The Trickster's Family (Persona 5 x Oshi No Ko Fanfic) - Chapter 8 - KaitouLupin (2024)

Chapter Text

Ever since they reached the train station after the dance event with Theodore, Ren and Ai arrive at Inaba's train station as they step out from the train. They saw Ichigo standing there awaiting their arrival. Ichigo told them to get into the car as he was going to bring them home and so they did. While in the car, Ai explains her wonderful experience about their hangout. He seems curious about Ren's dance moves at the underground. But what caught his attention was something shocking.

Ichigo: "YOU WHAT?!! You were attacked? For real?!" Ichigo's shout causes Ai and Ren to cover their ears.

Ai: "Mou! No need to be too loud, president Satou!"

Ichigo: "It's Saitou, you damn idol! At least, get it right!" Ichigo inhales as he kept focus on the road while trying to have a conversation. After he calms down, Ren and Ai uncover their ears.

Ichigo: "So, what are you trying to say is that you were attacked by one of your fans knowing the fact that you were pregnant, correct?" Ai nodded to Ichigo's question.

Ai: "That's right. It happened right after we met a boy named Shinya. But Ren was able to put up a fight and pin Ryosuke down. He saved me from getting killed. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be here by now."

Ren: "It's nothing. I just couldn't let anyone get hurt if things became deadly. Besides, it'll be traumatising if your fans heard the news about your death."

Ai: "True, they won't be able to anticipate my performance for another day."

Ichigo: "And this Ryosuke guy that you mentioned, is he?"

Ren: "Arrested. Taken away by the police for good."

Ichigo: "Did he mention anyone telling him about Ai's whereabouts?" Ren shook his head.

Ren: "Unfortunately, no. He was too depressed to answer so I can't get any info out of him. But I doubt he'll be coming back to kill Ai again since he already realises what he had done."

Ichigo: "Well that's assuring. But still I didn't expect that you guys attacked earlier today. This is starting to become very dangerous. There could be any more stalkers out there if they see Ai hanging out with someone else. Maybe, I should hire a bodyguard for this."

Ai: "Oh! Then, maybe you can hire Ren as a bodyguard!" Ren and Ichigo's eyes widen by Ai's suggestion.

Ren: "Why me?"

Ai: "Because you're able to protect me from getting killed, remember? Plus, you said that you want to help people from getting hurt if danger arises so I think you'll be fit for the job."

Ichigo: "Is that true?"

Ren: "Well, I did say that I want to help so yeah."

Ai: "See? He said it! So president Saitou, can you?"

Ichigo: "I don't know, Ai. I can't decide yet."

Ai: "Why not?"

Ichigo: "Because I ain't sure if he's gonna take it. Now, don't get me wrong it's not like I don't like him or whatsoever. Hell, I wouldn't even have a problem hiring him either."

Ichigo: "But the problem is..."

Ichigo: "Is he willing to take this job?"

Ai: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ichigo: "I mean... If he is going to take this job by being your bodyguard, this means he won't be able to stay with sensei for a long period of time. He won't be able to see him till the holidays. Any connections connected to you or Ren are strictly private. That's the rule of the company."

Ren: "Which means I have to leave my home and work at your studio in another location?"

Ichigo: "Exactly."

Ai: "Ah, so that's what got you worrying about? I'm pretty sure Ren won't have a problem with long distance relationships. Right, Ren?" she turns at Ren which seems to be out of trance.

Ai: "Ren?"

Ren: "..." Ren remained silent as he kept thinking to himself. After he made some thoughts, he replied.

Ren: "Sorry, Ai. I-I think I need to discuss it with my uncle first. I need to know what he thinks before I make my decision."

Ichigo: "Because you were forced to stay at another location due to your probation, correct? Sensei told me a lot about you." Ren nodded.

Ren: "Mhmhm. Since I just came back this year, I'm not sure if I could do it again. Being separated from him means I won't be able to spend time with him any longer. I don't know if I wanted to."

Ai: "Ren..." Ai is starting to understand about Ren's concern for the job offer. She seems a little disappointed but she knows she's not gonna be the one to decide for him due to his family business. She kinda regrets saying such things without knowing his feelings and his situation so she apologises.

Ai: "Sorry, Ren. For me, suggesting you to be my bodyguard. I was too excited to the point that I wasn't aware of your situation."

Ren: "It's okay, Ai. I still consider your offer once I discuss it with my uncle. You have my word." Hearing Ren's assurance makes Ai smile a little.

Ai: "Alright, Ren. I'll let you discuss things with sensei first. Let me know if you're gonna decide. Ok?" Ren smiles at Ai's statement.

Ren: "Ok. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for understanding, Ai."

Ai: "No problem! Happy to help."

Ichigo: "Oh! And let me know as well. I also want to know your answer after your discussion with sensei. Once you agree to take this offer, I'll try to arrange things for you. Here is the card for my company. It contains all of the details you need including my contact." he said as he gave the company card to Ren. Ren takes it from him.

Ren: "Thanks, Ichigo-san."

After their conversation, Ichigo finally arrives at Ren's house where Gorou lives. Ren gets out of the car as he bids farewell to Ai and Ichigo.

Ren: "Well, I'll get going now. See ya."

Ai: "Wait, Ren!" Ren turns to Ai as she has something to say.

Ren: "Yes?" he said with a smile.

Ai's cheeks turned red when she saw Ren's smile. His warm smile makes her heart skip a beat. Feeling embarrassed, she tries to speak to him.

Ai: "Uhm..." she tries to speak while she looks at him back and forth.

Ai: "Will I see you tomorrow?"

Ren: "Sure, I'll be there."

Ai: "Then, I'll see you later!" She said as she got back into the car. They drive off as Ren watches them from a distance. Once they are out of the picture, Ren goes back into the house.

(Inside Ichigo's car)

While in the car, Ai is still blushing ever since she saw his smile. She couldn't even think of how to keep her cool. The feeling that she gets from him seems to be effective on her.

Ai: "What's going on? I can't calm myself down. Is this love? No, it couldn't be. I only met him a few weeks ago and I just hung out with him. But was this really it? Is this what love feels like? AHHH!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE!~ At this rate, I can't think of anything but him in my mind!" she thought to herself while she was internally screaming. Ichigo can't help but notice Ai's blushing face.

Ichigo: "Uhm... Are you alright, Ai? Your face is awfully red. Is there something going on between you and Ren?" Ai was stunned when she heard Ichigo's last few sentences.

Ai: "W-What? N-No! Of course not! Must be the heat I guess. Ehehehe~" she said with a nervous laugh. However, Ichigo didn't buy that as he saw through her lies.

Ichigo: "*sigh*Ai... You know I can see through your lies, remember? It seems like your hangout with Ren had an effect on you. I hope you're not planning to do something fishy on him do you?"

Ai: "N-No way! Why would I do that? He is just--" Ichigo stops her sentence.

Ichigo: "Ai... be honest. Do you really love him?" Ai's eyes widened with his question.

Ai: "W-What kind of question you're asking?"

Ichigo: "Well, you mentioned that you broke up with your ex a long time ago. And it is most likely due to your lack of romantic feelings towards him, correct? So I was just wondering, how did you feel towards Ren now? I was worrying that you're going to repeat the same mistake behind his back."

Ai: "..." Ai's smile turns frown.

Ichigo has known Ai for a very long time ever since she was hired as an idol. Her desire towards understanding of love has been always in her mind. So much so to the point that she wasn't able to confess her love towards her fans and the person she went with. She remembers her time with her ex that they were dating for quite a while. She thought she would be able to understand love if she spent time with him. But in the end, she didn't possess love at all. As a result, both Ai and her ex mutually broke off. Thinking back now, Ai seems to have doubts about whether she truly loves Ren or not. Her doubts cause her stars to turn black.

Ai: "To be frankly honest, I ain't sure."

Ichigo: "What do you mean?" he said while he's driving on the road.

Ai: "Well, I wouldn't say that I didn't love him but I couldn't say that I love him either. I was having doubts about myself you see. The doubt of not being able to express my love to someone. When I was in a relationship with my ex, I thought I would be able to understand love from him. But it didn't work out the way it is."

Ichigo: "I can see why. Love can be very complicated at times. If you don't feel the same way, you can't be with that person." Ai bites her lip.

Ai: "I hate to admit it but it's kinda true. And at that point, we mutually broke off, leaving me without feeling love. Or so I thought." Ai pats her belly.

Ai: "These twins that I carried might help me. I thought that if I start a family, I might learn a thing or two about what love feels like."

Ai: "And what's more. I was able to meet someone. The one who helped me when I was in deep loss. The one who told me to keep believing that my lies are a form of love." she said as her stars turned white again.

Ichigo: "And that someone you are referring to is..."

Ai: "*giggles* You probably know that by now."

Ai: "When I met Ren for the first time, I thought he was normal at first. But after I got to know him better, for some reason I found myself growing attached to him."

Ichigo: "Attached? In what way?"

Ai: "Well I'm not sure how to put it. Whenever I'm with him, I feel comfortable in that sorta way and I want more. It’s like my heart tells me to stay by his side forever. Of course, that was my institution."

Ai: "And before I knew it, I... developed feelings towards him. I don't know why. I didn't even feel that way with my ex before. What makes such a difference between these two? I don't understand at all."

Ichigo: "Hmm..."

Ai: "Ne, president Saitou. Do you have any idea why this is the case?"

Ichigo: "Well, I don't know anything about your ex so I can't say that much about him."

Ichigo: "But as for Ren, I'll say he is genuinely caring about you."

Ai: "Caring?"

Ichigo: "Knowing Ren and your story about him, I'll say he is a man who couldn't ignore the pain of others."

Ichigo: "Which makes sense because according to sensei, Ren has been framed for trying to help the woman from getting assaulted. I believe Ren told you everything about his story, correct?" Ai nodded in response.

Ichigo: "Then that’s where his caring shows. My guess is that him seeing you in danger reminds him of the woman she was trying to save before he got framed. He couldn't ignore anyone behind where help was needed even if it cost him."

Ai: "Couldn't ignore anyone behind..." she thought to herself as she started getting flashbacks at the umbrella stand.


Ren: "You see, Ai. I can't just stand idly when someone else is in danger. I just can't let anyone be harmed whenever danger arises. This world can be very cruel, and some people might not be able to survive due to the injustice of society."

Ren: "But I can't let that happen. I won't let such injustice get to them. I want to reach out to others, helping them to sort out their problems and turn them to become the better version of themselves. And that includes you, Ai."

(Flashback ends)

Thinking about her conversation with Ren, Ai just realises what he meant.

Ai: "So that must be the reason. I didn't even think that a simple act is what made me grow attached to him. Why didn't I realise it sooner?"

Ai: "*chuckles* Ren, you're such a doofus for making me feel this way. I hate when it happens. But I can't deny that I do have romantic feelings towards him. This feeling might be the one that I am seeking for. I should probably thank him for that."

Ai: "...But the question is will he feel the same way about me too? Will he love me the same way that I love him? Such a thought like that is really scary." Ai frowns while having the thought about Ren's feelings towards Ai.

Ichigo: "Well, that's all the details I know about him. I hope this might give you an answer about the difference between Ren and your ex. Does it help?" Ai nodded again.

Ai: "Mhmhm. It does. Thanks, president Satou." Her mispronunciation of his name triggered Ichigo.

Ichigo: "Once again, it's Saitou, you damn idol. I thought you already got that earlier."

Ai: "Whoops! I kinda forgot. My bad. Ehehe~" she chuckled while placing her fist on her head.

Ai: "Ne, president Saitou. Do you think Ren will join us?"

Ichigo: "Who knows? It depends on him whether he wants to join or not."

Ai: "Fair enough." she said as she looked through the car window.

Ai: "Ren..." she said his name while gazing at the scenery.

(At Amamiya's residence after Ren bid farewell to Ai and Ichigo)

Gorou is sitting on the chair reading newspapers while waiting for Ren to come back from his hangout. He saw the door open as soon as Ren came in.

Ren: "Uncle, I'm home!" he said as he closed back the door.

Gorou: "Ah! Welcome back! Took you long enough."

Ren: "Sorry. The hangout took longer than I expected. So that's why I came back late."

Ren puts down his bag as he zips it open, leading Morgana to pop out from his bag.

Morgana: "*yawn* I take it that we're home, right?" Ren nodded.

Ren: "Home indeed." he said as stands up on his two feet turning at Gorou.

Ren: "I'll go do some cooking." he said as he went to the kitchen. But Gorou stops him.

Gorou: "Ah! No need! I already got some food right on the table. We can eat right now if you want to." he said as he pointed at the two dishes on the table.

Ren: "You haven't eaten yet?"

Gorou: "Why would I? What's not to eat if we could just eat together? Don't you want to spend time with your good 'o uncle?"

Ren: "Hmm. Good point. Haven't done this for quite a while since I used to eat alone."

Gorou: "Great! Then, let's eat." he said as both Gorou and Ren sat at their table wanting to open the dishes. Morgana follows along as he jumps on the table. Both Gorou and Ren open the lid revealing a bowl of tempura on it (Tendon for short). Ren, Gorou and Morgana's mouths start to water. The aroma from the tendon clouded their glasses so they couldn't see.

Morgana: "This looks delicious." he said while he was craving food.

Gorou: "Man, this aroma has literally sparked my appetite. I just couldn't get enough on how delicious it smells. Too bad the fog from it has covered our glasses. I could barely see anything now. *chuckle*"

Ren: "This is truly the life of a four-eyes." Gorou nodded.

Gorou: "I wholeheartedly agree. Now then..." he said as both Ren and Gorou put their hands together before saying a word.

Ren and Gorou: "Itadakimasu!" they said in unison as they enjoying their meal. Of course, Ren gives some of his to Morgana since he wants to savour the tendon.

(After their meal)

Gorou: "Ahh... Man that was a stuff. I can't believe how good it tastes. This is so worth it."

Ren: "You didn't have to go that far to spend that much for us."

Gorou: "Nonsense. I was too busy at the hospital for so long to the point that I haven't spent some family time with you. At the very least, that's what I do right now." Gorou turns to Morgana who is currently sleeping after the meal.

Gorou: "*chuckle* Seems like your little friend had some fill for today." Ren pets Morgana's head.

Ren: "He must be tired after he stays in my bag for some long during my hangout with Ai."

Gorou: "I'll say." Suddenly something clicked in Gorou's mind.

Gorou: "Oh! I almost forgot! I got some souvenir for you." He said as he reached his bag pulling something out. He pulls out a book which shows a cover about the bird and the pink alligator and hands it to Ren.

Ren: "A storybook about the pink alligator? I haven't seen one of these before. Where did you get it, uncle?"

Gorou: "Well, my friend just came by and gave it to me as a gift. I'm a bit old when it comes to reading stories so I thought it'll be the best if I have to give it to you instead." hearing him mentions about his age makes Ren laugh.

Ren: "*chuckle* Uncle you're not that old. You're still good looking as usual despite your age. Hell you could hook up with some nurses at the hospital."

Gorou: "Says you. My looks ain't exactly good looking like yourself. Hell every single nurse is always gazing at you rather than looking at me. *sniffle* How is that even fair? At this rate, I'll be single for life if this continues." he said as he was about to cry. Ren notices as he tries to comfort him.

Ren: "Calm down. Stop saying such sad things for once. You still got life ahead of you and I can promise you that you'll find one eventually, so don't sweat about it."

Gorou: "*sniffle* Ren..." he said as he tried to wipe his tears away.

Ren: "Anyways..." he pulls a box from his bag which consists of a small box that has an electronic device inside. Ren hands it over to Gorou as Gorou grabs it from him.

Gorou: "Is this for me?" Ren nodded.

Ren: "Mhmhm. Open it" Gorou opens the box as Ren asks. He opens the box revealing the pair of headphones. These pair of headphones is labeled "ATH EM700" which seems to be the old model but still looks new. Gorou's eyes widened as he saw it.

Gorou: "These are..."

Ren: "I brought it back then. I thought it would be a good idea to give this to you. That way you won't cause trouble to other patients if you listen to the song." Gorou laughs at Ren's enthusiasm.

Gorou: "*chuckle* You always keep me in check whenever you feel like it, don't ya, Ren? But regardless I appreciate it. This might be the gift that I was wanting for. Thank you."

Ren: "You're welcome."

The chat continues between Ren and Gorou. As time passes, Gorou asks Ren regarding his hangout with Ai. Ren said it was kinda rough but still maintained an enjoyable experience. However...

Ren: "Uncle..."

Gorou: "Hmm?"

Ren: "There is something I wanted to tell you. And I wanted to know your answer after this."

Gorou: "And what would that be?" he asks.

Gorou stares at Ren in confusion as Ren pulls out the card that Ichigo gave and handed it to him. Gorou's eyes widened as he saw the company card.

Gorou: "T-This is?" Ren nodded in response.

Ren: "Yup. This is the company card that Ichigo gave me. He said that he was considered wanting to hire me as Ai's bodyguard." Gorou's eyes widen about Ren being Ai's bodyguard.

Gorou: "B-Bodyguard?! What do you mean by that? Care to explain it to me?"

Ren: "Well, there was a recent case regarding the stalker incident. And that incident happened to me and Ai." Ren mentioning about the stalker's incident causes Gorou in shock.

Gorou: "HUH?!! You both were attacked by the stalker!? Seriously!?" Ren places his finger at his own mouth.

Ren: "Shhh... Pipe it down, uncle. Not so loud."

Gorou: "Sorry... So, what you're saying is that because you both got attacked by the stalker, the president was planning to hire you to be Ai's bodyguard?" Ren nodded.

Ren: "It seems to be the case knowing that the situation can be very dangerous from now on."

Gorou: "Damn... I didn't even think it was this severe."

Gorou: "So, you haven't decided whenever you should become Ai's bodyguard?"

Ren: "..." Ren tilted his head down not knowing what to do.

Ren: "To be honest, I ain't sure yet. Half of me wants to be her bodyguard so I can protect her from getting harmed but another half of me wants to stay at your side so I can spend time with you whenever I want to. But in a situation like this, I can't do both. So I want to know your answer before I decide." he said while feeling conflicted.

Gorou: "I see..."

Gorou has become worried knowing that he will eventually be separated from Ren again since the probation. During his time when Ren's parents died, he came to Ren and brought him in as his adoptive son. Ren and Gorou have been together for a long time, almost like they're become a family. Well not really. Even if they became a family, Ren doesn't call Gorou "Dad" since it is kinda weird for him to say knowing the fact he was a brother for his parents so he calls him "Uncle" instead in which Gorou wouldn't mind. However, despite Ren not calling him "Dad", Gorou loves Ren and treats him like his own son and they went through fun times together.

But ever since Shido framed Ren for his actions, Gorou was unable to save him from probation leaving Gorou felt useless. As a result, Ren was forced to switch to Yongyen to continue his studies and stayed there for a year. Of course, Gorou asks one of his friend there to let Ren stayed at his place until the probation is in the clear. But still, him not being able to save Ren from probation really stung his heart. It like it was his fault for not taking full responsibility as his father figure. He also became worried regardless if he was able to survive within a year without him around.

And to his surprise Ren was able to come back without getting harmed. Feeling relieved, he was happy that Ren was able to come back. Ren tells his stories about his adventures and how he make friends back at Yongyen which really surprises Gorou since he hasn't made any friends in Inaba aside from Sarina. Ren was able to take care of himself without Gorou's help in which Gorou was impressed. But what dishearten him now is that he has to separate with Ren again in order for Ren to protect others from getting harmed which in this case is Ai. Gorou sees Ren in the state of confliction. He know what he must do so he asks Ren some questions.

Gorou: "Ren, before I give you my answer I want to ask. Why do you want to be Ai's bodyguard?" Ren lifts his head when hearing Gorou's question.

Ren: "Huh?"

Gorou: "You said that you want to protect her from getting harmed but you can't decide whenever you should join or not. So I want to ask why do you want to be Ai's bodyguard?"

Ren: "..." Ren tries to gather some thoughts before giving his reply to Gorou.

Ren: "Because I made a promise to someone."

Gorou: "Promise? From who?"

Ren: "Sarina-chan." Gorou's eyes widen when hearing him mentioning Sarina.

Ren: "Back then, I did mention that I didn't have any friends to begin with at least at first. But once I saw Sarina-chan in bed, I saw her loneliness surrounding her. My heart tells me that I need to take action to help her when she is needed. So I did and she seems really happy about it. Seeing her smile makes me really happy."

Ren: "And what's more, she even asks why would I spend time with her knowing the fact that she was a sick patient. But I told her that I just couldn't ignore her alone when she was down. She laughs when I say that but she also finds it to be quite endearing. Can you believe that? A person like myself who had no friends in the past made her think that it was quite endearing."

Gorou: "*chuckle* I guess that goes to show that she really likes you. Seems like your method of making friends with someone seems to be proven effective."

Ren: "Maybe you're right."

Ren: "Also before her death comes in, she asks me one thing. She wants me to promise her that I have to keep helping people whenever they're in need just like what I did to her. And that's where I vowed my promise to her that I have to keep helping people no matter the costs. At least that's what she wanted for."

Gorou: "I see. And I believed that this promise of yours is somehow connected to Ai. You want to be her bodyguard as a way to keep your promise to Sarina-chan, correct?"

Ren: "...Yes." Ren gave his answer weakly.

Ren: "And that's why I want to know your answer whether you let me be her bodyguard or not."

Gorou: "..." Gorou is having some thoughtful thoughts whenever he should let Ren go. He seems to be a person who is willing to take care of himself. Looking at Ren right now, he seems to be growing up ever since he left for probation. He is no longer a little boy like he used to. He is a man who is making decisions and decides his own future. Feeling calm to himself, Gorou replies.

Gorou: "You know. Hearing your story for some reason, you kinda remind me of my younger self."

Ren: "Am I?" Gorou nodded.

Gorou: "Did you know why I became a doctor in the first place?" Ren shook his head.

Gorou: "I did that because I want to save people so they didn't end up like my mother."

Ren: "Grandma... you did mention about her death after she gave birth to you, correct?"

Gorou: "Correct. She ended up having postpartum hemorrhage which is a rare condition that causes a pregnant woman to have a heavy bleeding after giving birth. As a result, she died shortly after giving birth to me. And due to not knowing who my father was, I was sent to my grandparents 'residence under their care."

Ren: "Sounds really rough."

Gorou: "Trust me it is. But I'm not too worried about it. In fact, I was having a good time spending my childhood life with my grandparents and I was having so much fun." Ren smiles at his positivity.

Gorou: "I grew inspired by a lot of novels as they tell stories about doctors. And so I decided to study at the medical school. Initially, I decided that I wanted to become a surgeon, but instead I became a gynecologist due to my mother's death."

Ren: "In which that is where you are right now." Gorou nodded.

Gorou: "Mhmhm. My priority right now is to save people's lives and that's my duty as a doctor. Even if there is someone who can't be saved, at the very least I was able to save someone that I should be saving."

Ren: "I see..."

Gorou: "Plus hearing your concerns about whether you should join or not. I think it best if you take it." Ren's eyes widened by his response.

Ren: "A-Are you sure?"

Gorou: "Ren, you are not a little boy as I knew anymore. You have grown strong. Strong enough to overcome any obstacles against you. And since you have such dedication to help and protect people that you care about, I think it a good idea for me to let things go."

Ren: "Uncle..." he said weakly as his tears were about to pour out.

Gorou: "You have such a bright future ahead of you. I always wanted to see you growing up, getting married and having kids. Hell if you do have kids, you can tell all of your amazing stories to them and one day they'll be just like you."

Gorou: "And don't worry. Even if you lose your way, just to let you know that there will be others who are willing to stay by your side. And so am I."

Hearing Gorou's words, Ren lets out his tears even more. Because of that, he stands up and gives Gorou a family hug while crying in his shirt.

Ren: "*SOB* *SOB* " Ren is sobbing loudly in his arms.

Gorou: "It's okay, Ren. Everything is gonna be okay." Gorou comforts him by patting his back.

After an endless cry, Ren stopped crying as he faced Gorou while wiping his tears away.

Gorou: "So now you know my answer, I think you should let Ai and Ichigo-san know about it. I bet they're waiting for your answer as well."

Ren: "Yeah you're probably right. I should let them know."

Gorou: "Then, go on." he said as Ren went back to his room. But before he does that, he turns at Gorou.

Ren: "Hey, uh. Thanks for discussing things with me. I probably wouldn't be able to join if I didn't get your clear answer."

Gorou: "No problem, Ren. Like I said before, you have such a bright future ahead of you. So you need to manage things by yourself if you want to succeed. And I know you can do that."

Ren: "You're probably right. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Gorou: "Sure, I will be. Good night, Ren."

Ren: "Good night..."

Ren: "Dad." he whispers softly before he goes back to his room.

Gorou's eyes widen when he hears Ren's last words. Even though it’s weak, it's enough for Gorou to hear.

Gorou: "Did he just call me "Dad"? No way, it can't be wasn't it? I wasn't hearing things. D-Did he really mean that? *chuckle* I can't believe he did that!" he thought to himself.

Gorou: "But still. Hearing him call me "Dad" makes me happy to say the least. I guess I did my part as his father figure very well, did I?"

Gorou: "..."

Gorou: "I should be laid back." he said as he sat on the chair in the living room.

He uses the headphones that Ren gave to him and plugged it onto his phone. He plays the song to make himself feel comfortable.

The Trickster's Family (Persona 5 x Oshi No Ko Fanfic) - Chapter 8 - KaitouLupin (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.