Family | HP x FT - omniseggsual - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Info

Chapter Text


  • Callisto Lilian Heartfilia was the name Harry went by in Earthland.

Guild mark:

  • Harry has his guild mark on his right shoulder in color green.


  • First Wand
    • 13", Olympus, Angel Feather (broken during the fight with Nirvana)
  • Second Wand
    • 13", Tenrou, Fairy Dust (Not broken, hidden in a form of a necklace, Master Makarov gave it to him)
  • Third Wand
    • 11", Holly, Phoenix Feather(Used and seen by others)


  • S4716(the hidden broom he never showed anyone, because Oliver would fight him for this lmao)
    • This broom is Harry's gift from Loke after Lucy saved him.
    • The handle is made out of Yggdrasil making it unbreakable, its twigs are from the Celestial Tree that the Spirit King planted.
    • Unbreakable Braking Charm
    • Superb balance and precision
    • Hovers at reasonable mounting height when let go
    • Speed is adjustable, up to the speed of Nimbus 2001 to Firebolt, the fastest speed is Mach 10(12,348 kilometers per hour).
  • Nimbus 2000
  • Firebolt


— The Tenroujima arc won't be shown due to this being in Harry's perspective.

  • Prologue
    • Callisto Lilian Heartfilia
    • July X777
    • Olympus Wand
    • Identity
    • Leaving
    • The World Library
    • The White Keys
    • The Rukh
    • The Obsidian Keys
    • Story of the Undying Star
    • The Amethyst Keys
    • Regulus Arcturus Black
  • Season 1
    • Hargeon to Battle of Fairy Tail
  • Season 2
    • The Day of the Fateful Encounter to A Fairy Tail Wizard
  • Season 3
    • Rainbow Cherry Blossoms to Best Partner
  • Future
    • Events when/If Harry went back to Fairy Tail during the summer. Meaning the GMG.


  • The Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students are going to be speaking in English. I can't write the way they speak. If the French girls are speaking to each other, I'll make sure to italicize them.
  • As well as Hagrid, sorry.


  • Fourth Year in Hogwarts means that the Tenrou Team has been "missing" for 6 years.


  • Callisto Lilian Heartfilia - age 1
  • July 14, X777 - age 2
  • Olympus Wand - age 3
  • Identity - age 3
  • Leaving - age 6
  • The World Library - age 6
  • The White Keys - age 6
  • The Rukh - age 6
  • The Obsidian Keys - age 7
  • Story of the Undying Star - age 7
  • The Amethyst Keys - age 7
  • Regulus Arcturus Black — age 7
  • Lucy was 17 during season 1
  • Harry was 8 when Tenroujima sank
  • Harry was 10 when he went to Earth. Tenroujima has been missing for two years(X786)
  • Current year on Earthland is X790, on Earth it's 1994.

Chapter 2: Start


the letter
the books


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry James Potter was incredibly bored. He is currently sitting by the Gryffindor table. To others it may seem that he's working on his potions assignment, but he isn't.

Internally, it's a different story altogether.

People don't see it unless he wants them too, but he's speaking to three glowing butterfly-like entities through his mind. There was also the fact that he and the three entities were homesick.

This world may have been their home once upon a time, but the other world was more of a home. Harry missed the guild very much ever since he landed here on Earth. He missed his family. He missed the way the reason he was being gawked at was not for being the "Boy Who Lived" but as the proud son of Lucy Heartfilia.

He was Callisto Lilian Heartfilia before he was Harry James Potter, no matter what anyone says. His mother raised him despite being a child herself. The guild was more of a family than his house was.

Let it be known that he was not a violent person, but being around the team made his temper rise. Considering that a Natsu Dragneel babysits him more than anyone in the guild. That reason or he was actually obliviously hitting on his mom.

He might get a father soon. If they were still around.

Everyone except those who are on his side. He didn't enter his name on the damn goblet. Albus too many f*cking name Dumbledore tried to convince him that it was for the better so they could catch the culprit. He told him no. He was tired of being put on the front line to be "tested". So he refuses and refuses until the old man sees reason and realizes that he broke his trust. Just because he fought on the First Task, doesn't mean he's cohorts with him. He just didn't want to lose his magic.

He was Lucy Heartfilia's son. That woman's son. He picked up a thing or two, hence the old man is working on rebuilding his trust before he could actually cooperate and talk with him.

The "grandfather" figure spot was already filled by Master Makarov Dreyar and Jude Heartfilia. Dumbledore has a long way to fill up the sixth spot. The third and fourth spot belongs to Macao and Wakaba. Gildarts already had the fifth(much to the distaste of the man).

The title of Uncle was bestowed to his Uncle Gray, Uncle Moony, and Uncle Padfoot. The battle for the top spot of his aunt was currently being fought on. Was. With the disappearance of Tenroujima, the guild was reduced to a lesser number in a matter of two years before he was pulled here when he was 10.

The incident with the Mirror of Erised during his first year made his longing even worse. He saw his family. Fairy Tail.

“It'll be alright, sweetie,” A female voice comforted him.

“Your Mum's right,” an older male voice spoke to him.

“The three of us would have disappeared the moment Lucy's dead, but we're still here, just have hope, okay?” A younger male voice said.

“I know.. I just miss everyone..” He sighed in his mind.

Everyone was doing their own thing when a bright light almost blinded them. When the light was over, they turned to the Head Table and saw several books.*

The professors, prefects, and head boys and girls had their wands out and pointing everywhere. The three butterfly-like creatures were circling him in worry. The door slammed open and that's where the wands are pointed at. The ones at the door were the Malfoys, the Weasleys, Remus with "Snuffles", Madam Bones, The Minister and his Undersecretary, Mad-eye Moody, Tonks and other Aurors in Madam Bones's jurisdiction.

“Ah, good day fellows, but why are you here?” The headmaster asked them.

“Why are we here? We got a letter saying we should be here. This is your school, you ought to know what was happening,” Lucius Malfoy scoffed as everyone that arrived approached the Head Table and gave him a letter.

“So did we," the rest said and gave the letter. As soon as the headmaster had it in his hand, it flew and merged into one letter. The letter opened itself and read itself.

Good day Hecate's pet projects, or as you humans like to call yourselves, Wizards and Witches,

Harry's heart dropped, and he heard the three in his presence gasping in shock. Hecate's pet projects. There was one person who called them that.

“She likes to call people with magic as Hecate's pet project,” His mother said.

The purebloods murmur among themselves for being called pet projects. But at least they didn't know who was the person who wrote that.

Nowadays I've been bored watching over you. With how dysfunctional you humans are, I have come to show you Harry James Potter's life before Hogwarts.

Why? I believe I have said that I was bored. Hence, you will hear his story from his point of view with these books. There are occasional portraits or videos. Nonetheless, they are the truth, and perhaps will show you the true meaning of family.


Lady Creation

P.S time will stop as soon as the reading starts, it will begin once it's over.

Then comes the chaos. Harry watches in silence as the adults look over the books if it was the truth. He could hear from the Ravenclaw table that there was no such a thing as Lady Creation.

But alas, there is and she happens to be his mother's ancestors. And a sad*stic psychopath.

“Quiet!” Dumbledore used a sonorous spell to quiet them down,“Now! I know everyone is confused about this entire thing. But to Mr. Potter, this is your life about to be exposed, are you willing to show us? At the cost of your guarded secret,”

“It's fine,” He shrugged. He wanted to tell Ron and Hermoine anyway, he just hadn't found the right time.

“Could you confirm if this so-called Lady Creation does exist, Mr. Potter?” Fudge asked.

“She does,” He sighed, patting himself on the back for holding back a sneer at the stupid minister,“She's not a human, but I cannot just reveal who she is. Wait for the books to do that,”

“Alright then,” Dumbledore cut her off before he say anything,“Everyone take a sit, we shall start momentarily,”

As soon as everyone has taken a seat. The book on top of the pile hovers upwards and opens its pages. The book shouted the title.

“PROLOGUE,” Some are startled at how loud it was,“CHAPTER 1: CALLISTO LILIAN HEARTFILIA,”


*a/n: still undecided whether I should put the rest of the Harry Potter book or not.

Chapter 3: P. C1 — Callisto Lilian Heartfilia


Baby in the bush
Adoption under the red moon

Chapter Text

Harry showed a startled look on his face. That was his name. Was this about the day his mother found him?

“Who's that Harry?” Hermoine asked him.

“You'll see,” A smile danced on his lips as he remembered his mother.

There was a girl by the age of nine walking around in her gardens when she felt a distortion in space.

There's a new wizard that appeared near her.

The adults looked at one another. That was an even higher level of magic sensory.

Lucius's eyebrows narrowed at that. Distortion in space?

“How could she feel that?” A first year Ravenclaw asked.

“She was born with what they call "Magic Sensitivity",” Harry answered,“I'll explain more later. Just write down what you wanted to know,”

The others nodded, and some just masked their faces into boredom.

She followed the magic signature that she felt. Her mid-back length hair swayed in the winds as she did so. Chocolate brown eyes surveying the surroundings, as if she was waiting to be attacked.

Moody nodded in approval, a good instinct this lady has.

“She's nine, why is she so cautious?” Someone in Slytherin asked.

“She might be a child of a high class family,” Narcissa answered,“There are circ*mstances that children of those kind of family are taught like that because they tend to be attacked at such a young age,”

Harry wanted to add in. It's more like the attackers need to flee in safety.

A portrait appeared. A child with golden mid-back length hair, warm chocolate brown eyes. Wearing a baby blue paneled skirt, a white shirt with lantern sleeves and black wedge boots. She looks sophisticated despite her young age.

Some are in awe of how a mere child was more elegant than the current purebloods.

She was walking.. And walking.. And walking until she reached the jaded flower bush.

“Jaded flower bush?” Ron asked.

“An exotic kind of flower whose petals are made out of real jade,” Harry answers automatically.


“It's actually one of the alternative ingredients to make the Elixir of Life,”

“HUH?!” They looked at him in shock.

Harry raised an eyebrow at them,“What? Did you really think I don't know how to make one? I just don't know how to make it into a stone,”

“And why do you..?” Even Severus was curious on how the Potter spawn came to know.

Gesturing at the disappearing portrait,“She said it was necessary,”

She parted it gently, and there she saw a baby in a bundle. The baby has a tuft of jet black hair, light skin, its bright green eyes staring back at her. His most noticeable feature was the lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

“Blimey! Harry it's you!?” Seamus and others look at him in shock, their former attitude on him forgotten.

“Harry, is she the one that raised you?” Remus asked him,“The one you said was a child herself when she found you?”

“Yeah..” Harry breathed out at the thought of his mother,“She is,”

“And who you might be?” She amusingly spoke, her eyes went white for a bit, she went and carried the unknown baby,“I better bring you inside. I do hope Mom and Papa let me raise you,”

“Her eyes went white? Huh?” Draco was confused, as the others were writing it down,“What did she mean by that, Potter?”

“You'll see,” He grinned. He can't wait to see their reaction that there was an actual spell to repel the killing curse.

Lady Lucy! Where are you!” An old woman's voice called for the girl.

“I'm here!” She grinned then ran towards the small table a few feet away from them,“Mom! Papa!”

“Lucy?” A woman with a similar appearance to Lucy was confused as her husband with the same appearance choked on the tea he was drinking.

“Why do you have a baby!?” Her papa's eyes widened.

“I found him, so he's mine,” She immediately said.

There were some laughs from the crowd on how nonchalant she said that.

Harry couldn't help but groan as the three entities laughed as well. Mother, that's not how you adopt children.

“Lucy, darling.. Babies are big responsibilities, not to mention you are a child yourself,” Her father told her gently.

“You won't be able to act like a child if you blood adopted this child,” Her mother told her,“Like your father said, babies are a big responsibility, especially someone of your age,”

“I know that,” She frowned,“I still want to raise him. I have you guys and the servants for help in case I can't handle it,”

The three entities sighed in exasperation at that. They knew how stubborn one Lucy Heartfilia could be. Stubborn, but she had her heart at the right place. That's what made them adore her. Too young to mature but still wants to live normally as possible for someone like her.

“But just remember, Lucy, infants are hard to take care of if you have no experience,” Her papa told her,“If you get tired of taking care of him. Your mother and I will,”


“Just like that?” Neville asked Harry, bewildered that her parents would just let her adopt him.

“There's a deeper story on why her dad knew she's mature enough to take care of me,” Harry then frowned,“I'm sure it would be mentioned in this book. But yeah, despite Mother being nine when she adopted me, she was responsible enough to know what she was doing,”

Despite Jude and Layla Heartfilia's fears of their only child adopting a child. Lucy has proven herself responsible.

Most adults nodded as the book described thoroughly on how she was taking care of a one year old Harry Potter. She made sure he was well fed, and had check ups by healers. She made sure he has the best of the best in that place.

“You want to perform a blood adoption?” Jude asked his daughter incredulously,“Wouldn't it be dangerous?”

“Blood Magic is a thing to that place as well?” Daphne Greengrass asked. As a pureblood, they tend to use blood magic to keep up with their traditions. To know that the Boy-Who-Lived was raised by a house like that was actually a real surprise.

“Uh.. Yeah,” He nodded in confirmation,“I am also blood adopted by Sirius Black. Since apparently he was never removed from the family, and his grandpa who was the Lord Black at the time, Sirius is Lord Black with me as Heir Black. Along with Heir Potter and those other houses..”

“Other houses?” Hermoine asked, as the Slytherin House and other pureblood families were staring at him in shock, especially the Malfoys. Snuffles is sitting upright proudly, probably proud of what he did.

“It'll come up soon,”

“The child needs protection in Earthland,” The child-like voice was suddenly gone, the atmosphere of the study room became cold. Jude sat up straight in fear,“If he were to be seen with me, those people are going to move and try to kill him for not being my blood. I want my son to be protected, with this one, he'll be protected by prejudice and harm since blood adoption is legitimate in the eyes of the law everywhere in Earthland,"

“Is it really?” Remus asked, intrigued by the information but scared by the sudden manner of the nine years old. Everyone else is curious, with the Ravenclaws and studious students writing what she said.

“Yeah, unlike here on Earth where it might be illegal unless it's with Gringotts, in Earthland, they are pretty serious about that kind of thing,” Harry explained,“Blood Adoption in Earthland would mean you and the child are bonded like the biological parents. It is not frowned upon on, actually it's encouraged so those who are abandoned by their families or orphaned due to many reasons could have a family of their own,”

“Could it be broken?” Narcissa Malfoy asked.

“No, in Earthland, we are swearing under the heavens, under the name of a God,” Harry answered politely,“The only way to break that is you kill either the parent or the child. That kind of ritual is absolute, like here,”

“You and the book mentioned Earthland, what is it?” Tonks asked this time.

“Ah, it's a different dimension,” There were gasps and murmurs about how there was a different dimension,“It's very different from this dimension. In Earthland, we coexist with muggles. We do a job, and they pay us. We are mostly their protection when it comes down to it. The land I grew up in had 17% of its population that has magic, and everywhere else? Majority has magic,”

“You get paid for using magic?”

“Pretty much,”

Tonks turned to Amelia,“Why?”

“I didn't make the law,”

“I see,” Jude frowned in deep thought. Considering his status, indeed, his grandson might get into danger. Blood adoption would give him legitimate stability and profile.

“Go forth with it then. Did you mention it with your mother?”

“Who do you think I am? An amateur?” She scoffed,“Of course I did,”

“She… don't act like a child in private, huh?” Cedric spoke.

“She doesn't,” Harry shook his head,“But Mother like to pretend she had a happy childhood,”

“Wait for midnight then,” The voice of her mother said by the door way,“I'm sure you have thought of a name as well,”

“I did!” She grinned.

“Ah!” Hermoine realized,“The title! It's your name!”

“Yeah,” Harry grinned,“That's why I didn't respond to the name Harry Potter during first year that much,”

“Should we call you by those names too then mate?” Ron asked, some of those who believed him were actually worried that they might have been offending him with that.

“Nah,” He waved it off,“Thanks to you guys I gotten used to my original name,”

They grinned in relief to know that they at least helped him.

It was midnight.

Lucy was carrying the infant in her arms wearing a black and silver hooded cloak. The full moon is shining.

She kept walking and walking until she entered the forest owned by the Heartfilias. The raggedy torches that are placed on the path lit itself as she walked, as if it was welcoming her.

When she arrived at a clearing, she admired the beauty of it first. The clearing was surrounded by large trees with its vine are about 25 to 30-feet long with shiny, dark-green leaves and large, drooping lilac or purple-blue flower clusters.

“It sounds pretty,” Lavender sighed thinking of its beauty.

“What tree is that?” Neville asked in curiosity.

“Wisteria Tree,” Harry answered as he was in awe as well. His mother never told him how the ritual went,“In this world, it's used to ward off Demons and Evil Spirits in Japan. In Earthland, it has the same uses along with the fact that the larger the numbers the more effective they are in warding black magics,”

Several adults suddenly look interested in that.

“Do you think I could study that, Mr. Potter?” Professor Sprout asked.

“Oh sure, when I managed to get back to Earthland though,” She looked contended with that, and the other headmasters looked interested as well.

She smiled brightly as she walked in the middle of the red magic circle.

“Cross my heart and hope to die..” She murmured as soon as she placed him down,“I welcome you as my child,”

There was a howl to be heard. The wind was picking up, and going crazy around her. The circle was getting brighter by the minute.

She pulled out a silver needle. She pricked her index finger and did the same to the baby. After she pricked his finger, the moon turned red.

“Holy..” Some were in awe. The moon was as red as blood.

“Does the red moon mean?” Someone from Hufflepuff asked.

“The beginning of the end times,” Harry spoke as an apparition of the red moon appeared,“But in Earthland, it signifies powers, love, and protection. Only if it is during a ritual like this,”

“What if it isn't?” Cho Chang asked.

“Magic would be unbalanced, I suppose,”

The blood that was flowing from their fingers rose and expanded. Surrounding them in a dome of blood, until it turned gold, binding them.

There was a gush of wind somewhere. She scooped him up, and cradled him in her arms. His bright green eyes looked at her brown ones in wonder and awe. She was looking at him with so much love.

“Welcome to the family, Callisto Lilian Heartfilia,”

Chapter 4: P. C2 — July X777


the dreaded week of the Heartfilias


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Can I get a copy of the Table of Contents, Professor?” Harry kindly asked his head of house, to which she nodded and gave a copy. He skimmed through it, hoping to get a timeline of how it would go.

“CHAPTER TWO: JULY X777,” The book exclaimed.

Harry tensed. X777. One of the worst years for them.

“X777? Is that the year in Earthland?” Kingsley asked.

“13 years ago, yeah,” Harry shrugged,“It's currently X790 in Earthland,”

“Which dimension is older? This or that?” Susan asked.

“Looking at the way this world studies how old it is?” Harry thought of it for a moment,“Earthland is older, I think? Because Earthland was created before there were Gods, Lady Creation was the one who made it. And she first existed,”

“Like Chaos?” A muggleborn asked.

“She is Chaos,” Some pureblood and magic-raised half-bloods looked confused, so their muggleborn and muggle-raised friends told them a quick summary of Greek mythology.

“HUH?” He just shrugged at their shocked expressions.

It has been several months since the blood adoption has happened, the following day was celebrated. To officially welcome Callisto as the son of their heiress.

“It's kinda weird for a book to refer me to the name I have been using until like three years ago,” Harry shivered.

“Oh right,” Fred started.

“Kinda forgot that Harrykins,” George said.

“Has only been Harry Potter,” Fred continued.

“For three years,” The twins spoke together.

“Unless you count the fifteen months before he landed in that bush,” Charlie pointed out.

“Why a bush of all things?” Ginny questioned.

“I don't know,” Harry shrugged. But he was kinda grateful to land on that jaded bush. It gave him a slight self healing.

“Treat Callisto the way you treat my daughter,” was Jude Heartfilia's reminder to them. And they all took it to heart.

“Was it really a big deal?” Hannah asked from their table. Some were confused, sure the Heartfilias sounds like a rich family, but surely they couldn't be that rich.

“You'll see,” He grinned. Remus sighed from beside him. Harry told him and Sirius enough what they wanted to know.

Heartfilias were that wealthy.

“Why is mother taking so long to be at the capital?” Lucy asked as she helped dress her son with appropriate clothing for tonight.

“I'm afraid I do not know,” He sighed. Truly, he really did not know. Layla has been adventurous no doubt about that. The thing she did in the capital must be magic related.

“Did you guys ever find out?” Ron asked.

“No,” Harry shook his head,“But Mother has theories about it,”

The purpose of the gala tonight was to introduce Callisto as a member of the Heartfilias, and the money they get goes to the magical orphanages.

Madame Bones took note of magical orphanages. While being orphaned is rare in Magical Britain, there was no telling that there are orphaned muggleborns after all.

Dumbledore couldn't help but to feel stupid. It was the easiest solution yet he didn't think of it during Riddle's time as a student, it would have prevented a lot of trouble.

The family entered their carriages and they went on their merry way to the venue of the gala. Callisto is in awe of how beautiful Northern Ishgar is. The trees are all around the path. Its leaves were all white. Then little specks caught his eyes.

“Mother,” Callisto called for her.

“Yes?” She moved her attention to him from her book.

“What are those?” He pointed at the little specks that seemed startled by the sudden pointing.

“I'm surprised that you could see them,” Lucy laughed,“Those are the Light Spirits. They are the ones that keeps the light related magic afloat, without them, those type of magic would be at imbalance,”

“Ohhhh,” Everyone was in awe of the information.

“Amazing,” Fudge murmured as he could see the others taking notes of this.

“Why were you surprised that I could see them? Is it rare?” He asked as he waved at the spirits who waved back, he could slightly hear their laughter.

“Because no one should be able to see them unless you have the blood,”

He turned to his mother who was looking at the spirits as well.


“You have my blood running through your veins. So of course you can see more than their species,” She evaded the question making him narrowed his eyes at him.

“Good be vigilant,” Moody nodded in approval. Imposter or not, it is good to be vigilant, he thought to himself.

“Does that mean you see beyond what everyone could normally see?” Luna airily asked.

Harry nodded,“Not even ghost could see them,”

The rest of the ride was relatively quiet after that. Aside from the side conversation between father and daughter regarding border safety.

(“No, just a surface inspection would let terrorists go under the radar,” She shook her head.

“A thorough and magical inspection would do well then,” He nodded,“Could you ask the red spirits to help with the inspections as well?”

“Of course,”)

The venue of the party was in a city called Corona Borealis, the capital of the Northern Ishgar. The actual venue was the Alphecca Palace. Its walls were painted in bluish white color. From the palace map Mother gave him, the entire palace was in a semicircular arc shape. It would really remind you of the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown.

“Good naming,” Narcissa nodded in approval with a satisfied smile on her lips. As a member of the Black Family, they know the name of the stars. To know there was an entire land named after the stars satisfied the Black in her.

Sirius barks in approval, he might be "disowned", but even he couldn't insult the way they name their children. Once a Black, always a Black.

“The name of the Northern Ishgar is Katasterismoi,” She smiled, and then dropped the bomb on him,“Katasterismoi is the name of the Grand Duchy of the Heartfilias,”

There was a big silence over them.

“[What the f*ck],” One of the Drumstrung student cussed then hell broke loose.

Even the Slytherins were part of the chaos. Of course they would be, "Saint Potter" was the son of the Heiress of a Duchy!? A Royal Princess!?

“Wait, so does that mean you're a royal prince,” Neville had his eyes widened, as he was helping Ron and Hermoine up, who faked faint in shock.

“Maybe,” He laughed at their faces. Because the Slytherins were exclaiming to themselves;

“No wonder he knows the etiquette!”

“Oh my Godric, did I just call a Grand Duchy House Muggles in my brain!?”

The twins were a different laughter.

“We didn't prank you,” Fred said.

“We never did,” George nodded.

“We helped you in the train during your first year,” They both spoke together,“We also gave you that map last year,”

“Oh come on you guys!” He laughed as everyone looked at him,“We don't kill people who insults us at the drop of a hat,”

Everyone sighed in relief.

“Except Mother,” Another wave of panic was about to happen but the book interrupted.

“Entering! His Royal Highness the Grand Duke, Grand Duke Jude Everett Heartfilia together with Her Royal Highness, Princess Lucky Lucy Heartfilia,” The family entered and stopped by the top of the stairs as everyone bowed in greeting.

“It is lovely to see you all once more,” Everyone clapped politely to the man,“However, like my invitation has mentioned. The main reason of this party, was to welcome my grandson into the family,”

Now, everyone's eyes were on him. Callisto couldn’t help but be nervous. He glanced at his mother and saw how composed she is, he ought to do the same as his son.

His grandfather took his hand gently and suddenly he was in front of him, facing the crowd.

“This is my grandson, Callisto Lilian Heartfilia,” His grandfather was smiling at the crowd.

Callisto shifted slightly and unnoticeable at their calculating gaze. Even living for such a short while with his mother. He knew that she ruled the social circle of the nobility.

Mother controls the public to her whim.

“That's.. Very Slytherin of her..” Lucius commented apprehensively.

“Maybe,” He shrugged it off. He only knew what a Slytherin should be before even landing on Earth, because in his eyes; his mother is what a Slytherin should be.

“I hope that you will treat him with the same respect you give my daughter,” There was a sudden pressure in the air,“My grandson's happiness is mine and my daughter's as well. So I hope you treat him well and respectfully,”

“Because, I won't be sorry for what my daughter would do,” The atmosphere was tense, he could hear someone gulping in fear as he could see some of them took a glance at his mother. And he did so too, it was frightening.

An apparition of that night appeared. Many members of nobility at the very bottom of the stairs, what frightens them was the ten years old Lucky Lucy Heartfilia. She was staring down at everyone with a deadly cold look in her eyes, as if they were nothing but insects.

She was frightening. And those words were coming from four people who served the Dark Lord. A mere child made the Dark Lord look like a child.

“A-are you sure your mother is a child?” Dean asked, frightened as much as everyone else.

“I mean, she is ten,” He just shrugged it off. Wait until they read up to the part where she killed someone and the little Indura.

“I do hope,” Her voice was cold as ice when she interjected,“That my son will be treated well, sincerely, as people of the Katasterismoi, he will be my heir. He will be the Grand Duke if I ever to come home,”

Those words implied something different. He was new to the family, to this world. So he doesn't know what "come home" means. Does that mean she will do the Heartfilia businesses instead?

“If he shows even an ounce of discomfort, reassured that I will handle you personally,” There were flinches around the room. And little Callisto didn't know why, that just means his mother will scold them, right?

“Nope,” Harry replied to his younger self,“It means Mother will kill them behind our backs!”

And no one wasn't sure how to handle that statement.

Then she smiled,“Until then, truly enjoy this night with all your heart! Keep the happy spirits, make merry! And most of all,”

Everyone raised their glass,“May the stars bless our land with eternal light and power,”

Harry echoed the last statement cheerily. He took that close to his heart along with the Spirit King's "May the Star be Your Guidance". He likes to think that everyone from the Celestial Spirit Realm is looking over him.

But there was also the dreaded fact about Aquarius and her shouting once she got a hold of him.


Yeah, she probably would start with that one and end it with her rubbing it in their faces having a date with Scorpio.

“Is that a thing in the Duchy?” Narcissa couldn't help but to ask. Those nobles were swearing under the name of the stars. Not even her maiden family has done so.

“Yes,” He nodded,“They have been doing it since the founding. Especially the Northern Empire, which were the Heartfilias came from,”

“Northern Empire?” Draco blinked beside his mother.

“Largest Continent of Earthland,” He hummed,“The Heartfilia Family and the Heartfilia Duchy itself is the branch family of the Imperial Family of the North,”

“No wonder the family is rich as hell,” Cedric was flabbergasted.

“Mr. Diggory! Language!” Professor Sprout scolded.

The party started before Callisto could even process anything. He's with his mother, talking with other noble ladies, he would answer politely whenever they compliment him. His mother perked up suddenly and looked down on him with a smile.

“Do you wanna see the dragon reserves?”

“Dragons!?” Charlie exclaimed excitedly.

“Oh boy, now they awoke the beast,” Auror Tonks snorted. The Weasleys sighed fondly at the second oldest of the family. Let it be known that Charlie was obsessed with dragons, that's why he took off to Romania instead of going professional in Quidditch.

He nodded excitedly as the mother and son duo excused themselves and left the venue. Callisto was excited to see the dragons. He had read that there were Light Dragons within the Duchy, and other dragon hatchlings.

Would mother let me have one? He asked himself.

“Yep!” Harry laughed as Charlie was looking at him with stars in his eyes,“A hatchling of the First Dragon, The Celestial Dragon; Draco,”

Draco Malfoy sat up straight, he was named after the first dragon? Would the magical book let them see his namesake? He hopes it does.

“You have a dragon!?” His best friends exclaimed in shock as Charlie was vibrating in excitement in his seat.

“He's in my magic pouch, he likes it there,”

“You need to let me touch him,” Charlie immediately said before anyone else,“I need to meet your hatchling,”

The Weasleys behind him were shaking their heads, hoping that the boy wouldn't do it.

The dragon reserve was simply majestic. It was a separate manor. It was a gigantic manor to be exact, reaching the height of 250 feet from what his mother told him.

It was made from special magic minerals for its walls so the dragons won't hurt any humans.

“This reserve is called Draco's Palace,” His mother said, as she put her hand on the door and pushed with her magic. The door glowed golden and was disappearing,“It serves as a sanctuary for Draco the Celestial Dragon and his kind, so be respectful to them and they'll return the gesture,”

“All creatures are big on respect,” Harry spoke loudly,“The more you show them sincere respect and pure awe the more likely they will be on your aid to fight and other things,”

“I take it that you experienced it?” Lucius asked.

“Yes,” He nodded,“Elves and Demons actually,”

“Now when did you encounter demons?” Remus asked sharply in worry, Snuffle was whimpering in worry. The three entities couldn't help but to laugh at the two,“Harry?!”

“Uh… You'll see?”

“I'm blaming James for this,”

One out of three entities made an offended sound.

Callisto was in awe when they entered. It was filled with magic, it was similar to his mother, each side there were dragons about 40 to 50 feet. The hatchlings were about 30 feet.

“And you said you have a hatchling?” Ron looked at Harry in deadpan,“WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A 30 FEET DRAGON IN YOUR POUCH!?”

“Less crowd panic, duh,”

But at the very back and center was the tallest of them all. Standing at 110 feet, a dragon with a galaxy void color and golden fringes, and deep yellow eyes that reminds him of the star Regulus.

The book showed the vision of the dragon in awe.

“Woah,” Draco Malfoy was in awe. This is the dragon that he was named after. He looks majestic.

“I want to meet him!” Charlie exclaimed in excitement, and Draco was inclined to agree.

Ah, is that Little Star I smell?” The dragon's deep voice echoed as he looked at his mother.

Everyone was startled at the voice of the dragon.

“Is that how the dragon back at the first task sounded to you?” Neville asked him,“You once told me you can understand them,”

“Ah, no,” He answered,“The dragons at the first task were all females. And their voices don't have power in it. The dragons of this world are just different breeds of Fire Dragons, so the dragons in this world is generally weaker than Earthland's dragons,”

As he was speaking of this, he was reminded of Acnologia, of how that wretched dragon took his family away. Two out of three entities went closer to him, providing comfort.

“Hello Draco,” She grinned,“Sorry for not visiting you in a while, I was busy you see,”

I see that. Is this your human hatchling? He has the scents of the Jade,” The dragon said.

“Truly?” She raised an eyebrow, and looked at him. He was confused by the conversation. What do they mean by the scents of Jade?

Everyone was writing it down. Hopefully getting some answers.

“How long did the dragon and your mother know each other, Mr. Potter?” Professor McGonagall asked.

“Since her birth,” He smiled softly,“Draco helped with Mother's birth because her magic was going haywire, his dragon magic helped it to calm down until she was finally born,”

“Scents of Jade?” He asked curiously. It was an unfamiliar term.

“Mhm,” She nodded,“Jade.. Was a term we use to dragons who use healing magics only. It was a dragon clan branching off of Sky Dragons, they're extinct and it was said they reincarnated in a form of a flower,”

He was blinking at them animatedly, not following the story line.

“You landed on a jaded flower bush,” She chuckled,“Your magic core absorbed some of its healing properties,”

Everyone looked at Harry. He had a blank look on his face and he picked up a small knife and cut his palm.

Madam Pomfrey was about to go and heal him when the wound was closing right in front of their eyes, it was closing until it looked like it never existed.

Of course leave it to him to gain self healing abilities.

That's how they spent the night away. Just talking to the old immortal dragon. He was a funny old man, he preferred being called Old Star by everyone.

“Little one, take this hatchling with you,” Old Star said, as a white dragon hatchling came to them,“Form a familiar bond, this young one will protect the child of our Little Star,”

“Are you sure?” He asked, looking at the dragon.

“f*ck with the hesitation and accept the familiar bond with the dragon,”


“What kind of hatchling are you?” Mother asked while scratching the chin of the dragon.

Holy Dragon, Mistress,” The hatchling said,“I can protect the young master from black magic! I could also heal him from it!

“That's what I keep forgetting to remember!” Harry groaned, and looked at Neville.

“Remember how you said that your parents were mentally unwell because of the long term exposure to the Cruciatus Curse?” Neville nodded, getting confused at where his fellow Gryffindor was getting at. But the adults caught on what he was saying.

Those that knew Augusta Longbottom couldn't help but to tear up. The poor old woman was finally getting her son and daughter-in-law back.

“My dragon, Achilles, could heal your parents way before they were tortured,” Neville's eyes widened. He was staring intently at the boy.

“Y-you're not joking, right?”

He shook his head,“Nah, mate. We could do it by Yule if you want?”

He sniffed, stopping the tears,“I'd love that,”

Name me and I shall be your familiar, young master,” The hatchling wagged its tail.

“Achilles, is that okay?”

“Then from now on, I shall be known as Achilles, The Holy Dragon. And you, Callisto Lilian Heartfilia, shall be my one and only master lest you have your own family,”

“Dragons live long, so I could definitely outlive Achilles and him see my own descendants,”

“f*cking brilliant,” Charlie breathed out in awe.

“Charlie! There are children!” His mum groaned.

And the night was peaceful. His grandma got a bit of a heart attack when they took Achilles home. Mortified even.

None of them actually had any dinner, aside from Callisto, but he was hungry again so they all had another dinner at the manor.

Lucy is talking excitedly with her mother about how Draco wishes to see her soon. Callisto requested for teachers, which his mother shut down because he's like almost two.

Harry gulped, and took Hermoine and Ron's hands.

“Mate, is something gonna go wrong?” Ron whispered in worry.

Harry nodded mutely.

Then all hell broke loose.

“LAYLA!” His grandfather screamed in panic as he caught the blonde haired woman in his arms after she coughed up blood and fell unconscious.

July 7, X777 was the most unexpected day. But none of them knew it was the start of everything.

Harry closed his eyes, trying to not remember that night. There was so much blood.

“Get the healers! Now!” He could hear his mother's voice from that night.

“I swear to the stars, If you don't figure out what happened to my mother I will kill you all,”

A hand landed on his shoulder, he looked and saw it was Remus.

“Are you alright, cub?” He asked worriedly, beside Remus were the three entities glowing in worry.

“I..” He looked around and saw his friends and those that care about him were looking at him in worry,“This.. This is one of the heaviest chapters throughout the book. It was hard for all of us..”

“We understand,” Remus told him,“Feel free to exit the room if you can't handle it. You can enter the magic pouch to be with Achilles too if you like,”


“I'm sorry, Your Grace but her Ladyship has Magic Deficiency Disease,” The doctor bowed to them,“With her magic almost to nothing, she might only have a week at most,”

Jude fell onto his knees with a thud. Lucy looked at the bed in horror. Callisto was so young and confused.

“What does it mean?” He asked them. Some actually froze, remembering he was in the room.

“It means..” His mother knelt in front of him, “Grandma can't use magic anymore.. She's ill…”

“She'll get better, right? Achy can heal her, right?” He looked at them. They looked at each other and shook their heads. His little heart dropped.


“Why couldn't Achilles heal her?” Seamus asked,“Surely he could try?”

“Magic Deficiency Disease is incurable,” Harry answered remorsefully,“Your magic is completely depleted, leaving your core so empty that you are actually just living because of your life source; your soul. And even that, Grandma depleted, that's why she has a short time left,”

“Oh,” Everyone looked at him in sympathy, and was actually feeling awful at how there was such a magical illness. What if they caught it? Would they just die with no hopes of survival?

July 8th. Layla Heartfilia was still unconscious, the doctors reckon she was gathering energy to actually wake up.

Callisto couldn't help but notice that his mother was clingy and she would be beside him a lot. Grandpa agreed to finally have tutors.

July 9th. His mother got mad at the tutors, who said that he shouldn't have been granted these things meant for mother's biological children.

He was confused by the giant red mess by the wall the next few hours. Is his mother trying new designs?

“It was blood wasn't it,” Hermoine asked, her face was a bit green like everyone else. The firsties were covering their mouths. The adults were in horror.

“Yeah,” He breathed out,“She killed them all for the disrespect,”

July 10th. Layla Heartfilia finally woke up.

“Grandma!” Callisto cried, as he ran towards her along with his mother and grandpa.

“Oh, Calli!” She stiffly smiled as Jude carried the little boy to be sitting beside her. She reached a hand and petted his hair,“Did our Calli just grow during the time I slept?”

“I grew two centimeters!” He puffed out.

The other two occupants chuckled lightly. The air around the small family is light despite the pending death of the matriarch of the family.

Harry flinched at the word "death". He remembers how cold his mother was to everyone that she scares them all.

When she lashed out one time, it was scary. They all thought she went berserker before.

July 11th. Layla had a lot of visitors. There was an old lady who was named Grammie.

“Lady Lucy..” The woman sobbed, “It was my greatest honor to take care of Aquarius for Lady Layla,”

Callisto frowned. They shouldn't cry. Grandma said that if people die they should just smile to the sky and hope they will have good adventures in their next life.

Eyebrows were raised at that. It would seem that the Heartfilias taught Harry to be a mature person despite being a child.

“They raised you right, huh,” Remus smiled slightly at the boy.

“Just wait until we get to the part where we joined the guild,” He grinned excitedly, “You'll love it there,”

And he will, the guild would accept him. Werewolf or not. Moony and Padfoot would be greatly appreciated there.

They were talking, but he was with his tutors to avoid the adults going in and out of the mansion to visit his grandma.

Then on July 12th, they received the words that Grammie was killed on her way home.

There were eyes widened at that. They turned to Harry. Surely..?

“It wasn't Mother,” He bluntly said, “She actually likes Grammie, another servant who's obsessed with grandma that did it,”

“Did they ever catch the culprit, Mr. Heart— I mean Mr. Potter?” Madam Bones asked.

“He disappeared,” He shrugged. It was amusing to hear her almost refer to him as Mr. Heartfilia, there was never a person you refer to him as such. It was either Little Lord or Young Master Heartfilia.

Layla Heartfilia was understandably upset at the death of her friend. Her sickness acted up, so Callisto wasn't able to see her again.

July 13th.

Harry's breath hitched. Good Lord..

“Harry.. Do you want to leave?” Remus whispered to him.

“I.. I'll be fine,” He swallowed the upcoming tears,“I can handle it,”

Callisto snuck out today. He found a pretty flower. The picture book says it's a calla lily. He was humming, excited to bring the bouquet to his grandma when he was hearing voices outside his hiding place.


Most of the occupants flinched at the loud and dark volume of the little girl. She didn't sound like a little girl.

Harry frowned, remembering what happened. He just hopes that the book sticks with just describing. That day was morbid. That was the first time he saw what his mother truly looked like.

He slowly peaked out of the tall bushes. The long blonde hair of his mother was gone. The warm brown eyes too. It was replaced by a dark red color. Her eyes remind him of that pretty red butterfly she has kept away from him.

“Butterfly? Is your mother a lepidopterist?” Hermoine asked.

“No,” He shook his head,“It's a magical butterfly.. A poisonous butterfly,”

In front of her was a guy who looked like an ugly potato.

“Your son is over 30 and you dare to have me as his bride, are you courting death, Baron Sawyer?” She sneered darkly, in her hand was a sword. No, it was a katana.

“That's disgusting!” Susan Bones cringed. Lady Heartfilia was 10! And this guy wanted her to marry his son who was 30!?

“I-I mean! The little lord would need a father!”

Mother kicked him in the stomach and pointed the katana at his neck,“My son doesn't need nor want a man as disgusting as your son to be his Father..!”

“I am offering you a gracious offer you little—!” Callisto let out a quiet gasp when the ugly man was cut off by his own scream when his mother cut off his right arm cleanly.

“Right in front of you!?” Molly exclaimed in alarm.

“She didn't know I was there, Mrs. Weasley,” He grimaced.

“You, a mere Baron, dare to insult me? An imperial princess? You really do wish to die,” She growled and raised her left hand, it lit up in black flames.

“I thought she was a royal princess?” Blaise asked, “Why is she referring to herself as imperial?”

“You'll see,” Harry simply said.

She grabbed his face with the flaming hand, and suddenly all of his body burst into flames. Like the pretty black flame came out his body. He should be scared..

But somehow.. His mother’s flame was so beautiful that he didn’t find it scary. He looked at his mother, her face says she’s angry, but her eyes were gleaming in hidden glee. That somehow, being coated with that color red looks pretty on his mother.

There were some that flinched. But Harry remained unfazed, he stood by what he thought when he was two. His mother, in all of her natural looks, looks bloody beautiful when she’s killing people, just like how beautiful her nice smiling self is.

“Mother?” He called out. She flinched and sharply turned around. Her crimson red eyes were wide in shock. She accidentally let go of the katana, and it landed on the burning body.

She took a step back in fear. Was his mother afraid he would reject her? He frowned and took toddler steps towards her, “Mother, sad?”

Everything was silent besides the sound of the wind and the burning body.

“You’re not afraid?” She asked.

He shook his head, “No, because mother is mother, I will love you no matter what,”

Remus and Sirius’s heart did a tug. That unconditional love he has for his mother, they wonder if he would have the same amount of love for Lily and James.

Her lips quivered and looked away, “How could you say so when you see that?”

“Because I do?” He tilted his head slightly in confusion, what did his mother mean? She’s his mother, of course he loves her!

“Mother is filthy, my dear,” She spoke, not looking at him. He huffed in a pout and ran towards her. He tackled her down to the ground so he was sitting on her stomach.

“Bad Mother!” He pouted and lightly smacked her cheek, “Mother no bad words to Mother! Mother is nice!”

“You.. You don’t want me to say horrible things to myself?”

She sounded so unsure that it broke some of their hearts. Harry especially, he was young back then so he didn’t know what that emotion was, but now. He just wished to hug her again, hug her tightly and thank her for everything he has given her. She and their tiny family were everything to him until Fairy Tail became part of that family.

“NO!” He shouted, then started to cry. His mother immediately sat up, so he was sitting on her lap as she consoled him.

“Don’t cry, Callisto,” She softly said, and still continues to do it.

July 14th.

Harry flinched once again. This was it..

It was his grandma’s death.

He was asleep when it happened.

There were quiet gasps among the female population of the audience. Some of his friends were glancing worriedly at him. Remus and “Snuffles” made sure to stick close to him. The three entities stuck close as well. They weren’t around this timeline, but had heard of it.

Grandma died at sunrise, they said.

“Oh..” Those who didn’t get it looked down in respect to the late matriarch of the Grand Duchy. It was brief when they knew her through this book. Actually, she didn’t appear a lot. But how the Boy-Who-Lived reacts to her death. She made an impact on the boy despite the short amount of time they’re together.

It was a quiet funeral. Just a few close friends and family. Callisto heard that the Duchy is mourning with them as well.

He tugged on his mother’s dress, “Mother? Brella?”

It was raining, she was the only one without an umbrella.

She didn’t say anything nor moved.

Harry smiled sadly as the book perfectly reenacted the sound of the rain that day. Along with the sounds of people crying. It reminded Harry that a lot of people truly cared for his grandmother.

People left one by one, but the three of them are still by the grave. Jude has his hands on their shoulders.

A nanny, Ms. Spetto, came near, and maneuvered him under the bigger shade to shield him from the rain.

“... She knew we lied,” He could hear her say.

“She's a smart woman,” His mother stoically spoke as she was still staring at the angel statue above his grandmother's grave.

He had no idea what they were talking about but he knew it was for the best he didn't ask about it.

At night, when he went to bed, he could hear his mother's sobs through the connected door they have, and with that, he also couldn't help but to cry.


a/n: before anyone could ask in the future chapter what the pairing is, it's Harry x Ginny x Draco. Ya know, from the edits of the sound "Money, money, must be funny. In a rich man's world"👩🦯 it was a jegulily edit so sue me.

It made sense to me in this fic, a redhead, a Potter, a (half)Black in a relationship. AND IT'S A HEADCANON FOR ME.

It's Harry using his heir of many house privileges and Draco using the Malfoy name to spoil their girlfriend.

And for future reference, if anyone ask. Yes, they will be reacting to the Fairy Tail series, we're going to follow the anime.

No, they're not reacting to Tartaros Arc. Just until GMG.

By the time the war with Tartaros happened, Harry already went back to Hogwarts.

Alvarez War Arc is a no too. Harry is on the run during that.

100 year quest is a no, Harry is in his 8th year, and that manga is not done.

Reacting to the HP series is up to debate too.

Chapter 5: P. C3 — Olympus Wand


who let a 3 years old Harry Potter have a wand

Chapter Text

“Are you okay to continue, Mr. Potter?” Dumbledore asked the black haired boy. The poor boy has been unresponsive for ten minutes now. Remus, Ron, and Hermoine have been trying to get him out of it for a few moments now. Sirius in his animagus form is also trying to snap him out of it.

Ginerva and Draco looked at each other, and decided to step up, much to the confusion of the Slytherins on Draco's part.

“Potter,” Draco murmured quietly as he pat Harry's hand, “Snap out of it,”

“Harry,” Ginny sternly said as she cupped his face, “It's alright, we're here,”

It went on for five minutes. Narcissa and Lucius looked at each other, then Severus, who shrugged. He has no idea when his godson got close to Potter.

When he snapped out of it, all of his friends and family immediately crowded him.


“Are you alright, mate?”

“You scared us!”

“Are you okay to continue?” Remus immediately asked before anyone else could fuss over the boy.

Harry nodded, “Yeah, I'm sorry for that. I thought I fell asleep,”

“You were staring into nothing for fifteen minutes!” Hermoine exclaimed in worry.

“I was talking to some people,” He shrugged it off, but appreciated the concern.


Harry merely smiled before the book made its presence known and exclaimed, “CHAPTER THREE: OLYMPUS WAND,

McGonagall raised an eyebrow at her lion, “A wand, Mr. Potter?”

“In our defense, it was easier for me to use magic that way,” Harry shrugged.

It has been a year since his grandmother's passing. Callisto was already three years old. He was excelling for someone his age.

His tutors called him a prodigy, he didn't know what it meant, but his mother was happy for him, so it must have meant something good.

Hermoine and Ron looked at Harry, as well as everyone else. Harry just raised an eyebrow at them. Everyone at Hogwarts knew that his best subject was Defense. But for the Boy-Who-Lived to be called a prodigy, he gotta be downplaying his intelligence.

“The subjects there and here are different!” Harry groaned and leaned on Ginny, who hadn't moved from his right side, on her other side was Draco, “The subjects I was taught were more ancient!”

“Ancient how?” Lucius couldn't help but to ask. Curious of how the other magical dimension works. With how Potter's blood-adopted mother is being portrayed, he wonders if she could save his family from the Dark Lord.

Ever since Draco was born, he and Narcissa have become his priority. His life. If there was an out, without asking Dumbledore, he would beg for it.

“Uh… So Ancient Magic, Magical Theory, Alchemy, Battle Class, Strategy Class, and others,” He listed off, “My best class was the Ancient Magic, Magical Theory, Battle Class, and Magic Creation Class,”

“Magic Creation?” Amelia asked, intrigued at the subject. Even in the old days, it was never a subject.

“It's a class Mother specifically made for me,” Harry grinned, “It's a one of a kind class that specializes in magic making. It means in that class we create magic that was never heard of, completely by ourselves,”

There were eyes widened at that.

“I still have a ways to go, since I sort of don't get Spatial Magic and its theory,” Harry huffed. It was the one magic he needed to make the portal way home. It was either his mother already made it, or he truly has no idea how the Spatial Magic Theory works.

“Do you still have your old notes?” Hermoine asked, even Ron was interested.

“It's at my house, I'll owl it to you over the summer,”

And as expected, each of those classes were hard, but Callisto had fun doing them. Mother has put up an exercise routine meant for his age. She said it would change as he gets older.

“Physical strength also strengthens your magic core,” She once said.

“Is that why you asked the headmaster and I to allow you to go out early in the morning to do some exercises, Mr. Potter?” Professor McGonagall asked the boy.

Harry nodded, “Yes, because Mother said that the stronger you get physically, you get stronger magically too. Because magic is also one of the things that helps your body functions everyday,”

The aurors looked at one another. Does it? They just hoped nobody would suggest it to their superiors. It would be hell.

One look at Amelia Bones, and they're dead. She is gonna tell their superiors.

“We're joining you from now on then,” Ron told Harry as Hermoine nodded her head. It was like a Muggle gym class for Hemoine. But Gym class was her worst class, but for her friends, she will join them.

“Good morning, Little Duke,”

“Good day, Young Master!”

The servants all around him greeted him with a smile as he walked down the hallways of the manor with a miniature sized Achilles on his shoulder.

“It has been a year hasn't it, Little Master?” Achilles asked him through their bond.

“It has,” He softly spoke. It has indeed been a year since he was part of the Heartfilias. A year since his grandmother died. But there weren't a lot of things that happened anyways.

In recent days, his mother has been going in and out of the estate, and coming back with large boxes of treasures.

He has his own treasury room, two of them!

There were people gaping in shock. Two treasure rooms!?

“How big is the room? Be honest,” Ernie asked over to their house table.

“Half of the Great Hall,” Another gaping in shock. Half of what? Just how wealthy were the Heartfilias for them to beat even the Blacks and Malfoys to that. And Harry is Heir Black!

So now, he was on his way to his mother's study room. He was called for something important.

He knocked on the door three times before opening the door, “You were looking for me?”

“What's the big event of this chapter?” Hermoine asked, “Aside from getting a wand of course,”

“Mother taught me different spells meant for wandlore magic,” Harry grinned excitedly, his hand was now by Ginny's hand as well, “You'll actually like them,”

“Peaceful kind or..?”

“Both,” There was a certain glint on his eyes that they didn't like.

His beautiful mother was waiting for him by the long table. She has her hair on a snake braid, wearing a white hanfu.

“Ah, Callisto,” Her brown eyes sparkled in happiness on seeing him, “Come here. Mother has a surprise for you,”

He ran towards her, as he reached her. She patted his head with a grin. He looked at the long table and was greeted by the sight of all sorts of woods and other materials.

“What's this all for?” He asked. Some of them look scary to be honest. He has no idea what they were for.

His mother maneuvered herself to be behind him, she placed her hands on his shoulders, and said, “Just like what I taught you, let out your magic and let it control you. These are all magical items, let it call on your magic,”’

Callisto nodded and closed his eyes. Little did he know that his mother was watching in amusem*nt and glee as she watched her son let out her magic, it was pure gold.

“I.. I never knew that one,” Harry gaped at the book. He was aware that no one could see what an aura actually looked like. But his mother was gifted with that kind of ability? He could hear the scratching on the parchments.

When Callisto opened his eyes again, he immediately ran towards two things. A white glowing wood and a big golden feather. He pointed at them as looked at his mother.

She grinned and made the others disappear and knelt to his level, “You’ve done well, Little Star,”

He grinned and puffed out his chest, proud that his mother complimented him well.

The females cooed at that, making Harry blush behind his hands as he covered his face.

“Your ears are red,” Ginny pointed out. And it did the trick, he was even redder. The three entities were laughing at him.

It has been a month since then, he hasn’t seen his mother aside from meals. So he had his mother’s spirits to accompany him. It was unsettling. He misses his mother.

“Spirits?” Professor Flitwick asked.

“A holder type of magic that summons spirits through keys. Mom has Zodiac Spirits before this whole thing,” Harry said, “And yes, actual Zodiac, like the astrology signs. Back then she had Aquarius and Cancer,”

“What about before you got separated from her?” Neville asked.

“Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo, and Taurus, those are the gold keys,” He shrugged, “For Silver keys; it's the Canis Minor; Nikora, we call him Plue though, The Southern Cross; Crux, The Pendulum Clock; Horologium, The Lyre; Lyra, The Chisel; Caelum, The Compass; Pyxis.

The Broken Keys; The Chained Maiden; Andromeda,” Auror Tonks looks shocked in a funny way, “The Seated Queen; Cassiopeia, The Sea and Water Serpents; Hydra and Hydrus, The Wolf; Lupus, and The Fox; Vulpecula,”

“So your Mother just casually has 21 spirits?” Pansy asked with wide eyes.

“Yes,” He nodded, “But those are just before we left the manor to have adventures,”

“Callisto~!” His mother’s singsong voice called out as she interrupted his morning lessons. She dismissed the tutor with her hands behind her back. She was grinning.

“It’s the wand, isn’t it?” Remus smiled, he was thankful to the girl for raising Harry when he and Sirius couldn’t. From his stories, Harry had a happy childhood. He has a large family that loves him unconditionally, regardless of blood relation.

“Mother!” He cried out as he jumped into her arms. She caught him with one arm and swung him around. He was grinning in happiness, “I thought you forgot about me!”

“Of course not!” She laughed, and put him down back to the ground, “I was making your gift since you have been doing so well in your studies,”

“You got treasures and a wand at the age of three because you were doing well in studying!? ” Draco asked incredulously. Like, he might be born from a rich family, but even his parents don’t give him those so casually!

“W-was this a normal thing?” Blaise asked the Boy-Who-Lived in shock.

He nodded, “Yeah, Grandpa once gave me an island if ever has friends over,”

“Yeah, so I kinda need your mother to adopt me,” Blaise nodded, as if he just thought of something great, “Like that would be great!”

“What!?” Theo looked at his old friend. He knows that his mother isn’t that good but to actually just want a stranger to adopt him? Mental, he tells you.

“What?!” Harry looked at the boy in shock. Did he just-!?

“Here,” He was presented with a rectangular obsidian box. On top of the box was his name written in gold.

“The lettering is actually made with celestial magic, hence, you could always keep this in and no matter what the box would find you once you truly need it,” He opened the box and it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

“Amazing,” Albus murmured to himself. A box that will find you no matter what if you truly need it. That's like every inventor's dream.

It was a wand. It was long, but it was made out of the same glowing white wood from a month ago.

“13", Olympus, Angel Feather,” His mother muttered as she caress his hair, “Those materials I asked you to connect with a month ago was for this,”

“Olympus?” He had to ask. He hasn't heard of that wood ever.

“The Olympus Wood came specifically from the Realm of the Gods, particularly; the Olympian Island,” She explained, “Olympus Woods calls for the purest soul. It means, your wood type deems you as a protector of mankind. The Protector, and The Kind, that's what it meant,”

“Realm of the Gods?” Severus echoed in shock. Just how powerful were the people of Earthland to just casually go to the realm where all deities are?

“The Diamond Keys; or much known as the God Keys,” Everyone looked at him in shock.

“That's how she got that wood?” Hermoine asked, “She has Gods on her side?”


“The Angel Feather core,” He heard her say as he was still admiring the white colored wand, “That feather was said to be the combined feather of Raphael and Uriel, it's one of a kind, they chose masters of the same conditions as the Olympus Wood,”

Everyone was fascinated at a different wand core, one they have never heard of before. It shows how truly one of a kind it was.

“Do you still have it?” Alicia asked.

“It got destroyed during one of a big fight,” Harry frowned sadly, “That wand has one weakness; and it unfortunately got close to it before we know what was happening,”

He just hoped that it wouldn't show, but knowing his luck. It might. He was still feeling bad about that one, no matter how many times everyone assured him it wasn't his fault but Nirvana's.

“Our Callisto is very lovable,” His mother told him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, “So lovable that these materials chose him. No matter how dark Mother is, Callisto must never follow that path,”

Harry let out a tear. That's what she always says. She wasn't dark to him and Fairy Tail at all. She was fighting to survive, that's all.

He missed her so much. Her warm hugs, the way she kissed his hair. As much as he loves having his real mum around him, his mother was the one that raised him too.

He was having fun with his wand. Ever since he got it, his performance in Magic classes skyrocketed. It was amazing.

“Now, I want you to say,” His mother wrote the word, “Sano Maxima,”

“Sano Maxima,” He repeated while bobbing his head excitedly. They were starting with support spells first, so they were so excited.

He referred to it as Healer Spells to remember them, and so far he has Sano, Anapneo, Brackium Emendo, Episkey, and Recovery.

Recovery was actually pretty overpowered, it allows the body to be restored to its normal state. However, the spell is not all powerful, as it can only cure certain abnormalities. For example, seasickness (a natural reaction from a weak stomach) cannot be cured, but drunkenness (a kind of poisoning) can.

There were gasps around the Great Hall, that were too overpowered!

“I would like your notes about those, Mr. Potter,” Madam Pomfrey told the boy, she was excited; imagine all the things she could heal for the school with those.

Narcissa's eyes glisten in interest. Before the whole thing with the Dark Lord, she was interested in being a MediWitch like her older sister; Andromeda. If Lucy were to be able to save her family, she would ask for guidance in healing spells.

Sano Maxima was one of the most powerful healing light spells. It means those that are on the verge of death could be saved with it.

There were jaws dropped. The healing light spells, was this powerful!? And it's just one of them!?

“What about the Killing Curse?” Ginny asked, “Could it cure it?”

“No,” Harry shook his head, “From what Mother has told me, the Killing Curse is actually a soul killing spell. Sano Maxima can't cure it because it separates the soul,”

“But is there a way to reverse it?” Amelia asked, it was what killed the rest of her family, leaving only her and her only niece; Susan.

“Attachment Enchant,” He said immediately, “You need an enchantress to do that. Unless the soul has passed on, then you can use it,”

There were looks shared among each other. Enchantress or Enchanters are rare. Unless Harry shares the spells used in it, then they have no way of doing it.

“On a darker side, Anima Sano Maxima,” She smirked, “Use this spell as a last resort. Revive the dead. That is the main point of this spell. The soul has to be willing to come back to life,”

“Alright!” He heeded her words enthusiastically.

Some choked on the water they were drinking at Lucy's explanation. Bloody hell.

“Alright, let's get to work, alright,” They shared a grin as they went on with their day.

Life at the Heartfilias was as peaceful as it can be. And that's just what they wanted.

The book closed, and a voice echoed in the halls, it was a female voice.

“You may have a lunch break, and it will start in an hour and half again,”

Chapter 6: Lunch and Answers


They met Plue and Achilles

Chapter Text

Professor Dumbledore clapped his hand and their lunch appeared. Everyone was talking to one another. Everyone is at different tables. Except most of Slytherins, must be the allergies to emotions. Everyone is talking to one another as they eat their foods

"So," Draco drawled out, "Are you going to answer some of our questions?"

It was ten minutes after lunch anyways. Some of them are curious about the other magical world. And how magical it truly is, because no matter how many books they would all read, there were never any records of dimension traveling. The fact that the Boy-Who-Lived did that was mind blowing.

"I suppose I could," Harry stood up and went to the middle front of the Great Hall. He clapped loudly to get everyone's attention, "Attentions on me? Good. While we still have an hour, I suppose I could answer some of your questions regarding what you have read so far,"

There were excited murmurs around the Hall. Someone from the Beauxbatons had asked, "What is that "her eyes went white" thing? Is that normal?"

"It is rare, but it is another way to see the events of the past, present, and future," Harry explained, "It is a special ability that comes down within the bloodline. That "eye went white" thing is Mother seeing the future and further than that,"

"I see," They responded, "How is it different from Seers?"

"Seers could see the same, but much vague. They could see creatures that can't be seen with normal eyes, but Seers can," The entire Ravenclaw house looked at the little blonde haired girl whom they called "Loony Lovegood" in shock. Making Harry smirk at their realization, "That's right, Luna is a Seer, a True Seer in fact,"

He turned to the Divination Professor, "Professor Trelawney is one, but she is more of a Prophetess. She see and delivers the future through Prophecies,"

"Do you have a talent for it?" Another Beauxbaton student asked.

"No, Mother has told me mine is more of an instinctual vision. It has been proven helpful during battles," He looked around, "Anyone else?"

"If I may, Mr. Potter," Amelia raised a hand, Harry nodded, letting her speak, "How does your Mother's magic work?"

"Celestial Spirit Magic, in its more prominent form; Summoning Magic. As it implies she could summon some beings outside of the human realm. I have already told you about which spirits she had. And that is what they called Celestial Spirit Magic," He paused to let the information sink in,"Celestial, because she could summon all of 88 constellations. And mind you, she have 84 before I landed here,"

There were eyes widened at that.

"The God Summoning, is much known as Deity Spirit Magic, she calls on Deities from their own dimension," There were shock faces, "But they are all summoned through one thing. Keys. But the higher the level of keys, the more they would gauge if you are worthy to be their master or not. Mother just had certain charisma for them to accept her,"

"With the blood-adoption, are you also able to do that?" Astoria asked from the Slytherin table.

"Sadly no," Harry answered, "But their loyalties extend to Mother's children, and at that moment, it's me. I could call them if needed,"

He smiled, and snapped a finger. A bell was heard, and a small shaking figure appeared in his arms.

"AWWW!" The female population cooed. Well, he doesn't blame them, Plue is adorable.

"This is an example of that. He is contracted to my Mother, this is the Canis Minor constellation, Nikora. Or as we ca him; Plue,"

"Pun~! Pun~!" Plue agreed. Harry laughed and put him down. Padfoot was amused with the "dog" and played with him. Ginny immediately swooped down and took Plue to herself.

"You are so adorable!" Ginny squealed. She hugged the spirit close. Girls around her tried to lean in to touch the little guy.

"Anything else?" He asked them.

"Who were the people you were talking to before this chapter," Remus asked. Harry made a face, and in their point of view, he looked to his sides in curiosity. He made another face then laughed.

"You'll see," He laughed out loud. And that was confusing, because he said that he isn't a Seer, yet he could see things that they couldn't.

"Do you see anything?" Cho Chang asked Luna.

Luna chuckled airily, "They're nice, they keep the nargles away from Harry,"

"Did she just call us insect repellant?"

"James!"The other two entities exclaimed. Luna laughed good naturedly at that, not offended at all.

"They're funny," Luna told Harry.

"They were around the guild too," He shrugged.

Harry looked at them and his eyes landed on his friends. He took out his pouch from his pocket and took two items. Everyone was looking on in interest, he had a pen and a pair of glasses.

"What's this, mate?" Ron asked as Harry gave him the glasses. The boy just gave him a book.

"Use the glasses and read the book," Harry told him. Ron looked confused at that, but he shrugged, deciding to trust Harry. Ron put on the glasses and opened the book.

Bloody hell!It was amazing in his opinion. The contents of the books were flying into his brain, and he remembered them!

"Woah!" He cried out in amazement. His family was looking on in amazement because their youngest boy was having funreading. It was a Hermoine thing, not a Ron thing after all.

The book closed and the two looked at each other.

"What is the Arc of Embodiment Magic?" Harry asked. Everyone else looked confused, Arc of Embodiment? Harry showed the name of the bookMagic Theory: The Ancient and The Lost Magics.

"Arc of Embodiment is a type of Lost Magic that enables the user to materialize and then manipulate anything they can think of. Any of their inventions provide them tremendous flexibility in and out of battle," Ron immediately answered much to the shock of his family. And everyone else because of the description of the magic, "These can range anywhere from everyday objects and weaponry to more intricate inventions, even living ones, or even simple images of whatever may be on the user's mind. Also, these creatures are given unique qualities that match who they are,"

"Bloody hell," Dean cussed at the mind boggling information. The other dimension has this?! And people could learn this!?

"That's gotta be Black Magic in our dimension," Theo muttered beside Blaise. As most purebloods forgot the etiquette and were actually gaping in shock.

"Arc of Time Magic," Now that got their attention. Time Magic was considered forbidden, the other dimension considered it as normal?

"The manipulation of the "time" of objects made of non-living, non-sentient living things, such as a tree, is the central theme of this magic. An object's "time" can be advanced by the user, causing it to degrade quickly or attack an adversary right away. Even the "time" of an object can be stopped using this magic by freezing it in flight. In order to return a damaged thing to its initial state, such as converting ice back into water, the user can also "rewind time" for that object," Ron took a deep breath, then continued, "The ability to create "bubbles" of time that depict the different potential actions the item may take allows mages to select a timeline whenever they choose. It is claimed that this magic is the mages of molding magic's natural opponent.Although not operating on sentient people, this magic has been used to evolve mages' magical power storage units so that they can use their Second Origin, demonstrating that it can have some impact on humans,"

There were claps all around, because that was the most intellectual moment Ronald Weasley has ever sounded.

"We should be glad that the Dark Lord never went to Earthland," Snape murmured to Albus. And the old man was inclined to agree. It would be disastrous if Tom were to get his hands on these.

"Last question," Harry grinned, "What is Second Origin?"

"Hmm," Ron thought hard, "It wasn't in the book. But base on what I could understand, it is a part of Arc of Time that helps the mage to unlock the second magic "container" in a way that mages would still have another set of magic energy to use in a middle of a battle,"

Harry grinned even wider, "Good one, mate! You got it all correct!"

"What glasses was that!?" Hermoine exclaimed in shock.

"Gale-force reading glasses," He showed it to her, "It allows the person wearing it to be able to read at a rapid pace. But that glasses Mother had someone made for me, it also allows instant memorization,'

Hermoine looked at it, and immediately held it close to her, "C-Can I have one..?"

"Hey no fair! I want one too!" Ron said, and that sparked another Granger-Weasley argument as the Gryffindors would like to call it.

Harry conjured another one, "Here! No need for an argument!"

He gave the other to Ron, and he took back the pen from Hermoine. He showed it to everyone. The pen resembles a standard-looking, light-colored pen with an arched clip and a little sphere on the end. Its glowing nib, which is bright, noticeable, and somewhat circular in shape, is its most distinguishing feature.

"A muggle pen?" A Ravenclaw Muggleborn asked, "Please tell me you found a way to let us write in pen here,"

"Sadly no, this is a Light Pen, it is used to write on air," Harry explained to them, "I'll show you by writing the types of Gale-Force Reading Glasses,"

2x- The lowest quality; the user can read books around 2 times faster.

18x- Second-grade, the user can read books 18 times faster.

32x- One of a higher quality; the user can read books around 32 times faster.

64x- The highest quality without the infusion of Wind Magic. It enables the user to read 64 times faster.

120x - By infusing the glass Lacrima with Wind Magic, the Gale-Force Reading Glasses can boost the speed of reading up to 120 times without sacrificing the desired thinness of the glasses.

"The one that was specially made for me has all of them, you just have to say the type. Ron was reading at 32x,"

"Shut up and take my money!" A muggleborn Hufflepuff exclaimed, making some muggleborns and halfbloods laugh, understanding the reference.

"That could sell real goods here," Professor Sprout commented, the professors had asked for both items. Amelia did too when Harry informed everyone that the light pen could be used for Runes as well, with the promise that once he got back home; he would refer her to his mother and her friends to be taught Rune Magic.

"I'll also see what I can do about that," Harry smiled. He turned to his friend and said, "You want to meet Achilles?"

"f*ck yes," Charlie immediately said before anyone else. Molly, at this point, gave up in reprimanding her second oldest with his language, this was his passion anyways.

Harry had Ron and Hermoine hold the pouch open before he went in. Hermoine looked down on the inside, so did Ron, and they were amazed by how beautiful the inside is. From what they could tell, it was the replica of the entire Heartfilia Estate.

When Harry got out of the pouch, on his shoulder was a glowing white dragon with golden eyes with feathery, angel-esque wings, and had two comparably small antlers protruding from the top of his head.

Charlie tried not to faint as Harry let him hold Achilles. It was a talking dragon! Of course he was excited. This moment might let him conjure a patronus. Neville was in awe of the dragon that would save his parents. Draco, on the other hand, was talking with him about the Celestial Dragon.

As they were mingling with one another, the book glowed, getting their attention, and shouted,"CHAPTER FOUR: IDENTITY,"

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: P.C4 – Identity

Chapter Text

“The Highest Lady interfered with time because she’s bored?” Achilles asked in an amused tone.

“She did,” Hermoine asked, “Did you know about her?”

“All creatures do. Especially from Earthland, she creates us; as her title implies,” He answered, “But she doesn’t interfere unless she wants to. Fate and Destiny, even they are powerless against her. We are nothing but humble beings in front of our creator,”

“Does that include us?” Harry asked, he was just hearing this now so it was a surprise, “Mother never told me that,”

“The mistress didn’t tell you because any information about this is in the north,” Achilles told him as he munched on the meat that was given to him, “There are things that the Mistress hasn’t told you, this is one of them. Because as much as knowledge is power, knowledge is danger as well. I hope you human children understand that,”

“Of course, Achy,” Harry softly said, as he caressed his partner’s head. His partner has been there for him just like Hedwig during lonely times. Especially when he missed the guild. Achilles was a piece of his mother.

“Vat Zard!” Callisto shouted as he swung his wand towards his target, the tip of his wand shot out a much stronger lightning; and destroyed the dummy.

“Aegis!” A large golden shield surrounded him protecting him from the purple flame that he now knows as La fire. His mother dropped down.

“You need to learn how to cast them on your head, darling,” His mother told him. And as usual she is as pretty as before. She’s wearing an all black battle gear, her hair is tied in a high bun.

“Like wordless wand casting?”

“Essentially, yes,” She nodded, “By casting wordlessly, you are able to surprise your enemy. Saying them out loud would have your position discovered, and we can’t have that,”

“CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” Moody barked, scaring the majority of them. Especially the firsties. The dragon and its master raised an eyebrow at the imposter, making the said imposter almost sweat in fear. Then they both nodded. Even Pandora, sweet and weird Pandora’s daughter. Goodness, his goddaughter grew up well.

“So you could cast wordlessly?” Minerva asked her lion in interest, “Why didn’t you say so during class?”

“It was fun,” He shrugged, “Mother said it was good every once in a while. She’s not that uptight, she wants me to be kid, so she’s letting me be a kid,”

Remus smiled slightly, it was nice of Lucy. He wished to thank her a lot of times for raising Harry when they couldn’t. She’s letting him have a normal childhood, and from what Harry told him and his husband, there was another group of people that loved him too. And will accept him as a monster.

He couldn’t help but to smile. He couldn't wait to meet the girl in the future. And probably ask her a lot of things about Harry. Surely she isn’t as territorial as he thought her to be.

It has been three months since he has been learning to attack using his own magic. another would finally let him use his wand.

It is for you to get used to the feeling of your magic, little star. She told him three months ago.

So those three months were spent in meditation and resonating with his magic.

It felt amazing. His magic was like giving him a hug and making sure he was safe and protected.

It was sentiment magic, from what he read.

Harry sighed and defeated and took out a copy of the exact book where he read it and gave it to Hermoine.

The brown haired girl squealed in delight and hugged him tight. The said girl was amazed at the title of the book. Magic and its Sentience.

She couldn't wait to read it.

“Meditation and Resonating?” Amelia asked. Known words but not a way to wield magic in this dimension's standard.

“Mother said that it was for a mage to completely be one with their magic. This is one of the most basic way to unlock their magic, whether it is holder or caster type,” Harry gestured to himself, “Look at me, I'm primarily a holder type, but I could still use caster-types magic; in other words, wandless magic,”

“Is that what you were doing in the morning and at night?” Dean asked, “Because we could see you do that since first year,”

Harry nodded, “Yep! That's why I'm more in tune with my own magic,”

Amelia hummed in thought, then said, “Then, would it be alright with Heir Potter if we were to add another class for you to instruct everyone with that?”

“I'll think about it,”

“You weren't were you?”

Not really.

“We're waiting for Lucy?”

“Isn't that obvious, Potter? Of course we are,”

“We're not starting this again you two,”

He was shaking in glee when his mother gave him his wand after three long months of withholding it.

“Now, this spell is a bit wild, hence we are in the most magic proof in this manor,” She gestured to the room, then smiled wildly, “I want you to have your wrist in a circular motion and shout, La fire!”

Making a circle motion on his wrist, “La fire!” A large spiral of purple flame shoots out of his wand, setting the targets in fire.

“Eek!” He yelped in shock. That was too much power, it seems.

“La fire, is a fire spell from the Netherworld, it is majorly a harmless one; but too much power like yours,” They both looked at the mess again, “Would cause that,”

A screen was shown. It showed the two looking at the flaming mess. Harry looked fearful while Lucy looked exasperated, like she knew that would happen.

There were chuckles around the hall. Harry blushed in embarrassment.

“That is too much magic,” Minerva raised an eyebrow in amusem*nt.

“It was my first time!” He blushed and tried to hide his face, but one of his hands was still holding Ginny's.

That continued for almost two months. When one day during theoretical lessons his mother was looking grim.

“Is something wrong, Mother?” He asked worriedly.

“Do you want to know your real name?” she asked, making his eyes widen in shock.

He means, he is only three. He was about more than a year old when she found him.

Why now? Did she not want him anymore? Did he do something wrong?

He was spiraling at this age, but he couldn't help it.

“—listo!” He gasped sharply when he heard her voice.

He winced at the worrying glances that he received from his friends and found family. Even from his parents and one uncle.

Ginny gave his hand a light squeeze twice, relaying that the other one was from the light blonde haired boy.

It was ironic that he likes a blonde and redhead.

“Oh, my darling,” She was showering him with kisses on his face, “Don't think negatively, I was merely asking because a child would be curious of their origins! I was just wondering if you want to know your parents name! I could never abandon you, little star!”

He blinked at her. She… Does she still want him? He's still her son?

“O-of course..” He mumbled.

“We don't have to! You could take your time!” She cooed reassuringly, as she hugged him, “Take all the time you need!”

“It's fine, Mama,” He felt her stiffness. It has been a while since he called her that. It was way before his first introduction, “If you're with me, of course I would, I would be brave to do that!”

There was a silence around them, you could only hear the muffled sound of the wind outside of their window.

“You don't have to,”

Harry had a soft smile on his face. She might not be perfect, but she was understanding. She was everything he could ask for. She was a bit clumsy with her emotions, but she means well. She has a lot of secrets, but that’s fine too. She’s entitled to it, especially knowing her past.

It took a while for Callisto to come into terms of the possibility of finding his origins. During that time, his mother made time for him to sit down and talk about things that she actually loathes to speak of; feelings.

“That sounded like the snakes,” Ron whispered loud enough for Draco to hear.

“Shut it, Weasley,” Draco grumbled, “And that’s not true,”

“You snakes are allergic to emotions,” Ron snorted.

“And so is Heir Potter’s blood-adopted mother,” Narcissa’s lips twitched into a smile, “Hence, we are just gonna take it as a compliment,”

The other Slytherins were nodding in agreement. They will take it as a compliment then. Being compared to someone who is probably as great as Lady Lucy? A compliment.

“Are you ready?” She asked him. They are now underneath the manor, it was a whole new place here. Mother told him that it was the exact replica of the World Archive. He remembers what he read about it.

The World Archive is a mythical magical archive that is said to contain all the information across all the worlds in existence. It is said to be an incredibly vast and complex archive that can only be accessed by those who possess great magical abilities or knowledge.

According to legend, the World Archive was created by an ancient race of beings who were highly skilled in the art of magic. They created the archive as a way to store and preserve all the knowledge and information that existed in the world at the time.

Over time, the World Archive grew in size and complexity as more and more knowledge and information was added to it. It is said to contain everything from the histories of entire civilizations to the secrets of powerful spells and incantations.

Despite its immense power and vastness, the World Archive is said to be protected by powerful magical wards and safeguards that prevent unauthorized access. Only those who possess the necessary knowledge and skills are said to be able to gain entry to the archive and access its wealth of knowledge.

For those who are able to gain access to the World Archive, it is said to be a place of wonder and discovery. It is said to contain secrets and knowledge that have been lost to the ages, and holds the potential to unlock incredible magical powers and abilities.

There were jaws dropped at that. There was such a thing!?

“Please tell me this is the last mind blowing thing we will hear from that world,” Kingsley trembled. How powerful was Earthland compared to them?

Harry shrugged, just wait until they heard about Edolas and the others.

The archive is a vast, seemingly endless space, with rows upon rows of shelves, cabinets, and drawers filled with books, scrolls, and other written materials.

The lighting within the World Archive is soft and diffuse, with a gentle glow that illuminates the space. The colors within the archive are muted and yet rich and vibrant, with shades of deep blues, purples, and greens predominating.

There are also areas within the archive that are said to be more specialized, such as rooms dedicated to the study of specific subjects or collections of artifacts that are of particular importance. Some areas of the archive may also be inaccessible to those without the proper knowledge or skills to navigate them safely, according to his mother’s books.

Everyone looked at Harry and Achilles, then to the pouch he had. Harry glared at all of them as if he was daring them to take it. They were right in the way they were thinking, there is a replica of the World Archive in his pouch, as it is the replica of the Heartfilia Estate.

“Please Harry! Just an hour!” Hermoine begged her friend. Those are valuable books that are from different worlds! She just couldn’t not read them!

Harry was staring blankly at her as she was giving him puppy dog eyes.

You can do it, Master. Achilles cheered him on.

“Not gonna work,” One of the entities snorted.

The only female nodded, “Harry cares about Hermoine too much to resist,”

“You can do it, Prongslet!” His dad cheered.


Harry sighed, “One hour every end of the week, that’s it. Mother told me to not let anybody linger there, she’ll have my arse,”

Hermoine cheered in happiness and triumph.

“Step into the middle, Little Star,” She told him as she urged him in the middle of the room. He looked at his mother then forward. As soon as he stepped into the magic circle, it glowed white and suddenly screens were around him.

“Go on,” She smiled softly at him, “State your name, then ask the Archive,”

Everyone was still in awe of such devices existing out there. And it is on the Boy-Who-Lived disposal, it made them wonder what else is there.

“I am Callisto Lilian Heartfilia, blood-adopted son of Lucky Lucy Heartfilia,” He started strongly, “I have come with my mother to ask the Great Archive of what is my real identity,”

The screens glowed for a bit.

“It’s confused, Little Star, expand your reasoning,”

Callisto sighed, “I was found within a jaded flower bush with no identity, hence I have come here, almost two years later to ask who am I? Do I still have parents out there? Was I separated, or was I abandoned?”

Two of the three entities went close to Harry, giving the boy comfort and assurance that they do want him, and they were sorry that they had to abandon him because they were dead.

“It’s okay,” He softly told them, “I have you guys now with me,”

“We love you, Harry,”

“Your mum and I loves you a lot,”

“I love you guys too,”

The screens shook then formed together into one giant screen. Callisto’s eyes widen as he watches the words form.

Name(biological): Harrison James E. Potter-Black

Name(blood-adoption): Callisto Lilian X. Heartfilia

DOB: July 31, 1980

DOA: November 2, X776

“DOA?” Neville asked.

“Date of Adoption, we celebrate two birthdays for me,” Harry answered him specifically.

“I have theories that you came from a different world all together, even Draco did suspect it,” Lucy told Callisto, “The year just proves it to me,”

“Am I an alien?” He asked her with a straight face.

“No,” She laughed, “More of a dimension traveler,”

Callisto made an undignified noise as he looked back at the screen.

Mother(biological): Lily Jane E. Potter (Maiden Name: Lily Jane S. Evans) [deceased]

Mother(blood-adoption): Lucky Lucy Heartfilia (Xiaomei X. Ren)

His eyes widened and looked at his mother, “M-my mum’s name..!”

Lucy chuckled, “Would you look at that, I unintentionally had your second name as Lilian, the male equivalent of Lily,”

“She has two names?” Severus raised an eyebrow.

“You’ll know soon,” He shrugged.

He grinned widely and looked at the screen again.

Father(biological): James Fleamont G. Potter [deceased]

Father(blood-adoption): Sirius Black III

Everyone looked at him in shock, especially the ministry officials. Black was Potter’s father? Wouldn’t that mean that the man escaped Azkaban because the actual murderer was around Hogwarts?

“Told you,” Ron snorted at Fudge, “We told you my pet rat was Pettigrew in disguise,”

Amelia and his department glared at the foolish minister, how he came to power, they would never know.

Place of Birth/Origin:

Godric’s Hollow, England


“So you came from a different world,” Mother grinned at him.


Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Heir of the Most Courageous and Ancient Noble House of Gryffindor

Heir of the Most Ambitious and Ancient Noble House of Slytherin

Heir of the Most Magical and Founding House of Emrys

Heir of the Most Cunning and Mysterious House of Le Fay

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell

2nd-in-line Heir of the Grand Duchy of Heartfilia

Heir of the Most Noble and Creative House of Heartfilia

Heir of the Undying Star of the East

Heir of the Alpha Centauri of the North

There were jaws dropped on that.

“What the f*ck!?” Ron gaped.

“Ronald!” His mum chastised.

“One, two, three, four,” Blaise started counting on his hand, “Bloody hell that’s ten heirships!?”

Everyone looked at Potter-Black who was snickering at their expressions. Because to be honest, Moony and Padfoot had the exact same reaction.


Legacy Child of Ankhseram

Harry dropped the cup he was holding. He turned to the dragon on his shoulder, “Is that true!?”

“Yes,” Achilles sighed, “Lady Layla was the human shell of Lady Creation, thus making your mother half human, by an extension, you,”

“Lady Creation’s name is Ankhseram?” Hermoine asked, “And she was the Late Lady Heartfilia?”

“Indeed, but the Highest Lady is kind, undoubtedly, but she likes to not interfere, even in her human shell. But she adores the mistress nonetheless, others her more than anyone in the family on the North,”

“How much are they hiding from me?” Harry asked his companion.

“Just some information meant to keep you safe. As I said, knowledge is power, knowledge is danger,” And they leave it at that.

Master of Death

Master of the Deathly Hallows

Now, that is something the majority of the crowd knew very well.

Albus patted the wand on his pocket holster, the Elder Wand that is Harry’s through birthright.

Prince Jiaxin Ren

Prince Yusheng Xing

“What?” Remus turned to his nephew in confusion.

“I’ll tell you on the next break, but only you and Paddy,”

Callisto was confused. So he turned to his mother, and he was startled at the dark look on her face, she was frowning at one surname in particular. Ren. What does Mother have to do with the Eastern Continent’s Imperial Family?

“Mother..?” She snapped out of her thoughts as she turned to him, “I’m done now..”

“Are you sure, Little Star?” He nodded at her question, he knows what deceased means. His mum and dad are dead, he has no idea about his second father, but that’s fine too.

Padfoot flinched at that as he let out a sad whimper at the last part of the sentence. He didn’t want that!

Harry smiled sadly, and patted Padfoot’s fur. Conveying his feelings to his second father. That he doesn’t blame him at all. People do a lot of stupid things in their grief after all.

“Let’s go home, then,” She grinned at him as she lent a hand.

Callisto grinned as brightly as she did, and took it. They both left the World Archive feeling light as they finally had answers about his origins.

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: P.C5 – Leaving

Chapter Text

Everyone was a bit quiet, there was nothing to say about that chapter. The shocking number of heirships and titles aside, it was a relatively short chapter, it was just about Harry knowing what his name is. Remus stood up and carried the said boy out of the Great Hall for a talk about the two particular surnames, with Padfoot following them.

When they came back thirty minutes later, the man was looking pale in shock from what they could see. Harry shrugged when his friends sent him a questioning look.

“CHAPTER 5: LEAVING,” The book exclaimed the title of the chapter.

“Where are you guys going?” Ron asked his best mate.

“On an adventure,” Harry simply smiled, realizing that they were getting closer to the part of his life more spent within the guild. He closed his eyes or a bit to remember what the guildhall looked like before they were moved because of debts. He could have helped pay it off, but he was sucked into this dimension before he could even reach the Heartfilia Estate.

It has been three years, Callisto is now six years old. A lot has happened within that three years, but it felt like a blur to the boy.

“Well done, Young Master!” His teacher praised, “Truly a magic prodigy of ages, just like the Little duch*ess,”

“Thank you,” He smiled and bowed as per the etiquette. Today was his final day in home schooling and he was done. Mother said she has a surprise, he has been waiting for it.

“Wait, really?” Neville turned to look at his friend, “You’re done with school?”

Harry nodded, “Noble children in Earthland have more privilege to start schooling, so ending it as early as I did is a surprise really, they usually finish at ten, but I finished ten years early. The teachers said it was because I have too much magic in me that learning magic related school works was a work in the park,”

“Mother~! Grandpa~!” He excitedly called out as he entered his grandfather’s study, they were talking and stopped when he entered.

“Ah, Lian,” His grandfather greeted with the nickname he made out of his second name, “Glad you could join us,”

“How was your study, Little Star?” She asked him as she patted her lap indicating him to sit there.

“Good! The teachers said that I’m done with them now!”He told them, and looked back and forth between the father daughter pair, “So, what’s the surprise?”

“We’re leaving the manor,”

“And here I thought Ron doesn’t have any tact,” Hermoine commented.

“Hey! But it's true.. But still!?” Ron squawked.


The way he had said it made almost everyone laugh out loud.

“Merlin, Potter, do you really sound like that,” Draco laughed.

“I’d like to hear you when you’re six then, Malfoy,” Harry snorted.

“Your Mother had asked for permission for both of you to go out in the world and have an adventure. Because it would be a shame if you two, born with powerful magic, to be stuck in here and be expected to a proper noble, which I know,” He gave them a pointed looked, “That you aren’t,”

It was true… to say the least. His mother likes to go in the middle of the night and comes back with their treasures or blood, but whatever works fine too. And he should have known that him going vigilante last year wouldn’t go unnoticed.

Harry looked away at the pointed look Professor McGonagall sent him.

“A vigilante it says, Mr. Potter?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I was five,”

“Children of that age should just be playing are they not?”


“Thought so,”

“Really!?” He asked, he has never been out of the territory before. He has been asking if they could go sightseeing even just near the territory, but this is better!”

His mother nodded, “Yes, we are gonna go around and have an adventure. And probably join Fairy Tail?”

Callisto’s eyes brighten. Fairy Tail. It was the strongest wizarding guild of all Fiore, rumor has it that the guild is one of a kind, that they are family regardless of blood relation. They accept anyone regardless of the past or race. They sounded amazing.

“Did you get to join?” Lavender asked. Harry smiled and rolled up his sleeve to show the green guild mark by his shoulder. There was sitting the Fairy Tail guild mark proudly.

“Proud member of Fairy Tail and its strongest team!” He grinned. He might be young back then, but Master Makarov deemed him worthy to be the youngest member. As long as the rest of the team babysits him while his mother is doing something.

Just don’t let them be unsupervised. Like honestly, that one time is enough.

They had made plans. They are allowed to use the Heartfilia name in case of emergencies or the Magic Council is making things hard for them. They are allowed to use just their names to go by if they want to go anonymous. They had the space pouches meant for their money, so essentially, they are good to go with just them packing their stuff in another storage pouch.

“How much does those pouches cost?” Draco asked, because it is actually practical. As much as they have the expandable trunks, they still have to carry them. Thos pouches could store stuff and they could keep it in their pockets.

“Uh.. In this world currency? About 5 Million Galleons for the normal ones, the one we have is about 15 Million Galleons each, why?” They blanched at that.

“And you have how many do you have?” Ginny asked.

“Mother gave me about 15 of them, why?” They stared at him like he grew two heads. His mother spent 225 Million Galleon for just an advance storage pouches, and they probably still have more money. And that amount of money was enough to buy almost all of the rich pureblood families.

Talk about humbling the purebloods so quickly.

“Yeah, so I really need your mother to adopt me as well,”

“What the fu–”

But they had spent a month in the manor before leaving. Ms. Spetto, his mother’s nanny, was smothering them as the day they leave is getting closer.

As the sun rises a month later, they both now are standing in front of everyone in the manor as they all woke up early to say their goodbyes. They had changed their noble attires to something more modest.

His mother is wearing a floral print high low skirt with a cute white top, while wearing peach colored heeled sandals. While he was wearing a simple pair of gray baggy pants and sweater, while wearing black sneakers.

“Very stylish!” Lavender complimented. Pansy nodded as she imagined what it looked like. Whatever Lady Heartfilia is wearing, she wonders if Madam Malkins could make it.

“I guess this is it then,” His grandfather said in sadness, “It would take a while for you to come home, but if things went wrong, the doors of the manor is always open for you two,”

“We know, Papa,” She softly said, and hugged him, dragging Callisto in the process, “We love you,”

“I love you too,” Jude Heartfilia gave them both a kiss on the forehead, before the mother and son pair began their journey on the outside world. It would take a while, but he knew that they’ll be okay as long as they have each other.

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: P.C6 – The World Library

Chapter Text

“CHAPTER 6: THE WORLD LIBRARY,” The book exclaimed as the last one just finished. It was even shorter than the other one. They could probably understand, this is the prologue book, it is probably meant to be short.

“World Library?” Hermoine asked, as most of the Ravenclaws were curious.

“You’ll see,”

The World Library is a magical archive like no other. This incredible institution is constantly on the move, relocating to new locations every seven years. Its sheer size is awe-inspiring, stretching from the sky above to the depths below the ground. The library is a vast repository of knowledge, containing an incredible collection of books, artifacts, scrolls, and ancient machines.

As you approach the entrance to the library, you can't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation. The ornate doors lead into a grand hall, where towering shelves of books stretch as far as the eye can see. Each shelf is packed with volumes of every size and color, representing an immeasurable wealth of knowledge and wisdom.

But the library is not just a repository for books. As you venture deeper into its halls, you'll discover all manner of magical artifacts and mysterious machines. The shelves are adorned with ancient scrolls and tomes, written in languages long forgotten by the world outside. There are intricate instruments and gadgets that pulse with magical energy, hinting at their incredible power and potential.

Perhaps most astonishing of all is the sheer scale of the library. It seems to go on forever, with hidden chambers and winding corridors leading to new discoveries at every turn. The World Library truly is a magical wonder, an institution of immeasurable value to those who seek knowledge and understanding in the world. And though it may vanish into the ether every seven years, its impact on the world of magic and beyond is felt for generations to come.

– Aref Quinn, The Discovery of Magical From the Beginning of Time.

“So it’s accessible to everyone?” A sixth year Ravenclaw asked.

“As long as you find it, then yes,” Harry nodded, as each of the Ravenclaw students and the studious students from different houses and other schools looked at one another. They need to write up a proposal to have a portal open between Earthland and Earth, so they could go there and look for the World Library.

“Could you take books from there?” Another one.

Harry shook his head, “You ask the Library for a copy. Most magical structures are sentiments, so it is better to ask than take it without their permission, they curse anyone who do that,”

There was scratching on a parchment. Harry sighed in defeat, they are about to make a proposal to make them go there aren’t they? Hermoine is probably going to be leading that.

“What did you learn from this place, cub?” Remus asked.

“I asked for copies of different books about wand spells,” He grinned, this was the chapter for them to see those.

“Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow as most are paying attention to them, “What is your most favorite spell then?”

“Vitalis Defensio,” Harry grinned widely, “It’s an ancient spell creates a barrier of life energy that absorbs the Killing Curse, rendering it harmless and protecting the caster from harm,”

Everyone gasped at that. The one curse everyone fears, there are spells to deflect them. To those who have lost family members from that exact curse felt a bit bitter, but to think there were spells to save themselves from it, but the sad part was it is all stored in a different dimension.

They had been on this journey for three months now, and so far, they have been encountering a bunch of bandits and dark guild mages. It was thrilling to be honest. He is a kid, so of course he has a lot of energy to burn out.

Callisto used his wand and had them trapped in a block of ice. Glacius was dead useful for this.

He looked to the side and saw his mother kicking about five of the bandits to each other off the cliff with water below. Callisto waved his wand to levitate the remaining bandits and dropped them off of the same cliff as their friends.

“Well, that was a job well done,” His mother grinned. He was being carried in a piggyback as they went through the forest.

And what waited by the clearing amazed them. It was a majestic and awe-inspiring structure. It is a massive tower that extends high up into the sky, seeming to touch the clouds themselves. Its walls are made of an ancient-looking stone, and the tower is adorned with ornate carvings and intricate details that tell the story of the library's possible history.

At the base of the tower, there is a wide and welcoming entrance that beckons visitors to come inside. The door itself is made of thick, dark wood, with elaborate metal hinges and a handle that resembles a curled dragon's tail. Above the entrance, there is a large and impressive stained-glass window that depicts scenes from the world's greatest literature.

As they approach the library, they notice that the tower seems to be surrounded by a shimmering aura that gives it an otherworldly appearance. The aura appears to be made up of a myriad of colors that shift and change as the viewer moves around the tower. His mother commented that the aura is a protective spell that keeps the library and its contents safe from harm.

“It sounds so beautiful,” One of the Beauxbatons students whispered in awe. Harry thinks that he heard at least one or two groups of Ravenclaws weep in joy when the book showed what it looks like.

“Oh my,” Professor Flitwick said, “I may have to ask your mother for directions to this place,”

Lucius actually agreed with that. Imagine all the ancient knowledge in that place, the World Archive was one thing, but this one is another.

“The World Library,” His mother gasped in awe. That made his eyes widen, he had read about it before. It was amazing.

He hopped off of her back as they walked inside hand-in-hand. The interior of the World Library is just as impressive and awe-inspiring as its exterior. As one enters through the grand doors, they are immediately transported into a vast and seemingly endless space filled with shelves upon shelves of books, artifacts, scrolls, and other magical objects. The air is thick with the scent of old parchment and ink, and the atmosphere is one of reverence and quiet contemplation.

The walls of the library tower are lined with countless rows of bookshelves, each towering high into the air and stretching out of sight. The shelves are made of polished wood and are arranged in such a way that they seem to spiral upwards towards the top of the tower. Along the way, there are balconies and platforms that allow visitors to pause and admire the breathtaking view of the library's contents below.

The books themselves are all old and weathered, with leather-bound covers and gold lettering that shines in the light. Some of them are so ancient that their pages have turned to dust, while others seem to glow with a magical light that hints at the power and knowledge they contain. The artifacts and magical objects are just as diverse, ranging from crystal balls and wands to mysterious amulets and talismans.

Despite its immense size, the library is designed in such a way that it feels intimate and welcoming. Soft, warm light spills from delicate chandeliers and sconces, illuminating the pages of books and casting a warm glow over the entire space. It is a place where one can lose themselves in the knowledge and magic of the world, and emerge forever changed.

There was another weep from the studious students when it showed the interior design. He heard a head bang or two somewhere in the room, along with the complaints of being born in the wrong dimension.

“You have to take me there,” Hermoine blankly told him, “As a birthday present, please!”

“It will move next year!” There was an outcry of anguish from the others that wanted to visit the place.

“Nooooo~!” One of the Beauxbaton students cried out loud.

“I haven’t stepped foot in there yet!” One of the studious seventh year Slytherin exclaimed.

“Just one week! I need one week there!” A seventh year Gryffindor cried, “I need it for my NEWTS!”

“Goodbye O OWLS grades!” A fifth year Hufflepuff cried out.

Their professors sighed in exasperation as they watched the sh*t show happen.

“Go ahead and just ask the Library for what section you want to go, and it’ll bring you there through a floating platform,” His mother instructed.

There was another cry somewhere in the room.

“The section for wands, please!” He asked politely and excitedly. A magic circle appeared underneath him, and then the circle flew him down towards the “W” section.

He immediately looked for a particular book that a teacher talked about. “Ancient Spells for Wands” by Jadis Wand. The book's weathered cover is made of thick, dark leather and its gold lettering glows dimly, even in the dark. Upon opening the book, the scent of old parchment and ink wafts up, filling the air with the ancient magic that this book contains.

Inside, the pages are yellowed with age and inked in faded text, but the spells contained within are as potent today as they were when they were first written. The book contains a wealth of knowledge on the intricacies of wand magic, with spells for everything from protection and healing to elemental manipulation and advanced enchantments.

“Brilliant..!” He gaped in shock. He looked up at the ceiling and said, “Can I have a personal copy of “Ancient Spells for Wands” by Jadis Wand, please?”

The Library heard him, and beside him was the exact copy of the book, but below the cover was “Personal Copy of Callisto Lilian Heartfilia/Harrison James Potter-Black”.

“Let me have a copy too please!” Hermoine asked, then leaned to whisper, “Imagine all the advantage we have in case that You-Know-Who attacks again,”

Harry thought about it, and nodded, “I’ll give you and Ron a copy, just keep it hidden,”


Callisto immediately had his eyes on the spells that caught his eyes.

  • Incendio Maxima: This spell unleashes a massive burst of flame from the tip of the wand, capable of engulfing even the largest of targets.
  • Fulminare: A spell that conjures a lightning bolt, capable of striking down enemies with a powerful electrical charge.
  • Glacius Ultima: This spell creates a massive wave of ice that can freeze entire landscapes and halt the advance of any enemy.
  • Leviosa Maxima: This advanced version of the Levitation spell allows the caster to lift and manipulate objects of incredible size and weight, making it a valuable tool for construction and transportation.
  • Vortexi Magnus: A spell that creates a massive whirlwind, capable of lifting and tossing enemies and objects with tremendous force.
  • Obscurus Tenebris: This dark spell envelops the target in a cloud of impenetrable darkness, rendering them blind and disoriented.
  • Eximius Oculus: A spell that enhances the caster's vision, allowing them to see with incredible clarity and even detect hidden objects or people.
  • Terramotus Maxima: This spell creates a massive earthquake, capable of shaking the ground and toppling buildings with its incredible force.
  • Aqua Regia: A spell that creates a powerful jet of acid, capable of dissolving even the toughest of materials and melting through obstacles with ease.
  • Chronos Maxima: This spell allows the caster to manipulate time itself, slowing it down or speeding it up to their will.

Everyone was surprised at a lot of those spells. All of them look powerful.

“I’m sorry, am I going crazy or did I just see a time spell meant for wands?” Amelia looked taken back at the last spell that was mentioned.

“There’s a lot of time spells in that book,” Harry pointed out, “There was like an entire chapter about it,”

“How many spells?”

“More than 50 from what I remember,”

Everything about this Library was brilliant, he even voiced it out to the Library. The magic inside glows in glee from the compliment.

When the night comes, the Library showed them a bedroom for them to sleep and stay in indefinitely. But they were certainly there for two whole months. He had seen his mother in the “R” and “S” sections. But she was so absorbed in what she was doing so he never bothered her.

He has no idea what she was researching at all. But she looked hopeful? Whatever it is, he just hopes it won’t take out too much magic from her.

The book then closed. Just in time for dinner. Everyone immediately fixed the room as they talked about the three chapters they had just heard. Especially the World Archive and Library. They had talked about the possibilities of going to Earthland as well.

The people from the DMLE had called for the trio and Remus to talk about what happened during the third year, and to evaluate their memories to clear Sirius’s name.

Harry in particular was giddy at the prospect of Sirius finally free. And oh boy, the remaining two members of Marauders will have the surprise of their life.

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: The Morning After


short chapter; breakfast at Hogwarts

Chapter Text

They all had woken up pretty early because Harry slipped off that the next chapter was his mother getting another Key Set. So they were excited to know how a Celestial Spirit Mage makes contracts to other spirits.

“Attention, may I have your attention please,” Professor McGonagall used Sonorous to get everyone’s attention during breakfast, “Madam Bones has some important announcements,”

Everyone clapped politely as Madam Bones stood up, “In the light of Sirius Black’s evidences as an innocent man, we of the DMLE and Ministry of Magic deeply apologize to Lord Black and his family regarding this issues, hence if you are here Lord Black, as it was hinted during our talk last night, you are now a free man, along with your heir’s custody,”

Padfoot transformed back, “Finally! I was waiting for you to come around, Amy!”

“Why am I not surprised that you are an Animagus?” She sighed.

“We were gonna register after the war but sh*t went down,” He shrugged as he gave Remus a kiss on the lips before settling beside his husband, with Harry in the middle of them.

“Ah sh*t, does that mean we have to register?” James asked the other two.

“Obviously, Love,” Lily smiled.

“I hate paperworks!”

“So am I, so you’re not special, Potter,” The third snorted.

“I think that we all hate them,” Lily sweat dropped.

Harry chuckled as he heard gaining confused looks from his godfathers. From seeing the table of contents, after this, his mum and dad could show themselves.

Breakfast was a relatively normal affair, of course Sirius was now openly doting on him. He did catch up with his cousin, Narcissa, and second cousin, Nymphadora. But was closer to his husband and blood-adopted son.

“A black cat told me to tell you that they took all your clothes when you ran away from home,” Sirius choked on the drink he was drinking when he heard it.

He turned his head to him sharply, “WHAT!? Please don’t tell me they took my leather jackets,”

Harry was quiet for a bit, “He says that leather jackets sucks so its still there,”

“SHUT UP!” Sirius exclaimed on the same spot Harry looked at earlier, “Leather Jackets are cool! It’s literally my style!”

“He says it’s not, and your husband has better style than you. At least it was comfy,”

“Thank you..?” Remus looked confused.

Harry looked at Remus, “They said that they have the sweater you left when you guys were in third year. The oversized one that you said was you favorite because you can still wear it in adulthood,”

Remus looked so offended that the onlookers were snickering quietly, “You bring that back! I had to punch James, Sirius, and Peter for it!”

“He did and it hurt,” Sirius nodded, Hermoine and the others laughed at the antics of the couple. Minerva couldn’t help but to feel relieved that they were acting like they were when they were still her students, sure there was Harry in the mix, but this kind of scene was nostalgic for the old witch.

Everyone readied themselves as the book glows and flew, and shouted, “CHAPTER 7: THE WHITE KEYS,”

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: P.C7 – The White Keys

Chapter Text

There were giddy feelings around the Hall, especially those who were looking forward to Harry’s first adventure. They must admit, the Library and Archive was cool, but they’re gonna mention real magic! Wandless Magic!

As the anticipation built up, everyone went ahead and grabbed a snack or two and drinks as they made themselves comfortable.

“Where are we going?” Callisto asked his mother curiously. They have left the World Library after two months of staying there. His mother has a map from the “K” section of the Library and they are currently heading south-west from the Library.

“On our first adventure!” She grinned, “The Lochcliff Canyon has a secret cave we are supposed to find, it has all sorts of treasures there! Along with some magical machinery and tools from Lixazia Dynasty,”

He gaped in shock. Lixazia Dynasty, it sounds familiar. Then he remembered what he read from the Library.

The Lixazia Dynasty was an ancient dynasty that revolutionized the world with their pioneering techniques in magical machinery and weaponry. They are renowned for inventing tools and artifacts that were far ahead of their time and remain unparalleled to this day.

“What the actual f*ck?” Theo cussed in shock.

“They created the concept of magical machinery and weaponry!? And hold on! Magical Weapons!?” A Ravenclaw exclaimed.

“There is a magic called The Gunner,” Harry pointed out, “It is a spatial magic that summons various types of gun,”

“So.. America then?”


The dynasty's founders were a group of skilled artisans who possessed an extraordinary talent for crafting magical devices. Over time, they developed new techniques and technologies that allowed them to create more advanced machinery and weapons. These innovations helped establish the dynasty as a dominant force in the world and enabled them to accumulate vast wealth and resources.

“My entire future career was already over before it could even start, what the f*ck,”

“I would like to send an apprenticeship letter please,”

The Lixazia Dynasty's greatest achievement was the creation of a complex network of magical machines and weapons that were powered by a unique energy source. This allowed them to build towering structures and defend their lands from any invading force. They also used their machinery to explore the world and discover new lands and resources, which helped them to become even more prosperous.

There were eyebrows raised at that. They used their creations for defense?

“The origins of the Time Turner were from them,” The Unspeakables looked at him.

Despite their wealth and power, the Lixazia Dynasty was eventually brought to an end by a catastrophic event. Their lands were devastated, and their cities and structures were destroyed. As a result, the dynasty was forced to bury their most precious tools and artifacts underground, hidden beneath Lochcliff Canyon.

Today, the Lixazia Dynasty is remembered as one of the greatest dynasties of all time, and their legacy lives on in the ancient tools and artifacts that still exist to this day. These artifacts are highly sought after by collectors and historians who are fascinated by the dynasty's innovative techniques and groundbreaking discoveries.

There were jaws dropped, that the pureblood actually just dropped their mask altogether.

“Why does Earthland have everything?” The Unspeakable, who they actually forgot was there, whined.

“Because the Lady Creation likes Earthland more?” Achilles bluntly said. An imaginary arrow struck their chest from that.

“They are Lady Magic’s pet project, not Lady Creation's,” Harry nodded, making another imaginary arrow strike them.

“So we’re going to look for it?” He excitedly asked.

“Yep! And there’s also the fact that there are monsters there, so I could get to see how much you are used to your magic already,” She told him as she let him see the map. From what he had seen in the dimensional map. The map of the Earth, the Lochcliff Canyon, was similar to the “Grand Canyon”.

“I will never look at that Canyon the same way ever again,” A muggleborn muttered as the other muggleborn and halfbloods nodded in agreement. As much as it was beautiful, to know that its magical counterpart was this… Yeah, it ruined the canyon for them.

A hufflepuff looked at Harry, “I will trade a soul to go there,”

“A magical field trip then?” The muggleborns and halfbloods cheered but the purebloods were confused so the muggleborns near them explained the concept of the field trip in the muggle world. Once they found out, they were excited.

“What are we even looking for anyway?” He asked his mother.

“The White Keys,” He made a confused and startled sound as he tripped a little on a tree root.

“White Keys? As in that White Keys?” She nodded at his question. As a Heartfilia, he knows about the different Gate Keys. Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Platinum were the Constellation Spirits.

Diamond Keys are known as the Deity Keys. It is the key his mother uses to summon the Gods. She didn’t have the Obsidian Keys yet, but they’re the Demon Keys, among them were the colored Obsidian Keys for the Seven Colored Primordial. He heard they were insanely strong too.

There was another series of jaw dropping.

The White Keys however were the exact opposites of the Obsidian Keys, it is the Angel Spirits. But those three other categories of Gate Keys were known as a myth; but his mother literally has the Diamond Keys, so it wouldn’t be a shock if the other ones were real too.

“Are they Dragon Keys?” He asked in a curious tone.

“Who knows,” There was a mysterious smile on her face.

Fake-Moody was frowning internally. Does Potter’s blood-adopted mother take in servants? In a way that it would erase the Dark Mark. Would he and the people in his generation be saved if Lucy was just in their dimension during that time? Would his best mate; Evan still be alive if she was here?

I’m willing to submit to her.. Just let her save us. He glanced at Severus, he was his last living lover, Regulus went down in ‘79, leaving both Barty and Severus to mourn for their lover. They didn’t even have a body to mourn for!

When they reached the Canyon, Callisto couldn’t help but to admire it. The canyon itself is carved out of the earth by the powerful forces of magic and nature, and is home to a wide variety of strange and wondrous creatures, from soaring eagles and majestic falcons to elusive unicorns and fearsome dragons. The walls of the canyon are made of towering cliffs and steep slopes, covered in lush vegetation and jagged rock formations, and are often shrouded in mist and fog, giving the area an otherworldly and mystical atmosphere.

At the heart of Lochcliff Canyon lies a hidden treasure: the ancient ruins of the Lixazia Dynasty, buried deep beneath the earth and guarded by powerful magic spells and protective wards. These ruins are said to contain a wealth of powerful artifacts and magical devices, including the tools and weapons that the Lixazia Dynasty used to create their incredible magical machinery.

It was incredible.

Then the book suddenly turned into a big screen, startling the Hall. Most of the male population blushed at the appearance of the 15 years old Lucy Heartfilia. Harry saw it and glared at them. Even the third entity, who had come to see Lucy as an older sister figure, glared at them. Mira was his mother figure, Lucy and Erza are his older sister figures, Makarov is his grandfather figure, ain’t no way some kids are just gonna find her attractive on his watch!

The mother and son pair were looking over the view of the Canyon in pure awe when the camera changed its viewpoint of the one in front of them. Suddenly, they were both pushed off by the large gust of wind.

“HARRY! LUCY!” Most of them exclaimed in shock. Remus and Sirius especially looked like they were about to faint by shock. Dumbledore had his hand over the side of his chest where his heart was from shock.

In quick succession, Lucy pulled Callisto in her arms, raised one and formed a downward motion on her right hand and shouted, “Globus Caelum, protegas me, ut cadam non. Creo tibi, globus utique scuto,”

The screen showed the translation;

"Globus Caelum, protect me, that I may not fall. I create for you, a bubble as a shield."

A shimmering bubble-like shield envelops the mother and son, protecting them from the fall.

Everyone sighed in relief to see them safe.

“That scared me..!” Sirius gasped in relief.

That’s one of the tamest ones, though?” Achilles turned his head in innocent confusion.

“Yep, definitely going to have a heart attack from this,” Remus sighed in defeat.

The camera showed the two down at the bottom of the canyon, unharmed. They sat up and Lucy dispersed the bubble. The bottom was too quiet.

“Stay here,” His mother instructed as he was pushed inside a crack that fit him. His mother stepped back and looked around.

The camera shows that they are surrounded with nothing but white mist. Everything was eerie, it was unsettling.

“Mother..” Callisto quietly called, but she didn’t hear him and just looked straight ahead. She bent her knees slightly, and on her left side, her sheathed katana that was created with Aetherium, a type of metal, is incredibly hard and strong, making it nearly impossible to break or damage, in addition, it enhances the user’s magic.

He backed even further to the crack as a loud screech was heard.

“Bloody hell!” Ron cursed as most of them rubbed their ears to sooth them. Frankly it was too loud, unlike anything they have heard.

The camera pans and it follows tall beings that have long scaly arms, sharp claws and feet, and small wings. They have been seen wearing lower bottom armor and a sun-shaped helmet with a terrifying face. It was heading towards Lucy, but behind the figure was even more creature like them.

“Gray demons..!” Callisto gasped in fear. From what he could tell, it was about 900 cm tall. It was terrifying.

There were terrified screams from almost everyone within the Great Hall. Harry honestly could blame them. While he didn’t scream during his first encounter with the demons, he would admit that he was bloody terrified of them, and he would rather like them instantly than stare at those faces.

Hermoine and Ron clung onto each other in fear, but Ginny almost immediately jumped into his and Draco’s laps in fear, as Draco took his hand for comfort. There were some of them that cried in fright.


In a blink of an eye, his mother unsheath the katana she was holding and sprinted towards the demons, he almost screamed for her, but was shock of how precise the way she cut their chest open, throwing their hearts in the air and slashing them, as soon as the hearts were slashed the demons were disintegrating.

The aurors jaw dropped. A girl that is fifteen years old, was out there proving to them that they don’t need magic to fight. Hell, she hasn’t even used magic at all!

Harry smirked, he couldn’t wait till they saw his Aunt Erza.

“Did we just get shown up by a fifteen year old girl? And she’s the next duch*ess!” Tonks said in a playful indignant manner.

“Then it looks like we just have to train you lassy to not use one then,” “Moody” scoffed.

The aurors looked at each other in defeat, there was a high chance that they’ll ask Potter-Black to oversee that training, and there was an even higher chance that he was trained to not use his magic.

He was in awe of how she kept on going and the demons are still coming. He had to help. He looked over his person, then to his pouch, and found a dagger made of the same material as his mother’s katana.

He took out a Blood Pen and wrote on his right wrist. A vertical line with two diagonal lines branching out from the top, it resembles a thorn, a vertical line with two diagonal lines branching out from the sides that resembles the shape of a tree. And a vertical line with two diagonal lines branching out from the bottom that resembles a birch tree.

“Thurisaz, rune of might, lend me your strength and protect me from all physical danger! Eihwaz, rune of endurance, help me weather the storm and shield me from all emotional and spiritual harm! Berkana, rune of healing, protect me from illness and injury, and aid in my recovery!”

“Is this why you didn’t take Ancient Runes?” Hermoine raised an eyebrow at her best friend.

“I plead the fifth..?”

“We’re in Britain!”

Callisto has the look of satisfaction on his face as he unsheathed the dagger and left his hiding place to help his mother, he ran and used his magic to jump high.

“Harry..!” Sirius looked at his blood adopted son in shock.

Before he could even scold his son he saw something amazing on the screen.

Callisto used his body weight and height to gain advantage over the gray demons in terms of agility and speed.

Gray demons are not that intelligent, He hummed to his mind, as he used his dagger to do the same thing as his mother; take out the heart, cut the heart. Even with their seven lives, you can still permanently end a demon by destroying their hearts.

The Unspeakables and the Aurors immediately wrote it down in case the Death Eaters managed to summon one in an act of revenge.

“Is this the case for all demons?” Daphne asked.

“Gray demons existed in this dimension too,” There were shrieks of fear at that.

They were just finished fighting the gray demons when the red demons appeared.

“That’s what the Red Demons look like!?” He exclaimed. It is a large, obese creature with clown-like faces. They possess sharp claws and teeth that grow in rows, along with two ridged horns protruding from their heads. The veins on their necks are prominent and can be easily seen. They have sagging skin and do not possess a tongue. And about 100 cm shorter than the gray one.

“That is some fat demon, holy sh*t..!” Bill's jaw dropped.

“Both Gray and Red Demons are the footmen of the Demon World,” His mother explain as she went and did the same to the red demons, “They are significantly weaker than the higher demons,”

“On a scale of 1-10, how bad would it be if the humans went against the footmen?” He asked.

“20 if they don’t know how to fight one,” She hummed like she isn’t fighting a demon, she turned to him and said, “Why don’t we finish this with a holy spell, Little Star?”

He grinned and took out his wand, and pointed at the sky where the demons gathered, “Per furiam caelorum, hunc daemonem percutiat et mundet sanctus fulgor!”

The translation shows:

“With the fury of the heavens, let this demon be struck down and purified by holy lightning!”

The air around them began to crackle with energy as a bright light formed at the end of his wand. The light quickly grows in size and intensity until it becomes a bolt of pure, white-hot energy, shaped like a spear or lightning bolt.

Callisto then takes aim at the demon and releases the bolt, which hurtles towards its target with incredible speed and force. As the bolt strikes the demon, it explodes in a shower of holy light and energy, causing immense damage and purging all the demons around them.

Everyone's jaws dropped at the mere display of magic. One spell. One spell that’s all it took to destroy a horde of demons.

“Just how much did she teach you!?” Sirius gaped in shock.

“Just a little, most of them were from the World Library, the others were from the journey or I made it up. There are some from Gramps too,” He shrugged. It was the truth, since Mother wasn’t a wand user, she didn’t know a lot of spells, so they had to rely on the books, and when they joined Fairy Tail, everything else was from Master Makarov and Yajima-san.

The screen turned back into a book and continued on.

His mother carried him in their arms as she sprinted away. Her eyes were gray and it was glowing. Locate. It was the simplest explanation for that, she must have found the ruins of that dynasty.

When they arrived, looking at the forgotten dynasty, it made his mind recite the paragraphs he had read regarding it.

The Lixazia Dynasty was a civilization renowned for their mastery of magical machinery and weapons, and their structures and landscapes reflect this advanced technology and engineering.

One of the most impressive Lixazia Dynasty structures is the Sky Citadel, a massive floating fortress that could house thousands of people and was powered by magical levitation engines. The Sky Citadel was a feat of engineering and architecture, with towering spires, vast courtyards, and intricate chambers filled with the latest technological marvels.

Another notable Lixazia Dynasty structure is the Temple of the Sun, a massive edifice built on the side of a mountain that was dedicated to the worship of the sun goddess. The temple was designed to capture the sun's rays and focus them into a powerful beam of energy that could be used for a variety of purposes, from powering machinery to providing heat and light.

In addition to these grand structures, the Lixazia Dynasty also had a network of underground tunnels and chambers, which were used for a variety of purposes, from storage to transportation to secret experiments. These tunnels and chambers were lined with intricate machinery and inscribed with mystical symbols and runes, attesting to the Lixazia Dynasty's mastery of magic and technology.

Outside of their structures, the Lixazia Dynasty also left their mark on the landscapes around them. They created lush gardens and sprawling parks, using their magical abilities to manipulate the weather and create perfect growing conditions. They also carved intricate terraces and channels into mountain sides, allowing them to harvest water and minerals more efficiently.

Despite the passage of time, some of these structures and landscapes still stand, providing a tantalizing glimpse into the Lixazia Dynasty's advanced civilization and inspiring wonder and awe in those who encounter them.

Aref Quinn, The Machinery and Weaponry of a Forgotten Dynasty.

“I will do anything to get adopted by our mother,” Blaise looked him in the eye.

“What the!?”

“Woah!” He marveled as he was put down back to the ground. Even though it was buried for many years, it was still beautiful.

“Shall we find the treasures?” She grinned, he grinned back as they ventured through the ruins. It was amazing, he had found several black cloaks that serve to negate magics to a certain level, so he put them in a pouch.

Then he found a bow made from dragon scales, powered up by magic so it doesn’t need any arrows at all. Then several cauldrons for potion making, maybe he’ll meet a potion master to give it to.

Harry did give it to Severus without a word and went back to his seat. Severus examined the cauldron, the materials it was made out of is superb, seeing it was made for a very long time, it was made in an excellent quality. It could help him make excellent quality.

Barty sneakily glanced at his remaining lover and smiled on the inside when he saw the small smile on his face.

“Callisto~!” His mother called for him. He immediately came running to where her voice was coming from. When he had arrived, he saw eight blonde haired men around her.

One is dressed in a armor and wielding a sword but he has blue eyes, the second one looks like a messenger with a trumpet and has gray eyes, the third one is dressed in flowing robes and carrying a caduceus and has violet eyes, the fourth one is dressed in robes and carrying a book and has brown eyes, the fifth one is dressed in simple robes and carrying a censer and has black colored eyes, the sixth one is dressed in regal robes and carrying a scepter and has yellow eyes, the seventh one is dressed in simple robes and carrying a bouquet of flowers and has green eyes, and lastly, the eight one is dressed in flowing robes and carrying a balance.

“Oh, Callisto, I’d like you to meet our new friends! This is for Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel!” She introduced all eight to him with warm and bright smiles, she turn to them and gestured to him, “Everyone, this is my blood-adopted son; Callisto Lilian,”

Bloody hell, his mother tamed all eight of the White Keys!?

All eight bowed to him in acknowledgement, “We greet the son of our Princess,”

He looked at them with stink eyes for the nickname. But his mother just laughed, and they looked smitten! What the hell!?

“Please get along with each other, alright?” She told them as he clung unto her dress, “You guys are now part of our family, so please treat us as such. I am not just your Mistress, and you are more than just a contracted spirit to me. You are my long lasting friends and family,”

By the angels' smiles alone, he could tell that they would fade into nonexistence for his mother, and that is enough for him.

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: P.C8 – The Rukh


"10 points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter,"

"I graduated years ago!"

Chapter Text

Everyone in the Great Hall were buzzing in excited murmurs, and some of them were flocking the Heir Potter-Black for questions that the Minister and his UnderSecretary couldn’t butt in.

“CHAPTER 8: THE RUKH,” The book shouted, upon hearing the title of the chapter, Harry was excited for everyone’s reaction once they found out.

That his parents were around him growing up and can be brought back to life.

The angels and Celestial Spirits were a constant companion to the pair as they continued their journey. They would stop by nearby towns for food, stocking up foods, and sleeping in proper beds since his mother’s spirits wouldn’t allow them to sleep in the forest. Micheal and Raphael especially. It made sense for Callisto, as they were the angels of protection and healing respectively, they are looking over their safety and health above all.

“Duck!” He ducked down as the fire breath attack narrowly bypassed his hair. They have encountered giant salamanders, it was bitchy to handle.

“Harry!” Molly exclaimed in feint shock.

“It’s true! They’re annoying!”

On the corner of his eyes were two bird-like creatures, but they might just be his imaginations so he ignored it.

His mum raised an eyebrow at him, making him smile sheepishly. I didn’t mean that you guys are just my imaginations!

“We know, hun, but you have been living with Lucy for so long, surely that taught you something,” His mum laughed.

“First, Pandora’s daughter is calling us pesticides now you’re calling us imaginations? I’m hurt, Bambi,” His dad dramatically put his arms up to his forehead in a dramatic pose.

Are dead people meant to be this dramatic?

Luna laughed airily, “I like that nickname. Bambi must have meant a lot then?”

Sirius and Remus looked shocked. They had never uttered that nickname ever since that fateful night because it was James’s nickname for his son. So far, they had been calling him “pup”, “cub”, and “prongslet”. How did Pandora’s daughter know that nickname?

They looked each other in the eye, could it be? They turned to their godson, who nodded subtly at them. They held in the tears that wanted to fall, but now they knew the significance of this chapter.

Fighting monsters, bandits, and dark mages were a norm to the mother and son pair to be honest. It was thrilling for both of them. There were materials in monsters that are valuable called “Dark Core”. It is a dark artifact meant to be used for black magic rituals. He isn’t able to touch them due to some reason he wasn’t able to know, but his mother has been holding them.

There were glances all around.

“Was your mother a dark mage?” Remus had to ask.

Harry shrugged, “It depends on the situation, but she could use black magic, but she doesn’t use it that much. It is more of a situational calling really,”

“But are you safe around it?” Sirius asked, if he were to bring his blood adopted son back to either the Black Manor or the Grimmauld Place, he has to make sure it is safe for him.

Harry nodded, “I’m fine around it now, but I did have a bad reaction to them once or twice,”

Sirius and Remus frowned at his wince, “How bad was it?”

Harry grimaced and looked a little pale as Ron and Hermoine reached out to him for comfort as the other school staff were worried as much as his friends were, “Mother had to call for some holy priests to heal me. The black magic in Earthland is deadly for me, Mother had to make sure that I was well protected through unbreakable charms and runes,”

He showed them his bracelet that is pure white. Then underneath his ear was a little rune that resembles the sky. Everyone was worried for the boy, his reaction to black magic had to be so bad if he had to be seen by holy priests.

“I’m fine now,” He assured his godfathers. They weren’t convinced, so was his mum and dad and other uncle, but they let it go for now.

But his mother has been collecting some rare herbs. Some of them were poisonous, he was worried for her. But he literally watched her consume those and walk it off just fine.

“Don’t worry about it, Little Master,” Achilles told him, “This is something that the mistress will tell you once she is ready, but she isn’t ready yet,”

Callisto did pout once or twice when he found out he wasn’t aware of things about his mother. But he could understand, he would wait. Even if it means snooping on her book about those herbs.

There were several face palms and sighs of defeat all around the Great Hall. Of course he would snoop.

“Harry-bear.. Really?” He blushed under his mum’s gaze.

He really was just peaking, like really. But then he saw a peculiar topic that was bookmarked.

Rukh. It was the main source of magic and other world’s phenomenon. It was fascinating to read about.

They are small bird-like creatures that inhabit everything in the world. Mountains, oceans, the soil, and the very air all have rukh inside them. They are a pure existence generally colored white; however, they can turn other colors to reflect if a person is in love or certain magic types.

To those who can see the rukh, the flow of life looks like an endless stream of birds.

“Rukh is the home of souls. While we live, it is every man for himself. But when you die, all go back to one place, This is Rukh. When humans die, their bodies return to the earth don't they? The souls return to Rukh, The home of souls,” He turned around and saw his mother smiling at him.

Lily and James took that as an opportunity to have their rukh forms visible to everyone. So to everyone, they are small bird-like creatures to their eyes.

“Woah..” Collin and some of his year awed, even the younger kids and the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students were in awe. Remus and Sirius were looking at them with tears pooling their eyes.

“Why are you telling me this?” He asked as his mother carried him in her arms and moved to a clearing near their camp. The forest was quiet yet comforting.

“I have been researching this for months. You might not be able to see this, but there are two rukhs around you,” She said, not looking at him, and he realized that the direction they were going with was the same direction where he saw the rukhs briefly.

“There are?” Then he heard the sounds of rukhs.

James went near his friend and put his ghostly arms around them for comfort. Sirius and Remus’s eyes widen at the familiar, so f*cking familiar presence. They wanted to reach out to touch the arm that was touching them, but they knew it would just go through him.

Lily was near her brother in everything but blood. Waiting for the right moment.

Harry had a soft smile on his lips, his life just went better during that time. He has his mother and biological parents with him growing up.

“And I talked with them, and did a ritual, so they exist in a physical form as long as I am alive or until I find their bodies to resurrect them,” He nodded at that. He knows that his mother could revive the dead, how? He has no idea, it is one of the things she kept close to her heart, and him knowing how might put him and his mother in danger, he was simply taking precautions.

There were gasps of shocks. Necromancy or anything of the like were forbidden in their world, how powerful was Lucy Heartfilia’s bloodline for that to be possible.

There was also the fact with the Peverell line, according to Uriel; the Peverell line were blessed by Lord Death, and by default through blood; his entire family were able to “Master Death”. He has no idea how it works, because he won’t be back in a while so Mother won’t be able to summon him yet.

“I didn’t know about that?” Bill questioned, “Hell even the Peverell merging with the Potters were not well known,”

“It was to protect the family during Grindelwald’s reign,” Dumbledore answered, “The Potters hid all the informations about it,”

Harry nodded, “It’s hidden somewhere in the Peverell Manor,”

Hermoine blinked at him, “Peverells’ has a manor?”

“Most Purebloods do,” Neville nodded, “Peverell is an old family, they have more than just a manor. But it would depend if they had invested their money. But seeing that their family hasn’t been removed in the Sacred 30, and Potters were a part of them as well,”

Ron nodded, “That’s true, even the Lovegoods does through the Late Lady,”

Luna nodded, “We may not be part of the Sacred 30, but we are still purebloods. And mummy is from a pureblood family in Greece, hailing from the Cassandra Family,”

And that was news to everyone. Cassandras were a Greek Pureblood Family that started from the God of Prophecy, Apollo’s Oracle of Delphi. To know that Luna “Loony” Lovegood came from there was something, and from the purebloods’ perspective, she is the reigning heiress of that family, and was probably going to ally themselves with the House of Potter along with the others.

Regulus nodded in confirmation at that. His goddaughter was indeed from that family, he’ll show Black Madness to everyone that says otherwise. Barty Crouch Jr, Regulus Black, and Evan Rosier were named godfathers, Severus Snape was the de facto godfather due to being in a relationship with Barty and Regulus.

They stopped at a spot, and sure enough the two rukhs his mother spoke about were there. They’re standing side by side, as if they are holding hands. He could see a bit of tremble in them, were they nervous?

His mother put him down, and the rukhs changed form into two people. A man and a woman. The woman was a beautiful woman with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes, they have the same eyes. The man was a tall, thin man with hazel eyes and untidy black hair that stuck up at the back, he was so similar to this guy.

There was some choked gasp or sobs amongst the people who knew his parents.

Especially Sirius and Remus.

Then it dawned on him so hard. He looked at his mother, asking for confirmation. She nodded with tears in her eyes. His mouth was slightly open in shock, he turned to them once again.

“Mum..? Dad..?” They both nodded with tears flowing down their faces. He braced himself along with his emotions before he ran into their arms. He didn’t phase through like he thought they were solid, he could touch them.

“Oh Harry,” His mum murmured in his hair, he could feel her tears, “My darling boy..”

“Oh Bambi,” His dad murmured as well, both of their tones were in sadness and relief. Sadness probably because they were gone, they weren’t able to raise him. Relief was because he grew up well.

His mother was merely on the side, smiling at them; happy that they were reunited even if it is like this.

The book closed again, and the Potter couple took it as a cue. When James and Lily appeared solid to them, Remus and Sirius immediately tackled them both crying. He looked at the Head Table and saw even Professor McGonagall was crying.

“Sev!” His mum cried out and jumped into his arms crying. And much to everyone’s surprise, the Potion Professor cried as well and hugged his mum just as tight.

“You don’t think that was weird?” Ron whispered to Harry.

“They’re childhood friends,” He shrugged. Once the hugfest was done, his dad shocked them all when he went to Professor McGonagall shouting;

“Minnie!” His dad hugged his old professor.

“How many time I told you not to call me that, Mr. Potter?” She sniffed as she accepted the hug.

“A million times and more…” He smirked, “Minnie,”

“10 points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter,”

“I graduated years ago!”

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: P.C9 – The Obsidian Keys


four more chapters before the actual Fairy Tail series uwu.

Chapter Text

“Harry-bear, eat more,” Lily told her son, “I know you are nervous about this but still, darling, eat,”

“Your mum’s right, bambi,” James frowned, of all the things he had to inherit from him, why this one that drove his friends insane? “You need to eat and calm your nerves,”

“But this is a bad chapter, Dad,” The parents grimaced, they know about it alright. They were there. The Indura, Chimera Indura, and the Sky Manta were all bad as hell as they were dangerous demons. Even Lullaby couldn’t hold a candle to them.

“CHAPTER 9: THE OBSIDIAN KEYS,” The book exclaimed, it made everyone worry. Based on the explanation before; Obsidian Keys were the Demon Keys, why are they collecting that?

They didn’t know what happened. It had been a year since Callisto had his biological parents around him, his mum and dad doted on him a lot. Mum and Mother got along really well.

His dad talks about Quidditch with him and about his job as an Auror; which apparently was their version of the Rune Knights.

“Magical Police,” Remus said for the sake of the muggleborns who aren’t aware. They nodded at their former professor.

They were simply walking around, training or finding some artifacts. But not this.

“It’s an Indura,” His mother frowned as his mum and dad shields him.

Indura, or Indura of Retribution, has a menacing and demonic appearance. Its body is covered in black, smoky flames that emanate from its body, giving it a dark and ominous aura.

The demon's body is massive and muscular, with additional limbs and features that make it appear more monstrous. It has a total of six arms, with four of them ending in sharp claws and two of them wielding large weapons. Its legs are similarly muscular and end in clawed feet. Its chest is broad and armored, with sharp spikes protruding from its shoulders.

The Indura of Retribution's face is particularly terrifying, with its eyes turning completely white and its mouth becoming twisted into a grotesque, tooth-filled grin. Its hair is long and flowing, adding to its demonic appearance.

Harry prayed that it wouldn't show, but it did. There were screams of fear, if they thought that the Gray and Red Demon were scary, this one is on a different level of fear.

“What is that!?” Ginny exclaimed in fear, as she turned and saw that most of them were pale in fear, their Boy-Who-Lived faced that and survived?

“The Chimera Indura is also here,” She frowned as he glanced at the said demon, but he almost exposed their spot by screaming.

The Chimera Indura is a more powerful and terrifying creature than the normal Indura. It is the result of fusing multiple demonic entities, including a demon and a beast, into a single monstrous form.

The Chimera Indura is a massive creature, with a body that is covered in thick, dark fur and armored plates. Its arms end in sharp claws, and it has a long, powerful tail that can be used as a weapon. Its head is a combination of demon and beast, with glowing red eyes and sharp fangs that protrude from its mouth.

Some of the firsties cried in fear, so much fear that some of the older years went to comfort them. Sirius and Remus went near the Potters, to feel their presence and be comforted at the sight of the three.

“Why the hell are you guys near them!” Seamus yelped in fear as he clung unto Dean.

“Mate…” Ron tugged both his and Hermoine’s sleeves, “I won’t complain about our adventures ever again,”

“How do you think I feel?” Harry raised an eyebrow as Hermoine merely sighed in exasperation.

“Lily, James, get Callisto out of here,” His mother told his parents with her back facing them, “I’ll handle them, just get to safety,”

“What about you?” His dad asked her, “You also have to get to safety!”

“It would take about a full week before anyone could be sent to destroy them, how many people would be dead by that time? Millions, and possibly half of the world,” She firmly said, “I have the power to stop them, and I will. Would it cost me? Yes, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take right now, so go,”

Harry was biting his lips so hard that it would bleed. He hates this year, his mother sacrificed most of her magic for this fight, that it left her with Celestial Magic only.

Lily and James felt guilty, they felt useless during that time, they had to protect their son, it was what Lucy wanted.

“MOTHER!” He shouted in terror as his ghost parents dragged him away. Even if they have no physical body, they were still strong enough to pull him away from the inevitable.

Her body glows a soft light, her entire battle attire changed into something more white, her hair was white as well. The armor of the battle gear is a combination of plated and chainmail armor made of enchanted metals, which would provide both flexibility and protection. She designed it perfectly, allowing for ease of movement while also offering the necessary coverage to protect her vital organs. The armor was reinforced with holy magic to enhance its defensive capabilities and protect against the dark powers of the demons.

The helm is crafted to provide his mother with maximum visibility while also offering protection for the head and face. It was decorated with intricate designs that symbolize holy magic, and also provide an intimidating presence for the demons. The helm is enchanted with protective spells and holy energy to shield her from demonic attacks.

The boots of the battle gear are made of a combination of leather and enchanted metals, designed to provide both protection and mobility. The soles of the boots are made of a special material that would allow her to traverse uneven terrain without slipping, and also help absorb shock from jumps and landings.

The primary weapon she had created for this gear is a longsword, infused with holy energy. The sword is crafted with a long, slender blade, which would be razor-sharp and able to slice through demonic flesh with ease. The hilt of the sword would be wrapped in leather to provide a secure grip, and also feature intricate designs that represent holy magic. The sword would be enchanted to enhance its destructive power against demons.

The name of this gear? Holy Harbinger.

“I aspire to be your mother,” Ginny determinedly said.

“I concur,” Daphne murmured next to her sister. Lily was simply nodding in agreement. She was the role model along with the rest of the ladies of Fairy Tail. She glanced at Regulus and saw the boy have his eyes widen in awe as he was tentatively listening to the book.

She smiled secretly at that. From what Sirius told her back then, Walburga was never fitted to be a mother. She was simply glad that Regulus had a chance to know what a family feels like. Especially to Mirajane who gave him the chance to know a motherly love, it was what he deserves.

Lucy may have accidentally pulled his soul to materialize, but there was no mistaking it; Regulus Arcturus Black was attached to Mirajane the most.

The book then switched back to a screen for everyone to see. They were horrified to see the destruction made by the demons, and even more so because Lucy was the only one facing them off.

“MOTHER!” He screamed in fright for her life.

Everyone’s heart almost broke at how frightened the boy sounds. Like he was about to see the first death in his life.

There was a loud roar from all directions, the demons were all gunning for Lucy at full speed. His mother leaped into the air, using her longsword to deflect all the attacks aimed at her.

She was cutting their arms quickly, but just as quick as she cut them off, they regenerated just as fast.

“What the f*ck..” Sirius gape in fear as they watch on.

Molly couldn’t even reprimand him for his language as she was also horrified by what they are watching currently.

Indura somehow got the upperhand and kicked his mother so hard that she slammed back to a mountain with great force. Callisto screamed in shock as he watched on, he wanted to join.

“I have to help her!” He screamed at his mum and dad as they held his back, “I have to help Mother!”

“You can’t!” His mum exclaimed, “Lucy told us to get you away from the fight! This is the best we can do!”

His mother was staggering as she stood back up. She held her Diamond and White Keys up in the sky and summoned all of them. Most of them are fighting the demons as well, but Hermes, Uriel, and Dionysus were beside them. Protecting them from any of the harmful miasma and other demonic energy.

“You can’t help, Cathy,” Dionysus told him, mispronouncing his name as always.

“He always mispronounces our names except Lucy,” James groaned, “I had to be called Jordan or Jason or Jamil most of the time!”

“He called me Linda or Lucille, they were too far from my name!” Lily sighed exasperated. They all agreed with one another, it was annoying and endearing at the same time. Even Regulus was tired of Dionysus’s bullsh*t, he was called Veggie or Vegeta for some reason like what the f*ck.

“What about you?” Ron asked, snickering.

“Cathy, Lissy, Thomas,” Harry groaned in exasperation.

“If it was me, I might have decked him in the face,” Sirius deadpanned. The guy might be God, but he was not gonna get away if he actually mispronounced or misspoke his name. It was the only thing he actually liked from his mum.

There were small laughs from that. And it got the intended purpose; lessening the tension.

"B-But–!" Callisto tried protesting. He tried getting out of his dad's hold but even as a soul, he was strong. His dad carried him off behind the runes Dionysus created. He kept protesting and protesting, up to the point that his mum had no choice but to knock him out.

Harry let out a small gasp, he was about to see what happened that day, he only knew the aftermath, but never what truly happened.

Lucy spit out the blood that bubbled her mouth, she looked over where her son and his biological parents were and saw them safe behind a god level rune for their protection. She smiled when she saw James knock their son unconscious. At least Callisto is safe, he won’t have to see these.

Her hand felt something metallic on the crate she had created on the ground. She looked at it and was surprised. It was never on the list for them to look for the Obsidian Keys, but who would have thought that the one thing that could help her hold them off is here.

On her right hand were the seven keys, on the other was a black dagger. The dagger itself is oozing with black magic.

Harry’s face fell, why did she have that? Was all that lecture about that dagger was just for his sake?

Of course it is.

Achilles nudged him with his snout for comfort. Draco and Ginny looked at him worriedly.

She threw the keys up in the air, “I am one who creates paths to the Black Realm!You must answer and pass through your gates!” The seven keys started to glow by the tip.

Seven magic circles and pillars surround her, shadows are appearing to each pillar, “Open! Gate of the Progenitors!”

She smiled slightly as she looked at each person.

Black: Wears a full butler attire with white gloves. He has black hair with a strand of red in the front.

Red: Has flowing crimson red hair and eyes.

Blue: She wears a deep-red maid outfit and has short blue hair and eyes.

Green: She wears a deep-red maid outfit and has long, curly green hair and eyes.

White: She has silver hair, snow-white skin, and red eyes.

Violet: She has purple hair with a ponytail on the side and yellow eyes.

Yellow: She has short blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Have you met them?” Hermoine asked him.

“No,” He simply answered.

Black bowed to her, “How do you do, Our Master?”

“None of that master bullsh*t,” She laughed, “Noir, that will be your name,”

She turned to Red, “You’re Rouge,”

“Bleu,” To Blue.

“Vert,” To Green.

“Violet,” To Violet, “Sorry for not changing it, but it made you unique than the others, darling,”

“It’s fine, my lady,” Violet nods.

“Jaune,” To Yellow. She looks at them all, “Those are your new names,”

Lucy winced as they took up magics as they all took their permanent forms.

“Can you summon them?” Remus asked Harry.

“He can’t,” James answered as he saw that his son wouldn’t be able to answer.

Somewhere in Tensura

“I wonder how my lady is?” A black haired man wondered. His master may be strong, but his aura and power was nothing compared to his lady. But maybe he is being biased.

Back at Hogwarts

“Are they too loyal to Lucy?” Sirius asked.

“They are,” Lily nodded. Even during that short time, the Seven Progenitors were scarily loyal as they are Daemons.

Everyone was holding onto one another as they anticipated what would happen next.

She pointed towards the sky where the demons are, “Do you see them? Distract them and keep them in the sky, this might be our last meeting until I could once more. But remember, you seven are still my friends. I do hope we meet each other again,”

“My lady,” Rouge muttered. She hoped that they could understand her. She was still their contractor, their friend. She will find the strength to bring them back to her side.

“Distract and keep them in the sky, just until I have time to destroy them, please,” The seven looked at one another and gave her their final bow of the moment.

“As our lady wishes,” Violet was the first one to go and jumped into the fight with the others following in.

Lucy smiled bitterly, then used the black dagger to cut her palm open, “I am the vessel of light and dark, I am asking for thy help. I who opened both Life and Death with open arms sacrifice my heart, the majority of my magic,”

There were gasps of shock as they heard her chant. Particularly the Potters.

“NO!” Harry shouted in shock. His parents were holding him off.

“Mate,” Ron looked at him worriedly, and so were the others.

“Prongs, Lils,” Sirius called for the couple, “What the bloody hell is going on?”

“Black Magic,” James grimaced as Lily comforted their son, “She basically ripping her heart out into pieces, because in Earthland. Your heart is essentially your magic and life. That ritual is going to leave her with two magic and the basics,”

“Is it bad for her?” Remus asked worriedly.

“Somewhat, but Lucy could manage,” James said.

Save the world from this evil, giving everlasting protection, protection that he deserves as my son,” The blood from her palm had risen and wrapped itself in the blade. She took a hold of the handle with both hands, raised it above her head. Her hands were trembling.

“No!” She could hear Zeus shout in terror as they all realized what she was about to do. They couldn’t stop her, they knew that. They wouldn’t be able to see each other in a long time after this.

“Grand Purification,” She stabbed herself through the heart with the blade.

And everything went white.

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: Lunch


im back ig???

Chapter Text

Everyone was quiet, too quiet. Then a sob was heard. They turned to the source and saw that it was Harry himself. James and Lily were quick to get him out of the Great Hall to calm him down. Everyone glanced at the trio with sympathy.

Dumbledore clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention, “Alright everyone, we will be having a few moments of rest, then we will have our lunch to fill our bellies. Come you go now,”

Everyone was hesitant, as the Ministry Officials went with the Professors for a talk. Remus and Sirius immediately went to look for the Potters. Harry’s friends were stopped to give the family some space. They had just read about his mother sacrificing the majority of her magic to save the world, to protect him.

“Poor Harry,” Lavender frowned, feeling sympathetic to their friend.

“I can't imagine how he feels,” Ron frowned, “His mother practically sacrificed most of her magic,”

“I just want to go out there and hug him,” Hermione said, “I know he has his family…”

“But we were around him for so long that you wish it was us comforting him?” Ron continued her words. She nodded, Ron smiled bitterly, “I understood that, Mione. But you gotta understand that Harry didn't even know that, he was knocked out, remember?”

Outside of the Great Hall, they were just by the stairs as they couldn't get out of the castle itself. Lily was holding onto her son as he cried.

“There, there Harry, it's alright. Lucy has been fine, remember?” She patted his back.

Their son was still sobbing from the fate his own blood-adopted mother gave herself too. Lucy Heartfilia was clumsy with her emotions, there are times she would act like nothing is going on. But she cares, and her sacrificing most of her magic was the proof of it.

Lily held Harry tightly, gently rocking him back and forth as he continued to cry. She felt a mix of emotions herself—relief that Harry was safe, grief for the sacrifice Lucy had made, and a deep sense of gratitude towards her. Lucy had become a beloved member of their family, and her selflessness had touched them all.

James stood beside Lily, his own eyes filled with tears. He reached out and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, offering silent support. Remus and Sirius approached, their expressions filled with concern and love for their godson.

"We're here for you, Harry," Remus said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "We're all here for you."

Sirius nodded, his voice choked with emotion. "You're not alone, pup. We're your family, and we'll always be by your side."

Harry sniffled and looked up at them, his green eyes puffy and red. "I miss her, Mum. Why did she have to do it?"

Lily sighed, her heart aching for her son. "Lucy did it because she loved you, Harry. She wanted to protect you and everyone else. She made a brave and selfless choice."

Remus added, "And she knew you would be safe with us, with your family. She had faith in all of us."

Harry wiped his tears and nodded, taking comfort in their words. He knew deep down that his mother had made the ultimate sacrifice out of love, and he was grateful for the family he had. He knew he wasn't alone in his grief. She wasn’t dead that’s for sure, but those magics has been a constant part of her, and she sacrificed it for his sake.

Meanwhile, inside the Great Hall, the Ministry officials and professors had gathered to discuss the events that had unfolded. They were deep in conversation, trying to make sense of everything that had happened and determine the next course of action.

Dumbledore, still standing at the front of the hall, surveyed the somber atmosphere. He knew the weight of the sacrifices made and the impact they would have on Harry and the wizarding world, it opened their eyes to the things they almost would never know. After a few moments, he raised his hands once again to get everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for your patience and understanding," Dumbledore began, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "Let us take a moment to rest and gather our strength. Lunch will be served shortly, and we shall find solace in each other's company."

The students and faculty exchanged glances, finding comfort in Dumbledore's words. Slowly, they began to disperse, moving towards the tables to find a seat and share a meal together.

Back outside, the Potters and their closest friends stood united, their bond stronger than ever. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they had each other to lean on.

As Harry wiped away his tears, he felt a renewed determination burning within him. He would honor the sacrifices made for him and fight for a world where love and courage triumphed over darkness. With his family and friends by his side, he knew he could face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would forge a brighter future.

“Feeling better, sweetie?” Lily asked her son.

“Harry nodded, “Yeah, I think so,”

Lily smiled softly at her son, relieved to see a glimmer of hope in his eyes. She brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead and said, "We're here for you, Harry. Always remember that. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Harry nodded, feeling the love and support from his family and friends enveloping him. He knew he couldn't dwell in sorrow forever. Lucy's sacrifice had given him a renewed purpose, a reason to keep fighting. He would carry her memory in his heart and make sure her sacrifice was not in vain.

Taking a deep breath, Harry straightened his posture and wiped away the last traces of tears. He looked at Remus, Sirius, and his friends, Ron and Hermione, who stood beside him. They all shared a determined expression, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

"Let's go back inside," Harry said, his voice filled with newfound strength. "If I remembered right, Mother’s backstory would be read next,"

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: P.C10 – Story of the Undying Star


longest chapter yet? maybe.

Chapter Text

“Are you okay to continue?” Ginny whispered to him, as soon as he went back to their seats.

Harry nodded as his parents sat on either side of him.

“CHAPTER 10: STORY OF THE UNDYING STAR,” The book exclaimed, it made everyone look confused, because throughout their readings the term “Undying Star” was never mentioned.

“Could it be referring to Lady Heartfilia?” Narcissa pointed out, “She is after all a Celestial Spirit Mage,”

“Could be,” Lucius agreed with his wife. After all, it was a logical reasoning. And Narcissa is always right.

It had been a week since that event. During that time Callisto and Lucy were both unconscious. Well, Callisto was. Lucy woke up two days later.

“Lucy!” Lily called to her in worry as she saw the blonde who was covered in bandages from head to toe walking about. The blonde ignored the spirit as she kept moving. Taurus was called for.

“Moo~ Ms. Lucy, you are not well enough to summon me!” The cow spirit was looking at his contractor and friend in worry.

Lucy gave him a small smile, “It’s alright, Taurus,” She gave the cow a box, “Give this to Aquarius and tell her to keep it safe for me,”

Lily and James gasp from the sides. From the magic alone, the box was where all of her precious keys were.

There were gasps all around the Great Hall as well.

“Those.. Those were her friends..!” A student from Durmstrung gasps.

“She did sacrifice most of her magic, remember? She might not be able to use most of them at all,” Someone pointed out.

There were some that winced, they did forget about it.

There were tears falling down in her face as she looked at Taurus, void of emotions, “Please, until I gather enough strength. Take care of them for me. Please tell Andromeda and the others that I will see them soon,”

“What about you?” The spirit asked without his usual eccentricity.

Lucy chuckled dryly, “I won’t be able to use my magic for a month because it is unbalanced, but I’ll be fine. I can fight without magic,”

They were all quiet for some time before Taurus decided to heed her words and went back to the Spirit Realm.

And that was five days ago.

Harry and the others gulped. They had heard this story before, they didn’t think that they would hear it again. And this time, around other people. The third entity hadn’t heard of this since he came two months before they were in Hargeon and met Natsu and Happy, so this intrigued him.

“Mother..!” Callisto cried out as he entered her tent. The poor child was already crying in his arms. Lily and James were following him.

“How are you feeling, Lucy?” Lily asked. Her and her husband were both solid despite the lack of magic on Lucy’s part.

“I feel great, like really,” Lucy gave them an assuring smile.

“Are you sure?” James asked the young girl worriedly, “We still can stay here for a bit before moving, I'm sure there's a nearby town down to south,”

Lily immediately agreed, “That’s right! We could stay in an inn until you are well enough,”

Lucy laugh, waving their concerns off, “I’m being honest, Lily, I’m fine,”

Lucy's cheerful demeanor put her parents at ease, but they couldn't help but remain concerned for her, she was after all the third person of their son, of course they had every right to be worried.

The Potters shared a grin between one another.

“Lucy’s an honorary Potter at this point,” James pointed out to his friends, smiling happily.

Sirius and Remus didn’t even refute because they were just happy to have both James and Lily back.

Callisto, with his striking green eyes and unruly black hair, held Lucy tightly. He had always been particularly protective of her, a trait that seemed to intensify since Lucy had him knocked unconscious and he had felt her magic. He glanced at his parents, his young face etched with worry.

Indeed, Lily nodded to herself, Harry's inherited magical sensitivity had intensified when he was blood-adopted by Lucy. Harry had originally inherited that from her. She and James onced questioned Lucy about it.

Lucy told her that magical sensitivity isn’t something that you could easily train into someone. Once a person was born with it, the only thing for them to do is to familiarize themselves with different feelings of magic in people, objects, and surroundings.

Lucy's explanation had shed light on the nature of magical sensitivity. It wasn't a skill that could be taught or learned but rather an innate ability that some individuals possessed. Harry, through his blood-adoption with Lucy, had made this trait more useful than most people would think.

“Don't worry, Lily and James,” Lucy said, addressing their concerns. “I'm not sure how, but I just feel... different. I can't explain it, but I don't think I need any more rest. I want to get back on the road with you. I have this strange feeling that we're going to meet someone soon,”

“The bright star of the lion,” Luna airily said as everyone looked at her weirdly except the very people who understood.

“Man, my goddaughter is very smart,” The third entity smugly said.

Lily exchanged a knowing look with her husband. They knew better than to brush off what she would say. But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t look out for her.

James finally nodded, his concern still visible in his eyes. "Alright, Lucy. If you feel up to it, we'll continue our journey. But promise us that if you start feeling unwell again, you'll let us know immediately."

Lucy smiled and nodded, appreciating their support. "I promise. I'll be careful."

Everyone looked at one another, where was the story the title said?

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape, the family found a suitable spot to set up camp for the night. They had learned to be efficient in making their temporary homes, having become seasoned travelers on their quest.

With a fire crackling and the scent of a hearty meal filling the air, they gathered around. The warmth of the flames and the comforting presence of their family members created a sense of security in the midst of an uncertain world.

But Callisto felt that his mother was still tense. Her unbalanced magic seems unsure.. Frightful.

Harry’s breath hitched. This was it.

“Mother.. Is everything alright?” Callisto felt the need to ask. Lucy turned to look at him, her eyes were sad and resigned. Both his mum and dad stopped talking as they looked at the blonde as well.

Lucy's sad and resigned expression did not go unnoticed by her family. Her magical abilities, once powerful and vibrant, had become increasingly unpredictable and unsteady. The uncertainty of her own magic had become a source of concern, not only for herself but for her loved ones as well.

Callisto's concern for his mother was evident in his voice as he questioned her. His mother had always been a symbol of strength and resilience for him, and seeing her this way troubled him deeply.

Lucy sighed and reached out to hold her son's hand, her touch imbued with a gentle warmth that was unique to her. "Callisto, my little star," she then looked at his parents, “Lily and James… What I am about to tell you is dark.. My past… And it shall be the base of your decision on whether Harry, your son, should still stay with me or not,”

“What?” Hannah blurted out, “What does that mean?”

Harry was tight-lipped. This was the hardest part of his mother’s life. The part she wished she could forget. But fate could be cruel, it will always be part of his mother.

Lily and James exchanged a concerned look, the gravity of Lucy's words hanging heavily in the air. They had always been a family bound by trust and love, and now, they were facing a moment of truth.

Lucy continued, her voice tinged with a mix of regret and determination. "Before we continue our journey, I need to reveal a part of my past that I've kept hidden for a long time. It's a story that's tied to my magical abilities and should his existence be known, Harry as well."

She took a deep breath, and the fire crackled in response, casting dancing shadows on her face. "I wasn't always who I am today. A long time ago, I was born into a family. A family that ruled all. We were born ruthless, emotions were nothing but weakness. Victory and Conquer, that’s what matters the most,"

Lily and James listened in silence, their eyes never leaving Lucy as she unraveled the secrets of her past.

Lucy continued, her voice carrying the weight of her history. "My family had always sought power at any cost. We were raised to value ambition above all else, even if it meant resorting to dark and forbidden magic. I was born for the purpose of making my father stand out amongst humans like a god."

Harry gritted his teeth. The very mention of his mother’s biological father makes his blood boil like no other. Along with her aunt. If he had ever seen that woman, it was on sight.

The Slytherin house looked at one another. “Raised to value ambition above all else”, wasn’t that aimed for them as well?

“What family were you born to?” James asked. He desperately wished it wasn’t like the Black Family from Earth. They were the worst, especially Walburga Black.

“The Ren Imperial Family,” That made them gasp.

Callisto could vaguely remember that name. It was first mentioned when he first found out his real name. Ren.

“My real name was Xiaomei Ren,” His mother’s name was blank, her eyes lost its shine, “And I was the Princess Imperial of the Kou Empire,”

“Princess Imperial means that she’s the first born daughter, the eldest princess,” Hermione said, as if giving out information was normal. But it was helpful, not many people knew what it meant.

The Kou Empire was founded on a brutal foundation, where power was wrested from the hands of weaker rulers through cunning and conquest. Its early emperors, driven by a hunger for supremacy, expanded their territory through relentless warfare, leaving countless bloodied battlefields in their wake. The prevailing motto was "Victory and Conquer," a mantra that would come to define the empire.

One of the darkest rumors surrounding the Kou Empire revolves around the Ren Imperial Family. It is whispered that the children of the Ren lineage are raised in an environment of constant power struggle, with siblings pitted against each other in a deadly competition for the throne. The notion that fratricide is not only accepted but encouraged has led to a grim reputation that has persisted through generations.

“Not even my family is that bad!” Sirius exclaimed in horror as almost everyone looked sick. Narcisa was inclined to agree, the Blacks weren’t even that bad; you disagree with everything they built on; you get burnt on the tapestry. Crucio here and there on Sirius’s and Regulus’s part and getting married to people your parents agreed too, but that’s it!

The thought of killing her sisters, especially her disowned sister, made her sick.

“They… kill their siblings?” Ron was so pale that his freckles stood out. He came from a very large family, the thought of siblings killing each other sickens them. And frankly, the entire Weasley family was sick to their stomachs at that thought.

Moreso to Arthur and Molly, they love their children so much. The thought of their precious children killing each other made their stomachs turn. Molly pulled her children near her, and Arthur had their eldest three.

Harry, seeing their reaction, could only grimaced, “She killed three sisters and five brothers,”

Everyone looked sick.

The Kou Empire's obsession with conquest has been the driving force behind its meteoric rise to power. Its military campaigns have been relentless and its rulers unforgiving in their pursuit of new territories. Victory is celebrated above all else, and the act of conquering is considered the ultimate triumph. This philosophy has shaped the empire's society, with every citizen indoctrinated with the idea that dominance is the highest virtue.

Callisto's mind wandered back to a particular legend he had come across in his readings about the Kou Empire. It was the story of the Princess Imperial, initially revered as the "Undying Star of the Empire." This enigmatic figure was a central part of the empire's history and held a reputation as a symbol of both awe and dread.

The "Undying Star of the Empire" was celebrated for her exceptional prowess in both politics and warfare. She was known for her unmatched intelligence and cunning, skills that had allowed her to navigate the treacherous waters of the imperial court. Her rise to power was nothing short of remarkable, and her ambition was equaled only by her ruthlessness. It was said that she had crushed any opposition with a swift and merciless hand, and her influence over the empire was absolute. And she was a mere child back then, aged five.

However, as the years passed, she was nine, and her rule continued, the "Undying Star" began to earn a more ominous title – the "Tyrant Princess." Her actions and decisions, while maintaining the empire's supremacy, became increasingly draconian. Her pursuit of power seemed boundless, and her conquests grew more brutal. The rumors held that her heart had grown cold and unfeeling, focused solely on her insatiable desire for control.

Then in the same year, she went missing; reportedly dead.

“Merlin,” Professor McGonagall gasped in horror, as she turned to the three Potters, “Please don’t tell me that when she had used up her purpose they got rid of her!”

“You’ll see, Professor,” Lily told her old Head of House, “There’s more to that story,”

“She was nine!?” Professor Flitwick gasped in horror.

“Didn’t she mention herself as an Imperial Princess before?” Theo asked, “When that disgusting pig titled Baron made her mad!?”

“Suddenly, a lot of things make sense,” Blaise grimaced.

“People thought that being born in an imperial family is luxurious..” She then gave a bitter smile, “Only for the first few years of your life,”

All of them were quiet, waiting for her to speak with baited breath, “I was two when my father began to go power crazy… He removed me from the care of my own mother. I was poisoned, beaten, and experimented on,”

There were some green faces in the crowd, even the professors.

“E-experiment?” Lily stuttered in her words. Lucy doesn’t have any expression in her eyes, and her face.

For Callisto, it is all wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

“Different magics were put into me in hopes of making a biological weapon,” She said blankly, “It is why I had a lot of magic. I wasn’t born with them, they were put on me; I was just born with a body that is able to take a lot of magic,”

“But wouldn’t–”

Lucy nodded at James’s implications, “People with that body tend to be used as a source of power…”

“My full blooded brother, Kouen, was then born,”

Lily, still struggling to come to terms with the horrors this girl, who she had come to see as a younger sister, had endured, could only whisper, "Oh, Lucy..."

Callisto felt a growing rage deep within him. His mother's story was a profound injustice, and the thought that such atrocities had been committed against her made him sick to his stomach. He clenched his fists, feeling a seething anger toward those responsible for her suffering.

James, his voice heavy with concern and sorrow, said, "Kouen Ren... That sounds familiar."

Lucy nodded, her eyes regaining a glimmer of emotion. "Kouen was younger than I by two years, he was raised with love and affection from our father. But I could never hate him, even when my mother was thrown into the Cold Palace, he and my mother were my only anchor to sanity."

No one had said any words for a while, Harry wondered if some of them had fainted already. He looked around and saw some were huddling together to see comfort in one another. His parents moved to be with their remaining friends.

His friends moved closer to him as well, offering some comfort to him. It was appreciated, really.

Lucy's continued revelation painted a tragic picture of her family's dynamics and the stark differences in treatment between her and her full-blooded brother, Kouen. The stark contrast in their upbringing was a testament to the cruelty and brutality of the Kou Empire's imperial family.

James’s mind then wandered to his best friend. Sirius. It was somehow similar, similar to the point that it was painful. Lucy didn’t have her own James to run to. She didn’t have a safe place. Her mother was taken from her.

Sirius smiled sadly as he took a hold of James’s hand. It was true. The Potters had been his true home. His only regret was not bringing Regulus with him, then maybe; Regulus would still be alive. His brother was barely an adult when he died, and he wasn’t there to protect him.

The third entity looked at Sirius, as he was still invisible to everyone else. He knew what he was thinking. It had been his choice to not get help.

Severus looked pained, he had remembered his lovers. Both of them. How he lost them due to bad decisions on their parts. But who could even save them back then? They were Slytherins, aside from Barty who was a Ravenclaw, no one would help them but themselves. He lost Regulus first, then Barty.

Oh how he missed them both.

Lily's heart ached for Lucy as she whispered, "I can't even imagine what you went through, Lucy, and to have such a bond with your younger brother despite all of it... You're incredibly strong."

Callisto's seething anger had transformed into a profound respect and admiration for his mother's resilience. Her ability to maintain love for her brother, despite the unfathomable suffering she had endured, spoke volumes about her character.

James, though still heavy-hearted, realized that Lucy's connection with Kouen might still be the only thing that is keeping her heart close to the empire that caused her so much suffering. "Lucy, does Kouen know about the experiments and the extent of your suffering?"

Lucy shook her head, “He only knew about me being sent to expeditions and wars,”

All of them were silent as they all listened to her once more. She had a lovely smile on her face, “I gained a lot of power, political and social wise; along with magic during those. But protecting the people of the empire, my mother, and Kouen was another part of my driving force,”

“You remember telling you about djinns, right?” The three nodded, “I had collected a lot of them, I had kept it buried about 20 feet below the manor,”

“Why though?” James couldn’t help but to ask.

“Why didn’t the book explain what it is?” Ginny asked, “It usually explain it to us,”

“Maybe it isn’t relevant for now?” Harry pointed out, “Mother hadn’t used djinns around me. This was the first and last time she had mentioned it,”

“Are they scary powerful?” Hermione asked, “What’s the level of danger?”

“Depends if it’s a dark djinn of not,” Harry said, “But I had never seen it in action, like Mother said, she had buried it,”

“Djinns are powerful,” She said, “On the wrong hands, it could cause catastrophe, I buried it to make sure it wouldn’t be used by anyone but me,”

“You’ve hid it behind blood wards,” Lily said.

Lucy nodded, “That and other runes that can’t be broken,”

Even the thought of such power hidden beneath their feet left the family in a contemplative silence. Lucy's actions, driven by a deep sense of responsibility and a desire to protect, showcased a resilience and strength that transcended the scars of her past.

Lily's admiration for Lucy deepened, and she whispered, "You've carried so much weight on your shoulders, Lucy. The sacrifices you've made for the sake of others... it's beyond admirable."

Callisto, still grappling with the newfound knowledge, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his mother. Her story, though dark and painful, painted a portrait of strength and determination that inspired him.

“She looked so small during that talk,” Lily almost sobbed as she remembered the girl, of how small she was making herself to be; like she was afraid of the rejection that would follow.

Callisto's concern deepened as he observed his mother's sudden shift in demeanor. The strength and resilience she had exhibited moments ago seemed to falter, replaced by an overwhelming sorrow that cast a shadow over her features.

"Mother...?" Callisto's voice carried a mix of worry and compassion. His mother's pain was palpable, and he wanted to offer her whatever comfort he could.

Lucy, momentarily lost in the echoes of her past, slowly returned her gaze to her son. Her eyes, once filled with determination, now held a haunting sadness. She managed a weak smile, an attempt to reassure him, but it did little to mask the turmoil within.

“I am willing to murder anyone for her, Merlin,” Narcissa murmured next to her husband. She had always wanted a daughter, she wished to have a daughter like Lucy.

"I'm sorry, Callisto," Lucy whispered, her voice carrying the weight of a thousand memories. "Some wounds run deep, and the past has a way of resurfacing when you least expect it."

Lily and James exchanged concerned glances, recognizing the fragility beneath Lucy's resilient exterior. Lily spoke softly, "Lucy, you've been through so much. It's okay to share your burdens with us. We're here for you."

Lucy nodded appreciatively but didn't immediately respond. The pain etched on her face hinted at layers of suffering that extended beyond the words she had already shared. The journey through her past had stirred emotions that were, perhaps, best left untouched.

Callisto, feeling a mixture of empathy and helplessness, approached his mother and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "We're with you, Mom. Whatever you need, we're here."

But when the Potters surrounded her and hugged her filled with comfort, Lucy couldn’t stop her tears and she just let it all out, “Thank you…”

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: P.C11 – The Amethyst Keys


We're nearing season 1 of Fairy Tail :) just one more chapter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a brief break. Harry could see on one corner that the women in the hall were talking about taking care of his mother. He could only sigh as he saw Mrs. Weasley was leading the conversation, even Lady Malfoy is part of that conversation, Merlin.

“Are you okay, Harry?” Ginny got his attention. She was looking at him with worry, at the corner of his eyes; he could see Malfoy (Draco) talking with his father.

Harry gave the youngest Weasley a soft smile, “I’ll be okay, Ginny,”

She looked at him, not believing him for a moment, “Are you sure? We could get your mum and dad.”

Harry laughed for a bit, “I’m sure, Gin,”

“CHAPTER 11: THE AMETHYST KEYS,” Harry made a face. So much for keeping that a secret. Some of them are gonna be pissed off at him for lying.

Callisto hasn’t let go of his mother at all since she had told them her story. It was understandable, of course. His mum and dad had also kept an eye on them; considering that his mother is still weak from the previous battle, her magic is still unstable for the most part, hence they have been doing all the work.

“It’s a great exercise too!” Callisto reasoned out (lied) when his mother offered to help them during the time their camp was almost ambushed by idiot bandits.

His mother made a face at the poorly made excuse. Of course she wouldn’t believe them, she was used to being the one in the frontlines. The shield. Of course it was a bit jarring for her at first.

“You suck at lying,”


Then Callisto had a brilliant idea.

“Harry!” Hermoine and Ron groaned in exasperation. Harry cringed, while Sirius, Remus, and Lily looked at Potter Sr with the same exasperation the 2 out of 3 golden trio had with Potter Jr.

Now listen, his dad approved of his idea.

“Your idea sucks! What were you thinking!?” Both Hermione and Remus scolded the father and son duo (But Remus was scolding James with the ; “How could you pass this trait onto our cub, Prongs!? Are you going stupid!?”)

Both Potter men made noises of disagreement with their so-called harsh treatment. Bright brown eyes and light gray eyes looked at their fated with amusem*nt, which went unnoticed by all. Lily was smirking, but her eyes were filled with fondness and amusem*nt for her husband and son.

He had his dad convince his mum and mother that he would be away for a week to do some treasure hunting, while it is not an unusual behavior from him, but it was weird for him to leave his mother’s side in her weakened state.

It was hard, but he had to. He had to make sure that the rumors were real.

There were nineteen amethyst keys at a Lake Catacomb northeast from where they are currently at. He has to get it, in addition to new friends, he has extra power-ups in dire situations.


Then everyone looked at Harry, who suddenly decided that the floor looked interesting.

“Harry.” Hermione’s voice was clipped. Oh hell.

“What did I do?” He “innocently” asked her.

“Did.. Did you just lie to us about not being able to use Spirit Keys?”

“Nooooo..?” He didn’t look at her.

Stareeeeeeeeee (a/n:like those anime effect lmao)


So here he is. In the Waas Forest, in the far north of Fiore, alone, looking for the Lake.

In the northernmost reaches of the kingdom of Fiore, where the frost-kissed winds howl through the ancient trees, lies a place shrouded in mystery and whispered tales—the Forgotten Forest of Waas.

Legend has it that Waas Forest was once a sanctuary of unparalleled beauty, where magic flowed like a river through the emerald canopy and the creatures that called it home lived in harmony. But as time marched on and kingdoms rose and fell, Waas Forest faded from memory, earning its moniker as the Forgotten Forest.

But the reason why it was called the Forgotten Forest was because people who dared to venture inside seemed to forget their sense of time, and eventually forget their own identity and the reason why they are here.

“WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU THERE THEN!?” Harry cringed away from Ginny when she shrieked like that.

But the most important landmark of this forest was the Lake. Legends whispered of the Lake's origins, saying it was born from the tears of a goddess mourning the loss of her beloved. Others claimed it was the resting place of a powerful artifact, its depths concealing untold treasures and unspeakable dangers.

But at the bottom of that Lake was a small chest. It was a chest filled Amethyst Keys, better known as the Hidden Keys of the Celestial Realm.

“Have you been to the Celestial Realm?” A small first year in Hufflepuff asked.

Harry and his parents shook their heads. “But from what I know, a day there is about 3 months in the human realm,”

“T-Three months!?”

Callisto stiffen as he felt someone staring at him, he took a deep breath as he took out his wand from its holster (made with Draco’s scales mind you); point it to the ground and spun in a circle and said, “Bestias Occultas Invenire. Probos et Perversos Detegere,”

[Find Hidden Beasts. Uncover the Righteous and the Wicked]

“From the same book?”

“Same book,”

“Quite a useful spell,” Flitwick hummed as he jotted down the spell.

“Indeed,” Minerva nodded in agreement. She had a soft smile on her face, truly understanding how advanced her lion was. She supposed that she could let the boy be a child. It was what his parents wanted after all.

Right before Callisto’s eyes, he could see all the red and green auras around him. There are about thirteen monsters surrounding him, waiting to pounce at him. Callisto smiled, at the mere age of 7, he knew how to fight with swords really well.

He was a son of a Heiress, learning self-defense is a must. But Heartfilias tend to go overboard in terms of education, since at its core; the family is a merchant and scholar line. There was also a fact that they are the only branch family of an imperial family; they were just that loaded with resources.

Everyone, I mean everyone, looked at Harry Potter, as if there was a big light behind him; but that light is gold. And gold means money.

“They were scholars?” Daphne asked, intrigued by the information.

“Mhm,” Harry nodded, “The family tends to produce scholars, if not there are merchants. If memory serves right, Grandpa’s Great Aunt was a merchant and her husband was a scholar,”

“Harry was taught to be both,” Lily gave her input in the conversation, “But Harry had prefer going on “adventures”, and it was agreed that if Lucy ever had biological children of her own, they would either go that path or the path of being a mage,”

“Is being a mage different from the ones here?” Padma asked.

“It is,” James nodded, “Mages from Earthland have Guilds, which help them earn money. But it’s really different and depends on you. But doing jobs are what gives them a living,”

Harry nodded, “Yeah! And it’s really fun!”

“It is fun, until you remember you’re part of Team Natsu,” Lily sighed, causing the three other people that knew what she was talking about to laugh.

While those who didn’t know what they were talking about looked at each other in confusion.

Callisto channeled his magic towards his wand as it changed form into a sword. It was amazing, from the Olympus Wood to a Celestial Bronze sword with Celestial Diamond on the handle. Celestial Bronze was a metal made in the God Realm, whereas Celestial Diamond is an exotic jewel from the White Realm.

“If anyone ask, you really, really need to be favored by the two realms to have it,” Harry said, “If you don’t remember, Mother was the one who gave it to me,”

Blaise sighed dejectedly. The book then changed into a screen once more.

As the monsters lunged towards him with ferocious intent, Callisto's training kicked in with instinctual precision. With a fluid motion, he parried the first strike, the celestial bronze blade of his sword gleaming in the dim light filtering through the forest canopy.

“HOLY sh*t!” Charlie and Bill, and some others exclaimed in shock.

Lily had a hand over where her unbeaten heart was. It was only her being dead that made it fortunate that she wouldn’t get a heart attack from this.

With each swing and thrust, Callisto danced amidst the onslaught, his movements a graceful symphony of skill and determination. His celestial sword sliced through the air, striking true against the monstrous creatures that dared to challenge him.

The forest echoed with the clash of steel and the roars of the beasts as Callisto fought with the courage of a seasoned warrior, his young heart aflame with the desire to protect himself and those he held dear.

Despite their numbers, the monsters were no match for Callisto's prowess. One by one, they fell before him, their red auras flickering and fading into nothingness as their bodies crumbled to the forest floor.

Some of the younger students couldn’t help but to squeak at the sight of the dead bodies of the monsters Harry had killed at the mere age of seven. But at the same time, the older years and the adults were amazed, to think a small child was this strong.

Umbridge scowled as she saw the positive attention Harry was getting. That attention seeking brat should not be getting this attention! How infuriating! (a/n: I had it on Merlin’s left tit*, that Umbitch hates Harry since coming out as the Fourth Champion.)

But just as Callisto thought he had emerged victorious, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending a chill down his spine. From the shadows emerged a creature unlike any he had ever seen—a towering beast with eyes that burned like embers and claws that glinted with deadly intent.

Callisto squared his shoulders and tightened his grip on his sword, steeling himself for the battle that lay ahead. For he knew that this would be his greatest challenge yet—a test of strength, courage, and the will to survive in the face of unimaginable danger.

With a defiant roar, he launched himself forward, his sword held high as he prepared to face whatever darkness awaited him in the depths of the Forgotten Forest of Waas.

Then the screen turned into a book again.

Callisto sighed in relief as he managed to kill the last one. It was an A-Class demon, it was just fortunate that he was quicker than the demon, so he was able to kill it immediately.

He ventured deeper into the forest, and he finally found the Lake. He was surprised to find the Lake clean from the miasma of the forest, it was beautiful.

“Shall I go look now?” He grinned to himself.

As he looks for them, Callisto tries to remember what was special about the Amethyst Keys.

From what he could remember, keys in the same place tend to choose a “leader”. Meaning, which group these nineteen keys are; there was bound to be a leader. Which is the key that is on the top of the pile. The pile wouldn’t be changed, at all, as it was locked in place with a spell.

“That’s convenient,” Sirius hummed.

“I wonder who’s the leader though,” A Ravenclaw wondered, as she and her friends had written the list of the constellations.

Callisto smiled as he finally saw it at the very bottom of the Lake. Turning his sword back to its original state, using the Dolphin’s Grace and Bubble Head Charm, he dove down.

“Dolphin’s Grace?” Filius asked.

[a/n: yes, its from Minecraft]

“It makes you swim really fast,”

There was a metal box, he quickly took it and brought it out. Callisto noted how the water has a cleansing effect on the body, with one arm around the metal box, he used his free hand to take a bottle of the water.

He secured the bottle and resurfaced. He used his wand to inspect which spell had been used for the box. It took a while, but it was easy to get out. On the very top was a constellation he is very familiar with.

The Hunter, Orion.

Sirius and Regulus(who is still not revealed to everyone) made faces. Sirius because it was the name of their father. Regulus because while one part is the same reason as his older brother, but also the fact that Orion was too “chivalrous” for his taste.

The book changed again.

Taking the key in his hand, he stood up and took a deep breath, remembering the exact words his Mother used when she made contracts, “I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Hunter! Orion!”

A loud bell sound could be heard.

Orion, in human guise, embodies the essence of a noble and fierce hunter. With a strong and imposing stature, he exudes an aura of confidence and strength. His hair, the color of midnight, frames a rugged yet handsome visage. Eyes, sharp and keen, hold a gaze that reflects determination and resolve. Adorned in attire reminiscent of celestial constellations, Orion epitomizes the essence of the Hunter. His presence commands respect and instills a sense of awe, like a beacon guiding travelers through the cosmic wilderness.

Everyone was in awe. He looks majestic. Regulus was making fake barf noises, he did not like Orion.

Callisto and Orion had a stare off. Waiting for one another to speak. He could feel the spirit evaluating him. After a moment of intense silence, Orion's piercing gaze softened, and a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With a voice like thunder rolling across the heavens, he spoke, his words carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom and experience.

"Young one," Orion's voice resonated with a deep, reverberating timbre, "you stand before me with the key to unlock the gate to my realm. Before anything else; your magic felt familiar to us Celestial Spirit, who is your parent?”

Callisto softly smiled as a brief image of his mother flew through his head, “Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia,”

Orion's eyes twinkled with recognition at the mention of Lucy Heartfilia's name, a name that resonated throughout the celestial realm with reverence and admiration.

"Lucy Heartfilia," Orion mused, his voice carrying a note of respect, "A name known far and wide, a woman who was praised all over the realm for her kindness. You are indeed worthy of bearing her name, young Callisto."

“Is she that well known in their realm?” Terry Boot asked.

Harry nodded, “Most of Celestial Mages treat their spirits as tools, as shield, but there are rare ones like Mother that treat them like friends and fight alongside them,”

With a solemn nod, Orion extended his hand towards Callisto, a gesture of acceptance and camaraderie. "I, Orion, Hunter of the Celestial Spirits, do hereby pledge my allegiance to you, young Callisto Heartfilia. Together, we shall embark on a journey of discovery and adventure, traversing the realms of both the mortal world and the celestial plane."

“The bloke is too formal,” Someone said as they made faces.

Callisto's heart swelled with pride and gratitude as he clasped Orion's hand in his own, a bond forged in the fires of destiny and fate, “Let’s all be friends from here on out, Orion,”

Orion let out a belly laugh, “Of course, young one,” Then disappeared like stardust in front of him.

He looked out over the tranquil waters of the Lake, a sense of peace washed over him, like the gentle caress of a breeze on a summer's eve. For in that moment, he knew that his life would about to get more interesting than he would ever anticipated.



Family | HP x FT - omniseggsual - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.