Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (2024)

Sharing today, one of my favorite Indian Bread, Garlic Butter Naan which is easy to cook, and don't need yeast or lengthy fermentation time.

In India, everyone still don't feel comfortable using yeast in everyday cooking. Few weeks ago, when I shared Garlic Naan, everyone back home expected it to be without yeast. Few of my friends even asked me to post a no-yeast method... Saying "post an everyday easy naan recipe, Savita!" Well, if you ask me, I always thinkyeast naanis very easy to make.... However, I get the point.

So for anyone looking for a quick and easy everyday Garlic Naan Bread, I thought it would be good to share a recipe that needs no yeast or not much resting time. This recipe also comes with a little personal touch... Read on to unfold....

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (1)

What does Yeast Do?

First, it is really important to know that yeast is fermentation agent which gives naan signature fluffy, airy, and soft texture. Yeast feeds on sugar, multiply in dough making it full of carbon dioxide molecules (bubbles). Longer dough sits, more fermented the dough becomes.

If you can find yeast in your local store and can spare sometime to allow yeast to ferment the dough, you can try myGarlic Naan Recipewhich uses yeast.

How to get Fluffy Naan without Yeast?

Well, good question! Let me share with you, how?!

Other than yeast, what leavening agent you can think of which can give airy texture to a bread? These are: baking soda, baking powder, and eggs. So in many naan recipes, all over internet and even in cookbooks, egg and baking powder/soda are added (a lot) to get fluffy (bubbles) texture without yeast.

However, a naan bread that is heavy in baking soda or egg can taste very dense, egg-y and will be very heavy on stomach. When I was trying to get a perfect naan recipe without yeast, I did mess up few batches which tasted very egg-y or unappealing due to soda.

So, after a few experiments, I decided to get rid of fatty egg-yolk from egg and reduced the amount of soda to almost negligible. To my surprise, this change really made me like no-yeast bread! Right at that point, I knew, I have a recipe to share! (finally!)

You know, garlic naans or butter naans in general, are special favorite of my better-half. He did not like a single batch which was heavy on egg. But, when I gave him to taste the naan, I'm sharing today, he could not judge if this one is yeast garlic naan or not!

hurrah!!! Worth all effort for me!!

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (2)

One thing is certain, these naans will sure make you forget store-bought naan. Plus these are healthier than store naans! Chances are, you might start making'em at home very often than picking a packet from store. I promise!

You know the best part, these naans can also be baked in household oven. I always tell you, Indian traditional Tandorr is much much high-heat vessel than household oven. So, home oven, due to low heat, (yes, you reading correct), results in not-so-good baked yeast naans. However, addition of egg, in naan dough, keeps them moist and fluffy when baked in home oven.

This recipe has become my favorite when I have few guests coming over. Just roll a couple of naans, put on hot sheet pan and bake. Much easier than rolling and searing each naan on tawa (iron skillet), one at a time. Isn't it? So, I have included both instructions, cook on tawa or bake in oven below.

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (3)

Freeze or Not?

Unlike Yeast Naan, I don't recommend freezing Egg Naans. These are best when served just out of the oven. You can cook'em 2-3 hours in advance though. Then, just before serving..... Just like you warm tortillas, wrap naan in damp kitchen towel and microwave for 20-30 seconds. This will freshen-up the texture and make'em moist again.

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (4)

Okay, let me sum-up this new Naan Recipe for you quickly:

1) No yeast or much time needed to make these naans.
2) No egg-y smell or Baking Soda after taste. Only egg white and tad of baking soda added, yet lite and fluffy texture matching any store bought naan!
3) Good news!! These naans can be baked in oven and will not lose moisture!
4)Last but not the least, homemade naans gives you option to make it healthier. Use part all purpose and part wheat flour and also skip butter if you prefer.

If I may ask, what is your favorite Indian Naan? Yeast or no yeast?

Let's head straight to the recipe! Enjoy!-Savita

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (5)

Homemade No Yeast Garlic Butter Naan Recipe | ChefDeHome.com (2024)


Do Indian restaurants use yeast in naan? ›

About Naan

So most restaurants either use yeast or another leavening agent like baking powder & baking soda. If you order naan in Indian restaurants you may not find the texture & flavor to be the same in every place. Each place may have their own recipe to make these.

Why does naan need yeast? ›

Naan is essentially a leavened flatbread, which means it contains some form of raising agent to provide its airy texture. Hence for this naan, the raising agent we will be using is yeast. Other variations do exist which may utilise self raising flour or baking powder/baking soda.

What is the difference between butter naan and plain naan? ›

This is Butter Naan recipe and what makes it different from Plain Naan is the amount of BUTTER added while kneading the dough and how the Butter Naan is served. Obviously, it is served with a hearty blob of Butter or served hot, brushed with ample of Butter.

Why does naan need yogurt? ›

Naan has a thicker, fluffier texture because it is made with yogurt. Pita is thinner bread made with less ingredients (flour, water, salt, etc) and no yogurt. Naan is cooked in a skillet while Pita is usually baked at very high temperatures in the oven.

Is yeast or baking powder better for naan? ›

So anyway – this naan bread doesn't use yeast – it uses baking powder and soda. I've made versions with both yeast and baking powder and I really love both. You're still going to let this one rise for a while, so don't get TOO excited. It only helps with the flavor.

Do restaurants use egg in naan? ›

In many traditional recipes, naan bread does not contain eggs. However, there are variations of naan where eggs might be added to the dough. Whether eggs are added to naan largely depends on the specific recipe used by the restaurant and regional preferences.

Why is naan unhealthy? ›

Skip: Naan

And like those fluffy spuds, this soft flatbread has little nutritional value. Most naan recipes call for Greek yogurt to give it that airy texture. But that's more than offset by less healthy ingredients like white flour, sugar, and oil.

What can I use instead of yeast for bread? ›

What Substitutes for Yeast?
  • Baking Soda and Lemon. If you are lacking yeast in your pantry or dry goods storage, try combining baking soda and lemon juice. ...
  • Baking Powder. The ratio to replace yeast with baking powder in a recipe is 1:1, making it much easier to substitute if you have baking powder on hand. ...
  • Whipped Eggs.

Does authentic naan have yeast? ›

Though they're flatbreads, naans traditionally get their bubbly texture from yeast (and, very traditionally, from wild yeasts). Some more modern variations, such as that in Vivek Singh's Curry, use baking powder instead, with Jaffrey also adding extra bicarbonate of soda.

How unhealthy is butter naan? ›

One Butter Naan provides about 3.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories. Naan or plain naan recipe makes 10 naans. 65 calories for 1 Naan, Cholesterol 0.2 mg, Carbohydrates 10.1g, Protein 1.7g, Fat 1.9g.

Is naan more fattening than rice? ›

Brown and wild rice are the healthiest types of rice. Problems with naan: naan is calorically dense due to the refined flour. 100 grams of naan contains 310 calories, compared to 100 grams of steamed brown rice, which contains 125 calories.

Is naan bread more fattening than bread? ›

While it may contain more carbs and sugars, it earns its reputation as a healthy alternative with its relatively generous amounts of protein and fiber. Despite its high carb content, naan can be considered a more nutrient-dense alternative to white bread and pita.

Why isn't my naan puffing up? ›

You need a high enough heat for the baking powder to start reacting and producing gases, and also for the water content in the dough to transform into steam – both of which contribute to the puffing action and bubble formation. If your heat is too low, the naan bread will dry out before bubbles start forming.

What can I use instead of natural yoghurt in naan? ›

Yoghurt is best for this simple naan bread recipe, but if you don't have you could use sour cream or buttermilk as a substitute.

What can I use instead of yoghurt in naan? ›

Almond milk- Almond milk is combined with a spash of vinegar to create a substitute for the yogurt. Sugar– A little sugar helps feed the yeast. Yeast– This is essential for fluffy, chewy naan. Salt– Salt adds flavor to the bread.

Which Indian food has yeast in it? ›

Glimpse on Indian gastronomy
Substrates .Food products .
CerealAppam, Bhatooru, Bollo, Chilra, Jalebi, Nan, Selroti, Siddu, Seera
MilkChhu, Chhurpi, Churkam, Dahi, Kalari, Lassi, Misti dahi/Lal dahi, Philu, Rabri/Rabadi, Somar
Rice–legume mixtureDosa, Dhokla, Idli
LegumeBhallae, Khaman, Maseura, Papad, Vadai, Wari/bari
2 more rows

Is yeast used in Indian cooking? ›

Indian breads of Central Asian origin, such as naan and tandoori roti, are baked in a tandoor. Naan is usually leavened with yeast.

How is naan made in India? ›

In the traditional baking process inside a tandoor, naan dough is rolled into balls, flattened, and then pressed against the tandoor's inner walls, which can reach temperatures up to 480 °C (900 °F). This method allows the bread to be baked within minutes, achieving a spotty browning due to the intense heat.

What is the primary ingredient in Indian bread called naan? ›

Ingredients and preparation

It is made primarily from white flour or wheat flour and a leavening agent (usually yeast), which results in the formation of air pockets in the dough that impart fluffiness and softness. Other ingredients used to make naan include warm water, salt, ghee (clarified butter), and yogurt.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.