BOARD PACKET November 13, 2019.Pdf (2024)

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority 1297 N.E. Grandview Drive Roseburg, OR 97470



Agenda – November 13, 2019 Board Meeting 1

Minutes – October 9, 2019 Board Meeting 2-4

Contract for Engineering Services 5-28

General Managers Report 29

New Developments and Projects – October, 2019 30

Staff Reports – October, 2019 31

Jacobs Operations Report – October, 2019 32-38

Financial Reports

• Cash Disbursem*nt Recap 39

• Accounts Payable Detail 40-48

Roseburg Urban Sanitary November 13th,2019 Authority RUSA Board Room 1297 N.E. Grandview Drive 4:00 p.m. Roseburg, OR 97470


Board of Directors John Dunn, Chair Rob Lieberman, Vice Chair David Campos Jerry Griese Kelsey Wood

1. Call to Order – John Dunn, Board Chair 2. Roll Call 3. Consider Minutes a. October 9th, 2019 Board Meeting 4. Contract for Engineering Services a. Review of proposal for Engineering service for the Hooker Rd rehabilitation project from Murraysmith 5. General Managers Report a. Winchester Pump Station Force Main Replacement b. Douglas County Landfill Leachate c. FEMA Application for damage claimed disaster relief d. Watson Street Mainline Replacement 6. New Developments 7. Staff Report 8. Jacobs (ch2m) Plant Operations Report 9. Accounts Payable 10. Other Business

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT NOTICE Please contact the Authority’s Finance Department, 1297 NE Grandview Dr., Roseburg, OR 97470 or by Phone 541-672-1551 at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time if you need an accommodation.

1 Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority 1297 N.E. Grandview Drive Roseburg, OR 97470


Board Chair, John Dunn, called the regular monthly Board Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on October 9, 2019 at 1297 N.E. Grandview Drive.



Present: Board Chair John Dunn, Vice Chair Rob Lieberman, Jerry Griese and Kelsey Wood Absent: David Campos

Others present: General Manager Jim Baird, Finance Director Christine Morris, Office Assistant Harmony Williams, Engineering Tech III Ryon Kershner, Collections Superintendent Steve Lusch and Jacobs Project Manager Jade Mecham.

Consideration of the minutes of the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of Wednesday, September 12, 2019.

Jerry Griese moved to approve the minutes for the Wednesday, September 12, 2019 Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority Regular Monthly Meeting. Kelsey Wood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution 19-04 A Resolution Rescinding Resolution 14-04 and Adopting: A public Records Policy

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority is an Oregon Special District which is governed by an elected board of directors and required to fully comply with the State of Oregon Public Records Law, ORS 192.410 – 192.505. In order to fully comply with ORS 192.410 – 192.505 RUSA is rescinding Resolution 14-04 as it is outdated and adopting an updated public records policy.

Kelsey Wood moved to approve Resolution No. 19-04, as presented. Rob Lieberman seconded the motion.

Vote By Roll Call

At this time, Chairman Dunn requested “Roll Call” for Resolution No. 19-04:

2 John Dunn Yes Rob Lieberman Yes Jerry Griese Yes Kelsey Wood Yes David Campos Resolution No. 19-04 was approved with a 4/0 vote

Resolution 19-05 A Resolution Making a Budgetary Transfer of Appropriation Authority for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020

The City of Roseburg has received a proposal for Aerial Mapping Services from GeoTerra to acquire and process new stereo imagery for creating 0.5’ pixel orthos and 2’ contours with DTM. RUSA partnered with the City in 2013 to update the aerial map of the urban growth boundary that we use as part of our GIS and asset management programs at a great saving by sharing the cost.

Due to the timing of the invoice from the City, a transfer of $14,193.50 from General Operating Contingency to the Administration & Engineering is necessary since there are no funds currently budgeted for this project.

Kelsey Wood moved to approve Resolution No. 19-05, as presented. Jerry Griese seconded the motion.

Vote By Roll Call

At this time, Chairman Dunn requested “Roll Call” for Resolution No. 19-05:

John Dunn Yes Rob Lieberman Yes Jerry Griese Yes Kelsey Wood Yes David Campos Resolution No. 19-04 was approved with a 4/0 vote

General Managers Report

Winchester Pump Station Force Main Replacement Project The Contractor experienced a failure of an exposed fitting on the force main September 18th, resulting in a sanitary sewer overflow. The overflow discharged into the North Umpqua River. RUSA and Jacobs personnel worked with the Contractor to reduce the amount of sewage that entered the river and repair the fitting. RUSA posted notice at the North Umpqua River, contacted the DEQ and Umpqua Basin Water Association regarding the release of sewage. A press release was issued to radio, TV and the newspaper. RUSA lifted the posting September 20th. A follow up press release was issued on the 20th stating that the river had returned to pre-spill conditions. Force main construction is continuing. The Contractor has completed approximately 80% of the sanitary sewer work. The project completion is estimated to be in December 2019.

3 Douglas County Landfill Leachate Staff is waiting for the results from the lab on the leachate. Once we can understand the level of the constituents of concern we will discuss with the County and the Project Engineer the potential pretreatment requirements.

FEMA Application for Damage Claimed Disaster Relief Staff is in the process of providing FEMA with a completed application and supporting documents for RUSA’s claim. Staff is having weekly meetings with the FEMA project manager for RUSA.

Watson Street Mainline Replacement RUSA is replacing the sanitary sewer mainline on Watson Street. We are doing the project as an in-house project. The project consists of approximately 270 feet of new 8” sewer and one new manhole. As part of the project we are connecting the existing private building sewers to the new mainline. The project is approximately 80% complete.

CH2M Report

Jade Mecham reported the treatment facility averaged 98% CBOD removal and 96% Total Suspended Solids removal during September. The total Effluent flow was 79.22 million gallons, all of which went to the NTS.

Accounts Payable

The Board reviewed the Accounts Payable Report and Addendum for the October 9, 2019 Accounts Payable.

Rob Lieberman made a motion to approve the Accounts Payable and Addendum as presented. Jerry Griese seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Other Business None. Respectfully submitted,

Harmony Williams Office Assistant





DATE: 11/08/19 CC:

Staff have reviewed the pipe line condition information and selected a series of sanitary sewer main lines that need rehabilitation or replacement. The pipe lines are located in the Hooker Road area and are showing significant degradation due to the hydrogen sulfide that has off gassed as a result of the discharge from the Winchester pump station force main.

Staff has been working to establish relationships with additional engineering firms to work with on various types of projects. Murraysmith is an Engineering firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon providing various services throughout the west. They have worked on some significant projects in the field of wastewater in the Northwest. Murraysmith has been rated in the top 50 (nationally) Trenchless Design firms for the last 10 years continuously. They bring national-level expertise with a regional emphasis to their local clients.

Staff has been working with Rob Lee, PE of Murraysmith to develop next year’s collection system project. The attached proposal reflects the agreed to design effort and associated costs for the design, bidding and services during construction for the Hooker Road rehabilitation project. The “not to exceed” amount is $86,988. Staff would recommend that the Board direct the General Manager to enter into a personal services agreement for the design services for the project.

To minimize the total cost of the design, RUSA will be entering into additional personal services agreements for project surveying and geotechnical subsurface investigation with two local firms. Entering into separate agreements will eliminate the additional mark-up that the engineering firm would need to place on the subcontractor’s costs.

5 SCOPE OF WORK Hooker Road Sewer Project Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority, Roseburg, OR


Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority (RUSA) owns and operates the sanitary sewer system in the Hooker Road project area. This system is downstream of pumped wastewater flows that are impacting the structural condition of the concrete sewer pipes and manholes.

RUSA is seeking a sewer collection system consultant to develop Contract Documents and provide engineering services during bidding and construction that will address existing deficiencies and provide long-term structural integrity. Scope of Work – Tasks, Deliverables, and Schedule

The scope of work describes services to be provided by Murraysmith. Work will be performed by major work tasks outlined as follows:

▪ Task 1 – Project Management ▪ Task 2 – Condition Assessment and Field Data Collection ▪ Task 3 – Public and Other Agency Coordination and Permitting ▪ Task 4 – Detailed Design ▪ Task 5 – Engineering Services During Bidding and Construction Task 1 – Project Management and Meetings

Provide and perform project administration, management activities, and ongoing coordination for the project. This task includes technical and financial management, and liaison with City staff including the following:

▪ Manage the project scope, schedule, subconsultants and budget

▪ Coordinate with City

▪ Prepare and maintain a comprehensive project schedule.

▪ Prepare monthly progress reports to be submitted with invoices. Monthly progress reports will include task level budget status. Billings will include staff, title, hourly rate, and hours charged to the project.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project 6 November 2019 1 ▪ Schedule and attend project meetings at appropriate intervals based on design activities. Meetings will include a kick-off meeting and an initial site visit, a 60% design review meeting, and a Final design meeting.


▪ Project design duration approximately five months and a total project duration of 10 months (through the completion of construction)

▪ Half-hour monthly progress calls


▪ Monthly progress reports, invoices and schedule updates.

▪ Meeting agendas and minutes for meetings attended under this task. Task 2 – Condition Assessment and Field Data Collection

Task 2 includes the review of existing data and CCTV on the condition of the pipes slated for replacement or rehabilitation and identify and conduct the field data collection needed to support the design and construction. Subtasks performed will include:

▪ Condition Assessment: Murraysmith will review existing data, including CCTV, staff interviews, and O&M records to determine most appropriate method of construction for each pipe.

▪ Field Visit: Murraysmith will conduct a field visit and manhole inspection to confirm construction methodology.

o Pipes and manholes with a structural or hydraulic condition that requires replacement or new installation will require geotechnical investigations and full field survey from edge of ROW to edge of ROW.

o Pipes and manholes with a structural and hydraulic condition that allows for trenchless rehabilitation will require geotechnical investigations and field survey only in the vicinity of anticipated excavation (e.g., access pits, lateral excavations, etc.).

▪ Geotechnical Investigation: Murraysmith will coordinate with RUSA’s geotechnical firm to conduct geotechnical investigations and expected deliverables. Boring will be performed approximately once per manhole-to-manhole segment being replaced or every 500-linear feet, whichever is less. The geotechnical firm will be responsible for utility locates, notifications, and obtaining all permits needed to conduct the investigations, including traffic occupancy permits, DEQ/ORWD well permits.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 27

o A final PE-stamped report that provides findings and recommendations concerning earthwork (slope stability and cut-and-fill slopes, anticipated groundwater and dewatering, suitability of on-site soils for fill, wet-weather work, rock excavation considerations, and trenchless feasibility analysis). The bore logs and laboratory analysis shall be a part of the final report.

▪ Topographic Survey: Murraysmith will coordinate with RUSA’s surveyor to conduct a comprehensive field survey of existing conditions within the Project area and develop a Project topographic base map using field collected data, as-built mapping, and GIS information. All man-made and natural features necessary for Project design will be depicted with one-foot ground contours (for locations of open-cut construction) within the Project Area on the base map. Mapping shall be oriented to the Oregon State Plane NAD 1983 coordinate system and National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD) and will stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Oregon. Overall planimetric information collected during the field survey to be depicted and annotated on the mapping shall include, but not be limited to the following:

o Property lot lines.

o Right-of-way lines.

o Property monuments found including description and condition.

o All street and roadway features including material type, centerlines, edges of pavement, traffic control devices, striping, speed cushions, and signage.

o Driveways, driveway let-downs, and sidewalks, landscape strips including material type.

o Significant structures or landscaping features likely to be impacted by construction (e.g. retaining walls, patios, pathways, yard structures, lawns, planting areas, high value ornamental shrubbery or trees).

o Location and footprint configuration of all residences, buildings, or structures.

o Lowest floor elevation of structures and presence of a basem*nt served by sanitary and/or storm sewer lateral. Include cleanout locations if available. Structure characteristics shall be noted on mapping if discernible (i.e., full basem*nt, half- basem*nt, daylight basem*nt, single level, etc.).

o Tree Survey: Locate the drip line canopy of individual trees or grove trees within the Project Area. Provide the location, quantities, size in diameter breast height (dbh), condition, genus and species of all trees, including snags, within the Project Area that are 6-inch dbh or greater.

o Fences by type, material, and height.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 38

o Key landscaping features including significant shrubs or high-value ornamental trees, retaining walls, planters, lawn and landscaping areas.

o Creeks, drainages, water courses, or water bodies defined by toe and top of bank, channel configuration, and thalwegs.

o Staking established by environmental subconsultant or owner delineating specific areas of environmental concern including wetland delineations, Vegetated Corridor limits, and/or significant natural resource areas.

o Utilities, including water, gas, power, telephone and cable utility lines. Includes all valves, meters, hydrants, poles, pedestals, guy anchors, or other appurtenances associated with each system. Murraysmith’s surveyor will request field utility locates prior to beginning survey field work, and tie all existing utility locations marked in the required survey area by surveying and accurately depicting them on the topographic map.

o Sanitary sewer system piping, manholes, and cleanouts including structure and pipe sizes and materials, invert and rim elevations.

o Storm sewer system piping, manholes, culverts, inlets and catch basins including structure and pipe sizes and materials, invert and rim elevations.

o All other major topographic features likely to impact or be impacted by the design or construction of this Project.

o Easem*nts of record associated with all Project parcels.


▪ RUSA will directly contract with the geotechnical firm and field surveyor.

▪ Geotechnical investigation will occur within 6 weeks of the initial request, weather- permitting. The draft report will be due within 3 weeks of completion of the field work.

▪ Field survey will be full topographic from edge of ROW to edge of ROW in locations of full pipe and limited to a 40-foot by 40-foot area in the location of anticipated excavation needed for trenchless rehabilitation methods (e.g., access pits, isolated manhole replacement, etc.). Task 3 – Public and Other Agency Coordination and Permitting

Murraysmith shall provide assistance to RUSA in communicating with the public and other agencies and obtaining permits needed to construct the work. Subtasks include:

▪ Develop content and support to assist RUSA’s public coordination efforts.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 49

▪ Assist RUSA with other agency coordination, including applying for and obtaining permits needed to conduct the work:

o City of Roseburg, Street Closure Permit o City of Roseburg, Street Cut Permit o Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 1200-C Permit o Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Land Use Compatibility Statement


▪ Public coordination content shall include a single project mailer (informational fact sheet to reflect the design approach and include an anticipated bidding and construction schedule in addition to previous information such as the project purpose and project area map) and presentation materials for a single public meeting.

▪ Permit applications as listed above


▪ RUSA will lead all public outreach and other agency coordination efforts, including obtaining Permits of Entry (POEs) for all homes connected to project pipe where lateral bypassing and rehab/replacement will take place.

▪ All work, including work performed in easem*nts, will be conducted via POE. No temporary construction easem*nts are anticipated.

▪ RUSA will coordinate with any existing utilities that may require relocation in order to replace existing sewer infrastructure (e.g., manholes, etc.).

▪ The proposed project is not anticipated to trigger wetland, floodplain and/or other environmental permitting. In the event DEQ, Oregon Department of State Lands and/or US Army Corps of Engineers require additional permitting beyond the scope of this effort, RUSA will be notified immediately of potential increased level of effort.

▪ Murraysmith will being the process of working with the railroad but acquisition of any permits will be the responsibility of the construction contractor.

▪ RUSA shall submit prepared permit applications and pay for all permit fees. Task 4 – Detailed Design

Under this task, the design of the project will be accomplished. Murraysmith will prepare the documents necessary for construction, including bidding documents, plans, specifications and construction cost estimates. RUSA will provide front-end contract documents. The detailed subtasks are as follows:

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 105

Task 4.1 – 50 Percent Design

Consultant shall prepare and submit a 50 percent design package to RUSA for review. All items listed below to support the 50 percent design shall be included:

▪ 50 percent plans including plans and profiles for new open-cut installation sewers and manholes and pipe bursting, and plan views for sewers slated to for cured-in-place pipe rehabilitation.

▪ Draft Special Provisions specification sections for sewer rehabilitation.

▪ Engineer's opinion of probable construction cost based on itemized quantity estimate, with appropriate contingencies.

▪ Utility Coordination: Locate utilities, request and obtain utility as-builts, prepare utility conflict log, and send utility notification letter to utility companies.

Task 4.2 – 75 Percent Design

Consultant shall prepare and submit a 75 percent design package to RUSA for review. The 75 percent design package will be updated to reflect RUSA’s 50 percent review comments and include geotechnical information overlaid on the open-cut portions of the project. All items listed below to support the 75 percent design shall be included:

▪ 75 percent plans including all proposed sheets required for construction.

▪ RUSA’s standard contract documents and front-end specifications and general requirements.

▪ Draft Special Provisions for sewer rehabilitation.

▪ Updated engineer's opinion of probable construction cost based on itemized quantity estimate, with appropriate contingencies.

Task 4.3 – 100 Percent Final Design (Bid Ready)

Consultant shall prepare and submit 100 percent final design package to RUSA for bidding. The final design package will be updated to reflect RUSA’s 75 percent review comments. Items listed below to support the 100 percent final design shall be included:

▪ Final stamped and signed plans including all proposed plan sheets required for construction.

▪ RUSA’s standard contract documents and front-end specifications and general requirements.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 116 ▪ Final Special Provisions.

▪ Final engineer's opinion of probable construction cost based on itemized quantity estimate, with appropriate contingencies.


▪ Existing pipe sizes are adequate; no hydraulic or capacity modeling will be performed.

▪ RUSA’s on-call geotech consultant will perform any potholing deemed necessary to confirm depth and material of other utilities.

▪ Contract Documents will utilize the 2018 Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction.

▪ Sewer rehabilitation design drawings will be 1”=40’ scale with topographic survey data and RUSA provided GIS background in areas of complete trenchless rehabilitation.

▪ A single conceptual traffic control drawing will be prepared as required by the City of Roseburg.


▪ 50%, 75%, and 100% final plans, specifications and estimates in electronic format

▪ Final bid package (one reproducible hard copy)

▪ Summary of review comments received for each submittal, with proposed Consultant response to each review comment Task 5– Bid and Award Support Services

Under this task, the Consultant shall provide services in support of RUSA’s bidding process, including the following bidding and award support services:

▪ Responding to questions from bidders

▪ Preparing addenda

▪ Evaluating bids and preparing a letter of recommendation of Award to RUSA’s Board.

▪ Providing engineering support during construction, including submittal reviews, responding to Requests for Information (RFIs), and developing responses to change order requests or field directives.

▪ Reviewing and making recommendation for payment on Contractor’s progress payments and notice of substantial completion.

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority MURRAYSMITH Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 127


▪ Responses to bidder questions

▪ Award recommendation letter

▪ Submittal response comments

▪ Responses to change order requests and field directives


▪ Services during bidding assumes responding to 2 requests for clarification and preparation of one addendum.

▪ Services during construction assumes 10 submittal reviews and responding to 2 requests for information, review of 1 change order request, review of 2 field directives, and attendance at 2 progress meetings.

▪ Two field visits during construction are anticipated.

▪ Construction is anticipated to last a maximum of 5 months. Fee Estimate

Murraysmith proposes to complete this work as detailed above on a time and expenses basis summarized on the attached Fee Spreadsheet. Agreed “not-to-exceed” amounts are to be based on the scope of work incorporated herein and will not be exceeded without approval and written authorization by RUSA. Schedule

The proposed schedule provides for the work to commence in December 2019 with design to be completed by March 2020 and Construction to be substantially complete by October 2020.


LABOR CLASSIFICATION (HOURS) Estimated Fees Subconsulta nts Principal Engineering Professional Engineer VI Designer I Engineer III Technician IV Admin. II Hours Labor Expenses CADD Units $18/hr Total

$257 $126 $149 $148 $97 Lee Usagawa Swartzendruber Harjala Pitts

Task 1 - Project Management Task 1.1 - Project Setup and Kickoff Meeting 8 8 2 18 $ 3,258 $ - $ - $ 3,258 Task 1.2 - Monthly invoices and progress calls 12 10 10 32 $ 5,314 $ - $ - $ 5,314 Task 1 Subtotal 20 18 0 0 12 50 $ 8,572 $ - $ - $ - $ 8,572

Task 2 - Condition Assessment and Field Data Collection Task 2.1 - Review CCTV and make recommendations on tech and geotech 4 16 20 $ 3,044 $ - $ - $ 3,044 Task 2.2 - Field Visit 4 4 8 $ 1,532 $ 229 $ - $ 1,761 Task 2.3 - Develop survey requirements and coordinate Survey 2 6 8 $ 1,270 $ - $ - $ 1,270 Task 2 Subtotal 10 26 0 0 0 36 $ 5,846 $ - $ 229 $ - $ 6,075

Task 3 - Public/Other Agency Coordination and Permitting Task 3.1 - Develop Outreach Materials 6 12 18 $ 3,054 $ - $ - $ 3,054 Task 3.2 - Permitting 6 22 8 36 $ 5,498 $ - $ 144 $ 5,642 Task 3 Subtotal 12 34 0 8 0 54 $ 8,552 $ - $ - $ 144 $ 8,696

Task 4 - Detailed Design Task 4.1 - 50 Percent Design 20 52 4 46 122 $ 19,096 $ - $ 900 $ 19,996 Task 4.2 - 75 Percent Design 12 36 2 24 74 $ 11,396 $ 229 $ 432 $ 12,057 Task 4.3 - Final Design 8 30 1 14 53 $ 8,057 $ - $ 252 $ 8,309 Task 4 Subtotal 40 118 7 84 0 249 $ 38,549 $ - $ 229 $ 1,584 $ 40,362

Task 5 - Engineering Services Duirng Bidding and Construction Task 5.1 - ESDB 2 12 2 16 $ 2,322 $ - $ 36 $ 2,358 Task 5.2 - ESDC 43 60 8 4 115 $ 20,395 $ 458 $ 72 $ 20,925 Task 5 Subtotal 45 72 8 6 0 131 $ 22,717 $ - $ 458 $ 108 $ 23,283

TOTAL - ALL TASKS 127 268 15 98 12 520 84,236$ -$ $ 916 $ 1,836 $ 86,988

Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority Hooker Road Sewer Project November 2019 Murraysmith Page 1

14 Wastewater & Stormwater

Wastewater Stormwater Engineering Services

15 San Diego Roseville Walnut Creek California California California

Office Manager: Office Manager: Office Manager: Tom Bloomer, PE Todd Kotey, PE Russell Moore P 619.838.0464 P 916.266.7808 P 925.939.7100 Tom.Bloomer@ Todd.Kotey@

Rancho Pleasanton Portland Cordova California Oregon California Office Manager: Office Manager: Russell Moore Mike Carr, PE Office Manager: 925.416.1500 P 503.225.9010 Brent Lemon, PE Michael.Carr@ P 916.368.9181 Brent.Lemon@ Eugene Bend Salem Oregon Oregon Oregon

Office Manager: Office Manager: Office Manager: Chris Link, PE Tom Perry, PE Karen Tatman, PE P 541.741.2975 P 541.279.2465 P 503.763.9995 Chris.Link@ Tom.Perry@ [emailprotected] Seattle Vancouver Tacoma 277 Washington Washington Washington

Office Manager: Office Manager: Office Manager: Erika Schuyler, PE, PMP Brent Gruber, PE Marshall Meyer, PE P 206.462.7030 P 360.448.4230 P 253.627.1520 Erika.Schuyler@ Brent.Gruber@ Marshall.Meyer@ Bellevue Everett Spokane Washington Washington Washington

Office Manager: Office Manager: Office Manager: Tom Lindberg, PE Nathan Hardy, PE Joe Foote, PE P 206.462.7030 P 425.252.9003 P 509.321.0340 Tom.Lindberg@ Nathan.Hardy@ Joe.Foote@

Boise Louisville Idaho Colorado

Office Manager: Office Manager: Dennis Galinato, PE Andrew Midwood P 208.947.9033 P 303.589.7981 Dennis.Galinato@ Andrew.Midwood@ 16 Just the Right Size We’re Invested We Keep Great Company We are large enough to employ diverse We live where we work so we take We take care of our people so they can talent to solve your biggest challenges, project success personally. take care of you. yet small enough to genuinely care.

Water Wastewater Stormwater Transportation

Since Murraysmith’s From small diameter sewer Murraysmith provides wide- Our transportation founding, our engineers collection systems to multi- ranging stormwater services design and construction have been regional leaders million-dollar wastewater to public agencies, spanning management experience in water system engineering treatment plants, Murraysmith the project’s life cycle from ranges from small-scale for our communities. has assisted communities master planning through city engineering and local in all aspects of wastewater operations and maintenance. agency assignments to WATER SERVICES system planning and design. multi-million-dollar, federally STORMWATER • Water supply planning and SERVICES funded freeway projects. development WASTEWATER SERVICES • Water system planning • Water resource TRANSPORTATION SERVICES • Hydraulic modeling and • Wastewater pump stations management planning analyses • Comprehensive wastewater • Stormwater master planning • Roadway and geometric • Pipeline routing studies facilities planning • Permitting and regulatory design and design • Collection system/basin compliance • Pavement rehabilitation • Reservoirs, dams, pump analysis • Hydrologic and hydraulic • Safety upgrades stations, and wells • Gravity sewers and force modeling • Bike and pedestrian • Water treatment mains • Detention, retention, and enhancements • Metering and flow control • Trenchless technologies and water quality treatment • Trail design design systems sewer rehabilitation • ADA compliance • Low Impact Development/ • River intakes/stream • Wastewater treatment • Intersection design diversions facilities Green Stormwater Infrastructure • Utility coordination • Hydroelectric feasibility • Water reclamation and reuse • Fish passage and • Integrated road and utility • Aquifer storage and • NPDES permitting and conveyances designs recovery (ASR) compliance • Wetland mitigation • Construction inspection • Corrosion control/cathodic • Biosolids handling and and management protection beneficial use • Combined sewer separation • Water rights • Odor and corrosion control • CSO/Pollution control • Operations, maintenance, and asset management • Stormwater pump stations


We complete wastewater system facilities plans and KEY EXPERTISE design, permitting, and construction management • Wastewater Pump Stations services as part of many sewerage system improvement • Wastewater Treatment Facilities programs. Our engineers are experienced with all • Comprehensive Wastewater aspects of municipal wastewater collection, conveyance, Facilities Planning pumping, treatment, and effluent discharge. • Collection System Analysis/Basin Modeling In addition to working for several agencies on a long-term • Gravity Sewers and Force Mains continuing basis, we assist many local public agencies with the development of wastewater system planning • Trenchless Technologies and Sewer Rehabilitation and design standards. We proactively apply trenchless technologies and other innovative solutions to the design • On-site Systems and Innovative and construction of system improvements. We have Technologies engineered one of the region’s largest vacuum sewer • Water Reclamation and Reuse systems and have completed numerous combined sewer • NPDES Permitting and Compliance overflow (CSO) projects. • Biosolids Handling and Beneficial Use We place high importance on low-impact, sustainable, • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) green alternatives, such as reclaimed water reuse, • Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) minimizing construction impacts, applying appropriate technologies with constant view to long-term value, serviceability, and sustainability.


From small diameter sewer collection systems to large diameter major trunk sewers and interceptors, Murraysmith designers apply proven techniques for trouble-free construction, proper hydraulic performance, low maintenance, and long service life.

Whether it is new construction or existing sewer rehabilitation, our engineers overcome the most challenging conditions addressing: deep trenching requirements, rock excavations, railroad/creek/ wetland crossings, utility conflicts and confined corridors.

We make certain that project designs are constructible at economical cost with minimal risk of construction problems and contractor claims. We target the best technology for infiltration and inflow (I&I) situations so as to permanently fix problems to save our public agency clients money.

2013-2017 Sanitary Sewer Replacement, “Murraysmith did a tremendous job in assisting the City with City of Bellevue the I&I reduction project that included over 20,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer rehabilitation work and 6,000 linear feet of storm drainage improvements. Because of the timelines set forth by the ARRA program, the design schedule was extremely KEY EXPERTISE accelerated. Murraysmith provided exceptional performance in • Condition Assessment delivering designs on time and within the project budget.” • Gravity Sewers & Force Mains • Large Diameter Trunk Sewers SUE NELSON, ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR, CITY OF ST. HELENS • Cured-in-Place Piping (CIPP) • Pipe Bursting/Sliplining • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) • Auger Bore/Microtunneling • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) • Infiltration & Inflow (I&I) Reduction • Manhole Rehabilitation


Murraysmith is experienced with both new pump stations and the remodeling and upgrading existing stations. This work often includes pump station siting (for new stations), flow assessments, geometric design, building design, pump selection, standby power, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and the engineering and design of upstream and downstream sewer pipeline improvements and condition assessments of existing force main pipelines.

The firm has designed many projects involving the conversion of existing wet pit/dry pit style stations to wet-well-only submersible pump style stations, as is a common practice today. Building and site improvements are designed for surrounding site compatibility.

Murraysmith has assisted several public agencies with the development of design and construction standards for wastewater pump stations. Lift Station No. 24 Replacement, City of Everett “Murraysmith’s plans have exceeded my expectation for quality and have always been delivered on time…Their staff KEY EXPERTISE answer questions with confidence and a clear understanding • Wet Pit/Dry Pit Station Conversions of the technical details and their effects on the overall project. • Submersible Pumps Their understanding of how public agencies operate and their • Variable Frequency Drives dedication to providing well developed work products simplify • Corrosion Control Systems my duties and boost my confidence that the project will succeed.” • Odor Control • Force Main Condition Assessment DON RANGER, PE, PROJECT ENGINEER, CITY OF BOTHELL • Force Main Air Release Stations • Caisson Construction • Excavation Support Systems • Instrumentation & Control Systems • Vacuum Pump Stations • Flow Rate Evaluations • NFPA 820 Classification • Standby Power Systems • Public Involvement Processes • Permitting & Approvals • Construction Management Services • Operations & Maintenance Manuals • Start-up Services


Wastewater treatment is a vital part of keeping our environment livable and healthy. Murraysmith designers implement high-value, practical, environmentally sound solutions that provide optimal treatment performance while maintaining reasonable levels of operations cost and energy usage.

Wastewater treatment facilities are designed for long service life and low maintenance requirements under the harsh conditions encountered in the various treatment processes. Extra effort is taken to be a good neighbor to the surrounding community through appropriate architecture, adequate screening and buffering, and proper noise and odor attenuation.

Thorough review of all appropriate proven technologies is accomplished to provide the best fit for each individual community while meeting current permit requirements and preparing for anticipated future regulations. Every opportunity for reuse of this Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades, City valuable resource is considered in development of the overall of Idaho Falls treatment program.

“Murraysmith responded immediately and thoroughly. I was impressed with their technical competence and the speed at KEY EXPERTISE which they diagnosed the issue. Murraysmith developed an • Wastewater Comprehensive & Facilities effective solution and easily met the deadline. I would highly Planning recommend this firm, not only for their technical competence but • Plant Capacity Analysis • Condition Assessments also for their responsiveness.” • Optimization Studies JOHN CATON, PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER, CITY OF TWIN FALLS • Process Design • Water Reclamation & Reuse • NPDES Permitting & Compliance • Biosolids Handling • On-site Systems & Innovative Technologies • Odor & Corrosion Control • Outfalls • Mixing Zone Studies • Treated Effluent Disposal


Murraysmith has completed numerous planning projects that have guided successful long-range Capital Improvements Programs (CIPs) for many public agencies. This planning often leads to the design and construction of recommended improvements. Many of these collection, conveyance, treatment and discharge/reuse projects have included complex permitting, environmental, and public involvement processes.

We are leaders in the application of innovative and sustainable solutions to meet wastewater system needs. This includes evaluating energy recovery potential, water reclamation/reuse possibilities, and other opportunities that not only consider wastewater management, but the management of water as a precious resource.

Murraysmith is experienced with the commonly used Comprehensive Sewer Plan, City of Pasco computer modeling software for hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of wastewater systems, including; EPASWMM, InfoSWMM, XPSWMM, PCSWMM, HYDRA, SEWERCAD and a variety of other programs. We also employ cutting edge KEY EXPERTISE optimization techniques to minimize capital and operational • Wastewater Comprehensive & costs associated with sewer collection systems. Facilities Planning • Collection System Analysis/Basin Modeling • Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Development • Geographical Information System (GIS) Development • Rate and SDC Studies • Improvement Implementation • System Mapping • Facility Condition Assessment • I&I Studies

“I’ll be showing him a copy of your WW pump station report as example of how things should be done (in other words, I thought you did a great job)... Thanks again to you, Brian and Shelby for the great job and the professionalism.”


Murraysmith brings state-of-the-art expertise in trenchless technologies to the public works field. With recent developments in the industry, expanded choices are provided to engineers, construction contractors and public agencies that make the application of trenchless technologies more affordable than ever before.

In the Pacific Northwest, the drivers for trenchless technology are often conflicts with other utilities, poor soil conditions, disturbance avoidance of environmentally sensitive areas or other high value surface features, constructability challenges and cost.

Murraysmith has successfully completed over 25,000 feet of pipe installation using HDD technology. Murraysmith has successfully completed the installation of over 65,000 feet of CIPP and 45,000 of pipe bursting for pipe ranging 6-inch to 42-inch in diameter. East 1st Street Sewer Extension, City of “They have done a wonderful job for us on a highly complex Arlington project and continue to do so on current work. They are highly responsive, they keep us well-informed, and overall Murraysmith performs at an exceptional level. I highly KEY EXPERTISE recommend Murraysmith to anyone that is looking for a firm • Horizontal Directionally Drilled (HDD) that quickly responds to the needs of a municipality or public HDPE and Steel Pipe utility.” • Pipe Bursting • Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) JUSTIN RUSH, ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER, • Sliplining CITY OF ST. HELENS • Auger Boring • Pipe/Casing Jacking • Microtunneling

n n n n n 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOP 50 TRENCHLESS DESIGN FIRMS


Murraysmith believes it is important for the design engineer to take an active role in the construction phase of the project. Our goal is to provide optimal value in the delivery of a constructed project to meet expectations at final completion as well as anticipated costs and long-term operational and performance objectives, all with minimal exposure to expensive and disruptive contractor claims.

We can provide maximum value by taking on the lead role in construction contract administration, field observation and construction management. Since our designs are developed with a keen sense of the construction process, we can help foresee and avoid potential construction issues. We have developed standardized procedures that are systematically proven in the field and constantly updated to reflect changes in state public contracting law and regional trends in the construction industry. Monroe Correction Complex 12-inch Diameter Water Line, Washington State Department of “I am impressed with Murraysmith’s experience, competence, Corrections and flexibility. They have made my life easier, and I look forward to working with them on infrastructure projects in the future.” KEY EXPERTISE ANNA CRICKMER, PE, PROJECT MANAGER, STATE OF WASHINGTON • Bidding & Award Services DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS • Pre-bid Site Tours • Pre-construction Conference • Shop Drawings & Submittals • Monthly Pay Requests • Clarifications & Change Orders • Project Meetings • On-site Construction Observation • Monthly Project Status Reports & Project Files • Final Inspection & Warranty Inspections • Avoiding/Reducing Claims & Protests • Contractor Negotiations • Regulatory Agency Coordination • Quantity Tracking • Testing, Start-up & Training • Operation & Maintenance Manuals • Project Close-out • Record Drawings


We complete stormwater system facilities plans for KEY EXPERTISE Northwest public agencies, performing design, permitting • Water Resource Management and construction management services as part of many Planning stormwater system improvement programs. Our engineers • Stormwater Master Planning perform all aspects of municipal stormwater collection, • Permitting and Regulatory conveyance and treatment, and with overall stormwater Compliance program management. • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling • Detention, Retention, and Water Murraysmith serves several agencies on a long-term Quality Treatment Design continuing services basis with City and District Engineering • Low Impact Development/Green services. This work has involved a wide variety of Stormwater Infrastructure stormwater management interests, as well as plan reviews and inspections associated with private development. • Fish Passage and Conveyances We routinely applies Low Impact Development (LID), • Wetland Mitigation green theme stormwater management concepts to our • Combined Sewer Separation planning and design work, and have completed numerous • CSO/Pollution Control successful fish friendly culvert designs and fish passage • Operations, Maintenance, and Asset restoration projects. We are experienced in the practical Management application of all state-of-the-art, innovative technologies • Stormwater Pump Stations for stormwater management.


Murraysmith has completed numerous storm conveyance piping and culverts designs ranging from large, multi-faceted highway drainage projects, to storm drainage systems for local streets. We use our strong stormwater master planning ability to bring long-term value to our projects by applying a broad view of stormwater systems and how individual parts relate to the entire system. We perform basin analyses routinely to assess pipe and culvert capacities and deficiencies, and are experts at overall conveyance analysis and upstream and downstream effects when analyzing existing and future conditions.

Our experience with open trench and trenchless construction methods includes the most challenging conditions including deep pipes, hard rock construction, railroad crossings, wetland and creek crossings, and work in highly confined and utility congested corridors. We routinely design project-tailored hydraulic structures, particularly for large diameter piping, including flow splitting, pipe junctions, and energy dissipation Prairie Creek Culvert Replacement, City of systems, etc. We have also completed numerous successful fish- Arlington friendly culvert designs and fish passage restorations.

KEY EXPERTISE “Murraysmith worked closely with the City’s engineering • Basin Hydrologic Analysis department and with members of the utility to ensure the • Master Planning/Comprehensive infrastructure improvements met the project objective, were System Planning designed in accordance with current City standards, and were in • Capital Improvement Plans compliance with other state and environmental regulations.” • Storm Drainage Design • Pipe and Culvert Rehabilitation JIM KELLY, UTILITY MANAGER, CITY OF ARLINGTON • Trenchless Construction and Rehabilitation • Stream/River Hydraulics • Stream Flow Analysis • Fish Passage • Fish Habitat Restoration • Intergovernmental Agreements • Interagency Facilitation • Environmental Assessments • Permitting/Regulatory Approvals • Construction Management


Murraysmith has extensive modeling experience for stormwater planning, conveyance capacity analysis and watershed studies. Using industry standard hydraulic engines such as SWMM in the ArcGIS environment, HEC-RAS, and HSPF, Murraysmith has assisted public works clients throughout the Northwest to identify cost- effective solutions for infrastructure improvements. We routinely perform master planning with hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of drainage basins to identify system deficiencies, flooding studies, and improvement alternatives. We provide comprehensive modeling of existing and proposed improvements and present the findings in a clear and easy to understand format.

Murraysmith models Low Impact Development (LID) and green theme stormwater management concepts from planning level through final design. We have successfully completed numerous fish passage restoration projects evaluating sediment transport, scour, and peak flow velocities. We provide practical application and modeling of innovative technologies for stormwater management Northwest Stormwater Separation and water quality treatment. Project, City of Everett

We regularly incorporate trenchless methods into design in the process of modeling and evaluating solutions. In addition to hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, we provide evaluations of KEY EXPERTISE site-specific water quality modeling using state-of-the-art modeling • Stormwater collection and software, such as US EPA’s SUSTAIN, Biotic Ligand Model (BLM), CE- conveyance system modeling QUAL-W2 (for temperature and water quality), and others. • Land use analysis • Hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling “The Region Environmental review of the stormwater • Data collection and QA/QC management plan is complete and has been found to be • Model calibration satisfactory. Several people, including myself, wanted to • Capacity analysis compliment the consultant for writing an especially clear and • Future improvement identification concise report, and for incorporating infiltration and low-impact • Capital improvement plan designs. Nice work!” development • GIS/model database integration and STEVE GISLER, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION maintenance • Model training • Low Impact Development modeling • Infiltration modeling • Detention/Retention flow routing • River and Stream 1- and 2-Dimensional modeling • Floodplain and Flood Insurance Studies • Trenchless Technology CIP Solutions


Murraysmith provides up-to-date expertise in all facets of stormwater detention, retention and water quality analysis and design. Murraysmith stays abreast of the latest Low Impact Development (LID) techniques and Best Management Practices (BMPs) and regularly incorporates these techniques cost effectively into projects to manage stormwater. These LID techniques and BMPs include bioretention, biofiltration swales and slopes, compost amended vegetated filter strips, flow-through planters, infiltration, pervious pavement and both underground and open-surface detention. Murraysmith routinely performs basin hydrologic analysis and models flows to analyze various scenarios for stormwater collection, conveyance, detention, and water quality.

We provide a high level of service by applying the right balance of traditional and innovative stormwater management approaches to address changing stormwater management guidelines. Murraysmith collaborates closely with our clients, the regulatory Northwest Stormwater Separation Project, agencies and other key stakeholders so that the stormwater goals City of Everett of projects can cost effectively be met and the project permitting can move forward without delay to the project schedule. KEY EXPERTISE “I like working with consultants who communicate well, are • Basin Hydrologic Analysis responsible and accountable. I like having my questions answered • Regional Facilities Design promptly, issues dealt with right away, deadlines met and budgets • Low Impact Development not exceeded. That’s been my experience with Murraysmith and Technologies that’s why we will continue to use Murraysmith.” • Best Management Practices Selection and Design RICHARD HEFTI, PE, SENIOR ENGINEER, CITY OF EVERETT • Lift Station Design • Gravity and Force Main Design • Stream/River Hydraulics • Fish Habitat Restoration • Intergovernmental Agreements • Interagency Facilitation • Environmental Assessments • Permitting/Regulatory Approvals • Construction Management


Date: 11/08/19

To: Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority, Board of Directors

From: James V. Baird, General Manager

Re: General Managers Informational Report to the Board

Winchester Pump Station Force Main Replacement Project The Contractor has installed the meter vault and valve vault adjacent the pump station. The contractor is continuing to install the dual force main. The Contractor has completed approximately 25% of the sanitary sewer work. The project completion is estimated to be in December 2019. Douglas County Landfill Leachate Staff is waiting for the results from the lab on the leachate. Once we can understand the level of the constituents of concern we will discuss with the County and the Project Engineer the potential pretreatment requirements. FEMA Application for Damage Claimed Disaster Relief Staff is in the process of providing FEMA with a completed application and supporting documents for RUSA’s claim. Staff is having weekly meetings with the FEMA project manager for RUSA. Watson Street Mainline Replacement RUSA is replacing the sanitary sewer mainline on Watson Street. We are doing the project as an in-house project. The project consists of approximately 290 feet of new 8” sewer and one new manhole. As part of the project we are connecting the existing private building sewers to the new mainline. The project is approximately 95% complete. Bio Solids Building Expansion Project The contractor is approximately 56% complete on the project. The site grading, concrete floor and walls have been completed. The contractor has submitted the first pay request in the amount of $163,571.29 with 5% retainage withheld for $8,164.71. The total request for this pay request is $155,129.53. The project Engineer and staff have reviewed the documentation and would recommend that the Board approve payment of pay estimate #1 in the amount of $155,129.53.




• Oakridge Court Apartments - The plans and specifications have been approved. This project is on hold. • Harvard West Phase II – short mainline extension to serve a new commercial building - under review • Townsend Lane Subdivision - This project seems to be on hold


- Loma Vista Pump Station Improvement Study - Tabor – Military Avenue partition - Kenwood Tabor PUD - Neighborworks Apartment -preliminary design for a mainline extension - Rosemary Subdivision - Thyme Subdivision - Hanna Heritage Plaza


• Oak Springs Apartments Beginning on Pomona Street • Winchester Pump Station Pressure Line Replacement- Approximately 75 percent of the pipe is now installed. Drilling has begun for the southern 2500 feet of the pressure mains.


COLLECTION DEPARTMENT: • Completed 10 work orders. • Completed CCTV of 10,702 feet or 2.03 miles of mainline. • Completed root treatment of 2,524 feet of mainline. • Installed approximately 64 feet of mainline and installed one manhole on Watson St.

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: • Completed 234 underground utility locate requests. • Issued 10 permits and completed 13 inspections. • Back Nine Sanitary Sewer Extension project. The lift station is now operational. • Hwy 99 pressure main project is underway, currently 25 percent of the project work has been completed. • FOG inspections: Sizzler-OK, Taco Bell-OK, Follow Up with Del Taco.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT: • Vacancy Credits: 20 were processed for a total of $1,800.00 in October. • Credit cards/eChecks: 802 payments totaling $36,912.94 were collected in October. 54 payments received at the counter, 41 by voice response system, and 707 on-line. • Automatic Payments: 2,043 customer accounts are signed up. Received $80,704.79 or approximately 14.7% of monthly billing.

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 CASH DISBURsem*nT RECAP BOARD MEETING NOVEMER 13, 2019

Cash Disbursem*nts Since the Last Board Meeting

All Funds: Total of Prepaid Checks & ACH Transactions 97,919.02 Total of Regular Checks & ACH Transactions 440,603.18

Total Expenditures (not including Payroll) 538,522.20 Payroll: Net Payroll - October 2019 60,334.30

All Checks & ACH Transactions since the Board Meeting of October 9, 2019 598,856.50

39 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date

User: christine Printed: 11/8/2019 10:59 AM

Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference ACH ASIFLEX ASIFlex 10/10/2019 A000325899099Be FSA Fees-September 52.50

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor ASIFLEX: 52.50

Total for 10/10/2019: 52.50

ACH 02669 PERS Deposit 10/11/2019 SEPT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS W/Held PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS W/Held 4,695.31 SEPT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS - Not W/Held PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS - Not W/Held 8,020.27 SEPT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS Pick-Up PR Batch 00001.09.2019 PERS Pick-Up 736.38 SEPT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.09.2019 OPSRP-Not W/Held PR Batch 00001.09.2019 OPSRP-Not W/Held 7,566.72

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor 02669: 21,018.68

Total for 10/11/2019: 21,018.68

ACH ASIFLEX ASIFlex 10/31/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Flexible Spending AccountPR Batch 00001.10.2019 Flexible Spending Account 1,479.13 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Dependent Care FSA PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Dependent Care FSA 83.33

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor ASIFLEX: 1,562.46

ACH DNB Internal Revenue Service 10/31/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medicare - Employee PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medicare - Employee 1,291.76 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 FICA - Employer PR Batch 00001.10.2019 FICA - Employer 5,523.40 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 FICA - Employee PR Batch 00001.10.2019 FICA - Employee 5,523.40 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medicare - Employer PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medicare - Employer 1,291.76 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Federal Income Tax PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Federal Income Tax 6,317.62

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor DNB: 19,947.94

ACH OR-Rev Oregon Dept. of Revenue 10/31/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Oregon W/Held PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Oregon W/Held 5,124.77

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor OR-Rev: 5,124.77

ACH OR-REV Oregon Dept. of Revenue 10/31/2019 3rd Qtr OQ 3rd Qtr OR Qtrly State Unemployment 1,013.71 3rd Qtr OQ WC 3rd Qtr OR Qtrly Workers Comp 189.04

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor OR-REV: 1,202.75

49275 CIS INS CIS Trust 10/31/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Dental & Vision PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Dental & Vision 3,341.00 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 CCIS Insurance AD&D PR Batch 00001.10.2019 CCIS Insurance AD&D 22.43 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Short-Term Disability PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Short-Term Disability 124.51 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Voluntary Dependent LifePR Batch 00001.10.2019 Voluntary Dependent Life 31.92

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 10:59 AM) Page 1 40 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Voluntary Life InsurancePR - ee Batch 00001.10.2019 Voluntary Life Insurance - ee 249.50 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Life Insurance - er PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Life Insurance - er 106.55 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Life Insurance - Spouse PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Life Insurance - Spouse 138.77 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 CCIS Insurance Long-TermPR DisBatch 00001.10.2019 CCIS Insurance Long-Term Dis 233.74 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medical Ins w/RX PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Medical Ins w/RX 28,591.10

Total for Check Number 49275: 32,839.52

49276 PEBSCO Nationwide Retirement Solutions 10/31/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 Nationwide-Deferred CompPR Batch 00001.10.2019 Nationwide-Deferred Comp 5,105.00

Total for Check Number 49276: 5,105.00

49277 CENTURY CenturyLink 10/31/2019 Oct 2019 Analog phone service for fax and fire system 118.69 Oct 2019 Analog phone service for gate at NTS 52.63

Total for Check Number 49277: 171.32

49278 DELL Dell Marketing LP 10/31/2019 10345673751 Two 34" Dell Ultrawide Displays 1,583.98

Total for Check Number 49278: 1,583.98

49279 GNTW Great Northern Trailer Works Inc 10/31/2019 S28355 10K Tiltbed Trailer 5,675.00

Total for Check Number 49279: 5,675.00

49280 SHRED-IT Shred-It USA 10/31/2019 8128364838 Monthly document shredding service 99.22

Total for Check Number 49280: 99.22

49281 USPS US Postal Service 10/31/2019 Oct 2019 Postage for UB Bills - November 2,448.32

Total for Check Number 49281: 2,448.32

49282 VERIZON Verizon Wireless 10/31/2019 9840120726 Wireless phone service 651.10 9840120726 Eq Wireless phone equipment upgrades - 11 phones 344.94 9840120734 Wireless service for TV Van 39.02

Total for Check Number 49282: 1,035.06

Total for 10/31/2019: 76,795.34

ACH ASIFLEX ASIFlex 11/10/2019 A00032589A0A9TN FSA Fees-October 52.50

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor ASIFLEX: 52.50

Total for 11/10/2019: 52.50

Report Total (15 checks): 97,919.02

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 10:59 AM) Page 2 41 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date

User: christine Printed: 11/8/2019 11:11 AM

Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference ACH 02669 PERS Deposit 11/13/2019 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS - Not W/Held PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS - Not W/Held 8,020.27 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS W/Held PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS W/Held 4,667.18 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS Pick-Up PR Batch 00001.10.2019 PERS Pick-Up 736.38 OCT 19 PR PR Batch 00001.10.2019 OPSRP-Not W/Held PR Batch 00001.10.2019 OPSRP-Not W/Held 7,498.43 Oct Rounding October Rounding Adjustment 0.02

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor 02669: 20,922.28

ACH PBPP Pitney Bowes Purchase Power 11/13/2019 Oct 2019 Postage machine refill 150.00

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor PBPP: 150.00

ACH STAPLES Staples Credit Plan 11/13/2019 2369874111 Misc office supplies 127.64 2369909471 Misc office supplies 20.70 2371973961 Paid stamp 28.18

Total for this ACH Check for Vendor STAPLES: 176.52

49283 WP Avista Utilities 11/13/2019 OCT 2019 Natural gas service 50.57

Total for Check Number 49283: 50.57

49284 BANNERMC BANNER BANK 11/13/2019 AA 100719 Pitney Bowes - Postage machine quarterly lease payment 81.00 AA 102919 Costco - Kitchen and office supplies 194.93 CM 102819 OGFOA Fall Conference - Christine 355.00 CM 102919 OGFOA Fall Conference - Parking - Christine 12.00 DF 100319 Avangate - Program for use with FTP sites 19.99 DF 100819 Amazon - Sound card for Christine's computer to stop popping 59.99 DF 100919 - Microsoft outlook training 179.00 DF 100919 fee International transaction fee - Microsoft training 1.61 DF 101319 Network Solutions - Domain registration for 81.96 DF 101619 Network Solutions - Email for admin of - Lucity mob 11.39 DF 102219 Amazon - Monitor cable for Greg's new PC 8.99 DF 102419 Newegg - HDD to backup the backup files 159.99 DF 102819 Dell - Replacement monitor 791.99 HW 100919 Safeway - Board meeting snacks 12.99 JJB 0930 Execucar - Shuttle airport to hotel - John - Lucity Conf 33.00 JJB 100119 McFaddens-Dinner-John-Lucity Conf 11.20 JJB 100219 Uber Eats - Dinner - John - Lucity Conf 23.64 JJB 100319 Yard House - Dinner - John - Lucity Conf 22.09 JJB 100419 Hotel Phillips - Lodging - John - Lucity Conf 735.93 JJB 100419 park PDX - Airport economy parking - John - Lucity Conf 72.00 JJB 101119 Flury Supply - survey marking whiskers 7.50 KB 100419 Little Caesars - Coll crew team building lunch 32.00 KB 100919 Roseburg Urgent Care - CDL Physical 118.00

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 1 42 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference MC 100419 Medic First Aid Int'l - Student handbooks for CPR classes 129.81 MC 100819 Roseburg Urgent Care - CDL physical 118.00 MC 101619 Walmart - Phone case 44.97 MC 102919 Home Depot - Drill bits for service trucks 15.94 RC 100219 Home Depot - Tape for trucks 33.92 RC 100919a Safeway - Staff meeting snacks 17.97 RC 100919b Roseburg Urgent Care - CDL physical 118.00 RC 101419 Si Casa Flores - UBOS lunch- JJB, HW, RC, MC, KB, KV, LM, AB, JB 96.50 RC 101819a U-Haul - Hitch for 2014 28.44 RC 101819b U-Haul - Pintle Hitch for 2014 134.90 RK 100119 Ten Down - DCUCC lunch - Ryon 16.00 RK 101619 Elmers - Douglas Cty Safety Assoc Mtg lunch - Ryon 18.18 SL 092919 Mallory Safety Supply - Hard hats 660.14 SL 100319 WEF - WEF manuals 43.55 SL 101419 DMV - Register 10K trailer 107.00

Total for Check Number 49284: 4,609.51

49285 BHEC Bassett-Hyland Energy Company 11/13/2019 CL85372-IN Vehicle fuel 960.24 CL85708-IN Vehicle fuel 1,209.08

Total for Check Number 49285: 2,169.32

49286 BATT PLU Batteries Plus #208 11/13/2019 P20079662 Battery for alarm system 25.99 P20381867 Battery for pipe laser remote 7.00

Total for Check Number 49286: 32.99

49287 BENTLEYW Bentley Welding 11/13/2019 59798 Repair equipment trailer 126.00

Total for Check Number 49287: 126.00

49288 BUTLERAU Butler Automotive Inc 11/13/2019 528476 F150 30,813.32

Total for Check Number 49288: 30,813.32

49289 OMI CH2MHill OMI 11/13/2019 351289-023 Contract Service-per agreement 123,850.66

Total for Check Number 49289: 123,850.66

49290 Chytka Chytka Pest Control LLC 11/13/2019 132682 Monthly pest control service 40.00

Total for Check Number 49290: 40.00

49291 WATER City of Roseburg 11/13/2019 INV09289 Bulk water usage-October 94.66 Oct 2019 Keady Water usage - Keady lift station 47.14

Total for Check Number 49291: 141.80

49292 CRADAR Cradar Enterprises, Inc 11/13/2019 003036 Saw Van and slurry control 525.00

Total for Check Number 49292: 525.00

49293 DRAUTO D & R Auto & Truck Supply Corp 11/13/2019

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 2 43 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference 870123 Tone wire 49.00 870124 Tone wire 390.00 872647 Fuse 4.84 872648 Fuses for 2014 Service truck 29.04 872825 Battery and battery carrier for 2 yard dump 158.42 873090 Tie downs for service trucks 14.99

Total for Check Number 49293: 646.29

49294 SHAUN DC Precision Lube & Tune 11/13/2019 38689 Oil change 2012 Ford F550 35.99 40678 Oil change 2018 Ford F150 54.35

Total for Check Number 49294: 90.34

49295 DELL Dell Marketing LP 11/13/2019 10349753617 Dell Laptop Mobile Precision 7740, for board room 2,251.50 10350022378 Replacement computer for Steve 2,881.92

Total for Check Number 49295: 5,133.42

49296 DEQ Dept of Environmental Quality 11/13/2019 Kyle P Bartlett Collection III - 13449, Treatment I - 12872 - Renewal 160.00

Total for Check Number 49296: 160.00

49297 DCPW Douglas County Solid Waste 11/13/2019 527839 Grit Pit Material Disposal 412.45

Total for Check Number 49297: 412.45

49298 DCTax Douglas County Tax Collector 11/13/2019 R18529 Property Taxes R18529 - 0 Long Meadows 154.72 R18545 Property Taxes R18545 - 605 Long Meadows 123.56 R18553 Property Taxes R18553 - 411 Long Meadows 118.19 R18593 Property Taxes R18593-0 Long Meadows Ln 18.19 R19041 Property Taxes R19041 - 0 Long Meadows 26.11

Total for Check Number 49298: 440.77

49299 DFN Douglas Fast Net 11/13/2019 Nov 2019 Admin Internet Services-Admin Service: 14806 213.49 Nov 2019 Cams Phones/Security Cams Service: 141784 98.01 Nov 2019 High Internet Services-Highland PS Service: 105797 74.91 Nov 2019 Host Admin Hosting 10.28 Nov 2019 Keady Internet Services-Keady Ct Service: 106289 74.91 Nov 2019 NBank Internet Services-No. Bank PS Service: 105793 71.91 Nov 2019 NTS Internet Services-NTS Service: 23920 56.36 Nov 2019 Wilb1 Internet Services-Wilbur 1 PS Service: 105796 74.91 Nov 2019 Wilb2 Internet Services-Wilbur 2 PS Service: 105794 71.91 Nov 2019 Winch Internet Services-Winchester P Service: 105795 74.91

Total for Check Number 49299: 821.60

49300 EARTH EARTH20 11/13/2019 076732 Bottled water delivery 84.99

Total for Check Number 49300: 84.99

49301 FLURY Flury Supply Company 11/13/2019 E 2935 Fill hose for flusher 142.04

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 3 44 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference

Total for Check Number 49301: 142.04

49302 GRAPHDIM Graphic Dimensions, Inc. 11/13/2019 2339 Cut bills to mailing size 37.60

Total for Check Number 49302: 37.60

49303 HANDY Handyman Hardware 11/13/2019 110172 Mason nails for field use 9.99

Total for Check Number 49303: 9.99

49304 HOGENTOG Hogentogler & Co INC 11/13/2019 0260560-IN Mechanical Convection Oven (Lab equipment) 1,949.00

Total for Check Number 49304: 1,949.00

49305 ICONIX ICONIX WATERWORKS INC 11/13/2019 17913045309 Parts for Watson project 168.36 17913046339 Parts for Watson project 244.18

Total for Check Number 49305: 412.54

49306 INSERTA Inserta Tee 11/13/2019 18933231 Inserta Fittings 1,931.28

Total for Check Number 49306: 1,931.28

49307 COASTAL John Deere Financial f.s.b. 11/13/2019 A20580 Roundup and sprayer 48.98 A25374 Work boots for Kyle B & Andy 239.98 A25577 Work boots for Kyle V 119.99

Total for Check Number 49307: 408.95

49308 LTM Knife River Materials 11/13/2019 14205 Stewart Park Bridge Access Project 22,392.88 535726 Crushed rock - move backflow device at Back 9 LS 78.51 536397 Crushed rock - Watson project 81.19 537013 Crushed rock - Pressure line project 75.82 538134 Crushed rock - Watson project 35.22

Total for Check Number 49308: 22,663.62

49309 LOWES Lowes 11/13/2019 901174 Supplies to move backflow device at Back 9 LS 126.63

Total for Check Number 49309: 126.63

49310 MSTRCR MasterCare Cleaning Co Inc 11/13/2019 9597-J Monthly janitorial services 390.00

Total for Check Number 49310: 390.00

49311 NEXNET Nexcom, LLC 11/13/2019 9515 Digital phone service 332.80

Total for Check Number 49311: 332.80

49312 REFUND Oak Springs LLC 11/13/2019 Permit Refund New connect permit refund, paid for 2 and only need 1 25.00

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 4 45 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference

Total for Check Number 49312: 25.00

49313 Occu OccuHealth 11/13/2019 189 Titers for KV 61.00

Total for Check Number 49313: 61.00

49314 OLDCASTL Oldcastle Infrastructure 11/13/2019 020197879 Manhole base - Watson Project 498.00

Total for Check Number 49314: 498.00

49315 OR-LIN Oregon Linen, Inc. 11/13/2019 406405 Laundry service 35.30 412167 Laundry & mat service 51.62 418493 Laundry service 35.30

Total for Check Number 49315: 122.22

49316 OR-TOOL Oregon Tool & Supply 11/13/2019 431526 Bits for MH monitor 71.80 792609 String line 14.95 792617 Roto hammer bit 79.90 793093 Shop truck supplies 159.60

Total for Check Number 49316: 326.25

49317 OHDoor Overhead Door Co. of Roseburg 11/13/2019 109509 Service bay door 85.00

Total for Check Number 49317: 85.00

49318 PAC AIR Pacific Air Comfort, Inc. 11/13/2019 81086 HVAC filter change 175.00

Total for Check Number 49318: 175.00

49319 PPL Pacific Power 11/13/2019 Oct 2019 411LM Usage-411 LM-Storage Bldg 28.27 Oct 2019 425LM Power Usage-425 Long Meadow 10.48 Oct 2019 Admin Power Usage-Admin Bldg 450.14 Oct 2019 Back9 Power usage - Back Nine LS 51.25 Oct 2019 Back9C Contract - Back Nine LS 70.74 Oct 2019 High Power Usage-Highland PS 1,186.93 Oct 2019 Keady Contract Min&Usage-Keady Ct PS 51.98 Oct 2019 LV Power Usage-Loma Vista PS 126.17 Oct 2019 NBank Power Usage-North Bank PS 85.57 Oct 2019 NTS Contract/Power Usage-NTS PS 11,328.07 Oct 2019 NTSGat Power Usage-140 LM-NTS Gate 20.30 Oct 2019 SBank Power Usage-South Bank PS 1,678.28 Oct 2019 Wilb1 Power Usage-Wilbur 1 PS 88.98 Oct 2019 Wilb2 Power Usage-Wilbur 2 PS 145.10 Oct 2019 WWTP Power Usage-WWTP 1 18,696.88 Oct 2019 WWTP2 Power Usage-WWTP 2 28.10

Total for Check Number 49319: 34,047.24

49320 PAPEKEN Pape Kenworth 11/13/2019 577590 Repair steering axle - Camel 1,390.43

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Total for Check Number 49320: 1,390.43

49321 Premium Premium Landscape, Inc. 11/13/2019 22719 Monthly landscape maintenance 180.25

Total for Check Number 49321: 180.25

49322 ROCKYS Rocky's Auto Repair 11/13/2019 11810 Oil change for CCTV Van 208.35

Total for Check Number 49322: 208.35

49323 ROGERS E Rogers Engineering, Inc. 11/13/2019 2997 Biosolids Bldg Expansion Proj-Engineering 9,650.00

Total for Check Number 49323: 9,650.00

49324 Stratton Stratton Brothers, Inc. 11/13/2019 2018-373 Asphalt patching for Watson project 4,353.12 2018-378 Asphalt patching for potholes on Pressure line project 1,065.00

Total for Check Number 49324: 5,418.12

49325 TEKMAN TEKMANAGEMENT, INC. 11/13/2019 61455 Backup & Recovery Services 565.00 61455 Office 365 Premium-Crew 87.50 61455 O365 Visio Subscription 15.00 61455 Office 365 Premium-Engineering 75.00 61455 Server Maint & monitoring 1,328.00 61455 Office 365 Premium-Finance 37.50 61455 Office 365 Premium-811 user 12.50

Total for Check Number 49325: 2,120.50

49326 UBWA Umpqua Basin Water Association 11/13/2019 Oct 2019 310Brb Water service - 310 Bourbon 20.00 Oct 2019 411 LM Water service - 411 Long Meadows 20.10 Oct 2019 606 LM Water service - 606 Long Meadows 20.00

Total for Check Number 49326: 60.10

49327 UMPQUARR Umpqua Quarries, LLC 11/13/2019 32582 Crushed rock for Watson project 77.14 32905 Crushed rock for Watson project 145.74 32940 Crushed rock for Watson project 68.02 33089 Crushed rock for Watson project 152.86 33118 Crushed rock for Watson project 92.54

Total for Check Number 49327: 536.30

49328 UMP-SAND Umpqua Sand & Gravel 11/13/2019 70407 Excavated material disposal - Watson project 15.69 70841 Excavated material - For stock 66.56

Total for Check Number 49328: 82.25

49329 UNITED UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA), INC11/13/2019 173901265-001 Mini excavator rental for Watson project 4,296.06 173929187-001 Skid steer track loader rental for Watson project 2,022.80

Total for Check Number 49329: 6,318.86

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 6 47 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount Invoice No Description Reference 49330 USPS US Postal Service 11/13/2019 CY 2020 Bulk Mail Permit 52 - First Class Persort 235.00

Total for Check Number 49330: 235.00

49331 usablueb USABLUEBOOK 11/13/2019 042961 Precision Model 815 BOD Incubator 4,121.50

Total for Check Number 49331: 4,121.50

49332 EDURED1 Aaron Vaughn 11/13/2019 R17157 EDU reduction from 2 to 1 at 1448 SE Micelli 10.00

Total for Check Number 49332: 10.00

49333 Zerbach Zerbach Construction, Inc. 11/13/2019 1 Biosolids Building Addition 163,294.24 1 retainage Biosolids Building Addition retainage -8,164.71

Total for Check Number 49333: 155,129.53

Total for 11/13/2019: 440,603.18

Report Total (54 checks): 440,603.18

AP Checks by Date - Detail by Check Date (11/8/2019 11:11 AM) Page 7 48

BOARD PACKET November 13, 2019.Pdf (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.