Health Benefits of Maca (2024)

What Is Maca?

Sometimes known as Peruvian ginseng, maca comes from the root of a plant that grows in the Andes Mountains. The Indigenous people of Peru have used maca as both food and medicine for centuries.

Maca belongs to the same family of plants as turnips and broccoli. The root contains amino acids, iron, calcium, and several compounds unique to the maca plant. As an herbal medicine, it has been used to improve sexual function, fertility, and health.

Health Benefits of Maca

Several animal studies have shown that maca increases libido and improves sexual performance. A few human studies have shown similar results, but more research is needed. Studies of other benefits of maca have been similarly inconclusive.

The health benefits that may result from using maca root and maca powder include:

Erectile Function

Maca powder is traditionally used to boost sexual performance, but clinical trials showing improvement are scarce. In one study, men taking maca showed more erectile improvement than those who did not.

Healthy Menopause

Studies have shown that maca can reduce discomfort related to hormone levels in women who are postmenopausal. One study showed that this nutrient had an impact on hormone levels as women reported improvements in their symptoms.

Female Sexuality

Maca may improve sexual functioning in women who are taking antidepressants. More than half of those on two types of antidepressants report sexual dysfunction that affects their quality of life and relationships. In one study, maca improved sexual interest, arousal, org*sm, and satisfaction. Women who were postmenopausal showed the most positive results.


To analyze male fertility, researchers studied men’s sem*n count, as well as sperm shape and ability to move. Results showed that maca may improve sem*n quality. But the evidence is inconclusive and the issue needs more research.

Overall Health and Energy

Some maca users say that it increases their energy, stamina, and overall health. In one study of people living in the Andes, researchers compared maca consumers with non-consumers. They analyzed the subjects using a variety of measures, including lab tests and a test of leg strength. Those who used maca scored higher in some measures.

Health Risks of Maca

Health authorities rate maca root and maca powder as generally safe, but some users have reported side effects. These include moodiness, cramping, stomach distress, and insomnia. In addition, some women say that maca affected their menstrual cycles. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use maca as there is not enough information about its safety.

Hormone-Sensitive Cancers

Since maca seems to affect sex hormones, those with hormone-sensitive cancers should avoid it. These cancers include ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine. In addition, those with fibroids in the uterus should not take it.

Tainted Products

Consumers should be especially careful about using supplements that claim to improve sexual performance. The FDA has found that some makers of these supplements have put drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra in their products at occasionally dangerous amounts.

To avoid using tainted products, buy from a reputable retailer. The FDA also suggests avoiding products that claim to be fast-acting, come in single-use packages, or advertise using spam. Other red flags include package labels you are unable to read or packages that mimic FDA-approved products. Also, beware of any product that claims to be an alternative to FDA-approved drugs.

Hidden Ingredients

Herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction can be laced with other ingredients, according to the FDA. Some manufacturers add sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, to their products. Sildenafil can cause serious side effects and should be used under a doctor's supervision. The FDA does not test all supplements. Consumers should look for products tested by a third-party agency. Some stores stock only supplements that are third-party tested.

Medication Interactions

Many people use herbal medicines, often without telling their doctors. This practice can be dangerous, as plant-based supplements like maca powder can interact with other drugs. Herb-drug interactions are rarer than once thought. Still, the risk is real – especially for older adults who are likely to take multiple medications.

Amounts and Dosage

Maca is rated as possibly safe at doses up to 3 grams. The dosage depends upon your age and state of health. Scientists have not determined an appropriate range of doses, so you should consult your doctor before using maca.

Besides buying maca in tablet or capsule form, you can use maca powder in the kitchen. Some people add it to their smoothies, hot cereals, breakfast muffins, or beverages. If you use maca powder, you will get some nutritional value. One tablespoon contains small amounts of some minerals as well as:

  • 1 gram of protein
  • 6 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2 grams of fiber
Health Benefits of Maca (2024)


What are health benefits of maca? ›

What are the benefits of maca root?
  • It may help with stress. Maca root is considered an adaptogen, a substance believed to help the body adapt and cope with stress. ...
  • It may boost your sex drive (libido) ...
  • It may help improve mood. ...
  • It may help with male fertility. ...
  • It may help relieve symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
Feb 18, 2024

What happens if I take maca every day? ›

Eating maca every day can help to lower blood pressure. Can reduce and fight the symptoms of menopause. Can increase and improve fertility in both men and women. Maca can fight osteoporosis in women.

What does maca do to the female body? ›

Studies have shown that maca can reduce discomfort related to hormone levels in women who are postmenopausal. One study showed that this nutrient had an impact on hormone levels as women reported improvements in their symptoms. Maca may improve sexual functioning in women who are taking antidepressants.

What are the benefits of maca on hormones? ›

Maca is widely used to increase fertility in men and women. In women, maca is proposed to have potential benefits on reproductive health by balancing hormonal levels and optimizing the menstrual cycle through the mechanisms discussed earlier in this article.

Is maca better than ashwagandha? ›

Ashwagandha and maca are both awesome superfoods that have been used for thousands of years to promote health and wellness. While there are some similarities between the two, ashwagandha is more well-known for reducing stress, while maca is an excellent energy booster.

Is maca safe for kidneys? ›

"While maca is considered to be safe for most people, those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, people with liver or kidney disease should be careful and discuss with their healthcare team," says Sheth. Maca should be avoided in children as it has not been tested for safety in children.

What are the cons of maca? ›

Potential Side Effects & Who Shouldn't Take It

As you consider maca root pros and cons, know that it's generally safe for most adults. Some have reported headaches, gut discomfort, moodiness, and insomnia, but it's unclear whether the maca itself caused those. Taking it with food may alleviate any possible effects.

How long does it take for maca to kick in? ›

While some may feel an immediate boost in energy, most people observe significant changes within 2 to 6 weeks of consistent use. Remember, Maca pills are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it's essential to stay patient while allowing your body time to adapt and respond positively.

Does maca increase testosterone? ›

Analysis of clinical trials and findings shows that while maca root may improve sexual function, the changes in serum testosterone levels in healthy men appear to be minimal or non-existent. For instance, a study published on PubMed found that maca had no effect on testosterone levels but did increase sexual desire.

Can maca help you lose weight? ›

While maca doesn't appear to have a direct effect on weight management, it can promote overall health in ways that support weight management. What's important to remember about weight management is that it's an individual journey, and your weight goals should be consistent with what's right for you, holistically.

Can maca affect thyroid? ›

It is best to avoid Maca if you have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) as Maca can actually stimulate that gland. Previous Is raw maca root powder suitable for vegans and vegetarians? Next What are the benefits of consuming raw maca root powder?

How long does it take for maca to balance hormones? ›

The study noted that for Maca to exhibit its significant hormone-balancing and therapeutic effect, it was essential that it be used continuously for two consecutive months. Another study showed an increase in men's sexual desire after only 2 weeks of use.

Does maca increase cortisol? ›

The HPA axis is responsible for how the central nervous system and hormone systems respond to stress. When we feel stressed, cortisol levels go up. But scientific studies on rats show consuming maca can help keep cortisol levels from rising.

Which maca root is best for females? ›

[vii] Furthermore, red maca was shown to be the most effective at improving female fertility and libido. [viii] But that doesn't mean red is only for women, in men the same high-dose extracts of red maca were able to improve prostate function, reduce inflammation, whilst simultaneously stimulating male libido.

Is it safe to take maca every day? ›

Maca is possibly safe when taken in larger amounts as medicine, short-term. Doses up to 3 grams daily seem to be safe when taken for up to 4 months. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if maca is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding.

Is maca good for erectile? ›

Meanwhile, Viagra helps treat erectile dysfunction but doesn't improve sexual desire. In comparison, maca has been shown to help improve sexual desire and increase sperm count and motility, but it doesn't help with penile erection.

Is maca good for the liver? ›

To be sure, more research is needed before making any general or sweeping conclusions, but it is telling that these studies have shown maca in a positive light when it comes to liver health.


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