Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (2024)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents What’s great about this recipe What does this recipe for tomato soup taste like? Ingredients Special equipment How to make this easy tomato soup recipe Step 1: Combine the tomatoes and seasonings Step 2: Add the stock and cream Step 3: Simmer How to serve tomato soup Expert tips Frequently asked questions What is the serving size? How to store Easy Tomato Soup Recipe Ingredients Instructions FREE BONUS 5 Secrets for Baking Impossibly Soft Cookies Leave a Reply 36 comments Dean Kauffman — September 20, 2023 @ 4:44 pm Reply I just made this recipe and it is amazing! The only changes I made were to use my homemade chicken stock and fresh garlic then purée at the end with an immersion blender. Yes, it’s in my permanent collection now. Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 21, 2023 @ 8:42 am Reply Yay!! That’s so awesome Dean thank you so much for the positive feedback! Shikha la mode — December 1, 2014 @ 4:53 pm Reply Such a great recipe! Allie {Baking A Moment} — December 3, 2014 @ 10:53 am Reply Thank you so much Shihka! caileejoy — October 6, 2014 @ 7:42 pm Reply YUM!!! What a great recipe!! It looks so good 🙂 PERF for fall!! Allie {Baking A Moment} — October 6, 2014 @ 9:36 pm Reply Yay! I’m so happy you like it, Cailee Joy! Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Carol at Wild Goose Tea — September 8, 2014 @ 11:01 pm Reply This is waaaaay beyond Campbell’s tomato soup, which I will have to admit blighted my feelings about tomato soup for literally decades. This is REAL tomato soup. Good planning for all in regard to the make ahead situation. Just having a Mom to come home to after school is pretty awesome. I started out mothering with two step kids 5 yr and 6 yrs. I was so naïve that I was shocked that they didn’t clean the ring out of the bathtub when they took a bath. I am laughing as I am typing this and recalling my younger self. Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 9, 2014 @ 9:22 am Reply Oh my! Not only do my kids NOT clean the bathtub, they don’t even bother to throw their trash away most of the time! I swear, they treat our living room like it’s their own personal garbage can. I’m constantly nagging at them. Thank you for the sweet comment and the encouragement! I can see why you’re wary of tomato soups, I think Campbell’s definitely formed some prejudices for me too! Amy | Club Narwhal — September 8, 2014 @ 3:40 pm Reply Allie, even though I’m not going back to school, I love fall because it’s when I just habitually take stock of my life and try to make little tweaks to make things run smoother. I love the idea of dedicating more time to your mornings and afternoons so they are not only more productive but more enjoyable (especially if this lovely soup is involved)! Also, I loved The One & Only Ivan! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 9, 2014 @ 9:28 am Reply Aw, I know right! Such an amazing book. I loved when the zookeepers showed him the video of Ruby, and he puts his hand on the glass and looks into their eyes! I teared up. Thanks so much for the sweet comment and the encouragement, Amy! xo Sugar and Cinnamon — September 7, 2014 @ 9:51 pm Reply This soup looks so fresh and easy to make! I love tomato soup 🙂 Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 8, 2014 @ 1:52 pm Reply Thanks so much, Sugar and Cinnamon! I do too, it’s definitely a favorite around here! Jen Lynn — September 6, 2014 @ 3:57 pm Reply I am loving this tomato soup. It’s one of my favorites! I also love how simple it is. Dinner will be served in 7 minutes, perfect! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 8, 2014 @ 1:54 pm Reply How ’bout it, right? I love that too. Especially since my boys are ravenously hungry every day after school. I give them this right off the bus and then they eat AGAIN with the hubs and I at dinner. Liz — September 5, 2014 @ 8:11 pm Reply Oh, Allie, I wish I could say it gets better…but you’re always on mom duty no matter how old your children are. Mine did well with a schedule…and we always started with a snack and homework. Tackling homework later in the day when they got tired could be a nightmare. We ALL mess up, but you’re doing a terrific job just by caring so much. Just make sure to take time with other moms to talk, laugh, and have some fun! xoPS…my daughter adores tomato soup! None of mine have been up to her standards. I’m going to try yours out 🙂 Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 8, 2014 @ 1:55 pm Reply Thanks for the encouragement, Liz! I definitely learned my lessons the hard way last year. Just striving to always do better. Hope you and your daughter enjoy the soup! xoxo Jamie — September 5, 2014 @ 12:25 pm Reply I like the effort you put into making your children healthy meals, and I would have never thought to add worcestershire sauce. Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 8, 2014 @ 1:58 pm Reply Thank you Jamie! Well I’m a food person so it’s always been important to me that my kids eat well. Not everyone knows how to cook but I do, so I feel like I owe it to them. And the Worcestershire is great in there- it really balances the acidity of the tomatoes and gives a nice savoriness. Hope you get a chance to try it! 😀 Kathi @ Deliciously Yum! — September 5, 2014 @ 9:25 am Reply I love all different kinds of soup, but tomato is my favorite. Hands down. This simple soup has just stolen my heart and will be making an appearance ASAP.I don’t have any kids yet, but I am so glad you shared your thoughts and gave me a real glimpse at what it means to be a mommy. I bet you’re an amazing mom, Allie. XOXO Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:26 am Reply Thanks Kathi! It’s a hard job and I never really feel like I’m doing enough. But hopefully I’ll just keep getting better at it! Thanks for the sweet comment and I hope you enjoy the soup! 🙂 Melanie @ Carmel Moments — September 5, 2014 @ 7:46 am Reply Love tomato soup! And I love making it in my Vitamix. So simplifies my life. I even used my Vitamix for my pasta sauce this year. Cuts the work in half.Look gorgeous girl. Pinned.Happy Friday! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:27 am Reply Thank you so much Melanie! Ya the blender is great for soups and sauces. I do a broccoli soup in there too that’s just as simple. Hope you have a great weekend, friend! Samina | The Cupcake Confession — September 5, 2014 @ 12:56 am Reply After reading this post, I want to give you a bear virtual hug! Hats off to you and to all the moms who go out of the way to make sure that their kids are happy and at the same time get the household work done! And to top it all, looking after your blog is absolutely no joke and you do it sooooo BRILLIANTLY!!! I’m so sure it must be difficult to manage everything but you do it phenomenally, Allie! :* This post also makes me feel so guilty about taking my mum for granted on most occasions! Thank you SOOOOO much for writing this post and getting this amazing conversation started! :* :* <3 This soup, Allie, is soooooooo fantastic!!!!!! I'm thinking of surprising my mum by making this quick, easy treat when she comes home from work today!!!! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:30 am Reply Aw that’s so nice Samina! Definitely treat your mom, she’s got a hard job! The most difficult part of it all is just feeling unappreciated. As hard as it is to work my day around the kids and sacrifice for them, it’s way harder when they fight me on it. Which happens most of the time! They don’t want to eat the food I make them, or talk to me about their day, or listen to me read a book to them. It makes me want to chuck it all and just let them fend for themselves! Lol but of course I can’t do that. Thanks for the virtual hug and hope you have a really great weekend! Kelly — September 4, 2014 @ 10:35 pm Reply Oh Allie, this is such a beautiful and heartfelt post. Moms really do have the toughest jobs and we have to constantly adapt and stay on top of all the different stages that our kids go through because like you said – as soon as we get the hang of it – everything changes. I have been struggling with getting the hang of anything ever since we had Evelyn and feel like I am failing miserably. I knew it would be tough – but boy it really does change the whole ball game when you become a mother of two versus one especially since our oldest is 3 and at the stage where nothing pleases him. All we can do is our best and even though things may not go according to plan – that’s totally okay too. You are an amazing mom and I love your game plan and that you shared this with us. You have inspired me to just take it day by day and trust that everything will be okay. Thank you so much for sharing your candid feelings with us as well as this simple and beautiful soup. I love how easy it is to whip and it sounds delicious! *hugs* Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:35 am Reply Hugs to you too sweetie! I totally feel what you are going through! When my youngest was born, the older one was not quite 2, still a baby really, and he did not take well to the change. It was SO HARD, for a couple of years, and it still is at times. I just feel so bad for them both. The seven-year old, because he had to “grow up” too fast, and the little one, because he just takes so much abuse from his brother. Add to it that I’m always pulled in too many directions, and it just feels like I’m doing a crappy job all around. Here’s to trying to do better, and hoping it gets easier at some point! hipfoodiemom — September 4, 2014 @ 3:22 pm Reply Allie, no mom has it all under control. it’s a facade! Being a mom is hard work. I just yelled at Phoebe yesterday because I was tired and she asked me to make her something special for lunch and I did and she ate 2 bites and left everything. I lost it when I opened her lunch bag. What I told myself this morning: thank you God that each day is a new day and our kids are resilient b/c I fail all the time. I think all we can do is make sure they know we love them and yes, like you said, spend time with them. after school, it’s all them. . with healthy snacks and homework. by the way, you should read this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristen-howerton/sometimes-i-ignore-my-children-and-thats-ok_b_5662529.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000037. As working mothers, we have a hard thing to try to balance. working but also making sure we are not neglecting our kids since we are home. I loved this part, “I want my kids to understand that I have passions and interests, too… beyond just being a mom. I love being a mom. But I also want my kids (and especially my girls) to understand that this is not my only role.” anyway, we can talk more in person. . but I have no tricks and probably don’t sleep enough but above all things, I just want my kids to know without a doubt that they are loved and supported and I want to give them my full attention as much as possible when they get home from school and into the evening. We have to just take it one day at a time. love you and see you soon! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:40 am Reply Aw, thank you for the encouragement Alice! I know you are right, there’s no such thing as perfection. It’s just such an uphill climb most of the time. I was just telling Samina, it’s just the WORST when they don’t appreciate the sacrifices. It probably would have been hard for me not to yell too in that situation. It’s bad enough when you are trying SO HARD and then when they fight you on top of it, it can just be infuriating. I swear, it makes me want to give up and just let them have at it. But of course that is no way to parent. Thanks for the great article, I’ll definitely have a read, and thank you again for the kind words. TGIF, for realz!!! Mary Frances @ The Sweet {Tooth} Life — September 4, 2014 @ 2:43 pm Reply Every year I get older, the more I admire and respect moms. Being responsible for little people plus yourself plus the house is no joke! Your back to school resolutions are awesome. Practical and thoughtful at the same time. I can’t wait to hear how it goes! I have a feeling they are going to love coming home, even when they don’t want to do school, I think they’ll appreciate getting it out of the way. Staying motivated is rough, as a mom and a student! But hugs, soups, and chocolate make all things good 🙂I can NOT believe how easy this soup is! You weren’t kidding when you said easy. My siblings would love how creamy it is. Pinning! Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:41 am Reply Thanks for the pin Mary Frances! And for the kind words too. Hopefully these new resolutions will soon become a habit for us all- for right now it’s kicking our butts! Sigh, growing pains. Have a great weekend sweetie! Erica Fields — September 4, 2014 @ 1:38 pm Reply I’m a live-in grandma to two grands….16 & 8, both of whom just groan when we have soup. I make home-made minestrone, beef with barley, split pea…no matter which one. That doesn’t stop me since the mom and dad are big fans. The kids are told eat it or ya’ gets nothin’. This soup will be added to my recipe book. I will be freezing it in batches and having it after a gym work-out when a smoothie won’t do during the cooler months here in AZ. Thanks. Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:42 am Reply That’s such a great idea, Erica- it really is a lot like a hot and savory smoothie! I’m so happy you like the recipe and hugs to you, mom and dad, and the grands! Thanks so much for dropping by and for the great feedback; I hope to see you here again! foodtasticmom2013 — September 4, 2014 @ 12:12 pm Reply Oh my goodness, what a sweet surprise to be mentioned in this fantastic post. Thank you so much Allie!!! How are liking the book? I totally hear you on the ever changing landscape that is parenting. We’ve been at it for about 9 1/2 years now (Caleb turns 10 in January) and while some things are easier with them (more independent, can entertain themselves, getting the hang of the homework routine) I think we are in the calm before the adolescent storm! At least that’s what some of my older mom friends tell me. And don’t be hard on yourself… every mom is doing her best and our strengths and weaknesses are just different. The fact that we CARE to improve/upgrade our routines and habits means we’re doing just fine 🙂 MY struggles include getting myself better organized, with systems for my clutter so that (hopefully) my children don’t inherit my, um “creative” messiness. I’ll be adding this soup to our rotation… and I love that you included the additions of the pasta and little sausage meatballs. My kids would love to come home to this soup… much better than the can of Chef Boyardee ravioli I sometimes let them have 😉 Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 5, 2014 @ 10:51 am Reply Thanks so much for the encouragement, Jill! Your post really was inspiring to me. We finished up Ivan and my older son and I both LOVED it. The little one had some trouble. We’re on to The Mouse and the Motorcycle now; I hoped it might be a little more relatable for the 5 year old. There are a few more illustrations, which seem to help, but I’m wondering if maybe reading slightly above his level is not such a great move. What are your thoughts on this? Initially I thought it might help to challenge him but I’m afraid it’s just not grabbing him. But on the other hand, when I ask him questions it seems like he’s comprehending and retaining…? He’s just so wiggly and he never stops whispering to himself. Anyhow thanks again for the pep talk and I hope you have a great weekend! Jill — September 5, 2014 @ 4:15 pm When Caleb was 7 and Hannah was 5 I’d mostly read to them separately and something shorter to Hannah. That being said, Caleb was always my little fidgeter. I’d be reading a chapter book convinced he wasn’t paying attention but every time I asked him a question, he new exactly what was going on. So I kept at it. And as we are now reading the 5th Harry Potter book he always wants me to keep reading long after I am ready to be finished for the evening. I just started the third with Hannah but we all read together now and he listens with her/she listened with him. As I am typing this I realize I might be sounding a bit fanatical about the whole thing, lol. But it’s one of those things that as a reader myself I enjoy it and that was something I knew I wanted to make as bonding time with my kids. I even read to both of them while I was pregnant, seriously! Anyway for your little one maybe drop down the level a bit and the time… But I think it’s great for them, no matter how fidgety! Enjoy your weekend 🙂 Allie {Baking A Moment} — September 8, 2014 @ 1:56 pm Thanks Jill and I don’t think you sound fanatical at all- everyone always talks about how important it is. I’ve been hearing that ever since they were babies! FAQs References

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Published: September 19, 202336 Comments »

This is the easiest tomato soup recipe you’ll ever make! Takes just 5 minutes and it’s loaded with robust tomato flavor, garlic, parm & herbs.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (1)

I just made the easiest tomato soup recipe ever, and I couldn’t be happier to be sharing it with you here!

My kids absolutely adore grilled cheese and tomato soup. And they come home seriously hungry, so it’s one of their favorite after-school snacks to make. A steamy hot bowl of this plus a handful of homemade Oreos, peanut butter oatmeal cookies, or a chocolate mug cake and they’re raring to go on their homework, and good until dinnertime.

Recently my younger one started ordering cans of Campbell’s tomato soup on Amazon. Huh???

Just no. I told him homemade tomato soup is so easy to make! And we have all the ingredients stocked in our pantry at all times.

So, to prove it to him, I whipped this tomato basil soup recipe up in no time flat.

It was miles better than the canned stuff, plus it makes a big pot so it’s way more economical.

Not to mention the taste. The tomato flavor is just off the charts, and the balance of herbs and spices is totally on point.

When he tried it, he said it was the best tomato soup recipe he’d ever tasted.

I think I made him a convert!

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (2)

Table of Contents

  • What’s great about this recipe
  • What does this recipe for tomato soup taste like?
  • Ingredients
  • Special equipment
  • How to make this easy tomato soup recipe
  • How to serve tomato soup
  • Expert tips
  • Frequently asked questions
  • What is the serving size?
  • How to store

Jump to Recipe

What’s great about this recipe

  1. Tastes incredible: This creamy tomato soup has a bold tomato flavor and a perfect balance of seasonings.
  2. Few ingredients: It’s only got 8 ingredients and I bet you already have them all on hand.
  3. Easy to make: It literally takes 5 minutes to make. What?!
  4. Versatile: You can add all sorts of different toppers to make it your own.

What does this recipe for tomato soup taste like?

This cooks up super tomato-forward. The most dominant flavor is tomato!

But it’s also rich and creamy.

Parmesan adds a nuttiness that really balances out the tanginess of the tomatoes, as does garlic.

And there are herbs such as such as basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and marjoram, that bring a really traditional, fresh flavor to the mix.

I think you’re really going to love it!


Here’s what you’ll need to make this classic recipe.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (3)

Tomatoes: I use a can of crushed tomatoes, just because I always have one on hand for making all sorts of things. But you could use fresh tomatoes from your garden too if you like! Just peel and de-seed them, give them a squish to break them down a little, and you’re good to go!

Cheese: Do you buy parmesan cheese in a wedge? I do, and it’s so much better than the pre-grated stuff! Plus you get a little strip of the rind, which is fantastic in soups and risotto.

Save that rind in a little zip-top bag in your fridge or freezer!

Toss it into this soup and it will perfume it with the most delicious cheesy, nutty, salty flavor.

If you don’t happen to have a parm rind on hand, just whisk in about 1/4-cup of your favorite shredded cheese.

Seasonings: This recipe is seasoned with salt and pepper, as well as garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and a pinch of sugar to balance the acidity of the tomatoes.

Stock: I’m using chicken stock here, but vegetable stock would work equally well. Plus it’s vegan!

Cream: We love a creamy tomato soup, so a touch of cream is added to give the soup added richness and help the flavors to linger on the palate.

Special equipment

You really don’t need anything too crazy to make this! Just a few basic kitchen tools.

How to make this easy tomato soup recipe

This is so quick and simple to make! There are really just 3 steps.

Step 1: Combine the tomatoes and seasonings

Start by placing the crushed tomatoes in a large pot, along with the cheese, salt, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and pepper.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (4)

Step 2: Add the stock and cream

Pour in the stock.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (5)

And the cream.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (6)

Step 3: Simmer

Place the pot over medium-low heat and bring the soup up to a low simmer, whisking occasionally to blend the ingredients and prevent things from burning on the bottom.

The longer you simmer this soup, the thicker it will become. And the flavors will intensify too, so taste it frequently to see if it’s where you like it to be.

If it seems too tangy, add sugar to balance out the flavors. If it’s becoming too cheesy-tasting or salty, fish out the parmesan rind with a slotted spoon.

How to serve tomato soup

Ladle the soup into bowls or mugs, and enjoy!

For what you see in the photos here, I added a drizzle of olive oil, a pinch more parmigiano reggiano, some fresh cracked black pepper, croutons, and a few fresh basil leaves.

And I’ve got ideas for more add-ins below!

Expert tips


Simmering the soup with the lid off or ajar will result in a heartier texture as well as intensifying the flavors.

So if you like a milder taste and a brothier consistency, go ahead and serve it right away.

If you prefer something more robust, let some of the liquid evaporate away as steam and you’ll have a thicker soup with a bolder taste.

Make it your own

A lot of times, I’ll toss in a few extras. Some of our favorites include:

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (7)

Frequently asked questions

My soup came out too thin. Why?

You just need to simmer it a little longer and allow some of the liquid to evaporate away as steam. This is called “reducing.”

My soup is too thick and salty. Why?

You probably reduced it down a little too much. Whisk in some water to dilute everything down and you should be good to go.

Can this be processed and kept in sterile jars?

Yes! But you’ll need a pressure canner.

Make a big batch, pour it into sterilized jars, screw on fresh lids, and pop them in the pressure canner. Process according to the individual instructions given with your appliance, then allow the jars to cool. You should hear the button pop as the jars are cooling. This lets you know the seal is good!

If done properly, your tomato soup should last for up to a year at room temperature.

Can this be made in an instant pot or crock pot?

One hundred percent!

You don’t even really have to change anything about the recipe. Just dump, stir, and simmer until you achieve the consistency you’re after.

What is the serving size?

The serving size is 1/2 cup. The nutritional info included in the recipe card below is for 1/2-cup of soup, and the batch makes about 4 cups if you simmer and reduce it by half.

How to store

This should keep at room temperature for an hour or two.

If you have any leftovers, pour them into an airtight container, allow them to cool completely, then stash them in the fridge or freezer. They should be good for several days in the fridge, or around 6 months in the freezer.

Thaw in the fridge and reheat in a pot on the stove or in your slow cooker or instant pot, or microwave until heated through.

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (8)

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Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (9)

5 stars (1 rating)

Easy Tomato Soup Recipe

Servings: 8

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 20 minutes mins

Total Time: 25 minutes mins

This is the easiest tomato soup recipe you'll ever make! Takes just 5 minutes and it's loaded with robust tomato flavor, garlic, parm & herbs.

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  • Place the tomatoes, parmesan, salt, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and pepper in a large pot and whisk in the stock and cream.

  • Bring the soup up to a simmer over medium-low heat and cook, whisking occasionally, until the desired consistency is reached.

  • Taste, and add sugar as needed.

Serving: 0.5cup, Calories: 131kcal, Carbohydrates: 14g, Protein: 5g, Fat: 7g, Saturated Fat: 4g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 2g, Cholesterol: 20mg, Sodium: 735mg, Potassium: 431mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 8g, Vitamin A: 439IU, Vitamin C: 9mg, Calcium: 51mg, Iron: 2mg

Cuisine: American

Course: Appetizer, Main Course, Snack, Soup

Tried this recipe?Mention @bakingamoment on Instagram or tag #bakingamoment.

Allergen Free Appetizers and Snacks Easy to Make Fall/Winter Fun for Kids Savory Seasonal

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  1. Dean Kauffman September 20, 2023 @ 4:44 pm Reply

    I just made this recipe and it is amazing! The only changes I made were to use my homemade chicken stock and fresh garlic then purée at the end with an immersion blender. Yes, it’s in my permanent collection now.

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 21, 2023 @ 8:42 am Reply

      Yay!! That’s so awesome Dean thank you so much for the positive feedback!

  2. Shikha la mode December 1, 2014 @ 4:53 pm Reply

    Such a great recipe!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} December 3, 2014 @ 10:53 am Reply

      Thank you so much Shihka!

  3. caileejoy October 6, 2014 @ 7:42 pm Reply

    YUM!!! What a great recipe!! It looks so good 🙂 PERF for fall!!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} October 6, 2014 @ 9:36 pm Reply

      Yay! I’m so happy you like it, Cailee Joy! Thanks so much for the sweet comment!

  4. Carol at Wild Goose Tea September 8, 2014 @ 11:01 pm Reply

    This is waaaaay beyond Campbell’s tomato soup, which I will have to admit blighted my feelings about tomato soup for literally decades. This is REAL tomato soup. Good planning for all in regard to the make ahead situation. Just having a Mom to come home to after school is pretty awesome. I started out mothering with two step kids 5 yr and 6 yrs. I was so naïve that I was shocked that they didn’t clean the ring out of the bathtub when they took a bath. I am laughing as I am typing this and recalling my younger self.

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 9, 2014 @ 9:22 am Reply

      Oh my! Not only do my kids NOT clean the bathtub, they don’t even bother to throw their trash away most of the time! I swear, they treat our living room like it’s their own personal garbage can. I’m constantly nagging at them. Thank you for the sweet comment and the encouragement! I can see why you’re wary of tomato soups, I think Campbell’s definitely formed some prejudices for me too!

  5. Amy | Club Narwhal September 8, 2014 @ 3:40 pm Reply

    Allie, even though I’m not going back to school, I love fall because it’s when I just habitually take stock of my life and try to make little tweaks to make things run smoother. I love the idea of dedicating more time to your mornings and afternoons so they are not only more productive but more enjoyable (especially if this lovely soup is involved)! Also, I loved The One & Only Ivan!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 9, 2014 @ 9:28 am Reply

      Aw, I know right! Such an amazing book. I loved when the zookeepers showed him the video of Ruby, and he puts his hand on the glass and looks into their eyes! I teared up. Thanks so much for the sweet comment and the encouragement, Amy! xo

  6. Sugar and Cinnamon September 7, 2014 @ 9:51 pm Reply

    This soup looks so fresh and easy to make! I love tomato soup 🙂

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 8, 2014 @ 1:52 pm Reply

      Thanks so much, Sugar and Cinnamon! I do too, it’s definitely a favorite around here!

  7. Jen Lynn September 6, 2014 @ 3:57 pm Reply

    I am loving this tomato soup. It’s one of my favorites! I also love how simple it is. Dinner will be served in 7 minutes, perfect!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 8, 2014 @ 1:54 pm Reply

      How ’bout it, right? I love that too. Especially since my boys are ravenously hungry every day after school. I give them this right off the bus and then they eat AGAIN with the hubs and I at dinner.

  8. Liz September 5, 2014 @ 8:11 pm Reply

    Oh, Allie, I wish I could say it gets better…but you’re always on mom duty no matter how old your children are. Mine did well with a schedule…and we always started with a snack and homework. Tackling homework later in the day when they got tired could be a nightmare. We ALL mess up, but you’re doing a terrific job just by caring so much. Just make sure to take time with other moms to talk, laugh, and have some fun! xo

    PS…my daughter adores tomato soup! None of mine have been up to her standards. I’m going to try yours out 🙂

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 8, 2014 @ 1:55 pm Reply

      Thanks for the encouragement, Liz! I definitely learned my lessons the hard way last year. Just striving to always do better. Hope you and your daughter enjoy the soup! xoxo

  9. Jamie September 5, 2014 @ 12:25 pm Reply

    I like the effort you put into making your children healthy meals, and I would have never thought to add worcestershire sauce.

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 8, 2014 @ 1:58 pm Reply

      Thank you Jamie! Well I’m a food person so it’s always been important to me that my kids eat well. Not everyone knows how to cook but I do, so I feel like I owe it to them. And the Worcestershire is great in there- it really balances the acidity of the tomatoes and gives a nice savoriness. Hope you get a chance to try it! 😀

  10. Kathi @ Deliciously Yum! September 5, 2014 @ 9:25 am Reply

    I love all different kinds of soup, but tomato is my favorite. Hands down. This simple soup has just stolen my heart and will be making an appearance ASAP.
    I don’t have any kids yet, but I am so glad you shared your thoughts and gave me a real glimpse at what it means to be a mommy. I bet you’re an amazing mom, Allie. XOXO

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:26 am Reply

      Thanks Kathi! It’s a hard job and I never really feel like I’m doing enough. But hopefully I’ll just keep getting better at it! Thanks for the sweet comment and I hope you enjoy the soup! 🙂

  11. Melanie @ Carmel Moments September 5, 2014 @ 7:46 am Reply

    Love tomato soup! And I love making it in my Vitamix. So simplifies my life. I even used my Vitamix for my pasta sauce this year. Cuts the work in half.
    Look gorgeous girl. Pinned.
    Happy Friday!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:27 am Reply

      Thank you so much Melanie! Ya the blender is great for soups and sauces. I do a broccoli soup in there too that’s just as simple. Hope you have a great weekend, friend!

  12. Samina | The Cupcake Confession September 5, 2014 @ 12:56 am Reply

    After reading this post, I want to give you a bear virtual hug! Hats off to you and to all the moms who go out of the way to make sure that their kids are happy and at the same time get the household work done! And to top it all, looking after your blog is absolutely no joke and you do it sooooo BRILLIANTLY!!! I’m so sure it must be difficult to manage everything but you do it phenomenally, Allie! :* This post also makes me feel so guilty about taking my mum for granted on most occasions! Thank you SOOOOO much for writing this post and getting this amazing conversation started! :* :* <3 This soup, Allie, is soooooooo fantastic!!!!!! I'm thinking of surprising my mum by making this quick, easy treat when she comes home from work today!!!!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:30 am Reply

      Aw that’s so nice Samina! Definitely treat your mom, she’s got a hard job! The most difficult part of it all is just feeling unappreciated. As hard as it is to work my day around the kids and sacrifice for them, it’s way harder when they fight me on it. Which happens most of the time! They don’t want to eat the food I make them, or talk to me about their day, or listen to me read a book to them. It makes me want to chuck it all and just let them fend for themselves! Lol but of course I can’t do that. Thanks for the virtual hug and hope you have a really great weekend!

  13. Kelly September 4, 2014 @ 10:35 pm Reply

    Oh Allie, this is such a beautiful and heartfelt post. Moms really do have the toughest jobs and we have to constantly adapt and stay on top of all the different stages that our kids go through because like you said – as soon as we get the hang of it – everything changes. I have been struggling with getting the hang of anything ever since we had Evelyn and feel like I am failing miserably. I knew it would be tough – but boy it really does change the whole ball game when you become a mother of two versus one especially since our oldest is 3 and at the stage where nothing pleases him. All we can do is our best and even though things may not go according to plan – that’s totally okay too. You are an amazing mom and I love your game plan and that you shared this with us. You have inspired me to just take it day by day and trust that everything will be okay. Thank you so much for sharing your candid feelings with us as well as this simple and beautiful soup. I love how easy it is to whip and it sounds delicious! *hugs*

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:35 am Reply

      Hugs to you too sweetie! I totally feel what you are going through! When my youngest was born, the older one was not quite 2, still a baby really, and he did not take well to the change. It was SO HARD, for a couple of years, and it still is at times. I just feel so bad for them both. The seven-year old, because he had to “grow up” too fast, and the little one, because he just takes so much abuse from his brother. Add to it that I’m always pulled in too many directions, and it just feels like I’m doing a crappy job all around. Here’s to trying to do better, and hoping it gets easier at some point!

  14. hipfoodiemom September 4, 2014 @ 3:22 pm Reply

    Allie, no mom has it all under control. it’s a facade! Being a mom is hard work. I just yelled at Phoebe yesterday because I was tired and she asked me to make her something special for lunch and I did and she ate 2 bites and left everything. I lost it when I opened her lunch bag. What I told myself this morning: thank you God that each day is a new day and our kids are resilient b/c I fail all the time. I think all we can do is make sure they know we love them and yes, like you said, spend time with them. after school, it’s all them. . with healthy snacks and homework. by the way, you should read this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristen-howerton/sometimes-i-ignore-my-children-and-thats-ok_b_5662529.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000037. As working mothers, we have a hard thing to try to balance. working but also making sure we are not neglecting our kids since we are home. I loved this part, “I want my kids to understand that I have passions and interests, too… beyond just being a mom. I love being a mom. But I also want my kids (and especially my girls) to understand that this is not my only role.” anyway, we can talk more in person. . but I have no tricks and probably don’t sleep enough but above all things, I just want my kids to know without a doubt that they are loved and supported and I want to give them my full attention as much as possible when they get home from school and into the evening. We have to just take it one day at a time. love you and see you soon!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:40 am Reply

      Aw, thank you for the encouragement Alice! I know you are right, there’s no such thing as perfection. It’s just such an uphill climb most of the time. I was just telling Samina, it’s just the WORST when they don’t appreciate the sacrifices. It probably would have been hard for me not to yell too in that situation. It’s bad enough when you are trying SO HARD and then when they fight you on top of it, it can just be infuriating. I swear, it makes me want to give up and just let them have at it. But of course that is no way to parent. Thanks for the great article, I’ll definitely have a read, and thank you again for the kind words. TGIF, for realz!!!

  15. Mary Frances @ The Sweet {Tooth} Life September 4, 2014 @ 2:43 pm Reply

    Every year I get older, the more I admire and respect moms. Being responsible for little people plus yourself plus the house is no joke! Your back to school resolutions are awesome. Practical and thoughtful at the same time. I can’t wait to hear how it goes! I have a feeling they are going to love coming home, even when they don’t want to do school, I think they’ll appreciate getting it out of the way. Staying motivated is rough, as a mom and a student! But hugs, soups, and chocolate make all things good 🙂
    I can NOT believe how easy this soup is! You weren’t kidding when you said easy. My siblings would love how creamy it is. Pinning!

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:41 am Reply

      Thanks for the pin Mary Frances! And for the kind words too. Hopefully these new resolutions will soon become a habit for us all- for right now it’s kicking our butts! Sigh, growing pains. Have a great weekend sweetie!

  16. Erica Fields September 4, 2014 @ 1:38 pm Reply

    I’m a live-in grandma to two grands….16 & 8, both of whom just groan when we have soup. I make home-made minestrone, beef with barley, split pea…no matter which one. That doesn’t stop me since the mom and dad are big fans. The kids are told eat it or ya’ gets nothin’. This soup will be added to my recipe book. I will be freezing it in batches and having it after a gym work-out when a smoothie won’t do during the cooler months here in AZ. Thanks.

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:42 am Reply

      That’s such a great idea, Erica- it really is a lot like a hot and savory smoothie! I’m so happy you like the recipe and hugs to you, mom and dad, and the grands! Thanks so much for dropping by and for the great feedback; I hope to see you here again!

  17. foodtasticmom2013 September 4, 2014 @ 12:12 pm Reply

    Oh my goodness, what a sweet surprise to be mentioned in this fantastic post. Thank you so much Allie!!! How are liking the book? I totally hear you on the ever changing landscape that is parenting. We’ve been at it for about 9 1/2 years now (Caleb turns 10 in January) and while some things are easier with them (more independent, can entertain themselves, getting the hang of the homework routine) I think we are in the calm before the adolescent storm! At least that’s what some of my older mom friends tell me. And don’t be hard on yourself… every mom is doing her best and our strengths and weaknesses are just different. The fact that we CARE to improve/upgrade our routines and habits means we’re doing just fine 🙂 MY struggles include getting myself better organized, with systems for my clutter so that (hopefully) my children don’t inherit my, um “creative” messiness.

    I’ll be adding this soup to our rotation… and I love that you included the additions of the pasta and little sausage meatballs. My kids would love to come home to this soup… much better than the can of Chef Boyardee ravioli I sometimes let them have 😉

    • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 5, 2014 @ 10:51 am Reply

      Thanks so much for the encouragement, Jill! Your post really was inspiring to me. We finished up Ivan and my older son and I both LOVED it. The little one had some trouble. We’re on to The Mouse and the Motorcycle now; I hoped it might be a little more relatable for the 5 year old. There are a few more illustrations, which seem to help, but I’m wondering if maybe reading slightly above his level is not such a great move. What are your thoughts on this? Initially I thought it might help to challenge him but I’m afraid it’s just not grabbing him. But on the other hand, when I ask him questions it seems like he’s comprehending and retaining…? He’s just so wiggly and he never stops whispering to himself. Anyhow thanks again for the pep talk and I hope you have a great weekend!

      • Jill September 5, 2014 @ 4:15 pm

        When Caleb was 7 and Hannah was 5 I’d mostly read to them separately and something shorter to Hannah. That being said, Caleb was always my little fidgeter. I’d be reading a chapter book convinced he wasn’t paying attention but every time I asked him a question, he new exactly what was going on. So I kept at it. And as we are now reading the 5th Harry Potter book he always wants me to keep reading long after I am ready to be finished for the evening. I just started the third with Hannah but we all read together now and he listens with her/she listened with him. As I am typing this I realize I might be sounding a bit fanatical about the whole thing, lol. But it’s one of those things that as a reader myself I enjoy it and that was something I knew I wanted to make as bonding time with my kids. I even read to both of them while I was pregnant, seriously! Anyway for your little one maybe drop down the level a bit and the time… But I think it’s great for them, no matter how fidgety! Enjoy your weekend 🙂

      • Allie {Baking A Moment} September 8, 2014 @ 1:56 pm

        Thanks Jill and I don’t think you sound fanatical at all- everyone always talks about how important it is. I’ve been hearing that ever since they were babies!

Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment (2024)


Easiest Tomato Soup Recipe You'll Ever Make! -Baking a Moment? ›

A small pinch of baking soda will tame any unwanted acidity in the soup.

What can I put in tomato soup to make it taste better? ›

10 Simple Ingredients to Add to Tomato Soup
  1. 1) Fresh Rosemary. Kicking off the list is the simplest way to jazz up your tomato soup – fresh herbs. ...
  2. 2) Sauteed Onions. ...
  3. 3) Crispy Bacon. ...
  4. 4) Cream. ...
  5. 5) Chutney. ...
  6. 6) Melted Cheese. ...
  7. 7) Tinned Anchovies. ...
  8. 8) Toasted Pine Nuts.
Mar 21, 2022

Why do you add baking soda to homemade tomato soup? ›

A small pinch of baking soda will tame any unwanted acidity in the soup.

Is canned tomato soup better with water or milk? ›

The standard direction for a can of condensed Tomato Soup is to put the condensed soup in a saucepan, fill the can with water, add the water to the pan, stir, and heat just to the point of simmer. BUT. It's MUCH better with Milk, which makes it a creamy tomato soup, a bit more like a tomato bisque.

What can I use if I don't have tomato soup? ›

1 10-3/4 ounce can tomato soup: substitute 1 cup tomato sauce plus 1/4 cup water.


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