Call You Mine - Chapter 36 - pineappleyogurt (musicforlife101) - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Monday morning, Sirius and Remus got up and ready for work as usual, kissing goodbye in the corridor before apparating their separate ways. It was, in most respects, a completely normal day. Marlene was happy to see Remus, and calm and curious until she ascertained that he was feeling well, then she was her usual teasing self. Andrew and Zoha asked Sirius about his long weekend and teased him fondly about the love bites still littering his neck. And when Minerva came in, she asked after Remus as well.

“He’s doing really well,” Sirius told her with a smile. She took it exactly as he meant it, that the full went well and Remus felt fine now. With that sorted, the day continued on as normal.

It was, if nothing else, a trial run for the rest of their lives. A proof of concept that they could take a few days off, handle the full and all its associated emotions, and then come back to the real world and carry on without trouble or recrimination. The issues that had kept Remus from Hogwarts were handled easily with Sirius by his side. Perhaps there was a good reason that Minerva looked so satisfied about it.

Remus arrived home shortly after Sirius that afternoon, finding him already ensconced on the sofa in his pants with their AMIL welcome paperwork. Sirius’s head popped up to smile at him when he came in. Remus leaned over the back of the sofa to kiss him hello. Then he kicked off his shoes and went to change out of his work clothes before joining Sirius. As soon as he was sitting in his usual spot in his threadbare sweats and no shirt, Sirius was crawling into his lap.

“Hello, love,” Remus murmured.

“Hi Moony,” Sirius said with a grin. “Good day?”

Remus nodded. “Yeah, Marlene was checking in on me to see how I felt, which was nice. But it was good. How was your day?”

“Good,” Sirius said. “Minnie asked about you, then she looked kinda smug when I told her you were really good. Like she was gonna go remind Dumbledore that she was right about you or something.” Remus chuckled, that did sound like Minerva. She had advocated for his admission to Hogwarts more than once, and her recommendation for his admission to AMIL was part of that too.

“And what are you looking at here?” Remus asked. He pointed to the papers Sirius still held.

Sirius sat up a little to show him and explain. “It says here that handwritten, typed, or digital assignments will be accepted by all or almost all professors in all Theoretical and Wand Magicks departments. And these essays are going to be a lot longer than the ones we wrote for school.” Remus nodded. “So I was wondering if this means we should use a computer for it.”

“That would be a lot easier,” Remus said. “At least for me, I’m used to them from muggle school.”

“Right,” Sirius nodded. “Lily has one, but I’ve never used one for much of anything. So, would it be harder to learn than to write my papers by hand?”

Remus considered that for only a moment. “I don’t think so. The basic concepts aren’t that different from your phone. We could even get one with a touch screen so it’s more similar. The only thing you’d have to learn is how to type on a keyboard instead of a phone.” Sirius hummed. “There are plenty of online games that will teach you to type. It might be more work initially, but I think you’d come out ahead timewise by the end of uni, if not by the end of the first year.”

Sirius nodded again. “Okay, so, do we get one to share or one each? I don’t even know what they cost, not that it really matters.”

“Maybe we start with a simple one to share. Once you’re used to it, we can see if we want another. How does that sound?”

“Like a very smart idea,” Sirius said. “We’re both off early on Thursday, we could go shopping after lunch?”

Remus smiled and kissed his cheek. “Perfect, Pads.”

Chat name:
Adultier Adults

I got the Belby internship!!!

OMG!! Get it Lil!!
Knew you would babe ::blowing kiss::😘

That’s fantastic news Lily!

Congratulations! I hear Belby is brilliant to work with!

Congrats from me and Al!! That’s great news, Lily!

How wonderful to hear! That’s amazing Lily, you deserve it!
You’re going to do so much good and be part of a great development!
And you’ll help a lot of people like we all know you can!

You always know what to say, Pod!
Congrats Lil ::heart::❤️

That’s amazing, Lily, we’re so happy for you!!!

Chat name:

I can’t say it in the big chat, but I couldn’t be more happy for you Lily
Knowing that someone I trust and care about so much, someone like you
Will be working on a potion to help people like me
I don’t have words, I’m so grateful and lucky to know you

Remus, that’s so sweet
I really hope we get some results sooner rather than later
I’m lucky to know you too, and have you in my corner

All this love makes me feel all gooey inside
It’s ruining my punk rock reputation

You don’t have a punk rock reputation with us, love
We know you’re soft ::blowing kiss::😘

But thank you for your support too Sirius

Oh, you got the internship!
Congrats Lily ::smiley face with smiley eyes::😊

Thanks Peter, I’m pretty excited about it

You’re gonna be awesome babe!
I already know it!

Enter Prongs and his blind confidence
Tho with Lily it’s well deserved

You couldn’t resist mocking him, could you?

Lol no

Well, thank you boys
I have to get back to my current intern duties
I’ll still be picking up shifts to shadow healers at Mungos for the summer

Because you’re amazing

An amazing overachiever, but still amazing!

On Tuesday, Remus decided to put Effie and his mother in touch so they could talk and make whatever plans they needed for the following Sunday’s family dinner.

Private Message

Hi Effie, I spoke to my mum about Sunday dinner for this coming weekend
They’d love to come if this week still works

Of course! That’s wonderful and we’d love to have them!

Should they just floo? Or the knight bus?
My mum’s a muggle, I don’t know if I mentioned that

The floo is perfect, dear
Potter Manor will bring them to the main floo in the foyer
Any dietary requirements? Or preferences?

No allergies or anything, but Dad’s not great with very spicy food, Mum likes it though

That’ll be just fine then
We’ll push the cooking rota back a week so you’ll be able to spend time with them too
Monty and I have been looking for a reason to
It’ll be better if Sirius isn’t in the kitchen the weekend of your transformation

That’s very thoughtful of you, thank you

It’s no trouble, dear
I’m very excited to meet you parents

Mum is excited too
She says feel free to get in touch before the weekend if you like

I just might
Thank you for letting me know, dear
Have a good week at work
We love you

We love you too

Thursday afternoon, Remus and Sirius both got home from work around the same time and had a late lunch in the kitchen together. Then they made a plan. Remus knew where to go and Sirius had to get enough muggle money to cover it. They cleaned up from lunch, then headed out to apparate to Diagon Alley. When they arrived, Sirius slid his hand into Remus’s and smiled up at him.

“I need to get some gold out to convert it. D’you wanna come down to my vault with me?”

“Sure love,” Remus said easily. He knew the way to Gringotts, but was content to let Sirius and his excitement for their shopping trip lead the way.

Sirius gave his key and his wand to the goblins at the desk, who then led them back to the vaults. Remus had been down here a couple of times before with his father, and to open his own vault when he was sixteen, but never to this section. Sirius’s vault was deep in the old section. Given to him by his uncle Alphard, who had come by his wealth from the Black family.

They climbed out of the cart and the goblin opened the vault door. There was more gold in there than Remus had ever seen in his life. He stood staring at it, open-mouthed, for a good few minutes. Sirius just walked in like this was any normal Thursday and started loading up a velvet bag with stacks and stacks of galleons, sickles, and knuts. He looked up when he noticed that Remus wasn’t with him.


“Yeah, I think I’m starting to understand exactly how rich you are.”

Sirius laughed. “Multiply this by all the living members of the Black Family. The term filthy rich was invented for them.”

Remus nodded, still a little wide-eyed. “I can see that.”

“Alright, I think that’s enough. Let’s go back up and exchange some of this.” The goblin took them back up in the cart and gave Sirius back his vault key. He walked up to the money exchange desk and got several hundred pounds in muggle bills for some of his gold. Then he tucked both away and took Remus’s hand on their way out.

They left Diagon Alley by way of the Leaky Cauldron, then headed down to the tube. They got off the several stops later and Remus led the way to a computer shop a few streets away that he’d researched the night before. Sirius was happy to dive in, as he was with anything unfamiliar and potentially cool. But he was also happy for Remus to lead.

They went into the shop where it was cool and bright. A salesman looked up from his work and asked if they needed any help.

“Yes, could you show us where the Chromebooks are?” Remus asked.

“Sure, right this way,” the salesman said. “I’m Gary. Are you looking for something in particular today?”

Remus nodded. “A laptop for uni. Something that’s light enough and fast enough to take notes, with some internal storage, and a touch screen.”

Gary hummed thoughtfully as he led them around to the row of touchscreen Chromebooks. “Do you have a budget in mind?”

“At most, five hundred or so,” Remus said.

“Alright, these would be my recommendations then. This Idea Pad has a two-in-one flip style touchscreen. You open the lid and it turns all the way to rest on the back. Other than that it’s a lot like a traditional laptop in style. This one has good battery life and 256GB of storage. It’s a 14 inch screen, so I would say you probably don’t want to go bigger than that if you’re taking it to and from uni, but it’s slim so it’s still light. This Acer Spin is very similar. A bit cheaper, but half the storage.” Remus nodded and nudged Sirius to test them out a little as they talked. “These over here are the ‘duet’ style, so the keyboard is detachable. That does make them lighter, but they are more like a tablet with a keyboard than a laptop. These two are very similar, but the larger one is thirteen inches with 256GB and the smaller one is about eleven inches with 128GB. And a big price difference. Both have very good battery life though.”

“What d’you think, babe?” Remus asked Sirius, who was now testing out the smaller tablet style.

Sirius nodded and hummed. “I think we should start with the first one, the Idea Pad with more storage to share. And if I decide I want a laptop for notes, then we can come back for one of these ones later. Do you think the laptop style is easier to type on for essays?”

Remus nodded. “It’s also easier to use the keyboard while sitting on the sofa. This one you’d maybe prefer as a tablet if it’s not set up on the table.” Another considering hum.

“Makes sense. So, do you agree or did you want something else?”

“No, that sounds like a very good plan, love,” Remus said. He turned to Gary. “We’ll have the first Idea Pad you pointed out, on the end there.”

Gary nodded and pulled out his keys to take one out from the locked cupboard underneath. “Do you need a case or any other accessories?”

“No case right now,” Remus said. “But do you have memory sticks?” Gary led them past a rack and Remus grabbed two 16GB sticks in different colours, one for each of them. Then they continued to the till where Sirius paid the total in cash and stuck the small amount of change back in his wallet with the rest of the muggle money he’d converted earlier.

Their purchases in hand, Remus and Sirius left the shop and stepped into an alley to apparate home.

Much of Thursday night was spent setting up their new laptop and bookmarking typing games so Sirius could teach himself to type on a physical keyboard before he had to write essays on it.

On Friday night, Remus and Sirius met up with Marlene, Dorcas, Frank, Alice, and James to treat Lily to dinner and drinks in celebration of her internship. They just went to the Lion’s Den, but it was nice to do something for her in light of all she was trying to do for others. They ate and drank and danced well into the night. Laughing with each other, letting Remus in on old jokes, and making new ones together.

When they got home that night, Sirius changed out of his clothes and flopped onto their bed with his phone while Remus checked the wards. He came back into their bedroom just after his phone started buzzing in his pocket.

Sirius Black
created the chat The Gay Agenda
Sirius Black added Dorcas Meadowes to the chat
Sirius Black added Marlene McKinnon to the chat
Sirius Black added Remus Lupin to the chat

Sweet! Now we have our own chat
Like that other double date chat
But gayer

I hate to sound like a swot

You are one tho

Yes, well
3 of the 4 people in this chat are bi
So ‘gay’ agenda?

Other than us being the only same sex couples in our friend group?

I was just using gay as an umbrella term
Bc I've always wanted to have a chat called the gay agenda where we plan gay events

Ofc you have

The true gay agenda is puns tho
So I approve
And request punny names

Sirius Black changed Remus Lupin’s nickname to Moonage Daydream
Sirius Black changed Sirius Black’s nickname to Starman

Marlene McKinnon changed Marlene McKinnon’s nickname to Ride My BI-cycle

Remus Lupin changed Sirius Black ’s nickname to Prettiest Star

Prettiest Star
Awww, Moony! <3

Moonage Daydream
::eyroll::🙄 only being accurate
Not so much a star*man* as a pretty *boy*
It’s that or Lady Stardust ::smirk::😏

Ride My BI-cycle
Amazing Remus

Marlene McKinnon changed Dorcas Meadowes’s nickname to Thin White Dork

Thin White Dork
I am neither of those things?

Ride My BI-cycle
That’s the joke, babe!
Well, you are my Dork, but the rest!
Like Bowie, the thin white duke

Thin White Dork
Sure, I’ll take it, I like Bowie

Prettiest Star
Punny enough for you, Moony?

Moonage Daydream
Yes, I approve

Ride My BI-cycle
Brill, now we need to plan a night out
Gay club
We can invite the others but we’re picking the club

Prettiest Star
Ooooo yes!!!
There’s a good gay club near us
We could meet at our flat first

Ride My BI-cycle
Obvs we need eyeliner and pre-drinks

Moonage Daydream
Next weekend?
My parents are meeting the Potters on Sunday
So I’d prefer Sirius and James aren’t hungover

Thin White Dork
LOL the accuracy

Ride My Bi-cycle
Next weekend it is!

Prettiest Star
Yes! Sorry I was pouting at Moony irl
But I don’t wanna be hungover when Hope meets Effie
They’re gonna mastermind our lives
Possibly guilt the world into doing better

Moonage Daydream
We can only hope
I’m putting Padfoot to bed, talk later

Ride My Bi-cycle
Ha! See you Monday Lupin!

Remus climbed into their bed and pulled Sirius closer. Sirius laughed and wriggled around, but never away. He looked up at Remus and abandoned his phone immediately. A second later they were kissing. Soft, sweet kisses became deeper ones, pressed together top to toe. Remus threaded his fingers through Sirius’s riot of hair. Tugging and scritching his scalp. Then gently pulling him away.

“It’s time for sleep, sweetheart.”

Sirius pouted at him. “But I want you.”

“But you’re tired. In the morning, love. You can wake me up however you want.” He pecked Sirius’s lips. “Hmm, sound good?”

“Yeah,” Sirius breathed. He was tired. He let Remus nestle them together in the middle of their big bed and extinguish the lights. They shared one more kiss, then Remus began stroking Sirius’s spine in long slow passes, gentling him down to sleep.

Pale sunlight streamed through the bedroom windows as Sirius woke. He was often the first up, if they were just lounging around the flat. Which wasn’t to say he was an early riser. And even his often disrupted or restless sleep was calmed with Remus wrapped around him. He’d woken from more than one bad dream just to watch Remus breathing in the dark as his comforting presence pushed the fear away and settled sleep around him again.

This morning he had slept soundly all night and woke feeling rested. And horny. Remus had been right that he’d been too tired last night for what his sex drive had been begging for. But he wasn’t now. He was plastered to Remus’s side, watching his soft sleeping face. Remus was always gorgeous, handsome in an unassuming way that Sirius adored with his messy curls and lanky limbs and irregular smatterings of freckles. There were a few smaller scars on his face, too. One that climbed diagonally from the edge of his chin up to his lower lip. It had healed well, but left a slightly raised line just across the edge of his lip. Just enough that Sirius could feel it when they kissed. Could feel that tiny line brand his skin wherever Remus kissed him.

He hadn’t told Remus how much that one little thing got him going. Because it wasn’t about the scar itself like Remus would fear. It was because that little raised line kissing down his neck meant it was Remus kissing him. He only loved it because it was part of Remus.

That was where Sirius started his alarm clock kisses.

He made it as far as Remus’s sternum before Remus slid one hand into his hair and pulled just the way he liked. Sirius groaned and looked up, propping his chin up on Remus’s chest.

“Good morning, sweet boy.”

Sirius grinned. “Morning.”

“You’re welcome to keep going if you want,” Remus said. His voice was low and raspy as it often was in the morning, soft and a little out of focus like the morning light. “Or you can come up here and tell me what you want.”

Without a moment of hesitation, Sirius crawled back up Remus’s body to get kisses and everything he wanted. He loved sucking Remus off, but that wasn’t what he wanted this morning. That was just the final alarm clock if Remus slept through all his kisses. Of course, he trailed his hands over his boyfriend’s skin as he went. He couldn’t resist.

And it wasn’t like Remus could either. He settled Sirius against his side, one leg tossed over his own, and then set about groping him lazily as they kissed good morning. He kissed down Sirius’s jaw, taking the time to leave a little mark just under it. Sirius gasped and pressed into the feeling.

“Moony, wanna ride you,” Sirius groaned.

“Mmm, that sounds very nice, love.” Remus kicked back the duvet and started pulling them upright, with Sirius in his lap, until he was sitting up against the headboard and Sirius was straddling him. “How’s this, hmm?” Sirius nodded quickly and pressed close for a kiss. “I know, you like to be close. Don’t you, sweet boy?”

Sirius hummed and nodded. “Yeah. Love it.”

Remus kissed the corner of his lips. “My good boy. Let me get you ready.” He slicked his fingers with a murmured spell and held Sirius close as he reached behind to prepare him. They kissed and touched as Remus moved from a slick finger teasing Sirius’s rim to pressing one and then two inside. Sirius rocked down onto them, f*cking himself on Remus’s fingers as they traded open mouthed kisses and wet gasps. Remus nipped and tugged on Sirius’s lower lip, making him whine and squirm and beg for another. Which Remus gave happily, stretching him open for something much larger.

It was a little more frenetic than their morning sex usually was, but just as close, with just as much cuddling and gasping declarations of love. When Sirius was slick and relaxed, Remus slid his fingers free and slicked his co*ck with the remaining lube. He helped Sirius to rock up on his knees and pressed the head of his co*ck to Sirius’s entrance. Sirius sighed and rocked back against it. He exhaled a soft little moan as he lowered himself onto Remus.

“Mmmm, Moony.” Remus kissed the nearest part of his face. “Feels good.”

“Merlin, Pads, you feel amazing,” Remus murmured.

Sirius took the last inch and sighed as he finally bottomed out, his arse flush with Remus’s lap. They both groaned. Sirius draped his arms over Remus’s shoulders, letting one hand rub against the short hair at his nape. Remus wrapped both arms around Sirius’s waist in turn. He set his lips and teeth to Sirius’s neck, since it was right there and just begging for a few marks. Sirius moaned high in his throat and leaned into the attention Remus lavished on his neck.

“Unnhhh, Moonyyy.” Remus nipped at his neck with a smile Sirius could feel. He loved winding Sirius up in bed. But Sirius could get back at him in this position. He ground his hips down, languidly rolling against him. Remus groaned against his neck. His hips twitched up into the feeling. Then Sirius really got going. He raised himself up on his knees and drove himself back down. Over and over until he found the angle to graze his prostate on each pass.

Then he started riding Remus in earnest. Slamming himself back down. Moaning almost continuously as Remus held him by the waist. So close that his teeth grazed Sirius’s neck and Sirius’s co*ck was trapped between them, rubbing constantly against Remus’s stomach. It was hard, but not fast. Steady and deep and gasping. The pleasure built and built and built. Sirius could feel it in his belly as he bounced in Remus’s lap. He was so full and all he could feel was Remus.

“Gonna come for me, baby?” Remus asked, his lips brushing Sirius’s pulse point. “Hmm? So pretty like this, sweetheart. Such a good boy for me, darling.” Sirius moaned aloud. He loved being Moony’s darling boy.

“Ohh, I’m close, Moony.”

“Me too, f*ck,” Remus groaned. “Feel so good, my perfect boy bouncing in my lap, making us both come.” He grazed Sirius’s collarbone with his teeth. “Good boy, love you.”

Sirius cried out, desperate and high as he started to come. His release smeared across Remus’s belly as he kept bouncing, wringing out his org*sm. Remus f*cked up into him, prolonging it, crashing over the edge with him. He gasped and swore against Sirius’s neck, biting down as he came. Sirius moaned as Remus filled him. Then collapsed against his chest, completely spent.

“So perfect, baby,” Remus murmured, kissing his head and rubbing his back. Sirius made a little mmmph noise and let himself go noodly with Remus holding him up. “Have I told you how much I love you like this? Sweet and pliant and mine. All cuddly and relaxed in the afterglow.”

“Mmm,” Sirius hummed. “M’glad, ‘cause you always break my brain when you f*ck me.”

Remus chuckled softly and cuddled him closer. “S’that so, baby?”

Sirius nodded. “The best ever, every time. ‘Cause you love me and nibble me and tell me I’m good.”

“You are good, baby. You’re my perfect boy, all the time. And I do love you, more than anything.” Sirius sighed in utter contentment. He was still noodly and sweet in Remus’s arms. They stayed there a long while, just basking in their comfort together. Remus still left kisses and love bites all over his neck and shoulder, nuzzled against his temple and left sweet kisses there too, just showered Sirius in the small affections he’d always wanted.

Call You Mine - Chapter 36 - pineappleyogurt (musicforlife101) - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.