Pokémon: Universe of legends - Ultimateblazer - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter 1: First Generation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

1st Generation

Nidorino vs Gengar! Will it be Samuel or Agatha who will emerge victorious in the first Pokémon League?


Hello and welcome to the Pokémon world! My name is Samuel Oak and I am the professor Pokémon specialized in researching the relationship between humans and Pokémon. For some, Pokémon are pets and others use them to fight. Well, it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl because a world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits you!

Let's Go!


Year 2002 - Pallet Town

In a room of the now old Ketchum restaurant, a heated discussion was taking place.

"No, Delia! I won't let you commit such madness!"

The girl turned her brown eyes full of anger towards her mother.

"You can't stop me, I'm already sixteen years old!" Delia shouted, tired of that argument. "I want to be a Pokémon trainer and according to the law-"

"I don't care about the law! I am your mother and therefore you'll do what I tell you!" the woman interrupted her. "Do you really think I'm going to let my only daughter walk around alone? With the roads full of thieves and criminals like Team Rocket?"

"Team Rocket?" Delia gave a small laugh. "They're nothing more than petty thieves, not even the police pay attention to them."

"And what about all the wild Pokémon that are out there? Any of them could kill you with a single hit!"

"I'm not that weak." Delia answered.

Her mother gave a long sigh and ran her hand through her dark hair. Unable to handle the accumulated tension, she ended up sitting in a nearby chair.

At times like this, Delia felt bad for pushing her mother to the limit. However she wasn't going to back down. She wanted to be a Pokémon trainer and nothing would change her mind.

"Delia...this world is very cruel, especially to young girls like you," said Mrs. Ketchum. Now that relations between Kanto and Johto aren't good at all, traveling has become twice as dangerous.

"I know, that's why I won't go alone," Delia said after opening a Poké Ball from her belt. "He will accompany me."

Mrs. Ketchum observed little Mime Jr. who always accompanied her daughter everywhere. Thanks to him, Delia had been crowned the strongest young trainer in Pallet Town, she had even defeated several travelers who came to the town.

"You're just as stubborn as your father," Mrs. Ketchum thought with some bitterness. "Okay, you can go."

"Yes!" Delia and Mime Jr. jumped of joy at the same time.

"But promise me that you will write me a letter at least once a week.

Year 2004 - Pallet Town

"You must be very proud of Delia," Professor Oak commented to Mrs. Ketchum one day. "Being among the top 4 in the Indigo Plateau Conference is a great achievement."

"I'm more glad to know she'll be with me soon," said Mrs. Ketchum. "Kanto, Johto and the Sevii Islands…That's too much traveling. There's nothing like home."

"I very much agree with that," said Professor Oak after drinking some coffee. "Still, I'm sure those trips have been a great experience for her."

What no one imagined was that Delia would return accompanied from her travels with a mysterious Pokémon trainer.

"Who is him?" Her mother asked in a serious tone. That man...there was something about him that she didn't like at all.

"His name is…and he's the father of my son." Delia blurted out suddenly.


"How could you?! I told you to be careful with the boys!" Her mother exclaimed. She moved from one side of the room to the other without stopping for a second.

"Mom, please stop," Delia asked. "You're making me nervous."

"Nervous? You have the audacity to tell me that after…?" Her mother pointed to her belly while she gestured exaggeratedly.

"It wasn't anyone's fault, it just happened." Delia defended herself.

"It just happened... are you listening to yourself?" Her mother put her hands to her head and small tears began to appear in her gray eyes. "Delia, you have no idea what trouble you're in."

"Mom, don't be so melodramatic."

Those words were too much. Before Delia could notice her, her mother had smacked her, leaving a red mark on her right cheek.

Stunned, she put a hand to her sore cheek.


"Do you think being a mother is easy? That you're not going to have to make sacrifices? That you're not going to feel overwhelmed by having responsibilities you never dreamed of?"

"He will help me, we will get ahead." Delia said with tears in her eyes.

"You're very naive, Delia," her mother said, shaking her head. "You had fun and "that" is the result. "He" will help you during the first few years, but when he sees what being a father entails…"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know exactly what I mean, daughter," her mother said in a serious and cold tone. "I'm more than old enough to know who's a coward when I see them."

"He's not a coward! He's a good man and I'll prove you wrong." Delia said, getting up and leaving in a hurry.

After leaving her alone in the living room of her house, Mrs. Ketchum fell to her knees on the floor while processing all the information received.

"Grandma...I'm going to be a grandmother..."

Some days after…

"Someone is knocking on the door," her boyfriend said in a tired voice after hearing some noises.

"I'm coming." said Delia, who was closer to the door.

"Why did you come?" Delia asked in a tone stronger than desired.

"I just wanted to… I just wanted to see how you and the baby are doing," her mother said, looking up. "I know that the first months of pregnancy can be somewhat complicated...Perhaps you want the help of someone who has already been through it."

Delia looked at her with surprise and some joy.

"Now... Aren't you mad at me anymore? "

"Yes, I am, but it won't help if we continue arguing. "It's not good for a pregnant woman to have stress," her mother said with a small smile. "Delia, a child is the greatest treasure one can receive. You've made a mistake, but I don't want you to think that your son is that mistake."

Delia could only smile and hug her mother. He watched them from behind, impassive and with a look that was difficult to decipher.

Shortly after in 2005 the legend of Pallet Town was born.


Year 2011 – Pallet Town

When Ash was little, Delia used to tell him stories about how his paternal grandfather and father were great Pokémon trainers who travelled around the world.

"And when will they return?" Ash asked with a mixture of admiration, astonishment and excitement.

"…When they fulfill their dreams." Delia used to say. Her tone of voice was happy, but her gaze conveyed a deep sadness that missed little Ash.

When he was six years old, Ash tried to research about his father and paternal grandfather. For this he used the home computer and after hours of searching on the Internet, he found nothing.

Neither his father nor his grandfather were anywhere to be found. They weren't mentioned by anyone like the great trainers her mother used to tell her about. They weren't even on the list of Pokémon trainers.

Maybe he should have asked more, maybe he should have investigated more…but something inside him had broken and his young mind decided to bury the doubts and questions deep in his psyche.

The rest of Ash's childhood was spent developing a friendship and rivalry with Gary, grandson of the prestigious professor Samuel Oak. The two were known for being the "terror of Pallet Town" because of the numerous pranks they got up to together and separately.


Year 2013 - Viridian City

"You were right, mother." Delia said one day.

Mother and daughter were sitting on the terrace of a restaurant, having tea while Ash played with a boy and a girl older than him.

"In what?" Her mother asked, somewhat disconcerted.

"He's a coward."

"Well, we don't know what really happened, maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions." she said, wrinkling her forehead.

Delia gave a small, bitter laugh.

"Now you defend him?"

"No, I'm just saying that we need more points of view to understand everything better... What have you told Ash?"

Delia was silent for a few seconds, staring at the gray clouds approaching Pallet Town.

"I told him that his father is a Pokémon trainer and that he's traveling the world.

His mother just nodded. After a pause of several minutes she stared at her daughter.

"What?" she asked.

"There is something important I must tell you."

"And what's that?" She asked her. For some reason she felt anxious.

"Delia, despite your situation, you have raised your son very well," her mother said, ignoring her question. "I'm glad to see that you have managed to start a good family."

"Mother, you are part of my family too," Delia said, giving her a soft hug. "Now I understand how you felt when you raised me. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world."

"We'll be good mothers, but we don't know how to choose our partners." Her mother recalled with some sadness.


"I wanted to tell you that I have left you the restaurant as an inheritance but you can start running it right now if you wish. It's the only decent one in this town so you'll always have work.

"B-but mom, you can't-"

"You can and will accept it," her mother said in a firm tone. "I no longer have the strength or the passion I had before. The business needs young blood and yours is the most suitable. Plus, this way I can spend more time with my grandson."

"I knew you were up to something," Delia laughed, trying to hide her nervousness. Inherit the restaurant? That was a big step but she didn't know if she would be up to it. It was too much responsibility and she had already learned the hard way not to take on more than you can.

Before they could continue talking Ash ran up to them.

"Mom! Red, Leaf and I are going to go play in the Viridian forest.

"To the Viridian forest?" "Delia asked them, somewhat worried.

The three boys nodded their heads quickly.

"If so, don't go too far away and play near the entrance, please."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Ketchum, we'll take care of the dwarf with our Pokémon." Leaf said, receiving an indignant look from Ash for the comment about his height.

Red took out a Poké Ball and opened it, showing a little poliwag who immediately started jumping around with happiness.

Delia smiled when she saw him. Although he was young he had shown great potential as a water Pokémon.

"Do you promise to protect them for me, Poliwag?" She asked him as she bent down to pet him.

"Poli!" The tadpole Pokémon responded enthusiastically.


Ash, Red and Leaf returned from the forest badly injured and with a blonde girl in their arms. Apparently she had been attacked by wild Pokémon and Ash had launched himself to protect her with his body. If it hadn't been for Red and Leaf, the child prodigies, they surely wouldn't have gotten out of there with just a few scratches.

Delia took them to the hospital and then to Professor Oak so they could tell him what happened. After all, he knew a lot about the Pokémon in the area.

"However, there is something that worries me," professor Oak confessed after hearing the story. "Since when have the golem and dratini inhabited the Viridian forest? Not to mention that dratini are not aggressive by nature and usually hide from humans."

"Right! I was so worried that I hadn't noticed," Delia said sadly. "What do you think all this means, professor?"

"To be honest, I don't know," the professor admitted with some regret.

"Aren't there supposed to be several rangers living inside the Viridian Forest?"

"Yes, they have been helping the Viridian gym leaders to monitor the forest for years. Apparently these rangers are descended from an ancient clan with extraordinary abilities."

"And where were they today? How come they haven't helped my son?" Delia didn't want to sound spiteful but she was too nervous and sad.

"Don't know. What's more, only Viridian City Gym Leaders know who they are and how to contact them. They are a clan with the same secrecy as the ninja clans of the past."

Delia gave a long sigh.

"Secret or not, I hope they do a better job next time... That girl could have been a victim of the Pokémon if it weren't for Ash," Delia said, changing the subject. "I wonder what she was doing, lost in the middle of the Viridian forest."

They both looked with some concern at the two children asleep on the couch. The little girl slept hugging Ash tightly, while Red watched them attentively sitting in a chair and Leaf walked around the laboratory.

Some time later…

"There is a movie on TV, 4 boys are walking down the railroad tracks... Well, I better get going."Red, future Champion of Kanto.


Red and Leaf left the village together to become Pokémon trainers.

"I hope you become the strongest!" "Ash told them. The two trainers smiled at the little boy and patted his head.

"Thank you for wishing us good luck." said Leaf.

"So when I defeat you I'll be the strongest."

"…" Red said. Those words made Ash cry with joy and emotion.

Leaf gave Red a hard slap on the back as she tried to stop the tears from coming out of her eyes.

"You've always had a gift for words."

Yellow, who was behind Ash, bid them both farewell with a shy wave.

"Take good care of Ash, he always gets into trouble." Leaf asked the little girl. She nodded strongly while Ash complained and said that he knew how to take care of himself perfectly.

After several goodbyes, Red and Leaf moved towards their new adventure.

"Raid On the City. Knock out. Evil Tusks."Madame Boss, founder of Team Rocket.


Giovanni always had everything. Since he was little, nothing was denied him by his mother, Madame Boss. She was tall, beautiful, powerful and intimidating.

Everyone trembled when they heard her name. The police, the other criminal clans, and the politicians didn't dare to stand in her way. If they did, she was in charge of manipulating them, bribing them or killing them, depending on her mood.

She, along with several of her friends and partners, founded Team Rocket and took it to the top, soon the Mafia Pokémon of Kanto became the terror of the entire region.

When Giovanni turned ten years old he received a meowth as a gift from her. His first step towards being her worthy heir. After her son, what Madame Boss loved most was money.

"Money is power, you little brat," she used to say fondly. "Money can buy everything. People will do anything to have it. Having more than others is the easiest way to conquer the world. Everyone will fulfill your wishes if you are the richest."

But things never go as you expect. Miyamoto, one of the executives of Team Rocket and a great friend of Madame, had disappeared. That was the first sign of the organization's decline.

Madame Boss became obsessed with finding evidence of the existence of mew. She wanted to sell the Pokémon to the highest bidder. However, the international police began to intervene.

Team Rocket's best men were being captured, their lairs were no longer secret, and the other mafias were becoming emboldened. Many things happened and in the end Giovanni had to step forward and take control of the organization.

He never forgot his mother's teachings, so as soon as he could he looked for the best ways to get money.

The first thing he did was eliminate the members who were against him or who could cause him problems. He then murdered other mafia bosses, stole valuable Pokémon, kidnapped, extorted and blackmailed. He even formed a scientific team to conduct illegal experiments.

However, money is of no use if you don't have status and power in both the light and dark world. So he eliminated the Viridian gym leader in his hometown. That way he could take his place and do illegal trafficking with Pokémon using the SS Anne... It took many years of sweat and effort but it was worth it.


September 1, 2014 - Cinnabar Island Pokémon Mansion

"I-I'm sorry but I can't do it, it's too dangerous and we must eliminate it as soon as possible! It's not a Pokémon, it's a monster!" said a frightened, old, bald man.

Giovanni couldn't contain his anger and hit his subordinate hard. Blaine groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. The rest of the scientists retreated in terror.

"Do you know that my mother's dream was to be able to control a mew? A Pokémon that very few believe exists," Giovanni said after placing his foot on Blaine's face and crushing it against the ground. "I have achieved something better, creating a superior Pokémon... And now you tell me that it has to be eliminated?"

"N-you can't control it! I-it's too violent and its instincts are much wilder than normal! He has escaped and killed all of the scientific team in the process!" Blaine exclaimed, trying to bear the pain. Giovanni, enraged, increased the pressure of his foot on the scientist's face.

"True, Fuji is dead and if you don't want to follow him, you will create something to control that monster. I'm not going to allow all the money and resources used to be in vain," Giovanni said very seriously. "The ravages of the post-war are still being felt, this is our opportunity to increase the power of Team Rocket without anyone bothering us. You have understood? Or maybe you need stronger motivation?"

"I-I'll do what I can." Blaine said through gritted teeth.

"You better, or Cinnabar Island won't have a gym leader anymore."

Blaine breathed a sigh of relief as Giovanni left the destroyed laboratory.

"That fool doesn't know that Fuji is the only one who escaped Mewtwo's attack alive. Still, I must create something that can retain or suppress his psychic powers or Giovanni will be the least of my problems,"Blaine thought worriedly."Luckily Fuji placed a tracker on all his clones. Mewtwo won't be hard to find."

Viridian City Gym

"So you're the famous Sergeant Surge, huh?" Giovanni observed the imposing foreign soldier with interest from the table in his office. "What brings you here?"

Surge took off his sunglasses, revealing a fierce look that made Giovanni's bodyguards recoil out of pure instinct.

"I want to join your organization."

Suddenly, the false friendly atmosphere became as cold as Giovanni's eyes.

"Organization? What are you talking about?"

Surge gave a long sigh.

"There are no police or journalists here so you can stop pretending. Getting information is not complicated for a soldier who has had the misfortune of being in the worst places in this region."

Giovanni glanced at his three bodyguards and gave them a small nod. They nodded but before they could take out their Poké Balls, they had a voltorb, an electabuzz and a magnemite in front of them. The Pokémon's bodies ejected small sparks, making the hairs of those present stand on end.

The bodyguards stopped moving instantly. They knew Surge's reputation very well and didn't want to incur the wrath of his Pokémon.

"I haven't come to fight, but I will electrocute your" "bodyguards" if they make a single move." Surge threatened. Giovanni just laughed lightly at those words.

"You dare bring electric Pokémon to my gym? ...I like you!"

Surge grimaced.

"Thank you."

"Ken, Harry and Al. Leave us alone," Giovanni ordered his bodyguards.

"B-but, sir..." The three interrupted their protests upon receiving the furious look of their boss.

A few seconds later they had hurriedly left the office.

"There's something I've been wondering for a while... Why would a foreign soldier of your prestige want to join me?" Giovanni commented, getting up from his chair and approaching Surge.

The difference in height was notable, with Surge being at least two heads taller than Giovanni, yet the sergeant felt smaller in the presence of the mafioso.

"Due to my "heroic" actions I have received numerous Badges and have been named gym leader of Carmine City," Surge explained with some bitterness. "However, that is not what I want. When I came from Unova, I did it because I wanted a real fight, because I wanted to quench my thirst for blood... but the gyms are a battlefield for weaklings accustomed to peace. Too many rules and too many brats who know nothing about life."

A sympathetic smile formed on Giovanni's hard face.

"You can take a soldier out of war but not the war out of the soldier... You're starting to interest me, Surge."

Anyone else would have breathed a sigh of relief, but Surge was a professional and wasn't going to fail in his mission. The International Police and the Pokémon Association were counting on him.

Giovanni observed his new secretary from his seat. Matori was a twenty-something with a calculating look. Her long hair was tied in a ponytail and her black suit didn't have a single wrinkle.

"My last secretary wasn't very competent. You are?"

"That is something that my actions will demonstrate, great leader." was Matori's dry response.

Giovanni gave a small smile.

"I would like to test you before admitting you as my secretary."

Matori didn't even blink.

"What kind of test?"

"I'm building the Rocket casino in Celadon City."

"Isn't there where were have one of our secret bases?"

"That's right, and the casino will be built on top of it. You see, we need money and people need more than just alcohol to forget the aftermath of war."

"Isn't that risky? What will happen if the police decide to investigate?"

"I have many friends in high places so that won't be a problem," Giovanni said, smiling maliciously. "Your task will be to ensure that the construction of the casino is completed quickly and without complications."

"As you wish." Matori responded with a slight bow. Giovanni waited for her to leave but she didn't.

"Do you have any questions?"

"If you allow me to ask, great leader… What did the previous secretary fail in?

Giovanni rubbed his chin as he pretended to think about the answer.

"You see, my casino will be for everyone, children included, and she wasn't willing to cross that line. So I had to force her to cross a different line.

Saffron City Gym

Giovanni relaxed on the tatami floor while drinking the warm tea provided by an eleven-year-old girl.

"Did your daughter do this?" Giovanni asked with some curiosity. "She's very talented."

The man sitting in front of him gestured with his hand to indicate to his daughter that she could leave.

"What do you want?"

"Wow, always straight to the point, eh, Koga? If you read my letter you should already know what I want from you."

"You're right, I've read it and I'm willing to work for you. As long as the payment is fair."

"You shouldn't worry about money...Tell me, don't you feel bad for accepting?"

"My position as gym leader allows me to take care of my clan but it doesn't give me what I need most. Recover my honor as a warrior."

"Honor… Honor is a concept that doesn't fit my vision. Will you be able to complete any mission, no matter how hard it may be? Keep in mind that we are going to cause a revolution in Kanto. There will be a lot of… collateral damage."

"I am a shadow warrior, an assassin and a mercenary. As such I serve the highest bidder, something this modern world has forgotten," Kouga said without hesitation. "We are in an era of peace and our culture will be extinct if this continues…That's why I'm willing to preserve the chaos that you want to impose. Shinobi are only needed when chaos reigns. I'm afraid my sense of honor has nothing to do with your preconceptions."

The words that came out of his mouth made him sick and made him want to vomit the tea he had just sipped. But a ninja never showed the enemy his true intentions. Giovanni had fallen into the trap, now he just had to pretend for a few years before participating in his fall.


"Do you want to delete all the saved data?... Are you sure you want to delete it? Remember that you won't be able to recover it later... Restarting the game..."

"Little brother, why do you delete your game? You already had it almost complete..."

Ash Ketchum turned his head and looked at the small blonde girl sitting next to him. Her green eyes conveyed the curiosity typical of her age. Ash couldn't help but smile.

"It's very boring to play when you've already passed the Pokémon League" He justified. "It's no longer as fun as when I started playing."

"It is very sad." Replied the girl he loved as if she were his family.


She nodded her head.

"All your Pokémon and what you did with them…has been erased. You will never be able to see them again."

"It's just a game," Ash sighed, worried to see that the girl was taking it very seriously. None of this is real.

Her sister was thoughtful for a few moments.

"The other day, on television, they said that there were many trainers who abandoned their Pokémon when they got bored with them..."

"Those are bad people. A true Pokémon trainer never abandons their Pokémon. That's what mom always says." he reminded her.

"So... when you become a trainer you won't abandon your Pokémon?" she asked him. "If you win a league... won't you get bored with them?"

"I can't abandon my Pokémon if I win a league." Ash said as if it were common sense. Yellow had a lot of love for Pokémon, sometimes too much, but it was part of her charm.

"Do you promise me?"

"Yeah." Ash said as he stroked her head. In a few months he would be ten years old and he could go out on adventures. Nothing and no one would stop him from becoming the very best, that no one ever was.

"Ash, Yellow! Get down right now!"

It was his mother's voice. The children looked at each other and ran out of the room. When they went down to the living room, a woman with brown hair and eyes was waiting for them with the television remote in her hand.

"I want you to see this. "Delia Ketchum told them with a smile as she turned up the volume.

"Before all of you we present the new Kanto Elite Four!" said the presenter. "As you may already know, Kanto achieved complete independence from Johto three years ago. Apart from economic and political changes, this means that each region now has its own Pokémon leagues and Elite Four."

The image changed to show Kanto's strongest trainers walking through the streets of Saffron City, the region's capital. They were accompanied by famous Pokémon trainers, members of the Pokémon Association, and several police officers.

"Agatha, forty-nine years old and a specialist in poison and ghost type Pokémon! As a curious fact, long ago she was the greatest rival of the famous professor Oak," the presenter reported when the camera focused on the members of the Elite Four. "Bruno, twenty-three years old and specialist in fighting and rock type Pokémon! Lorelei, twenty years old and a specialist in water and ice-type Pokémon! Leaf, twelve years old (so young!) and with a very varied Pokémon team under her belt!"

When the camera focused on the champion, Delia watched happily as the children's eyes shone with pure excitement.

"And finally the new champion of Kanto!... Red! At only twelve years old he's considered a battle genius and we hope that he'll proudly carry the Kanto flag in the next Pokémon World Tournament.

"Red and Leaf are too strong," Ash said after a few seconds of silence. "If I want to be a Pokémon Master I will have to beat them one day."

"Then you will have to train a lot, my son."

Saffron City – Fighting Type Gym

"Kadabra, psychic."

A hitmonlee was slammed into the dojo wall at high speed. The force of the crash was such that several of his bones were fractured in the process.

"Hitmonlee!" Kiyo Kochi screamed in horror.

"Use psychic again." A girl ordered her Pokémon.

"H-Hitmonlee is out of action!" The stunned Pokémon referee shouted, stopping the girl before she made a deadly mistake. "Since all three of Kiyo Kochi's Pokémon have been defeated, Sabrina becomes Saffron City's new Gym Leader!"

Nobody in the audience applauded the winner. That fight had been practically a massacre and thanks to the referee the possible death of Kiyo's Pokémon had been avoided.

"N-no...I-impossible... I lost?" Kiyo Kochi fell to his knees on the ground. His mind still couldn't assimilate what had just happened.

"How boring..." Sabrina said without even looking her rival in the eyes. "I expected something more from the acclaimed Karate King. I guess your fame was directly proportional to your weakness."

Those words woke Kiyo up from his state of shock.

"B-be careful how you talk to me." Kiyo warned her furiously.

The shame he felt made him tremble with rage. All of his dojo students, journalists and other spectators had seen his crushing defeat. He could see in their looks compassion, sorrow, shame and a certain mockery in some.

"You should be the one to be careful," Sabrina said in a cold tone that gave everyone present goosebumps. "The only reason I've been able to challenge you, is because the PA doesn't want you as a gym leader."

"W-what are you talking about? If you have been able to challenge me it is because you got the Elite trainer license!"

"This gym has given a lot of problems lately due to the constant defeats you suffer, Kiyo. That's why the A.P. asked me to get you out of the way."

"Y-you lie!" Kiyo shouted as tears welled up in his eyes. "It's true that this last year I haven't won any fight but-"

"No one loves you," Sabrina interrupted with a wide, cruel smile. "You're just a mass of muscles. In these times, having muscles does not guarantee victory. Compared to the other gym leaders you are trash."

"Dam you! How dare you talk to me like that?!"

Giving a mighty scream, Kiyo lunged at Sabrina. His students tried to stop him but it was too late... for him.

Giving a loud yawn, Sabrina raised her left hand and lifted the Karate King into the air.

"Those are his psychic powers?!" exclaimed the astonished audience. Meanwhile, Kiyo writhed in the air, trying in vain to escape.

"I have taken your gym, your city and your throne from you in a fair fight so stop whining. Don't lose what little dignity you have left," Sabrina advised him. "Seeing an adult like that makes me sick."

Kiyo began to notice how his bones creaked under that invisible pressure.

"Y-you're a demon..."

Sabrina completely ignored that comment.

"I heard that you and Bruno trained together in the same dojo...It's hard to believe seeing how weak you are."

"L-let go of me!"

"In this world there are people with enormous potential but who lack the willpower to reach said potential" Sabrina closed her hand a little, making Kiyo's bones creak even more, thus silencing his screams. "Bruno had that willpower and that's why he is a member of the Elite Four, while you are just trash and don't deserve to be here."

After saying that, she threw him out the door, leaving him unconscious on the floor.


"Great leader, it is true that you have grunted the Saffron gym leader." Matori asked him.

"Sabrina is unpredictable, intelligent, manipulative and with great potential."

"And why did you bring such a girl into our organization?" Matori asked worried.

"Because I love controlling power and that girl is power in its purest form," Giovanni responded with a sad*stic smile on his face. "We can make her into a perfect weapon…no, we'll. She along with Surge and Koga will be part of our executives.

"A girl like her in such a high position?!"

"A girl who has been named gym leader at the age of ten after humiliating the King of Karate." Giovanni reminded her.

"And what about Proton or Sird? Wouldn't they be better candidates for that position?"

"Yes, but Proton is…somewhat unstable, he still has a lot to learn. As for Sird, I don't trust her. She hasn't failed a single mission despite being a new grunt, plus her combat power is almost equal to mine."

Matori bowed her head and simply accepted her leader's words.

Year 2015 - Pallet Town: A blank canvas of your trip!

"I'm late, I'm late!" "Ash shouted desperately as he ran on the way to professor Oak's laboratory.

He had fallen asleep on the most important day of his life. Upon arriving at the laboratory, the professor told him that the three starters had already been given to three children who arrived at time, Gary being one of those children.

And to top it all off, his mother Delia, Yellow, and Dahlia Oak arrived to congratulate him and found him crying on the floor while clutching the Pokédex Oak had just given him.

"Well...I still have another low-level Pokémon left..." Oak murmured worriedly. While the professor was bringing up the starter, his granddaughter Daisy gave Ash a map of Kanto.

"I bought two just in case and I have already given the other one to my brother." Dahlia said.

"Ash, thank her. "Delia said to her depressed son.

"Thank you…"

After a while Professor Oak brought Ash a Poké Ball with a lightning bolt drawing on the surface. Upon opening it, the legend of Ash and Pikachu began to form.

Just outside Pallet Town

"Ash, technology is really amazing. The modern Poké Balls are much more comfortable for Pokémon than the old ones or at least that's what my grandfather says."Tecno, the fat boy.

Pikachu was surrounded by a flock of spearows led by a fearow. His plump body was filled with deep wounds caused by the ferocious and territorial Pokémon. Pikachu had defeated more than seven and was fighting as if he was a real demon. Moving at high speed, biting and electrocuting anyone who got in its way.

At that moment, Ash could feel his heart racing. Not out of fear or worry, but because he felt that that Pokémon was a reflection of him. He couldn't explain it but he knew that he wanted him to be his life partner.

The fearow, upset at seeing how its flock was humiliated by a pikachu, launched itself into combat and used steel wing against the surprised Pokémon, who could not dodge the attack in time.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted furiously as he saw the Pokémon fly through the air, leaving a small trail of blood in its wake. Ash ran towards him and held him tightly, preventing him from hitting the ground.

Pikachu looked up and his eyes widened when he saw that the one who had helped him was the same boy he had attacked all day. What was he doing?

"Are you okay?" Ash asked with a smile, surprising the Electric Mouse even more. "Don't worry, you fought very well but now you must rest."

Placing him on the ground, Ash stood up and stood in front of him. The spearows pounced on the boy but he grabbed a stick and several stones with which he tried to defend himself.

For a few seconds they served him but he immediately lost his weapons and his body was filled with bites and wounds caused by the claws of those Pokémon. The spearows didn't stop and Pikachu watched with fear and amazement as that child stood on top of him to protect him with his body.

It was the first time a human had done something like that for him. And although Ash didn't realize it, his selfless action made something inside Pikachu stir.

"…I-I'm Ash Ketchum, f-future Pokémon Master." Ash said as he struggled not to faint. However, the strong wind and the noise of the storm took his words away.

"P-pi, pika." Pikachu was trying to tell him not to continue fighting because it no longer made any sense. They weren't going to survive.

Surprising the Pokémon for the third time, Ash stood up from the ground and cast a defiant look at his attackers. He extended his arms and stood in front of Pikachu to protect him again.

"Have you heard me?!" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs. "My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm from Pallet Town! I'm going to be a Pokémon Master!"

"Spea, spea, spea, spea, spearow!"

Ash didn't need to understand what the flock of spearows were saying, he knew very well that they were laughing at him but he didn't care.

"Someday I will capture you all!" Ash declared with all the strength in his little lungs.

The fearow leader of the flock recoiled slightly as he looked into Ash's eyes. There was something about them that bothered him too much. It wasn't the look of someone defeated or desperate to escape, it was the look of someone superior who doesn't fear you, the look of a winner.

The fearow had to shake his head several times, because he had seemed to see a kind of rainbow fire in that young man's eyes. Surely he must be going crazy if he had those kinds of visions.

The other spearows looked at their leader very confused, because they couldn't understand why he had become paralyzed. The fearow didn't want them to doubt his leadership so he quickly gave the order to attack.

He and his minions swooped down on the helpless Ash and Pikachu. The fearow, to avoid Ash's gaze, turned his body at full speed to execute a perfect drill peck. He was going to get rid of that annoying look and teach those two dwarves a lesson.

Ash didn't back away or close his eyes. He waited for the deadly attack to pass through his body. Pikachu rose from the ground at a more than astonishing speed and jumped into the air using Ash's shoulder for support. The next thing Ash saw was how a powerful lightning bolt fell on the area and the strong light blinded him, preventing him from seeing more.

A rainbow feather slowly fell as the cloudy sky cleared, giving rise to the image of human and Pokémon holding hands as they smiled for having survived, forging an unbreakable bond in the process.

Viridian City: The eternally Viridian city

"Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above! Jessie! James! Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight! Meowth! That's right!"Jessie, James and Meowth (TRio).


Ash met Misty when he stole her bike. It was an emergency situation and he promised her that he would return it. However, the incident with the flock of spearows had left the bike destroyed.

"So your name is Ash Ketchum! Huh?!" Misty exclaimed furiously. "Well, you're going to fix it or pay me a new bike!"

"I-I just started my journey," Ash confessed, very embarrassed and scared, "I haven't beaten enough trainers yet to have that much money..."

"Well, I'll follow you until you raise all the money, interest included!"

"Ok, ok." Ash said in a vain attempt to calm her down.

While they were walking through the streets they found a poor old man in the middle of the ground. His granddaughter brought him coffee because he had been drunk and then robbed by three members of the infamous Team Rocket: Jessie, James, and a meowth with the ability to speak.

The Trio became obsessed with Ash's pikachu because apparently it had great potential and latent power. So they swore that they would get him no matter the cost.

At first Ash considered them a danger but soon they became just an occasional annoyance.

Pewter City: Between Rugged Mountains

A few days later he had his first match against Brock, the Rock-solid Pokémon trainer. At first glance he seemed like someone very serious and tough but deep down he had a big heart.

"I'm Brock, Pewter's gym leader!" he exclaimed as he took off his shirt and showed off a rather muscular body for a thirteen-year-old. "I believe in the great resistance of the rock and in its determination! That's why all my Pokémon are rock type! It will be very difficult for you to hurt them."

The defeat of Pikachu, Buterfree and Pidgeotto was crushing. Ash had to train a lot to challenge him again without embarrassing himself or his Pokémon.

"Are you coming back to challenge me again? And with those Pokémon that can do nothing against mine?" Brock asked, somewhat surprised. "He didn't expect the boy he had humiliated two days ago to come back for another beating."

"My mother told me a long time ago that anything can happen in a Pokémon battle," Ash replied defiantly. "Being a gym leader you shouldn't underestimate my Pokémon, whatever type they are."

That burning look and his words convinced Brock. For some reason, he felt that this time he shouldn't let his guard down.

"Ju…I know you're moved by the pride of Pokémon trainers. Alright, show me what you're worth! Come get me Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!"

What Brock didn't know was that Ash had received a little training from his own father, who had abandoned him and his brothers a few years ago.

Even so, the fight didn't end in an orthodox way, which made Ash win his first Badge more out of pity than because he deserved it.

After that, Brock's father returned, which allowed him to join Ash and Misty on their trip, and thank goodness because they were both tired of eating fruits and berries from the forests, not that either of them knew how to cook very well or good in general.

Plus he was the only one smart enough to bring enough repellents to avoid the zubats in the caves.


Pewter City Museum

Brock wanted to show his two new teammates the pride of the city. At the museum they met professor Oak, who had gone to see one of his former students, Foster, the current owner of the museum.

"I still remember when I taught him at Celadon University." Oak remembered wistfully as everyone saw a machine capable of resurrecting fossil Pokémon. "I am very proud of how far you have come Foster."

"Well, you'll be even more when I show you my new finds in the ruins of Pokémopolis." Foster commented.

Mt. Moon

That place was full of cleafairy who danced and danced around a huge rock that according to the scientist Seymour, was a moon stone. Apparently some of those Pokémon used it to evolve into clefable during some Mondays.

During the long journey through the mountains, Ash and his companions helped the supernerd Jovan protect some fossils from Team Rocket.

Cerulean City: The Floral Lagoon city

A few days later something happened that Ash didn't expect.

"That's right, Ash," Misty said with a smile to her surprised traveling companion, "I'm the leader of the Cerulean Gym."

Ash turned his head and watched as Brock coughed to hide his laughter.

"You knew it?" Ash asked upset, confused and a little angry.

"Of course!" Brock laughed, unable to hold it in anymore. "It would be very strange if we gym leaders didn't know each other, don't you think? Although it is true that Misty was appointed leader very recently."

Ash couldn't say anything because his friend was right. What's more, it was his fault for not having informed himself properly before. It's not that it was difficult to find information on gym leaders.

"As you already know, my tactic is the all-out offensive with water-type Pokémon," the tomboyish mermaid proudly informed him, "don't think that because we've been traveling together for a few days I'm going to be soft on you."

"I'm telling you the same, Misty!" Exclaimed Ash, who already felt the flames of victory warming his heart.

During their stay at Misty's gym, they met her three beautiful older sisters Daisy, Violet, and Lily. And after saving the gym from another Team Rocket plot, Ash received the Cascade Badge from the three sisters, which Misty didn't like at all.

Later, between the three of them they disrupted numerous Team Rocket operations, attracting the attention of its strongest members such as Sergeant Viper, who tried to grunt them on the Nugget bridge and when they rejected their offer he tried to eliminate them. On that occasion, the unexpected help of Gary, who was passing by, saved the three of them, although Ash would never admit it.

Cerulean Cape - Sea Cottage

"Hello! I'm a Pokémon... No, I'm joking! Call me Bill. In reality, I am a pure Poké Maniac. What? You don't believe me? I'm serious!" ―Bill the Poké Maniac.

One of the strangest experiences Ash and his friends had was when they met Bill, a famous Pokémon researcher who had created the Pokémon storage system.

Ash discovered this when he captured more than six Pokémon and they couldn't be used. They had to be deposited in the storage box since he was only allowed to use six Pokémon at a time. Rules established by the World Pokémon Association.

However, what mattered was that when they met Bill he was transformed into a clefairy. Apparently due to a failed Pokémon teleportation experiment.

"My first Pokémon was an abra, and its ability to teleport always fascinated me. That's why I started the experiments," Bill explained once he recovered his body. "Thank you for helping me, here, as a gift I give you three S.S. Tickets for the S.S. Anne cruise. It's docked in the port of Vermillion City and is usually full of Pokémon trainers, but I'm not interested."

"Great! I can have fights until I get tired." Ash said very happily.

"I would have preferred if you gave us that cute eevee of yours," Misty said as she looked delighted at Bill's Pokémon. "I also don't care if you give me your vaporeon."

"I'm afraid I can't do that since they are gifts from my mother," Bill said with a nervous smile. "Anyway, you can stay with me tonight. I have heard that a strange Pokémon from Galar appears on foggy nights, maybe we can all capture it."

"Then I'll make dinner." You can't catch anything on an empty stomach," said Brock enthusiastically.

"I agree!" Ash said even more excited.

"You know how to cook?" Bill asked curiously.

"Brock is the best cook in the world!" Ash and Misty stated at the same time. "Stop saying the same thing as me!"

Brock put a hand to his face after sighing. Fights between those two were becoming a habit.

"These two exaggerate my abilities." Brock said embarrassed.

"It doesn't seem like it to me. Still don't make tofu or anything with lactose, please, I'm allergic." Bill commented, licking his lips. Apparently his personal cook was on vacation and he had been eating canned food for days.

Team Rocket Lair

"Listen to me, Fighter Squadron! I have chosen you to carry out the most important mission of your lives! Capture Mewtwo! Thanks to the special armor that Blaine created we'll be able to suppress his power."

Giovanni stopped for a moment to look at his squad: Blaine, Surge, Koga, Archer, Ariana, and Sabrina.

Blaine was looking down at his feet, Surge was more serious than ever, Koga had his eyes closed, Archer was looking adoringly at Giovanni, Ariana was smiling a little sinisterly, and Sabrina just let out a small yawn.

"Sabrina, you've done a good job using the Silph Scope," Giovanni said to the preteen. "With the ghost Pokémon of the Lavender Tower this mission will be even easier."

"…Thank you." She responded without altering her expressionless face. Archer looked at Sabrina out of the corner of his eye with sick envy, but he didn't dare say anything.

"Each of you has the skills more than necessary for this mission and I'm sure that you won't fail."

The latter could be understood as a subtle threat.

"We'll never fail you, great Giovanni!" Archer exclaimed.

"You better. With Mewtwo at my side, absolutely no one will be able to defeat us," said Giovanni in an almost hopeful tone. Then he looked from him to one of his bodyguards. "Harry, take the Silph Scope to the casino base. It's too important to lose here."

"Yes sir!"

"The time has finally come for Team Rocket to blast off and dominate this region!"


Finding Mewtwo in the Celeste cave was much easier than Giovanni thought. Manipulate him into working for him too. At least for a while…

Vermillion City: The port of exquisite sunsets

"Hey! But what are you doing with a pikachu, kid? You won't last long fighting! Do you still dare to confront me? You really have the spark! Well come on, let's have a high-voltage fight! My movements will surprise you so much that you will be paralyzed, like my enemies during the war." ―Surge, the Lightning Lieutenant.

Pikachu lost against Lt. Surge's raichu, but they still didn't give up and won the rematch taking advantage of Pikachu's great speed. They didn't need the thunder stone that Nurse Joy had given them. Still, they kept it just in case.

"I'm impressed, kid," Surge said with a broad smile. "The Raichu you defeated was captured recently, but even so he is not a weakling that anyone can defeat. Your Pikachu has the energy to defeat an entire Team Rocket squad!"

"He usually defeats the same guys, but thanks." Ash joked.

Later they went to the port and Ash obsessed for minutes with a truck. He was sure there was something or someone hiding. Pikachu, Misty and Brock thought he had gone crazy.


S.S. Anne

On the ship Ash and his friends met the Gentleman, an agent of the International Police. They had a relaxing conversation over tea and then in the hallways Ash met his rival from Pallet Town again. It didn't take long for them to challenge each other to a Pokémon battle.

"Raticate use tackle several times," Gary ordered with a smug smile on his face. "Let's send that bug to the Pokémon center."

Gary's raticate launched itself at high speed at Ash's Pokémon, leaving it quite stunned with its constant attacks.

"It's almost as fast as Pikachu!" Misty commented surprised.

"Iron Defense!" Ash shouted. Buterfree stiffened his body and Raticate felt like he was hitting a brick wall. "Now use gust!"

"Escape with quick attack and use hyper fang."

Raticate dove to his left to dodge the whirlpool and then leaped at Buterfree, sinking his powerful teeth into his body. Buterfree screamed in pain as small drops of blood from his body fell to the ground.

"Buterfree!" Ash shouted worried.

"Don't let go, Raticate!" Gary ordered him.

It was very clear to the spectators of the fight that Gary had victory within his grasp. But both Misty and Brock knew that they should never trust each other.

"Tackle the ground!" Ash said suddenly.

Buterfree threw his body against the ground and his blow was cushioned by Raticate's body, who received serious damage and was forced to let go of his rival. A few small scales came loose from Buterfree's wings during the process but only a few noticed.

"Well done Buterfree!" Ash congratulated his Pokémon.

"Free!" He responded very happily.

"Don't think you've won, Ash," Gary growled. He was going to give another order to his Pokémon when he saw that it couldn't move. "What happens?!"

"I know what's happening!" Brock exclaimed. "Buterfree has used stunt spore. What was coming off before were not scales but paralyzing dust."

"Has our Ash been able to do something so clever before?" Misty asked impressed.

"Hey!" exclaimed the kid from Pallet Town, somewhat offended. He was going to continue the fight when something unforeseen happened.

A huge explosion followed by several smaller ones caused the ship to completely rock. Team Rocket was attacking them and this time there were not three, but many more members.

"Ha, so this is the famous Team Rocket?" Gary asked in a mocking tone. "Surely some losers like you'll serve to polish my skills."

Everyone who knew how to fight faced them with their Pokémon. They even had to use their own fists on occasion. Luckily they had the help of agent Gentleman, which tipped the balance in favour of the passengers.

Due to the explosions and fighting, the ship ended up sinking. Everyone except Misty, Brock and the TRio were saved. However, after several adventures they managed to return to land safely.


Upon returning to Vermillion City Ash discovered that the truck was no longer there, but in its place there was a strange blonde girl who looked somewhat sad.

"My name is Mina." She was so absorbed tracing waves in my notebook that the ship has sailed and she haven't noticed. "Now I'm going to have to stay in Kanto for a year," the girl explained. "At least I'll be able to enjoy the beautiful Kanto Sea for a little longer!"

"Are you from another region? Then you must have strong Pokémon!" Ash said excitedly.

"Here we go again." Misty said sighing.

"At least he's forgotten about the damn truck." Brock murmured.

"Would you like to fight my Fairy-type Pokémon, Kanto trainer?" MIna asked.

"Hell yeah I would!" "Ash responded, taking out a Poké Ball.

"Hee, hee, hee. Alright, I'm going to show you what Fairy-type Pokémon are made of!"

Lavender Town: The Noble Town - Pokémon Tower

"I play my Poké Flute every day from the top of the tower."That way the music will reach everywhere and the souls of the Pokémon will be able to rest in peace"―Mr. Fuji.

Fog inside a closed tower. Without a doubt that couldn't be natural. The people could feel the cold seeping through their clothes and digging into their skin and bones.

"Ash... what are you doing here?" Gary asked him with a chilling calmness. "Have any of your Pokémon died?"

His hair was completely dishevelled. Dark, deep circles surrounded his eyes. His clothes were wrinkled and looked like they hadn't been washed in several days.

Ash, Misty and Brock didn't know what to say. That cemetery was already very sinister and Gary, at that moment, fit too well into that terrifying atmosphere.

"… Dead? Don't say stupid things, my Pokémon are fine," Ash replied, somewhat annoyed by Gary's question. "Team Rocket has kidnapped Mr. Fuji and several Pokémon. We had come to…"

Ash stopped when he felt Brock's hand on his shoulder. His friend looked at him seriously. He motioned with his head for him to look behind Gary. Ash obeyed and what he saw left him paralyzed.

The photo of a raticate along with various flowers and offerings adorned the tomb. Misty put a hand over her mouth as she realized what was happening.

Gary saw the looks of the three and turned his head slightly, to look out of the corner of his eye at his Pokémon's grave.

"The fight against your buterfree left him very weakened," Gary explained without any emotion in his voice. "That I then forced him to fight Team Rocket didn't help at all... Heh... I couldn't even get him into the Poké Ball in time when the ship sank... He didn't even have enough strength left to swim..."

"...Gary..." Ash didn't know what to say.

"Ash...Come here and fight me," Gary said suddenly as he grabbed a Poké Ball from his belt. "I'm going to make sure your Pokémon can't walk again either. And then I'll go after Team Rocket."

Celadon City: City of Rainbow Dreams

"Hello... Nice weather, right? It's so nice... ...Oh, dear... I must have been asleep. Welcome. My name is Erika and I am a student of the art of flower arrangements. Do you wish to challenge me? I'm sorry but first I have to take care of a little problem... How about you help me? I will give you the Rainbow Badge as compensation."―Erika, the nature-loving princess.

Ash, Misty, Brock and Erika trashed the Rocket casino after discovering it had a secret mafia base. While his friends dealt with the grunts, Ash met the mysterious leader of the organization.

"And you are?" Giovanni asked interested when he saw that a child had reached the safest place in the den.

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this is my friend Pikachu!"


Giovanni raised his thin eyebrows slightly, because that name sounded familiar to him.

"Are you the kid who's been bothering my grunts all over Kanto?" He asked as he got up from the couch. "The Pikachu brat those three idiots talk so much about? It's a pleasure to meet you, I…"

"I don't care who you are, you're going to fall for everything you've done!" Ash exclaimed, launching his Pokémon into battle.

Giovanni simply laughed as he did the same. At that time he was only carrying his weakest Pokémon on him, yet he almost defeated Ash's entire team, leaving him with only Pikachu standing.

Before Ash could stop him, Giovanni's Onyx used sandstorm and dig to help his master escape from there.

"Don't run away, coward!" Ash shouted furiously as he coughed up sand and covered his eyes. Pikachu couldn't do much else to stop Giovanni from running away either.

"I'm not running away from you, brat," Giovanni laughed. The police must be here by now and I don't have time for little games. You're lucky you didn't let me reveal my name to you, otherwise you'd be dead by now.

By the time Officer Jenny arrived everything had happened.

"I have finally been able to get rid of this damn casino that has given my city so many problems." Erika said relieved, and then gave Ash the Rainbow Badge for his bravery and help.

"Release me! Don't think you'll get away with this," shouted an angry Rocket grunt with blue hair and a sharp look, who was being arrested along with the other grunts by Officer Jenny. "Our leader let you win this time."

"You are the only ones who are going to pay if you set foot in my city again," Erika said, just as furious. "And next time no corrupt politician will stop me from acting on time."

"My name is Archer, you will pay with your lives!" the grunt shouted before disappearing into the police car.

"What a day we've had. "Misty said as she grabbed Brock by the ear to prevent him from going after Erika and Officer Jenny.

"Yes, although it's a shame we couldn't capture the head of Team Rocket." Ash complained.

"The important thing is that there'll be no more casinos or criminals in this city." Brock said after rubbing his sore ear.

"And we also have this." Ash said more cheerfully as he showed them the Silph Scope.

The three friends smiled, until they saw the sad expression on Erika's face.

"What's wrong Erika?" Misty asked worried.

"There were some magikarp at Celadon University but they were stolen," she explained to them. "I believed that Team Rocket would have them in the casino along with other stolen Pokémon, but they were not there."

"Why would Team Rocket want a Pokémon like magikarp?" Ash asked, earning a disapproving look from Misty.

"They were very rare since they knew dragon fury." Erika explained.

"They probably have them somewhere else... I can help you look for them!" Brock said, excited at the idea of spending more time with Erika. However, the excitement was replaced by pain again when he felt Misty grab his ear.

"I feel sorry for the magikarp but we have more important things to do." Misty said, trying not to think about those poor water-type Pokémon.

Erika finally smiled when she saw all that. She immediately bowed and thanked them for their help.

The next day the casino was renamed Celadon Casino and no longer accepted people under thirteen years of age. Although that didn't stop it from attracting people of the worst kind again.


With his self-esteem through the roof, Ash decided to go to the capital of Kanto, Saffron City, to challenge Sabrina. They should have gone straight to Lavender Town but Ash didn't want to listen to his friends.

Sabrina's father, known to everyone as Mr. Psychic, warned him that it wasn't a good idea. The few members of the Dojo-Karate fled when they heard her name. Misty was afraid of her and even Brock, who adored any beautiful woman, tried to persuade Ash not to do something crazy.

Ash found all that just funny. So he challenged her but the only thing he got was to be humiliated by Sabrina's Pokémon and on top of that the girl turned his friends into dolls.

Luckily Sabrina ended up getting bored and after transforming them into humans again she let them go.

"It's best that you use a ghost-type Pokémon next time if you want to beat her." Mr. Psychic advised him.

Lavender Town – Pokémon Tower

Ash and his friends returned to Lavender Town to reveal the mystery of the ghost and discover that she was actually a Marowak whose soul couldn't rest in peace. After reuniting it with her Cubone son, the tower was no longer possessed by that black and sinister aura.

"Hee, hee, hee... Are you the ones who have made the spirits of the tower rest in peace?" said an old woman with a Machiavellian smile.

"Yes, who are you?" Ash asked confused.

"It's Agatha from Elite Four, the ghost and poison type specialist!" Brock revealed surprised.

"It's true, I saw her on TV a long time ago." Ash remembered.

"What are you doing here, ma'am?" Misty asked the old woman.

"I was going to see what or who was causing so many problems in my hometown. I had to put in their place several Team Rocket grunts who were hiding in the area." said Agatha. "I appreciate what you have done, children."

"Can I challenge you to a fight?" Ash asked excitedly. "I'd like to see how strong are the Elite Four."

"Of course, it's always good to show the youth how we fight in the Elite Four." Agatha laughed.

The fight was brief, with only one gengar Agatha defeated Ash's entire team easily.


Mr. Fuji's House

Several angry glances fell on the old Mr. Fuji, who accepted them as the punishment he believed he deserved. Blaine was also there, as he had secretly gone to visit his friend. He didn't imagine that he was going to meet the boy who was giving Team Rocket so many headaches and on top of that accompanied by two gym leaders.

"You helped create Mewtwo so that Team Rocket could control him?" Ash asked Mr. Fuji angrily. He couldn't believe that this kind, scarred old man was a scientist for a criminal organization.

"Calm down, child!" said Blaine. "I also participated in that project. He isn't the only one guilty of creating a monster."

"The real monsters were us, monsters who played to be God," Fuji said in a tired voice. "When I lost my daughter Amber everything stopped making sense to me, I needed to get her back at all costs. I needed a lot of money, so I allied myself with Madame Boss, the founder of Team Rocket. Her son Giovanni acted as intermediary. Everything I did was so I could clone Amber and have her back."

Misty put her hands over her mouth at that revelation.

"… C-clone his own daughter?… but how could you…?"

"Yes, another monstrosity to add to the list…a man like me doesn't deserve to continue living. No wonder my own wife abandoned me."

"Please don't say that." Blaine begged his friend.

"Blaine's right," Ash said suddenly. "I'm not going to let you run away from his problems like that. Don't you want to correct your mistakes, don't you want to do something good for once in your life? Those from Lavender Town say that you spend all day taking care of Pokémon that have been hurt by other people. That means you haven't given up yet and you never should. Your family, Mewtwo... Do it for them, stop being a coward and try to create a world where there are no monsters playing to be God!"

Those words, so simple and spoken by a child, reached Mr. Fuji's heart.

"Wow, you said something right for once," Brock joked, who was surprised. "I thought you hated Mr. Fuji."

"I can't say I like him but I understand how he feels bad about himself," Ash admitted. "In the casino I got carried away by my hatred and I didn't pay attention to you. I wanted to avenge Cubone's mother, Gary's Raticate, and all the Pokémon who had suffered because of Team Rocket, but in the end my Pokémon and I almost died. I've learned the hard way that hate isn't part of the path of a Pokémon Master."

"Ash..." Misty murmured sadly.

"Then you're already wiser than both of us," Blaine told him. "Both Fuji and I hate ourselves and that's why we have had a hard time moving forward in this life...maybe we should follow your example."

"I agree," Fuji said as he wiped tears from his eyes. "I promise you, young man, I will try to never give up."


A haunter who lived in the lavender tower became attached to Ash after seeing how he managed to bring peace to the spirit of Cubone. So he decided to accompany them but without being an official part of his team.

Still Ash saw this as an opportunity to get revenge on Sabrina so they returned to Saffron City.

Haunter didn't want to fight Sabrina, he preferred to enter her soul and solve part of her childhood traumas, and then make her laugh with his ghostly tricks. The serious and somewhat cruel gym leader changed completely that day and she ended up staying with that haunter.

"Since I was the one who brought that haunter, you could at least give me the Badge." Said Ash.

"I give you my gratitude and that of my family for the joy you have brought us."

"B-but the Badge..."


Fuchsia City: Happening and Passing City

In Fuchsia City Ash participated in the Pokémon Safari, capturing thirty Tauros by mistake. Soon the entire city knew him as "the man who whispered to the Tauros."


"Uahahaha! How dare a child challenge me? As a ninja master, I will teach you what fear is! You will feel the despair of the poisoning and dream techniques!"―Koga, the Poisonous Ninja Master.

Pidgeotto and Charmander vs Venonat and Golbat.

Luckily his battle against Koga for the Soul Badge was much better. First he had to pass several tests that consisted of discovering and avoiding ninja traps. Then he had to face the leader's younger sister, Aya and was finally able to fight Koga.

"I see great potential in you, young man," Koga said after handing him the Badge. "Even so, you must continue working, since potential without training is nothing."

Those words made the young man from Pallet Town quite emotional. This was the second Badge he had gotten legitimately so he felt invincible.

"I will do that!" Ash said very determined.

"By the way, I heard that you have faced Team Rocket several times."

The three nodded at the same time while giving various sighs.

"Yes, those three never give up." Misty said.

"Still, they are no match for us." Brock said.

"I see... Well, be careful, I think there are several of them making trouble in the area. I've dealt with a few, but you never know..."


Koga was right. Just outside the city they had a run-in with Jessie, James and Meowth, who this time had help from the Biker Federation. Apparently Jessie and James had been members of said group for 2 years before fully dedicating themselves to the mafia.

Even with all that help, Ash and his friends didn't have any problems. Receiving the gratitude of the inhabitants, especially two in particular who turned out to be the grandfather and older sister of Bill the Poké Maniac.

Saffron City:The bright, golden land of commerce- Silph Co,

"I knew you'd come back... but you're not here to challenge me for the Badge, are you? What you want is to destroy Team Rocket. I don't like fighting, but my duty is to protect my city and its inhabitants. I will show them my psychic powers."―Sabrina, the Master of Psychic Pokémon.


Team Rocket had invaded the capital of Kanto. All its inhabitants hid in their houses while they saw the criminals patrolling the streets through their windows. They didn't hesitate to use their strongest and cruellest Pokémon to strike terror into the hearts of the citizens.

However a rebellion was formed by Ash in a very short time. Misty, Brock, Sabrina, Mr. Psychic (Sabrina's father), the Copycat (child prodigy), several members of the Dojo-Karate and some brave citizens fought and got Ash to reach Silph Co.

Ash was surprised to see his rival Gary already inside the building, leaving a trail of defeated Rocket grunts in his wake.

"I'm not here to help you," Gary told him with a sad smile. "I have come to avenge Raticate. You can go after the boss if you want, I'm going to destroy everyone else."

It didn't take Ash long to reach the company president's offices, although the entrance was guarded by the Trio and their Pokémon Arbok and Weezing.

"Stay there, brat!" Jessie said.

"Our Boss is in a meeting!" James said.

"It can't be bothered!" Meowth said, taking out his claws.

A lightning bolt from Pikachu was all it took to get rid of them.


Giovanni stomped on Ash's hand, making the boy scream in pain.

"Humiliate me at the Rocket casino, steal the Silph Scope, render the TRio useless and interfere with my plans for weeks... If it weren't for the damned International Police, I would have eliminated you a long time ago," growled Giovanni. "This time I'm not going to hold back, and your gym leader friends won't be able to-"

"Boss, boss!" a voice suddenly shouted in Giovanni's ear.

"What happen?" asked Giovanni, answering the call. He walked away from Ash and with a wave of his hand signalled for his Pokémon to attack him.

"We have been betrayed!"


"Surge, Sabrina and Koga have joined the other gym leaders and the police have cordoned off the entire building! Even the traitor Blaine has invaded the building!"

"…I'm beginning to understand how the International Police knew about our secret lairs and plans…I always suspected Blaine, but I never imagined there would be more than one mole."

Giovanni looked out the windows and he didn't like what he saw at all. The champion himself and the Elite Four had arrived in the city and were laying waste to their grunts. Despite using eighty percent of their members, they were losing ground in just a few minutes. It was the brat's fault, who had accelerated the counterattack by infiltrating the city.

Giovanni would have liked to continue talking to his executives, but when he stopped hearing the sound of his Pokémon, he turned around and saw something unexpected. Ash's Pokémon had defeated his Nidorino, Rhyhorn, Persian, and Nidoqueen. Not having been receiving instructions from him, they had ended up being overwhelmed.

"You are the next one!" shouted Ash furiously. The boy and his Pokémon could barely stand because they were sweating and bleeding. His heavy breathing could be heard throughout the office.

"No boy, don't continue risking your life!" pleaded the president of Silph Co.

Giovanni laughed at the brat's audacity.

"You and your friends have ruined my plans for Silph Co, but Team Rocket won't fall so easily." was what Giovanni said before escaping from there with the help of several grunts.


Saffron City Gym

Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champion, International Police and several others had gathered to discuss very serious matters.

"Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket?" Several people asked surprised.

"That's right," Surge assured. "It also seemed strange to us at first but stranger things have been seen."

"That explains why there are so many problems in the Viridian forest lately," Misty commented, remembering her trip with Ash through that area. "Ash and I saw Pokémon that shouldn't be there invading other Pokémon's territories. Some of them appeared to have suffered torture at the hands of humans."

"Team Rocket's "failed" experiments used to be discarded in that forest." Sabrina explained. The rest of those present could only frown and hurl insults at Giovanni.

"From now on, Giovanni won't be a gym leader." Leaf, the strongest member of the Elite Four, said. "We must inform the press of this so that everyone is on alert, anything more than adding a champion?"

"…" Red said. His inspiring words filled everyone present with joy and encouragement so much that they felt like nothing could stop them.

Shortly after, Sabrina gave Ash the Marsh Badge as a symbol of his bravery and skill during the invasion.

M1: Mewtwo vs Mew

"The circ*mstances in which one is born are not important, it is what one does with the gift of life that determines who we are."―Mewtwo.

With six Badges under their belts, Ash, Misty, and Brock headed to Cinnabar Island. However, along the way they had an adventure with the legendary Mew and his clone Mewtwo.

After years of horrible genetic engineering experiments Mewtwo was created to be the most powerful Pokémon in the world. However, he had great intelligence and was unable to understand the meaning of his existence.

Such unease made him create his own army of clones with which he wanted to invade the world. To do it, he sent challenges to trainers who had caught his attention, among them it was Ash.

After numerous confrontations and the "death" of Ash, Mewtwo understood that the meaning of life is what you give it yourself. And that all life has the same value. Therefore Mewtwo decided to take his clones to a place where they could live in peace and erased the events that occurred from everyone's memory.

Just as they were heading to Cinnabar Island, Ash and his friends received a call from Professor Oak.

"The Pokémon Snap project is very important for my research," the professor told them. "Near Cinnabar Island there's a virgin island to which I'll be sending a photographer named Todd Snap. The island contains a wide variety of places and climates, it's a place where Pokémon live freely undisturbed by humans."

The three friends liked all that quite a bit but for different reasons.

"Surely there are strong Pokémon." Ash said.

"Strong and cute water-type Pokémon!" Misty said.

"You can always learn something new from unexplored places." Brock said.

Professor Oak laughed as he watched their reactions.

"I would like you to accompany Todd as his bodyguards. From what those at the Pokémon Association have told me, you are very good at protecting people."

Ash didn't hesitate for a second to accept the offer.

"You can count on us, professor!"Ash said.

Thus Ash, Misty and Brock spent the next two weeks in the company of Todd Snap, exploring the island in depth and even discovering that Mew and the legendary birds used to sleep and nest there sometimes.

As a gift for the help, Todd ended up giving Pikachu a surfboard, which the Pokémon really liked because of how much he got to use it.

Cinnabar Island (Formerly New Island): The Fierce City of Burning Desire

-July 5, 1990. A mysterious Pokémon was discovered in the thick of the jungle in a distant region.

-July 10, 1990. We have identified the Pokémon as the legendary mew. We got D.N.A. samples from her before she escaped.

-February 6, 1996. We have managed to clone Mew. We call the little one: Mewtwo.

-September 1, 2014 Mewtwo is too powerful. His strength is slipping out of our hands." ―Blaine's diary.


The Cinnabar Island gym was inside a volcanic cavern, which seemed dangerous to everyone. Their gym leader, Blaine, was waiting for them there.

At first it took Ash and his friends a little while to recognize Blaine, since he had a new look. Instead of being a man with little hair he was now bald, he had a long moustache and sunglasses covering his fiery gaze.

"I am free from Team Rocket so I have decided to change both my life and my appearance. I have even thought about building a hotel near the hot springs to increase tourism on the island," the hotheaded quiz master explained happily. "Now we'll see if you can quench my fiery spirit!"

Squirtle, Pikachu and Charizard vs Ninetales, Rhydon and Magmar. Ash faced Blaine in a Pokémon battle after solving several of his puzzles, with the help of Misty and Brock, and thus obtained the Volcano Badge.

Viridian City – Gym

"Ahahaha! We meet again, brat! I didn't want to leave Kanto without first crushing your dreams. This time I plan to use my strongest Pokémon, you and your friends will not leave here alive."―Giovanni, the Self-Proclaimed Strongest Trainer.

"How is it possible that Giovanni is here?" Brock asked as he and Misty fought the eight trainers protecting the gym.

"Yeah! The international police told us that they had seen him leaving Kanto." Misty said as she gave orders to her Pokémon.

"I have my methods of distraction, brats," Giovanni said with a malicious smile. "I did everything in my hands so that no one could bothers us. My revenge against you, Ash Ketchum, is the most important thing right now."

Giovanni's words only made Ash angry.

"Revenge? When I'm done with you, no one will talk about Team Rocket again!"

"Big words for a twerp! This is the last time you will face the great Giovanni, the strongest trainer!"

Giovanni brought out Persian, Dugtrio, Rhydon, Nidoqueen and Nidoking at the same time.

"You can do that!" Misty shouted when she saw that. "I still can't believe they accepted you as a gym leader!"

"Do you have no honour left even as a gym leader?" Brock asked furiously. "You are a disgrace to the position of leader!"

"Honour and shame are for idiots, we are the Pokémon mafia!" said proudly Jessie, James and Meowth, who had come to observe the fall of the twerps.

Ash smiled widely. If Giovanni wanted to fight with everything then he would also do the same. Without a second's hesitation he took out five of his Pokémon: Pikachu, Charizard, Wartortle, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeot.

"For Cubone, for Raticate and for all the people you have made suffer… Today Team Rocket is going to fall! "Ash said.

The battle was so intense that half of the gym was destroyed in the process. Ash, Misty, Brock, and their Pokémon had to be sent to the hospital and the Pokémon Center respectively due to their injuries.

The International Police arrested all the gym's trainers and closed it for the moment. Giovanni, Jessie, James, Meowth and several members of Team Rocket were still on the run.

Still Ash later realized that he had the Earth Badge in his jacket pocket along with a message.

"The boss is furious with us but we think you deserve this, twerp. Congratulations for having done the impossible, even so this won't be the last time we see each other. It's seems Team Rocket blast off again!" ―Signed by the TRío.

"You should stop getting into trouble, kid," said Gentleman, the member of the International Police in charge of monitoring mafia activities in Kanto. "On behalf of the police, I thank you and your friends, but you could have ended up dead."

"We couldn't just let them run away like that." Ash complained. His friends nodded at the same time.

The Agent Gentleman took a long sigh as he put on his trench coat and hat.

"At least you'll be happy to know that almost the entire organization has fallen. The few that remain free will try to flee to Johto, the Orange Archipelago or the Sevii Islands. They won't get very far."

Mount Hideaway

In an attempt to train some more before the league started, Ash and his friends went to a hidden place where they met Bruno from Elite Four, a fighting and rock type specialist.

"Please tell me how you are so strong!" Ash asked him, because he wanted to reach the top as soon as possible.

Bruno, who was sitting on top of his giant onyx, opened his eyes and stared at him.

"There is no secret. Know your Pokémon, know yourself and help each other. Start with that and you'll be halfway there. The rest is pure training and experience. Or at least that's how it has worked for me."

"…At least help me train."

"Well, I have free time so okay."

Indigo Plateau - Kanto Pokémon League

The fire of Moltres had lit the torch, the league had begun.

-"I wonder if you are strong enough for me!"

-"I see you're good! Let's see exactly how much!"

-"I'll beat you up!"

-"Only the chosen ones can win here!"

-"I will show you how good I am!"

"Assunta, Melissa, Jeanette Fisher, Pete Pebbleman and Mandi. Rivals defeated by Ash.

The moment that many had been waiting for had finally arrived. Ash Ketchum vs. Gary Oak. Both from Pallet Town, the same place the Elite Four Leaf and champion Red came from.

Murmurs and gossip filled the room of the Pokémon Center where the Pokémon trainers were resting.

Gary looked with some pride at his three Pokémon: Blastoise, Arcanine, and Alakazam.

"This team is enough to defeat you, Ash."Gary thought very seriously.

"Your team seems very strong." Ash said after getting closer to Gary. His rival immediately turned around. He still had a sad look but he seemed to have regained some fire.

"Charizard, Wartortle and Bulbasaur, huh? Do you really think you're going to beat me with a team in which only one is fully evolved?" Gary commented mockingly.

Ash was a little annoyed by the comment.

"Not all my Pokémon want or need to evolve. They are strong as they are."

"… You know? Unlike you, I have never considered you my rival," Gary confessed. "I have always seen you as someone lazy, dense, too dreamy and with very bad luck."


"But you ended up surprising me. Not only do you have some Pokémon that love you very much, but you have also defeated the leader of Team Rocket three times."

Gary felt that Ash had avenged his Raticate in a way by being the main cause of the Pokémon mafia's downfall.

"Well, the first two times I won thanks to a lot of luck and certain coincidences." Ash confessed, somewhat embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. A victory is a victory. During our trip we have fought four times and we are tied two to two. Today, in front of all these people, we will find out who is the best. And since you're my number one rival, I'm not going to hold back!"

"Same here, Gary!"

Misty, Brock, Delia, Amarillo, Daisy and Oak looked at the couple with a smile. There was a certain respect between them and a great desire to show what they had grown during their trip. What no one knew was that they were also being watched by other even stronger trainers.

"Those two are from Pallet Town like you, right?" Lorelei asked curiously.

They were all sitting in a VIP area that allowed them to see the trainers in the Pokémon center room.

"Well yes, and the one with the cap is a very good friend of ours!" said Leaf excitedly. "Despite having grown up, he still has that baby face, how cute!"

"I suppose you'd be interested in Oak's grandson, right?" Bruno said to Agatha. Despite her closed eyes an exciting smile graced her face.

Agatha hit the ground hard with her cane, making Bruno open his eyes.

"Bah! Let's hope he suffers a humiliating defeat!"

"Are you still not over your defeat against Oak?" Lorelei asked, trying not to laugh. "How many years have passed since that?"

"Not enough! Not only did he defeat me, but he also retired to be a Pokémon researcher! How are we going to have the legendary rematch I promised him?"

Leaf ignored the old woman's complaints and spoke to her boyfriend.

"Who do you think is going to win, Red?" Leaf asked the champion.


"Wise words." Bruno said.


That last seismic move by Charizard against Blastoise ended the epic fight between the two rivals. Gary could barely get over the shock of it. Ash had improved a lot and had won very narrowly, but a victory was a victory.

After the defeat, Gary looked at the half Poké Ball that he always carried with him, a symbol of his rivalry with Ash for years. As a reward for his victory, Gary gave his half Poké Ball to Ash, this way he could complete it and move forward as a trainer.

For Gary, that fight was an unexpected turn of events, since he never imagined losing to Ash. He needed to change a lot to be able to continue being his rival, or at least that's what he felt.


Sadness, surprise, shame, fear and despair. All those feelings came together inside Ash after his fight against Richie.

He had been overconfident. After beating Gary he believed that no one could stand up to him. The victory had completely blinded him, making him more reckless and reckless.

He only managed to defeat five of Richie's six Pokémon and with this he was among the sixteen best in the Kanto league.

The reflection he made after that only made him bitterer. He had won half of the Badges in unconventional ways and his arrogant attitude wasn't good for a trainer.

Delia, Amarillo, Misty, Brock and Professor Oak cheered him up and kept him from falling into depression.

"You have defeated Giovanni, you have saved several cities and helped many people during your journey," Delia told him with a kind smile. "The only thing you need is to train more and not let the victories blind you. A strong mind is the third part of being a great Pokémon trainer."

"We'll always be here to help you." Misty said.

"You'll see how soon you recover and come back stronger than before." Brock said.

"Don't give up little brother." said Yellow.

"Many times you learn more from defeat than from victory." professor Oak said.

Ash could only nod, knowing that he had such good people supporting him made the pain disappear little by little.


Richie was the one who ended up winning the league with his Pokémon team: Pikachu, Charizard, Buterfree, Tentacruel, Fearow and Eevee. However when he challenged the Elite Four he lost completely against Lorelei.

"This defeat only shows that I still have a lot to improve," he explained to Ash with a sad smile. "I couldn't beat a single Pokémon of Lorelei... The Elite Four really is another level..."

Ash gave him a strong pat on the back, preventing his friend and rival from falling into a depression similar to the one he had had.

"Then we just have to train until we have that level... No, until we are stronger than the champion himself!"

Richie just smiled at those words of encouragement. While in the distance Red and Leaf watched both children.

"It's a shame Ash couldn't get further," Leaf complained. "Although he has done very well for being only ten years old."

Red adjusted his cap and smiled happily.


"Interesting, we'll see if your prediction about Ash is true."


The Orange Archipelago were a large chain of tropical islands located south of Kanto, and were considered by some to be their own region to the point that it had its own league.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ash wanted to go there to train, professor Oak asked him to do him a favor. It was about bringing him the GS Ball that Professor Philena Ivy, who lived on Valencia Island, had.



"No, you're only eight years old," Ash answered tiredly. It was the tenth time they had that conversation with Amarillo. The girl had been living with her mother in Pallet Town for months. "You can come when you are ten, like me."


"You're not coming on a trip with me! Let me go!"


"Ash! Don't yell at your sister," his mother scolded him. Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mother acted as if they had really adopted the girl. He honestly didn't care since he loved her as if she were his real sister.

"It's his fault," Ash said angrily. "Se won't leave me alone."


"He wants to go with Brock, Misty and I on a trip to the Orange Archipelago."

"I don't think it's such a bad idea for her to accompany you and your friends." Delia commented.

Both Ash and Yellow stopped instantly.


"That place is beautiful and you can learn a lot before starting your own journey. Also, Team Rocket has been disbanded so I don't think there are many dangers."

"And wild Pokémon?"

"Aren't you going to protect her if some wild Pokémon attacks you?"

"W-well yes, but…"

"Then I don't see any problem."

"Yeah!" Yellow shouted very happily. "I really want to show you the female pikachu I found the other day in the forest."

"Don't forget to tell your uncle Wilton." Delia reminded the girl.

With that, Yellow joined the group and together they set out for the Orange Archipelago. There they met the beautiful professor Ivy, with whom Brock ended up staying so he could study Pokémon better... or at least that was the excuse he used.

"We have lost a great cook…the only cook in the group." Ash and Misty complained with tears in their eyes.

Yellow gently patted them both on their backs.

"Mom…I mean, Mrs. Delia taught me many recipes when I was with her. According to her, I did it very well."

"Oh really?! We are saved!" Ash and Misty shouted, their tears of sadness turning into tears of joy.

Viridian Forest - Team Rocket Secret Base

"Prepare for trouble... and make it double! Here's our mission, so you better listen! To infect the world with devastation! To blight all people in every nation! To denounce the goodness of truth and love! To extend our wrath to the stars above! Cassidy! And Butch, of course! We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night! Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight! Raticate!"―Cassidy, Blizt and Raticate.

The witch hunt. This is what it was called when the International Police captured almost ninety percent of the members of Team Rocket. After the consequent defeats in the Rocket casino, the Lavender tower, Silph Co. and in the Viridian gym, no one doubted that the Mafia Pokémon was going to disappear from Kanto.

The main culprit? A ten-year-old boy named Ash Ketchum. And to that they had to add traitors among their ranks, changes of allegiances, failed missions, erroneous reports... Without a doubt, Team Rocket had not blasted off well that year.

"Team Rocket is disbanded?!" exclaimed the remaining members of Team Rocket without being able to believe what they heard.

"Yes, those were Giovanni's last orders," Matori confirmed. "His last battle against Ash Ketchum not only destroyed his gym but also his spirit."

"Are you implying that that kid is stronger than our great leader?" A tall man with purple Mohawk hair asked sharply.

Matori replaced her glasses and gave her a cold look.

"If I remember correctly, you lost to that kid on Nugget Bridge when you were recruting new members, Sergeant Viper."

"That was..." Viper didn't know what to say to avoid losing even more prestige, so he closed his mouth.

"And what about Blaine, Surge, Koga and Sabrina? We haven't heard from them in a while." asked a young blonde named Domino, who was one of the best agents in the organization.

Matori frowned and after giving a small sigh she prepared to reveal everything she had kept secret.

"Blaine fled months ago but it wasn't reported because we didn't want to spread panic. Surge was an infiltrator of the International Police. Koga was planning to betray us from the beginning since he worked with the Kanto Pokémon Association. As for Sabrina, it seems that after facing Ketchum in a gym fight she had a change of ideals. We should have never recruited her, she was too unstable and unpredictable."

Both Domino and Jessie giggles a little at how stressed Matori looked.

"So we had five gym leaders on our side and we are down to zero. It's incredible that this happened while you were present, Matori." Domino said, openly mocking the secretary.

Matori, for her part, completely ignored her and continued talking to the rest of the agents.

"I'm afraid that right now our "great leader" is unable to think clearly. However, I have managed to convince him to take refuge in the secret hideout of Tohjo Falls. There, I and the elite of Team Rocket will be able to protect him better."

In the back of the room, Jessie, James and Meowth exchanged looks of fear and concern.

"Boss..." the TRío murmured sadly.

"It's true that the brat beat him three times, but I never thought it would affect him so much,"Meowth thought as he remembered the fight in the Viridian gym."We told him not to underestimate that twerp's pikachu and he didn't listen to us. Look how we are now!"

"While recovering, I want all remaining members to disperse and await further orders." Matori continued saying.

"Aren't we going to disband like the boss has asked us?" Jessie asked confused.

"Dissolve? Ha! It's obvious that, as Matori said before, our "great leader" is not right in the head," Domino said. "We cannot dissolve an organization like ours."

Matori nodded slightly. Even though she didn't like agreeing with Domino.

"I must clarify that the International Police, the police and the Kanto Pokémon Association have been emboldened. They are destroying all our hideouts and businesses. Still, we cannot allow this witch hunt to continue. Remember, we are Team Rocket, the whole world is our rocket and we will blast off again!"

The entire Team Rocket roared with joy and excitement. They weren't finished yet, Giovanni would return stronger than ever and everyone would fear them again!

"I have a question," a member with green hair said when ervyone calmed down. "What are we going to do with Ash Ketchum? We can't allow a kid to humiliate us like that."

"Good question, Basil." said Matori adjusting her glasses.

"My name is Butch!"

"You and your partner Cassidy will be in charge of eliminating Ketchum." Matori said.

The members of Team Rocket, except the TRio, smiled upon hearing his words.

"Did you hear that, Bitch? We're going to be able to get revenge!" Cassidy exclaimed excitedly, slapping him hard on the back.

"My name is Butch!" He said crying, "how is it possible that you don't remember if we have been companions for years?"

"According to his stalkers," Matori said, taking a quick look at the TRio, "Ketchum is headed toward the Orange Archipelago. You can take as many members as you want and use whatever methods are necessary, but remember, Team Rocket no longer "exists," so if you get caught, you'll be on your own. Do you still want to complete the mission?"

"You're so smart that you ask really stupid questions," Cassidy said, winking at her. "Did you hear that Jessie? They have given us one last and important mission. It shows that we are the elite."

"What did you say, witch?!" Jessie roared.

James and Meowth looked at each other and gave a long sigh. For having been in front of both of her rivals, Jessie had held up pretty well without exploding.

Tangelo Island - Pokémon Center

"Who are you looking for?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Professor Oak's new assistant," Yellow answered. "He told us he would be here."

"And so it is." Said a voice behind her. The three turned around and saw a boy of about twelve years old smiling at them.

"My name is Tracey Sketchit and I'm the person you are looking for." said the boy, shaking Ash's hand.

"Pleased to meet you! I'm Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town and this is my friend Pikachu," Ash said, greeting him back.


"And you must be Yellow of the Viridian Forest and Misty, am I wrong?" Tracey asked the girls.

"How do you know?" Misty asked, frowning slightly.

"The professor gave me photos of you." Tracey responded.

"Mrs. Delia was also the professor's assistant for a few years, why do you want to be his assistant?" Yellow immediately asked.

"I have always liked to research everything about Pokémon. Since I got the highest grade in the Pokémon School, the professor has given me the opportunity to study under his tutelage."

"Pokémon School? Did you just get out of it?" Misty asked in a less aggressive tone.

"That's right," Tracey confirmed. "But the professor wants me to travel with you, he thinks it will be a good experience before working with him."

"I agree!" Ash exclaimed excitedly. "There is nothing better than traveling and meeting new Pokémon. Much better than spending all day reading boring books at school!"

"You say it as if you knew how to read." Misty commented.

"What have you said!"

"What you have heard."

"Repeat it if you dare!"

"I'll say it as many times as you want!"

Tracey watched in surprise as they both got into a loud and crazy argument.

"Are they always like this?" He asked, somewhat scared and astonished.

"Unfortunately, yes," Yellow responded with a long sigh. "Don't worry, they will stop when they get hungry."

"Pika..." Pikachu confirmed, also giving a long sigh.

During the trip to the islands Ash and his friends had to suffer several assassination attempts by Cassidy and his companion. Some of these attempts were sabotaged by the TRio, although Ash never knew this.

On the other hand, to win the Orange league, Ash had to beat the Orange Crew. Which was made up of four members and the leader Drake. Beating all five of them meant becoming champion of the Orange League.

After passing Cissy's two tests on Mikan Island, Ash earned the Coral Eye Badge.

Danny from Navel Island imposed three tests on him to get the Sea Ruby Badge.

Mandarin Island

"You're Ash Ketchum, the boy who lost in the Pokémon League, right?" A woman said to Ash when he and his friends were eating quietly.

What the woman said bothered Ash a lot.

"And who are you? Do you want a fight?"

"Ash, she's Lorelei from Elite Four, the ice and water type specialist!" explained an excited Misty. "Forgive my friend, Miss Lorelei."

"Don't worry, it's normal to get upset when a stranger reminds you of your worst moments." Lorelei said apologetically. "You're the new Cerulean gym leader, right?"


"I once trained your sisters for a few months."

"I know, they just brag about how lucky they were."

Lorelei stayed with them for a day, advising Ash and Misty, tasting Yellow's food, and letting Tracey draw her Pokémon.

M2: The power of one

Halfway through his journey, Ash was forced to fulfil an ancient prophecy involving the legendary Pokémon Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Lugia. If he didn't do it the whole world could be destroyed.

The famous collector Lawrence III didn't make things easy for our hero, as he sought to capture the legendary birds and lugia without caring at all about the balance of the world.

Despite the pressure, with the help of his friends and the maiden Melody he managed to fight alongside Lugia and save them all. Also, perhaps, there was something more than friendship forming between Ash and Misty...

After the adventure he faced Rudy from Trovita Island in several battles and won the Púas Badge.

Finally she had a double match against Luana from Kumquat Island and obtained the Jade Star Badge.

TCG Island

Upon arriving at the TCG Island, they met Doctor Manson, who was an old friend of Professor Oak.

"Would you like to participate in the TCG championship?" He asked the travellers. "At the moment it's a national championship but one day I hope it'll be a world championship. But in order to participate you must defeat the eight club masters."

Much to Misty's chagrin and Tracey's curiosity, Ash and Yellow quickly agreed. So they stayed on the island for a whole week.

And the truth is that they were both very good at playing with Pokémon cards, because soon they, a boy named Ronald and James...yes, James from Team Rocket, got the eight medals.

-The Grass medal from Nikki, leader of the Grass club.

-The Science medal of Rick, leader of the Science club.

-The Fire medal of Ken, the leader of the Fire club.

-The Water medal from Amy, leader of the Water club.

-The Lightning medal from Isaac, leader of the Lightning Club.

-The Psychic medal from Murray, leader of the Psychic Club.

-The Rock medal from Gene, leader of the Rock Club.

-The Fighting medal from Mitch, leader of the Fighting Club.


Ash, Amarillo, Ronald and James were in front of the door to the Pokémon Pantheon, where the top of the TCG was.

"What are you doing here James?" Asked Ash when he saw that one of the four winners was his enemy.

"I swear I'm not here to cause trouble!" James shouted scared at the twerp's fierce gaze. "I've been a fan of Pokémon cards since I was a kid!"

"That must have been a long time ago, old man." Ronald laughed with his hands in his pockets.

"Old?! I'm only seventeen years old!" James complained.

"You should put down the cards, old man," Ronald continued saying. "Losing against younger people is embarrassing."

"Then I hope no one loses to me." Amarillo said with a smile that hid how unpleasant Ronald was to her. Ash laughed as he saw the sour look that formed on Ronald's face. Even James smiled slightly.


In the pantheon they had to face the grandmasters, who were the five best players in Kanto. However, only one could do it, so they fought among themselves and James ended up winning.

Shortly after, James defeated Courtney, the fire queen. Then to Steve, the great master of thunder. He began to have difficulties against Jack, the ice man. And he almost couldn't beat Rod, the dragon master.

Finally he had the final battle against Mark, Kanto champion in the TCG. Ash was surprised to realize that a part of him wanted to see James win. Even his friends thought the same.

Despite the support James had from his friends and enemies, he couldn't do anything against Mark and lost. Jessie and Meowth, to encourage him, convinced him to steal all the cards on the island. Unfortunately for them the twerps made them blast off again.

Pummelo Island Stadium

Pikachu, Wartortle, Charizard, Tauros, Lapras and Bulbasaur vs Dragonite, Ditto, Gengar, Onix, Venusaur and Electabuzz.

"The Orange League is more than 300 years old," Drake commented to Ash when they were face to face on the battlefield, "and has had many champions... However, since I have been the leader of the Orange Crew, I have never been defeated."

Those words made Ash's friends nervous and excited the public who adored Drake. However, they also excited Ash.

"That's better, because it'll make my victory much greater!"

Drake gave a small laugh.

"Everyone says that...But none of them can get past my first Pokémon... Let's go, Ditto!"


After a series of intense battles, the final was decided in a Pikachu vs Dragonite, but Ash's Pokémon once again showed its potential and defeated the feared dragon/flying type Pokémon.

Drake and almost the entire stadium were surprised, not only by the fact that Ash had made history, but that a pikachu had defeated a dragonite.

"Congratulations on your victory."

"Thank you so much! It was a great fight." Ash said very happily as he shook Drake's hand.

"Thanks to you I can finally see that I am a goldeen in a small pond. If you are that strong, the Kanto Elite Four must be made up of monsters."

Ash scratched his head while laughing.

"Well yeah, they are very strong!"

"Good, now you will receive the Winner's trophy and they will take a photo of you that will hang in the Palace of Victory," he explained as he guided him off the battlefield. "This way future generations will know your feat."

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other smiling, feeling that at least they had gotten rid of some of the shame they had suffered in the Kanto League. Soon his friends came to him to congratulate him and give him hugs and pats.

"You're the best little brother!"

"Do you see how you can do it if you don't trust yourself, Ash?"

"Your imagination when it comes to combat is very inspiring."

"Thanks guys." Ash responded, feeling his pride increase by the second.

Pikachu could only sigh when he noticed that. Both his trainer and him still had a long way to go.

After receiving the trophy and the photo, Ash and his Pokémon put their hand/paw prints on a clay tablet that was kept in the Victory Palace.

A Time Later - Tohjo Falls

Matori drummed his fingers on the table as she waited for Cassidy and what-his-name to give her a report on what happened on the Orange Archipelago.

Jessie, James and Meowth watched their rivals with expressions of evil and satisfaction. They knew perfectly well what they were going to say because they had witnessed the mission.

"And?" Matori asked impatiently.

"W-well you see...W-we've had c-complications..." Cassidy began to say.

"Complications? What kind of complications?"

Jessie's smile was so wide it practically deformed her face.

"….We couldn't kill Ketchum." Beard finished saying while sweat bathed his entire body.

For several minutes, which seemed like hours, Matori said nothing. She simply picked up a paper from the table and read it calmly. Cassidy and company could only wait nervously and watch the TRio's mockery out of the corner of their eye, bitterly.

Finally, Matori put the paper back on the table and turned her cold gaze towards them.

"Misty, Tracey Sketchit and Yellow of the Viridian Forest...Those have been his companions during his trip through the Orange Archipelago" each word was loaded with hidden anger and those present in the room trembled when they detected it. "A rookie gym leader, a Pokémon watcher, and a savage... And you couldn't kill him."

"Well," Cassidy began, "the savage has some strange abilities."

"I thought the TRio were the ones with the excuses," Matori interrupted. Cassidy closed her mouth instantly. Meanwhile, the TRio was about to complain about that comment but they thought better of it and remained silent.

Matori took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"The villains of the Kanto Rangers are more competent and they don't even exist. Team Rocket is in its lowest hours, for that reason alone I will forgive you for this great failure."

"T-thank you for your kindness!" Cassidy and her partner shouted instantly after kneeling and bowing their heads.

"They have too much luck." Jessie complained softly.

"And I'm glad of it," said Meowth. Jessie and James looked at him somewhat confused.

"Since when do you care about those two?" James asked him.

"Well, if it had been the boss instead of Matori, right now we would have seen a disgusting and bloody execution...The last time we saw that we were vomiting all day and had nightmares for a week."

An unpleasant, deep shiver ran down Jessie and James's spine. Meowth was right, they had to be happy about Cassidy and what-her-name's luck.

"Hum… who wants to play Pinball?" James asked, trying to change the subject.

"Pinball? We've played too many times already," Meowth complained. "When are we going to play Picross?"

"Never, I've heard that they cancelled it." Jessie revealed to a dismayed Meowth, "but we can play Puzzle League!"

Pallet Town - Professor Oak's Laboratory

"The Stadium Tournament is a new competition in which any trainer can participate as long as he is from Kanto, this includes territories such as the Orange Archipelago and the Sevii Islands. From gym leaders to Elite Four, champion included. The winner would receive the Stadium Trophy and if he is among the top 5 he will be considered an Elite trainer by the Kanto Pokémon Association. That's if it isn't already, of course. Trainers, sign up now and prove that you are the strongest in Kanto on the Indigo Plateau!"

"Such an impressive tournament deserves an equally impressive winner." said Ash watching how the tournament was announced on television.

"Since you won the Orange League you have become unbearable." Misty said worried.

"You're just envious because I'm better than you." Ash said. The boy narrowly dodged a blow from Misty.

"Misty is right, little brother," said Yellow. "Last time you were so confident you lost the Kanto League."

Ash growled slightly and his proud smile disappeared instantly. There were things he preferred not to remember.

"That doesn't matter anymore! The important thing is that I'm going to win this tournament!"

"So much positivity." Tracey said, willing to support his friend in anything. Misty and Yellow however looked at each other.

"We're also going to participate." Misty said after several seconds.

"Wait, really? Yellow, I thought you didn't like tournaments." Ash said surprised.

"If I want to become the protector of the Viridian forest, I need to get stronger," she explained. "This tournament will make me see what my true level is compared to the rest of Kanto."

"I just want to have the opportunity to humiliate you." Misty said very sure of herself.

"You wish!"

"…I'll pass, fighting is not my thing. In any case, I will support you from the stands." Tracey said.

"We have to tell Brock to participate." Ash suddenly remembered.

"True, with the depression that professor Ivy left him, he needs something to distract himself." Misty said.

Just then professor Oak entered the room with several documents in his hands.

"Well, I'm going to participate."

"Are you also participating, professor?" Asked Ash, Misty, Yellow and Tracey, confused and surprised.

The professor laughed before nodding his head.

"That's how it is. I haven't fought in a tournament in a while but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I don't think I'll do it again as this is more about remembering old times." the professor explained.

"I'm afraid your chances of going far in the tournament are getting slimmer." Misty said with a condescending smile as she patted Ash's head.

"What are you saying? The stronger rivals, the better it'll be when I win."

No one believed his words because they could see his nervous smile and sweat running down his face.

"Pika…pi." Pikachu said worried.

If the tournament was already causing a lot of talk, when the public found out that the first champion of the old Indigo League was going to participate, there was a stir at the national level. The number of participants, which was already high, multiplied.

"Finally I will be able to have my long-awaited revenge..." Agatha murmured after learning the great news.


The professor's Pokémon team consisted of: Tauros, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Jolteon and Nidoking. Despite their age, they managed to defeat rival after rival.

Ash faced a mysterious moustachioed guy named Mr. G, who used ground-type Pokémon brutally and effectively. He wasn't talkative and his voice seemed distorted.

For some reason Ash had a very bad feeling about it but luckily he was able to beat him. The look of hatred that G gave the boy from Pallet Town didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

Oak vs Agatha, Gary vs Sabrina, Erika vs Koga, Amarillo vs Surge, Lorelei vs Blaine, Rojo vs Misty, Leaf vs Brock...

The rest of the tournament was very intense and Ash only managed to make it to the top sixteen before being defeated by Bruno of the Elite Four. He couldn't even beat a single one of his Pokémon.


"The Poké Ball Trophy for Bruno for his fifth place. The Super Ball Trophy for the fourth place: Agatha. The Ultra Ball Trophy for the third place: professor Oak. The Master Ball Trophy for the second place: Leaf. The Stadium Trophy goes to the first place: Red. Congratulations to all the Stadium tournament participants!" Stadium commentator said."To finish, here is a song sung by the artist Jigglypuff."

"Don't worry, Ash," Leaf told him as she tried not to show off her trophies too much, "with how successful the tournament has been, they'll surely repeat it. You will have more opportunities."

"…" Red said to him.

"I don't think the cult of god Helix can make me stronger." Ash said confused.


"Johto? You're right, I'm sure I can get stronger there." said Ash excitedly thinking about a new trip through a region unknown to him.

Professor Oak, who had heard everything, approached them.

"So you are thinking about going to Johto with, huh? It comes in handy because I need someone to do me a favour."

"Whatever you ask professor!"

"What a nice fella, but at least wait for me to tell you what it is."

Soon after everyone fell asleep due to Jigglypuff's song.


After the tournament Misty and Brock returned to their respective gyms. Tracey was staying on as professor Oak's official assistant. And Yellow had had the idea of traveling alone through Kanto.

-Misty:The next time you stop by my gym I will force you to fight until the end. Only then will I accept that you deserve my Badge. Good luck with your trip and I hope you bring me water Pokémon from Johto!... I'm going to miss you Ash...

-Brock:I can't let my brothers and my useless dad to take care of the gym all the time. Visit me when you can and I'll make you something delicious!

-Yellow:Our trip to the Orange Archipelago has made me want to get to know all of Kanto better. The next time we meet I'll be a guardian of the Viridian Forest.

-Gary:I have decided to take the gym leader exam in Viridian City. I'm still not sure what I want to do but at least I hope to get stronger. When you return from Johto I will challenge you to a fight and I'll defeat you! The eevee that Bill gave me is burning with the desire to beat Pikachu.

-Tracey:I have learned a lot from you, I wish you luck with your travels. But don't forget to visit me in professor Oak's laboratory!


"Alright Pikachu, it's time to go!" Ash exclaimed excitedly as he left his house.

"Pikachu!" His friend exclaimed just as excitedly.

"Be careful and don't forget to change your underwear!" Her mother reminded him with a smile.


End of the first generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Kanto:Pikachu, Charizard, Wartortle, Bulbasaur, Tauros (x30), Muk, Kingler, Snorlax, Primeape (In training), Lapras (Released) and Pidgeot (Released).

-Misty's Pokémon:Togepi, Psyduck, Starmie, Poliwag, Horsea and Goldeen.

-Brock's Pokémon:Onix, Graveler, Ninetales and Golbat.

-Yellow Pokémon:Rattata, Doduo, Buterfree, Graveler and Omanyte.

-Tracey's Pokémon:Venonat, Marill and Scyther.

-Gary's Pokémon:Eevee, Blastoise, Arcanine, Nidoking, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot and Alakazam.

Save game… Saving data… Game saved!


-Games: Yellow, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Stadium, Snap, Let's Go Pikachu and Eeeve, Picross, Pinball and Puzzle League.

-Anime: Seasons 1 and 2; Movies 1 and 2.

-Manga: Pokémon adventure arcs Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.


This whole story is a tribute to Ash, who has been one of the heroes of my childhood. Watching him go from a child who knew nothing to world champion has been a very happy odyssey. Each chapter will cover a generation, with eight in total, with a chapter nine and an epilogue.

A little advice for those starting to write fanfics: Always have several chapters done before publishing the first one in case it‘s going to be a fic with more than three or four chapters. If not, fatigue and stress will accumulate. And you won't have to worry about not publishing on time if you impose a deadline on yourself.

And always be clear in which part and how you want to end the story. For example, I have already done the chapters and it has taken me about three months or so because as you can see this fic is going to be an amalgamation of anime, games and manga and there are many characters and information to read and adapt to my story.

And last piece of advice, rest frequently if you write a lot or you will end up bored with your own work.

Until the next chapter!

Chapter 2: Second Generation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

2nd Generation

Pichu and Wooper watched in confusion as Suicune ran across the meadow while being chased by those strange floating letters with eyes. Those beings surrounded Suicune and emitted an intense light that blinded them. When they opened their eyes there was nothing.


Zzz...! What...? Oh, what a hit! What time is it? I-I mean... Welcome to the Pokémon world! I'm Professor Elm and I specialize in the study of Pokémon breeding. Pokémon are very mysterious creatures and we still have a hard time figuring out how and when they lay eggs. Something incredible! There are still many things we don't know. Well, I hope you have fun with this colourful world full of adventures.

See you!


In the distant past...

Pryce was born in Mahogany Town, where he had a fairly normal childhood with his friend Sheila. Years later his talent as a trainer allowed him to meet and confront Samuel Oak and Agatha, becoming friends with both in the process.

During those years he became fascinated with the beauty of ice-type Pokémon. He liked them so much that he even had two Iapras in his main team. They were called Lapris and Laprusd. Together with them he won numerous tournaments and even several important tournaments.

He was eventually named gym leader, the strongest in Johto. Thanks to his Iapras, winning in his gym was a very difficult task even for veteran trainers. A few years later both Iapras died in an avalanche.

Before they died, they had left an egg from which a baby Iapras hatched, which Pryce named Glacier. Unfortunately, the death of his two favourite Pokémon caused something to break inside him. One day a couple of friends, who worked at a Pokémon Day Care, gave him a baby swinub, which he raised as if it were his own child.

Over time, his broken heart healed little by little and he regained his happy and competitive spirit. He evolved his swinub into a powerful piloswine and together with Glacier obtained an unstoppable and icy duo.

When he was thirty-five years old he suffered severe burns during a fierce battle against a Kanto trainer. That day Piloswine disAppeared. He searched for him for days, weeks, and years until he accepted that his Pokémon had abandoned him.

"First his two Iapras and now Piloswine." Sheila said with a sad voice as she held back tears. Seeing how her friend's heart was going cold wasn't pleasant at all.

"We have to do something," Oak said very seriously. "We can't let Pryce stay locked up in that damn icy cave."

"And what can we do?"

"And the song we composed for him? Did he heard it?" the Pokémon Day Care couple asked.

Sheila shook her head. Agatha, seeing that, let out a sigh of despair.

"Bah! We cannot save someone who doesn't want to be saved. It's best that we leave it alone once and for all."

"I disagree. There must be something…" Oak very said seriously. Agatha looked at him sadly. Unfortunately, her friend wasn't one to give up.

That third loss made the enthusiastic gym leader become empty. He never cared for any of his Pokémon again, treating them as if they were simple objects. That way, if he lost someone again, he wouldn't feel that pain that threatened to break the little sanity he had left.

His students were the ones who suffered the most from his rudeness and scolding. Pryce demanded too much of them and barely allowed them to rest, wanting to turn them into strong trainers who wouldn't lose their loved ones...They only saw a cruel teacher who was destroying them.

Little by little his students abandoned him until there were only trainers just as cold as him defending the gym. To top it off, Pryce ended up cutting off all contact with his friends and never saw them again except on rare occasions.

Year 2013 - Pryce's House in Mahogany Town.

"Huh? What is this?" Pryce asked after taking the box that Sheila handed him.

"A package from Unova, although it doesn't have a return address," she replied, shrugging. "Don't worry, we have checked it many times and it doesn't seem to have anything dangerous inside."

Pryce nodded his head slightly and opened the package. Inside there was a kind of wrP. that protected a white object. When he took off the packaging he saw that the object was some kind of mask.

"Wow...it looks like one of those masks they sometimes use in operas," Sheila commented when she saw the object.

"What a load of bullcrP.A.," Pryce muttered, tossing the mask onto his bed. "Why would I want something like that?"

"The truth is, that it is a very curious "gift."" Sheila admitted.

"Bah! I'll throw it in the trash tomorrow," Pryce said as he motioned for Sheila to leave his room right away. "I'm tired, tomorrow we'll continue talking."

That night he had terrible dreams because ghosts from the past came to visit him. His friends, his students and his Pokémon. In the few moments in which he managed to relax he heard a soft yet cold voice whispering things in his ear.

The next day Pryce woke up in the middle of the night, right in front of the Lake of Rage. Totally unaware, he was tightly gripping the Mask of Ice in his left hand.

Goldenrod City - Headquarters of the Johto Pokémon Association

A young redhead and his signature Pokémon were waiting patiently for someone to explain what they were doing in that huge, empty room. At least they could see the beautiful city from the huge windows.

Sitting opposite to him was Charles Goodshow, the leader of the P.A.

"I want to make you a proposal," Charles explained. "Johto is still without a champion or Elite Four, something that Kanto has quickly corrected. Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Leaf and the champion Red. It is a very powerful Pokémon league that Kanto has formed."

"No doubt," Lance declared with a small smile. "A while ago I faced Red and Leaf, both are young but very formidable. Agatha, Bruno and Lorelei are in good hands."

"Yeah. As for Johto, the politicians are very desperate."

"Desperate to show the world that the region hasn't lost military strength after the schism with Kanto?" Lance asked, crossing his arms.

Dragonite let out a small growl. He didn't like politics very much.

"…You could say so. They have been putting quite a lot of pressure on me on the subject." Charles said after taking a sip of tea.

"Let me guess, you want me to be part of Johto's new Elite Four?" Lance looked out the window again. "If I left the Kanto Elite Four it was so I could help my home region at any time, so I don't mind returning to that position."

Charles gave a small smile and stared at him.

"Lance, we don't want you to be part of the Elite Four, we want you to be the new champion of Johto."

"…Champion? I?" Lance's eyes were wide open, even Dragonite opened his mouth upon hearing Charles' words.

"You're the strongest trainer in Johto and the next leader of the Dragon Tamer Clan," Charles said. "It's obvious that you're the best suited for such a position."

Lance and Dragonite exchanged looks of surprise and concern.

"There are more elite trainers in Johto."

"But no one would be able to live up to such a position."

Dragonite placed his right claw on Lance's head, in an attempt to give him support. After several seconds, Lance rubbed his face and stared at Charles.

"If I accepted, who would be chosen for the Elite Four?"

"If you accept, you'll have to choose," Charles responded after letting out a small laugh. "They're going to be your Elite Four after all."

"So they leave all the work to me?" Lance growled as he rubbed his forehead.

"Anyway..." Charles began as he put a folder on the table. "Here you have several elite trainers who could help you. They are all natives of Johto, although not all of them live in the region."

Year 2014 - Old karate dojo of Saffron City

Someone was knocking insistently at the door of his house.

"Leave me alone!" Shouted Kiyo, who was lying on the couch in his house, surrounded by bottles of wine and beer. The doorbell kept ringing.

Tired, he got up as best he could and headed towards the door.

"I hope they're not... I'll kill those H-Helix witnesses with my own hands," he swore as he fought against his drunkenness. He opened the door with some difficulty to see that the person knocking was a tall, intimidating, red-haired young man.

"…Y-you're not…y-you're the new champion of Johto" Kiyo asked somewhat surprised while he tried not to fall to the ground. Even drunk he was able to recognize a big celebi when he saw one.

"And you are Kiyo Kochi, right? Bruno's friend who everyone calls the Karate King." Lance wanted to confirm after observing him better.

"Karate King... Ha, I'm just a loser who didn't know how to accept his defeat in front of a girl," the martial artist laughed bitterly after taking another sip from his bottle of wine. "Although I have admitted that I feel honored to receive the visit of such a Pokémon trainer."

"What're you doing in such a deplorable state?" Lance asked.

"Wow, that's direct hit," Kiyo laughed again. "Haven't you heard the latest news? A demon with psychic powers took away my position as leader. What state should I be in?"

"Do you want to spend your entire life being a loser? You have more than enough talent to be in the Elite Four, you just need to focus your goals and train better."

Maybe it was the drunkenness, maybe it was the firm and strong voice of that young man, but Kiyo felt like listening to what he had to offer him.

Year 2015 - On the outskirts of Viridian city

In the middle of the cold night, a boy confronted a man who seemed to want to be anywhere but there. His nervous gaze was directed everywhere except towards the red haired boy to whom he had his back turned.

"The best… You said you wanted to be the best trainer in the world! And now you plan to abandon? And what do you plan to do then?" The boy was getting upset with every passing second.

"…A man who doesn't know how to accept defeat cannot progress. I must be alone for a while so I can create a more powerful organization."

The boy didn't believe his words.

"Bah! An organization full of minions that at the moment of truth let themselves be defeated by someone who's only a year older than me. Pathetic!"

The man ignored the hatred and resentment in the boy's words.

"A well-structured organization with sufficient numbers should be capable of exercising great power. That's the objective of an organization. I haven't known how to take advantage of the potential of my subordinates, plus I've let the raticate infiltrate my house... I swear that one day I'll resurrect Team Rocket!"

The boy furiously grabbed the man by his black trench coat.

"I don't understand all that nonsense! I don't understand any of your ramblings!"

"…You'll understand it too one day." said the man, shaking him off and leaving in a hurry.

In the distance you could hear the sound of police car sirens. Numerous areas of the city and the forest were being surrounded by Agent Jenny and the International Police. But the boy didn't care about all that.

"I prefer not to understand it... I don't plan to end up like you! With miserable minions around you, who join your organization to feel important just because they are nobodies. I'll be a strong man on my own, without anyone's help! Alone, I'll do it alone!

After releasing all his pent-up rage, the red-haired boy walked away from there, but not before realizing that there were about four people nearby.

"Get out of my way!" He said without giving them any importance. If he had done it, he would have met his future rival ahead of time...

Year 2016

"The articuno of the Seafoam Islands, the zapdos of the abandoned power plant and the moltres of Mount Ember… I would have preferred the Trio of birds of the Orange Islands but it's not worth putting the world in danger yet… So these will have to do despite being less strong... Ho, ho, ho... Prepare for the attack my grunts!"


Former Team Rocket lair

Team Rocket's lair was completely covered in thick, piercing ice. The members who hadn't been captured by the International Police or Agent Jenny had gathered again to plan what villains usually plan. Nobody expected a surprise attack perpetrated by a group of teenagers with half their faces covered by ice masks.

There were about twenty of them but they and their Pokémon fought like demons, destroying and knocking out anyone who got in their way. Team Rocket's elite would have acted accordingly and destroyed those fools, but a mysterious guy with his face completely covered by a mask of ice took care of them.

His agility, strength and speed were superhuman. His long old black cloak covered his large body making him look like a nightmare creature. Next to him, an articuno, zapdos and moltres protected him and defeated all enemy Pokémon they found.

"I should have stayed on the TCG Island!" James complained as he ran for his life. "At least there they respected me and treated me like a celebi!"

Jessie grabbed him without warning by his uniform and threw him to the ground just as they were going to hit him with a flamethrower.

"Shut up, hearing your stories about cards before we die is the last thing we want!"

"Meowth, that's right!"



Several hours later…

"He has lost Mewtwo not once but twice. He was defeated three times by a ten year old boy. He has lost all his businesses, companies, contacts and position as a gym leader. Giovanni is a useless person who has allowed the organization that Madame Boss built with so much effort to be destroyed."

The members of Team Rocket were tied up and on their knees. Most with injuries and the rest had simply been given up in time. To prevent anyone from doing anything stupid, several ice spears were aimed at his vital organs.

"Who the hell are you?!" roared a burly grunt named Tyson.

The guy just laughed and bowed gracefully.

"You can call me Mask of Ice. From now on I'll be the leader of Neo Team Rocket and I'll lead you to an era of power and prosperity. I'll give you several days to think if you want to remain loyal to a loser...or if you want to succeed. You have seen my power, you have seen that of my apprentices. With only twenty men we have conquered your base."

Jessie and James wanted to mention that having three legendary Pokémon and attacking them by surprise when they were at their lowest was what had given them victory, but upon seeing that guy's sad*stic look they decided to remain silent.

"We will never betray the boss!" Meowth said, making the other grunts also shout with fervour. "We are cowards but never traitors."

The Pokémon's words gave courage even to Jessie and James. Courage that disappeared when hearing the loud laughter of the masked man.

"And where is your dear boss? Enjoying his vacation with Matori, Domino and the rest of what's left of your elite?"

With just those words he made doubt, envy and anger settle in the hearts of many of the grunts.

"Among all of you there're only four who can give a gym leader or the police problems. The rest of you wouldn't last anything against them. Even knowing about Team Rocket's bad situation, Giovanni didn't hesitate to flee with his best men to feel safe in his new hideout. I want you to think carefully about it during these three days. This's the time I'll give you to decide if you're winners or losers."

Mask of Ice snapped his fingers and his men began to move.

"Lock them all up. They'll only come out as members of Neo Team Rocket."

"Do you realize that the initials NTR sound like netorare?" James said as they were taken to the cells.

"I had thought about it too." Jessie laughed.

"Just one day as boss and he has already left Team Rocket's name in tatters." Meowth said disappointed.

The rest of the TR members could only feel rage and helplessness. It was one thing to be locked up by a maniac, and another to be locked up with the TRio.

"I want to join you!" said a teenager quickly.

"Mondo, how quickly you betrayed Team Rocket." Jessie scolded him.

"Leave me alone. With Team Rocket I spent the day being your servant and getting you and the idiots you call friends out of trouble," Mondo confessed furiously. "At least with this new boss I'll gain power."

"Wow, so much resentment." Jessie said offended.

"Although everything he said is true." James said.

"Especially about being Jessie's servant." Meowth murmured.

"You'll be the first of many who'll open their eyes to the truth, young Mondo." Mask of Ice laughed.

Soon a huge N made of ice appeared next to the R at the highest part of the lair. Neo Team Rocket was born.

"Good morning Johto, your favourite DJ has very good news! The Johto Elite Four has finally been formed! Our first member lived in Kanto but is originally from this region, Kiyo, thirty-eight years old and a fighting type specialist! The second member is Tōkichi, a fifty-three year old poison type specialist! In the third place we have Will, who is eighteen years old and specializes in the psychic type! And finally the fourth and strongest, Karen of eighteen old years too, this woman uses the mysterious sinister type!

Leading them all will be our new and first Johto champion, Lance of twenty years old! Let's hope they bring Johto into a new era of peace and prosperity!" DJ Mary, host of Goldenrod TV.

New Bark Town: Winds of a New Beginning

"Hello Ash! It's good to see you here. The technology is truly amazing. Now you can trade Pokémon with people from neighbouring regions. What a thing!"―Tecno, the fat boy.

At the age of eleven, Ash travelled alone to the Johto region to participate in its Pokémon league, meet Professor Elm, and give the GS Ball to a certain Kurt. Professor Oak advised him that he should also take the opportunity to use the rainbow feather and investigate Ho-oh, since he was a legendary native of Johto.


Professor Elm was a man whose appearance could be disappointing His clueless face, his poorly organized laboratory despite the efforts of his assistants, and his clumsiness when handling the laboratory machines... All this made many believe that he didn't deserve the title of best Pokémon researcher in Johto. Furthermore, many doubted that he was a former student and current rival of the great Professor Oak.

The numerous awards he received for his research on Pokémon reproduction made his detractors have to keep quiet and look for another victim.

"So this's the famous Elm's laboratory... What are you looking at?" A mysterious boy who was spying through a window inside the laboratory snapped at Ash and Pikachu.


Pokémon Laboratory

The doorbell rang twice, interrupting Ethan's nap. The boy gave a loud yawn as he opened his honey eyes.

"I wonder who it's." Professor Elm commented.

"I hope it's a pretty girl." Ethan said hopefully as I blushed.

When I opened the door I was greatly disappointed. Before him was a child and on his right shoulder was a pikachu.

"Hmm? Who the hell are you?" Ethan asked in a disinterested voice. "If you're a Helix witness, you can get out of here."

"I'm not... My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm from Pallet Town."

"Pallet Town? Isn't that Kanto?" Ethan asked confused.

"Eh? Oh yeah! You must be the boy professor Oak told me about, right?" Professor Elm said while he tried not to let the papers fall to the floor.

"Yes, and this's my friend Pikachu," he said, pointing to his Pokémon.


"A Pikachu, one of my favourite Pokémon without a doubt, it's a shame they are almost impossible to see in Johto," Elm mentioned. "You've come to get the new Pokédex model, right?"

"Yes, professor."

"Before all that, can I ask you in favour?"

"What favour?"

"I'm doing a new Pokémon research right now. I was wondering if you could help me, Ash."

"Of course, professor!

From the speed with which Ash responded, Ethan believed that he couldn't be very smart. Or maybe he was too naive. He didn't look like someone who was going to survive alone in that wild world.

"Look... I'm preparing a speech I'll give at a conference," Elm explained, "but there are some things I still don't understand. Could you help me?"

"A-a speech?" Ash asked confused and scared. "B-but I don't know how to make speeches..."

Luckily for Ash, the teacher's assistant stepped in to stop the conversation.

"Professor, focus!" Ethan shouted exasperatedly, putting a hand to his head. "It's Kris who helps him with the speeches and other boring things, remember?"

"True, what a mistake!" said Elm embarrassed. "Ahem... Okay... Hey, listen. I know someone named Mr. Pokémon. He investigates strange things and is excited by his discoveries. Well, yesterday he sent me an email telling me that he needs me to come to his house to pick up something. Could you go get it for me?"

"If it's just that, yes I can." Ash said sighing in relief.

"By the way, I need you to bring him this bag. It contains Poké Balls with Pokémon that are very important for our joint investigations." Elm said, handing him a brown bag.

"Wow, it's heavier than it looks..." Ash said as he picked it up with both arms.

"For someone capable of carrying a pikachu on his shoulder, that bag should be nothing." Ethan commented quietly.

Ash didn't listen to him, as both he and Pikachu were already running out of the laboratory.

"Wait Ash!" Professor Elm stopped him. "Do you even know where Mr. Pokémon lives?"

"…Well no."

Both Elm and Ethan slapped their palms on their foreheads.

"I suppose that for this mission you will need a guide, what better guide than my best assistant?" Professor Elm explained. Ethan puffed out his chest with pride as he heard the professor's words. "But Kris isn't here, so you'll have to go with him, Ethan."

The furious and offended boy began to shout insults but the professor completely ignored him.

"Ethan is ten years old and helps me, so to speak, with the laboratory tasks".

"The thing with the burned computer and the lost magazines were accidents." Ethan said immediately.

"…Kris is also ten years old but she helps me with field work. My assistant Dude used to do it, but he's recovering from the flu," Elm finished saying as he closed his eyes. "When you leave you'll pass through Cherrygrove City. Hopefully you'll see Kris there working. She's a responsible person, not like others."

Hearing nothing, Professor Elm opened his eyes. Ash, Pikachu, Ethan, and the egg were no longer there.


Cherrygrove City: The City of Fragrant Flowers

"That clueless old man thinks I'm useless... I'll make him regret it!" Ethan shouted.

"More than angry you seem excited." Ash commented with a smile.

"It's just that this's the first time he's sent me on such an important mission," Ethan said, looking at the bag. "I didn't even want to be his assistant, you know?"

"And how did you end up working for him?"

Ethan forced a smile and began to sweat lightly.

"Let's say I was playing with my mother's Pokémon and I ended up breaking several windows and other valuable objects." He explained with a nervous laugh.

"And he forced you to work in his laboratory?"

"Yes, otherwise my mother would have had to pay for everything," Ethan confessed embarrassedly. "But over time I have realized that I like taking care of Pokémon...Maybe one day I'll dedicate myself to this professionally."

He said this last thing, looking at the bag again.

"I hope that when I become a Pokémon Master you will stop being a bad assistant." Ash said jokingly.

"You? Pokémon Master? I don't know what that's but it sounds like you're crazy." Ethan laughed loudly.

"What did you said?!" Ash roared furiously.

"What you just hear!" Ethan replied in the same tone.

Pikachu shook his head from side to side as he saw how those two began to bump their heads as they clumsily moved along the path.

After crossing Route 29 they arrived at Cherrygrove City and the two stopped when they saw that a girl with blue hair and sports clothes sitting on top of a house.

"Ethan, what took you so long?" The girl asked with a smile.

"Hello Kris! What are you doing up there?"

"So I could see you when you arrive."

"I was going to call you with the Poké Gear."

The girl just made an incredible jump and landed next to the boys.

"How did you do that?/Pika?" Asked Ash and Pikachu, amazed by the agility of that ten year old girl.

"That doesn't matter now!" Ethan interrupted them. "Let's finish the professor's task and return to the laboratory."

"Hey Kris, is it true that there is no one better than you at capturing Pokémon in all of Johto?" Ash asked, interrupting a very upset Ethan.

"No, what an exaggeration. Who told you that?"


Ash, Pikachu, and Kris looked at Ethan, who had blushed slightly.

"Well, okay, maybe I exaggerated a little."

"It doesn't matter, I want to be the best at catching Pokémon anyway," Kris said excitedly. "Someday there will be no Pokémon that could escape me."

"Well, I want to be a Pokémon Master." Ash said, ignoring the small laugh that Ethan let out.

"Pokémon Master? I don't know what that is but it sounds like you're going to have to work hard." Kris said.

Later Ethan and Kris made him buy a Poké Gear just in case and headed to Mr. Pokémon's house. Kris made them take the path through the tall grass because she wanted to take the opportunity to catch some Pokémon.

They met Mr. Apricorn who claimed to be Kurt's relative and finally arrived at Mr. Pokémon's house. The elegant man took the bag of Poké Balls that Ash gave him and gave them a Pokémon egg.

Seeing Ethan's excited look, his two companions decided to give it to him. On the way back they were talking about what Pokémon would be inside when Ethan received a call from Professor Elm.

"Hello? Ethan? What a disaster! Please, come back as soon as possible! He's stealing the Pokédex!"


On the way to the Pokémon laboratory…

"…You're the one who bothered me earlier in the lab, right? You and your Pokémon don't seem like a big deal. ...I do have good Pokémon. Get out of my way!" ―Silver, the mysterious passerby boy.

When leaving Cherrygrove City they ran into the thief and after a brief Pokémon battle they managed to recover the Pokédex. During the fight the thief dropped the trainer token and Ash managed to read what he said on it.

"Not even the stolen sneasel has helped me...I'll have to look for stronger Pokémon." Silver said after recovering his ID and escaping from there, but not before swearing revenge.

Unfortunately one of Pikachu's lightning bolts had destroyed Kris' bike. Luckily the girl didn't take it too badly.

When they arrived at the laboratory, Professor Elm was being interrogated by Agent Jenny. Ash and his two companions told them everything they knew, including the thief's name: Silver.

Thanks to Kris' calming words, professor Elm's annoyance went away. As a thank you to Ash for defeating Silver, he gave him the new Pokédex.

Professor Elm then convinced Ethan and Kris to travel with Ash around the region. That way they would get more experience and would be able to help him better in the lab, or maybe they would discover what they wanted to do with their lives. He then kept the Mr. Pokémon's egg much to Ethan's chagrin.

After discussing it with their parents, both children began their journey with Ash. Although it didn't take long for him and Ethan to start arguing again.

"Hey, guys," said Kris, who was losing her patience. "Stop."

He said that last thing in such an icy tone that both boys stopped and even Pikachu lowered his ears in fear.

"I have worked with many children at the Violet City daycare and you two are the same...no, worse. My little sister is much more mature than both of you. Don't think that I don't know how to treat bad children. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!/Pika!" the three shouted at the same time. Angering the only one in the group who knew how to cook well was the same as committing suicide, so they would accept all of her orders without question.


Kris's House

The girl was sad as she would not see her sister for a while. However, her sadness turned into surprise and confusion when she saw two Pokémon enter through the window of her room. He recognized one despite having a somewhat peculiar spiked ear, but the other was completely unknown to her.


Route 30

In this area they met a trainer that everyone in the place talked about non-stop. The youngster must have been about nine years old and yet he walked as if he were an adult ready to take on the world.

"I'm Joey and I'm not going to let you pass unless you beat me in a Pokémon battle!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "My rattata is not like other rattata! Mine is in the top percentage of all rattata! He'll become the king of the rattata!"

"A rattata..." Ash said with a lost look. From the way his face darkened, he seemed to be remembering something unpleasant.

"What happens?" Joey asked him curiously. "You don't want to fight a rattata? Don't underestimate Rattata!"

"No... It reminds me of the one a friend of mine from Pallet town had," Ash explained with a certain sadness in his voice. "Although his evolved into raticate"

Two minutes later…

"My rattata has lost..." Joey said without being able to believe it.

He quickly asked Ash for his Poké Gear number so he could ask for a rematch one day. And when he found out that Ash was going to participate in the Pokémon League, Joey ran to his house to get ready. They would face each other in the Johto league! After that they continued their journey.

Violet City:The City of Nostalgic Scents

Upon arriving in the city Kris exchanged one of the bellsprout she had captured for an onyx and sent it to the professed Elm. Then the girl advised Ash to go to the Pokémon Academy, since there they could teach him something about Pokémon fighting.

Apparently Kris used to help out at the academy before becoming Professor Elm's assistant and knew the teachers and students very well.

Ash wanted to go directly to the gym but in the end they managed to convince him. There they met director Earl Dervish, who suggested that Kris participate in his dance classes again, but she rejected him with some regret.

"A shame, you were the best dancer in the entire academy." Earl Dervish said somewhat sadly.

There was also professor Priscila, who asked Ash and his friends to help her teach about Pokémon to the younger children.

Finally they went to the gym but the leader was busy patrolling certain streets in the city, since apparently his father was the chief of police and he used to ask him for help. To calm a nervous Ash, Kris suggested that he go train to the famous Sprout Tower.

The ancient and unique tower was supported by a central column that moved imitating the behaviour of the bellsprout. There Ash faced several sages as he advanced to the top of the tower. At this summit they met Silver, the mysterious redhead, and the Elder, leader of the sages.

Apparently Silver had overcome the challenge of the tower and left in a hurry, but not before mocking the old man, Ash and his friends.

"Bah! He claims to be the Elder, but he's very weak. I would never lose to those who say you have to be good with your Pokémon. I'm only interested in strong Pokémon. I don't need weak Pokémon."

Ash didn't have much difficulty defeating the Elder either. After resting all night at the Pokémon center, they went straight to the gym.


Before the confrontation, Ash and his friends helped Falkner stop some Pokémon thieves who had half their faces covered by ice masks.

"Strange, they have the Team Rocket symbol but with an N." Falkner commented.

"So Team Rocket is also in Johto?" Ash asked confused.

"They're Kanto criminals, right?" Ethan asked. "I remember when they said that a kid beat up their boss last year or something like that."

"I heard that too, it was on TV." Kris stated.

Ash tried to explain to them that that kid was him but his friends laugh at him. If it hadn't been for Falkner, who had connections with the International Police, he would have been a laughing stock for days.

After that revelation Ethan began to look at Ash with a little more respect.


Violet Gym

"They say an electric shock can knock out flying Pokémon. I won't let them make fun of them like that! I will teach you the true power of the magnificent bird Pokémon!"―Falkner, the great expert on flying Pokémon.

Chikorita, Pikachu and Charizard vs Hoothoot, Dodrio, Pidgeot. At the end of the fight with Ash's victory, he received the zephyr badge.

When they left the gym they received a call from Professor Elm, telling them that his assistant Dude was waiting for them at the Pokémon Center to give them Mr. Pokémon's eggs. Elm believed that traveling with three children would make the Pokémon in the egg grow much healthier and stronger.

Of course Ethan ran and took possession of the egg without giving Ash or Kris time to say anything.

Anyway, they didn't care much because they knew that Ethan was the best of the three at taking care of Pokémon eggs.

"This egg… It's a togepi egg!" Ash said as he recognized the patterns on the egg. The first time they received the egg it was placed in a capsule with very opaque glass, but this time it was transparent glass.

"How do you know?" Ethan and Kris asked.

"A friend from Kanto, Misty, had one just like this."

When they left the store, they met a mysterious girl with purple hair. She was dressed in an elegant black kimono with golden lines and circles.

"Oh! That egg...!" said the girl.

"A kimono girl!" Kris exclaimed fascinated.

"A kimono girl!" Ethan exclaimed in a loving tone.

"Do you know me?" asked the smiling young lady.

"I-I'm a big fan of yours. Whenever I could I went to see her performances in Ecruteak City." Kris embarrassed revealed.

"I am also a big fan of her beauty…I mean her performances!" Ethan said.

The girl laughed softly.

"Thank you both for your words," the girl said before looking at Ash and Pikachu. "Interesting, you have seen the rainbow..."


"Forgive me, my name is Zuki and I wish you a good trip. Please, take care of that egg. Can I trust you to do it?"


"Anything you wish, beautiful lady!"

"…I guess/…Pika."

"Then don't let me down." "Zuki responded smiling as she left there, leaving Ash and Pikachu confused, but Ethan and Kris delighted.

NTR secret base

"Sham and Carl... from now on you are my two executives," Mask of Ice said to the young man and woman who knelt before him. "While the other members act as bait and do the hard work, you will be the shadow that is responsible for tying up any loose ends."

"Understood, sir!" they said at the same time while putting on the Mask of Ice. Their black suits were made to be as practical as possible and their belts bore the NTR symbol in the middle.

"Now go to Violet City and find out why the grunts I sent haven't returned."

"Yes, sir!/Wobbuffet!"

Ruins of Alph

"Prepare for trouble. And make it double. To freeze the world with evil. To electrocute all peoples within our nation. To burn the friends of truth and love. To extend our evil beyond the stars above. Sham! Carl! Neo Team Rocket controls the planet! Surrender now or prepare to die! Wobbuffet!" ―The NTrio, former TRio fans. And Woobuffet the double agent.

Unfortunately for Ash, Sham and Carl were just as insufferable as Jessie and James, just a little stronger and more competent. Because of them, they were separated in the Ruins of Alph, which were being investigated by Foster, a former student of Professor Oak at Celadon University.

Ethan and Kris met a boy named Bugsy, while Ash met a girl named Whitney. After numerous mysteries, puzzles and traps, they managed to get out of the ruins and defeat the NTrio.

Sham and Carl's next attack was in the Charicific Valley. The valley was led by Liza, an expert in bringing out the potential of charizard. Ash left Charizard, who wanted to become stronger for his trainer.

Sham and Carl's third attack before reaching Azalea Town was at the Union Cave. Of which it was rumoured that there were lapras in the deepest areas and the NTrio wanted to capture some as it was still an endangered species.

Azalea Town: Living Happily with Pokémon

Kurt was a renowned craftsman and expert on the subject of Poké Balls. He lived with his granddaughter Millie and used different colored apricorns to make special Poké Balls.

Ash wanted to give him the GS Ball but Kurt told him that he needed his help first. Apparently Neo Team Rocket was around the area kidnapping slowpoke and robbing people. The gym leader, Bugsy, had not yet returned from his investigation in the Ruins of Alph so the town was defenseless.

Ash and his friends managed to drive out Neo Team Rocket in less than a day, discovering that they were being led by the NTRio, who had hidden in the Slowpoke Well.

"With how good the slowpoke's tails were." Sham said as they fled in a hurry, dodging Pikachu's attacks.

"Those brats has given us a good beating," Carl complained. "Jessie and James and Meowth weren't exaggerating."


Kurt gave a Lure Ball to Ash, a Fast Ball to Ethan, and a Heavy Ball to Kris as a prize. The latter stayed for a few days living with Kurt, watching how he worked and learning more about the history and methods of capturing Pokémon. She also get along with little Millie.

Three days later Bugsy returned and after thanking Ash and his friends for protecting his town, he accepted the gym battle.


Azalea Gym

"I'm invincible with bug Pokémon. My studies are going to make me an authority on bug Pokémon! I will teach you what I have learned."―Bugsy, the Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia.

Chikorita, Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Spinarak, Metapod and Scyther. Despite Bugsy's effective tactics, Ash managed to win and take the Hive badge. The boy laughed as he wistfully thought about how bad Misty would have had it in this gym.

The group said goodbye to Kurt and Millie, but on the way out they met a very worried man. His name was Yosaku and apparently his son Silvester and his farfetch'd Pokémon had not yet returned from collecting wood from the Ilex forest.

Ilex Forest Shrine

While searching for Silvester and farfetch'd Ash and his friends encountered Silver again, but instead of fighting him, they had to save him from the leader of Neo Team Rocket himself, Mask of Ice.

They didn't know the reason, but apparently he wanted to kidnap Silver. However Silvester and his Pokémon had intervened, taking a beating in the process.

"Well, well, well...So you're the infamous Ash who made Giovanni flee with his tail between his legs..." that guy said with a deep and sinister voice. Silver looked at Ash with surprise and anger upon hearing that.

"Don't laugh so much since you'll be next." Ash said very confidently.

"Idiot, don't be co*cky, he's much stronger than you!" Silver shouted too late.

Everyone's fear and surprise at seeing the trio of legendary birds emerge from the villain's Ultra Balls made him burst out laughing.

"Do you still think you can beat me?" Mask of Ice said in a mocking tone.

Ash, Ethan, Kris and Silver had to team up because it was the only way to get out of there alive.

For some reason Mask of Ice didn't use the full power of the birds, he even seemed afraid of accidentally destroying the shrine. A detail that Ash and his friends took advantage of thanks to Silver's observations.

Bugsy, upon hearing the commotion that was going on in the forest, came to help despite having a type disadvantage. They were also lucky that a kimono girl named Naoko stopped by and helped them with her powerful Espeon.

"Bah…I can't keep wasting my time with such weaklings," Mask of Ice growled. "I'll take care of you another day, Ash and Silver."

The villain fled with the help of Articuno just as the police under the command of Agent Jenny arrived. The policewoman asked the relevant questions and made sure that no one was hurt after taking them to the Pokémon Center.

Yosaku thanked them for rescuing his son Silvester by giving them a lot of coal and wood. They had to reject most of it but in exchange they received food for themselves and their Pokémon.

"I thought we were going to die," Kris said scared. "Someone capable of capturing legendary Pokémon is no small fry…"

Ethan put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled and gently grabbed his hand.

"Is this the kind of thing you faced in Kanto?" Ethan asked Ash with a smile, in an attempt to relieve the tension.

"More or less…The truth is that I'm just as surprised as you."

Silver, who was next to him, made a small sound of disdain.

"And what's wrong with you?" Ethan growled. "We shouldn't have saved your life!"

"I didn't need your help!"

"What did you say?" Ash asked. Both he and Ethan prepared to face the boy but Kris stopped them instantly.

"Not worth it." She told them, making them both calm down a little.

"Don't get in my way again." Silver said, fleeing from there quickly, because he didn't want to be near the police for a long time.

"I noticed the darkness surrounding that young man." Naoko, the kimono girl, suddenly said, scaring the three friends because she had appeared suddenly and without warning behind them.

Kris was instantly praising the girl and her espeon, while Ethan tried to show her how much he had fallen in love with her within seconds of meeting her. Although he stopped when he saw the furious look... and jealousy? of Kris. Ash wanted to fight Naoko when he saw how strong she was but her friends stopped him.

Together with Naoko they went through the Ilex forest, where Ethan's newborn togepi learned headbutt. Ash noticed that Ethan's togepi seemed significantly more aggressive than Misty's. Nothing strange seeing that Ethan was a person with less patience than the Kanto mermaid.

At the exit of the forest they separated from Naoko, but not before receiving a warning from her.

"That villain is making the legendary birds suffer. Be careful because his evil is such that I could notice it even from afar."

M3: Spell of the Unown, Entei

Despite what they experienced in the Ruins of Alph, Ash and his friends still didn't know the true extent of the Unown's power. These mysterious creatures took professor Spencer Hale to another dimension. Then they used the wishes and traumas of his daughter Molly to create a false kingdom of Kris and even gave life to a legendary Pokémon as an entei.

Ethan and Kris had the opportunity to meet Delia, Ash's mother, when she was kidnapped by said entity, since apparently Molly believed she was her mother.

During the rescue of Delia, Ash got the help of Charizard and together with all his friends they managed to convince Molly to stop using the power of the Unown. With Entei's sacrifice the unown spell was broken and Molly was reunited with her parents, while Ash recovered her mother.

Pokémon Day Care

A pretty house with red roofs was where Kris's grandparents lived, whom everyone called the Daycare couple. It was said that they knew even more than professor Elm about Pokémon breeding, but no one had gotten them to reveal their secrets.

That place was heaven for Ethan. Ash and Kris watched with joy and tenderness respectively as his friend asked all kinds of questions to the Daycare couple. He even got to work with them the three days they were there.

The couple was very happy to see someone so young excited about raising Pokémon. And on top of that he was Elm's assistant, whom they knew very well. They liked him so much that they ended up giving him a Pokémon egg.

"It was from a pair of pikachu but it hasn't opened for a long time, maybe it needs someone like you." they explained to Ethan.

"They almost look more like Ethan's grandparents than mine." Kris said jokingly.

"Kris, your boyfriend is very nice." His grandparents said.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Kris' blush lasted so long that she didn't even want to be in the same room as Ethan for hours. Although he didn't even notice.

Ash, for his part, began to confront every Pokémon trainer who passed through the area while Kris looked for Pokémon to capture or observe.



A few days later they arrived at a city where bullfights were held. Apparently they were a tradition brought from a distant region called Paldea. Pokémon exchanges were also famous in that city.

Goldenrod City: A Happening Big City

The capital of Johto had it all. The three friends had a snack at a bar and then dinner at a restaurant. They visited the shopping center, which they almost never left thanks to Kris, and went to the famous Wheat Tunnel.

There Ash met again with Whitney, the girl who helped him in the Ruins of Alph. Pikachu and his cleafairy had collided so Whitney kissed Pikachu on the forehead to heal him. Ethan tried to hit his head on a wall to get a bump but Kris' furious look stopped him instantly.

Whitney took them to a Pokémon hair salon where twin brothers worked. There Pikachu and the rest received great service that left them quite happy.

When they left the hair salon, NTrio was waiting for them to steal their Pokémon. Ash and his friends chased them to the Magnet Train, which was still under construction, and defeated them there.

"Hey Ash, you're a very good trainer," Whitney told him when she saw how Pikachu sent the criminals flying. "Would you like to have a Pokémon battle?"

Ash was tempted but his friends reminded him that he had to rest to be at his best tomorrow.

"I'm sorry but tomorrow I'm going to have a gym fight."

Instead of being disappointed, Whitney smiled broadly.


Goldenrod Gym

"Here I'm! Just like I promised you! It shows that you take good care of your Pokémon. I love them too! They are so cute! Do you really want to face me? Whatever but I warn you that I am very strong!" ―Whitney, the Incredibly Pretty Girl.

Ash couldn't beat a single Whitney's Pokémon the first time. Her miltank was so strong that she overwhelmed Ash's Pokémon without much effort.

"Fun fact: I'm the only Gym Leader who has been chosen by a member of the Johto Elite Four themselves." Whitney told proudly after beating him. Those words discouraged Ash, but with the help of Ethan and Kris he managed to return to the gym with a new strategy.


The next day…

Cyndaquill, Totodile and Pikachu vs Jigglypuff, Clefairy and Miltank. It was difficult but Ash managed to get the Plain badge.

Whitney looked like she was about to cry but in the end she held back her tears and gave him the badge.

"I can't believe you defeated my miltank...you're lucky I couldn't use my full power."

"Don't be a sore loser" Kris asked annoyed.

"No, she's right," Ash said after making the victory pose with the badge. "My friends Brock and Misty told me that gym leaders have to use Pokémon according to the badges the challenger has. If they always used their strongest Pokémon it wouldn't be fair or something."

"Wow, I didn't know that…"

Whitney puffed out her chest with pride as she heard Ash's explanation.

"Exactly! The next time we face each other I'll use all my strength!" Whitney said as she hugged Pikachu.

"That's the spirit!" Ash said just as excited.

"Anyway, if you ever want to visit Moo-moo Farm, give me a call. It's from my family." Whitney told them.

"We have to visit that farm right now!" Ethan said. Kris could only sigh before arguing with Ethan. It reminded the boy from Pallet Town of his arguments with Misty for some reason.


Ethan wanted to visit the casino despite Kris' complaints. Ash for his part didn't have good memories of casinos but maybe there was something shady so he went too.

The only shady thing about the place was how Mr. Game manipulated people to continue spending money. Or how there were people moving like zombies from machine to machine, looking for a prize that never came...or maybe it came and they wanted more.

Even Ethan began to notice the sinister atmosphere of the place and decided to leave there as soon as possible. They went to the bike shop but the bikes were too expensive.


Radio Tower

In the afternoon Ethan convinced them both to visit the Radio Tower to meet the famous radio host DJ Mary. She had fans in both Johto and Kanto and Ethan was one of them of course.

They wouldn't have let them meet her if it weren't for Whitney being there. Apparently the leader had been friends with DJ Mary for years.

DJ Mary had a smeargle and a drowzee, but she wanted to switch the latter since it made her sleep all the time, preventing her from working. Kris traded it for a meowth, which DJ Mary immediately accepted. Kris would later trade her meowth for a man's machop at the mall.

During the guided tour of the tower Ash met up with professor Oak, who apparently had an internationally broadcast radio show called "Oak's Pokémon Talk." He used to do it with DJ Mary and that's why he had come to Johto.

Everything was going well until the NTrio attacked the tower. Apparently they wanted to kidnap DJ Mary and his assistant DJ Ben to give a message to all of Johto.

"Hear us Johto! We are Neo Team Rocket! Surely you have heard of Team Rocket, the infamous Mafia Pokémon of Kanto. Surely those of you who know us think that we are the second and worst part, but no! We are the reboot, the remake, we surpass the mafia! We are supervillains and we will rule all of Johto, whether you like it or not!"

They couldn't continue talking because Ash and his friends defeated them and made them blast off again. Even so, all of Johto had heard the message and concern was beginning to spread little by little. The International Police had already contacted the Johto police.

However, the politicians didn't want to panic to spread even more, so they only put obstacles in place despite knowing how bad Kanto had it last year with Team Rocket.

"Leave everything in the hands of the champion and the Elite Four" was what the politicians said after washing their hands.


DJ Mary gave the three of them a silk scarf for defeating NTrio. Before leaving, professor Oak told Ash that Bill was at his house in Goldenrod City and that he should visit him.

Ash did it and the three spent the night at Bill's house. The young Poké Maniac told them things like that his mother was a kimono girl in the past, that his grandfather was taking care of his house in Kanto or that his sister couldn't blink...

The next day Bill introduced them to his friend Celio. It was with his help that he created the Pokémon storage system. While Bill was in charge of the Kanto system, Celio was in charge of the Johto system.

"When the Magnet Train is finished, Goldenrod City and Saffron City will be connected," said Celio excitedly. "That way Bill and I can travel between regions in a matter of hours. What a progress!"

After delivering a very important letter to a girl from a guard, Ash and his friends arrived at the famous national park. They participated in the bug contest and Ash won, receiving a Sun Stone as a prize. However, he gave his newly captured beedrill to his new rival Casey, a fan of Team Electabuzz.

Unknown place…

"I am the great Vicious, the best Pokémon hunter on Team Rocket," the man said arrogantly.

"The infamous Iron Masked Marauder, right?

"So you've heard of me? I'm not surprised. Who are you masked man?"

"My name is Mask of Ice and I have come to make you my slave."

Vicious stared at him for several seconds until he couldn't take it anymore and started laughing maniacally. This was the guy who had conquered what was left of Team Rocket while Giovanni was away? The level of the mafia had really dropped if that was the case.

"After the message your wimps gave on the radio, Giovanni has started sending his elite to see what's happening in Johto," Vicious explained while taking out several black Poké Balls. "It's not that it is our territory, but it's next to Kanto and on top of that you are using our resources and men... Prepare to die!"


A minute later…

"M-mercy, please don't kill me!"

"Silence, idiot! I have a little job for you."

"Whatever you wish!" Vicious was grateful that the Articuno behind him hadn't frozen him to death as well as his Pokémon.

"You're going to capture a celebi."

Vicious's eyes widened and he would have fallen to the ground if not for the ice covering his body.

"D-do you want me to capture a celebi?"

Mask of Ice nodded his head and then clenched his fists tightly.

"The celebi I'm really interested in lives hidden in the Ilex. He's very elusive... that's why I'll use another celebi to attract him. But I'm too busy to waste my time looking for another.

"And what is the difference between the Ilex celebi and other celebi."

"That's not your concern."

"…T-then what celebi do you want me to capture?"

"Any other. It is said that Johto is the place where it is easiest to spot this species.

"But celebi are capable of time travel. Of all the legendary Pokémon, it's surely one of the most difficult to capture." Vicious complained.

However, when he saw how the ice spear went a few millimetres deeper into his neck, he knew he had no choice.

"Okay, okay, I'll do what you tell me! I'll capture a celebi for you."

"I like it that way." Mask of Ice said after raising his hand so his moltres could destroy the prison of ice spears with flamethrowers.

"Giovanni is going to kill me if he finds out I'm working for someone else." Vicious murmured after being freed.

"Don't worry about Giovanni, and worry about what I'll do to you if you fail me."

M4: Celebi, the voice of the forest

Ash and his friends met a boy named Sammy. Apparently he came from the past and wanted to save a celebi. Said celebi was being chased by Vicious, a Pokémon hunter and an executive of Team Rocket.

The cruel Vicious used Dark Balls to capture and control Pokémon, depriving them of their consciousness and will. By doing this to celebi, the little legendary lost control and was about to destroy an entire forest.

With the help of the legendary Pokémon suicune, Ash and his friends managed to save the celebi, send Vicious to prison, and Sammy returned to his time.

For some reason Ash felt the need to tell Professor Oak about this whole adventure and how sad he was about not being able to see Sammy again.

"Don't worry, Ash," the professor told him via video call. "The friendship between you and Sammy will last forever. Of that I'm sure."

After finishing the call Kris noticed that professor Oak knew Sammy's name even though they hadn't told him.

"Remember that professor Oak is a know-it-all genius." Was what Ethan said, making it clear that he wasn't going to think much more about the subject. However, the whistle of the boat they had to catch distracted them and made them forget about the topic.

Later in Pallet Town, professor Oak took out a drawing book identical to Sammy's, only older.

"It seems as if my adventure with them had been just yesterday…" Samuel Oak murmured with a certain nostalgia and joy.

Shortly after Ash and his friends met Attila, Hun and professor Sebastian. Three Team Rocket traitors who were now working for Mask of Ice as members of Neo Team Rocket.

They were a group created specifically to capture the three legendary beasts and they already had a raikou and an entei in their possession. However, the intervention of Ash and his friends managed to free the raikou and the entei and destroy all of professor Sebastian's research on them. The three criminals managed to flee and decided to hide from Mask of Ice's wrath.


Along the way they arrived at a Pokémon Jiu-jitsu academy, which was run by Tōkichi of Johto's Elite Four. Here Ash met again with Aya, Koga's younger sister from Fuchsia City.

Ecruteak City: A Historical City

An ancient and quiet city, the complete opposite of the avant-garde Goldenrod City. Ash and his friends really enjoyed feeling the mystical air that the city had.

During their stay at the Pokémon Center they met up with Bill, who was apparently finishing reviewing a new machine he had created.

"I've come to Ecruteak City to see how well my new invention works," Bill explained over dinner. "The time capsule!"

"You have invented a time machine?/Pika?" Asked Ash and Pikachu excitedly. "Tecno was right, technology is incredible! / Pika piiii!"

"Can we travel to the past?" Ethan asked curiously.

"I'm interested in knowing more about the future." Kris said excitedly.

"No, it's called like that because it sounded cool!" Bill explained quickly before they got the wrong idea. "With it, people from Kanto and Johto will be able to exchange Pokémon without having to be in the same region."

"I remember Tecno telling me something similar." Ash said.

"He probably read about me in a magazine or saw me on TV," Bill deduced. Tomorrow all the Pokémon Centers in Kanto and Johto will have activated my machine."

After the talk, Bill gave them three tickets to the famous Dance Theater, where the kimono girls worked. Apparently I have seen the show many times already.


The next afternoon Ethan and Kris grabbed Ash's hands and before he knew it they were running towards the theater. Pikachu almost flew through the air due to the speed with which they carried his trainer.

"Let's go to the theater!" Kris shouted very happily.

"Let's go to the theater!" Ethan shouted, very in love.

"They really like kimono girls." Ash murmured as he tried to keep his feet on the ground.

The five kimono girls were really beautiful and elegant. Zuki with her umbreon, Sayo with her jolteon, Naoko with her espeon, Miki with her flareon and Suki with her vaporeon. After seeing them dance, Ash understood why they had so many fans, because the theater was packed to the brim.

Just when the most important moment was going to arrive, the NTrio along with many grunts invaded the theater. Apparently they were looking to kidnap the kimono girls as revenge for what Naoko did in the Ilex and to gather information about legendary Pokémon.

Ash had never seen so many angry people at the same time. Neo Team Rocket couldn't even get close to the kimono girls because the public took it upon themselves to beat them all up. Kris was the one who led the defense and assault, doing it all over in a matter of minutes.

"We shouldn't be wasting time here," Sham said, scared as she saw how her grunts fell one by one. "We are in the middle of an important mission."

"Right, if they catch us we'll spend the rest of our days peeling potatoes," Carl said. "That is if the boss doesn't kill us first."


The three fled from there, leaving the grunts at the mercy of Agent Jenny and the police. Although to their surprise the grunts didn't resist because they wanted to be away from Kris and the angry public.

Ash reminded himself again that he shouldn't put Kris in a bad mood. While Ethan's heart began to pound every time he saw his friend.

As a thank you, the kimono girls allowed Kris to participate in the show as a background character. They even dressed her up as one of them and gave her an eevee. For Kris that was the best day of her life.


During their dance and using various Pokémon behind the scenes to create special effects, the Kimono girls told the most important legend of the city:

Seven hundred years ago, two towers were built to foster friendship between Pokémon and people. The Brass Tower, which was said to wake up the Pokémon, and the Tin Tower, in which the Pokémon slept.

One hundred and fifty years ago a lugia decided to make its nest at the top of the Brass Tower. Unfortunately, lightning struck the tower shortly afterwards, engulfing it in fierce flames for three days and three nights. That lugia caused a downpour and thus ended the fire. The Brass Tower became known to the people as the Burned Tower. Only 32 silver bells and 4 glass bells survived. The sages took them to the Tin Tower, which would become called the Bell Tower.

However, the biggest tragedy was that three Pokémon were burned to death during the incident, so a ho-oh with its rainbow wings descended from the sky and brought the Pokémon back to life. Raikou who represented the lightning that started the fire, Entei who represented the flames of the fire and Suicune who represented the rain that calmed the fire.

When the three legendary beasts appeared, they struck terror into those who saw their rise. And some even attacked them in vain. The legendary Pokémon, disappointed, fled and abandoned the scared people.

According to legend... when the souls of Pokémon and humans unite, Ho-oh will descend from the heavens and give them eternal youth.


After a loud applause that lasted minutes, the show ended. Ash and his friends had dinner with the kimono girls, who without their traditional clothes no longer looked like young adults but rather teenagers.

They gave the eevee to Kris and listened with surprise as how Ash and his friends had already encountered the three legendary beasts on their travels. But what surprised them most was knowing that Ash had seen a ho-oh and that he even had a rainbow feather in his possession.

The kimono girls quickly looked at each other after seeing the rainbow feather and after nodding they gave Ash a silver feather, which they said belonged to a lugia. The kimono girls almost fell to the ground when Ash happily told them that he had also met a lugia on the Orange Islands.

"It's like he attracts legendary Pokémon," they murmured to each other. "Have you been blessed by Ho-oh?"

After dinner the kimono girls advised them to visit the Burned Tower. It used to be closed to the public but they would ask the gym leader, Morty, to give them a tour. It seemed perfect to Ash, he even thought that he would want to fight Morty inside the tower, an idea that the kimono girls quickly put out of his mind.

Ash and his friends returned to the Pokémon Center while discussing the eventful day they had had.

"Capturing Pokémon is fun...but I've always liked shows more," Kris confessed while looking at her new kimono and the Poké Ball with her eevee. "Since I was little I wanted to be a Pokémon idol but my parents told me that working with professor Elm would ensure my future."

"But we always see you excited when you capture Pokémon and talk about Poké Balls." Ash remembered.

"Because you should always give your all when you do something, that's what they taught me." Kris said with a smile.

"How pathetic, Kris!" Ethan said, startling Kris. "What's the point of giving your all to something you don't like? You're just wasting time of your life! If you have a dream, go for it, no matter what anyone says!"

"Not all of us can be as unconscious as you, Ethan."

"Excuses! The thing is that you are a coward."

"What did you said?!"


The next morning - Burned Tower

A long time ago there was a very famous Firebreather who everyone called Face because of his funny painted face, Morty told them as he took them inside the tower. People say that it was him who actually started the fire in the tower and not lightning. That's why as punishment he and his two Pokémon, Horsea and Seadra, were burned to death. It's said that their souls live in torment on a ghost island, the Glitch Islands. Nobody knows how to get there, but if by some misfortune you end up there you will have to fight Face. If you lose you'll be forced to escape from his sad*stic and bloody Pokémon... If you win you will reappear at your house, but be careful, if someone calls on the phone, don't pick it up... or you will be in a coma forever!

Ash, Ethan, Kris and Pikachu gave a loud scream as they jumped and hugged each other due to the fear they were going through. Morty laughed loudly having gotten the reaction he was looking for.

"Don't worry, kids, it's nothing more than a silly urban legend that Infernando the Firebreather told me."

"W-well it sounds very real!" said Ash, who no longer liked the darkness of that tower so much.

"S-stop p-playing j-jokes on us!" Ethan complained while still hugging Kris.

"T-that's right!" Kris said.

During the visit to the tower they met Morty's best friend, Eusine, a young man obsessed with capturing Suicune. The poor man almost died of envy when he found out that the three friends had already met one before.

"Of the three legendary beasts, Suicune is said to be the closest to Ho-Oh," Eusine explained with a certain pomposity and with his eyes closed. "Furthermore, I have heard that there may also be a connection between him and the Unown."

Eusine opened his eyes when she saw that no one was answering him and saw that they were already walking away while Morty continued with his explanations.

"Hey!" He shouted, very offended. "Wait for me!"


The view had to be interrupted as Ash once again found himself face to face with his Johto rival, Silver. Who, as soon as he saw him, show him his Pokémon.

"Oh, it's you. I came to see if there were any legendary Pokémon around, but all I see is a loving Pokémon loser and his friends! After all the trouble I've had getting to this dump..."

"You can't fight in this place!" Morty warned them when he saw that Ash also showed his Pokémon.

"It's time we know who's the best of the two." Ash said, ignoring Morty.

"You can't fight here!"

"It doesn't feel good when they ignore you, does it?" Eusine said to his friend with a malicious smile.

"Beat him, Ash!" Ethan encouraged his friend.

"…Watch out Ash, Silver!" Kris shouted suddenly.

Luckily Morty had already gotten ahead of the girl and grabbed the boys just in time. Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt struck the place where they had both been.

Morty's gengar came out instantly and stood in front of his trainer.

"What happened?!" Ash and Silver asked at the same time.

"I happened." said the sinister voice of Mask of Ice, who was riding on top of Articuno. He was covered in sunlight coming through the wall that his Pokémon had just broken.

"The infamous Mask of Ice who leads Neo Team Rocket, right?" Morty said with a smile, despite being sweating inside.

"So the gym leader of this city knows me? Admirable." said the criminal, making a mocking bow.

"You tried to kill Bugsy in the Ilex forest. Now all leaders are warned. We know everything about you!"

"Hu, Hu, Hu…I highly doubt it. Tell me where the legendaries of this tower are hiding or you will suffer a cold as intense as that of Mahogany!"

"I'm not very good at fighting..." Eusine said trying to flee from there but was stopped by Ethan and Morty.

"If we are going to die we'll die together, my friend." Morty joked.

Ash, Ethan, Kris, Morty, Eusine and Silver fought Mask of Ice, but soon the tower was surrounded by Neo Team Rocket grunts.

"Coward!" Ash said. "Giovanni always fought alone against me."

"And that's why he lost! I won't make the same mistake!"

Agent Jenny and the rest of the police tried to enter the tower but the unstable structure and the number of grunts were a problem.

Right at the worst moment the three legendary beasts appeared and drove the three legendary birds back. Everyone present was surprised to see that.

"They are the entei and the raikou that we saved." Ash and Ethan said.

"And the suicune who helped us against Vicious…" said Kris.

"Suicune, my beloved Pokémon, be part of my team!" Eusine shouted excitedly when he saw him.

In a matter of seconds the battle was completely lost to the criminals and Agent Jenny dedicated herself to arresting them all.

"D-damn legendary beasts!" Mask of Ice said as he fled. The grunts watched with rage as his boss abandoned them to his fate.

After this Suicune and Kris exchanged glances and for a moment seemed to be able to communicate with each other. Something that many noticed, including the jealous Eusine, who became even more jealous when he saw how Suicune let himself be caressed by Kris just before he disappeared from the tower.

For his part, Raikou looked at Ash and Entei at Ethan before following Suicune.

"...Interesting..." Morty murmured as he observed all that. Then he asked Ash to rest and that they would have their gym match in the afternoon. Silver on his part let out a couple of insults and left quickly when he saw agent Jenny approaching.


Ecruteak Gym

"It is said that legendary Pokémon appear before trainers of great value... I believe in those legends and, since I was born, I have trained here in secret. And thanks to that I can see things that others don't see... Try to show me what those legendaries have seen in you."Morty, the mystic seer of the future.

Noctowl, Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Gastly, Haunter and Gengar. After winning the fight Ash received the fog badge.

"Be careful on your travels," Morty said. "My sixth sense tells me that many tribulations still await you."

Ash didn't know what "tribulations" meant but he nodded while smiling when he saw his new badge.

After that Ash and his friends went to Summit Stadium to watch a lecture by professor Elm about the pichu, the pre-evolution of Pikachu. At the entrance they gave away a small doll of pichu that Pikachu loved.

Before leaving town, the kimono girls treated them to a tea ceremony and listened to what had happened at the Burned Tower.

Route 39

Here Ash met up again with an acquaintance from Kanto, Mr. Baoba. This elegant old man was the owner of Safari Pokémon and remembered Ash very well for being the boy who captured thirty tauros. Ethan and Kris looked at a very embarrassed Ash in shock upon hearing that.

"Even I haven't caught that many Pokémon of the same type yet." Kris commented, covering Ethan's mouth to stop him from laughing.

"It was unintentionally." Ash said in a low voice, not wanting to continue talking about the topic.

"If you ever stop by Cianwood City, I hope you visit the new safari zone I created for Johto. Maybe this time you will capture thirty miltanks. Who knows" Baoba laughed.


Moo-moo Farm: Enjoy our fresh and tasty milk

Speaking of miltanks...Ash and his friends arrived at the most famous farm in Johto. There they met Whitney again, who was helping her family that day. One of the miltanks was a little sick, but with Ethan's help they cured her right away.

"Since I've been doing nothing but taking care of baby Pokémon lately, I always bring berries of all kinds." Ethan said very proudly after giving the miltank orange berries.

Whitney gave them several bottles of the highest quality moo-moo milk before they left.

Olive City: The Port with Sea Breezes

The maritime city was full of fishermen and boats that didn't seem to have much desire to move. In the distance you could see a soft fog that covered the sea and made the atmosphere seem sad and desolate.

"It hasn't always been like this. A few days ago my dear Amphy became ill and he cannot use his powerful energy to illuminate the Lighthouse. The sailors are used to sailing using the light of this lighthouse so they have refused to continue working. Jasmine, the gym leader, explained to them.

They had met her after looking for her at the famous Olivo Lighthouse. Of course Kris had warned Ethan what would happen to him if she tried to flirt with the beautiful leader.

"Ethan's berries haven't worked/Pika..." Ash and Pikachu said, worried when they saw that they couldn't cure the ampharos.

Jasmine gave a soft sigh.

"Nurse Joy told me that only a medicine made in the pharmacies of Cianwood City will do, but I don't dare leave Ampy alone."

"Don't worry, we'll bring the medicine!" Ash decided immediately. Receiving a loving smile from Jasmine.

"…And, why don't you put Amphy in a Poké Ball and we'll accompany you to Cianwood City?" Kris suggested.

Cyanwood City: A Port of Crashing Waves

Using a small boat owned by a girl named Luka, our heroes passed through the Whirl Islands and arrived at Cianwood City. The first thing they did was go to the pharmacy, where the herbalist gave them the secret potion for Amphy.

Jasmine, very happy, thanked her new friends. Before leaving Ash took the opportunity to go to the city gym and Ethan accompanied him. Kris for her part of her said that she had something to do.

Jasmine went back to her city because she needed to turn on the Lighthouse as soon as possible.


"Uoooohh! You're going to see how tough I am! I meditate every day under this waterfall. What? You don't see the relation with Pokémon? ...Maybe you're right... ... ...Okay. Get ready to fight!" Chuck, his roaring fists do the talking.

Pikachu and Bayleef vs Poliwrath and Machoke. Thanks to Bayleef Ash was able to defeat Chuck's two Pokémon and receive the storm badge.

"My teacher Greta won't forgive me for how weak I have become." Chuck muttered scared.


Meanwhile Kris listened to her sixth sense and walked along the beach feeling that someone was calling her. She finally met Suicune, whom she hugged with joy. However, the meeting was interrupted by Eusine, who had managed to follow the legendary. Without warning Suicune left the area and began running through the sea.

"Hello Kris! Wasn't that Suicune?" Eusine said very cheerful. "Seeing such a beautiful Pokémon run through the waves...Wonderful. Hell yeah!, I will fight you to earn Suicune's respect!"


Misdreavus, Jigglypuff and Marowak vs Drowzee, Haunter and Electrode.

Eusine wasn't a bad fighter, but compared to Ash he wasn't much of a problem for Kris. Ash and Ethan arrived in time to see Kris win. Eusine, with a downcast look, could only leave there but not before swearing that Suicune would be his.

They later saw Silver walking by after stealing some poor man's Pokémon. Ash defeated him and returned the Pokémon to its owner. He gave him a shuckle which Ash gave to Kris, which she sent to professor Elm.

They avoided, or rather Ash did, going through the safari. Even so, they saw an old friend of Ash's come out of the entrance: Todd Snap, who was looking to take photos of the three legendary beasts.

He had already taken photos of raikou and entei, tracking them after the rumors of what happened at the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City. When she found out that Suicune had been close to her she almost had a heart attack.

"Let me travel with you a little, Ash," Todd asked. "I have the feeling that if I stay by your side I'll see something interesting."

"Hey Ash. The Whirl Islands Cup will be held soon. It is a famous competition that takes place every three years. Kris told me that you are close there so you might be interested. Of course, only water-type Pokémon can be used in the tournament." ―message from Professor Elm.

Whirl Islands

With the help of Luka and her boat, Ash and his friends travelled on the boat throughout the area.

Blue Rock Island

Here Ash signed up with other trainers for the Whirl Cup. Later Ash and Pikachu met up with their Kanto friend, Misty. The three of them gave each other a big hug and talked for hours about how things had gone since they last saw each other.

Ash introduced Misty to his new friends. She liked Kris a lot, saying that it was about time Ash has another responsible girl as a friend.

"You can't go two seconds without getting in trouble, huh?" Misty said worriedly upon hearing his battles against Neo Team Rocket.

"It's not my fault that problems haunt me." Ash complained. Misty smiled fondly when she heard that because it was true.

"Still, I'm glad to see that you're okay."

Ash scratched his cheek nervously.

"…Thank you."

"You two... are you dating or something?" Ethan asked suddenly, making both of them blush instantly.

"O-of course not!" they said at the same time. Although the answer didn't seem to convince Ethan and Kris at all.

"They remind me of us." Kris told to her friend.

"I don't see how." Ethan responded, earning a sigh from his friend.


Yellow Rock Island

Ash and his friends went to this island to train and Misty took the opportunity to capture a pretty cute corsola. They also met those who would be their biggest rivals in the tournament: Christopher, Harrison, Marcelo, Trinity and Kevin.

On this island Ash wanted to fight Misty in case they were unlucky enough to not be able to do so during the tournament.

Pikachu, Chikorita and Bulbasaur vs Togepi, Starmie and Politoed. Ash won but Misty told him that he wouldn't have it so easy in the tournament.

For their part, Misty's togepi and Ethan's togepi got along well despite having very opposite personalities.


Red Rock Isle - Scarlet City; Whirl Cup Headquarters

The inauguration of the tournament took place in a ceremony performed by the Mayan priestess, a woman who also participated in said cup. There were many trainers but in the end only the eight strongest were left.

-Quarter finals:Misty vs Harrison, Ash vs Christopher, Maya the Sea Priestess vs Kevin and Trinity vs Marcelo.

-Semifinals:Misty vs Ash and Maya Priestess vs Trinity.

-Final:Misty vs Mayan the Sea Priestess.

Misty ended up winning the tournament and received the Whirl Cup and Mystic water as a prize, an item that strengthened the power of water-type Pokémon.

Without anyone expecting it, Suicune appeared momentarily to the surprise of everyone present, including a very happy Todd Snap who took the opportunity to take several photos before he vanished. After that it was Todd who left after thanking a confused Ash.


Silver Rock Island

Sea Priestess Maya invited Misty and her friends to her house for dinner. On this island the entire culture revolved around Lugia. The priestess was shocked to learn that Ash and Misty had an adventure with the lugia of the Orange Islands. That made her trust them enough to tell them that she needed their help. She have had a premonition that something bad was going to happen soon on the Whirl Islands.


Ogi Isle

It was a supposedly desert island that was connected by caves to Silver rock Island. Sea Priestess Maya told them that it was actually the home of a lugia.

"It is the same Lugia that lived at the top of the formerly known as Burned Tower," Maya explained while taking an object out of her pocket. "This is the Tidal Bell that was awarded to me by the kimono girls of Ecruteak City. With it I can summon Lugia."

The priestess used the bell and two lugia appeared, one adult and another baby named Silver. She was in charge of taking care of them from any danger but her premonition told her that she was going to need help soon.

Ash's rival, Silver, wanted to capture Lugia but NTRio, along with Professor Namba, beat him to it. So Silver, the human, was forced to help Ash, Misty, Ethan and Kris.

In the end they saved both lugia from a strange machine created by Professor Namba, which allowed him to control Pokémon while enraging them. Apparently it was this professor who gave Vicious his Dark Balls, which used similar technology.

Silver, seeing how close the father and son Lugia were, decided to leave them alone to the surprise of Ash and the rest. While the Sea Priestess Maya thanked them greatly for their help and wished them a safe journey.

Misty wanted to stay a little longer on these islands and said goodbye to Ash.

"Take good care of him, he doesn't know how to do anything if he doesn't have good friends by his side." Misty said to Ethan and Kris, ignoring Ash's constant complaints of her.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend is safe with us." Ethan said.

"Yeah, don't worry about him." Kris said.

"W-we're not dating!"

South of Azalea Town - Altomare City

"Are you sure we should do this favour for Giovanni?" Annie asked without much interest. "The guy no longer has Team Rocket and he's a more wanted fugitive than us. I don't think he can pay us."

"He gave us already some money and his mother was always very good to us. Also, if he can't pay us the rest we can always sell the soul dew to this Mask of Ice." Oakley said.

M5: Heroes Latios and Latias

To rest from so much adventure, our heroes decided to visit the city of Alto Mare. There they met the legendary Pokémon Latios and Latias, who were the guardians of the city after their father died.

Both Pokémon in turn were protected by a girl named Bianca and her grandfather Lorenzo. However, Giovanni, leader of the TR, had hired two famous thieves: The sisters Annie and Oakley. Their mission was to obtain the Soul Dew, an object that contained the power of the city's previous guardians and with which Alto Mare's Defense Mechanism could be activated.

Ash and his friends managed to stop the sisters but Latios ended up sacrificing himself to save the entire city, creating another Soul Dew with his body since the previous one had been destroyed.

Before leaving, Ash received a kiss from Bianca...or maybe it was Latias disguised as Bianca. He never knew.

Olive City

After returning to Olive City they saw that the Lighthouse illuminated the entire port with great force. Happy that Amphy was okay, Ash headed to Jasmine's gym to challenge her to a match.


Olive Gym

"Thank you for helping us with the Lighthouse thing... For that reason alone I'll tell you that I'm an expert in the use of Pokémon of the... Guess what! Steel. Do you know anything about the Steel type? They're very tough and cold Pokémon with overwhelming strength. Don't you think the same?"―Jasmine, the steel-clad defense girl.

Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Magnemite and Steelix. After Ash's victory, he obtained the mineral badge.

Our heroes spent the night at Jasmine's house, where they met her grandfather Myron and her apprentice Janina. Jasmine also told them that she really liked Pokémon contests but in Johto there were few and they weren't very popular, that's why she used to travel to other regions.

The next morning they said goodbye to her and decided to go to Mahogany Town for the next badge.

Eggseter Village

In this small town, an annual race was held in which trainers showed their skill using a skateboard tied to a Pokémon. There they met up with the Pokémon Day Care couple, who had gone to visit the Pokémon Day Care in the area.

Ash entered the race with Bayleef upon learning that Silver was also participating. The NTrio tried to steal the participants's Pokémon but Ash stopped them and ended up winning the race. As a reward he received a trophy and an egg from which a phanpy would later hatch.

"I've trained all over the world to improve my psychic-type Pokémon. And I have finally been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only continue to improve!"―Will of the Johto Elite Four.

During their trip they met Will, who was going to visit a woman named Calista.

"Calista? The weather woman capable of predicting the future?" Ethan asked, recognizing her immediately.

"Yes, apparently her xatu is giving her headaches by sharing his prediction powers with her." Will explained. "So I have come to see if I can fix my dear girlfriend's problem."

"And then we can fight?" Ash asked.

"Of course, I've heard about you and I want to see how you fight."

The NTrio attempted to kidnap Calista so they could use her predictions to their advantage, but they were defeated by Will and Ash. After this Ash fought Will, losing miserably.

Mount Mortar

"I used to train here when I was little." Kris commented when they arrived at the mountain. "My mother helped me a lot with Pokémon catching practices."

"Wasn't this where you broke your arms?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, it was a difficult time but thanks to that I learned to throw Poké Balls with my legs."

"A very cool skill." Ash commented.

"Pika!" Pikachu said in agreement.


"Hello! Do you want to train with me in this cave?"―Kiyo Kochi, the Karate King.

That member of Johto's Elite Four was obsessed with showing how strong he was, to the point that he wouldn't let anyone cross the mountain unless they fought him in a Pokémon battle. Ash, Ethan and Kris did it and lost.

Kiyo ended up giving Ethan a tyrogue after seeing how well he took care of his baby Pokémon. He then helped them out of the cave.

Mahogany Town: Home of the Ninja

Something was happening in the Lake of Rage, there were more and more magikarp evolving into gyarados and they seemed very angry. Pryce used his Ice Pokémon to freeze certain areas of the lake and prevent them from advancing towards populated areas. Still, that was just a band aid but Pryce had no intention of continuing to help.

"Pryce, please. At least call even another gym leader." Sheila asked him.

"Bah! For what?"

"What if something or someone is harming the Pokémon?"

"I doubt it, surely they are already tired of humans. After all, humans and Pokémon can never be friends."


Ash was the complete opposite of Pryce and that drove him crazy. He reminded him too much of him when he was young and optimistic. For that reason alone he refused to fight him even though he couldn't do it. The scold that Sheila gave him was legendary.

Even so, Ash ignored Pryce when he learned that a red gyarados was leading the other gyarados, destroying the ice on the lake and putting people in danger.

Ash's bravery and courage at that moment somewhat surprised Pryce, who secretly followed him.

North of Mahogany Town - Lake of Rage

Our heroes saw how the herd of gyarados was causing great damage to the lake. However, nearby they saw a red-haired young man with a dragonite next to them. This young man had defeated several gyarados with great ease and the people around applauded him enthusiastically.

The young man quickly approached our heroes upon seeing them.

"You're the famous Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, right?"

Ash nodded in surprise. He had seen this guy before on TV and couldn't believe he knew him.

"That's right and this is my pal Pikachu."


"Nice cape… I-I mean, I'm Kris!" Said the blushing girl with a shy voice because she knew who the young man was.

"And I Ethan." The boy said while looking at him with jealousy.

"I've also heard about you two, although less," Lance admitted. "The boy who defeated Giovanni and now faces Mask of Ice. What a record and with only eleven years old, Ash Ketchum."

"Thank you!"

"…Ah, I know who you are!" Ethan exclaimed, surprising everyone.

"It must been difficult for you to recognize the most important person in our region." Kris commented.

"You're the one from the potions ads!" "You can't become a champion without knowing how to use full restore!" "

A long and uncomfortable silence formed in the place. A slight blush could be seen on Lance's face while Kris put a hand to her head. Even Ash and Pikachu gave a long sigh knowing that they weren't the dumbest of the group.

"I thought no one remembered that old ad anymore." Lance muttered embarrassed.


Lance left the topic of the gyarados to Ash and his friends. Meanwhile, he went to a store that had caught his attention because next to it there was a tree with a kind of antenna inside.

What he didn't know is that Mask of Ice showed up to try to capture the red gyarados. However, not even his three legendary birds could take on an entire pack of gyarados, the Pokémon of our heroes, and the Pokémon of the Mahogany gym trainers at the same time.

That's without taking into account the surprise appearance of Suicune and his pursuer Eusine. Without thinking twice Mask of Ice ended up fleeing from there. Even so, thanks to his indirect help, our heroes were able to calm the few gyarados left standing and capture their leaders.


Tyson, commander of Neo Team Rocket, wasn't sure the plan was that good. Even after using the latest version of Professor Namba's machine things had gone very wrong. Right now he and his men had barely managed to escape and only had about five healthy Pokémon left.

"This lake was already full of magikarps," Tyson complained. "Why did you use the ones we stole from Celadon University last year?"

The man on the screen laughed as he saw the concern on Tyson's face.

"Since when have you been such a coward?"

"Don't you see that we can't control them?! They only follow the orders of the red Gyarados!"

"Interesting...Maybe if I adjust certain frequencies...yes, I could...Hee hee hee, it seems to me that soon I'll be able to control even legendary Pokémon, just as Mask of Ice ordered."

"Can you hear yourself, damned bastard?! Do something before me and my men die!"

"Bah! Do you want to shut up…"

"Professor Sebastian? Professor Sebastian?!" Tyson asked when he saw that the connection had been cut.

"If I were you, I would worry about myself." Ethan said in a mocking tone. Tyson and his men turned around and saw three children and a pikachu.

"Not only do you steal, but you also make hundreds of innocent Pokémon suffer." Kris said.

"Neo Team Rocket, your misdeeds are over!/Pika!" said Ash and Pikachu.

"Ash Ketchum!" exclaimed the grunts upon recognizing the child.

"The damn twerp who followed us to Johto to further ruin our plans." Tyson roared furiously.

"Ruin your plans? It's you who never learn!"

"Kill them all! Let's avenge Team Rocket!" Tyson ordered immediately.


Lance had taken care of all the members of Neo Team Rocket who were hiding in the store's secret base. Soon the police would arrive and they would only see defeated grunts and Pokémon. The Johto champion was barely breaking a sweat and had only needed to use two of his Pokémon.

"Ash and his friends might be in trouble, let's go!" He said to his dragonite.


Leaving the dirty work in the hands of children wasn't ideal at all and he felt very bad about himself. But Ash Ketchum had shown great talent when he came to deal with criminals so perhaps he shouldn't worry so much. Things like age and gender were irrelevant in Pokémon battles...

Even so, Lance was very surprised to see that Ash and his friends had not only defeated the grunts and calmed the gyarados, but that Kris had captured the red Gyarados.

"I'll give it to my sweet little sister," said the girl, very excited. "It will be her birthday soon."

"A Shiny Gyarados and you're going to give it away? Are you stupid?" Ethan said laughing.

"Not all of us are selfish like you, and this gyarados only wanted to protect his friends. Someone so noble deserves to be with a noble person."

"What a lot of nonsense."

"What did you said?!

"I see that everything has turned out well for you." Lance said to Ash. He smiled and gave him a victory sign.

"We've had help from Pryce." Said Ash pointing to the older man who was on the edge of the lake, observing the already calm gyarados. Lance approached the man and gave him a slight bow.

"Thank you for helping them…You are the gym leader of Mahogany Town, right?"

Pryce nodded his head slightly.

"There's nothing to thank, Johto champion. Furthermore, as the guardian of the lake I should have realized that those scoundrels were the ones behind such a ruckus."

"…By the way, haven't you seen the mysterious Mask of Ice?"

"…No, when I arrived he was already gone."

"I have heard that despite having three legendaries, the one he uses the best is Articuno."

"It makes sense, with that name of his," Pryce laughed. "It's unfortunate that someone with the same specialty as me is so evil."

After seeing Ash's actions at the lake, Pryce told him about his past. While doing so, they both walked and ended up falling down an ice cave. Apparently the commotion from before had created said entrance.

Inside the frozen cave they manage to see a huge block of ice in which Pryce's piloswine was encased. The Pokémon carried herbs in its fangs that healed burns, so Pryce deduced through tears that Piloswine never left him. He simply went to look for herbs to cure Pryce's burns but he must have had an accident.

Using Quilava's flamethrower and Pikachu's lightning bolt, they managed to revive the Pokémon, bringing happiness back to Pryce's heart and face. All of his negative ideas about the friendship between humans and Pokémon were shattered as he hugged Piloswine. Grateful to Ash, he wanted to give him the badge but Ash refused because he wanted to win it in combat.


Mahogany Gym

"Pokémon live all kinds of experiences. I have also seen and suffered a lot in my life. I've been into Pokémon since before you were born and I won't lose easily. I'll show you my power!"―Pryce, the Teacher of Winter's Harshness.

Quilava and Pikachu vs Dewgong and Piloswine. The match ended in a draw even though Ash was sure that Pryce hadn't given it his all. The old man didn't want to force Piloswine because he wasn't yet fully recovered. With this he also taught Ash a good lesson about always worrying about your Pokémon even at the cost of your goals.

Even so, Pryce gave him the Glacier badge and showed him and his friends his museum with ice statues he built himself. Our heroes were especially drawn to the numerous ice masks on the wall.

Mewtwo Returns

"You can break my body, but you won't break my will."―Mewtwo.

Giovanni, in a vain attempt to regain his former power, decided to look for Mewtwo again. With his elite team led by Domino, he discovered where the legendary clone of Mew was located.

What the mafia boss didn't expect is that Ash and his friends had also arrived at Mount Quena. Not only that, but Brock and Misty were also in the area since they were the bodyguards, at the request of the Kanto Pokémon Association, of two Pokémon researchers named Luna Carson and Cullen Calix.

Domino infiltrated the team of investigators, while the TRio returned only to steal Pikachu again. They also confessed to Ash that the NTRio woobuffet was a spy passing information to them.

During the adventure, Ash and his friends saved the clones that Mewtwo was protecting, recovered all the memories that the legendary had erased, and defeated a furious Giovanni again. Just in case Mewtwo erased Giovanni and Team Rocket's memories, although he spared Jessie, James, and Meowth.

Mewtwo finally understood that cloned Pokémon had the same right to be part of the world as normal Pokémon and decided to let them go. He said goodbye to our heroes and flew away from there.

The next day Brock and Misty said goodbye to Ash, Ethan and Kris. Ethan and Brock had become very good friends so they exchanged information about Pokémon breeding and pretty girls...the latter earned them a strong scold from Misty and Kris.

"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best."―Karen of the Johto Elite Four.

On the way to Blackthorn City they met a mysterious woman, who was surrounded by an umbreon, a houndoom, and a murkrow. Dark-type Pokémon, a type that is very difficult to see in Kanto, so Ash was excited to know that the woman was from the Elite Four and specialized in that type.

Karen's mentality was the same as Ash's when it came to Pokémon battles so they got along quite well. They even had a Pokémon battle although Ash couldn't beat any of Karen's Pokémon.


Ice Path

That place was an ice labyrinth in which people could easily get lost and never come out. Luckily they had the help of the kimono girl named Sayo... Although first they had to help her warm up since the poor girl had become immobile due to the cold.

Sayo and Kris spent the rest of the trip talking about Pokémon shows while Ash and Ethan watched out for wild Pokémon.

Blackthorn City: A Quiet Mountain Retreat

"You're Ash, Ethan and Kris, right?" an imposing looking woman asked them when they arrived at the city.

"How does a beauty like you know us?" Ethan asked immediately.

"My cousin Lance and my friend Liza told me about you three. By the way, my name is Clair."

"Lance is your cousin?" the three asked surprised at the same time.

Clair nodded.

"The most famous dragon tamers of Kanto and Johto were born in Blackthorn City and we are part of a clan."

"Wait, you said before that the beautiful Liza is your friend, right?" Ethan asked, ignoring Kris's murderous look.

Clair nodded again.

"We are childhood friends…She usually comes with her charizard so I can train them. What's more, right now she's in my house with two charizard."

One of those charizard was Ash's, who got so excited when he saw it that he burned them all with flamethrowers. Liza told them that Charizard had a romantic relationship with her charizard, Charla.

They had come to visit the Dragon Holy Land, a Pokémon paradise with more than five hundred years of history, always protected by the city's gym leaders and a dragonite that belonged to the first gym leader.

After eating with Clair and Liza, they wanted to go to the gym for the Pokémon battle, but NTRio appeared to steal the dragon fang, a very important item for Clair's family. Not only that, but they stole the Flame of Prayer, a flame that had been burning since a shrine was formed on the sacred land, angering the old dragonite in the process.

Ash and his friends defeated the NTrio and managed to calm the dragonite with the help of Clair, Liza and the charizard.


Blackthorn Gym

"Let us begin! But I warn you that I don't hold back before any Trainer!"―Clair, the blessed user of Dragon Pokémon.

Snorlax, Pikachu and Charizard vs Gyarados, Kingdra and Dragonair. Thanks to the intense training that Charizard had undergone, Ash was able to defeat Clair and obtain the Rising badge.

After that Charizard returned to Charicific Valley. Now Ash could participate in the Johto league, which would take place in Silver Town, right at the base of Mt. Silver.


Before leaving town, Clair advised them to visit the Week Siblings' house.

Mona, Tuscany, Wesley, Arthur, Frieda, Santos and Sunny.

"We actually live in Kanto, more specifically on Route 26," they said when they met them. "But we usually come here to get items that boost Pokémon's elemental types. We only sell it to exceptional trainers, of course."

Ilex Forest

"Time to test my power, Karate King!"

Kiyo howled in pain as he felt the ice spear penetrate his flesh and a stream of blood stained the grass.

"Burn! Burn! It burns!" Kiyo shouted through tears of pain.

"Yes, ice burns and soon all of Johto will burn before my power," said Mask of Ice, laughing with pleasure. "Compared to Kanto's Elite Four, Johto's is nothing more than a bad joke. The only ones I have to worry about are Karen, Will, and Champion Lance. Don't you find it curious that Karen and Will, being practically kids, are a bigger threat than you will ever be?"

Mask of Ice laughed sad*stically as he watched Kiyo and Tōkichi writhe in pain on the ground, with all their Pokémon out of combat and unable to defend their owners.

"…Dam it all." Kiyo murmured as he concentrated to avoid feeling pain.

"As much as it hurts to admit it, this villain is right," Tōkichi acknowledged. "We do not possess the power necessary to be members of the Elite Four and we are paying the consequences for that."

"N-no…we can still…" Kiyo fell silent when he saw his comrade's sad look. The truth hurts too much.

Mask of Ice didn't kill them, it was enough for him to have left his Pokémon on the brink of death and to have broken their spirits. After so many defeats, rage and hatred had invaded him, so he had decided to attack two trainers who could pose a threat in the future. In his cowardly heart he knew that one day he would have to get revenge on Ash, but that kid was too lucky...

No, no more pity, if there ever was any! He would gather all of Neo Team Rocket and invade Goldenrod City. One last assault to conquer the capital of Johto and make it clear to the entire region who was their new leader...


Goldenrod City - One week later...

"You're Mask of Ice, right?" Lance asked Pryce. After the attack on his two Elite Four companions, his patience had reached its limit. The rest of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four were gathered there as well.

"The ice masks in your museum, the fact that you allowed a suspicious store to be built so easily in your own town, Mask of Ice's mention of Mahogany Town, your numerous absences throughout the year… And of course, no one has ever seen the villain and you in the same place at the same time!"

Lance's accusations made Pryce look guilty, but the other leaders had their doubts. It was true that recently until Pryce was someone unpleasant who almost never had good words for others, but that didn't mean that he was a crazy man eager to conquer.

Giving a heavy sigh, Pryce prepared to give his explanation. He told them how he received a Mask of Ice a long time ago and how since then he suffered from sleepwalking. In addition to the numerous dreams he had about the masked man, that's why he carved so many masks. He soon discovered that some Neo Team Rocket grunts were using a hypno to manipulate him, so Pryce defeated them.

"How interesting! It's true that Pokémon hypno can do such a thing." Will commented.

"According to the report you made, there were several drowzee and hypno inside the secret base, right?" Karen said to Lance, who nodded.

"And they did manipulate you into committing crimes?" Chuck asked worried.

"That doesn't make any sense, Pryce isn't someone who can move like the masked man...No offense." Bugsy said.

"Don't worry, you're right, I'm too old to go with legendary birds from here to there," Pryce laughed. "What is true is that they manipulated me to do whatever they wanted in my town without me putting up much resistance."

"So, if that's true, Mask of Ice made sure you were absent whenever he appeared in public." "Morty deduces.

"I guess."

"So who the hell is that masked guy?!" Whitney asked tiredly.

"He must be someone who holds a lot of grudge against you if he has bothered to create evidence that points towards you." Falkner commented.

They couldn't continue talking since bad news reached everyone's ears. Goldenrod City had been completely surrounded by Neo Team Rocket. All of his agents were invading the streets and attacking anyone who resisted.

"Come on, we can't stand by while those scoundrels attack innocent people!" Clair shouted, quickly getting up from the conference table and jumping out of a window as she pulled her dragonair out of the Poké Ball.

"Wait cousin, we need a plan!" Lance told her, but Clair was already far away.


"When the capital of Johto falls, the rest of the cities will too, even if it is one by one… No one will be able to stop me! Giovanni, Pryce, watch as I surpass all your expectations and become the regent of these inept people!"―Mask of Ice.

The final battle against Neo Team Rocket had begun. Agent Jenny and the rest of the police were in charge of the evacuation of civilians. Gym Leaders protected them and prevented damage to important structures. Meanwhile Karen and Will mercilessly defeated the grunts and elite agents without much problem. Lance on his part used his Pokémon to surround the city and prevent any criminals from escaping or hiding.

There were even trainers helping in any way they could.

"Suffer the wrath of the strongest rattata in Johto!" Young Joey shouted, jumping on top of an unsuspecting grunt.

"Rat! Rat!" Rattata shouted after defeating several enemy Pokémon using quick attack.


Mask of Ice attempted to kidnap the most important people in town, including DJ Mary, professor Elm, and Bill who cursed having come to visit just then. The kidnapping attempt was interrupted by a furious Silver.

"I'm already fed up with you and your big ego. You're just as pathetic as Giovanni and just like him you'll be defeated by a child." Silver said.

"Killing you would be too merciful, besides, I can use you as a hostage against that pathetic man." Mask of Ice said.

Luckily something unexpected happened. Suicune, Entei, and Raikou appeared, with Kris, Ethan, and Ash riding on top of them. The three legendary beasts, sensing what was going to happen, had gone to our heroes to ask for help. Suicune mentally communicated with Kris and together they led the other two to Goldenrod City.

"We look like the Johto Rangers!" Ethan shouted excitedly.

"You're right!" Ash said just as happy.

"Children, please concentrate, there is a city to save!" Kris said with a smile. "Although it is true that we look like the Johto Rangers."

Our heroes weren't the only ones who had come without an "invitation", because when Karen and Will seemed to be in trouble, they were saved by Bruno and Koga.

"Who the hell are you two?" some grunts asked while the rest trembled when they recognized them.

"I'm Bruno from the Kanto Elite Four," the hulking man explained. "I have come to avenge the defeat of my friend Kiyo Kochi, the Karate King, I'll fight alongside the Elite Four of Johto!"

"I was just a mere gym leader in Fuchsia City but thanks to my friend Tōkichi I reached a new level," Koga said with a calm voice but a furious look. "Mask of Ice... You will regret leaving such an honourable man in a coma!"

"Honour? I thought you ninjas didn't know that absurd concept," Mask of Ice commented with a laugh. Then he glanced around to see all of his enemies. Ethan, Kris, Silver, Ethan, Ash, Will, Koga, Bruno, Karen and Lance. "Time for all of you to join Tōkichi and Kiyo!"

Mask of Ice not only used the legendary birds but also a delibird, a hypno, and a gengar. And to everyone's surprise he put the three birds together inside a Dark Ball and when he took them out they were fused and you could clearly see the suffering in their eyes.

"Ha ha ha! Professor Namba and Sebastian's special Dark Ball has worked" the villain laughed madly. "Now I have an invincible Pokémon!"

"You monster!" Ash roared furiously when he saw that. The others also shouted insults at the villain.

After almost half an hour of battle, Mask of Ice's Pokémon were defeated and the fusion of the three birds was undone. When it seemed like the villain was finally going to lose, he took out a shiny object and started waving it in the air.

"With the Soothe Bell I stole from Ecruteak City I'll be able to control the legendary beasts!"

Pikachu launched two thunderbolts in a row at such speed that it surprised even Ash. The first one broke the bell before the villain could use it power took. The second hit the villain in the face, knocking him back and breaking his mask into pieces.

The villain stood up from the ground furious. His face finally revealed. A man with short black hair with a look of pure evil.

"Damn you! How dare you keep getting in my way?!"

"Who the hell are you?" Ash asked.

"It's Grey, one of my former students." revealed Pryce, who had arrived recently. The gym leader quickly explained how during his time of apathy he treated his students and Pokémon very badly, causing many of them to leave.

"You made me think for years that I was talentless and would never amount to anything," Gray said, removing his cape and revealing a Team Rocket suit underneath. "I decided to join Team Rocket to gain enough power to take revenge on you. I reached the position of executive, however Giovanni lost against a damn child and abandoned me along with the rest of the grunts while he fled with his elite guard... I swore I would take revenge on him too. It took me more time than I thought but I got the three legendary birds. Although they weren't even half as strong as those of the Orange Islands, it was enough for my plans.

"Is all this for revenge? You're crazy!" Ash said.

"Hu, maybe, but I'm the crazy man who has put an entire region in check."

"I have been a bad person and a bad teacher. I gave you the darkness that invades and corrodes you," Pryce said sadly. "But I'm afraid forgiveness is the last thing you want from me, right?"

"Forgiveness? I don't even care about you anymore. Ash Ketchum prepare to die!"

"You wish!" Ash responded, accepting the challenge.


Grey's defeat was televised by many networks so that the entire region could know that the threat had been defeated. In a few days, normality was restored.

The grunts were locked up in prison. The NTrio narrowly escaped but Woobuffet abandoned them to return to the TRio. Ash asked Agent Jenny not to lock away Silver, at least not until the Pokémon League ended. The woman accepted only because Silver had helped in the final battle.

Entei and Raikou left but Suicune stayed with Kris and agreed to be captured by her, much to Eusine's misfortune.

Bruno and Koga returned to Kanto after checking that their friends were fine and would recover without problems, although Koga had a long and secret conversation with Lance.

Professor Elm then gave Ash an egg from which a frightened Larvitar hatched. Apparently they had the mission to take him to his home, which was near Mt. Silver, so that's what our heroes did.

Silver Town - Hospital

"I'm very sorry, Lance, but I must leave," Tōkichi said. "I don't have the strength to be someone in the Elite Four, especially when there are people more qualified than me out there."

"But, what are you saying?" Lance asked confused and surprised. "You are one of the best Pokémon trainers I have ever met."

"And yet I still suffered a big defeat against Mask of Ice. That he used legendaries is no excuse." the ninja remembered bitterly.

"Do you think the same, Kiyo?"

The karate king slowly nodded his head.

"It has been a pleasure to be able to help you, but to think that I was up to the challenge just because you managed to make me stronger… pure arrogance on my part. I'm sure you'll find someone better very soon..."

"I'm sure we can find good candidates in this year's league." Will joked, he didn't want to think too much about the subject.

Karen gently nudged her friend while using her hair to hide her sad gaze.

Johto Pokémon League

Ho-oh's fire had lit the torch, the league had begun.

Salvador, Macey, Jackson (Ethan and Kris' childhood friend) and Harrison. Ash defeated them all and prepared to face his rival Silver.


"I know that if I can participate in the Pokémon League it's thanks to you, but don't expect me to thank you for that," Silver said very seriously. "If I'm going to thank you, it's for getting rid of that useless Grey. You've come far but it's over. Get ready because I plan to tear you to pieces right here!"

"I'm not going to lose you. Finally we'll see once and for all who's the best," Ash said with a big smile. But in the end you have to go to jail, you promised."

"Shut up, don't remind me of that! Plus, I won't go to prison just for stealing!"

Pikachu, Heracross, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile and Donphan vs Sneasel, Gengar, Crobat, Magneton, Alakazam and Gyarados.

Their first matchup in the past had been Pikachu vs. Sneasel, so it was poetic that their last matchup was also Pikachu vs Sneasel. Pikachu's thunderbolt was what gave Ash victory over his rival, ensuring his place among the top eight in the league.

Silver for his part couldn't believe it.

"I have lost... I did everything I could... What you have and I don't... I'll find out why I can't win and be stronger... I'll challenge you as soon as I discover it. And I'll crush you with all my power. Until then, keep training and winning!"

"You bet I'll!" Ash said excitedly, especially when he finally saw a sincere smile on Silver's face.


Ash didn't expect Whitney, the gym leader, to be participating in the league but she was. This time the girl used her best Pokémon and destroyed all of her rivals, Ash included. Whitney won the league but lost to Will when she challenged the Elite Four.

"I'm sorry Karen, even though you chose me as leader, I haven't been able to reach your level." Whitney cried. Karen laughed as she stroked her head.

"Don't worry, you can still try next year. There will soon be two seats in the Elite Four so don't be in such a hurry."

During the celebration for the end of the league, DJ Mary from Radio Goldenrod tried to do several interviews with the participants, with Ash being the one she spoke to the most since she also wanted exclusive information about his adventures against Neo Team Rocket. Unfortunately, Lance, upon seeing this, intervened and said that that information was classified.


Ethan and Kris decided to accompany Ash to Kanto since they had never left their home region. Upon arriving in Pallet Town, at Delia's request, they settled in Ash's house. Ethan spent the day helping Tracey take care of the Pokémon in the lab, while Kris studied more about Pokémon with professor Oak.

Daisy Oak, the professor's granddaughter, also worked as her grandfather's assistant and liked to wash the Pokémon's hair. According to Ethan, the girl was very talented.

Viridian City

Meanwhile Ash went to check on Yellow, who had already completed her trip through Kanto. Ash told all of his adventures to his impressionable "little sister", who couldn't believe so many things had happened to him.

The girl, for her part, was now much stronger and knew how to handle her healing and telekinesis powers a little better. She could even raise the level of her Pokémon but only in extreme situations.

Yellow was the one who prevented some members of Team Rocket, especially TRio, from returning to their secret base in the Viridian Forest. Both the Pokémon and the people in the area adored her, which made her happy but also a little uncomfortable.

Gary, for his part, was very busy as the new Viridian gym leader and dedicated his free time to studying Pokémon.

"Until recently Agatha was covering the position of gym leader. Now the trainers enter the gym very happy thinking that since they no longer have to face someone from the Elite Four, getting my badge will be very easy. Their faces of despair when they see that this isn't the case are glorious!" Gary laughed.

Of course Ash soon challenged him to a Pokémon battle. He didn't feel comfortable knowing that he got his Earth badge from fighting Giovanni.

"Do you need to make a call to Grandpa?" Gary asked, because he didn't know if Ash was ready or not.

"Don't worry, I was recently at the professor's ranch and since I was expecting a fight against you, I came prepared." Ash said with a competitive smile.

"Hu, typical of you to only think about Pokémon battles."

Pikachu, Charizard, Wartortle, Bulbasaur, Snorlax and Muk vs Umbreon, Arcanine, Blastoise, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot.

Yellow acted as the battle judge of the fight and without a doubt what she saw left her mouth open. Both Ash and Gary had improved a lot. It was a close fight in which they used all the strategies they had learned.

Neo Team Rocket, Silver...Those victories didn't make Ash confident because he knew how dangerous Gary was. At the end, only Pikachu and Umbreon were left, with the victory being for the electric mouse.

"I see you haven't been lazing around." Gary said with a smile.

"Of course not! I still have a lot to improve if I want to fulfil my dream."

"Dream, huh?" Gary murmured thoughtfully.

Ash had the feeling that his friend and rival didn't seem particularly happy being a Gym Leader.


A few days later professor Elm came to visit but the poor guy was kidnapped by Cassidy and his partner. Apparently professor Namba, who had once again been loyal to Giovanni, wanted to know the secrets of the Pokérus and Elm knew a lot about the subject.

Ash, Ethan and Kris rescued him and Elm was able to give his speech alongside professor Oak in Viridian City.

A few days later Ash and Yellow received an urgent call from their friends on TCG Island. Apparently something serious was happening just when the new competition was going to take place. Even though they went in a plane, by the time they arrived the damage had already been done.


TCG Island

James from Team Rocket had many fans thanks to his skills with the Trading Card Game, some of those fans had become his apprentices. When they learned of his defeat at the hands of Mark last year, they swore revenge. To do this, they formed Team Great Rocket and spent a large sum of money to buy an airship and an island next to the TCG Island.

Team GR had stolen players' cards and kidnapped several club leaders and grandmasters. Now they were hiding on GR Island. All this was told to Ash and Yellow by a girl from Johto. Her name was Mint and she had gone to the TCG Island to become the best player.

Ash, Yellow and Mint went to GR Island. There they faced the GR commanders and thus obtained information about James' most diehard fans.

Ronald (James' former rival in the TCG), had gone undercover beforehand as the mysterious commander GR X, which made things much easier.

Parker, Catherine, Bernard, Brooke, Brutus, Claire, Avery and King GR Villicci. All of them were the biggest enemies to beat in a card duel. They succeeded and peace returned to the world of TCG.

James apologized on his knees for the actions of his fans and did everything, many illegal things, so that they wouldn't end up in jail.

Pallet Town - Ash's House

"Hello everyone, I'm DJ Mary and I have great news for everyone! Due to the great success of the first tournament. The Pokémon World Association has decided that the second Stadium tournament will take place in White City, which is located on a small island between Kanto and Johto.

Therefore now trainers with Johto nationality will also be able to participate. More trainers, sixteen gym leaders, two Elite Four, and two champions! This second Stadium tournament promises to be a thousand times better than the first! Trainers, sign up now and prove that you are the strongest in Kanto and Johto!"

Ash stopped playing Pokémon Puzzle Challenge with Yellow when he heard that news.

"Yes, an even more intense tournament than last year! I plan to win it!" He shouted super excited, scaring his mother, who ended up laughing.

"It seems interesting, do you want to participate, Kris?" Ethan asked his friend.

"…I guess it could be fun. I'll call professor Elm to get him involved too!"

"It's going to be a difficult competition" said Yellow. It's not that she was very enthusiastic about Pokémon battles, but she wanted to be even stronger for her city and forest.

"I'm going to call Agent Jenny so she lets Silver participate." Ash said quickly going for the phone. Ethan and Kris could only observe this without being too surprised, since they were already used to the craziness of his friend.


White City


The young woman watched him for a few seconds until her gaze lit up slightly.

"You are professor Oak's grandson, right?" said Sabrina, breaking into a smile that stirred something inside Gary. "I remember when you challenged me to a gym fight the last year. And also our matchup in last year's Stadium tournament. You made a big impression on me, I must admit. So now you're the new Viridian Gym Leader?"

"That's how it's. If you're going to ask why you haven't seen me at gym leaders meetings... It's because I'm sure they're very boring."

Sabrina laughed a little when she heard that.

"Why do you Viridian gym leaders always do whatever you want?" She said jokingly.

Gary just shrugged and smiled too.


Ash faced Sham and Carl, who looked like other people without their Neo Team Rocket half masks and suits. He also saw the mysterious Mr. G again, who continued to look at him with great hatred, especially when he lost again.

Almost everyone Ash knew was giving their all in the tournament, even youngster Joey was killing it with his rattata.

Ash was lucky enough to face Red in battle, but he still couldn't defeat a single one of his Pokémon. That made him see that he still needed a lot to reach the elite level. Yellow for her part was defeated by Lance while Ethan lost to Silver, who rubbed the victory so many times that Ethan was about to commit a crime right there.

Joey vs Dorian, Jasmine vs Brock, Whitney vs Misty, Surge vs Morty, Pryce vs Erika, Falkner vs Sachiko, Sabrina vs Bugsy, Blaine vs Clair, Gary vs Chuck, Karen vs Agatha, Bruno vs Silver, Koga vs Kris, Leaf vs Will, Oak vs Elm, Red vs Lance…


"The Poké Ball Trophy goes to professor Oak for his fifth place. The Super Ball Trophy goes to Karen for her fourth place finish. The Ultra Ball Trophy goes to Leaf for her third place finish. The Master Ball Trophy goes to Lance for his second place. And the Stadium Trophy is for Red, the winner of the tournament. Congratulations to all the Stadium tournament participants!" Stadium commentator."W-wait, no Jigglypuff, you can't sing this year... No, don't!"

After waking up from the long collective nap produced by Jigglypuff, Ethan and Kris returned to Johto. While Silver returned to jail.

-Ethan:In the end you weren't as stupid as I thought. I have learned a lot with you. I hope you come visit us, pal... I say this because my shiny pichu starts to cry when he thinks that he isn't going to see Pikachu! Eh? No, I don't plan to stop showing off my shiny pichu!

-Kris:Thanks for everything Ash. If we meet again, you will be closer to fulfil your dreams, although I'm still don't know what mine are. And learn to cook, because without Brock or me you're going to starve! And don't forget to call us, that's why you have our number!

-Silver:You're not as useless as I thought. And maybe you were right about being friends with my Pokémon... Even so, the day will come when you kneel before my strength and that of my Pokémon!


Ash and Pikachu saw Ho-oh again after a brief confrontation against the TRio. Apparently the legendary was heading to the Hoenn region. Ash and Pikachu decided that they wanted to continue their journey and that new region would be next. So professor Oak gave them the tickets to take a boat to the Seafoam Islands.

"Alright Pikachu, it's time to go!" Ash exclaimed excitedly as he left his house.

"Pikachu!" His friend exclaimed just as excitedly.

"Be careful and don't forget to change your underwear!" Her mother reminded him with a smile.

"Mom, please stop saying that!"

End of the Second generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Johto:Pikachu, Heracross, Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, Noctowl (Shiny), Donphan, Charizard (In training).

-Ethan's Pokémon:Pichu (shiny), Togetic, Hitmontop, Jynx, Magmar and Marill.

-Kris' Pokémon:Suicune, Jolteon, Misdreavus, Hitmonchan, Jigglypuff and Marowak.

-Silver's Pokémon:Sneasel, Gengar, Crobat, Magneton, Alakazam, Gyarados.

-Misty's Pokémon:Togepi, Psyduck, Starmie, Politoed, Horsea, Seaking and Corsola.

-Brock's Pokémon:Steelix, Crobat, Golem, Forretress and Vulpix (Returned to its owner).

-Yellow's Pokémon:Raticate, Dodrio, Buterfree, Golem and Omastar.

-Tracey's Pokémon:Venonat, Marill and Scyther.

-Gary's Pokémon:Umbreon, Blastoise, Arcanine, Nidoking, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot, Alakazam, Nidoqueen and Scizor.

Save game?… Saving data... Game saved!


-Games:Crystal, Heart Gold, Soul Silver and Stadium 2.

-Anime:Seasons 3, 4 and 5; Movies 3, 4 and 5.

-Manga:Pokémon adventure arcs Gold, Silver and Crystal; Pokémon the Golden boys.


I didn't want to use Misty and Brock because I think each generation should have their own companions. That doesn't mean that Misty and Brock aren’t very important characters that marked my childhood, which is why I will feature them in the fic whenever I can. Although there will be chapters where I cannot do it for various reasons (Unova and Kalos).
I hope you at least liked the characterization of Ethan and Kris a little, although Ethan is quite inspired by Brock, he is much more impulsive and less serious.

Since Pryce is a gym leader in other games and remakes, I didn't want to go the manga route and make him a villain. So after reading several Pokémon mangas I decided to use Executive Gray from the manga Pokémon the Golden Boys.
I hope you liked the surprise if there are any fans of that manga. The pairing of Sham and Carl are based on Mask of Ice’s henchmen, who are in turn based on the Rocket admins from the Gold and Silver games. What's more, Carl and Gray are based on the same character (Archer from Team Rocket, but the three are different people in this fanfic).

As for Kiyo and Tōkichi being part of the Elite Four, in my fic Kanto and Johto have their own leagues and policies so they don't share Elite Four. Who will be the two new members now that Kiyo and Tōkichi have resigned?
Fun fact: In the Pokémon Adventures manga, they gave Ice Mask that long hair so that fans would believe that he was Clair in disguise. XD

I hope you liked this second chapter.

Until the next chapter!

Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

3rd Generation

The soft morning dew fell across the tall grass. The young woman ran with her bicycle as she passed by numerous Pokémon. None of them imagined that far from there, both in the depths of the sea and the magma, two titans were waiting to be awakened. And high in the sky, another titan watched over them.


Hello! Sorry for making you wait. My name is professor Birch and I’m an expert in the field of Pokémon habitats. Pokémon are everywhere, in tall grass, in caves, mountains, seas, skies and even volcanoes. Their relationship with nature and how they affect each other is really fascinating…There’re so many places that I want to investigate…

Go ahead and enjoy this dream world, full of adventures and great friends!


“The origin of life is in the sea. Almost our entire body is water. Water can adapt and take different shapes depending on the situation. We’re water and we must return to water, only in this way will we achieve perfection.” ―Archie’s Book.


“It was on the earth where humans and Pokémon were able to reach our full potential. To avoid the lack of land, the lack of resources and to be able to continue discovering our world better, we must make the earth move forward.” ―Maxie's book.

In the past…

Archie and Maxie grew up together in the same city, the same neighbourhood and went to the same school. Archie was a master at adapting to circ*mstances while Maxie always wanted to have it all planned out. They liked to compete a lot, whether in sports or knowledge.

Their Pokémon battles were legendary, because if one entered a tournament the other followed. For years there was no clear winner as both had the same number of defeats and victories. Their lives were summed up in draws in one way or another.

Their friendship lasted until they were adults. They both loved Pokémon and their goal was to create a better world for them. They formed a team together, surrounded by people who thought the same as them. His ecological fight cost money and time, but with their brilliance neither was a problem.

The problem was how each person faced the planet's problems...

"We need more water! Every year new islands of garbage form in the seas," Archie said furiously. "Because of this, many Pokémon that live in the sea die or have to move to other places."

"We need more land! More than forty Pokémon have drowned on the beaches this week," Maxie said just as furiously. "And a war has broken out in another region due to the lack of farmable land."

They had been discussing for days what direction the team should take but they still came up with nothing. The discussions became increasingly heated, reaching the point of having Pokémon battles that destroyed parts of the building. Little by little the grunts were positioned with Archie or Maxie until two defined groups were formed that were always in constant fights.


Year 2015

They both received a visit from a mysterious girl. Her entire body was covered by a huge sand-colored cloak. She left them both a different document with which they could fulfil their most cherished wishes. It was that day that Archie and Maxie decided to stop being friends and partners. Their objectives simply couldn’t coexist, so each would go their own way, and if the other got in their way, they would have to eliminate them.

Year 2017 - Mauville City - Hoenn Ecosystem Conference

"…Many efforts are made to protect the Pokémon habitat but the situation isn’t improving. Lately some Pokémon have been forced to invade cities in order to survive and that’s creating problems that I’ll detail right now..."

People listened to Maxie's words sadly or at least pretended to be. At that conference there were many wealthy people who claimed to be great environmentalists. Maxie was disgusted by all of them. He knew the real reason they were there. Money, reputation and being able to appear in the news as if they were good Samaritans. When Maxie finished his speech everyone applauded loudly. The dinner that followed was full of meals prepared by the best cooks in Hoenn but Maxie didn't eat a bite. He apologized to everyone and said that he had to make some arrangements that were too important to delay.

When he left that place he could finally breathe. His driver was waiting for him with the limousine door open.

"What a bunch of idiots," he muttered as he got into the limo. "It's as if their intelligence is inversely proportional to their money."

"I'm glad you finally realize it, great leader Maxie," said a female voice. In front of Maxie was Courtney, the very young Admin of Team Magma. She was wearing the organization's uniform but thanks to the tinted windows of the vehicle, no one could see her.

"How's the mission going, Courtney?" Maxie asked without altering his expression in the slightest.

"We already have all the materials we need located. Apart from a couple of fights with Team Aqua, there isn't much else to tell."

"…It seems that Archie is also on the move. I guess it's inevitable that we end up facing each other." Maxie said as he took a box of pills out of his pocket.

"What’s that, great leader Maxie?” Courtney asked curiously.

"They are for my constant headaches, although their effect is less and less," Maxie responded after swallowing several of them. "My doctor is going to give me a new treatment, although it has the disadvantage that it’ll make me lose part of my sight."

"It doesn't matter, I'm sure you'll look very handsome with glasses, great leader Maxie." Courtney said with a smile.

Lilycove City - Hoenn TV

Gabby had never been so angry in her life. She was about to take out her magneton to attack the man in front of her but she restrained herself. That man was her boss and she was a rational adult. Ty put his hand on top of her to calm her down.

"Director, could you explain to me again why you don't want people to know what’s happening?" Gabby asked.

Archie, director of the Hoenn TV network, looked at them both with a tired expression on his face and sighed.

"Your theories that there are two eco-terrorist organizations causing problems will only cause panic."

"They’re not theories, director."

"Do you realize what you're saying, Gabby? Eco-terrorists blackmailing famous fishermen, geologists and researchers into telling lies? And on top of that, they don't hesitate to destroy factories and steal Pokémon? None of that is related, it's ridiculous!"

"I know it may sound crazy but we have proof," Gabby said. "Ty has a recording of grunts from both organizations. They even come out shouting their names. They are Team Magma and Team Aqua! If that doesn't seem like enough proof, we also have the testimony of several trainers reporting the acts of vandalism of these guys to the police."

Archie's face tensed for a few seconds, a gesture that neither Gabby nor Ty missed.

"Gabby, Ty, you're both our best journalists, but I think the awards have gone to your heads," Archie said. He recovered his calm face but his voice and look conveyed a feeling of imminent danger that Gabby didn’t like at all, nor did Ty, who was behind her trembling with fear. "Even if you have evidence, there’re matters in which it’s better not to get involved and ignore them."

"What?!" Gabby shouted furiously.

"Gabby, you better keep looking for dirt on politicians, businessmen and other people, you were very good at it. For example that Maxie that has become so famous lately. There are rumours that he doesn't have much sympathy for water-type Pokémon."

With that last sentence he made it clear that the conversation was over. Gabby and Ty left his office in a hurry. When they closed the door, Archie grabbed a bottle of water and drank unceremoniously as the liquid poured down his mouth and neck.

"Gabby and Ty…If you keep sticking your nose where you're not called, I'll have to eliminate you myself." The bottle in his hand broke due to the pressure exerted by filling her desk with water.

Archie looked at his arm and saw that his once pale skin was now darker.

"Heh, maybe I shouldn't sunbathe so much," he murmured. A faint sound that he knew very well began to sound. Archie pulled out a circular device hidden behind his huge fish tank. The device had a large A drawn in the center. "Huh, what do those useless bunch want now?"


"The director is hiding something and I don't want to know what." Ty said once they were outside the building.

"As cowardly as you are, you're right," Gabby said. "It’s not normal that he insists so much that we abandon the investigation..."

"Gabby, I don't think we're getting into anything very shady and I'm too young to go to the other neighbourhood." Ty said, scared to death.

“Stop whining!" Gabby said, patting him on the back. "We are journalists and our job is to inform people of the truth!"

"We’re the only ones doing it and look where it's gotten us," Ty said. "The best thing is to follow the director's advice and go back to what we’re good at. Investigate powerful people like Maxie."

"Then let's investigate Maxie and secretly our boss."

Ty's face turned so pale he looked like a ghost.

Littleroot Town: A town that can't be shaded any hue

“There's a movie on TV. Two men are dancing on the keyboard of a grand piano… Well, I better stop watching TV.” ―Brendan, son and assistant of Professor Birch.

"Please help, my Pikachu needs help!"

Those words were the first Brendan heard Ash Ketchum say as he hurried into his father's laboratory.

The curious boy was carrying a badly injured pikachu in his arms. While he and his father attended to him, the agent Jenny who accompanied him told them what had happened. Apparently Pikachu had gotten a little sick during his boat trip. And to make matters worse the ship had been attacked by Amber, Admin of Team Aqua, with the excuse that the ship was polluting the seas of Hoenn.

The Admin was accompanied by many grunts and in the end Ash was forced to fight. Due to the fighting Pikachu had gotten worse.

"Don't worry, leave your Pokémon in our hands." Brendan said when he saw how Ash didn't want to leave Pikachu.

They finally managed to convince him to go rest and began to treat the Pokémon. A few hours later, a girl named May arrived on a bicycle. She was there to receive a starter Pokémon to begin her journey.

What no one expected is that a Team Aqua grunt had followed them to avenge Admin Amber's defeat. The grunt was a tall woman with dark skin and blue eyes who seemed very sure of herself. She carried a machine capable of stealing electricity from Pokémon. It was a prototype created by Team Aqua in case they needed it against some of the police Pokémon.

The Aqua Grunt used it with Pikachu...And things turned out the other way. Pikachu was sick because he had too much electricity stored up, so the machine only served to cure him. And not only that, but the grunt realized that Ash's pikachu had much more energy than an average pikachu. So much so that the machine exploded, sending it flying through the air.

"My bike!" May shouted as she saw how one of Pikachu's thunderbolts hit her only means of transportation, destroying it beyond repair.

"I think this is becoming a bad habit.../Pika..." Ash and Pikachu murmured.


Professor Birch's Laboratory

Ash and Pikachu were resting on a couch while talking to Brendan, May, and Professor Birch.

"So you're twelve years old... You're practically a kid." Brendan commented, offending Ash a little.

"And? How old are you anyway?"

"My friend is fifteen, although with his baby face it’s not easy to guess." May laughed.

"How lucky to seem young for so many years." Birch said.

Brendan blushed slightly as the veins in his head began to show.

"Dad, wasn't May coming today to pick up her starter Pokémon?"

"It's true! I have to prepare everything! Ah, the lab, I have to call someone to fix the mess that Team Aqua grunt made!"

His father ran out of there while he tried not to trip over his own robe.

"He seems like a very busy man.../Pika..." Ash and Pikachu said.

"Can I go with him? I would like to see the Pokémon I’ll have to choose." May said a little unsure.

"Are you going to start your own journey?" Ash asked excitedly.

“It was supposed to start last year… My family lived in Olivine City, in Johto, but since we moved I had to delay my journey…"

"At least you didn't have to come in a moving truck…" Brendan murmured.

"There’s nothing more exciting than starting a Pokémon adventure." Ash's words didn't seem to convince May at all. On the other hand, Brendan smiled when he saw Ash's enthusiasm.

"You're from Kanto, right?"

“Yes, from Pallet town." Ash said proudly.

"Sounds like a nice place." Tell me, have you travelled before?"

"Yes, trough Kanto and Johto. Now I want to participate in the Hoenn Pokémon League."

Brendan then had the idea of ​​Ash and May traveling together with him. Since none of them knew Hoenn, he could guide them.

"My father asked you to watch me, right?" May asked with a suspicious look. Brendan looked away uncomfortably.

"Why would your father do that?" Ash asked confused.

"Our parents have been friends for many years." May explained.

"Well, it's not my fault you can't take care of yourself," Brendan finally joked. "I'm sure that of the three of us I'm the only one who knows how to cook. Plus I can prevent any wild Pokémon from harming you. Hoenn is a more dangerous region than Kanto or Johto."

"And who’s going to help the professor?" May asked.

"Joshua will have to work twice as hard, I guess."

“Ash, you're a little far from home, aren't you? The technology is truly amazing. Now you can trade Pokémon with people of distant regions.” ―Tecno, the fat boy.

May received a torchic as a starter. Professor Birch then gave her and Ash the Hoenn Pokédex. Brendan said goodbye to his mother and after taking his backpack he went with Ash and May to the next town.

Ash and Brendan were walking too fast for May, who began to complain, which started an argument between her and Ash until the girl brought up the bike. Then Ash, to change the subject, and taught her how to catch a Pokémon.


Oldale Town: Where things start off scarce

Upon arrival Ash made a call to professor Oak and his mother to tell them that he was fine. May and Brendan were excited to meet the famous Pokémon researcher. May because his little brother was a big fan of him and Brendan because his father talked a lot about him.

In the town there were some ruins, which were being investigated by professor Alden. However, a group of Team Magma grunts led by Admin Blaise had invaded these ruins. They kidnapped professor Alden as they wanted to discover the secrets of the ruins.

After several fights, Team Magma fled after not finding what they were looking for. However, one of his grunts, short, chubby and with small eyes, memorized the face of Ash and his friends. Because of them the operation had been at risk.

In the end the secret of the ruins was a pond in which relicanth, Pokémon that were believed to be extinct, swam.

Petalburg City: Where people mingle with nature

"Your father is the gym leader?!/Pika?!" Ash and Pikachu asked surprised. May nodded slightly sheepishly.

"I guess she's tired of people only wanting to talk to her because of her father, am I wrong?" Brendan deduced. May nodded again.

Ash and Brendan met May's parents, Norman and Caroline, and her little brother Max, who recognized Ash right away since the six years old used to watch all the Pokémon leagues from other regions. Much to Ash's chagrin, the boy made fun of him just for placing in the top eight of the Johto League.

Norman asked Ash for a favour when he found out that he was a trainer with two years of experience. He wanted him to help Wally, a boy Ash's age who was suffering from a respiratory illness. The poor boy was going to move with his uncles to a town with a purer and cleaner environment, so he wanted to take some souvenirs with him. In this case, a Pokémon.

Ash accompanied Wally and together they captured a ralts. The Pokémon immediately adapted to a very smiling Wally, who tearfully thanked Ash.

"If you want to thank me, let's have a Pokémon battle." Ash told him.

"M-my first Pokémon battle... O-okay, I'll try it!" said a very nervous Wally. Even though he lost, he liked the experience to the point that he promised to be stronger the next time they met.


"With your current Pokémon team you have no chance of winning," Norman said very seriously. "Besides, I like to fight seriously and not hold back too much. Why don't you get…about four badges first?"

Ash happily accepted the challenge and together with his companions they left the city. Although this time May's brother, Max, also joined the trip.

Right at the exit they passed a somewhat obese man with sunglasses who looked Ash up and down.

"Sorry! Let me guess. From the way you dress, it's obvious that you train Pokémon, right?"

"…Well yes." Ash said strangely. May stood in front of Max out of pure instinct while Brendan watched the stranger curiously.

"Of course... Maybe I'm wrong. You don't have much dirt on you. So you must have little experience... or even none. I'm scouring the region looking for great trainers. I'm sorry I wasted your time."

Everyone was confused about what had happened but preferred not to say anything about it.

Rustboro Forest

The Aqua Grunt who had attacked them in Birch's laboratory and one of the Magma grunts who had attacked them in Oldale Town. The two were fighting in the middle of the forest while a cowering scientist was in the middle of his Pokémon. Despite Brendan's warnings and May's protests, Ash rushed to the scientist's aid.

After asking Max to hide with the scientist, May and Brendan went to help Ash. Between the three of them, they defeated the two grunts.

The scientist thanked them a thousand times and told them that both criminals had tried to rob him since he was a researcher for Devon Co. Luckily they had been more interested in destroying each other as soon as they saw each other.

The scientist gave them several Super Balls and they accompanied him out of the forest.

Rustboro City: The city probing the integration of nature and science

May met a girl named Janet who was a Pokémon coordinator and had a Beautifly. May and Max helped her in a presentation during a Pokémon contest exhibition. This experience made May realize that she did not want to be a Pokémon trainer, but rather a Pokémon coordinator.

The next day Ash wanted to go to the gym but there they told him that the leader was at the Pokémon School. At said school Max felt like he was in paradise, especially when he found out that professor Oak was giving a video conference. During this videoconference, professor Oak and Ash were able to greet each other and tell each other some things.

Ash and his friends met Roxanne, the gym leader. She was such an intelligent and diligent teenager that teachers often let her teach the most difficult classes. Making outsiders believe that Roxanne was actually a teacher or perhaps the director of the Pokémon school herself.

After classes Roxanne spent hours talking to Brendan when she learned that he was professor Birch's son. This continued until Ash got fed up and asked for a Pokémon battle. Roxanne accepted but on the condition that she let him record the fight so that the other students could use it as a studio.

Right at the exit Ash met the mysterious man with the sunglasses again.

"Hello, do we know each other?"

"Well yes…We saw each other in Petalburg City." Ash answered doubtfully.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Scott. I have been traveling the world in search of great trainers or rather I’m looking for experts in Pokémon battles."

“Well, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this’s my friend Pikachu. We are both very good at fighting."


"…First defeat Roxanne and we'll see if what you say is true."


Rustboro Gym

"As a leader I always apply everything I have learned at the Pokémon Trainer school. Would you do me the favour of teaching me your Pokémon and your combat techniques?” ―Roxanne, The Rock-Loving Honors Student.

Treecko and Pikachu vs Geodude and Nosepass. At first it was a little close but Ash managed to beat Roxanne without losing a single Pokémon.

"According to the rules, trainers must receive this if they defeat a leader. I give you the official Stone badge of the Pokémon League." Roxanne said.

At the exit of the gym they met Scott again, who smiled when he saw the badge in Ash's hands.

"I'm impressed, really," Scott said. "I loved seeing you in action. Even so, you still have a long way to go to have the level I expect from someone experienced. See you later!"

Before they could say anything Scott left there. Ash and his companions looked at each other confused.

"I think you have a stalker." Max said, earning a small bump on the head from May.

"Maybe he's just a fan." May said.

"He doesn't speak like a fan... although I don't think he's dangerous either." Brendan said.

"I wonder if he's a very strong Pokémon trainer." Ash said smiling.

"Help, a thief! Someone catch the thief!" A man suddenly shouted in the middle of the street. The man was the researcher they saved in the Rustboro forest. And the fleeing thief was the Magma Grunt who had assaulted him in said forest.

Route 116 - Verdanturf Tunnel

A tunnel was being built to connect Rustboro City with Verdanturf Town. However, construction had been stopped because noise and environmental pollution were causing problems for the Pokémon in the area. That's why there was only one Black Belt left chopping rocks.

"Get out of my way, damn Aqua!" M. Grunt said while he tried not to let the stolen Devon parts fall.

"Get away, you useless Magma!" A. Grunt answered as she tightly held the recently stolen wingull from her.

"My parts!" the Devon Co. researcher shouted in fright.

"My Peeko!" Mr. Briney, owner of the stolen wingull, shouted desperately.

"Team Magma, Team Aqua, you won't get away with this!" Ash said, blocking their way.

"Wasn't the tunnel supposed to be empty?" May said, remembering what some workers had told them before. "Plus it's very dark, I don't like it!"

"I don't think it's a good idea to fight here." Brendan commented looking around.

"B-but what? W-what are all these people doing in the tunnel?" The Black Belt asked, very confused as he left his pickaxe on the ground. Stop making noise, you're going to disturb the Pokémon!


"Defeated by some brats, Dam it all!" the two grunts shouted after blasting off. They saved Peeko, recovered the parts, and left the tunnel.

"If anyone needs my services, call me." said Mr. Briney, who was an old sailor.

"This’s the second time you've helped me, come with me and I'll introduce you to my boss." said the researcher.

Along the way, the scientist boasted a little about his research.

"We are competing with other Unova scientists to see who can first build a machine capable of visualizing Pokémon dreams." He said very proud.

"That sounds like science fiction." Brendan said.

"Well, I want to see it when it's finished!... Although I wonder what the Pokémon dream about..." Ash said looking at Pikachu.

"I didn't even know they could dream." May commented.

They got a surprise when they arrived at the Devon Co. building, as Max was already there talking to a man who seemed very important. Mr. Joseph Stone, owner of the company. For some reason he and Max had become friends within a few minutes.

Mr. Stone took them all to his office, where he gave Max a PokéNav and thanked the rest for saving his researcher.

"Mr. Stone, the letter." A red-haired woman suddenly said as she handed him a white envelope.

"Oh, of course, thanks! This lady is Shelly and she’s my assistant. The man who’s next to her and speaks so little is Tabitha, my bodyguard." He said pointing to a tall man with an aggressive look.

"Hello and thank you for your help." Shelly said with a smile that Brendan didn't like at all, while Tabitha simply shook his head.

Mr. Stone asked them for two favours: Give a letter to his son, who was in Dewford Town, and take the Devon parts to Slateport City.

Brendan didn’t agree as he believed that it was dangerous to leave such things to children. And May wanted nothing to do with all that, especially on her first journey.

However, Ash didn't care and accepted the mission right away, saying that he was already used to dealing with criminals. No one would have believed him if Tabitha hadn't read a report about how Ash had helped dismantle Team Rocket and Neo Team Rocket.

"Now I’m sure that you’re the one for the mission." said Mr. Stone very happily. Brendan and May were very surprised by the information while Max was beginning to regret making fun of Ash for not winning any leagues.

"Those twerps do nothing but interfere with our plans." said Magma Grunt.

"And fighting among ourselves doesn't do us any favours." said Aqua Grunt.

"What if we join forces?"

"Just to put an end to the twerps of course."

"And without our bosses knowing."

"That doesn't even need to be said."

Magma Grunt and Aqua Grunt stared at each other and shook hands very slowly. As soon as Ash and his friends disappeared from the map, they would be enemies again.

"Poo!" said enthusiastically a poochyena who had been following them since they landed near him.

Dewford Town: A tiny island in the blue sea

Using Mr. Briney's ship they crossed the Hoenn Sea and reached their destination. After asking around at several houses, they discovered that Mr. Stone's son, Steven, was investigating Granite Cave.

"This cave isn’t for weaklings, I won't let you enter unless you defeat me." said a surfer to our heroes.

"And who are you, the owner of the cave?" Ash asked a little annoyed.

"This man is the gym leader, show some respect!" said a fighter named Shauna.

Ash didn't feel like respecting someone who seemed like he just wanted to be on the beach so he challenged him to a fight and he lost. Realizing that he needed to train his team, Brawly gave them permission to enter Granite Cave as long as he accompanied them.


In the cave they met Steven Stone, a young man obsessed with strange rocks in general or at least that's what Ash understood after the speech he gave them about how beautiful the cave and the stones that made it up were.

Just as they handed him the letter they were attacked by Team Magma and Team Aqua. Courtney's squad and Matt's squad had come for the same thing, the Devon parts. How they had known where Ash and his friends were was a mystery.

A three-way battle ensued and our heroes ended up separated into two groups: Ash, Max and Steven in the first group and May, Brendan and Brawly in the second.

"As a thank you for giving me my father's letter, let me take care of Team Aqua." Steven said to Ash and Max.

"Ha ha ha! This handsome guy thinks he can beat the great Matt," said Admin Aqua. "After the boss there is no one stronger than me!"

Steven not only defeated Matt but also all of his grunts single-handedly, leaving Ash and Max stunned by his strength.

"…H-he's just as strong as a champion!" Ash said excitedly.

"That's because he's the champion of Hoenn, you fool!" Max revealed proudly. "He has nothing to envy the champions of other regions."

"Fight me, please!" Ash asked him.

Steven smiled a little nervously.

"Let's go check on your friends first."

Meanwhile Brawly, May and Brendan had defeated Courtney's squad.

"How strange that this Courtney person didn't want to fight, she seemed strong." Brawly said.

"And where has she gone?" May asked worried.

"She disappeared as soon as the fight started." Brendan said.

"Well, I hope she doesn't appear again. I don't like her look at all." May said.

Without warning, Courtney approached Brendan from behind and before they realized it, the boy had received a kiss on the cheek from the Magma Admin.

"You're too cute, I hope we can see each other again," Courtney whispered in his ear. "This way I can “analyse” you more thoroughly."

Courtney jumped up and climbed on top of her ninetales, who quickly left the cave. Brawly and May looked at a Brendan who was blushing so hard that smoke was literally coming out of his head.

"That was radical, strange, but radical!" Brawly said laughing.

Everyone left the cave safely by the time Agent Jenny arrived. The grunts were arrested but Matt and Courtney had escaped.

After giving Ash a couple of tips about Pokémon, Steven said he had unfinished business and left right away.

Ash trained for a day and then went to challenge Brawly to a rematch.


Dewford Gym

“I moved from Kanto to Hoenn in search of the best, fierce waves. Here I have tempered and strengthened my character. The equipment at this gym has also helped. Do you want to challenge me again? Let's see what you're capable of..." ―Brawly, a big wave in fighting

Corphish and Treecko vs Machop and Hariyama. It was a radical combat inside a small cave. Ash won because of his training and because he didn’t underestimate Brawly.

"Okay, you've earned it. Take the Knuckle Badge! I can see that your talent will grow so much, like a giant wave that it’ll leave all the trainers in Hoenn stunned! And I will wait impatiently for the moment to surf its crest!"

"Thank you very much Brawly, you'll see how strong I become!" Ash said happily.

"By the way, you're from Kanto, right? Then you must know Bruno from the Elite Four, he's a good friend of mine."

"A little, I faced him but he was very strong/Pika." Ash and Pikachu admitted.

"… One moment! A boy with a cap and his pikachu. Both with fierce and untamed looks... Chuck told me about you!"

"Chuck, the gym leader of Orchid City?" recalled Ash, who was starting to get used to the topic changes that Brawly used to make in a matter of seconds.

"The same one. We were partners when we trained under the tutelage of our master Greta."

"…I think Chuck said something about his master too. He looked scared."

"The poor guy must still be traumatized by the training she gave us." Brawly laughed.

Route 107, 108 and 109

During the trip on Mr. Briney's ship, they were attacked several times by M. Grunt and A. Grunt. For some reason they seemed to be working as a team or at least trying to when they weren't arguing.

And for some reason unknown to Ash, May found those discussions very romantic and said that they made a good couple, a comment that almost made both grunts vomit. Honestly, the poochyena who accompanied them was the one who did almost all the teamwork.

Abandoned ship

Mr. Briney wanted them to visit a very mysterious ship that had been shipwrecked many years ago.

"Be careful with Charlie." Briney warned.

"Who is that?" our heroes asked.

"…The ghost of a Tuber …he has been seen passing through walls…


Apart from seeing this Charlie, they also saw Team Aqua, not the Admins but the leader himself. Or at least he seemed like the leader from the way the grunts spoke to him. Apparently he wanted an object, a scanner that Max had just found.

"You guys look like the children who bothered my men in Dewford Town." Archie said after observing them.

"What does Team Aqua want?" Asked Ash very annoyed. Archie looked at him with a rather sinister smile.

"The sea is the origin of life and it’s everything. Its importance is capital, which is why Team Aqua is dedicated to extending the sea. This way we’ll encourage the evolution of new species of Pokémon. And we’ll return the world to its natural state for the sake of Pokémon. This’s the vision of Team Aqua! I can't allow someone as insignificant as you to interfere. I, Archie, will kill you here and now!"

Archie was very strong and Ash, Brendan and May's Pokémon could barely stand up to them. If it weren't for Pikachu they wouldn't have been able to escape from the place alive. However, they had to leave the scanner behind to distract Archie.

"Ho, ho, ho...with this we can find the orbs..." Archie laughed. He quickly left because he was sure they would call the police.

Slateport City: The port where people and Pokémon cross paths with nature

"We fight for the peaceful coexistence of Pokémon, nature, and people!" ―Hoenn Rangers Coexistence Force.

"Look, Hoenn Rangers dolls and figures!" said Aqua Grunt excitedly when they visited the city market.

Magma Grunt and Poochyena left Energy Guru's stall upon hearing her and ran to see.

"It's true, and on top of that they are limited editions! What are they doing here?" M. Grunt asked as he carefully picked them up.

"I can't believe they're lying here in the middle of the market." A. Grunt said as she showed the dolls to an excited Poochyena.

"If I remember correctly, the show lost popularity because it aired at the same time as the Pokémon contests."

"You know a lot about the subject."

"Of course, I'm the number one fan in the fandom!" exclaimed M. Grunt proudly. "Littleroot Crimson, a brave but laid-back hero, Mauville Yellow, a powerful yet absentminded hero, Rustboro Ivory, a sensitive and smart heroine, Fallarbor Bordeaux, a quick-moving but pessimistic hero, Lilycove Viridian, a heroine who is able to fly through the sky—yet suffers a fear of heights and Pacifidlog Cobalt, a self-conscious but cool heroine!"

Aqua Grunt laughed when she saw how his “partner” made ridiculous poses while naming them. Soon she and Poochyena joined him and did the same poses. People walked past them and smiled at seeing them so happy, even the children began to join them. Within a few days, sales of Hoenn Rangers figures increased.


When Mr. Briney dropped them off at the port city, the first thing Ash did was look for trainers all over the beach to fight. May began training for her first pageant while Brendan and Max helped her.

Later they went to deliver the Devon parts to the shipyard but a certain Mr. Dock told them that Captain Stern wasn’t there, but in the Oceanic Museum.

"B-but what? Once again the jerks of Team Aqua getting in our way!" Admin Blaise said when he saw that his enemies were crowding the museum.

"The same could be said for you, Team Magma. Don't you have anything better to do?" Admin Amber said when he saw his enemies filling the entrance to the museum.

For once Agent Jenny and the rest of the police arrived on time and there was a three-way Pokémon battle. Meanwhile our heroes rescued Captain Stern, who was being kidnapped by M. Grunt, A. Grunt and Poochyena.

"I hope our bosses don't catch us working together!" Aqua Grunt said while she stole a model titled “Royal Unova”.

“If they do it, we'll fake a fight and that's it." Magma Grunt said as he gagged Captain Stern.



After rescuing Captain Stern and giving him the Devon Parts, May wanted to prepare for her first Pokémon contest. While she was training a young lady approached her and told her that she could help her.

There was something familiar about this woman called Coraline, but she didn't know what. Coraline was very kind and she took her to a house called the Pokémon Fan Club. There she taught May how the contests worked and what she liked about them. In addition to that Coraline gave her a Pokéblocks tube and several berries.

"Thank you so much! I don’t know how to thank you." May said, feeling sorry for not being able to return the favour to her new friend.

Coraline simply laughed and patted her on the head.

"Become a great Pokémon coordinator and I'll be satisfied."

"You know a lot about this... Are you also a coordinator?" “May asked.

Coraline's gaze turned darker and her cheerful smile turned into a grimace.

"I was once but...I found something I liked better, I guess."

May's friends came to greet her and it was at that moment that Coraline apologized and said she had to leave. But first she winked at a confused Brendan.

Before anyone could say anything, the mysterious Scott appeared again out of nowhere.

"Hey? Your face sounds very familiar to me. Have we already introduced ourselves? If not, my name is Scott."

"I'm Ash and we've known each other before." said the young man from the town of Pallet. That guy was mysterious but he also had a very bad memory."

"Oh yeah! You are the little group that has helped the police against Team Aqua and Magma in the museum... Mmm... Maybe, but it's only a possibility... Very good! I think this’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship. So I'm going to give you my number. Let's see... I would love to follow you closely, but I must not lose sight of other talented trainers. So I'm going to continue exploring routes and towns a little more. Until next time, Ash!"

"That guy is getting weirder and weirder." Max said as they watched him leave.


During the Pokémon contest, May used Beautifly and met who would be some of her rivals in Hoenn. The nice but confident Jessilina and the unfriendly but talented Drew. It was against the latter and his roselia that May lost the contest.

Despite her defeat, Ash, Brendan and Max didn’t stop encouraging her and telling her not to give up, because there would always be another chance. Even her teacher Coraline invited her to dinner, not knowing that May ate like a snorlax, so that she would stop being sad. At the end of the night the one who ended up sad was the woman's purse.

They left the city to continue their trip and on Route 110 they met professor Birch. Brendan hugged his father and asked how he was doing. The professor told them that he had gone to see Trick Master, an extravagant man who liked to do challenges at his house once a year.

The winner of these challenges obtained a large supply of one year's worth of Pokéblocks. Even though everyone participated, a dark-skinned girl named Zinnia and her whismur ended up winning. Although they all ended up sleeping because of the singing Jigglypuff, who had floated in from Johto.

M06: Jirachi, wish maker

The Millennium Festival was approaching, so Ash, Brendan, May and Max decided it was time to have some fun. They camped nearby and the next day they entered the festival and enjoyed the attractions. The best was the magic show performed by Butler the magician and his assistant Diane.

Butler gave Max a stone from which a voice came out that only the boy could hear. A legendary Pokémon called Jirachi ended up emerging from the stone, which was said to be able to grant wishes every thousand years.

Max and Jirachi became friends but discovered that Butler was a former Team Magma scientist who wanted to use the legendary to revive a groudon with the Millennium comet's energy. With the help of Diane and an absol, Ash and the others decided to return Jirachi to the mountains where he was found.

Unfortunately Butler's plan ended up being fulfilled and he created a monster similar to groudon but more aggressive and without mercy for the fauna or flora. Butler, remorseful, helped our heroes save Jirachi and destroy the incomplete monster.

After the adventure Jirachi returned to his long dream taking the form of a stone. While Butler and Diane would remain as guardians of the mountain correcting the disaster caused.

Mauville City: The bright and shiny city of fun!

May and Max were curious about the casino but Ash told them about his misadventures in the casinos, which put them off going. In any case, Brendan wouldn't have allowed it either, since he was somehow the adult of the group.

The capital of Hoenn had other things they could entertain themselves with, such as restaurants, clothing stores, specialized stores for Pokémon, ect... Paradise for May and Brendan.

Finally, and to Ash's joy, they went towards the gym, but at the entrance they met Wally. The boy seemed in better health and was arguing with his uncle about challenging the gym leader.

Ash, eager to see Wally's strength, challenged him to a fight. Pikachu vs Ralts. Wally lost but his uncle, upon seeing the joy on his nephew's face, agreed for him to go on a trip to become a Pokémon trainer... but first he had to prepare well so they returned to his town.

When Wally and his uncle left, Scott appeared.

"Heh heh... I have witnessed that confrontation! You're friends with that guy Wally, right? Well, you haven't had any mercy. That's the true spirit of Pokémon battles, yes sir! I admire people who train like you! I’ll continue to encourage you!"

Neither Ash nor his friends could say anything to him because he had already left.


Mauville Gym

"Oh? Now, what are you doing here? Wahahahah! I shall electrify you!"―Wattson, the cheerfully electrifying man.

Pikachu and Torkoal vs Voltorb and Manectric. Ash's victory was very fair but he managed to win the Dinamo badge.

"Hahaha! It was a high-voltage fight, yes sir!" Wattson laughed after giving him the badge. "I hope you continue on this good path, kid."


New Mauville

"Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To expand the sea and reduce the land. To expand the land and reduce the sea. To return to a better past. To move towards a better future. Stop... Stop saying the opposite of what I say! I could tell you the same thing! Aqua Grunt and Magma Grunt. Team Aqua and Team Magma make an alliance at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare for the slaughter! Poo, poochyena!" ―Aqua Grunt, Magma Grunt and Poochyena (TAMio).

Wattson had asked our heroes for a favour. Help him inspect the operation of New Mauville. Of course the TAMio was causing trouble around the area, trying to make a secret base and capturing electric Pokémon.

It took them all several minutes to blast them off and they were able to deactivate the main generator.

Verdanturf Town: The windswept highlands with the sweet fragrance of grass

Wanting to see how Wally was doing, our heroes headed to his town since it was quite close to Mauville City. Once there they stayed at Wally's house for a day.

The young man asked them for help as he wanted to break some rocks that were obstructing the Rusturf tunnel. With this, Wanda, Wally's cousin, was finally able to meet her boyfriend from Rustboro City, the Black Belt Riley... Oh, and the tunnel that connected Rustboro City with Verdanturf Town was also completed!

Seeing something so romantic made May try harder to win the Pokémon contest that was held in the town. Thanks to her skitty, May was able to beat Timmy's dusclops in the final, winning her first ribbon. Her teacher Coraline congratulated her greatly and helped her train for the next contest.

"You are very good, teacher." May said when she saw her tricks. Coraline smiled at her words.

"How many times have I told you not to call me teacher? I don't even participate in Pokémon contests, anymore…"

"Why’s that?"

"…Things just happen," she said with some bitterness. "I prefer to see how girls like you shine in those places."


During that time Ash taught Wally a couple of tricks and gave him advice on how to better train his Pokémon. Of course Scott had to appear at that moment, tell him that it was very inspiring that he helped his rival from Hoenn and disappear from there immediately.

Route 111, 112, Igneous Path and Route 113

Ash and his friends met the famous Winstrate, known in those parts for being a powerful family of Pokémon trainers who destroyed any unwary person who dared to pass by their house.

None of those rumours scared Ash, who challenged the whole family to a Pokémon battle. One after another they lost against Ash, although he had difficulties against the grandmother...

"Aiyah! You're a lot stronger than I expected!" the father Victor said.

"Oh, gosh! I can't get over how strong you are!" the mother Victoria said.

"Huh? Did I just lose?" the daughter Vivi said.

"Kwah! You are strong... My granddaughter was right..." the grandma Vicky said.

Despite having lost, the family warned Ash that the strongest of them all, the son Vito, was traveling and would surely see him as champion of the Hoenn Pokémon League very soon.


Journalists Gabby and Ty had seen the fights and recorded it. They asked Ash for an interview and when they saw that he was the boy who had saved Stern, they didn't stop until they got all the information he had about Team Magma and Aqua.

When our heroes left Gabby and Ty exchanged glances.

"If what they said is true…" Gabby said, her skin white as snow.

"O-our boss is the leader of Team Aqua…" said a trembling Ty. "But we have no proof..."

"We should follow them, I have the feeling that they are important." Gabby said suddenly. Ty wanted to argue but upon seeing the burning gaze of his partner he decided to remain silent. It was impossible to argue with her when something was strongly stuck in her head.


Mirage Kingdom

A mysterious and mystical place that could only be reached by airship or other method of flight. The kingdom maintained a connection or symbiotic relationship with the Togepi Paradise. The kingdom was sometimes reflected in a lake, and on the other side of the “mirror” could be found the entrance to the Togepi Paradise.

Jessie, James and Meowth, in an attempt to earn money for Team Rocket, decided to work as mercenaries for Colonel Hansel, an unscrupulous man who desired the power of the Togepi Paradise. To do this, the Trio sent a letter of invitation to the kingdom to Misty and Ethan, since they both had a togepi and a togetic respectively.

Misty and Ethan, taking advantage of the fact that they were in Hoenn, called Ash and they all met together to board an airship. This’s how Ash's new friends met his old friends.

"I'm glad to see you were okay. I had heard that you guys keep getting into a lot of trouble." Misty said lovingly as she petted Pikachu.

"No matter where I go, problems always follow me." Ash said smiling.

"I'm glad I'm no longer your traveling companion." Ethan joked.

However, once in the kingdom they had to help princess Sara stop Colonel Hansen's evil plans. Ethan of course tried to flirt with the princess before, receiving a good slap on the wrist from Misty.

"It hurts as much as Kriss's disappointed look!" Ethan complained.

Ethan's togetic helped evolve the togepi of the paradise, including Misty's, and together they defeated Hansel and the TRio. Finally Misty's togetic stayed there to protect paradise from any evil. While Ethan's togetic, with a more warlike nature, preferred to stay with his trainer since he didn’t want a peaceful life.


There was ashes everywhere, to the point where it was sometimes difficult to breathe. The good thing about so much ashes is that it could be collected and taken to a glass workshop where a man could make flutes from said ash. Brendan got five different flutes.

In that area they also met Aarune, the adventurer from a distant region, who was obsessed with secret bases to the point that he had formed a club around that concept. The guy knew very well the best places to build bases but he was complaining that both Team Magma and Team Aqua had been occupying those places lately. A problem that Ash and his friends quickly solved.

Fallarbor Town: A farm community with small gardens

May celebrated and won her third Pokémon contest by using Beautifly against Greta's medicham, thus earning her second ribbon. Her teacher Coraline congratulated her and gave her a list of things she should improve for the next contest.

Later Ash and his friends met Lanette, who was taking care of Hoenn's Pokémon storage system. The messy woman was very happy to know that Ash was also a friend of Bill, the creator of said system.

They also met their older twin sister, Brigette, who was busy trying to create a massive Pokémon storage system. She had rare Pokémon like a swablu with false swipe, a zigzagoon with extreme speed, a skitty with payday and a pichu with surf.

"Being able to pass Pokémon to people from distant regions without problems… Excitement invades me just thinking about how far humans and Pokémon have come!" Lanette said excitedly.

"I hope that emotion doesn't make you forget that you have to eat, again." her sister Brigette warned her when she saw that her food from the previous day was still on the table.


Max really enjoyed talking to the Fossil maniac, who was a little crazy because he believed there was a mysterious civilization hidden nearby.

What they did find at the Meteorite waterfall was the admins Courtney and Blaise from Team Magma fighting the admins Matt and Amber from Team Aqua. All to see who would kidnap professor Cozmo. For the first time Ash wasn’t sure if they would win as the admins and their grunts were too much for them.

"We have to get out of here!" Brendan said, alarmed when he saw that they were greatly outnumbered.

"Take May and Max, I'll entertain them!/Pika!" said Ash and Pikachu. Brendan grabbed May and Max but they resisted.

"We're not going to leave you alone, Ash!" May told him, getting Brendan off of her.

"And Steven, where is Steven Stone?!" asked the frightened professor Cozmo. "He was supposed to look inside the cave just for five minutes!"

"Is Steven here?" Matt asked, scared, remembering his crushing defeat in the Granite Cave of Dewford Town.

"That's how it is. And it seems that our last fight wasn’t enough of a lesson for you." Steven said appearing behind everyone.

"Get him before he beats us up again!/Quickly, kill the champion!/No mercy my grunts!" Matt, Amber and Blaise said respectively and at the same time.

Both Team Magma and Team Aqua focused on Steven, who with only four Pokémon kept them all at bay. Meanwhile Ash and his friends took professor Cozmo to the exit of the waterfall but Courtney was there.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

"Ninetales, flamethrower!"

Fire and electricity collided, creating a small smoke that Courtney took advantage of to throw herself on top of a surprised Brendan.

"Hello handsome! You missed me?"

"Y”, no! Back off!" said the boy. Courtney laughed just before dodging an attack launched by May's skitty.

"I would like to fight you but I have to take something very important to Mt. Chimney... Oops, I shouldn't have said that! Hahaha!"

Steven had defeated the grunts but all the Admins had escaped.

"Well, one less problem." He said happily.

"You're wrong, they took my meteorite and I don't know what they're going to use it for!" Cozmo shouted desperately.

"Brendan's girlfriend said they were going to Mt. Chimney." Max said. Brendan shot him a menacing look but the boy ignored him.

"Then let's go after them, we can't let them get away with this!" said Ash furious for not having been able to do much in the battle.

"I would like to accompany you but there is something I have to investigate in this place," Steven said. "Don't worry, I have already called Agent Jenny and she’ll take you to that place."

Mt Chimney

"The power contained in the meteorite... By amplifying its power with this machine, Mt. Chimney's volcanic activity will instantly intensify... Fufufu... The volcano will erupt, spewing lava that will cool and harden. It will expand the landmass..." Maxie murmured.

Ash and his friends arrived just in time to see Courtney hand the meteorite to the man and he put it into a machine. On the ground were Team Aqua grunts and their Pokémon out of combat.

"What bad luck you have, if you had arrived a little earlier you would have seen how Courtney and I put the leader of Team Aqua in his place." said Maxie, who had taken advantage of the fact that Archie had come without any of his Admins.

"Are you the leader of Team Magma?" Ash asked, recognizing the madness in that guy's look. "What do you want?"

Maxie looked at Ash, May, Brendan, Max, and Agent Jenny.

"Listen to me well. People live on land and the land is everything. Which is why Team Magma is dedicated to expanding the mainland. This way there’ll be more room for new species of Pokémon to evolve. And there’ll be more space to facilitate the progress of humanity. This is the vision of Team Magma!

"…Mask of Ice wasn’t so insane."

"I don't understand anything."

"Someone has taken ecology too seriously."

"This guy is completely mad."

"You’re under arrest for eco-terrorism!"

Maxie, furious, ordered his grunts and Courtney to finish them off. Courtney didn't seem too enthusiastic about the idea but she ended up listening to him. Meanwhile Ash faced Maxie, who looked at him with a sinister smile.

"My Pokémon are very tired because of Archie... but even so, a brat like you won't be any problem. I, Maxie, will bury you by my own hand. I hope you appreciate this honor!"


"What?! Have I, the great Maxie, been taught a lesson?!" Maxie couldn't believe the strength and will of that boy and his Pokémon, especially that Pikachu. "I don't give a damn. I will abandon my plans for Mt. Chimney, but only for the moment... No one can stop us! Team Magma is the best! That you will not forget!"

He was forced to return the meteorite and run away before the police arrested him. Courtney blew a kiss to Brendan, who earned laughter from his friends.

Gabby and Ty had been there. And even though the police wanted to keep it a secret, the next day everyone knew that the famous environmentalist and Pokémon defender, Maxie, was the leader of Team Magma.

Archie was laughing in his office when he saw that the news was everywhere. He hadn't been able to stop Maxie on Mt. Chimney but others had taken care of that. Not to say that now Maxie would have a harder time carrying out his plans.

How he would have liked to use the meteorite to stop the volcanic activity of Mt. Chimney. The crater would have cooled, filling with rainwater and creating a new habitat for water-type Pokémon...

However, Team Magma was no longer his only problem...This Ash Ketchum guy could be a headache in the future if he let him loose. He had to eliminate him before it was too late because he knew who Archie was.

Lavaridge Town: An excellent place for relaxing!

"Welcome! No, wait. I mean… puny trainer, you've done well to make it this far! Let's see. I'm, uh, honored to be serving as the Gym Leader of… No, I mean… I'm Flannery, and I'm in charge here! Uh… You'd better not underestimate me just 'cause I've only been leader a short time! With the skills inherited from my grandfather, I'm gonna, uh, demonstrate the hot moves we've honed in this land! Haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" ―Flannery, one with a fiery passion that burns!

Flannery had just received her Gym Leader title. It was very important for her to be able to have the position once held by her grandfather Moore, who had also been a member of Hoenn's Elite Four years ago.

Corphish, Treecko and Pikachu vs Magcargo, Slugma and Torkoal. Despite his impulsiveness Flannery was a very good strategist and made things difficult for Ash, but in the end the child from Pallet town won.

"I guess I was trying too hard to be someone I'm not. When I don't act like myself, no wonder Pokémon that battle at my side get confused. Thank you for teaching me that. You deserve this, the Heat Badge." Flannery said very seriously.


After the fight Flannery took them to the hot springs for which Lavaridge Town was known. Her family had been taking care of them for generations, and our heroes felt brand new after bathing in them.

In that place an old lady gave Brendan a Pokémon egg from which a Wynaut would later hatch. Then Flannery gave each of them Go-Goggles in case they wanted to go to the desert since it was a dangerous place.


Route 111 Desert

They met the Fossil maniac again, who showed them the mysterious Mirage Tower, which hid fossils of ancient Pokémon. During the investigation they were attacked by the TAMio (A. Grunt, M. Grunt and Poochyena) and the Pokémon battle they had ended up collapsing the tower. Luckily no one was hurt, although Ash and company were beginning to notice that their enemies were fighting in an increasingly coordinated manner.

Petalburg City

“I see that you have become much stronger. And thanks to you my children have also gained experience. As a reward I’ll give you the fight of your life. Get ready!” ―Norman, a man in pursuit of power!

Ash finally had four badges and a good team to face Norman. Brendan supported him unconditionally, May just wanted them to have a good fight while Max wanted to see her father win.

Pikachu, Torkoal and Grovyle vs Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking. Ash's victory wasn’t easy but he achieved it after a fierce final battle between Grovyle and Slaking.

However, Max didn’t accept this and steals the Balance Badge from his father so that Ash couldn’t have it. The boy didn’t want to accept that his father wasn’t invincible, but after a talk given by his parents and sister, Max accepted that fact and gave the badge to Ash after asking for his forgiveness.

Later Wally came to Norman's house and upon seeing Ash challenged him to a fight. The boy had improved a lot in a short time but he still couldn't beat Ash.

Archie was furious. If it hadn't been for her admin Shelly the police would have caught him. Gabby and Ty had received information from Maxie himself, in which he gave evidence about Archie being the leader of Team Aqua.

A revenge to basically level the playing field. And that way Maxie wouldn't have all the police on him so Archie was forced to flee Hoenn TV.

The real war between Team Aqua and Team Magma had begun.

City Rubello

May participated in her fourth contest using Beautifly and Bulbasaur. However, her desire to win prevented her from seeing that she was harming her Pokémon and she ended up losing to Savannah, who in turn lost to Drew. May's biggest rival already had four films under his belt.

May became sad and even wanted to cry, but her friend and mentor Coraline encouraged her and made her realize that she learned more from defeats than from victories.


Shortly after they saw that there was a lot of commotion in one of the city squares. Apparently a woman was quickly defeating the trainers who challenged her and instead of money she forced them to prepare quality food for her.

The woman was Glacia of the Elite Four, the Ice-type specialist. Next to her were a walrein and a glalie, and in her arms was a newborn snorunt who watched the fights with enthusiasm.

"I'm not going to waste this opportunity!" Ash said enthusiastically.

"Wow, what a lively young man," Glacia said, laughing lightly. "Although you don't look like someone who knows how to cook."

"Don't worry, miss, I can cook for my friend." Brendan, who was getting ready to cook, assured her.

Several minutes later Glacia and May were devouring Brendan's food.

The Weather Institute

Due to a call from professor Birch, Ash and his friends had gone to visit Bart, the researcher who discovered the castfrom Pokémon. What they didn’t expect is that Team Aqua and Magma had invaded the building and started a Pokémon battle.

The real surprise though was seeing Tabitha and Shelly. The burly man and the red”haired woman were the best Admins of Team Magma and Aqua respectively and had worked undercover in Devon Corporation for years.

"Ahahahaha! You're going to meddle in Team Aqua's affairs? You're either absolutely fearless, simply ignorant, or both! You're so cute, you're disgusting! I'll put you down, kiddy!" Shelly said.

"Hehehe! So you've come all the way here! But you're too late! All the secrets of the institute will be of Team Magma!" Tabitha said.

"We'll see about that!" Ash said. His Pokémon team was no longer weak nor was his friends.

They just had to hold them until the police arrived. May sent Max to hide with the other scientists. The boy did this while he notified professor Birch and the police.

Route 119

After the adventure at the institute, Ash and his friends headed to the next city but were intercepted by the TAMio. They were defeated so easily that their enemies became furious and completely lost their composure.

"Hyahyahya?! D-d-do you intend to get in my way once more? Unngh! You're really... really, really, really, really, really... reeeallllyyyy... an obnoxious child, aren't you?! Ahh... Ah... I will...crush you someday. So that you…never get in my way...again." said Magma Grunt, throwing himself on the ground and kicking.

"You've made a lot of progress since the last time... You're a terrible boy..." said Aqua Grunt as she dragged his “companion” away. "Neither my Pokémon nor this good-for-nothing's Pokémon have any strength left... Keep going, Archie will take care of you one day."

"Poo, Poochyena!"

Then Scott appeared behind our heroes, just when the criminals left.

"Hahaha! Way to go, Ash! They have really lost their temper... But anyway, we see each other every now and then, are you going to Fortree City? I'm sure you'll do well in the gym. See you later!"

Fortree City: The treetop city that frolics with nature

The houses were built in trees in that city surrounded by forest. Ash and Pikachu played with the vines and went from tree to tree screaming. Brendan, Max, and Wally, who was passing by, ended up joining him until May scolded them for disturbing the neighbours.

Ash and Wally had a fight and this time Ash noticed that Wally's level was advancing by leaps and bounds. The boy really had talent even though he lost again.

Later Ash and his friends ran into Steven Stone, who was giving a device called the Devon Scope to a very pretty woman. The woman was Winona, the gym leader, and she wanted to use the machine to catch some kecleon who were causing problems for both citizens and tourists.

Ash and his friends helped her and so Winona was able to finish early and accept Ash's challenge.

"How's Wallace?" Steven asked Winona before leaving town.

"As happy as always," Winona said with a slight smile. "He already has the five ribbons and now she spends her days dreaming of new possible combinations.

"Having such a fabulous boyfriend can't be easy." Steven laughed.

"Just like you having such a fabulous best friend." Winona laughed.


"I have become one with bird Pokémon and have soared the skies... However gruelling the battle, we’ll triumph with grace... Witness the elegant choreography of my bird Pokémon and me!" ―Winona, the bird user taking flight into the world.

Grovyle, Pikachu and Swellow vs Altaria, Pelipper and Swellow (Shiny). After a high-flying battle, Ash won the Feather badge.

Winona then invited them all to the Feather Carnival, an annual event held in honor of flying-type Pokémon. During the festival Ash saw Scott again, who was participating in an eating contest against May, which he lost.

"How does this girl eat so much?... Ah, hello Ash! As I thought, you have won the badge. Your strength is exceptional... You may be the person I was looking for. I’m an unconditional fan of yours. I’ll continue to support you in all your fights. You keep it up!"

M07: Destiny Deoxys

Four years ago the legendary Rayquaza faced a space Pokémon called Deoxys and the latter lost, mysteriously disappearing at the bottom of the sea. However, over the next few years, Deoxys began to regenerate and went in search of his mate.

Currently Ash and his friends arrived in the technological city of LaRousse, place of birth of Drew. In that city they met Troy Lun, a boy who was traumatized by Pokémon after having seen the battle four years ago. He was also the son of professor Lund, the most important man in the city.

However, Troy used to talk every day with a mysterious gem, which was the heart of another Deoxys. The arrival of the first Deoxys to the city caused a breakdown in the machines and there were many incidents. Rayquaza returned to try to eliminate his space rival again.

Ash and his friends, along with other people (Rafe, Sid, Rebecca Audrey and Kathryn), managed to calm Rayquaza, save the city and reunite the two deoxys. And finally Tory managed to befriend the Pokémon and overcome his fears.

Safari Zone

Ash wanted to pass by without visiting the area, but received an unexpected call. Kris, her friend from Johto was there for a job from professor Elm.

Then Ash introduced Kris to his new friends.

"The owner of the safari, Mr. Baoba, is interested in bringing Pokémon from Johto and Kanto to Hoenn. So he contacted professor Elm and Oak and they in turn asked me to help him."

"I'd heard my father talk about it before," Brendan said. "He told me that they asked him to review the environment and climate of the safari."

"Your father? professor Birch?" Kriss deduced.


"He is a very peculiar man."

"I know." Brendan laughed.

"All that work sounds exhausting." Ash said.

"You only say that because of what happened to you with the tauros." Kriss laughed.

"What happened to you with the tauros?" May asked.

"Yes Ash, tell us." Max said maliciously when he noticed how nervous Ash got.

Our heroes spent the afternoon helping Kriss and, unfortunately for Ash, visiting the safari. When they said goodbye to her, Kriss made Ash promise to visit her and Echo one day.

Mt. Pyre

The entire area had been invaded by Team Aqua and Team Magma. Their objective was to obtain the legendary Red and Blue orbs, with which it was said they could control the seas and the land.

The Pokémon trainers in charge of taking care of the place kept the grunts at bay but the situation was getting worse. The elderly guardians of the orbs begged them to please not take the orbs, but the villains had no intention of paying attention to them.

Archie and Admin Amber were fighting Maxie and Admin Blaise. Meanwhile Ash fought Matt for the red orb and Brendan fought Courtney for the Blue orb. Although in this last case Courtney seemed to be playing with him when she could have beaten him a long time ago. May, for her part, protected Max and the elderly couple from the grunts.

Without anyone being able to stop them, Tabitha took the red orb and Shelly took the blue orb. Ash wanted to scream with rage when he saw that nothing was going well. Just at that moment a green orb ended up rolling to his feet. With curiosity, he took it…

However, a loud explosion caught everyone's attention. Many grunts were flying into the air while screaming in terror.

"Please don't let it be Steven Stone again…" Matt murmured when he saw that. Luckily for him the cause of the commotion was Phoebe of the Elite Four, who specialized in the ghost type.

"How dare you make such a fuss in my home and hurt my grandfather and my friends?!" She shouted furiously. At her side Dusclosp, Banette and Sableye laughed as they thought about how they were going to make the villains suffer.

Before long Archie and Maxie realized that the battle was lost, but at least they had the orbs. They would have liked to kidnap the elders to obtain more information but it wasn’t good to tempt fate.


After helping with the disaster, Ash and his friends told Phoebe what had happened. The worried girl said that she would warn the rest of the Elite Four and the gym leaders because what was coming wasn’t good.

Ash wanted to return the green orb to the elders but they told him to keep it and not tell anyone until the right time came.

"By the way, thank you for saving my grandfather." Phoebe said to May.

"You’re welcome, I couldn't let them hurt your grandfather hurt, nor your grandmother."

"My grandmother?"

"… Yeah?"

"But my grandmother has been dead for years."

The red orb controlled the kyogre that created the seas of the world. The blue orb controlled the groudon that created the world's continents. Archie and Maxie had the orb that the other wanted, so after arranging a meeting on neutral ground, they came to the conclusion that they needed each other.

Team Aqua was going to steal Captain Stern's submarine. Team Magma was going to steal special suits made by Devon Co that would allow movement in extreme climates and places.

The war between the two would only delay their plans. So they made a truce that they would break once they had gotten the legendaries.

Lilycove City: Where the land ends and the sea begins

May participated in the city's Pokémon contest using Combusken. And she got her third ribbon after beating Kelly's grumpig.

Although May noted that it was the first time that Coraline wasn’t there supporting her in the audience.

"I'm sorry I couldn't go but I had things to do." Coraline told her when she contacted her by calling her from the Pokémon Venter.

"It's okay, although I would have really liked you to see me winning, teacher!" May said very happily. Coraline laughed seeing her so excited.

"If you have time, go to the Berry Master's house."

"The what?"

"Berry Master, he’s a berry expert capable of creating Pokéblocks of the highest quality," Coraline explained. "He can surely help you improve your Pokémon."

"Thank you for the advice, teacher."

"Don't call me teacher." Coraline laughed.

Later our heroes rested at the Cove Lily Motel, where they found Scott sleeping.

"Zzz... Zzz... Huh? Oh sorry! I was taking a nap! I came to take a look at this Pokémon Contests thing. I must admit that they seem very entertaining, but... you’ll say that I am a purist, but I prefer a good fight against a tough trainer."

"We think alike." “Ash said until he saw the look May was giving him. "A-although Pokémon contests are also very exciting!"

"Of course, different things for different trainer. Ash, I hope you like Gyms, Contests, Battle Shops, everything!"

They couldn't continue talking as suddenly terrible news came on the motel television given by the reporters Gabby and Ty: Captain Stern's submarine had been stolen in a joint attack perpetrated by Team Aqua and Team Magma.

Shoal Cave

The TAMio was hidden in that remote place with other grunts from Team Aqua and Magma, waiting for orders from their leaders. Although from the little information they had received, things seemed about to explode.

The tension between both teams was more than palpable.

"Hey…" Magma Grunt began to say to her partner…no, friend.

"What'?" Aqua Grunt asked as she petted Poochyena.

"I heard the other grunts say that you and Archie are childhood friends."

Aqua Grunt looked at him with a mischievous smile.

"Jealous? Don't tell me you like the enemy now?"

"Don’t be a fool!" said M. Grunt. "I just wanted to know why you're a simple grunt instead of an Admin if you're her friend."

"Nepotism isn’t my thing. I wanted to reach the top on my own." She said sadly, "but I still had a long way to go to be really strong."

Magma Grunt smiled slightly as he opened his half-closed eyes.

"Then you and I must promise to become even better Admins than the current ones."

"…My goal is to surpass Shelly."

"Mine is to surpass Tabitha, I hate him and all that muscle mass he has."

"Heh heh... And why don't we do something that will earn us a promotion instead of wasting our time here?" Aqua Grunt suggested.

"…It's not a bad idea…I think there is a space center near here…" Magma Grunt said.

Mossdeep City: Our slogan: Cherish Pokémon!

Although Ash wanted to go to Slateport City to help captain Stern, his friends convinced him that it wasn’t worth it, and that they would never arrive in time. The best thing was to get stronger and for this a gym fight would be the best.

They met twin siblings Tate and Liza, who were the children of Jin, Hoenn's most famous astronaut. The twins showed them the space center, which unfortunately had been raided by the TAMio. Ash and his friends made them blast off without the rocket they had come to steal.


"Heh heh heh... Were you surprised? Tee hee hee... Were you surprised? That there are two Gym Leaders? That there are two Gym Leaders? We're twins! We're twins! We don't need to talk because...we can each tell...what the other is thinking...all in our minds! This combination of ours...Can you beat it?" ―Tate and Liza, the mystic combination!

Pikachu and Swellow vs Solrock and Lunatone in a double battle. Something unexpected but exciting for Ash. Rachel, the twins' mother, judged the fight, which was so intense that they had to finish it outside the gym. In the end Ash won the Mind badge.

Later the brothers showed them Steven's house. The young man was studying rocks when he saw them and invited them all to eat.

"Did you know that the space center was going to be built in Sootopolis City instead of here?" Steven told them.

"But they realized that our city was much cooler, right?" Tate said very convinced.

"…How is it possible that we are twin brothers?" Liza asked herself very embarrassed.

Izabe Island

May defeated her rival Harley's cacturne in the finals of the Pokémon Contest using Bulbasaur and winning her fourth ribbon. They then spent a day there until they met Sidney from the Elite Four, a specialist in the sinister type.

"You're the kids Steven is always talking about, right?" said the man with a wide smile. "He speaks of you even more than of his stones."

"Yes, we are." Brendan responded for the rest of the group.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt your adventure, but we need your help."

"The Elite Four needs our help, how cool!" Max said.

Sidney's smile disappeared a little when he heard that.

"Kids like you should enjoy life and youth, not help veterans save the world," Sidney said. "I'm afraid the world is really ending..."

After making various preparations and ignoring the politicians's orders, the Elite Four ordered the Gym Leaders to simultaneously attack Team Aqua and Team Magma's hideouts.

They knew their locations thanks to information obtained by Agent Jenny while interrogating captured grunts and the help of Gabby and Ty.

Roxanne, Brawly, Flannery and Wallace went to the Magma hideout. While Wattson, Norman, Winona, Tate and Liza went to the Aqua hideout. The Elite Four, for their part, began looking for the legendary Registeel, Regirock and Regice, because if the worst situation arose, having them on their side could help even a little.

The battle in both hideouts went well, until they discovered that Archie and Maxie, along with all the elite of both teams had already fled with the submarine. What no one knew is that thanks to Steven, Ash and his friends had infiltrated said submarine.

Abyssal Cavern

Steven took care of the six Admins at the same time while Ash and his friends advanced towards Archie and Maxie. On their way they met grunts from both teams, who were very scared and didn’t seem willing to stop them.

"You have to stop them. They've gone completely crazy," said Magma Grunt, who was sweating as if his life depended on it. "It's as if the orbs control their minds!"

"Groudon and Kyogre…the power of these two is too much…They’re going to destroy the world…" said a confused and scared Aqua Grunt.

"…Poo…" said the scared poochyena.

At this point, not even the Admins seemed convinced of their bosses' plan, they were just fighting out of pure loyalty. Once the legendaries were awakened, there would be an epic final battle to decide which team would change the world.

However, Archie and Maxie had changed their minds when they had the legendaries nearby. They seemed to think of only one thing, using Groudon and Kyogre to wipe out all life in front of them.

"Fuhahaha! Just as I predicted. Even I, the great Maxie, have found myself wishing for something I cannot justify. And the illogical desire that I harbored was to have you present here at this moment. Hahaha... And now that fool's wish has come true. Fantastic!" Maxie said as they saw Ash running towards them. "Nothing could please me more! I suppose I should make introductions... I present to you my incomparable partner, who will assist Team Magma in driving humanity forward to its next level! The super-ancient Pokémon... Groudon! Behold! This great form slumbering in defiance of even the broiling lava surrounding it!"

"Bwahahaha! Well, if it isn't my little adversary! I can't even find the words to praise you as you deserve, Ketchum. Sometimes it's best to keep things simple. All I'll say is you met my expectations, scamp! And I'm not just talking about today, but everything you've done up till now." Archie said. "And that's why you'll get the honor of meeting my new partner before anyone else living in this world! The super-ancient Pokémon… Kyogre!!!" How 'bout that?! That beautiful form so long resting at peace within the azure sea!"

"They seem completely unhinged." Brendan noted.

"And now you realize?" Max said.

"For once I agree with my brother, they have always been crazy." May said.

"Crazy or not I'm going to stop them!/Pika!" said Ash and Pikachu.

Maxie's eyes turned blood red as he held the blue orb tightly and Archie's eyes turned navy blue as he held the red orb just as tightly. They didn't even seem to be listening to anyone but themselves.

"This foolish world has held back humanity's progress out of misguided idealism regarding the coexistence of humans and Pokémon. But this ancient creature can bring that to its rightful end, creating a new land upon which humanity may stride freely forward." Maxie said. "Ash, you’re the final obstacle remaining between me and my goals. Brace yourself for my ultimate attack! Fuhahaha!"

"I've been waiting so long for this day to come. We humans have disregarded Pokémon and nature both in our endless pursuit of our own desires and needs… And in the process, we've created this broken and disordered world… But this’s the day when I finally obtain the power to return everything to how it once was, to return to our beginnings!" Archie said. "And now, you’re the last token resistance that's trying to ruin my day. I'll use everything my team and I have to crush you once and for all!… This is the true power of my team! Graaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"


Ash took care of the villains' Camerupt and Sharpedo while May and Brendan took on the rest of their Pokémon, allowing Ash a chance to win.

"Team Aqua and Team Magma are finished, give up already!" Ash demanded. "Your plans are pointless and you’re only going to cause pain to people and Pokémon."

"Ash’s right, even your men have given up on fighting me." said Steven, who was accompanied by the six admins.

However, the sad, embarrassed and worried looks of his men didn’t faze Archie and Maxie at all. The two only had eyes for Ash. And to the surprise of everyone present, the orbs ended up getting inside the bodies of both villains without them even seeming to notice.

"Hah... Hah... Hahhh... Ah… Aha... Fuhahaha... Kahahahaha!" The groudon symbol appeared on Maxie's face. "Splendid. Just splendid, my young Trainer. No, it is more than that! I should be calling you my young hero! Believing until the very end that a world where humanity and Pokémon coexist must be the best... Rejecting my ideals without a second thought... Yes, watching you struggle desperately to halt the beginning of the world's end... You are undoubtedly a hero! So noble... And yet. I will not yield! I will not bend! I will use the Red Orb to awaken Groudon and put an end to all else!"

"Hah… Hah… Ahh … Ah… Aha… Ahahahaha… Bwahahahahahaha!" The Kyogre symbol appeared on Archie's face. "Perfect! You're just as great as any little hero trying to save the world ought to be! But it changes nothing! I can't give up now! I can't! I’ll use the power of this Blue Orb to awaken Kyogre at last! Then I'll return everything in this world to its original, pure state!!"

Everything that happened next happened in a matter of minutes. Maxie and Archie woke up the legendaries and rode them out of there. The cavern began to collapse and thanks to Steven, almost everyone present was able to get out of there alive.

One of Courtney's legs was trapped under a rock but Brendan rescued her and carried her from there. Tabitha and Shelly were not so lucky and ended up disappearing among the rocks without anyone being able to do anything. Ash tried to save the criminals who were trapped but the rest stopped him because it was too dangerous.


Torrential rains accompanied by tidal waves. Burning drought accompanied by earthquakes. All at the same time or at constant intervals. Pokémon and humans fled in terror as they saw how Groudon and Kyogre advanced, destroying everything in their path. Their destination was Sootopolis City, where they would have their long”awaited legendary battle.

The gym leaders and the Elite Four, with the help of the three Regis, were in charge of the evacuation and rescue of both people and Pokémon. The members of Team Aqua and Magma, still devastated by the supposed loss of Tabitha and Shelly, saw in horror what their evil actions had caused to the Hoenn region.

However, Magma Grunt, Aqua Grunt and Poochyena took charge and forced them to stop crying to focus on helping. Chasing Ash throughout Hoenn had earned the trio virtues such as patience, tenacity, and endurance. Their dreams of leading had been fulfilled even though the situation wasn’t the best.

Steven, for his part, called Wallace, since he apparently had a vague idea of ​​how to stop the titans. Wallace said that they needed someone capable of using the green orb, which would allow Rayquaza's power to be used.

At first Steven wanted to be that person but Ash confessed that he had the green orb. Not only that, when someone else wanted to take the orb it burned them.

While everyone headed to Sootopolis City, Steven and Wallace accompanied Ash to the Sky Tower, where the rayquaza were said to sleep. During the trip and while climbing the tower, the three felt that someone or something was watching them but they didn’t have time to find out.

The walls of the pillar were covered with blankets and moss, which covered the ancient paintings. However, what interested Ash was the rayquaza they found at the top. The legendary, after observing Ash, roared loudly, causing the green orb to enter the body of the kid from Pallet town.

From that moment on, a connection was formed between the legendary and him. They were one and together they were going to save the region. During those moments of connection, Ash thought he saw something strange, Rayquaza with a different, more powerful form... but it was only for a few seconds.

Sootopolis City: The mystical city where history slumbers

It was like the old legends. Gabby and Ty recorded everything so that all of Hoenn could see how a rayquaza descended from the skies. On his head was a child that no one could identify because the camera did not have that much power.

Ash and Rayquaza fought Maxie, Archie, Groudon, and Kyogre at the same time. They were finally able to stop the legendaries and both Maxie and Archie expelled the orbs from their bodies. Although no one could find them again so they were considered lost items.

Rayquaza returned to the Sky Tower while the green orb flew away on its own. Leaving Ash stunned.

"W-what have we done?" Maxie said when remembering what happened. His face was full of tears and sadness.

"W-we almost destroyed the region... even though we wanted to improve the world..." Archie said after getting down on his knees and crying for all the damage and madness caused.

Thanks to the quick action of the police, the gym leaders, and the Elite Four, no human lives had been lost and very few Pokémon haven’t been able to escape. Tabitha and Shelly were still missing and for the next few days people called for the heads of the members of Team Aqua and Magma.

However, the Hoenn government considered that the brilliant minds of those eco-terrorists would serve better outside than inside prison. So they became a community group. They had to fix the entire mess caused even if it took them years while being watched by the police.

It was in those days that Courtney, who was being cared for by Brendan, confessed to May that she was her “teacher” Coraline. That affected May a lot at first but with the help of her friends she managed to overcome it. She thanked Courtney for her constant help in the contests but she found herself unable to forgive her… at the moment.

Courtney accepted her decision but didn't say anything, because from then on her actions would have to speak for her. And she planned to do anything to compensate for all the damage caused.

TAMio was now in charge of the image of both teams and seemed to like the fact that they had so much power.

Meanwhile Matt went on to work with Captain Stern, Blaise in the hot springs of Lavaridge Town and Amber accompanied him out of pure inertia, since he felt empty after everything that had happened.

Maxie and Archie went on to work under professor Birch and other times at the space center or even the Weather Institute. None of them received good words or good gestures from the other scientists but it was the least they deserved. Even so, it seemed that the broken friendship they had was beginning to be restored little by little.

Everyone kept it a secret that Ash had fought alongside Rayquaza because they didn't want the kid to have all the politicians after him. The fact that he was involved in the downfall of so many evil organizations already gave him too much unwanted fame. Gabby and Ty were promoted but they still didn't betray Ash's trust.


Sootopolis Gym

“My student Wallace surpassed me a long time ago, but don't get co*cky. Please, you shall bear witness to our artistry. A grand illusion of water sculpted by Pokémon and myself!" ―Juan, the Gym Leader with the beauty of pure water!

Wallace, the artist and lover of water, was busy with many matters and delegated the position of gym leader to his master Juan. So Ash had to face the former gym leader and Pokémon coordinator for the last badge.

Snorunt and Pikachu vs Sealeo and Seaking in a double battle. Then move on to individual battles: Grovyle, Corphish and Pikachu vs Luvdisc, Whiscash and Milotic.

"You lack Wallace's elegance but I have the feeling that you’ll reach even higher places than him." said Juan after giving him the Rain badge

Juan had been a Grand Festival winner in the past so May trained with him for several days.

Meanwhile Ash and Max visited a beautiful tree that was in the middle of the city. According to the inhabitants, it was brought by a very tall man from the Kalos region. At the foot of the tree you could find flowers that supposedly belonged to a Pokémon.

Pacifidlog Town: Where the morning sun smiles upon the waters

In that place they learned from an old man about the legend of Mirage Island, where a mysterious treasure supposedly lived. Apparently the island only appeared at certain times of the year in the middle of Route 130.

May earned her fifth ribbon by defeating Erica's Jynx using Skitty in a Pokémon contest. Although her victory didn’t taste good to her at all, since for a moment she wanted Courtney to be there watching her.


Mirage Island

There were only wynauts everywhere and Liechi berries, of which they took some. At least Brendan's wynaut enjoyed the island.

Drew, May's rival was also on the island. Just before they left they met Roderick, an old man who was a Pokémon coordinator in the past and was now the unofficial guardian of the island. Apparently his goal in the past had been to get Liechi Berries to make perfect Poké Cubes.

They soon realized that they did not know how to get out of there, since the boat they arrived with had sunk.


“In their natural state, Pokémon are wild living things. They are free. At times, they hinder us. At times, they help us.” ―Drake of the Elite Four.

Our heroes and Drew were able to get off the island safely thanks to Drake’s ship.

"It's a good thing I decided to stop by, huh?" Drake laughed. "There are always crazy people who want to find Mirage Island."

"Thank you for rescuing us." Brendan said. Drake laughed without giving it much importance.

"The Pokémon League will be coming soon, can I fight with you?" Ash asked excitedly. "It’ll be a good training."

"Why do you always pick a fight with the Elite Four?" May complained.

"Of course I accept your challenge, boy, but if you lose you have to help me look for a treasure that’s said to be near here." Drake asked him.


The next day Ash and his friends helped him and found a treasure.

M08: Lucario and the mystery of Mew

Many years ago two great Pokémon armies (Red and Green) were going to face each other but were stopped by the guardian of the aura Sir Aaron. His Pokémon partner Lucario mysteriously disappeared after such a heroic act...

Currently Ash and his friends, taking advantage of the fact that there was still time until the Pokémon League, went to the city of Rota. A large Pokémon tournament was being held there in commemoration of Sir Aaron and wearing a medieval costume was a requirement. Without anyone knowing, the TRio sneaked into the kingdom.

Ash won the tournament by defeating Kidd Summers in the finals and was proclaimed guardian of the Aura of that year by Queen Ilene. However, during the celebration party, the legendary mew that inhabits the Tree of Beginning took Pikachu and Meowth. In addition, Ash, touching Sir Aaron's staff, released his Pokémon Lucario.

According to Lucario, Sir Aaron wasn’t a hero and all his exploits were lies. With the help of Lucario and Kidd Summers they went to the Tree of Beginning to rescue Pikachu.

During the adventure they learned, thanks to the flowers of time, that Sir Aaron was a hero and that he sacrificed his life to save the kingdom, in addition to locking Lucario in the staff to protect him. Ash discovered that he possessed the ability to manipulate his aura and that his aura was identical to Sir Aaron's.

Ash and his friends reunited with Pikachu and Meowth, saved Mew and the Tree of Beginning, but Lucario had to sacrifice his life to do so. At least he was able to reunite with his best friend in the afterlife.

Ever Grande City: The paradise of flowers, the sea, and Pokémon

When a trainer carried the torch, which was said to have been lit with Groudon’s fire, the Hoenn Pokémon League began.

Ash defeated people like Gilbert, Dominick, Clark, Katie, Morrison and Tyson in the preliminary and subsequent rounds. He even had to face Tate Strategist, who he had heard quite a bit about.

"I have trained with my entire family, all of them. I'm not going to lose!" said the Ace Trainer Vito Winstrate. Five minutes later Vito had been defeated, although his defeat tasted worse when he learned that Ash had defeated his entire family in the past. After this, Vito swore to follow his dream of being a Pokémon breeder.


Ash had to face Wally to be among the best eight. His Hoenn rival seemed nervous at first but a few words of encouragement from Ash, Brendan, May and Max helped him relax and give his all.

"Ash, you should see the look of surprise on my family's faces when they found out how far I've come in less than a year." said Wally happily.

"I’m not surprised, in each fight you improved a lot." Ash responded just as happily.

"It’s thanks to you that I could make it this far. Your passion for Pokémon is contagious."

"Heh, heh, I just like them a lot."

Wally's face became much more serious.

"Losing to you all the time has taught me a lot and has helped me understand my Pokémon better." Wally stared at the Poké Ball in his hand and then looked at his rival and friend. "I can feel that you have become much stronger too."

"Of course, I can't stay behind when I have rivals like you!" Ash said as if he were the most logical thing in the world.

Wally laughed lightly again.

"Standing here facing you again gives me chills… …But I won't give up! I won't lose anymore. My Pokémon have given me the courage and strength to fight. I have to win for their sake! So get ready… Here I come!"

"That's how I like it, let's give it our all!/Pika, pikachu!" Ash and Pikachu said, completely accepting the challenge.

Pikachu, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Torkoal and Glalie vs Kirlia, Altaria, Delcatty, Magneton, Roselia and Azumarill. It was an intense fight but in the end Ash prevailed over his rival and won after a fierce final battle between Pikachu and Kirlia.

"… I've lost…" said a very sad Wally when he saw his initial Pokémon fall.

"You did it well!" Ash shouted suddenly, preventing Wally from falling into a depressive state. "It was the best battle my Pokémon and I have had in this league! You really have become very strong!"

The rest of the people in the audience began to applaud loudly and give him words of encouragement. Wally watched all this with tears in his eyes.

"I think I should thank you because you and your Pokémon have faced me with all your strength. You have never treated me like someone weak... And thanks too to Kirlia and my other Pokémon... having gotten this far is a dream come true!"


“Your exploits, which cannot be told, have touched my heart very deeply…You seem different, more determined and stronger. Even so, today you are not facing a gym leader, but rather a rival for the cup of this league. Winona, Steven and my master Juan are supporting me… Come on, show me what you and your Pokémon team are capable of!” ―Wallace, artist and lover of water.

The real surprise for the league was learning that Wallace was also participating. The powerful gym leader had defeated all of his rivals using only two Pokémon. Ash was the only trainer there who was looking forward to facing him because he was never able to do so in the Sootopolis City gym.

Pikachu, Grovyle, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Torkoal and Glalie vs Milotic, Sharpedo, Walrein, Ludicolo, Swampert and Starmie.

Ash only managed to beat one of Wallace's Pokémon and finished in the top eight, just like in the Johto league.

At the end of the league Wallace was the winner and took the cup. Over the next few days Wallace challenged the Elite Four and when he faced Steven, he lost after defeating four of his Pokémon.

"I've been close but I guess you're still better than me." Wallace admitted between laughs. However, Steven didn't say anything, because he seemed to be thinking about something very important.

Hoenn Grand Festival

It was May's time to shine. The girl was very nervous but to her surprise Courtney appeared to cheer her up.

"When I was younger I really liked participating in contests with my vulpix," Courtney revealed while petting her ninetales. "I even had a friend and rival named Daisy Oak. She was better than me in contests and she always beat me. The spring edition of the Pokémon contest in Pallet town...That was the last straw."

"What happened?" May asked. Her story was a lot like her, always losing to Drew.

"I took the biggest defeat imaginable in the final. The level difference between Daisy and the rest of us was too much… Even her clefairy seemed invincible. I felt so bad that I abandoned contests forever and ended up dedicating myself to Pokémon research..."

"It must have been very hard..."

"Yes, but after seeing the courage that you and your friends have shown...Fighting against the impossible and winning...I have realized that perhaps I should never have given up," Courtney said, looking at her with a smile. "Don't give up May, show the world that us “losers” can also go far too."

"I plan to reach the top, for me and my Pokémon!... And also for you, master.

"I've already told you not to call me... it doesn't matter."

The two laughed as they were watched by Ash, Brendan and Max, who seemed happy to see May in a better mood.


A qualifying jury made up of five members: Raoul Contesta, Mr. Sukizo and three nurses Joy, who talked to each other about what they expected to find in the contest.

Meanwhile, the presenter Vivian Meridian cleared her voice and psyched herself up for what was going to come.

May was still nervous but seeing her brother and friends supporting her made her feel better.

After the first and second round of exhibitions, May managed to qualify for the combat round along with thirty-one other coordinators. Among these coordinators was Wallace who, unfortunately for the participants, was very good.

"Is there anything this man doesn't know how to do?" It was what was heard the most when Wallace and his Pokémon appeared on the scene.

Still, May remembered her training with Courtney and continued forward, defeating Harley, Anthony, and even her long-time rival Drew and reaching the semifinals.

However, in the semifinals he lost against Wallace, who showed him the level of a master Pokémon coordinator, something that helped May see that her goal was not yet close.

The final was won by Wallace by beating Roberto. During the Ribbon Cup award ceremony, he dedicated words of love to Winona, friendship to Steven and joy to Juan.

"Are you going on a trip, my friend?" Wallace asked Steven. The news had greatly surprised everyone, especially the Elite Four.

"Perhaps I should also return to my home region for a few days," Glacia said. "Hoenn is beautiful but my home even more so."

"You can use my ship if you want," Drake suggested. "I had also planned to return to the sea with my friends Stern and Briney."

"Wow, at this rate I'm going to be left alone." Phoebe said laughing.

"And me? Don’t you dare forget about me?" Sidney complained between laughs.

"I... I have realized that the world is too big and I want to explore it further," Steven confessed with a small smile.

"I understand you perfectly, but I hope you don’t abandon your duties as Champion of Hoenn." Wallace said worried. The rest of the Elite Four seemed to agree.

"Well, I'll have to do it since right now my attention is on other things," Steven admitted, "but don't worry, I have someone in mind to replace me."

"Me, me, right?" Phoebe asked excitedly.

"Wallace, the man who managed to make me nervous during the Pokémon League." Steven revealed.


Steven couldn't help but laugh when he saw his friend's surprised face.

"If it's a joke it's not funny." Wallace complained.

"No, it's not," Steven said after stopping laughing. "Your strength as a gym leader and coordinator is too overwhelming. Furthermore, all of Hoenn has seen that you have the necessary level to defend my position for as long as necessary. Your master Juan can continue being a gym leader of your gym, right?"

Wallace sighed before breaking into a wide smile.

"I'll have to talk to him, but I'm sure he'll be delighted at the thought of not having to retire yet."

After finishing the trip, Brendan decided to accompany Courtney in her training with the legendary Berry Master. Max returned to Petalburg City to learn from his father how to be a good gym leader. May accompanied Ash to Kanto, as she wanted to participate in the region's contests.

Ash, for his part, went to his house in Pallet town and found a big surprise as soon as he entered. International Police agent Lucy Fleetfoot had an important mission for him.

They needed a strong Pokémon trainer, but not so strong that he was known worldwide. Someone who had experience fighting criminal gangs and his number of successes was greater than failures. Someone like Ash.

"Meanwhile I have to take care of the criminal organization Phobos in the Sol region, and we are short of personnel since everyone is busy with the disaster that Team Magma and Aqua caused," Lucy explained very tired. "Not to mention that more criminal organizations are emerging even under the stones..."

After explaining what Ash's mission was, his mother wanted to refuse but Ash managed to convince her after telling her about his new adventures in Hoenn.

"At least let one of your friends should accompany, please." Delia asked him.


The region was suffering from an epidemic of shadow pokémon. Pokémon whose hearts had been closed, becoming fighting machines without feelings, capable of even killing humans. They had been created by the Cipher organization and delivered to trainers from the Orre region to cause chaos and destruction.

Wes had been the best Pokémon thief on Team Snagem, but when he discovered the dirty plans of Cipher, an organization that has an alliance with Snagem. Wess eventually defected and decided to purify any shadow pokémon he came across. To do this, he didn’t hesitate to use the Snag Machine stolen from his former criminal team.

With the Snag Machine Wes could turn Poké Balls into Snag Balls, allowing him to capture Pokémon from other trainers, and thus capture the shadow Pokémon scattered throughout the region.

After partially destroying Team Snagem's hideout, Wes headed to Oasis City, where he saved and met Rui. The girl possessed the ability to manipulate and use aura, so she could detect shadow pokémon. Wes and Rui became companions and decided to stop Cipher. However, the mission was too much for both of them, and despite Wes's protests, Rui ended up contacting the International Police.

Ash only knew that the Orre region was famous for its Pokémon coliseums and for being a no man's land. There the law didn’t usually work outside the cities, and often not even inside them.

When he and Yellow got off the plane of the International Police, they immediately noticed the smell of corruption.

"I guess I shouldn't have brought my new game, this place seems full of thieves." Yellow said while she held the new edition of Pokémon Pinball.

"I already told you to leave it at home." Ash scolded her.

"But it’s a gift of your mother and I hadn't had time to play it," Yellow complained.

"That child has a very powerful but warm aura at the same time… I have never seen anything like that." Rui confessed, surprised to see someone like Ash. Next to him was a girl with a ponytail whose blonde hair shone like gold.

"Hello, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this’s my friend Pikachu!/Pikachu!" Trainer and Pokémon said enthusiastically when they saw them.

"And I am Yellow of Viridian Forest, a pleasure to meet you." said the girl with a slight bow of her head.

"When they told me they would send help, I didn't think they would send a child." Wes said, not very happy at all.

"My brother has faced the leaders of Team Rocket, Neo Team Rocket, Team Magma and Team Aqua." Yellow said in an attempt to defend his friend. Ash puffed out his chest proudly, while Pikachu looked suspiciously at both of them until Rui started petting him.

"That's what the Interpol report says," Wes said with a somewhat mocking smile. "But you don't seem like a big deal, are you sure you're not one of those people who takes credit from others? When you fought against all those villains you always had help from powerful people, right?

"And what’s the problem with that?" Asked Ash, very upset with Wes's attitude.

Wes walked up to Ash and stared at him.

"In this region you won't be so lucky. There are no champions here or anyone from the Pokémon Association to help you. Your strength better not be a lie."

"I don't think he's a weakling, he also won the Orange League and has done quite well in other more important leagues." Rui read suddenly.

"What are you talking about, Rui?" Wes asked confused.

"Haven't you read the entire report?" She asked surprised as she waved the papers in front of his face.

"..I just wanted to know if he had experience against criminals so I skipped the other details." Wes confessed embarrassed.

Ash laughed at Wes's change of attitude.

"What’s so funny?"

"You seemed like someone very confident, but in the end you are quite clueless." said Ash, feeling that he has the upper hand.

"It seems that this kid needs to learn to respect his elders." Wes said, taking out a Poké Ball.

"Kid? You say it as if you were much older!" Ash shouted as he also took out a Poké Ball.


Oasis City - A few days later…

"Instead of sending us elite trainers, they send us you. I don't care if you have experience against criminals. As always, the government and the Pokémon Association don't care what happens in this damned region." Wes commented.

“What are you talking about?" Ash asked.

"You really don't know anything, huh? Why did you agreed to come here?"

"Because I like to help others!" Ash said happily.


"The Orre region didn't used to be this horrible," Rui began telling before those two fight again. "Guardians of the aura used to live and train here, however today very few remain."

Ash then remembered his experience in the kingdom of Rota with Lucario.

"With the passage of time, this region became a place full of outcasts and criminals of the worst kind." Rui continued.

"Most of us are descendants of villains," Wes said. The shadows that the fire produced on his face and his smile gave him a sinister appearance. "We have managed to establish laws and even have human rights. However, the other regions continue to ignore our problems."

"But they have sent us." Yellow said very seriously.

"As long as these shadow pokémon don't go outside of Orre, it's not our problem," Wes recited. "That's what the other governments must be thinking right now. They don't even hesitate to put two children in danger."

"You don't look much older either." Ash said offended.

"I'm seventeen years old, here that's being an adult."

"Well, I've already experienced many more things than most adults," Ash said with a smile. "Even if no one wants to help you, I’ll do it without hesitation."

For a small moment, Wes wanted to believe those words were true.


The rest of the month was spent fighting muggers, bikers, scoundrels, members of Team Snagem. In addition to rescuing and purifying shadow pokémon.

Ash of course couldn't resist the challenges of the coliseums in which all the battles were double, while Yellow helped Rui's grandfather, Eagun, purify the Shadow pokémon in the Relic Stone of Agate Village. Ash's pikachu and Yellow's pikachu loved going to that place because Eagun had several pikachu and pichu that they played with.

Finally they had the final battle against Cipher defeating their administrators Dakim, Venus, Ein and the charismatic Miror B, with whom Yellow became very good friends.

Then Ash, with the surprising help of Ho-oh, defeated the leader of Cipher, the evil mayor Es Cade, whose real name was Evice, in the Colossal Tower. He was to blame for many of the region's problems. For his part, Wes defeated the mysterious Nascour, Evice's right-hand man.

Chief Sherles, in collaboration with the International Police, arrested all of Cipher and thanked our heroes. Thus ending what would be called in the future, the Dark Incident.


"It has been the most stressful month of my entire life." Rui confessed.

"Well, I liked being able to help so many Pokémon." Ash said very happily.

"Same." Yellow said.

"Anyway, I admit it's been fun having someone like you around." Wes said with a wide smile. His dark gaze had become brighter.

"Thank you very much for everything,” Rui said just as happily. "Without your help it would have been more difficult for us to solve all this mess."

"Thanks to you I have been able to find out more about the aura. It has been a great experience." Ash said.

"And I have been able to develop my healing powers better," Yellow said with a big smile. "And I can even understand the hearts of Pokémon better thanks to Eagun."

"What are you going to do now?" Ash asked.

"I suppose we’ll help capture some fugitives and make sure there’re no more shadow Pokémon." Rui said.

Ash and Yellow, after promising to see them again in the future, said goodbye to Wes and Rui.


Rayquaza was flying calmly when he saw something passing at high speed in the distance. A kind of fortress ship called Phoboorb, in which all the members of the Phobos Battalion were screaming, after having been defeated by agent Lucy Fleetfoot.

Phobos, Buzz, Avery, Grock, Aquarella, Boolum were going to spend a lot of time together, reflecting and repenting of their misdeeds in space. Although the legendary dragon didn't know any of that nor did he care in the slightest, so he continued flying as if nothing had happened.

Below, Lucy, Professor P. and Mr. Who were happily watching the stars after having saved the entire region with the help of Link Beamer.


“One day, a human being angered Ninetales by touching one of her nine tails and she cursed him. However, his Gardevoir took the curse on herself to save her master. The human being, in an act of selfishness, abandoned Gardevoir to her fate. Ninetales prophesied that the selfish human would be reborn as a Pokémon, and when that happened, the balance of nature in the world would collapse.” ―Xatu of the Hill of the Ancients.

Ash had the strangest dream of his life. One day he turned into a Pikachu and appeared in a mysterious world in which Pokémon were apparently its only inhabitants.

That world was suffering from a lot of daily natural disasters. Ash, in Pikachu form, joined up with a female eevee and they formed a rescue team.

Between the two of them they carried out numerous missions where they rescued Pokémon or found treasures. In a short time they became so famous that their names reached the ends of the Wind continent.

All this aroused the envy of Team Meanies, formed by Medicham, Ekans and the leader Gengar. The latter was also like Ash, a Pokémon transformed into a human.

Manipulating the visionary Xatu's words, Gengar made everyone believe that Ash was the human from Ninetales' cursed prophecy. Ash and Eevee had to flee while being chased by other teams to solve the mystery and rescue the world.

Sadness and disappointment didn’t shake Ash's heart thanks to Eevee and an absol who sought to help them.

After facing the legendary ACT team (Alakazam, Charizard and Tyranitar), they managed to reach Ninetales, who revealed that Gengar was the real human he cursed.

Ash and Eevee later went to the Magma Cavern to rescue the teams that had been defeated by Groudon. After this came the last mission, saving the world from a meteorite, which was causing the imbalance in nature.

"Ash, it was I who transformed you into a Pokémon and erased your memories as humans," Gardevoir confessed to Ash in a dream within a dream. "Please, you have to save the world..."

Ash and Eevee reached the end of the Sky Tower and asked Rayquaza for help, as they needed him to destroy the meteorite. The most surprising thing was how Gengar helped Ash survive the explosion that Rayquaza caused when he destroyed said meteorite.

Then, through tears, Ash said goodbye to his friend Eevee and everyone else because his time to return to the human world had come...

While Eevee tried to convince him not to leave, Ash sadly remembered all the places they both used to go every day.

The Kecleon store and Kecleon Warehouses where they bought what was necessary for each mission. The Kangaskhan storage room where they kept the objects that they didn’t fit in the house or in their bags. The bank where Persian kept the adventurers' money. Pelipper Post Office where they received missions or could send letters. The Makuhita Dojo, Ash's favourite place since he could train there. The Whiscash Pond where the wise old Pokémon lived…

"I-I will never forget you Ash... Because you are my best friend!" Eevee shouted, sobbing.

All that was erased from his memory little by little when he woke up from the best dream of his life...Although some nights, he seemed to return to that world and continued living adventures with his friend Eevee.



Ash was only able to rest for three days at home because he received a message from Red. Apparently he wanted him and all the gym leaders to go to the Sevii Islands, since he had received an S.O.S. from Bill the Poké Maniac. Red and the Elite Four would stay in Kanto in case something happened.

The gym leaders were all in the same boat, talking to Ash and telling him stories about things that had happened that year.

-Brock: My useless parents take care of the gym while I'm traveling... I'm sure there’re a lot of beautiful women on the Sevii Islands!

-Misty: My sisters are taking care of the gym although that doesn't make me feel better... Did you seriously see a kyogre?! How lucky!... If you want we can go to Treasure beach later when the mission is over. You and me alone…

-Surge: Watching the boats that enter and leave my city isn’t an easy task, but I must prevent illegal traffickers from doing whatever they want... Who takes care of my gym? Well my new apprentice, Visquez!

-Erika: The picnicker Tanya is my best student so she’ll receive the challengers while I am gone… I heard that there’s a place full of flowers in the Sevii Islands. I would like to visit it.

-Koga: My sister Aya is back from Johto and is taking care of my gym. I will soon be named a member of Johto's Elite Four so... My daughter Sachiko is even more talented than me, she’s obsessed with inheriting my gym.

-Sabrina: I have personally trained my substitute, the psychic Franklin... Your gaze seems different Ash, I feel that there has been someone or something powerful inside you...

-Blaine: The Cinnabar Island volcano recently erupted and I’m left without a home or gym. Luckily no one was hurt…I've been thinking about relocating to the Foam Islands. I don't know when I'll build another gym. My friend Derek will receive the challengers at the Pokémon Center... Brock and Misty have told me about your two adventures with Mewtwo. I’m glad to see that humanity’s evil hasn’t tarnished his heart.

-Gary: Well yes, lately Sabrina and I meet up a lot to talk about everything... My gym? I would have liked Yellow to replace me since people love her, but she doesn't have a license so I asked Agatha to do it in the meantime. She seemed happy to be close to my grandfather even though she pretended it wasn’t like that.

On One Island, a very badly injured Bill was waiting for them. He seemed to be running away from something. Ash recognized the Pokémon that was chasing him. It was a Deoxys. They fought against him and together they barely managed to scare him away.

Bill explained that Giovanni was back and seeking revenge against anyone who got in his way. He was apparently hiding on some island and planned to use two deoxys to regain his lost power.

Giovanni was using to control the Deoxys a Sapphire and Ruby, which he had apparently found drifting in the Hoenn Sea after the fight between rayquaza, groudon and kyogre.

Bill knew all this because they had kidnapped him to help them in their experiments. Luckily for Bill, his watchers had been the TRio, which had allowed him to barely escape and quickly send a message to Red. Even so, there were members of Team Rocket infiltrated on the islands and Bill didn't know who to trust.

Ash immediately explained to his companions that the Sapphire and the Ruby must be the remains of the red and blue orbs, and also what had happened in that battle of Hoenn.

"If what you say is true, maybe we have a way to found Team Rocket." said Sabrina. Her plan was to use her powers to locate energies similar to what Ash was emitting due to his previous fusion with the green orb.

After doing so, Brock, Misty, Erika and Gary headed to Mount Ember. There they defeated the members of Team Rocket who were guarding the Ruby. The grunt Ariana fought with courage and bravery but she ended up losing and fled before being captured.

"Better to run and fight another day." Ariana said with a cruel smile.

"Don't run away, you coward!" Misty shouted, but she was stopped by Brock and Erika.

"We can't waste time with her." Brock said.

"Besides, we already have what we wanted." Erika said holding the Ruby.

"Hopefully we have been faster than the other team." Gary said bringing out the competitive side of him.

Surge, Koga, Sabrina and Blaine went to Floe Island's Icefall Cave where they found Lorelei of the Elite Four battling Team Rocket. The woman was furious because Team Rocket had invaded her home. Lorelei revealed to the leaders that she had seen the villains take the Sapphire to Chrono Island. There they found the Rocket Warehouse, protected by the grunt Archer.

"Damn you, you dam traitors!" Archer roared furiously when he saw them. "How could you stop being Team Rocket Admins and betray the great Giovanni?!"

"Working with Giovanni was the worst mistake of my life," Blaine said, adjusting his sunglasses, "and I hope that one day you too will get smart enough to abandon him."

"The rest of us never betrayed him because we were never on his side." Surge laughed.

"Giovanni took advantage of my mental instability and is doing the same to you." Sabrina told him.

"Don't waste your time on him," Koga warned them, seeing the madness in Archer's eyes. "Words will not break his loyalty to Giovanni."

Archer and the rest of grunts lost and fled after swearing that Team Rocket would regain its former glory.



Ash stayed as Bill's bodyguard until a man came running to the Pokémon Center. The poor guy was very scared saying that his daughter had been kidnapped by a hypno. The rest of the people seemed to know what he was talking about because they said that a hypno had been causing problems on the islands for weeks but that no one had managed to capture him.

Bill, knowing Ash's sense of justice, told him to go rescue the girl. Besides, her father was a friend of his. Bill would just hide in some area of ​​the Pokémon Center.

On his way to Kin Island, Ash came across the Kanto Biker Federation, who were harassing people and beating up the unwary. Ash and his Pokémon taught them a lesson and as a thank you, the people told him that maybe the hyno was in the Berry forest.

Passing through the Union Bridge, Ash reached said forest.


"Whimper... Sniff... Oh! Please, help! A scary Pokémon appeared there a while ago. It kept scaring. It made Lostelle scared. I'm too scared to move! But I want to go home... Oh! Here it comes again! No! It's scaring me!" ―Lostelle, the lost girl.

Ash defeated and captured the hypno, thus saving the girl. Later he returned to the Pokémon Center and gave the hyno to the nurse Joy so she could do with it whatever she wanted.

"I’ll send it to the Aether Foundation," said nurse Joy. "Surely they can rehabilitate him."

Lostelle's father thanked Ash for his help and told him that he had seen members of Team Rocket on Birth Island a few days ago.


Birth Island

Giovanni had stopped using Ruby and Sapphire as their power hurt him and had even burned his hands. Not only that, but according to Bill they were very unstable. That's why he had ordered his men to keep it protected in other places.

Seeing that our heroes had said Ruby and Sapphire, Giovanni went into a rage. He had no choice but to use a meteorite fallen on Mount Moon as a power source for the machine with which he would control the two deoxys.

Finally Ash recognized said deoxys as the ones he met in LaRousse City during his trip through Hoenn.

Giovanni was accompanied by the Three Beasts, Team Rocket's new elite guard since the previous one (Ken, Harley and Al) was still in prison. The new members were Sird, Carr and Orm. There were also many grunts surrounding them.

Lorelei arrived just at that moment along with many trainers from the islands, all ready to expel the mafia from that place.

To everyone's surprise, Mewtwo also appeared.

"Him too? Tch, just what I need." Giovanni murmured as he saw him floating in the air.

"I have noticed the strong psychic presence of the deoxys from very far away," Mewtwo revealed, worried and furious. "They are crying out for help, unable to free themselves from Giovanni's control... I will save them!"

Mewtwo, Misty and Brock vs the two controlled Deoxys. Lorelei vs Sird. Surge and Koga vs. Carr. Sabrina and Blaine vs. Orm. Erika, Gary and the rest of the trainers vs Rocket Grunts.

Meanwhile Ash and his Pokémon ran towards Giovanni, who was next to the machine with the meteorite inside. However, they were intercepted by the TRio and blasted them off again. They were then intercepted by two grunts who looked at him with pure hatred.

"Who are you?" Ash asked angrily.

"Don't you remember me, brat?" the grunt Archer asked. "You and Erika humiliated me in front of the great Giovanni at the Celadon city casino."

"We aren’t going to let you ruin our plans again," said grunt Ariana. "If we kill you, Giovanni will surely give us a place above the Three Beasts."

"I can't waste my time with you, get out of the way!"

He defeated their Pokémon in a matter of seconds and faced Giovanni, who was waiting for him with a crazy look.

"Hee, hee, hee... You did me a great favour by defeating that Mask of Ice loser, he deserved it for stealing my grunts and resources... but I'm not going to let you interfere with my plans ever again!"

"And I'm not going to let you hurt anyone ever again!"


After the battle the two deoxys were freed and left with Mewtwo. Giovanni managed to flee, leaving all of his men behind, a few of whom also managed to escape.

Lorelei was unable to stop Sird from fleeing along with a briefcase that seemed to contain very valuable information.

"I guess it's time to return to Sinnoh..." Sird murmured with a little smile.

The police took care of the rest while Ash, Bill, and the gym leaders took a much deserved break.

They visited places like the Joyful Game Corner (the owner was Lostelle's father), the Lost Cave, the Memorial Pillar, the Sevault Canyon, the Gorgeous Resort, the Trainer Tower, Navel Rock and Lorelei's house, which was full of teddies.

Misty, who was Lorelei's number one fan, spent the day talking and training with her. To the point where Lorelei accepted her as her new apprentice.


On the Sevii Islands there was a competition called Dash in which Pokémon races were held. Pikachu insisted to Ash that he wanted to participate because he was proud of his speed.

In the end Ash signed him up and after an initial test Pikachu was placed in the champion category, the most difficult. There Pikachu competed against Treecko, Marill, Aipom, Mightyena and Blaziken in intense races both on land and by sea (with the help of a lapras).

Pikachu ended up winning the champion's cup and was given some balloons with which he could float several meters in the air.

"Pikachu!" The Pokémon shouted happily as he flew above Ash and his friends.

The Mirage Master

In the middle of her trip through Kanto, May decided to visit Ash. What she didn't realize was that Brendan and Max had come to Kanto to do the same thing. Just then Ash received an invitation from Dr. Yung, a friend of professor Oak.

Professor Oak, Misty, Brock, Echo, and Kriss had also been invited to the castle to see a new battle system. This system consisted of creating mirage Pokémon, which could perform any Pokémon attack that Doctor Yung programmed.

Doctor Yung battled our heroes, showing them the power of his Mirage Pokémon, but ended up being kidnapped by a villain called Master Mirage. The villain also took Pikachu and professor Oak.

With Pikachu he used a machine that allowed him to observe all the legendaries that the electric mouse had seen during his travels. While he used professor Oak to steal his research. Thanks to all that he was able to complete Mirage Mewtwo. It was then that the villain revealed to be actually Doctor Yung.

With the help of Mirage Mew, the only Pokémon Yung couldn't control, Ash and his friends managed to defeat Yung and destroy his battle system. Unfortunately the Mirage Mew sacrificed himself to save our heroes.

Then Agent Jenny arrived and Ash explained what happened to her. All our heroes agreed that the mirage Mew had the heart of a real Pokémon.


“I hereby commit to helping those in need and protecting nature as a Pokémon Ranger within my possibilities, with great pride and courage.” ―Ranger Oath.


The world was full of people willing to harm Pokémon and also Pokémon willing to harm humans. That is why Lamont, Erma and professor Hastings founded the Ranger Union and the Ranger School years ago, with the aim of saving humans and Pokémon, helping to improve coexistence between them.

The Pokémon Ranger were police officers trained to capture Pokémon using a device called a capture styler, with which Pokémon could be calmed and used temporarily on missions.

In the Ranger Union only the best received a capture styler since it was a recent invention. Team Go-Rock Quads, a criminal organization, wanted these capture stylers at all costs to be able to control the Pokémon in the region.

Luckily the Pokémon Ranger Lunick and Solana managed to stop them. To do this, they faced the Go-Rock Quads Brothers: Violin Tiffany, Drum Clyde, Guitar Garret and Electric Guitar Billy.

Finally, the Rangers Lunick and Solana, with the help of professor Hastings, defeated the brothers' father and leader of the organization, Gordor.

After their defeat, the Go-Rock Quads Brothers decided to form a band and take their music elsewhere. To get money they decided to sell to a pirate a mysterious Pokémon egg that their father Gordor had kept locked away.


M09: Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

The Pokémon Ranger Lunick and Solana stole a Pokémon egg from a famous pirate called The Phantom, as the criminal needed it to reach the treasure of the Sea Temple.

For their part, Ash, May, Brendan and Max were returning together to Pallet Town when along the way they came across a water show offered by Lizabeth, Kyle, Meredith and Shep. Lunick and Solana were undercover with the group but never anticipated that the Pokémon egg would open in May's hands.

A manahy emerged from the egg, which became attached to May and therefore everyone had to go take the Pokémon home. During the trip, May and Max discovered that they were descendants of the Sea people, who had been very close to water Pokémon, including legendary ones. Ash, Brendan and Max found this very ironic, considering May's fear of tentacool and tentacruel.

Being chased by The Phantom and the TRio, Ash and his friends managed to reach the Sea Temple so that Manaphy could become the prince and rule the seas alongside his people.

Finally Manaphy returned to the sea after saying goodbye to May and The Phantom was locked up by Lunick and Solana after being defeated.


Some time later…

May continued her journey to get the Kanto ribbons, while Max had returned to his parents again. Brendan, for his part, stayed in professor Oak's laboratory to learn different things and Ash continued training his Pokémon.

One day Scott appeared in Pallet town. He had been looking for Ash for a while and wanted to propose something to him. He accepted the challenge of the Battle Frontier, a kind of contest in which the trainers chosen by Scott had to face six trainers called Frontier Brains.

Whoever succeeded would have to face the seventh Frontier Brain, whose identity was secret to everyone except Scott.

Frontier Brains were trainers who had won at least one Pokémon League and were said to be stronger than the Gym Leaders, perhaps even close to the Elite Four.

"How can I say no to such a challenge?! When can we start?!" Ash shouted super excited, because all that sounded too fun.

"Battle Frontier is located on a huge island between Kanto and Hoenn," Scott explained with a smile. "By the way, you might see your friend May there, since this year the Kanto Grand Festival is happening right there."

Ash and Brendan went to the island, but to their surprise, Scott gave them a guide. It was a boy on stilts named Emerald. Apparently his mission was to make sure everything was going well on the island and evaluate the Frontier Brains. However, Scott had only asked him to travel with Ash because he had the feeling that wonderful things would happen near him.

Emerald wasn’t amused by any of this but Scott was his boss and he had to obey him.

"How many people are participating?" Brendan asked.

"Every few months Scott invites about fifty trainers," Emerald explained. "So far, in the three years that the Battle Frontier has been open, there has been no one who has overcome all the challenges."

"Then I'll be the first." said Ash, completely convinced. Emerald looked at him with some pity. He had only been working for Scott for a year, but the number of times he had heard trainers say that was too high.

Most end up broken and with no desire to continue training. The rest simply gave up after uttering insults and expletives and saying that no one would waste their time in such a place.

Battle Factory

Noland, the Factory Head, was a man capable of having friends like an articuno whose life he saved in the past. Seeing that, Ash wanted to fight against Articuno and not against the other Pokémon in the factory.

After a skirmish with Jessie, James and Meowth, Ash saved Articuno. Then Noland, with Scott's permission, agreed to use Articuno to fight Ash.

Charizard vs Articuno. Ash's Pokémon returned from its training to battle the ice bird, winning in the process.

Noland gave the Knowledge symbol to Ash, but soon after they noticed that there was a lot of commotion inside the factory. Apparently someone had broken in and was stealing the Pokémon from the place.

The mysterious guy was wearing armor and a sword. The armor was capable of withstanding Pokémon attacks and his sword reflected said attacks.

"It seems like that Pokémon isn't here..." the guy murmured, "but at least I'll be able to use these."

"Who are you and why’re you stealing Pokémon?" Ash asked furiously. They had cornered him and forced him to drop almost all of the stolen Poké Balls, yet the guy simply laughed while he threw several smoke bombs and escaped from there.

Noland later said the guy had stolen a masquerain and a walrein.

Dojo Battle

In this place Ash finally met the woman that both Chuck and Brawly had told him about in the past. Only that she wasn't a woman but a teenager of the same age as Brendan.

Greta, the Arena Tycoon, was very energetic and fun, so she and Ash hit it off right away.

"I'm glad to see that the guy who defeated my two favourite students has such a powerful aura." Greta said after shaking his hand tightly.

"Well, I'm glad to know that the teacher of those two is a powerful elite trainer."

"I guess people who don't use their brains much get along wonderfully." Emerald commented, earning a smack from Greta. "Oh!"

"You will never be able to inherit Scott's job if you continue to be so unpleasant." Greta warned him with a smile.

"Leave me alone!"

"Then your goal is to be like Scott," Ash said. "We’ll both have to work hard for our dreams."


Scott, who had already arrived to watch the fight, laughed when he saw that scene.


Grovyle and Snorlax vs Hariyama and Medicham. After a fierce battle in which Snorlax excelled, Ash won the Guts symbol.

"Don't you think Ash is interesting?" Scott asked Emerald. The boy simply shrugged.

"Many trainers get two symbols. If he gets four I'll start to be a little bit interested."

Battle Dome

Tucker the Dome Ace was a vain person who liked to have reporters after him all day. He had even invited the now famous Gabby and Ty to watch him beat up Scott's most promising contender.

Emerald and Tucker got along badly because as soon as they saw each other they started arguing and Scott had to stop them so the fight could start.


Swellow and Crawdaunt vs Arcanine and Swampert in a double battle that Ash narrowly won. At first the audience was disappointed by the loss of their star, but Tucker immediately congratulated Ash and asked the audience to give him a standing ovation.

"I don't remember you being so kind." Emerald complained when he saw all that.

“Well, I'm kind to everyone except you." Tucker laughed.

Finally he gave Ash the Tactic symbol.

A few days later May arrived on the island accompanied by Wally. To Ash's surprise, the two had met while traveling through Kanto and had decided to stay together.

"Do you already have the five ribbons? How fast!" Ash said surprised when May showed him her ribbon case.

“Well, this time I didn't have to stop at every gyms and I won all five in a row." May explained. "Luckily I haven't crossed paths with Drew or Harley in any contest."

“You'll probably do it at the Great Festival,” said Brendan, very happy to see how far his childhood friend had advanced. "Although you already defeated them once."

“Still, I would prefer not to have to face them again."

“With how much you have improved, you are sure to win again. —said Ash with a smile.

"Thank you." May said, blushing slightly.

"Blergg…If this keeps up I'm going to vomit." Emerald said.


Mintale Town

Ash and his friends met Rufus, the creator of a new show called Pokémon Channel.

"It's an idea that professor Oak gave me a long time ago," Rufus explained. "A program made by Pokémon for Pokémon!"

"It’s incredible the things that people can invent." Brendan murmured surprised.

"Can our Pokémon participate in the program?" May asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, it seems very fun." Ash said.

Rufus accepted and Pikachu ended up becoming the star of the next episode, which had a large audience as Rufus told them on the phone days later. What's more, Rufus captured a pikachu to make it the program's mascot.

"As a thank you, I give you a secret episode of the famous show: Pichu Bros."

"I watched that show when I was little!" May exclaimed happily.

"Me too, they helped me forget the headaches I used to have." Wally commented.

"My father was crazy about that show, I think it was made in Johto." Brendan remembered.

"Yes, I saw it with my mother every day," Ash said. "We laughed a lot."

“I'm glad I got it right, heh, heh, heh. You just have to wait at the next Pokémon Center and it will arrive in a box” Rufus said. "The episode is titled: Pichu Bros: In Party Panic"

Battle Pike

Wally had decided to go to other areas of the island to fight against strong trainers, so Ash, May, Brendan and Emerald continued the trip until they reached where Lucy the Pike Queen lived.

There they met Brock, who had seen Ash's fight against Tucker on TV and had come to cheer him on. However, he had fallen in love with Lucy so he was going to stay helping her instead of traveling with his friend. Lucy didn't seem bothered by any of that.


Donphan and Pikachu vs Seviper and Milotic. Ash defeated Lucy and won the Luck Symbol.

Battle Palace

Spencer the Palace Maven was attacked by the guy in the armor. Ash and his friends arrived in time to stop him but the guy escaped without fighting them.

"I'm Guile Hideout and if you get in my way again I'll eliminate all you!"

When they spoke with Spencer, the old man explained that Guile was looking for information about the legendary Pokémon jirachi. Spencer and Emerald were surprised to discover that Ash and his friends had already met a jirachi in the past.

And to top it off Spencer could see that Ash had had the green orb inside him at some point in his life.

"How do you know that?" Ash asked confused. Was he a psychic like Sabrina?

"Because I had the red orb in my possession many years ago," Spencer revealed. "I was one of the trainers who protected Mt. Pyre but in my desire for greatness and power I took the red orb. I was fused with it for entire days...The visions that Kyogre gave me during that time almost drove me crazy...The cataclysm that Hoenn suffered recently... I was able to see it thanks to the fact that the connection between that kyogre and me is not completely broken."


Spencer helped Ash's Sceptile recover from his heart being broken by a Meganium. After that Ash and Spencer faced each other.

Sceptile, Heracross and Swellow vs Shiftry, Venusaur and Claydol. After the battle Spencer gave Ash the Encouragement symbol.

By then Emerald was already very interested in Ash and didn't mess with him as much. Especially when discovering that he was friends with Kriss. In the past Emerald had been one of the children that Kriss took care of when she worked at an orphanage.

It was she who taught him how interesting the world of Pokémon was and helped him with the abuse he suffered from other children, since he was very short for his age.

Battle Tower

Anabel the Salon Maiden was very strong. According to Scott, in the future she could be the leader of the Battle Frontier.

Ash and Anabel became friends immediately and the girl confessed that she could mentally communicate with her Pokémon. Ability that gave her a great victory against Ash the first time they faced each other.

After Ash's defeat, Guile reappeared, as he was sure that Anabel had a legendary Pokémon, probably jirachi. In the end the legendary turned out to be Raikou and Guile fled from there furious.


Ash and Anabel spent some time together and the maiden ended up falling in love with the boy from Pallet town. However that didn't make their second match any easier.

Ash had been training for days and wanted to see the result of said training. He would have liked to fight Raikou but Anabel said that his legendary Pokémon wasn’t for official battles since she didn’t know how to control his strength very well yet.

Crawdaunt, Tauros and Pikachu vs Alakazam, Metagross and Espeon. Ash had to do his best but he ended up winning and obtaining the Ability Symbol.

"Your strength is beautiful and overwhelming." Anabel commented blushing after shaking Ash's hand.

"You’re one of the very few people who go this far." Emerald told him surprised.

"I already told you that I'm going to win all the symbols!" Ash said. Emerald would have liked to believe his words but...

Battle Pyramid

Twice Ash lost against Brandon the Pyramid King. His strength and strategy were overwhelming. The man had all three regis at his disposal and despite only using one of them per combat, he had no problems crushing his rivals.

Brandon was the reason why even the most talented trainers left the Battle Frontier in sobs and depression. However, Ash didn’t give up. Together with Brandon, he and his friends learned a lot about ancient civilizations and Pokémon from the past.

Unfortunately Guile Hideout attacked and this time he was right. Inside the Pyramid, Brandon guarded a stone containing a sleeping jirachi. Which would wake up soon...


All of Ash's friends had gone to the pyramid, invited by Scott upon learning that Ash was going to face his greatest challenge yet. What Misty, Brock, Yellow, Ethan, Kriss, Max and Wally found was the final battle against Guile,

That madman had forced jirachi to create a huge monster that looked like a fusion between groudon and kyogre. However, together they all managed to rescue Jirachi and defeat Guile, whose true identity was...

"Brodie from Team Magma?!" Ash, Brendan, May and Max said when they recognized him. The guy had a tired look and without the armor you could see that his body was in poor condition and malnourished.

"I-it was…a woman named Sird…who gave me this stupid armor and the sword…

"Sird, from the Three Beasts of Team Rocket?" Ash said while remembering his trip to the Sevii Islands.

Brodie nodded slightly and coughed up some blood.

"Tabitha and Shelly weren't the only ones who disappeared... when groudon and kyogre woke up in that cave...I was dragged by the waves for days... I thought I was going to die...but I ended up on s-solid ground and that woman was there... My body was broken and I was going to die, but she told me that the armor would save my life... in exchange, I just had to bring the jirachi that lived on this island... B-but I thought about betraying her and keeping the Pokémon and its wishes. …I didn't know that the armor would stop protecting me if I betrayed it… damn…"

Brodie was rushed to hospital but the doctors said he would probably never be completely healthy again.

At the Gran Festival of Kanto, May defeated Harley, Drew and Solidad, reaching the finals for the first time. She unfortunately lost to Lisia, a rising star in the world of Pokémon contests.

Apparently Lisia was Wallace's niece and he had trained her since she was a little girl.

Battle Pyramid

Charizard, Wartortle, Bulbasaur and Pikachu vs Dusclops, Ninjask, Solrock and Regice. Ash's final fight against Brandon was televised in both Kanto and Hoenn, as Scott was sure it was going to be epic and he was right. It ended with Pikachu defeating Regice, leaving everyone speechless.


With the Brave Symbol in his hands Ash celebrated the great victory with his friends. Scott planned a big party that even the other Frontier Brains attended.

The band known as the Go-Rock Quads played their music while everyone danced, sang or ate (especially May and her munchlax).

Being the first person to conquer the Battle Frontier, Scott proposed Ash to also be a Frontier Brain but Ash rejected it as he wanted to continue traveling around the world.

Ash and May participated in an unofficial Pokémon contest. Ash using Pikachu and Sceptile and May using Eevee and Blaziken. The two friends reached the final and were tied, so they decided to cut the ribbon in two, one for each as a souvenir of that day.


Scott had told him about another Battle Frontier between Johto and Sinnoh, but Ash was more interested in this region that he had never heard of. The fight against Brandon had made him see that trainers much stronger than him were waiting out there, so he wanted to go to Sinnoh.

May and Wally would travel to Johto together. Max would return to his parents to continue studying and Brendan would return to professor Birch’s laboratory. Yellow, for her part, was going to prepare to take the gym leader exam because she wanted to have the license in case something happened to Gary.

Speaking of Gary...the young gym leader had obtained an electivire with which he defeated Ash's Pikachu, showing him that he should never let his guard down, no matter how strong he was.

-May: Thanks to you I have learned a lot and Pokémon no longer seem like something that should scare me. I plan to become the best Pokémon coordinator in the world so support me wherever you go!

-Brendan: Traveling with you is quite a danger, heh. heh... but I wouldn't change anything I've ever done. You have shown me a world beyond the laboratory and for that I’ll always be grateful.

-Max: When we meet again, maybe I'll be a Pokémon trainer. I hope you are prepared because if not I’ll defeat you very easily!

-Wally: I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you. I know I still have a lot to improve, but at least I hope I have been a good rival. Me and my Pokémon will become much stronger, I promise you.

-Emerald: You’re a really amazing guy. You've made me swallow all my words... Hell, you've made me want to be like you, look the things I’m saying... I'm going to train more to be worthy of being able to handle the Battle Frontier in the future. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other very soon.


Ash and Pikachu spent a couple of days in Pallet Town before deciding to go to Sinnoh.

"You can visit my friend professor Rowan," Professor Oak advised him. "He lives in Sandgem Town and is an expert in Pokémon evolution."

"Expert in evolution? That sounds very interesting, right Pikachu?"


Delia gave new clothes and a new backpack to Ash.

"You get into more dangerous situations every time," Delia said, giving him a hug. "I know you like to help others but please be more careful. I don’t want to lose you."

"Don't worry, mom, I promise I'll be more careful," Ash said, returning the tight hug. "Plus, I don't think there are any more crazy people out there trying to destroy the world."

"Don't joke about those things." Her mother scolded him affectionately.

"Well, mom, we're leaving."

“Pika, pii."

Delia watched her son and Pikachu proudly march through the door of the house.

"Bye... Don't forget to change your underwear, okay?"

"Really, mom?!"

End of the Third Generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Hoenn: Pikachu, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Crawdaunt and Glalie.

-May's Pokémon: Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Bulbasaur, Munchlax, Wartortle and Eevee.

-Brendan's Pokémon: Swampert, Mightyena, Breloom, Machamp and Woobuffet.

-Wally's Pokémon: Kirlia, Altaria, Delcatty, Magneton, Roselia and Azumarill.

-Emerald's Pokémon: Castform, Milotic, Dusclops and Snorlax.

-Wes' Pokémon: Umbreon and Espeon.

-Misty's Pokémon: Azurill, Psyduck, Starmie, Politoed, Horsea, Seaking, Corsola and Togetic (Released).

-Brock's Pokémon: Steelix, Crobat, Golem, Forretress, Ludicolo and Sudowoodo.

-Yellow's Pokémon: Pikachu, Raticate, Dodrio, Buterfree, Golem and Omastar.

-Gary's Pokémon: Umbreon, Blastoise, Arcanine, Nidoking, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot, Alakazam, Nidoqueen and Scizor.

Save game?… Saving data… Game saved!


-Games: Emerald, Omega Ruby, Alfa Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Channel, Pinball, Colosseum and Mystery Dungeon 1.

-Anime: Seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9; Movies 6, 7, 8 and 9.

-Manga: Pokémon adventure arcs Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire; Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 1.


In the third generation we have the first remake: Red Fire and Green Leaf. Since the story of the games is similar to those of the first generation, I have simply used the new things like the Sevii Islands.
My first Pokémon game was Pokémon ruby so I have a special affection for this generation. I've tried to give a little more importance to characters like Wally since he simply doesn't appear in the anime (although there are theories that Drew is a version of Wally).

The Brendan and Courtney pairing has always been one of my favourites since I played Omega Ruby. And the fact that Courtney was a coordinator is from the manga. By the way, Brendan's Pokémon are a reference to the Pokémon that chase Professor Birch in the games.

Aqua grunt and Magma grunt are based on Tabitha and Shelly from ORAS whose designs are not at all the same as those of the original game. Will the original Tabitha and Shelly appear again after disappearing with the awakening of Groudon and Kyogre? Who knows!

Guile Hideout is a villain that I didn't really like in the manga for the simple fact that he was just Archie in armor and his goal was basically the same. That's why I used Brodie, who is a more disposable character and has his own objectives.
As for Pokémon Colosseum, I remember playing it every afternoon and crying because I couldn't advance because it was so complicated. Luckily years later I was able to complete it. (My favourite villain in the game is still Venus).
Although of all the games of this generation, mystery dungeon is without a doubt my favourite. The story, the characters and the gameplay are unsurpassed in my opinion.

Well, I hope you liked this new mix of different canons to create the third generation of this fic.

Until the next chapter!

Chapter 4: Fourth generation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

4th Generation

The region was beautiful seen from above. Even when good and evil planned tirelessly in the shadows, youth dedicated themselves to Pokémon battles. Infernape, Torterra and Empoleon were the most acclaimed. However, an even more sinister shadow lurked behind the face of evil...


Hello there! It's so very nice to meet you! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! I am proffesor Rowan and I specialize in Pokémon evolution. Pokémon are fascinating creatures capable of changing appearance, acquiring new abilities and attacks in the process. Humans also have the ability to evolve, although the changes are more spiritual and mental than physical...

Now, go on, leap into the world of Pokémon!


Year 2000 - Sunyshore City

"Why don't you go play with Cynthia?" the old man asked worried. His grandson had been obsessed with those machines for too long, machines about which he understood nothing.

"I never know what that girl is thinking," the boy said without even looking at him. "Machines and programs always behave in a logical and predictable manner. Its strange perfection and accuracy are more beautiful than anything out there."

"…Don't you think your friend is going to feel alone?" grandfather tried again. "Plus she likes to play in tall grass a lot, which can be dangerous."

"…She has a gible, nothing will happen to her."

"Does she already have her first Pokémon? Excellent! Now your zubat won’t be alone."

His grandson didn't say anything for a while until he finally put down those machines and stared at him. His grandfather almost cried when he saw so much pain in that childish look. No child should experience what his grandson was experiencing.

"When are you going to get me out of here?"

His grandfather made an effort to keep his voice steady.

"…I can't…I shouldn't…Your parents…"

"Do you really care about me? When was the last time those bastards spoke to me as if I were their son?"

His grandfather wanted to tell him not to curse his parents like that, but he had done the same thing in the past, and being hypocritical was something he would never teach his grandson to be.

“I'm sorry, but I can't do anything. As long as you are a minor you will continue to be under their guardianship."

His grandson lowered his head slightly and picked up one of his machines again. His nervous zubat rested on his right shoulder.

"Do you know, grandpa? The other day, they were at home... They said that they wish I were like Flint or Volkner... that those two are children of whom a parent can be proud..."

"I'm sure they don't mean it," his grandfather said quickly. "All parents say stupid things sometimes."

His grandfather stopped when he saw the look of pure hatred that his grandson was giving him. It lasted milliseconds but was so strong that his grandfather felt his body lose strength and fall to the ground trembling. His grandson got up and walked slowly towards the door.

"I'm going for a walk... Don't wait for me."

Year 2015 – Cinnabar Island

"Damn it!" Blaine thought furious and scared.

His office was a mess and all the papers and documents were on the floor. But that wasn't the important thing, the important thing was that all the research on Mewtwo was gone.

"And not only that, this morning someone entered the laboratory, deactivated the security cameras and stole samples of Mew's DNA."

Who could have been the culprit? Luckily he had copies of those documents and no one from the scientific team had informed Giovanni yet.


Far away, a beautiful woman was carrying a suitcase in her hands. Her steps were slow but she did not stop at any time. Suddenly, her Poké Gear rang and she grabbed it.

"The mission?" asked a voice devoid of emotion. The woman felt a little chill every time she heard it. She adored it.

"I did it. I have everything we need."

"Will they discover you?"

"No. They all want to keep their heads so they will never tell Giovanni the truth."

"Do they distrust you?"

"A little, but I haven't given them any reason to believe I'm a double agent. Furthermore, those who were most distrustful have suffered “accidents” during their missions."

"Do you know what to do now, Sird?"

"Of course." Sird lifted the suitcase and looked at it with an evil smile. "We have two buyers in Unova and Ferrum, they’re more than willing to spend their entire fortune to have a mewtwo. There's plenty here for both of them."

"And with that money we’ll have managed to get one step closer to our goal. You have accomplished a great mission, Sird. You will be compensated for it."

A wide smile spread across the woman's face.

"Everything is for the glory of Team Galactic."

Year 2017 - Mount Coronet

Soft drops of water ran over the rocks and walls of that cave. The darkness wasn’t total due to the small rays of light that timidly slipped through the cracks. That reddish, sickly-looking light was reflected in the water and in some precious stones, highlighting the sinister and gloomy touch of that place.

He could feel his mind relaxing and freeing himself from worldly concerns. Was this what he really wanted? The tranquility and serenity that solitude provided? Why did people hate loneliness so much? Were their lives so empty that they needed others to feel complete? Were they so afraid of being silent?

Maybe that great incoherence called emotions had something to do with that fear... Or maybe, because if they were silent they would be forced to reflect. If they reflected, they would realize that their lives had no meaning and that they were only living for the sake of living... Then, they would have no choice but...

A noise interrupted Cyrus' thoughts and made him open his eyes. An onyx had just emerged from underground and was in full battle against a golem. Very close to them were several zubat, rattata, geodude, dunsparce and even bidoof. Everyone was running from one side to the other in an uncontrolled manner while hitting each other.

Cyrus didn’t move from his spot as he watched the onyx and the golem destroy the cave during their fierce battle. He simply threw a Poké Ball from which Weavile emerged. A single look from Cyrus was enough for Weavile to understand what his mission was. Moving at high speed he approached both Pokémon and used ice fist, freezing them instantly.

Ice covered not only the two rock-type Pokémon but also part of the ground they were on. The sudden drop in temperature in the cave made the other Pokémon stop to contemplate what had happened.

The ice would eventually melt. Whether onyx and golem survived or not was no longer his concern. He just wanted the silence to return and he knew that the rest of the Pokémon had gotten the message very well.

Soon his most cherished wish would be fulfilled in that place. A world where existence itself would be eternal silence.

Year 2018- Twinleaf Town: Fresh and Free!

"Ash! Have you also come north? The technology is so incredible that you can now trade Pokémon with anyone in the world. Look at the porygon someone from Kanto gave me!" ―Tecno, the fat teenager.

That town was beautiful but Ash hadn't come for the views, so as soon as he could he set off. Looking for trainers to defeat and Pokémon to capture. One of those trainers told him that route 201 was full of low-level Pokémon.

On this route Ash, Pikachu and Aipom met a tall man who was staring at the center of the lake. Hearing them arrive, the man turned around slowly. His gaze seemed like an empty well and his expressionless expression gave shivers to Ash and his Pokémon.

"The time that flows... The space that expands... One day all of that will be mine... Until then, sleep while you can, legendary Pokémon of the lake..."

"Excuse me... Are you okay?" Ash asked worried. That guy was in some kind of trance from which he came out when he heard Ash.

"Have you also come to see Mesprit? I have heard that it is customary in these parts..."

"Mesprit? I don't know who it’s, plus I'm from Kanto." Ash said a little calmer, because despite his appearance he seemed like someone kind. Pikachu and Aipom on the other hand didn’t want to get close.

"...I see..." the man said as he left there.


"Listen, is that a twerpish voice I hear? It's shrieking to me loud and clear. Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace. Dashing hope, putting fear in its place. Bi, bi! To end the enemies of lies and apathy. To gain the power of space-time. Mitsumi! Hareta! Bidoof! In any universe where there’s peace. Team Galactic will destroy it in your face. Bi, bidoof!" ―Mitsumi, Hareta and Bidoff (TGio).

Ash didn’t expect that as soon as he arrived in the new region he would find problems. And on top of that, who had attacked him were a couple of people with futuristic suits and short pastel green hair.

Team Galactic… Another criminal organization? Ash hoped that at least they weren't as crazy as Team Magma and Team Aqua.

Ash asked them several things. Who were they? What did they want? And why were they attacking him with a giant robot?

"Haven't you heard our motto? We're Team Galactic and that's why we wear these cool outfits!" Hareta said offended. Mitsumi put a hand on her partner to calm him down.

"Our very kind commander has told us about you and we have decided that defeating you and taking your Pokémon will make us look good with the boss," Mitsumi revealed with a smile. "As for the giant robot, it's simply to make sure you don't make us take off early."


Ash, Pikachu and Aipom managed to win but Pikachu and Ash ended up separating. Luckily, the young man from Pallet town met a boy who was having a picnic nearby.

The boy was gorging himself on food when he saw Ash and Aipom injured. Without thinking twice he helped them because he had a first aid kit with him and shared his food.

"So Team Galactic, huh?" said the boy while they were looking for Pikachu. "I've heard about those guys but I didn't know they attacked people."

"Thanks for helping me." Ash said.

"You're welcome... By the way, my name is Lucas and I'm proffesor Rowan's assistant."

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and this’s my friend Aipom!"


"How cute." Lucas said caressing her.

"Are you helping Rowan? Proffesor Oak told me about him, apparently they are old friends."

"So you know proffesor Oak...Well, being from Kanto..."

While they were talking Ash captured a starly so he could better search for Pikachu. However, they had a run-in with a boy their same age named Paul.

Paul was the complete opposite of Ash, as he only believed that useful Pokémon were competitive and had great potential. His method was to capture several Pokémon of the same type and using the Pokédex he decided to keep the one with the best statistics and/or attacks.

"Training and using weak Pokémon is a waste of time and a waste of space and money," Paul said when he saw Ash's starly.

"A woman once told me that good trainers are able to win with their favorite Pokémon." Ash replied.

"Surely that woman was just as inept as you."

"What didyou said?!

Lucas stopped Ash before he lunged at Paul.

"Aren't we supposed to look for your Pikachu?"

Ash swallowed his anger and continued searching for his friend.


Dawn Berlizt didn't expect that on her first day as a Pokémon trainer she would have to help proffesor Rowan pick up three lost starters. Of which she ended up choosing the proud but cute piplup.

Nor did she expect to see a strange pink Pokémon floating in the middle of Lake Verity or later encounter an injured pikachu.

While wearing it he met his trainer Ash Ketchum.

"Dawn? Shouldn't you be with proffesor Rowan?" Lucas asked the girl as soon as she saw him.

"A lot of things have happened." Dawn said with a nervous laugh.

Sandgem Town: Town of Sand!

They took Pikachu to proffesor Rowan's laboratory, where he recovered thanks to the proffesor's care. A serious but kind man, who had heard many things about Ash from proffesor Oak.

"Thank you very much for rescuing Pikachu." Ash said to Dawn. The girl simply smiled as she waved her hands rapidly.

"Don't worry, anyone would have done the same thing."

"I highly doubt it," Lucas said while eating some pastries. "In that laboratory we have seen Pokémon very mistreated by people."

"Well, we're lucky Dawn is better than those people!" Ash said very happily, getting a slight blush from the girl.

"You're very red, cousin." Lucas commented.

"Is not true!"

"You two are you cousins?" Ash asked curiously.

"My mother Casilda and her mother Johanna are twin sisters." Lucas explained quickly.

"Are you still calling your mother by her name?" Dawn asked, somewhat stunned. Lucas just shrugged and continued eating.

"And what are you going to do now Ash?" Proffesor Rowan, who had approached them recently, suddenly asked.

"I'm going to participate in the Sinnoh Pokémon League!"

"I see, what about you Dawn?"

"I'm going to participate in the Sinnoh Pokémon Grand Festival!"

"Are you a Pokémon coordinator?" Ash asked. "One of my friends is too."

Dawn scratched her cheek a little nervously.

"Not yet, but I want to become a very good one like my mother."

"I know that no one asked but I want to be the best cook in the world." Lucas said raising his hand.

The others laughed as they saw how Lucas's peaceful and good-natured face became one full of ambition and pure fire.

"Food is the happiness of this life. If everyone can eat everyone will be happy." Lucas continued saying.

"I agree! Eating makes everyone happy." Ash said with the same enthusiasm. Lucas stared at him before starting to share his food with him.

Dawn wrinkled her brow and put a hand to her head.

"What's wrong with these two and with their strange philosophy?"

Pikachu and Piplup imitated the girl's same gesture, although the mouse Pokémon was already used to it.

Proffesor Rowan suggested the three of them to travel together. Ash already had experience so the trip would be easier for Dawn, and since neither of them looked like they could cook very well, they could take Lucas. In this way the young chef would also gain much more experience than being in a laboratory.

Before leaving, proffesor Rowan gave the three Pokédexes. And of course he passed the information from Ash's old Pokédex to the new one.

"Hum...You've seen a lot of interesting Pokémon," Rowan noted interestedly. "Many people would pay a fortune to have this information."

"Luckily I only give it to people proffesor Oak trusts." Ash said.

"Well done indeed. Good luck with your journey, children."

"Thank you!/Pika!" the four said at the same time.

And so thirteen-year-old Ash and Pikachu of unknown age left along with twelve-year-old Dawn and Lucas on the new adventure. Although they met Paul again, who challenged Ash to a Pokémon battle.

"As I supposed, someone who believes that they can win with any Pokémon is only a loser." Paul said with disdain after defeating Ash.


A little in the distance three pairs of eyes were watching the twerp and his friends.

"Why is the commander so obsessed with killing him, Mitsumi?" Hareta asked confused. "It's true that his Pikachu is strong but he doesn't seem like an above average trainer to me."

A small laugh escaped Mitsumi upon hearing those words. Although she couldn't blame her partner for her ignorance, since only three people on Team Galactic, including her, knew the truth.

"Giovanni, Grey, Magno and Achilles believed the same." Mitsumi said before explaining all the exploits of that twerp. Hareta was speechless upon hearing the twerp's adventures.

"...I take back what I said, he's too dangerous," he said, very alarmed. "We have to warn the leader!"

"It won't be necessary."


Mitsumi interrupted him with a look.

"The commander has asked me to take care of him long before he has a chance to cross paths with the boss. I was playing with him before but next time I'll be serious."

Hareta and Bidoof looked at each other, very unconvinced.


Shortly after, Ash crossed paths with Paul again, with whom he had another fight and lost again feeling humiliated. However this time he noticed how he treated one of his Pokémon in particular, a chimchar, badly.

Jubilife City: City of Joy

In the capital of Sinnoh, Ash and his companions met an international police officer named Looker. The guy attracted a lot of attention with his elegant trench coat and his look of being suspicious of everything and everyone.

He took the three to a room and there he explained to Ash that he knew who he was and that if he had problems with Team Galactic that he should not hesitate to contact him.

"Why are the international police interested in Ash?" Dawn asked, very confused by all that.

"Please let the explanation be quick," said Lucas. "It will soon be dinner time at the Pokémon Center and I don't want to miss it."

"But you have eaten half an hour ago." Ash said surprised.

"Well, I feel like it was at least two hours ago."

"I have a lot to do, let Ketchum give the explanations." Looker said, leaving there but not before looking in all directions.

Ash told them a very brief summary of his history with criminal organizations while they had dinner. Dawn seemed a little scared and Lucas… it was difficult to know what he was thinking since if he wasn't eating or cooking nothing would upset him.


Dawn met two of her future rivals at the Pokémon contests. Zoey, a rookie Pokémon coordinator who already had a ribbon, and Jessilina, a mysterious Kanto coordinator.

During the contest Dawn lost to Zoey and her glameow, but vowed to beat them next time.


Dawn received a call from her childhood friend, who was at the Pokémon Dojo at the time. Ash and Lucas met the hyperactive, impatient and somewhat loud Barry, who greeted Dawn, his two companions and ran out of there.

Until he realized that Ash was a Pokémon trainer and then returned to fight him. He lost and after threatening to give Ash a fine, he ran out of there again.

"What was that? A human whirlwind?" Ash asked, confused and worried.

"I guess you can describe Barry that way, yeah." Dawn laughed.

"Even I’m surprised." said Lucas, who had stopped eating because of how nervous Barry had made him.

"Well, your face remains the same." Dawn noted.

The next day Dawn took them to a manga convention where she bought the new volumes of Phantom Thief Pokémon 7. Apparently she had been a die-hard fan for several years.


Pokétch Co.

Ash and his companions saved the president of an important company, his son Landis, and three clowns from some Team Galactic Grunts. Apparently the criminals were planning to manipulate their latest version of the Pokétch for evil purposes

As a thank you, the president gave each of them the new Pokétch, which had not yet been released on the market.

"You are travelers so you are going to advertise my invention me for free." said the president between laughs.

Afterwards, the president gave them a guided tour on Jubilee TV. Ash prayed that the owner of the TV wasn't the leader of Team Galactic or something like that. Luckily for him, his only surprise was seeing his Johto friend Kriss on a promotional poster for the Pokétch.

Later they met reporter Roxy and her assistant Oli, who challenged Ash to a fight since they wanted to do a live report.

Oreburgh City: City of Energy

Despite his friends' protests, Ash went straight to the Pokémon gym, where he found that Paul was already fighting Roark, the gym leader. Ash watched with some envy as Paul got the badge and decided that he wasn’t going to be left behind.

Ash, wanting to show Paul how strong he was, ended up losing to Roark.

"How pathetic can you be?" Paul said before leaving. Meanwhile Lucas held Dawn, who was trying to pounce on the unpleasant boy.

Lucas later made a special feast for Ash and his Pokémon in an attempt to cheer them up.

"Thank you, this is very good!" said Ash devouring everything that was on the table. His Pokémon did the same while Dawn and Lucas watched smiling.

The next day they went to visit Roark at the Oreburgh mine, since the leader used to work there looking for fossils or strange objects.

Roark then showed them where these fossils went, the Oreburgh City Mining Museum run by his friend Dr. Kenzo. Unfortunately Hareta, Mitsumi and Bidoof were trying to steal the fossil resurrection machine, but their mission ended in failure.


Oreburgh Gym

“I have strengthened my Pokémon by digging up fossils non-stop. Will you allow me to show you again how strong they are?”―Roark, they call him the the rock.

Aipom, Pikachu, Turtwig vs Onix, Geodude and Rampardos. Using techniques he had learned from training with Dawn, Turtwig defeated Roark's rampardo and thus earned Ash the Coal Badge.

"If you go to Eterna City, visit the Underground man's house," Roark suggested. He’s my grandfather and he’s very good at finding treasures.

On the way to Floaroma Town they met the TGio again.

"Did you really think we weren't going to get revenge for Oreburgh City?" —Mitsumi said with a malicious smile. "This time there’s no gym leader covering your back."

"But there's me!" Barry shouted, who had seen all that and came running without even asking what was happening. Ash, Dawn, Lucas and Barry managed to keep them at bay until the commotion caught the attention of more people. So the TGio decided to withdraw for the moment.

"Thank you Barry." Ash, Dawn and Lucas told him, but the boy had already left after swearing that he would give those villains a huge fine.

The first encounter between Ash's group and the evil Pokémon Hunter J was near Floaroma Town. That woman was dedicated to theft, kidnapping and illegal trafficking of Pokémon.

She had a strange ray that turned Pokémon into statues and a flying ship in which she moved throughout the region. Ash and his companions, with the help of the young and talented police officer Marble, prevented her from kidnapping Melodi's Gardevoir and Pikachu, but she ended up escaping.

Floaroma Town: Vivid & Scented

As its name indicated, it was a place decorated everywhere with flowers and berries. Ash, Dawn and Lucas visited the Rainbow flower shop, the most famous in Sinnoh.

There they met their owner Forsythia, who taught them how to prepare Poffins in the floral plaza. However, only Lucas managed to master the technique perfectly.

“According to legend, this town was born when Mr. Fuego and his wife asked a shaymin to flourish,” Forsythia explained during classes. Who knows if it will be true?

"And why don't we ask Mr. Fuego and his wife?" Ash said curious.

"I don’t think it could be. The two left when the Fuego Ironworks where they worked was closed due to the pollution it produced... Although I think someone bought it recently..."

After that Dawn participated in Floaroma's Pokémon contest, winning her first ribbon. To do this she had to defeat her childhood friend Kenny and Jessilina using Piplup and Pachirisu.

As a reward for winning, Ash gave her some flowers and Lucas gave her some Poffins.

Valley Windworks

It had all started with a girl, Paige, being kidnapped by a drifloon. After rescuing Paige she told them that she had gone looking for help because her father Karsten was kidnapped at the wind power plant by Team Galactic.

The villains sought to steal the electrical energy stored there and wouldn’t hesitate to harm all the workers if they didn’t cooperate.

After calling Agent Marble, Ash and his companions didn’t wait any longer and attacked Team Galactic. Defeating the grunts was easy but then Mars and the scientist Charon showed up.

"Do you really want to face me? I'm one of the four commanders of Team Galactic," Mars laughed, until she heard Charon cough lightly. "Oh, wait, I forgot. We’re actually five commanders. My name is Mars!"

"I don't care about that, release all the people you have captured!" Ash said.

"The police will be here soon so give up!" Dawn warned them. Lucas couldn't speak because he needed energy and was eating chocolate bars.

Mars laughed again when she saw them so determined.

"We’re trying to create a new world that is better than this one... But people don't quite understand what we are doing. You don't understand it either, do you? It's very sad... Well, let's fight then. If I win, you go. If you win, we'll go!

"That seems fine to me!" said Ash after taking out his Pokémon. "Time to teach you a lesson."

"To decide everything with a Pokémon battle, how absurd." Charon murmured.

"Don't get involved, old men!" Mars snapped.


Mars ended up losing to Ash but she didn't seem sad at all. She was even laughing more than before.

"This isn’t what I expected! It doesn't matter either. I have enjoyed our battle."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... So you lost to a kid," Charon said, pushing up his glasses as he stared at Ash and his companions. "Bah! We have gathered a lot of electricity. With the energy we have obtained we will do something spectacular. Indeed, I am Charon, the genius. Mars, we should leave now."

Mars's smile disappeared instantly.

"Shut up! The boss is the only person in the world I take orders from! So be very quiet! You’re nothing but a newbie! Don't give yourself so much importance!" she turned around and blew Ash a kiss. "I guess it's time for me to say goodbye and leave... for now!"

When the police arrived there were only a few unconscious grunts left but at least the plant workers were unharmed. Karsten returned with his wife, nurse Joy, and his two daughters, Marnie and Paige, after thanking our heroes.

Eternal Forest

“Hello, my name is Cheryl. And you...? I'm sincerely glad to meet you, Ash, Dawn and Lucas. May I ask a big favor of you? I want to get through this forest, but I'm afraid of doing it alone. I've heard that there is a sinister group of people called Team Galactic about. I think there'd be safety in numbers. Please, may I go through with you?”―Cheryl.

Cheryl was a young lady who wanted to get her hands on legendary honey made by a hive of combees. She needed it to complete her grandfather's treasure collection.

Ash and his friends accompanied her and were surprised to see that Cheryl was very good at fighting with her Blissey. Her surprise was even greater when Cheryl revealed that the Sinnoh Pokémon Association had recently named her a top trainer.

"Proffesor Rowan says that right now there are only seven Top trainers in Sinnoh, if we don't count the gym leaders and the Elite Four, of course," Lucas explained.

"Is it so difficult to get that rank?" Dawn asked.

"You have to be recognized as someone strong enough to respond to a regional crisis." Explained Cheryl, who was hiding behind Ash, scared by the noises in the forest.

The three of them laughed nervously as they saw how the strongest of the group was the one who seemed to need protection the most. They soon stopped laughing when they ran into a lively, lively orange-haired woman in front of a mansion.

The woman's name was Gardenia and apparently she wanted to enter the mansion to investigate some strange events. She was very afraid, so in exchange for helping them find the legendary honey she asked them to help her with the mystery of the mansion.


Old Mansion

"Our encounter was a sudden one. It was when I found my toy robot, one that I had earlier misplaced. At that instant, a Pokémon startlingly emerged from the lawn mower's motor! Clutching my robot, I stared, transfixed by the peculiar Pokémon.

Finally, I came to realize that the Pokémon only wished to be friends. I have decided to name this most wondrous Pokémon 'Rotom.' Simple though it may be, Rotom emerged to me from the motor of a lawn mower. Motor and Rotom... Surely the link is obvious?

Rotom can turn invisible and has the ability to enter and operate machinery! The tow of us became fast friends. The electricity from its body forbade contact, however. We could not touch, let alone hug or hold hands, but we cared not. For we were bonded on a much deeper, incorporeal level.

A feeling of mischief got the better of me one day. Seeing Rotom hovering, I decided to startle it--normally I would not. Perhaps frightened, Rotom discharged power beyond its usual range. I fell, stunned, into the arms of unconsciousness...

When I came to, to my horror I realized that Rotom had disappeared. I searched high and low for my friend in dismay and desperation. 'Don't chastise yourself. The fault is mine. No harm done. Let us play as we always have.' Though my words poured out, my friend could not be found to hear them...

My search for Rotom carried me far from home. It was in the town's rubbish heap that I again found my old toy robot. Curiously, our eyes met, then the robot waved a hand as if in greeting. I knew then that I had found my lost friend. I ran to it and hugged Rotom tight, talking on and on.

The robot's eyes lit up happily as I held it. I'm certain that, within it, Rotom was emitting lots of electricity. Somehow, I felt I could understand Rotom's thoughts better than before. Also, I realized that we would remain friends throughout our lives..."―Old notebook.

After getting the legendary honey, they were so tired that they couldn't help but rest in the old mansion. The atmosphere, the service, the food and the rooms... Everything was perfect, until Lucas realized that the food was fake.

It was then that the butler transformed into an angry ghost, a ghost girl began to appear everywhere and a giant gengar came out of a painting to devour them.

Luckily they were saved by a rotom who helped them get out of there just in time. Lucas captured that rotom later.

“That's why I didn't want to come to this forest alone!" Cheryl shouted scared as they ran for their lives towards the exit of the forest.

Eterna City: History Living

It was the oldest city in Sinnoh. When Cheryl left them Ash and his friends went to see the main attraction of the city, the statue of a supposed legendary Pokémon.

There Gardenia complained about the vandalism suffered by the statue.

"Someone has erased the inscription that was on it… There is no longer respect for anything." Gardenia said.

"What a strange statue... It looks like someone mixed two or three Pokémon..." Dawn noted.

"Oh really? To me it just seems like a very cool Pokémon." Ash said.

"Yes, like the drawings we made of legendaries when we were children." Lucas said.

"Right?" Ash laughed. Soon Lucas started laughing with him too.

Dawn sighed but preferred not to say anything, she was already getting used to her two friends sharing a neuron.

Gardenia later took them to the Sinnoh Historical Museum, which was next to a rather sinister-looking tall building. In the museum was Agent Jenny, who scolded Gardenia a lot for spending so much time outside her gym.

Gardenia was saved from further vilification because she used to do her job of protecting the forest very well.

Later the TGio stole a valuable object from the museum called Adamant Orb while leaving clues that incriminated a man named Nando.

Nando was a Pokémon trainer and coordinator at the same time, just like Wallace from Hoenn. With the help of Agent Jenny they managed to prove his innocence but the TGio had already escaped with the Adamant Orb.

As a reward for helping him, Nando told our heroes the original story: In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos. At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg. Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One. From itself, two beings the Original One did make. Time started to spin. Space began to expand. From itself again, three living things the Original One did make. The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be. The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be. The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...


In the building next door…

“Well done, another successful robbery in record time." Saturn said.

Despite their praise the TGio could sense the disdain Saturn felt for them, as they were the only grunts allowed to have free will. However Mitsumi smiled and bowed her head.

"It is an honor to be able to be useful." Mitsumi said, while in her head was already planning what she would do to Saturn when she was promoted to commander.

"I heard that the twerp who confronted Mars was in the museum."

Mitsumi glanced at Hareta, who shrank slightly in his chair. Saturn always asked him for reports on missions, he couldn’t contradict a commander even if he wasn’t under his command.

"That's right, but he hasn't been a problem."

“Well, I wouldn't want your record to be tainted by a twerp." Saturn said before cutting the communication.

"And what about Mars's record?" Hareta complained now that they were alone.

"Bi, bi!"

Mitsumi's smile remained in place.

"Mars is very well placed in the organization and although it may not seem like it, she gets along very well with the other three commanders."

"Three, don’t you mean the other four?"

"…Right, that old man is also a commander."


Eterna Gym

"You kept me waiting! When I first saw you, I was convinced you'd find your way to me. You have a winning aura about you. So, anyway, this will be fun. Let's have our battle!" ―Gardenia, Master of Vivid Plant Pokémon.

Staravia, Turtwig and Aipom vs Cherubi, Turtwig and Roserade. After overcoming her obsession with Ash's Turtwig, Gardenia lost the fight and gave the Forest badge to the young man from the Pallet Town.

"I might've said it before, but you're really tough! Wasn't it hard for you to raise your Pokémon to be so good? I guess that's a measure of how much you love your Pokémon." Gardenia said as she hugged Ash's turtwig.


Ash and his friends visited Roark's grandfather, the Underground man who everyone now called the Underground man. At first he was nice and taught them how to move underground but they soon discovered why the man no longer had assistants and apprentices.

The Underground man was a rogue and scoundrel who didn’t hesitate to make our heroes work too hard and then keep any loot or treasure they had obtained.


The Underground man wasn’t the only disappointment our heroes had. They were intercepted by a grunt from Team Galactic, who was actually Looker in disguise.

“Rad Rickshaw, the owner of the bike shop, is in trouble,” he explained quickly. "He discovered that Team Galactic has been stealing Pokémon. And on top of that, they recently took away his clefairy. The man has followed them to that ugly building next to the museum. I must continue undercover as Grunt B-2 so I can't help you. But I can help you sneak in. I'm counting on you!"

"Why don't you call the police? We're just kids!" Dawn said confused.

"We're going to save that man and the Pokémon! Right, Pikachu?" Ash said to his friend as he ran out to the building.


"Wait, I haven't told you how to sneak in yet!" Looker said, running after the boy and his Pikachu.

"…Are they serious?" Dawn asked in disbelief. "Are you and I the only sane ones?"

Lucas shrugged and after finishing his sandwich he ran after Looker.

"We're like the Sinnoh Rangers! Go, go Sinnoh Ranger!" Lucas said with his eyes shining with excitement.

Dawn ended up running after all of them because she didn't want to be left alone.


Team Galactic Eterna Building: We Want Your Pokémon!

“This world does not interest us. We have our sights set further."

“Do you came to donate your Pokémon?"

“We are researching new forms of energy and would like to use the power of Pokémon as an energy source."

“Ordinary people like you cannot understand Team Galactic's vision. In fact, now that I think about it... I don't understand it much either."

The more the grunts and scientists talked, the angrier Ash and his friends became. Those criminals would do anything for an intangible objective that they didn't even know what it was. Most of them didn't even know who their leader was.

Finally they reached Commander Jupiter, who had Rad Rickshaw and the Pokémon kidnapped.

"Hey! Did you want something?" the woman asked in a mocking tone.

“Free Rick and the Pokémon!" Ash ordered her.

"Make me!"

They both took out their Pokémon at the same time and the battle began.


"How could I lose against a child!" Jupiter said without being able to believe it. "Being careless cost me too much."

Jupiter fled from there but first gave some information to our heroes.

"I'll let you in on one little thing. Our boss is researching the myths of ancient Pokémon. With the power of mythical Pokémon, he will become the ruler of Sinnoh... I suggest you keep out of Team Galactic's affairs from now on. This is your last warning!"


"Rotom has the incredible ability to enter and merge with special motors. It is not a known fact that Rotom can be inside a motor almost indefinitely. Rotom may forget certain movements when abandoning a motor. It will be necessary to analyze and observe this Pokémon carefully. To ensure I get all the credit, my Rotom research must be kept secret. They will come to recognize me as the scientific genius Char..." Mysterious notebook.

Before leaving the building, Lucas found the second part of the mysterious notebook they found in the Eternal Forest Mansion.


Before leaving the city a blonde woman intercepted them and thanked them for running Team Galactic out of the city.

"Those guys must have friends in high places if the government hasn't classified them as terrorist group yet." said the woman worried.

Routes 206

They crossed paths again with the evil Hunter J, who this time was after a shieldon, which Gary Oak was taking care of.

Dawn and Lucas met Ash's rival in Kanto and helped him take the shieldon to a fossil Pokémon reserve that proffesor Rowan was creating.

After trying to kill our heroes, Hunter J ended up retiring. Gary said goodbye to our heroes and they continued their journey.

Wayward Cave

“Hello, I got lost while looking for my Sandslash...And I'm really scared... Could you help me find him, please?” ―Mira.

The TGio had taken one of a girl named Mira's Pokémon while she was distracted. Luckily Ash and his friends didn’t hesitate to help her and after cornering the villains at the end of the cave, they managed to recover her Pokémon.

Although something that surprised the three friends was seeing how strong Mira was, since she alone defeated the cave Pokémon that crossed her path.

"My strength? I'm a Top trainer, haven't I told you that?

"Top trainer? But you’re so small?" Dawn said stunned.

"I'm not that small!"

“Red told me that age doesn't matter when you're a Pokémon trainer." Ash laughed.

"Well, your friend is right," Lucas said. "Even a child can beat a veteran in a Pokémon battle, so you should never let your guard down."

After leaving the cave they said goodbye to Mira.

Mount Coronet

In said cave they found the mysterious man that Ash met near Twinleaf Town.

"The man without eyebrows!" Ash said upon recognizing him. Dawn hit him on the head.

"Forgive our friend!" “Dawn said immediately, bowing her head several times. Lucas, for his part, noticed how the Pokémon in the cave avoided being close to the man at all costs. Even his own Pokémon seemed nervous.

The man stared at them before starting to talk about how fragile living beings were and how vast the universe could be. After leaving them confused, the man left the cave.

Shortly after Ash received a call from Bill. The young man knew that Ash was in Sinnoh so he told him to visit his friend Bebe when he could. The woman was the creator of the Sinnoh Pokémon storage system and lived in Hearthome City.

M10: The Rise of Darkrai

Dialga, god Pokémon of time and Palkia, god Pokémon of space met and began to battle. However, Palkia ended up very injured and was forced to hide in Alamos town.

Shortly after, our heroes, watched by the TGio, arrived in town because Dawn wanted to participate in a Pokémon contest. In the town they met Alice and her friend Tonio, who showed them the towers of time and space designed by the brilliant architect Godey.

Due to Dialga and Palkia, numerous space-time anomalies occurred. The conceited Baron Alberto blamed the legendary Pokémon Darkrai, which only wanted to protect the town.

However, Darkrai's powers gave people and Pokémon nightmares, which made everyone believe that he was the culprit behind all the town's problems.

Ash and other people managed to see the real culprits in their nightmares. When Dialga and Palkia appeared and began fighting again, almost the entire town disappeared from existence.

Darkrai's sacrifice, the song that Alice inherited from her grandmother, Godey's notebook and the help of our heroes managed to calm the two gods and save the entire town. As thanks for the trouble caused, Palkia returned everything to normal and Darkrai was able to return to life.

Hearthome City: Warm & Kind

An elegant city full of festivals that was said to be the best to raise a family. It was also the home of the most popular Pokémon contests.

What caught Ash's attention was the cathedral, since it was the first time he had seen one so full of people. Dawn and Lucas explained that people in Sinnoh had been quite religious for a long time.

At the Pokémon Center Ash met a hiker who claimed to be a friend of proffesor Elm.

“He was always very quiet and attracted little attention. He mustn’t be having a bad time now that he’s the most famous proffesor in Johto."

“Well, the last time I saw him, he was very happy with his work, although he’s quite absent-minded." Ash said.

“…Wow, I'm happy for him." said the hiker with a sincere smile.

Taking advantage of the fact that they were in the city, Ash and his friends visited Bebe, who already knew who they were thanks to a call from Bill.

"You can stay at my house while you're in town." She told them with a smile.

"Thanks!" Ash said happily.

"Indeed, although I will miss the food at the Pokémon center." Lucas commented.

"Won't it be too much trouble for you?" Dawn asked Bebe.

"Not at all, it's the least I can do for the boy who saved my friend Bill from Team Rocket."

When they accompanied Dawn to register for the Pokémon contest, they encountered an elegant woman wearing a purple dress talking to Dawn's mother, Johanna.

Dawn ran and hugged her surprised mother, who wasn't expecting to see her daughter there.

"You must be Ash, right? Dawn told me a lot about you,” Johanna said. "Thank you very much for taking care of my daughter."

“Actually I'm the one who takes care of them." Dawn murmured and then proudly told Ash that her mother was a Top coordinator.

Oops! Excusez-moi. Are any of the three going to participate in the contest?" the woman in purple interrupted.

"Me, Mrs. Fantina!" Dawn said when she recognized her.

"Well, as an expert on the subject, I advise you to have fun!"

Fantina revealed herself to be the city's gym leader and Ash wanted to challenge her right there but Fantina refused. Apparently she had to make a very important trip at that time and it would take days or weeks to return. Dawn's mother also had to leave so she wished her daughter luck.


Amity Square Ruins

"When one life meets another life, something new will be born." ―Cynthia

The next day they learned that the blonde woman they met in Eterna City was Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh. Paul challenged her to a six-on-six battle, but ended up losing without being able to defeat a single Pokémon of Cynthia.

Cynthia then left with Ash and his friends, telling them stories about Sinnoh's past and the many legends there were.

That's how they learned about Cynthia's passion for archaeology. Later, Cynthia left when she saw how Roxy was talking about the lustrous Orb that archaeologists had found in Celestic Town.


It was her third contest and Dawn was very nervous because she didn’t want to disappoint the trust that her mother had placed in her. She used Piplup and Pachirusu but she still lost.

That night Dawn didn't want to talk to her friends even though they tried to cheer her up. Zoey asked them to leave Dawn alone for the moment because she, the girl, needed solitude.

Ash and Lucas were the ones who spoke to Dawn's mother, telling her what happened...


Tag Battle Competition

To cheer up Dawn and on Zoey's advice, Ash enrolled himself and his friends in the Tag Battle, sponsored by the city's mayor Enta.

The winning couple of the tournament, which would be formed randomly, would take a pair of soothe bells. Ash's partner was Paul, Dawn's partner was Conway and Lucas got Holly.

The tournament was a disaster for Ash and Paul. They didn't know how to work as a team, they didn't like each other, and Paul's mistreatment of Chimchar made Ash a lot angry. To top it off, Paul ended up abandoning Chimchar as he was not able to bring out his full potential, so Ash took him in as his new Pokémon.

Lucas, who had seen it all with proffesor Rowan, had a serious talk with Paul about his harsh way of training Chimchar. It was the first time they saw the young glutton so serious and somewhat angry.

In the end Ash and Paul won the tournament, which was very ironic for everyone present because the tournament was about forming bonds between people and Pokémon.

Route 209

As they left the city they bumped into Barry, who was furious because Fantina was not in his gym, so he fought Ash to vent all his fury. Ash defeated Barry and Barry left even angrier than he already was.


The Lost Tower

"They have taken away my Pokémon... Team Galactic... I’l never forget their faces."

“I will never forget the time I have spent with my Pokémon...Never."

“When you live a long time, you suffer some sad farewells. Although there are also many new meetings."

“Although their graves are in the Lost Tower, he is right here, in my heart... This is the place where my Pokémon rest."

That place reminded Ash of the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town. They had entered after hearing the story of how Cynthia got a very rare Pokémon in that area when she was a Pokémon trainer.

However, the heavy atmosphere took away their desire for adventure. He and his friends paid their respects to the dead Pokémon and left right away.


Solaceon Ruins

Our heroes saved Ruin maniac Karl from the TGio, who managed to steal a strange cube guarded by the furious Unown. Thanks to Ash, who already had experience with those Pokémon, they managed to get out of there alive.

Solaceon Town: Free of Worry!

As soon as she arrived, Dawn participated very enthusiastically in the Pokémon contest using Ambipom, but she also failed to make it past the exhibition round. In the end Jessilina won the contest.

Ash and Lucas tried their best to cheer Dawn up but in the end they asked Zoey for help, who gave her advice on how she could improve.

The next day Ash had the idea to visit the Pokémon Nursery, because seeing Pokémon babies always cheered everyone up... Or that's what his friend Ethan used to say.

At the Nursery they met a girl named Angie, who ran the business with her parents. The girl, whom Ash mistook for a boy at first, showed them how they worked there. Dawn ended up noticing that Angie seemed to have some interest in Ash beyond friendship.

Later Lucas insisted on visiting the Poké Ranch, because they had the best quality food according to the boy.

"It’s also said that they have seen a mew around that ranch." Lucas said, convincing Ash and Dawn.

At the ranch they met the owner Hayley and saw a mew appear at night and transform into one of the Ranch's Pokémon.

The news that the Mew rumor was true spread throughout the town and our heroes were interviewed by the local Pokémon newspaper, run by Belle and pa, the editor-in-chief.

As Father and daughter asked them questions, a small smile finally formed on Dawn's face.

Veilstone City: Hewn from Rock

As soon as he arrived in the city, Ash went straight to the Pokémon gym. To her surprise, Maylene wanted to retire despite only being gym leader for six months.

Reggie, Paul's older brother and Pokémon breeder, explained to them that Maylene had a battle with Paul and he made fun of her after defeating her without problems. All of this made the martial arts prodigy completely depressed.

Dawn and Lucas decided to train with Maylene, slowly restoring her confidence. Dawn even challenged the girl to a gym fight, losing but enjoying the experience.

Meanwhile Reggie helped Ash train his Pokémon.

"Were you a Pokémon trainer?" Asked Ash curiously seeing how he knew a lot about the subject.

Reggie nodded.

“I have all the medals from the gyms of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. And I also participated in the Battle Frontier between Kanto and Hoenn."

"And how did it go?" Ash asked, happily remembering his own trip.

“I got all the symbols except the Brave one."

“…Yeah, Brandon is very strong."



Despite Maylene's strict diet and training, the young woman couldn't help but devour all the food Lucas made that night. What's more, she seemed to want to compete with the chef to see who could eat the most.


Veilstone Gym

"I don't really know what it means to be strong. But I take battling very seriously. Whenever you're ready!" ―Maylene, the Barefoot Fighting Genius!

Staravia, Chimchar and Buizel vs Machoke, Meditite and Lucario. The fight between Ash and Maylene ended in a draw when Buizel and Lucario were knocked unconscious at the same time. Even so, Maylene gave the Cobblestone badge to Ash as a thank you for the good fight and for helping her regain her trust.

"I would have liked my father to see the fight, but he spends all day in that damn casino." Maylene complained.

"… Casino?"

"Yes, he has become obsessed with a new game that they have installed there... Pokémon Battrio I think it's called."


Veilstone City Shopping Center

It was the most popular place in the city, where there was everything you wanted and what you didn't know you wanted...yet.

Ash, Dawn and Lucas spent the whole day there, enjoying seeing and buying things they needed for the trip... Well, Dawn bought things that maybe they didn't need much but it wasn't every day she went to such a famous place.

There they met Wake, a famous fighter who made television shows giving combat lessons to children. They also saw proffesor Rowan, who seemed somewhat depressed.

"I should have come earlier, the Rage Candy Bars are already gone!" the old proffesor complained.

"Better, his refrigerator was only full of those candy bars." Lucas said happily.

"And now it's not because you ate almost all of them." Rowan scolded him.

“Proffesor, what do you know about about the lakes and those mysterious Pokémon?" Ash asked immediately, to prevent his friend from getting a good reprimand.

Proffesor Rowan scratched his whiskers for a few seconds before answering.

“It has always been said that there are three beings that protect those lakes and that they are legendary Pokémon. Each one represents something but I don't want to say anything more until I'm completely sure... I think I'll take a trip to the Canalave City library. There I’ll be able to clarify some doubts I have."


The TGio, along with numerous Team Galactic Grunts, stole the city's meteorites. When Ash and his friends went to stop them, commander Saturn appeared and managed to hold our heroes long enough for the Grunts to flee with what they had stolen.

M11: Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Giratina was furious. The battle between Dialga and Palkia had caused chaos in his chaotic universe. The Distortion World was suffering so the legendary sought revenge by attacking his brother Dialga.

Giratina managed to drag Dialga into his world using a portal but a shayman accidentally ended up in the middle of the fight. Shaymin defended herself against Giratina using Seed Flare and Dialga took the opportunity to remove his ability to leave the Distortion World. All this was observed by the evil Zero.

Even more furious, Giratina swore to capture Shaymin, but Ash and his friends encountered the little legendarie and decided to protect her. During the adventure Ash and Dawn entered the Distortion World, where they met Newtwon Graceland, a Pokémon researcher who was Zero's teacher before he became obsessed with capturing Giratina and controlling his universe.

Finally Ash and his friends, with the help of the legendary Regigigas, stopped Zero and saved Giratina, making him stop being angry with Shaymin.

After recovering from what Dialga did to him, Giratina rebuilt the broken parts of the Distortion World before going for revenge against his brothers.

Shaymin, for her part, managed to reach the Flower Paradise and leave happily with a herd of shaymins.


Pokémon Ranger Kellyn and Kate were enjoying a well-deserved rest after saving the region from Team Dim Sun, who had attempted to hypnotize the region's Pokémon for their evil purposes.

However, they couldn’t rest much because both of them soon had their next mission.

“Rangers Kellyn and Kate, this is proffesor Hastings. I have an urgent mission for both of you. The infamous Hunter J has been sighted in the Sinnoh region. Her objective this time is to capture a special riolu that had already been kidnapped before. Your mission is to take him to his home no matter the cost.”

The next time Ash and his friends crossed paths with Hunter J was when she tried to steal a Riolu capable of using Aural Sphere. The Rioulu was the heir to a kingdom and Ash was able to sense his pain thanks to his abilities with aura.

With the help of the Pokémon Ranger Kellyn and Kate, Ash and his friends were able to return the riolu to its owner and make Hunter J flee.

Ash had another run-in with Paul. The two decided that their ideals were completely opposite and therefore they could not be friends. Ash then challenged Paul to a three-on-three battle, but Ash's chimchar ended up losing control of his blaze ability and causing destruction to the area.

Ash managed to calm Chimchar down and promised him that they would manage to control his power and beat Paul fairly next time.

Lake Valor

At the port of Lake Ash he was able to meet up with his friend from Hoenn, Aura. Happy to see her again, he introduced her to her new friends. Aura brought gifts for the three of them. A teddiursa statue for Ash, Johto food for Lucas, and a piplup necklace for Dawn.

“Ash has told me a lot about you two."Aura said, explaining how she had known what gifts to give them.

“The princess of Hoenn is indeed impressive." Dawn said, a little intimidated by having a Top coordinator so close.

"Please, call me Aura." said the girl laughing.

"I guess you're hungry, so first I've chosen a restaurant where we can eat." Ash said.

"How well you know me!"

"And on top of that you have to have Pokémon battles and win if you want to eat."

“Typical Ash, choosing a battle restaurant." Lucas said, trembling with fear at the mere thought that he wouldn't be able to eat.

"You’re still the same Ash!" Aura laughed.

At the Seven Stars restaurant, everyone, except Ash, was amazed at the voracity of the Hoenn princess.

"How much she eats!" Lucas said, surprised to see how Aura devoured plate after plate and didn't seem to get full at all.

The boy's eyes lit up brightly, he couldn't lose the position of the group's eater!

"Waiter, another dish!" Aura and Lucas shouted at the same time. Roman and Kylie, the owners of the restaurant, looked at each other with a smile. They finally had clients who would force them to use all their power in the kitchen.


Wallace, current champion of Hoenn while Steven was absent, had come to inaugurate a Pokémon contest in Sinnoh: The Wallace Cup. The Aqua ribbon that was awarded to the winner was valid as a universal ribbon, meaning it was valid for any Grand Festival in any region.

Despite the encouragement of Ash and Lucas, Dawn didn’t seem very convinced about participating in the contest. Aura and Zoey spoke with her privately, and the former told her that she had also gone through a similar experience, especially in Johto.

“I have come to this contest to regain a little confidence." She revealed to Dawn and then showed her half of the ribbon that she shared with Ash.

The conversation between the three was interrupted by the screams of Ash, who swore he had seen a strange bluish Pokémon floating in the center of Lake Valor. Dawn told him that she also had a similar experience at Lake Verity.

Zoey then told them that in their home, Snowpoint City, there were legends about a Pokémon in Lake Acuity. Lucas said that he would ask proffesor Rowan about it.

The next day Ash met up with Wallace and he met Ash's friends. Wallace seemed to see something special in both Dawn and Aura but he kept his opinion to himself. What he didn't keep to himself was to ask Ash to also enter the contest, which greatly surprised everyone.


For not being a Pokémon coordinator, Ash did quite well, losing in the quarterfinals against Ursula and finishing in the top eight.

"I'm sure that if he dedicated himself to contests he would go very far." Wallace commented very happily. "And then we wouldn’t be rivals only in battle."

Dawn then avenged Ash by defeating Ursula and moving on to the finals. Aura on her part defeated Zoey and also went to the finals.

Everything was decided in a final between Dawn and Aura, Piplup vs Glaceon. With her increased confidence Dawn managed to narrowly beat Aura and take the Aqua Ribbon.

“You were wonderful,” said Wallace, approaching Dawn, “performing a display of elegance. A nice ending to a nice contest. You are a true coordinator and it’s a privilege for me to award you the Aqua ribbon for your victory in the Wallace Cup."

Everyone cheered as tears streamed down Dawn's face. The girl was so happy that she even gave Ash a hug, a detail that a smiling Aura and Lucas noticed.

At sunset Aura said goodbye to everyone, but not before congratulating Dawn and telling her to never give up on contests.

“Ash, I wish you luck in the Sinnoh League." said Aura after giving him a hige hug.

"Thank you! I also wish you luck in the Johto Grand Festival!"

Route 212

Here Ash met up again with a former worker at the Hoenn Weather Institute. Apparently last year's attack by Team Magma and Aqua had made her quit and go to work in Sinnoh. Seeing Ash agaian made her very nervous because he reminded her of that fateful day so our heroes left her alone.

At least they got to visit Mr. Blacklot's famous Pokémon Mansion, where they fought his maids and his sons Liam and Celeste. As a reward they were allowed to visit the Trophy garden.

Pastoria City: The Marsh City

Our heroes were watching on the news how there had been a blackout in Sunyshore City when Barry desperately entered the Pokémon center.

"My master! Have you seen himt?!" the boy shouted.

"Who?" Asked Ash and his friends.

"Crasher Wake! Have you seen him? No?! If you lie I will fine you! Let's have a Pokémon battle!...Wait, I don't have time for this, I have to find the master and challenge him to a gym battle! Bye bye!"

In the end Wake was celebrating at the Croagunk Festival, which was held every year in the city. Wake remembered seeing our heroes in Veilstone City and accepted Ash's challenge.

However, Barry also wanted to face his master, so he and Ash fought to see who was first.

"I would give you a fine for beating me in front of the master!... But a victory is a victory." said the sad boy after losing.


Pastoria Gym

"I don't get challenged very often! My Pokémon were toughened up by stormy white waters! They'll take everything you can throw at them and then pull you under! Victory will be ours! Come on, let's get it done!" ―Wake, the Torrential Masked Master!

Pikachu, Turtwig, Buizel vs Gyarados, Quagsire and Floatzel. After a fierce finish between Buizel and Floatzel, Ash took the victory.

"It seems the undertow pulled me under... But I had a great time battling with you! You've earned the Fen Badge!"


Just as they left the gym they ran into Barry, who seemed to have something important to tell them.

“Master, master!"

“Hey, kid... I know your father, I don't deny it. And I trained you a little, but that doesn't mean he's your master,” Wake laughed. "Besides, you no longer need me to be stronger."

"You are my master and nothing or no one changes that! But that doesn't matter now! Something big is brewing! There is someone from Team Galactic in front of the Observatory door. He said I don't know what about a bomb!"

Everyone present trembled when they heard that. And they shook again because a huge explosion was heard.

Wake, furious, went to the scene of the attack accompanied by our heroes and Agent Jenny.

“No one touches Pastoria City and gets away with it!" Wake shouted when he saw the TGio at the entrance to the Great Swamp.

"You again!" Ash said very angry. "What have you done?"

"Wow!... We've messed things up a bit..." Hareta said worriedly.

"A bit? You've set off a bomb!" Dawn said. If it weren't for Lucas, she and Ash would have already pounced on them.

"Well, technically it wasn't us," explained Mitsumi, who didn't seem very happy. "We were told to keep an eye on the area while other grunts carried a pack."

"Yeah, we didn't know it was proffesor Charon's famous galactic bomb!" Hareta defended himself.

“Bi, bidoof!" Bidoof said offended.

“You don't need to say more, Hareta! Let's report the mission, quickly!" Mitsumi said, using smoke bombs to escape from there quickly.

"By the way, that mask is ridiculous, geezer!" Hareta said as they left.

"Damn you!" Ash and Dawn shouted at the same time.

"I guess now the government won't be able to hide that Team Galactic are terrorists." Lucas said very seriously to Agent Jenny.

"…I hope not."

"The Great Swamp is of incalculable value..." Wake said, almost crying. "Hey! Don't even think about following me! And don't let anyone else in! You would die if there was any piece of the bomb left!"

After Wake's investigation he found nothing. It didn't even look like anything had exploded there. For his part, Ash and his friends had chased the TGio to make them pay but they ended up encountering Looker disguised as Grunt B-2.

“Something strong is brewing, so I must ask you to stay out of it for the moment."

"Now you don't want to use children to fight terrorists?" Dawn said.

“…Well… I never thought they would get this far without using legendaries… See you later!"

A few days later they met Cynthia, who helped them with some psyudck that were blocking the road. Cynthia gave them a old charm to give to her grandmother, who lived in a Celestic Town.

Rowan Research Center at Mount Coronet - Pokémon Camp

Ash, Dawn and Lucas met Angie again, who had signed up for a summer camp created by proffesor Rowan. Our heroes also entered the camp, where friendship between people and Pokémon was encouraged.

Over the next six days, everything happened to them, from Angie falling in love with Ash and Conway becoming obsessed with Dawn to almost being killed and/or eaten by ghost Pokémon. Meanwhile, the different teams in the field were gaining points, until the victory went to the Red team, where our heroes were.

In the end everyone received a Summer Pokémon Academy certificate.

Celestic Town: The Past Lives

Upon arriving at champion Cynthia's home, they met her grandmother.

"Are you the children my granddaughter has told me so much about?" Proffesor Carolina asked.

“Hi, I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!/Pika!"

“I'm Dawn Berlitz from Twinleaf Town!"

“I'm Lucas from Sandgem Town."

Proffesor Carolina smiled a lot when she saw the excitement in the eyes of those children. Suddenly a tall man appeared next to her.

"The man without eyebrow-!" Ash received a smack from Dawn before he could finish the sentence.

"We meet again, children." said the man.

"Do you know them?" Carolina asked surprised. The man simply nodded.

“My name is Cyrus, I'm a Pokémon researcher and right now I'm helping the proffesor." the man explained.

"Is that why you were at that lake?" Ash remembered.

"That's right, I investigate everything that has to do with time and space."

Then our heroes gave Cynthia's old charm to the teacher.

“A gift from my old friend Matthew." said the proffesor, explaining the origin of the object.


Celestic Ruins

The five went to the ruins of the town, where Cynthia was waiting for them. The champion was surprised that Cyrus already knew the children.

“Cyrus and I have known each other since we were little,” Cynthia explained as they advanced towards the deepest area of ​​the ruins. "He has helped me a lot when deciphering the murals in these ruins. Have you already seen the giant painting at the entrance?"

“Yes, they are Dialga and Palkia, right?" Ash said proudly.

"How do you know?"

“We have seen them during our travels." Dawn explained. The surprised faces that the adults made, Cyrus included, forced her to tell about her adventures with the legendaries.

“Even a third legendary who lives in another world?” Cyrus murmured, a small smile forming on his stony face. "Those three idiots weren't lying..."

"...It seems that you have something that attracts Pokémon considered gods," said Cynthia, astonished. "I don't know if you've noticed, but the paintings say: Three beings of time, space and anti-matter set free from the Original One."

In the background there were some cave paintings: Three strange figures surrounded by three bright lights that formed a triangle, and in the middle of these a shiny sphere.

Carolina told them that those paintings represent Dialga, Palkia and Giratina trying to control another much stronger and more powerful Pokémon. And the lights to the guardians of the lakes: Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf.

After this, everyone had dinner at Cynthia's house, where they met her little sister. There Cyrus challenged Ash to a Pokémon battle.

“I would like to know what those legendaries saw in you. You're a trainer so a Pokémon battle will do." Cyrus said.

Of course Ash immediately accepted and everyone watched as Pikachu faced Cyrus' crobat. Pikachu won but Ash was left with the feeling that Cyrus had not gone all out.

One of the people who watched the fight with interest was Grandma Ela, a former dragon tamer originally from Blackthorn City. It was she who taught Ash's gible draco meteor.


A few days later Dawn participated in the Pokémon contest, having to face her mother's friend and rival, Lila. She ended up winning and called her mother very excited about what she had achieved.

However, the joy didn’t last long. Taking advantage of the fact that Cynthia was gone, Team Galactic, led by commander Saturn, stole the Lustrous Orb that proffesor Carolina had.

On their way to the next gym, they ran into Aaron, a member of the Elite Four specializing in the Bug type.

The young man defeated Ash in a Pokémon battle and spent the rest of the day bragging about how strong bug-type Pokémon were.

“A few years ago I was a gym leader but look at me now. Soon I’ll face Cynthia and my bug Pokémon will take away her champion title."

The following week our heroes saw on television how Aaron lost against Cynthia after managing to defeat only two of her Pokémon.

Hearthome City

Ash trained alongside Dawn to prepare for their gym match. Meanwhile Lucas talked to Paul, who was passing by. Thus he discovered that Paul resented his older brother for abandoning Pokémon training after losing in the Battle Frontier.

Later Paul's Torterra helped Ash's grotle and the village boy Pallet thanked Paul.

"Bah! That was Torterra's doing, not mine."


Hearthome Gym

“Oh là là! Since I moved here, I try to discover something new about this region every day. Since pageants are popular in this city, I decided to dress comme ça. I also spent a lot of time studying Pokémon and ended up becoming a leader. Anyway, I guess you came here to challenge me. “I warn you, I will win.” ―Fantina, the Alluring, Soulful Dancer!

After spending a long time away, Fantina had returned and Ash was able to have his rematch. Buizel, Chimchar and Pikachu vs Gengar, Mismagius, Drifblim.

Using the counter-defense strategy learned with Dawn, Ash was able to take the victory. Dawn literally jumped off the stands to congratulate Ash.

"I am dumbfounded! So very, very strong! You, your Pokémon, so strong! Your power is admirable! I shall honor it with this Relic Badge!"

Canalave City: Cargo Port

Upon arriving in the city they met Roark, the gym leader of Oreburgh City. He was arguing loudly in the middle of the street with another man who turned out to be his father, Byron.

Lucas managed to calm them both down thanks to his cooking skills. Once at the Pokémon Center, Roark explained that Father was previously the Gym Leader of Oreburgh City, but that one day he was informed that a Gym Leader was needed in Canalave City.

Despite the protests of his wife and son, Byron immediately accepted just so he could search for fossils on Iron Island.

A Pokémon battle later between father and son made them reconnect again, to the point that they decided to prepare for a trip to Iron Island together. Ash's gym battle would have to wait.

“Come with us to Iron Island!" Roark said.

“You can train there all you want!" Aceon assured him.

“…It doesn't seem like a bad idea,” Lucas said, looking at Ash.

“Maybe we'll see some rare Pokémon." Dawn said.

“You're right, an island full of steel-type Pokémon sounds like a tough challenge!" Ash said excitedly. However, the trip to Iron Island would also have to wait…


A serious case of narcolepsy affected the entire city. A darkrai was causing nightmares and making both people and Pokémon suffer.

“It doesn't look anything like the darkrai from Alamos town." Dawn noted, who needed to lean on Ash to keep from falling asleep.

Things got so serious that Agent Marble had to intervene.

“The Harbor inn, that place has been closed for years,” Byron explained, showing Marble and our heroes an old house. It is said that its owner was killed by a darkrai that gave him many nightmares. Poor guy.

—And the darkrai villain came out of there? Marble asked, pretending to be taking notes but actually drawing doodles.

"That's what Eldritch the sailor says. His son was one of the first victims."

After several investigations in the Canalave City library they discovered that there was an island where the legendary crescelia, the counterpart of the darkrai, lived. So our heroes went on sailor Eldritch's ship to Fullmoon Island.

There, in a sanctuary, they found a crescelia that was being attacked by the TGio. After saving her, she returned their favor by defeating the darkrai and forcing him to flee the city.

Darkrai reached a clearing in the forest where a woman was waiting for him with a completely red Poké Ball in her hand. Next to her was a man who looked at the legendary with distrust.

"You have done it very well." said the woman, making the Pokémon return to the Glory Ball.

“Darkrai is very dangerous, we should free him or give him to someone stupid." said the man.

“Dear Amadeus, we still need it if we want our plan to go forward."

Amadeus crossed his arms while frowning.

“Speaking of plans… Those three fools have failed. They couldn't stop the twerps from asking a crescelia for help."

“Their failure was expected,” said the woman. "All this testing has only served to see Darkrai's limits... I guess it's time for me to go for my last two gym badges."

“Huh, I'm looking forward to seeing the faces people will make when they see your Pokémon team in the league." Amadeus said. The woman smiled evilly.

“My Pokémon team? Darkrai is the only one they will see."


Iron Island

The island had a very hard subsoil that could only be excavated with machines and steel-type Pokémon, as well as by the digletts that lived there.

Ash, Dawn, Lucas, Roark, and Byron had no time for sightseeing, training, or digging. Team Galactic had invaded the island and with one of their machines they were driving the steel-type Pokémon crazy.

Our heroes ended up separating due to the Pokémon battles that took place all over the island. Lucas ran into Barry, who had gone there to train. Roark and Byron, for their part, advanced like crazy against Team Galactic, attacking anyone who got in front of them.

Meanwhile Ash and Dawn met Riley, a Top trainer capable of manipulating his aura. Between the three of them they managed to defeat the grunts and get the information from the TGio, who was also there.

"Enough! I cann’t stand you anymore! I'm sick of you and your Pokémon!... Come on Mistumi, let's get out of here!" Hareta shouted.

"You said it! We don't even know what Team Galactic's big plan is!"

"Don't run away!" Ash tried to go after them but Riley stopped him.

"They weren't lying, they don't know anything," Riley said after using her aura on them. "So many grunts in one place... there must be a commander nearby. That should be our goal."

There was something about that man that reminded him of Sir Aaron, Ash thought. Accepting his plan, the three followed the TGio. Finally all our heroes found themselves in front of Commander Mars.

"Idiots! It's too late, I've planted explosives all over the island!" Mars said between laughs.

"Damn you!" Byron exclaimed furiously. "How can you be so evil?!"

"You are nothing more than damned terrorists!" Roark said.

"We can't waste time with her, we have to look for the explosives!" Riley ordered.

"I called the police a while ago," Lucas revealed very seriously. "They should arrive soon."

"We have to help in case they don't arrive on time." Ash said.

"I agree, come on!" Dawn said.

Riley, using her aura, was able to detect where Mars or other grunts had been and thus found the bombs, which they deactivated with the help of the Pokémon.

Later, the police arrived with proffesor Carolina and her research team to examine whether the Iron ruins had suffered any damage.

“Team Galactic's machine wasn't meant to enrage the Pokémon, that was just a side effect." Detective Marble said, her face covered in dirt because she had tripped over a diglett.

"It seems that the machine emitted waves that allowed them to detect the famous spear pillar," Carolina said worriedly. "I don't know what they're up to but it can't be anything good."

Before leaving the island, Lucas felt a presence similar to Regigigas but different. He didn't say anything but for some reason he wanted to see the legendary giant again.


Canalave Library

"Look not into the Pokémon's eyes. In but an instant, you'll have no recollection of who you are. Return home, but how? When there is nothing to remember? Dare not touch the Pokémon's body. In but three short days, all emotions will drain away. Above all, above all, harm not the Pokémon. In a scant five days, the offender will grow immobile in entirety." A horrible myth.

Cyrus closed the book and left it in its place. As he left the library he passed Lucas and greeted him before leaving there. On the way he received a call.

"The experiment has been a success, great leader!" Mars said.

"And we have found the location of the Spear Pillar." said another commander.

"…Saturn, you will be in charge of the excavation."

"I will do so, great leader!" Saturn said.


Ash, Dawn and Barry had taken the brunt of their last adventure so they were resting in a hotel. While their Pokémon received medical attention at the Pokémon center.

After making them soup, Lucas told them a story he had taken from the library. The Sea’s legend:

"Once upon a time in the East Sea, there was a Pokémon known as the prince. A brave human asked Pokémon living in the sea to let them see the prince. Mantyke, Buizel, and a Qwilfish with huge spikes acknowledged the human's bravery and joined them. Together, they set off in a boat over the sunset-streaked sea, sailing through the ocean gate stretched over the waves. News of this reached the ears of the prince, who went to meet the brave little party at the Seaside Hollow."


Canalave Gym

“So you have defeated my son? He should have trained more on Hierro Island like me. I took over from my son and challenged you!” ―Byron, the Man with the Steel Body!

Chimchar, Buizel and Gliscor vs Bronzor, Steelix and Bastiodon. After an intense fight in which Ash had to overcome the resistance of the steel type, he defeated Byron, leaving him depressed.

"Argh... Came up short again... Do I talk to my son Roark to train together...? No, that's too embarrassing... Hmm... This is a dilemma... Here, take the Mina badge."

Chocovine Village

Dawn participated in the contest, facing off against Ursula. With a large point difference, Dawn's pachirisu defeated Ursula's gabite. With that Dawn already had four ribbons and a new rival who was eager to finish her off.

They also encountered Primo and Kate, the Pokémon Rangers, who were guarding a pack of Phione. One of them became so attached to Lucas that he had to keep it.

Sandalsstraw Village

Continuing her journey, Dawn participated in the Alpargata contest, but this time she lost to her rival Kenny in the finals.

Even so, she wasn’t discouraged since she still had time to get his fifth tape. Meanwhile Dawn left Ambipom with the Ping Pong champion, who wanted to bring out the Pokémon's full potential.

Squallville Town

Here Ash had his second Poké ring contest and showed Dawn what the thing was about. Ash's staravia evolved into staraptor and defeated Paul's honchkrow.

After the contest they ran into Maylene, who was almost frozen. Gym leader Veilstone had gone to visit her friend Candice, but she wasn't wearing winter clothes since she wanted to train her stamina.

“A normal human would have died of cold." Lucas commented while he put a blanket over her and gave her hot soup.

Snowpoint City: City of Snow

Zoey, Dawn's rival, was from there and introduced our heroes to Candice. The ice type specialist was the complete opposite of said type. She was very happy, always on the move and eager to fight.

“I had almost forgotten how tiring it’s to be your friend." Zoey said when she saw how our heroes had difficulty keeping up with Candice.

"Her enthusiasm is the best thing about her!" Maylene commented. Zoey looked at her for several seconds.

"Hey... Aren't you going to put on winter clothes?"

"My training isn't over yet, so no!"

Zoey later told Dawn that she had her starter Pokémon, glameow, thanks to Candice and it was what started her love for Pokémon contests. She also told them that she hated people like Nando, who wanted to be Pokémon trainers and coordinators at the same time.

“Doing both things at the same time means that they are not seriously applied to either." Zoey said.

"But Wallace is a champion and Top Coordinator." Ash remembered.

"Wallace is a talented person… but I don't know many others who can do both and be successful at both." With that Zoey ended the conversation.

Meanwhile, Lucas was talking to Candice about different recipes for Pokémon, until the young man noticed something strange in the environment.

"Is there any problem?" Candice asked worried.

"…No." Lucas lied. He didn’t dare to say that he noticed the presence of a regigigas in the area.


"You want to challenge me? Sure thing! I was waiting for someone tough! But I should tell you, I'm tough because I know how to focus. Pokémon, fashion, romance... It's all about focus! I'll show you just what I mean. Get ready to lose!" ―Candice, The Diamond Dust Girl!

Grotle, Staraptor, Gliscor and Chimchar vs Sneasel, Medicham, Snover, Abomasnow. After the long gym battle, Ash achieved victory for him.

"Wow! You're great! You've earned my respect!" Candice said, giving him the Icicle badge.

While Ash celebrated with his Pokémon after getting his seventh badge. Paul appeared to challenge Candice but she refused since her Pokémon were tired. Paul agreed to postpone the fight and left, not before arguing with Ash and belittling his achievements.

Both Candice and Zoey noted the tough rivalry between the two trainers. Zoey especially didn't like the way he treated Ash, as if he were someone inferior.

“Candice, I hope you beat that idiot tomorrow." She told her friend.

"I don't know... He seems like someone strong..."


The next day Paul's brother, Reggie, showed up as he had to run an errand in the area. At the same time the Battle Pyramid appeared flying through the skies and the Frontier Brain, Brandon, descended from it.

Ash told his friends about his adventures on the Battle Frontier and how hard it was for him to defeat Brandon.

"W-wait!" Paul said stunned when he heard that. "Did you beat Brandon?"

“W-well yes." Ash said nervously as he saw the aggressiveness that was forming on his rival's face.

Knowing that someone like Ash had done what his older brother couldn't filled him with rage. Paul then challenged Brandon to a six-on-six match.

"I accept with pleasure!" Brandon said before addressing his assistant. "Maria, you can go with Candice to the ruins."

"Understood." Maria said.

During the fight Paul increased his aggressiveness with each defeat he suffered, remembering the humiliation he felt when Brandon told his brother that his fighting style was old-fashioned and lacked internal power.

“You're obsessed with the past, kid,” Brandon said to Paul. "What is your reason for being a trainer?"

"Shut up!" Paul shouted. The fight continued but the result was as expected. Paul lost completely, not being able to defeat a single one of Brandon's regis. After this Paul left without saying anything.

“Brandon has three regis…” said Lucas, as if immersed in a kind of trance.

Meanwhile Reggie told Paul that he would like to see a six-on-six match between him and Ash. The two accepted and agreed to meet in six days at Lake Acuity.


“A long time ago a volcano erupted violently, causing the Snowpoint forest, rich in natural resources and beauty, to transform into a sea of ​​liquid lava. Then, from a bright blue light, the legendary Pokémon Regigigas appeared and with the help of the legendary giants they stopped the volcano from erupting. They saved Snowpoint City from destruction, then Regigigas transformed into stone and fell into a deep sleep. The three giants ended up protecting him by simultaneously transforming into pillars of rock, ice and steel.” ―Maria, Brandon's assistant.

The TGio, along with the Hunter J, had entered the Snowpoint Temple and had awakened the wrath of the regigigas that had been inside it for centuries. Stopping the criminals and appeasing the legendary's wrath became the top priority.

While Ash, Dawn, Candice and Maylene fought the villains, Brandon and Lucas went for the regigigas. For some reason Lucas was able to communicate with the giant and calm him down.

“You seem to get along well with him, kid." Brandon said surprised. A small smile formed on Lucas's face as he petted the legendary.

Lake Acuity

Ash vs. Paul.

Pikachu, Grotle, Buizel, Staraptor, Monferno, Gliscor vs Magmortar, Ursaring, Electabuzz, Torterra, Weavile and Honchkrow.

Even though Chimchar evolved and Ash gave his all, he lost to Paul, again. His rival didn't even deign to say anything to him and left there, heading towards Sunyshore City.

Ash could only cry while hugging his Monferno. Even so, Dawn was the only one who noticed that despite his sadness, Ash didn’t hesitate to congratulate his Pokémon.

Lucas didn't know what to say to his friend, so he went for a walk to think about what food could cheer him up and his Pokémon. He never expected to see a strange yellow Pokémon in the middle of the lake.


“Is this where Uxie lives?” Commander Jupiter asked.

That cold place was giving him chills. Her grunts nodded as they brought in some kind of cage.

“Bring the galactic bomb,” she ordered his Grunts. "We have to prepare everything for the appointed day."

Lilypad Village - Southeast lake Acuity

Dawn participated in the Water Lily Contest but was defeated by James disguised as Jessilina and his Carnivine. Since Jessie was sick, James and Meowth did their best to get her another ribbon.

M12: Arceus and the jewel of life

"For the kids of the future who help this planet to be a more beautiful place." ―Damos.

At the lake in Michina town, our heroes saw how a woman named Sheena summoned Dialga and Palkia to save some Pokémon, however Giratina also appeared to fight his brothers. Thanks to Sheena's mysterious powers, the three calmed down.

Sheena and her husband Kevin were the guardians of the ruins of the place and their mission was to return to the Pokémon God, Arceus, the Jewel of Life that was taken from him centuries ago.

However, when Arceus returned he did so with the intention of destroying the world as revenge. So Dialga sent our heroes back in time to find out the cause of Arceus's anger. Meanwhile Dialga, Palkia and Giratina would buy time trying to stop Arceus.

In the past our heroes met Sheena's ancestor, Damos, who also possessed the power to connect with the hearts of Pokémon. However the man was being hypnotized by a bronzong belonging to Emperor Marcus.

Marcus wanted the power of the Jewel of Life to bring prosperity to his lands and he was not going to let Arceus meddle. Luckily our heroes, along with Damos and his Spiky-eared Pichu, managed to stop the emperor and save Arceus.

In the present Arceus' fury disappeared.

“Be careful,” Arceus told them before leaving. "A great darkness will devour the region soon. The man with an ice soul cannot create anything, only destroy."

Our heroes didn't quite understand the message but Arceus was already gone. Then Sheena taught them the gesture necessary to connect with the hearts of the Pokémon.

"But we don't have your power." Lucas said confused.

"Well, I have the potential to be a guardian of the aura." Ash said with some pride.

“I don't think that has much to do with it,” Dawn scolded.

"I don't understand it either but Arceus has asked me to show it to you," Sheena revealed. "He said you're going to need it."

Daybreak Town

Dawn participated in the town's Pokémon contest, however her rivals in the final were Ursula's Plusle and Minun. Dawn had very bad childhood memories with said Pokémon, but thanks to her Cyndaquil and Mamoswine she was able to win her fifth and final ribbon.

The TGio tried again to steal the Pokémon of Ash, Dawn, Lucas and Paul, who was passing by. All of this provoked Monferno's anger and caused him to evolve into Infernape.

Infernape defeated the TGio and saved them all, finally controlling his flame sea ability.

"I see, so he's finally shown his full potential," Paul said in surprise. "Ash, it seems that in the end you and I will fight in the Sinnoh league."

Pokémon Center

"Are you the children that Cynthia talks so much about?" asked an old woman they met.

"You are Bertha from the Elite Four!" Dawn said excitedly.

“Sssssh! Please keep your voice down,” the old woman asked with a smile. "I don't like to attract attention and people tend to get very annoying when they see me."

"I'm sorry."

“It's okay, your reaction is quite normal."

"What is someone from the Elite Four doing here?" Ash asked.

Bertha laughed when she heard that question.

“My Pokémon need to rest too, young man. I've also been training my nephew Roland for days."

"You didn't just come to greet us, did you?" Lucas noted.

“You have a good eye, young man. I would like to challenge the three of you at the same time to a Pokémon battle,” Bertha revealed. "There is no better way to get to know a person than by watching how they train their Pokémon."

Not even the three of them together could beat a single Bertha's Pokémon. Although the old woman seemed satisfied to see how well taken care of their Pokémon were.

Sunyshore City: Solar Powered!

“I knew Flint and Volkner when they were kids. I was a pretty strong Pokémon hunter, yet those two twerps didn't hesitate to confront me with their Pokémon, a pichu and a chimchar. Imagine using that against my houndoom! That’s some Poké Balls indeed! Their willpower and tenacity made me change. Now I am the proud owner of the best bar and restaurant in the city.” ―Bartender.

Ash and his friends met up with Flint of the Elite Four, a fire-type specialist. Upon seeing Ash's pikachu he had approached them very interested. And after knowing that Ash was going to challenge Volkner, his happy face lit up even more.

"Lately he's lost his enthusiasm, because he can't find opponents who are equal to him," Flint explained while everyone was eating in a bar-restaurant. "He’s so bored that he spends all his time renovating the gym. One day there was a blackout, which made things even worse. You know where I'm going, right? Why don't you make him enjoy a fight so fierce that it restores his passion for fighting? But first fights me, I want to see if you have what it takes."

"Right now? Yes!" said Ash getting up from the table with a big smile.

“He has already lost against three others from the Elite Four and he still wants to continue." Dawn said with a nervous smile.

Lucas would have said something but if he wasn't stuffing himself with food, he was asking the Bartender for the secrets of his recipe.

Flint called Volkner, who seemed absent the entire time, to watch the fight. Although his eyes lit up a little when he saw Ash’s Pikachu.

"Hello. I'm Volkner, the gym leader of Sunyshore City..." he said without any enthusiasm.

The young blonde watched Ash's fight with Flint, and even though Ash lost, his willpower and tenacity made something awaken a little inside Volkner.


Sunyshore Gym

“Hello, Ash, Not many people come to challenge me. I hope you can give me a fight that will take away my boredom and make me sweat.” ―Volkner, The Shining, Shocking Star.

Torterra, Pikachu, Infernape vs Electivire, Jolteon and Luxray. It was the most intense gym battle Ash had ever had... Not counting the one he had with Giovanni in Kanto, of course. People had told him that Volkner was Elite Four level and they were right. If it weren't for the fact that as a leader he shouldn't use all of his strength, Ash would have lost.

"I see there’re still trainers like you out there," Volkner said with a smile after giving him the Faro badge. Thanks for reminding me that Pokémon battles can be a lot of fun.

"Of course there’re, especially those who trust their pals! Right Pikachu?"



Pokémon Center

"Now we can go to the Great Festival." Ash said to Dawn.

"Yes, I really want to compete!"

"With the number of rivals you've faced, you and your Pokémon are going to need a lot of energy to win," Lucas commented. "Luckily I have learned many energy recipes."

"Thank you so much. With your food we won’t have problems winning."

"And Pikachu and I will cheer you up a lot!" said Ash not wanting to be left behind.


"Will you dress up as cheerleaders?" Dawn asked with a mischievous smile.

"…Eh, w-well that's…"

"But I did it when you needed it most." Dawn complained, although she was joking, seeing the faces Ash made make her smile.

Lucas watched fondly as the two began to argue when suddenly a big commotion broke out in the Pokémon center. Someone had turned on the television and horrible news was told by the presenter Rhonda:

“Three bombs have exploded in lakes Verity, Valor and Acuity. The culprits seem to be the infamous members of Team Galactic who had been causing inconvenience to the population of Sinnoh for years. This new terrorist act makes the population wonder, when are our politicians going to act and stop the criminals who don’t seem to stop at anything or anyone when it comes to carrying out acts as terrible as these…”

Lake Valor

"The gym leaders and the police have tried to arrest them at Lake Verity and Lake Acuity, but those scoundrels have taken the legendaries who lived there," Agent Marble informed them as she took them on her mother's (Agent Jenny) private plane. "We are going to Lake Valor."

"Why would they want the lake trio?" Dawn asked. "They are legendary but compared to others like regigigas they don’t seem capable of a high level of destruction..."

"It's true, the other villains I've fought always capture legendaries that can destroy many things." Ash remembered.

"I doubt their goal is anything like destroying or dominating the region," Lucas said thoughtfully. "Nothing they've done so far seems to point to that."


When they arrived at the place they saw a lot of water-type Pokémon suffering and dying as part of the lake had disappeared due to the bomb. Ash and Dawn became so enraged that they immediately attacked despite Lucas's warnings.

"The famous twerps again," Commander Saturn said when he saw them. "What a good opportunity to eliminate you once and for all."

"You're going to pay for what you've done!" Ash and Dawn shouted at the same time as they took out their Pokémon.

Lucas and Marble tried to stop Hunter J but her men and the grunts of Team Galactic prevented them.

“I finally have the lake trio,” J said after capturing Uxie. "You twerps have been a pain in the ass but your luck has run out."

Hunter J handed Uxie over to Team Galactic, unaware that the legendary had used future sight. That's why when the hunter got on her ship, she suffered an accident and fell into the depths of the lake in a strong explosion.

Our heroes watched in horror as all the people on board that ship died.

"What a finale for the best Pokémon hunter in the world," Saturn said before activating the cage and nullifying Uxie's powers. "Grunts, we're leaving!"

Veilstone City - Team Galactic Base

They chased Team Galactic to Veilstone City, where Looker and the rest of the Gym Leaders were waiting for them.

"This huge building was Team Galactic's secret base?" Maylene asked.

"That's right, they've been using it for years to hide all their dirty business." Looker confirmed.

"How come you've never noticed?" Candice asked her friend. Maylene lowered her head in shame.

"…I'm sorry…"

"She hasn't been a gym leader for that long either..." Dawn said, trying to defend her a little.

"Don’t worry!" Gardenia said, laughing as she slapped her partner on the back. "I didn't know they had a secret base in my city either!"

"That's no laughing matter!" Byron scolded her.

“You say it as if you hadn't let them get to Iron Island and make such a fuss." Roark reminded him. Father and son soon began to argue while the rest ignored them.

"If we're all here that means we can finally beat these guys up, right?" Wake said to Looker. The international policeman nodded.

Qui! We will show them what happens to those who harm our region!" said Fantina.

"And where are Cynthia and the Elite Four?" Volkner asked.

“Calming politicians and helping with lake restoration." Marble said as she watched her and Volkner's luxray caress each other.

"What are we waiting for then? Let’s Go!" Ash said. Before anyone could stop him, the boy had already thrown himself through the front door of the building where a bunch of grunts were waiting for him.

"Protect Ash, don't let anyone get in his way!" Lucas ordered with such conviction that everyone obeyed him. They launched an attack, forming a barrier around Ash and destroying any grunt and Pokémon that got in their way.

"Wait, I'm the leader of the operation!" Looker shouted.


"Damn traitor!" Commander Jupiter shouted furiously when she saw that Grunt B-2 was actually an agent of the International Police.

“I can't be a traitor since I was never part of your team." Looker said.

"You were my favorite Grunt!"

“W-well, I admit that of all the commanders you were my favorite."

"Were all those nice things you said to me very night a lie?" The woman seemed like she was going to cry at any moment. "All men are the same!"

“That's very sexi-, watch out!" Looker narrowly dodged the attacks of Jupiter's Pokémon, who were even more furious than their trainer. "Croagunk I think we're in big trouble!"

"Croak (You don't tell me)!" His scared Pokémon said.


Lucas and Dawn were fighting Mars and Saturn while Ash couldn't believe what he had in front of him.

"…You, are you the leader of Team Galactic?"

Cyrus looked at him as if he were seeing something insignificant. Pikachu, for his part, didn’t even wait for Ash's orders and launched himself at him, but was stopped by Crobat.

Ash and Cyrus brought out all their Pokémon at the same time while still looking into each other's eyes.

"All this time you've been making fun of us."

"...To make fun of you, I would have had to care even a little," Cyrus said. "The end always justifies the means, everything is for my ultimate goal."

"You've hurt a lot of people and Pokémon! What kind of ultimate goal justifies that?!"

Cyrus closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"An inferior mind will never understand that emotions are what make this world rotten... A world, no, a new universe without emotions is a universe without wars, hunger, poverty or living beings that contaminate everything...

"… Are there Pokémon battles in that world? Contests? Friends to eat and learn with? Pokémon that make friends with humans?"


"Then we don't need a world like that!"

"I do need it, and no one is going to stand in my way."

At that moment Ash and Cyrus' Pokémon attacked each other. During the battle Marble rescued the lake trio, although Cyrus did not seem to care.

"My plan is almost complete." Cyrus said, who despite his efforts still couldn't finish off Ash and his Pokémon. Soon a few grunts arrived and stood between him and the boy.

"Go Mr. Cyrus, you must get to Mount Coronet as soon as possible!" said one of the grunts.

In the end Cyrus and his commanders, along with a few grunts, managed to escape from there. Our heroes, along with the lake trio, Marble and Looker, got on the plane to head to Mount Coronet. Meanwhile, the gym leaders dedicated themselves to capturing all the grunts and scientists of Team Galactic.

Mount Coronet

The lake trio had been used to create the Red Chain. With this chain Cyrus managed to trap Dialga and Palkia.

"Finally, my ideal world will be created!" Cyrus said euphorically. "A perfect world without emotions, just for me! I will be a god!"

"Cyrus, stop this madness!" Cynthia, who had been warned by Looker, pleaded. Behind her was a trail of grunts and defeated Pokémon.

Ash and his friends had already taken care of the commanders, except for Charon. The scientist was hidden, observing everything with a worried expression. There was something he didn't like at all, especially when he used his machines and saw that space-time was breaking.

“Never, my power will rise to the heavens and reach even Arceus himself! Nothing and no one can stop me!"

Dialga and Palkia roared in pain and frustration, as they couldn’t escape. A mere human was manipulating them as he pleased... no, an evil human wanted to use them to obtain the power of their father.

"Such arrogance." said Mesprit.

"Your madness blinds you completely." Uxie said.

"Are you so afraid to accept your own humanity?" Azelf asked.

Everyone could hear the words of the legendaries, even Cyrus. Although the latter ignored them as he raised his arms and advanced towards Dialga and Palkia. The energy that both emitted didn’t allow our heroes to get close. Cyrus, for his part, had the necessary protections for the occasion.

"There will be no one but me... Only me, in silence with my ideal world..." Cyrus said, ignoring the horrified looks of his subordinates.

"B-but I thought we were going to conquer the world," Jupiter said. "A perfect world that we would all create together."

"Have you lied to us, Mr. Cyrus?" Mars asked confused.

"…" Saturn didn't seem to know what to say.

It was then that the lake trio asked our heroes for help.

"Let's use the technique Sheena taught us!" “Lucas remembered.

"Right, we have to connect with their hearts!" Ash said.

"Together we will save them all!" Dawn said.

Saturn, Jupiter and Mars tried to stop them as they were still loyal to Cyrus but Cynthia stood in their way.

"I won't allow you to hurt those children." Cynthia said very seriously. Her Pokémon roared at the same time showing that they very much agreed with her.

Ash connected with Azelf, Dawn with Mesprit, and Lucas with Uxie. Thanks to the bond formed with the humans, the lake trio managed to break the chains, freeing Dialga and Palkia.

"No, no, no, no, no! My ideal world! I’ll kill you all"

Neither Cynthia nor anyone else had ever seen Cyrus so angry and desperate. He seemed to have gone crazy when suddenly a portal black as night opened at his feet. A shadow with blood-red eyes appeared and grabbed Cyrus, carrying him through the portal. A few seconds later the portal closed.

"Mr. Cyrus!" His subordinates shouted when he saw him disappear from that world.

"…Cyrus…" said Cynthia. She even couldn't believe that her childhood friend had come this far. She always knew that he had a difficult childhood but...

For a few minutes Cynthia wondered if they ever were real friends. If maybe she could have done something more to help him...


The lake trio were each returned to their home. Team Galactic was dismantled and almost all of its members captured. All their secret bases were destroyed and peace soon returned to Sinnoh. Of course the politicians took it upon themselves to say that it was thanks to their quick action that everything was solved, which infuriated many.

Cynthia, with the help of Roxy and Oli from Jubilee TV, made sure that at least people knew that the gym leaders, the Elite Four, the Sinnoh police, the Interpol and some anonymous trainers were responsible for saving the whole region.

"Hello everyone, I brought you ice cream!" Cynthia said as she entered the Pokémon center where everyone was resting while sharing anecdotes.

"Cynthia, fight me!" Ash said as soon as he saw her.

"Show us your Pokémon and what you use to make them look so good!" Dawn asked her.

"Ice cream please!" Lucas said.

Cynthia smiled widely as she exchanged glances with her Garchomp.

“I'm glad to see that you're all still the same. Although with so much going on I almost forgot that I have to go to the final rounds of the world tournament."

"World Tournament? What's that?" Ash asked interested.

"The Pokémon World Tournament is held every four years. The strongest trainers in the world participate."

"That's cool, I want to participate too!"

"I'm afraid it's too late," Cynthia laughed. "Registrations are made at the beginning of the year."


"Well, you can still participate in four years." Dawn told him.

"I'm sure you woul win with how strong you are." Lucas said to Cynthia.

"Thank you for your trust but I always come second. I hope I have better luck this year."

"Hum... If you're not in a hurry, I could have prepared a good dish for your Pokémon," Lucas suggested. "You'll see how they get stronger with my food."

"I have heard that you are a very good chef so I am delighted to accept the offer." Cynthia said with a smile that made Lucas blush. Fact that Dawn used to make fun of her cousin for several days in a row.

While Dawn was practicing with Ash for the Grand Festival, Lucas found a girl named Marley carrying a shaymin in her arms.

Apparently the girl was a Top trainer who had been given the mission by the Pokémon Association to escort that shaymin to a secret garden. The mission had been requested by proffesor Oak himself, who had been researching several Sinnoh legendaries with Rowan.

Our heroes told her that they already had experience with another shaymin so they could help her. And a lot of help needed the girl, because despite wanting to be a Pokémon breeder, she still had a lot to learn.

“You know a lot about raising Pokémon." Marley said to Lucas when she saw how after cleaning Shaymin he prepared a special meal for her. Shaymin seemed very happy to no longer have to eat what Marley had been giving him before.

"I work with proffesor Rowan and I've learned a few tricks." Lucas said.

Ash and Dawn walked behind talking to each other.

"Lucas and Marley are equally expressionless." Ash noted.

"But unlike Lucas, Marley seems like she's fed up with the world or something." Dawn commented.

The two fell silent when they saw the look that Marley gave them, not very different from how she looked at them before but this time it was even more fed up.

Along the way they suffered an attack from the TGio, who wanted revenge for the fall of Team Galactic but ended up blasting off again.

After arriving at the secret garden, Shaymin joined up with others of his kind and they flew to other places.

"Thanks for your help." Marley said before leaving and without waiting for a response.

Lake Valor - Sinnoh Grand Festival

"They have chosen me to do an interview because I’m a former winner of the Festival." Johanna revealed. Both Dawn and Zoey were happy for her.

“Soon they will interview me too." Dawn said in a dreamy tone.

"Not if I win the festival."Zoey said with a competitive smile.

Johanna smiled widely when she saw that her daughter had a rival who would make her improve.

"By the way, one of my friends and former rival, Keira, is one of the judges."

"And that’s bad?" Dawn asked curiously.

"She’s very strict."

"Better, that way my victory will be more spectacular." Zoey said.


The big day had arrived for Dawn. In the stands Ash, Pikachu (dressed as a cheerleader), Lucas, Forsythia and Lila watched her and cheered her on.

Her mother had given her a new dress for the festival, although she wasn’t the only one who had changed her style as all the contestants had dressed as elegant as possible.

Judges Raoul Contesta, Mr. Sukizo, Johanna (Dawn's mother), Fantina and nurse Joy were talking to each other as they prepared to evaluate the participants. And host Vivian Meridian thrilled the audience as she talked about the different coordinators and their strengths.

After the exhibitions, Dawn advanced, leaving Kenny behind and confronted Ursula and then Jessilina. In the semifinals she faced her eternal rival Zoey and to the surprise of many she managed to win, although it was by very few points of difference.

"You surprised me Dawn," Zoey said after congratulating her on her victory. "You have grown a lot in a short time."

"If it has been like this, it’s thanks to all the advice you gave me during my journey,” Dawn said happily. "You’re the best rival anyone could ask for."

Zoey smiled but her smile only lasted a few seconds.

"Be careful Dawn, your rival in the final is too strong."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine!"

Despite Dawn's assurance, both Zoey and Johanna knew that Dawn wasn’t going to win the final. Her rival was Jasmine, the gym leader of Olivine City, in Johto.

Ash had recognized her and told Dawn everything he knew about her. Still, her being a coordinator was a surprise even to Ash. In the end Dawn lost by a lot.

"You've done better than any coordinator I've faced this year," Jasmine said. "You, Zoey and Jessilina will become much stronger, some of you may even surpass me sooner than I imagine."

"I plan to work hard to make it happen," Dawn said. "Next time I’ll be much stronger."

Jasmine smiled as she saw the conviction on Dawn's face. Later Johanna and all of her friends congratulated Dawn for making it this far.

Sunyshore City

Ash needed to take Eldritch the Sailor's ship to get to the island where the Pokémon League was being held. Jasmine also had to catch a boat back to Johto so she accompanied them to the city.

When they arrived in the city they saw Volkner talking to a woman with glasses and purple clothes who couldn't stop writing in a book. After finishing talking with her, Volkner greeted them and invited them to eat.

Jasmine, curious to know what the Sinnoh gyms were like, challenged Volkner to a Pokémon battle. She lost but she had a lot of fun and when her boat arrived she said goodbye to everyone, promising to return for some other festival.


“What a pair of losers you are." Amadeus said to the TGio.

"Don't think so, you damn stupids person!" Hareta shouted, trying to pounce on him but being stopped by Mitsumi.

"What are we going to do now that Team Galactic is finished?" Mitsumi asked, without hiding the disdain she felt for Amadeus.

The guy smiled as he looked at the gym door. They were all dressed in civilian clothes so as not to attract the attention of the police.

Before Amadeus could say anything, a man came out of the gym and walked towards them.

"Bi, bidoof?" Bidoof asked.

"Is that any way to talk to your commander?" the man asked. The entire TGio trembled upon hearing his voice.

"I-it's not possible..." Mitsumi said surprised.

"Y-you are…!" Hareta said with a nervous smile.

"B-biii!" said Bidoof.

The man put a finger to his lips to signal them to be quiet.

"Now that I have the eight badges, I can have fun in the league. Then we will start my personal plan."

Lily of the Valley Island - Sinnoh Pokémon League

After lighting the sacred torch with fire supposedly coming from Heatran, the league began. Ash faced off against Jeffrey, Nando, Conway and Barry.

Finally it was their time to face Paul, who didn't even bother to speak to Ash until they were inside the battle field.

Dawn and Piplup, dressed as cheerleaders, kept giving Ash luck, while Lucas could only eat to calm his nerves.

"I'm not going to lose Paul." —Ash said very seriously.

"You haven't defeated me even once, so your words are just as empty as you." Paul said.

The combat began. Pikachu, Infernape, Staraptor, Buizel, Torterra and Gliscor vs Aggron, Gastrodon (Eastern Form), Drapion, Ninjask, Froslass and Electivire.

Paul's strategies put Ash in more of a bind, who had to do his best. However, the star of the fight was Infernape, who managed to extract all his power and defeat three of Paul's Pokémon. The final fight between rivals Infernape and Electivire was so fierce that even the judge at one point thought about stopping the fight. Finally Infernape defeated Paul's last Pokémon, ending his cruel relationship with his former trainer.

Ash later met up with Paul, who was leaving the island.


"…What do you want?" His rival asked, although this time his tone of voice was no longer one of disdain or malice.

"Thank you so much!"


"Without you I wouldn't have improved so much, losing to you taught me a lot," Ash said with a smile. "I may not stand the way you train, but you have been one of my best rivals and I hope we can fight again."

"...I can't stand your way of training either, but I can't deny that it works," Paul admitted with a small smile. "Next time I won't lose, Ash."

Cynthia watched them from afar with a smile on her beautiful face. A rivalry full of hate and darkness had died to make way for one with a bright future.


A mysterious trainer named Tobias had devastated all his opponents. And he had done it using only one Pokémon, a darkrai. What's more, not even the Gym Leaders he defeated could see others of his Pokémon.

Nobody knew anything about him and the guy barely spoke. In the semifinals Ash was the only one who managed to beat his darkrai, but then Tobias pulled a Latios.

"But how many legendaries does this guy have?!" Lucas said. Dawn had taken away his food because with his nerves all he did what stain everything, but without food he got even more nervous. A vicious cycle.

"That doesn't matter, Ash is going to win." Dawn said very seriously despite knowing that there was no truth in her words.

Pikachu defeated Latios but fell at the same time. Ash had no Pokémon left so he lost.

"You are the only trainer who has been able to defeat two of my Pokémon." Tobias said with a smile after shaking Ash's hand.

The young man from the Pallet Town felt a small shiver but attributed it to his imagination.

"Thank you for this incredible fight!"

Ash had placed among the top four in the league, one place above his previous league in Hoenn.

The final was won by Tobias and then he went to challenge the Elite Four. He almost beat Aaron but ended up losing.

After finishing the league, Cynthia and proffesor Rowan suggested that our heroes go to the Battle Zone to enjoy a vacation. And there were also strong trainers in that area.

M13: Zoroark: Master of Illusions

At the end of the league, our heroes wanted to see the start of the Pokémon Baccer World Cup in Corona City. However, they ended up discovering that Grings Kodai, the richest businessman in the city, had kidnapped a Zoroark from the Unova region.

His ultimate goal was to kidnap a celebi so he could use his powers and see the future, so he could continue to get rich. Kodai used Zoroark and her ability to create illusions to create chaos in the city to ward off any suspicion of him and his plans.

Our heroes learned all this thanks to Zoroark's little son, Zorua. And with the help of Rowena, Karl and the shiny versions of the three legendary beasts, they stopped Kodai's plans and exposed him as the criminal he was to the population of Corona City.


The Pokémon Ranger Ben, Summer and Ukelele Pichu had saved the region after defeating the Pokémon Nappers and preventing the evil Societea from gaining the power of immortality. However, a Ranger's job is never done and they both received an urgent call from their bosses.

“Rangers Ben, Summer and Ukelele Pichu, this is Proffesor Gobies. I have an urgent mission for both of us. I know that you are aware of the crisis that recently occurred in the Sinnoh region. However, it seems that the few members of Team Galactic who are on the loose are seeking to capture a heatran. Normally we would leave the matter to the police, but this heatran is much more powerful than the others of its kind and they want to sell it on the black market. “They must prevent it at all costs.”

Battle Zone

Ash visited the fight area where trainers from all over Sinnoh gathered to test their skills. There he found Barry and teamed up with him to fight Volkner and Flint.

Dawn went to the sruvival area, where she met several gym leaders who helped her improve her combat strategies. There she heard the dark legend of a girl who ended up trapped in the house of a mysterious and evil hiker named Meister...

Meanwhile Lucas went to the resort area, where he and his Pokémon received massages while enjoying a good tropical meal. He also met a rich guy from Hoenn who was obsessed with stones in general.


Stark Mountain

“Are you sure you want to help me? You all seem pretty wimpy… Well, okay, you won't regret teaming up with me!” ―Buck.

In the most dangerous area of ​​the zone, they met a boy named Buck. He was the little brother of Flint of the Elite Four. The boy was a Top trainer and had been searching for a treasure called Magma Stone.

The treasure hunt ended up being a fight against Team Galactic's Charon, who was with Mars and Jupiter in search of a powerful heatran to make money.

And luckily for our heroes, there were also two Pokémon Rangers there, Ben and Summer, who had the mission of protecting that heatran.

"Ok! That's it for me! I'm going to look for Master Cyrus myself." Mars complained after being defeated by Ash and Dawn.

"Cyrus is in the Distortion World and you are going to go to a prison." Ash said, although Mars only heard the first part and that made her face light up.

"The Distortion World, was it called? I should go there, right? I'm quits with Team Galactic. Jupiter, you can deal with it!"

Her companion gave a long sigh.

"Following Mars's lead at anything irks me, but... I'm quitting to do my own thing, too." she finally said. "Team Galactic's just no fun without Look-, I mean, without Master Cyrus, So, old-timer, go ahead. Do what you want with Team Galactic."

Charon gritted his teeth and the veins on his old face stood out even more as he heard all this.

"There you have it. We're going back to being ordinary girls." said Mars, laughing. "You can mop up whichever way you want."

Jupiter looked at Mars as if she were a crazy.

"...Says you. An "ordinary girl" you're not. What should I do now? Is leaving on a journey the right idea?"

"You're not going anywhere except jail!" Dawn said, but the remaining Grunts stood in the way, letting the two commanders escape from there.

"Sigh... So impressionable and impetuous. What do they see in Cyrus? Immature, overthinking buffoon." Charon said with disdain. "He goes through the trouble of assembling Team Galactic for what? Ultimately, he destroys his own creation for his ludicrous vision. It's no thanks to him that I have to struggle with the pieces... But that's fine. The young can live with their dreams. I prefer to remain firmly in reality. And for that, money is paramount.

"And that's why you're going to capture Heatran?" Lucas asked.

"And I will also get the Magma Stone that that dwarf talks so much about. It's all for the money!"

"I'm not a dwarf!" Buck shouted furiously.

“With the Magma Stone, I will control the legendary Heatran! Then I will control the volcano's eruptions to extort money by the millions! Fear me! For I am Charon! The boss of the reborn Team Galactic!"

While Ben and Summer protected Heatran and returned him to his home, Ash and his friends defeated Charon and his grunts just as Looker arrived with other police officers.

"You’re all under arrest!" Looker said happily after coming out from behind some rocks with his croagunk. "I would have liked to capture Jupiter, I mean, all the commanders but at least we have Charon."

Charon, tired, did nothing when the handcuffs were put on him.

"Cyrus disappeared... Sird is nowhere to be found. Mars and Jupiter quit. My grandson Saturn has said that he’s he would look after what remains of Team Galactic but he won’t join me…" The sadness and disappointment could be seen in the scientist's old voice.

"Come on old man, the International Police wants you to collaborate!" said Looker. "I'm sure you have a lot to say."

"What are you saying? I know nothing! A new Team Galactic? Extorting with Heatran? Merely the blathering of this harmless old man! All said in jest! Besides, among Team Galactic's Commanders, I was the most junior..."

"Right, right... Don't worry, we have plenty of time to get the information out of you."

After that mini adventure, Ash decided that it was time to return home. After saying goodbye to Dawn and Lucas, he boarded the S.S. Aqua and left for Carmine City.


Vermilion City

Upon arrival Ash had a run-in with Eusine, who was on the trail of another suicune since the one he wanted had already been with Kriss for a year.

After greeting Liutenient Surge and helping him with some errands that the Pokémon fan club had asked of him, Ash returned to Pallet Town.


Viridian City - A few days later…

"You rhydon? You would give it to me?" Silver asked, somewhat confused. "Why?"

"For three reasons. One: You have helped me a lot during these months. Two: If you want to continue down this path you are going to need it more than me. And three: This Pokémon is unable to go for a long time without fighting or training to become stronger. With me he won't be able to develop his full potential, that's why I want to give it to you. It pains me to say goodbye to him but it is for his own good."

"And he agrees?"

"Not at first, but he has understood that he’ll only get strong with a trainer who has the same combative spirit as him. He carries an item called a protector, so it’ll surely evolve when we trade it." Gary explained.

"Then I'll end up getting a rhyperior," Silver said with a small smile. "Without a doubt, a Pokémon like him will come in very handy on my team."


Eager to see how his friends were doing, Ash went to the city but neither Yellow nor Gary were there. The girl had gone to Ranger School and Gary had just gone to Cinnabar Island to study the fossils.

Although the biggest surprise was meeting Silver, his old rival from Johto.

"I'm working... I'm a slave to the Kanto police," Silver explained to him as they walked towards the Pokémon gym. "If I don't want to end up in a reformatory, I have to help them thoroughly investigate Team Rocket's secret bases."

"Giovanni is still missing, right? “Ash remembered then. For a moment Silver's expression hardened.

"Yes... But I'm sure I'll find that bastard and make him pay."


"Nothing, forget what I said."


Pewter City

Kanto had changed a lot, there were trains that quickly took you from one city to another in a matter of hours or minutes. Ash went to Pewter City by train and met Brock at the museum.

"Thanks to my parents finally maturing, I have more free time for myself," Brock said happily when he saw his friend. "My little brother Forrest says he wants to take over for me when he's older, he’s the best! And tell me Ash, have you been eating well?"

“Kriss and Brendan were very good cooks, and in Sinnoh I traveled with Lucas who wanted to be a professional chef. His food was just as good as yours!"

"I would like to meet this Lucas and share recipes if he’s that good." Brock said excitedly.

During the museum visit, they saw Steven Stone. Ash introduced Brock to the former Hoenn champion, who told them that he was really enjoying the Kanto stones.

"It has a less “watery” touch." Steven said. Neither Ash nor Brock understood what he meant but they were happy to see him so happy.


Cerulean City

Ash and Misty were spending the day together at the Cerulean Cape while Brock cooked at Misty's house, accompanied by his friend's beautiful sisters.

During their walk, Ash and Misty defeat a member of Team Rocket who was causing trouble at the Power Plant. They also saw Eusine trying to capture a suicune and failing.

“Suicune is a water type, right?"Misty said after seeing the legendary flee, with Eusine chasing him like crazy.

"Yes, and it can purify the waters of any place."

"How beautiful! Now I understand why that guy wants to capture him. I also want one!"

"They usually live in Johto," Ash said, remembering his trip. "Although I saw a shiny one in Sinnoh."

"Oh really?! How can you be so lucky?" Misty said devastated.

They continued walking and Ash didn't realize that Misty was very close to him, close enough to be able to hold his hand, but in the end Misty didn't dare. For some reason Ash felt the same way about Misty as he did about May and Dawn, although he couldn't express how. He just knew that Kriss didn't give him the same feeling.

"Tell me, have you met many pretty girls on your travels?" Misty asked suddenly. Her loose, ponytail-free hair looked pretty good on her, Ash thought.

"Yes, I have met many girls."

"I see…"

"They were very strong! They had some amazing Pokémon."

Misty breathed a sigh of relief and joy upon hearing that. During dinner Brock revealed to everyone his future plans.

"I'm thinking about becoming a Pokémon doctor," he said very happily. "It's not that I'm going to stop being a gym leader, but I'm going to focus more on my dreams."

“No wonder you want to be a doctor, you have always been very sensitive when it comes to taking care of Pokémon." Misty said.

"I'm sure you'll be the best in the world!" Ash said. "Right, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu, Pika!"


Celadon City

The three friends helped Erika investigate the Celadon Mansion, as it was said that there were ghosts there. However, the only thing they found was members of the famous Game Freak Company, who wanted to buy the mansion.

Then Ash met up again with Jasmine, who was apparently a good friend of Erika.


Fuchsia City

Koga was already officially a member of Johto's Elite Four, so the gym leader was his daughter Janine. Ash, Misty and Brock already knew her thanks to the second Stadium Tournament two years ago. Her aunt Aya helped her run the gym but from the fight she and Ash had, it was clear that Janine had talent.

Later Janine gave him good news.

“We have removed the safari and replaced it with the Pal Park." said Janine.

Both Misty and Brock were holding back their laughter when they saw Ash's happy face.

“But don't worry, the legend of the boy obsessed with Tauros will continue to be told for generations." said Janine.


Lavender Town

Lavender Tower had been converted into a Radio Tower and the cemetery had been moved elsewhere. Now Mr. Fuji lived in the new cemetery and seemed much happier.


Saffron City

Sabrina was becoming famous in the world of advertisem*nts and shows. Which surprised Ash, since he never saw her as an actress.

Our Kanto heroes crossed paths again with Steven Stone, who as a representative of Devon Co. was doing business with Silph Co.


Cinnabar Island

Blaine had a new gym inside the Foam Islands and seemed eager to create new puzzles and mazes. Ash and his friends met up with Gary, who seemed to want to dedicate himself completely to the study of fossil Pokémon.

“I promised Yellow that I would train her to be a gym leader when she came back from Ranger School." Gary informed Ash before returning to Viridian City.


Mt. Silver

With Leaf as referee, Ash faced Red. He used his strongest Pokémon and to everyone's surprise he managed to defeat one of Red's Pokémon and almost another.

"Incredible Ash, if you continue like this you’ll soon be at the level of an Elite Four." Leaf told him.

“I'm going to train so much that I’ll become the very best like no one ever was" Ash said very determined.

“…” Red said, making both Ash and Leaf very happy.

Red ended up giving Ash a Legend Ribbon, with which Ash would be considered a Top trainer by the World Pokémon Association.


Pallet Town

While eating with his mother, Ash received an unexpected call from his new Poké Gear.

"Hey Ash, Pikachu! How are you?" Asked a smiling Ethan and Kriss.

"Very well! And you?"

"Very well, as well!" Ethan said laughing.

"Your mother told us that you were coming back soon from your trip, so we thought that you could come to Goldenrod City to participate in the Pokéathlon." Kriss explained.


Using the newly completed Magnet Train in Saffron City, Ash quickly reached Goldenrod City. His friends Ethan and Kriss were waiting for him there, although they were accompanied by a girl he didn't know.

"This is my little sister Lyra!" Kriss said very proudly as she introduced her to Ash. "She is the winner of this year's Pokémon League! She defeated all of her rivals, including Whitney, using only three Pokémon! And when she faced Will of the Elite Four, she defeated two of his Pokémon! Lance has said that he’s going to train so that she can be the fourth member of Johto's Elite Four!"

“…Sister…” Lyra murmured embarrassed. There were even people who had stopped to see what all the fuss was about.

Meanwhile, Ethan's shiny pichu was playing with another pichu whose left ear had three spikes. Pikachu joined them and the three began chasing each other.

"Yes, yes, your little sister is very talented, can we go to the Pokéathlon now?" Ethan said quite tiredly, because he had already heard all that too many times. "Even I don't boast as much about the ninja training that Koga gave me. By the way Ash, do you know that Koga gave me ninja training?"

"Lyra, let's have a fight!" Ash said, ignoring his friend completely.

"Yes, the best way to get to know someone is with a Pokémon fight!" Lyra said just as excited.

"No, if we do that, we will never get there in time!" Ethan complained.

“Ethan is right, we have to hurry if we want to sign up." Kriss said without stopping hugging her little sister.


The Pokéathlon Tent

Youngster Joey, the kimono girls, the gym leaders, the Elite Four and Johto champion were there participating with their favorite Pokémon. Ash greeted some of them as he and Pikachu got ready.

-Falkner: Hello Ash, long time no see... Have you been with Janine? That girl is really amazing, although she still thinks her father is better than mine. If she weren't like that she would be perfect... My swellow? I've had it since he was a taillow.

-Bugsy: Hey Ash, I hope this competition is better than the bug-catching contest. I always won it so I stopped participating because it was boring. By the way, do you know that the tenth anniversary of the investigations of the Alpha ruins will be soon? How time flies!

-Whitney: You're just as cute as always Ash!...That Lyra girl has taken my place in the Elite Four... It bothers me to admit it but she's just as good as my miltank's Moo-moo milk... At least I've got my status as an Top trainer.

-Morty: How are you Ash?... Is Eusine still obsessed with capturing a suicune? Well, all that remains is to wish him good luck…My favorite legendary beast ​​is Entei, he seems more ferocious to me.

-Chuck: How are you doing kid?... Did you meet my teacher Greta? And on top of that you beat her?! Boy, you’re incredible!

-Jasmine: We meet again sooner than expected, Ash. Did you know? I previously specialized in the rock type, until I saw how little research the steel type was next to the sinister type... That my beloved Onyx, Rusty, evolved into a steelix was quite a surprise.

-Pryce: …What do you want, can't you see I'm busy? What's so strange about an old man wanting to exercise? Leave me alone!

-Clair: Hello Ash, good to see you! How is your charizard?... My cousin Lance is having a terrible time because they don't let him wear his cape with his running clothes. Now he’s complaining to the organizers… I'm starting to feel embarrassed…


Magnus, owner and founder of the Pokéathlon, walked happily and proudly with his Poliwrath, observing all the participants.

"I haven't felt this good since that time I beat a machamp in an arm wrestling match."


"Your Pokémon seems even more excited than you." said Maylene, leader of the Veilstone gym in Sinnoh. The girl had come at Magnus' request to be a judge and in exchange, she could eat at any junk food restaurant in Johto for a year, all free.

Magnus started the games and watched as trainers and Pokémon gave their all to win.

In the Speed ​​category, Whitney stood out, Primo in Power, Komomo in Skill, Jasmine in Stamina and Falkner in Jump.

"Don't you think it's strange that Pryce moves so well?" Lance suddenly said to the others.

"Enough Lance, you can't always suspect Pryce." Clair said tiredly.


"But nothing."

“Well, your cape-man cousin is right." Pryce said with an evil smile.

Before anyone noticed, Pryce removed his face and revealed himself to be a member of Team Rocket. And he wasn’t the only one because other participants also took off their suits and surrounded the venue.

"I am Commander Petrel, Team Rocket's master of disguise!" said the man with purple hair and a mischievous look.

"And I am Commander Proton, Team Rocket's new master recruiter." Said a man with a cap who stood next to him.

"I knew it!" Lance exclaimed, happy to be right.

Petrel and Proton went up to the box and took Magnus's microphone. They also took him hostage to prevent Maylene from doing anything.

“Wow, just when things were getting more interesting…” Magnus murmured.

"First Neo Team Rocket and now this…" Ethan complained.

"These are the guys who tried to hurt you two years ago, sister?" Lyra asked furiously.

"No, but I'm sure some of them worked for Neo Team Rocket." Kriss said with a sigh.

"What do you want, Team Rocket?!/Piii, Pikachu?!" Ash and Pikachu asked.

"You may be number one on Team Rocket's list." Jessie said.

“But you're not our number one priority right now." James said.

"Meowth, that’s right!" “Meowth said.

Petrel looked at everyone present without stopping smiling.

"Right now we have surrounded the entire Goldenrod city. So you better give up."

"After our defeat at the Sevii Islands, Giovanni disappeared but we didn’t surrender,” Proton explained. "We've spent a year threatening, bribing, stealing, blackmailing, rounding up grunts both inside and outside of prison, all for our grand master plan!"

"None of that would have been possible without my cool costumes, I must say," Petrel said proudly. "It's very easy to sign important papers when everyone thinks you're a big-name politician."

"And what is that great master plan that you boast so much about?" Lance asked without getting the least bit upset.

"To use the Radio Tower to send a message to Giovanni! To tell him that Team Rocket still exists and we’re stronger than ever!" Petrel said ecstatically.

A deep and long silence settled in the place. Those present looked at each other confused. Even the villains began to get a little nervous and their evil smiles fell at times.

"All that just to send a message?"

“What a waste of time and resources."

"Were they always this pathetic?"

"Well, they were defeated three years ago by a kid in Kanto."

"Why always Goldenrod City? Maybe I should go back to Opelucid City."

"Can we end this now and get back to the competition?"

"Silence!" Petrel shouted furiously when he saw that they weren’t afraid of them.

"You think you're very smart, but we already knew you were up to something," Silver said very seriously. "If the police haven’t done anything it is because they wanted to have you all in one place. You have made our task much easier."

“Silence traitor! You maybe be the son of G-” Proton couldn't say much more because Magnus punched him hard, throwing him to the ground. Petrel tried to help him but Maylene kicked him so hard that she sent him flying several meters.

"Ash, you and I are going to the Radio Tower!" Lance said as battles broke out around them between both trainers and Pokémon.


"We're going too!" said Ethan, Kriss, Lyra and Silver.


The new battle of Goldenrod City ended much faster than the one of two years ago. Commanders Archer and Ariana caused problems but were ultimately defeated, but not before sending their message to Giovanni. Although they never received a response.

"What a waste… not to use your strength to do bad things! Feh… People like you will never in a million years understand our brilliance! It's too bad… I've really come to respect your strength." Ariana said to Ash after losing.

"Pokémon are not tools that you can use, especially to do evil." Ash said very seriously.

"It's not possible... the houndoom that Giovanni gave me when It was a houndour... has lost against a Pikachu..." said Archer, who was completely gone while the police took him away in handcuffs. "No! Forgive me, Giovanni! Why have you abandoned us? Why?! We have done everything for you!"

"I think this one needs a psychiatric hospital instead of prison." Agent Jenny commented.

"Is this the kind of people you face on your travels?" Lyra asked Ash, somewhat scared.

"No, there are even crazier ones." Ash said as if it were something common.

"Our work is becoming a risky sport…What news we’re going to give this afternoon." DJ Mary said to his partner DJ Ben, who seemed fed up with everything.

"If they gave me a PokéDollar for every time we've been kidnapped, I'd have two," said DJ Ben, "which isn't much but it's worrying that it happened twice."

Later everyone found out that the real Pryce was fine but his gym was full of frozen Rocket grunts.


The next day, Lyra gathered Ash, Ethan, Kriss, and Silver to make a confession to everyone. Two years ago, when her sister Kriss travel around Johto with Ash, a celebi and a Spiky-eared Pichu visited her.

The celebi told her that he needed her although Lyra didn't know why. Not wanting to disappoint the legendary, Lyra trained for the next two years. Meanwhile Celebi used her powers to make her travel back in time so she could see Team Rocket's plans. It was Lyra who passed secret information to the police through Silver.

"Did you know all this?" Kriss asked Silver angrily.

The boy raised his hands in a sign of peace.

“I didn't know about time travel, I just knew that her information was correct. I kept an eye on her just in case but nothing more."

"Isn't time travel dangerous?" Ethan asked when remembering his adventures with another celebi.

"I made sure not to do anything that could change the timeline." Lyra said proudly.

"If Dialga hasn't done anything, then everything is fine." Ash murmured.

Finally, Celebi wanted Ash and his friends to go to Ilex Forest, so they did that after taking a bus to Azalea Town. In the shrine the celebi was waiting for them.

They traveled three years into the past, just to see how Giovanni argued with nine-year-old Silver. Upon learning that the redhead was Giovanni's son, everyone had many questions, but Silver's sad face made them not want to ask him those questions.

Then they all traveled to the future, more specifically to the day in which Team Rocket had hijacked the Radio Tower. However, Celebi sent Silver to the present and led the rest to a cave where they found the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni.


Tohjo Falls

“Here is the Goldenrod City Radio tower. Here is the Goldenrod City Radio tower.

After three years of effort, we are here to proclaim, the true return of Team Rocket! Giovanni! Can you hear us? Have we finally did it?... Listen to us! Where are you, Giovanni? Can you hear this message wherever you are?..." ―Archer, Giovanni's most loyal member.

"My time has come." Giovanni said putting on his raincoat and hat with a wide smile.

Turning around he saw Ash, Ethan, Kriss and Lyra.

"…B-but what? What are you doing here?!" Giovanni shouted surprised, scared and very, very confused. "I can't even get rid of you here?! Move aside, my old associates need me!"

The fight didn't last as long as Ash expected. When he was ten years old, Giovanni had seemed like an almost unstoppable monster, but he had fought against him because the rage he felt was greater than his fear. Now with thirteen years old, Giovanni seemed like someone without dreams or illusions.

Ethan, Kriss, and Lyra watched in silence as Ash's Pokémon defeated Giovanni's.

"How this is possible...? Three…four…five…six…seven and now eight defeats against the same kid… Has everything I've done been in vain?! Am I destined to always lose to the twerp? Forgive me mother... The precious dream of Team Rocket has become little more than an illusion..."

For a few moments Ash, Ethan, Kriss and Lyra even felt sorry for Giovanni. His evil look had become one of pure sadness and desolation, as if something had finally broken inside him. The mafia boss fell to the ground and stopped moving. He almost looked like a body without a soul.

Before the child could say anything, the celebrity took them back to their time.


"If you ever need to talk about something..." Ash started to say but Silver stopped him.

"Don't worry, I know you're good people but right now I don't want to talk about that." was all Silver said after hearing Giovanni's latest defeat.

The children thanked Celebi, who wanted to stay in New Bark town, more specifically at Kriss and Lyra's house.


DJ Mary from Goldenrod Radio had given Ash a ticket as a reward for saving her. A trip to a large Pokémon theme park located on a southern island. And best of all, there were colosseums everywhere!

The receptionist Anna, who adored Pikachu, explained that each coliseum had a very strong leader who could challenge to get Poké coupons, which would be exchanged for money.

The leaders of the colosseum were: Gateway Joe, Main Street Taylor, Waterfall Sunyshore, Neon Rosie, Cristal Voldon, Magma Terrell, Sunset Dusty, Sunny Park Sashay, Courtyard Kruger and Stargazer Master Mysterial.

Ash defeated them all and was allowed entry to the Atoll, a secret coliseum in which those who had defeated the ten coliseum leaders could compete.

At the Lagoon Colosseum Ash faced Nate, Cyndy, Tommy, Daisy, Natalie and Joel. The seven of them learned a lot from each other and as a reward for being the only ones to complete the Pokétopia challenge, they were each given a different gift.

Ash got a surfboard for Pikachu, courtesy of the receptionist Anna.

One day Pikachu was playing at proffesor Oak's ranch with the other Pokémon when a mew appeared and transported them all to PokéPark. There he gave them the mission to defeat the guardians, find the fragments of the Celestial Prism and save the Poképark.

"This’s the kind of thing that always happens to Ash," Pikachu complained. "Well, I guess I get to be the hero without him."


"I always end up coming to this place when I feel sorry for myself. But once here I feel good, as always. Coming here encourages me." ―Shinx.

It had been a while since Ash had dreamed of becoming a Pokémon but it happened again. This time he was a riolu and his new friend was a female shinx with a big heart despite her cowardice.

Together they became part of a Pokéguild, the leaders were Wigglytuff and his assistant Chatot. They became explorers alongside the clumsy Bidoff, the whiny Sunflora, the restless Loudred, the curious Corphish, the friendly Chimeco, the miserly Croagunk, the sentinel Diglett and their father Dugtrio.

However, they had problems with the Team Skull, formed by Skutank, Koffing and Zubat. Despite being explorers, they had no ethics and enjoyed doing evil to the weakest. Ash and Shinx had to teach them a lesson more than once.

Soon Ash discovered that he had powers because he was able to see “pieces” of the past or future of people and objects. Using that ability called Dimensional scream, he and Shinx solved several mysteries and accomplished numerous missions, gaining great fame for themselves and the guild.

They were also forced to stop Grovyle, the thief who was looking for the time gears. According to the mysterious Dusknoir, he and Grovyle came from the future but Grovyle was evil and sought to steal the gears to destroy the world.

Dusknoir was eventually revealed to be an evil Pokémon working for Primal Dialga, a corrupted version of the legendary Dialga. Ash, Shinx and Grovyle ended up in an apocalyptic future where time was almost completely paralyzed. With the help of a shiny celebi, they managed to return to the past and there reunite the missing time gears.

After several adventures with Grovyle, they managed to save the Temporal Tower and thus prevent the apocalyptic future. Still, Ash had to say goodbye to Shinx and the rest to return to his world...

"Ash... When you left... When you said goodbye to this place... I could see... all your regret," Dialga said. If that's what you still feel... and if Shinx felt the same... I will grant your wish. This world needs you. That's why... I'm going to give you something very special. I offer you... The future! This is my way of saying thank you! Don’t waste this second chance!"

With his powers Dialga allowed Ash, or at least a version of him, to stay in that world.

Thanks to that, Ash and Shinx continued with their adventures, the last of which led them to meet Palkia, because someone was giving him nightmares and causing problems with space.

The culprit of all the evils that occurred in the region was the evil Drakrai. It was him who caused the destruction of the Temporal Tower and who gave Palkia nightmares. With the help of Cresselia, who joined the team of explorers, they managed to defeat Darkrai and save the world again. And so Ash, Shinx, Cresselia and Manaphy continued with their adventures...


Another even stranger dream Ash had was when he dreamed that he was going to a world of Pokémon toys and had to make them fight each other. And he also had to prevent the battle between Dialga, Palkia and Giratina from destroying that dimension...


One day when Ash returned from roffesor Oak's ranch, he found a surprise at his house.

"Hello there!" Emerald said. He was no longer on stilts so he needed cushions to sit well at the table. Luckily, Delia didn't hesitate to lend them to him.

"Hi Ash," Scott said while drinking tea. "I come to tell you if you want to participate in the Battle Frontier that is on an island located between Johto and Sinnoh. Just as difficult as the previous one, but I'm sure you're looking for a good challenge right now, am I wrong?"


As Ash was leaving for his new adventure, he received a worried call from Dawn and Lucas. Apparently they had both been watching him on television when he participated in the Pokéathlon. Therefore they knew about Team Rocket's attack.

Ash told them that he was fine and that he was going to participate in his second Battle Frontier. Dawn and Lucas then decided they wanted to accompany him since they missed him.

Before leaving Pallet Town, proffesor Oak gave him the green Orb or Jade Orb as he called.

"Bill found it on the Sevii Islands in the form of an Emerald and hid it from Team Rocket. Over time, the Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald have repaired themselves and returned to their original forms. You were already attached to the Jade Orb so I leave it to you. I’ll give the red and blue Orb to Mr. Pokémon so he can return it to Mount Pyric. Apparently he’s a friend of the guardian...

Sinjoh Island

"These are your new companions?" Emerald asked upon meeting Dawn and Lucas. "Were you bored of the others?

"Don't talk nonsense, they are just doing their things." Ash explained.

"You're so cute!" Dawn said, hugging Emerald tightly. "My name is Dawn, how old are you, five?"

"N-no... Ugh!"

Emerald was about to drown if it weren't for Ash and Lucas separating them right away.

"Ugh… Are you crazy?! I'm not a stuffed animal!" Emerald said with his face red like a tamato berry. "Plus I'm twelve years old!"

"Like Dawn and me?" Lucas said raising an eyebrow as he gave the boy a sandwich. Emerald took it with a serious gesture after several seconds.

"Now is when you say I need to eat more to grow, right?"

"Not at all," Lucas denied, confused. "You look healthy so it's obvious you eat well. Furthermore, everyone grows at their own pace and if you not, don’t worry too much."

His words and how good the sandwich was made Lucas become Emerald's second favorite person, Kriss being the first and Ash the third. Although he would never admit that last thing to the teen from Pallet town.

"So this’s the Battle Frontier?" Dawn asked as they moved around the island with Emerald as their guide. "Will there be people as strong as Brandon?"

"I'm sure Ash is looking forward to it." Lucas said with a smile.

"You know me very well!" Ash said very sure of himself.

"I'm sorry, but there's only one as strong like Brandon here," Emerald said after devouring another of Lucas's sandwiches, "although that doesn't mean that the rest are weak. They still have a level close to the Elite Four."

"I already won the one between Kanto and Hoenn. You don't know how much I want to challenge the Brains of this Battle Frontier!" Ash exclaimed, getting so excited that Pikachu, Dawn and Lucas had to move away to avoid being burned by the flames coming out of his body.

"Calm down, Ash. Or we're going to have to call in the Squirtle squad." Emerald said with him typical mocking smile.

The island wasn’t very big and the five battle facilities spread throughout the place were close to each other. And instead of symbols they gave Gold Prints to those who won in each facility. However, almost no one had managed to complete the challenge.

Emerald took them to a mansion located east of the largest Pokémon Center on the island. It had a garden and pool included.

"It was Steven's but he gave it to Scott when he got bored of looking at the stones on the island." Emerald explained while the three friends looked in amazement at the place where they were going to live for a month or so.

"Interesting place," Looker said as he looked at a small screen. "But proffesor Carolina was right, something is distorting space-time on this island."

"It's definitely Cyrus!" Agent Marble said furiously. "Leaving that guy in the Distortion World was a very bad idea."

“Let's not rush with such theories. Let's go undercover first and see if it's Cyrus or someone else who's causing trouble."

The two took a green cloak from their backpacks and crouched with it to camouflage themselves in the tall grass as they advanced through the area.


Battle Factory: Win Consecutively with Rental Pokémon

"Bzweeeeep! Let's see what I can see about you through my data-analyzing machine. So, what Pokémon do you have for this match...? I see! You've Donphan, Gabite and Staraptor. I have to say, that's a good setup. It's a combination of friendship with everyone around… I'd say it's like 99 percent? Oh, don't let that number concern you! All right, let's get going! ―Thorton, factory Head.

Before the fight, Emerald asked Thorton to stop by the mansion later because the television and other devices were failing a bit.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one this is happening to." Thorton said very seriously. "Something is making the machines on the island go crazy, but I'm slowly fixing them."

Thorton then asked Ash if he could use his Pikachu as a battery. The answer was no, until they saw that he was building robots for PokéWood. Then it was Lucas, who strongly asked Ash to help Thorton.

"He’s a big fan of the Mecha genre." Dawn explained.

"Interesting." Thorton said smiling for the first time.

The match was Donphan, Gabite and Staraptor vs Ledian, Bronzong and Magnezone. Ash won and got his first color badge.

"Hmm... I got handed another loss. It's not making me happy at all, this. In fact, I'm stewing here. I thought I learned a lot about Pokémon since I lost to you. But that's all right. Some things you learn from winning. But some things you learn by losing."

"I'm glad you're as strong as I imagined!"

"Wow, I haven't heard anyone say that in a while."

Ash and his friends couldn't celebrate much as the TGio attacked the factory and tried to steal several items. Although they were stopped, Thorton discovered that in the meantime someone had stolen a prototype of one of his machines.

A space-time anomaly detector that he created with the help of proffesor Rowan after what happened in Sinnoh.

Battle Arcade: Where Events Sway Outcomes

"No need to worry. Let chance do what it does. Like surprises from the game board, life goes through twists and turns. No need to worry. Things will go as they will. But, enough of that. I know one thing for certain. You have arrived here not merely because you were lucky. Let us not waste any time." ―Arcade Star Dahlia.

When they entered the facility, Dahlia was already waiting for them while she was talking on the phone with Fantina. Through the screen Fantina saw our heroes and greeted them, warning them that Dahlia wasn’t only an admirable dancer, but also very strong.

"Ash and Dawn, you’re the ones who used that famous counter-defense that Fantina told me so much about, right? I'm impressed." Dahlia said.

"Yeah!" they both said proudly at the same time.

Sceptile, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Glalie and Torterra vs Blaziken, Togekiss, Ludicolo, Medicham and Dusknoir. After a long and intense battle in which Ash had to overcome Dahlia's rhythmic techniques, the teen from Pallet Town was able to obtain the Gold Arcade Prints from him.

"Truly, it was so very fabulous of all of you! Bad luck, you cast aside, and good luck, you netted. That you did so is evidence of your abilities. By defeating me, Dahlia, you have proven your mastery brilliantly! I am sincerely happy for having this battle against you!" Dahlia said.

"I’m too, I have learned a lot from you." said Ash, who was sweating a lot due to the tension suffered.

"The way your Pokémon moved was incredible, could you show me?" Dawn said excitedly.

"Of course, whenever you want, I'll stop by your mansion!" Dahlia said delighted.

“So much dancing has made me hungry…" Lucas murmured.


"The next place we go to tomorrow is something special." Emerald said while they were having dinner.

Every time Ash won, Lucas made a lot of food to celebrate and this time was no different. Everyone, Pokémon included, was eating in the garden while watching the stars.

"Special? Why?" said Ash after swallowing a large piece of meat.

"The Frontier Brain of Battle Castle can’t fight due to how powerful she is,” Emerald explained.

"Is she that strong?"

"…Let's see, Brandon was very strong but what put him at the level of the Elite Four were his legendaries. However this girl is Elite Four level without needing legendaries, and on top of that when she gets angry she can destroy the entire place."

"She seems very dangerous…" said Dawn worried. Emerald nodded bitterly.

"Scott has been wanting to send her to a place where she can better use her talents for a long time. Luckily she has been accepted to be a member of Unova's Elite Four. She leaves this month."

"Unova? I've already heard about that place several times," Ash said curiously. "Is it another region?"

"Yes, and it's quite far away." Lucas said.

"…I think I know where I'm going to go when this Battle Frontier is over!" Ash said excitedly.

"And I can accompany you, I want to see what kind of contests there are there." Dawn said just as excited. Lucas was the only one who saw how the girl looked at Ash, and that's why what he said next hurt him a lot.

"There’re no Pokémon contests in Unova."

Dawn's smile disappeared instantly.


"Pokémon contests aren’t as widespread as they seem. They were born in Hoenn and spread to Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh, but they are something very new or non-existent in other regions." Lucas explained.

"How do you know so much?" Emerald asked.

"Lucas always knows a lot." Ash said.

"I just like to find out things about my friends' tastes," Lucas explained embarrassed, "so I can help them better."

That night Dawn had a lot to think about what she wanted to do when the trip was over.

Battle Castle: Manage Battles with Castle Points

"Welcome. Lady Caitlin, my employer, is not one to accept defeat willingly. However, for a reason I'm not at liberty to disclose, she cannot battle. Consequently, I will do battle in her ladyship's place. ...Let assure me that you won't be shortchanged by facing me." ―Castle Valet Darach.

Floatzel, Gliscor, Heracross and Gabite vs Staraptor, Empoleon, Houndoom and Gallade. It was an exhausting fight, more so due to the fact that Darach spent the entire time trying to show off in front of Caitlin, who was busy talking to Dawn about rich girl things.

Darach's strategies were very defensive but Ash managed to break through this defense and defeat him. Then Ash received the Gold Castle Prints.

"I am humbled... What I'd perceived to be a weakness was only illusory... Or, perhaps you corrected it in the course of our battle. Regardless, your performance was stunning again. Although she cannot say it, Lady Caitlin appears quite taken by her style. For her sake at the very least, please do return to our Battle Castle!" Darach said.

Ash just wanted to get out of there quickly but someone stopped him. The TGio, along with another grunt named Amadeus, attacked them in the middle of the castle. However, Caitlin destroyed them in seconds. When they were going to hand them over to the police, they were restrained by…

"Tobias!" Ash, Dawn and Lucas said at the same time. The mysterious darkrai-man smiled evilly before releasing the grunts and fleeing from there.

"Is the winner of this year's Sinnoh League in cahoots with Team Galactic?" Looker said surprised after hearing the news from our heroes.

"I knew he wasn't trustworthy. Someone appearing out of nowhere with two legendaries was too suspicious." Marble said.

"Let's go find him and interrogate him."

"Yes sir!"

Battle Hall: Let Each Pokémon Seek No. 1

"My Battle Hall allows trainers to mount challenges with their one favorite Pokémon. I imagine there were tense moments getting here with your chosen one. But understand that one shines the brightest when a challenge is overcome. I am your final and most daunting challenge. I dare you to overcome my challenge." ―Argent, Hall Matron.

Charizard, Feraligatr and Pikachu vs Dragonite, Skarmory and Suicune. Ash didn't expect the legendary on her team. Luckily he was able to count on Pikachu giving his all to defeat Argent’s suicune. Apparently she had captured him very recently after defeating a guy in a cape who was chasing him.

"You must never forget there’s a place where everyone can shine. That goes for any kind of Pokémon, too. Spread that message in your own words. It's one everyone should hear. And now, having lost, this lady has nothing left to say at all, but... Bye-bye!" Argenta said after giving him the Gold Hall Prints.

Battle Tower: Never Lose! Keep Winning!

Ash only had one Gold Print left to complete the Battle Frontier. He was very confident after his last victory even though Emerald told him to be careful because the last Frontier Brain was just as strong as Brandon.

In the Battle Tower they met Barry, who revealed himself to be the son of Palmer, the master of the Tower. Barry wanted to challenge Ash but his father appeared and stopped him.

"Ash already beat you in the Pokémon League," Palmer said with a big smile. "Now is my turn."

Ash lost his fight. Palmer didn’t mess around and gave his all. It was like fighting an adult version of Barry.

After several days of rest and plan strategies. Ash returned to challenge Palmer, while Barry assured that no one had defeated his father and that his rival wasn’t going to be the first.


"So, you've come this far! I'll have to give you my best effort. That's how the best Trainers show respect to each other. By battling all out as dedicated students of Pokémon! Show me the bond you've built with your Pokémon. Show me the skill you've acquired as a Trainer! ―Palmer, Tower Tycoon.

Pikachu, Torterra and Infernape vs Milotic, Rhyperior, Cresselia. The final battle of the Battle Frontier was televised throughout the island and in certain areas of Johto and Sinnoh. This time Infernape was the star that managed to defeat Cresselia after an intense fight.

Palmer gave him the Gold Tower Prints as he grabbed his shoulder and told him his thoughts.

"Bravo! I feel inspired in my heart! It brings back a memory of that day long ago... I went out to the lake with Dawn's father that day... We were attacked by a wild Pokémon. We defeated it, but I don't remember how. It was that desperate. That was my first step as a trainer. I wonder if the proffesor is doing well... That's enough reminiscing. Go on, you can be all that you desire! There is no limit to where you can go!"

An ecstatic Scott gave Ash a diploma for finishing his second Battle Frontier and told him that the position of Frontier Brain would always be available to him.

"You are the first person in all of history to complete two Battle Fronts! I knew you were someone special!" Scott said very happily.

"…I-I'm going to fine you for beating my father… Although I'll surpass you first!" Barry swore.

Johto Region – Cherrygrove City

"Those guys came out of some kind of portal and stole my red and blue Orbs," said Mr. Pokémon desperately. "They tortured me and managed to get the information out of me...I told them that there’s a tower in which a groudon, a kyogre and a rayquaza sleep. Now they can control two of them...I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you did well," Silver said immediately. "Those guys could have killed you."

"True, he held up very well for an old man." Ethan commented.

"Ethan!" Kriss scolded him.


"We have to tell Ash." Silver said worried. Lyra, for her part, dedicated herself to treating the old man's wounds while they waited for the doctors to arrive.

That same afternoon Tobias attacked the island using Palkia. He apparently possessed a prototype of the red chain that Cyrus had discarded because it only with Palkia but not Dialga. Having Palkia held in the island's ruins was what had caused the space-time problems.

"Tobias! Why are you doing this? What do you want?" Ash asked confused.

"Tobias is nothing more than a disguise that the prideful Petrel made for me when I asked him," said the mysterious man as he began to tear off his clothes and skin. "I used it so I could take away your victory in the Sinnoh League, as punishment for the Sevii Islands and the defeat of the traitor Brodie. But I don't need this costume anymore!"

An elegant and sinister woman appeared before them.

“Sird, of the three beasts of Team Rocket!" Ash said when he recognized her.

"Team Rocket? But his suit is from Team Galactic!" Looker noted.

"I was never part of the Mafia Pokémon, I was only infiltrated to be able to get the maximum information and resources from them, which I passed on to Team Galactic. " Sird revealed.

"How did you get those two legendaries?" Palmer asked.

"I got Darkrai on Newmoon Island and Latios thanks to the information I stole from Annie and Oakley." said Sird. She no longer cared about telling everything because she thought she was going to win.

"And we helped her!" said the TGio.

"We have already used Palkia's powers twice and we can still do it one more time before he escapes this red chain." said Amadeus with a cruel smile.

"Enough to make me the Goddess of the Distortion World." said Sird.

"Aren't we going to save Cyrus?" Mitsumi asked confused.

"Why should I?" Sird laughed. "I have a groudon and a kyogre in my possession, with them I can capture a giratina and destroy anyone who gets in my way!"

Hareta and Bidoof looked at Mitsumi worriedly. That wasn’t what they expected. Amadeus for his part drooled just imagining his boss becoming a goddess.

Sird used the Red and Blue Orbs to summon the groudon and kyogre that she had hidden in the depths of the island and ordered them to attack everyone. The Frontier Brains managed to keep them at bay with the help of Dawn, Lucas and Emerald. Luckily they weren't as strong as the groudon and kyogre alphas that attacked Hoenn last year.

Meanwhile Sird forced Palkia to open a portal to the Distortion World. After that Palkia managed to free himself from the chain and left. Before they could stop Ash, the young man lunged at Sird and they both fell through the portal. Groudon and Kyogre followed shortly after.


Distortion World

“It's not your first time in the Distortion World, right?" said the man. "Maybe that's why all the giratina have left you alone... Or maybe it's because the Giratina Alpha is your friend. They treated me pretty badly until they got bored. At least my Pokémon are still alive...

"I knew you were alive, Cyrus!" Ash said when he saw him. He hadn't seen Sird or the legendaries anywhere in a while, but he and Pikachu didn't let their guard down.

A loud and chilling roar was heard throughout the area.

"Alpha Giratina is furious, that's why the others of his species have moved away." Cyrus explained.

"It's Sird's fault. She has used a groudon and a kyogre to hurt him." Ash said. "I don't understand why Dialga and Palkia haven't helped him."

“Surely they are afraid to fight in this world, because they could cause serious damage to all dimensions. Anyway, I don't think Giratina Alpha will have any problems getting that kyogre and groudon out of here."

"… And what are you doing here? Weren't you going to create a world with no one but you?"

"…Controlling space and time makes you God. Being God allows you to create supreme beauty. Arceus is God, does that mean that this universe is more beautiful than the one I want to create?"

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other somewhat confused.

"I really like this world. It's very special and full of Pokémon and people I haven't met yet." Ash said with so much happiness that for a moment Cyrus smiled, a little.

"The Distortion World is chaotic, everything is upside down and the laws of nature are almost nonexistent. I'm wrong? The fact that I hesitated, the fact that a kid like you has made me so angry in the past, the euphoria I felt when I thought I had won at Mount Coronet. All of this just shows that I am imperfect."

"My mother always says that no one is perfect, but who wants to be no one?" Ash laughed as Pikachu gave a small sigh.

"Your willpower, Lucas's knowledge and Dawn's emotions... You three have known God and even became his friends. Is this universe trying to tell me something?" Cyrus said, staring into the abyss, as if it were calling him...

Ash slapped him hard on the back, snapping him out of his deep trance.

"Friends! What you need is friends to help you!" Ash said very convinced. "You have to pay for your crimes but at least if you have friends you can be a better person."

"…Huh, what a simple way to see life."

For the first time in years, Cyrus's smile was completely sincere and without a trace of malice.


Sird was very strong. Not only his darkrai and latios but his other Pokémon also had a high level and experience. Luckily, help appeared through the portal just at that moment.

"Riley, Cheryl, Mira, Buck and Marley!" Ash said, surprised and happy to see them there.

"Exactly, we are the Sinnoh Top trainers!" said Buck, burning with emotion.

"After what happened with Team Galactic, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to do much alone," Riley explained. "Especially if there wasn't a gym leader or police officer nearby, so I decided to reach out to other Top trainers."

"And together we have formed a group that will protect Sinnoh from criminals!" Mira said.

"Now that I have fulfilled my grandfather's dreams, I can dedicate myself to returning the happiness that Sinnoh has given me." Cheryl said.

"…I'm not with them just because I feel alone." Marley said without looking anyone in the eyes.

Together they defeated Sird's Pokémon. Giratina Alpha defeated Groudon and Kyogre and returned them to the Embedded Tower. Ash recovered the red and blue Orbs and when he was going to return through the portal that Giratina had opened, he turned around.

"You’re not coming?"

"Don't worry, I’ll go out through a portal that leads to the Turnback cave in Sinnoh. As you said, I have a lot to pay but first I must talk to my grunts and decide what we’ll do in the future... "

"How pathetic you are, Cyrus," said Sird, who was being carried by Riley and Buck. "I always knew that your ambition was less than your madness..."

"Sird, what do you really want? I doubt all this madness was just to control Giratina Alpha and his world."

Sird smiled but said nothing.

"Are we really going to let Cyrus leave?" Mira asked.

"Right!" said Ash remembering that Cyrus was a highly wanted criminal, but it was too late. He had disappeared and surely he knew the place better than all of them so it was risky to follow him.

The Orbs were returned to their place except the jade one that Ash kept. Somehow Sird managed to escape with his Pokémon, except darkrai and latios, and was missing. The TGio was also missing. As for Sird's assistant, Amadeus, he had apparently been under hypnotism and strong brainwashing, so in the end he was cured and released... Although he was placed under police surveillance for a few months.

Scott held a grand party at the mansion to celebrate Ash's victories. Almost the entire island was at the party. And it was probably his imagination, but Ash thought he saw Paul and Zoey drinking together at the party.

What was no one's imagination was when Lucas revealed that weeks ago he had captured the Regigigas of the Snowpoint Temple. The poor giant had to dance in a sparsely populated area to avoid accidents.

A few days later our heroes had to separate...

-Dawn: I'm going to Hoenn, I wants to know the origin of Pokémon contests and become a Top coordinator. I'm going to miss you a lot and I hope you don't forget me when you go on new adventures. I'm not going to forget all the trouble you've gotten us into, hee hee hee... Ash, I... Remember that everything will be fine and there's nothing to worry about!

-Luke: I'm sorry I can't continue cooking for you but it is what it is. Don't worry, I've prepared several snacks for you and Pikachu. When we meet again I’ll be one step closer to being the best chef in the world. Eat healthy and sleep a lot if you want to reach the top!

-Emerald: Every time we see each other you improve. Kriss was right, you are a box full of surprises. Next time I'll probably see you fighting aliens or something, ha ha ha ha.

-Barry: You are very strong, super strong! I plan to leave you in the dust and make you pay a lot of fines! You better train like a mad man because I will too!

-Paul: No, I wasn't at the party. I simply came to do the Battle Frontier challenge. I'll complete it and we'll meet again someday. I hope you don’t you to lose to anyone weaker than me.


Pallet Town

Ash and Pikachu returned home just in time to stop the Trio from stealing Pokémon from Proffesor Oak. After talking to her mother about her new plans, she and Proffesor Oak decided to go with him to Unova.

"I have unfinished business there." Oak said.

"And I want to accompany the proffesor," Delia said while petting Pikachu. "And in this way I can remind you to change your underwear every day."


"Pi, Pi, Pikachu!"

"Stop laughing Pikachu!"

End of the fourth generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Sinnoh: Pikachu, Infernape, Torterra, Floatzel, Staraptor, Gliscor and Gabite.

-Dawn's Pokémon: Piplup, Togekiss, Lopunny, Pachirisu, Quilava, Mamoswine and Ambipom (In training).

-Lucas' Pokémon: Munchlax, Bastiodon, Lickilicky, Rotom, Phione (Gifted by Pokémon Rangers) and Regigigas.

-Barry's Pokémon: Chatot, Luxray, Floatzel, Skarmory, Roserade and Heracross.

-Paul's Pokémon: Electivire, Ninjask, Aggron, Gastrodon, Drapion and Froslass.

-Ethan's Pokémon: Pichu (shiny), Togekiss, Hitmontop, Jynx, Magmotar and Azumarill.

-Kriss' Pokémon: Suicune, Jolteon, Mismagius, Hitmonchan, Wigglytuff and Marowak.

-Silver's Pokémon: Weavile, Gengar, Crobat, Magnezone, Alakazam, Rhyperior (given by Gary).

-Lyra's Pokémon: Pichu (Spiky-eared), Meganium, Girafarig, Steelix, Houndoom and Gyarados (Shiny given by Kriss).

-Misty's Pokémon: Azurill, Psyduck, Starmie, Politoed, Horsea, Seaking and Corsola.

-Brock's Pokémon: Steelix, Crobat, Golem, Forretress, Ludicolo and Sudowoodo.

-Yellow's Pokémon: Pikachu, Raticate, Dodrio, Buterfree, Golem and Omastar.

-Gary's Pokémon: Umbreon, Blastoise, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Alakazam and Nidoqueen.

Save game?… Saving data… Game saved!


-Games:Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Rumble, Battle Revolution, Mystery Dungeon 2, My Pokémon Ranch, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

-Anime: Seasons 10, 11, 12 and 13; Movies 10, 11, 12 and 13.

-Manga: Pokémon Adventure saga Diamond, Pearl and Platinum; Phantom Thief Pokémon 7; Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!


In the fourth generation we have the second remake: HeartGold and SoulSilver. As the story of the games is similar to those of the second generation, I have simply used the plot of the radio tower and that of the Ilex Forest’s celebi. Also a little review of Kanto. Luckily for some and unfortunately for others we will not see Kanto again until the seventh generation and Johto until... oops, I almost gave a spoiler!

Diamond and Pearl were never my favourites because of how slow they were but Platinum nevertheless I loved it and played it a thousand times. The Johto remakes are everything that's good about remakes and I wish the rest were just as good.

Team Galactic is full of mad men in my opinion but they always made me laugh with their uniforms and hairstyles. Sird is a very interesting character in the manga and even today we have no idea what is going on in her head.
I think that the fourth generation is the one that made the most Pokémon games, they basically tried a new boom of Poké mania in my opinion, if that worked or not I don't know anymore but today Pokémon is stronger than ever.

This chapter is the longest along with the eighth (curiously the remake of the fourth is in the eighth... huuuuummm). Also the anime was long in this generation, and it was the last time a generation spanned four seasons.
And to advance events, my favourite Poké girls are: Misty, Anabel, Dawn, Iris, Lillie and Marnie.

Until the next chapter!

Pokémon: Universe of legends - Ultimateblazer - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.