Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1944 June 14 (2024)




There are certain public utilities whose rates are fixed
he government. Freight rates and passenger rates, for
tance, are fixed by the government.

veryone recognizes that when the government fixes

ight rates and passenger rates, they must be fixed at

igure that will give the transportation company a fair

o one would claim that the vovrument should pat

ling on passenger rates and freight rates, and then.

he transportation company be foreed to render this
ce at 1/2 or 1/3 of the ceiling | price.

When a rate fixing body fixes a rate on freight and
assengers, the transportation company charges this
They do not charge more. They do not charge less:

What has been said with regard to freight rates and |
enger rates applies to all publie iilities: under gov-
? t eontrol. oo


Woder operation of the O. P. A., the government fixes
prices on farm products. They do not treat the
mer, however, as public utilities are treated.

When. the government. fixes-a ceiling on a farmers
they do not pay the farmer that ceiling. ~

ery often the farmer is forced to sell that crop for,
or 13 of the eeiling price.

it the government should treat the farmer. as public

ities are treated, then if the government put a ceiling

$4.00, on a hamper of beans, they would see that the

r received $4.00 a hamper for his beans as well as

g that he did not get. more than $4.00: a hamper for.

f the farmer were treated the same as public utilities,

ever the government fixed a ceiling on a farm crop,

ceiling would be the price the farmer would be paid.


The O. P. A. operates qn a one-way street.

he O. P. A. limits the price that. the farmer can get
does nothing to see that the farmer: ane = price that
0, P. A.has set.
Neither Congress, nor the President, nor the O. P. A.
ld think of fixing a ceiling price on public utilities


(Continued on Page Two)

_Reports received at this office show following average prices
for No. 1 Hogs at the Livestock Auction Markets named.

a June 9, 1944 Per Cwt-
1-(Thursday)Valdosta $ -$13.10
. 2 (Friday)Thomasville : 12.85
5 (Monday)Sylvester 13.10

6 (Tuesday)Nashville: : 12.75
7 (Wednesday)Albany .~ oe L275
7 (Wednesday)Rome_ ;

ek eee a) idaha


1e 1 (Thursday )Valdosta $12.00-$16.40
2 (Friday)Thomasville 10.00- 11.00

5 (Monday)Sylvester .. = 10.00- 13.30

6 (Tuesday)Nashville _.... 8.00- 10.30
-(Wednesday)Albany Ce -10,00- 13.90
Wednesday)Rome _ oe = 14.50

will ein move in doles about a ne de

The Florida crops will have moved by July 4.

On June 7, watermelons on Florida points were brin r-
ing $950.00 for 30 to 32 pound average; $750.00 for 26

| pound average and $600.00 for 24 pound average.

This is an over-all average of all these sizes ot $767. 00

per car on the side track.

The average freight on load of watermelons f
Leesburg, Florida- to certain northern and: st
kets is approximately. $212. S05
Since the average price in Florida is $767.00 per ca
and the average. freight is $212.80, it necessarily foll

that the average cost of Florida cpakenclane deliv 1

to these northern. and eastern markets is $979.80 per car

On June 7, the average price of watermelons in Wash
ington, D. C., Pittsburg and Philadelphia was $17 W
per car.

Since the average. cost of delivering. watertutien

the central points is $979.80 per car and as the dealers ar
_ receiving $1170.00 per ear, this gives the wholesale deal
-an average protit per car sf 190. 20.




According to the plan now. proposed, under this

-_ ing, the farmer would have a maximum ceiling of. $26

per ton or 1 3/10 cents per pound.
The dealer would be permitted a mark-up of $3 0
per ton or 1 1/2 cents per pound. Thus the dealer would

ceive more for handling the watermelons than the fart

would for all his work of raising these melons and loa in
them. in the ears.

Lets see how this will ee out.
If the farmer received $96.00. per ton and done ar
14 tons to a car, the maximum ceiling on the farmer 31

-termelons will be $364.00 per ear.

Lets take the freight from Moultrie, Georgia,
is a central shipping point. . :
The average freight from M oultrie to these sar
northern and saatern snares is $183.40 per car of 14 ton
Suppose that the dealer is allowed to add 1% cent
(Continued on Page Two)

> resh Fruits and Vegetables

June 9, 1944

Collards, per doz. bunches
Corn (Green), per doz. ears
Cucumbers, per bu. baskets
Okra, per bu. hprs.
Onions (Dry), per 50 lb. sacks
Peaches, per % bu. baskets
Squash, per bu. hprs.
Turnips (Bunched), per doz. bunches .__. aa eee ee 00

d oe ae . = = 15.70

_ Turnip Salad, per pu hprs. o0-
Watermelons, each ss


E Address all items for publication and al! requests to be put
the mailing list and for change of address tu STATE BUREAU
Notices ot farm produce and appurtenances admussable
le pestage regulations inserted one time on each request and
ati only when request is accompanied by new copy of

Market Bulletin does not

5 JIndei ative Act the Georgia
Under Legis! : in. the

ne any responsibility for any notice appearing
Published Weekly at

4-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
By Department of Agriculture

Tom Linder, Commissioner,

xecutive Office. State Capitol
: Atlanta, Ga.

- Publication Office
14-122 Pace St., Covington, Ga.
Editgrial and Executive Offices
State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.

Notify on FORM 3578Bureau of
Markets, 222 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga.

tered as second class matter

ust 1, 1937. at the Post Oifice

- Covington, Georgia, under Act

pf June 6 1900. Accepted for

jailing at special rate of postage

rovided for in Section 1103. Act
October 8, 1917 /

Watermelon Ceilings

(Continued from Page One)

: ; ound, or $30.00 per ton for his profit. Thirty

Os ($30.00) per ton on 14 tons amounts to

: 20.00 on a carload. 22
VEE $364.00. eS


A20.00. : A
This would make the average price of water-

elons delivered to the northern and eastern
markets $967.00 per car for Georgia melons.

The average cost of Florida melons to these

me markets now is $1170.00. This would show

Georgia melons delivered at these northern and
stern markets at $203.00 a car less than Flor-

ida melons.

~The dealers profit would be increased from

90.00 to $420.00 per car. _
Phe farmers price would be reduced from
767.00 to $364.00, The Georgia farmer would

-eceive $403.00 a car less than the Florida farm-

The cost of the watermelons delivered at
tral markets would be only $200.00 a car less.

- Under the arrangement, the O. P. A. would
ke $403.00 out of the farmers pocket on each
r of melons but the cost per car delivered in
astern markets would only be 200.00 per car

In addition to the above, | understand that

e retail dealer will be allowed 33 1/3 per cent.
- When you take the wholesale price of $967.-

}and add 33 1/3 per cent to it, you will have
ice of $1287.00 per car.
This means that the consumers in the north-

n and eastern markets will pay just as much

or Georgia melons for which the farmer receiv-

ed $364.00 as the same consumer pays for Florida

welons for which the farmer received $767.00.


- Weare proud for Florida farmers to get the
7.00. We would do nothing to cause them to
ive less. Under war-time conditions, they
not receiving any too much. Neither would
Georgia farmer receive any too much if he
eived the same price that Florida farmers are

Certainly $190.00 a car is
xholesale dealer. ;
Tf the O. P. A, thinks it all right for con-
sto buy watermelons at present prices
re July 4, then why should O, P, A. think
18 not right for the consumers to pay the
price after July 4. The answer is, They

enough profit for


}and bureaus in Washington,

er the operation of!

Ceilings Without Floors
> <Centinued from Page One)

without at the same time providing for public

| utilities to receive that ceiling price.

- Yet, the farmer is held under these ceilings
but is left helpless in so far as being able to get
ceiling price for the crop which he grows.
: . PARITY :
When the government goes out to fix a rate

cerned with what the public utilities received in
1909 to 4934,

Any business man would tell you instantly
that it would be foolish to try to fix a rate in 1944
on a basis of what the rate wasin 1914. :

If the government is fixing a rate in 1944,
the government takes the present value of the
investment of the company, interest, taxes and

all operating expenses into consideration. |

Then the government fixes a rate which will

jgive the company a return sufficient to pay the

interest on all investments, pay all taxes, depre-
ciation, ete., pay operating expenses and _ still
leave a fair net return to the company.

The rate is figured entirely on a basis of what
the cost of doing business is in 1944. What it may
have cost to do business in 1914 has nothing on

earth to do with it. 2 :
When the government goes out to fix a parity
price for the farmer, the process is entirely re-

versed. The farmer is required to produce in 1944

on a basis of what it cost him to produce in 1914.
The fact, that the farmer, like everyone else, is
living in a different world in 1944, is not consid-
ered. 3

Tf the utility companys rates are made
on a basis of what it cost them to render the ser-

| vice in 1944, then why should not the farmers

parity be based on what it costs the farmer to
render service in 1944? |

Everyone must admit that it is only fair for
utility companies to have their rates for 1944
made on a basis of their cost of operation, invest-
ment, etc., in 1944. Then how can anyone question
the fact that it is only fair that the farmers par-
ity for 1944 be made on a basis of cost of opera-
tion, investment, ete., in 1944.

There is no more relation between the cost
of farm production in 1944 and the cost of farm
production in 1914 than there is between the cast
Ae ey service in 1944 and utility service in

Government control of the economies of the
country can never work. be
There are too many powerful interests oppos-
ed to agriculture, These powerful interests, most-
ly international, can control government boards
while the farmer is
sweating in the field. Sa :
What chance does the farmer have with the
Inter-State Commerce Commission? ~~ |
What chance does the farmer have with the
Office of Price Administration? = 7
What chance does the farmer have with the
Commodity Credit Corporation? a
What chance does the farmer have with these
many bureaus that control every act of the farm-
er and control prices which the farmer receives ?
- Commissioner of Agriculture.

such proposed ceiling, the consumers would pay
Just as much after July 4 as they are paying prior
to July 4. The only difference would be that the

farmer would receive $400.00 a car less after

duly 4, .
In view of all these facts, I hope the QO. P. A.

wil re-consider and not put a ceiling on water-

melons. :

for public utilities, the government is not con-|


Commissioner of Agriculture. ig,


PR potato plants, In
skin. insp. and treated,
M. COD. Good co
shipment. Mrs. T. P.
white, Arabi, Rt. 1, Ph

PR_ potato, govt. insp.

M. Marglobe tomato

f. Moss packed. good
nrompt shipment. W. |
Quinn. Syrrency, Rt. 2.

Red and yellow PR. po
govt. insp. $2.50 M. Marglop
tomato. Stone, Rutger. Bo
Best. $1.25 M. Eggnvlants,
High Bush. $2.00. M. O,
Watis Crosby, Graham.

Imp. PR. potato plants
insp. and treated. $2.50 M
in Ga. Full count, good
euar. W. A. Poole, Vidal
a .

Marglobe. New Sto
Baltimore tomato. plant
$1.00; $1.50 M. Del. in
$6.00 Exp. Col. Moss
full count, satis. guar. Floy
Powell, Ocilla, Rt. 2. Box

PR. potato olants. go
and treated. $2.50 M. PI
Be & W. Owen, Hawkinsgy

- Big. -strone tomato,
packed. $1.00 M. Govt. in
skin PR. potato planits. $1
FOB. J.-C. Edgerton, Ba

Imp. PR. potato, |
and Great Baltimore a
M. Del. Good plants. pr
shipment guar. F. N
Baxley, Rt. 4.

La. copver skin pot

La. copper skin notat
M. Red skin PR.. $2.00
Promnt shipment. W. O
drip. Flowery Branch, Rt

Hot pepper plants. 50
postage. Mrs. :
Royston, Rt. 1.

Pure red skin notata

E. S

govt. insp. treated.
2.75 del. in Ga. R.
Ssurreney, Bt. 2.5

PR potato plants. gov
treated. . $1.50 M. Del.
Reese. Baxley. Rt. 2.

Govt. insy. red sh
potato. $1.75 M.. FOB. -
enly. W. R. Hutto,

Bt. 2. :

Imp. . red skin PR.
plants, from yine grown
toes. govt.*insp., treat
M. M. O. only. J. D. Willi
CSereven, Rt. 1.

Certified PR. potat
minimum shipment 3
M. 6M. or more. &
Prompt shipment by
E: B. Hampton, Cordel

Tomato plants. large, s
blooming size: Marglobe, E
more, Break ODay, 509,
$2.00 M. Del. PP. 5 &
exp. cal. Roots mosse
del: satis.. guar. F. . St
Fitzgerald. . =e :

Red skin PR. potato_
$2.00 M: Del. Prompt shi
Rufus Lightsey, Surren
2; :

Rutger. Stokesdale an:
Biene tomato. $1.00 M; 75
500. PR. potato plants.
W. C. Carter, Baxley. R

PR. plants. govt sp
skin. $2.00 M. Del. M.
L. L. Lightsey, Surrency.

PR. plants. govt. insn_r
vellow skin. $2.00 M. Del
checks. George Griffis. Ser

PR. potato plants, pin
vine-grown, state
seed, $1.50 M. Del. to 3rd_
Prompt shinment, J. F. Gr
Odum. Rt. 2.

PR. plants. red sk
inse.. $79 Mi No c

| OGG orders filled 3 a9

sey. Odum. Rt. 2, Box 1

PR. and Rerly Triumpl
to plants. $1.00 M. Jame
Carter, Alma. Rt. 3.

Imp. PR. plants,
FOB. GC. W. Rentz, Surre

New . Stone, Gr. B
Bonnie Best and Matchless
ato 500, 80c: $1.50 M. Ds
Ga. Ready for shipment, r
ed. No checks. S.
Qcilla. Rt. 1.

PR. plants. red and }
skin, $2.00 M. Del.
shipment. Johnnie
Sereven. -

PR. plants, govt. in
vine cuttings. $1.25 fo
M. Del. Full count,
shipment. W. G. Murra
ck pe eee ee

' PRs. |

grawn atoes,

full count, Pp

$1.75 M. Del. _

tomato, $1.0(

ae los oe

No laying by of idle

With hand upon the plow,

turning back. With

Look to the harvest, now!

With firm precision, people push
The shells for world defense;

Then stepping to this mighty rush
Must keep the farmers tense.

| ur plodding must be

Stout-hearted soldiers tread;

o time to waste, there

By Nellie Lowman Williams.


ooaprerenrben hbo ees


aioe vars. tomato plants:

or ae

ward plants, same price.

eet pepper. 25 vlants. 35c.
row, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

rtified La. cenver skin and+

plants. $1.75 M., by exp:
2 ov t postpaid. Large quanti-
eaper. D. Wi. Harrison,
lackshear. Sunnyview Farm.

Y ad PR. potato ante
<e Ae ioe aE M. $16.50.

sopper Miike same nrice. Good
oually Susy

PR. ees diate insp. red or
iow skin. $1.65 M. Ready
+, No COD orders or checks.
ale. #%, MM. Lightsey.

50. M. Sweet pepper ianis.
0M. Small lots 50c C. Pre-
G. L. Steedly. Baxley.

plants, red. skin, govt.
Spegted full count, $2. 00
H. Orvin, Jr. Bax

PR: red or pink skin; govt.
sp. $1.40- M. FOB. Good
its, | fall count. No checks,
ap, send ey insp.

$1.50 M. . Marglobe

pees a 00 a

ol e ae Q ae
Now ready. Miss Flor-
*Quinn, Odum, RE Z, Box

maker sweet potato
apo) M. Make two or

: Beck
ents, Tennille.
Ae epee plants,

Dave Whatley.

ee yellow skin

ified. el M. QO.

ee New Stone, ee
Ss imore tomato plants
MT f red ae PE.
M. Te vars. cabbage.

M. Ina Grif. Baxley.

a skin oe $1.65 M;
ae $7.50. Prompt ship-
ie All PP,, in Ga. Claude
er, Surreney. Rt. 1.

Now ae or in
for equal value. W. J.
pp. Odum, Rt. 2. Box 174.

red skin PR.. $2.25 M,

TR obe, New Stone, Bonnie
t tomato, all vars. cabbage,
5 M. Prompt shipment, full
i. Vernon Griffin, Baxley.

fenuine red and purple skin
$120 M. Bel. Geod,

wing plants, full count, prompt
ent. Nathan _Temberlin,
cy. Rig.

al globe tomato plants, good.

g, full count, moss pack-

_ prompt balan $1.10 M.

Del in Ga. Mrs. V. A. OQuinn.
trency, Rt. 2.

exdale. Rutger, New Stone
$1100 M. Del. New,

nts, prompt shipment...

rs. Winona Carter, Baxley,

pure red gs skin, Zovt. insp.
Moss packed, also

Bibs Gaff, Fitzgerald, Rt.

ted Rock oad Marglobe

ato plants, Avril sowing on

ground. 500, $1.25: $2.00
L. Stokes, Irwinville.

_ 8 vt. insp. and treated,
3B; Triumph, $2.00

| Dowe, Bogart, Rt. 1.

A eg

25 plants,

Mrs. A. iB





eager zest

quickened to

s work to do; :

LE ET EEE en cma


Reg. Guernsey males, 1 mo. to
1 yr. old. i Loyd Parker, De-
catur. Rt. 1, Wa 1523.

Fresh Ao cow, 2nd calf;
3-4 gals, daily, gentle and eas-
ily kept. W. Simmons, Dou-
Saree: Bt. 3.

reg. Hereford cow and 1

rex. yr. old Hereford heifer. E.

. Vandiviere, Dawsonville.

ous with 3 wks. old half
Guernsey heifer calf: 3 gals.
milk day, for sale at my barn.
Mrs. M. F. Chandler, Gillsville.

dle, freshen July 12th with 2nd
calf. Se. Want to buy 2 Hamp-
shire pigs. Jack enpedy. wel
lanta, 1249 Westmont Rd,~

Jersey bull, 2 yrs. ald; pure-
bred but not reg. Both dam and
sire reg., $75.00. See to anwre-
oot Homer J. Teague, White,

. Nice. fresh Jersey cow, with
5-day old calf: priced for quick


Young milch cow. fresh-in,
giving 3 gals. milk daily, $65.00.
Also horse mule colt, 10 mos.
old, $80. Pe: fee Underwood,


10 reg. ee bulls,
Domino breeding, 12-14 mos.
old, $125.00 ue: J. R. Hines,


calf. Mrs. coh:
Moore, thorn. Rt, eo

White faced bull. 5 yrs. old,

sire, $150 or about beef prices.
On farm near Forsyth. B.

Hatch. Atlanta, 630 Elmwood
rr. NE.

Reg. Aberdeen- -Angus bulls,
cows, heifers, best of quality
and preeding. GC. H. Blalock,
os Gap, Rabuneroft Farm.

fine. Jersey cow. gentle,
. chee 4 gals. milk aay See at
my. barn. Mrs. Fre
milk, Cornelia, Rt.

2 reg. Guernsey ae excel-
lent breeding, born March 20th,
June 8th last vr., $100.00 ea.
TE Florence, Atlanta, PO Box
942. Ja. 3184.

1 young Jersey cow, with Ist

| calf: freshen in Sent. $90.00 at|

Vv place, Dont write. See Alex
Wiltams: Odum, Rt, 1, Box

1 fine Guer poe Jove heif-

8 yrs, old. freshen with Ist
calf this month. J. H. Wright,
Chamblee. 203 Tucker Rd.

3 Jersey cows, fresh or soon
freshen, ist and 2d calves. 3
and 5 gals. respectively. L. R.

ierson, | Doraville. Leisure
Ranch. A

1 cream Jersey cow, with
male calf; 3 to 3 1/2 gals. sis
$100. 00; 1 Holstein, giving 3
gals., with 3d heifer calf, $85.00.
Deen Boatright, Alma, Rt. 4. 2

Choice of 3 good milch cows,
priced reasonably at my barn.
in Ga. Mrs. H. V. Bivens, Hiram
Re 2.

Cow with Ist calf, Holstein
and Jersey cross. 21/2 gals.
milk daily on grass, $60.00 with
out; $65.00 with calf. 21/2 mi.
from Turnerville. Bare Gap Rd.
Miss Mary J. Pavidson, Clarkes-
ville. =

Herd of 22 White Faced cat-
tle, cows, heifers and calves; 5
purebred, not reg. Also SPC
brood sows, 17 purebred SPC
pigs. W. A. Smalley, Forsyth.

Reg. Jersey male. Also Jack,
a stallion and 8 shoats. J. T.
Silvers. Lawrenceville, Rt. 1..
(See me at Alford Bros. store,

Lawrenceville. )

Jersey cow. about 800 Ibs.
about 2 gals. milk daily, $70. 00.

freshen in 8 mos,

I cow, gentle and easy to -han-

sale. Mrs. J. F. Eubanks, Rivet:

purebred, not reg. from preven |

d Louder-

Also tomato plants, $2.25 M, PP. Bo

Pate oc tee 15. 4

old, not reg. $15.00 at Hs lot.

|W. J. Kirk, Rockmart, Rt.

ue: Hereford boar pigs, al

f| from finest bloodlines, 8 wks.

old; reg. in buyers name. Tim

B. Faulkner. College Park, Rt..

i; near Ben Hill.

_ 4 females, 1 male, big boned
Black African. Guinea pigs, 10
wks. old, about 40 Ibs. $10.00
ea. W. R. Fogg, Forsyth, Rt. 1.

8 SPC-Guinea crossed, oy
pigs, 8 wks. old, $8.00 ea. Je

Hee: Plainfield.

< reg. SPC males, 160- 175 as
7 mos. old, 50-50 in color.

eo prize-winning stock. $30
{crated and shipped FOR. E. H,

Campbell, Baxley, c/o Southern
Industrial Orphans Home.

3 gilts, 1 male, purebred, reg.
in mothers side, father pure-

bred. OIC blocky type stock,

~|around 125 ibs.

Suppesed to pe
bred 55 at

arn... exe. for

calves. 6 mos. old or older Mrs.

S. P. Jones, Lula, Rt.

Reg. Hampshire, pigs, 4 mos.
old, fr om very finest bloodlines.
Dam is half sister to 1943 ITT.
grand champion. $15.00 FOB.
Papers furnished. George . &
Huey, emervalte, Care

BaC.. reg. Sow. 3 yrs. old.
appx. 325 Ibs. bred to reg. SPC
boar; due farrow 5th litter June
20th. $75. 00 with papers: gilts,
$20.00 ea: nigs, 2 mos. old. both
sex, $15.00 ea. Treated, crated,
reg. in buyers name. FOR.
Fred C. Seago, Pinehurst, Rt. 1.

= rece: sow, wt. around 200
ibs. .crossed QIC and Little
Rone African Guinea.
| Mrs. Elvira Chastain, Marietta,
1 Rt. 4. Sandtown Road.

gilts, different ages, outstanding
bloodlines, cheap for-quick saute:
Also 4 purebred, not reg. Here-
ford bulls, 1 yr. old, $45.00 ea.
S. L. Thornten, Dewyrose. Rt. 1.

Reg. Duroc Jersey male, 1 yr.
old, about 225 lbs.. $27.50. Not
shipped. oO. M. Thomas. Wray.

10 Berkshire and PC pigs,
about 7 wks. old. Reas. price.
John Stewart, Ben Hill, Dan-
forth Road.

3 OIC males. 3 mos. ald, 50
double regled, $15. ld e

wi illams.

Paners s furn.

Hampshire pigs. 16 wks. old.
goed aipealines, $8.00 ea.. $15.00
$28.00 for 4. at_ my barn.
eae miles, NE Mableton. e
fs. Eason. Austell, R

Reg. Hereford uae nee
|breed of America) hogs.
standing boars and gilts, .
related pairs from champion
bloodlines. SS. Murray.
Smyrna. Box- 140. !

of 12.

wt. about 150 tbs. $20. 00. with
napers. Duroc gilts. to farrow
Mav 18th. Eiggar Harrison.
Whigham, At. 2 Box 72.

1 big boned Black
sow. bred for secand Biter. $45.
1 gilt. 4 mos. old, $22.50; 1 boar,
5 mos. old. $25.00: 1 boar. 4 mas.
old, $20.00; 1 boar. 3 mos. old,
Re a0: P. Prather - Menroe


ne. Hereferd hegs: 8- 16 whs.
ald. Bred sows and gilts. f2om
the Souths quality herd. Prices
very reas. to Ga. farmers. W. C,
Satterthwait. Atlanta. 115 Jack-
son St.. NE, Wa_ 0131.

Black ae cee Be boned pigs.
6 wks. oid $10.00 ea. Pigs. 8
wks. old. siz. si treated and
shipped FOB. H. cC, Brewer,



o $30.00 ea. Reg.
a Bipety tvpe. male and
oe le. W. - Nix, sO RETA,

Poland-China pigs, eaccen
with big bened Black African
boar. 3 mos. old. $7.00 ea.
Crated and life-treated; ariean
ar, wt. 300 lbs. $40.00 del. J
H. Tribble, Decatur, 908 E. Col-

lege Ave.

1 nice, reg. Hereford boar, wt.
about 150 !bs. Hill B. SRERACH

2 SPC gilts-and 4 boars, 10
wks. old, subject to registration,
$12.00 ea. Bobby Alton, Ash-

SPC pigs, 3 mos. old, males
and females, double treated for
cholera, blogky type, $12.50 ea.
Reg. in buyers name. L. M.
Isler, Morgen.

Hereford hogs. 2 brood sows
and 1 boar; all reg. Closing out
herd. Special price at farm near
Blount. Will not-shin- J. J:
| Turner, Forsyth, Rt. 1.

White Faced Hereford pigs,

Carlton HE weaned and treated for life.

L. Wimberly, Swainsboro. .

danta. Rt. 1, teks Road.

jea. Also pleniy young turkeys,

$30.00. |

-| Weaver, Milner. Be 1.
Reg. Duroc pigs. service boars, |


11000 Tbs. $150.00: 4 vr. old.

fine pureored OIC.
/1shoa ts. wt. 60 to 175. Ibs. $10.60
in buyers |

Reg. Hereford hogs,
June sale, unrelated prs. pigs, |
$37. 50. singles $20.00 ea. Sensa+
tion bloodlines. Bred gilts, $65
ea. Boars, 4 mos. old, $35.00 ea.
J . Furstenburg, Atlanta,
Hogan Road, Rt. 1.

_ Reg. Hereford boar, 1 yr. old,
$75.00; breed sow, $85. 00; pigs,
$20.00 ea. W. G. Durrette, At-

Reg. SPG male pigs from 4- G
Club sow, wks. old, cholera
immune: $12.50 ea. Papers. furn-


hire Braet i
Ma Farm..

Ga. raised et
$125.00 cash. or ex
Tenn. welking
Johnson, Fairburn,

| $1.50 extra. Carl Wheeler, Ma nn 1 3

con, Rt. 5. e

- Duroc boar, Regal 2nd No.
150165, Aon of first prize boar,
10c Ib. L. Thornton, Dewy-
rose, Rt. - S

Barrow hogs, ab ut 125 be :
ea. Pat and fine- E. Gosey,
Shiloh, : Rt. 1, (Below Sardis
Methodist Church. y

Big boned African Guinea
pigs. 6 to 8 wks. old, $10.00 to |
$12.00 ea. Treated and shipped
. Brewer, Daniels-



Very fine purebred

bred, about 100 Ibs. ea.,


$1.00 ea. Mrs. Helen Street, Ale
lanta, Rt. 2

Reg. SPC sow, Bee cond. 3rd
litter 8 pigs. 10 wks. old. Sacr-
ifice for $100.00 FOB my barn.
on paved hwy. No. 11. H. B.
Hizell, H#tlsboro. Rh. 4166.


Good aa 7 yrs. old. J. a.

Mare mule. real good animat,
wt. 1200 Ibs, 7 yrs. old. Bargain.
Would take good, young pony in
trade. No letters. Pore see 1]
tiles. W. Millen. J. G. Purvis.

Mare mule. wt. ine Ibs. pod
condition. $75.00: Mare. 6
old, 1200 lhs. Well broke, Ge
raised, $125.00; also SPC pigs.
shoats, $6.00 .to $12.00 e2. 2-
Guernsey bulls. not.reg. 2 vrs.
otd. $50.90 and $75.00.| H. BL
Collins, Fairburn.

At SS purebred. oak bay
saddle stallion; Fee: $10.00. free
return. J. Ee Brand, Stone
Mountain. (21-2 miles from
Mountain on Stone Mtn.-4
Lilburn Road. )

Black saddle horse, 9 yrs. ae
lbs.. red horse mule. $165. 00.
Good mule, wt. 1000 Ihs., wor-
anywhere. $125.00. Thos. M.
Tillman, Athens. Sunset Farm. |
(2 miles fram Athens on Elber-
ton Road.)

Good plow mare ata: wt.
about 809 Ibs. Sacrifice tor
ine .00. H. F. Seay, Ellenwooc.


~ Shetland neny. 2 yrs. old, wt.
320 Ibs. $130.00 here. A. B.
Preston, Monroe,

AF er. old. 1009 Ibs. horse.
work double or single and will
ride. Sell or trade for good cow.
A A. Maddox, ee . Winder, Rt...

4, * i

7 yrs old horse mule, good |:
shape: work anywhere, single or
double, not a blemish. $180.00
at my par. Otis Ruff, Rock--
mart. Rt. 2, 1 mile, Lister Store.

At Stud: Flash _Allen
Again, son of Roan Allen, best
Tenn. walking stallion in Ga.
Fee: $25.00. Lewis Thompson, |

Horse work to wagon, plow ot
ride. about 7 yrs. old, in goad
cond. See east fo H. Bartlett,

Horse mule, work apy here:
no plug. $75.00. Mrs. M.
pimplEins. Decatur, Rt. . a

1 good mule, blind in 1 eye.
$45.00. 1 good horse mule, $55,
Exc. for pineywoods cows oF
good mixed breed. S. L. orn-
ton. Mia vetoes Rt ss

Black mare mule, smooth- |
mouthed. appx. 1100 lbs., about
12 vrs. pid. in good shape, $75.
: a Owens, Locust Grove,

a Boe 49.

oe Percheron stallion, 5
mos. old, $175.00. Reg. Perch-
ea. 1 Belgian filly, not- reg. 18
mos. old. $100.00. H. Clayton
Garrett, Gainesville, Box 56.

I grey mare mule. wt. about
850 Ibs.

anywhere. B. T. Haisten. River-

1 mule, wt. 1100 lbs. Smooth-
mouthed. Sell or trade for a
milch cow fresh-In. Also 2-H

3 maos. told: 5

Gentle, sound, work

Grey mare seats
850 lbs.. sauna a


Bay and On
around 7 yrs. ]
order. only use
$75. 00. Clabus.

eee ie 1058

ats 187.

walking st suara
Clayton Garrett.
Box 56.

Well broke saddle )
|yrs. old. Stallion ec
old: 1 work horse, 7
Well broke. work any
Real plow horse. Chi
Benneit, LaGrange, 6

Nice horse. about 7
work anywhere. Also
fornet Pinedns: G. We 3


4 Dairy. .



4 New Zealand
mos. ould, $3.50. Ex:
Chinchilla doe. kes
Hayes, Blakely, Rt 1,

1281 10 ea: Baitens S

2 fine conditioned,
NZ. White does, 5 mos
ea. Exp. col. Donal
Edison, Box. te

2 white does. NZ
chilia cross, $3.0
Chinchilla doe. $ 0
old. sili Davis, |

old. $2.00 ea fees ie
1/2 ee dla.

scales stock. purebrs
P. Counts, Haralso .

Young NZW a

for breeders, 12 w
ea. bucks. $1. 50 ea. OF
up to breeding age
Giant, Golden F

10 NZ rabbits. mi =
ucks i
$8.00 or $1.00 ea. F
Wy. Crawferd, des Ct

2 prs. NZW rabbits,
old, $3.00 pr. Exp. coll
gene Lindell, Me

eo Park. tae 7]

NZW rabbits. 10 w
pr. Chinchillas. $3.
Belgium hares, 2m:

Also 2 Bant: am a os
H. Bell. Atlanta
st.. NW.

Pr. NZW ae
9 mos. old. $8.00. e ed
white Pekin duclk
ae, Otis, MshBy

3 Nz White de
mos. old. $10.00: $
Pr. blacks. 13 mos.
young rabbits, 5 w
FOB. } nlv.!
men. Marshallville.

NZ Whites: doe
= that dre 3 mos. ol
* Bedell Atlant vl
_ NW.

NZ Reds: doe, 14
bred, ae. 50. Doe. 51
bred. $4.50. Henr
Milledgeville. Wed

Giant NZW rabbit
14 Ib. steok. ;
pr; 2 Blue Chinchill: b
ea. D. W. Chae c

wagon, Bi good phone and cut-} J fates

<vay harrow, $18 wagon,

$15 90, cat & Mathis; orcross, Ne
Ri a +0

NZ Red nek ee 4 mos.
d. $2.50 ea: NZ. Red rabbits,
wks. old, $3. Pp Ves:
att. Hilliard, Athens, 953

arge Angora white bucix
bbit. crossed with NZ. White,
iley Welch, McRae, Rt. 2.

os. old.and in good cond. $1.
epeleian doe, 14 mos. old,
Will breed if desired.
ce Haddock, Fort Valley,
Main Street.

NZ. White rabbits, 9 mos.
00, exo. collect. Booking
for NZ. Whites, for ship-
in July. Mrs. oe Mash-
Cumming, Rt.
rabbits, 8 . old, from:
13 lb. parents. does, $2
ucks, $1.50 ea., $5.00 trio.
vy wt. Chinchillas, good
and color, 8 wks. old; same
Ss. a Scarborough, Haw-
ile, 328 Merritt es


urebred and reg. Toggen-
does exclusively. Extra,
ice bred yearling, due freshen
about August Ist., for winter
ilker, from heavy milk stock.
ertificate furnished. Reason-
able. John Hynds, Atlanta, 93
en St., NE., De 5140. ;

oats, 2 good milk goats, 2
g ones.
J. K. Elliott, Carl.

aanan. milk goat, . 3-qi.
, first kidding. 2. does, 4

os. old, Saanan and Toggen-

cross. 2 purebred Toggen-
billies. 2 mos. old. Sell lot
sparately. Prices reasonable.
e Francis, Alpharetta.

does, good markings, good
dlines, from heavy milk

fester, Barnesville, 315 A aee,

: Toggenburg milk
Ee s. fresh over 3 ats. daily.
Also kids.| Roberts
ve, "off Spalding Drive, 4 mi.

ey. Springs. A. FE.
nel ae hie en:

woods goats, av. size, $3. 50
Also 20 to 30 pigs, weaned,
jJent range stock. Write,
arber, Folkston, Rt. 1.

ilk | goats, about i yr. old,

tock. gentle, $35.00. Mrs.
: Taylor, Bowdon, Rt. 3.

am, 3 ewes. 4 spring Jambs
my home, $8.00 ea. Darvil
gton. Roopville, Rt. 1. :

anny goat for sale.
andiviere. Dawsonville.
Toggenburg: 2 billy

a. 4 nannies:
2 wks> old, $12.50; 1 giv-
gal, 2nd kidding, 2 yrs.
Mes. V. L. Nunn, Com-
Rij i
o 40 head goats, most of
fine breeding stock, $2.50
ee entire herd taken. R. E.


2 due fresh-

th 1 dce and male kid. 8 mos.
d. Male denatured.- Mother
dy for breeding, $20.00 for
Cannot ship. A-:o fine, all-
repose gentle bav mare horse,
xc. cond. $125.00 . at my
James E. Ingram, Lith-
Lazidaze Farm.

Toggenburg mill
Ppreel, over 3 quts. daily,
also kids for sale. A. F.

ve, off Spalding Drive,
yandy Springs, Rh Ros-

Seebred Nubian doe kias,
uck, 2 1/2 yrs. old, littie
but very: fine breeding,
1 buck for service, All


Angelo Hanjaras,
i _ Crew St. SW.

sanar-Toagenbure Soule
in Blows 1 doe, Bboy 18

OO; Maxwell,

a7 40 sheep,

_ $250.00. J. M. Bailey,

a i milk eee [3rd ce
Prot oo: 4 whe old,


Will exc. part for |.

owners barn: also. want small,

11 mos. old for White doe, about

ucers, $15.00 or $8,00 ev.,'
d witht 10 days. Mrs. W..

soon freshen, good breeding-anc.

Janta, 1400 Poe Ave. SE.. Ma

ed. from high producing -bred or heavy springers. Res-

17 mos. old, $18.00 |-

Saanari milk goats, not reg.


other: party to furnish chicks

Shine milk oo fresh

25 ewes, 15-

+| Poplar at


Disposing of my reg. Toggen-
burg buck, Gen. MacArthur,
son of Sir Roderick, of high
milk strain; naturally hornless,
2 yrs. old, very gentle. Miss
Elise McArthur, Curryville.

Milk type buck coat, -2<yus:
old in Feb. 3/4 Toggenburg;
horned, $10.00, or exc. for
heifer calf of any good stock
or value in hens. Also black
brood sow for sale, has had 2
litters pigs.| $20.00. Others. Mrs.
J. M. Marrett, Lavenia, Rt. 1.


Want calves. of good stock, 6
wks.. and older, to raise on
shares. Good vasture and other
facilities. Prefer from Screven
and Jenkins Co., del. my place.
References. Mary Jane Stone,
Sylvania, Rt. oS

~ Want for cash, reg. Hereford
and Black Angus cattle. -De-
scribe and price at once.| R. L.
Jackson, Atlanta, 142 Jackson
St.. NE


Want nice mare, 5-7 yrs..old,
Ga. raised, trained work dbl.,
and single. quiet and safe for
old people and children. 5 mi.
So. Jasper.
Jasper. Rt. 3.

Want Shetland pony, gentie,
work anywhere, about 500 lb.
Full details and price at

young (2nd calf preferred)
milech cow. J: R. Hunt, Macon,
109 Rutherford Ave.

Exc. white Buck rabbit, about

same age. Write first. Horace
Sailers, Maysville, Rt. 2.


Want milk goats, milking or

qualities. State right price and
particulars. W. B. Pateh, Au-
eusta, 1721 Watkins Si


Want 3 reg: Hereford calves
or yearlings, or cow with young
calf. 1 reg. Holstein or Guern-
sey heifer calf. Karl Pace, At-

~ Want 3 or 4 Guernsey. heifers,

istered hot necessary. Give full
details. Also sell Polled Here--
ford bull, 1 yr. old, Domino A.
D. Cobb, Adel. :

Want milk cow nearby, cheap
for cash. Also want chufa seed.
Also nigg*r killer potato plants,.|:
rice seed. Clifton M. eayior,
ea Rtas.

Want to

25 calves and.
vo wts. 100 to 500 Ibs.,
ea., at reas. prices. C. R. Mor-
ris, Atlanta, 663 Darlington
Circle, NE.


Want pr. male and female
little bone, stay-fat Guines pigs.
George Standridge, Ella-


Want 50 young lambs and:
wethers. 1-2 yrs. old. Ben R.
Stroup, Douglas. 3

Want milk goat, gentle,
healthy (hornies preferred.)
NE R. Norton, College Park,

Want 2 does with good kids,
2 1/2 to 3 mos. old, from high
producers. Saanan or Toggen-
burg, 3d or 4th kidding, horn-

less. Write. Mrs. Mary Law-
son, Valdosta, 1011 Johnston



Want 100 to 200 chicks to
raise on halves, I furnish feed;

and transportation charges. Mrs.
Marv C. Berry, Surrency, Rt. 2.


Want 12 White. Emden gos-
lings, purebreds only, 1 week
to 12 wks. old. Dr. J. M. Bar-
nett, Albany.

Want 10 or 15 R. I. Red, N.
H. Red, or W, L. pullets, 8-12

wks, ne from pullorum -tested

S. approved tsock, for
B. Morgan, Rome, 23

and U..

CORNISH: | ere
| -Want 12 Cornish oe ets, quail
J. Carr,

George L. Green,}

|not ship. Mrs.
Jackson, East Third Street.




1000 SC white Lephorns. AA
AA grade: 500 each. April, 1942,
and April 1943 hatch; good,
nice hens, now laying: S15 00 ea.
Buyer serd coops or come after
them. J: B. Parrish, Graymont.

100 SC white leghorn pullets,
14 wks. old, his type Hanson
strain, $1. 00 ea. ,at my place.
John Renouf. T.ithonia.

BAAA Woke hens 1 vr. old,
$1. Ae or $2.00 ea. Cannot ship.
Ws W. Pirkle. Norcross.

10 purebred Brown Leghorn,

old hens. now laying, Ever-
lay strain, $2.00 ea. co*ckerel.
same age and_ strain, $3.00;
$91.50 for lot.| Mrs. H. A. Wil-
son, Martin.

10 pure. B. L. hens, 1 rooster,
1 yr. old in Aopril; hens Jaying;
Ever-lay strain, $17.00 for lot.
Fegs, $1.25-for 15. Del. Mrs.
W. R. Richey, Lavonia, Rt. 1.


1 peawfowl co*ck. 3 yrs. old,
in full plumage, $20.00 FOB.
C. A. Sumner, Soperton:


Large giant Homer pigeons,
different cols. breeders qf Jum-"
bo squabs: heavy feeders, extra
fast breeders, $3.00 mated prs.


| J. H. Barr, Lumpkin.

25 mixed preed pigeons, vari-
ous cols. 35c ea. FOB. M. O.
only. C. M. Whitaker, Vidaha,
107 N. West St.


100 hens, 45 Hybrids: 20 N.
H. and Rhode Iland Reds, $2. 00
each. All 4-A breeding or bei-
ter. Cashiers check or M. O
no less 10 to crate shipped. H.
re Johnson," Se PO Box


6 Fall hatch R. I. Red hens,

|} now laying, $9.00 or $1.50 ea.

a Birtie Martin, Dallas, Rt.

40 purebred super 3-A N. H.
hens, now laying, $1.50 ea. cash
at my home. Bring crates. Can
R. IL. Fears,

co*ckerels; 8 8, 10 and 12 wks:
old: Parmenter Red_ strain,
sired - by Re.0% Pe and from

dees ae flocks,. $1.50.
Up. 2D? * ukehart, peer
Boy 468

20 3-A N. H. Red pues. 8

and 9 wks. ld '80c and 90c ea.,
at my home.| Mrs. W. M. Cham-.
bers: Garrollion. Ht. 2;

800 N. H. Red pullets, R. O
P. sired, 4. mos. old, $1.50 ea.,
Jots of 100. FOB. John C. Ni
-cholson, Gainesville, Box 445.

co*ckerels, Hubbard strain,
Ro O. P. wing banded, flock
mated, N.. H. Reds, 11 wks. old,
$2.50 ea. FOB.. R K. Whaley.
Jr. Atlanta.


1 pr. Muscony. ducks, $3.50.
1 drake, $1.75; Eggs, $1.50 for
1]. Miss. Johnnie Davis, At-
lanta, 42 Grove Park Place, N.
W. Be 2012-W.

1 Bronze turkey tom, 1 Bour-
bon Red hen, 1 yr. old, 310.00
for pr. or exc. for 10 Silver-
laced Wyandotte pullets and 1
co*ckerel, January hatch. Tur-
key eggs, $2.50 setting. Annie
Grace Jones, Lula.

4 duck hens, 1 drake, White
Muscovy and Black Backed.
Muscovy cross, now laying, $7,
or $1.50 each. Nes. J= Bs. Searey,
Lake Park, Rt. 2; Box 39-A.

9 Guinea hens, 1 rooster, $2.00"
each. Boyd Williamson, Com-

. 8 large turkey gobblers, 21s:
old: 3 hens, now laying, $25.00

for lot. FOB. Buyer pay exp.
charges. No checks.| John L.
pepnell, mcreven, Rt. -2, box

6 small type mixed game
Bantam hens, about 1 lb. ea.
eee layers and mothers, $1.00

, if all taken. W. W. South-
oe Roy.
16 small type mixed game
Bantams, 6-8 wks. old. Best
Jaying strain, 35c ea. William

Smith; Rolston.


15 young, SS best. bred
heavy hens, now laying and




10 mixed game Bantam hens,
1--rooster, 1 yr. old. Small
type. Wt. about 1 lb. $10.00
for lot. Delmer Fowler. Roy.

5 prs. White King pigeons. 93
mated pr. _C. W. Davidson, De-
catur, 1215 Church Street.

B. R. rooster, direct Parks
strain, $4.00. Mrs.- Sarah Mc-
Connell, Demorest. Rt. 1.


Dark Cornish, 1-2 yr. old
rooster, $10.00: 2 young ot
ers, $3.50 ea. 50 hens and pul-
lets. $2.50 ea. Eges, $1,50 for 16.
GO] Sikes, Sylvester,

38 Dark Cornish co*ckerels,
Sept. hatch, $2.50 ea. Sates
Kutscher, Decatur, Rt.

25. purebred ae hens,
now laying, wts. 6-8 lbs. 4
co*ckerels, Jan. hatch, 2 roost-

ers, Nov. 1943 hatch. Strong
healthy stock. Make best of-
fer. Johnnie Granger, a


50 to 60 Dark Cornish hens,
5-7 lbs. and 4 or 5 roosters
about 9 lbs. ea. May 1943
hatch. All or part. 32%c lb.
FOB. H. M. Moorman, Lovett.

Trio Walker Blue Falcons,.
$10.00: White Hornet hens, $2.-
00: ea.: 1 Brown Red Modern
game Bantam co*ck, oat 00: trio
Black Cochins, $5.00. H. Clay-
ton Garrett, Gainesville, Box


Old-time Dominique pullets
and co*ckerels, 6 wks. old, fine
stock, good layers, pullets, wt.

to 8 lbs., $1.00 ea. exp. col.
M. O. only. Charles Fulghum,
Poreeertly Rt. 1.


Want. farm family to help itn
irrigated truck farm near 2\t-
lanta, $2.50 day for man_able
to drive truck and plow. Wood,
-garden and house, with electric-
ity. furnished. Work for all
family all year. R.. F. Sams,
Clarkston, Ph Ch 2211:

Want reliable, col. middie-
aged couple for work on farm,
14 miles, Atlanta. Extra wages
for. part- time work for wite;
furnish house, (electricity )
wood, garden and milk. Good
proposition: A. B. Okarme, At-
lanta, 693 Peachtree St., NE.,
"Ve 8311.

Want party to look after
poultry, ete,, on salary or com-
mission basis. House with lights
etc.. furnished. E. H. McMi-
chael, Buena Vista.

Will give good home and reas.
salary for nice, clean. honest
woman to work in garden and
look after few chickens; nice
home, all econvs. References re-
quired. Mrs. J. F. Hembree, At-
lanta, Rt. 4. Box 213. se

wk.. year-round job. Good: 6-R.
house, garden and wood furn.
E. Sandy Springs om
Glenn Ridge Drive. Come and
see. Woodrow Mann. Dun-
woody, Glenn Ridge Dr. ;

Want tenant on farm; 4-R
house. Mail and school bus by
So W. W. McPherson. Villa


Want - white farm hand, not
-over 40 yrs. old. for poultry
farm; married or single, no
children; $20.00 wk..and board
to start, for reliable man not
afraid of hard work. Reference
required. G. H. Webster, Au-
eusta, 1011 Merry St. (Care
|Pine Needle~ Poultry Farm

Want unencumbered: middie-

ple, and do garden and poultry
work. Reas. wages. Give par-
ticulars and refs. in first letter.
wee B. H. Boehm, Cleveland,

Want share-cropper with
Must be reliable; Christian pre-
ferred. White or col. Grow
foods, raise hogs and chickens.
House, water and

Clifford Tyler, Naylor.

| machine: Good

4 burn Road.
15 lbs. when grown, co*ckerels, oe ae

| Comfort Stewart, Boston.

Want good farm hand, $16.00 |

aged woman to live. Mountarn
home with refined elderly cou-

means to run self or wage hand. |:

wood free.


wet hand: ot over 40
of age, to work on poultry fa
Married or single (no childre
$20.00 wk. and board to
for reliable man not afrai
hard work-and long hrs. R
required. G. H. Webster
eusta, 1011 Merry St.

Want healthy. business
man to supervise peach pa
and marketing truck crops
fruit and vegetable farm.
of hard work. Good pay. O
Norton, Fairburn.

Want exp..dairyman as
ager. Must beable run mi
elec. (1
PB vine
2 BOX =

running water,
Write or call.
Columbus, Rt.
38-5269. -

Want an imehomnberes
man for farm work. No milk
ing. Only 2 in family of. 200 ;
| Christian. people. Mrs. H
Bryson, Cartersville. ee


Wanted-a caretaker
herd of cattle. Must be h
and sober-minded. A good
for the right man. Five-ro
house, lights, wood and g
furnished. For interview
Taft Swvygert or J. F. Rear
Mansfield, Route 2..

Want tenant for 8 A. farm
share basis, good land,
Blythe Isle, lots of figs on pl
B. O. Fussell, Brunswick.

Want white woman 40 and
healthy, to live wit family ar
do farm work, feed chicker
milk, 1 cow. References e
changed. Salary. Mrs. C.
Brown, College Park. Rt

Want efficient.
dairyman; prefer trained pel
son, but if not, one willing
learn. DeLaval mi itking m:
chines used: can use in
room if not exp. Fither wh
-br. colored, no subject to dr

Want 2 dairy h- nds,
wk. and 1 farm hard, $2.
Fred Parker, High Rock Dair
Decatur, Rt. 1, Rainbow Driv

Want man.and wife (no chi
dren) to live and work on
very good wages for both
man can work*by day; w
by wk. or month. No mi
Mrs. Ida R. Street, Ramh rst

Want single man to do ta
work in DeKalb, County;.
ly wages; furnished bedroo
and kitchen, with lights, wat
and wood. Come at once.
Tribble, Decatur, 903 E. Colle
Ave. Ve 2473.

Want dairyman, ware
single. H. E. Sanders, Lumb
City. Ai. Pe :

White woman, uncheumie
to: cook and keep house fo
adults. Good home, will
$6.00 week, board, room
laundry. P. O. Box 431, =
ton; Ga. ;


Man in sixties, married,
children, wants job on f
Experienced in poultry-rai
Would like opportunity devei
poultry business on sh
- Harry W. Bickford, Fai yu
Ras S.
Want job as caretaker on
looking after garden, flowe
shrubbery and other light:-w
on farm. Room and board
reas. wages. F. E. Lang
Columbus, P.O. Box 774.

man for board,
reasonable ee Ww. 0.
Louisville. =

ville. 39 Georgia Ave.

- Want. job on farm loo
after poultry and garden. P
fer place in Fulton County.
| Nannie Hartsfield. Atla
(en. Del.

Young man, grat exem
-wants. job as tractor or t
driver on farm. Have to
moved. Good wages expect
. D. Huggins, Savannah,
Box 83.


The Georgia Gue

JUNE 19th.
Ralph .W.

H.| size, and 1 rooster. W

-co*ckerel,- $25. 00. 1 :co*ckerel,
free with, ea. lot. Satis. guar.
FOB. Mrs. C, M. Pepin,
| Greenville. a


- tion Auction Sale of registered Guernsey ca
will be held at Thomasville, Ga., on. MOND:

Right bulls and thirty-two heifers will
For catalogue, write:

Box. 358,

rnsey Breeders Associa-


Coarsey, Sect eS

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1944 June 14 (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.