The Times from San Mateo, California (2024)

28 The Times, San Mateo, Calif. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF Jack PROBATE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY No. 34234 In Superior Court of the Statel California. and for the County of San Mateo. In the Matter of the Estate GRACE LEAVITT.

Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN herein GRACE EAVES PRIEN has filed a PETITION FOR PROBATE OF FOR to TERS which TESTAMENTARY, is hereby made for particulars. and that the same hereby set for hearing by the Court on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1964 at 9:00 A. in the DE the Presiding Judge of the above entitled Court, in the Hall of Jutice omicRecords Redwood City, CallALL PERSONS INTERESTED ARE NOTIFIED to appear at time and place mentioned notice and show cause. if any they In this have, why the order should not made.

Dated: 1964. (Seal) AUGUSTIN A. BRUNING. Clerk of said Court. By Lillian E.

Mattson, Deputy Clerk. (Endorsed! Filed Aug. 12. 1964. JOHN A.

BRUNING. Clerk. By Lillian E. Mattson, Deputy Clerk. JACK MILLER, 434 Jackson Strect, San Francisco.

California 94111. Telephone: YUkon 1-1801. Attorney for Petitioner. To be published in SAN MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Mateo, California, August 13, 17. 21, 1964.

(2156) SUMMONS No. 16897 In the Municipal Court, Central Judicial District, County of San Mateo, State of California. SAN MATEO BURLINGAME MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION, a corporation, doing business under the name and style CREDIT BUREAU OF SAN MATEO AND BURLINGAME, and MEDICAL ADJUSTMENT SERVICE. Plaintiffs. VS.

JACK STILLSON, HELEN STILLSON, FIRST DOE, SECOND and THIRD DOE. Defendants. The People of the State of California. Ta the above named Defendants: and answer the complaint You are hereby directed to appear above named plaintiffs filed in above entitled court in the above entitled action brought against you in said court, within TEN days after the service on you of this Summons. 1f served within the above named county, or within THIRTY days if served elsewhere.

You are hereby notifled that unless you so appear and answer. said plaintiffs will take judgment for any money or damages demanded In the complaint as arising upon contract, apply to the court for any relief demanded the complaint. Dated: JULY 21, 1964. (Sea?) HELEN PRARA. Clerk.

By Judith Coates. Deputy Clerk. Municipal Courts Building. 800 North Humboldt. San Mateo, California.

To be published in SAN MATEC TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Mateo, California. Friday, July 31: August 7. 14, 21, 1964. (2352) NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the SAN MATEO JUNIOR COLLEGE DIS TRICT will receive bids for the follows: AERONAUTICAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT for the School Year 1954-65. Bids will opered and read publicly on SEPTEMBER 4, 1964 at 11:00 o'clock A.

M. at the Business Office. SAN MATEO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT, 1700 West San California. with Each bid must be in accordance file in the Business SAN the GENERAL CONDITIONS JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT, San 1700 West Hillsdale Boulevard, Mateo, California, Bidders! may secure a copy General! Conditions upon request to the above mentioned office, Bids must be sealed and clearly; marked on the envelope, and filed with the Business Manager of the SAN MATEO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT at the above address, before the time fixed for. opening same.

The Board of Trustees of the: SAN MATEO JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any or all items of such bids, waive any irregularities, and to be the sole judge h- of suitability of the supplies. k4, equipment services offered. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. SAN MATEO COLLEGE DISTRICT. U.

S. SIMONDS, SAN Clerk. To be published in 'MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Mateo, California, Friday, Aug. 21, 28, 1964. (2397) Norback Law, Attys.

CERTIFICATE OF FICTITIOUS NAME No. 8102 The unders JOSEPH THOMAS and WILLIE W. RIORDAN, do hereby certify: That they are conducting a cleaning and dyeing establishment and dry cleaning agency business at 801 South Street, in the City of San Mateo, County of San Mateo, State of California, under the name and style of "CARL'S FINE DRY that they are the sole owners of said business and no other corporation or person 1S interested therein; that their names in full and places of residence are: JOSEPH THOMAS, 213 East Avenue, Apt. 4 San Bruno, California. WILLIE W.

105 Knoll Circle. South San Francisco, California. In Witness Whereof, the said JOSEPH THOMAS and WILLIE W. RIORDAN have affixed their signatures this 6th day of JULY. 1964.

JOSEPH THOMAS Sullivan NOTICE OF OF REAL No, Friday, August 21, 1964 LEGAL NOTICE WILLIE W. RIORDAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ss. County of San Mateo. On this 6th day of JULY.

1964. before me. the undersigned, a tary public in and for the State of California, with her principal office in the County of San. Mateo. personally appeared JOSEPH THOMAS and WILLIE W.

RIOR-1 DAN, known to me to be the perwhose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. In Witness Whereof have subscribed my name and affixed my official Seal hereto 0.7 the date! in this certificate first abovel (Sea!) VIOLET WESSELL. Notary Public in and far said County and State. My Comm. Expires March 9, 1967.

(Endorsed) Filed in the office the County Clerk of San Grated County, Calif. 1964. By V. B. Hepler, Deputy Cierk.

JOHN A. BRUNING. Clerk. NORBACK LAW. Attorneys at Law, 302 Eighth Avenue, San Mateo, California.

Telephone: 342-7641. To be published MATTO TIMES AND DAILY NEWEL LEADER at San Mateo, California, Friday. August 21. 28, (2145) NOTICE OF INTENDED MORTGAGE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RUFUS DRURY. DBA "HILLSDALE DRYCLEANING Mortgagor, whose address 3419 Pacific Boulevard in the City And County of San Mateo, State of California.

intends mortgage to JAMES TALCOTT WESTERN, INC. whose address 1s California Street in the City and County of; San Francisco, State of California. the following described personall property, to-wit: CERTAIN DRYCLEANING AND LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. of a certain drycleaning and laundry, known as HILLSDALE DRYCLEANING VILLA and located at 3429 Pacific Boulevard the City and County of San Mateo, State of California, and that executed mortgage af the same will be defor paid on after the 30th day livered and the consideration thereAUGUST. 1964 at TALCOTT WESTERN.

INC. at 255 California Street, the City and County of San Francisco, State of Californla. Dated: This 18th day of AUGUST. 1964. JAMES TALCOTT WESTERN.

INC. K. Spence, Vice-President. To be published In SAN MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Mateo. California, Friday.

August 21, 1964. (2396) William Goldbaum, Esq. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OF HOLOGRAPHIC WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY No. 35363 In the Superior Court of the Statei of California. in and for the County San HELEN ENGEL, Deceased.

NOTICE IS HERF9Y GIVEN that MARGURITE A. ENGEL, bas fled herein a PETITION FOR PROBATE OF HOLOGRAPHIC WILL AND FOR LETTERS reference to which Is hereby made for further particulars, and that the same is hereby set for hearing by the Court on SEPTEMBER. 3, 1964 at 9:00 in the Depart-: ment of the Presiding, Judge of the! above entitled in the Hall of: Justice and Records, Redwood City, California, Dated: AUGUST 19, 1964, (Seal! JOHN A. BRUNING. Clerk of Court.I By Marie R.

Haskell. Deputy (Endorsed) Filed Aug. 19, 1964. JOHN A. BRUNING, Clerk.

By Marie R. Haskell. Deputy Clerk. WILLIAM GOLDBAUM, 2010 Pioneer San Mateo, California. Telephone: 341-2521.

Attorney for Petitioner, To be published in SAN MATEO at TIMES AND DAT NEWS LEADER; San Mateo, California, August 21, 25, (2180) Wilson, Harzfeld, Jones Morton, Attys. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY No. In the Superior Court of the State of of California, In and for the County San Mateo. In the Matter of the Estate pEl GEORGE A. KNEESE, also known as GEO.


FOR! erence to which made for further particulars, and that the same is hereby set for hearing by the Court on WEDNESDAY. SEP. TEMBER 2, 1964, at 9:00 A. in the Department of the Presiding, Judge the above entitled Court. in the Hal! of Justice and Records.

Redwood CIty, California. ALL PERSONS INTERESTE" ARE NOTIFIED to appear at the time and place mentioned in this notice and show cause. if any they have, why the order should not be made. Dated: AUGUST 19, 1964. (Seal) JOHN A.

BRUNING Clerk of said By A. J. Davancens. Deputy Clerk. (Endorsed) Filed Aug.

19. 1964. JOIN A. BRUNING, Clerk. By A.

J. Davancens, Deputy Clerk. WILSON. HARZFELD. JONES MORTON, 630 North San Mateo Drive.

San Mateo, California. Telephone: 342-3523. Attorneys for Petitioners. To be published in SAN TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Matco, Callfornia, 'August 21. 25, 29, 1964.

(2179); West. Attorneys. PRIVATE SALE PROPERTY 30815 the Courtly of San Mateo. Superior Court of the State of California, in and for Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate nf THERESE MERKEL, an incompetent person. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Guardian.

of the Estate of THERESE MERKEL, an incompetent person, will sell at PRIVATE SALE to the highest and best bidder upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject confirmation by said Superior Court, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1964, at 3:00 P.M. or thereafter within the time allowed by law. at the office of the BANK OF AMERICA, at 277 Street, San Mateo, California, all right, title, interest and estate af said THERESE MERKEL, an incompetent person, in and to the real property described as follows: All that certain real property situate in the Clty of San County of San Mater, State of California, described a follows: Portion of LOT 6, BLOCK 12, as designated on the map entitled "MAP OF THE TOWN OF SAN MATEO, SAN MATEO COUNT which map was tied in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State California an JANUARY 24. 1863 in Book 2 of Miscellaneous Records at page 95 and a copy enterer in Book 1 of Maps at page 45, more particuiarly described as follows: BEGINNING at a corner formed by the Intersection of the Easterly line of Street with the Southerly line of 2nd Avenue and running thence Southerly and along said Easterly line DE: "B' Street 50 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 5 in the above: mentioned Block; thence at A right angle Easterly and parallel with said 2nd Avenue 50 feet: thence at a right angle Northerly and parallel with said Street 50 feet to said Southerly line of 2nd Avenue and thence at a right angle Westerly and along said Southerly line of 2nd Avenue 50 feet to the point of beginning.

This is a portion of improved commercial property known as 207. 209 South Street, San Mateo, California. Ali that certain real property situate in the City of San Mateo, County of San Mateo, State of California, described as follows: The Northeasterly 60 feet of LOT 6, BLOCK 12, as designated on the map above referred to in Parcel One, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Second Avenue with the southwesterly line of Railroad Avenue (also known as Main Street), being the most Northerly corner of Lat 6. herein described and running thence Southwesterly and along said Southeasterly line of Second Avenue 60 feet: thence at right angles Southeasterly 50 feet; thence at right angles Northeasterly 60 feet to said line of Railroad Avenue and thence at right angles Northwesterly and along said line of Railrond Avenue to the point of beginning. This is A portion of improved commercial property known as' 314.

316, 324 Second Avenue, San Mateo, Californta. Bids or offers are invited far said property and must be In writing and will be received at the office of Said BANK OF AMERICA, N.T.&S.A., cr may be filed with the Clerk af said Superior Court at any time after Hrst publication of this notice and before making said sale. Sald sale will be mado upon the following terms: Cash In lawful money of the United States of America; ten per cent of the purchase price to accompany bid; balance to be paid within thirty (30) days after confirmation of sale by the Court; property to be sold subject to liens and assessments of record. Dated: AUGUST 11, 1964, BANK OF AMERICA N.T.&S.A Guardian of the Estate of THERESE MERKEL, An Incompent Person. By L.

P. JOHNSTON, Assistant Trust Officer, SULLIVAN WEST, By Ralph A. Sullivan, Attorneys for Guardian. 205 East Third Avenue, San Mateo, Telephone: 343-1874. To be published in SAN MATEO TIMES AND DAILY NEWS LEADER at San Mateo, Califoria, August 18, 21, 27, 1904, (2384) Vital Statistics The following vital statistics were compiled for San Mateo County yesterday by John A.

Bruning, county clerk: MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED CASTOR- Joseph Castor 20, of Hayward, and Dolores M. Moloney, 20, of San Mateo CHRISTAINSE RonChrislainsen, 25. of Burlingame and Rhona D. Childers, 18, of Burlingame GAGLIONE-PLONI Philip Gaglione, 64, of Redwood City and Lena M. Polzoni, 65, of Redwood City HARVATH-GORMAN-Larry A.

Har. vath. 19, of Menlo Park and Lynn L. Gorman, 17, of San Carlos McCULLOUGH-MABY Alfred F. McCullough, 54, of Burlingame and Margaret R.

Maby, 50, of San Bruno. John 'D, Olson. 21, of San Carlos and Dlanne E. DeLambo, 18, of South San Francisco PATZEM-CODUTO Donald J. Patzem.

21, of Cicero and Marion M. Coduto, 22, of Milibrae PEARL BOLDT Larry E. Pearl, 18, of Daly City and Margaret R. Boldt, 18, of Daly City RIECHARDT-BAKER Dennis D. Reichardt, 21, of Redwood City and Sharon Baker, 29, of Redwood City 20, 25, of of San Oak Park Bruno and Herbert Eltrieds Roberts.

Fox, 20, of Mountain View and Sally SON George Ross, Wilson, 20, of Half Moon Bay SOUTHWARD-KAMLER James F. Southward, 21. of Redwood City and Ethel J. Kamler, 21, of Redwood City GARDNER Victor T. Soxman, 50, of Mento Park and Mabel Gardner, 54, of Menlo Park THOMPSON-CUBBERLY John D.

Thompson 22, of New Jersey and. Linda A. Cubberly, 22, of Belmont MARRIAGE ISSUED In Francisco WILSON-NELSON Fred Wilson, 53. Burlingame and Catherine Nelson. 53, San Francisco.

MEHERIN-BEATTY Mark Meherin, 32, San Mateo, and Dorothy Beatty, 27, HIllsborough. COMPLAINTS FOR DIVORCE FILED BERRY- vs. Ina COLLINS- Joyce vs. Gregory vs. Loren HAMMOND-Joan M.

vs. Joseph C. Leah S. vs. Alvin P.

-Linda vs. James -Ruth A. vs. Edward SMITH--Robert L. vs.


BIZER- G. Vs, Stella L. HEATH- Mary vs. Robert A. Va.

John Clifford vs. Gladys WALLIS- Nora A. VS. Thomas R. FINAL DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED BERTELSEN Martha K.

vs. ter J. BUFFA-LaVonne M. vs. Joseph R.

-Evelyn A. vs. Larry W. RAMOS Wayne J. vs.


vs. C. Cecil COMPLAINTS FOR SEPARATE MAINTENANCE FILED McCARTY- Georgia L. vs. Kenneth PROBATE MATTERS FILED BUTLER Estate af GERTRUDE CATHERINE BUTLER, Deceased, Petitlon for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary.

-Estate of ETHEL PAYNE COLLINS, Deceased, Petition for Will and for Letters Testamentary. EASTBURN Estale of AN EASTBURN, Deceased, Petition Letters of Administration. FINLAY Estate of ROBERT J. FINLAY, Deceased, Petition for Probate of Will, Letters Testamentary, and Termination of Joint Tenancy. LOREN Estate of HELEN HULL LOREN, Deccased, Petition for Probate of wIll and for Letters Testamentary.

MARINKO -Estate of PAUL MARINKO, Deceased, Petition for Probate of Will and to Establish Fact of Death. RAYBURN Estate of MILDRED BURNS RAYBURN, Deceased, Petition for Probate of WIll and for Letters Testamentary. STEENSON Estate of ANNA STEENSON, Deceased, Petition tor Probate of WIll and for Letters STEENSON Estate of ARTHUR STEENSON, Deceased, Petition for Probate of' will and for Letters Tesatmentary, U. S. WEATHER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS High Low Pr.

Albany, cicar 73 45 .02 Albuquerque, clear PI 57 Allanta, cloudy 85 67 Bismarck, cloudy Boise. clear 51 Boston. clear 76 54 .04 Buffalo, cloudy 50 Chicago, cloudy Cincinnati, cloudy Cleveland, rain Denver, cloudy Des Moires, clear .56 Detroit, rain ,19 Fairbanks, Fort Worth, cloudy Helena, cloudy 69 Honoluto, raln .08 Indianapolis, cloudy 89 Jacksonville, cloudy 86 Bureau, cloudy 7 Kansas City, cloudy 85 2.17 Los Angeles, cloudy 82 Louisville, cloudy 93 Memphis, clear Miami, clear rain 1.67 clear New Orleans, clear New York, clear 80 Okla. City, clear 95 Omaha, clear 80 05 Philadelphia, cloudy 80 Phoenix, clear 1o1 Pittsburgh, clear Plind, clear 74 ,10 Pilnd, Ore.r clear Rapid City, rain .04 Richmond, clear St. Louis, rain 1.02 Salt Lk.

City, clear San Diego, cloudy San clear 72 Seattle, fog 72 35 Tampa, clear 90 2.00 Washington, cicudy 85 Winnipeg, cloudy 67 (M -Missing; T-Trace) BUILDING PERMITS Year of 1963: San Burlingame Year of 1964: San Mateo Month of August: San Mateo $1,197,161 San Mateo R. C. Marron, 1041 Norton Street, alter dwelting, $7500: Joe Ishida, 327 San Antonio Avenue, repalr dwelling, $0700; Eleanor Collins, 9 Aragon Boulevard, alter duplex, $1800: H. J. McDonald, 441 Portola Drive, repair dweiling, 5300; W.

M. Sidebotham. 511 Warren Road, repair dwelling, $1100; Wilitam Centone, 2B East Third Avenue, repair store, $915; William Watson, 311 South Claremont Street, repair rage, S271; Annette Greslat, 440 Hcbar: Avenue, repair dwelling, $565; John Wessa, 1755 Palm Avenue, repair dwelling, 5640; Veska, 3813 South wood Avenue, repair dwelling, $383: R. P. Schaefer, 2901 Isabelle Avenue, repair dwelling.

$385: Dr. R. D. Craig. 423.

Nevada Avcnue, repair dwelling. $450. Thomas E. Chapman, 1504 York Avenue, repair dwelling, $395. Burlingame Gordan MacLachIan, 1641 Marco Polo Way, termite and dry ror repairs, $300; Robert G.

Bertram, 1424 Bernal Avenue, alter and repair dwelling, $2000, Hillsborbugh George W. Willlam 111, 25 Bayberry Place, erect dwelling, $58.000. TO BUY SELL OR EXCHANGE PHONE DI 2-9211 The Times placed 40 hours preceding tion. ESTABLISHED 1889 San Mateo County's Leading Daily Newspaper HORACE AMPHLETT W. W.

W. W. W. W. W.

W. W. Publisher 1917-1933 Owned and Published AMPHLETT PRINTING COMPANY J. Hart Clinton President Walter A. Jack Vice President Janet E.

Amphlett Anne Brubaker Secretary J. Hart Clinton Editor Publisher Harold A. Schlatthauer Gon. Mgr. Richard G.

Thritt Business Manager GENERAL INFORMATION Publishing Office 144 Second Avenue, San Mateo, Calli. Telephone Damond 3-1831 Branch Offices 30 Park Plaza Drive Westlake Shopping Center WYman 2-2262 Daly City. Call. 1452 Burlingame Avenue Burlingame, Callf. Telephone Diamond 3-1631 625 Jefferson Redwood City Telephone EMerson 9-1791 MEMBER Audit Bureau of Circulation The Associated Press and The United Press International The Times is the Officiat Newspaper of the City of San Mateo and of the County of San Mated.

WARD GRIFFITH COMPANY Atlanta, Boston, Char. Jotte, N.C.; Detroit, Mich. Las Angeles, Pittsburgh, Pa.r New York, N. Philadelphia, Greenville, San Francisco, Callf. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective January 1, 1963 Minimum size Ines Per Line iine Per Day Min.

Charge Time 50 $2.00 3 Times 5.0 9 Times .22 7.92 Each Wednesday morning edition of the San Mateo Post Is counted as one Insertion, ACTION ADS: See Action Ad column, Classificaton 34 for Special Rates. POLITICAL: so Cents Per Line Flat Contract rates and rates for addltional Insertions upon request. ACCEPTABILITY: Times. reserves the right to reject, censor and properly classify any advertisem*nt. Each ad should clearly specity bons Tide offer made in good falth.

Please report any misrepresentation ta the Classified Advertising Manager. CANCELLATIONS: Times- Cancellation orders must be received before 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication for all advertisem*nts appearing In The Times from Tuesday through Saturday. and before 9 a.m, Monday for Monday's publication. Past- -Cancellation orders must be received before on Monday.

ERRORS: Responsibility will not be assumed for mora than one Incarrect Insertion of any advertisem*nt ordered for more than one time. ERRORS SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY. MINIMUM SIZE AD: The minimum number of lines charged for any ad is Unes a (excect as provided herein tor Action Ads by parties), TYPE AND MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS: Five average words point) are counted to the line and two initials as ons word. Display Classified advertising CIRCULATION: San Mateo County dally, Past-Pubilshed everv Wednesday morning as a newspaper of general circulation. Over 79.000 coples.

distributed from Daly City and Pacifica to Redwood city, inclusive. CREDIT POLICIES: Contract rates, corned rates, and discounts apply only on accounts that observe the credit policies of The Times. The Times reserves the right to charge the maximum Open Rate on any delinquent account. Accounts become delInquent 30 days from presentation of bill. Payment In advance Is required with all Political Ads, Personals.

Business Services, Special Notices, Education and struction, Rentals Wanted, Money Wanled, Business Opportunily, Bust. ness Opportunity Wanted, and ads able for establishing a credit. received from outside San Mateo County. Application forms are avellDEADLINES: Classified advertising must be placed by 4:30 p.m. day preceding publication, Monday through Friday; 12:15 Saturday for Monday's publication; and 24 hours preceding hell.

days. Display Classitied must be LOCAL WEATHER High 89 Low .57 RAINPALL 24 Hours 502 He ending to to date San Mateo a.m. date last year ....00 .00 Redwood City ....00 .00 .00 S.F, Airport ...00 .00 .00 SUN, MOON AND TIDE FRIDAY Sun Rises ...06:30 Sun Sets ...19:56 Moon Rises 19:30 Moon Sets 04:46 SATURDAY Sun Rises 06:31 Sun Sets 19:54 Moon Rises 20:06 Moon Sets 05:47 The sun, moon and tide tables show the hours of the day. numbered consecutively from 01:00 (1 a.m.) to 24:00 (midnight) Instead of using 12 hours twice followed by a.m. or Noon is 3 12:00.

p.m. Is 13:00. This is the practice followed by the army, havy and alt government tide tables and almanacs. Times and heights of tides at San Mateo Bridge, California. Furnished by Marine Exchange, from Coast and Gradetic Survey Dala.

Half Moan Bay tide 2 hours and 10 minutes earlier. (Pacific Daylight Saving Time) AUGUST HIGH LOW Aug. 21 13:09 6.6 06:49 23:51 7.6 18:26 2.9 Aug. 22 13:40 6.7 07:21 19:03 2.7 Aug. 24 00:28 7.6 07:52 14:09 6.7 19:43 2.4 Aug.

24 01:06 7.5 14:35 6.8 20:25 2.2 Aug. 25. 01:47 7.4 08:55 0,2 15:02 6.9 21:11 1.8 Aug. 26 02:33 7.1 09:29 0.7 15:30 22:02 1.5 Aug. 27 03:27 6.7 10:05 16:03 7.3 22:58 Aug.

28 04:30 6.2 10:45 16:41 7.4 00:00 0.9 Aug. 29 05:57 5.8 11:33 2,2 17:29 7.5 Aug. 30 07:29 5.7 01:13 0.6 18:29 7.6 12:31 2.8 Aug. 31 08:58 5.9 02:26 0.3 19:37 7.7 13:42 3.1 NOTE--In me above tabulation the Ides the daily tides are given In the order of the occurrence commencing with the early morning tide and the successive tides as they cur. On some days but three tides occur.

the fourth occurring the 1o1 lowing morning. The columns at heights give the elevalion of each tide above or be. low the level of Coast Survey chari surroundings. The numbers are al ways additive :0 the chart depth: unless preceded by 1 minus sign dash (.) when the numbers are sub tracted from the depihs given by the chart S. Coast and Geodetic Survey? 1 LODGE NOTICES San Mateo Toastmasters CLUB NO, 191 Meets each Man.

7:30 p.m. 117 No. Son Mateo Drive (the Board of Education Rm.1 to pracrice speaking. Men 21 and over cordially invited to visit participate, President, John Erickson Office 341-7251 Home 697-1470 BURLINGAME LODGE No. 400 Masonic Temple Park Rd, and Howard Ave.

Burlingame Meets Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. We welcome all sojourning Masons William J. Moir Worshipful Master William Manning, Secretary 948 E. Grant Place. San Mateo 345-1826 SAN MATEO LODGE NO.

265 Independent Order Odd Fellows Meets every Monday night P.M. 121 Street, 5.M. Sojourners always welcome. VINCENT GUIDA, N.G, FRANCIS C. BIGLEY, REC.

SEC. 342-4669 ATTENTION SCOTTISH RITE MASONS Burlingame Bodies meet Stated meeting last evenings. Monday each month, P.M. al 145 Park Henry P. Jorgensen, 54cY.

01 44841 oF DI TIMES ACTION ADS BRING RESULTS 1 LODGE NOTICES PENINSULA LODGE No. 745 Tilton Ava. al Ellsworth We welcome all Masons to visi1 cur new lodge every Wednesday evening, George W. Nance. Worshipful Master, Phone 593-7705.

Joseph Emil Young, Secretary 147 North Ellsworth Avenue, San Mated, California. 343-0090 SAN MATEO POST American Legion 130-Sa. Blvd. Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. GIOT Friday Game night Is night.

Public invited. William Swinehart, Commander William Hammer, AdJutant Alf Vets Are Invited 345-1943 SAN MATEO LODGE No. 206 Tilton Ave. al Ellsworth Meets every Thursday Solourning Masons welcome. Paul F.

Seidel, Worshipful Master, 426 36th San Mateo Earl A. Davis, Secretery FI 5-4293 GOLDEN No. GATE COMMANDERY 16, Knights Templar Titon Av. at Ellsworth, San Mateo All Sir Knights are Invited 10 visit our Commandery Asylum on Monday eve ning, For further Informetion, call G. Elmo Hall.

Commander, 105 Acacia San Bruno. 588-8857 SAN MATEO LODGE B.P,O. ELKS, NO. 1112 Meets every Wednesday evening at 229 W. 20th San Mateo.

Visiting brothers cordially Invited. JOSEPH L. McCONAUGHEY Exalted Ruler I. Fred O'Nell. Secretary SAN MATED JR.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meeting at Hillsdale Inn. Hilisdale Bivd. In S.M. P.M. 2nd Wednesday business meeting, 4th Wednesday dinner meeting.

Young men 21-35 Invited. Calf AL COPE at 343-0397 or FRANK DUNN 342-7001 HILLSBOROUGH LODGE No. 737, Masonic Temple Park Road Howard, Burl. Meets Friday Nights SoJourners Always Welcome John Louis Hart Worshipful Master 803 Alameda de las Pulgas, S.M. YU 2-4578 or DI 4-7438 Paul H.

Ledwith, Secretary 6190 Skyline Boulevard, Burlingame DI 3-9139 6 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Sneider Sullivan FUNERAL HOME 10th and El Camino, S.M, DE 3-1804 Crosby-N. Gray Co. No. 2 FUNERAL, 2-6617 SERVICE Patterson O'Connell Funeral Home- FI 5-8585 1311 South El Camino, San Mateo 7-PERSONALS SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC LEONA, advice on all affairs. She can help you.

327 El Camino, Menio Pk. DA 5-9448 BUSINESSMAN, 45, 5 11. 4. in. Bincere, well-estab.

matrimonial minded, wishes to meet lady gd. bkgrnd. Write Resldent, 519 281h San Fran. 94131 WHY BE A STRANGER? LET ELINOR ARNOLD Introduce you. Member of S.F.

Chamber of Comm. 435 Powell SI. GA 1-7272, 3rd floor SINCERE lady age 55, wishes to meet sincere gentleman, age 50 to 65. Companionship, possible riage. Box 196.

The Times. GOOD dancing guar. you more frods and gd times, Arthur Murray guar. you gd. dancing.

Try a lesson $1. 1734 El Camino Real, 341-2971 AUTO INSURANCE. Pay AS you drive. be covered regardless of 852 or past driving record. Call Gil Larish, bI 4-3739.


Bayshore S.M. Answers to name Miss Jacqueline Kennedy, Purebred, Seal Point. Call 697-7215 LOST: RING Vic. of 1746 Quesada Way, Burl. REWARD.

697-6410 LOST AT FAIR Girl's eyeglasses, in case, and separate sunglasses, haps near carnival. 341-9308 LOST CAT, YOUNG FEMALE, AND WHITE. VIC. MILLERAE SHOPPING CENTER TOWN HALL. REWARD.

344-3136 LOST- Female German short-haired Pointer named "Bonnie," brown and tweed. Children's, pet. Reward. 344-7332 LOST small black co*cker spaniel. Child's pet.

Answers to "Pedro" Reward 344-6219 20 EDUCATION AND Instruction Learn IBM Key Punch 4-6 Weeks More companies hire Automation Institute IBM Operators than those from any other private school. Master These 3 Machines 024-18M 056 -IBM 026 FREE BOOKLET Phone or Visit (No salesman will call) Automation Institute Regional Office San Mateo: 41 E. 3rd DI 2-3249 Training in Over 50 Cites Nat'l. Headquarters School 821 Market 51., San Francisco SUMMER CLASSES AUGUST NCR Bikpg. Mach.

Op. IBM Keypunch, 4 Wk. TEEN-AGE TYPING STENOGRAPHIC Full classes begin. Sept, 21 Academy of Business 2555 Flores S.M. 341-9482 (Near El Camino and 25th Ave.) Drum Instructions In my home.

Additional charge, your home. Phone 593-6066 GUITAR LESSONS 342-7653 20 EDUCATION AND Instruction SAN MATEO AGENCY SNELLING AND SNELLING 'Nation's Largest' 140 OFFICES COAST TO COAST 231-2nd Ave. 347-2181 OPEN SATURDAY 9-12 MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGENCY 125 PRIMROSE BURLINGAME DI 2-9441 PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL PLACEMENTS, Temporary Jobs also avatlable. Member CEAA, Established 1954 CLASSIFIED INDEX Where to Find Want Ad Classifications You Want All Classified Appear in Numerical Order and NO ADVERTIsem*nT WILL BE ACCEPTED for Publication other than under its Proper Classifcation. ANNOUNCEMENT GROUP BUSINESS DIRECTORY Industrial Commercial Lodges, Notices Jewetry Property for Rent Card of Thanks Sporting Goods Rentals Wanted In Memoriam Stamps and Coln Rental Exchange 90 Florists for Sale Leases Funeral Directors Miscellaneous Miscellaneous .52 Resort Rentals Personals Miscellaneous Exchange Professional Services Pets, Poultry, Wanted Livestock FINANCIAL GROUP Last Special and Notices Found ..10 Bullders Supplies Rental Equipment Loans and Wanted Insurance Garden Supplies Money Jewelry Loans EMPLOYMENT GROUP Deed at Trust RECREATION GROUP Real Estate Loans Education and instruction Busineis Opportunities Help Employment Wanted Male Agencies Swimming .60 Opportunities Golf 102 Salesmen Wanted Tennis Real Estate Appraisal .103 Help Wanted Female Saleswomen Wanted Help SItuaitons Wanted Male and Female RENTAL GROUP REAL ESTATE Wanted Male Situations Wanted Femala .28 Property Management Community Apts.

Situations Wanted Male Rentals Industrial Commercial and Female Houses Rent Furnished Property for Sale .......106 Talloring Dressmaking Furnished or Untumished Property Wanted for Industrial Commerci Furniture ..32 Houses for Rent Unfurnished -67 Income Property and Child Care .33 Duplexes for Furnished Investment 107 Duplexes for Rent Real Estate Estate Exchange TIMES ACTION ADS Apartments for Rent Real Estate for Sale Unturnished Wanted Furnished .70 Lois for Sale For Sale 34 to Buy Apartments for Rent Acreage 112 Wanted to Trade a or Unfurnished Rent' ....71 Apartments Unfurnished for AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE GROUP Far Rent Or. Share Basis Boals arid Suppiles Auction Sales ,.36 Rental Wanted Basis Airplanes Household Goods for Sale Summer Rentals Motorcycles and Scooters Househald Goods Wanted ...31 Hotel Motel Rooms Trucks, Tractors Antiques ...39 Rooms for Rent Trucks for Rent 119 Appliances. Repaira, Rentals .40 Rooms Wanted Trailers, Mobile Homes Radios, Television Room and Board Campers Hi-Fi -Stereo Room and Board Wanted Auto Painting and 121 Sewing Rest Homes Auto Paris and 122 Office Equipment Room and Board for Agad Servicing Musical Instruments Children Boorded Auto Rentals 124 Pianos and Organs Board for Children Wanted Autos Wanted Nursery Schools Sports and imported Cameras ...4 Children's Camps Autos for Sals FUrs Stores and Offices To Place a Times Want Ad DIAL DI 2-9211 22 HELP WANTED Male MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Expanding office in Redwood City has positions available for 3 men seeking a career In the business fleld. Training will be our sales promotion book order dept. with portunity for advancement Into management based on merit.

Co. sponsored training program pubilc relations, management, and business procedure. For personal Interview appt. Call Mr. Burns, 369-1325, 9 a.m.

to 2 p.m, Only those Interested In career need apply. High School Boys with some writing experience ar training to handle sports "stringer" assignments for the North Peningula's tall prep season. 15 cents per col. inch, plus $3 for statistics. Top North Peninsula Weekly newspader has openings for coverage al Jefferson, Westmoor, Oceana, Terra Nova, South San Francisco and El Camina schools.

Submit resume In writing to Box 169, The Times, PATROLMAN $587-5577 Largest city on the Peninsula desires capable Hi school 9 grads, 21 thru 34, at least 5 ft, to staff expanding dept, Excell. CivFI service benefits. Applications must be Personnel Office, City Hall, 330 20th by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1964.

Ph. 341-1331. CITY OF SAN MATEO An Equal Opportunity Employer Public Building Constuction Inspector Option 1 $686 to $767 High School Graduation and years of -experience as a carpenter Inciting 1 yr. In a supervisory capacity. Apply San Mateo County Civil Service Cornmission.

Court House, Redwood City. New Opening Man to make phone, appts, for fraternal benefit society. evenings from home Mon. thru Sat, A.M, $1.35 hr. Call collect 697-0492.

OPENING IN DALY CITY for employed man or college student to service established Fuller Brush customers. Have your own part time business with excellent profits. Call 355-2823 or 761-0375 -Ref. Ad No. 748.

MECHANIC General heavy duty mechanic, Must have elec. and alr brake knowledge, some Harvester Truck Exp, Call In person at STANLEY'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, Tilton and Bayshore, San Mateo. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 6 men who are willing to work and able to take factory training and with a desire to earn $480 fo $960 plus monthly plus company bonuses, Call Mr. deRaad, 342-7292 HOUSEMAN Must have janitorial exp. Age 38-55.

Apply Housekeeper A.M.-3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Benjamin Franklin Hotel 4 E. 3rd Avenue San Mateo MEN--ages 23-44, Pref. married. secure future with debit ins, Excel.


Street Domestic Help Agency 5ee Mrs. Sinith. 8-12 343-5691 144 South Street DAY WORK- LIVE IN JOBS CHECK OUR Local Peninsula Jobs MAJORIE TRUITT Agency Member Callf. Empl. Agencies Assn 315 2nd.

SAN MATED DI 3-4501 SAN MATEO Employment Agency 155 S. Street "SEE US FOR THE JOB YOU WANT" 344-6395 "A COMPLETE SERVICE" 22 HELP WANTED Male Redwood City Due to expansion program of large Corp, in Redwood City. Wa have Career positions available for 3 young men 18. to 27 in our Management Training Program, tr accepted will be working with local Manager in our sales promotion book order dept. Company training program includes Personnel Management, Public Relations and Brand Identification Procedures.

ComPensation will be discussed En Personal Interview. Only those seeking a career position need apply. For Interview call Mr. Alexander-369-1325. 9 a.m.

to p.m. only. SALESMAN NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PERMANENT PART-TIME Kinney's Shoes 516 EL CAMINO, BELMONT $93.9893 GARDENER Promotional Examination. Open only to employeds of the CIty of San have one year of experience as groundsman for the City of San Mateo. Apply HALL PERSONNEL OFFICE, by Monday, August 31st, 1964.

SALES ENGINEER ELECTRICAL Sales engineer for Ige. motors, generators, switchgear and confrols. Liberal draw plus comm. Ph. or eves.

for Interview. 343-6609 H. $. Grads, looking for lob opportunity for advancement. We have such pos.

at Root Beer. 2 full time day, pos. avall. for Int. EM 9-8433, Mr.

Bartels NEDED: 10 MEN WHiling la work without superviNo exp. necess. Earnings from $75 to 5125 weekly, Earn as your learn our business. Call 592-2589 between 10 a.m.-12 Noon BOYS 16 AND OVER Train now fo: after school work. Call 344-3422 PART TIME We have opening for employed man or college stud.

Average $3 per hr, bonuses to start. Eves. and Sat. Car required. 341-4455 SILK Screen press and table operators.

Stenell cutters, power paper cutter operator, EX 2-3863 RESIDENT maintenance job for 49 unit apartment complex, Immediately avallable. 341-3716 LARGE general construction firm needs representative. Excellent portunity with top pay for the right man, No construction knowledge necessary. We train. Ph.

321-4794. TENOR sololst tar Episcopal Church in Redwood City, Professional experience pref. Sight reading abil. essentt. Contact Mr.

Denton 341-9419 PART-TIME WORK Evenings and Sats. Car nec. $45- $60 per wk. Fuller Brush Company 341-8405 or 897-5647 805 WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Phone DI 2-9211 Male Maintenance Man Part Time to: Apartment houses and Commercial stores. Sand Uma af experience and mendationa first letter.

Welt Box 190, San Mateo Times. BOYS, Ages 10-16 years 1 old, El Camino Real some a extra money. 420 San Carlos CAB DRIVER CHECKER CAB California COMPANY YOUNG MAN, 17-19 for office. evening work In Mates 343-5020 after 5 P.M. MACHINIST small All-raund precision machinist, union shop with large firm.

pay, right man. shop, good future for 1660 Pricer. Dimensional Rascarch Corp. person to Glibreth Rd. Burlingame, Exper.

Nurseryman days week, Call 591-6845 MEN future 23-44. with Pref. debit married. secure Ins. Excel.

salary comm. Hs educ. We train. Fringe benefits. For 23 SALESMEN WANTED Are Exec.

Sales Trng. with Prog. you dissatisfied your ent employment? Are you looking for carver that will compensate you In proportion to your efforts? Part-time field representative posttian open. Doing membership work for family fraternal organization eves. and Sat.

Career position avail. upon completion of 4 mo. training program and when parttime earnings exceed income from present employment. This -is your chance to get into the sales field with no prospecting Involved. Veritied appts.

and renewal Income for 9 yrs. without sacrificing present married. employment. Must be over 25 and Prefer some college education. Salary to start, Call collect, 697-0492.

Macy's Hillsdale Experienced Men's Clothing Salesman 40 HOURS, ALL BENEFITS. APPLY PERSONNEL LOWER LEVEL An Equal Opportunity Employer FOR MEN ONLY Due to recent expansion we have openings for 3 salesmen for either Belmont or San Mateo office. No experience required Complete training program Top commissions and Incentive plan Call Opportunity for advancement Mr. Becker, 341-8716, for an appointment, ALLIED REALTY 19 W. 41st S.M, SALES trainee for spectally store, 21.

Inside sales work only, over In exp. required, not nec. turn. personality. Neut appearance, evening weekend work required: Intervie only 10-12 noon.

insula Hide- Center, Camino, S. C. YOUNG, sogressive REAL ESTATE salesperson. Good fister, know this area, paid Blue Cross Plan, excel. commission arrangements.

Coast Capital Corp. REALTORS MLS 140 W. San Mateo, PI 1-7200 Brittanica Needs Salesman HAVE opening for man for service to service Call Isads and account. station work. ba exp.

in car 1-4506 and truck service. Call in person at STANLEY'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, Tilton and Bayshore, 3.M. Want Ads Bring Results QUICKIES By Ken Reynolds 6. 04 8-21 "It must've leaked out about you learning to drive the auto body shop is back in the Times Want Ads again!".

The Times from San Mateo, California (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.