closet?”

“Mam-gu?” Remus looked up again. “Yeah. She likes costumes.”

“Mam-gu?” Sirius raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah?” Remus furrowed his brows before he seemed to realize something. “Oh! That’s a Welsh thing I think.”


“I think Mam-gu is Welsh.”

“How do you not know if that’s Welsh?”

“Well, Padfoot.” Remus started, sounding an awful like when someone starts the explaining-how-babies-are-made joke. “When you grow up alone, without any other kids, you don’t realize what’s normal and what’s not. What’s a normal American-English thing and what’s a Welsh thing.”

Sirius rolled his eyes. “I do that with French sometimes. So, Mam-gu means grandma?”

Remus smiled and turned back to the shirts. Look at me! Sirius inwardly pouted. Why? Why did he want Remus to look at him so badly?

“How much do you have?” Remus asked without looking up. Sirius blinked. Remus looked up at Sirius’ lack of response. “Did you find anything you like? I have a few shirts picked out.” Sirius blinked again. “You don’t really have to try on shirts though. You just have to see if you like them and if they’re your size. Do you just want to look at these and we can move onto jackets or do we need more shirts? I’m realizing now that I have no clue how many shirts is too many shirts because I’ve never had to buy a whole wardrobe from scratch before. Why are you looking at me like that?”

Sirius became aware that he was just looking at Remus. Fascinated by the way he just kept talking because Remus didn’t talk much. Not in relation or comparison to the rest of their marauders, or even the rest of their friends. He was more of the stay silent and observe type. When he did speak, it was usually something sarcastic, sassy, or witty. He never ranted like he did just now. Sirius wasn’t going to interrupt him. He– without making the actual plan to– was content with just seeing how long Remus could talk for, unprompted.

“Like what?” Sirius asked, a smile pulling up his lips.

Remus rolled his eyes. “All smiley and sh*t. You were looking all dopey.”

“Excuse you!” Sirius cried out in mock-offense. “I am usually all smiley and sh*t.”

“Whatever, Padfoot.” Remus rolled his eyes again. “Do you want to look at these shirts so we can move on?”

They finish shopping in that store, and make their way through a few others, whilst talking about school and their friends and sh*t like that.

“‘You excited for Saturday?” Sirius asked, while they both looked through a window at a jewelry store.

Remus turned away from the necklaces to look at Sirius, brows together in confusion. “What’s Saturday?”

Did he forget to actually invite another person? Sirius wondered. How on earth? Why was he like this? Maybe he didn’t forget. Maybe Remus forgot.

“My birthday party?”

Remus looked even more confused. He tilted his head to the side like he usually did when thinking too hard. “Your birthday’s coming up?”

“November 3rd.” Sirius grinned. “The party’s this Saturday though. It’s half for my birthday and half for Halloween.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Remus apologized. Why was he apologizing? Sirius did not know.

“It’s not your fault, Moony. I thought you knew.” Sirius informed him earnestly. “James and I can get so caught up in something we forget some details. Like now. We got so caught up planning the party that this is the second time I’ve forgotten to actually invite someone.”

“Who was the first?”

“Reggie. My brother and his friends.”

Remus let out a little laugh. “Of course you did.”

Sirius rolled his eyes. “Can you come then?”

“Sure, Pads.” Remus smiled. “I’ve never been to a birthday party before.”

Sirius blinked. “Really?”

“Well, I didn’t have any friends growing up.” Remus shrugged. “And I feel like you would hate the kind of birthday parties my parents’ have so it can’t be like that. I’m kind of excited to see what a non-adult birthday party is like.”

“Very different, Moony. Trust me.” Sirius bumped his shoulder. “There’s loud music, lots of colorful lights and dancing, good food–like nachos and soda–, and drinking.”



“We’re underage.”


“We can’t drink alcohol.”

“Yes, we can.”

“Not legally.”

“So?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me that you’ve never broken a rule before, Moony?”

Remus opened his mouth, closed it, then huffed. “Fair enough. No laws though.”

“Lots of people do it. We’ll be fine.”


A police siren cut them off as three cop cars sped past them before sharply turning a corner.

“Hey, Pads.” Remus turned to Sirius abruptly.

“Hey, Moony.”

“Do you mind waiting alone for a bit?”

“Why?” Sirius pouted.

“I need to buy you something for your birthday and it has to be a surprise.” Remus answered quickly. He was almost bouncing in place.

“Oh. Okay.”

“Great!” Remus exclaimed. “See you in a bit!”

“How long is ‘a bit’?”

“Half an hour? Maybe a little longer?” Remus shrugged while walking away.

Sirius huffed and Remus disappeared behind a corner.

Sirius walked along the sidewalk for a bit and was just about to wander into another store when a bunch of gasps and woah’s drew him in. There was a slight crowd, less than ten people maybe, in front of the TV display. It was one of those window displays that had multiple televisions all playing a channel. When Sirius had stepped closer, he saw that the News was on. Now, Sirius didn’t frequently watch the news nor did he ever pay attention to it. That wasn’t the case this time. Because he was on it.

SPIDER MAN STOPS RUNAWAY ROBBERY was in bold letters on the bottom of the screen. Sirius watched as Spider Man nodded at a police officer– Mr. Macdonald actually– and shook his hand before pointing to where a car was stuck in some webs that stretched between the two poles of a traffic light. In the background, you could see two other cops dragging a man out of the car.

Just as Spider Man webbed away, Remus returned, face over his shoulder and whispering, “Boo.”

Sirius whirled around so fast and, purely on instinct, swung his hand out to attack. Remus caught it easily, looking at Sirius slightly concerned.

“You okay?” Remus asked, letting go of Sirius’ wrist. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Sirius let out a breath. I almost just hit Moony. Oh merde! I almost hit Moony!


Sirius looked up. He hadn’t realized that he had just been staring at where their hands had been, breath labored. Moony’s eyes were warm; a soft amber like sunlight through autumn leaves. They seemed to ground Sirius.


“I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”

Sirius smiled, a little shaky, he knew, but at least genuine. “Yeah, I’m good. Just spooked me is all.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” Remus started walking.

“You missed Spider Man.” Sirius voiced before he even really made the decision to.


“On the News,” Sirius explained, his breath was still slowing back down. “Spider Man stopped a runaway robbery.”

“Oh. Did he?”


“I miss everything.” Remus sighed overdramatically.

Sirius laughed.

* * *

“How’d you get your scars?” Sirius blurted. He and Remus were sitting at a table outside, drinking smoothies.

Remus choked on his drink.

“Sorry!” Sirius reached out but Remus just leaned back in his chair, hitting his chest and coughing the rest out. Sirius spoke the rest quickly. “I mean- it’s just that you told me that you had scars, a lot of them, and I was wondering how you got them. You don’t have to answer me of course! I was just curious because from what I know, your parents are awesome and they don’t seem like the kind that would hit you or cut you or anything. And, they didn’t force you to fight for them as far as I know of. And-”

“Sirius,” Remus interrupted. Sirius' mouth shut as quick as a click. Remus set his hand atop of Sirius, drawing Sirius’ eye. Remus did have a scar. A small thin one that was barely lighter than his skin that went from the bottom of his thumb into his sleeve. He also had rings. Three on that hand. All silver– or some kind of silver-looking alloy. One was a flat band around his pinkie that had the moon phases indented in, the one on his middle finger had a circular black stone in the middle of it, and the one on his index had a thin band and a crescent moon that was slightly raised. His hands were also covered in light freckles. Sirius had never seen freckles like this before. James had maybe one freckle on the corner of his eyebrow and Lily was covered in them, so much that they could blend together on her face. Remus’ weren’t like that. They were small and light and so similar to paint splatters.

Remus pulled back his hand and fiddled with his sleeve.

“You don’t have to show them to me, Moony.” Sirius somehow found his voice, though it was a little raspy. “You don’t have to tell me either. I just- I’m just concerned, is all.”

Remus looked up. His face was blank but his eyes were big and almost pleading. It reminded Sirius of Regulus. Sirius wore his heart on his sleeve, all of his emotions on display (the surface ones at least). Regulus wasn’t like that. He’d shut down, all feelings locked away and face blank. Sirius did that too, in a way. If he’s angry or happy, he’ll let the world know but as soon as he was sad, he tapped out, face blank. Remus was like Regulus, Sirius realized.

“When I was five,” Remus started. He paused, swallowing. “When I was five, something- I was kidnapped.”

Sirius’ breath hitched. He kept his face neutral, scared Remus would stop.

“My dad said the wrong thing and a man wanted revenge.’ Remus looked away. “He took me. I was gone for a month.”

Sirius didn’t move, his expression didn’t change. He could feel his heartbeat spike in his chest but he didn’t show it. Remus glanced at him before looking away again. It was as if he heard his racing heartbeat anyway.

“The man who took me,” Remus' voice broke. He swallowed and continued. “Cut me. A lot. That’s how I got my scars.”

Something churned in Sirius. It was a familiar feeling but he didn’t remember what it was from. It was hot and blue in the middle, like a burning flame. It started in his stomach and spread throughout him, taking over. Sirius looked at Remus and it clicked. Anger .

It was different but familiar. It wasn’t the anger when you lose a match or miss a shot or hurt. It was the kind that you feel in your gut because you want to do something about it. It was vengeful anger. Someone had hurt Remus, his Moony , and Sirius wanted them to feel a much worse pain themselves. Sirius had only felt this for one other person: Regulus. Whenever Sirius’ distracting wasn’t enough and Regulus was slapped or hurt in any other way. It was an anger that can consume someone.

“I’m sorry, Moony.”

That’s what came out and that’s what Sirius felt, minus the anger, because truthfully, Remus didn’t deserve that and it was sh*t that he had gone through it anyway.

“I’m sorry too.”

Because he was also sorry. Remus was sorry about Sirius’ parents and what they forced him to do. Because Remus didn’t think that Sirius deserved the pain that he had gone through either and a little part of Sirius thought he was wrong.

* * *

October 31st

James and Sirius and Peter had spent Halloween together every year since they had met. That didn’t change… not entirely at least. Sirius was still going to go to the Potters’ and watch a horror movie and hear James scream throughout the entire thing because they were planning on watching a doll one (they each were scared of something different: Peter was scared of slashers and gore, Sirius was scared of religious ones and demonic ones, and James was scared of jumpscares and paranormal) but that was later. He wasn’t allowed back until they called because they were setting up a ‘surprise’ for him. So he was hanging out at Mary’s.

Mary was painting Sirius’ nails. Sirius didn’t exactly know how to feel about it when Mary had first suggested it but once he thought about how much his mother would’ve hated it, he agreed. He was now kind of loving it. It felt a bit like freedom. A sign that he wasn’t at that house anymore. A huge ‘f*ck you’ to his parents.

“Is it better?” Mary asked.

“Hm?” Sirius looked away from the small music speaker. Mary was laying on her stomach on the couch, focusing on adding another layer of black varnish to his nails.

“Out of that house?” Mary didn’t look away from his hands. “Do you feel better now? Safer?”

Sirius bit his lip, thinking. He would normally be cagey about his answer. He would normally snap or freeze her out but it was Mary. Mary never judged him. Not on stuff like this anyways (outfits and hair however? One hundred percent).

“A little yeah.” Sirius said. “I’m not sure it has fully set in yet though.”

“What hasn’t?”

“The idea that I’m away from there, I guess.” Sirius rubbed under his nose with the knuckle of his hand not being painted. “I still feel like I’m going to have to go back there at the end of the week or that they’re going to come for me. Maybe it’ll change with time. Maybe in a few weeks, it’s going to be like I always lived at the Potters’.”

“Maybe you don’t need time,” Mary sat up, pinning him down with her dark doe-like eyes. “Maybe you need something else.”

“Like what?”

“Like a symbol.” Mary chewed the inside of her cheek. “Like something physical to symbolize that you’re free and no longer under your mother’s control.”


“Yeah,” Mary nodded. “Like Lily stopped being friends with Snape, she took all of her photos that they’re together in and shoved it in a shoebox and dumped it. Because she did something physical, it made the separation more real. Like painting your nails!”

“What about it?” Sirius looked down at his fingers.

“Would your mom ever allow that?”

Sirius snorted. “Of course not.”

“You couldn’t have ever done it before but you can now. It shows that you’re free now.” Mary settled into the back of the couch. “You just need a more permanent symbol, I think. Because it’s a bigger deal.”

“What do you have in mind, Macdonald?”

“I have no clue.” Mary smiled at him. “I think you have to figure that out.”

Sirius rolled his eyes and shoved her shoulder affectionately.

Sirius didn’t know what that symbol was going to be. He had no clue… until he walked home.

He was walking up the street to James’ when some older man was coming down his driveway, pushing an old beat-up motorcycle. He was just three houses down from the Potters’, right in front of the Pettigrews’. Sirius stopped on the sidewalk, staring at the bike. He had always wanted a motorcycle. They were so cool. This one was black and silver and quite dirty, covered in oil stains. He loved it though. Walburga would’ve hated it…

Something clicked in Sirius’ mind. Walburga, his mother, would’ve hated it .

The man caught Sirius’ staring and smiled. “A beaut’, isn’t she?”

Sirius looked up at the man.

“I loved ‘er but it’s time to let ‘er go.”


“I’m too old to ride ‘er anymore. My wife’s scared to death that I still ride it. ‘Said I had to get rid of ‘er.” He chuckled, shaking his head. He looked at Sirius. “Hey, you’re that new boy the Potters adopted, ain’t ya?”

Sirius nodded.

“Do you want ‘er?”

Sirius’ mouth dropped. “What?”

“You’re starin’ and seem like the kind who’d take good care of ‘er and it’d be better than sendn' ‘er to the dump.” The man shrugged. “What d’you say?”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure, why not?”

“How much?”

The man looked at his bike and then back to Sirius. “Nothin’.”

Sirius’ eyes widened even more. “What? Really?”

“It’ll cost ya enough with all the repairs and stuff.”

He just stared at the man as he walked over to Sirius and passed him the bike.

“Just promise me that you’ll take care of ‘er, ‘kay?”

Sirius nodded. “Yes, sir.”

The man smiled, pat Sirius’ shoulder, and limped back into his house.

This was it. This was Sirius’ symbol. Sirius was free. Sirius wasn’t trapped under his mother anymore. He was free and his own person.

And this bike showed it.


Poor Sirius. Sirius was kind of going through it in this chapter. First, it’s like: ‘does Moony not want to hang out with me? Does he not like me away from the other marauders?’. Then, he’s just so desperate for Remus' attention and eyes and the poor soul has no clue why. Then, we have him having a slight panic about the fact that he almost hit Remus out of instinct. And, then not feeling completely free…

Remus told Sirius! So Sirius knows! This definitely won’t result in very protective feelings about Remus at all…
I love Mary. Like, Mary “would not judge you for your feelings or emotions but would 100% judge you on your outfit” Macdonald. Love her.

Also, you gotta give Sirius his bike (and jacket). Come on! I hope y’all are okay with how this happened too. It doesn’t really say in canon how he got his bike, just that he had it, so I came up with my own way. It won’t fly or anything though… or will it?

I hope y’all enjoyed it. I’ll see you next week!

Chapter 14: Drunk Spiders and All of That


TW- underage drinking
TW- internalized hom*ophobia

I had the ACT last Tuesday so this chapter is a week late. Sorry. I’ll try to post every week but April and May are going to be VERY busy so I’ll try my best but it might just not be every week. This chapter does have a lot of POVs so hopefully that makes up for it.

This was technically supposed to be a part of last weeks’ chapter and it was supposed to be all Sirius’ POV with the next chapter being with Remus and Lily after the party but I thought it’d be more fun to do it this way. So, heads up! There’s a lot of POV changes and quite a few characters.

Another heads up! One of the POVs is Pandora. In this fic, Pandora uses she/they pronouns so I’m sorry if that gets a little confusing. This chapter doesn’t actually use “they” for her this chapter because (with all of the different perspectives and characters) it got really confusing but it is a thing. She also briefly mentions her parents. Their mom died when they were young and that’s mentioned. Her dad is also mentioned, you get to know a little about the Rosier household but that’s for the next chapter (maybe). Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Remus Lupin

Saturday | November 1st

“Come on!” Lily begged as she literally dragged him by his wrist out the door.

“ I didn’t take you for a party person, Clover.”

“I’m not.”

“Really?” Remus raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t seem it.”

“I’m excited for you !” Lily was slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet, her fairy wings flapping.

“For me?”

“Yes, for you!” She grinned. “Sirius told me that it’s your first ever highschool party, your first ever not-adult birthday party!”

“Well… yeah. So?”

Lily stared at him. “I’m excited to see how you react to it.”


“I’m excited to see how you react to everything. I mean, you didn’t even know that you were supposed to dress up!” Lily pushed the elevator button. “And look at you now!”

“Look at me now.” Remus parroted, much less enthusiastically. He looked down at his ridiculous outfit. Lily had picked it out. A long-sleeved white button-up, blue denim bell-bottoms, a belt with a fake gold star buckle, a brown leather best and jacket (with tassels), a red bandana tied around his neck, and the two pieces that made his costume clear: a cowboy hat and boots.

“You look good.” Lily nudged him. She was wearing a flowery, short green dress, ballet flats all laced up, pink fairy wings, and lots of crystal jewelry. She wore glittery makeup and her hair in two messy, space-buns.

Remus hummed noncommittally. “Where’d you even get all of that jewelry?”

“Oh.” She looked down. “Some came from Pan and some from my mom.”

“Your mom?” Remus thought of Lily’s mom with her no-nonsense blouses and simple outfits. The only jewelry he had ever seen on her was her simple wedding ring. “Rose Evans?”

“My parents were hippies in the seventies.” Lily said. “Especially my mom.”

“So,” Remus started as they stepped out of the elevator. “Your mom was a literal ‘flower child’?”

“Remus!” Lily groaned, bringing her hand up to punch his shoulder. It wouldn’t hurt, it wasn’t mean but his ‘spidey-sense’ didn’t register that. His hand just shot out and caught her fist. Lily blinked. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

“Me neither.” Remus let go. He tried to change the topic. “I’m so thirsty.”

“There’ll be drinks at the party.”

“Non-alcoholic ones?”

“Obviously.” Lily rolled her eyes. “We’re not barbarians, Remus. There will be soda.”

“Thank god.”

“You’re not planning on drinking?” Lily looked at him, curiously.

“Not really.” Remus shrugged. “What if someone needs help? A drunk Spider Man isn’t going to be much help. Sounds like a bad idea.”

“No!” Lily stepped in front of him, turning to face him (‘face him’ in a figurative sense because Lily’s face was closer to Remus’ collar bone than anything) and blocking his path. They both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. “You will not be saving anyone. There will be now ‘Spider-Man-ing’ tonight.”

“Lils-” Remus sighed.

“No!” She scolded harshly. “You are going to drink and dance and have fun and be a normal f*cking teenager, Remus!”

Remus swallowed. He didn’t know that she would care this much.


“Remus!” Lily cut him off. “You didn’t have a normal childhood. It’s not fair if you don’t get a normal ‘teenage-hood’ either!”

“Okay.” Remus agreed softly. “Okay, Clover.”

“Good.” Lily nodded, satisfied but sniffling. Remus didn’t see any tears but he caught the salty scent of them, where they were forming in her tear ducts.

They started walking again. Remus placed his arm along her upper back, pulling her to his side and squeezing her opposite shoulder, slightly annoyed by the fake wings.

The party actually– funnily enough– was at the warehouses Remus had brought James to to skate. James had come to him Monday, asking if it would be okay if he shared the spot for the occasion and Remus told him that it was. Past-Remus wanted to say ‘no’, to refuse, to keep that spot to himself, but that Remus just wanted a safe hiding spot and Present-Remus had the abilities to find a lot more spots to hide that no ‘normal’ person could reach.

The sun was setting by the time they got there, the sky pink and orange. The party was already in full swing. Remus could tell because he heard the music before he even got inside. Once inside however… there were lots of colorful, flashing lights and loud noises. The whole warehouse seemed to be split in two. One half was clearly dedicated to the “party”, the “dancing side”. The other half was on the side of the warehouse that had an open wall. There was a small bonfire surrounded with an assortment of seats: blow-up chairs and sofas, beach chairs, fold-out chairs, and bean bags. There was a fold-up table covered in drinks in the middle against the wall, separating the two sides.

“Moony!” James called from the dance floor. Remus could barely see his head over all of the other people (most of which Remus didn’t even know).

That side seemed to be where all of the noise was coming from. It seemed very loud. Remus didn’t really want to go to that side, so he just waved and walked over to the fire, where the music was much, much more muted. None of the marauders were there but Pandora and her friends were. Her twin was in a bean bag with the black-haired one ( Barty Crouch Jr? ) in between his legs on the floor. Dorcas and Regulus sat on a blow-up love seat. Pandora laying over their laps, her head in Dorcas’ and legs across Regulus’.

Pandora saw him first. “Hey!”

Dorcas looked up and smiled mischievously. “Hey, Lupin.”

Instantly the two boys in the bean bag sobered. Their laughter cut off as they both stilled. Remus tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his gut by the reaction and focused on the three on the loveseat, especially the one that said his name so evilly.

“I feel like I should be scared.” Remus admitted, stopping a yard or so in front of them.

“We’ve just talked a lot about you this past week,” Regulus’ mischievous face was more subtle than Dorcas’ but Remus could still see it.

“Oh? Why?” Remus said, glad that his anxiousness wasn’t showing in his voice.

“Pandora has just been really excited about making you rings and all.” Regulus explained with a small smile. “So, you’ve been mentioned.”

“Okay?” Remus decided to just drop it. “I love all of your costumes.”

Pandora was in a unicorn onesie, Dorcas was all decked out in a complicated, extra mermaid costume, Pandora’s twin (Evan?) and Barty were wearing robes and holding lightsabers (Evan had white robes and a blue lightsaber while Barty wore black and had red), and Regulus was wearing all black, the only signifier for his costume being the plastic cat ears in his curls.

“Yours too, cowboy.” Dorcas said.

Barty made some choking sound but he (and Evan) still had yet to look at Remus. Regulus snorted.

“Lily picked it out.”

“Yes, I did.” Lily said as she joined them. She passed Remus a red solo cup (only co*ke, Remus could tell by the smell). “No alcohol. Not yet.”

“Yippee.” Remus rolled his eyes as he took a sip.

“Peter said that the ‘marauders’ want to see you.” Lily nodded to the dance floor.

“But it’s so loud over there.” Remus groaned.

“Come on. Just for a bit.” Lily grabbed his arm and started pulling him away.

“See you later.” He called the five friends.

“See you, Lupin!” Dorcas called.

“Bye, Remus!” Pandora grinned.

“I haven’t seen James or Sirius yet but Pete’s a cop.” Lily pulled him over to the drink table where Peter was waiting, drinking. He smiled when he saw them.

“Howdy, Moony.” Peter mimed tipping a hat.

“Officer,” Remus saluted.

“You’re stupid.” Lily sighed.

“Only for you, Evans.” James’ voice sounded from behind them.

Lily and Remus turned and lasted all of two seconds before they were in stitches of laughter. Lily practically collapsed onto Remus, unable to stand straight at the sight of James’ costume. Remus wasn’t much better. It was only his super strength that he managed to keep both of them upright.

“I’ve never gotten that response before.” James smiled that awkward kind of smile that forms when you don’t understand what was funny. It made Lily and Remus laugh harder. “Geez, Pete. How drunk are they?”

“Sober as far as I can tell.” Peter said, a smile clear in his voice.

“Love your costume, Prongs.” Remus laughed.

“What about it?” James looked down at his Spider Man costume. “He’s awesome.”

Remus’ laughter was softening (not stopping) as he tilted his head at James. “‘You think so?”

“Sirius definitely thinks so.”

That sobered Remus up. He swallowed.

“He does? Why- even though-” He couldn’t get the words out and even if he could, Lily didn’t know about Sirius, not about the second Black family business anyway.

“Yeah, he does.” James shrugged. “You should’ve seen him when he fou- first saw him. He woke me up, all freaked out. He thought he was so cool.”

“Wow.” Remus blinked. He shook his head. “Where is Pads anyways?”
“He’s-” James looked over to the dance floor. “He’s right here.”

Sirius threw an arm over James’ shoulders.

“You’re a werewolf?” Lily asked him.

“Close but no.” Sirius let go of James and spread out his arms, showcasing his complicated costume. “Werewolves are hot though.”

Remus scoffed, stifling his laugh with his hand. He personally couldn’t agree with that statement at all and he didn’t even know why.

“A wolf?” Remus offered.

“The big bad wolf to be exact.” Sirius grinned. “Mary’s Little Red Riding Hood.”

“Couple costume?” Peter asked.

“No.” Sirius laughed, though it felt a little forced. “Not until she gets here anyway. Until then, I’m not a wolf, I’m a dog. A dog to Reggie’s cat.”

“Where is she?” James asked, looking around. “Mary, I mean.”

“The rest of my dorm– Marlene, Mary, and Alice– are catching a ride with Frank (that’s Alice’s boyfriend, by the way).” Lily added that last bit for Remus. “Knowing Frank, they’ll be awhile.”

“Why?” Remus furrowed his brows.

“Frank is a very safe driver.” James explained. “Like grandma-driving level. You’d be faster walking.”

“You have clearly never driven with my Mam-gu.” Remus laughed. “Drives like hellfire.”

“Come on, Remus.” Lily bumped her hip against him. “It’s time for your first drink.”

Lily started mixing while the other three marauders watched on excitedly. When she was done, she passed over the cup.

Now, Remus had never drank before. He had never wanted to. He didn’t know what it was like. The extent of his knowledge of alcohol was: it’s illegal until you’re 21 and you act weird after drinking it. He didn’t know if it was supposed to burn or that it was supposed to be hard to drink so when Lily handed him the red solo cup, his only thought was ‘ f*ck it ’ and he shot it back, drinking the whole thing like it was a shot.

The other four all cried out once:



“Oh my god!”

“What the f*ck, Moons?!”

Remus lowered the cup and studied the concern in their eyes. What did he do wrong? They all just stared at him.

“It doesn’t taste as good as I thought it would.” He admitted, just to break the silence.

Peter (almost surprisingly) was the first to speak. “You didn’t even flinch!”

Damn, Moony!” Sirius whistled. “Have you drank before?”

Remus was about to answer ‘no’ when he caught Lily’s eye. Just from one look he knew that his reaction to alcohol wasn’t normal. He didn’t know what ‘normal’ was exactly but apparently it wasn’t what he did.

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Pads?” Remus smirked instead. He winked (not even making the conscious decision too). He didn’t see Sirius’ reaction (probably a wink back, knowing Sirius) because his attention went to his arm just before Lily grabbed it (thanks, spidey-sense).

“Hey! I’m going to steal ‘ Moony’ for a moment. Please and thank you, boys.” Lily started to pull him away while Peter– who had been mixing another drink– placed a refilled cup into Remus’ other hand. “Alice and the others just arrived so I’m going to introduce Remus to Frank and Alice. See ya!”

Lily pulled him away and immediately whispered, “You told me that you’ve never drank before!”

“I haven’t!” Remus whispered back earnestly.

“Then how did you just pound one back so easily?”

“What do you mean?”



“Remus,” Lily stopped them both, finally realizing that Remus was just as confused as her. “Drinking hurts.”


“It –like– burns on the way down,” Lily explained. “It’s difficult to drink. You aren’t supposed to be able to drink alcohol like it’s water, especially your first time.”


“Yeah.” Lily crossed her arms. “ ‘oh’.”

“Lily,” Remus said quickly. “I promise that I didn’t lie ab-”

“I believe you, Remus.”

“It did burn.” He confessed. It didn’t burn that much though. It was more like a slight tickle against his throat.

“Sure, Remus.”

“It’s just not that bad com-”

“Compared to being stabbed?” Lily raised an eyebrow.

“For the last time, Lily, I wasn’t stabbed ! I was sliced.”

“How is that by the way?” Lily asked. “The knife wound?”

“Oh, it’s fine.” Remus patted his stomach to show it. “Scabbed over and healing.”

“That quickly!?”


Lily’s brows furrowed together. Then her eyes shot open as she gasped, “That’s it!”


“That’s why you could drink so easily!” Lily rattled on, gesturing with her hands. “Your metabolism is quicker! Your body is, now , ‘super’. It’s why you heal so quickly!”

“I’m not following.” Remus tilted his head to the side. “Doesn’t metabolism have to do with eating and food?”

“Yes but it’s the same concept.” Lily explained. “When you got bitten, you said that you instantly got abs and your asthma went away, right?”


“It’s because your body is now quicker. Everything about it! Your blood flows quicker, your muscles work more and more often, and you heal quicker! It’s why you now have muscles and it’s why you could drink so easily . Your metabolism is quicker so, automatically your alcohol tolerance is higher. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get drunk. It’s just going to take more to get drunk!”

“Really? ‘You think so?”

“Yes! I’ll just have to mix you harder drinks but for now-” Lily started to tug him away. “I want you to come meet Alice and Frank!”

Alice was a kind looking girl with blunt brown bangs and was dressed in torn up clothing with a baseball bat. Frank was a larger but shyer guy that Remus knew (from James) was the captain of the varsity soccer team. He was dressed like a robot. They were both nice and pleasantly surprised by Remus' personality. Apparently, he doesn’t seem like a ‘marauder’ type. Which, James heard and immediately laughed about.

James acted very differently around Frank. He spoke less and listened to Frank like he needed desperately to hear every word the senior boy spoke.

“Can I take Moony back now, Evans?” James begged.

“Whatever. I’m going to go find Marls.”

James dragged Remus away and as soon as they were out of hearing range he turned to Remus.

“Did you like him?” He asked eagerly.

“Frank?” Remus glanced back at the boy in question and then back to James. “Yeah. He’s nice.”

“He was my gay awakening.” James whispered.

Remus’ eyebrows raised. “Really?”

“You should see him after practice, all sweaty and bossy.” James sighed dreamily. “Fourteen year old me had a heart-attack when he called me as lazy and excitable as a chihuahua.”

“I think you need to work out this kink of yours.” Remus laughed. James looked at him confused. “You like it when people are mean to you.”

James seemed to think about this a second. “I guess you’re right.”

“What’s Moony right about?” Sirius asked, randomly appearing at James’ side.

“What’s he not?” Peter laughed, also joining them.

“You ready to dance, Moons?” Sirius rocked his hips to either side.

“I think I’ll need to get a lot more drunk before I get anywhere near that dance floor, Pads.” Remus took a sip of his solo cup.

“You heard the man!” Peter declared, raising his cup like a king proposing a toast. “Let’s get Moony drunk!”

“This sounds like an awful plan.” Remus shook his head, exasperated but slightly fond.

“All the great ones do at first.” Sirius slung an arm over Remus and brought him to the drink table.

* * *

Lily Evans

Lily was dancing with Mary. Well, they were actually spying on Marlene as she tried to gather up the nerve to go talk to Dorcas, who was standing with Regulus by the drink table. Marlene didn’t actually know that Lily and Mary knew that she 1) was gay or 2) had a crush on Dorcas Meadowes. It wasn’t like it was hard to tell. It was painfully obvious but Lily made Mary promise that they wouldn’t confront Marlene about it. Afterall, she should come out on her own time.

That didn’t mean that they weren’t allowed to try and see the progress of the two girls.


Lily turned to see a somewhat wobbly teenage boy make his way to her. He was clearly drunk.

“Jeez, Remus.” Lily caught the taller boy as he stumbled into her and Mary. “You okay?”

“Sirius, James, and Pete got me drunk.” Remus slurred.

“Clearly.” Mary laughed. She then hit Lily’s arm. “Lils, look!”

All three of them turned to see as Marlene finally walked up to Dorcas and Regulus. She smiled and gestured to their outfits to which Dorcas gave a little spin and a curtsey and said something in return. Marlene grinned and waved goodbye, walking straight to James and Peter.

“Yay!” Remus held up his arms in celebration. “I knew she could do it!”

“You knew?” Mary whirled on Remus. “How d’you know about Marls?”

Remus sobered up real quickly, putting on a slight, grumpy pout. “Know what?”

Mary opened her mouth and then, realizing that she could potentially ‘out’ Marlene to someone who might 1) not know or 2) be hom*ophobic (Lily knew Remus wasn’t hom*ophobic but Mary didn’t know that), shut her mouth.

Remus smirked mischievously like he won something. He leaned in close to Lily like whispering a secret, “Clover, I’m very drunk.”

Lily smiled, nodding. “Yes. I know.”

“Not as drunk as me though.” Remus shook his head similarly to a child. He looked up and around the room, eyes wide. “The room is spinning. Lily, the room is spinning!”

“Hey, Mary?” Lily, still holding Remus’ upper arms to stabilize him, turned to look at Mary, who was watching all of this with no less than mild amusem*nt. “I’m going to go sit Remus down. ‘You good for a bit?”

“Yeah, I’m good, Lils.” Mary laughed lightly. “Take care of the drunk. I’ll be fine.”

Lily nodded, steered Remus over to the fireplace, and sat him down in a beanbag. The music was quieter but, honestly, it was a well needed break from the loud. Remus swayed in his seat but at least he was seated.

Over the tawny-haired boy’s head, Lily could see the dance floor. She could just see James (in his ridiculous Spider Man costume) dancing with Mary and Sirius. Mary and Sirius were dancing a bit more sensually but it was clear that James was enjoying himself. He wasn’t a good dancer by any means. In fact, he was almost bad. He danced an odd mix of regular American and Garba styles which strangely worked.

In the edge of her vision, Lily saw Remus tilt his head and then turn to look at the dance floor before he started giggling.

“Why are you giggling?” Lily asked. It just made him giggle harder. “Remus!”

“You were ogling James.” Remus giggled.

Lily’s cheeks heated up. “What? No! No, I was not !”

Remus laughed. “Yeah, you were! Your heartbeat sped up and when I turned, you were looking at James.”

Lily froze. “Remus.”

He looked up, eyes alight with humor.

“You can hear my heartbeat?”

“Well… yeah?” Remus gave her a funny look. “Did I not tell you that? I have super senses.”

“You have super senses?”

“Yeah, did you think that I could just heal quickly and could climb walls?” Remus asked. Lily nodded. “Oh, well. I have super senses.”

“Like sight and hearing?”

“Yeah.” Remus nodded. “That’s why I don’t need my glasses anymore. I can see the drawing on the wall all the way over there.” Remus pointed to the far wall on the other side of the dance floor. “My smell is as good as a dog’s. I can sometimes smell emotions if they’re strong enough.”

“You can smell emotions?” Lily gaped.

“Yeah. Like lust and anger.” Remus explained, slurring less now. “I can hear heartbeats too. Like yours right now. When you looked at James, it hastened.”

“Liar.” Lily rolled her eyes. “You’re drunk.”

“Obviously.” Remus rolled his eyes. “That doesn’t mean that I’m a liar though.”

“Shut up.” Lily collapsed against him, using his calves as a back rest. “How’s your crush going?”

“What crush?”

Lily put her hand on his knee and turned around to face him. “That boy you mentioned when you slept over?”

“Oh, him.” Remus laughed. “I don’t have a crush on him.”

“But I thought-”

“I’m attracted to him.” Remus shrugged. “I find him attractive, sure, but I don’t have a crush on him.”


“I mean,” Remus smirked. “You have to blind to not find him hot”

“Really?” Lily leaned over his knees, crossing her arms and planting her chin on them.

“You’re not getting any more information out of me, Clover.” Remus said. He booped her nose with his index. “I see you, your scheming face.”

“What scheming face?” Lily asked, to appear innocent.

Remus just laughed.

* * *

Pandora Rosier

When Pandora was seven, she was diagnosed with autism. Teachers had mentioned her and Evan’s ‘peculiar’-ness and said something to their mom about getting them tested. She had autism. Evan had ADHD.

Their dad had balked at the diagnosis. He knew nothing about either autism or adhd other than the stereotypes which were:

  • Autistic people= hate touch, socially unaware/ oblivious, secret geniuses, “act weird”.
  • ADHD people= constantly moving, short-term memory loss, never stop talking, “annoying”.

Needless to say, the twins were almost the opposite of those stereotypes. Evan was a fidgeter, sure, but he was the most quiet in their friend group, choosing to observe rather than anything else (both of the twins were like that, really). Pandora loved touch, craved it really. She was always hugging everyone and holding hands and playing with others’ hair. And Pandora might’ve “acted weird” but she was very socially aware, alarmingly so. She read people and scenes like books. She was always the first to notice things most didn’t like someone being upset or someone lying.

Maybe that’s how she noticed Remus.

It was exactly ninety seven minutes into the party and Pandora was alone. Dorcas and Evan were talking to the Prewett twins, senior varsity soccer players (Evan trying to pretend like he wasn’t continuously throwing glances at Barty, who was dancing in that sexy way that only comes out when one is properly drunk). Regulus was preoccupied because Sirius was dragging him around, introducing him to everyone. So, Pandora was alone but that was okay. She liked being alone. Plus, she really needed a second of quiet.

So, she was outside. One side of the warehouse (the side with the fire) was completely open and Pandora was right outside of that. The warehouse was on the edge of the New York harbor so the ground was just an extended concrete platform that entered a rock beach. She was on the pebbles, picking out and pocketing the ones that she liked using the little, combined light provided by the fire a few yards away and her many, many glow-bracelets. She had just picked up a rock that reminded her of Barty (it was the same dark, cool-blue gray of his eyes) when she noticed Remus.

Remus was sitting with Peter by the fire and was visibly uncomfortable. He seemed to be having trouble breathing. Pandora stood up to see better as Peter said something to which Remus tensed. Peter didn’t notice and turned to go get them some more drinks, clapping Remus on the shoulder before walking away. Remus flinched at the touch and his breathing became quicker. He all but jumped out of his seat and raced to the opening of the warehouse, leaning against the frame and running a hand through his hair.

Pandora took a step forward, planning on calling out Remus’ name and asking him what the matter was when someone beat her to it. Someone called Remus’ name and Remus immediately covered his ears like an insolent toddler and groaned. His breathing was getting worse too.

Lily appeared. She didn’t try to touch him (thank God). To get his attention, she instead crouched in front of him, speaking to him so softly that Pandora couldn’t hear it. Remus shook his head.

“It’s not a panic attack, Lils.” Pandora heard Remus say. It sounded strained and almost… annoyed.

“Then what is it?”

“Just-” Remus groaned (the kind that you make when you want to scream but can’t). “Everything is so f*cking loud!


“I’m– f*ck – overstimulated!” Remus almost shouted.

“What can I do?”

“f*cking shut up!”

Lily stepped back, hurt clear on her face. And (almost like she sensed her) turned to Pandora helplessly. Pandora rushed forward. She knew what to do! She could be helpful!

Pandora got overstimulated too. It was something that she learned about autism (though it happened for people with ADHD too). It happened quite regularly, especially in loud places so Pandora was always prepared.

“Remus.” Pandora reached into her bag and pulled out her robin’s egg blue headphones, holding them out for Remus.

He glanced at her before taking and slipping them on.

“Lily,” Pandora turned to her. “Remus didn’t mean to offend you but he’s overstimulated so I think we should go inside.”

Lily nodded and left. Pandora reached into her bag and pulled out her small clasp pouch.

“Here.” She held out the pouch. He took it, looking at her questioningly. “There’s rings inside. Some are for you but not right now. Just focus on the rings. The coolness of their metals and the different details of the gems and metal.”

She left. That was a tactic Evan had figured out for her. They both got overstimulated (her, more so) and since their dad never (and probably would never) researched their disorders or methods to help them, they had figured out little tricks. Focusing one one thing, specifically something solid that you could hold, really helps tune everything out.

“Dora!” Evan called, waving her over to where he still was with Dorcas and the Prewetts.

“Dora?” Gideon asked (she knew it was Gideon because his freckles were denser on his nose; Fabian’s were denser on the cheeks).

“Only I can call her that.” Evan said curtly at the same time Pandora said, “Only Evan can call me that.”

“Got it.” Fabian saluted. “Hey, I see Vance, Gid. Come on!”

The older, red-headed twins left.

“Where have you been, Pan?” Dorcas asked.

“Outside.” Pandora dug into her onesie pockets pulling out her rocks. “I was picking out my favorite rocks.”

“Ooh, I like this one.” Evan pointed to the Barty-eye rock.

“I thought you would.” Pandora hummed, smiling mischievously.

“Pan, have you seen McKinnon’s costume?” Dorcas almost whined.

“No. What is she?”

“A pirate!

Pandora giggled. “Did you accidentally do a couple’s costume with your crush?”

“A couple’s costume?” Evan’s brows furrowed.

“A siren and a pirate?” Pandora hugged her twin’s arm.

Dorcas groaned.

“What’s up with you, Cas?” Regulus said, suddenly appearing at Pandora’s other side.

“We’re talking about couples’ costumes.” Evan smirked.

“You mean like you and Barty’s?” Regulus teased.

Evan’s eyes widened. “No, dumbass! Shut up! He’s coming this way.”

“Hey! What are we talking about?” Barty slung an arm over Evan.

Pandora burst into giggles. “Just costumes. I’m tired. Can we go sit down?”

“Sure, Pan.”

Dorcas held Pandora’s hand and led her over to the chairs. Pandora was just about to sit down when she caught Remus out of the corner of her eye. He was just standing by the wall about to come in. The headphones were now hanging around his neck and his eyes were clearly searching the crowd for her. As soon as Remus saw her, he started to walk towards them. Pandora quickly looked over to where Barty and Evan were at the drink table pouring them all refills.

“Thanks, Pan.” Remus held out the headphones for her.

“Of course!” She smiled.

“How’d you know that I needed that?”

Pandora could see Regulus and Dorcas curiously looking on on either side of her. “Did you know that I’m autistic, Remus?”

Remus’ eyebrows raised slightly. “No, I didn't.”

“I get overstimulated too.” Pandora said. “I always bring my headphones when I know it’s going to be loud.”

“Good idea.” He laughed, running his hands through his hair. “ Ffyc . It’s so hot.”

Pandora saw it all go down. Evan and Barty were returning, walking towards them. They hadn’t seen Remus yet because they were looking at each other. They did see him though. They saw him right as he shook off his jacket, unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt just by easily pulling on the fabric of his collar (revealing two silver chains), and tugged the bandana around his neck. Evan and Barty had been avoiding looking at Remus all day (Pandora knew). At the sight of Remus, Evan’s eyes widened and Barty’s mouth dropped. Dorcas immediately started laughing and Pandora felt Regulus shake with his silent laughter beside her.

Remus looked up and saw them. He smiled and waved, not even all that bothered by their expressions.

“Hi. I’m Remus.”

“I’m gay.” Barty smartly responded.

Remus didn’t even react other than a quick eyebrow raise. “Good for you.”

Regulus snorted and Dorcas and Pandora’s laughter grew louder.

“Evan and Barty, right?” Remus asked.

Barty made a small whimper noise in the back of his throat but Evan nodded.

“Nice to meet you.” Remus smiled. His head turned to the dance floor quickly as if someone called his name. Remus raised his eyebrows. “Sorry. I hear Lily calling me. I’ll talk to you guys later.” Remus started to walk away but stopped. “Thanks again, Pan.” And he left.

* * *

Marlene McKinnon

“It’s not fair ,” Marlene whined into James' shoulder. She wasn’t that upset but she was drunk already and wanted to be dramatic. Luckily, her childhood friend always let her

“I know, Marls.”

“She’s so hot!”

“I know, Marls.”

Women are so hot.”

“Trust me, Marls. I know .”

Marlene looked up then. James was staring quite intensely and openly at Lily, who was dancing near the side of the dance floor with Remus. Though… Remus wasn’t really dancing. He was more of just ‘nodding’ along with the music and was allowing Lily to move his arms.

“You really like her, don’t you.” Marlene sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, though she had to stretch up a little to do so.

James glanced at her incredulously. “Are you just now figuring this out?”

“No,” Marlene bit her lip. “It’s just- I don’t know. She thinks it’s all this stupid joke that you do, that you don’t actually like her. And, I know that you do… like her, I mean, but I sometimes forget because I always hear her say that it’s a joke.”

“I do.” James hummed. “I really like her.”

“I know, James.”

“I don’t know why she thinks it’s a joke-- okay, don’t give me that look-- I know why she thinks it’s a joke, but I don’t know how I can prove it to her that it’s not.”

Marlene thought about it for a moment.

“Don’t ask her out.” She said promptly.

“What?” James turned to her.

Marlene lifted her head off his shoulder to look him in his eyes. “Don’t ask her out. Don’t confess your undying love for her. Don’t flirt with her.”

“What- did you miss the whole part about me wanting her to actually know that I like her?”

“No. It’s just,” Marlene bit her lip again. “It’s the whole ‘asking her out at every opportunity’ thing that makes her think that it’s a joke. So, don’t . Take a break. Become her friend and let her realize that your feelings are real.”

James tongued the inside of his cheek. “You know, for someone who is a walking disaster in her own life, you are really good at giving advice.”

“Shove off.” Marlene shoved him.

James laughed.

“Prongs!” Sirius ran into view. “It’s our-” He waved at Marlene. “Hey, McKinnon.” He turned back to James. “-it’s our song! Come on!”

James turned to Marlene as if asking for permission.

“Oh, go, you pig.” Marlene pushed him away playfully, rolling her eyes.

“Thanks!” James halted and turned quickly. “ Talk to her .”

And he ran off.

Talk to her .

Marlene took a huge gulp of her drink (a disgusting, had mixture of vodka and pepsi), finishing the drink. She tossed the cup.

f*ck it .

Marlene walked up to Dorcas where she was standing with Pandora. Once Pandora saw her approaching, she patted Dorcas’ arm, said something, and skipped away, slipping a pair of headphones over her ears.

When Dorcas saw her, she smiled, eyes only a little wide in surprise.

“Hello again, McKinnon.”

“Meadowes.” Marlene nodded, feeling a little less compulsive and confident.

The thing about Dorcas and Marlene was that they were ‘civil’ now but they weren’t always. Throughout middle school, they were on opposite soccer teams (the snakes and lions, guess who was on which) and hated each other. The problem with hating each other was that neither middle-school-aged Dorcas nor Marlene could keep quiet about their feelings.

Then, Dorcas left for the entirety of eighth grade. Marlene found out later that it was because her mom wanted to travel back down to Africa to rediscover her roots. It was, apparently, a very spiritually healing time for Dorcas because when she came back, she apologized to Marlene for being mean to her. Marlene apologized back, though she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to because she was fully prepared and ready to continue to hate her but then she had to go and be all hot and apologize.

If her impromptu apology wasn’t enough, Dorcas came back and into high school looking like a straight-up goddess . She went from little space buns with colorful, plastic baubles to long braids with silver charms. Crappy pony-bead bracelets to lots of silver rings that Marlene couldn’t help but stare at, hypnotized. Their middle-school uniform to amazing ‘grunge-hippie’ style outfits. Then, she learned how to do make-up after Christmas in freshman year, and that was truly the end for Marlene: Dorcas’ ebony eyes lined in perfect wings of kohl.

Marlene was just thankful that she discovered her sexuality when she was in the 5th grade. Otherwise, Dorcas would’ve sent her into a full-on panic.

“‘You want to talk?” Dorcas asked, a slight smiling pulling up the corners of her perfect, glossed lips.

Right , Marlene remembered. You came here to talk, McKinnon, so ‘talk’

“I really like your costume.”

Dorcas laughed lightly. “So you’ve said.”

Oh, yeah. She did say that before .

“Sorry, forgot.” Marlene rubbed her temple.

“That’s okay.” Dorcas said. “I like your costume too. A pirate. Very nice.”

“Yeah and you’re a mermaid.” Marlene said dumbly.

Dorcas smiled again. “I’m actually a siren.”

“So,” Marlene started. Come on. Flirt, why don’t you? “You lure me to my death?”

That’s not f*cking flirting!

“Or to a good time. Your pick.”

Nevermind .

“What kind of good time?”

“What do you have in mind?” Dorcas teased, raising her brows.

Oh, so many things .

“You’re really pretty.” Marlene burst out.

Dorcas’ brows raised in surprise. Don’t stop now, Marlene. Come on.

“Like really pretty.” Marlene gushed out. “I like your hair and your eyes and your rings. You have a really pretty smile, like really pretty. You have the most perfect lips too.”

“Perfect lips?”

Marlene nodded, unable to move her gaze from her lips now.

“I-” Dorcas licked her lips. “Follow me.”

Dorcas grabbed Marlene’s wrist and pulled her away. Marlene let her drag her all the way outside, hidden from the view of the party. The sky was dark but there were hardly any stars, there never were in New York. Marlene could still see the orange fire light cast onto the pebbles.


Marlene looked up from her lips to look into Dorcas’ eyes. They were so dark, like poured ink.

“I want to tell you something,” Dorcas started. “But we’re both drunk.”

“I like you.” Marlene blurted.

Dorcas’ eyes went wide for a moment. “I like you too but I don’t know if we can trust each other right now.”

“Why not?” Marlene pouted.

“We’re drunk, McKinnon.” Dorcas said firmly. “We’re both drunk.”

“So?” Marlene slumped. “I still like you when I’m sober.”

“But I can’t trust that.” Dorcas sighed. Marlene pouted. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Marlene murmured. “You’re being responsible. You’re so smart.”

Dorcas let out a breathy laugh. “I like you though.”

Marlene looked up. “I like you too.”

“So we both like each other.” Dorcas smiled.

“Not platonically, right?”

Dorcas laughed. “No, not platonically.”

“Good.” Marlene nodded firmly.

“We can talk about it?” Dorcas offered. “When we’re sober, I mean.”


“Tomorrow? Lunch?”

Dorcas smiled. “Sure.”

“Good.” Marlene nodded, satisfied. “I’m happy. I’m glad you’re gay. I didn’t want you to be weirded out by me.”

“I think that even if I wasn’t gay, I would take your feelings as flattery.” Dorcas shrugged. “We have to go back inside now though.”

Marlene sighed. “I guess.”

Dorcas laughed.

* * *

Sirius Black

“I’m going to get another drink!” Sirius shouted to James over the music.

He made his way to the drink table, pushing through the crowd. Most of the freshmen had left by then with it being almost midnight. The drink table was almost empty. He poured himself a drink and slumped against the wall.

“Hey, you.” Mary joined him.

“Hey. How are you? Having fun?”

Mary burst into drunk giggles.


“Your French accent comes out when you’re drunk.”

“Shuddup.” Sirius shoved her playfully, trying to reapply his New York accent. Only James, Peter, and Mary had ever heard his ‘real’ accent. Sirius was taught English, Latin, and German growing up but French was the language spoken at home. He grew up speaking it. So much so to the point where he was sure that it was actually his first language, but he couldn’t be sure because he spoke and was taught so many languages as a child. “No, it doesn’t.”

“Yes! It does!” Mary explained, giggling. “You’re trying to cover it up now!”

“Oh, f*ck you.” Sirius rolled his eyes, giving up on the accent. It took too much effort and he was too drunk.

“‘ Oh, f*ck you .’” Mary mimicked with a crap faux accent.

“You’re the worst.”

“Oh, aren’t I?” Mary smiled playfully. She nudged him. “How are you , birthday boy?”

“Having fun.” Sirius smiled back.


Mary looked back into the party. Sirius did the same, his eyes instantly finding Remus. He was laughing. His hat was long gone (Sirius was pretty sure that it was on Reggie’s little blonde friend now) and so was his jacket. His vest was unbuttoned and his bandana loosened. His top few buttons were unbuttoned as well and because of the loosened bandana, Remus’ collar bone was out. Sirius watched as Remus took another sip of a drink, studying the way his Adam’s apple bobbed with the swallow. Sirius was still impressed with the way Remus could drink. He had drunk the most out of all the marauders and he wasn’t even all that drunk. He was earlier but it seemed like he was almost sober now.

Sirius was drunk, very clearly so. He was in less control of his emotions, of his feelings. Which was bad. Very bad. Because he needed to shut down these thoughts. The thoughts about Remus. These thoughts weren’t natural . They weren’t okay .

Sirius was aware that the way he thought wasn’t natural, not okay. He should like girls . He was supposed to like girls… but he couldn’t.

He was seven years old when he first looked at a boy and realized that he liked it. It wasn’t until he said so to Walburga and was slapped and locked away in the spare room that he realized that it wasn’t normal. He chose not to think that way again. Yet… right now he was drunk and his thoughts were blurring together and he couldn’t stop them.

Sirius turned to Mary. She was pretty. He knew that. Boys– normal boys– gawked at her in the hallways. She could make boys melt with simply a wink. He liked her. He liked her in the same way he liked Peter and Lily. He liked her like a friend. Maybe… maybe he could like her more .

Sirius had hoped as a child that his feelings about boys would vanish as he grew older but they haven’t. If anything, they’ve bloomed (though ‘bloomed’ is too positive of a word), especially in his teenage years. He thought they would have lessened naturally. They haven’t. So, what if… what if they needed to be dealt with specifically? What if he had to do something about them? What if he could get rid of them by dating? He didn’t feel anything for girls right now but what if he could? What if he just needed to date a girl?

“Hey, Mary.”

“Oh no.” Mary shook her head, laughing.

“What? Why did you say ‘oh no’?”

“You have that look on your face, Sirius.” Mary told him. “The ‘ bad-idea ’ face.”

“I don’t have a ‘bad-idea’ face.” Sirius pouted.

“Yes, you do.” She said simply. “So, what is it? What is the bad idea and what does it have to do with me?”

“You’re right.” He admitted. “It is a bad idea but I don’t think it’s that bad of an idea.”

“Okay, I’m intrigued.” Mary hummed. “What is it?”

“What if we dated?”

To Mary’s credit, she didn’t laugh. Her eyebrows did raise though.

“You want to date?”



“I like you.” He shrugged.

“I like you too but not like that.” Mary raised an eyebrow. “And I know that you don’t like me like that either.”

“I could.”

“You could?”

“Yeah,” Sirius said. “We’d make a good couple.”

“Why?” Mary asked, though she looked amused. “Why would we be a couple?”

“Because we can.” Sirius said. “Think about it. We’re friends, really good friends, in fact. Neither of us have dated anyone so we can practice with each other.”

“Like,” Mary bit her lip, thinking. “We could practice being boyfriend/ girlfriend with each other so we enter other relationships, we’ll know what to do and what we want and that kind of thing.”

“Exactly.” Sirius smiled. “And even better, we’re friends, right? We don’t like each other like that, so we can’t be heartbroken. We can experience our ‘first loves’ but without the pain of teenage heartbreak.”

“You know what, Sirius,” Mary turned to face him. “I’ll do it. I’ll date you.”

“Really?” Sirius asked.

“Not tonight though.” Mary said. “We’re both drunk. Let’s agree to date later . You know, when we’re sober?”

“Good idea, Macdonald.” Sirius grinned. “I can’t wait to date you, Mary.”

Mary just laughed and Sirius tried to focus on that sound instead of the distant noise of Remus’ laugh across the room.

* * *

Regulus Black

The party had settled down. Almost all of the soccer team that had been invited had left as well as all of the freshmen other than Regulus’ group of friends. They had all settled down around the bonfire which was now just low flames, letting their glow bracelets and necklaces and headbands glow bright. It was just the marauders, the girls (Lily, Marlene, and Mary), Regulus and his friends, Alice and Frank, the Prewett twins, and another senior girl that Alice was friends with, Emmeline Vance. They were all just laughing and talking to each other in small groups when Alice suddenly groaned, bringing all of the attention to where she sat in her boyfriends’ lap in a blow up chair.

“It’s not fair!” She complained. She pointed to the run-down coach the marauders were all squeezing on. “You lot are not fair!”

“You okay, Fortescue?” One of the Prewetts laughed. They were sitting on a blow-up couch, Emmeline in between them.

“No!” She made direct eye contact with Sirius. “How is it that you lot have the most attractive people in your friend group? How is that fair?! All of you are so attractive!”

“What?!” James exclaimed, bending over Sirius in his laughter.


“She’s not wrong, you know.” Emmeline mused. Everyone turned to her. It was well known that Emmeline Vance was the prettiest senior, prettiest upperclassman in general. Everyone knew that. So, to hear her agree with Alice, it meant something. “You ‘ marauders ’ are all unnaturally fit.”

Peter snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“No, really.” Emmeline smiled. “You are all just different types of attractive, if you know what I mean.”

“No, what do you mean?” Remus asked, tilting his head to the side in that adorable way of his.

“Peter’s cute. James is handsome. Sirius is pretty. And Remus is hot.” Alice declared simply.

Remus choked on his drink. Sirius patted him on his back. “I think you broke him, Fortescue.”

“Trust me, Lupin.” Emmeline leaned forward. “I don’t compliment ugly people. I don’t lie to them and tell them they’re something they’re not but you ? You’re attractive.”

“Hear, hear!” Dorcas, Pandora, Barty, and James all raised their cups before snorting in laughter because they all did the same thing… and because they’re drunk.

Dorcas continued, “I told you, Lupin. It was the first thing I had ever said to you, in fact. You’re hot and it’s only amplified because you don’t know it. You’ve been at Midtown for what? Two months? And I’ve met-” She paused to count on her fingers. “Twelve people who’ve had a crush on you.”

“Twelve?!” Remus exclaimed, amber eyes wide and almost orange in the firelight. “Sanctaidd- wow. f*ck .”

Sirius laughed and slung an arm around him, pointing across the fire at all of the seniors and freshman, threateningly. “You lot better leave off our Moony. He’s ours! Paws off!”

James and Peter laughed and Remus just hid his smile behind his hands.

Regulus watched it all with mild amusem*nt, eyeing his brother over the lip of his red, single cup. Sirius was looking at Remus intensely, even though Remus’ face was still covered and he couldn’t see. Regulus knew that he kept his expressions guarded. He knew that his brother did too (maybe less but digress). They were taught at a young age to not show their emotions but Sirius was drunk and in less control of his face than he usually was. He was looking at Remus with such absolute, unadulterated adoration and admiration. It made Regulus feel like he was imposing on something private. Because that , that look, wasn’t something you give to friends.

But, Sirius wasn’t like that. At least that Regulus knew. Regulus had never actually told Sirius about his sexuality. Regulus was sure that Sirius would accept him, Sirius always loved him, but he wasn’t sure if Sirius would accept the gay part. Sure, he would still love Reggie but he wouldn’t accept it. Regulus used to think that his older brother was like him but he couldn’t have been sure. In the Black household, ‘queer’ was the same as ‘disgusting’ or ‘filth’. Regulus didn’t even know that ‘queer’ meant ‘gay’ until he had met Dorcas. Regulus had no clue where Sirius was on that scale because although Sirius detested and chose to go the opposite of everything ‘Black’, some things from your childhood stick, even without meaning to.

Pandora nudged him. He turned to look at her. She was wearing her audio canceling headphones. She nodded to Sirius and raised her eyebrows. Regulus shrugged because what did he know? What did he know about his brother? Sometimes, it felt like nothing. Nothing at all.


'Sanctaidd-' - holy

Happy Birthday, Sirius! It’s his birthday party and what did I give him for a present? A sexuality crisis! Let’s go! I’m sorry. I’m sure that I’ve said it before but Sirius is going to struggle with his sexuality for a while. Bear with him, will you?

I love the Rosier twins. We’re getting a Slytherin Skittle chapter next week so we’re going to learn more about their family so a warning for that.
See you next week.

Chapter 15: Skittles


TW- mentions to abuse

(Not a trigger) Warning- there’s a lot of dialogue in other languages (mainly spanish and italian), it will all be translated at the end but I’m sorry.

Also, there's a lot of nicknames (among all groups especially the Skittles) so... Pandora= "Pan" & "Dora" (only Evan can call her that), Evan= "Evs" & "Evie" (only Pandora can call him that) & "Rosa Mia", Dorcas= "Cas" & "Dee", Regulus= "Reg" & "Reggie/ petite étoile" (only Sirius can call him that), Barty= "CJ" (only Evan can call him that) & "Bats" (eventually)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Barty Crouch Jr.

Sunday | November 2nd

Barty woke up hungover. Which to be honest… he should’ve expected that. Luckily, he wasn’t the only one.

“Puta madre!” Evan groaned from his bed. Barty giggled into his pillow. He loved Evan’s morning voice, mainly because he didn’t speak English until at least breakfast. Evan glared at Barty. “Que te jodan, gilipollas!”

“Ti amo anch'io, rosa mia.” Barty smirked. He didn’t speak Spanish like Pan and Evan but that didn’t stop him from responding or butting into their conversations with his mom’s Italian. Then his smile fell. Because last night…

“Que carajo- what the f*ck did you just call me?”

“My rose,” Barty mused, putting on a smile despite the screaming (for different reasons) inside his head. “Rosie.”

“That’s not a thing.” Evan shook his head and got out of bed.

“Why not, rosa mia?” Barty crawled out as well, ignoring the black spots in his vision. “You call me ‘CJ’.”

“But that’s-” Evan gave up, groaning. “Whatever.”

Evan walked to the bathroom. Barty turned back into his pillow and groaned. Last night’s realization worsened with his headache.

“How bad is your hangover on a scale of one to ten?” Evan asked from the bathroom.


Evan laughed and although it was such a cheery sound that made butterflies flap in his stomach, it also drilled nails into his temples. “I can make you some pozole when we go home.”

“Home?” Barty lifted his head to look at Evan through the doorway.

“Yeah,” Evan turned to face Barty, toothbrush in his mouth. “We’re going to mine today. Remember? My dad needed help in the garage and you volunteered to come ‘help’.”

“Oh, right.” Barty slumped back against the pillow. “You don’t need to be so sarcastic about me helping you, by the way. I help plenty.”

“You don’t do anything.”

“I keep you company and make you laugh.” Barty said. “That helps loads.”

“Sure, CJ.” Evan turned back into the bathroom, spitting in the sink.

“Wait! Isn’t pozole that gross soup?”

“It’s delicious, excuse you.” Evan rolled his eyes. “If I have to eat marinated-zucchini-ricotta or whatever it’s called, then you can stomach pozole.”

“Zucchini with ricotta is a masterpiece, excuse you .” Barty mocked.

“Whatever.” Evan sifted through the drawers. Evan was almost always shirtless when they were alone in the dorm because he slept shirtless. It always made Barty’s mouth dry and now, because of last night, he knew why.

It wasn’t necessarily the ‘shirtlessness’ that Barty found attractive (though Oh my god was Evan hot) but the fact that he still wore his necklaces while shirtless. Tonight it was a short pearl one and a longer chain with wire-wrapped rose quartz. He always had some gem or crystal on him. If it wasn’t on a necklace then it’d be on a ring or bracelet or hair charm. Pandora was like that too. They knew all their meanings and energies and all of that. Barty couldn’t really care less. Afterall, the necklace was almost in the way of Evan’s collar bones. Which were absolutely…

“What does rose-quartz mean?” Barty interrupted his own thoughts. It was best not to think too much about Evan’s body right now. Barty was laying over the covers and it would be very obvious what he was thinking about if his body decided to react.

Evan stopped looking for a shirt, prolonging his shirtlessness (which may have been another goal in Barty’s mind).

“Healing,” Evan answered. “That's the not romantic aspect anyway.”

Barty’s mouth went dry, “Does it have a lot of romantic abilities?”

“Yes, actually.” Evan hummed. “That’s what it’s mainly used for. Relationship healing, love, to enact infatuation, that kind of thing.”

Barty, despite already feeling very hot, threw his thick comforter over his lap.

“You okay?” Evan stepped closer.

“I might throw up!” Barty shouted into his pillow. It was the only thing that he could think of to keep Evan away– Evan hated throwing up. “Rosie, would you be fine to go ahead and go home and I’ll meet you at lunch?”

“Sure, CJ,” Evan nodded, all too eager to leave if Barty might puke. “Whatever you need.”

Evan pulled a shirt on and left.

What Barty needed was a very cold shower .

* * *

Barty hated irony.

His whole life usually liked to laugh at him. So, it shouldn't have been surprising that the day after he discovered that he has a crush on his best friend, he ran into his gay awakening… walking out of a girls dorm.

Barty– hair still damp from the shower that did help– was on his way to the Rosiers’ garage. He was walking through the girls hallways because he was hoping to maybe pick up Pandora or Dorcas on his way, when he turned the corner and almost ran smack into none other than Remus f*cking Lupin. Who, by the way, had the nerve to look f*cking amazing. He wasn’t in his cowboy costume, which was the thought that Barty chose to cling to because that meant that he most likely didn’t stay the night. However, he was wearing his skater-boy style: long sleeve shirt with a short-sleeved button-up unbuttoned overtop. His tawny curls were messy and hung in his eyes, and Barty just wanted to melt.

“Hey, Barty.” Remus smiled. Barty was actually on the verge of melting now because Remus remembered his name!

“Hey,” Barty grinned.

Remus looked around but it was them two on the empty girl’s hallway. “What are you doing here?”


“What are you doing in the girls’ dormitory, Barty?” Remus had leaned in a little which made Barty’s heart race.

“Pandora!” Barty blurted. Which was the truth. He was there for Pandora but it felt and sounded like a lie because of the way he blurted it.

Remus just smiled though, that adorable, slightly mischievous smirk, and ran his fingers through his curls, leaning back.

“She left.”


“I passed her and Evan on my way in.”

“So, you didn’t stay the night?” Barty blurted. Why did you say that? You don’t want the answer to that question, Barty!

Remus’ eyebrows shot up and then as soon as he realized what Barty was implying, a small smile formed on his lips. He chuckled a little. Thank God .

“No, no.” Remus chuckled. “I didn’t stay the night. I’m not like that with Lily, Mary, or Marlene. I came by with some hangover pills.”

“Oh.” Barty hated the fact that his heart soared with that information.

“Are you heading out?” Remus gestured to the stairs.

Barty nodded dumbly, just shocked that he was having an actual full-on conversation with Remus f*cking Lupin.

“Did you come out to your friends before you were drunk or was that the first time?” Remus asked.

Barty’s stomach dropped. How did Remus know he was gay? Did Remus know that Barty had a crush on him?!

“What?” Barty choked out.

“Well, last night, I introduced myself and the first thing that you said was ‘I’m gay’.”

Barty stopped breathing.

“Hey, hey!” Remus grabbed his arm, walking in front of Barty so he could see his face. Remus looked friendly. He wasn’t judging Barty, or disgusted by him. “It’s okay. I assumed that you were too drunk to remember.”

“I came out to you?” Barty asked weakly. Remus nodded. “It was the first thing I said to you too?”

“Maybe. A bit, yeah.” Remus gave him a sorry smile.

Barty groaned into his hands. “Of course I did.”

Remus laughed. “It’s all good.”

“It is?”

“Yeah,” Remus smiled and continued walking, leading them to the stairs. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You’re not disgusted by me?”

“Why would I be?”

“Because I like guys?”

“I like guys too.” Remus shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

Barty stopped walking. Remus turned two steps in front of him which made Barty actually taller than him. Remus liked guys. Remus was gay too. Oh my god .

“You okay?” Remus asked. “Did I break you with the knowledge that you’re not the only gay dude in the world?”

“I know I’m not the only gay guy in the world but you’re gay! ” Barty exclaimed.

“Technically, I’m bi.”

“Oh my god.” Barty couldn’t even look at Remus. “I can’t believe that my gay awakening also likes guys.”

“I was your gay awakening?” Remus tilted his head to the side.

Barty was now mortified. “sh*t! I didn’t mean to tell you that!”

“It’s okay, Barty.” Remus patted his shoulder. “I take it as flattery. Thanks. I’m honored.”

“Oh my god.” Barty groaned into his hands.

“Are you going home, Barty?”

Barty looked up. “What?”

“You’re leaving.” Remus said. “Are you going home?”

“No.” Barty didn’t know what was going on. He still couldn’t believe that he somehow managed to not only come out to his gay-awakening but also tell him that he was his gay-awakening. “I’m going to Evan and Pan’s.”

“Do you have to be there at a certain time?”


“Do you want to go get a coffee?” Remus offered. “You seem like you need a break and I need a coffee.”

Barty didn’t trust himself to speak so he just nodded.

He followed Remus to a corner shop/ convenience store. Remus picked out a glass bottle of mocha cold brew and a chocolate bar and Barty picked his favorite energy drink. Remus started to try to pay for both of them but Barty stepped in.

“Let me.”

“You don’t have to-”

“What’s the point of having rich parents if you can’t use their money?” Barty smirked. “Plus, I really need to feel like I’m giving you something after all that you know now.”

Remus laughed. “You don’t need to be ‘giving me something’. I already told you that it’s not a big deal.”

“It is to me.” Barty explained. “Just let me, please?”

Remus stepped back.

“These too.” Barty added to the cash register guy, holding up five packs of skittles (two red, one purple, one green, one turquoise).

“You think that you’ve got enough skittles.” Remus laughed as they walked out the store.

“I like the sour ones, Evan and Regulus like the regular ones, Pan likes the tropical, and Cas likes berry.” Barty explained. “I’m meeting them today so might as well.”

“You’re a good friend, Barty.” Remus nodded. “Though, I don’t think that sour skittles and an energy drink are going to help your hangover.”

Barty’s eyes shot up. “How’d you know that I was hungover?”

Remus raised an eyebrow (which was unfairly hot of him), “There was a party last night. Everyone is hungover.”

“How come you’re not hungover?”

“Fast metabolism.” Remus smirked like it was a clever joke but Barty couldn’t figure out what the punchline was.

“How’d you know that I drank at all? I could’ve been sober.”

Remus raised his eyebrow again, crossing his arms and shaking his head with a smile. “Your hairline is sweating, you look tired, and you flinched at both the sound of the bell when we went into the star and the ‘ bing ’ of the cash register.” He said easily. “You’re hungover.”

“Damn, Sherlock.” Barty huffed, slightly impressed.

“I have to head home now but I’ll see you Monday tomorrow, alright?” Remus started walking backwards down the sidewalk.

“Yeah, see you.” Barty gave a short wave as Remus turned around and walked away.

Oh my god . Did I- did he? DID I JUST TALK TO REMUS f*ckING LUPIN LIKE WE’RE FRIENDS?!?! Barty blinked. Wait until Evs hears about this!

* * *

Evan and Pandora lived in the second story of a car repair garage. The garage on the bottom doubled as Mr. Rosier’s car repair workshop and his blacksmith forge. It’s why Pandora and Evan know how to forge (Evan forged little knick knacks like knives and Pandora did jewelry).

Mr. Rosier himself was a difficult man for Barty to pin down. Barty wasn’t completely sure how he felt about him because Barty’s first impressions of him (before he met him) varied greatly from his opinions of him now.

Barty’s first “impression” of Mr. Rosier, the first time he ever thought about him, was in the fifth grade when Evan crawled through Barty’s window from the fire-escape covered in bruises. Pandora was apparently at her friend’s house so Evan was alone when their ‘Padre’ had too much to drink and was too angry and ‘grieving’. Because Evan and Pandora’s mom died from cancer when they were seven years old, and Mr. Rosier didn’t grieve well. He took to alcohol and he was a violent drunk.

That was the first time Evan had come to Barty but it wasn’t the last either. He didn’t always come alone, he brought Pandora the majority of the time. Barty hated it. Eventually it stopped.

In seventh grade, Mr. Rosier went to rehab. He was away for a few months and the twins stayed with their mom’s sister. When he returned, it was… better. It was rough and Barty wasn’t really present during it because Barty’s father learned that Mr. Rosier was an ex-convict and ‘that’s not okay ’. According to Bartemius Crouch Senior – Captain of the NYPD– his son being friends with the son of an ex-convict would ‘ look bad for the family name ’ (look bad for him ) and ‘ could be dangerous ’ (Barty could cause trouble and it’d look bad on his dad). Bartemius specifically asked and demanded that Barty never speak or associate with the Rosiers again.

But, Barty never listened to his dad.

Another thing that caused issues with Mr. Rosier for Barty was the fact that Mr. Rosier clearly hated Barty in the beginning; he didn’t want his children to be friends with Barty. Ironically for the same reason that Barty’s dad didn’t want him to be friends with them: his dad. Afterall, if you were falsely put in prison, wouldn’t you be wary of police officers?

Barty wouldn’t be deterred however. He returned, he continued to show up at the Rosier household and kept on being nice to Mr. Rosier. He continuously showed how strong his friendship was with the twins and showed that he was not like his father. Somehow, over the course of two years, Barty’s proved himself. In fact, Barty would almost say that Mr. Rosier liked Barty.

“¡Mi chico blanco favorito!”

Barty walked through the open garage door and was immediately greeted by two smiling faces.

“Hey, Evs.” Barty grinned back. “Hello, Mr. Rosier.”

“Are you supposedly ‘ helping ’ today?” Mr. Rosier laughed.

“What are you talking about, papá?” Evan wiped his hands off on a dirty rag, grinning like an idiot. “He helps ‘ loads ’.”

“The sarcasm is unnecessary, rosa mia.” Barty sassed.

“Rosa mia?” Mr. Rosier raised his eyebrows at Evan. “Mi rosa?”

“It’s a nickname, papá.” Evan rolled his eyes.

“Ese no es un apodo, hijo.” Mr. Rosier nudged his son with his elbow. “Ese es un término cariñoso.”

“Papá-” Evan half-groaned half-sighed. “Es sólo un apodo estúpido. Déjalo ir, ¿quieres?”

Barty couldn’t understand a lick of what they were saying but he smiled anyway. He might’ve not understood but he could tell from their tones that Evan was getting that good ol’ parent style teasing.

“No. Un apodo es algo así como 'Evs' o 'amigo'. No ‘mi rosa’.” Mr. Rosier tsked. “Le gustas.”

Evan’s light smile dropped immediately.

“What?” Evan croaked.

“What?” Mr. Rosier raised an eyebrow tauntingly. “No soy tan viejo sabes.”

Evan gaped. “¿Estarías de acuerdo con eso? ¿Si me gustaran los chicos?”

“Of course.” Mr. Rosier shrugged. “It’s the same for your sister.”

Evan looked like he was on the verge of tears and Barty didn’t know what to do. Evan never cried. Even when he showed up at Barty’s broken and bruised, he never shed a tear. But, he looked close to it now. Luckily, Barty didn’t have to do anything because Pandora skipped into the room, took one look at Evan and knew what to do. She instantly stepped in between Evan and Mr. Rosier, glared at her father and turned to her twin, whispering into his ear. Evan whispered something back and Pandora’s face dropped in shock. She turned to her dad– who was watching the whole ordeal (his daughter seeing her brother upset and immediately blaming the dad) with a form of resigned acceptance which Barty hated.

“¿Es verdad? ¿Estarías bien si fuéramos gays?” Pandora asked, face defiant.

Mr. Rosier nodded. “Yes.”

Pandora, very similarly to Evan, let out a little gasp in relief, the tension poured off of her in a single second before she ran up and hugged her father, her arms around his neck. She, unlike Evan however, was a crier, so she started weeping into Mr. Rosier’s shoulder. They were happy tears though, Barty could tell.

Barty went over to Evan. “Hey, you okay?”

Evan smiled. It was a little wet and a little weak but it was still a smile and still a happy one. “Yeah, I am.”



“Want to tell me what you were talking about?”

Evan guffawed. “Hell, no.”

Barty pouted before he remembered a small detail. He lit up. “Guess who I hung out with earlier!”

“It’s eleven in the morning.” Evan signed, already exasperated. “Who could you have ‘hung out’ with?”

“Remus f*cking Lupin.”

Evan’s face dropped with shock. “Wait, really? No fair!”

“We talked and I bought him coffee and everything!” Barty exclaimed.

“That’s not fair!”

“Life’s not fair, rosa mia.” Barty smirked. Evan’s face shifted for a second at the name but Barty couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. “I did, however, get all of us Skittles.”

“Yay!” Pandora cheered, suddenly appearing beside them.

* * *

Mr. Rosier did not , in fact, actually want Barty’s ‘help’, so he was resigned to ‘help’ Pandora by polishing rocks and crystals for her. He also got to smash a geode that she bought so she could use the gems.

Pandora had a whole corner of the forge for herself. While she did something metal-work-y (Barty didn’t know what she was doing), Barty sat at her desk, using the gloss to clean and shine the gems that she set in a pile for him. He had finished the pile quicker than she expected so she let him look around her desk and Barty was captivated by studying the thin shelf above her desk, just below all of her drawings of ring designs, that had a dozen or so rocks. Barty couldn’t exactly see anything too special about them or why they specifically were on display.

He did like one of the stones in particular however: a polished dark brown one. It had streaks of a gold-ish color and a bronze-like shine to it. It kind of reminded Barty of Evan’s eyes. Evan’s eyes were also dark brown but reflected gold in sunlight.

“Do you like that one?” Pandora asked, appearing beside him.


“I thought you might. It’s Tiger’s eye.” Pandora mused. Barty hummed. “It kind of looks like Evan’s eyes, doesn’t it.”

Alarms went off in Barty’s head. “What?! What, no! No, it doesn’t. Actually, you know what? I hate this rock. I was only staring at it because it’s so ugly. Ew, right? I’m going to go find Evan. Bye, Pan.”

He said it all in a rush, dumping the rock in Pandora’s palm and going upstairs. As soon as he opens the upstairs door, he’s blasted with the smell of pozole: chicken, garlic, and chili. His eyes instantly started watering.

“Damn, Rosa mia.” Barty blinked the tears from his eyes. “Open a window or something. How many chili peppers did you add?”

“Far too many.” Pandora mused, following Barty.

“Shut up, Dora.” Evan grumbled, stirring a pot over the stove.

Pandora skipped over to beside her twin, taking a sniff of the pot. “Jeez, Evs! How many did you add?”

“We didn’t have any of the peppers, so I just estimated with the powder.” Evan shrugged.

“You added too much.”

“I’ve realized.”

Dorcas burst into the room like she usually did (as if she owned it), a large smile plastered on her face.

“You’re happy.” Barty observed, scoffing playfully. A smirk was already growing on his face.

“Astute observation, Sherlock.” Evan laughed.

“What’s got you all smiley, Cas?” Pandora sat on the arm of a chair.

“I’ve got news!” Dorcas exclaimed. “Big news!”

“And that news is…” Barty trailed off, waiting for her to finish.

“Nope!” Dorcas grinned. “We have to wait for Reg.”

“What?!” Barty groaned, collapsing into the couch from behind. “But he’s with his brother! He could take forever!”

“Then, we’ll have to wait.” Dorcas sat in the chair Pandora was sitting on.

“You suck.” Barty pouted.

“You’re so mean, Barty.” Dorcas teased.

“He bought you skittles though.” Pandora smiled.

Barty pointed accusingly at her, still upside down on the couch. “Traitor!”

“Are they berry?” Dorcas asked Pandora, ignoring Barty.

“Of course.” Pandora answered.

“You suck, Pan!”

“And you wish you could.” Pandora shot back.

The other three instantly gaped, shocked at what Pandora just alluded to.

“Dora!” Evan gasped. He lasted two seconds, being dramatic before he burst out laughing.

“What?” Pandora smiled. All innocent beside her eyes, which were glinting mischievously.

* * *

Regulus came over near dinner time. The other four had eaten the pozole for lunch (Barty ended up crying from the spice) and were waiting for Mr. Rosier to finish dinner.

“Yes!” Barty cheered as soon as Regulus opened the door. “Regulus is here! Can we know the big news now, Meadowes?”

“Oh? What big news?” Regulus sat down next to Evan. Dorcas and Pandora were both sitting in the armchair, Evan (and now Regulus was on the couch), and Barty was on the floor across from the couch (in order to keep distance from Evan). Their game of Uno was forgotten on the coffee table.

“Drum roll, please.” Dorcas held out her arms. The other four amused her and pounded on their laps (or coffee table in Barty’s case). “I’m now officially dating McKinnon!”

The boys gasped and Pandora cheered.

“Really?” Pandora smiled.

“Yeah!” Dorcas smiled back, though the expression never quite left her face. “She accidentally drunkenly confessed that she liked me last night at the party but I said that I couldn’t trust it because she was drunk and she could’ve meant it platonically, right? So, I told her that we would talk about it today, and we did! And now we’re dating!”

“I can’t believe it!” Evan exclaimed.

“I know right!?” Dorcas all but squealed.

“So is McKinnon gay or pan or bi or-”

“She’s gay.” Dorcas answered. “We talked about it at lunch.”

“Wow.” Barty was happy for his friend but he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. “So, you’re officially dating?”

“Yes!” Dorcas bit her lip.”But-”

“Oh no.” Regulus voiced.

“We can’t exactly be out .” Dorcas sighed. “We can’t loudly announce that we’re girlfriends.”

“Why?” Barty asked.

“Really, CJ?” Evan quirked an eyebrow (which may or may have not sent shivers down Barty). “You don’t realize why they can’t be publicly dating?”

“Just because we’re an open-minded (and mostly gay) friendgroup, doesn’t mean that everyone is.” Pandora explained. “I sometimes forget too.”

“Yeah, McKinnon isn’t even out to all of her friends.” Dorcas added. “She said that she’s going to tell Potter and Lupin but that’s it because they’re the only ones that know she’s a lesbian.”

“Wait,” Evan turned to Dorcas. “Lupin knows?”

Dorcas nodded.

“And he’s okay with it?” Evan gaped. “He’s okay with gay people?”

“It’d be weird if he wasn’t.” Barty said.

Evan turned sharply to Barty. Barty felt himself freeze under his gaze. “What do you mean?”

“Lupin’s gay too.” Barty answered. In the back of his mind, there was a voice shouting at him that it wasn’t technically his information to disclose, not his fact to tell, but he could barely hear it with Evan’s eyes pinning him like that.

“Really?” Regulus quirked up, suddenly more interested.

“Yeah,” Barty still couldn’t look away from Evan. “He’s bisexual. He told me this morning.”

“You talked to him this morning?” Dorcas raised her eyebrows. “And he came out to you?”

“Yeah, I ran into him on my way here.” Barty felt his entire body relax when Evan looked over to Regulus instead.

“Why are you so interested, Reg?”

“Nothing.” Regulus shrugged. “No reason for now.”

“That sounds ominous.” Dorcas mused.

“It wouldn’t be me if it didn’t.”

Mr. Rosier’s voice sounded from the kitchen area. “Dinner’s ready!”

* * *

The problem was that Barty had never seen Evan as anything other than his friend, his best friend. Evan was Barty’s best friend and that’s all he was and was ever supposed to be. Barty could tell him anything. Because they were each other’s safe places. When Mr. Rosier drank too much, Evan would seek shelter with Barty. When Barty’s dad yelled at him, calling him lazy and ‘not enough’, Evan would hold Barty as he cried and told him that was worth it and ‘enough’. They were close. So close, in fact, that Barty didn’t realize that he was falling for him until it hit him hard in his drunk head.

Barty knew Evan better than himself which is how Barty could confidently say that ‘Evan Rosier did not dance at parties… ever ’. But, apparently, Barty was wrong because at Sirius’ birthday party, Evan danced. He danced well . Barty couldn’t help but watch Evan, encaptured. He studied his best friend in a new light and that was when he realized.

Barty was watching Evan when it hit him: he liked Evan Rosier. Which sucked to be fair.

Sure, Barty didn’t have the same problem as Dorcas and McKinnon. He knew that Evan liked boys, which included Barty. There was a possibility that Evan could like Barty like that but that’s all it was: a possibility . The likelihood that his best friend could like him back was low. Afterall, what idiot fell for their best friend?

So that night, when Barty was walking back to the dorms, he made a resolution, a solution to his problem, a plan. He wasn’t going to like Evan Rosier. He just wasn’t. He’ll date other people. He’ll find love somewhere else. He could do that. Couldn’t he?

* * *

Evan Rosier

Evan’s mom died when he was seven years old but she was dying long before that.

Earlier that year, a jerk-ass teacher told Evan’s parents that he was “distracting” in class, that he was disrespectful and lazy. He couldn’t sit still, would forget homework, speak without being called on, that kind of thing. The teacher asked that he would get tested for ‘ADD”. Luckily for Evan, they asked his mom. She took him and Pandora to get tested.

Pandora doesn’t remember much after they got diagnosed but Evan remembered how their dad yelled. He got mad at their mom for taking them to get tested. He was mad at the teacher for suggesting it. He was mad at the doctor for ‘falsely’ diagnosing the twins.

Mr. Rosier never did try to learn anything about his children’s neurological disabilities. He just ignored them. Even once he got better and sober, he never tried to understand them. It confused Evan a little because how could his dad be okay with him being gay but not having ADHD? It didn’t make sense to him, so he took a page out of his father’s book and ignored it. Just like he ignored every other problem: his history grade (he sucked at memorizing), how Mr. Slughorn (his homeroom teacher) loudly praised Barty, Dorcas, and Regulus but degraded Evan, the fact that Regulus was in a dangerous situation with his parents and how he could do nothing about it, and… Barty. Right. That was another problem Evan chose to ignore.

Evan hated it. He hated considering his best friend a “problem” but that’s how his head dubbed it: ‘The Barty Problem’. Because Evan was stupid and had a crush on his best friend. He realized it as soon as he realized he was gay. All he had to do was look at the reasons he liked Lupin: his appearance (the sharp jawline, the knowing eyes, the soft looking hair), his style, his high intelligence, his mischievous streak. All the reasons he liked Lupin were all things he liked about Barty and then it clicked.

That’s when it clicked for him but he knew that the crush had been forming since they were younger. The crush had probably been forming as early in their friendship as when Evan realized that he could go to Barty when his dad drank too much.

“Evs,” Pandora whispered, slipping into his room and sitting on the edge of his bed. “I’m really scared.”

“What?” Evan grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “What for?”

“Regulus.” She whispered.

Oh . Oh no .

“Is he on a mission tonight?” Evan sat up, pushing himself up against the headboard of his bed.

Pandora nodded.

“Do we know what he's doing tonight?”

Pandora shook her head.

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.” Pandora answered, soft.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Just- can I sleep with you tonight?”

Evan nodded and pushed aside his covers, opening up his blankets for her. They crawled in next to Evan. This wasn’t the first time the twins had done this but it was the first in a while. They used to do it all the time a few years ago. It’s not like it ever helped the two kids ‘hide’ from their dad or anything but it helped them feel safer anyway. It especially made Pandora feel safer.

The twins had shared so much under these covers. Like in eighth grade when everyone their age was boy/ girl crazy and Evan confessed that although he wanted to date someone he didn’t want to ‘ do ’ the things that everyone else wanted to do with the whoever he dated. That same night, Pandora confessed that she didn’t care if someone was a boy or a girl, they liked them all. It was a few weeks later when Dora confessed that none other than Lily Evans was their gay awakening. It was spring break of eighth grade when Pandora told him that she liked ‘they/ them’ pronouns as well as ‘she/her’ ones because it felt better for her. They had confessed more too. These sheets were sacred to the Rosier twins though.

“Buenas noches, Dora.”

“Buenas noches, Evie.”

* * *

Dorcas Meadowes

Monday | November 3rd

Dorcas had a girlfriend. A girlfriend! She still couldn’t believe it. She was dating f*cking Marlene McKinnon! The girl with blonde wolf-cut hair and piercing ice blue eyes lined with black makeup that made them stand out like little diamonds. With the cool style and amazing music taste. Oh my god .


Dorcas looked up from when she was sitting on the outside bench. She was doing her biology homework last minute, but why do that when there was such a pretty girl standing in front of her.

“Hey, McKinnon.” Dorcas smiled.

Marlene groaned as she plopped down next to her.

“Dee,” Marlene started. Dorcas felt herself smile brighter. Marlene had started calling her ‘Dee’ the day before and Dorcas loved it. “You’re my girlfriend, officially . I believe we’re no longer on a last-name basis.”

“What do you want me to call you?” Dorcas asked. “Darling?”

“No.” Marlene made a face.






“Oh.” Marlene’s eyes lit up.

“Love? You like ‘love’?”

Marlene bit her lip but even that couldn’t hold back her smile. “I mean- it’s fine or whatever.”

Dorcas laughed. “Okay, love . Now that that’s settled, you said that you’re going to tell James and Remus today, right?”

“Yep,” Marlene swallowed. “I’m doing it at lunch.”

“ ‘You nervous?”

“A little.” Marlene confessed. “How’d your friends react?”

“Well,” Dorcas shrugged, smiling despite herself. “They already knew my ‘preferences’ and were already painfully aware of my crush on you so…”

“Yeah, I get it.” Marlene sighed. “Your homeroom is Slughorn, right?”

Dorcas nodded.

“Can I walk you there?”

“It’s on the opposite side of the school from McGonagall.” Dorcas gave her a flat look.

Marlene checked her nonexistent watch, “We have time.”

“Before we go though,” Dorcas started, standing and picking up her backpack. “Do you want to meet my mom?”

“What?” Marlene froze.

“Well, Mama already knows about you and asked if she could meet you so I said that I’d ask.”

“Your mom knows that you have a girlfriend?” Marlene gaped. “That you’re pan?”

“Yeah, she fully supports it too.” Dorcas smiled. To be honest, her mom was a bit of a hippie, still stuck in the seventies, but Dorcas loved her. “So… do you want to meet her?”

“Sure,” Marlene nodded. “When?’

“How about after school today?”


* * *

“Do you think that she’ll like me?” Marlene asked as they walked along the sidewalk to the ‘ Emerald Viper ’, Elizabeth Meadowes’ crystal and spiritual shop.

“She’ll love you.” Dorcas swung her girlfriend’s hand in between them. “She’ll especially love your shirt.”

Marlene looked at her ‘ The Runaways ’ baby-tee. “She likes The Runaways ?”

“Who doesn’t?”

The crossing light turned green. The two girls were halfway across the road when something hit the back of Dorcas’ backpack and yanked her backward. She flew all the way back to the sidewalk and stuck to the wall. Once she looked at it, she realized that it was a web?

“What the-”

A large truck practically flew through where they were just standing, police cars right behind it.

Dorcas turned her head to Marlene (because the rest of her body was stuck to the web.

“What just happened?”

“I think Spider Man saved us?”

Down the street, Dorcas saw the police cars draw to a stop. The large truck was there too. Then, Spider Man swung and landed right in front of the two girls.

“Hi! I’m so sorry.” Spider Man waved. “There was a robbery and I needed to get all civilians out of harm's way. Are you two alright?”

“Yeah,” Dorcas felt herself say.

“Great,” Spider Man said. Dorcas could hear the smile and relief in his voice. “Here. Let me get you guys down.”

Once Spider Man had cleared the webs and the two girls were safely on the ground, Marlene gripped his hand.

“Thank you so much.” She smiled.

Spider Man laughed. “Of course.”

“My friends are such huge fans of yours.”


“Oh, yeah!” Marlene let go of his hand. “One of them even dressed up as you for Halloween.”

“That’s cool.” Spider Man laughed. He turned to Dorcas and tilted his head to the side. “Are you both sure that you’re okay?”

“Yes,” Dorcas said. “Thanks.”

“Any time.” Spider Man shot a web upwards and right before he swung away he added, somewhat quietly, “You are a cute couple.”

And then he was gone.

Dorcas turned sharply to her girlfriend, who was also gaping.

“He knew we were a couple!” Marlene exclaimed.

“And he was okay with it?!” Dorcas added.

“Oh my god!” Marlene let out a breathy laugh. “James is going to freak out.”

“James? I’m freaking out. Oh my god!”

“Who knew?” Marlene asked, grinning. “Spider Man’s an ally.”

“Who knows? He could be gay himself.”

“Imagine that.” Marlene laughed. “New York’s own friendly neighborhood Spider Man: gay .”

“Imagine that.” Dorcas repeated.


“Puta madre!”- f*cking mother (spanish)
“Que te jodan, gilipollas.”- f*ck you, bastard/ sh*thead (spanish)
“Ti amo anch'io, rosa mia.”- I love you too, my rose (italian)
“Que carajo”- what the f*ck (spanish)
“mi chico blanco favorito” - my favorite white boy (spanish)
“Mi rosa” - my rose (spanish)
“Ese no es un apodo, hijo.” - that's no nickname, son (spanish)
“ese es un término cariñoso” - that’s a term of endearment (spanish)
“Es sólo un apodo estúpido. Déjalo ir, ¿quieres?” It’s just a stupid nickname. Let it go, will you? (spanish)
“No. Un apodo es algo así como 'Evs' o 'amigo'. No ‘mi rosa’.” - No. A nickname is something like 'Evs' or 'dude'. Not "my rose." (spanish)
“le gustas” - he likes you (spanish)
“No soy tan viejo sabes” - I’m not that old you know. (spanish)
“¿Estarías de acuerdo con eso? ¿Si me gustaran los chicos?” - you would be okay with it? If I liked boys?
“¿Es verdad? ¿Estarías bien si fuéramos gays?” - Is it true? You would be okay if we were gay?”
“buenas noches” - good night

Oh my god. I love the Skittles. So much but let’s get into it, shall we?
First, Evan almost crying, Pandora walking in, and instantly getting in between her dad and brother because their dad used to be abusive. Barty understands on some level but not fully. It makes me so sad.

On a happier note: Barty just coming out to Remus and immediately telling him that he was his gay awakening. Barty, sweetie, you’re such a mess; I love you. And “yay” for Dorlene! Let’s go!

I also like how Barty and Sirius parallel each other. Barty is okay with liking guys but not okay with having a crush on his best friend so he’s going to date other people. Sirius is NOT okay with liking guys so he’s dating one of his best friends. Poor sweeties.

Chapter 16: Smoke


This chapter is a quick one with no warnings (I don’t think). It’s just cute.

Translations are at the end. By the way, “mam” is welsh for mom. I’m not just misspelling it.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mary Macdonald

Monday | November 3rd

Mary wouldn’t have been surprised if Sirius’ proposal to date had just been a drunken proposition that he didn’t actually follow up on. She should’ve known better.

Never underestimate a Black .

Sirius, to his credit, understood Mary’s need to be ‘ wow-ed ’, her need for the dramatic. He brought her red roses come Monday morning, leaving them in front of their dorm room door with a note saying, ‘I wasn’t joking at my party. I’m sober now and the deal still stands.’ Mary left a note on his desk and they met up after homeroom.

“You ready?” Sirius held out a hand.

“We’re not starting our relationship like a business deal,” She scoffed.

“How do you want to make this official then?”

Mary leaned in. Sirius met her halfway. They kissed. It wasn’t bad, which slightly surprised Mary (but it probably shouldn’t have). It was good. Who knew Sirius would’ve been good at kissing? Like really good.

“Now,” Sirius smirked when they leaned back. “What are you doing tonight?”


“Great.” Sirius said. “We’re going on a date.”

“Oh, are we?”



“Can I pick you up at six?”

“Oh,” Mary raised brows. “Pick me up? With what vehicle?”

“You’ll see tonight.”

Mary grinned, just at the stupidity of what they were doing.

“This is a bad idea, you know.” Mary mused after a moment.

“Yeah,” Sirius smirked. “But that’s what makes it fun.”

Mary couldn’t agree more.

* * *

Dating Sirius was a lot better than Mary originally thought. Though maybe that shouldn’t have been surprising.

Never underestimate a Black .

She thought it would’ve been awkward: the transition from friends to a couple, but it wasn’t. It helped that Mary and Sirius were both similar in the display of themselves. They were bold and loud and flirtatious. Neither of them could back down ever. One would push limits and the other would reciprocate with twice as much vigor. They had always been the boldest of their group, and now they were together.

They, surprisingly, just worked . Sure, they were both too strong willed for their own (or even each other’s own) good but they should’ve expected that. Being together was easy. Super easy.

They only had three classes (1st period biology, 4th period creative writing, and sixth period history) plus lunch together but they made the most of it: holding onto each other in the hallways, walking the other to classes, sitting next to each other in said classes, that kind of thing. They weren’t exactly subtle but they never claimed to be. So, it shouldn’t have been surprising when it didn’t even take ‘til lunch for their nosey friends to notice.

“What’s up with you two?” Pete asked bluntly at lunch.

James hit him in the shoulder. “Couldn’t you have been more subtle?”

“Oh, didn’t we tell you?” Sirius asked casually (knowing full well they didn’t say anything to their friends).

“Tell us what?” Lily asked, sitting down. Now, it was just the five of them.

“Sirius and I are dating.”

Their three friends’ mouths dropped.

“Since when?” James sputtered.

“Since, officially , this morning.” Sirius shrugged, taking a bite.

“And you didn’t think to tell us? Your best friends?” Lily gaped.

“Forgot.” Mary said through a mouth of food. She saw Sirius cringe beside her so she quickly swallowed.

“You… forgot?” Pete raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, sh*t!” James exclaimed. He jumped up and scrambled to pack up. “ I forgot!”

“Where are you going?”

“I forgot that I promised Remus and Marls that I’d meet them at lunch.”

“What’re you meeting Moony and McKinnon for?” Sirius asked.

James froze for a moment in hesitation. “Uhm… soccer photos! Bye!”

He sprinted off.

Sirius turned to Lily. “Are they actually?”


“Does Moony actually have to show McKinnon and James soccer photos or whatever?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“You’re on the paper.”

“Really?” Lily deadpanned before dropping the sarcasm and smiling mischievously. “Why? Do you think James is lying?”

Sirius shrugged. “Do they actually?”

“Obviously,” Lily rolled her eyes. “James and Remus wouldn’t lie about that kind of thing.”

“Nevermind.” Sirius pouted. Mary hugged his arm. Sirius turned to her and smiled, kissing her cheek. She smiled. Easy .

* * *

“Were the photos good?” Mary asked as she sat down by Marlene in history.

Marlene looked up and pulled her headphones off, hanging them around her neck. “What?”

“The photos?” Mary repeated. “Were they good?”

Marlene stared at her for a second before it dawned. “Oh! Yeah, they were good.”

“Of course. Remus took them.” Mary studied her best friend. “You’re happy.”

“Hmm… yeah?”

“Were the photos just that good?”

“Sure,” Marlene smiled. Mary eyed her suspiciously as their friends came in.

“Hey, Cherry. Maisie.” Remus said as he sat down at his desk behind them.

“Moony,” Peter sat down beside Remus. “Did you get the chemistry homework?”

Mary didn’t hear Remus’ response because of a particular person appearing beside her.

“Hey, babe.” Sirius was standing beside her desk. He leaned down to give her a quick kiss before sitting on the other side of Remus. “Are we all ready to learn about the French Revolution from someone who’s old enough to have lived through it?”

“Be nice.” Lily tutted, sitting beside Marlene.

“Let them eat cake.” James grinned, joining them.

“Marie Antoinette didn’t-”

“Actually say that.” James interjected. “We know, Evans. You’re not the only one who pays attention.”

“She might be.” Sirius said. “Ready? Are all the names in?”

This was the system they’ve had since freshman year. Mr. Binns was the most boring teacher ever and he taught every history class in their highschool. So, they made a system. They put all of their names in a cup (or hat or whatever they had available) and whoever’s name was drawn had to take notes while everyone else could sleep (most likely) or do homework (less likely) or something else. They all just either used the notes or copied them later.

“Okay,” Sirius pulled out a folded piece of paper from Remus’ beanie (their cup for the day) and cleared his throat dramatically, unfolding it. He deflated. “Damnit.”

“Ha! Is it you, Pads?” James grinned.

“Yes,” Sirius grumbled, slumping down into his seat.

Yes! ” Marlene cheered. Sirius glared at her. “What? You have the nicest handwriting.”

“Yeah, I can actually read your notes, Padfoot.” Remus shrugged.

“Remus!” Lily pouted, turning in her seat to face him, offended.

“Your handwriting is too rounded for me, Clover.”


“What do you mean?” Marlene also turned to face Remus. “Lily has such nice handwriting. How can you not read it?”

“It’s not just her handwriting, Cherry.” Remus rolled his eyes but Mary could see the slight tension and anxiousness in his frame. “I just prefer Sirius’ style of notes. Can we just drop it? Mr. Binns is about to start and I want to read.”

Marlene rolled her eyes and turned back in her seat.

“I vote that we get Sirius to write the notes everyday.” Peter suggested, repositioning his jacket on his desk to make a good-enough pillow.

“Oh, shove it, Wormtail.” Sirius grumbled, leaning over Remus’ back with his chair on two legs to hit Peter. He stumbled though. His chair– and Sirius along with it– would’ve fallen to the ground if not for Remus, who, without even glancing from his book, caught the chair with one hand and pushed it down. Sirius looked up at Remus with wide eyes. “Moony, you saved me.”

Remus gave him a flat look, “Don’t be an idiot.”

Sirius smirked.

Remus rolled his eyes with a sigh and returned to his book, which Sirius looked quite disappointed by. But, before Sirius could get a word in, Mr. Binns started talking and he had to take notes.

* * *

Mary liked looking pretty. She liked dressing up and doing her hair and she loved any excuse that allowed her to. Dates were the perfect excuse. With Alice on a date with Frank and Marlene out with her brother (supposedly), Lily was the only one left to help Mary get ready. Needless to say, Lily didn’t have the same fashion sense as Mary so she didn’t like half of the outfits Mary picked out but was still suppurative (if not a little curious) nonetheless.

“I don’t get it, Maisie.” Lily sighed. She was laying sideways across her bed with her head hanging off the side so that she peered at Mary upside down as Mary did her makeup in the mirror above her desk. ‘Maisie’ has become the nickname that all the girls use now (even Peter on occasion) just like ‘Clover’ and ‘Cherry’.

“Get what?” Mary applied her lip gloss. She was doing a simple look tonight: winged black eyeliner, mascara (obviously), and red lip gloss.

“I didn’t even know that you liked Sirius.”

“Of course I do.” Mary smiled at her in her mirror reflection. “Everyone likes Sirius.”

“Sure, everyone likes him but I didn’t know that you like-liked him.”

“Why are you talking about this like a middle schooler?” Mary gave her a flat look before turning back to her wing.

“Because it’s so sudden!” Lily exasperated, pushing herself up onto her stomach.


“I don’t know.” Lily sighed, flopping down again. “It’s just weird for someone to be dating in our group. Maybe. I guess.”

“But Marlene is bound to be dating Dorcas soon.” Mary hummed.

“But she doesn’t know that we know about her.” Lily reasoned. “She hasn’t even come out to us so she’s bound to not tell us if they start dating.”

“What about you and James?”

Lily groaned, shoving her head into Mary’s red-heart pillow, but Mary still saw the slight blush that formed. Interesting

“That’s not a thing.”

“Sure, it isn’t.” Mary smiled. “What about Remus and Peter? Are we seeing them with anyone?”

“Nope.” Lily sighed, repositioning (again) to be just sitting on the edge of the bed. “Remus was attracted to someone for a bit but that’s over.”


“Yeah,” Lily said, inspecting her nails. She picked at them a lot so they were always blunt and dead looking. Mary had been begging to paint them and do a whole salon day with her and Marlene forever but neither girl had been tempted yet. “And Peter’s never really liked anyone.”


“None that he’s ever told me.” Lily shrugged. “Besides, let's return back to the main topic here: you and Black.”

“What about us, Lils?” Mary sighed, turning fully in her chair to finally look at Lily directly instead of through reflection.

“I don’t know!” Lily groaned, falling back. “It’s just a bad idea.”

“That’s why it’ll be fun.” Mary winked.

“So you acknowledge that it’s a bad idea?” Lily opened one eye.

“Obviously.” Mary pulled her red-heart bag over her shoulder. It completed her outfit: a black mini-skirt, tight white long-sleeve, dark stockings, white knit leg warmers, black leather platform brogue doc martens, and red headband to hold back her curls. She had taken her braids out just before halloween and Mary loved it. Her mom was a hairstylist so Mary (honestly) knew far too much about her hair. Like it was the hair type ‘3B’ and right now it was kind of short and bouncy.

“So…” Lily bit her lip, clearly looking for the right words to not sound offensive which Mary loved but she wished that Lily would just be blunt with it. It was clear that Lily did not approve of her and Sirius dating and Mary wished that she would just come out and say it straight. “Why are you doing it? If you know that it’s a bad idea then why are you dating him?”

“Because we can.” Mary said simply. “We’ll be each other’s first partner and figure out what we want in relationships. We’ll try it out and we know that we’ll be friends in the end so why not?”

“I don’t understand it.” Lily admitted. It was such a simple statement but it was huge for Lily to say it because Lily hardly ever admitted that she didn’t understand or know something.

Mary smiled and kneeled beside Lily, grabbing and holding her hands. “I never asked you to.”

Lily smiled sadly, rolling her eyes. “Go on your date.”

Mary grinned as she stood up.

“Oh, by the way,” Lily called when Mary opened the door. “Tell Black that I know someone who’ll hurt him if he hurts you.”

* * *

“What the hell!” Mary exclaimed, excited.

“Isn’t she a beauty?” Sirius grinned from where he stood by a f*cking motorcycle . They took the subway to the Potter’s because Effie wanted to ‘meet her son’s girlfriend’ (which Sirius might’ve teared up slightly about being called Effie’s son but you didn’t hear that from Mary) despite having known Mary since the eighth grade. Sirius immediately brought her to the garage to show off the shiny black bike. “One of Prongsie’s neighbors gave her to me on Halloween.”

“And you know how to drive it?” Mary asked.

Sirius laughed. “No. I do not but Monty is teaching me and is also helping me repair it.”

“Is he?”

“Yeah,” Sirius smiled and it was a genuine, soft smile which was, sadly, rare for him. Mary had noticed. Sirius was almost always smiling (despite his naturally pouty lips) but it was always big and over exaggerated or a smirk, never soft. It was genuine. Sure, his other smiles with his friends were genuine too but Sirius never smiled softly. It hurt Mary to think about it because she realized that it had to be for the same reason he didn’t show much emotion.

Mary had once tried to bring it up to Marlene but she didn’t agree. Mary saw people. She read them easily, and Sirius may have been more difficult for Mary to pin down but she thought that after four years of friendship, she was pretty close.

Sirius hid behind a mask but a subtle one. He didn’t shut down or turn off his emotions, no curtain went down over his face or anything like that. His mask was a smile, his dramatic, flamboyant attitude. He hid behind simple, surface emotions to cover up what he was feeling on a much larger scale. It was a weird scale that he balanced. He never mentioned that his parents abused him (though Mary knew because all of their friends knew on some level), he never complained, he tried to hide it and act like it didn’t matter or wasn’t a big deal. He never showed how he felt about that but anything else? Tons of emotion. Severus made a stupid comment, Minnie assigned a lot of homework, they lost a soccer match? You could expect a full Sirius Black style meltdown. He hid behind a smile as well.

Mary could only assume that his mask came from his parents. That this small smile came to him in softer moments when he felt safer and knew that he could smile without being punished. Of course, Mary would never know what really happened when Sirius was still in the Black Household, she could only be thankful that he ran away.

“Come on,” Sirius took her hand. “Effie and Monty want to meet you.”

“They’ve already met me.” Mary laughed. “They know me!”

“That doesn’t matter now.”

They both laughed as they walked through the garage door which opened into the laundry room and then into the kitchen. The kitchen smelled strongly of spices that Mary couldn’t name and honestly it smelled heavenly.

“My mouth is already watering, Effie.” Mary mused.

Euphemia Potter turned from where she stood in front of a pot on the stove. “Mary!”

Mary loved Effie. She was everything a mother should be. Not that Mary didn’t love her own Mama; she did, it’s just hard to not see the differences between Topaz Macdonald and Euphemia Potter. Effie only ever wanted children, she wanted loads of them and tried for years and when she got James, she was only ever a fully committed mother. Topaz didn’t even want children, not at sixteen years old anyway. When she got Mary, she left . Sure, she came back– and Mary knew that that was the important thing–, but it’s hard not to feel a little scuffed.

Also, Effie was amazing outside of comparison with Mary’s own Mama. Effie had dark thick hair streaked with gray but she wore the graying like a crown. She always had a colorful scarf covering most of her hair and it always matched her colorful outfits (Mary could always respect a strong fashion sense). Effie always had multiple gold bangles around her wrists that jangled when she waved her arms. She was strong and kind and unapologetic. She was loud with her love and affection and wasn’t shy when it came to defending the ones she cared about.

The best thing about Effie however was her hugs . Effie hugged strong and tight and she was never the first to let go. It was a rule of hers that Mary discovered freshman year. James explained it by saying that Effie did it because she never knew how much the other person needed it. Which Mary loved and fully took advantage of on several occasions.

Effie immediately proved so. She stepped away from the stove and wrapped Mary up in a tight hug. She smelled like cinnamon and cardamom.

“Oh, Doll, how I’ve missed you!” Effie exclaimed.

“You too, Effie.” Mary let go and Effie stepped back.

“You look gorgeous, sweet girl.” Effie smiled, returning to her pot. “Are you hungry?”



* * *

Dinner with the Potters was amazing, albeit a little weird without James there (though Sirius made sure to get tupperwares of leftovers for both him and Peter). From there they went to the movie theater and watched the Spice Girls’ movie, ‘Girl Power!’ (Mary’s suggestion much to the displeasure but hesitant acceptance of Sirius, who secretly loved it). They weren't really watching the movie for the most part though. Mary expected to go back to the dorms after that despite it being 8:30 but Sirius had other plans.

“Wait, where are we going?” Mary asked.

“The date isn't over yet.” Sirius smirked.


“Come on. In here.” Sirius said, leading her into a small corner shop.

“A convenience store?” Mary raised an eyebrow. “Wow. You really know how to make a girl feel special.”

“Oh, shut it.” Sirius laughed, rolling his eyes. “We’re just here for snacks.”

“Whatever.” Mary said but a small smile was fighting on her lips.

“What do you want?”

They ended up with two glass bottles of cherry coca-cola (it was actually Marlene’s favorite drink but Mary loved it as well) and a bag of white chocolate peppermint bark. They were just debating whether or not they should get chips (Mary said yes; Sirius said no) when something crashed and a loud voice sounded.

“Everyone! Put your hands on your head and get on the ground!” The hoarse voice shouted. Mary looked up and just down the aisle she saw a man with a full, white face mask and black hood holding a gun. He was moving, holding it at the man at the cash register then down the aisle at her and Sirius. “On the ground!”

Mary dropped immediately. She looked up and Sirius was still standing, staring at the man.

“Do you have a death wish, kid?” The man barked. “You have no sense or something?”

“You don’t have any bullets.” Sirius said simply, tilting his head a little to look at the gun (it was similar to Remus in a way).

“Excuse me?” The man balked angrily.

“Your gun’s empty.” Sirius rephrased. “Either that or you’re a reckless idiot who doesn’t have their safety on.”

“Why would I have my safety on? I’m threatening you!”

“Yes, but only an amateur would keep bullets in their gun for a shakedown.” Sirius took a step forward. “Because if you were to get caught, the fines for having a loaded gun are a lot higher than just threatening and robbing.”


“Of course,” Sirius continued, taking another step forward so that he now stood in front of Mary. “It wouldn’t matter anyway. Most convenience stores empty their registers on Sunday so you’d get less than a hundred which doesn’t really make it worth it. Meaning that you’re new to this.”

Sirius !” Mary hissed. What was he doing?

“Although I already knew that.” Sirius smiled, somewhat evilly. “Afterall, who’d be stupid enough to pay attention to a teenage boy and leave the worker to push the button under the counter and signal the police?”

The man whirled on the man at the register, whose hands shot up from where they were under the desk. Sirius took the opportunity to run forward and, with a perfect kick, knock the gun out of the man’s hands. It clanked on the floor as the man turned back to Sirius, who now had his hands up in a fighting stance.

“Hear that sound?” Sirius mused. “Knew it was empty.”

The man attempted to run but a certain someone dropped down from the ceiling in front of the door.

“Hi.” Spider Man said before sticking a web (that Mary didn’t even see hanging from the ceiling) onto his chest. The man shot up to the ceiling and bounced back down as if on a bungee cord, hanging from the ceiling like a pinata. Spider Man side-stepped him casually. “Is everyone alright?”

“Yes, thank you!” Mary stood up.

Spider Man’s head snapped to her so quickly. “Ma- Miss? Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” Mary laughed nervously, her heart still racing. “Thanks to you and my boyfriend.”

“Your boyfriend?” Spider Man turned and instantly found Sirius. “Hi. Are you alright?”

Sirius didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared at Spider Man. His emotionless mask firmly in place. Mary couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“Si- Sir?” Spider Man asked again. He turned to Mary. “Miss, what happened just now?”

“Th- that man-” Mary pointed at the man hanging from the ceiling. “-had a gun and was trying to rob, to rob th-this store.”

“And what did your boyfriend do?”

“He distracted him so the guy at the register could call the police and then kicked the gun out of his hands.”

“He kicked the gun out of his hands?” Spider Man’s white, fabric eyes widened as he turned back to Sirius, who still hadn’t moved. He turned back to Mary. “Miss, can you stay outside for a moment?”

“Sure, of course!” Mary left and waited outside. She slumped against the window of the shop, letting out a deep breath.




* * *

Remus Lupin

“Hello again.” Remus said.

Sirius blinked. “Excuse me?”

“It is you, is it not?” Remus asked. Remus obviously knew who Sirius was. He obviously knew that Sirius was the ‘trained fighter’ from just a few weeks ago (having been literally told so by him when Remus was without the mask), but Sirius apparently didn’t realize that ‘Spider Man’ had made the connection.

“How’d you-”

“Your boss was Walburga Black.” Remus explained. “After the boy that I fought let me go– an action that is sure to have drastic, violent repercussions–, Sirius Black– you, I believe– showed up on the Potters’ doorstep beaten and disowned.”

“How’d you-”

“I’m connected with the police stations.”

“Oh.” Something behind Sirius’ eyes clicked. “So you know.”

Remus nodded.

“Are you here to arrest me?” Sirius looked up and his eyes were so wide.

“What? No!” Remus sputtered. He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the man (still hanging from the ceiling). “I’m here to arrest- actually, I can’t arrest anyone.”

“What?” Sirius’ brows furrowed.

“I can’t arrest anyone.” Remus shrugged. “I’m not qualified. I’m not a cop.”

“But you said-” Sirius started. “You said that you were connected to the police stations.”

“I’m connected to the radios.” Remus clarified. “Not the police.”

The dots clicked in Sirius’ brain and his lips subconsciously tugged into a mischievous smile.

“Thanks, by the way.” Remus said. “For both letting me escape and stopping this guy.”

Sirius nodded.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you in return.”

Something broke behind Sirius’ eyes despite his face not changing at all. “You did.”

“No,” Remus shook his head. “You were there and I knew that Walburga was mistreating you and I did nothing!”

“I was the bad guy.” Sirius shrugged. “It wasn’t in your jurisdiction.”

“I should’ve tried.”

“You could’ve died.”

“You could’ve too.”

Sirius bit his lip. “You did save me though. In a way. I failed my mother and she let me leave. If you didn’t get away, I’d probably still be there.”

Remus took a breath. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Sirius gave a weak smile. “Instead… just don’t do it again.”

Remus tilted his head. “What?”

“You see a kid in the same situation as me,” Sirius lightly gestured to himself. “Save them. Please.”

“Of course.”

“Not every kid chooses what they do.” Sirius confessed. “A lot of us don’t have a choice.”

Something in Sirius’ eyes told Remus that he was thinking of Regulus.

“I promise.” Remus told him.

“Good.” Sirius nodded, satisfied. He took a breath and recollected himself. “I’m going to walk my date back now.”

Remus’ eyes went wide behind his mask. Date? They’re actually dating now? Actually? Remus thought that James was just taking the piss.

“Right,” Remus nodded, sounding somewhat embarrassed. “You go do that. The date’s done?”

“Well, I had this cute idea but after being held at gunpoint?” Sirius raised his eyebrows. “I think the mood’s dead.”

“Good call.” Remus laughed.

Remus watched as Sirius left, feeling somewhat off.

* * *

Remus couldn’t shake the off feeling even as he entered his apartment. It didn’t help that the place had the slight stale smell of cigarette smoke. Remus knew that it was only his super senses picking it up. That the smoke smell had to be super subtle but it still bugged him.

“Hey, mam?” Remus said. He had to get it over with. He had to talk to her about it.

“Yes, fy annwyl?” Hope looked up from setting the table. It was Lyall’s turn to cook dinner for that night.

“Can I talk to you?”


She didn’t move though and Remus couldn’t talk about her smoking habits in front of dad. He ha to get her alone.

“It’s important.” He emphasized.

Hope moved and stood next to him where he was still standing by the door. Not alone enough .

“I don’t want dad to hear.” Remus whispered.

“Wyt ti eisiau siarad cympraeg?”

“Mam, please. Let’s just go outside.”

Hope’s lips pressed into a thin line but she followed Remus out the front door. The Lupins lived in one of those apartment complexes that Lily compared to a tall motel. There were stairs and an elevator but the entrances to all of the apartments were outside via the balconies.

“What is it, fy annwyl?” Hope asked, concerned. “What is so important that your dad can’t hear? Is it about a girl?”

“No, mam.” Remus leaned onto his elbows which were crossed on the railing., staring into the dark sky so that he didn’t have to look at Hope. “I know that you’re smoking again.”

Hope’s breath hitched, “How did you find out?”

“Really, mam?” Remus groaned, turning to face her. “That’s what you have to say?”

“I did everything!” Hope said. “Everything to make sure that you didn’t find out. I showered at work, I changed my clothes. How’d you find out?”

“I found the cigarettes.” It’s not like I can tell her that I have super smell. “Does dad know? Or did you just not want me to find out.”

“He doesn’t know, but I really was trying harder to hide it from you.” Hope admitted. “It helps that Lyall can’t smell so-”

“Dad can’t smell?”

“Non. He lost the ability a few years ago.” She fiddled with her hands. Remus hadn’t seen her done that in years. She used to do it a lot when he was younger. At the time, little-Remus had thought it was because maybe she had ADHD too but he found out later, it was because she was trying to quit smoking and was craving a cigarette. It’s probably the reason now.

“When’d you start?”

“July.” Hope sighed. She finally gave in and pulled out a carton and zippo, taking a roll between her teeth and lighting it. “Just before you started school and no , fy annwyl. It’s not because you were starting school.”

“Then why?”

“Your dad was going through some transitions at work and I was anxious about it.” Hope blew out the smoke. “My friend, who didn’t know that I had quit, offered me one and I couldn’t help it.”

“Dad had work problems?” Remus felt a pit settle in the bottom of his stomach.

“No, no, fy annwyl.” Hope squeezed his arm. “It was just a transition. A new boss and all.”

Then, Remus remembered. He had forgotten due to everything else that had happened that day but now he remembered. That day at Black Enterprises Tower, that field trip he had gone on even though his parents said no, his dad said no. His dad said no because he said that he didn’t trust the Blacks. Only for Remus to hear him talking to Walburga Black. Was she his new boss? But she was awful! What could Black Enterprises want with his dad anyway? Lyall was a cross-species geneticist. What could Black Enterprises want with or from a cross-species gen– oh . Oh no. Oh God f*cking no.

“Remus, fy annwyl?”

Remus blinked.

His dad. His dad was a cross-species geneticist. A cross-species geneticist who worked for Black Enterprises. Black Enterprises, where Remus was bitten by a genetically-altered , radioactive spider. Now, Remus was part-spider. He was literally the most blatant example of cross-species genetics. Oh… f*ck .

“Mam,” Remus looked over her shoulder, not able to make eye contact. That felt like too much. Hope had the most beautiful eyes. They were such a warm and light shade of brown that looked like beads of petrified amber when the sun hit them and like honey and syrup without. Remus was told that he had his mam’s eyes. He guessed that that had to be true because he definitely didn’t have his dad’s green-gray ones. Hope had beautiful eyes which made it hard to look into them now.

“Can I try?”


“Just once.” Remus pleaded. “I don’t want to get addicted, I just want to try.”

Hope sighed. “Promise that you won’t do it again?”

“Promise, mam.”

“Here.” Hope passed the cigarette. Remus held it in between his thumb and index like she did. After he stared at it awhile, his mam seemed to realize that he didn’t know what to do. “Oh! Here.”

She took it and held it to her lips. Her cheeks hallowed as she sucked in. As she lowered the cigarette, she blew out, the gray smoke disappearing in the dark sky. She passed it back.

“Put it to your lips. Good. Now, breathe in. Let it go down to your lungs. Dda, fy annwyl. Oh! That’s okay. Cough it out.”

Remus eyes’ watered as he coughed his lungs out. His chest and throat burned. “You enjoy this? How?”

Hope’s eyes twinkled as she took another puff. “It gets better.”

“It must.” Remus coughed.

“Let’s go inside, fy annwyl.” She stubbed the cigarette out on the railing and tossed it over. “Come on.”


“Wyt ti eisiau siarad cympraeg?”- Do you want to speak in Welsh?
“Dda”- good

Don’t forget! This is limited pov! Mary doesn’t know that Marlene and Dorcas are dating now because Marlene hasn’t told her. I also didn’t write it but when James leaves at lunch to meet with Remus and Marlene, it’s because Marlene wants to tell them (the only two people that she’s out to) about her new relationship.

Happy Birthday, Sirius!

Don't forget to comment! I love reading them and y'all can tell me if there's a certain 'Spider Man' scene (like from a movie) that y'all want. Or even just to say hello!

See y’all next time!

Webs Under Moonlight - haven_artemis_x - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.